How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil. How to draw a beautiful new year tree

How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil. How to draw a beautiful new year tree
How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil. How to draw a beautiful new year tree

Drawing greatly develops in children. In addition, the child has the opportunity to express his emotions on paper. Classes of creativity helps to instill an aesthetic taste from an early age, bring up an imperishability.

Children try to draw what they are familiar well and interesting. Many people like to depict animals, cartoon characters, flowers, nature. The guys of different age will be interested in learn how to draw a Christmas tree with paints or pencils in stages. After all, this tree is well acquainted to each kid.

How to paint the Christmas tree beautifully?

There are many different ways to portray forest beauty. It should be sorted out how to properly draw a pencil, markers or other ways to paint the Christmas tree.

Option 1

You can offer a child a simple way to portray fir a few steps.

  1. First, you should mark the stem. To do this, it is necessary to draw a straight vertical line in the middle of the sheet. Older children can do it on their own. Junior should help parents. At the top and bottom line to read small stripes.
  2. The next step should be drawn branches that depart from the trunk to the sides.
  3. Next, the main branches must be drawn smaller. Let the child himself determine their number and length.
  4. At the final stage, the kid can portray small needles on his own green pencil, which should put each twig.
  5. To this fir, you can draw multi-colored balls, then the New Year's picture will work. If the question arose how to draw the winter tree in the snow, then you can simply add white or bluish traces to her on the branches.
  6. In order to portray a spruce forest in the warm season, you can draw several trees in this way, and draw grass, flowers, sun.

Option 2.

Another method is also for the preschooler, besides, this method requires a certain perfection and hardness.

  1. Starting work is necessary from the image of the vertical line. This must be done to designate the axis of symmetry. From this straight it is necessary to outline the location of the tiers of branches going down at an angle.
  2. Next, you need to start carefully draw each tier, portraying the branches, needles.
  3. Having finished the entire picture, you should erase the extra lines.
  4. Next, you should decorate the pattern with paints. It is best to apply the background at your discretion. If the baby asks how to draw a Christmas tree in the snow, then you can simply apply a brush on a picture of white paint smears. And you can be depicted next to the forest beautiful mushrooms, flowers and all that remind about summer time.

If the child loves to work with the paints, then you can tell him how to draw this Christmas tree gouache in gradually. In this case, the contour is painted with green paint with a thin brush.

Option 3.

Each child is looking forward to New Year's holidays. Therefore, the kids will gladly listen to how to draw a christmas tree with a pencil and decorate watercolor or other paint.

  1. First, draw a triangle. At the bottom of the base depict a small square, and under it a rectangle. This is a tree trunk and a stand. On the sides of the triangle pounce lines going down under the tilt. These are tiers of the Christmas tree.
  2. Next, you need to thoroughly draw branches, connecting tiers with a triangle. It can be carefully removed with the elasty.
  3. Now you can depict on the top of the star, sketch the garlands and basic decorations.
  4. At this stage, you need to pay attention to small details. Children love to decorate the New Year tree, because with pleasure draw a variety of decorations.
  5. Discover the picture can be watercolor.

Such drawings can be hanging on the wall, and you can give a grandmother.

In this lesson, I will show an easy way to draw a New Year's Christmas tree in a phased pencil. If you do everything right, even the child will easily cope - the main thing is not to be lazy and try again and again if it does not work. Prepare pencils and paper and you can proceed to phased drawing. In order to draw the Christmas tree with a pencil phased, it will not take much time, usually on the whole process together with coloring leaves 10 to 20 minutes.

The first stage of drawing a New Year tree is the basis. The tree has a triangular shape, narrowing on top and expanding to the bottom, so we draw such a neat triangle. Later it will be necessary to erase. If you just learn to draw, it is better not to use a ruler for sketches - train to draw everything from hand. So, we painted the basis of the Christmas tree, you can go to the next step.

Further, from the very top of the New Year tree, we begin to paint the branches of the branches in stages in this way. At the top of the Christmas tree, you will be licking, gradually her branches will expand. In the process of drawing a New Year tree, be sure to pay which form has every site, and try to repeat the most accurately as possible.

We continue to draw up to the very beginning of the New Year tree. It will be easier to draw the Christmas tree if you have a basis, as you will be focused on, and you do not confuse in the proportions of this tree.

Draw a star from above, and the barrel of the Christmas tree is below. At this stage of drawing a New Year tree, you can erase the foundation so that it does not interfere with us and distracting us more from the main task, it has already completed your function.

We begin to decorate our Christmas tree drawn christmas garland with bows. If you want to draw a New Year tree beautifully, try to show a fantasy in the process of creating jewelry. Remember how your favorite Christmas tree looked like, watch photos and pictures on the Internet and try to repeat.

You can draw on the Christmas tree with a pencil any jewelry that you like more. It can be plastic or glass shiny balls, bows, animal figures and characters and much more. The easiest thing, of course, draw balls, and if you draw a New Year tree with a child, you can limit ourselves to them.

Do not forget to paint your Christmas tree with green, as well as give color toys and other decorations. Nearby can draw and, as well as. You can also portray colorful gifts and in general any background to fill the drawing of the New Year tree with a festive mood.

We hope that you were interested in drawing a New Year tree, and everything turned out. Here is another way to draw a Christmas tree, we will show how to draw only a fir without toys, and the rest you can add to your taste. This Christmas tree drawing is a bit more complicated, but realistic, so it will suit more experienced artists. Let's start with such a slight curved base of our drawn Christmas tree.

As a basis, we draw several triangles overlapped with each other. In our opinion, it turns out very pretty.

Make lines of the base, because we will draw the branches of ate. We start drawing a Christmas tree with the Makushka itself.

Gradually we are moving below.

At this stage, we draw the lowest layer of branches of our Christmas tree for the new year.

It is time for a festive mood. Preparation for New Year holidays is a pleasant vanity and smell of mandarins. Now it will be about the main symbol of New Year holidays - about the Christmas tree. She became the root tradition of most people on earth. In each city, this evergreen tree becomes the center of cultural events. It pleases the eye, attaches mood, brings pleasant memories of childhood and brings closer, because there is no better family tradition than the chip decoration process.
Around the world there are many types of festive Christmas trees and how to decorate them. Someone, dressed up, resorts to the design solutions, and someone likes to decorate this holiday symbol with rare tree toys that move from generation to generation.
Fortunately, there are no good traditions on this, because during this period, children are often wondering: how to draw a Christmas tree? Yes, it is on the eve of the New Year holidays, Christmas and after these wonderful dates, children are asked in schools or in creative circles to portray this beautiful and forever green tree. Very often, the desire to paint the Christmas tree comes and together with the festive mood. Adults have to think how to teach a child to draw one or another thing, and every child should be drawing to draw a Christmas tree. Children should develop creatively. That is why I will show you a few light ways to draw beauty trees.

What will you come in handy for this:

  • white sheet of white (can be an album for drawing or sketch-beech);
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils;
  • good New Year spirit!

  1. Consider the next fun way how it is easy to draw a Christmas tree. We take a simple pencil and draw a line in the form of a zigzag with rounded corners. Try to repeat the same form of a broken line, as in the picture "1". Below we draw "tail" - it will be a trunk.
  2. We start drawing another similar line to the right of the one that we already have. This zigzag connect with the upper and lower end of the already drawn line and it turns out so thick, uneven zigzag in the shape of a Christmas tree (try to follow the example in the picture). Top of drawing an asterisk.
  3. For the deactivation of the Christmas tree, I took a green pencil, and the edges rocked it dark green. An asterisk can be decorated in any color. Yes, yes, this easy way you can draw a New Year's Christmas tree.

Each of us at least once tried to draw trees. Here we will teach you to this simple art and show how to paint the Christmas tree in stages. A step-by-step lesson will explain the complex moments, and ultimately even the child draw fir or the Christmas tree quite simply. For drawing, we will need the simplest materials - pencils and paper, it would also be nice to get the eraser, but if you don't have it - it's not a problem. It will still be very cool if you have paints, markers or color pencils - then the drawing will be colorful and attractive. Let's get started!

So, to draw a pencil Christmas tree in stages, we will need a sheet of paper. We draw on it the base that determines the height of our ate, and also designate the land line - you should get like this.

On top of the base, we begin to draw the shape of the branches of the Christmas tree. The cream of fir will be fine, and then everything will be expanding. Try to make lines neat.

We draw the middle part of the Christmas tree.

The lower part is also necessary to draw carefully.

Now we need to draw a pencil stem. As you can see, even beginner will cope with the Christmas tree drawing. Also under the tree you need to draw a little herba so that everything looks pretty. The silhouette of the ate turned out to be quite recognizable, and even if you painted such a tree for the first time, I'm sure you have just wonderful.

To drawn fir looks neatly, remove the eraser all too much. As a result, this sketch will come out, which would be great to paint.

I chose green shades, but you can draw a blue spruce or snow-covered, it all depends on your imagination. I also recommend watching the lesson how to draw a New Year tree, you will like it!

Soon the new year 2018 will come, and therefore each of us will get alone, but made with love gifts. Of course, surprises from parents will be much more "weighty" in all senses than funny children's drawings, but the latter will be able to warm up the warmth of their sincerity and guys. Well, what boys and girls can be portrayed in winter? Of course, everything related to the New Year holidays is Santa Claus, ate, Snow Maiden, Snowman, a forest, covered with snow. If your children are still small and do not know how to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautiful, look along with them video and photos of master classes presented here. They are shown as even a beginner, using pencils and paints, will be able to phasepail a Christmas tree decorated with garlands and toys. Carefully made, neat, bright drawing will receive a prize in the creative contest of crafts in elementary school or kindergarten.

How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil stepmate easily and beautiful - master class for beginners

If you want to learn more about how to draw a pencil Christmas tree in stages easily and beautifully, use the Tips of the master classes for beginners presented here. Similar work can be performed by markers, but it should always be used to create a drawing sketch.

Methods of drawing a Christmas tree with a pencil: examples in the photo

The Christmas tree is one of the most simple drawings, but you can create it in different ways. A selection of these photos will help you understand how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages easily and beautiful, and the master class for beginners can be found on the video.

First method - Christmas tree from cones

Carefully look at the scheme of phased drawing ate. Start depicting it, drawing a cone-skirt. At the end of the work, when all the auxiliary lines are erased, the Christmas tree can be decorated with garlands and toys.

Second way - Tree-stick

Here your artistic creativity needs to start with an image of a single vertical stick. Already to her "attach" the branches of the tree and its foliage - needles.

Method Third - Christmas Tree on Stand

In this case, the foundation is the triangle on the "stand" - a horizontally located rectangle. Little wavy triangles are attached to the large triangle on the sides - spruce paws.

How to statenly draw a Christmas tree with paints - photos and video master classes for beginners

The brightest, realistic looking Christmas trees are obtained by artists who use paint in their work. Undoubtedly, beginner creators first use a pencil - such sketches are easy to fix, erased by their eraser. And yet, the drawing, made by watercolor or gouache, always attracts more attention. About how to paint the Christmas tree in paints, tell these photos and video master classes for beginners.

Draw a Christmas tree with paints - photos with explanations

Even the most inexperienced artists can learn a new year Christmas tree without using pencils. Learn how to draw a Christmas tree in paints: photos and video master classes for beginners will tell you how to work with a brush.

Christmas tree-zigzag paint

Here the artist, using the brushes of different width, conducted a zigzag line, gradually expanding the book. After that, the paints of another color he "hung" on the Christmas tree balls.

Christmas tree paint

At first, the artist spent a straight line from top to bottom - so he portrayed a tree trunk. On the left and to the right of it, he struck the paint of different shades of green, yellow, and then, and white colors. The smears were applied with layers of different colors - from the bottom to the upper one in such a way that the Christmas tree was wide, and at the top - pointed.

After the master with white paints, it depicted snow on the Christmas tree.

How to draw a New Year tree with toys and garlands in primary school and kindergarten

Before the onset of 2018, many guys will want to learn how to draw a New Year tree with toys and garlands to school and kindergarten. Of course, most of them are already able to portray the Christmas tree in the form of a stick and springs, but this master class will teach them a slightly more complex drawing technique.

Draw the Christmas tree 2018 with decorations in stages

The pattern, located here, will help to figure out how to draw a New Year tree, decorating it with toys and garlands, and put the work on the drawings in elementary school and kindergarten.

  1. Start working from the image at the bottom of the sheet of a small square and a triangle, "planted" on its upper face.
  2. Add small zigzags on the sides of the large triangle on the sides of the large triangle and processing the "skirt" of the tree.
  3. Start decorating the Christmas tree, placing the garland diagonally, and waving balls according to the branches.

As a child, you can draw a Christmas tree in stages in watercolor or gouache

If you want to know how the child can draw a Christmas tree in stages in watercolor or gouache, read the master class presented on this page, look at the video tutorial, explaining the features of working with paints, in the end, offer your daughter or son to portray New Year's Eve together.

Draw a Christmas tree gouache or watercolor - master class with photos

After you read everything about how together with the child you can draw a Christmas tree in stages, using watercolor or gouache, proceed to work. Prepare everything you need for this:

  • Paints;
  • Whatman;
  • Jar for water;
  • Brushes of different sizes;
  • Palette;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Eraser.
  1. Schematically depict the heart of the Christmas tree, a stick on which you will mount branches.

  2. Finish draw the "skeleton" of the Christmas tree.

  3. Mix on the palette blue, white and green paint. Start the strokes to "ride" needles on the Christmas tree.

  4. Draw spins carefully, not forgetting any one twig of our future Christmas tree.

  5. If you want to make a spruce more fluffy, add more branches, covering them with needles as it is described in the previous paragraph.

  6. A brown watercolor or gouache draw the trunk of a tree, Blue - fill in the entire space of a sheet not occupied by the pattern.

We hope that now, after you learned how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil or paints in stages, you along with the child represent the New Year's Christmas tree 2018 with toys and garlands. Master classes with videos and photos, posted on this page, are also designed for beginners of all ages.