Good wizard - Chukovsky's roots. Exhibition of crafts on the work of Chukovsky crafts on the topic of the works of Chukovsky do it yourself

Good wizard - Chukovsky's roots. Exhibition of crafts on the work of Chukovsky crafts on the topic of the works of Chukovsky do it yourself
Good wizard - Chukovsky's roots. Exhibition of crafts on the work of Chukovsky crafts on the topic of the works of Chukovsky do it yourself

Natalia Markina

Works K. I. Chukovsky They have a huge educational, informative and aesthetic, since they expand the horizons of the child, affect the identity of the baby, develop the ability to finely feel the shape and rhythm of the native language. This creative occupation associated with children's works K.. AND. Chukovsky He contributes to the development of interest in the book.

During the classes, pupils get acquainted with the biography of K. Chukovsky, get acquainted with such works as "Moydodyr", "Muha-Cocatuha", "Miracle Tree", "Aibolit", perform crafts with favorite heroes.

fairy tales"Aibolit"

Exhibition of children's work

Volumetric Applique fairy tales"Muha-Tsokatuha"

Crafts for motifs fairy tales"Wonder Tree"

Crafts for motifs fairy tales"Moydodyr"

Crafts for motifs fairy tales"Moydodyr"

Complete Applique fairy tales"Muha-Tsokatuha"

Publications on the topic:

Dear colleagues, I want to present to your attention the result of the artistic creative activity of my pupils speech therapy.

That ended the next New Year holidays. It was a little troublesome, and now sad. But this is a great time to give it.

Spring has come! And although now the weather is pretty changeable: warm or cold, it rains or snow, twitched the flying birds or blowing the wind.

In order to support and develop the creative abilities of the younger generation, the propaganda of knowledge in the field of fire safety, in our.

The world of multicolored paints "The world of multicolored paints appears when autumn occurs, the autumn time, the leaves are yellow, blushing, become.

Exhibition of children's work "Autumn fantasy". Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests of my blog! I want to offer you creative.

Autumn - wonderful time of year. It is not only time rain, leaf fall, but also a variety of events. Every year in our kindergarten is held.

We offer you crafts based on the works of the rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky handicraft "Miracle tree"      From a conventional paper package, an original handicap is obtained. What do you need? Paper bag, scissors, threads, paper, pencils. How to do? Paper package cut from above to stripes up to the middle. Then it needs to be twisted in such a way as if you squeeze the lingerie. From scattered and twisted strips, branches are obtained. Tree is ready! It is very stable. Now you need to print on the printer of shoes, or draw boots, shoes, sandals, shoes yourself. Coloring and hang on the threads on the branches. Wonder Tree is ready! It can serve the decoration of the children's room! The second version of the "Miracle - Tree" - from paper cylinders      What do you need? One paper cylinder (it can be done with a thick paper itself or take ready-to-tapping paper), colored paper, drawn or printer-printed shoes, scissors, glue. How to do? From the colored paper to make a crown of wood and glue shoes to it (or better draw and paint). Glue the crown to the cylinder. Wonderful tree for 5-10 minutes ready! Everything is very simple, quickly and beautiful! After a beautiful craft is made, you can play! Clearing-toy "Crocodile, Crocodile, Crocodalovich" You know in what fairy tales Chukovsky is a crocodile? "Crocodile", "Tarakanische", "Stolen Sun", "Confusion", "Barmalei", Moydodyr, "Phone". Before becoming a children's writer, Chukovsky was engaged in a lot of translations, wrote articles, was a literary critic. Once his little son got sick. At this time they were driving on the train. The boy is capricious and cried. Then the roots of Ivanovich began to tell him a fairy tale. "There was a crocodile, he went through the streets." The boy calmed down, and the next day he asked her father again told him the same fairy tale .... So the fairy tale of "Crocodile" appeared, with its main character - crocodilovich! He lived yes was a crocodile. He went through the streets, the crocodile, crocodile, crocodile spoke in Turkish! Let's make a crocodalovich who defeated Vanya Vasilchikov?     What do you need? Picture or drawing with a crocodile image, scissors, glue, 2 wooden spanks or pipes from juice. How to do? Draw or print a crocodile picture. Color together with the child bright colors. Let your crocodalovich be cheerful, kind and perky! Cut it along the contour. Cut the picture on 2 parts. Next, the colored sheet of paper must be bent the harmonica and glue two wooden sticks on it (spitting or tubes for juice). It turned out a harmonica. For the harmonic, you need to take a tight paper so that it retains it well and easily stretched. Now you need to glue the harmonica to the halves of the crocodile pictures. What a fun toy turned out!      Craftsman "Washbasins Head and Washing Commander!" Many, many decades ago, washbasins were almost every family. If not in the house, then in the country. In our time, the word Washbasin, in general, came out of everybody, it is practically not used in speech. And our kids can learn about the washbasin from the fairy tale of Chukovsky's rooting Ivanovich "Moydodyr". After reading the fairy tale, make a very easy, unusual and beautiful cracker. Your baby will be pleased! What do you need? 2 Cardboard boxes, glue-based colored paper, scissors, glue and a little fantasy. How to do? Find houses Two cardboard boxes are not at all difficult. For crafts, you need to push the boxes of the box or just paint them with a gouache. It will be a washbasin case. To the body glove two cylinders from toilet paper. Decorate on your taste. Glit or draw a washbasin of eyes, make a crane from juice from juice, from a cup of yogurt make a sink. Complete details: Hair, hat. Hands - a towel from a paper strip. Wonderful washbasins the boss turned out to be! And, of course, your baby will now know why we are so often saying: "... always and everywhere eternal glory of water!". Poems and fairy tales Rooting Ivanovich bring many joy for children. Today we simply cannot imagine childhood without his fairy tales. Children like his heroes, they laugh fun above them. The fairy tales of the rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky are easily read and remembered, developing speech and memory, and most importantly, they help to form a sense of humor.

Crafts on the topic "Tales": Mastery with children from natural materials of the panel and composition.

Crafts on the topic "Tales"

Today we continue with you our autumn workshop of children's crafts. We have already done with you crafts for children's fairy tales - detailed master classes in step-by-step photos with step-by-step descriptions you will find in the articles:

And today in this article - more ideas for crafts on the topic of "fairy tales" with children of preschool age. They sent them to the "native path" Petushkova Lyubov Anatolyevna, a teacher of the Central Group No. 11 of "Star." Star "from the city of Yugorsk Tyumen region (MBOU SOSH No. 5). In the "Star group" held a family contest of crafts from natural materials on the topic "Fairy Tales". Here are some crafts on the topic of fairy tales created parents along with children.

We will be glad if these ideas and photographs of the works of children and parents will help you make your interesting crafts on the plots of different fairy tales with children.

Crafts on the topic of fairy tales about Baba - Yaga

Baba Yaga

Baba - Yaga with broom

Crafts on the topic of the tales about the kolobka

Crafts on the topic of the fairy tale "Three Piglets"

Crafts on the topic of fairy tales: Masha and Bear

This workman is made in the technique of appliqués from natural material.

Crafts on the topic "Tales of Golden Fish"

Crafts - Goldfish - also performed in the applique technique. Make it very simple. On the cardboard sheet, draw a sketch of the future craft. Introducing PVA glue one of the details of the sketch and fill out the contour with natural material. Next, fill out other details until it turns out the picture.

You can upload all the image only from natural materials, and it is possible - only a part by adding a story-drawn marker or paints with details or appliques from colored paper.

Crafts: Fabulous Hut on Courish Legs

Crafts for a fairy tale: miracle

You can learn from the detailed step-by-step master classes from the detailed step-by-step workshops in the Children.

Nina Chasyna

Who does not know famous fairy tales of Kornea Ivanovich Chukovsky"Muha-Tsokutuha", "Phone", "Moydodyr", "Tarakanische", "Barmalei". All these fairy tales are familiar to each of us from childhood. These work Children love and listen with great pleasure. These are real literary masterpieces for young children who are printed to this day. About the literary writer, poet, translator, children learned in class. Real Surname Nikolai Vasilyevich Kornechukov. He was illegitimate, his life put him in a predicament. From the gymnasium, it was expelled due to low origin. Chukovsky Engaged in self-education, studied English. I wrote a lot about other Russian authors - Nekrasov, block, Mayakovsky, Akhmatova, Dostoevsky, Chekhov. Chukovsky remained in memorylike a children's writer. He felt perfectly, understood the children, was a good children's psychologist.

Publications on the topic:

Today I decided to show you through the photo report process of your work on the new didactic game - multifunctional educational.

Purpose. Develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, resourcefulness, fantasy, imagination, figurative thinking. Form

A summary of speech development for children of the younger group. Reading the work of K. Chukovsky "Miracle tree" Purpose. To acquaint with the work of the Chukovsky "Miracle - Tree". Educational task: consolidate the ability to distinguish and call the leaves of acquaintances.

"Autumn fairy tale." I love you, autumn, beyond the beauty, for the elective leaves and the warmth is late, for the random of the yield, we fly, flying.

The works of K. I. Chukovsky have a huge educational, informative and aesthetic, since they expand the horizons of the child, affect.

Fall. Beautiful season. About this year, poets compound poems, artists write paintings. This year, autumn especially pleased us.

In our kindergarten between the groups, there was a contest of crafts on the topic: "Autumn Fantasy". The first contest held work with his parents, invited.