Years of life snowfast. Singer Tatyana Snezhina: Creative biography, personal life, tragic death, photo

Years of life snowfast. Singer Tatyana Snezhina: Creative biography, personal life, tragic death, photo
Years of life snowfast. Singer Tatyana Snezhina: Creative biography, personal life, tragic death, photo

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Tatiana Valerievna Snezhina (real last name - Pechenkin; May 14, 1972, Voroshilovgrad, Ukrainian SSR, USSR - August 21, 1995, 106th kilometer of Barnaul-Novosibirsk, Russia) - poet, composer and singer.

Born in Ukraine in Voroshilovgrad (now Lugansk), in the family of the military. In three-month age with parents, by the family of his father, went to live in Kamchatka. He studied at the music school and secondary school of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky No. 4. L. N. Tolstoy. In 1982, together with his family moved to live in Moscow. He studied at school number 874, was a public activist and participant of the school drama. Received in the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute (Molp). Since 1992, in connection with the travel of the Father, there lived together with parents in Novosibirsk. Received and studied in the Novosibirsk Medical Institute.

Start of creativity

Music and poems began to write in school years. Drawoval, sang. The first success was informal - homemade "musical albums" recorded at home was separated among Moscow students, and then Novosibirsk. The same fate waited for verses printed by the author and prose. In 1994, T. Snezhina in Moscow in the Kis-C studio recorded the phonograms of the 22nd author's songs of their first album "Remember with me." In the same year, the debut took place at the stage of the stage in Moscow, the first transfer was published about her work at the Radio of Russia. In Novosibirsk, wins several song contests of the city and the region.
New songs in the snowfast were born hard, the work was painfully and thoroughly. Some songs were recorded for 2-3 months. The work went, and the tannin's style changed a little, the studio approach was changed to her work. As followed by one of the arrangers: "We tried too long to pull the Tannins of the songs under the world standards and unexpectedly understood that it was impossible. What she writes does not need any serious processing, everything that she writes should sound almost In untouched the form, because this is what we were waiting for, I was looking for and could not find it for a long time ... ". In the process of finding ways to release his solo album and recording new songs in Novosibirsk, she met Sergei Bugaev, former Komsomol worker, who in the 1980s a lot contributed to the development of the underground rock music. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the director of the Youth Association Studio-8, tried to engage in the promotion of "pop music with a human face", in which Tatiana Snezhina was joined. In addition to creative between young people, close personal relationships were established between young people, in May 1995, Tatiana was made by the proposal of "Hands and Hearts", and in the fall, their wedding should take place.


In August 1995, Tatiana and Sergey were engaged, their wedding should be held a month later. In Studios-8, the snowflake album was recorded, the release of which was planned for the same autumn. On August 18, 1995, a presentation of a new producer project was held, at which Tatiana performed the two-own romance to the Guitar and "if I die ahead of time."

If I die ahead of time,
Let me take by white swans
Far away, in the edge of the unknown,
High, high, in the sky light ...

Tatyana Snezhina

On August 19, 1995, Bugaev lent the Nissan minibuse from friends and went with his friends to the mountain altai for honey and sea buckthorn oil. He took with him and Tatiana.

Two days later, on August 21, 1995, on the way back, at the 106th kilometer of the Cherepanovskaya highway Barnaul-Novosibirsk Minibus "Nissan" collided with the "MAZ" truck. As a result of this road accident, all six passengers of the minibus were killed, not coming into consciousness:
Singer Tatyana Snezhina, Director of the Pioneer MCC Sergey Bugaev, Candidate of Sciences Shamil Fireshmanov, director of the Mastellov Pharmacy, Igor Golovin, His spouse, doctor Golovina Irina and their five-year-old son Vladik Golovin.

There are two main versions of the catastrophe. According to one of them, Nissan went to overtaking and because of the right-sided location of the steering wheel did not notice the rushing truck (one of the punctured wheels on the spare wheel was replaced). According to another version, "MAZ" himself unexpectedly slowed down sharply, and his trailer brought to the oncoming lane (rain passed shortly before the catastrophe).

Creation. Heritage

For his life, she wrote more than 200 songs. So, the most famous song performed by Alla Pugacheva "Call me with you" belongs to Peru Tatyana, but I sang Alla Borisovna this song after the tragic death of poetess and the artist in 1997. This event served as a starting point for writing poems dedicated to Tatiana Snowflo. Since 1996, her songs begin to sing other pop stars: // I. Kobzon, K. Orbakaite, Lolita Milavskaya, T. Ovsienko, M. Shufutinsky, Lada Dance, L. Leshchenko , N. Trubach, Alice Mont, T. Bulanova, E. Kemerovo, Asker Sedoy, etc. Popular musical compositions are popular for its music in the dance rhythms of households and hip-hop. Her music sounds in movies.

Despite the fact that the snowfall has been written more than 200 songs, its poetry, thanks to its inner melody, inspires many composers to writing new songs to the poems of this author (E. Kemerovo, N. Trubacch et al.). Currently in the repertoires of performers in Russia, Ukraine, Japan more than two dozen new songs on snowflake poems.

In 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2008, T. Snezhina posthumously became the laureate of the song "Song of the Year". There is a reward named after Tatiana Snezhina - "Silver Snowflake" for contributing to the help of young talents. One of the first, this figurine was awarded Alla Pugacheva.

In 2008, the Literary Prize of the Interregional Union of Writers of the country was established in Ukraine. Tatyana Snezhina and the corresponding memorable medal. Every year the best songwrites are nominated for this award.

In Kazakhstan, in honor of Tatiana Snezhina, the top of the Mountain Arrays of the Jungarian Alatau is named. The peak was first conquered as a result of the target expedition of a group of young Russian climbers.

In 2006, at school number 97 (previously School No. 874) of Moscow, where Tatiana Snezhina studied from 1981-1989, the forces of the pedagogical team, on the basis of the official decision of the Government of Moscow, opened "Literary and Museum Museum of Memory T. Snezhina" .

In Ukraine, in the city of Lugansk in 2010, the solutions of the authorities in the center of the city are installed a bronze monument to Tatiana Snezhina. The author of the sculpture E. Chumak.
Ukraine. Lugansk.

In 2008, a large-scale regional television competition of young executors of the pop song "Ordynka", dedicated to the memory of T. Snezhina and S. Bugaev, was also established in Novosibirsk and annually. Competitors go away from all over Russia and the competition is carried out in several stages widely sanctified by press and television. Traditionally, one of the steps of the festival is the performance of songs T. Snowflo.

In Novosibirsk in 2011, one of the new streets is named after Tatyana Snezhina.

Since 2012, the Novosibirsk cycle club "Ryder" holds an annual "bike ride of memory of Tatiana Snezhina" on the route Novosibirsk - 116 km. The Cherepano route (the place of death of poetess).

Since 2012, the annual "International School Creativity Festival of Tatiana Snezhina's School Creativity Festival is held at the date of the Birthday of the poetess.

On May 14, 2013, in Novosibirsk, on Tatiana Snezhina Street, on the initiative of the author's fans, the decision of the authorities of the city was established by the bronze five-meter stelel dedicated to this poetess and the composer. The authors of the sculpture are the chief artist of Novosibirsk Yuri Byrika and Tomsk sculptor Anton Nesty. Stela in the form of a stylized sail-harp with the silhouette of young poetess perpetuates not only the image of the tall, but also one of its famous works - in the foreground of the composition is depicted from the bronze notes with the first notes of the song "Call me with you".

In the XXI century, Tatyana Snezhina became one of the most popular and sold poetic authors of Russia. Her books overlapped the stomach line.

Take me with you

Poems and music of Tatiana Snezhina.

Again from me the wind evil change
Takes you away
Without leaving me even the shadows in return
And he will not ask, -
Maybe I want to fly away with you
Yellow autumn foliage,
Bird behind a blue dream.

Take me with you,
I will come through evil nights,
I'll go beyond you
Whatever the way to me
I will come there where you
Draw the sun in the sky,
Where broken dreams
Walk again the power of height.

How much I was looking for you through the year
In the crowd of passersby,
I thought - you will be with me forever,
But you go away
You're in a crowd now in a crowd,
Only as before Loving, I let you go.

Take me with you,
I will come through evil nights,
I'll go beyond you
Whatever the way to me
I will come there where you
Draw the sun in the sky,
Where broken dreams
Walk again the power of height.

Every time the night goes down
On sleeping city
I run from the house of sleepless away
In longing and cold
I am looking for dreams of faceless dreams
But in the door of the new day,
I go again without you.

Take me with you,
I will come through evil nights,
I'll go beyond you
Whatever the way to me
I will come there where you
Draw the sun in the sky,
Where broken dreams
Walk again the power of height.

If I die ahead of time,
You give me white swans,
Between the feathers of their wings I confuse
And he dreamed with them in his dream.

And you do not need a priest to my house,
Yes, and in the church, I do not need to span.
Let me eat free free,
Entry my soul disadvantaged.

Well, my body is empty
Pull the earth referring to
Yes, put him, unresolved,
Cross, so that God I was farewell.

On my grave, I do not put colors,
Let she tarnish the grassy grass.
Let in spring forget-me-not dissolve,
Yes winter snow drops.

If I die ahead of time,
Let me take by white swans,
Far, far to the edge of the unknown,
High, high in the sky light ...

The task of this article is to find out how the tragic death in the car accident is a talented poetess, composer and singer Tatyana Snezhina in her full name code.

Watch pre-"Logical" about the fate of man. "

Consider the full name code tables. \\ If on your screen will be offset numbers and letters, put an image to match the scale.

16 22 46 53 67 78 88 102 103 122 123 142 171 203 217 218 221 222 234 240 257 286 292 295 309 310
310 294 288 264 257 243 232 222 208 207 188 187 168 139 107 93 92 89 88 76 70 53 24 18 15 1

19 20 39 68 100 114 115 118 119 131 137 154 183 189 192 206 207 223 229 253 260 274 285 295 309 310
T a t i n a in a l e v n and n e ch ё n k and n a
310 291 290 271 242 210 196 195 192 191 179 173 156 127 121 118 104 103 87 81 57 50 36 25 15 1

Pechenkina Tatyana Valerevna \u003d 310 \u003d 156-dies in autoavaria + 154-at the race at the pre (appearance).

310 \u003d 240-perishes in autoavaria at the road + 70-on pre (appearance).

Check the decryption to the table:

16** 31 35 45 47 48 54 73 76* 77 80 99 114*115**118** 119**136 146 156* 172 189*199
N o g and b a e t and in t about and in a r and and pp and
310**294*279 275 265 263 262 256 237 234*233 230 211 196**195**192**191*174 164 154*138 121*

213 214 220 229 234*240** 254 255 271*288*294**310**
N and E E E N A P R E P ...
111 97 96 90 81 76** 70* 56 55 39* 22** 16**

The table contains 2 chains of 4 kits successively by each other. Digits: 114-115-118-119 191-192-195-196

And 1 chain of 3 minutes walking in each other: 288-294-310

As well as 7 coinciding columns: 16 ** \\\\ 310 ** 115 ** \\\\ 196 ** 118 ** \\\\ 192 ** 119 ** \\\\ 76 ** 244 ** \\\\ 76 ** Consider the decryption: 310 \u003d 119-life is deprived of + 191- \\ 102-autoavarium + 89-cum \\.

W and zn and l and sh e n a + and in t about and in a r and i +

8 18* 27 41 51 63 73 98 104*118**119** 120 123*142**157 158 161 162 179*189*221*
K o n h and n a
310*302 292*283 269 259 247 237 212 206**192** 191*190 187**168*153 152 149 148 131*121*

232*247 261 285* 295**309**310**
The table contains 1 chain of 4 runs successively by each other: 285-295-309-310
89* 78* 63 49 25** 15** 1**

1 chain of 3 coming in each other in each other: 1-15-25

As well as 6 coinciding columns: 118 ** \\\\ 206 ** 119 ** \\\\ 192 ** 142 ** \\\\ 187 ** 295 ** \\\\ 25 ** 309 ** \\\\ 15 ** 310 ** \\ In decryption: 310 \u003d 188-cum in a car + 122-in accidents screamed

We will see 8 coinciding columns:

To about n and n and in and in t about m about b and l e +

In a in a r and and with g u b l e n a

11 26 40 64 74 88* 89** 92** 93** 96 115*130 143 158 160 170 182 188*
The table contains 2 chains of 4 minutes kits each other in each other: 191-192-195-196 114-115-118-119
310*299 284 270 245 236 222** 221** 218** 217*214 195*180 167 152 150 140 128

191* 192**195**196**213 223*233 251 255 275 277 289 295*309**310**
122* 119**118**115**114* 97 87* 77 59 55 35 33 21 15** 1**


As well as 8 coinciding columns: 89 ** \\\\ 222 ** 92 ** \\\\ 221 ** 93 ** \\\\ 119 ** 195 ** \\\\ 118 ** 196 ** \\ P (envelopes) + (arrived) + (BA) + (BA) (va) n (ie) a (weight) + (ka) ta (stanza) + (Sichy) + (met) I (AUTOMA) + In A (Tomobi) le R (Azbilas) b + (VN) E (stove) (stalks) in (a) n (E) A (Tomashin)

310 \u003d P, +, Engo, +, Ki, N, A, +, TA, +, T +, I, P + V A, LE P, B +, E, B, N, A,.

215 \u003d Accident of the passenger car (BILEL) \u003d road vehicle (aria) + automotive (BILE).

If we are a table of these decryptions, we will see 3 coinciding columns.

Therefore, the best will consider the decryption: 215 \u003d (p) the nitrogen (e) + 189 car accident (BILE).

D v a dts a t b n e r in o e a in g y with t a

5 8 9 14 37* 38** 57** 86 102 108 125 128 143 149* 150**153**157*177*195 214*215**
(p) a s b and in a ... + to a t and with t r about f and in t about m about ...
215*210 207 206 201 178**177**158* 129 113 107 90 87 72 66** 65** 62* 58* 38* 20 1**

1** 10 12 22 25 26 37* 38** 57** 58* 76 95 112 127 148 149* 150**153**172 187 200 215*
The table contains 4 chains of 3 runs successively by each other: 37-38-57 149-150-153 62-65-66 158-177-178
215**214*205 203 193 190 189 178**177**158*157*139 120 103 88 67 66** 65** 62* 43 28 15

As well as 5 coinciding columns: 1 ** \\\\ 215 ** 38 ** \\\\ 178 ** 57 ** \\\\ 177 ** 153 ** \\\\ 66 ** ** \\\\ 65 **

The "deep" decryption offers the following option in which all columns coincide:

D (vezodnaya) (a) in (tookatastroin) + (stop) a (s) of the hotel + (Summary) + p (p) EPV (AN) O (breathing) E + AB (Tokatastro) + GU (BIT) (Olocci) A (Tomboil)

215 \u003d D, B, +, A, DC +, T + P, EPV, Oh, E + AB, + GU, ST, A ,.

We look at the column in the bottom table of the full name:

195 \u003d Twenty First Avgus (TA)

118 \u003d 64-accident + 43-punch + 11-K (ONIS)

195 \u003d 63- (a) Varia + 43 punch + 89-cum
Code of the number of full years of life: 86-twenty + 46-three \u003d 132 \u003d 63-death + 69-kaase (RFA).

Consider tables:


5 8 9 14* 37* 38**57** 86 105 122 132*
M and B E L + K A T A S T (ROFA)
132*127 124 123 118* 95**94** 75* 46 27 10

4 14* 16 22 34 63 74 75* 94** 95** 113 132*
The table contains 2 chains of 3 kits successively by each other: 37-38-57 and 75-94-95
132*128 118*116 110 98 69 58 57** 38** 37* 19

As well as 2 coinciding columns: 38 ** \\\\ 95 ** 57 ** \\\\ 94 **

In decryptions: 132 \u003d (y) Gift head in an accident (s) \u003d (d) IBEL in autoavari (s)

We will get a slightly different picture:

(y) d and r about l about in about y in a in and r and (and)

5** 6 23 27* 42 54 69 72 87 97 100 101 104 105*122**132**
(d) and b e l b a in t o and in a r and (and)
132**127*126 109 105* 90 78 63 60 45 35 32 31 28 27** 10**

10** 12 18 30 59 62 63 66 85 100 101 104 105*122**132**
We see in tables for 1 matching line: 105-122-132
132**122*120 114 102 73 70 69 66 47 32 31 28 27** 10**

As well as 3 coinciding columns: 5 ** \\\\ 132 ** 122 ** \\\\ 27 ** 132 ** \\\\ 10 **

D (inlet) (PrOV) in (ANO) + (stop) A (Ser) Dza + (Sichy) + Tr (Avmenated) and (e)

10**\\132** 122**\\27** 132**\\10**

D (vezodnaya) (a) in (tookatastroin) + (stop) a (s) of the hotel + (Summary) + p (p) EPV (AN) O (breathing) E + AB (Tokatastro) + GU (BIT) (Olocci) A (Tomboil)

132 \u003d D, B, +, A, DC +, T + Tr, and,.

We look at the column in the top table of the full name code:

122 \u003d twenty tr (and)

207 \u003d 69-end + 138-Road Cat * (Astropa)
207 - 122 \u003d 85 \u003d instant.

310 \u003d 132-twenty three + 178 gravity injury M (ozhead).

215-twenty-first August \u003d 132-twenty three + 83-in autoavaria.

132 \u003d twenty three \u003d 69-end + 63-death.


Tatyana Snezhina - singer, composer, poet that lived on this earth so little, but managed to do so much for his immortality. Her works are worthy of the poems to be read, and Songs sang.

Childhood, family

Biography Tanya began in Lugansk. The girl was born on May 14, 1972 in the family of a military personnel officer. Real surname poetess Pechenkina. She was very small, and the parents have already transported it to the stern climate of Kamchatka, because this was required by the Father's service Tanya. Mom raised her girl herself.

She gave her love for music from an early age. Tatiana's musical biography began with the first mother chords on the piano. With four years, the girl sang selflessly and danced. She composed poems and, not embarrassed, recited them to their relatives.

In grade 1, Tanya went to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Parents moved again, this time in Moscow. In the school biography there was everything like many girls: lessons, public orders, a drama. Having received a certificate, the girl decided to tie his fate with medicine. Since the family had to leave again, after a while, starting studying in Moscow, the student filed documents for the translation into the Institute of Medicine in Novosibirsk.

Music, songs

Tanya's songs and poems tried to record at home and create albums on their own. Everything that the girl composed was enthusiastically taken by classmates and classmates. Various musical contests were held in Novosibirsk, often the student of the Medinstitut became their participant.

Tatiana's song entries on the cassette saw and heard the recording studios "Kis-C". The studio helped write a singer 22 phonograms for songs, music and words to which Snezhina itself came up with. There was her first album. Simultaneously with the collection of a collection, a young performer performed on the stage of the stage theater.

The first of the work of the young talented girl spoke "Radio Russia". At the very first step to its popularity, Tatiana was invented by the stage pseudonym - Snezhina. Over the new album, the singer worked for a whole year, but the result, which turned out after the studio entry, she did not like. She began to look for a new team to work on their compositions. The director of the Youth Studio Sergey Bugaev appeared on the path of the singer.

He immediately fell in love with the work of Tatiana, a creative fruitful union was created. It took several months to be born a song about the musician. Her material was lung, it could not be refined, so much that the girl wrote was sincere. This stage can be considered the beginning of a snowfast star biography.

Success and glory did not turn the girl's head, she even more seriously began to treat her vocal, to the records of their songs. Tanya wrote everywhere and on everything, as if he knew that you need to hurry, but I still need a lot to say. Sergey carefully studied all the creativity of the song and all the home billets of Tatiana. As an experienced creator of a professional record, he realized that the material that fell into his hands is invaluable. The plans were the creation of magnetoalbom, clips and laser disk.

Personal life, death

The girl found in Sergey not only a good assistant, a wonderful producer, but also a loved one. The couple should have got married. A complete mutual understanding and love arose between young people. In September, a wedding day was appointed. In August, Snezhina and Bugaev demonstrated all their joint project. Passed the premiere of two songs. Unfortunately, one of them was tragic: "If I die ahead of time."

If I die ahead of time,
Let me take by white swans
Far away, in the edge of the unknown,
High, high, in the sky light ...

Future bridegroom, bride and their friends gathered on a minibus in the mountains. Altai is famous for its sea buckthorn oil and honey. Their young people wanted to dial before the wedding. Having stayed two days in the mountains, went home. On the track, the minibus crashed into a "mas". No one in this terrible accident survived. Tatiana buried in the cemetery of Novosibirsk. Then reburied in Moscow.


Many of their creative works left for her fans of Tatiana. A total of two hundred songs and poems is written in the poets. The most popular cast performers sang songs left by snowfall. Among them Alla Pugacheva , Tatyana Ovsienko, Lev Leshchenko. Many compositions have not been published. Snowflake poems are collected in collections and become the most sold. They are on one shelf with real classics of poetry.

It is difficult to believe that Tatiana is not alive for about twenty years, but her work lives so far. Her poems are in penetrating in the soul of every sensitive person. Tatiana, unfortunately, was already posthumously awarded the "Song of the Year" award. The award that once received the Primaudonna of the Soviet and Russian pop by Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, was consonant with the pseudonym poetess - "Silver Snowflake".

Few people know that the famous song "Call me with me ...", which Alla Pugacheva performed at one time, was written by Tatyana Snezhina. Tatiana was the author and many other songs who sang the stars of our pop, but her own creative way tragically broke off at the very beginning of a career.

Tatyana Pechenkina was born in 1972 in Lugansk, six months later the Military family moved to Kamchatka, and after another 10 years - to Moscow. From the children's years, Tatiana wrote poems, many of whom became songs. The first listeners were classmates at student evenings, her songs were recorded on a tape recorder, and the cassettes diverged among friends and acquaintances. In 1994, Tatiana debuted on the stage of the Moskovsky Theater of the Estrada. Then he took part in contests and prefabricated concerts. Then she chose a sonorous pseudonym - Snezhina, in memory of his childhood spent on Kamchatka.

Tatyana Snezhina in childhood

At the end of 1994, Tatiana's father received a appointment to Novosibirsk, and the family moved again to another city. There, the cassette with her songs fell into the hands of the director of the youth association "Studio-8" Sergei Bugaev, who at that time was the head of the local rock movement. Despite the fact that his musical preferences were completely different, Tatiana Snezhina's cassette soon moved away from the studio to him into the car.

Probrusive and even naive texts of her songs have many of them caused doubts about their commercial success, "seemingly" them did not work with the help of arguments. "We tried too long to pull the tannins of the songs under the world standards and unexpectedly understood that it was impossible. What she writes does not need any serious treatments, all that she writes should sound almost in untouched by the form because this is what we waited, I was looking for and could not find for a long time, "I remembered one of the arrangers .

Tatyana Snezhina

Bugaev and did not call this project commercial, but it hoped that Tatiana Snezhina would find his audience. Creative tandem soon became a family union: in August 1995, the engagement took place, and on September they planned the wedding. The same autumn was going to release a new album of the singers. But these plans were not destined to come true. August 19, Sergey and Tatiana went with friends to the mountain altai. Two days later, their minibus ran into a truck "MAZ", and all five passengers and the driver died in place. The singer was only 23 years old.

Tatyana Snezhina and Sergey Bugaev

Once a young man from Novosibirsk offered Joseph Kobzon to listen to the cassette with the songs of Tatiana Snezhina. The singer treated this skeptical - such requests came to him too often. But the singer did not leave him indifferent: "In the songs of Tanya, the penetration, purity, unusual for our days," he confessed later. Kobzon gave to listen to Cassette Igor Steepy and offered to organize a creative evening dedicated to the memory of the deceased singer. In the same year, a large concert took place, in which the songs of the snowflake performed the stars of the stage: Alla Pugacheva, Christina Orbakaite, Lev Leshchenko, Nikolai Trubach, Tatiana Ovsienko and others. After that, many songs entered the repertoire of the performers for many years, such as, for example, the "musician", which has become a calling card of Christina Orbakayte.

Tatyana Snezhina

But the biggest fame received the song "Call me with me ..." performed by Alla Pugacheva. In 1998, in an interview with Priaudonna, he told: "I have a special, personal attitude to Tatiana Snezhina. I did not know her, we "got acquainted" after her death. Of course, you will stop Tatiana alive, there would be a well-known author and performer of songs and a famous producer. Tatiana Snezhina for me is a symbol of all talented people, by which we often pass, not noticing without peering. Hence the meaning of our share - do not pass by talents! Concert in Novosibirsk as it should prolong the lives of these people. After all, it is still remembered - man is immortal. I get into my hands a lot of cassettes - with songs as now living young authors and those who died. But when I was in my hands the cassette of Tatiana Snezhina songs, I was struck by the prying of these songs. Not every song so falls in the heart. "

Singer who became popular only after death

In 1997-1999 Tatyana Snezhina became the laureate of the All-Russian television music contest "Song of the Year" - unfortunately, already posthumously. In 1998, the song "Call me with me ..." was called the hit of the year.

Birth, childhood, youth

Born in Ukraine, in the Military family. In three months of age with parents, by the family of his father, went to live in Kamchatka. He studied at the music school and secondary school number 4. L. N. Tolstoy. In 1982, together with his family, she moved to Moscow. He studied at school number 874, was a public activist and participant of the school drama. Received in the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute of Molp. Since 1994, in connection with the traveling of the father, there lived together with his parents in Novosibirsk. Received and studied in the Novosibirsk Medical Institute.

Start of creativity

Music and poems began to write in school years. Drawoval, sang. The first success was informal - homemade "musical albums" recorded at home was separated among Moscow students, and then Novosibirsk. The same fate waited for verses printed by the author and prose. In 1994, T. Snezhina in Moscow in the "Kis-C" studio recorded the phonograms of the 22nd author's songs of their first album "Remember with me." In the same year, the debut at the stage of the stage in Moscow was held, the first transfer was published on her work on Radio Russia. In Novosibirsk, wins several song contests of the city and the region. In the process of finding ways to release his solo album and recording new songs in Novosibirsk, she met Sergei Bugaev, former Komsomol worker, who in the 1980s a lot contributed to the development of the underground rock music. From the beginning of the 1990s, the director of the Studio-8 youth association, tried to engage in the promotion of "pop music with a human face", in which Tatiana Snezhina was joined. In addition to creative between young people, close personal relationships were established between young people, in May 1995, Tatiana was made by the proposal of "Hands and Hearts", and in the fall, their wedding should take place.


In August 1995, Tatiana and Sergey were engaged, their wedding should be held a month later. In Studios-8, the snowflake album was recorded, the release of which was planned for the same autumn. On August 19, 1995, Bugaev lent the Nissan minibuse from friends and went with his friends to the mountain altai for honey and sea buckthorn oil. He took with him and Tatiana.

Two days later, on August 21, 1995, on the way back, at the 106th kilometer of the Cherepanovskaya highway Barnaul-Novosibirsk Minibus "Nissan" collided with the "MAZ" truck. As a result of this road accident, not coming into consciousness, all six passengers of the minibus: Singer Tatyana Snezhina, director of the Pioneer MCC Sergey Bugaev, Candidate of Sciences Shamil Fireshmanov, director of the Mastellov Pharmacy Igor Golovin, his spouse, doctor Golovin Irina And their five-year-old son Vladik Golovin.

There are two main versions of the catastrophe. According to one of them, Nissan went to overtaking and because of the right-sided position of the steering wheel did not notice the racing truck towards the truck (one of the punctured wheels on the spare wheel was replaced). According to another version, the "MAZ" himself unexpectedly slowed down sharply, and his trailer brought to the oncoming lane (rain passed shortly before the catastrophe).

Initially, T. Snezhina was buried in Novosibirsk at the Zaletsovsky cemetery, later the remains were postponed to Moscow at the Troecorsk cemetery.

Creation. Heritage

For his life, she wrote more than 200 songs. So, the most famous song performed by Alla Pugacheva "Call me with you" belongs to Peru Tatyana, but I sang Alla Borisovna this song after the tragic death of poetess and the artist in 1997. This event served as a starting point for writing poems dedicated to Tatiana Snowflo, since 1996, her songs start to sing other pop stars: // I. Kobzon, K. Torbakayte, Lolita Milyavskaya, T. Azieenko, M.Shufutinsky, Lada Dance, V. Nefschenko , T. Bulana, N.Trubach, Alice Mont, E.Kemerovsky, Asker, etc. Popular musical compositions are popular for her music in dance rhythms of House and Hip-ho? P. Her music in movies sounds.

In 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2008, T. Snezhina posthumously became the laureate of the song "Song of the Year". There is a reward named after Tatiana Snezhina - "Silver Snowflake" for contributing to the help of young talents. One of the first, this figurine was awarded Alla Pugacheva.

In 2008, the Literary Prize of the Interregional Union of Writers of the country was established in Ukraine. Tatyana Snezhina and the corresponding memorable medal. Every year the best songwrites are nominated for this award.

In Kazakhstan, in honor of Tatiana Snezhina, the top of the Mountain Arrays of the Jungarian Alatau is named. The peak was first conquered as a result of the target expedition of a group of young Russian climbers.

In Ukraine, in the city of Lugansk in 2010, a bronze monument to Tatiana Snezhina is installed in the center of the city in 2010. The author of the sculpture E. Chumak.

In 2011, in honor of Tatiana Snezhina, one of the new streets is named after Tatiana Snezhina, and a memorial plaque is located on the wall of the cinema "Pioneer".

In the 21st century, Tatiana Snezhina became one of the most popular and selling poetic authors of Russia. Thiems of her books stepped over the bombard.

Books poems

  • The first collection of poems and songs snowflake "What is my life?" Light in 1996.
  • Snezhina T. Call me with me. - M.: Veche, 2002. - 464 p. ISBN 5-7838-1080-0.
  • Snezhina, Tatiana. My star. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 400 p. ISBN 5-699-17924-4
  • I take your sadness - M.: Eksmo, 2007 - 352 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-21387-0;
  • Tatyana Snezhina. Poems about love - M.: Eksmo, 2007 - 352 S.- ISBN 978-5-699-23329-8;
  • I do not regret anything - M.: Eksmo, 2008 - 352 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-19564-0, 5-699-19564-5;
  • Life with my silhouette - M.: Eksmo, 2008 - 320 s. -Isbn 978-5-699-29664-4;
  • as part of the poems of beloved women - M.: Eksmo, 2008 - 736 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-26427-8;
  • Tatyana Snezhina. Poems beloved. (Gift Illustrated Edition) - M.: Eksmo, 2009 - 352 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-38024-4;
  • as part - I love you so much - M.: Eksmo, 2009 - 416 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-26427-8
  • Tatyana Snezhina. About love - M.: Eksmo, 2010 - 352 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-44722-0;
  • Tatyana Snezhina. Lyrics. (Gift illustrated edition) - M.: Eksmo, 2010 - 400 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-39965-9;
  • Snezhina T. Call me with me. - M.: Veche, 2011. - 464 p. ISBN 978-5-9533-5684-8;

Books of poems and prose

  • Fragile love trail - M.: Eksmo, 2008, 752 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-28345-3;
  • Tatyana Snezhina. Soul as a violin (gift edition. Poems, prose, biography). - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - 512 p. ISBN 978-5-699-42113-8

Books prose

  • Tatyana Snezhina. Rain, (gift illustrated edition). - M.: Veva, 2012. - 468 p. ISBN 978-5-9533-6451-5


Call me with you (1997)

Songs performed by Russian pop stars

  1. Alla Pugacheva - Call me with me
  2. Mikhail Shufutinsky - how old
  3. Lada Dance - no more
  4. Joseph Kobzon - Holiday Lies
  5. Taste of honey - Kazanova
  6. Tatyana Ovsienko - Sleep
  7. Alice Mont - Snowflake
  8. Joseph Kobzon - I and you
  9. Elena Borisenko - How I leave you
  10. Lev Leshchenko - Sailor
  11. Lolita (cabaret duet "Academy") - House on high mountain
  12. Christina Orbakayte - Musician
  13. Lada Dance - Be with me
  14. Taste of Honey - Fantasy Snow
  15. Elena Borisenko - Autumn
  16. Lev Leshchenko - there was time
  17. Mikhail Shufutinsky - Memory remains
  18. Taste of Honey - Crossroads
  19. Nikolay Trubach - what is my life
  20. Joseph Kobzon - Your Letters
  21. Evgeny Kemerovo - Sky above us
  22. Tatyana Snezhina - the last day of autumn

High Mountain House (1998)

  1. High mountain house
  2. Take me with you
  3. Musician
  4. Young Kazanova
  5. Snowflake
  6. Yellow leaves
  7. Last day of autumn
  8. My star
  9. House on High Mountain (-1)

Remember with me (2003)

  1. My city
  2. There was a time
  3. The first rain
  4. Rottle
  5. Has no more
  6. Figaro
  7. Ty talked about love
  8. Holiday Lie
  9. Fantasy snow
  10. Stay with me
  11. Gramophone
  12. Perekrestok
  13. Take me with you
  14. Kazanova
  15. High mountain house
  16. I forget you
  17. Me and you
  18. Letters are yours
  19. Sprinkle me

Behind the blue height (2009)

  1. Fog over the city, fog
  2. Do not fly away the summer
  3. Your portrait
  4. If only lucky
  5. We are in this life only guests ...
  6. Behind the blue height
  7. Is winter to blame?
  8. I'll wait for you
  9. Old tram room
  10. I will not miss
  11. Lullaby
  12. Comic about autumn
  13. Let I live without time ...

Alarm Petal Candle (2010)

  1. Ob river
  2. Anxious petal candles
  3. Furster
  4. Echo rain
  5. Melts Son.
  6. Bible love
  7. I - Memory
  8. I am far away today
  9. In Yalta Zima
  10. I'll come for you in a dream
  11. In a deserted pensive night
  12. Do not blame me
  13. Snowflake
  14. Yellow leaves
  15. My star
August 21, 2014, 09:45

Tatyana Snezhina (Pechenkina) - Russian poetess, composer, author and performer of their songs, winner of the song "Song of the Year" premium (1997, 1998, 1999, 2008).

Birth, childhood, youth

Tatiana was born on May 14, 1972 in Ukraine, in the Military Family. In three months of age with parents, by the family of his father, went to live in Kamchatka. He studied at the music school and secondary school number 4. L. N. Tolstoy. In 1982, together with his family, she moved to Moscow. He studied at school number 874, was a public activist and participant of the school drama. Received in the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute of Molp. Since 1994, in connection with the traveling of the father, there lived together with his parents in Novosibirsk. Received and studied in the Novosibirsk Medical Institute.

Start of creativity

Music and poems began to write in school years. Drawoval, sang. The first success was informal - homemade "musical albums" recorded at home was separated among Moscow students, and then Novosibirsk. The same fate waited for verses printed by the author and prose. In 1994, T. Snezhina in Moscow in the "Kis-C" studio recorded the phonograms of the 22nd author's songs of their first album "Remember with me." In the same year, the debut at the stage of the stage in Moscow was held, the first transfer was published on her work on Radio Russia. In Novosibirsk, wins several song contests of the city and the region. In the process of finding ways to release his solo album and recording new songs in Novosibirsk, she met Sergei Bugaev, former Komsomol worker, who in the 1980s a lot contributed to the development of the underground rock music. From the beginning of the 1990s, the director of the Studio-8 youth association, tried to engage in the promotion of "pop music with a human face", in which Tatiana Snezhina was joined. In addition to creative between young people, close personal relationships were established, in May 1995, Sergey made Tatiana's proposal of his hand and hearts, and in the fall, their wedding should take place.


In August 1995, Tatiana and Sergey were engaged, their wedding should be held a month later. In Studios-8, the snowflake album was recorded, the release of which was planned for the same autumn. On August 19, 1995, Bugaev lent the Nissan minibuse from friends and went with his friends to the mountain altai for honey and sea buckthorn oil. He took with him and Tatiana. Two days later, on August 21, 1995, on the way back, at the 106th kilometer of the Cherepanovskaya highway Barnaul-Novosibirsk Minibus "Nissan" collided with the "MAZ" truck. As a result of this road accident, not coming into consciousness, all six passengers of the minibus: Singer Tatyana Snezhina, director of the Pioneer MCC Sergey Bugaev, Candidate of Sciences Shamil Fireshmanov, director of the Mastellov Pharmacy Igor Golovin, his spouse, doctor Golovin Irina And their five-year-old son Vladik Golovin. There are two main versions of the catastrophe. According to one of them, Nissan went to overtaking and because of the right-sided position of the steering wheel did not notice the racing truck towards the truck (one of the punctured wheels on the spare wheel was replaced). According to another version, the "MAZ" himself unexpectedly slowed down sharply, and his trailer brought to the oncoming lane (rain passed shortly before the catastrophe). Initially, T. Snezhina was buried in Novosibirsk at the Zaletsovsky cemetery, later the remains were postponed to Moscow at the Troecorsk cemetery.

Place of death

Creation. Heritage.

For his life, she wrote more than 200 songs. So, the most famous song performed by Alla Pugacheva "Call me with you" belongs to Peru Tatyana, but I sang Alla Borisovna this song after the tragic death of poetess and the artist in 1997. This event served as a starting point for writing poems dedicated to Tatiana Snowflo. Since 1996, her songs start to sing other pop stars: I. Kobzon, K. Orbakayte, Lolita Milyavskaya, T. Azienko, M.Shufutinsky, Lada Dance, V. Nechechenko, t . Bulanova, N.Trubach, Alice Mont, E. Kemerovsky, Asker, etc. Popular musical compositions are popular for its music in dance rhythms of the House of House and Hip-Hop. Her music and movies sounds.

In 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2008, T. Snezhina posthumously became the laureate of the song "Song of the Year". There is a reward named after Tatiana Snezhina - "Silver Snowflake" for contributing to the help of young talents. One of the first, this figurine was awarded Alla Pugacheva. In 2008, the Literary Prize of the Interregional Union of Writers of the country was established in Ukraine. Tatyana Snezhina and the corresponding memorable medal. Every year the best songwrites are nominated for this award. In Kazakhstan, in honor of Tatiana Snezhina, the top of the Mountain Arrays of the Jungarian Alatau is named. The peak was first conquered as a result of the target expedition of a group of young Russian climbers. In Ukraine, in the city of Lugansk in 2010, the decision of the inhabitants and authorities in the center of the city is the bronze monument to Tatiana. The author of the sculpture E. Chumak. In 2011, in honor of Tatiana Snezhina, one of the new streets is named after Tatiana Snezhina, and a memorial plaque is located on the wall of the cinema "Pioneer". In the 21st century, Tatiana Snezhina became one of the most popular and selling poetic authors of Russia. Thiems of her books stepped over the bombard.