Performance Late Love Small Theater. "Late love" in the theater on a small armor

Performance Late Love Small Theater. "Late love" in the theater on a small armor

Apartment lonely elderly man. He himself is slightly and the apartment is sloppy. On the door to the door of the owner of the apartment pops out from the toilet with a mug of Esmar in his hand. All this first made the impression as an entrepreneurial play with "Sumen". But at the very first dialogues, the depth of the meaning and the vitality of the situation was manifested. The Jewish humor was perceived as a component of the life of characters, and not as popular sharpness with the addition of accent and inherent intonation.
I always treated exactly the acting works of Leonid Kanevsky. He never interested me, did not get carried away. And then he showed himself at full capacity. It was not in his game of artificiality, each word uttered not just actor Kanevsky, and Harry Bendine performed by Leonid Kanevsky. The narrowness of the hero, the emptiness of his life, the absence of a happy future, which is aware of the bitterness and is accepted by Harry without resistance and the desire to change something. True, when he learns about the departure of the only close person, and on the part-time of the subordinate Harry, promised to the ground, it begins to be loudly nervous and try to prevent the departure of Mark. The actor's game does not take away you from action on the stage, makes listening to each replica, catch the slightest change in intonation, because it is interesting and professionally.
Never divided the admirations of critics by actor Daniel Svivakovsky. I saw him in different roles - in Frankenstein, in the series. Unfortunately, on the stage I saw him for the first time. In cinema work, he did not cause me confidence - everything was somehow unnaturally and inadvenous. I did not believe his heroes. And then there is a completely different image - the image of a small man, the Jew, a miracle of the warsaw ghetto, the podkinnik, the only happiness of which is his wife and kids playing, as it should be, on a hidrock. His hero Mark walks in Kep, in a fastener on all buttons vest, which is conscientious and informs his wife on the phone from Harry's house. He knows all about the life of his boss Harry Bendineer, and he, at one time, saved and brought the brand from Hell Ghetto, so the hero of Spivakovsky is sincerely experiencing about the fate and the future life of Harry, because with the departure of Mark and his family from America, Harry remains Almost one in this life. In the dialogues of the heroes, there is warmth and pity, common memories, common tragedies. Mark condemns Harry for recklessness and inseparability in relations. The song is quoted in the play. How beautiful and wonderful! Jewish music sounds, Hava Nagila, desperate dancing.
Clara Novikov see in the role of a dramatic actress for the first time. The actress she, of course, is average. In each replica - the intonation of its reprise, aunt Sonya and the like "classic". But all these "acting finds and stamps" are not annoyed, because the plot does not allow to make a boring mine. She plays well, not comicing unnecessarily, listening to actors partners. It is elegant and elegant, dressed with taste and very plastic. Pleasure to see a woman, already a grandmother in real life, well-groomed, in excellent physical form.
This performance is about good, human warmth, help, love. Each Hero has its own tragedy in life, his losses, disappointment and their love, which he carries throughout his life. Someone this love pulls to live on, and someone is fascinating on the world, because the power of love for the person who has already passed from this world will lead to a man after the second half. And life, and tears, and love ...
Harry's wife four years before his death leaves him, learning about the next treason. And I knew before, but this time I could not forgive and just went, died. And he still managed to be offended, did not come to the funeral and never was on the grave. Harry loved her in his own way, loved her daughter and their common son, but the children tragically went away from life, the grandson-race film remained, whose wind in his head remained, because he is a car drivers, and his grandfather is not needed. Here suddenly on the threshold of his sad apartment there is a nice lady, a widow, a neighbor. She is looking for communication, because alone after the death of her husband and departure of his daughter (their daughters wear the same name - also for no accident). Sincere feeling flashes between them after a few hours of communicating and drinking whiskey. And then a magical dinner with candlelights of the best dishes of Jewish cuisine. Who loves and knows how to cook, he swallows saliva from mentioning Forsak, sour-sweet roast with prunes and strzdel! When people feel warmly souls each other, when they catch every word uttered by a close man, they cannot suck out - this is a real feeling that flashes suddenly, heating the soul, enveloping hearts with joy and happiness.
So everything was easy, funny and witty in the play at first. But the bitter moment has come. And the finale is still kind and bright. Life goes on. Who was able to survive after the care of her beloved, and who asked to pray for himself in this world, and he pray for the remaining on that. And the cheerful dance under the accompaniment of Havva Nagils is so organically enforced that it does not look a pop number.
If you want to see love, please happiness, smile good, then you must look at the play by Valery Muharyamov in the production of Yevgeny Arie "Late Love." And the love is not lingering, it is always young, because it comes to good hearts, making people happy, and nasty people, this feeling punishes, humiliates and destroys.

Hava Nagila, Hava Nagila, Hava Nagila Wenismecha!
Let's rejoice, let's rejoice, let's rejoice and smooth!

The Piece of Ostrovsky "Late Love" is known, probably, every student. That's just in the interpretation of Egor Reudov, she turned out to be very unexpected. The production turned out to be simultaneously sad and funny, light and wise, a bit ironic and thin.

About the play "Late Love"

What awaits viewers on stage? First, the search for answers to eternal questions. It turns out that "Late love" is not just an age, it is an act that can be accomplished in 18, and at 20, and in 30. This is the state of the soul, when so you want to be a beloved.

In the center of the play "Late love" question - what price is ready to pay a person for happiness when it seems to be very close? Refuse the principles? Donate life, and your and someone else? Give the latter Each of the heroes itself decides - which is the border of the morality, where the same line between "can" and "is impossible", is it worth it and is it really to bring it the very happiness?

Together with the audience, "Late Love" on stage Alena Babenko, who surprises his fans of a frank eccentric on the verge of clownades, Marina Khazova, Nikolai Klyamchuk and other famous actors.

Other works of director

Egor Perud - young, but very talented and already famous director. His popularity in the theater world brought him, first of all, the scene of the contemporary, where he put the "time of women", "hot heart", "Mysterious night murder of a dog."

How to buy tickets on the play

Despite the fact that the play "Late Love" goes in contemporary since 2016, by 2018 Moscow's spectators have not yet managed to satisfy the island in the interpretation of Egor Terudov. That is why buy tickets to "Late Love" is difficult. Our customers have the opportunity to order them online or by phone. We:

  • professionals of their case, so always help choose the best places in any price category;
  • we appreciate the time not in words, but in fact, so we will deliver tickets by courier in Moscow and St. Petersburg completely free of charge;
  • we care about the convenience of customers, so provided for the opportunity to pay the order in different ways: a card, cash and even by bank transfer;
  • just love our customers, so we please you with a system of bonuses and discounts.

Who needs to go to the play "Late Love"? All. He is ideal for the first acquaintance with the theater (although, of course, not simple, but, nevertheless, it is quite clear). He has already conquered avid theatrons. And even those who looked into a contemporary accidentally, and fell to the "late love" do not remain indifferent.

The theater on a small armor brought the play "Late Love" by the story of Bashevis-Zinger. What was there from small armor, I do not know. Aria's statement, which is the chief of Tel Aviv "Geshera". Played Clara Novikova - Dame Pasta, Leonid Kanevsky and Daniel Spivakovsky, who is known as the film actor. However, there is another member of Muharyamov, who turned the story in the play. Zinger's story is rigid, running, leaves a sense of hopelessness of the utmost. Not that play. It introduced an additional character, some connections are fixed and even the future is scheduled, which is not in the story and Pomin.
The plot of the play is such. Once from Poland in America Harry Now Star (he is 82 years old) and alone. His only support Mark, whom he saved from the ghetto and brought to the United States, leaving at the insistence of his wife to Israel, and Harry remains alone. His children and wife have long died, stayed somewhere unfamiliar grandson, who does not want to know him. Harry is rich, but not in money happiness, explain and show us. And suddenly the new neighbor is knocking for Harry. Probably, all this happens in the Jewish area, since everyone is obvious that the neighbor of the Jewish. Relatively young (57 years old) Etel from the same Poland district, where Harry had once lived.Eel is also alone. She lost contact with her daughter, and the husband, whom she loved her very much, recently died. By the way, the husband was exactly the same age as Harry, and also lucky in matters. Etel rich widow. Roman is instantly tied. The next day, Harry makes the Ethel offer she takes. During the conversation, Ettel continuously recalls her husband, it turns out that after his death, she lacked seven months in a psychiatric clinic. And the next morning, Harry, who already plans to break the wall, dividing their apartments, finds out that at night, Ethel jumped out of the window and died. But Harry does not fall in spirit, on the contrary, he finds his grandson, and they decide to find Silvia to find Silvia, her daughter. Such a dirty end
The target group for which Ariena puts the performance is the elderly Jews, and it makes the right choice. It is these people who will go to the theater that in Tel Aviv, that in Brooklyn, that in Moscow.
The performance turned out to be balanced. Clara did not drag the blankets at all, as it would be expected. Although the shadow of intonation "Aunt Sony" had a place to be, but it was playing by the Polish "aunt Sonya", paming in the United States and traded in Europe. Kanevsky showed the acting class. Small details of movements, muttering, senile inoperability and danger. It was ridiculous, touching and no vulgarity or donkey. Spevakovsky slightly relocated in the role of a small jew, but remained in the framework of decency. Aerie is excellent (as always, however) used music. One of the most touching scenes of the performance, when Ethel begins to play tablecloths on the table, as on the piano, and Harry takes an imaginary violin into his hands, and then they (and we) hear exactly the music they play. The spirit of Ethel at the end of the performance was introduced so skillfully, that this was not at all artificial.
In general, the performance turned out to be cute. Not so often come out of the theater with a good aftertaste!

Ticket price:
BELECHATE 1500-2500 rubles
Amphitheater 2500-3000 rubles
Parter 3000-4500 rubles

Duration: 2 hours 10 minutes

Harry Bendine - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Leonid Kanevsky
Eel - People's Artist of the Russian Federation Clara Novikova
Mark - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Daniel Svivakovsky

The tragicomic performance of the theater on the Small Bronnaya "Late Love" is one of the best works of the wonderful actor Leonid Kanevsky, who performed in him the main role of Harry Bendineer's lonely person who had lived in it. One day, Harry meets an amazing woman who lights in his heart the fire of late love, all-consuming, capable of moving the hero to new accomplishments. Now Harry without fear meets a new day - he is ready to fulfill everything that he did not have time before.

The play "Late Love" was raised by the play of the playwright Valery Muharyamov. So, in the center of the narration - an elderly Jew emigrated to the US. He lives in luxury apartments, all relatives and friends have long buried. A close man who remained next to Harry is his secretary Mark (Emmaniole Vitorgan), and he is preparing to go home to Israel. Harry's heart gets used to the heart to the thought of nearly loneliness. Absolute emptiness, longing and sadness - that's what the main character awaits. But everything changes when His Majesty takes Harry with Ethel, a wealthy and cheerful lady, very attractive and brisk. Having fallen in love with Ethel, Harry is changing in front of her eyes. He forgets all the insults, diseases, adversity, he feels like a young, painted, romantic and happy man who can turn the mountains ... But an unexpected act Ethel turns everything from his legs on his head, turning an imperious comedy plot into an emotional drama. Make an order on the play Late in the theater on a small armor today and we will deliver them for free in any district of Moscow.

Performance Late - Video

History This striking, sincere, she touches the soul and remains forever in the heart of each viewer. Leonid Kanevsky's game above all praise. His duet with Klara Novikova (Ethel) makes attention and does not let go to final replicas, gestures and views. The talented work of the director Evgeny Arie, a chamber and a gentle performance about the most important sense in the life of any person.