Compatibility of scorpion and twins in love and marriage. Scorpio and Gemini - Compatibility of Dislikes

Compatibility of scorpion and twins in love and marriage. Scorpio and Gemini - Compatibility of Dislikes
Compatibility of scorpion and twins in love and marriage. Scorpio and Gemini - Compatibility of Dislikes

Compatibility horoscope: Compatibility Zodiac signs Scorpion Woman Twins Male - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Overall compatibility rating: 9.0.

Psychological Compatibility Twins Men and Scorpio Women in Relations

At first, this couple seems unthinkable: light, playful, sincere twins in the arms of deep, thoughtful, charming scorpion. In the end, the twins avoid unexplored sensual depths, and scorpions are more interested in negative emotional manifestations.

And, nevertheless, such a combination has the right to exist. Perhaps the case in the notorious patterns, according to which the opposites are trying to attract each other, due to the polarity of their energies. Or they actually feel better, just being together.

One of the hypostasis of twin men is the personification of irrepression and light, but the other is a more sinister entity. It is characterized by an acute perception and need for emotional support. Long-term sensual tension is heavy both for both and for the other component, and therefore the twins are men, if possible, try to avoid this kind of experiences. Nevertheless, they understand that if necessary, dangerous places are more convenient to overcome along with the conductor, and no one knows the inner world's scan of the inner world.

Scorpions women are also able to experience fear, but to get rid of it they prefer to meet the danger. In addition, in order to avoid potential threats, they are engaged in constant tracking of the situation (let's call it an intrusive idea). In this way. Scorpions, all the time focused on the monitoring of probable trouble, is very difficult to liberate, even in the absence of crisis phenomena on the horizon.

So, summarize the distribution of roles in a pair: Gemini men are able to demonstrate their partner the bright parties of being, and the example of scorpions-women, in turn, should convince them that intensive emotions are not deadly.

Sexual compatibility Twins Men and Scorpio Women

This is one of the most natural combinations. It symbolizes the combination of air and water, resulting in non-historical attachment - passionate and intriguing.

Scorpions women try to find the refutation of their own thoughts about their catchiness, and the Gemini-men, from nature, not covered by one one, perfectly personify such a refutation. In the eyes of the twins-men, Scorpio -Zhryna finds a consolation; Young playfulness, concluded in them, can alleviate the severity of thoughts even the most thoughtful scorpion. The emotional surfaceness of the twins, allowing them to be quite easy to perceive many phenomena, in this case it serves to remove excessive tensions in a pair and contributes to the emergence of serious and passionate relations between partners.

Business Compatibility Men Twins and Scorpion Women

Business relationships may be too unstable, which is problematic to achieve serious success. A scorpion-woman should be given freedom to accept key decisions, and if the Gemini men at least disagree with this or make claims, the tear is inevitable.

That twin men need to know about scorpion to a woman

Scorpions need to learn to trust themselves, which will allow them to find faith in others. Gemini, you should understand that the wrath of scorpion-woman is caused by its inner pain. If you are able to tactfully point to it for the causes of discontent, thereby prevent the growth of the emotional storm.

Scorpions deeply feel things and trust their own perception. You will never be able to shake their conviction, if you just disappear or get bored with jokes - this behavior will only strengthen their suspicions that you hide something. Just accept how the scorpions - women a priori consider only the worst version of the development of events, and then try to explain with them. You know how to talk, and they - listen.

That scorpion woman needs to know about the twin men

Scorpio, you must remember that the twins hate direct confrontation and will make it all dementary to prevent it. Such behavior indicates not so much about their quirky or insincerity, how much about the desire for survival. Moreover, even completely imbued with some particular emotional experiences are painfully difficult for air twins. They really cannot clearly formulate the answer to the question type: "What do you feel to me?" Or even on the simpler: "What do you feel?" This kind of misunderstanding make you feel distrust to them. However, given the fact that the men 'twins love to discuss their perception of the situation, first of all, should be explained with them at the level of exchange of views, and then emotionally respond to what happened.

Compatibility Twins Men and Scorpion Women: Chances of the Future

As the trust between the partners of the prospect, their long-term union is becoming increasingly real. Movable and easy temper-male twins allows them to adapt to frequent emotional flashes of scorpion women. What is even more important. Gemini, in the end, understand that such a tolerance gives them moral right to an adequate answer that does not shock and wound off their scorpion. The latter circumstance finally reconciles the twins with the oddities of the partner. Moreover, the method of thinking of scorpion constantly throws up the food for the inquisitive mind of the twins.

The Union of Men and Men and Scorpion-Women is an example of a deep understanding, unattainable without understanding the personality of the partner. These are the high-dimensional relationships that have all the chances of a long life.

How compatible Gemini man in love relationships with other horoscope signs

How compatible Scorpio woman in love relationship with other signs of the zodiac

Man twins woman scorpion

Madmen dancing on the edge of the abyss - you can call this pair. Sooner or later, they are doomed to cool down: alas, the love of twins and scorpion is almost certainly doomed ... But precisely about such fatal and tragic relations at all times, the poets folded the most touching ballads.

Interest of inquisitive Scorpio to changeable twins are akin to watching Petroy and a cheerful bird: she flies, jumps and tweet, while it is on the wild, and try to drive it into the cage - it will stop collecting crumbs from another windowsill. For men of this sign, there is nothing in the world that it is worthy to attach his attention forever - whether things, ideas or women. Devotion - it is definitely not their quality, "two-limit" nature of twins craves new impressions, which constantly cannot give constant in relationship.

For jealous scorpion, such a partner is a rusty nail, huge in a living heart. Her feelings are always limited, they are capable of incitement, they are like obsession, while for the twins love is rarely moving into love. For them, this is an elegant gambling, but no reason to lose his head. And if the scorpio woman seems to be able to catch the wind, this mistake will cost her the whole ocean of tears.

Woman Scorpio is very demanding. To others - certainly, but also to themselves. Oath of loyalty, data beloved, for her holy. The desire for constancy is a granted thing. Moreover, the concept of "constancy" scorpion understands in its own way: the place of her Majesty is the chain on its throne. But the wind can not be put on the chain. The only reason for which the twins next to her was so wanted. Now. And what wanted a two-limit tomorrow or in a couple of hours, he does not even know himself. Scorpio shakes: Is it really her spell this time gave a mischief?!

In fact, the reason is that even sexy magnetism emitted by women of this sign is not for the twins, thereby key, "binding" factor, as for men born under other stars. They are important to their game, not a partner - because the game is eternal, and its participants are changing as often as two-limits. Fortunately, the lack of attention from the opposite sex, a sociable, friendly and witty twin does not complain.

However, to get away from the scorpion is not so simple. Rather, leave the whole and unharmed. One day, the classifier risks waking up of a boiling oil bowl, splashing on the belly: Jealousy is able to push the angry fury on terrible revenge. Dancing on the edge of the disappearance of madness can not worship each other and disperse in different directions when music is over. But when a woman breaks down, she breaks about stones, and a man ... he is a winged wind. He will forget about the subject of yesterday's passion earlier than the smell of her spirits will disappear from his clothes. To open yourself with new feelings-impressions and again dance on the edge of the abyss.

Of course, the incompatibility of the signs is not a sentence. It all depends on the people themselves: how much they want to keep each other and are ready to sacrifice their own interests. However, whether to break ourselves, adjusting to the need of a partner, another question. There is nothing sad in the world than the victim, which is not needed to whom she was presented.

Male Gemini and Woman Scorpio Compatibility

The Union of Men Twins and Scorpion Women is also dramatically and complicated, as interesting. Numerous viewers will be visible the entire process of formation of relations, as well as quarrels and proceedings that ever arise between partners. The more they will understand their own relationships and problems - the deeper the passions in this funnel will be linked. This union can be called a real test for both, withstanding which they will receive the main prize - mutual understanding and love in the family.

Male Gemini does not tolerate excessive attachments and restrictions. He too appreciate his freedom and independence so that one fine moment will lose all this because of love relationships. This person will defend its right - to be free always and everywhere - any ways, and feeling that he is trying to bind to him forcibly, it will simply disappear from the horizon of this person. Woman Scorpio - a great owner. She wants her chosen to belong to her, and only her.

In this union, the scorpion woman has few opportunities for self-expression, because all the time it will be busy to please their windy beloved. Gradually, the Scorpio woman will refuse their own ambitions and desires, because it will be completely absorbed by the worst of the spouse. If a woman Scorpio will present his demands for his beloved, he will not tolerate pressure on his person shortly, and quickly disappears, under the sobs of an offended partner. The difficulties of relationships of this couple are born already when they decide to unite their destinies. Woman Scorpio will constantly criticize his partner, forcing him to fall into despair, then fury from such caustic comments.

Male Gemini will feel communication with their faithful, as a difficult and very responsible work, which he does not succeed. Woman Scorpio, in turn, will feel his stiffness, the fear of changes that its partner carries in her life. As far as it is in this relationship it will be painfully to withstand the cargo of all the problems, so its chosen one to revere due to the total misunderstanding of the situation. They themselves will create problems themselves, and not to understand what is happening with them. If such relations continue for a long time, both partners will have to be disadvantaged. They can change each other, repent and return to their former relations, then leave again ... Each of the pair has a big risk of getting sick - so intense and nervous will be the situation.

To resist the difficulties in relationships, a man twins and a woman Scorpio must, first of all, perceive their problems as an incentive to change each. Partners need to respect each other's individuality, and do not try to redo. First of all, a man twins and a scorpion woman must understand the significance of these relationships, which in any case outweigh their visible "problemability".

Horoscope Compatibility Women and Men with Zodiac Signs Scorpio and Gemini

Love compatibility Couple Woman Scorpio and Gemini Male

Fate does not give them great chances of long-term and harmonious relations that will be in joy to both partners. But it is worth noting that not everything is so bad, as it seems, if these two signs of the zodiac want to be together, they will feel free. We just want to want. Male Twins and Woman Scorpio have too different views on personal freedom. This can be a reason to clarify relationships and even scandal.

Girl Scorpio in love jealous owner, which will not tolerate hobbies on the side. And the guy twins is a freedom-loving type that does not burn with the desire to throw anchor next to any woman. He is interested in personal freedom.

The charter is dangerous and thanks to excessive aggression on the part of a woman. She is prone to teams that a man is not ready to perform.

Women's compatibility Scorpio and Men Twins can quickly become terrifying if a man fell out in treason. Proud and strong woman will not tolerate such a relationship. She is jealous and not ready to share her love with someone.

Passionate relations - the basis of a happy marriage?

How will marriage for a couple Woman Scorpio and Gemini man?

Family life will not be successful for one of the two signs of the zodiac. Strong and powerful wife Scorpio will show its character on the first time of the joint stay. It will have clear rules that need to be observed. Freedom of her husband will be put under the big question. Husband Twins will be shocked by such a leader of the spouses and the endless quarrels will begin, which will end with angright from the wife and the freedom of her husband.

Married compatibility Scorpio and Gemini will not give them a chance of harmonious development of relations and because of full closedness and isolation from the external world of his wife. She will do everything so that all his free time spouses spent together at home.

The birth of children in this pair will only aggravate and not the ideal relationship in the family. Mom Scorpio will now have a real reason for her desire is home. It will appeal the birth of a child and his need to raise 24 hours a day. It is too emotional and can do actions that she has to regret it already after a minute. Often, relationships with the child are not in the best way.

Twins husband is ready to spend their time on a child, but he needs a competent teacher who will give him tips on education. If the wife can become a teacher for him, the relationship with the child will develop in the right direction.

Can one parent raising a child?

Find out what colleagues Woman Scorpio and Gemini Male

Professional compatibility has an ordinary business relationship at work. Suspicious and energetic Scorpio The head appreciates conscientious subordinates in his team. Twins subordinate should know that in order not to lose its place, it should work work, and not engage in chatter during working hours.

If the scorpion is subordinate, then the twins leader should know that an energetic and responsible worker works on it. There is no reason not to trust Scorpion. Perhaps some secretary of the employee will surprise the boss, but it will not give a reason for doubt in his abilities.

Is the service affair may have a serious continuation?

Can a woman hope for a scorpion and twins man for compatibility in friendship?

Compatibility in friendship Scorpio and Gemini will not allow them to become even friends. They are too different temperaments to find a common language. Talking and light twins will annoy a serious scorpion.

Can friend become a loved one?

What is sexual compatibility, if a woman Scorpio and the twins man in the same bed?

Sexual compatibility Scorpio and twins dubious. Gemini are ready for sex without commitment, and the owner of Scorpio wants responsibility and seriousness. Because the novel will not begin with the bed.

Compatibility: Gemini (man) and Scorpio (Woman)

In the bed of business will be no better. Merry in life twin in close relationship will be closed and uninteresting for scorpion. It only aggravates the position of their relationship.

Scorpion woman and twins man

Union "Male Twin and Girl Scorpio" seems incredible. Twins mood changes every hour. Light, the open character of these men seems to be completely combined with the deepness of the scorpion women. But astrologers believe that such a couple may well be successful. Scorpio and Gemini are attracted by the law of attraction of opposites. Compatibility of these signs is based on a dual nature of a man born in late May - June. The twin is a duplex - one piece stretches to the Sun and the joys of life, the second loves the dark sides of life.

The best assistant in finding unusual passions is a scorpion woman. She is always waiting for danger and is ready to rush in fighting potential enemies. Scorpio would like lightness, fun, but interferes inner tension. The twin is able to give his beloved light and joy, she will also teach him deep feelings.

Girl Scorpio may suspect the twin in the non-reliance of intentions. In fact, he can sincerely love her, but the dramatic passions are not in his nature.

Compatibility of these signs is 9 points on a 10-point scale - if the couple understands the psychological features of each other. In marriage, the ideological leader should become a wife, but her tactic in relation to her husband a twin can only rely on her affection and calm.

Sexual compatibility

All contradictions in communication are secured by a strong sexual attraction that the scorpion and twin are experiencing to each other. Scorpions often torment the complex of inferiority. Cheerful twin will easily drive the gloomy thoughts of the beloved.

He has a rich erotic fantasy, she has a huge sexual energy. But the beautiful sexual compatibility of the Scorpio woman and the twins men can crumble due to the prosperity of the twin to a permanent novelty. If Scorpio will understand that it is necessary to practice new love receptions from time to time, the couple will live in harmony.

At work and in everyday life

Work together for twin and scorpio is quite difficult. She rushes to leadership especially in the main positions. He can be kept because of the little things, and cooperation will collapse, because the scorpion woman is not accustomed to give up.

Household compatibility of signs is possible only with a large patience of the lady. After all, she loves order and accuracy, and he is pretty careless.

With respect for the inner world and emotions of the partner, the compatibility of the twin and Scorpio will create a strong union for many years.

Male Gemini Woman Scorpio Compatibility

Men twins have one feature that makes them surprisingly attractive - they seem forever young. It does not seem to something amazing those who feel a newly born every morning, but it usually attracts a very prudent and cautious woman of scorpion and makes it try to find a rays in this secret. For this, she is ready to overcome many barriers and in spite of everything to achieve their goal. For this, the scorpion woman is ready to close as much as possible.

Suddenly, she will understand that it deals with one person in which two opposites get along. It is difficult for her to understand, which, from the hat, the twins men still interested. The effect of twins knocks up a scorpion woman with a sense, makes all its calculations in vain. How to do it in such a situation?

Will it be able to find a common language with a man who is sad or rejoicing like a child, then becomes a passionate or indifferent man? Male Gemini is a real cocktail of contradictions and opposites. But a scorpion forces to understand him and cope with his difficult character. In any case, she thinks so.

And the man twin is enough awareness that he is interested in this gentle, confident and an interesting woman. Know the true state of things for the twin - it means to spend in vain moments of life, while for scorpion is an integral part of his life. Such an opposite position is the source of many questions. Consequently, it must be disassembled.

Men Gemini in their nature can not understand that love is eternal. Men twins who love one woman all their lives, but there are very few such copies. This is more an exception to the rule. The classic representative of the Gemini Men is a pleasure in choosing women. And then it can be greatly surprised when it turns out that he chose not him, but chose him and no anyone, but a scorpion woman. It is known that the Scorpions of Odnolyba in their essence.

Venus Planet of Love, and Mercury commands twins. The impact that Mercury has in Venus leads to the fact that relations will be windy, frivolous and fragmented. Pluto, a scorpion man manager, in turn, affects Venus in such a way that its influence will be large, but implicit. Here they are - new contradictions.

The Love Planet also cannot but notice the colliding forces of Mercury and Pluton, which causes her bewilderment. Male Twins and Woman Scorpio usually do not give, and sometimes they do not even notice this immediately, it's all about mutual enthusiasm to each other. Perhaps only jealousy - the manifestation of Pluto can attract attention. Scorpions are characterized by a special jealousy that puts them on the list of true jealies from all the signs of the zodiac. Here she can compete at the power of manifestation even with love.

The twin is not unable to understand. Usually, the experiences arising from him are associated with the fear of the loss of their woman. But the jealousy of a scorpion woman goes beyond his understanding. Her jealousy is all the sand storm sweeping on its path, and not always having a basis.

Only feelings that the scorpion woman experiences are important here (seeks to avoid even the very fact of the assumption of treason), and, as is known, the best defense is an attack. And here, she has no equal. Most women under the control of Pluto, revenge for them - Disit-Delicates. And if the sun, at the time of her birth, was in the disadvantageous position of the planets, it will become a true gourmet of this dish, then beware.

Knowing about such a position of things, the man twins are obliged to clearly understand that for such a girl there can not exist to experience or light hobbies - only the all-consuming, uncontrolling passion. Among all the signs only the girl Aries is as jealous. Women crayfish and calves can be called the owners rather. They are unlikely to arrange stormy scenes, despite the experienced suffering, rather they quietly pay as they will be afraid of a cry. The owner and jeques are completely different concepts, it will confirm to you any man who "lucky enough to face it in life.

From the point of view of astrology, women scorpions fall sixth astrological house for a man twin, and those in turn - an eighth home for scorpions. That is why such married or lovelines will be very promising. Such couples are inherent in relationships respect and devotion, as well as a strong intimate attraction. As a rule, the initiative and various ideas belong to women scorpions, and the conversion of the relationship with feelings and emotions will be occupied by a man twin.

The man is primarily important to the romanticism of relations, the beauty of courtesies and only then there is an intimate side of relations. A man twin used to seek his relationship due to its qualities as masculinity, intellectuality, congenital charm and external beauty. It is still beautiful and romantic to care. But it is unlikely that it can be called a tireless lover. Only a woman Scorpio will consider it with his reference, he will treat her as well as, in general, it is not surprising.

Most likely, this atmosphere of lightness and fun, which men create around themselves - twins, incites interest from the scorpion woman. After all, he is always different and she can't understand his essence in any way, this secret constantly manites her and holds twins near the man. Woman Scorpio can spend many years to try to reveal this secret and eventually understand that she never to know all the verges of that diamond, which is the essence of a twin man. Perhaps the simultaneous understanding of the fact that it is better not to play the confused game "Guess who I am." Scorpio may simply be afraid to open, show its true "I". A coincidence of such circumstances may inevitably lead to the rupture of the novel. Of course, from this situation there is a way out, but then each of them should, openly and honestly, look into the face of the difficulties that have arisen and be sincerely with each other.

Male Twins can resort to the analysis of the situation, criticizing her actions, because he knows exactly and clearly sees what she thinks about something. But! In this way, the man twins will surely fall into trouble much more significant than he can assume. The fact is that the personal space for her is sacred and inviolated, well, he had to understand it. In the relationship, it is best to designate personal boundaries and not to break them, otherwise it can grow into an irresistible obstacle, a kind of abyss, on the way to a joint long and bright future.

To overcome this abyss, it will use all available funds: will joke, add romantic courtship, will include a natural charm, and, undoubtedly, a rich imagination and an unrestrained fantasy in sex. Woman Scorpio will behave gravily and even alienated, periodically diluting his coldness with a soft tenderness in relation to the partner. They both take advantage of all trumps, no doubt, not forgetting about Joker. I would like to note that there will be neither few of these two (or three, taking into account his twins).

Perhaps the most effective method to which neither a man twin, nor a scorpion man will respect the personal space of each other, allowing you to breathe freely, not only to them two, but also leaving the free space for railing the flame of their love.

Male Gemini agrees, but the scorpion woman is scared, as the abyss would be frightened, the unknowns would be frightened. A new unusual space consisting of air is his element. And her element is water. In this situation, they need to look for unity to find common points of contact, allowing to take into account the element of everyone.

It is difficult to find more dislikes. It is hard to find a common language. Passionate and stubborn male scorpion and charming "Ledshka" - Gemini can make each other unhappy.

But if both are developed, intelligent and spiritual people, they have an interesting and useful both union.

Compatibility Twin Scorpio: How to seduce a male scorpion?

Male Scorpio sees life as a struggle from which the winner comes out. There is no open aggressiveness in it, its battle is, rather, the batch in chess than the fight in the ring. From time to time, he gets tired of constant alertness and experiences. Women twins is an easy character, it goes in life with optimism and without fear looks at the world. Communication with her gives scorpion to a breather and feeds it with optimism. A funny temper, wit and unlocking twins are those traits of its character, from which Scorpio will be delighted. In addition, Scorpio, like any person, wants to achieve their achievements highly evaluated by other people. Twin female. She is able to evaluate all the nuances of the behavior of Scorpio and pay tribute to his insight and strength. It was the twins that Scorpio can brag about their victories, and the twins will understand it. But the sexuality is better not to apply twins. Yes, a male scorpion is passionate and stretches to the same women. Twins have temperament weaker, and Scorpio can be disappointed. It is better to bet on flirting, flirty and words about love - there are no equal in this twins.

What is the perfect couple: a twin woman - a male scorpion?

The surrounding see this pair of hierarchical, with a man at the chapter. The twin female respects him, recognizes his power and does not argue with him. But Scorpio does not press it. This is one of the few signs to which he cannot influence its manipulations - and how can I press on the one who goes easily in life and is ready to go ahead at any moment, leaving the manipulator behind your back? In an ideal pair, a woman does not lose their individuality, and therefore a man is afraid to "cross stick." Instead of manipulation and psychological pressure, Scorpio conquers respect with his beloved. For this, he seeks a career, actually noticeable targets and power. As a result, not only his woman wins, but he himself. The twin female in this pair becomes more wise and restrained. It replaces the Panibrate communication with people a conscious distance, and it helps it well in other spheres of life. Often, the twins become a support of scorpion not only in personal life, but also in business.

What are the difficulties in the Union of the Twins and Men Scorpio?

Twin female and rational. Scorpio will not immediately notice that it is less torture and passionate than he. But it is precisely this mismatch of temperaments leads to frequent problems in a pair. A man is saddened by the coldness of the twins, it seems to him that she is to all (and including him) treats superficially, without investing the soul. It is also difficult for a woman: a man begins to provoke her to quarrels to stretch out an emotional reaction from her. There is often cases when a scorpion man first talks calmly, and suddenly begins to find fault and to make strange conclusions, pulling the words of twins from context. The prudent woman twin does not understand what he wants and what happened. She is trying to understand him - but the scorpion is not necessary! He is not waiting for a logical understanding, but an emotional reaction - tears, anger and resentment. But if it goes with twins once-another, then on the third she just wishes.

Neither scorpion nor twins can change their temperament. But the problem is not even that the twins lack fire. Scorpio suspects that the coldness of the twins speaks of their indifference. If the twins are able to convince him that they love so sincerely and strongly as they can, scorpion calms down. In order for him to make sure that the rational behavior is inherent in twins in everything, it is more often to invite it to the company or take with them when the twins go to their hobbies or are going to do what they are interested. So the Scorpio will be able to see that, even by doing a favorite thing, the twin female remains reasonable and does not go into the case. If the conflict already exists, a sense of humor will be the best tool from the manipulations of Scorpio. You can not succumb to provocations, otherwise it will do it again and again. Fortunately, the twins are endowed with an excellent humor and a slight character. They will be able to translate the quarrel into a joke.

Numerology by date of birth is wonderful, allowing you to find out all the features and subtleties of your loved one. Analysis of compatibility for birth dates is the key to successful and harmonious relationships.

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Compatibility of twin women and scorpion men in work

Gemini and Scorpio can complement each other well. Scorpio has persistence and ambition, twins contact and love for change. Scorpio does not allow twins to work superficially and all the time something to change, and the twins help Scorpion not to frozen in one place.

Compatible Twin Women and Men Scorpio - Colleagues or Partners

Most often they face each other. It is useful for work when there is scorpion and twins in the team, but to unite them in a couple and to give a common task is unreasonable. So that they can complement each other, they should have mutual sympathy or personal interest in work. So among partners more successful business pairs of these signs than among colleagues.

When the twin female is the boss, and the scorpion is a subordinate

The Chief of Gemini informs the subordinate task and no longer controls them, because it has many other tasks. Scorpio does not need control and invariably pleases the authorities with good results. The collaboration of twins and scorpion lasts until the team collides against Avral. Then it becomes seen who takes important decisions in fact (and these are not twins). After that, the twins reputation as the boss is pretty retained.

When the twin female is subordinate, and Male Scorpio - Head

This is the best possible options. Scorpio is a good boss, strong and decisive. Gemini - an initiative and stupid employee. They work well together, if they do not intersect closely: they have low personal understanding.

Compatibility of twins and scorpion men in friendship

Scorpio loves to consult with the twins and talk about his plans or already made actions. The twin female is able to appreciate them fully. But friendship between these signs lasts long: scorpion is difficult with non-permanent twins, and the twins suffer from the friendly jealousy of Scorpio. While they communicate, Scorpio receives a careful and intelligent listener, and twins are reliable support. The novel between them is hardly possible, but the one-time treason can be: scorpion of passion, and the twins are easily treated, if it does not affect their heart.

It is very difficult to find examples of such different people as the male Scorpio and the Woman Gemini: That's why the compatibility of these partners is not very simple. However, it is difficult not to mean it impossible, and the stars give partners some chances so that they build a long, strong relationship.

The girl twins have long been accustomed to conquer their limitless charm, so the fact that she has a new fan, not at all embarrassing it. And it is such a light, slightly dismissive attitude towards what is happening, most likely, the scorpion man will greatly be very raised, which is used to win and always go around competitors.

From the side it will seem to achieve this beauty very simple. Indeed, she is sweet, easily goes to contact, always friendly and in general can show the initiative herself, if the man likes it. And the Scorpio with its closeness, some severity and pronounced brutality, like almost all the ladies. This is a real heartband, who is also used to numerous novels and small smelting.

True, the case with the twins is a completely outstanding event in his collection, if you can express it. Just for the external simplicity and even childishness of the manner of this girl is worth a fairly calculating, erudite and very tricky lady, which will not miss the case for personal gain. Scorpio may not guess for some time, which is hidden behind the scenes. Even more than that, at first he will not even assume that there is something hiding at all.

And while the novel will be at this stage of uncertainty, the compatibility of a male scorpion and girls twins in love relationships will seem very cloudless. But everything ever ends, as it comes in the song. And sooner or later, masks will fall, and the insightful scorpion, not devoid of intuition, will finally have to do to the bottom. Here and the real passions will begin: sometimes with Heppi Endom, and sometimes not. You can say for sure only one thing: a boring couple will never be.

The difference in their characters, the worldview, the very sensation of life will literally accompany their fragile union. Gemini is a sign of the zodiac, which relates to the element of air. The air is characterized by variability, instability and unpredictability. And this element personifies contacts, communication, sociability and intelligence. And the whole cocktail Scorpio will be able to feel pretty soon, because the twin introduces a sea of \u200b\u200bsurprises to every guy. Yes, and she herself is still a surprise.

If the heart of beauties like the wind of May, then she has eternal May. And for a woman it is not only normal, but also quite nice and to some extent it is incredibly sexy. The speed of reaction, the changeability of opinion, small capriciousness - all this is not so much puzzy, how much will conquer the heart of the scorpion. And if a girl managed to hook his feelings, it can only mean one thing: it will certainly require the continuation of the banquet.

And here comes another surprise: Gemini can desire the opposite. For them, a romance with scorpion can be only another fleeting passion, no more than an interesting page in their multi-volume edition of love. But can a strong man of scorpion be able to arrange such a position? In no case - he just can not lose. Especially lady. Especially so charming. Moreover, in which he is in love.

And the twins fall in love with the girl very simple: the fun, easy to rise, externally submissive, does not like to join the disputes and insist on his own, it is easy to negotiate and says all the time, says, says. This is a classic lady, which is so lacking a harsh male heart that is so lacking.

And after all this external ease, there is really a very big difficulty: the elements of scorpion and twins almost do not intersect. They are incredibly little common if it is at all. Indeed, he is immersed in himself, absolutely closed for others, tries not to attract any attention to himself and generally takes a very careful position, believing that nothing good to wait for people.

And she goes on this planet with his flying, sexy gait. On the most labuten and in the most delightful pants. In its spiritual weather, it is always sunny, a light breeze blows, which only sometimes caught the tuchcakes, which, however, quickly blows away.

That is why the compatibility of these signs of the zodiac in love is quite complex - you can not even give specific examples of their weaknesses, just a lot of them. And then it is asked if there is something to keep partners? Definitely yes. In the Union of Scorpio and Gemini, the age is most often defeated. If there are more mature couples, then the twins have already arrived and prefer to create a strong rear, and Scorpio learned to the art of a lung attitude to life.

Of course, it is possible to change my views from people only over the years. And a compatibility horoscope shows: Scorpio and twins may well go through this path together. If they manage to do it, then no power will destroy their union.

Marriage compatibility: events kaleidoscope

The compatibility of the Men Scorpio and his belly girl twins in marriage does not promise to be simple. Nevertheless, if the pair lived to such a responsible decision, this is already a good sign. Just twins are hardly married purely from mercenary considerations, if they are unbearable to live hard with a partner. They do not exchange their personal freedom and comfort in communication even on decent material goods.

However, the partners are also different to the family. For scorpion, this is gaining a long-awaited status, his next victory and the opportunity to establish themselves in the eyes of the environment: see what kind of beauty and charm he could conquer.

And the twins seek to extract personal benefits from relationships. And you should not consider this desire as a caring or the more desire to use. In fact, the twins will never betray a partner, to substitute his interests. They respect his personality and remember the kindness he shown. Well, gifts, reliable rear - this is a very small fee that Scorpio is simply obliged to make for the fact that she, windy butterfly, fluttering in different flowers, finally landed on him.

Another plus of the Union - they will never be bored. Commientable twins will try to disperse their too serious and immersed spouse. And what is the most interesting, it will always be able to them. Gemini will also receive great pleasure from the process - it's as if playing with your favorite soft toy: for example, to squeeze a teddy bear, click where it is supposed to grumble or just smiled.

Another thing is that in major issues between partners, favorable compatibility in family relationships will be formed. Of course, born crawling will not be able to fly. If a person was born with one kind, nothing in life will give the opportunity to purchase another. And there is nothing terrible in it - why not develop your strengths, and not focus on weak?

If the twins and blessing scorpion will argue in such a way, together they have achieved very much. Indeed, the charm of the spouses and the huge inner force of Scorpio will help them cope with many life troubles. And if the partners shifted their focus of attention from disagreements, offended, attacks of jealousy (this is especially characteristic of scorpion), their relationship will definitely develop.

And then their life will be filled with a real kaleidoscope of events - large and small. And could it be otherwise when it comes to different, completely unlike each other of people. So it turns out that if the value of the difference is sent to the constructive channel, the marriage will be happy. But for this you need to work well.

Sex Compatibility: Ice and Flame

The first sexual impressions of the scorpion guy and the girls twins will simply enchanting. Such a feeling that they were waiting for each other all their lives and copied their passion. However, later there is a tangible difference between them and in bed: partners actually possess the rhythm, different energy and configure.

Gemini can truly frighten the scorpion with their coldness, because this girl is not peculiar to the gusts of passion. And the scorpion can overdo it with its fiery squall, and then compatibility in bed will suffer quite strongly. Conclusion Only one - you must look for an approach. Believe me, with such an interesting partner it is more than real.

Compatibility at work: two custodies

Despite the entire difference, the man of scorpion and the girl twins unites what both love to monotonize. Therefore, if they work in a team over some important, but completely monotonous task, it is absolutely not their role and nothing but the manifestations of misunderstanding, they will not receive.

It is quite another thing if partners are engaged in creative affairs or commercial projects, where it is necessary to use all their imagination and apply really non-standard, original storylines. Here, they will undoubtedly cope, because both Scorpio and Gemini - those more clatters.

Male Scorpio and Woman Gemini - Your compatibility is small, so only one sentence remains: Try. Otherwise you can never answer yourself, you need it or not.

To win a scorpion man , it is necessary to understand what women it attracts that he is waiting for a relationship with a woman and how to behave to conquer his heart. Only a non-standard, extraordinary, independent, independent and passionate woman can conquer the man of scorpion. It is these that attract the attention of the male of Scorpio, which is eager to see something original, some challenge to society and the world around. At the same time, the scorpion man likes to win women. Easily accessible ladies do not attract it. The highest enjoyment for him is the process of courtship, and the peak is a victory over a partner, - do not forget about it if you decide to conquer the male of scorpion. Do not rush to his first in the arms, do not pursue it, be restrained and calmly, grant the opportunity for him to act myself. The more difficult it will be his task, the stronger the flames of his passion will break up and the stronger it will love you.

Family bonds for scorpion Men are unshakable. Treason is practically excluded for it. But on the spouse he looks like on his property, which can only belong to him alone. To deceive the man of scorpion will not be able to anyone, his intuition is always on top, so it's better not to play with fire and storing him loyalty, because the betrayal of Scorpio will never forgive. If you can take the stubborn and the very well-own character of a male Scorpio, you can be sure that he will repay you with such love and care, which other women can only dream of.

Thus, the character of the sign of the zodiac Scorpio is a complex and ambiguous man, and, of course, there may be happy every woman with him.

How to win a woman twins

To understand how to conquer a woman twin, let's deal with what kind of man I need, to what kind of relationship it seeks and what awaits them. A twin woman dreams of a man who would have for her with a friend, lover and a spiritual mentor in one person. However, such a combination of the qualities of the character is difficult to look, so the woman is twin and change their partners while looking for an ideal. If you want to win a twin woman - close to her ideal, and your task will be much eased.

To win a twin woman know that she prefers energetic and active men, she wishes her heart to win, so that the man showed the initiative and was a knight for her. But banal, standard techniques will not pass with a twin woman. How to win a twin woman - only intelligent, on a high spiritual and intellectual level, with a fantasy and a highlight, which will definitely be estimated and rewarded. A man who in intellectual plan can not give anything to her, her attention will not attract. To charm and conquer a twin woman, you need wit and erudition, you need to offer it something new and interesting for it.

In addition, do not forget that the monotony, boredom and emptiness are detrimental to the twin female. She needs a novelty, she needs communication, needs all the time new food for the restless and energetic nature of the twin female. Suggest her hiking and travel, entertainment events and noisy companies, exhibitions, museums, modes, modes, or just walks, - whatever that she felt the dynamics of life, movement and change - just so and in any way you can conquer a woman twin. Remember that loneliness is unacceptable for the character of a twin woman, be all the time nearby, otherwise it will not make you wait long for a long time. She will be with you and will be true to you until you are interested in and satisfying her spiritual, intellectual and sexual needs. Stay here always on top, Gemini are waiting for the shine in everything - this is the answer to the question of how to conquer the woman twin.

Scorpio twins. Compatibility Goroscope

Representatives of these signs it is necessary to be more vigilant with a suitable snake-tempter than most lovers. Without astrological support, these signs of air and water would consider that much easier and safer to remain friends, avoiding the gusts of passion and risky oaths in eternal love. It does not mean that they are denied compatibility, they are simply necessary to constantly make efforts.

Let's start with the fact that the "eternal" - the word that scares the twin woman as much as the word "temporary" scares the male scorpion. The use of the word "eternal" at the very beginning of the novel makes his finals uninterest and is able to reduce everything. Conversely, not that the scorpion man could not cope with the concept of "temporary" just like any other man, but the use of this word in itself gives rise to doubts and suspicions and deprives him of the sense of power and domination in this love connection. At first it will be fascinated: this is charm in a voice like bubbles in champagne, this living mind, this easy approach to any situation! In the end, he is just a man, despite the image of Batman in a mask and a raincoat, and also can not resist the apple, extended Eva, like any other astrological sign. But some time will pass, and he will begin to notice that some of her delicious stories with minor changes go through the second round. (Gemini is always slightly added here, slightly reduced there - for more effect. Or maybe not only they?) That she is able to be late for two or three dates in a row. At that moment, a male scorpion will erase star dust from his eyes, a long and attentive look at a woman who almost stole his heart from him, who almost stole his heart, and carefully decide to think more, before giving promise before God Love, respect and take her until the end of his days. (In the depths of the soul, Scorpio is very religious.) If he gave the floor, he should not break it, so it can stop caviar, until it is convinced that she has no more surprises that she could suddenly be presented to him (like one or two marriages or divorces, which she forgot to tell him). Will she notice it? Her thoughts are too much about how long she will be able to endure his encroachment on her personal life, the nose of the nose into her secrets (nothing bad or certainly shocking, just there are things that she prefers to hold with him) and jealousy. Why does this woman can not be nice to smile in response to the seller's smile in a bookstore or stay on the street to talk to a friendly stranger about how best to care for old-English shepherds? And he? How he stares on all women! And how are they on him?

In a difficult situation, it remains to blame only himself. She, as a twin, should be aware that Male Scorpio, with his deep, strong and attracting voice and a hard, intelligent look, possesses the charm of the Snake-tempter. He is impressive with his external manifestation of power and tranquility, and under this, the silent appeal of the man who can resist the few women to resist.

The first thing that she can open in it is an incredible willpower. It's just not believed in it. This man, if he set the goal, can do anything. If he decides to starve a month, he will live on the same water all this time. If he wants to become president of the company, a company or country - he will become. If he wants to make a girl stay with him forever, she will lose the battle long before he starts it.

Why is all this twin woman who does not want anything from life, except for change, pleasant unrest, fun and some educational game? But when she feels that the influence of the pluto reaches it, do you think she runs away, how would it be from a hard breathable gorilla in the jungle? You would have thought so. However, no, because it is possible to understand that astrological revolution, which from time to time makes a scorpion man look like an innocent deer with velvet eyes. He is so cute, gentle and wounded, and so clearly needs caress and sincere support that the girl should have a stone heart if she is able to hurt him by running away from him. In his manner, there is something so soft that she forgets about hard as steel, looking at him when he sends a hidden power and ice determination. And she will still have one reason to remember this ...

But perhaps enough about how and why these two fall in love. It is more important to understand how they manage to keep love. Since Scorpio is a permanent sign, it has a great composure. It will be useful for him when she will experience his patience with her charming chameleon, attacks of bad mood, scattered and duality of the target. Since the twins are a moving sign, it knows how to fit, and this will help her cope with the scenes from the gauge. She will need all her abilities to preserve ease and composure when he suddenly declares or flashes because of a trifle immediately after angelic understanding. (It is always difficult to decide, an angel he or the devil ...)

She needs to remember the following: This man wants to know where she and what makes most of the time (if not all the time). He is waiting for her that she will sit in one place (if not always, then often). He will frown because of her nostalgic tears on old buddies. Because of her careless attitude towards money. Because of its bizarre transitions from one hobby to another: from singing to dancing, then to painting, then to round-the-world travel - whenever in nature the seasons change in nature. And because of its restless, managed mercury character.

What does she offer him? Pieces of devotion, rare, kisses, outbreaks of irritation, almost incredible naivety and ice contempt, a mixture of enthusiastic love, changeable judgments and opinions. And where does she take self-confidence and self-control, which are given to him from birth?

Of course, she will tease him - most twin women are so feminine, careless, talented, smart! But the twins are a male sign, and Mercury, the ruling twin planet, changes the floor as unpredictable as the wind changes the direction. Therefore, there will be a time when she pursues his male pride, and there will be a time when she pollen into this. She always has enough mind to charm his. It can not be disappointed, finding that she just needs superficially about everything, instead of signaling their depth and reach the essence - as in everything, from religion before reincarnation, from politics to polygamy, from sin before sex, does It is he.

So we reached the sexual side of their love. Although Scorpio is a strong sexy sign, it is able to comply with abstinence, chastity and composure (the life of monks and priests). But if he fell in love with a twin woman, he, apparently, not that scorpion, which chose a tough discount discipline for himself. However, sex for him is not a game, not a pleasant pastime and not something like sports. Sex is the very mystery of life. A woman who understands the most hidden desires of her scorpion men, do not worry about his loyalty. Usually a male scorpio who knows that he truly love him, will not look somewhere aside.

Scorpio shows great curiosity to sex in his youth, but most of his curiosity he may satisfy by the time he marries. His attitude to the physical side of love is deep and passionate, extremely sensual, however, with some fraction of rigor.

However, the problem is that for women twins sex is not the mystery of life itself. For her, experience is important, and not deeper revelations of the sexual union. And it does not seek to penetrate this with real feeling and strength. It's just a pleasant pastime, that's all. However, this very impartiality can cause a male Scorpio to prove to her that love and God are interrelated and that all the living is nothing without harmony of a man and women. You already know how Scorpio hates to lose (refuse to lose - it is better than to humble with the loss). In the intimate sphere of their sexual union, he is simply obliged to win.

They are able to overcome these difficulties. He can teach her secrets of universal love harmony. Scorpio is a representative of the eighth astrological house (and it is associated with sex), and the twin female feels. In fact, its inconsistency is nothing more than a mask. And the mask can always be removed if you really want it.

He can tear her, hiding his soul, how to hide from the wind, which the trees with roots are rooted. Fortunately, it is smart enough to find a way to restore their relationship, and the Scorpion has enough intuition to understand how to close all the cracks so that their relations become stronger than before. If each of them wants this.

Compatibility of scorpions and twins are not the most favorable. These signs are not very suitable for each other, although at the very beginning their relationship seems perfect. Consider what can be a source of conflict, and what is the fate of such steam.

The Union of Scorpio and Gemini is an incessant series of turbulent quarrels and no less turbulent reconciliation. They will break up, then again converge, giving each other a bunch of emotions, both negative and positive.

What is characteristic of such relations:

  1. Between them there is a strong physical and spiritual thrust to each other. At the initial stage of relationship, they constantly spend time together. For a long time they talk on the phone, if you can not be near.
  2. But due to the fact that scorpions are the Owners, and the twins love freedom, conflicts can not be avoided. In this pair, a lot of jealousy, scandals and nerves, about stability and harmony, do not have to speak.
  3. At the very beginning of the twins relationship attracts the intellect of scorpions, their ability to rationally think, find clear and simple solutions to any problems. But gradually begins to repel unpredictability and emotional instability.
  4. The owners-scorpions will try to grab the leadership in a pair and constantly hold the twins next to them. Violation of the personal borders of the freedom-loving sign sooner or later will force the twins cool, and Scorpio will become all the might try to return the lost attention.
  5. If Scorpio falls in love, he throws all the forces to provide a partner a comfortable life. He can donate to all: time, health, relationships with loved ones. It will make an unforgettable romantic surprises, give dear gifts. But little sense - twins it only entertains, but is not enough for them.

In general, such an union is not favorable. Good, stable and calm relationships between these signs are possible only in the business sphere. They can become excellent allies or business partners, and only affected love bonds.

Causes of conflict

If you are already in such a stellar pair, it is important to understand what moments can become sources of conflicts to learn how to bypass sharp corners and achieve mutual understanding.

The main causes of conflicts in the pair are as follows:

  1. Scorpio willingly fulfills all the desires of the twins, seeks to invest in relationships and is inclined to give a lot. But the twins do not appreciate it, they support all the gifts of the partner, but do not try to give something in return, which is hurt.
  2. Gemini tend to constantly change their decisions and moods, which will plunge rational and purposeful scorpions in panic and annoying.
  3. Sensuality and sielder of Scorpio annoying twins no less. They perceive it as an encroachment on personal freedom, so they are constantly trying to fight for their borders, and sometimes hard methods.
  4. Scorpio need to know everything about the partner so that he belongs to them completely. They will constantly become all secrets, the desire and fears of a partner who does not want to share it at all.

The most important problem is such a pair - the emotional incompatibility of their elements. Twins seem cold in comparison with temperamental and sensual scorpions. The absence of a response in feelings in the end may lead to painful separation.

Couple Woman twin and male scorpion

This is exactly the union about which they say that opposites are attracted. At the beginning of relations, partners are very interested in each other. But over time, they recognize their second half better, and discrepancies in views become the main source of conflict.

What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. A woman in such a pair is a source of inspiration and energy. She gives her satellite forces for new achievements, he can go into growth with her: in his career, affairs or business. Its light character, charm and sense of humor, as well as limitless admiration - is a huge impetus for development.
  2. But gradually a man begins to seem that it is underestimated, do not respect and relate to him disseminately. From this, the first, first small, and then more serious quarrels.
  3. The problem moment is also in the fact that a woman happily shares the successes of his partner, and he does not support difficult periods. When a man is not afloat, she begins to be disappointed and look close to other, more successful candidates.
  4. A man will try to keep his companion's attention long enough. The manipulation usual for him does not work, so he will try to show his "coolness" conquest and achievements. But everything is in vain.

Sooner or later, Scorpio is aware that a person next to him is the tired and insincere woman, and wants to part.

Check out the video about the compatibility of these two characters:

Gemini Male and Scorpio

A man in such a pair is difficult to understand and accept that his woman spends weight of energy into jealousy and conflicts. He sincerely wonders why it is impossible to just love and enjoy relationships in their entirety.

Problem moments of this union:

  1. At the very beginning of relations, a woman begins to deify his partner, infinitely admires them and believes in him. But this is the problem - she is waiting for too much from him, so it is disappointed with time if he cannot justify its ambitious expectations.
  2. The girl may not be enough lightness, holiday, positive emotions and optimism.
  3. The problem is also the fact that the scorpion partner should belong to it entirely. Because of this, she often encroaches his freedom, which the twins do not tolerate. Woman will check phones and correspondence, in severe cases it will even make a surveillance.
  4. Sooner or later, jealousy and obsession of a scorpion woman will push a man and he will decide to stop relationships, free from suffering attention.

We summarize: the Union of Scorpio and Gemini is not the most favorable. But there is an opportunity to maintain normal relationships in a pair, if each of the partners agree to search for compromises.