Abstract musical activity "Vocal-singing activities.

Abstract musical activity "Vocal-singing activities.
Topic of classes: Vocal Word and Diction. (For children of the second year of study) (1 slide).
The form of organization of students' activity is individual.
Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus of vocalist for the means of working out the correct pronunciation of the word during the execution of the musical work.
Training with proper singing breath, hammering words to Zovka, step by consonants.
Learn to transfer the melody, cleanly intonate
Develop dickening abilities and skills.
Develop creative thinking means musical expressiveness,
Logic skills, ability to analyze the semantic content of works, deep understanding in the work semantic meaning words, phrases, suggestions, see in musical image Semantic dominants and embody them in everyday life.
Establish the culture and manner of stage vocal performance: creative self-expression, vocal individuality, muscular apparatus and small dictionary motility, the ability to convey the word to the listener.
Promoting the formation of culture of singing in pupils, as an aesthetic need, as part of their common artistic, and wider - spiritual culture.
Promote the formation of interest in individual forms of vocal performance, solo singing, concert speeches, creative expression, for the implementation of the spiritual and creative potencies of each child, in the embodiment in the song exciting feelings and thoughts, disclosure of the semantic content performed Work.
Equipment and materials:
- spacious bright room;
- piano;
- mp3 player;
- Mirror.
- notebook.
Training method: conversation, execution of training material, demonstration of exercises, learning and execution of the song.
Psychological conditions in the lesson. Approval of joy at the lesson.
Personal-oriented communication - accounting of individual abilities, level musical developmentDifferentiated approach.
The psychologically comfortable atmosphere is emotional satisfaction, the right to learn success.
Designed result. The child should have a steady interest in the exercises performed by them, to have a steady interest in the song, be able to emotionally, singing, with good singing breathing and with good diction to fulfill her.
Concertmeister O. V. Samälenko.
The class includes a student of 2 class DMS No. 2 Zaidadnova Gusel.
Organizing time.
Pedagogue: Hello, Gusel!
We are glad to see you on individual lesson vocal.
A brief conversation with students on emotional state, internal sensations. Creating an atmosphere of joy and confidence in their forces through a friendly smile, a teacher encouraging voice intonation.
Introduction to the topic.
Well said word - already singing,
And, well, the spiting phrase is already talking.
K.S. Stanislavsky. (2 slide)

Pedagogue: throughout school year We are learning to sing, working on our own voice.
Guzel, can you say that is the most important in singing?
Estimated student response: cleanliness of intonation, proper singing breathing, sound formation, diction.
Estimated student response: Right. This is all very important in singing, and without which we will not be able to convey to the audience without which the meaning and content of the musical work.
Estimated student response: without diction and words.
Explanation of the topic.
Pedagogue: quite right. The theme of our classes: "Vocal Word and Diction". Today in the class we will work on diction, on the formation sing sound. Singing - the only appearance Music and performing art where musical execution It is organically combined with the need for expressive reporting of speech text. Clarity and clarity of word pronunciations and even individual syllables to greater extent depends on the mobility of the articulation apparatus of the singer (cheeks, lips, teeth, tongue, jaw, soft and solid pawn, throat, larynx.).
(Demonstration of a poster "Articulation apparatus"). (3 slide)
- All these bodies are involved in the formation of sound?
Estimated student response: Yes.
Pedagogue: Try without language to say: "I got the beans produced" (the student tries).
See what happened? Can not understand anything.
And now try to say the same without the participation of the lips (the student performs the task).
Again nothing is clear. So what can be concluded? In the formation of sound, all the organs of the speech apparatus should be involved, it should work allively work. The work of the organs of the articulation apparatus aimed at creating speech sounds (vowels and consonants) is called articulation. In the speech stream, vowels and consonants carry an unequal function. The voice, its emotional coloring, the strength and saturation of the sound comes, first of all through vowels. Dickening clarity, speech intelligibility is associated with a clear pronunciation of consonants. Dickey is a clear, clear, intentional pronunciation of the words of the text. (4 slide).
The teacher draws the attention of the student on the poster "Table division of consonants."
Devolition table consonants. (6 slide)


K, P, C, T, F, X, H, C, H, W, Shch

B, in, g, d, z, z, l, m, n, r

Vocal consonants. (7 slide)

In zh z l m n r

Possess the bellivity

Possess lengthy

Write explosive

Not vocal consonants. (8 slide)



Deaf consonants are pronounced on a whisper, the voice gap is disclosed in the cartilage part

Can provoke on forced sound recovery

The great vocal teachers have always drawn attention to the fact that vowels are "carriers" of vocal sound, they occupy almost all the duration of the intonated sound. "The consonants are minimized as much as possible, utterly pronounced clearly and clear." This lies one of the secrets of Cantile. "The vowels are like a shell, in which a singing sound is checked, so education singing vote It begins with work on the formation of vocal vocabulary. All the main vocal qualities of the voice are produced on these sounds. From vocal proper formation vowels depends artistic value Singing voice. "(S. Yudin) (9-10 slides)
The activity and coherence of the work of the articulation bodies determines the quality of speech sound pronunciation, word intelligibility, or diction. And the lethargy in the work of the articulation bodies is the cause of bad diction. So, the dictation is a clear, clear, legible pronunciation of the words of the text. The mouth of the vocalist should be free, and "beautifully active", it depends on the jaws, language, lips. The vocal beautiful opening of the mouth only helps the correct position of the language, pharynx, larynx and the right position of the entire voice apparatus. The clamping lower jaw interferes with opening the mouth, and through the sublabory bone, it pulls up the larynx, which may cause the throat singing. The clamping jaw may be the cause of the language overvoltage, and it is the main articulator of vowels. The lower jaw must be free, not clamped, passive. Being passive, she still should not be strongly folded down, beat in the larynx. It should be held with the muscles of the cheeks and corners of the lips, their lips themselves actively uttering consonants.
The lips take part in the final formation of vowels and are the main formists of loving consonants. The position of the lips affects the timbre of a singing sound. The smile contributes to the tone lightening. "Lips should lie on the teeth," said M. Garcia.
Guzel, you know that the singer before the start of singing of musical works should prepare his musical instrument, or rather, to configure it. What is needed for this?
Estimated student response: to pronounce the pattering in order to set up your voice, for a clearer spelling of words, do exercises for the development of singing breathing and molding.
Pedagogue: Well done, Guzel!
Tell me, please, why do you need to run on each lesson? Or maybe it's not at all necessary?
Estimated student response: melting at every occupation is necessary, since the voice ligaments are stronger, grow. Voice as any musical instrument requires proper setting.
Pedagogue: quite right. Species frank the speech apparatus, and vocal exercises develop a voice apparatus.
Practical part.
Pedagogue: We go to the practical part of our classes.
Training exercises for the development of the speech apparatus. (11 Slide) Pedagogue: And now, Gusel, I propose to remember the diapers that we learned in previous activities. Estimated student response:
Greek rode across the river,
Sees Greek in the Rake River
Greek's hand thrown into the river
Cancer for the hand of Greek DAC.
In the patter, the correct pronunciation of the consonant letter "P" is being implemented, and work is carried out for the liberation of the speech apparatus.
If the text sounds clear and confidently, you can gradually increase the pace, but you must not forget that everything in the patter is the main thing is not the pace, but the clarity and clarity of pronunciation.
Pedagogue: Cuckoo Cuckoo
Bought a hood
Like in the hood
He is ridiculous.
We repeat the patter in various images and with emotions inherent in the character depicted in the picture, in the image merry hare, sad puppy and satisfied cat. (12 slide)
Pedagogue: Thank you, Guzel!
Having worked on the development of the speech apparatus, you can proceed to vocal exercises on the development of voice. Breakfast, our voice ligaments are warm and adjusted correctly.
Training exercises for the development of the voice apparatus.
To achieve proper sound formation initial stage vocal training, it is necessary to offer students more often to exercise, singing closed mouth Sound "M". The teeth at the same time should be shaved, the soft sky is activated in a light yawn, the sound must be sent to the head resonator, under which the upper part of the face with its nasopharynk cavity is meant in the vocal pedagogy. Sending sound to the front of the solid sky on the roots of the front upper teeth provides its best resonation, so that the sound acquires strength, brightness and flight. The smaller will be present during the singing of the nasal and throat pride, the higher and more accurate will be the vocal position, the cleaner and natural will be the voice of the voice.
After singing with a closed mouth, we sing on the syllables "zo zi zo". Total 5-6 exercises.
A singing breath should be taken quite actively, but silently, deeply, simultaneously through the nose with a sensation of a light half-day. Sing in one breath, smoothly, gently, move from one note to another.
Each challenium is held when it is raised on the halfway. It is natural for all units without exception.
Work on diction and articulation when learning vocal work. Pedagogue: Well done Guzel, on the past occupation, we began to learn the song "Real Friend", SL. M. Pleakkovsky, Muses. B. Savelyev. Homework It was to learn the words of the song by heart.
Teacher: Guzel, did you like the song? What is she talking about?
Estimated student response: Yes! Highly beautiful song, about friendship.
Pedagogue: The song is written in a bus form. (3 purchasing and chorus). Size - 2/4.
Recommendation: Merry song, in the character of polka. Based on this, the child cannot sing sluggish. But it is impossible to get too fascinated with a hard attack. Otherwise go talk in tonality. Melody in singing is the main thing, so it is necessary to connect the syllable behind the syllable, sound for the sound.
I sing a song (1 verse, then chorus) on phrases with a closed mouth on the sound "M". When a melodic segment is already spent in this way, you need to sing it with words, while maintaining the design of vowels, their connection, consonant sounds necessarily pronounces, clearly, short without exaglement. The activity and coherence of the work of the articulation bodies determines the quality of speech sound pronunciation, word intelligibility, or diction. And the lethargy in the work of the articulation bodies is the cause of bad diction. The mouth of the vocalist must be free, and "beautifully active."
It is especially worth noting that the attention of the student should be directed to the flow and grip of vowels. Then, thereby it will be properly organized and the flow of consonants, which must be pronounced quickly and clearly, "to suggest" them, but not to "shoot", so as not to bring damage to the flow of vowels, that is, the sound stream, not to tear cantilene, not to make singing chant. The "torn" dictation is harmful not only in vocal, but also for artistic terms. Exists famous aphorism: "W. good singer Good diction, a bad singer and dickey bad "(14 slide)
After such work on small parts over the sound, over the breath, you need to work on the work as over a single whole. Try to fulfill it completely (1 versus and chorus) under the accompaniment of the piano, which should be quiet, easy, in no case by the voices of the child.
Pedagogue: Let's summarize our classes.
Today we paid a lot of attention to the development of the speech and voice apparatus, worked on consonant letters in patterings and binding, worked on breathing, over the sounds in general. I got acquainted with new concepts.
So, the skill of articulation includes:
- distinct, phonetically defined and competent pronunciation;
- moderate rounding of vowels due to singing on a hidden zovka;
- finding a high vocal position;
- The ability to stretch the best ways to stretch and very briefly pronounce consistent sounds in any rhythm and pace. (13 slide)
And so that our work is not in a gift, at home in front of the mirror, expressfully pronounce the poetic text of the song, which will help you with singing to seek expressive sounding. It will be your homework.
Organizational end
Well done, Guzel! Thank you! Bye. Before new meeting.

List of information sources and illustrations. (15 slide)
1. Aspelund D. Development of the singer and his voice. M., 1997.
2. Varlamov A. Full School of singing. M., 1989.
3. Varlamov A.E. "Full School of Singing" St. Petersburg, Publishing House "Planet of Music", 2008.
4. Dmitriev A. Basics of Vocal Methodology. - Moscow. Music.1968.
5. Dmitriev A. Voice apparatus singer.- Moscow. Muz Mugiz.1964.
6. Emelyanov V.V. "Phonopedic method of voice development" Toolkit 1999
7. Emelyanov V.V. Voice development. Coordination and simulator. SPb.1996.
8. Caser O. V. Game Methodology for Children's Children singing. - SPb. ed. "Music Palette" 2008
9. Lukanin V. Training and education of a young singer.- Leningrad. Music 1977.
10. Morozov V. Secrets of vocal speech. - Leningrad. Science.1967
11. Ivanchenko V.N. "System classes additional education Children »Publishing House" Teacher "2002.
12. Orlova T.M., Belkin S.I. "Teach children to sing" Moscow 1987.

Websites on the Internet.
1. http://www.rockvocal.com
2. http://thelib.ru/books/pekerskaya_em/vokalniy_bukvar-read.html
3. http://www.startvocal.ru.
4. http://www.musicforums.ru/vocal
5. http: //www.100 Vocalistov.ru
1. http://www.hvorostovsky.com/ru/photos.
2. http://www.rusedu.ru.
3. http://www.theplace.ru/photos/anna_netrebko-mid2190.html

MBU to "House children's creativity №4 "

Address: ul. Maurice, 82a, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

Plan-abstract vocal classes

Singing installation. "Magic rules of singing"


Aryshva Svetlana Ivanovna,

pedagogue of additional education,

vocal-Pop Studio "Orpheus"


Focus: artistic.

Subject lesson:Singing installation. "Magic rules of singing."

Purpose:Formation of ideas about the concept of "singing installation" and practical use in vocal class.


    Meet students with the concept of "singing installation".

    Introduce the rules of the singing installation.

    Develop in children music perception, vocal apparatus, rumor:

    Develop memory, attention, thinking, perseverance.

    Rail interest in vocal art.

Form of holding:reheatting.

Equipment lessons:


    Musical equipment;

    Visual aids;

    Collection of notes;


Method for organizing students: group.

Structure occupation

    Organizational moment, introduction to topic:

Musical greeting.

(Pedagogue sings: "Hello, guys!", Children sing: "Hello, Svetlana Ivanovna!")

Teacher: Today we will deal with very an important thing - We will get acquainted with " magic rules singing ", without which it is impossible to do. If you comply with them, you will definitely learn to sing nicely. But at first I will tell you about the singing installation. Guys, what do you think it is?

Children: This is a straight back, scattered shoulders, good mood, etc.


    Main part

Singing installation - This is the correct position of the housing (trunk) when singing. In order for the voice to sound freely and easy, it should not interfere with it: the shoulders must be omitted, the back is straight, you do not need to pull the neck and highlight the chin (and then you will immediately become like a rooster that everyone wants to shout). From how you hold the "Corps" depends on the posture and even well-being. Good posture is always needed, and during singing - especially.

Proper singing installation is " magic rules singing, "and these rules are much. Let's consider how many of them. I will call them, and you consider (Teacher shows visual materialwhere the correct position is depicted when singing standing and sitting).

1. The main rule - in singing it is impossible to sit or stand relaxed: you need to preserve the feeling of internal and external tightness.

2. Hold your head straight, freely, not dropping down and not throwing back, do not pull the neck.

3. Stand firmly on both legs, and if you sit, then slightly touching the chair, also leaning on your feet.

4. When singing in a sitting position, the hands should freely lie on the knees.

5. You can not sit, putting a foot on the leg, because this situation creates an unnecessary voltage in the housing.

7. Wide, vertically open the mouth.

8. The lower jaw must be free, the lips are movable, elastic.

How many rules counted?

Children:8 rules

Teacher: Well done, correctly counted. Now we know that there are 8 magical rules, but I have another question. Why are these rules called magic?

Children:Because, if you follow these rules, the voice will sound beautiful and easy.

Teacher:Right. And now let's sing your familiar to you about the owl, observing these rules. Sit smoothly, put your hands on your knees, straighten your back.

Ring about owl:

Owl on the tree sat,

And the song my sang U-U-y,

What strange words

It rises owl!

Guys, today we are planted in a new way, observing the magical rules. Do you think they helped us? Were we sing freely and beautiful?


Teacher: Very good. Now let's repeat the song we learned on the past lesson.

Vocal-choir work Over the song "far from Mom", learning the second couplet.

3. Outcome classes. Reflection

Pedagogue: Guys, let's summarize our classes. What new we learned today?

Children: We got acquainted with the magic rules of singing.

Pedagogue: How many of these rules? Tell me them?

Well done today you worked well. Let's say goodbye. Bye! (in musical form).

(Pedagogue sings: "Goodbye!", Children sing: "Goodbye!").

Used Internet resources:

http: //vocalmuzshcola.ru-resurs:

Used Books:

M. A. Mikhailova Development musical abilities in children. Popular benefit for parents and teachers. Academy of Development, 1997 .

Description of material: The abstract vocal abstract by me is designed to work with children younger age (5-7 years). Topic of classes: "Magic Massage". This material is offered to teachers of additional education and musical leaders in kindergartens.

Health is not all, but all without health - nothing


Topic: "Magic Massage"

TARGET: Enhance the adaptive capabilities of the children's body using familiarization with the types of massage used in vocal classes.


Training: teach to perform hygienic and vibratory massages.

Developing: promote the development of singing skills using health-saving technologies based on age features Children.

Educational: to form ideas about health protection, careful relationship To myself and to your young organism.

Healing: Creating a system for the prevention and correction of the health of children by teaching techniques: respiratory gymnastics according to A.N. Strelnoy, hygienic and vibratory massages, vocal susceptations, speech therapy exercise (patters), articulation gymnastics, game.

Equipment, didactic material:

Piano, Music equipment, night Stan., hats with the name notes, reproduction of paintings visual arts, musical works Classical and modern direction.

Plan lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Repetition of the material passed.

3. Study new topic.

4. Fastening a new topic.

5. Creative part.

6. Summing up the classes.

Travel course:

1. Organizational moment (2 min.)

Teacher: Hello, my friends! Did you all come today?

Answer children (checking present)

I am very glad to see you, and I hope you also came to occupation with good mood. Especially since today we have very much interesting topic: "Magic Massage" and so that nothing overshadowed our lesson, I want to remind you that you need:

· Be polite and neat in class;

· Do not include and do not touch any equipment yourself.

· Insert knobs, hairpins, paper clips and other foreign objects.

· Do not use electrical appliances, if damage to the wire is noted.

2. Repetition of the material passed (10 min.)

Teacher: Guys, please name, please me notes that you know.

(Answer children: to, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si). Right! And now we will fall with you in a fairy tale, where each of you will be notch. I will notice - before, and you ...

Each child is put on a headdress corresponding to a certain note.

Teacher: Well, you have already turned into notes. All notes live in a house - not a lot. On the stage you see a ton mill. But it is empty. Each note has its place in the house, but what? Well, notes show where your place is in the house.

Children in turn becoming near the notch mill, and show where every note is located.

Teacher: Dear my notes! Please remind you that you must need to make young vocalists to sing notes well.

(children's responses)

Teacher: Right, engaged vocal exercises, respiratory and speech gymnastics, and do not forget about a number of exercises "Tag adventure". To do this, we will conduct a special setting. We have a good mood? (children's responses)

Teacher: Sit comfortably, close your eyes (the children are sitting on the chairs semicircle). We are ready to work in vocal classes. Make a deep breath and exhalation (children repeat this exercise 2-3 times). Discover your eyes, breathe deeply once and exhale. We start our lesson from the exercise group "Tag Adventure"

We raise the tongue to the nose and omit before the chin (stretched bottom part tongue, and strengthened the muscles of the lower jaw), each exercise is repeated 10 times

We fold the tongue into the tube and do inhale through the nose, and exhale exercise through the tongue tube (exercise on the hardness of the form)

Licking the upper and lower lips clockwise, and then counterclockwise (tongue mobility exercise)

Teacher: Guys, you have everything perfectly. We continue our work and proceed to the development and strengthening of the articulation apparatus. And I have a question for you. What is it and why do we need it? (child response). Completely, you answered my question. We turn to the next row of exercises:

Upper sponge pull down and return to its original position

Pull the bottom sponge, and then hide under the upper sponge

Pull the lips forward and make moves up and down, right-left

Elongated sponges make circular movements in different directions

Exercise "Kiss"

We stretch wide lips in a smile so that all your teeth are visible.

Exercise "Fish"

Exercise "Machine"

Pedagogue: We completed the first exercise block and to go to the next, I want you to relax as much as possible while sitting on your stools. I obey closed eyes classic Claude Debussy " Moonlight"(Children in silence listen to music).

Teacher: Continue the occupation with vocal workout. Why do I need vocal workout? Or maybe not necessarily melting at every occupation? (Answers pupils). Correct guys. Missing at every occupation is necessary, since the voice ligaments are stronger, grow. We acquire the skill of the correct word pronunciation in the song. Voice as any musical instrument requires the correct setting. Correctly delivered singing organizes the activities of the voice apparatus, strengthens voice ligaments, develops a pleasant voice timbre. The correct pose affects uniform and deeper breathing. Singing develops the coordination of voice and hearing, improves children's speech. Singing with movements forms a good posture, coordinates walking. Therefore, a huge role in the positive orientation of the person during singing is played by the style of sound recovery: the sound is sent to the space, the lips are stretched in a smile. The sound extracting on a smile becomes light, clean and free. As a result of a constant smile training, the quality of sound is transferred to the personality of man. Soon the exterior smile becomes a smile of internal, and already singing with a smile look at the world and on other people. Let's smile with you each other and will continue our lesson. We start with a splash:

Exercise number 1.

On one note singing Ma-uh-oh (upward movement in chromatism)

Exercise number 2.

I sing in the syllables "I sing" on the sounds of T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise number 3.

According to the ascending and downward chromatic movement, let me eat yes yes yes yes yes.

Exercise number 4.

I sing in the syllables "shining the night" on the sounds of T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise number 5.

We sing "Here I go up, I go down"

Exercise number 6.

Up-to-up; up to re-mi-re-up Pre-Mi-Fa-Sol-Fa-Mi-Re-to. The grinding goes up chromatism.

Exercise number 7.

We sing on the syllables "we go" on the sounds of T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise number 8.

According to the sounds of T53, with an upward movement, we sing Da-DE-Di-Du; Bra-Bre-Brie Bro Bru; In-Ze-Zi-Zoo.

Pedagogue: Complete the unit of the splash, we are always patters. And why do we need patters? (Answers pupils). Quite right. Species frank the speech apparatus.

Exercise number 9.

We sing the patter "Sasha was on the highway and sucked drying."

Exercise number 10.

I say the patter "Mouse Mice Mishke Shishke"

Exercise number 11.

I say to the patter "Tigerok snapped loudly r-r-rr.

3. Study of a new topic (20 min.)

Pedagogue: We repeated all the familiar exercises and are ready to start a new topic. And it is called "Magic Massage". Did you make a massage? (Answers pupils). You are absolutely right, massage is different, including for vocalists. Today we will get acquainted with hygienic and vibration massages. Exercises These are simple, but very necessary when classing vocals. Are you ready for new to exercises? (Answers pupils).

Exercises of hygienic massage:

1. The fingers of both hands make light strokes, from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

2. Forest on both hands make light strokes from the middle of the nose on the wings of the nose, along the maxillary sinuses up to the temples.

3. Relaxed lips (mouth slightly listed). From the middle of the top lip down to the corners, massaging index fingers both hands are alternately. The lower lip is massaged similarly, only up.

4. Chin - We carry out active tangent movements to the right and left.

Teacher: We met with a hygienic massage. And for good work of the resonators, all vocalists need to perform the following exercises of the vibration massage.

Vibrating massage

1. The forehead - perform lung tapping with the highest sound "M".

2. Gaimorovye sinuses - perform light tapping, lowering the height of the sound "M".

3. Upper lip - perform lung tapping, lowering the height of the sound "B".

4. Lower lip - perform lung tapping, lowering the height of the sound "s".

5. The upper part of the back and chest - perform light tapping, lowering the height of the sound "M".

Teacher: Thank you so much. And now remind me of what exercises did we not fulfill today? (children's responses). Right. Breathing exercises. After all, they are very necessary for us before the start of the vocal classes, because if you do not take your breath before starting singing, then the sound will not sound as necessary. Now, we will fulfill breathing exercises. Make sure that the shoulders do not rise during the breath. Remind me what rules need to be followed when performing these exercises (replies of pupils and performing the exercise with the teacher "Pendulum", "Pump", "Cat", "Retail").

4. Fastening a new topic (5 min.)

Suddenly, for all children in the hall included Shapoklyak. Singing a song.

Teacher: Who are you? And what are you doing here?


Who helps people

That spends time in vain.

Good deeds

It is impossible to glorify

Ha ha ha ha.

I am an old woman Shapoklyak.

Pedagogue: Why did you come to us?

Shapoklyak: I, though the old woman, or rather a female age, but I know how to sing and what to do for it. Now I will tell you. Want to? (children's responses). So listen to me carefully, and write down in your notebooks. It is necessary to eat candy before occupation, regularly walk classes. Breathe mouth ...

Teacher: Shapoklyak, something you confuse. The guys already know everything. How to comply with voice apparatus hygiene. We regularly attend all classes and with pleasure do all exercises shown by the teacher. True guys? Well, tell the old woman Shapoklyak that we learned today in the classroom.

(child response)

Shapoklyak: And, however, you know a lot. Seen my information is outdated. Guys can you somehow good song Sweet. Do you agree?

Children: Agree. We will sing you the song "Air balls".

5. Creative part (4 min.)

Children perform a song: "Air balls".

Shapoklyak: What are you great. Now I know for sure that you know how to sing right, and I can now calmly go home. But remember that my rating - Lariska is watching you. Learn well, speake, defeat in contests and maybe become real artists. Bye.

Shapoklyak leaves.

6. Summing up the lessons (4 min.)

Teacher: Well, that, we are time to come back from the fairy tale.

The teacher removes hats with children.

Pedagogue: I am very proud of the guys. Our lesson comes to an end. I hope that today you have learned a lot of new things, and you were interested in classroom. If this is true, attach to our notes, smiling notes, and if not, then sad.

Children attach notes.

Teacher: Thanks guys. Before the next lesson.

Used Books.

1. Dubrovskaya S. V. The famous respiratory gymnastics of Strelnoye. - M.: Ripol Classic, 2008.

3. Zhavinina O., Zam L. Musical education: Searches and finds // Art at school. - 2003. - № 5.

4. Morozov V.P. The art of resonant singing. Basics of resonant theory and technology. - M., 2002.

5. Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

6. Razumov A. N., Ponomarenko V. A., Piskunov V. A. Health healthy man. - M., 1996.

"If you have a talent, share it with others! If you know what to say to this world, tell me! If your soul sings, sing! "

Natalia Kninjanskaya


Singing has a beneficial effect on the development of voice and helps to build smooth and continuous speech. Group singing is an effective means of tension removal and personality harmonization. With the help of group singing, you can adapt the individual to complex conditions or situations. For children with speech pathology, singing is one of the factors of improving speech. For children of all ages, classes in vocal association is a source of liberation, optimistic mood, confidence in their abilities. The program ensures the formation of skills. singing activities and the improvement of special vocal and scenic skills. Over time, singing becomes for a child aesthetic valuewhich will enrich all his further life.

Description of material: The vocal classes in the vocalism presented by me is designed to work with the senior link ensemble (13 - 14 years). Topic: " Concert activity" This material is offered to the teachers of additional education and musical leaders in cultural homes.

Topic: "Concert activity as one of the methods of active learning"

purpose: Enhance the adaptive capabilities of the children's body by success or failures when speaking before the audience.

Tasks:Training: Teach confidently keep on stage in any unforeseen atmosphere.

Developing: promote the development of singing skills, scenic skills.

Educational: to form goaling, healthy to evaluate their strength, the situation in the hall.

Healing: Creating a system for the prevention and correction of the health of children by performing before the audience.

Equipment, didactic material:

Piano, musical instrument.

Plan lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Repetition of the material passed.

3. Creative part

4. Summing up.

Travel course:

1. Organizational moment (2 min.)

Greeting. Coffee for a good mood, list of speech order.

Teacher: Hello, my friends! Did you all come today?

Answer children (checking present)

I am very glad to see you, and I hope you also came to occupation with a good mood. Especially since today we have a very interesting and responsible day. And so that nothing overshadowed our lesson, I want to remind you that you need:

Be polite with the audience in the hall, do not walk during the performance of other participants;

Be neat, whatever blick your concert suits;

Do not include and do not touch any equipment yourself;

It is not inserted into a rosette stick, hairpins, paper clips and other foreign objects.

· Do not use electrical appliances, if damage to the wire is noted.

2. Repetition of the material passed (10 min.)

Teacher: We continue with vocal workout.

Exercise number 1.

On one note, we sing Ma-e-oh-y (ascending movement in chromatism)

Exercise number 2.

I sing in the syllables "I sing" on the sounds of T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise number 3.

According to the ascending and downward chromatic movement, let me eat yes yes yes yes yes.

Exercise number 4.

I sing in the syllables "shining the night" on the sounds of T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise number 5.

We sing "Here I go up, I go down"

Exercise number 6.

Up-to-up; up to re-mi-re-up Pre-Mi-Fa-Sol-Fa-Mi-Re-to. The grinding goes up chromatism.

Exercise number 7.

We sing on the syllables "we go" on the sounds of T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise number 8.

According to the sounds of T53, with an upward movement, we sing Da-DE-Di-Du; Bra-Bre-Brie Bro Bru; In-Ze-Zi-Zoo.

Exercises for the articulation apparatus:

Exercise number 9.

We sing the patter "Under the trap hoofs, dust flies on the field"

Exercise number 10.

I say the patter "Cuckoo Cubuschonka sewed a hood, cuckoo in the hood terribly funny"

Exercise number 11.

Voice Relative Warming Exercise:

Day himself. Each syllable comes on one note. Exercise is performed by the range, depending on the range of votes.

It is after complete grieving that I turn to an active learning method designed by me:

Exercise aimed at self-affirmation and a positive attitude promoting successful self-realization:

We sing chorus down the sober throughout major Gamma Up and down: "I sing, I sing well!".

After that, we turn to the repetition of works aimed specifically to this concert or competition. If this reporting concertwe close it with the overall song of the whole vocal Studio. It works here active method Learning "Let's sing." We perform a choir, to secure positive emotions.

4. Creative part (30 - 35 min)

5. Summing up the lesson (4 min.)

To summarize the results, the active learning method is suitable. Orchard" Instead of a tree, you can take the stage of the gamma, and instead of lemons and apples, tight durations.

Teacher: Thanks guys. Before the next lesson.

Used Books.

1. Dubrovskaya S. V. The famous respiratory gymnastics of Strelnoye. - M.: Ripol Classic, 2008.

2. Emelyanov V. V. Development of voice. Coordination and training. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Lan"; Publishing house "Planet Music", 2007.

3. Zhavinina O., Zam L. Music education: Searches and finds // Art in school. - 2003. - № 5.

4. Morozov V.P. The art of resonant singing. Basics of resonant theory and technology. - M., 2002.

5. Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

6. Razumov A. N., Ponomarenko V. A., Piskunov V. A. Health of a healthy person. - M., 1996.

Hello guys and respected guests!

Throughout the academic year, we learn a lot of interesting and varied songs, each of them has their own history and meaning. Guys, and tell me, please, without which the meaning and content of the work we will not be able to convey to the viewer? (Children answer) right! Without a clearly uttered lyric text.

Today we will spend open occupation, the topic of which is "articulation and vocal word" Singing is the only type of musical art, where musical performance is organically combined with the need for expressive reporting of speech text.

But before, we will proceed to articulation and vocal work, we will make the breathing exercises necessary for the real singer.

Guys, you probably love all very much air balloons. Imagine that we swallowed the ball, now that we are taking a breath, our ball is inflated right in our stomach. Then I exhale and our ball is blown away! Well done, and now it's inflated 5 times and flowing down the ball.

Well, now play with you in the game called "Snake." Let's turn face to each other, and now imagine that our right hand - This is a snake. We gain air in the stomach, raise your hand and fold a brush in the form of a snake snake, and the snake crawled with the sound. Well, and now imagine that our snakes want to scare each other. We recruit the air into the stomach again, we make the sound "CSS", and at the moment when breathing will end, we will make a sharp active exhalation with the same sound, while our snake will make a throw accordingly. Now play this game again. Umnick!

Now we go to the articulation gymnastics. Guys, become everything to the mirror and we will go to the zoo now. First we will visit the aquarium. The first we saw a fish-needle with you, thin-thin fish. Let's pull the cheek with you to be similar to it. And behind the fish-needle floats the fish-ball, swelled the cheeks like this fish, well done! And behind it floats the sea horse, see how he is very elongated sponge forward, let's also stretch our lips! And finally, we'll see with you on the fish ball, and also influence the cheeks! We leave the aquarium, go further, and the horse runs to us, let's make the sound of knocking hoofs, first quickly, and then the horse saw us and slow down a step (we make the sound of knocking hoofs slower). The horse ran away, and we go further and see the giraffe. Giraffe has not only a long neck, but also a long tongue. And now we will make our language long like a giraffe, stretch your tongue to the nose, we do not help your hands! Well, now pull him to the chin. Excellent! We go further and see with you hippopotamus, and he has a big mouth! And well-ka opened the mouth as hippos, widely. And stand so a bit. Well done, a tour of the zoo, we spent, now let's go to play the ball.

Now we will remember the patters that we taught in previous classes, the first "Greek drove", loudly, not in a hurry, we bring together every word.

(Children tell the patter)

Greek rode across the river,

Sees Greek in the Rake River

Greek's hand thrown into the river

Cancer for the hand of Greek DAC.

And just as clearly actively say with you the second "cuckoo cuckoo"

"Cuckoo cuckoo

Bought a hood

Like in the hood

It is funny "

(We take a small tennis ball) And now, as I promised, we will play the ball! Watch, please, on pairs and stand up opposite each other (children are divided into pairs). Now each of you will vote one line from the patter and on the last word, on a shock syllable, throw a ball to a partner. The left side speaks the first line, the right - the second, and so on to the end every typus. (Children perform a task). Well done boys!