Creative work "Theatrical activity in the kindergarten of children of senior preschool age. Types of theaters in kindergarten and attributes for theatrical games

Creative work
Creative work "Theatrical activity in the kindergarten of children of senior preschool age. Types of theaters in kindergarten and attributes for theatrical games

There are many forms of training and education as the process of comprehensive development of children, but theatrical activity is in this row "on retirement". This is the type of activity where the game, upbringing and training is inextricably linked. Each child is the wizard in nature. Maxi creative abilities Inherent in any child. You need to be able to uncover them and develop. The joint task of a kindergarten and parents help not be confused creative abilities from whom they appear, as well as develop, who they sleep.

It can be argued that theatrical activity is the source of the development of feelings, deep experiences and discoveries of the child, acquiring it to spiritual values. This is a concrete visible result. But it is no less important that theatrical classes develop emotional sphere Child, make him sympathize with the characters, empathize the playful events.

All theatrical games can be divided into two main groups: dramatization and directorial. In games - the dramatization of the child, fulfilling the role as an "artist", independently creates an image with the help of a complex of expressiveness.

Types of dramatization are: games - imitation of animal images, people, literary characters. Games - dramatize these role-playing dialogues based on text. But in the director's game "artists" are toys or their deputies, and the child, organizing activities as the "screenwriter and director" manages the "artists". "Voicing" heroes and commenting on the plot, it uses different means of expressiveness.

Types of directory games are determined in accordance with the diversity of theaters used in children's garden: Desktop, flat and volumetric, doll shadow, finger, etc. In order to develop the creative abilities of children in the process of theatrical activity, it is necessary to allocate several conditions:

  • The first condition is the enrichment of the medium by the attributes of theatrical activity and the free development of children of this environment (mini theater, which is periodically replenished with new attributes and scenery);
  • The second condition is a meaningful communion of teacher and children.
  • Third condition is the training of children expressive means Theatrical activity:

Mimica - tells us without words about certain feelings and sentiments of a person, that is, when the person expresses any emotions.

Gestures - Dynamic body movement: hands, legs, heads, etc., as well as the pose.

Pantomimika - Mimica in combination with gestures.

Classification of theatrical games

In children junior preschool age There is a primary development of a directing theatrical game through:

  • desktop theater toys;
  • desktop Flat Theater;
  • plane theater on flannelhemph;
  • fingering theater.

IN aged 4-5 years old The child is mastering different types desktop Theater:

  • soft toys;
  • wooden theater;
  • cone theater;
  • theater of the folk toy;
  • plane figures;
  • spoon theater;
  • theater of the High Dolls (without Shirm, and by the end school year - and with shirma), etc.

IN senior and preparatory age groups Children can be acquainted with puppets, live hands theater, handkerchief, people - dolls.

Walking theater.

Shadow Theater.

Donetsk People's Republic

Department of Education in Donetsk City Administration

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

"Nursery-Garden No. 303 of Donetsk"

Toolkit For cents of theatrical games

Tale with your own hands

Goncharova Inna Anatolyevna, Educator

Donetsk 2016.


Creative activity and development of human creative abilities is component socio-economic and spiritual directions of the modern public device. The word "creativity" in public sense means looking for, to portray something that was not met in the past experience, individual and public. Creative activity is an activity that gives birth to something new; free art To create a new product carrying a reflection of a personal "I".

Children's creativity is one of the actual problems of preschool pedagogy and children's psychology. L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontyev, Ji was investigated. I. Wenger, N. A. Vetlugin, B. M. Teplov, O. M. Dyachenko, A. I. Volkov and many others. Just one of the basic principles of state before - development creative personality.

Theatrical activity is the most common view. children's creativity. She is close and clearer to the child, deeply lies in his nature and is reflected by the spontaneous, because it is related to the game. All his fiction, the impression of the child's surrounding life, I want to embody in live images and actions. Entering into the image, he plays any roles, trying to imitate that he saw and that he was interested, and getting a huge emotional pleasure.

There are quite a lot of species children's Theater.And they all help the child together:

Form the right model of behavior in modern world;

Increase general culture child, attach to spiritual values;

Introduce him to children's literature, music, fine art, etiquette rules, rites, traditions, to instill sustainable interest;

Improve the skill to implement certain experiences in the game, encourage the creation of new images, encourage to think.

Main part

Organization of the theater in kindergarten

What kind of theaters in kindergarten can be organized? IN pedagogical literature It is proposed to carry out such activities with preschoolers as: a desk theater; stand; riding; wrist; floor; Live doll theater. In turn, each of these species is divided into subspecies. Bench Theater. The stand theater is a surface on which features-characters and scenery are attached. This type includes: Theater on the flannelhemph (board, covered with cloth). To organize such a type of activity, it will require an industrial or made independently flanneluga and characteristic figures of the selected artistic workon which you need from back side Attach velcro. Thus, as the plot develops, the child is proposed to attach the necessary figures on the flannelph. The magnetic is, in fact, the same as the previous look, only a metal board is used, and magnetic strips are attached on the figures instead of lipuchk. The basis and, accordingly, the characters of such the theater are different size: from small desktop option, Before the full screen for the visual or musical hall. The shadow theater in the gardens is the most mysterious and unusual for the perception of children, preschoolers are enthusiastic involved in such a game. To organize this type of the theater, you will need a screen (stretched vertically white fabric), a lamp or a table lamp (depending on the size of the screen), black cardboard figures. Instead of toy characters, the shadows can be created directly with the brush and fingers. This species is called the "Theater of Living Shadows".

Desktop Theater. The name of this type of the theater speaks for itself - the game activity is carried out on the table. Its feature is that scenery and characters must be small to be able to place all necessary attributes Games on the surface. How the desk theater is in kindergarten: paper (cardboard). Often, such a ready-made theater can be found in any children's journal - It is only necessary to cut and collect all the necessary details and you can start a performance. Magnetic is a metal board with magnets - characteristics of any fairy tale. Theater is natural material, for example, cones, chestnuts, acorns, etc. It is convenient to place such characters in the sandbox. " Wardrobe "Theater This type includes theatrical activities, for which such attributes are required as finger dolls Or toys - "gloves". The following "wrist" types of theaters in kindergarten are distinguished: finger; Gloved. What is needed in order to organize such theatrical activities? First of all, you need shirma. Its size depends directly from the size of the characters. In turn, the dolls are most often made by the teacher independently. But the pupils can also take an active part in creating characters. For example, making finger dolls can be made of cardboard cones, fabrics, tennis balls and other materials. "Glove dolls" can be made, for example, from a mittens or sock, sewing the necessary elements (face, hands, clothes, etc.). It is important to note that the finger theater, in addition to other advantages, is effectively developing small motor preschoolers, which, in turn, directly affects the formation of the speech of children

Horse Theater. What is the riding theater? Such a term was introduced by Russian patrols in the XVI century. Its feature is that the dolls are above the growth of the person who is managed by them. The following type are: in the Costead theater, dolls are used, which, respectively, are fixed on high canes, and a person who controls the characters is hidden behind the screen. Theater "Bi-Ba-Bo" acquires great popularity. In principle, it is the same "glove", as the dolls dress on the hand. The difference consists only of what is used high shirma And thus, the characters are demonstrated by the audience at the level of the rise of the porch. No less interesting is the theater of spoons in kindergarten. Attributes for such gaming activities are made independently very simple. This will take a wooden spoon. On the convex of it, the face of the character is drawn, and clothes clothes on the handle fabulous hero. During the production children's performance Kids-docks hold characters from spoons for the handle.

Outdoor theater. Puppets dolls are used in the outdoor theater. It is quite difficult to make them enough, so most often they are purchased in specialized stores. Due to this feature, this type of theatrical activity is carried out in kindergartens infrequently. But it was the Puppet Theater that causes the preschoolers to a storm of emotions, delight. Since the kids still do not understand the mechanism of action of such dolls, children imagine that the toys "came to life" themselves. It is this element of the "miracle", "fairy tales" and contributes to the emergence of positive emotions from preschoolers.

Theater of live doll But more often the "live" puppet theater in kindergarten is organized. Such activities can be carried out as a study on the development of speech surrounding the world, study foreign language, as well as during leisure. In addition, the production of the "living" theater can be devoted to any holiday, such as Maslenitsa or the New Year. Distinguish the following types of gaming activities: the theater of masks; Theater of dolls-giakanov. The latter is most often done as leisure activities in Dow. The roles of chat rooms are performed either adults or senior preschoolers. Younger children can only speak as viewers. Then how the theater of masks is suitable for children of any age. Even the smallest pupils have the opportunity to "reincarnate" in the hero of the fairy tale. Teacher can offer children to retell such unusual Lovely kids history or prepare a full-fledged performance for parents. Making masks for the upcoming performance, preschoolers can independently under the guidance of a teacher, for example, in classroom artistic and aesthetic development or during leisure activities. In order to organize theatrical activities with preschoolers, various attributes will be required, including masks, dolls, scenery. Of course, the necessary inventory can be purchased in specialized stores. But, offering the kids to make the necessary inventory for the theatricalization of the fairy tale, it is possible not only to diversify the educational process of preschoolers, to increase the motivation to labor activitybut also to implement basic educational and educational goals. What can theater for preschoolers do? For most species such creative activity Maximum screen for theater. In kindergarten, there is usually a specified inventory or in the game room or in music Hall. But in the absence of a screen of the required size, it can be made independently. The easiest way to make such an attribute for the theatrical game is to tighten the dense tissue in the doorway. Depending on what type of activity is supposed to be carried out, the "window" is either cut into the material, or the indentation is made from above to accommodate characters. Shirma for finger theater. To organize a finger theater, you will need a slirm size. Therefore, to make the specified attribute can be from cardboard boxesAt the bottom of which you need to cut a hole. Such a screen then needs to be aesthetically arranged. It is recommended to decorate the box with universal scenery so that you do not have to make a new screen for each fairy tale separately. So, you can arrange in the form of a forest cleaner, arrange the "house on the edge". Dolls for the theater in Dow from the primary materials, preschoolers like it very much from unusual materials of puppet characters for theatrical games. What can such attributes do from? Teacher practicing creativity In the work, it is capable of making figures from the most unexpected materials. For example, paper theater is the easiest and fast way homemade making characters. You can also use wooden sticks from ice cream, placing them with felt, foil, colored self-adhesive film. Character Material Materials puppet Theater: cardboard, making two holes for fingers at the bottom; matching boxes; tennis balls; inflatable balls; disposable tableware: plates, cups, spoons; sock, mittens, gloves; plastic bottles; Natural material, etc. Thus, you can organize different types of theaters in kindergarten. Pedagogue is important when planning such activities to take into account age and individual characteristics Pupils, their interests. In addition, it is necessary not only to properly hold the theatrical game, but also methodically to think out the preparatory and final stages Work with children. Efficiency depends on these factors pedagogical work With preschoolers in general.

Practical part

Childhood of each of us takes place in the world role-playing gamesthat help the child to master the rules and laws of adults. Every child plays in his own way, but they all copy in their games adults, favorite heroes, try to be like them. Children games can be viewed as improvised theatrical performances. The child is given the opportunity to visit the role of actor, director, decorator, buttuff, musician. Production of butaforia, scenery, suits gives a reason for the visual and technical creativity Children. Children draw, pump, sew, and all these classes acquire meaning and goal as part of the common, exciting children's ideas.

To organize this creative process The area of \u200b\u200btheatrical activity is used. It is located in a well-lit place next to the music and book corners.

Toys for desktop Theater Can be made of paper and cardboard. This flat toys glued out of two parts and are installed on wooden, plastic or cardboard stands. These are toys on a cone, cylinder and disk (our small innovation in the desktop theater). The image passes on the finished model. If you use flat images, the theater of the pictures will turn out.

Very interesting forest theater. It can be made of paper, fabric, tie from

thread. The main desire and your fantasy.

I can not show you varezhka Theater.. It is made of paper in the form of a triangle that

allows the toy to be stable.

Also, children are glad to play with dolls from gloves - washcloths.

Very interesting to children theater on plastic or wooden spoons. The doll is made very easy. An image of a character and voila is pasted on a spoon - Ready theater on spoons.

Bababo dolls You can buy or make yourself out of stockings.

In zone theatrical activity must be present shadow Theater.: Finger and flat. It is not difficult to make them cut the figure of a black cardboard character.

Hatches of heroes from fairy tales or, in other words, the theater of masks should also be present in the theater zone. Masks are made of cardboard (for strength) well, and, at will, can be closed.

So that such a creative corner is even wider, you can turn on: Theater on magnets, a cinema theater, Costumed theater.

Didactic material

Didactic game Game "Playing the Theater"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the theater. Give initial ideas about how the theater works, who works in the theater, how to prepare performances, scene, etc. Expand the horizons of children, to educate interest in the new, love for the theater, the desire to become an "actor".

Equipment:the game is a scene and scenes, attributes - props for playing scenes, performances: high chair, table, sofa, layout summer Garden, decoration of the room, parts of the yard. Set of cards with the image of people different professions Theater and set of cards depicting the action of this profession.

Material:The game is made of cardboard, it includes a set of small toys to play the scene of the performance. Cards from dense laminated cardboard.


At your experience, we have convinced that children:

1. Mix the skills of expressive speech and rules of behavior,

2. Etiquette of communication with peers and adults;

3. Estate interest and desire for theater art,

4. Able to transmit various feelings using facial expressions, gestures, intonation

5. Alone fulfill and transmit images fabulous characters.

Thanks to the general efforts, the life of our children has become interesting and meaningful, filled bright impressions, interesting things and the joy of creativity. Skills obtained in theatrical activity Children use in everyday life

      Introduction ..........................................3.

2. Organization of the theater in kindergarten ......... ... 4

3. Practical part .............................. 16

4Dactic material ........................ 22

5. Transcue ........................................ 24.

6. Literature list .............................. 26


1. Migunov E.V. Theater pedagogy in kindergarten, shopping center sphere, 2009.

2. Schetkin A.V. Theater activity in the kindergarten Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

3. Dodokina N.D., Evdokimova E.S. Family Theater in kindergarten, Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008

4. Gubanova N.F. Gaming activities in kindergarten Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

5. Baranova E.V, Savelyeva A.M. From skills to creativity Mosaic - Synthesis, 2009.

6. Gubanova N.F. Development of game activity Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

Types of theater in kindergarten Types of theaters used in classatrical corners Theater corners Theater masks Forest theater. The theater of the mandrel or gloves Theater of pictures on the flannelhemph Team of fairy tales by reference pictures. The sequence of a fairy tale is well remembered. Theater spoons Theater on chopsticks very much like children. To keep it easy and convenient. The image of a double-sided character. Caps Theater Shadow Theater Dolls Ba Ba Baibabo is the simplest doll consisting of a head and dresses in the form of a glove. The head has a special hole under the index finger, and big and middle finger Serve for gesticulation with hands of dolls  Such a doll has identified the fate of Sergey Obrazzova, who writes in his memories:  Mom gave me a small funny doll. It was called this doll bibabo and consisted of a celluloid head and a blue halant, putting on the hand, like a glove ... All that did a bobbo, was ridiculous and slightly touching. I loved him, and sorry, as children of small kittens love and regret. I also took it to take it with myself, and he was shaking in my sleeve, looking at passersby, cities, children on chistoprudic boulevard or shop windows ... Not because the sky is blue, but the earth me a mistress in this holiday cleaning, I give you poems , funny, as bibbob and sharp and necessary, like toothpicks! (Vladimir Mayakovsky) Puppet Theater Application of cardic dolls develops plastic, coordination of movements. Desktop Theater Ladm Theater on Mask Masks Plates. The theater is made of disposable paper plates. Colored by watercolor paints, covered with colorless varnish. Tantamarsk Tantamarsk Theater - a stand with a bright pattern, which contains a funny plot, and the holes are cut on the site of the characters. The characters are attached to interesting postures, you can place them against the background of a fabulous country or space expands, it depends on your imagination. Tantamarsk is a doll, with which the facial expressions are being worked out, emotional expressiveness of speech and gesturing, expressiveness of movements. Staging a fairy tale 2.Teatrical activity in different age groups The first younger group 1. Acquaintance with theatrical doll Bi-Ba-Boy and theatrical games. 2. Imitation games. 3. Development of major emotions. The second junior group is a consistent acquaintance with the types of theaters, the foundations of acting skills. 1. games-imitation of individual actions of man, animals and birds. 2. Game-imitation images of well-known fabulous characters. 3. Game-improvisation to the music. 4. Single-day wordless game-improvisation with one character in the texts of poems and additives. 5. Improvisation game in the texts of short fairy tales, stories, poems. 6. Role dialogue of the heroes of fairy tales. 7. Fragments of animal fairy tales fragments. 8. One-day improvisation game with several characters on folk tales and copyright texts. The middle group Puppet Theater should be combined with a theatrical game. 1. Multiple-sized dramatization games in the texts of two-time fairy tales about animals and magical fairy tales. 2. Dramatic games in the texts of the stories on the themes "Children and their games", "Guys and Victims", "Adults". 3. The performance of the performance on the work. 4. Acquaintance with faith and pantomime. 5. Molds of the theater in poetic and prosaic works (S. Marshak "The Tale of a Stupid Muskin", K. Chukovsky "Putanitsa"). 6. Forest theater in self-study ("Lived at Babui", S. Mikhalkov "Kittens", L. Zubkov "We Deli Orange") Senior Group in senior group All children are actively involved in theatrical games and dramatization. 1. Children are already available to independent performances of performances, including on the basis of "collage" from several literary works. 2. Puppets, dolls with a lively hand are added. 3. Used Russian folk tales-fables about animals. Preparatory group B. preparatory group Theatrical games are characterized by more complex characters of heroes, difficult to develop miceans (location of actors on stage). The skills are developing the same actions to perform in different situations, circumstances and in different ways. Requires goodwill and communicability in communicating with peers. Children learn to adequately respond to the behavior of partners. Children compose etudes with naughntazed circumstances. Content of exercise on theatrical activity       View puppet performances and conversations on them; Dramatization games; Exercises for socio-emotional development; Correctional and educational games; Diction exercises (articulation gymnastics); Tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness;  transformation games ("learn to own your body"), figurative exercises;  Exercises for the development of children's plastics; Rhythmic minutes (logo); Finger game game for the development of the motility of the hands necessary for cubes; Exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of art messenger; Theatrical etudes; Separate ethics exercises during dramatization; Preparation (rehearsal) and playing a variety of fairy tales and stages; Acquaintance not only with the text of the fairy tale, but also by means of its dramatization - gesture, faithful, movement, suit, scenery (requisites), Misanessen, etc. One of the conditions for successful development of theatrical activity, the perfection of speech is effective interaction with parents. Thus, the theatrical game has an impact on the development of connected speech in children in the event that interest and the desire to engage in the game, and will also be taken into account age and individual abilities.

The value of theatrical activity Theatrical activity allows you to solve
Many pedagogical tasks concerning
expressiveness of the child's speech,
Intellectual and artistic easthetic education.
Theatrical activity - inexhaustible
Source of development of feelings, experiences and
emotional discoveries, method of admission to
spiritual wealth.
As a result of theatrical activity
The child will know the world with the mind and heart, expressing
his attitude to good and evil; knows joy
associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication,

Feelings I.
Theatrospompoms B.
Speech development
We become
We become smarter
We become

Tasks for the development of speech: 1. Replenishment and activation of the dictionary (at the expense of words denoting the names of objects, actions, signs); 2. Z.

Tasks for the development of speech:
1. Replenishment and activation of the dictionary (for
the score of the words denoting the names of objects,
actions, signs);
2. Fastening the skill of using direct
and indirect speech;
3. Improving monologic and
dialogical forms of speech;
4. Education of speech communication culture,
the ability to act agreed into

In theatrical activity is actively
Developed dialogue as a form
Socialized (communicative) speech.
Scenic dialogs are perfect,
"Right", that is, the verified
Chronological, logical, emotionally.
Learned during the preparation for the play
literary images of speech children use
Subsequently as finished speech material in
Free speech communication.

Theatrical Game Tasks: Teach children navigate the space, evenly placed on the site, build a dialogue with a partner for

Theatrical game
Tasks: Teach children navigate
space, evenly posted
Playground, build a dialogue with a partner on
The specified topic. Develop the ability
arbitrarily strain and relax
Separate muscle groups, memorize words
Heroes of performances, develop visual
auditory attention, memory,
Observation, figurative thinking,
fantasy, imagination, interest in
Scenic art.
Tasks: Develop the ability
Arbitrarily react to
Team or musical
Signal, readiness
act agreed
Develop coordination
move moving to memorize
set poses and figurative
Transmit them.
The main directions of work with children
Work on the performance
Culture and Technology Speech
Tasks: develop speech breathing and
correctly articulation, clear
Dickey, diverse intonation
Speech logic; Learn to write small
stories and fairy tales pick up the simplest
rhymes; Speak speakers I.
Poems, replenish vocabulary.
Tasks: learn to write etudes by
fairy tales; Develop action skills
with imaginary objects;
Develop the ability to use
intonations expressing
A variety of emotional
states (sad, joyful,
angrily, surprised, delighted,
plaintive, etc.).

Forms of the organization of theatrical activity Choosing material for the dramatization, it is necessary to repel from age capabilities, known

Forms of organization
Choosing material for drawing, you need
repel from age possibilities, knowledge and
Children's skills, enrich their life experience,
encourage interest in new knowledge
creative potential:
1Merially organized educational
-Teatrical occupation;
-Translate game in other classes
2. Educational activities in the process
-Translate game;
3 independent theatrical and artistic
Activity, theatrical game in everyday

The spatial environment ensures the joint theatrical activity of children, is the basis of independent work.

Provides collaborative
Theatrical activity of children,
It is the basis of independent
creativity of every child, peculiar
The form of his self-education.
A variety of theaters contributes
Enhance the interest of children to
Theatrical activity.

In pedagogy and psychology, the problem is actively discussed
Interrelation of personality and creativity.
Preschool pedagogy looks for today the development of children in
purely children's activities in counterweight
School type.
It is the game that should be mainly used.
L.S.Vugotsky identified the game as leading activities
in preschool age. L.I. Bozovic considers it necessary
that leading activities amounted to the main
The life of children themselves.
So the game is a kind of center, around
which is focused on the main interests and
Estimation of children.
Theatrical activity is a variety

Theatrical activity in kindergarten
organizationally can permeate all regime
moments: turn on in all classes in joint
activities of children and adults in their free time
implemented in independent activity Children.
Theatrical activity can be organically
included in the work of various studios and circles;
Products of theatrical activity
(staging, dramatization, performances, concerts and
dr.) can be made to the content of holidays,
Entertainment and sweet Fridays.

Of all kinds of puppet theater in kindergarten
The greatest popularity is:
- theater of pictures (on flannelhemph, cardboard,
- Theater of toys and parsley (glove)
By way of control theatrical dolls divided into two
The main species is the rigging and outdoor.
The rover includes those who are drunk
Because of the screen.
In turn, they are glove and cinema.
Outdoor dolls "work" on the floor, doll
Manages them in front of the audience.
Outdoor include puppets and large (growth)

Theatrical activity is presented in
Puppet theater and theatrical
which are divided into two groups:
Director games and dramatization games.

To the directorial games in the Dow include:
1. Desktop Theatrical Games:
- Table Toy Theater (Theater
Stepming, conical (or cylinder, box)
- Desktop theater of pictures (theater of the toy industry, cannon theater (on circles,
transparent glasses), plane theater)
2. Bench theatrical games:
- Book book,
- Shadow Theater,
- Theater on flannelhemph.

Theater on hand.

Forest theater - contributes to the best control of their own fingers.

The theater of dolls on the table - promotes the ownership of the management of the douses of the desktop theater (dolls from paper cones, cylinders, box

Theater dolls on the table - promotes possession
Desktop Doll Management Technique
(dolls from paper cones, cylinders, boxes.

Theater of toys




Plane Theater "Hare Misle".


Shadow play

Puppet show

Theater on flannelhemph: can be used as an independent entertainment as part of educational activities

Dramatic games

Types of dramatization are:
Mimic game images of animals, people
literary characters;
role-playing dialogues based on text;
Staging works (drills, small
fairy tales, songs, small literary texts;
performing performances one or more
works (dramatic performances,
Music and dramatic performance, children's opera,
Spectacle on choreographic basis, performance
Rhythmoplasty, pantomime, musical).

To the game-dramatization in the presence of:
Dramatic Games - Attributes
The child puts on his fingers, but, as in dramatization,
Himself acts for the character.
(For example, Tales "Repka", goat and seven kids ",
"Swan geese".
Showing such fairy tales can show two, three children,
Which are located behind the screen).
Dramatic games with dolls Bibabo - in these games
On the fingers put on a doll. Moves her head
Hands, torso are carried out using movements
fingers, hand brushes.

Nomination " Methodical work in dow

I invite you to amazing world Children's theater.

Theater is bright positive emotions, thanks to which we have the opportunity to manage the formation of the spiritual needs of the child, enrich and develop his personality.

The main goal of my work with children is the development of the creative identity of the child of preschool age. I found the only correct and effective, interesting method for realizing this goal - the organization of theatrical activity in kindergarten. In this direction I have been working for several years. During this time, I and my pupils, with the help of colleagues and parents - we built our children's theater together.

The building of our theater is firmly held on the basic principles:

  • principle visuality and accessibility. This principle is based on the fact that theatrical activity is close and understandable to the child, since it is inextricably linked to the game;
  • principle Freedom and independenceallowing the child to choose a role in action and determine its attitude to this role;
  • principle combinationallowing the use of collective and individual forms and ways to work that gives the opportunity to develop the creative identity of the child in a variety of activities;
  • principle systems and sequenceswhich is implemented in the fact that classes are conducted within the framework of the theater studio.

In our theater windows you see the funny faces of the children, they whatever you invite us to enter. Let's rise in these steps, enter the hospitable, wide open doors and plunge into magic world Theatrical activity in kindergarten.

Classes with children in our theater are built on the use theatrical pedagogyAdapted for children, there are enlarged game moments. Work is carried out in the following areas:

  • culture and technique of speech;
  • rhythmoplasty;
  • the basics of theatrical culture;
  • work on the performance.

Each direction solves a group of tasks.

Culture and technique of speech.Not only for actors - for all people it is necessary to possess a clear, connected, correct, competent and beautiful speech. In the workshops of theatrical activity, the speech apparatus of children is improved, the development of speech respiration and the right articulation, diction, and the development of speech. We use different material: articulating gymnastics For lips and language, patterings, cleaningors and poems, breathing and voice exercises, on intonation expressiveness.

Rhythmoplasty.This section includes complex rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises designed to develop coordination of movements, learning how to create animal images with plastics and help find children feeling the harmony of their body with the outside world.

Basics of theatrical culture.Theater is not only the cholar, but also the whole world of new words and concepts that everyday life Do not use. This is a "scene", "curtain", "scenes". Familiarity with many amazing words and concepts expects those who wish to look behind the theater's scenes.

Work on the performance based on the author's plays in Russian folk tales.

The fairy tale pleases both of us, adults, optimism, kindness, love for all living, sympathy for weak. The fairy tale raises morality, because through the fairy tale, the children first touched upon understanding of good and evil, hard work and tannies, love and hatred and other moral concepts. Easy to dramatize the favorite children's fairy tales "Rack", "Kolobok", "Teremok".

In the senior group with children, you can already create full-fledged performances on a fairy tale. The child, entering the fairy tale, receives the role of one of the heroes, thereby approaching the culture of its people, to our value system, to the Russian mentality. And with what pleasure children are changed, creating new image! The composition is created by children mainly for spectators of children. Therefore, the hall always reigns a special atmosphere of trust in everything, which is happening on the stage. It unites performers and viewers in a single creative impulse.

Theatrical activities are required by children of systematics in work, hard work, decisiveness, perseverance in achieving a goal, and this leads to the development of the volitional qualities of the personality, which is a good base not only for subsequent training in school, but also for successful life.

As it is impossible to build a large and beautiful building alone, it is impossible to create the theater alone. Employed, creative workers of our kindergarten with pleasure themselves fulfill different roles in entertainment and leisure activities, theatrical occupations, on holidays, and, of course, attract children to theatrical activity. During this time, we have accumulated a considerable experience, and the costume replenished with bright, beautiful costumes.

The theater combines all types of art, which makes it possible to speak with children not only about his history, but also about painting, about architecture, history of suit and decorative art. Convinced only in the process of theatrical activity possible comprehensive development Creative child personality. Theatrical education Helps to identify and prepare the most gifted, capable children. Let them not become great actors, but will definitely grow bright, talented, creative personalities.

Our guys in the process of theatrical activity are formed new skills and skills:

  • they know how to pronounce pators at a different pace;
  • able to act coordinated;
  • know how to remove tension from individual muscle groups;
  • know how to build the simplest dialogue;
  • know several articulation exercises;
  • clean the phrase with different intonation.

The process of creating a fairy tale is so fascinating children that they know each other's words, sing songs from the play and walk, and in evening time, putting a book on the table and imitating the game on the piano, and even at home. In the diagram you see how the number of children has increased high levels Knowledge and skills in all sections of theatrical activity compared to the beginning of the school year.

Different tracks lead to the building of our children's theater. Communication track with parents is posted with pink pebbles. They present all types of working with parents of pupils:

  • individual conversations;
  • reports;
  • open days;
  • open views of performances, holidays, fairy tales, games;
  • joint work on the preparation of theatrical ideas.

This track originally had one direction - from the children's theater to parents. But gradually parents began to understand the need theater work In kindergarten, they saw the development of children and interest in such activities, and began to actively help us in the preparation of performances, their design, the selection of attributes.

Another track is a connection with the school and the home of children's creativity. With a school, we are largely related to the fact that children of teachers from MBOU Losovskaya School No. 1 go, also people who are passionate and open to us. From DDT we have in kindergarten theatre studio "Buratino".

Green arrows showing creative growth children's team. This is our way to the future. We already have experience showing performances for children of other groups of our kindergarten, speeches in front of parents, and performing performances at district seminars and methodical associations, I think we are fully forces.

Theatrical activity in kindergarten helps us, adults, not only to embody their ideas, demonstrate their talents, but remain in a sense of children. And our pupils she gives the joy of communication with a fairy tale, emotional pleasure and unforgettable impressions For life!

Appendix 2: Culture and Speech Technology

Appendix 3: Rhythmoplasty