Natalie: "The secrets of beauty and youth. Singer, which literally immediately conquered the listeners with his beauty and unique vocals that with the face of Natalie

Natalie: "The secrets of beauty and youth. Singer, which literally immediately conquered the listeners with his beauty and unique vocals that with the face of Natalie

Singer Natalie

Unlike most stars of our show business, Natalia (real name singer - site) does not hide from fans what sacrifices go for beauty. The other day she published a photo on which it can be seen that the face of the artist is tied with an elastic bandage. "Not guessed, this is not a dentist tried! This is a beauty battle "(here and then the spelling and punctuation of authors are preserved, - approx. It turns out that the singer made the contour plastic facial. This cosmetic procedure in the form of injections pulls the skin and removes wrinkles.

Unfortunately, after such an injection, bruises remained. But always smiling blonde because of such nonsense was not upset, and on the contrary laughed. In turn, the fans wrote a mass of compliment to the artist, as well as decided that it also looks perfectly without such procedures.

And no matter how to confirm the words of their fans, the singer published several photos from the rest, including in a swimsuit. Subscribers simply looked down from delight so gorgeous looks in the pictures of the artist. "Pupa !!! Where are the Molding Apple Take ??? Wow! Affiant beauty! You are in a luxurious form, keep it up! Just a girl! Keep it up! Super Figure! Goddess! Statuette! Figure-stunning !!! " (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx ..


Natalie will be the next guest of the program "Secret by Million". On the air NTV, the artist will remember how to conquer Moscow from Dzerzhinsk, why from 13 years I was looking for a husband and how was able to maintain my only happy marriage for 25 years.

Spectators will find out what diet chooses the singer and as refers to plastic surgery, and will also be able to look into her apartment. Natalie will reveal his secret of youth and confesses how in 44 she managed to look for ten years younger. The program will be attended by Mom, sister and sons of the singer.

Singer Natalie biography Family kids photo, how old is she?: Personal biography

Natalie's biography will be able to interest not only fans of her creativity, but also just people who are interested in life paths of Russian stars. The future singer was born in Dzerzhinsk, which is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in March 1974. Its training, Natasha started in his hometown, in high school at number 37. How she herself will repeat more than once - it was an unforgettable time. Since childhood, many have noted the organizational talent in it, which later the singer was later served.

From early childhood, Natalie showed organizational abilities and endless activities, she could not sit without a minute. In school, she studied perfectly, in parallel time to take part in all creative activities. The girl was also popular with his classmates who easily recognized it with their informal leader, thanks to a benevolent nature and sociability. Teachers also could not rejoice at a talented and smart student who was an example of perfect behavior.

In 1983, Natalie visited a music school with his girlfriends, after which she persuaded the parents to give it to the piano class. In school, the girl was also trained in vocal execution for seven years. Natalie began to compose songs, and also hesitated the guitar game. She actively participated in musical contests, and later, together with his team performed at the city festivals.

In 1990, the girl was invited to take part in the filming of a documentary film dedicated to her native city. Natalie not only successfully passed the casting, but also received a major role in the picture. She also traveled to St. Petersburg to the legendary Studio Lenfilm to voice the tape. Filming in the film to a large extent contributed to increasing the popularity of the artist in their hometown.

Despite active musical activity, Natalie dreamed of becoming a teacher and apply their talents to teach children. In 1991, she could easily enrolle in the pedagogical school of Dzerzhinsk, and at his end, the girl settled in a local school teacher. In 1993, she together with her husband moved to Moscow.

Singer Natalie biography Family kids photo, how old is she?: Family

As regards relatives, the Natalie family, if it was associated with art and creativity, it is very remotely. Mom and dad worked at the local chemical enterprise. Anatoly Minaev worked as the head of the energy service, and Lyudmila was working as a laboratory on the adjacent workshop. After some time after birth, Natalie, two more children appeared in the family. These are the twins who were called Anton and Olesei.

This information does not particularly apply, but in the global network you can find joint photos. Parents from the earliest years have propted a great future to the girl, so contributed to many endeavors - they helped to enter a music school. Where, by the way, Natasha studied vocals and the game on the piano.

As you know, fans are always interested in the offspring of star personalities. Of course, the children of Natali no less interesting theme for those who are watching creativity. Despite several unsuccessful pregnancies, the singer did not despair, and soon she managed to give birth to the firstborn in 2001.

Nine years later, another child is born. It is noteworthy that the star has not yet shown them to journalists for a long time - as she claims, he was afraid of the evil eye. But after some time, the curtain slept, and in the spring of 2017, the titles of the news began to "speak" about Natalie, the singer gave birth to a third child.

The first son of Natalie - Arseny was born in 2001. Parents were very pleased with the firstborn, because, as mentioned earlier, the singer did not work out to be transferred to the end. Before the birth of the first son, Natalie often appealed to the hospital, because he was afraid for his health and the health of the baby. But fortunately, everything was done, and Arseny appeared.

As she itself mentions in many interviews - faith in God helped with it. For a while, the singer did not want to show it to journalists, but this period was held, and now there are enough photos on the family in the family circle, among the parents and two brothers.

The second son Natalie - Anatoly appeared on the world nine years later, after the firstborn, in 2010. Already together with the second child, the singer began to participate in various photo shoots, and at the moment you can clearly see the similarities between the star mother and son.

Natalie is even dedicated to one of the issues of popular transmission "Let them say", where it was invited with children. Many fans easier were waiting for this issue, and all interested in the Internet could find in free internet. There, the singer talks about his personal life, about the life of a star and a simple mother, who always has time for his family.

The Third Son Natalie - Eugene, was born relatively recently, in the spring of 2017. Despite this, you can already find photos on which a happy married couple is captured. With the appropriate request, fans find footage directly from the maternity hospital after discharge, together with the newborn Evgeny.

By the way, the last, at the moment, the child broke the tradition in the singer's family - all men's names began on the letter "A". Natalie decided to retreat from such principles. The rest of the children and her husband were looking forward to the return of star mother from the hospital and carefully prepared for this event.

Natalie's husband - Alexander Rudin born in 1970, and a familiar singer with a school desk with a future singer. Despite the restless time, the wedding was played in the summer of 1991. It is noteworthy that the difference in the age was almost four years, so Natasha's parents had to submit false certificates regarding pregnancy daughter. Wedding took place, and a happy family lives together so far.

Their relationship began to develop after Alexander's proposal to write a few songs, and subsequently, to put them into the world. The husband did not remain aside, and in every way helped the novice singer to conquer the Russian show business.

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Natalie (singer)

Natalie (real name is Natalia Anatolyevna Rudina, in Major - Minyaev). Born on March 31, 1974 in Dzerzhinsk of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, songwriter.

Natalia Minyaeva, who became well-known under the scenic pseudonym Natalie, was born on March 31, 1974 in Dzerzhinsk of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Father - Anatoly Nikolaevich Minyaev, Deputy Chief Energy of the Chemical Combine "Dzerzhinsky Orcseklo".

Mother - Lyudmila Pavlovna Minyaev, a laboratory assistant plant "Monomer".

He has younger brothers and sister twins - Anton and Olesya (born in 1978).

According to Natalia, she grew up a "hyper-perceive child," never got down with his parents, and at the same time was very serious: "Mom told: they play with me, laugh, and I look so hard, a serious look, no shadow smile on the face."

He studied at high school number 37.

From an early age, he was distinguished by good musical hearing and voice. He graduated from a music school in the piano.

In 1990, he became a soloist of the school vocal-instrumental ensemble "Chocolate Bar", where she brought her the younger brother Anton, who in his 12 years was already a drummer of this group. In May 1990, he participated in the ensemble in the urban rock festival.

In the same 1990, "Lenfilm" film studio was noticed by the film studio "My city" in Dzerzhinsk, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the city, played one of the main roles - Natasha's schoolgirl.

Natalie in the movie "My City"

In the summer of 1990, at the local recording studio recorded its first compositions, incl. and songs of their own essay. Further, before the end of the school released two magnetoalboms called "Superboy" and "Pop Galaxy".

In 1991, he became part of the more famous group "Pop Galaxy".

In 1991 he graduated from school and entered the Pedagogical School of Dzerzhinsk. After graduation, he worked as a teacher of junior grades of secondary school No. 22 Dzerzhinsk. In parallel, continued to write songs, performed them with colleagues, disciples and their parents.

In 1993, he arrived in Moscow and after a year under the pseudonym Natalie released the first album "Mermaid", in which he made a performer and author of almost all songs.

In 1995, a single "Pink Dawn" appeared. In 1996, the second album "Snow Rosa" was released, separated by a large circulation. In the same year, her first video clip was released on the song "Snow Rose".

Wide popularity came to the singer in 1997, thanks to the song "Wind from the sea" (the same album also came out). According to the results of 1997, the composition of 1997 entered the top five and became the business card of the singer. The album "Wind from the sea" was released in 1998 by a record edition.

Natalie - Wind from the sea

In 1999, the album "Piece" was published. For three songs from the album, including the title, video clips were removed. The album, among other things, entered the song of Arkady Khologov "New Year's toys", filled in a duet with the composer himself.

In September 2000, Natalie released the album "First Love." In the same year, the singer appeared a new hit - the song "Turtle". In 2002 he released a new album "Do not fall in love with", in 2003 it came out a clip for the song "Sea of \u200b\u200bJeans Color".

In 2008, participated in the "Commands of Russia" on the Spelstar-2008 show. In 2009, he released the album "Seventeen Moments of Love", and also wrote a few songs for Brother Anton, who spent under the pseudonym Max Volga. In 2011, the "Music Ring on NTV" program advocated the "Queen 90s" team.

In 2013, Natalie released the song "Oh God, what a man!", Recorded in November 2012. The composition of more than 8 weeks was on the first line of the Golden Gramophone "Russian Radio". February 6, 2013 official video clip came out, which immediately acquired great popularity.

Natalie - Oh my God, what a man!

In 2013, Natalie was awarded the Russian music premium of the RU TV channel in the nomination "Sometimes they are returned." The Fashion People Awards-2013 was awarded the prize in the special nomination "Return of the Year".

At the end of 2013, the author's composition "Nikolai" appeared, filled with a singer in a duet with Nikolai Baskov, a video released to the song. On May 31, 2014, on the fourth music premium, the RU TV channel Natali, together with was awarded the nomination "Best Video Clip" with the song "Nikolai".

In 2014, the singer took part in the TV show "Overcome" on the first channel, where, following the results of the voting, the jury in 6 issues from 14 scored the maximum possible number of points (25) for images of the following artists: Marina Ladynina in the image of Galina Peresvetova from the film "Kuban Cossacks" with the song "How were you"; Masha Rasputin with the song "Rose Tea"; Christina Orbakayte with the song "The world in which I live"; Sergey Zverev with the song "Alla"; Lyudmila Shenchina with the song "Cinderella"; Si Ketch with the song "Heaven and Hell".

In addition, in the show "Overland", she presented the following images: Eaglov's love in the image of the Movie Movie Movie Movie with the song "Tyu-Tuy-Tuy-Tuy"; Nadezhda Kadysheva with the song "flows the stream"; Valeria with the song "Hasika"; Valentina Tolkunova with the song "standing on the half-one"; Tatyana Bulanova with the song "Do not cry"; Olga Zarubina with a song "On the motor ship playing"; Alena Apina with the song "Electric"; Alsu with the song "Sometimes."

It is worth noting that in the image of Natalie itself in 2015, the participants of the third season of the show - Elena Temnikov and Anna Schulgin appeared.

March 31, 2014 Natalie released a clip called Sharerazada. Also in 2014, the Sharerzad album was released, which became the anniversary - singer released him in honor of his 40th anniversary.

In 2014, he took part in the Television show "Hit", in the final of which won the song "Let's come with me behind the stars" (words and music of Alice Bushyeva).

He voiced the main role in the Puzzle Cartoon film (the role of joy).

In 2015, there was a co-show show "People" on the TV channel "Russia-1".

The growth of the singers Natalie: 165 centimeters.

Personal life Singers Natalie:

Married. Spouse - Alexander Rudin.

As, still as a teenager, I sought to quickly pop up and build a strong family: "From the age of 13 I was looking for my husband. He was friends with the boys in this direction."

Her future spouse approached her along with a teacher from a music school with a proposal to record a song in the studio. The singer estimated an extraordinary and pleasant gesture from the young man. "I look: He's no such ambiguous views on me, it seemed that I didn't immediately appreciate that he was not a womanizer. Moreover, he did not invite me anywhere. He just went to the house. And then I already looked at him And I got fat and more interesting and more interesting to communicate with him, "the performer shared. At the same time, Natalie admitted that he conducted a kind of check to his beloved, saying Alexander that she had a young man with whom she wants to be. And her future husband without scandals let her go. After that, she, of course, returned to Alexander. Soon young people decided to legitimize the relationship when the artist was still a minor, so her mother got a certificate that Natasha was pregnant, after which their marriage was issued.

Children gave a singer not easy - she lost all four kids. For the first time she became pregnant at 17 years old. However, she had a miscarriage. Soon the girl managed to get pregnant again, but this is the child they lost. Moreover, the singer developed mastopathy, she even did puncture. A few years later Natalie again tried to know the joy of motherhood, but also for the third time she could not bear the baby, it was diagnosed with fetal fetal.

And the first child Natalie gave birth at 27 years old. His son, according to her, Natalie pounded - defended his turn to the relics of St. Panteleimon. The firstborn of Arseny was born in 2001.

Soon nine years, in 2010, she gave birth to the second son - Anatoly.

She really wanted to give birth to a girl. Shortly after the birth of the second son, the singer learned that she was in an interesting position. However, constant stress, according to Natalie, led to the fact that she had another frozen pregnancy. The star perceived this news very hard. The artist had to urgently go to the abortion, otherwise she threatened blood infection.

Natalie with older children

The singer carefully monitors his appearance. She told that: "After giving birth, I corrected my chest shape, and this is still the only plastic on my body."

According to the artist, she delivered special discomfort to her a big belly. "I reworked everything I didn't like it! For example, my belly, as for Indian dance, left when I got to the healer of Kostopravu. It was in a special way through the navel" corrected "internship me so that the stomach" Prick "to the back" , she told.

In his youth, she really did not like her lips, as she believes too thin. "I even rejoiced when herpes appeared, because at the expense of his lips increased. Over time, I, of course, decided to solve this problem," she said.

"Botox regularly do. If it were not for him, I would have a harsh face. And after the procedure, such a cute expression appears ... Usually, if you are tired, there is a wrinkle between the eyebrows. And the botox does not produce this wrinkle. Or you do not have fun - And the tips of the lips are still raised, as in a smile, "the performer revealed.

Natalie - a secret on a million

Natali filmography:

1990 - My city - Natasha, schoolgirl

Natalie discography:

in the group "Pop Galaktika":

1990 - Superoba
1991 - Star rain


1994 - Mermaid
1996 - Snow Rose
1998 - Wind from the sea
1999 - counting
2000 - First Love
2002 - Do not fall in love
2004 - All I need
2009 - Seventeen moments of love
2014 - Shahryzada
2016 - Oh, God, what a man!

Singles Natalie:

1995 - "Pink Dawn"
1996 - "Snow Rose"

1997 - "Wind from the sea"
1998 - "Clouds"

1999 - "Considered"
1999 - "New Year's toys" (duet with Arkady Horalov)
2000 - "Turtle"
2000 - "First Love"
2001 - "Often-often"
2002 - "Sandy"
2002 - "Peace without you"
2003 - "Sea of \u200b\u200bcolor of jeans"
2003 - "Everything I need"
2004 - "That's how"

2009 - "Do not carry my happiness, wind"
2012 - "Oh God, what a man!"

2013 - "New Year" (version 2013)
2014 - Sharerazada
2014 - "Strettle Dress"
2014 - "Come on with me behind the stars"

2015 - "Volodya"
2016 - "Associate Prigogine"
2017 - "I have only you"

Natali video clips:

1996 - "Snow Rose"
1996 - "Star named Sun"
1997 - "Wind from the sea"
1998 - "Clouds"
1999 - "It didn't squeak, did not disappoint"
1999 - "Considered"
2000 - "Turtle"
2000 - "First Love"
2001 - "Often-often"
2002 - "Sandy"
2002 - "Peace without you"
2003 - "Sea of \u200b\u200bcolor of jeans"
2003 - "Everything I need"
2004 - "That's how"
2006 - "Wind from the Sea Dul" (Remake 2006)
2013 - "Oh God, what a man!"
2013 - "Nikolai" (duet with Nikolai Baskov)
2014 - Sharerazada
2014 - "Strettle Dress"
2014 - "New Year" (version 2013)
2015 - "You've" (duet with MC Doni)
2015 - "Volodya"

Natalia Minyaev was born in provincial townDzerzhinsk in the family of ordinary workers. But this not only prevented on the way to glory, and spurred recognition on a big scene. Since childhood, Natasha showed organizational abilities, could take not only herself, but also around. School adolescence revealed the talent of the singer and informal leader. Goodwill, pleasant features, musical abilities allocated Natalie among other children.

In 1983, the singer entered the music school to the piano class and in parallel received practical knowledge of vocal skill. Natalie actively participated in contests, and the talent did not remain unnoticed: she was invited to voice the documentary film about Dzerzhinsk.

Of course, Natalie dreamed of glory, but understood that in a small town it is difficult to break through. That is why she chose a landed profession and worked as a teacher at a local school.

The desire to become popular again appeared after marriage. Together with the spouse producer Rudin, the future star moved to Moscow.

He struck Natalie the road to the metropolitan show business. The first album "Mermaid" with a circulation of two thousand became a musical breakthrough, but the song "Wind from the Sea blowing" brought a real popularity. This hit knew everything in the 90s, it was he who did Natalie a star. At concerts at the request of fans, this light song was performed on the bis.

Natalie has an incredible talent to blow the audience with one song. In 2012, after many years of silence, a single came out "Oh God, what a man." Creation about a man returned Natalie to the top of his charts and presented a second chance to the professional career of the singer.

The composition gained a reward for the "Return of the Year" award and "sometimes they are returned."

Singer Natalie before and after plastics (photo)

When watching a photo, Natalie before and after many fans it seems that the singer is still time, even the style of clothing is preserved unchanged.

Natalie openly talks about plastic and does not consider it a dark spot for his reputation.

Natalie does not hide the mammoplasty-changing shape and breast size. According to the singer, a public woman who wants to remain attractive and delight their fans, you should always be at the height. After the birth of two sons, the plastic surgery for breast correction was just a salvation for Natalie. Natalie put the goal tighten the chest, and not to increase to huge sizes.

Increased lips Natalie, which is actively discussing in social networks, the singer does not deny. The singer minimally pumps the lips with Botoks, trying to preserve the natural contours. The singer is sure that the main thing is to find a doctor who can correct the situation and not harm.

The artist is confident that for a public person, the plastic surgery is a way out. To look good, not necessarily sit on diets and spend hours in the gym.
Blonde "Turtle" admitted that in 42 years it looks brighter and younger than at the dawn of a career. She is pleased with his appearance and does not regret plastic.

Take care of Natalie and about the state of the skin of the face. She made contour plastic skull in the metropolitan expensive clinic in order to return the "triangle of youth".

Natalie noted that all "pricks", which she makes regularly, painful enough, but the result is worth it. The complex of procedures for maintaining the beauty of the face of Natalie includes mesotherapy, injections of hyaluronic acid and vitamin cocktails, laser peels.

The singer claims that diet is not the most effective way to lose weight and look touched. Her secret is glooming in proper nutrition and permanent activity.

Plastic operations Natalie helped to gain self-confidence and maintain excellent natural data.

Russian popular singer. Natalie It became popular thanks to their compositions, instantly became the hits "Wind from the sea", "Sea Turtle". In 2012 Nataliereturned to the scene with the new hit "Oh, God, what kind of mumina."

Natalie. Biography

Real name of the singe Natalie - Natalia Minyaeva (after a marriage of Rudin). Born on March 31, 1974 in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. Father Natalie Minyev Anatoly Nikolaevich - Deputy Chief Energy of the Orcseklo plant, Minaeyev's mother Lyudmila Pavlovna - a laboratory assistant in the monomer shop.

In 1980. Natalie He entered the secondary school number 37, where he studied well and made the first steps on the school scene, wrote their first songs devoting to the teachers and students. In 1983. Natalie He entered the music school, where he studied music for 7 years.

Natalie constantly went to relax in the summer camp, starting from 11 years old, there she played the guitar, performed on the stage of the camp, sang, the concerts led, under the guitar, he learned the yard, bard, authorities with the guys, including the future hit "Wind with Sea shots. "

Natalie. Creative way

In 1990, passing the citywide casting to the heroine for the art and journalistic film dedicated to the 60th anniversary of his native city, Natalie She took part in the filming of Lenfilm.

In May 1990, the singer participated in the Chocolate Bar Group (school vocal-instrumental ensemble) in the urban rock festival. After this event, Natasha comes off the proposal to record songs in the local recording studio from two young people, one of whom is a teacher in her native musical studio, and the second, Alexander Rudin, turns out to be a future husband of Natasha. In the summer of 1990, Natalie records his first songs.

In 1991, Natalie entered the pedagogical school of the city of Dzerzhinsk and married, becoming Rudina. Studying at the pedagogical school, and then, working as a primary school teacher at school number 22, she continued to write songs. These songs entered the album "Mermaid". From 1993 to 2009, 9 albums and 16 clips were issued by the Natalie team.

Natalie It became popular thanks to their compositions, instantly became the hits "Wind from the sea", "Marine Turtle" in 1998.

In 2009, the singer tried herself as the author of the songs for the native brother Anton (pseudonym Max Volga). Songs sounded in his performance Natalie "Woman", "on the Volga Boat", etc.

All these ten years after the song "Wind from the Sea," I did not stop touring. Just twice I took a break: for three months, when I gave birth to my first son, and for three weeks, when I gave birth to the second. And then rode again, as they say.

Again heard about the singer Nataliewhen the composition came into rotation "Oh, God, what a man," who has become a real folk hit.

The song "Oh God, what a man" three times in two months managed to lead the Russian top chart iTunes.

"Very many young poets send me their poems on e-mail, and one day a letter comes from a girl named Rosa, who has not emigrated from Russia to Germany so long ago. And here she herself, in my opinion, did not expect such success, because she sent the text "O God, what a man" in a number of other, fairly deep texts. One such verse was lost. He was very surprised me, because I thought even then: well, it is necessary, what accuracy, to such simplicity. I was so imbued with these lines, which decided to try to write music to them. Quickly quickly picked up the melody and now I recited the play. Gave to listen to the familiar, they said: "Oh, Cool!" And so I didn't even understand myself, as I got a song that just stunned me with popular. "

In the fall of 2013. Natalie and Nikolay Baskov They recorded a duet song called "Nikolai".

IN 2014 took part in the show reincarnation"Exactly the same" on the first channel. In the same year, Natalie won in the television show "Hit" with the song "Let's come with me behind the stars."

On October 7, 2015, on the birthday of President of Russia, Natalie presented the song "Volodya", in 2016 he released the single "Ask Prigogine".

Natalie. Personal life

Singer is married to Alexander Rudina Since 1991. In 2001, the firstborn was born - the son of Arseny, and in 2010 the second son appeared - Anatoly. In 2017, she became a mom for the third time, giving her husband to the Third Son - Eugene.

Natalie. Discography

Oh, God, what a man! (2016)

Shahryzade (2014)

Seventeen moments of love (2009)

All I need (2004)

Do not fall in love (2002)

First love (2000)

Piece (1999)

Wind from the sea (1998)

Snow Rose (1996)