Essay in literature. Comparative characteristics of heroes

Essay in literature. Comparative characteristics of heroes
Essay in literature. Comparative characteristics of heroes

The novel "Fathers and Children" was created at the time when the question was raised about the abolition of serfdom, when the contradictions between liberals and democrats were aggravated. As a real artist, the Creator, Turgenev managed to guess the mood of his time, the emergence of a new type, such as the Democratic-Merchant, who came to the shift of the noble intelligentsia.

the main problemposed by the writer in the novel, already sounds in the title that has double meaning. On the one hand, this is the problem of generations, on the other - the conflict of the two socio-political forces operating in Russia in the 60s XIX century: Liberals and Democrats. Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov, due to age, should belong to one camp, but it is not.

Bazaars - new person, A representative of those young figures who want to fight, nihilists. He is for new life And to the end remains faithful to his beliefs. It is the main and only expressive of a democratic ideology. But Arkady in his views on life is definitely related to the "fathers", although sincerely enjoys the unusual views of his "teacher", seeks to imitate him and gives himself to the same Nigilist. However, often forgetting his "nihilism", about his new roleArkady issues ideological relationship with the older generation. It is not by chance that he also protects them, trying to convince Bazarov that Pavel Petrovich is good, and Nikolai Petrovich is a "golden" man.

Turgenev, when characterizing heroes, most often uses dialogue and portrait. The dialogue is the most suitable form to transfer the essence of political and philosophical disputes occurring in the novel. In an unusually acute dialogue, the main conflict of Bazarov with Arkady Kirsanov is revealed. "Your brother nobleman on noble humility or noble boiling can come off, and these are trifles. You, for example, do not eat - and already imagine themselves, - and we want to fight. " With Arkady, he diverges in the main thing - in the ideas about life, about the appointment of man. Their relationship cannot be called friendship, because friendship is impossible without understanding, friendship can not be based on a subordination of one other. Throughout the novel, there is a subordination of weak nature stronger: Arkady - Bazarov. Over time, Arkady acquires its opinion, ceases to repeat blindly judgments and opinions of the Nihilist and expresses his thoughts.

The difference between heroes is visible in their behavior in the estate of Kirsanov. Bazarov is engaged in work, studying nature, and Arkady is idle. Bazarov - the enemy of distracted science torn off from life. He for science, which would be clear to the people. Bazarov - Turugenics of science, he tireless in his experiments, fully absorbed in his favorite profession. Arkady is completely different, we feel that this person is some sluggish, weak, limited. In the image of Arcadia, the failure of liberals is revealed. Arkady is not engaged in anything, from serious affairs it really does not get one. For him, the main thing - the comfort and peace.

Turgenev gradually reveals the difference in the worldview of buddies - in views on the fundamental life values: Love, poetry, nature. Obviously, Arkady's resistance to the views of Bazarov: Gradually, the "student" comes out from under the authorities of the "teacher." The essence of the differences between them, in my opinion, in relation to people. Bazarov (according to his own recognition) hates many, and Arkady has no enemies. One is too cutting, daytime, the second is too soft, "neutrebuto". "You are a gentle soul, smearing," says Bazarov, realizing that Arkady can no longer be his companion. "Student" can not live without principles. It is very close to his liberal father and Pavel Petrovich. Arkady is a person belonging to the old generation, the generation of fathers.

I am far from enduring the moral grades of "fathers" and "children": too much in every generation of good and bad, a lot of contradictory. The essence of my essay in another: being representatives of one generation, Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov in the end can not find common language. Crucial moment The epoch is difficult, divides people on "fathers" and "children" regardless of age.

Works on literature: Bazarov and Arkady. Comparative characteristics.

In 1862, Turgenev writes the novel "Fathers and Children". During this period, the final gap between the two public camps is planned: liberal and revolutionary-democratic. In his novel, Turgenev showed a man new era. This is a democrat-dispenser of bazaars.

Throughout the novel next to the bazaarov, his friend Arkady is shown. According to convictions and origins, they belong to different public classes. According to the beliefs of the Bazarov "Democrat to the end of the nails." Friends together study at the University Faculty of Medicine. They are associated several years of friendship.

Arkady falls under the influence of Bazarov, wants to be like him. He sincerely shares his views.

To join the nihilists of Arkady makes "young courage and a young pad". But he is not guided by the ideas of Bazarov in life. They do not become an organic part of it, so he will refuse them so easily. The bazaarov says Arkady: "Our dust of your eyes are heating, our dirt makes you up." That is, Arkady is not ready for "tart, bitter bobbly life" revolutionar. Bazarov, giving an assessment of the life of the revolutionary, and right, and not right. The breaking of the preoccupied, traditions, the views always causes fierce resistance, and the advanced fighters are difficult. Revolutionary democratic ideal of happiness - revolutionary activity For the benefit of the people, despite personal adversity.

Arkady is not ready to do so, as he is "Breaky Liberal Barich." In the "young support" liberals do not go further than noble boiling, and for Bazarov it is "trifles". Liberals are not "fighting", but "imagine themselves wellms; the revolutionaries want to fight." Giving an assessment of Arkady, Bazarov identifies it with all liberal camp. Spoiled by B. noble assist, Arkady "involuntarily admires himself," he is pleased to "scold himself." Bazarov is boring, he needs "others to break." Arkady only wanted to seem a revolutionary, there was a lot of youthful under present, and in the soul he always remained the "liberal baric".

Arkady appreciates Bazarov for the power of will, energy, the ability to work. In the estate of Kirsan Bazarov are welcome. Arkady asks relatives to take care of the bazaar. But the revolutionary democratism of the Bazarov absolutely does not fit with the liberal aristocratism of the house of Kirsanov. He does not fit into their lives, full of idleness. And here, visiting, bazaars continue to work. The lifestyle of friends in the estate is expressed by the phrase: "Arkady Sibeatvatovyovatyovy, Bazarov worked." Bazarov conducts experiences reading special books, collects collections, treats village peasants. In the eyes of revolutionaries, labor - prerequisite Life. Arcadia is never visible at work. Here, in the estate, the attitude of the Bazarov and nature, and to the people.

The nature of the bazaarov considers not a temple and a workshop, but a person in it - an employee. For Arkady, as well as for all Kirsanov, nature is an object of loving, contemplation. For Bazarova, this means Barity. He objects to the prayer contemplation of nature, the Barquish pleasure of her beauty. It requires an active attitude towards her. He himself belongs to nature as a caring owner. Nature pleases it when he sees the fruit of active intervention in it. And here, too, the points of view of Arkady and Bazarov are diverged, although Arkady does not speak about it.

Different relations between Bazarov and Arkady and to love and to a woman.

Bazarov refers to love skeptical. He says that only a fool can feel free. But the acquaintance with the same change his views on love. It produces the impression of beauty, charm, the ability to keep himself with dignity and tact. The feeling towards it occurs when spiritual communication begins. She is smart, able to understand him. Bazarov, despite the external values, discovers in love and aesthetic feeling, and high spiritual requests, and respect for his beloved woman. But Odenty - the Baryshnya-Epikurika. Peace for her above all. Therefore, it agitates in itself a feeling appearing to the bazaarov. And here the bazarov keeps themselves with dignity, does not destroy and continues to work. Mention of love for Odentova causes recognition from Bazarov to "Brokenness", and he does not want to talk about it.

Arkady acquaintance with Katya reveals that his ideal is "closer", that is, in the family, in the estate. He himself says that he is "no longer that arrogant boy" that he still "asked himself the tasks that he could not", that is, Arkady admits that the life of the revolutionary is not for him. Yes, and Katya herself says that the Bazarov "Predatory", and Arkady - "manual".

Basads are close to fortress people. He is for them "his brother, not a barin." This confirms the speech of the Bazarov, in which a lot folk novers and sayings and his simplicity. Although in his estate, peasants belong to Bazarov as Barina, in the whole novel for the people he "his". Arkady for people remains Barin, the owner.

Bazarov is too demanding. He says Arkady that "every person needs to raise himself." His nihilism leads to the fact that he begins to be ashamed of natural human feelings. He seeks to inhibit their manifestations. From here - the dryness of Bazar, even to his close to him. But on the question of Arkady, whether the bazaars love their parents, he answers simply and sincerely: "I love, Arkady!". But Bazar's parents hopelessly behind him. They can not go not only harrow but also after him. Arkady also loves his loved ones. The bazaarov gives a mustache, comprehensive characteristic of the native Arcadia, to which Arkady does not mind anything. By this, he, as if expressing the point of view of the Bazarov, who believes that NiHist should not express his feelings.

Bazarovsky nihilism leads to the denial of old and new art. For him, "Rafael is not worth a copper, and they are not better than him." He believes that "at 44 years old playing the cello stupid," and Pushkin read "is not good anywhere." Art, he considers the form of profit of money. For him, "a decent chemist is more useful than a poet," and art is not able to change something in life. This is the extreme of Bazarovsky nihilism. Bazarov emphasizes the importance of scientists for Russia, since in science, Russia lasted from the West. Arkady loves poems. He would read Pushkin if not bazaars.

Arkady and Bazarov seems to be opposed to each other, and in this - a novel conflict, expressed by the reception of contrast.

Thus, the gap of Bazarov and Arkady is inevitable. Arkady is not ready for "tart, bitter bobbly life" Democrat. Bazarov and Arkady say goodbye forever. Bazarov breaks up with Arkady, without telling him a single friendly word. Bazarov says that he has other words for Arcadia, but romanticism for Bazarova is to express them. Arkady found his ideal in the family. Bazarov dies, remaining faithful to its worldviews. It is before death that the strength of his convictions is checked. Nihilistic beliefs were not inhabited against Arkady. He understands that life revolutionary Democrat Not for him. Bazarov dies with a nihilist, and Arkady remains "Liberal Barichet."

Roman "Fathers and Children" was created at the time when the question was raised about the abolition of serfdom when there were contradictions between liberals and democrats. After entering the novel, a flurry of critical articles fell on it.

As a real artist, the Creator, Turgenev managed to guess the mood of his time, the emergence of a new type, such as the Democratic-Merchant, who came to the shift of the noble intelligentsia.

The main problem posed by the writer in the novel, already sounds in the title "Fathers and Children". This name has a double meaning. On the one hand, this is the problem of generations, eternal problem classical literature, On the other hand, the conflict of the two socio-political forces, operating in Russia in the 60s of the XIX century: Liberals and Democrats. In Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" The main characters are bazaars and Arkady Kirsanov.

Characters We are grouped depending on which of the socio-political groups we will take them.

But the fact is that the main character Evgeny Bazarov turns out to be the only representative of the Democratic Democratic Camps. All other heroes are in the opposite camp. Bazarov - a new person, a representative of those young figures who want to fight, "nihilists". He for a new life and to the end remains faithful to his beliefs. It is the main and only expressive of a democratic ideology.

Arkady Kirsanov also belongs to the political camp "fathers" in their views on life. True, he sincerely enjoys the theory of Bazarov, seeks to imitate him and gives himself to the same Nigilist as his buddy. However, often forgetting his "nihilism", about his new role, Arkady exposes ideological relationship with the "fathers". It is not by chance that it also protects them: in one chapter he tries to convince Bazarov that Pavel Petrovich - " good man", And Nikolai Petrovich -" Golden Man ".

Bazarov - the enemy of distracted science torn off from life. He for science, which would be clear to the people. Above the medicine of his father bazaars laughs, because she lagged behind. Bazarov - Turugenics of science, he tireless in his experiments, fully absorbed in his favorite profession.

Arkady is completely different, we feel that this person is some sluggish, weak, limited. In the image of Arcadia, the failure of liberals is revealed. Arkady discovers his blood and ideological relationship with liberals and in a number of other places of the novel.

Turgenev, when characterizing heroes, most often uses dialogue and portrait. The dialogue is the most suitable form to transfer the essence of political and philosophical disputes occurring in the novel.

In an unusually acute dialogue, the main conflict of Bazarov with Arkady Kirsanov is revealed. "Your brother is nobleman," says Bazarov Arkady, "there can be no noble humility or noble boiling, and this is nothing. You, for example, do not eat - and already imagine themselves, - and we want to fight. "

With Arkady, he diverges in the main thing - in the presentation of life, about the appointment of man. Their relationship cannot be called friendship, because friendship is impossible without understanding, friendship can not be based on a subordination of one other. Throughout the novel, there is a subordination of weak nature stronger: Arkady - Bazarov.

Over time, Arkady acquires its opinion and already ceases to repeat blindly for the bazaarov judgments and opinions of the Nigilist, and expresses his thoughts.

The difference between heroes is visible in their behavior in the "Empire" of Kirsanov. Bazarov is engaged in work, studying nature, and Arkady is idle. Yes, indeed, he is in any atmosphere, in any house engaged in business - natural sciences, studying nature and verification of theoretical discoveries in practice. Bazarov keeps up with the times. Arkady is not engaged in anything, from serious affairs it really does not get one. For him, the main thing - the comfort and peace.

Completely different judgments add up in relation to art. Bazarov denies Pushkin, and unreasonable. Arkady is trying to prove him greatness of the poet. Arkady is always accurate, tidy, well dressed, he has aristocratic manners. Bazaars does not consider the need to follow the rules good tone, so important in the noble house. It affects all his actions, habits, manners, speeches, appearance.

A major disagreement arose between "friends" in a conversation about the role of nature in a person's life. Here, Arkady's resistance to the views of Bazarov is already visible, gradually "student" comes out from under the authorities of the Teacher. Bazarov hates many, and Arkady has no enemies. "You are a gentle soul, smearing," says Bazarov, realizing that Arkady can no longer be his companion. "Student" can not live without principles. It is very close to his liberal father and Pavel Petrovich. Arkady is a person belonging to the old generation, the generation of fathers.

"The attitude of Bazarov to his comrade throws a bright lane of light on his character; The Bazarov has no friend, because he did not meet another person who would not be saved in front of him. The identity of the Bazarov closes in itself, because only there is almost no elements about it around it "(D. Pisarev) is the main thing in the disagreements of the heroes.

Arkady wants to be the Son of his century, trying to adapt to this idea of \u200b\u200bBazarov.

Bazarov dies in full of loneliness. And on the "small rural cemetery" come only "two already decrepid old man - a husband with a wife." Arkady does not become the successor of his views, he finds his soul calm from Katya Odentova.


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Bazarov hopelessly behind him. They can't go not only in short but also after him. Arkady also loves her loved ones. The bazaarov gives a mustache, comprehensive characteristic of the native Arcadia, to which Arkady does not mind anything. By this, he, as if expressing the point of view of the Bazarov, who believes that NiHist should not express his feelings. Barovar Nihilism leads to the denial of the old and new ...

The life of Alexander Blok himself will be tragic, as he, like his lyrical herowill bring himself to a sacred sacrifice in the name of a new life and new Russia. Overall-review by the story I.A. Bunin " Clean Monday" Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - a wonderful Russian writer, a big man and sophisticated fate. He was a recognized classic domestic literature, ...

Nests "," War and Peace "," Cherry Garden ". It is important that the main character of the novel, as it were, opens a whole gallery of" unnecessary people "in Russian literature: Pechorin, Rudin, Oblomov. Analyzing Roman" Eugene Onegin ", Belinsky pointed , what in early XIX. The century educated nobility was the estate, "in which the progress of Russian society almost exclusively expressed," and that in "Onegin" Pushkin "decided ...

.... - Consider the attitude of Bazarov to Odento. - Consider the attitude of the Bazarov to Arkady. - Find out how the author belonged to his chief hero. 2. Evgeny Bazarov in the Roman I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children" and the attitude towards him of the author 2.1. Shame Bazarov The ideological beliefs of bazaars - the son of a poor county leek; Turgenev says nothing about his student life, ...

The novel "Fathers and Children" was created at the time when the question was raised about the abolition of serfdom, when the contradictions between liberals and democrats were aggravated. As a real artist, the Creator, Turgenev managed to guess the mood of his time, the emergence of a new type, such as the Democratic-Merchant, who came to the shift of the noble intelligentsia.

The main problem posed by the writer in the novel, already sounds in the title, which has a double meaning. On the one hand, this is the problem of generations, on the other hand, the conflict of the two socio-political forces operating in Russia in the 60s of the XIX century: Liberals and Democrats. Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov, due to age, should belong to one camp, but it is not.

Bazarov - a new person, a representative of those young figures that they want to fight, nihilists. He is for a new life and to the end remains faithful to his beliefs. It is the main and only expressive of a democratic ideology. But Arkady in his views on life is definitely related to the "fathers", although sincerely enjoys the unusual views of his "teacher", seeks to imitate him and gives himself to the same Nigilist. However, often forgetting about his "nihilism", about his new role, Arkady gives ideological relationship with the eldest generation. It is not by chance that he also protects them, trying to convince Bazarov that Pavel Petrovich is good, and Nikolai Petrovich is a "golden" man.

Turgenev, when characterizing heroes, most often uses dialogue and portrait. The dialogue is the most suitable form to transfer the essence of political and philosophical disputes occurring in the novel. In an unusually acute dialogue, the main conflict of Bazarov with Arkady Kirsanov is revealed. "Your brother nobleman on noble humility or noble boiling can come off, and these are trifles. You, for example, do not eat - and already imagine themselves, - and we want to fight. " With Arkady, he diverges in the main thing - in the ideas about life, about the appointment of man. Their relationship cannot be called friendship, because friendship is impossible without understanding, friendship can not be based on a subordination of one other. Throughout the novel, there is a subordination of weak nature stronger: Arkady - Bazarov. Over time, Arkady acquires its opinion, ceases to repeat blindly judgments and opinions of the Nihilist and expresses his thoughts.

The difference between heroes is visible in their behavior in the estate of Kirsanov. Bazarov is engaged in work, studying nature, and Arkady is idle. Bazarov - the enemy of distracted science torn off from life. He for science, which would be clear to the people. Bazarov - Turugenics of science, he tireless in his experiments, fully absorbed in his favorite profession. Arkady is completely different, we feel that this person is some sluggish, weak, limited. In the image of Arcadia, the failure of liberals is revealed. Arkady is not engaged in anything, from serious affairs it really does not get one. For him, the main thing - the comfort and peace.

Turgenev gradually reveals the difference in the worldview of buddies - in views on fundamental vital values: love, poetry, nature. Obviously, Arkady's resistance to the views of Bazarov: Gradually, the "student" comes out from under the authorities of the "teacher." The essence of the differences between them, in my opinion, in relation to people. Bazarov (according to his own recognition) hates many, and Arkady has no enemies. One is too cutting, daytime, the second is too soft, "neutrebuto". "You are a gentle soul, smearing," says Bazarov, realizing that Arkady can no longer be his companion. "Student" can not live without principles. It is very close to his liberal father and Pavel Petrovich. Arkady is a person belonging to the old generation, the generation of fathers.

I am far from enduring the moral grades of "fathers" and "children": too much in every generation of good and bad, a lot of contradictory. The essence of my essay in the other: As representatives of one generation, Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov, as a result, cannot find a common language. The turning point of the era passes difficult, divides people on "fathers" and "children" regardless of age.

In the novel, Turgenev "fathers and children" depicts the era when significant changes were twisted in Russia. Just at this time, the crisis of the serf system was aggravated, the struggle between the revolutionary democrats and liberals was aggravated. At this time is formed new Type A person is a man of business, not phrases. In the center of the struggle there is a figure of a democrat revolutionary. In the formation of Bazarov, the writer reflected the features

of this public I. human type. Bazarov is a powerful personality. Not divided

In the novel there are completely different characters, apparently, the sharing views of the Bazarov, enthusiastic modern ideas. However, Turgenev shows a deep distinction between the "teacher" and "students."

In Maryin, Bazarov is a guest who is distinguished by its "democratic" appearance from landowners. With Arkady, he diverges in the main thing - in the presentation of life, although at first they are considered friends. But their relationship cannot be called friendship, because friendship is impossible without mutual understanding, besides, friendship cannot be based on the subordination of one other. Throughout the novel, there is precisely the subordination of the weak nature of Arcadia to the stronger nature of the Bazarov. But after all, Arkady gradually acquired his opinion and stopped repeating everything behind the bazaarov.

The difference between heroes is visible in their behavior. In the estate of Kirsanova Bazarov engaged in work, studying nature. The main thing his case is natural sciences, the study of nature and verification of theoretical discoveries in practice. Bazaars keeps up with the times, since the passion for science is typical feature cultural life Russia. Arkady - perfect opposite, he does not do anything. None of the serious affairs of him really carries. For him, the main thing - the comfort and peace, and for Bazarov - do not sit back, work, move.

Completely different judgments can be heard from them in relation to art. Bazarov denies Pushkin, and unreasonable. Arkady is trying to prove him greatness of the poet. Arkady is always accurate, tidy, well dressed, he has aristocratic manners. Basarov does not consider it necessary to follow the rules of good

tones that seem to me are so important in the noble house. This affects all

his habits, manners, appearance.

The largest argument from them happened when the conversation went about the role of nature in life

man. Here, Arkady's resistance to the views of Bazarov, gradually the student "coming out from under the authorities of his" teacher ". Bazarov hates many, and Arkady has no enemies. Arkady can no longer be a subsidiary of Bazarov. "Student" can not live without principles. This is very close to his liberal father and Paul Petrovich.

But the bazaars in front of them appear as a person of a new generation that came to

shift "Fathers", not able to solve the main problems of the era. Arkady - man

belonging to the old generation, the generation of "fathers".

In Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" is opposed to action and inaction through people, completely different in nature.

Bazarov until the end of the days was faithful to their beliefs despite the fact that he lost all his friends. He did not lose faith in the ideas to whom she strived all his life. I like his livelism, energy, mobility in Bazarov. He is tired of living old life, according to old laws. He wanted best Life For the people and for all Russia.

And Arkady moved away from the beliefs of Bazar, as soon as he returned home to his ordinary life. For him, nihilistic beliefs were only fashion, desire to imitate the "new generation". But such a life is not for him. In the end, he married and healed a quiet peaceful life as his parents once.

It seems to me, and everyone will agree with me that such as bazaars are needed by Russia and the present, and the future.

As opposite people in Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" are shown two friends

Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov. Bazarov - Son of the county Lekary. He denies

not only poetry, but also music, art, painting, love for nature. He mocks Rafael. Unlike Bazarov, Arkady seems to us a romantic that

he wants the world around was as happy and joyed, like he himself: music, poetry,

painting is present in his life. Turgenev emphasizes the desire of Arkady seem

adults and have their own look at the world around him. This young man

struggling to be like to be like Evgenia Bazarov and deserve it

respect. Being under the influence of a friend, Arkady is only fascinated by the idea of \u200b\u200bdenial. It

depends on the Bazarov, but not in everything like it. But the bazarov never seeks

not respectfulness, no attention. It free mannot dependent on anyone. Bazarov.

it believes that every person must raise himself. The author all the time reminds us that Evgeny Bazarov is not a monster, but only an unfortunate, lonely man, with a sharp mind.

Arkady sincere, disinterested, loving man. Bazarov denies romanticism, but still is a romantic, like Arkady. And in the rustling of revelation recognizes Arkady in love for others. Follow up how the characters of the characters are revealed in

situations. Strongly and passionately loves bazaars Odintsov, hiding his feeling to

suicide explanation with her. Arkady repeated the fate of his father: marriage, family, peace - how much does he need a lot? Quiet happiness is not needed by Bazarov, next to him

there must be a strong and clever friend who, unfortunately, did not find in Anna Sergeyevna.

Arkady lives according to the principles that the bazaars are trying to destroy. Bazarov - a doctor by education and preference gives only natural sciences because they give accurate knowledge, he is alien to the beauty of nature, the world of art, he denies the principles

aristocrats. And Turgenev is solidary with the hero. Bazarov believes that "Nature is not a temple, but

workshop, and man in her employee. " With this thought Arkady was ready to agree

but, developing this idea, he did not come to the same results as the bazaars. Arkady

argued that the employee must be resting, and he cannot confine him to one bed after

tedication. In this issue, their opinions did not come together.

Throughout the novel, Bazarov seeks to understand men. He is perceived by them like a jester, and the peasants are waiting for him not reasoning about their affairs, but medical care. As for Arkady, it can be said that he never climbs into other people's affairs and does not expose herself. Saying goodbye to Arkady, Bazarov gives a personal assessment to a friend: "For our bitter, you have not been created tart of bobbly life. You don't have a keenness or anger, but there is a young courage and a young enthusiasm, for our case it is not suitable. "

There is no present mutual understanding in the relations of Bazarov with Arkady Kirsanov. These are not like-minded people, but only temporary travelers.

In the works of Turgenev second halves XIX. centuries appear heroes who are in the burden of void them own Lifewho are vaguely aware of the injustice of slavery, seek new meaning Life, sometimes becoming "superfluous" people. At the same time, heroes are born and appear - advanced people. Only in their environment there was a conscious protest against the evil device of society. The image of these people, most often poor and educated nobles, and occupies a large place in the works of Turgenev. These people are distinguished by high moral level, wide horizons and reluctance to go common. Such is Evgeny Bazarov. It can be attributed to the category of "new" people, but there were still few such people in Russia; They were alone and not understood by the masses.

Son Lekary, grandson of decek, bazaars endowed deep folk devils. Clear mind, practical interview, deep knowledge life, tireless hardworking, energy, huge will, independence in judgments and actions, courageous and honest attitude to life and to death - the most important features The character of the bazarov. He is a man of business, "does not tolerate beautiful words". "Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles, - spoke

meanwhile, the bazaars - think how many foreign ... and useless words! Russian man they do not need a gift. "

Bazarov is a nihilist, a person who does not inclined any authorities that does not take a single principle for faith. Indeed, bazaarov denies all

the existing system of Russia, religion, dilapidated morality, noble culture, folk prejudices. The author around his hero creates an atmosphere

enjelaries and misunderstandings: nobles with bazaarov not on the way. But it comes up on

misunderstanding from the people.

In the novel, there are other characters that share the views of the Bazarov, passionate about the modern ideas. However, Turgenev shows a deep distinction between the main character and its "students".

Such a "student" is Arkady Kirsanov. Unlike the allocating Bazarov, this is a young man from the noble family. From the first pages of the novel, we see buddies nearby. And immediately the author makes it possible to understand how much Arkady depends on his friend, but far from everyone like him. Being the nature in a conversation with his father, the son suddenly "throws an indirect look back and silent." Arkady is under the charm of the person

the senior comrade feels wonderful, maybe a great man, with pleasure develops his ideas, shocking her uncle, Pavel Petrovich. But in the depths of the soul of Arkady quite different: he is not alien to poetry, gentle feelings, loves to say beautifully. Nihilistic beliefs do not become his nature. Gradually between

friends are brewing conflict, Arkady increasingly does not agree with the other, but first not

it is decided to talk directly about it, it is more often depressed.

Saying goodbye to Arkady, Bazarov gives an accurate assessment of the identity of his friend, emphasizes the differences between them: "For our bitter, tart, bobbly life you are not created. You don't have keenness or anger, but there is a young courage and a young enthusiasm, for our business it is not suitable. Your brother nobleman is on noble humility or

noble boiling can no longer come ... and we want to fight ... "

In essence, Arkady - "Meak Liberal Barich". He is alien to powerful bazaarovsk community, dreams of indigenous changes in public Life, the desire "place to clear". Evgeny is consistent in his views,

sometimes it comes to cynicism. Turgenev emphasizes that Arkady Cobats from

cynical statements of a friend. Yes, and the character of Kirsanova requires constant dependence

from someone. Previously, he submitted to Eugene, now - Kate.

Failure comprehends Eugene and in his personal life - he loved the Odintsov landowner. This love broke the Bazarov, knocked him out of the rut, in the last chapters he is no longer the way we knew him at the beginning of the novel. Unhappy love leads Bazarov to severe

spiritual crisis. Everything falls from his hands, and his infection itself seems not so

random. Bazarov dies, not having time to do anything. Before the death he

meets simply and courageously, the hero seems to be aware that his time has not come yet. Turgenev made it a heroic, noble person, but doomed to death.

I believe that this novel will forever remain one of the most mysterious works of world literature, along with the "Hardness of Mind" Griboyedov. These books reflect the eternal contradictions human life - maximalism of youth and everyday

mind, uncompromising ... What is better? The answer to it in eternity, in the tranquility of "indifferent nature", in the latter, reconciling the rows of the novel.

Roman I.S.

Turgenev was written in the 60s of the last century. This is a novel about "new" people. Roman I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children" about the conflict, confrontation of the old generation with

the established system of moral obscures, morals and new with modern views,

principles, ideals.

The problem of the conflict of "fathers and children" existed always, it is relevant at any time. All new, introduced by the young generation, is encountered on the wall of misunderstanding. In our case, this is the confrontation of the Bazarov with the eldest generation.

Bazarov and Arkady became friends during training at the university. Bazarov was a convinced nihilist. The views and persuasions of Arkady were formed under his influence. Arkady is not fully convinced of his idea, he tries to imitate Bazarov. Arkady wants to be the same as the bazaars, I want to be like him, but internally he is not the nihilist, which gives himself. Bazarov is ready to challenge his point of view to the end (as he does with Pavel Petrovich), and it is impossible to dissuade him in his eyes. Arcadia is easily convinced of the infidelity of his views. Bazarov really understands what he believes. Arkady does not understand all the seriousness of their beliefs. He wants to be like his comrade. But arkadium can not be like because internal features - character.

Bazarov is a solid, unshakable character, he is a free person, he is constant in choosing his convictions. The character of Arcadia is flexible and soft. It is easy to influence. Arkady is deprived of mental originality and constantly needs someone intellectual support, in comparison with the bazaar, it seems to be a young man, not ready for independent life.

Awe in front of his teacher, Arkady with pleasure denies what denies

Bazarov, obeying his influence. Bazarov's attitude to a friend reveals his character. It

one, in itself with my thoughts and beliefs. Most often he does not want to speak, closes in himself and occasionally drops the word. Arkady and joy

picks up the phrase expressed by Bazarov. Arkady also does not like his friend, he

just obeys the strength of his mind. His attitude to the bazaarov is taller. He just

became acquainted with him, became interested in his principles, she conquered him strength and imagined

that he loves him from the soul.

And bazaars from those people who love to teach, raise, indicate. Bazarov and Arkady's relationship cannot be called friendship, they are in mutual dependence, they are needed to each other not as friends, but as a teacher and student.

Despite the fact that Bazarov and Arkady have buddies and combined with a common idea, they are completely different people With different characters.

Roman "Fathers and Children" was created at the time when the question was raised about the abolition of serfdom when there were contradictions between liberals and democrats. After entering the novel, a flurry of critical articles fell on it.

Like a real artist, Creator, Turgenev managed to guess the mood of his time,

the appearance of a new type, such as a Democratic difference, which came to the shift of the noble intelligentsia.

The main problem posed by the writer in the novel, already sounds in the title "Fathers and Children". This name has a double meaning. On the one hand, this is the problem of generations, the eternal problem of classical literature, on the other hand, the conflict of the two socio-political forces acting in Russia in the 60s of the XIX century: Liberals and Democrats. In Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" The main characters are bazaars and Arkady Kirsanov.

The actors are grouped depending on which of the socio-political groups we will take them.

But the fact is that the protagonist of Evgeny Bazarov turns out to be the only representative of the camp of the Democratic differences. All other heroes are in

the opposite camp. Bazarov - a new person, a representative of those young

figures who are "fighting", "nihilists". He for a new life and to the end remains faithful to his beliefs. It is the main and only expressive of a democratic ideology.

To the political camp "Fathers" in their views on life belongs to Arkady

Kirsanov. True, he sincerely fonders the theory of Bazarov, seeks to imitate him and

gives himself for the same nihilist as his buddy. However, often forgetting his "nihilism", about his new role, Arkady exposes ideological relationship with the "fathers". It is not by chance that he also protects them: in one chapter he tries to convince Bazarov that Pavel Petrovich is a "good man", and Nikolai Petrovich is a "golden man."

Bazarov - the enemy of distracted science torn off from life. He for science, which would be clear to the people. Above the medicine of his father bazaars laughs, because she lagged behind. Bazarov - Turugenics of science, he tireless in his experiments, fully absorbed in his favorite profession.

Arkady is completely different, we feel that this person is some sluggish, weak,

limited. In the image of Arcadia, the failure of liberals is revealed. Arkady discovers his blood and ideological relationship with liberals and in a number of other places of the novel.

Turgenev, when characterizing heroes, most often uses dialogue and portrait. Dialogue -

the most suitable form to transfer the essence of political and philosophical pores,

what is happening in the novel.

In an unusually acute dialogue, the main conflict of Bazarov with Arkady Kirsanov is revealed. "Your brother is nobleman," says Bazarov Arkady, "there can be no noble humility or noble boiling, and this is nothing. You, for example, do not eat - and already imagine themselves, - and we want to fight. "

With Arkady, he diverges in the main thing - in the presentation of life, about the appointment of man. Their relationship cannot be called friendship, because friendship is impossible without

understanding, friendship can not be based on subordination of one other. On the

the distance of the whole novel is observed subordination of weak nature stronger: Arkady - Bazarov.

Over time, Arkady acquires its opinion and already ceases to repeat blindly for the bazaarov judgments and opinions of the Nigilist, and expresses his thoughts.

The difference between heroes is visible in their behavior in the "Empire" of Kirsanov. Bazarov is engaged in work, studying nature, and Arkady is idle. Yes, indeed, he is in any atmosphere, in any house engaged in business - natural sciences, studying nature and verification of theoretical discoveries in practice. Bazarov keeps up with the times. Arkady is not engaged in anything, from serious affairs it really does not get one. For him, the main thing - the comfort and peace.

Completely different judgments add up in relation to art. Bazarov denies Pushkin, and unreasonable. Arkady is trying to prove him greatness of the poet. Arkady is always accurate, tidy, well dressed, he has aristocratic manners. Bazarov does not consider it necessary to comply with the rules of good tone, so important in the noble house. It affects all his actions, habits, manners, speeches,


A major disagreement arose between "friends" in a conversation about the role of nature in a person's life. Here, Arkady's resistance to the views of Bazarov is already visible, gradually "student" comes out from under the authorities of the Teacher. Bazarov hates many, and Arkady has no enemies. "You are a gentle soul, smearing," says Bazarov, realizing that Arkady can no longer be his companion. "Student" can not live without principles. It is very close to his liberal father and Pavel Petrovich. Arkady is a person belonging to the old generation, the generation of fathers.

"The attitude of Bazarov to his comrade throws a bright lane of light on his character; The Bazarov has no friend, because he did not meet another person who would not be saved in front of him. The identity of the Bazarov closes in itself, because only there is almost no elements about it around it "(D. Pisarev) is the main thing in the disagreements of the heroes.

Arkady wants to be the Son of his century, trying to adapt to this idea of \u200b\u200bBazarov.

Bazarov dies in complete loneliness. And on the "small rural cemetery" come only "two already decrepid old man - a husband with a wife." Arkady does not become the successor of his views, he finds his soul calm from Katya Odentova.

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