The external image of Mitrofan from the comedy is barefied. Essay Fonvizin D.I.

The external image of Mitrofan from the comedy is barefied. Essay Fonvizin D.I.
The external image of Mitrofan from the comedy is barefied. Essay Fonvizin D.I.

The MEDOKS Moscow Theater, on May 14, 1783, also had a huge success.
One of the main characters of this comedy was the simpleness of Mitrofan Terentyevich, the son of spacen, simply Mitrofanushka.
As soon as the name of the comedy is pronounced, the image of Mameniki son, the Lodody and stupid nonsense arises in the imagination. Before this comedy, the word "inexpensive" did not carry an ironic meaning. In the times of Peter I, the so-called noble adolescents who have not reached 15 years. After the appearance of the play, this word has become nominal.
The main character itself is Mitrofanushka - deprived of any purpose in life. The main classes in the life that he is joy: eat, wound up and drive pigeons. His whole thing is encouraged by Mother. "Looks to cut down, Mitrofanushka," so she meets his son when he is going to go to chase pigeons.
The sixteen-year-old young man at that time had to go to the service at this age, but the mother did not want to let him go from herself. She wished to keep him with him up to 26 years old.
Prostakova did not care of the souls in his son, loved blind maternal love, which only harmed him: Mitrofanushka to colic in his stomach was embarrassed, and Prostakova persuaded to eat yet. Nanny talked to this that he and so five pieces of pies ate. And Prostakova answered: "So you sorry the sixth."
When Mitrofanushka was offended, she got up on his defense, and he was the only consolation for her. Everything was done only for the sake of the Son, even to provide him with a carefree future, decided to marry him on a rich bride.
She tried him not to bother with nothing, even studying. In noble families, it was customary to hire teachers. And Prostakova hired him teachers, but not so that he learned the mind-mind, but just it was supposed to. The names of the teachers spoke themselves for themselves: Kucher is German, the retired soldier Tsyfirkin, a not aschoble seminarian Kuteyukin. Mitrofan did not want to learn and told Mother: "Listen, Mother. I am falling. Okay; Only so that it was the last time. Hour of my will came. I do not want to learn - I want to marry. " And Prostakova was agreed with him, because herself was illiterate, Tup. "Only you tormence, and all I see, emptiness. Do not learn this stupid science! "
All native annoyed Mitrofanushka, he did not love anyone - no father nor uncle. Nanny, who for the upbringing of Mitrofan did not receive money and always defended him from Uncle, tried to teach him something. She persuaded him: "Yes, there is a little teaching." Mitrofan answered her: "Well, still the word Molvi, Stara Krychovka! I am those department, I will soon complain to Mother, so she will free to give you a touch of yesterday. " His draws did not touch him. This hero combined the fastest qualities of young nobility of that time.
All mother worries about the Son did not find an answer. Mitrofanushka referred to the mother dismissively. He did not even respect her and played her feelings: His words: "Vil here and the river close. Vyring, so remember as called "or" Night all the same rubbish in the eyes climb. - What kind of rubbish, Mitrofanushka? "Yes, then you, Mother, then the father," they prove it.
Even at a difficult moment for Mother, the Son refuses her. "One of you stayed with me, my heart friend," the prostakova to his son rushes with such words. She seems to seek support in the only close person for her. Mitrofan throws indifferent: "Yes, you will be hardened, Mother, as imposed."
Maternal education and environment in which Mitrofan has lived, they made a heartless, stupid animal, which knows only that there is yes to have fun. Cres by Mitrofan the mother of thought that lying on the side you can get both ranks and money, got on the fertile soil. It is possible to conclude that Mitrofan is fateful with him, as his mother thought, would not be posted by his "surname".
It seems to me that the meaning of this comedy in protest the playwright against simple and cattle. Such inhuman, coarse, stupid people should be as small as possible. They should not be the majority of society. I share the point of view of the writer.

Denis Fononovin wrote a comedy "inexpensive" in the 18th century. In this epoch in Russia, the Decree of Peter I, prescribing that the young men until 21 without education was prohibited to join the military and civil service, as well as marry. Young people before this age in this document were called "inexpensive" - \u200b\u200bthis definition and formed the basis of the name of the play. In the work of the main character is Mitrofanushka-inexpensive. Fonvizin depicted him as a stupid, cruel, greedy and lazy young man for 16 years, who behaves like a little child, does not want to learn and capricious. Mitrofan is a negative character and the most ridiculous hero of the comedy - his incomplete statements are nonsense and ignorance cause laughter not only from readers and spectators, but also from other heroes of the play. The character plays an important role in the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe play, so the image of Mitrofan-lowered requires detailed analysis.

Mitrofan and Prostakova

In the work of the phonvizin "Lady", the image of Mitrofanushka is closely related to the theme of education, since, in fact, it was the wrong upbringing that became the cause of the challings of the young man and all his negative traits. His mother - Mrs. Prostakova - uneducated, cruel, despotic woman, for which major values \u200b\u200bare material benefits and power. She adopted his views on the world from parents - representatives of the old nobility, the same uneducated and ignorant landowners as she herself. The prostakov and Mitrofan received through the upbringing and views - the young man in the play is depicted "Mamienikin Son" - he can't do anything he himself, for him everything is doing servants or mother. Having received from simple cruelty towards servants, rudeness and the opinion that education occupies one of the last places in life, Mitrofan took over disrespect for loved ones, willingness to deceive them or betray themselves. Recall how Prostakova persuaded the cattle to take sophia to his wife in order to essentially get rid of the "extra mouth".

While the news about the major inheritance of the girl made it a "caring teacher," allegedly loving sophia and happiness wishing her. Prostakova is looking for his distortion in everything, therefore he refused cattle, because with the marriage of the girl and Mitrofan, in all his mother listening to his mother, the money of Sofia would move.

The young man is the same mercenary as Prostakova. He becomes a decent son of his mother, having moved her "the best" features than and the final stage of the comedy is explained, when Mitrofan throws the exhausted prostacle, going to serve to the new owner of the village of Pravdin. For him, the efforts and love of the mother turned out to be negligible before the authority of money and power.

Influence on Mitrofan Father and Uncle

Analyzing the upbringing of Mitrofan in the Comedy "Lady" should not be mentioned about the figure of the Father and its influence on the identity of the young man. Prostakov appears before the reader as a hazard shadow his wife. It is passivity and a desire to convey to the initiative to someone stronger and adopted Mitrofan from his father. Paradoxically, that Pravdin responds about the prostacle as a stupid person, however, in the action of the play, his role is so insignificant that the reader cannot fully understand how he is actually stupid. Even the fact that the Son is reproaches the son when Mitrofan throws the mother at the end of the work, does not indicate him, as a character with positive features. A man, like the rest, is not trying to help the simple, staying aside, thus showing an example of a silence and uninimal son again - he doesn't care how it was still, while Prostakova beat his peasants and managed his property in his own way.

The second man who influenced Mitrofan's upbringing is his uncle. Catninin, in fact, is a personality that the young man could be in the future. The general love of pigs even brings them closer, whose society they are much nicer than the society of people.

Training Mitrofan

According to the plot, the description of the training of Mitrofan is not related to the main events - the struggle for the heart of Sofia. However, it is these episodes that reveal many important problems that illuminates in Comedy Fonvizin. The author shows that the reason for the stupidity of the young man is not only bad education, but also a bad education. Prostakova, hiring Mitrofan teachers, chose not educated smart teachers, and those who will take less. The retired Sergeant Tsyfirkin, the defendant of Kuteyukin, the former Konyoma of Motherman - none of them could give Mitrofan worthy education. They all depended on the simply, and therefore they could not ask her to leave and not interfere with the lesson. Recall how a woman did not give her son to even think about the solution of an arithmetic task, offering "his decision". The exposure of the useless learning of Mitrofan becomes a scene of a conversation with an early age, when the young man begins to invent his own rules of grammar and does not know what he studies geography. At the same time, the illiterate prostakov also does not know the answer, but if the teachers could not laugh at her stupidity, then formed by the Streets openly rumbles ignorance of mother and son.

Thus, Fonvizin, introducing a scene of the training of Mitrofan in the play and the exposition of his ignorance, raises witness-social problems of learning in Russia in that epoch. Nobility children were taught not authoritative educated personalities, but slaves who know the certificate that were needed. Mitrofan is one of the victims of such an Staroomestsky, who has learned himself and, as the author emphasizes, meaningless education.

Why is Mitrofan is a central character?

How it becomes clear from the name of the work, the young man is centrally a comedy "inexpensive." In the system of characters, he is opposed to a positive heroine of Sofa, which appears in front of the reader of smart, educated, respectful parents and senior people with a girl. It would seem why the author did a key figure of the plays of a haired, stupid, with a completely negative characteristic of the lowest? Fonvizin in the form of Mitrofan showed a whole generation of young Russian nobility. The author was worried about the mental and moral degradation of society, in particular, young people who adopted outdated values \u200b\u200bfrom their parents.

In addition, in the "inexpensive" characteristic of Mitrofan - this is a prefabricated image of negative features of the modern founders. Cruelty, stupidity, uneducation, fohamism, disrespect for others, korestolobiy, civil passivity and infantility The author sees not only in an outstanding landowners, but also in officials at the courtyard, which also forgot about humanism and high morality. For a modern reader, the image of Mitrofan is, above all, a reminder of which personality becomes when it ceases to develop, learn from a new one and forgets about the eternal human values \u200b\u200b- respect, kindness, love, mercy.

A detailed description of Mitrofan, his character and lifestyle will help students in grades 8-9 in the preparation of the report or essay on the topic "Characteristics of Mitrofan in the Comedy" Lader ""

Test on the work

The eighteenth century presented the Russian (and world, of course) the literature many outstanding names, talented figures. One of them is Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, writer and playwright. For most people, he is known as the author of the comedy "inexpensive." How was the most famous work of the author, who he wrote his characters and what was special in one of the heroes of the play - Mitrofanushka?

Denis Fonvizin

Before talking about the comedy itself, you must at least briefly say about its author. Denis Fonvizin lived not too long (just forty seven years), but a bright life. Most knows it only as a man who wrote "inexpressible", meanwhile, the Peni belongs to the "Brigadier" play, a lot of translations and adaptations, treatises and essays.

Despite the fact that the play he wrote only two (and then after the Brigadier, for more than ten years did not apply to drama), it was Fonononan "the progenitor" of the so-called Russian household comedy.

"Lady" Fonvizin: the history of creation

Despite the fact that "inexpensive" was completed by a writer and a politician at the beginning of the eighties, there is reason to believe that Fonvizyn's satirical "comedy" was conceived in the sixties: it was by this time a play, for the first time he seen the light only last century - when She was never published by the author. Its characters can be called early previews of the heroes of "cheap": familiar features are fairly easily captured.

Working on the comedy, Denis Ivanovich used a huge variety of sources - and articles, and works of various authors (both the modern and past centuries), and even the texts belonging to Peru itself of Catherine Great. Having finished work on the "affordable", Fonvizin, of course, decided to put a play, although I understood that it would be difficult to do it - the abundance of new ideas and bold statements overlapped the work of the road to a wide audience. Nevertheless, he himself took up the preparation of the performance and, although slowly, although with all sorts of delays, "inexpensive" saw the light in the theater at the Tsaritsyn meadow and received a phenomenal success in the audience. It happened in 1782, and a year later, the play was first published.

Who is inexpensive

Many cause sincere bewilderment of the name of the work. In fact, why - inexpensive? What is this word? Everything is simple. In the eighteenth century (namely, Denis Fonvizin lived and worked and worked), "the young man of the nobleman was called (that is, noble), who did not receive education. The man is lazy, stupid, who is not able to anything - who is such a nape. Such young men could not get into service, they were not issued to them and permission to marry.

Denis Ivanovich called his work "inexpensive" because it was the same Mitrofanushka, one of the main characters. He invested in this word a little more satire than it had in reality. Lost, with a mild phonvizin, is not only uneducated, but also selfish, and coarse young man. The characteristic of the image of Mitrofanushki will be presented in more detail below.

The plot of "cheap" is spinning around a modest girl of Sophia, which remained without parents and therefore taken to raise the family of space-made, people greedy and nearby. Sophia is a rich heiress, the bride on the issuance, and to get a spouse with such a dowry, they want to both prostacle, trying to give it for their sixteen-year-old son Mitrofanushku - Nedorosha, and the brother of the Prostaya Skalinin, an idea of \u200b\u200ba large number of livestock in Sophia Economy. Sophia has a favorite person - Milon, for whom she wants her only relative - uncle to the Starods. He comes to simple and very surprised, seeing how the owners are embarrassed in front of him and his niece. Mitrofanushka is trying to exhibit in the best light, but uneducated and lazy spoil spoils all mother attempts.

Having learned that the sophia and Milon were dismissed, at night, at night, they are trying to steal it at night, but Milon prevents abduction. All the fact that prostacles lose not only a profitable bride, but also their estates - all their guilt their greed, anger and korestoloby.

Main characters

The main heroes of "cheap" are already mentioned Mitrofanushka, his parents (at the same time it should be noted that everyone in this family fills a mother who does not consider a servant for people, intensively the next fashion of that time; the father of the family is completely under the heel from his own wife, Which even raises his hand on him), Sofya, her uncle of the beginnings, the groom Milon, the state official of Pravdin, whose goal is the exposition of the crowns of spacers (in this he eventually succeeds). It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that Fononvione used for his characters "speaking" names - they are endowed with both positive (Starods, Pravdin, Sophia) and negative (cattlein, prostacle) characters. In the characteristic of Mitrofanushka, his name is also of great importance - from the Greek "Mitrofan" means "Mamienekin Son", which really completely reflects the character of the hero. Only at the very end of the play Mitrofanushka swears with his mother and tells her to fall behind him.

Fonvizin faces foreheads in its work. Completely different social layers - here are also represented by officials and nobles, and servants ... It openly rises nobles with their upbringing, condemns such as spacecles. From the very first words of the play easy to understand where positive, and where the negative heroes and what is the attitude of the author to each of them. In many respects, it is thanks to the perfectly prescribed images of negative characters (especially the characteristic of Mitrofanushka) "comedy of morals" and brought its creator such success. The name of Mitrofanushki is generally nominal. The play, besides, disassembled the winged expressions with quotes.

The characteristic of Mitrofanushka is worth paying special attention. However, before you need to say more about the three characters of the play. This is a teacher of Mitrofanushki - Tsyfirkin, Kuteyukin and Roffian. They cannot be directly attributed to any positive, or they belong to such a type of people in which it is equally combined and good and bad. However, they also have the "talking" names: and they say about the main property of a person - for example, the brief is a lie, and Tsyfirkin has a love for mathematics.

"Nepal": Characteristics of Mitrofanushki

The character, in whose "Honor" is called a work, almost sixteen years. While many at his age are quite independent adults, Mitrofanushka cannot and step along without Matushkaya tip, without holding her skirt. He is from those who are called "Mamyenkin Son" (and as mentioned above, direct indication of this is contained even in the meaning of its name). Despite the fact that Mitrofanushki has a father, male education in a full understanding of this word, the boy does not receive - his father and himself is not famous for these properties.

For parents, Mitrofanushka is still a small child - even in his presence, they talk about him in this way, calling him a child, a child - and Mitrofanushka shamelessly enjoyed it throughout the comedy. Father the boy does not put in a penny, it turns out once again that he is the perfect "Mamienkin Son." It is very significant in this plan of the scene, where Mitrofan regrets the mother, tired of whipping his father - so she, poor, stuck it, beating him. There is no speech about commemorating the Father, speech.

Briefly, the characteristic of Mitrofanushka in the "inexpensive" to give not quite possible - so much you can say about this character. For example, he loves to eat tightly tightly, and then - to soak out without a case (however, it is especially different, except for study, in which it should be noted honestly, it is not ditched at all). Like the mother, Mitrofan is a rather heartless man. He loves to humiliate others by putting them below himself, once again "pointing the place" to people working for him. So, he constantly offends his nanny, from birth attached to him, which always is on his side. This is another demonstration point in the characteristics of Mitrofanushka from the comedy "inexpensive."

Mitrofanushka - Yabeda and Naked, but meanwhile and fed: already at that age he feels, who can not be understood, to whom it is worth "showing its best qualities." The trouble is only that with such Mamienican education of the best qualities of Mitrofanushki simply cannot be. Even she, the one that loves him so blindly and allows him to leave him, he threatens, blackmail it in attempts to achieve the desired for himself. Such qualities do not honor the characteristic of Mitrofanushki, speaking of him as a bad man, ready to go along the heads for the sake of only themselves and their demands, as a person who loves only until his will is fulfilled.

Interestingly, self-criticism is inherent in Mitrofan: he is aware that the lazy and stupid. However, it is not completely upset about this, stating that "not a hunter to the smart." It is unlikely that such quality passed to him from the mother, rather he took over him from his father - at least something he had to inherit from him. Such is the brief characteristic of Mitrofanushka, the hero, whose name for several centuries have been called people who have similar features of character.

And was there a boy?

It is known that the scenes for their work Fonvizin "spotted" in life. And what about heroes? Are they invented completely or written off with actually existing persons?

The characteristic of the hero of Mitrofanushki gives reason to believe that Alexei Velenin was a prototype. Subsequently, he became known as a statesman and historian, as well as the artist. But until eighteen, his behavior was absolutely similar to the characteristic of Mitrofanushki: he did not want to learn, was rude, lazy, as they say, wasted "lived life." It is believed that the comedy of Phononovin helped "stand on the path of true" Alexey: allegedly, after reading it, he recognized himself in the main character, first saw his portrait from the side and was so shocked that he found motivation for "rebirth".

So this or not, now it is impossible to reliably to know. But some facts from the biography of Olenin are preserved. So, before ten years, his father was brought up and a specially hired governor, he also studied at home. When he went to school (and not in some, but in a steady courteous), he was soon sent to continue his studies abroad - they chose it to this goal, since the little Alyosh demonstrated excellent success in learning. Abroad, he graduated from two higher establishments - thus, it was not necessary to say that Olenin was lazy and inherent as Mitrofanushka. It is possible that some qualities inherent in the venison reminded the characteristics of Mitrofanushki, however, most likely, it is impossible to argue that Olenin is the one hundred percent prototype of the Phonvizyn hero. It is more likely to still that Mitrofan is a collective image.

The value of the comedy "inexpensive" in the literature

"Lady" is studying for two more than two centuries - from the very play of the play and to this day. It is difficult to overestimate its meaning: it is satirically ridiculed by the social and even state system of society. And it does it openly, without fearing even the authorities - and meanwhile, Ekaterina is the Great precisely because of this after the publication of "Nepali" banned something, who came out from under Fonvizin's feather.

His comedy emphasizes the acute issues of that time, but they remain no less relevant now. The disadvantages of society that existed in the eighteenth century did not go anywhere and twenty-first. Pushkin's light was called "People's Comedy" - it has the full right to refer to the same time.

  1. In the first version of the play, Mitrofanushka is called Ivanushka.
  2. The initial version of the comedy closer to the "Brigadier" play.
  3. Fonvizin worked on "affecting" about three years.
  4. The ideas for writing screams from life, but told about creating only one scene - the one where Eremeevna protects his pupil from Natilin.
  5. When Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol studied in the gymnasium, he played in school productions the role of Mrs. Prostaya.
  6. Fonvizin pounced the continuation of "inexpressible" in the letters to each other Sophia and Starodam: on the writer of the author, after the wedding, Milon changed Sofye, for which she complained to his uncle.
  7. For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a work originated by Denis Ivanovich, when he was in France.

Since the creation of the play has passed more than two centuries, and it does not lose its relevance to this day. All new and new studies are devoted to the study of the comedy itself and its individual characters. So Denis Fonvizin managed to notice and highlight something such that at all times the readers and spectators will attract.

The play of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is a comedy about the lowest Mitrofanushka (from Greek. "Similar to his mother"), about the vices of his upbringing, which turns the young man into the spoiled and stupid creation. Previously, there was nothing wrong with this word and only over time it became a word of nominal. In those days, adolescents under the age of fifteen years needed to join the service were cheaply called.

A decree on the liberty of the nobleman, signed by Peter I, gave nobles the right to choose: to serve or not serve. But some way or another, learning became mandatory. Mrs. Prostakov tries to follow the law, but he wants to keep the Son "with him" for another ten years: "While Mitrofan is still in low-spirited, while it is married; And there are years in a dozen, as they will go, get rid of God, in service, all be patient. "

Being the only son of the landowners of spacers, Mitrofan Terentyevich in sixteen years old lives with his parents, not knowing concerns. Everything for him solves the powerful mammy: whom to take someone in his wife who is in the knob to kiss.

Characteristic of the hero

(Illustration to comedy. Artist TN. Casterina, 1981.)

Our protagonist is the deposited Mamenkin Son, who behaves as it pleases. However, the fearless love of Mother turned it not only in the egoist, but also in a skilled manipulator. He does not recognize his father at all and does not put in anything, because he does not indulge in his whims. Native Uncle Mitrofan does not love and in every way how Hamit.

Space on the operation of the play enjoys homely comfort and idleness, instead of carrying a service. Nothing cares him, well, except for tasty and abundant food and fun.

Mitrofanushka has neither life goals nor high aspirations. He does not have the desire for study, which he "gave" for four years, but not a certificate, nor arithmetic and could not learn. It is clear, because I never lived by the simpler never by my mind, and the thoughtful mother did not want to "Tomber's Date", hiring teachers just because it was accepted in the nobility families.

It is curious that some self-criticism is characteristic of Mitrofan: he is aware that the lazy and stupid. However, this fact does not upset it at all.

Cruelty in relation to his teachers and servants was the norm of behavior for him, because he was self-love and arrived, as well as Mrs. Prostakova, who also did not reckon with any other opinion, except her own. The nanny of a young man - Eremeevna, suffered a lot from him. Mitrofan constantly complained of his mother on a poor woman and she stopped paying a salary.

The entire plot is built around the plan for the sudden marriage of Mitrofanushki on the poor orphan sofier, which (suddenly!) It turns out to be a rich heir. Following the material instructions, the hero in the end betrayed it: "Yes, you will be hardened, Mother, as imposed."

The image of the hero in the work

For his native Mitrofan, spaces are still a small child - even in his presence, they talk about him in this way, calling him that the child, then the child - and Mitrofanushka is unscrupiantly used by this throughout the comedy.

Through the image of Mitrofan, one of the main negative heroes, the author shows the degradation of the noble class of that time. Ignorance and rudeness, stupidity and apathy is only the top of the iceberg problems of improper upbringing and permissiveness.

Mamochkin baloven, whose life is burdened with class defects causes laughter through tears: "He is although 16 years old, and reached the last degree of his perfection and did not go." He is the servant of his mother, he is her Tiran. His heart does not know love, pity and compassion.

Thanks to the image created by phonvizin, the word "inexpensive" in our time is called ignorant and stupid people.

Mitrofanushka is one of the main heroes of the Comedy D. I. Fonvizin. The image of the tricky, hypocritical, stupid and lazy kids is 16 years old, the son of provincial destroyers, is used by the author to disclose the problem of educating young people. Fonvizin argues that the personality of a person depends on the environment of its upbringing, psychological and spiritual climate in the family, life and education. Thanks (or due to wine) the popularity of this comedy, the name of Mitrofan (similar to Mother) became synonymous with nonsense and Mamenikina Son.
The rewarding of nobles for the service "Located salas" contributed to the nobility of the nobility of such respect. As a result, they were hesitated in their estates, lived income from land and fortress peasants. The children got used to the full and quiet life, in every way evaded the sovereign service. On January 20, 1714, a decree was issued, stopping the empowerment of noble officers with local salary and requiring compulsory children to prepare for the service.
This decree was punished for the poor "Kolovushki" Mistrophan, which is soon 16 years old, but it is still in low-spirited and unsuccessfully learning at home for four years with random non-teachers. Mitrofan prefers teaching to drive pigeons or, at worst, marry. As a result, by "Arichmetic", he "did not adopted anything" at the retired Sergeant Zyfirkin. Mitrofan is barely read by chase under the dictation of the inconspicuous Seminarist Kuteyukin, who himself "was afraid of the abyss of wisdom", but she does not consider the sinful smoking tobacco and even interprets the Holy Scripture in proof of this. The main passing is the teacher of the French and "All Sciences" - the German (former coachman of the Starodam) Adam Adamich Broteman. His surname speaks for himself. He, as a foreigner, reward honors and pay more. Prostakova is very pleased with this teacher, who does not avoid child. She is confident in the success of the teaching of the Son, which is already so much sense that the "kids will refuse." And that has long been hunting to marry.
Mitrofan is not so stupid as it may seem. The main science (vital) is perfection. Mitrofan perfectly understands who and how to please, is used to humiliate before influential people. Recall how he "regrets" the mother, because she is tired, "Kolkaya Batyushka". He learned to hypocrite, get out. You will not refuse him and in resourcefulness. Without having a concept about the names of nouns and adjectives, he replied that the door that was applied to the wall was adjective, and the door that stands "at Chulan's pole week," - "Fixing the Company". Submitting the will of a new one over himself, Human Right Praith, he with indifference to his fate agrees to go to military service.
Mitrofan Rough and Cruel. He allows himself to shove out teachers and servant. Teachers came to him - he grieves: "Streets of them!" Tsyfirkin, who really wants to teach him something, he calls the "garrison rat." Old fortress nanny of Eremeevna for all concerns about him only breaks and climbing. And after it did not manage to kidnap the sophia, he, together with his mother, intends to "be happy for people" - to smoke servants. In this "life" science, Mitrofan went on Mother. His mental deformity fully manifested itself at the end of the play, when he, realizing that the mother lost the former power and strength, reacted with her with disregard and black ungratefulness. On her words: "One you stayed with me, my heart friend, Mitrofanushka!" "He replied:" Yes, you are hardened, Mother, as imposed. "
It should be noted that the inexpensive of Fonvizin is not a caricature image. The author did not exaggerate anything, did not exaggerate the properties of his character. Such Mitrofanushki is full everywhere. They are survivors and prolific, like all human sins.