Iso outline plan in the senior group. Abstract on fine arts in the senior group of the preschool educational institution "Unusual transformations of the Blot

Iso outline plan in the senior group.  Abstract on fine arts in the senior group of the preschool educational institution
Iso outline plan in the senior group. Abstract on fine arts in the senior group of the preschool educational institution "Unusual transformations of the Blot

State budgetary professional

educational institution

Rostov region

"Volgodonsk Pedagogical College"



Non-traditional painting technique

Topic of the lesson: Drawing in the technique "on a wet sheet"

(Color stretch, glaze) Spring sky

Compiled by: student of the DO-3 group

Olga Varlyaeva

Checked by: Lykhvar G.I.

Volgodonsk -2015


Create conditions for free experimentation with watercolors and various art materials.

Learn to depict the sky using the color-stretching method "on the wet". Create conditions for the reflection of spring impressions in the drawing.

Develop creative imagination.

Preliminary work.

Observing the sky while walking (transparent, of different colors at different times of the day), half the possibility of observing the sunset, viewing the image of the sky on reproductions, art paintings, postcards.

Materials, tools, equipment.

For the teacher: album sheet, illustration of paintings sky blue gouache brush, cotton swabs, a brush of a jar of water, napkins.

For children: landscape white sheets, blue gouache, cotton swabs, jars of water, napkins.

The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from "Stories about the Boy Who Wanted to Be an Artist":

The next day, Rainbow said to the Boy: "You have learned to look at the world like a real artist - attentively and with love. You are interested in everything. You feel the mood and character of the color. You can even draw anything without a brush. Try and guess it."

The boy glided down the blue road and was surprised to notice that the color of the ice path under his feet was gradually changing. At first it was bright blue. Then it began to shimmer in the sun with yellow specks, then pink-blue and lilac sparks. Further, further, and ended with a white snowdrift.

Now I know what a shade is! The Boy who wanted to become an artist exclaimed. This is a change in the same color. For example, now blue remains blue, but it changes a little, it becomes lighter, then it mixes a little with a different color ...

The boy took a white sheet of paper, moistened it with water. Then he drew several bright blue stripes with a cotton swab at the top of the sheet, and below he began to draw with the same swab, constantly moistening it with water. The paint gradually dissolved, the color gradually brightened, faded, and the real sky appeared in the drawings ...

The teacher invites children to experiment with gouache paints to obtain light shades "Let us swami and we try to paint the spring sky, as did the Boy who wanted to become an artist." But first, let's have a physical education.

Physical education

We raise our hands up, and then we lower them,

And then we will separate them

And we will quickly press to ourselves.

And then faster, faster

Clap, clap more fun!

Children take the album sheet, the teacher says they turn it vertically (in height), and they take the brush, dip it in water and wear it on the sheet. Then, very quickly (until the leaf is dry), they draw the spring festive sky: they dip a cotton swab in bright blue paint and drag it along the sheet from left to right, starting from the top and over and over again wetting the cotton swab with clean water, so that a color stretch from the dried - blue (above) to more and more light - pale - blue (below). At the end of the lesson, the children transfer their pictures depicting a hanging sky to a free table, put all together hardly drawings and consider how big the sky turned out and how its color changed ( light shade) from bright, saturated to more and more light, transparent, pale. The teacher praised the guys well done, everyone got a spring sky.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher reads the poems of I. Nikiten to the children "Admire, spring is coming!" poem

Admire the spring is coming

The cranes are flying in a caravan.

The day is drowning in bright gold,

And the streams rustle through the ravines ...

Soon guests will gather to you,

How many nests they will understand, look!

What sounds, songs will flow.

Day-day from dawn to dawn!

Abstract of an open lesson in fine arts in the senior group No. 9 "The Little Mermaid"
Title: "Magic Blue"
Author: Agrafonova T.A.
The purpose of the lesson: familiarization with the technique of painting "Gzhel".
 Continue to introduce children to Russian folk crafts by example
Gzhel ceramics.
 Learn to decorate the work with elements of the Gzhel painting pattern.
 Strengthen children's ideas about folk crafts.
 Develop a sense of composition, the ability to beautifully place a pattern on a plane.
 Develop children's interest in folk arts and crafts,
contribute to the development of aesthetic taste, the formation of beauty.
 Develop the speech of children, fine motor skills of the hands.
 To foster a sense of pride in the talent of their people, respect for the masters.
Equipment: presentation "", teapots stencils, white and blue gouache, brushes,
non-spills, palette, napkins.
Preliminary work: Introduction to folk crafts: consideration
illustrations, drawing, clay modeling, painting with Dymkovo elements,
Gorodets patterns.
Educator: Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them, give them ours
smiles and good mood. (Children join hands, smile at each other).
"Good morning to the sun and the birds,
Good morning to smiling faces
Good morning to all of us
Good, good friends. "
(children pass, sit on chairs)
Educator: Guys, today we will take an unusual journey into the world
beauty, kindness, into the world of amazing creations of folk craftsmen.
We are going on a journey into a blue-blue fairy tale. Why is it called that?
Now you will understand for yourself.
I'll tell you a story.
So that's it. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state Russia, not far from Moscow,
there is the village of Gzhel. And simple people live there, but they are not deprived of talents.
Once they got together and began to think about how to show them their skills, yes
to please people, to glorify their land. We looked at the sky, at the river and came up with it.

They found wonderful white-white clay in their side, and decided to sculpt from it
different dishes and paint it with blue paint of various shades.

Painting is done manually, which allows you to create many options for one
and the same decorative motive. Drawn on the dishes patterns of flowers, droplets,
stripes, nets.
At the sight of Gzhel teapots, eyes run up. They are very good! One master
blinded the teapot: the spout in the form of a cockerel head, and on the lid - a chicken flaunts.
There is no limit to the imagination of the Gzhel masters. Another master made an oil can

And he came up with another salt shaker. He blinded her in the form of a fabulous fish. Smiling
a fish, wagging its tail, holding a bowl in its fins. The salt shaker turned out to be marvelous.

Gzhel masters are great dreamers. Look what kind of chess you have invented.
Each figurine is a work of art.

The Gzhel masters of animals and birds sculpted it. Each craft carries a particle
the soul of a master, and therefore special.
They also make watches in Gzhel. Their shape is not simple, bizarre. They are painted below
to the top with unprecedented flowers. Different animals are skillfully sculpted.

Each artist has his favorite pattern, and each side reflects
darling. Its grass is silk, the mountains are high, the rivers are fast, its flowers are spring and
mastery of magic worthy of admiration.

And so it happened that each master made everyone happy with his skill. Your children and
I taught my grandchildren various wisdom so that they would be good masters. Only one
color ... And how smart and festive the painting turned out to be.
Educator: Do you like my fairy tale?
Children's answers:
Conversation on a fairy tale.
What kind of craft is this fairy tale?
What do Gzhel craftsmen make their products from?
What pattern do the craftsmen decorate their products with?
What products did the craftsmen make from clay?
Educator: Let's rest.
Physics minute "Gzhel".
One, two, three, four, five, (bend and unbend fists)
We will draw with you, (turn to each other)

Dashes, stripes, (depict short lines, and then long stripes with two
Droplets and dots. (depict "rain", and then "put" points with both hands)
Just remember us now (hands to the head, shake their head)
How we draw Gzhel with you. (hands down and to the sides)
Educator: Look, the guys on the table each of you have a teapot, but they
completely white. Children, it's time for you to become craftsmen and decorate these
teapots with Gzhel patterns. Only the masters painted their dishes with paints from
cobalt, and you will do it with gouache. Each of you will have your own pattern, but the elements
the paintings are the same. I will show you how to depict a flower. (Showing on an easel).
You can choose the borders yourself.
Where is the flower located? (In the middle).
What are the elements of the flower? (Middle and petals).
What do the petals of a flower look like? (On a drop).
The droplet is one of the favorite elements of the Gzhel masters.
Educator: And in order to make your work more fun, listen to the song "Forget-me-not
gzhel "
Independent work of children, the teacher encourages verbally, helps not
successful children.
At the end of the lesson, the children take their work to the exhibition.
Educator: You painted everything on one subject, but together it turned out beautiful,
elegant collection. Do you like her? Russian people have a saying “Craftsman yes
the needleworker brings joy to himself and to people. " It's about you. With your work you have presented
joy to yourself and the people around you.
What kind of business did we talk about today?
Children's answers.

Abstract of a lesson in fine arts

(unconventional technique

"Foam rubber stamp")

in the older group.

Theme: "Teddy bear"

Educator: Kudryavtseva T.A.

Goals classes:

1. To consolidate the skills of drawing with a non-traditional technique - an imprint with foam rubber, which makes it possible to most vividly convey the depicted object, the characteristic texture of its appearance (volume, fluffiness).

2. Encourage children to convey in the drawing the image of a toy familiar from childhood; to consolidate the ability to depict the shape of parts, their relative size, location, color.

3. Continue to learn to draw large, position the image in accordance with the size of the sheet.

4. Develop the creative imagination of children, create conditions for the development of creative abilities.

Material for the lesson:

Children's toys: doll, ball, drum, whirligig, rocking horse, car, dog, bear, hare, matryoshka, balloon;

Album sheet;

Simple pencil;

A set of gouache paints;

2 pieces of foam sponge;

Thin brush;

A glass of water;


Medallions with ribbons depicting various toys for the game.

Preliminary work: examining toys and composing descriptive stories about them in speech development classes.


Course of the lesson

1. Organizational part

Educator. Guys, what do you need for your games?

Children. Toys.

Educator. And where do toys come from in your home, in kindergarten?
Children. From the store.

Educator. True, but first they are made in a toy factory, and then they go to the store where they are bought. Today I would like to invite you to the toy store to add them to our group. But in order to buy them, you need to pay not money, but to guess riddles about toys.

Riddles about toys "

I AM good toy,

I'll be a girl friend.

I can sit in a stroller

I know how to close my eyes

I ask you to love me

Don't drop me, don't hit me! (Doll)

Wooden girlfriends

They dance on top of his head

They beat him, and he thunders,

He tells everyone to walk in step. (Drum)

The guys have fun with me

I'm spinning on my own

While I'm spinning, I don't grieve

Spinning - buzzing, buzzing - circling.

He is both slender and handsome,

He has a thick mane!

It's a pity you can't rush on it,

Only you can swing. (Rocking horse)

She doesn't need a driver at all.

You turn it on with the key -

The wheels will start to turn

Put it on and she will rush off. (Clockwork machine)

Ears are sensitive - upright,

Tousled tail - crocheted.

She lies at the door

Zaikin is guarding the house. (Dog)

The funny animal is sewn from plush:

There are paws, there are ears.

Give some honey to the beast

And give him a den. (Teddy bear)

Gray bike animal

Long-eyed cross-eyed.

Well, who is he, guess

And give him a carrot! (Bunny)

Different girlfriends are tall,

Do not look like each other

They all sit in each other,

And just one toy. (Matryoshka)

Colored balls -

Just miracles:

And they jump and jump,

And rush to heaven. (Balloon)

Educator. Here are how many great new toys have appeared

with you, you will not be bored. Guys, I would like to reveal one secret: when you leave kindergarten in the evening, toys gather and share their impressions of how you played, who was kind with toys, and who threw them, ruffled and carelessly handled them. Once, when I was late in kindergarten, I heard a story about how the toys ran away from the boy Sasha, because he offended them. Look, I think this will serve as an instructive lesson for you.

The toys ran away.

Toys ran away from the boy Sasha:

His groovy, funny little animals.

He often threw them, did not know how to play,

He even managed to break a bear's paw.

And I met them at the circus:

Smart, funny!

He recognized the actors as his toys.

Skillfully the baby elephant plays with the ball,

And the bear was the first to be known as a strong man!

Although the rope is stretched very high,

An acrobat cat is walking along it.

Hares in a carriage are ringing bells,

They command the team of horses themselves!

A smart locomotive knocks on the rails,

I drove in a circle of funny animals.

The locomotive hums, runs up and down!

The animals have been called for an encore more than once!

And then Sasha realized who he had lost!

He begged them all to come home!

I will love you, play with everyone,

Don't give your toys in offense!

And in the morning there were little animals on the shelf,

His groovy funny toys!

They became inseparable friends.

And a friend is great! You know yourself!

L. Gerasimova

Educator. Guys, I think you wouldn't want toys to run away from you either. What should be done to prevent this from happening?

Children. Play and handle toys carefully, do not throw them away, do not offend, put them back in place after playing.

Educator. That's right, then they will always look forward to waiting for you in kindergarten, happy to play with you and even dance.

Physical education

"A bear with a doll is dancing a pole"

A bear with a doll is smartly stomping, Children stand in a circle, hands on belt.
Stomp briskly, look! Pritopes with the right leg.

And they clap their hands loudly, Clap your hands.

Bear is having fun, Bear is having fun, Hands on the belt.

Mishenka turns his head. Turning the head left and right.

The doll is fun, fun too, Clap your hands.

Oh, how fun, oh, oh, oh!

A bear with a doll is smartly stomping, Alternate inflows of the right and

Stomp briskly, look! left foot.

And they clap their hands loudly, Clap your hands.

They clap loudly: one, two, three!

We will try, we will try Light jumps with movement along

Dance this little leg, circle, holding hands.

How can we, how can we.

How can we lag behind!

L. Kachurbina

The teacher invites children to draw a portrait of a plush in class

bear cub.

2. Practical part

1. Examine the toy, determine the parts of the object, their shape, relative size, location, color, texture of the surface (round head, with semicircular ears, large oval body with two oval upper and lower legs, brown fluffy surface).

2. Draw the outline of the bear with a simple pencil, starting from the head, large, correlating with the size of the sheet.

3. Recall the ways of drawing non-traditional techniques - foam rubber stamp:

Guys, if you look at your cubs, you will notice that the contour of the toy is drawn with even, smooth lines, and our cub is actually fluffy, even shaggy. In order to make his portrait look like a real bear cub, we use a new way of depicting: we will draw with a piece of foam rubber sponge. If you dip a sponge in paint of the desired color (brown), then press the painted side slightly against the line drawn with a pencil and immediately tear it off the surface, you will get an imprint that will give the line volume and fluffiness. The next print should be applied side by side, leaving no space between the previous and the next. When the outline is ready, fill the space inside with prints.

4. Supplement the drawing with details: with a thin brush, draw the eyes, nose, mouth of the bear, draw the claws on the paws, decorate the drawn toy with a bow if desired.

5. Optionally, make a bright colored background around the bear in the same way, using a different, clean piece of foam rubber.

In the process of work, the teacher monitors how children draw: reminds them not to pick up a lot of paint on the foam rubber, but only lightly touch the surface of the paint so that the print has an air-colored surface; first complete one element to the end, only then proceed to the next.

3. Lesson summary

Educator. You have got wonderful portraits of funny fluffy bears that can be framed and hung in the nursery.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher offers the children a game "Find a friend!" The driver is selected according to the counting. Children away from him choose and put on medallions with the characters they like, turn them over so that the image is not visible, stand around the driver and sing (you can use ordinary toys and hide them behind your back during the game):

Vova, Vova, don't be sad,

Find yourself a friend!

Don't be sad, don't be sad

Find yourself a friend!

The driver walks inside the circle at this time. When the children finish singing, the driver stops near one of the participants and sings:

Who, who are you?

Sing to me about yourself!

The child sings about his character without naming him, for example:

I'm a long-eared coward

And my name is ... bunny.

The driver, having guessed the character, sings in response:

Dear bunny, show yourself

Make friends with me in the dance!

Children with a toy whirl merrily.

The next driver is a child who sings about his character.

Program content: to teach children the emotional-figurative perception of color, to acquaint them with composite and primary colors; give an idea of ​​the spectral circle (the arrangement of the colors of the rainbow in a circle); to consolidate the use of non-traditional materials and techniques in drawing; arouse in children a creative interest, emotional responsiveness, a desire to create, develop imagination, creativity.

Preliminary work: a conversation about summer, about a rainbow. Reading poetry, learning songs, watching a rainbow, looking at paintings that depict a rainbow; examining book illustrations.

Materials: colored pencils, colorful balls and ribbons, letter, butterfly patterns, pipettes, multi-colored gouache, napkins

Course of the lesson


If everything in the world were
Same color.
It would make you angry
Or was it pleasing?

(Answers of children.)

- Do you want to get into the colored kingdom? Not scary? Adventures and trials can await us ahead of us, so we will be friendly, courageous and polite on the journey. Ready? I suggest you set off along our colorful path. (a path lined with colored pencils leads to a group decorated with colorful balls and ribbons)

People are used to seeing the world
White, yellow, blue, red ...
Let everything around us be
Amazing and different

Educator: And who lives in this colored kingdom!

(Lisa meets the children.)

Fox: Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you.

Educator (children greet the fox): Something you are a very affectionate cheat today, tell me what happened?

Fox: Okay, I'll tell you the truth, I found some letter along the way. But I don’t know yours or not? (Reads the address.)

Educator: Senior group, rabbits, is that you? Then this letter to us.

Fox: But I'm a sly fox, I won't give it to you just like that! Guess the riddle?

What a miracle - a rocker
Did it hang after the rain?
Very bright, colorful,
And what a beautiful one!
Sunny… (Rainbow)

- When does the rainbow appear?

- What does a rainbow look like when it appears in the sky?

- How many colors does a rainbow have?

(Ball game.)

- What colors, name in order.

(Ball game: Name a color.)

(Children stand in a circle, the presenter throws the ball to the child, the one who catches, names the color)

Educator: And also, fox, we will tell you that these colors are divided into two groups, What children?

Children: Cold and warm.

Educator: let's play a game, if you want the fox to play with us.

Game: "Collect colorful petals"

(2 buckets, droplets of warm tones are put into one, and cold tones in the other.)

Educator: Well done, guys, they coped with the task!

(The children sit down in the clearing.)

Educator: Well done! In the rainbow there is no white and black, but in nature there is. What are some of the white items? Our children also know a lot about color.

Game: "Fun palette"

- In which paint should you add blue to get blue?

(Children answer)

Child 1:

If there are no clouds in the sky,
The sky is blue
Pour white into it
And we get ( blue).

- And green?

Child 2:

And we will mix blue and yellow
We get green.

- Orange?

Child 3:

Mix yellow and red
We get the orange color.

Child 4:

Add to white, black
We immediately get gray.

Child 5:

The paints are very tired today
They drew a rainbow in the sky.
Worked for a long time on a rainbow of paint
The rainbow came out beautiful, like in a fairy tale.
All multi-colored, that's beauty!
You will admire what colors!

(A beautiful rainbow appears on the floor from multi-colored stripes)

Fox: You know a lot!

Educator: The fox is tired, and you guys? Let's get some rest.


Hello rainbow arc making arcs slowly with your hands in the air
Multi-colored bridge!
Hello rainbow arc
Take us on a visit! bow
We're running along the rainbow
Ran barefoot run
Through a rainbow - an arc
Jump over, on the run jump over
And again run, run
In an arc barefoot

Fox: How good you are! I liked you, okay, take the letter.

Educator: Thank you, chanterelle, who is this letter from? (children open)

(Painted on the back by an artist.)

Who do you think this letter is from? That's right, from the artist.

I was in a great hurry to see you, but I urgently received a telegram. In the Flower Land, an evil wizard has bewitched all butterflies, they have become colorless. They need my help there. And I will be glad if you can help too. I'll be very happy.
Your friend is an artist

Educator: Let's help the artist? ( children have patterns of butterflies on the tables, using the blotting method, you need to decorate the wings of butterflies, paint is applied on one side, and cover the other); (butterflies come to life)

Fox: How beautiful! What beautiful butterflies turned out!

(Music sounds, children flutter around the hall with their butterflies, and the chanterelle is blowing bubbles.)

A lesson in fine arts at a preschool educational institution. In the fabulous land of Art

Tsalko Milana Alekseevna, educator.
Place of work: MADOU CRR Kindergarten No. 71, Odintsovo, Moscow region
Target: To develop the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art.

Continue to learn to perceive the types and genres of visual arts.
To continue teaching children to express detailed emotional and aesthetic judgments, to use the acquired knowledge in their own creative activity.
To consolidate ideas about the main genres of fine art (landscape still life portrait); the ability to find one of the genres among others and justify your choice.
The development of the creative abilities of children in the process of using different methods of depiction and the stimulation of interest in visual creativity.
Develop observation, emotional responsiveness, the need for the perception of fine art.
Arouse children's interest in the visual arts. To foster a feeling for beauty, to foster in children an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding nature.
To activate the children's dictionary: arts and crafts, sculptor, sculpture, originals, originals.
Equipment: Interactive board.
Reproductions of paintings depicting landscapes, still lifes, subject painting, illustrations by artists - Y. Vasnetsov, E. Rachev, E. Charushina; objects or images of objects of folk art, small sculptures.
Gouache paints, brushes, palette, paper, plasticine, boards, stacks, napkins, seven-color flowers.
Audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons".
Preliminary work:

The course of entertainment

Organizing time.
Educator:- Guys, I invite you to make an amazing journey to the great and mysterious land of Art.
The artists live there. Who knows who is called an artist?
Children's answers
Educator:- These are the people who know how and love to fantasize and invent. Anyone who creates the whole world in his imagination can call himself that. Would you like to become artists?
Going to the fabulous land of Art, we will try to reveal only some of the secrets of the art world. Let's get acquainted with the types of art.
I think you are ready. / Yes /
A knock on the door, Dunno runs in
Dunno:- Hello guys. Do you recognize me? / Yes /
Dunno:- It's good that you know me. Probably read about me? I heard that you are going on a journey to the fabulous land of Art. Remember, once I also wanted to become an artist, but no one liked the paintings that I painted? So I came to kindergarten to go with you on a journey to the land of Art and learn. After all, I love art so much!
Educator: Guys, let's help Dunno, take it with us? /Yes/.
Before starting the trip, I suggest watching a video letter from the inhabitants of the fabulous land of Art. In this letter, they tell you about the people who live in the World of Fine Arts:
Viewing a presentation - a video series about types of arts.
1 part. Slide1-5 Painting.
Once upon a time there was an artist. Every day he saw seas and forests, fields and mountains. I saw the beauty of the sky, the blue of the sea and the vastness of the fields. They called the artist to take his brushes in his hands and tell the whole world about their beauty. The artist painted many paintings in which he showed how amazing the life around him is. You just need to look closely at objects, nature, people - and then the magical world of beauty will open up. This artist conveyed the beauty of nature on canvas with the help of paints. He painted his paintings "lively" as in life. Such an artist is called a painter. And the kind of art that united his works is painting. Painting is a form of art in which paintings are painted with paints: oil, watercolors, gouache.
Slide 6-9 Graphics.
And his neighbor, an artist, liked to draw only with pencils, felt-tip pens, charcoal, and crayons. His name was a graphist. And the type of art to which such paintings belong is graphics. Graphics are works made with lines, strokes, dots.
Slide 10-13 Sculpture.
A sculptor lived next to his friends. Do you know who this is? This is an artist who tries to convey the beauty of animals and people with the help of clay, plaster, stone. What shall we call an art form? Sculpture is a type of fine art, the works of which have a three-dimensional shape and are made of solid or plastic materials.
Slide 14 -18 Decorative and Applied Arts
Other remarkable artists and craftsmen also lived in this city. They make various beautiful things: dishes, clothes, carpets. This is Arts and Crafts. These people are called folk craftsmen. They did not specifically study their skills, but adopted it from their elders: from father to son, from master to apprentice.
Educator:- Let's close our eyes for a moment and imagine what the city "World of Art" looks like
2nd part. Children go to the music hall
Children enter the music hall, decorated with reproductions of paintings, small sculptures, Dymkovo toys, objects or images of objects painted by Gorodets and Khokhloma masters.
Educator:- Guys, I suggest you look at the pictures and find beauty (time is given for the children to look around and see the pictures).
Educator:- What do the artists represent? (children's answers)
Educator:- And what do the artists paint with? What are these pictures about? (children's answers)
Educator:- Yes, artists paint nature, portraits, still lifes, animals, scenes from people's lives.
Educator:- And what do the artists paint with? (children's answers)
Educator:- Yes, artists paint on canvas, or rather, artists paint pictures. The images are obtained as if they were alive, and the paintings are called pictorial.
Educator:-Look at our art exhibition and find a landscape image on them.
Children, while listening to calm music, look at the paintings and find images of landscapes.
The child shows them and reads poetry:
If you see in the picture
The river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut
Required painting
It is called "landscape".
Educator:-Now find and show the portraits.
Children find and one child reads a verse:
If you see that from the picture
Is anyone looking at us
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or like a steeplejack,
Pilot or ballerina
Or Kolka is your neighbor,
Required painting
It is called a "portrait".
Educator:- And who will go and show me still lifes?
The child shows and reads poetry:
If you see in the picture
A cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal
Or a bronze vase
Or a pear or a cake
Or all items at once
Know that this is a "still life"
Educator:- Now find works that are created from stone, glass, wood. Who creates them?
Educator:- Yes, that's right, it's a sculptor. And the art he creates is sculpture. Which sculpture do you like best? How? (children's answers)
Educator:- And here is the next task for you: find the works of masters who decorate objects. That's right, these are toys, dishes, and furniture. What are these masters called?
Children:- Masters of arts and crafts.
Educator:-Let's take a look at these works. What are they?
Children:-Bright, smart, funny, festive.
Educator:- Do you know these murals? What masters painted them? (children's answers) - Well done! They were painted by Dymkovo, Gorodets, Khokhloma masters.
Educator:-And here's another toy. An unheard-of miracle, an unprecedented miracle! What kind of toy, guess the riddle.
There is also a toy for you, not a horse, not Parsley -
The beauty is a girl, she has sisters.
Each sister is for a little dungeon. (Matryoshka)
The teacher shows and disassembles. Children determine how many sisters a beautiful girl has.
Educator:- Of course, this is the beloved Russian Matryoshka! Who first made Matryoshka? (Turner Zvyozdochkin). Who came up with the painting for Matryoshka? (Artist Malyutin). Why are all these dolls called nesting dolls?
Girls in matryoshka costumes "Oh, yes we are nesting dolls" (music by Lomova) perform the Matryoshka dance.
Dance of Matryoshka
(with wooden spoons painted under Khokhloma)
Educator:- What works of arts and crafts did you like the most? How? (children's answers)
Educator:- Guys, you and I saw different works of fine arts. Painters, sculptors, illustrators create them for us to give us pleasure, joy. They give us the opportunity to once again relive the feeling of a warm summer or cold winter day, the memory of a trip to the forest or the river, the joy of our success. They help to remember how anxious we were in a thunderstorm, how merrily we picked berries and mushrooms in the forest, how we made a bouquet of their wildflowers on a sunny lawn.
- Works of art written or made by the artist himself are called originals or originals.
- Do you know where the original works of art are kept? What is the name of this house?
Children:- in the museum.
Educator:-Many genuine works of art are kept and exhibited in the museum. They have lived there for hundreds of years, delighting people. When visiting museums and exhibitions, people behave calmly, carefully examine the works, speaking quietly among themselves, in order to give other people the opportunity to admire real works of art. Have you been to museums? If not, be sure to go.
3rd part Children sit at tables.
Educator:- And now we will turn into artists or sculptors. Let's try to create our own works of art that will delight everyone, please everyone who comes to our museum. Think about what you would like to portray? Please get to work.
Children, Dunno. choose the material of their choice and work at the tables. Calm music sounds during the work of children.
Educator:-And while our work is drying up, let's repeat a little:
-What extraordinary world have we visited today?
- what kinds of art do you remember?
- show me an object or drawing that corresponds to such an art form as painting ...
Arts and crafts
- What kind of drawings do we refer to? Why?
- What new have you learned for yourself?
Arrangement of works on a magnetic board.
Children decorate the exhibition with their works, act as guides, talking about their works.
Educator:-This is the kind of art world we have. You yourself have become full-fledged residents of the city - artists, now you know how diverse the World of Art is.
Final part
Educator:-I want to give you seven-flower flowers as a keepsake. If you liked our trip, then paint him a smile, and if not, a sad face. These flowers have the magical power of creativity and will bring you happiness and good luck. They will be the basis for your every creative idea. With the help of a flower, you can create beautiful things.
Dunno:- And it's time for me to say goodbye to you, I still have a lot to do in my Flower City. And how many interesting things I need to have time to tell my friends. Goodbye guys, see you next time.