Mountain and grief. How I went to the Pershina Festival

Mountain and grief. How I went to the Pershina Festival

Every year a grandiose event is held in Russia - the All-Russian Festival of the Author's Song called the Grushinsky Festival. In 2017, it will traditionally be held on the first weekend of July.

Features and goals of a large-scale festival

The Supreme Festival always collects thousands of lovers of the Bardov song, not only from Russia, but also other countries of the world. The event is organized in order to:

  1. Provide a young generation to music.
  2. Tell the beauty of poetry.
  3. Save and develop the author's song.
  4. Review new talents, performers.
  5. Propaganda healthy lifestyle.

The festival is carried out rather unusual - in the conditions of the tourist tent camp (camp). The event organizer is the author's song club, the regional government, as well as the fund to them. V.Grushina.

During the holidays, there is a special program, contests, concerts, sports tournaments, are lit up the evening fires, collecting around old friends and new acquaintances. But the real symbol of the festival is considered a popular bard song, opening the country, the world new talents in the face of young participants.

This event unites different people: romantics, tourists, excellent performers. All those present here are connoisseurs of the beauty of the surrounding world and simply human communication.

How to participate in the festival

Sit near the fire for the melodious sound of the guitar - an amazing and exciting occupation. A participant in the Grand Festival can literally everyone who has his own song in its creative "arsenal", as well as the one who is not indifferent to the bards and forest glade in nature. But before you follow these steps:

  1. Notify the organizers of the festival.
  2. To pass the preliminary audition (information is on the official website).

If a potential participant is already a well-deserved laureate of a bard song, his number will be put in a concert without prior audition. In case of receipt of the invitation from the organizers, it will be enough to submit an application, an overestrial on his participation.

History of the tourist event

The historical roots of the Hosprey Festival have been laid since 1968. In the 60s, the author's song also called tourist and interest in it sharply increased by serving further development. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a festival has become quite relevant.

In 1967, a terrible tragedy occurred on the Ude River. Saving children and the head of the meteorological station died, a student, a fanatic tourism, active promoter of the tourist song - Valery Supin. In memory of the other, the initiators of the festival were offered to call the event in honor of their comrade and a real hero. The organizers supported the whole city.

For the first time, the festival was held on September 29, 1968 in the Zhiguli, gathering about 600 people present. The second holiday was filled with "Polyana" by participants several times more - up to 2,500 people. Then the first festival icon was released.

Initially, tourists and fans of the author's song came to the Bardov celebration from the Samara song, but soon it became one of the large-scale and even a cult event of singing poets.

Today, the Human Festival is highly honored in Russia. It is conducted on the territory of Mastryukovsky lakes, thousands of participants from different parts of the planet are gaining annually.

This year, the Gross festival turned fifty years. The event, in most orders, causing associations with jokes about bards and "bending guitar yellow", in fact, no one decade retains a powerful unifying impulse. The author of Samizdat went to the festival himself, and at the same time he tried to restore the chronology to turn him into the cult.

On August 29, 1967, the door of the apartment of pears in Novokuibyshevsk called. On the threshold Fedor Ivanovich and Bella Yakovlevna saw his son's friends - Misha Kuznetsov and Tamaru Muravyov.

Something happened? - asked Bella Yakovlevna.
"Yes, it happened," Misha answered.

The guys pre-prepared the necessary words in advance, but at the sight of frightened pears were confused and could not pronounce them. In this silence Bella Yakovlevna guess the terrible and, settled, said:

- Taper, daughter. A woman carrying such a message must be with a covered head.

The taxi driver sues me at the railway platform. At the parking lot parked a half dozen cars and there are almost no people. Near the cars rise Obelisk in the form of a guitar. The plate indicates both names of the stopping point: "135 km" and "Valery Supin" platform.

Usually, eight electric trains are stopped here - four in the direction of Samara and Tolyatti. In the days of the Gross Festival, the Kuibyshev Railway introduces several additional flights for tourists. Short trains from four cars arrive to a low platform in a single track. For those who turn out to be here for the first time, a sign "at the festival" is installed right on Earth. Not far from it, under the tent, temporary ticket office of the CSCs are located. I'm going past.

The track ends with a high slope, and in front of me overlooking the valley of the festival: a steep descent rests in a small lake. Behind him - Polyana with tents and forest. Seen the Volga and the Zhigulav mountains on her opposite shore. The borders of the festival only natural: there are no fences, fences and framework of metal detectors.

On the left side of the lake, something yellowings is the famous scene-raft in the form of a guitar, at which the laureates of the festival will play tomorrow on the traditional Saturday concert.

I descend down the long metal staircase. They say when she was not, often tourists Kubarem rolled down to the meadow.

Circle tents. To break the camp, it is enough to choose a platform and pull on its perimeter tape. From this point on, the territory becomes private and enter it without permission - how to break into someone else's apartment.

Tents are standing at the tracks, in the musical scenes, at the trading tents, in the lakes and on the banks of the Volga. The size of the camp is very different: someone puts one tent in the forest, and someone has tremendous areas with long dining tables. Police officers who follow the order at the festival, also live in camps, which are easy to learn at high fences covered with camouflage disguise.

Festival glade looks empty. It is impossible to hide from the sun, and cars are passing by periodically, so tourists try not to settle here. In addition to the pair of dozens of tents in the meadow there is a tent with a press center and with the Museum of Valery Grushina, children's trampoline town and sports ground. Near several military tents - members of public and youth organizations live in them. Banner rushes into the eyes: "Love, Komsomol, Festival."

The only official fenced area is a small turbase for those who do not want or can not live in walking conditions. I take the key at her administrator and get in one of the houses.

In the summer of 1967, the student Valery Srushchin gathered at the next trip. He spent a month at military gatherings, and before that she passed his last session in the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute. Now, after five years, studied, it remained only to write and protect the diploma.

Initially, six people were going to go on the River Ude in the Irkutsk region, but two of them were detained at the charges. There was no time to wait, so Sulzha changed the category of complexity of a route with a third to the second and registered a group of four tourists. In Taiga, he went with the bride with the Light Yohim and friends of Zhenya Nedosheny and Sonya Afanasyeva.

Valery was an experienced tourist. He committed thirty-six camps to his twenty-two years and managed to visit Sayanov, on the Kola Peninsula, in the North Caucasus, in the Urals and on the Pamire.

During study, when I had to stay in Kuibyshev for a long time in Kuibyshev, he left a room in a hostel, drove through the Volga, put the tent on the shore and raised her own flag over it. Comemniks came to this tent to visit to prepare for exams in nature. Grumina knew the whole institute, if not a city. An independent, decent, intelligent - he was a soul of any company and the pride of his big family. Valera had two native younger brothers, Mikhail and Alexander. Two more children, Yuri and Nelya, left Fedor Grushin from the first marriage.

Valery - Valerka, as his friends called, - did not compose songs, but brought them from hiking. He listened to them in other people's fires and wrote down the words in the notebook, to sing his friends. Gradually, the Humllows gathered a whole anthology of eight handwritten books filled with texts. In 1965, Valera and His roofs of Tole Golovin and Slava Lunev united into a musical trio called "Singing Bobras". Hangotsky, Gorodsky, Kim, tourist songs. If anyone had a serious reason for the complaints about the pear, then this is the noise that Bobras raised the CUAI hostel corridors, learning new songs. Golovin was just one of those two who could not go to Udua because of the fees.

The alloy in the Irkutsk region was to be a little journey in an endless series of campaigns. In mid-August, tourists arrived in the city of Nizhneudinsk. From there on a small plane, they reached the village of Nerja, located a few kilometers from the Uda.

The group overcame part of the path on foot to walk around the coast of a millionth million, which was not included in the route. Once behind the threshold, sadness and his friends put a tent and began to build a raft. The terrain was swampy, and to carry dry brica had to be afar. It rained every day. The group was embarrassed from the schedule and spent the factor of the flesh for more than a week. By August 27, when the work was finally completed, tourists had almost no food left.

"The consignment! Lenin! Komsomol!" - It comes to me a cry from the street. I look out the window and see how the column of people in capes and T-shirts with Komsomol symbolism approaches the main stage of the Grossian festival.

On both sides of the scene hangs on a huge banner. On the left - "50 years of the Harshis Festival", right - "100 years of the WLKSM", already familiar slogan "Love, Komsomol, Festival" and the icon with Lenin. The indignation about such a neighborhood will appear except in Facebook and among some organizers, but there is no case in the glade to the Komsomol residents.

Officially, the festival began on the day before, on Thursday, and several dozen artists have already managed to play on this scene. But the solemn opening ceremony will begin now. On the clock five pm. In the midst of the poplary, a flagpole rushes. The president of the Samara Regional Cup of Valery Supin, one of the creators of the festival and his permanent organizer Boris Caleman, welcomes the scene.

Anatoly Golovkin comes to the flagpole and under the tourist song raises the flag of Valery Grushin. The flag is drawn the crane flying towards the Sun, and the abbreviation of the Quea is bred.

Musicians start a new song - "Union of Friends" Bulat Okudzhava:

Take hands, friends,
Take hands, friends,
So as not to disappear one by one.

"Take the hands, friends" - and everyone is taken by arms, and swinging in the beat. The jubilee, the 45th All-Russian Festival of the author's song named after Valery Grushin declare open. After the ceremony, the musical evening of the memory of Okudzhava begins here, and then - a concert in honor of the century of the VLKSM.

On the morning of August 28, the rafts were lowered into water. Supin knew that below the flow of Hadam's river in Udua, the meteorological station of Hudoma is located. There he planned to replenish the stocks of products.

The way to Homan took the whole day.

The guys did not want to spend the night near the station so as not to unwind local. In addition, it was considered a state object, and it was also forbidden to make it necessary to formally. But the head of the station Konstantin Tretyakov himself suggested Valera to accommodate the entire group in the house.

When Valery's Tourism Group rafts stopped at Homa, in addition to the head at the station there were five more people: his wife Zinaida, sons of Kolya and Lenya, the niece of Lyuba and Radine Valentine. The children stayed at the station all summer, and on the morning of August 29, Konstantin was going to take them back to the boarding school in Nerhe. In all evening, he loaded the "Kazan" boat dried meat, fish, berries and other prepared products that were going to be taken to the village as a fee for accommodation and children.

The next morning, the head of the station put two engine "Moscow" into the boat and sat down the children on the stern. Only one of the engines also started. Tretyaks neatly led the boat along the edge of the sewers - a shallow water area with a rapid flow and standing waves.

When the second motor was still earned, the Tretyakov did not cope with the control - and the "Kazan" was sharply made in the middle of Cherev. The boat was overloaded, and her nose climbed upstairs due to the high weight on the stern. From the impact of the water shaft "Kazanka" turned over. Everyone who was in it was in ice water. Tretyakov grabbed the younger son to Kolya and swam to the shore.

At this time, Valera Supin was sat down on the river bank. He saw a crumpled boat, which was carried in the direction of the threshold, and racing children near her. He removed a storm jacket and a sweater and rushed in speed "Kazan". Lyuba from fear clung to the board, and Valera had to pull her from the boat with force. He got to the girl to the shore, threw it on the stones and swam back.

Lena remained in the water. What exactly happened next, it is impossible to say, because the Son Tretyakova has recalled this moment differently. Whether Valera managed to grab Lañu and give it to coastal stones, whether Hebushin persuaded him to jump back into the water from the bottom of the Kazani, on which the boy was saved from ice water, whether they were incurred along the river. One way or another, one of Lena got out to the shore: Valera took the flow.

Zhenya Nedoshekov was at the morning on duty. He woke up before other tourists, went to the river and went home to cook porridge. At that moment, he was the last time he saw his friend: Valera and a towel in his hands went to meet him.

When the underwent ran out to the shore, Valera was not anywhere. In the hope of finding him, Zhenya passed one and a half kilometers along the Uda. The only find was an empty "Kazanka", stuck in the stones. Zhenya suggested Tretyakov to descend on the river on the raft. Together, they sailed about five kilometers, but Valera was not anywhere. Searches I had to stop to have time to return to the station.

In the evening of the same day, the head of the meteorological station Hudoma Konstantin Tretyakov took Hunting Carabin, moved to fifteen meters from the house, put the trunk to the chin and killed himself a shot.

Roof rides, the train rushes, the airplane flies /
Speaker in "Box" Some problems tambourit /
There is not enough money for travel - I will go on foot /
Go to the ass. Go to the ass. Go to the ass.
I'm all good!

On stage called "Time of Bells" - a group of Tambov "Presumption of Inspecability". From the usual punk concert, what is happening is distinguished by the absence of slam. "Time of bells" seems to be the only platform on the entire festival, where there is a shock installation, and therefore it is on the severity - so as not to drown the performers on other scenes.

The myth that the Grushinsky Festival is a collective bard in a stretched sweater, ready for any minute to sing about "skiing around the stove", hardly corresponds to reality. It is still in honor of unhurried romantic songs under the guitar, but even the veterans of pears say that there are no barded spirit on Mastryukovsky lakes for a long time. Someone vinit the money, and someone is bad poems. "The wing of the author's song is that the authors go, they die," says Alexander Gorodnitsky, referring to the participants of the conference competition.

Lainap also grips stereotypes. A total of a dozen scenes in the Pershinsky festival. Each of them has its own team and their own story. For example, "teahouse" appeared in the seventy year and was intended for humorous songs. "Time of bells" is one of the youngest and formally considered a branch of the same name of the Saratov Festival.

The peculiarity of the Georgian music program is that throughout the festival, the same musician plays small sets on different scenes. Dmitry Vagin will be released to the change of "presumption of insaneness", who won acoustics in the "apartment", and the "presumption" itself will return to the "Time of Bells" next evening. The record holder of this year of the festival was the musician Pavel Pikovsky, who managed to play twenty-two small concerts.

Singer Anna Gerasimov, whom everyone knows the pseudonym of the UMB, will also walk from the scene to the stage and perform different songs. On the festival, she fell for the first time in life: asked the organizers to include it in the program literally a week before its discovery. She and her violinist came to a pear at their own expense.

More Cuckra will perform a song in front of the Pershinsky jury. Music Competition - Home and Oldest Festival Tradition. The final of the competition takes place on the main stage. Day On Saturday, a few meters from the scene is a row of four white canopies - members of the jury are sitting under them. There are practically no viewers at this time. The participants in the contest in turn goes on the stage and perform one composition under the guitar. If somewhere and preserved the spirit of the old Pershina song, then it is necessary to look for it here - among little-known lovers.

Evenings, the space in front of the variety is filled to refusal: legends come to the audience. Hundreds of people bring folding hiking chairs, and the glade turns into a visual hall. On Friday, closer to midnight, Oleg Mityaev with Nostalgia remembers how forty years ago wrote one of his most famous songs. A hat "How great that we all here today gathered" Polyana sings a chorus. Anshlag will repeat the next day: Alexander Rosenbaum will perform for the first time at the Pershina Festival.

In the first in his life, Tamara Muravyov, Tamara Muravyov, was in the spring of 1958 in the Zhigulav mountains. The girl was 17 years old. During the lifting on the Moledian Kurgan because of a confilation confused, she was very far behind the group. Two strangers came to the rescue. They picked up Tamaru under his arms, gave her to breathe and slowly brought to the top. These were Valera Supin and Misha Kuznetsov. The remainder of the day was all three together, walking from the fire to the fire and listening to the songs of tourists.

After a meeting at the younger, the guys were parted for a long time, they disappeared in the triples, on fishing, on alloys. The birthdays of Muravyov and Peyshina usually celebrated together, because both were born in the twenties of October. Tamara was four years older than Valera and eight - Misha and experienced not just friendly, but maternal feelings. In her eyes, the boys adulters, found new friends and fell in love.

The fact that Valera died, the girl recognized as one of the first in the city. Early in the morning she was called from Turkluba and handed over the urgent message of the Hawa Radiski.

In the evening, from Kuibyshev to Nizhneudinsk, an aircraft flew by a service flight with the first search group. Fedor Ivanovich Supin, Misha Kuznetsov, Tamara and friend Valera Viktor Gordeev. When they got to the place of the tragedy, the station was already under the protection of the police.

Plem for search engines gathered from Breus, which Tretyakov prepared for the construction of a new house. Together with the guys, two local fishermen plunged on him.
"Our river always gives us their victims," \u200b\u200bthey said.

Every two kilometers the raft moored to the shore. A part of the team went to the opposite side of the river on the boat-flat window. So passed days. In the autumn began, in the taiga, it quickly got dark, and snow was added to the rain. Touch and view the bottom of the UDA became more complicated.

Fedor Ivanovich remained in the camp not far from the meteorological station. He connected to the search for fishermen, hunters and policemen. The Kuai Rector managed to contact the Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation of the USSR, and helicopter circled with good weather.

In Taiga, friends and aligns of Valera flew. The Srushin-Sr. Formated from them from the local fishermen of the group and sent a son in search of his son. Total expeditions were about eight.

The forest near the Homa, just in case, also fastened: Fyodor Ivanovich did not exclude that the head of the station could reach Valera to the coast and hide the corpse in the forest. The death of Grushin was not the first tragedy that happened in the presence of Tretyakov. Criminal cases were already instituted for him because of the death of geologists and poachers according to his fault.

In early September, the team Anatoly Golovina pulled out the body of the dead tourist from Angarsk from the river. Another group found a male skeleton, organized animals, but Fyodor Ivanovich refused to recognize the remains of the Son in it. 36 years after the tragedy, the native sister Bella Yakovlevna Mina will tell in an interview that 40 people drowned in Ude in 1967, and 39 corpses managed to catch and identify.

The search for Valera ceased in November. None of the expeditions of Fedor Ivanovich never managed to find the body.

On the second October, by order of the rector of the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, Valery Supin was excluded from the list of students in connection with death.

The pear has its own arbat. Along a narrow pathway from the festival glade, there are dozens of trays with souvenirs and baubles. Behind them in the thickets are tents. This Arbat is a portal in a parallel world. I go through the crowd, and suddenly the track takes me to a new glade. Trade is boiling here.

Pershinsky is a paradise for wildlife lovers with tents and stew at the fire. But commerce at the festival is being developed so much that it is possible to come here at all without things and to live a few days without it. All: all: kebab, corn, beer, cider, cheese, tea, water, burgers, seasonings, fish, sausage, clothes, sleeping bags, shoes and tents. At any time of the day, crowds of people with beer and food are stagged here. A person who is in a pair of kilometers stands in a queue for drinking water or bake potatoes in a fire seems strange.

On each second stall there is a column from which the music threatens. With the author's song, it has nothing to do - only electronics and pops.

And by the river, and by the river, and by the river
Girls walk, men walk.

I feel like a Sochi coast.

Immediately behind the stalls and cafes begins a huge parking. Machines come here to pione, turning off the highway and crossing the railroad where the descent from the hill is not so cool. Every day through the "customs" in the Pershina, the parking lot goes on a thousand cars. Drivers pay on the CAT thousand rubles.

The participants of the 45th Hreasy Festival of the Author's Song played in a pair of kilometers on scenes, only magnets with the image of the guitar are reminded. Perhaps many inhabitants of the shopping center have never passed through Arbat to the other side.

There is an opinion that the Grushinsky Festival is a huge booze, which is not the most pleasant personality from Samara and Tolyatti. Even a taxi driver, with whom we drove to the station, preparing me for this.

"Zhigulevskoye" is pouring the river, and tourists with full bottles and glasses are constantly in the festival tracks. Surprisingly, all this does not affect the friendly spirit of the festival. No one sticks, does not reflit and do not blossom in the wrong places. Several people are in turning off on the grass, complaints about the clock "Dolbög" on the shopping center and quarrels with inadequate neighbors - that's all the chaos.

Friends and relatives Valera Grushina began to call for interrogations. The whole city spoke about his death, besides, tourists and students planned to hold a concert in honor of the deceased comrade. In the building of the GUVD on Kuibyshev Street, 42 investigators and state security officers asked them, which man was a man, what he sang songs, as belonged to Soviet power. In addition, the KGB has learned about the trip, Grushin, Kuznetsov and Muravyova in the spring of 1966 in the Temnovsky correctional labor camp in Mordovia, which was in the conclusion of a girlfriend Tamara in the Doodle. After the interrogation, Muravyuv was accused of illegal publishing, and she managed to avoid criminal punishment only miracle.

The day of memory Valery Grisher could not be held for autumn: on October 23, the local radio studio announced the cancellation of the ever-planned event.

Despite interrogations, searches and seizures of Samizdat, his friends Valery Grushina continued to permission to a concert in his honor. It was important for them to openly tell about the feat of Valera, without hiding under the underground. For students and tourists, the rector of QUII and Fyodor Ivanovich Gushin were instructed.

In the summer of 1968, at a joint meeting of the regional council on tourism and excursions and Turkluba "Zhiguli" it was decided to spend on the September Tours "Golden Autumn - 68" The song contest of memory of Valery Grushin.

This competition, which will soon be declared the first Pershinsky festival, passed in a stone bowl - so called a tract in the Zhiguli formed by several ravines and the surrounding stony slopes. 632 people arrived at him, including tourists from Moscow, Leningrad and Kazan.

The musical scene served a patch on the slope. The concert began on the evening of September 28 and lasted up to four in the morning. Around the burned torches and bonfires. In the morning, Valeria Grushina Boris Caleman, Boris Caleman, declared the names of the laureates. Among them were the "Singing Bobra" trio, in which Valera's place took one of his comrades.

The following year, the festival was transferred to Mastryukovsky lakes. Two and a half thousand people arrived at him.

I stop near the camp, from which the melody of the song of the Creedence group "Have You Ever Seen The Rain" is coming. The man of the retirement age plays the guitar, and the vocal party imitates on the Garmoshka. I will go to visit and sit on a folding chairs next to the musician friends.

And this is my friend Vasily, one of them appears to me, representing a man with a guitar. - Take a picture of him, then show in Moscow that there is such a talented friend from me - Vasily. We come here since 1975, and Vaughn has been on the first festival.

Lydia Aleksandrovna knew Valery Grushin and went hiking with him. When he died, she was still a schoolgirl and, for example, decided to act in Quai. In response to the question, whether she came here every year and whether he visited all festivals, the woman mentions two famous Gross exceptions.

In 1980, tourists who came out of the wagons of the electric trains saw the signs of the festival canceled. The Olympics in Moscow became the reason for the ban of a pear: local authorities stated that they send police officers to the capital, and there was no people to protect the order at the festival. Considering that in the previous year, two hundred thousand people in the Pershinsky guarded 42 militiamen, the reason seemed contrived. The ban on holding the festival has lasted five years, and precisely because of this in 2018, the 45th festival is held in honor of the 50th anniversary of the pear. The tradition managed to revive in 1986.

The second turn in the history of the festival occurred quite recently. In 2007, the club of the author's song named after the Grushin could not negotiate with the company "Meta", which for 15 years received rental land at Mastryukovsky lakes. As a result of the conflict, "Meta" enlisted the support of the son of Yuri Fedorovich Grushina and held the 34th festival on its own. Traditional organizers were not confused and arranged their own festival on Fedorov meadows - similar to the terrain landscape upstream of the Volga, where several Pershushin festivals were held in the seventies.

In a few years, "Meta" lost the right to use the pear brand and renamed its event in the "platform". One of his concepts was the creation of a "festival of festivals" - various self-sufficient scenes.

The war ended in the fall of 2013. The union of festivals took place through the mediation of local authorities, and the man who had confused the opposing parties was the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky.

However, the reunion was conditional. In 2014, the club returned to Mastryuki and spent the 41st festival together with the "Metow", and already in 2015 "Platform" left the Samara region and moved to Moscow. Inherited from her, the most numerous scenes for which the musicians rushed.

After the return of the club on Mastryukovsky lakes, the popularity of the festival began to fall. If in 2014 70 thousand people arrived at the pear, then in the next, 2015, there were only 20 thousand. About 27 thousand people took part in the anniversary festival of 2018. About 180 thousand, as twenty years ago, now there can be no speech.

The son of the meteorologist Tretyakov Lenya, whom the sadness saved from the water, could not recover after hypothermia. A strong cold flowed into the inflammation of the brain, and shortly after the events on Del, the boy died. After a few years, Kolya Tretyakov was not.

In January 1973, a group of students of Quai was completely killed in the Mountain Tundra of the Kola Peninsula on the Plateau of Chivruiai during the Snow Storm. One of her managers was a friend Valera Grushin and Tamara Muravyova - Misha Kuznetsov.

After the death of the grina, his younger brother Mikhail did not want to live in a hostel of Quai: everything reminded everything about Valera. Parents removed the son of a room in Kuibyshev. In the five January 1971, the hostess unsuccessfully melted the oven. The apartment crawled smoke - and Mikhail died from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Fedor Ivanovich, who was already broken after the death of Valera, went back in the cock. "Father drinks, and when he gets drunk, all tourists are shrugaty at the entrance. We don't like us in the entrance, "Valera's second native brother, Alexander, in 1981 recalled.

Bella Yakovlevna never was able to believe in the death of his valerik. On the street, she rushed to people like a son, and staying at home, quietly repeated: "Alive, alive, alive ..."

Despite the family grief, the pears have come many times at the festival named after their son. The last time they visited Mastryukovsky lakes in 1988. Two years later, Fedor Ivanovich was not, three more - Bella Yakovlevna. In 1994, Alexander died.

Yuri Srushin - Son of Fedor Ivanovich from the first marriage - died in 1998. He worked all his life in the state security bodies.

The archive, which kept seized collections of songs Valery Grushin, burned down in a terrible fire in the building of the Samara GUVD on February 10, 1999. Then at Kuibyshev, 42 killed 57 police officers.

In 1968, the portrait of the Grushin was placed in the very center of the graduation photograph of the 561th group of QUI. At the beginning of the nineties, the institute was renamed Samara State Aviation Institute and received a new coat of arms - an image of a crane flying to the sun. The order for the introduction of the new coat of arms was signed by the one-laugher Valery Victor Coyfer, appointed in 1990 by the rector of the university. In 2012, a memorial audience named after Valery Grushin, opened in one of the Cabinets of SGAU.

In the evening, police officer appears on the steep slope over the scene-guitar. The techniques are building the operator tower and set the equipment on the stage, and the volunteers are taken under the control of the shop at the bottom of the mountain, intended for VIP guests. Several young people check the pontoon crossing, along which tourists will move from the festival glade to the mountain. From the lake beats the fountain.

The concert begins at ten. It opens up the "Harshin Trio": Anatoly Golovkin, the former wife of Boris Caleman Olga Yermolaeva and Bard Alexander Isaev. "The little ballad about a big man" mountain listens to standing.

Where is Taiga blue than heaven, where?
Unless on the Taezhnaya on the Ude River.
Where is the terrible thresholds, cold water, where?
Unless on the edge of the earth, the River Ude.

Many participants in the festival are not in a hurry to move the lake to view the mountain from this shore and see one of the main traditions of the Grushinsky - the light of the lanterns, which light the audience on the slope.

Choose a comfortable place. It is difficult: the shore is busy camps. I easily bare a marked path in high grass. The path brings to the patch on the shore, several people have already settled here. The singing voices of the Musicians of the Romario group will be infant with the raft:

One two Three.
Mountain, burn!

In response, hundreds of lights ignite on the slope - and the slope is overflowing with white sparks of lights.
"The mountain flares up," the man says quietly with my back.

The fountain turns out to be the screen on which the light of the anniversary of the festival, the coat of arms and the portraits of the musicians are broadcast. The laureates of the 45th Festival, winners of the contests of past years and honorary guests are going on the raft. Among the latter it turns out to be worn.

All this time, life in distant camps goes to her! On Shopping Polyana, people continue to drink beer under the sounds of an electronic caocophony and eat shawarma. On the other end of the valley passes the song Battle: the guys by the fire in turn singing "Lyapis Trubetsky".

The crowds accumulates the crowd. You need to wait until the concert will be returned to the festival glade. People are asked not to stop on the pontoons, so as not to drown them.

The police officers are not allowed to the mountain of drunk and people with alcohol. The "visual hall" works in the mode of increased danger. The slope is too cool so that it can be easily descended and climb. The legs slide on the wrapped ground, and it is necessary to climb up the top or even on all fours. It is surprising that over these decades the tradition of the mountain was able to preserve, despite the obvious insecurity of what is happening.

The audience comes to the Virio Governor of the Samara region Dmitry Azarov, says a little speech and "Nadezhda is my Grushinsky Trio" sings "Hope - My Compass Earth". After that, Oleg Mityaev descends on the raft to give the official of the festival medal.
- How great that we all gathered here today! - shouting into the microphone of azarov.
- Come on, did you write it? "Mityaev jokes, and then turns to the" hall ":" I think that this medal governor hangs in the office, and the stern profile of Valery Grushina will ask: "Is it time to start preparing for the 46th Hershinsky festival?"
- It's time, we will start it today! - Azarov answers and leaves the scene.

After several performers on the stage, musicians from the Romario group are rendered again. They perform the song "Let's leave the federal budget."

The concert will last for four hours and the song of Yuri's Wake-up "Mute My" will end, which the choir of legendary bards: Mityaev, Gardening, Homchik, Chikina, Ivashchenko and eight more people.
- To the future mountain! Thank you, dear, for the Divine Night, will say the audience Boris Caleman who remained on the slope.

I sit on the stack of information stands, on which the whole life of Valera Grushin and the entire history of the Horashing festival are painted. Because of the lining this year, two almost the same exposures were immediately in the tent of the festival museum. The one that has someone is collected from beautiful rice rolls.

Old stands that I try to shove into homemade Cardboard cases, this year was not useful. All the days of the festival, they stood second next to the press rolls.

Tamara Alekseevna Muravyova lies next to the floor, spreading his hands to the sides of fatigue. The tent is very stuffy. The custodian of the museum has just graduated from the tour, which lasted longer than two hours. On the eve of the Muravoye, the pressure was strongly reduced, and she was not able to visit the mountain for the first time in his life. Her volunteers during the excursion ran away; The stands that Tamara Alekseevna printed on his own pension, I collect.

The Pershina Festival or "Pellishka" claims the title of the oldest festival of the author's song of Russia.

The venue for the All-Russian Festival of the author's song. Valeria Grushin serves Reserved Mastryukovsky lakes, located between Samara and Tolyatti. During the years of the forum, the natural oasis has become a cult place among domestic fans of live music, poetry, tourism and an active lifestyle. On the famous scenes "guitar" and "teahouse" were such masters of poetry as Yuri Vizbor, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Alexander Gorodnitsky, Alexander Dolsky, Tatiana and Sergey Nikitin, Evgeny Kleachkin, Veronica Dolina, Oleg Mityaev, Andrei Kozlovsky, Timur Shaov. Over time, the festival program has grossing the frame of the author's song. Today, the Raucker Yuri Shevchuk, the Guitar Legend Ivan Smirnova, Virtuos of Balalyaki Alexei Arkhipovsky or Folk-musician Sergei Starostar, can be found at the stage of the Groutine Festival.

The organizer of the Grossian festival - the Samara Regional Club of the author's song named after Valery Grushin - gathers dozens of thousands of creative rest fans in nature at the traditional platform of the Mastryukovsky lakes in Nature. In addition to concerts on numerous festival and open scenes in a tent camp, Open-Air guests are offered many additional entertainment. Among them - sports competitions, art contests, performances, poetry evenings, master classes, children's cultural projects. The Gala concert on the main scene-guitar with the participation of all the winners of the festival becomes the final of the Grushi Festival.

The king of the author's song lovers was born in 1968, for a year earlier in the legends of the American "Woodstock". In the first festival, the Valery Grushin, who was heroically died in the Zhiguli, in honor of the heroic student in the salvation, "only 600 people participated. At the peak of its popularity in the late 1990s, "Pellishka" collected more than 200,000 lovers of the Bardov song, becoming one of the most massive music holidays in the history of the country.

Entrance to the Georgian festival is free. You can get to the place of its holding on an electric train from Samara. The nearest stop to the camp is called a platform 135 km or (unofficially) platform them. Valery Grushin.

The Grushinsky festival is beautiful, including what goes every year. And every year we accompany the first month of the summer where the smoke from the fires are spilled on the water, and music like gas fills the granted volume.

Music begins on the distant approaches to the festival glade. Misanthropers play, not accepting mandatory festival crowds in close proximity to themselves and breaking the camp away. Plays the farthest scene of the festival - Kola Budrock. Play a passing festival through people with warrgans and swords of unprecedented forms.

In general, as aptly noticed Galina, a pear is a large music box. You get into it and even as if you fall, as in the rabbit Nora, and you never know what "dreams and songs" (c) will be filled with air in ten steps. Here they sing Bitles, then he is reading, but already "Atlanta hold the sky on the stone hands" (c), because of the turn, Leps comes, but thank you for not Tanya Bulanova, although he can sing it. Fine that we are with Galina Garzhenina Distorted!

On musical soil, companies are going randomly, and unfamiliar guys sing each other, laying out songs by votes.

And all this musical manifold occurs every year, continuing as if in the same place, where they finished last time. Sometimes I have a feeling that in fact the pear does not end. This is such a Human Space-Temporary Continuum, which arises from the parallel universe during the first weekend of July in the same place and bringing up with him the same time due to some physical incident.

And there arises a pear without the rain, which only confirms the theory. But if we almost did not notice the rain, then this festival is one of the most "sediment" in my memory. And the rain became a musical accompaniment, an incessant percussion, the shading of the strings, a lip of the harmonica and a long, delicate tube rulander in the style of the Baker chat. This trumpeter did my Saturday - the morning, the rain is measuringly knocking on a tent tent tent tent, without having a rhythm. And then the pipe joins ...

The traditional night concert is just as 5 and 10 years ago, it is imperceptibly materialized on the lake. This time, even he did not cost without the rain and the night trees-mountain manits photographers and listeners, like a lamp manits moths.

And when the rain finally ends, at the dawn of Sunday the next sun and the rising fog are ready to remove the spells of witchcraft from the meadow, when the time is ready to make your usual loop and turn the festival back to a simple forest glade Pear is the most beautiful. And you can watch it for a long time with the stairs trying to catch the moment when everything disappears. But you can't catch.

Everything disappears without you. A pear turns into a memory like Santa Claus in gifts under Christmas tree and a partitioned window. "Personal New Year" (c) met. We are waiting for the following.