Description of the picture I. and

Description of the picture I. and
Description of the picture I. and

Birch Grove

In a birch forest,
where birds hits,
Where in silk grass
through the shadow of the rays are burning ...

Good and careless to me
On the grass, among the birch of green,
In a quiet and obsessive side!
"Forest is noise with a vague, even noise"

Such a masterpiece of Levitan, as the birch of grove (1885-1889) was launched in Babkin and completed several years later in the Plesa on the Volga. In this image of a gracious corner birch forest Everything shines, radiating a feeling of cheerfulness, the involvement of light energy of a living life. Specively using the expressive possibilities of invoice, the artist transmits the game of sunlight on white trunks, overclivs the green color of foliage birrors and solar grass, among which the blue sparks of colors can be seen. Beres are in the painting of Levitan the most fun and light-loving from trees, smiling towards the sun and living, like everyone around them, their lives, soulfully close artist.

Vladimir Petrov

« Birch Grove"Started in Babkin in 1885, was finished, only in the summer of 1889. In this image of a birch grove, with the shadows from the Kolya-smoking foliage of Dereyev, Levitan again builds a picture on the movement, on the lighting game. And here this game of light, this movement of shadows serve as the basis and means of expression "mood. Spots of light and shadow name is the viewer to deepen in the image where the clarity of the outlines of objects and the birch grove merges in common green spots. The game of light on the trunks of Berez makes them not only trembling and alive, but as if transparent. This transparency and tenderness gives them a rich color, which is transferred by the game of light and shadows on the trunks. We see here along with white, pastous stained stains smaller pink, brown and additional bluish-green colors. They find themselves support in the image of small lilac flowers and yellow glare light in the grass and upstairs in foliage.

The shadows were interpreted there as bluish, as pearls. In the penetrated by the sun, shining, like radiating the emerald light, the film "Birch Grove" The color transfer of the scene of the light and dark acquired wonderful purity and immediacy. From the picture like the freshness and smells of summer sunny day in the forest.

Nowhere, Levitan did not fit so close in his painting to impressionism, approached independently, not knowing more french artists And without seeing other manifestations of Impres-Zionism, except for the etudes of his peer and companion K. Korovina. In fact, Impresso-desiccine, the composition with its cut barracks and their tops of the edge of the paintings, the composition, as if immediately introducing us into the depths of the image, on this grass under the village birches, immersing us in the fragrance heated by the sun, penetrated by light air . Impres-sionistic and dynamics of the image manifested in the apparent "chance" of choosing the point of view and location of the trunks and in tom light The rhythm of movement that is imbued with everything in Kar-Tine. This is a movement that does not have a certain orientation, but as if "fluttering".

Polenov himself in a response letter for this painting expressed joy, "that Levitan stepped forward." Perhaps the paintings created as a result of the third trip to the Volga include the feedback ascribed by Kuvshtinikova Chekhov: "You know," he noticed Levitan - even a smile appeared on your paintings. " She really was in them - both in the "birch grove" in particular.

A.A. Fedorov-Davydov

Essay in the picture of the student 6b Sergeev Oleg

Today I will introduce you to the picture of the Russian painter of the XIX century Isaac Ilyich Levitan "Birch Grove", carrying us into warm summer days. She was launched in Babkin and finished several years later in the Plesa.

On this canvas, the birch is shown unusually bright, saturated, alive and warm flowers. On the birch birch falls the sun rays. And due to this, the contrast of the illuminated corners of trees and dark-green leaves are created. Dark pieces of berers also emphasize it. Birchs with leaves are portrayed very naturally, Levitan as it may give us to hear their moves.

Even on this picturesque canvas Visible radiant grass. It promotes the selection of birrors. Among her, different wildflowers grow. This meadow is full of freshness. It seems to expand, increases the sizes of the grove shown here.

This grass is extremely smoothly spreading to the canvas. Looking at her, so I want to run through her, lie down, think about something high and watch through the rustling leaves on the azure sky.

This picture raises the mood, makes cheerfulness and reminds that winter is not eternal.

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"Birch Grove" - Picture of the Russian artist Isaac Levitan (1860-1900), written in 1885-1889. The picture is part of the meeting of the State Tretyakov Gallery. Picture size - 28.5 × 50 cm.

History and description

From the beginning of work on the picture before its completion passed four years. Levitan conceived this picture and began working on it in the Moscow region when he spent the summer of 1885 on the estate of Kiselev "Babkino" located on the Istra River, not far from the new Jerusalem. And ended the Levitan this picture in 1889, being in the film - small townlocated on the right bank of the Volga, where the artist came during three years, from 1888 to 1890, and where he created many famous paintings . In the XIX century, the film belonged to the Kostroma province, and in the 20th century he entered the Volga district of the Ivanovo region. The Flessic Birch Grove, which Levitan chose, was located on the outskirts of the city, not far from the cemetery church called the desert. The artist came there with a picture started in the suburbs, and eventually completed it.

The picture is built on the game of light and shadow on birch trunks, as well as in fresh green grass and trees foliage. This is achieved using a wide range of shades of green color as well expressive opportunities textures, so the impression of the radiance and radiation of optimistic energy is created. Depicting solar glare on trees, transitions and color vibration, the artist partly uses the techniques of impressionistic painting.


It is interesting to compare the "birch grove" of Levitan with a similar picture of the Archka of Quinji, which was then widely fame from the Russian public ("Birch Grove", 1879). If the Quinji perceives the light of the Sun, as a majestic, incomprehensible, the physical phenomenon attracts to him, then Levitan looks at the world, having a relationship to nature a certain psychological module of humanity. Birings are in his picture not only with bunches of light and color, lit by the stream of sunlight, but also the most fun and light-friendly from trees, smiling towards the sun and living, like everyone around them, their lives, peaceful artist.
The very fact of working on the scenery, so small, for several years, with breaks, again with returns to this topic and preservation, with such a long work of the immediacy of the sensation and such a captivating freshness of the painting itself, I am simply in amazement, and still I do not cease Amend to this perfection, this diamond even in the work of Levitan. At first glance, the picture "Birch Grove" does not captivate us with some kind of special composition, some kind of composite order, but if we look deeper and more carefully, we will see that the composition is extraordinary, unusual. Everything seems to be accidentally seen, but in fact it is very thoughtful, brilliantly organized and very complicated composition ...

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Excerpt that characterizes the birch grove (Painting Levitan)

- How did you fit, dear Isidor? Hopefully the proximity of your daughter did not give trouble to your sleep?
- Thank you for your care, your Holiness! I slept surprisingly great! Apparently, it is the proximity of Anna reassured me. Can I communicate with my daughter today?
He was shining and fresh, as if he was broken, as if he had already embodied his greatest dream ... I hated His confidence in myself and his victory! Even if he had all the reasons for this ... Even if I knew that I was very soon, by the will of this crazy dad, I leave forever ... I was not going to give him so easy - I wished to fight. Until the last sigh, to last Minutereacted to me on earth ...
- So what did you decide Isidor? - Dad asked cheerfully. - As I told you earlier, it depends on how soon you will see Anna. I hope you do not make me take the most brutal measures? Your daughter is that her life will not cut off so early, is it not true? She really is very talented, Isidor. And I sincerely wanted to hurt her evil.
- I thought you know me for a long time, your Holiness to understand - the threats will not change my decision ... Even the most terrible. I can die, not withstanding pain. But I will never betray what I live. Forgive me, Holiness.
Karafa looked at me all her eyes, as if heard something not quite reasonable, which was very surprised.
- And you will not regret your beautiful daughter?!. Yes, you are more fanatical than me, Madonna! ..
Exclaim it, Karaff rose sharply and retired. And I sat completely numb. Without feeling your heart, and not able to keep the disassembled thoughts, as if all my remaining strength went to this short negative answer.
I knew that this is the end ... that now he will take over Anna. And I was not sure if I could survive to transfer it all. There was no strength to think about revenge ... There was no strength to think at all about anything ... My body was tired, and did not want to resist more. Apparently, this was the limit, after which the "other" life had already occurred.
I madly wanted to see Anna! .. Hug her at least once for goodbye! .. Feel her raging strength, and tell her again how much I love her ...
And then, turning to the noise of the door, I saw her! My girl stood straight and proud, as a strict cane, which is trying to break the impending hurricane.
- Well, talk with my daughter, Isidor. Maybe she will be able to make at least some common sense in your lost consciousness! I give you a meeting one hour. And try to take care of the mind, Isidor. Otherwise, this meeting will be the last ...
Karaff did not want to play more. The scales were put his life. Just like the life of my cute Anna. And if the second for him had no importance, then for the first (for his) he was ready to go for everything.
- Mommy! .. - Anna stood at the door, unable to move. - Mom, cute, how do we destroy it? .. I do not think, mommy!
Running from the chair, I ran up to my only treasure, my girl and, grabbing in his arms, squeezed that it was forces ...
"Oh, mommy, you will strangle me so much! .." Anna laughed calling.
And my soul absorbed this laughter, as a sense to death absorbs the warm farewell rays of the already setting sun ...
- Well, you're, mom, we are still alive! .. We can still fight! .. You yourself said myself, what will be fighting while alive ... So let's think, can we do something . Can we save the world from this evil.
She supported me again with his courage! .. I found the right words again ...
This nice brave girl, almost a child, could not even imagine what torture could put her Karaff! In what kind of brutal pain could drown her soul ... But I knew ... I knew everything that I was waiting if I can't go to him. If I do not agree to give Pape the only thing he wanted.
- My good, my heart ... I can't look at your torment ... I will not give you to him, my girl! The north and the like, does not care who remains in this life ... So why should we be different? .. Why should you worry about something else, someone else's destiny?!.
I myself was scared my words ... Although in my heart I understood well that they were caused by just the hopelessness of our position. And, of course, I was not going to betray that for what I lived ... For the sake of what my father and poor Jirolamo died. Just, just for a moment I wanted to believe that we can take and leave this terrible, "black" Karaff world, forgetting about everything ... Forgetting about other people unfamiliar to us. Forgetting about evil ...
It was a minute weakness of a tired man, but I understood that I had no right to allow it even. And here, in the top of all, apparently I could not stand more violence, the burning evil tears strengthened the streams in my face ... But I tried so hard to allow it! .. I tried not to show my cute little girl, what depths of despair were tightened by my exhausted, Exterpassed soul pain ...
Anna sadly looked at me with his huge with gray eyesIn which there lived deep, not at all children's sadness ... She quietly stroked my hands, as if wishing to calm down. And my heart scream scream, not wanting to humble ... not wanting to lose her. She was the only remaining meaning of my failed life. And I could not let the nonhumans, who called the Roman dad, take it away from me!
"Mommy, don't worry about me - as if reading my thoughts, Anna whispered. - I'm not afraid of pain. But even if it is very painful, Grandfather promised me to pick me up. I told him yesterday. He will wait for me if we do not succeed with you ... and dad too. They both will wait there. But only you will leave you very painful ... I love you so much, mommy! ..

Description of the painting of Levitan "Birch Grove"

This picture, the artist began to draw in 1885, and finished in 1889, when he was in the film on the Volga.
This picture reflects how much the artist is talented and the smart.
Levitan is famous for its landscapes, and the "birch grove" is one of my favorite paintings.

We see the forest in which birchings grow.
Realistic Levitan plays with light, showing us the glare of the sun and on Earth and on the pilots.
The color is selected, in my opinion, very precisely, very contrasting bright green shades of grass and on white trunks birch.
Playing with a shadow, Levitan seems to be able to revive his picture.
We close your eyes and hear the chirping of birds, opening the eyes, we are no longer in real world, we as if one whole with the picture, and we want to run through this grove, and shout loudly to throw out negative energy.

In my opinion, birchings are rejoiced in a sunny day.
Everything around blooms and smells, and from the picture, undoubtedly, itifies warm and joy.
The author leads us deep into the forest using the technique of your letter.
From other similar paintings, this canvas is characterized by its dynamicity, it seems that there is still a little bit, and everything will end, the trees will ship, and autumn will come, and I want to enjoy every day, not to miss any day.
Enjoy every moment.
Levitan manages to portray a light-hearted environment, all this manages to achieve due to its unique writing technique, for example, in this case, important role Played a rich color palette and superimposed lights and shadow stains.

Each painting of Levitan, imbued with love for its nature and homeland.
This picture is distinguished from other vitality and freshness of feelings.
Chekhov really liked this work, he spoke Levitan that this picture will be recognized and loved by many generations.

The canvas "Birch Grove" - \u200b\u200bthe masterpiece of the nineteenth century. The romantic feelings of the pristine beauty and freedom of natural expanses.

If you carefully consider the artist's landscape, then you can see how the rays of the sun play with dark shades of the shadow. My impression from the picture is positive. Causes a sense of peaceful mood.

A transparent, fast stream separating canvas in two parts flows between the trees. The alternation of dark and bright objects has a feeling of mystery and the unknown area of \u200b\u200bnature.
The picture, as if divided into two parts. A dense forest can be seen.

There is a peaceful silence here. Birds are not heard, there are only plants and trees around, melodiously rushing the stream. Mighty trunks birches rushed high in the sky. Under them can be hidden from the scorching, sultry, summer solar heat.

The artist admires slim, straightened high in the sky birch. And shares with us with their observation. He wanted to leave the descendants to descend, this fabulous corner.

Nature of Chista and Nevinna. So I want to lie on a soft, green grass. The air is clean and transparent. Trees stand motionless, there is not the slightest blow of the wind. When viewing the picture in the shower, a calm, peaceful melody is heard. I want to visit this forest full birches. Feel the coolness of the stream, breathe clean air particles. See growing in it the wonderful plants. Go a barefoot on soft, juicy grass. Collect fragrant bouquet of exotic flowers. Learn more about the features of birches. Different external data. One tree leaned slightly, the other grows smoothly. And relax on the green carpet under their foliage.

In the kingdom of nature, it is well resting and thought. Proceeds of problems, feeling a feeling of rest. Time stops. I do not want to leave. More such corners in our native land!

It is necessary to maintain and appreciate the wild corners of nature, every blade and a living creature. They are becoming less and less. Valuable plants disappear. Delicious and clean air clogs. Forests are cut down, rivers clogged. Value herbs and mushrooms disappear. Natural balance is broken.

Description of the painting of the birch grove

What immediately rushes into the eyes in this picture - the game of light and shadows. Queenji did it masterfully.

Here on the green clearing the beauties of birch frozen. Heads for two and three things, as a girlfriend on the lawn, the group broke up and whispering about something, secretly. They bowed their crowns to each other like girls bowed heads with lush hair manes. Due to this, on a green lawn, a tent was formed with a shadow. Where you can relax from the scorching summer sun. And it shines, tries, summer after all, in the sky neither the cloud.

But the tops of the birches did not get into the picture. Trees as if circumcised, as in the photo. Only birch trunks are visible. In the background, another birch grove is depicted. But she is not interested in the artist, so those trees are depicted with dark green color. Only occasionally flashed white trunks. Against the background of the blue sky, they stand out in a large dark green spot. The artist is more interested in birrors on foreground.

Birch idyll violates only flowing stream. He crosses the clearing and runs somewhere in the green distance.

In principle, the artist when writing a picture uses several colors. Green, blue, white. But how many shades have a green color! It is a dark green in the background. The same color depicts shadows from trees in the foreground. Green grass growing along the stream. Polyanka is also green, but this is some other green color. And there are visible green flowers on it, and the barren crowns are prohibited. They clearly stand out against a dark green grove in the background.

Such a birch cleaner can be found in almost every lasty, almost every Russian village. No wonder of Bereza is considered a symbol of Russia.

If you have a little slow down, then you can imagine this hot summer day, a little bit of a light breeze, having fun rummate a river, chirping in birds, buzzing bees, flying from a flower on a flower. Just the perfect place to relax in the shade of trees.

And you can arrange a picnic in nature. Bonfire does not need to breed, he will only spoil idyll. It was covered on the grass covered, and lay out all the supplies from a large wicker basket or a birch box. In the stream, you can lower the bottle with drinking water Or a jar with a cooked house with the window, so that it was cool. On the fresh air Even the simplest food seems so tasty. After the satisfying snack, go to the grass on the back, rushing the eyes into the bottomless blue sky, dream about something, intimate. Maybe even take a nap in the fresh air. After such a rest, you can go to work again with new forces.

2, 3, 5, 6th grade

Description of the mood picture of the birch grove

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"Birch Grove" (1885-1889) is considered one of the most significant "impressionist" masterpieces of Levitan.

This small size (50 to 29 cm) landscape took away from Levitan for four more years, nomadsya with him from one important spatially biographical milestone to another. He began the "birch grove" in 1885 in the Babkino estate near Moscow, where, in the close company of the Czech and their friends, Levitan had three fruitful and unfinished summer, and ended four years later in the film - the city on the Volga (almost by chance "Open" Levitan and his girlfriend Sofia Kuvshtinikova by river travel), which will become a whole epoch in Levitan painting.

"Birch Grove" sounds infrequent in the melancholic painting of Levitan a major chord. Everything here, in this fertile corner of the young birch, shines, blown and radiance rages. It is easy to succumb to the temptation to spend a direct biographical parallel: even recently the artist was a pension and lonely, and here by 1885-86 everything finally changed wonderfully. Levitan earned a good money for the scenery in the private opera Savva Mamontov and, together with Chekhov, Gabkino, among people close to the perception of the world, valued art and benevolent to Levitan. He works a lot, but a lot and fools, almost every day depicts in the fun performances of Bedouin, then the defendant merchant, accused of distinguishing and secret immorality, and it seems so much did not laugh in all his life. So, maybe therefore, "birch grove" also laughs and is bothering? Yes and no. Of course, psychologically everything was much overweight and more difficult, and at times Levitan again fell into the familiar melancholy, telling Chekhov: "Nothing but longing in Cuba". In any case, to finish the "Birch grove" in Babkino Levitan never succeeded. Something still lacked. Some "littleness", without which, according to the well-known Levitan, Fyodor Shalyapin, "No Art".

"The fact of the possibility of working on the scenery, so small, for several years, with breaks, again with returns to this topic and preservation with such a long work of the immediacy of the sensation and such captivating freshness of the very painting of me just pursued me in amazement, - recognized artist Boris Johanson, - and so far I do not cease to be amazed to this perfection, this diamond is even in the work of Levitan ".

Student Levitan Boris Lipkin argued that for the author "Birch grove" it was a favorite practice - to leave the picture "for the ripening", returning to her through time. Lipkin so reports the words of the artist remembered to him: "It is sometimes very difficult to finish the picture," Levitan said. - Sometimes you are afraid to spoil with one smear. So they stand, "rushing", frightened to the wall ... To finish, sometimes you need two or three smears, but what, you don't immediately decide ".

Levitan was able to complete the "birch grove", Luitan could only be in the film - the city that the artist will glorify and which will forever remain connected with the name of Levitan. This Volzhsky town is standing on the hills covered with tightly birch groves. One of them, which attracted Levitan, was located on the outskirts of the film, not far from the cemetery church. Here, Levitan could watch the game of sun glare on birch trunks, foliage, young grass. In the transfer of vibration of the color and light-hearted medium, Levitan approaches the technique of impressionists. Akin to their finds and composite solution "Birch grove": Levitan trees are trimmed by the edge of the canvas. Such a reception is loved by impressionists: this contributes to the "inclusion" of the viewer in what is happening in the picture, it creates the effect of the presence and feeling of spontaneity.

In addition to the apparent parallels with impressionists (their work, Levitan will see the victim a little later, when it comes in Europe, and it will not remain indifferent to - but will be perceived in general without much delight), "Birch Grove" causes almost obligatory associations with three more names: Arkkap Quinji , Camille Coro and Anton Chekhov.

Levitan and Kindji: Such different "Birch groves"

Four years before the start of the work of Levitan over the "birch grove", in 1881, the landscape officer-innovator Archka Quinji put a picture with the same name. And the choice of motive, and the horizontal itself, slightly elongated format of both "birch groves" are similar. Otherwise, they are very different. Queenji is striving for dramatic effects, strong contrasts, and his light has a majestic, incomprehensible, cosmic nature. Levitan in his "birch grove" is lyrical and psychologically. Kindji works with rational symmetry (a stream divides the composition in half), Levitan when choosing an angle is achieved naturally natural asymmetry. Queenji worked on memory - Levitan could not complete the work without referring to nature.

Levitan and Coro: "There are strange rappriges"

Creating work on the topic with which Quinji has already managed to glorify, was not for Levitan a conscious controversy or deliberate creative rivalry: in the warehouse of the character, Levitan was unlikely to belonged to the competitive agents, and Quinji was not a cumier. But who he has really studied a lot and whom would have so much for honor to inherit in his work - so this is Camille Coro. Of this french landscape player close to the barbizons called "Poet of Dawn" and "Singer of trees". In total, which is a creature of the Levitan "birch grove". Young Levitan paintings of Coro just delivered. In France, the first monograph about the Coro of the authorship of Ruju Mille and Levitan came out to be able to read it, he studied independently french. Coro, like no one, could pass the mimolete mood of nature, fluttering foliage, barely caught air and color gradation. In fact, if we look at how vibrates foliage in the crowns of trees from the paintings of Coro "Orpheus, leading Eurydika from the underworld" or on any of his species Ville D`a, we will see that the flourishing of the greenery birch at Levitan, his small Threight strokes here are akin to the Koro method.

Chekhov parallels in Birch Grove Levitan

Chekhov addressed the heartfelt recognition of Levitan, written by him by the time of work on the "birch grove": "I have never loved so nature, it was not so bit to her, I never felt so much that I was so divine something, spilled in everything, but that not everyone sees that it is impossible to even call, because it does not reason, Analysis, but comprehended by love. Without this feeling can not be true artist» . And Chekhov heroes then will argue: "What kind beautiful trees And what, in essence, should be near them beautiful life» . "Creditness" of the composition "Birch grove" is close to creative method Chekhov himself, who claimed that when the story was already written in order to make it better, it is necessary to discard the beginning and the end. However, more importantly, the "technical" moments of similarities for Levitan had an emotional support that he gave him friendship with Chekhov. In the "Babkinsky" period of Chekhov wrote them to a common with Levitan familiar, Architect Fedor Shechode: "In nature, so much air and expression that there is no strength to describe ... Each knuckle screams and asks him to write Levitan ...".