Reporting concert of the vocal group Avers scenario. And you see beauty music

Reporting concert of the vocal group Avers scenario. And you see beauty music

Scenario Concert closure of the Creative Season of the Vocal-Pop Studio "Lika"

(3 leading: Maksimova I., Satsuk kr., Volokhov A.)

Music sounds, leading:

Veda: good evening, Dear friends!

Veda: Good evening, our dear spectators!

Veda: Hello, welcome you at the next reporting concert of the exemplary vocal - pop studio "Lika"!

Veda: Being a member of this wonderful creative team honorable and responsible!

Veda: It is no secret that vocal classes are not just entertainment - it is a heavy, but pleasant, work.

Veda: And today the studios of the Studio "Lika" will present the results of their work for this creative season!

Veda: Our concert program We called "the world that I need!".

Veda: Let it give you a good spring mood!

Veda: And so we start!

Veda: On stage 1 Junior Studio composition!

(Children are overlooking 1ml. Groups) Poems:

1: Walks on the planet Beauty - Spring!

We learn from the signs that she came to us!

2: We will find out in pure printing fields,

By the valley fragrant, on the rainy songs!

3: April! April! ... Drops rings on the courtyard, streams are fleeing the fields, on the roads of the puddles. Soon the ants will come out after the winter jellows. 1. Room: "Merry Song"

1: my air balloon

On the branch hook,

Does not know,

Where to go?

He can go down

Of course, down, but can go to the sky!

2. Number: "Air balls"

What kind of messenger is this, three-headed, big, above the ground it flies, puffed in a hot flame?


The night came. Tired dragon. On the bed, he was standing, put his macs

On separate pillows. 3. Number: "Dragon"(Go)

Veda:Childhood is wonderful countrywhich you will not find on the maps. Its territory lies not on the ground, but for people souls.

Veda: Childhood is energy, optimism, faith in their strength. This is the time when it seems that the future is limitless and that tomorrow will be necessarily better than yesterday.

Veda: Here they believe the magic,

Here are friends with wonders

All fairy tales appear to visit themselves.

Veda:Here clouds are not visible, here from smiles closely,

On the creative wave Flowing somewhere - then childhood.

Veda:Meet the average Studio "Lika"

4: Number: "I dream of a miracle"

1: Spring, spring! How the air is clean!

How clear the sky!

His Lazuria is alive

He blinds my eyes.

5. Number: Spring

2: April is murmur, linking streams,

The circle of Protalina is visible.

Spring is carefully washed away

Remains of lived winter.

6. Number: "Good fairy tales"

Veda: How easy and beautifully acting our artists today! It seems to be able to sing go to the scene and daring - surprise the audience! Right?

Veda: Of course there is no one talent! Rehearsals, rehearsals and rehearsals! And how many courage it is necessary to go out here on the scene! In adults, the knee artists are shaking! And what to talk about young ?! ...

Veda: But the participants of our concert are already real artists!

( Comes unnoticed by the boy (Ilya), comes to the lead, pulls hands)

Veda: Go from here, boy, do not bother to work. (The boy on the other side comes, pulls ...)

M: What are you doing here?

Vedas: What?! You do not see, concert drive, go do not bother, I say!

M: So big, and swear!

Veda: Do not be offended, boy, what did you want?

M: I also want to perform, that is, I want to sing!

Veda: Sing then.

M: I'm not alone I want to sing, but with friends!

Veda: Then call their friends rather, and go already!

M: No, first I want to declare a number like a real artist!

Veda:Well, declare, finally, and sing!

M: Republican, All-Russian laureates, International Competitions We have not yet become, but ... We will definitely! Guys, come out!. (Group 3 - 4kl.)

6. Number: "Everything is very simple"(In the end "…like this!.»)

Ilya:Once I met a homeless cat:

How are you?

Nothing, little by little.

I heard that you are seriously sick.

So, it means, lay in bed?

Lying on the street a lot of weeks -

Homeless, I have nowhere to put a bed.

I thought: "It is strange that in the world is huge

No place to dogs and cats homeless people. "

Do you hear a cat? Come with me -

Dark, and then it's time to go home!

We went with her down the street proudly and boldly -

I silently, and a cat quietly sang.

What she sang about? Perhaps that

What you need your own home.

7. Number: "Cat Mongrel"

Sonya:Sun redness,

Gori-Gori clear!

In the sky, flying

Our land is lit,

To gardens and gardens

Green, blossom, grow!

Sasha b:Sun redness,

Gori-Gori clear!

In the sky fish float,

Our land will be expelled,

All in the world of kids

Wake-up, healthy!

8. Number: "Sun shines for all"

A. Veda:Yes, these will definitely become laureates. ( And then ...!- Kids answer)

And now we are greatly enjoyable on this scene of real laureates!

I.Wedov: Meet the repeated winners of republican, All-Russian and international competitions senior group Vocal-pop studio "Lika".

9. Number: "The world that I need"

10. Number: "On the Stars Road"

A Veda:The soloist of the group Danil Novoselov with a song:

11. Number: "Ships"

(Comes out Anton Poles, reads :)

Hey, middle arm! All up!

What a joke? What laughter?

We do not carry fun

What we want - take, do not ask.

Arguing with us, little sense,

No barriers to sea wolf.

We know the treasures of all seas

In the trums of different ships

12. Number: "Grandmother and granddaughters"

I. Ved: Creative reporting concert Studios "Lika" takes place on the eve of the significant date, - the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory of our people over fascism!

An. Veda: I know any of my guilt is

What others did not come from the war.

In the fact that they are older who are younger

Stayed there.

And not about the same thing that I could,

But failed to save.

It's not about that, but still, yet, yet ...

I. Ved:And with great gratitude to those who got this victory in that terrible, cruel war!

An. Veda: In memory of those who have not returned from it, this number sounds.

13. Number: "Letter from Front" - Christina PR. (DK word)

An: You continue to please our work by the eldest group of vocal-pop studio "Lika". Meet Anushik Hyan!

14: Number: "Erazanq"

15. Number: "Swans flew"

16. Number: "Fly, Summer"

17. Number: "Divalina - Spring"

(I stay, everyone goes to change clothes, I say words of gratitude for children, about the profession, thank moms)

18. Number: "Mothers"

Veda: The guys grow up, go, come to shift others and everything returns again. We invite graduates of this year on the stage, as well as graduates of our studio! Victoria Kolesnikov! Danila Novoselova and Irina Valov!

(Words about studio graduates, words of gratitude and small souvenirs for them, then the song in their performance.)

19. Number: "For what"

Veda:That's how the word for the word, the song for the song and approached the completion of our concert.

Veda: And we very much hope that you did not look at the clock, remembering the fairy tale about the lost time, but enjoyed our creativity!

Vedas: strong health. Happiness, good luck and love!

20. Number: "Save the Love"(Execute all the participants of the concert)

The program of the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Cossack Track" - "Cossack songs go through Russia"

Against the background of music.

Vedas: Good evening, dear friends! In the courtyard, deep autumn, damp and cold, and in our hall Heat and cozy from one thought that today we are waiting for a meeting with a wonderful, distinctive and very popular popular vocal-instrumental ensemble "Cossack Track".

28 years ago, three like-minded people Mikhail Petrunkin, Alexey Martynov and Valery Yushov decided to create an instrumental ensemble called " Free time" The name was not chosen by chance, it reflected what the long-awaited time had come when amateur musicians were able to perform the created by them. musical works, Intow them to the court of the viewer. And let them not immediately reached the heart of such a decisive and sophisticated listener, but the team of his inexhaustible creativity argued his right to be called poets and composers.

For you, the people's vocal-instrumental ensemble "Cossack Track" sings, the head of Mikhail Petrunkin.

Concert Block

Vedas: many musical works by the participants of the "Cossack Track" ensemble is written on the words of famous Russian and Soviet poets. Over time, the team has become increasingly cooperating with local talented poets. Joint creativity gave life to numerous songs about love, his small Motherland, About her past and present. Meeting with Lebedyan poet Arkady Poland opened another colorful page in the creativity of the team. And today you, dear viewers, have a unique opportunity to hear not only created by this creative Union Musical works, but also to meet a member of the Writers' Union Russian Federation, Poet from the city of Lebedyan Arkadya Poland, whom we are pleased to invite to the scene to your friendly applause.

Speech of the poet.

Vedas: And we continue our creative evening, The main task of which is to pave a magic bridge, connecting Surda artists and viewers.

Concert Block

Vedas: Over time, the team has grown and, at the same time, his creative borders expanded. The arrival of new young musicians allowed to implement the most bold plans and enrich the sound of the ensemble. Natalia Martynova became a permanent soloist and a unwashed Khorosister team. Following it, another musician Oleg Evokimov came, with the arrival of which the sound of the ensemble was privped the people's painting.

In 1997, the participants of the ensemble decided to rename the team, giving him the name "Cossack Track". And after seven years he was assigned honorary title "People's" team.

Concert Block

Veda: B. last years The composition of the "Cossack Track" ensemble was changed. Another soloist Natalia Mitita joined the team.

Today an ensemble is a permanent participant of all district events, a frequent guest of the regional scene, a winner and a diploma of numerous singing contests and festivals. In it all service list More than 50 laureate diplomas of the most diverse geography: Moscow, Lipetsk, Lebedyan, Voronezh, Saransk, Epifan, Zadonsk.

I invite to the scene: head of VIA "Cossack Track", composer-arrangers, Solist Mikhail Petrunkina, Poet Songnik, Guitarist, the oldest participant Alexey Martynova's team, bass guitarist, soloist and composer Valery Yusova, gifted musician, magnificent soloist team Natalia Martynov, beautiful bayanist, author of many songs about native edge Oleg Evokimova and a talented soloist of the ensemble Natalia Mitin.

Explanatory note


Development of interaction of teacher, children and parents in the process of upbringing creative personality Child, creating favorable conditions for attracting parents to active participation in studio activities.



1. Improve in children the ability to expressly and intonationally fulfill accompanied by the "minus" phonogram of a variekrastructure work, to properly use the microphone.

2. Expand the horizon of knowledge about hometown, Russian history.


1. Develop the ability to control their execution, listen carefully and analyze the execution of comrades.

2. Rain the level of stage execution in children, confidently and freely feel on the scene.


1. Relieve a sense of love for the Motherland, a sense of partnership and collectivism.

2. Education in children interest in concert activity.


1. Coffee table, computer, multimedia screen.

2. Microphone, sound inspection equipment.

3. Attributes and prizes for the game.


1. Heading songs with children and parents.

2. Selection of slides.

3. Creation of the presentation of the "studio business card".

4. Work with parents for the design of the hall, procurement of prizes and souvenirs.

Scenario Events

Children and guests are in the hall. Solemn melody sounds. Leading.

Leading 1:

Dear children and respected guests! Our concert is dedicated to the world, friendship and love for homeland, a country where we play, learn, work and just live. Do you know how is our country called? (children's responses).

For clear dawns, washed with dews, for the Russian field with ears of rosy,

For the River Drafts in Flame Blue you called Russia in Slavica.

Leading 2:

I love you my Russia for a clear light of your eyes,

I love your meadows and Niva, a transparent ringing of your plains.

To the water, the deployed willows, the top of the flaming rippers.

I love, deeply understand the steppes thoughtful sadness.

I love everything that calls one great word - Rus!

Leading 1:

My dear side, what are you good!

Ah, Rosinochka - Russia! How your soul sings!

Song "Rosinochka - Russia", E. Zarinsky - Span. Jr vocal ensemble

(During this and subsequent vocal numbers on the screen, there is a slide show about speakers and classes. vocal Studio)

Leading 1:

Do you know how the capital of our homeland is called?

(children's responses). Right, this is Moscow, does anyone know how old she is? (865) And what is the name of the city in which you live? (children's responses). How old is he? (408) There are many fabulous places in Russia, the cities of Russia do not read! Maybe somewhere beautiful, but will not be more relative than here!

Leading 2:

As a song of essential Russia, the cities are sounded,

But still the most beautiful is the city, friends, I have!

Leading 1:

Raise the hand those born in the city of Tomsk! And now raise the hand those who think that knows his city well and its surroundings! Now we will check it out!

Game - Quiz "Excursion to Native Places"

(Slideshow on the screen: "Types of city and its surroundings", for the correct answer - a sweet prize, if children find it difficult to answer, parents help)

Leading 1: There lives a lot of smart and talented children in Tomsk, some of them are engaged in our house of creativity, which is called ... (children answer). And although they still do not even go to school, but now they act as the most real artists!

The song "Once palm, two palms" music. E. Zaritsky - Sp. Maria G.

Song "Pro kindergarten"I. Ponomareva - Sp. Zlata P.

Leading 1: Now we will spend another small quiz on knowledge and attention. We invite three girls of one age on stage and ask them four questions. The one will win, which will give more correct answers.

Game - Quiz "Do you know?"

1. What is the name of the country in which we live?

2. What is the name of our region: Far East, Siberia, Kamchatka?

3. What is the name of the capital of the Tomsk region?

4. What are the inhabitants of our city?

5. What is the name of the street on which you live?

6. What floor do you live on?

7. When is your birthday?

8. Name, patronymic, Pope and Mom profession?

(accompanied by a slide show, at the end of the quiz children get sweet prizes)

Leading 1.: For all who participated in the game and those who have listened carefully, our following performances:

Song "Harmonist Timoshka" T. Morozova - Span. Alena Sh

The song "Tired" A. Petryasheva - Sp. Catherine C.

Leading 1.: Let's talk a little about the city, about what is located in it, which moves, and what it is still that happens sometimes, but what is always happening. As you already, probably guessed, now there will be riddles. You are culturally answering, do not shout out loudly, raise your hand quickly!

Leading 2:

1. Little houses on the street run,

Boys and girls houses are carrying ... (Bus)

2. In two rows of the house are 10, 20, 100 in a row

And square eyes all look at each other ... (Street)

3. Metal - Giant good thing He faded

Alternatively, the river stuck, on him, forgetting about the miracle, go the river ... (Bridge)

3. To help you go dangerous,

Girl and day, and night - green, yellow, red ... (traffic light)

4. Rides quickly on the road, she hurries to the fire,

Give her the road, or everything burns the duck ... (fire truck)

5. Light splashes everywhere pour, it's a festive ... (salute)

Leading 1.: Well done, you again showed your outstanding abilities! And let's ask the parents as they think! (Parents call adjectives: smart, talented, kind, etc.) Well, now you yourself tell you an entertaining game!

Game "Make a Word" (Children with posters in their hands, on which on the one hand, the numbers are written under any dance music Moving around the hall. With the end of music, they are in a row digitally. At the signal, the posters unfold, they are written in vertical adjectives defining positive features character. The upper letters are highlighted in bold and form the name of the studio - domisolka).

Leading 2: We have a ray of the sun and teases, we have fun now in the morning,

Day gives children a ringing holiday and the main guest on it - the game!

Song "Visiting a fairy tale" V. Dashkevich - Sp. Sofia D.

Song " Multicolored game"B. Savelyev - Sp. Senior vocal ensemble.

Presenter1: We again continue to talk today about our homeland, about native history, and again you are offered a small quiz "Do you know Russian folk proverbs and sayings. " Here we will call to help our parents.

Game "Finish the Proverb"

1. Talk - flower, proverb ... ..

2. Good proverb not in the eyebrow, but in ... .. Head

3. With the sun heat, with the mother ... Good

4. Labor feeds, and laziness ... spoils

5. Case Master ... Afraid

6. One in the field is not ... Warrior

7. Where is the needle there and ... thread

8. Man without a homeland, that nightinglets without ... songs

Leading 1: And now it's time for us to get up, their hands to strive! The back is rovingly hold, handle pull together! I barely, barely smelled the carousel! And then faster, faster, growing stronger and stronger! Sushch, quieter, do not hurry, stop the carousel! Now you sit down, stretch the legs forward! I barely smelled the carousel, and then, then, then, all run, run, run! Sushch, quieter, do not rush, stop the carousel! (Children on the ground move at a given pace alternately with their hands and legs) times - two times - two, so the game is over! Again it's time!

The song "Makers Color" A. Varlamova - Span. Junior vocal ensemble.

The song "Rain" music. Y. Verizhnikova - Span. Victoria D.

Leading 1.: The love of the Motherland in each of us begins with love for native places where you were born and live. Big love To a small homeland begins with childhood. What is childhood? Let's listen together!

1 child:

Childhood is a magical kingdom, joy of funny leprosy!

Sorry about this medicine people don't know yet

But not trouble, thank God, instead of downloaded days

Adults will come to the profile laughter and smiles of children.

Adults! If sad, cats scrape on the soul,

Childhood in a pharmacy ask in droplets or dragee!

2 child:

Take care of your children and do not scold them for pranks

Evil your unsuccessful days never break on them!

And while in the house children's laughter from toys has nowhere to go,

You are in the world happier all, take care of adult childhood!

The song "Welcome to childhood" A. Pavlovsky - Sp. Sophia S.

Song "I and Sunny" A. Yermolov - Span. Elizabeth L.

The song "Friendship" V. Shainsky - Sp. Victoria S.

Leading 1.: There are different children in our city - smart and very clever, kind and angry, serious and fun, but in this room the most creative and talented of them gathered. So let him be ringing voices again and again today and good good songs do not merge!

Song "Summer" A. Kudryashov - Sp. Elizabeth P.

Song "Yabya-Koryabeda" E. Kryolov - Sp. Alina K.

Song "The World of Art A. Petryasheva - Sp. Senior vocal ensemble

Leading 1: Today we talked a lot about our homeland - Russia, but to be to the end of tortuous, I want to say that our planet is so beautiful! There are so many rainbow colors in it, it becomes richer from hundreds of people and votes!

Leading 2: There is a place for all in this world, if you were born, so live,

The world will be joyful and bright from friendship, laughter and love!

Let him live on the planet and pleases again together say everything together:


Leading 1.: Ended regular academic yearBut we do not be sad, because summer is waiting for us, and soon the September street, Denek will call everyone again to the vocal lesson! In conclusion of our concert, we invite all performers on the stage!

The overall song "ignite the stars" from the repertoire of children. show groups "Smile" - Span. Children and parents of the studio (during the execution of the song on the screen, the presentation of the "Business card of the Studio" is shown)

Leading 1: Found a holiday, candles repaid, but not sadness so children. Summer will die, then we will see you again here!

(Organizational part with the delivery of diploma, souvenirs and gifts).

Used Books:

1. V. Viktorov "Poems for Children." M.: Drop-Plus, 2004.

2. G. F. Vikhareva. "Song, link!" SPB: Childhood-Press, 1999.

3. L. E. Streltsova. "Literature and fantasy." M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

4. E. T. Born. "From the word to music." Education, 1991. Minsk, 1995.

"We dance and sing together". "

Reporting concert

vocal Studio "Melody" and

choreographic studio "Rhythm"

Dance 1.

O.R.: Good afternoon, dear guys, dear parents, guests, all those present. We are glad to welcome you at the reporting concertvocal Studio "Melody" and choreographic studio "Rhythm"!

Today we have a wonderful holiday, because we are together, together and dance!

How long have we been waiting for this day, they were preparing for him. After all, what is the reporting concert? This is a day of fun, joy day, it's when you can show yourself and look at others. And to better consider others - we need to learn to fly! And fly together - merges! So - flew!

To fly.

O.R.: Let them sound poems and songs let the child's laugh sounds,

Yes, and adults together with us are not sin.

Holiday all collected ustogether To shine even stronger,

And the talents of their friends again please.

Dance 2.

O.R.: How easy and beautifully perform our young artists today! It seems you can sing and dance - come out on the stage and daring - surprise the audience! Right? Of course, no, one talent is not enough! Rehearsals and rehearsals! And how many courage it is necessary to go out here in the hall, where so many spectators! Even adult artists knees are shaking! And what to talk about young artists. ... But the participants of our concert are already the real stars, only small!

We are small stars.


O.R.: On your joyful eyes, on warm smiles and good mood I feel that our holiday you really like. Do you agree?

Olga Nikolaevna Barbolina brings telegram:

Urgent help we really need

Two fairies lost fun and sleep,

They argue for several days

Who is the main thing!

Inflated on each other, buried,

As if harmful pills swallowed.

What to do? How do we be

How are Feai angry to reconcile?

party Fairy and Fairy Dance.
Stand offended, back to each other.

And here are our fairies. Wow, what angry.
Well, fairy, do not silent, let's understand.
F. Western:
Well, I do not! Do not understand!
How can the fairy dance with me so much.
I am a fairy song! No music in the world of music is wonderful!
Poems, melody - merge together
And it is called all this "song"!

With you, I do not agree, I am a fairy dance!
Why do you need words, how music is beautiful.
Movement graceful and easy
As if moths are circling.
I can pass the breath of the wind in the dance,
Or murdering summer streams,
And as under warm spring rays
Magic blossoms flower!

Dance 3.

F. Western:
I surprised, I want to say!
You can also dance to the song too!
Imagine that you go to the disco,
You dance and drink the dance.

We are going to dance.


F.Tattsa: Real dancers know the answers to all my questions!

Ballerina shoes?pointe

Name the goddess dance?Terpsichore

What is the name of the ballet skirt?Bucket

- "Fruit" dance of all sailors?apple.

Livkina half? ENKA.

Dance, characteristic feature Which is the rhythmic shock work of the legs?Step or Checkout.

The last question is the name of the executable dance ................

Dance 4.

F. Western: Think about your questions every answercan! And I can test the care of auditory perception from the guys, which is very important for any vocalist!

Friends! Very soon the long-awaited summer vacation. And summer is always great! Sea, sun, beach, rest in camp or exciting journey! Are you all ready for rest? I will call summer and winter words. When I call the summer word - everyone claps in your hands and shout "yes", and when I call the Winter Word - everyone is wringing and screaming "no".Sea, ice, sand, snow, sun, beach, berries, snowdrift, blizzard, flowers, mushrooms, dandelion ...



F.Tattsa: And I can teach to dance everyone immediately.

The game-repeat "Dance as I"

Dance 5.

F. Western: Think ... And I can teach sing everyone at once.


New generation.


Fairy argue: who is the main thing.

O.R.: No no! So your dispute will never end.

Do you really not understand!

Without a song in the world, do not live

She will teach you to love, warm and affection to everyone.

And how to raise and please all of you again.

Without dance, too, do not live

Who will circle you in the waltz?

Tell the dance about the flowers bloom about the rain, snowflakes, the mood.

F. Western: You, Fairy Dance, I'm sorry
And how they sing the guys, see.

Dreams fly away.


You are not angry, my girlfriend, fairy songs.
What do we share? There is no wonderful music in the world!
Here the girls are dancing, look at;
Move them are elegant and easy!

Dance 6.


O.R.: The dispute is allowed, failed reconciliation.
Everyone has a wonderful setting?

F. Western:

In the soul rest ... on the heart of the song ...

All thunderstorm clouds past ...

When we sing when we together ...

Then around everything is so beautiful ...

Cleaning the stream, thunder falls from the sky -
This melody of the eternal world fills the nature!

The world around you.


F. Western: All together we are very necessary.
For the song, the words are certainly important.
Without music, will you start dancing,
And to settle the music of the wondrous heart.

F.Tattsa: Long live music: dance and song!
Let's walk together with you together.
Let happiness, good, stay next to you.
Long live music - the eternal friend!


O.R.: It is parting an hour.

We are together as a family!

To new meetings, friends!

Perm region
Kungursky Municipal District
Municipal budgetary educational institution
additional education Children
Komsomolsk Children's School of Arts


vocal and instrumental

Lostyeva Yu.V.
Deputy. Director for UR.


Purpose: Development of interest in the use of ensemble execution as a form of musitization.

Use concert extracurricular activities To create interest in the ensemble execution of vocal and tools In teachers and students.
To form interest among parents to visiting concert events in deh.
To form a culture of the behavior of student studies during the event.

Preliminary work:
with students:
- preparation of music numbers;
- holding rehearsals.

with teachers
- selection of rooms for the concert;
- sketch of scene design;

3. With parents
- placement of a big ad about the concert for the residents of the village;
- Individual invitations for parents of student student for a concert;

4. For deputy. Director for UR:
- script development;
- Maintaining the evening - concert.
- Organization of photographing.

- design scene;
- Musical instruments: synthesizer, bayan, piano, guitar;
- microphones;

Rozhkova Daria (5 cl.)
Tabakov Victor (5 cl.)

Daria: Good afternoon!

Victor: Hello!

Daria: Today, our hall has been hospitably opened its doors, meeting everyone to plunge into beautiful world, world of music! Joint, collective execution is one of the most interesting forms, one of the most beautiful inventions of humanity.

Victor: Music has huge power. There are few people indifferent to the music. Music does not age, she will live as much as a person will exist. The biggest miracle for us with you that only from 7 notes can work out big variety Melodies, paints and characters.
Daria: Let's start our meeting with the choir junior classes T. Idzumi "Give me happiness" (hands. Borisova N.F.)

Daria: Ensemble, from the French word "ensemble" means "together". To play together, sing together, dance together. The ensembles are the most different: the vocal ensemble is the Commonwealth of Singers, the instrumental ensemble is the Commonwealth of Musical Instruments, valo-instrumental - together singers and tools.
On the stage of Tabakov Victor and Subbotina N.G. Gypsy song
"What is the heart"

Daria: Piano. This word means "Royal". And indeed, among the musical instruments he has no equal in the ability to sound so diverse. It is simultaneously multily powerful, and the singement is gentle. In short, a real orchestra instrument. The genre of the piano ensemble has 2 types: on one and 2 tools.
On stage, the piano ensemble of Krasgin Christina 4 cl. and lost Yu.V.
K. Khachaturian "Tomato" from M / F "Chippolino"

Victor: on stage dance ensemble "Russian matryoshki" preparatory
branch. (Hand. Novozhilova I.Yu.)

Victor: Ensemble is the Commonwealth of Soloists who know how to listen to the partner, combine their voice with a different tool voice, work on the overall result. Being a soloist is not easy, but the ability to musitize in the team is a sign of professionalism. On the stage of Rozhkov Daria and Martyusheva Maria
P. Tchaikovsky "Waltz"

Victor: What is the choir? This is the consent of the votes and feelings, this is the merger of thoughts and hearts, the desire to give the listener with excellent music, become a conductor between the composer and the audience.
On the stage of the vocal ensemble "Beans" "Hello, happiness"
(Hand. Shestakova N.V.)

Victor: A. Petrov "Song about the Sea Devil". Performed by piano duet
Novozhilova I.Yu. and lost Yu.V ..

Daria: The word Director of the Art School Syzovachev V.L.

Daria: once the guitar was lute, but we know that in musical world All sorts of transformations occur, and here the guitar came out of the lute. Guitar - the most common in our life musical instrument. Just a few chords on the guitar - and the song that you will be, immediately sounds differently. On the stage of Tabakov Victor and Nemont, Andrei M. Korulli "Largetto" (prep. Subbotina N.G.)

Daria: without music will not live and the day!
She is in me. She is around me.
Both in the bird's singing, and in the noise of cities,
In the silence of herbs and in the rainbow colors,
And in the glow of dawn over the ground ...
She is everywhere and forever my satellite.
On stage: Voloskova Varvara 5 CL. and lost Yu.V. M. Schmitz "Princess Dance Waltz"

Victor: Thank you, music, for what is smart, not to fake, for thanks that no one knows what to do with you.
On the stage dance Collective Junior classes "Pigeon Song"

Daria: Listening to the beautiful melody, people become closer friend to friend. Music has great power Rapid. Scientists have proven that the music can make a man happy, she needs a person.
On the stage, the piano duet Ishoshev Ulyana 1 CL. and Shestakova N.V.
N. Smirnova "Good mood"

Victor: On the stage instrumental duo Loss, Yu.V. and Syrvachev V.L.
A. Fibih "Poem"

Daria: interesting to their sound mixed ensembles. Today at our concert you will hear a few such teams. Bright alternation of various timbres, the beauty of the sound of each tool is attracted by the attention of the listeners. In accordance with the number of performers, the ensemble is called a duet (for 2-x), trio and tercet (for 3-x), quartet (for 4-x), and so on.
On the stage of the trio of guitarists C. Fernandez "Beautiful Sky" (prep. Subbotina N.G.)

Daria: on stage the vocal ensemble of teachers to "enjoy life"

Victor: on stage Piano duet Morozov Ksenia 4 CL. and Zhukov T.F.
E. Dog "Waltz"

Daria: Song - the most ancient and most common today musical genre. A song is said to be born with a man. Song in contrast to others artistic writings It does not sound long: only 2-3 minutes. But for this short moment, it performs a mission that falls into the proportion of artwork. On stage Syzwachev V.L. and Zhgileva I.G. "Clouds"
Victor: Music you need to enjoy, you need to listen and understand, then it will be easier to live, and people will become kinder. On the stage, the instrumental ensemble Nemctin Andrei and Subbotina N.G. "White Acacia bunches of fragrant"
Daria: Good song - This is not necessarily the one that many sing. The fate of the song largely depends on the artist, from those who carry the work of millions of listeners. Much depends on vocalist. He can find such paints in the work, such a subtext that will greatly enrich the song.
On the stage, the Choir of the Senior Classes "Comes Time" (hands. Shestakova N.V.)

Daria: Our meeting with creative teams It came to the end!
Thank you for your attention!
Victor: to new meetings!
All participants please enter the scene for a joint photo.