Abstract of direct educational activities in fine arts Topic: “Golden Autumn. Abstract of a lesson in fine arts in the senior group "Waltz of autumn leaves

Abstract of direct educational activities in fine arts Topic: “Golden Autumn.  Abstract of a lesson in fine arts in the senior group
Abstract of direct educational activities in fine arts Topic: “Golden Autumn. Abstract of a lesson in fine arts in the senior group "Waltz of autumn leaves

Software content:

Teach children how to work in the "grains" technique.

Develop imagination, aesthetic perception, artistic creativity of children.

To induce in children an emotional, joyful attitude towards the bright autumn nature by means artistic word, music.

Glue, glue coasters, brushes, corn and wheat grits, wood patterns, tree samples made in different techniques.
Preliminary work:

Making patterns and samples of trees.
Course of the lesson:
Introductory part

Let's get to know game

Children stand in a circle there is a performance educator with children.

Hello, my name is Anna Viktorovna, and now let's get to know you, at the expense of 3, say your name in unison 1-2-3. (Children say their name) So we met.

Main part


In the morning we go to the yard

Leaves are raining down

Rustle underfoot

And they fly, they fly, they fly.

The day is waning more and more

When does this happen? (In autumn)

I suggest you take a walk in the autumn park, follow me.

Trees with yellow carvings

Shine in azure blue.

As the towers of the Christmas trees are darkening,

And between the maples they turn blue.

We visited which park? (children's answers)

Do you think he is ordinary? (children's answers)

He guys are unusual, but why do you think he is like you? (children's answers)

The park is not ordinary, as the trees are made of different materials... Look at them and tell me, what material are the trees made of? (children's answers)

Trees are made of plasticine, napkins, corn grits made from pieces of paper.

Do you know how to make such trees?

Do you want me to teach you? (Yes)

I have prepared unusual material for you, come with me.

Now go to your seats.

Today we will become young artists and we will work miracles.

You have unusual materials on your tables, who can name them?

You have corn and wheat grits, glue and brushes on your tables.

Now in the lesson we will draw with groats - an autumn tree.

And it is done simply: we take a brush, dip it in glue and apply it to the crown of a tree, smear a small area without going beyond the outline of the tree, and immediately sprinkle it with groats, and what kind of groats will we choose for the crown of the tree?

Then we continue to spread glue on the crown of the tree and sprinkle with cereals.

(repeat the technique of drawing with croup with several children)

Now, to draw the trunk, what do we need to do? And what kind of grits will we choose for the trunk?

To make our work dry up, I invite you to the game.
The game

"Points, bumps, daughters"

Children stand in a circle, the teacher gives each child the name of a Point, a Bump, a Daughter. The children grab the shoulders of the children standing next to them and, at the count of 3, jump up and pronounce their name.

Now let's get back to our work. Take your work, and shake off the excess cereal on a plate. I propose to decorate with our works autumn Park(works are being hung). Let's see if we have an unusual autumn park that you and I walked through? (children's answers)

I have a small gift for you, the trees that we met in the autumn park, I want to give you, as a keepsake, so that you can continue to work miracles.

The lesson is over, thank you all very much.

Continue teaching children to convey autumnal changes in nature in drawing.

Improve the ability to paint with watercolors, apply them to autumn leaves and make prints on paper.

Develop the ability to select autumn leaves from various trees and shrubs to complete the future drawing.

To bring up accuracy, the ability to work without haste, enjoying the work done, to develop the imagination and imagination of children in class.

Material: leaves, brushes, watercolor paints, paper, dishes for washing brushes, napkins.

Course of the lessonfor drawing in senior group

Children, let's stand in a circle and join hands, shake them. Do you feel the warmth of your hands being transferred in a circle? Each of us gives a piece of warmth and kindness. Now put your palms to your heart, feel how your heart beats, how much warmth, love, kindness it radiates ... Give your warmth to everyone. And this heart is the talisman of our lesson, pass it around as a symbol of kindness, warmth, love.

(Children pass the heart in a circle, the teacher takes it last)


Children, what a warm heart we have. Each of you gave him a piece of your warmth of kindness. Come on, we will give our heart to the guests along with warmth, kindness and hospitality.

Now come up to me and listen to what I want to tell you. This morning when I went to Kindergarten, I drew attention to two sparrows who were sitting in a tree and chirping sadly. When I listened, I realized that they were chirping that autumn is flying to warm lands and will soon come white, Cold winter... And I felt sad, because I really love autumn, and I do not want to say goodbye to her at all. Are you children?

Look, children, everyone has a lot of leaflets on the table. We already know that you can admire autumn leaves, play, listen to their language. And also draw. I offer you in memory of beautiful autumn, her beauty, draw an "autumn carpet". So, let's start painting with autumn leaves. Let's turn them into tassels and draw an autumn carpet.

Here's a look at the autumn carpet I painted. Let me show you how I did it. Select three differently shaped leaves, now put them on a stand. Take a brush, dip it in yellow paint and cover the back surface of the autumn leaf with it (on the back, the veins are clear and more prominent). Now we carefully take that piece of paper with the painted side on our sheet of paper. Cover the leaf with a napkin on top, press it a little and stroke it with your palm several times. Let's pick up the napkin and see what we got there. A real miracle: the sheet seemed to have left us with its photo as a souvenir - a yellow print, exact copy himself.

Now let's take other leaves, paint them in warm colors autumn - red, orange, brown and we will continue to print on our sheet of paper creating a beautiful composition. We will work carefully so that the work will bring pleasure to you or to the one to whom you want to present it. And now everyone sits down in their place.


And before you start working, we let's warm up for fingers :

Together we will do this:

Exercise "Butterflies".


You have stretched your fingers, and now let's get to work.

(Children work)

What wonderful drawings we have come out with. Let's lay out a large autumn carpet from our small rugs on the rug.


You have a very beautiful carpet, well done! Now close your eyes and pretend that you are leaves. All of you are autumn leaves, colorful and very beautiful. But a light cool breeze tore you from the branches of the trees and whirled in the dance of autumn leaf fall. You rise higher and higher, your movements are light, you feel very good, calm ... And now you fall to the ground, cover it with a warm blanket that will warm the whole winter ...

Open your eyes you are well rested.

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1 Synopsis of direct educational activities on fine arts Theme: " Golden autumn"Educational activities on the topic:" Golden Autumn "(for children of the senior group) Author-compiler: Cherkasskaya S.L. art teacher Purpose: to teach children to see the beauty of nature through the means visual activity... Equipment and materials: - white sheet of paper A2 (for a sample), album sheets for children, reproduction - painting by I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", audio recording by P. Tchaikovsky "Seasons", easel, watercolors, gouache, brushes 2,4, 6 (squirrel), wet and paper napkins, water, synthetic mesh, glue stick, pine twigs. Preliminary work: introducing children to the technique of toning a sheet of paper, printing autumn leaves and pine twigs, viewing illustrations, pictures, photographs depicting autumn trees (autumn), visiting a museum of fine arts. Used literature: 1. Dziuba P.P. Didactic piggy bank of a kindergarten teacher. R. na D., Elkina N.V. 1000 riddles. Ya., 2004.

2 3. Komarova T.S., Razmyslova A.V. Color in the nursery fine arts preschoolers. M., Kovalko V.I. ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers M., Koptseva T.A. Nature and artist. M., 2008. Activity: Children enter the group room, form a circle. Educator: At any time of the year, our nature is beautiful. But in the fall, before falling asleep into a deep sleep until spring, it flares up with especially bright multi-colored paints. What do you know about autumn? (Autumn lasts three months: September, October, November. Autumn is early, golden, late. Early autumn is quiet and warm. Golden is very elegant, bright, motley. Late autumn is gray, rainy, dull, gloomy.) Guys, what do you think what autumn is now? (children's answers). Educator: Many poets devoted their works to autumn. Who wants to read a poem about this time of year? (Children read a poem at will) And what proverbs and sayings about autumn do you know? (Children's answers) Educator: Many composers have composed wonderful music that glorifies autumn. Artists painted wonderful canvases. (There is a sudden knock on the door). Educator: It seems we have guests. Who are you? Guest: I, the postman Pechkin, brought you a parcel from the Queen of Autumn herself, sign. Educator: Thank you. (The postman leaves.) What is it? (Vos-l opens the package). What do you think? (This is an illustration of a painting.) Remember the names of the paintings depicting nature? (Landscapes). Who paints the pictures? (Artists.) Who knows the name of the artist who painted this picture? (-) Educator: Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Guys, what would you call this picture? (statements of children) This picture of I.I. Levitan called it "Golden Autumn". Why? What do you think? When an artist depicts a golden autumn or a sunny day in a painting, what colors does he use? (Paints in warm colors: different shades red, orange and yellow) And if the artist wants to portray a late autumn, cloudy day? (Paints of cold colors: different shades of green and blue) Educator: Guys, do you like autumn? How? (children's answers) I, for example, like to walk on fallen leaves, as if on a golden carpet. Isn't it very beautiful in autumn? As if kind wizard painted everything around bright colors... Educator: Where are the real paintings kept? (In museums as well as in picture gallery.) The teacher again draws attention to the premise. Educator: Guys, there is something else in the package.

3 (Children take out one object and name them). White sheet, not completely painted over. Weird! Large brush, watercolors, sippy glass. Why do you think this is all here? For what? (children's answers) Educator: Guys, here is a letter: “Hello, dear guys! I, Princess Autumn, invites you to become little wizards and artists. Why wizards? You will understand if you complete my first task: Before you are white sheets. You need to tint them. Educator: Well, with this task, we will cope with you easily and quickly. Who can tell me what it means to tint a sheet? (paint over). Educator: What paint from the ones proposed by the Princess in the Autumn we will work (blue). Children take their jobs. Educator: Before we start work, we need to warm up. Warm-up: "Wind and Leaves" The wind was walking through the forest, The wind was counting the leaves. (Children run around the teacher on tiptoes, waving their hands. They stop, alternately bend their fingers) Here are oak, here are maple, Here is a carved mountain ash, Here is a golden birch. AND last page aspen The wind threw on the path. (They lower their arms, crouch) The wind circled through the forest, The wind was friends with the leaves. (Children run around on tiptoes, waving their hands. They stop, alternately bend their fingers) Here are oak, here are maple, Here is a carved mountain ash, Here is a golden birch. And the last leaf of the aspen The wind circles over the path. (Children are whirling in place) By nightfall, the wind-breeze Lie down next to the leaves. (Children squat down. Alternately bend their fingers) Here are oak, here are maple, Here is a mountain ash carved, Here is a golden birch.

4 And the last leaf from the aspen Quietly slumbers on the path. The children take their jobs (the music "October-Autumn Song" by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds) and get down to work: with a large brush from left to right, with quick movements, blue watercolors are tinted on white paper. During toning, a silhouette of a birch appears on the sheet: the trunk and branches. Educator: What is this? (Wood). What tree do you think? (Birch) Why did you decide that this is a birch? (children's answers) What is missing on the tree? (leaves) What color are birch leaves in autumn? (Yellow) In what way, already familiar to you, we can draw birch leaves (adhesion, cotton swab, printing with crumpled paper). And what does Princess Autumn offer us (the teacher reads the letter) Guys, use a synthetic mesh, with its help you will draw leaves on a birch. (The teacher takes out a synthetic mesh and, demonstrating it, begins to show and tell the children the rule of drawing) Educator: The synthetic mesh must be rolled up into a "bag of necks", then typing a small amount paint light with movements, using the "poke" method, draw the crown of the tree. (During independent work, PI Tchaikovsky's music "November On the Troika" sounds. After all the children finish the work, the teacher suggests to connect all the birch trees (glue the sheets) together). Guys, what did we do? (picture) What shall we call it? ( Birch Grove) And why? (Many birches) Well, guys, we now have our own own painting... But that's not all, Princess Autumn has sent us pine twigs. Why do you think? (children's answers) Let's read the letter further and find out what the Princess Autumn offers us: With the help pine branches draw Christmas trees in your pictures. I wish you good luck and successful work !!! The teacher invites the children to complete the picture by drawing Christmas trees on it, the sun, birds flying away. The picture is ready. Educator: Guys, but the name of the painting "Birch Grove", which we came up with, does not seem to suit me now. What do you think? Why? What shall we call it? (Answers of children).

5 Let us send her by mail to the Princess of Autumn, let her admire our picture. (A knock on the door. The postman Pechkin comes in, to whom the children give their picture and ask to give it to the Princess of Autumn) Educator: What unusual happened today? What time of year did you depict in your drawings? What paints did you use? In what ways did you draw? (toning, poking, imprint) Try to finish the sentence: Today I found out I was wondering I want to praise (Knock at the door. Postman Pechkin comes in with a package from the Princess of Autumn with treats for the guys).

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Drawing lesson in grade 3

Theme: "Trees in Autumn"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children to convey the main signs in the picture

trees in the fall.

1. To consolidate the ability to draw trees; to consolidate knowledge of tree parts - trunk, branches, crown; the ability to place a drawing on a sheet of paper; transfer their characteristic color in the autumn; to consolidate the skill of coloring with colored pencils, to clarify and enrich children's ideas about the surrounding reality - signs of autumn, plant life in autumn.

2. Develop visual memory by memorizing the location of trees on a sheet of paper - in the middle, left, right, transferring their image; thinking in analysis different types trees; hand motility; imagination by transfer life experience into a drawing; related speech by answering questions, enrich vocabulary (

parts of the tree).

3. To foster an aesthetic perception of the world, the ability to bring work to the end, accuracy in performing work.

Equipment: Pictures from autumn landscape, sample, step-by-step diagrams, a bouquet of autumn leaves, pencils, erasers,

Dictionary: birch, maple, spruce, autumn, golden, crown, trunk, branches.

During the classes

1. Org. moment.

General organization of children.

Checking the preparation of the necessary training supplies.

2. Introductory

introduction teachers:

What day of the week? - Today is Thursday

What day is Thursday? - Thursday in the account is the 4th day of the week.

What time of year is it? - autumn season

What happens to the trees in the fall?

What colors does autumn paint the leaves of the trees? -the leaves turn yellow and fall off -Leaves turn yellow, red.

3. Topic message

Guys, today we will have a lesson on the topic "Trees in the fall"

4. The teacher's story based on illustrations "Trees in autumn".

I brought illustrations, let's look at them. (there are 3 pictures with an autumn landscape on the board))

Autumn has come and the nature around us has changed. Trees, bushes and grasses are in autumn dress. Leaves on trees in autumn are very varied in color. They have greens, reds, yellows, and other shades. It's not for nothing that autumn is called golden. The leaves on the trees are getting smaller. They fall, whirl in the wind, fall like a carpet on the ground. We watch the trees different breeds... They differ from each other in shape, color of trunks and leaves. Their branches are also not located the same. But all trees have thicker trunks at the bottom and thinner at the top, branches are located around the trunk, on large branches and small twigs. Children listen.

5. Analysis of the image object (sample)

6. Showing action by teacher arranging leaves.

Guys, look at what drawing you will draw today. (Showing the sample to the children)

What is shown in the picture?

What trees are shown in the picture?

Which tree is in the middle?

Which tree is on the left?

And where is the spruce drawn?

What color is the spruce?

What color are the leaves of the birch?

What color are maple leaves?

Guys, look at the ground under the trees, it is also yellow and red, why do you think

What time of year is it?

Well done, they all answered correctly.

a) First, we mark with vertical lines in the middle, left and right, where the trees will be drawn.

b) We outline the tree trunks with light lines, while not forgetting that the trunks are wider at the bottom, and narrower at the top.

c) Then we draw branches on the trees. They are drawn differently on each tree. The branches of the maple are looking up, the branches of the spruce are straight and looking down, and the branches of the birch also grow down, but they are rounded and have smooth lines.

d) After that, draw a crown near the birch and maple.

e) We paint with pencils, spruce green, maple

Children give complete answers to questions.

The picture shows trees.

The figure shows birch, maple and spruce.

There is a maple tree on the left

Spruce is drawn on the right - green spruce

Birch leaves are green - Maple leaves are red

Because the leaves fell to the ground.

Autumn season

yellow, orange, red, birch yellow and green.

f) Use color to indicate the ground, for this we take

brown, yellow or green pencil.

7 exercise

We are autumn leaves, we sat on a branch,

The wind blows - we flew.

We flew, flew and landed on the ground.

The wind came running again and lifted the leaves,

He turned them around, circled them and laid them on the ground.

Children perform movements with the teacher

8. Self-reliant

work of children.

The teacher provides individual assistance.

9. Analysis of works

Children's work is hung on the board next to the sample. Analyze the drawing of each child, note the mistakes. Compare pictures with a sample. Ask the kids whose job they like? Why?

10. Lesson summary:

What was the topic in our lesson? -The topic of the lesson was "trees in autumn"

What trees did you draw today? -We painted maple, birch and spruce

What time of year are in your drawings? -In the pictures autumn

Guys, you did your best in class today, worked hard.

I liked your drawings. You are all great.


Synopsis of directly educational activities in fine arts
in senior A group
TOPIC: "Three Autumn"
Nikolaeva Natalia Yurievna,
Educator MDOU DS No. 131, Tver
Educational area: artistic creativity.
Integration with other areas: cognition, communication.
Software content:
Learning tasks:
- to generalize the ideas of children about the signs of autumn in its different periods (early, golden, late);
- to consolidate the ability to position the drawing on the entire sheet.
2. Developmental tasks:
- develop the ability to see characteristics different months of the year;
- develop artistic and aesthetic feelings and Creative skills;
- to generate interest in completing the assignment.
3. Educational tasks:
- to instill a love of nature, the ability to see all its beauty; - to teach to be accurate when completing a task.
4. Speech tasks:
- to activate and enrich the dictionary with the concepts of early, late, golden autumn
- to consolidate the formation of quality adjectives.
Structure (parts and estimated timing)
Game motivation ( Organizing time) - A didactic toy chanterelle with a letter.
Conversation on the content of the lesson.
Physical education.

Final event. Exhibition and joint viewing of drawings.
The total time is 25 minutes.
Standby time (1-3 min.)
Equipment: a didactic toy fox cub, a letter with three riddle cards, illustrations of autumn periods, drawings of trees.
Handouts: A-4 tinted paper, brushes, gouache paints, cans of water, napkins for blotting brushes, palette, substrates.
Preliminary work: examining the trees on the site, reading a work on the theme of autumn, toning the paper for the lesson.
Contents Methods and Techniques
Educator: What season is ending now? What are the autumn months called? Chatting with children, children sitting on chairs, answering questions.
The teacher takes a toy with an envelope. We open the envelope, take out the puzzle cards. On the first green and yellow-orange leaves, on the second yellow orange and red, and the third is empty. Help the children draw a conclusion about 3 months of autumn and relate the puzzle cards to the illustrative material. September is early fall and the green leaves are just starting to turn yellow. October is a golden autumn, the leaves are yellow orange, red and start to fall off. November - late fall and there are no leaves on the trees, so the card is empty. Invite children to tell about their beloved autumn month... Physical education "leaf fall"
The clouds are spinning in the sky
Every step is a puddle.
Autumn day frowns
Leaf fall on the street.
Creeps along the road
Yellow blizzard. (E Avdienko)
Children stand near the chairs and perform movements
Smooth rocking from foot to foot; walking with high knees; hands on the belt, turns to the sides; circling in place; smooth hand movements from side to side with lowering.
The main part is practical work.
After a minute of physical activity, invite the children to choose tinted sheets of paper in accordance with the month they want to draw. Remind about correct posture... Remember the structure of the tree. In the process of work, encourage children to use appropriate paints to depict a particular month, follow the use of techniques: the trunk with the whole brush, branches with the end, leaves by applying a brush or a stroke. Individual approach to children who find it difficult to perform work. Children draw at the tables.
Bottom line. Exhibition and joint viewing of drawings. The story of the children about who painted which month.

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