Abstract of an interactive vocal lesson. Summary of a musical lesson in kindergarten on vocal and choral work

Abstract of an interactive vocal lesson. Summary of a musical lesson in kindergarten on vocal and choral work

regional state budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

"Kamchatka Palace of Children's Art"

Open lesson outline

vocal ensemble "Elegy"

Topic: Introduction to the program.

(for children 6-7 years old)

Compiled by: teacher of additional education Kabirova Irina Rafaelevna



Theme: Introduction to the program. "Multicolored Voices".

Target: get to know children, arouse children's interest in classes in a vocal ensemble.Tasks: Educational:

    to give the first communication skills in a new team; create an atmosphere of festive mood from the first acquaintance with the vocal ensemble; Foster a sense of love for beauty.


    give an initial idea of ​​the structure of the lesson; to acquaint children with the concepts: instrumental and vocal voice, soloist, ensemble. Provide initial nevic skills.


    develop attention, memory, imagination; develop creative independence in children; develop a sense of rhythm and ear for music.

Equipment, manuals and materials. Educational and practical equipment:

    piano; "Exhibition" of musical instruments (violin, flute, guitar); music Center; training board; elements of costumes (hats for cockerels, cats, hedgehogs); visual aid "Notny Stan"; visual aids "Soloist", "Duet", "Vocal ensemble"; balloons by the number of children; block flutes by the number of children; bells by the number of children.
Musical material:
    chant songs: "Hedgehog", "Cockerel", "Kitty"; phonogram of the song "Balloons" (lyrics and music by I. Kabirova); J.S.Bach "Joke"; D. Scarlatti - Sonata "G major"; N. Paganini "Caprice".

Cabinet decoration. Musical instruments are displayed on the podium: violin, guitar, flute.

A detailed plan is a summary of the lesson.

Course of the lesson:

Outline outline.

    Organizing time.

The teacher invites children to the class. Children sit on chairs.

Teacher: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you all in the vocal class!

    Goal setting.

My name is Irina Rafaelevna. I teach children to sing. Take a look at these pictures. These children have already learned to sing, perform on stage, in concert costumes and sing into real microphones. Do you want to learn to sing?

    Introductory part. Conversation.

How many knows what a person who sings is called? That's right - the singer. The voice of the person who sings is called a vocal or vocal voice. Hear how my voice sounds. I'll sing you a song about a musical bell. And you will help me by playing the bells.

The teacher distributes bells to children.

The teacher performs the song "Bell". Children are ringing their bells.

Children answer.

The teacher attaches a balloon-note of the corresponding color to the visual aid "Music Stan".

Teacher: This balloon represents my vocal voice. Let's put my voice in a music house.

Teacher: in front of you exhibition of musical instruments. What tools are familiar to you?

Children's answers.

Guess the musical riddle.

How clear is the overflow of sounds,

There is joy and a smile in them.

It sounds like a dreamy motive,

Sings so tenderly….Children: Violin.

A fragment sounds - N. Paganini "Caprice".

Tell me, what color would the Fairy of Colors use to decorate the voice of a violin?

Children answer.

The teacher attaches a balloon-note of the corresponding color to the visual aid.

Teacher: This balloon represents the violin's instrumental voice. Guess another riddle.

I'll tell you, friend, In ancient times -

A quiet breeze blew into the pipe of the reed.

The man heard suddenly a melodic gentle sound.

And the musical instrument was born at that moment.Children: The flute.

Now listen and tell me what color the voice of the flute is.

A fragment sounds - J. Bach "Joke".

The teacher attaches the corresponding balloon note to the stave.

Teacher: Who knows what this instrument is called?

Children: guitar.

Teacher: Let's listen to the voice of the guitar.

A fragment sounds - D. Scarlatti "Sonata in G major".

Children call the color of the balloon. The teacher attaches a balloon-note of the corresponding color to the visual aid.

Now let's hear how your voices sound.

Children sing their name. Children attach balloons - a note of the corresponding color to the staff.

Teacher: Look, the voices of musical instruments and our vocal voices are lined up in a colorful musical row.


Instrument sound -instrumental,

Let's repeat these words together.

    Main part.

Educator : In order to learn to sing, you must learn to breathe correctly. To do this, we will do breathing exercises at each lesson.

Breathing exercises.

The teacher asks the children to stand up.

Exercise "Balloon".

Take a slow, deep breath through your nose, hands up through the sides ("inflate the balloon"). We hold our breath, and then "blow off the ball" - exhaling air, we say: "Ha-ha-ha." We put our hands down with stops. (Perform 2-3 times).

Exercise "Cat".

Let's hiss like an angry cat. Inhale through the nose, exhale at the sound "sh". The hands are clenched into a fist. On exhalation we pronounce the sound "Ш" and sharply unclench the fingers ("Claws of the cat").

Exercise "Flutist".

Let's imagine that you are musicians playing the flute. Breathe in the air and as you exhale, blow into the musical instrument (shown by the teacher).

Children perform the exercise according to the teacher's gestures.

Teacher: In order for our voice to develop, it is necessary to do a warm-up for the voice.

We're going to play now. Let's imagine that some of you have turned into funny animals and birds. The teacher invites the child. ……. will be a hedgehog. (put on a hedgehog hat).

I'll sing the hedgehog's song, and you try to repeat after me.

The teacher sings: “ Little hedgehog, no head, no legs. "

The child repeats.

Teacher: …. sang one of her own songs.

A little artist entered the stage.

If he sings alone, then he -soloist. (The teacher shows the visual aid "Soloist").

The teacher invites the child. ……. will be a cockerel (put on a cockerel hat).

Teacher: I will sing a cockerel song, and you try to repeat after me.

The teacher sings: “ Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb "

The child repeats.

Teacher: … .. sang a song alone. The real artist is ours ……. soloist.

If the hedgehog and the cockerel sing together, you get a duet.

Sing together: We sing in a duet,

We live a lot of fun.

Teacher: Listen to the kitty song. “Meow, meow, meow, la-la-la-la-la. The child repeats.

Teacher: The real artist is… ..the soloist.

Educator : If you sing all together, three of us - it will turn outvocal ensemble. Such an ensemble is called a trio. (The teacher shows the visual aid "Trio").

Sing along:

« Our ensemble is a trio - we sing beautifully. "

And now I will ask all the children to sing together in a vocal ensemble.

Children sing: “We are in our ensemble

Together we sing songs "

Educator : What a wonderful vocal ensemble we have!

In our first lesson, we will start learning the balloon song. Listen to the chorus of the song.

The teacher sings:

Let's say the words of the chorus.

Teacher: And now we will perform the whole song with piano accompaniment. I will sing the verses of the song, and you will sing the choruses.


    Balloons will fly into the sky


"The ball is blue, the ball is yellow, the ball is blue,

Multicolored balloon sing with us! "


    Here came a little artist on the stage,

If he sings alone, then he is a soloist.


"The ball is blue, the ball is yellow, the ball is blue,

Multicolored balloon sing with us! "


    If we sing songs in an ensemble,

It means that we are all amicably, we live happily.


"The ball is blue, the ball is yellow, the ball is blue,

Multicolored balloon sing with us! "

Say: "We are great," "Our voices sound beautiful."

Let's pretend we are performing on a real stage. Real spectators will listen to us. Let's sing a song with very funny music.

Children perform a song to the soundtrack.

The teacher invites the children to sit in their seats.

    Summing up the lesson.

Educator : Did you like our song about balloons?

In the next sessions, we will continue to develop our colorful voices and practice the entire song. And when we learn it, we will perform on a real stage, in real concert costumes and sing into real microphones.

Tell the guys who remembered. What is the name of the person who sings alone? (Soloist)

And if the singers sing together? (duet)

And if they are three of them singing? (trio).

What if we all sing together? (vocal ensemble)

The pianist Elena Petrovna helped us in the lesson today.

For your efforts, I want to give you balloons. You are great, and your voices sounded great in the vocal ensemble! Goodbye, see you next time.

Synopsis of the open class of the Exemplary collective of the military-variety studio "Solnyshko" of the State Budgetary Educational Institution DTDiM Kolpinsky District of St. Petersburg (head, vocal teacher Smirnova Nitalya Alekseevna).

It is presented for the dissemination of experience to teachers of additional education for children of an artistic orientation. The introduction of an innovative approach in education, and the instilling of the artistic taste of students through the pop genre.



State budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth

Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Methodical project

"New pedagogical education"

Direction "New quality"

methodological component of the project "Trajectory of the Future"

(in the context of the third year of implementation of the Development Program of the institution "Space of Free Choice")

In one solar rhythm

Open lesson summary

by program "Vocal and variety studio"

for students of 2 years of study;

the topic "Development of performing skills in an ensemble"

Children age: 8-12 years old

additional education teacher

Smirnova N.A.


Abikova T.A.

St. Petersburg


Methodical project

"New pedagogical education"

Direction "New quality"

and methodological component of the project "Trajectory of the Future"

(in the context of the fourth year of implementation

Development programs of the institution "Space of Free Choice")

“Always shine, shine everywhere until the last days of the bottom.

Shine! And no nails! This is my slogan and the sun! "

V. Mayakovsky

Explanatory note

Methodological topic: tricks development and rallying of the children's creative team in the vocal and variety studio "Solnyshko"

Methodical goal of the lesson:demonstration of the methods of development and rallying of the children's collective of the vocal and variety studio "Solnyshko" in the process of forming the skill of performing skills in the ensemble

Description of the methods of organizing health-preserving activities in the classroom

  • A cycle of breathing and diction exercises performed in a single rhythm (meter, pulsation), combining theory and practice


- warming up the muscles of the articulatory apparatus

Prevention of diseases of the spine, preservation of posture, the formation of correct vocal breathing and sound support;

Development of coordination of movement and speech;

Team building when performing exercises in a single rhythm, synchronously

  • Pre-Chorus


Preparation of the vocal apparatus for singing;

Development of artistry, emotionality, imagery, manner;

Development of vocal technique, range, harmonic hearing in the elements of two-voice, based on mutual support, the ability to work in pairs

  • Educational and didactic game "MUSIC OF THE SUN"


Repetition, consolidation of knowledge of the means of musical expression;

The cohesion of the ensemble based on trust in each other as providing a psychologically comfortable environment;

Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in performing practice.

  • Work on the song repertoire


- consolidation of the passed material and its further study;

Development of coordination of movements and vocals in song material using a microphone.

Development of a unified emotional and vocal-technical performing skills of the ensemble and soloists.

All the techniques used contribute to the creation of a favorable, psychologically comfortable environment and team cohesion. During the lesson, the motor, vocal load is rationally distributed, providing a favorable emotional state, the development of vocal, singing and artistic skills. In joint work, children develop a sense of trust in each other, mutual support, there is a desire for productive, creative, collective activity.

The presented techniques also ensure the creation of the necessary health-saving environment: they strengthen the vocal and articulatory apparatus, the musculoskeletal system.

Topic of the lesson. In one solar rhythm.

Target: development of performing skills in the ensemble with the help of means of musical expression



  • training in breathing, diction techniques;
  • consolidation of the concept "Means of musical expression"
  • the formation of the ability to analyze a piece of music:song lyrics and musical accompaniment;
  • development of meaningful execution of movements; ability to analyze your own performance
  • development of emotional expressiveness, artistry and creative self-expression of the vocalist and ensembleusing means of musical expression;
  • mastering vocal technique in movement: the formation of vocal breathing, posture;
  • consolidation of knowledge, abilities and skills acquired in previous lessons;


  • development of musical abilities: hearing, sense of rhythm, musical memory, attention;
  • strengthening of the articulatory and vocal apparatus;
  • development of coordination;
  • development of the ability to listen and hear, trust each other while performing song material.


  • fostering the desire to preserve and strengthen health;
  • the formation of aesthetic education, the ability to behave in a team;
  • formation of the ability to work in a team;
  • the formation of a sense of responsibility; mutual assistance, friendly attitude towards each other;
  • the formation of the ability to creatively interact with the teacher, students

Lesson type: combined - consolidation with the introduction of new content elements.

Form of organization of children: group.

Teaching methods:visual (practical demonstration), verbal (explanation, conversation), practical.

Means of education:musical instrument (synthesizer), computer, didactic: handouts, microphones, awards (suns - fives).

Group characteristics:group of 2 years of study, children 8-12 years old in the amount of 12 people. Basically, girls, different in their psychophysical development, and two boys. An individual and differentiated approach is needed for all pupils, especially boys.

Materials of the CMD are presented in the appendix: program; educational and didactic material; technical teaching aids - microphones; selection of musical material - minus phonograms in the playlist of the computer.

Lesson time: 45 minutes

Organization of control in the classroom

Control in a lesson is carried out with the aim of checking and assessing the achievements of students by comparing what is with what should be.

The following types, forms and methods of control are used.

  • Current control

Purpose: analysis of the development of knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities of students. Provides an opportunity to respond to shortcomings in a timely manner, identify the causes and take measures to establish them; accompanies the process of developing skills and abilities from the initial to the final stage of the lesson.

Method: observation.

  • Thematic control

Purpose: checking the level of mastering the program material on the topic of the lesson,determination of the level of emotional background, introspection

Methods: conversation, survey on the topic "In the same solar rhythm", improvisation of children in the classroom.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment.Greetings. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II.Preparation period

Conversation on the topic of the lesson

III. Main part

  1. Breathing exercises, diction in motion
  2. Pre-chant - preparing the vocal apparatus for singing
  3. Educational and didactic game
  4. Work on the repertoire:

The song "My Motherland" muses. D. Tukhmanova, lyrics R Rozhdestvensky

III. Repetition.

(repeat using microphones and motions)

IV. Summarizing. Applause.

Course of the lesson




Accompanying text


Organization of the beginning of the lesson, greeting, activation of attention, creation of a psychological mood for creative fruitful


1 minute.

Students walk into class, line up in a semicircle to greet, then in a circle

Hello children, parents and colleagues! Today we are holding an open class on pop vocal on the topic

"In one solar rhythm"We hope that it will become, not only cognitive - developing, but also give a wonderful, sunny mood to our guests.

Guys, let me remind you the rules of behavior in the lesson - respectful, attentive attitude to each other, careful, careful attitude to the equipment.


Conversation on the topic of the lesson

The beginning of breathing, articulatory exercises, muscle warming up

4 minutes

You and I continue to explore and explore the means of musical expression that any performer of a song on stage needs. Both in solo work and in an ensemble. Why do you think?

Examples of children's answers:

To find out more

To understand what a vocal, musical work, song consists of

It is true that the performer is literate, feels the song and shares his knowledge and feelings with the audience. And the viewer was with us in the same rhythm, in the same emotion.

But for this it is necessary, first of all, for ourselves, with each other to be in the same heartbeat and mood.

Let's start our warm-up. It will also help us to restore vocal breathing, warm up the muscles of the back, abdomen and prepare for singing.


1 . Breathing exercises (consolidation of the concept of "meter")
- bee


2. Exercises for articulation ("pulsation in meter")

Horse (tongue clicking)

Candy (tongue exercises)

Egorka tongue twister


Vocal exercises:

1. "Thread" (performance of a lingering sound on one note with a closed mouth and open mouth for syllables)

2. "Musical lift" (exercise for smoothness of registers and sound support)

3. "Sequences" vocal and dictionaries (singing cantilena, stacatto)

4. "Mixed rhythms"

(exercise to change the rhythm, tempo,

Stretching at the machine;

Grand battement jete. By groups;

The first and second forms are port de ras.

2) Exercise. Combination with a rope. Preparatory exercises.

A combination for changing patterns.

Diagonal moves:

steps on p / p,

step on p / p with raising the knee,

running on high p / p pas couru,

move on p / n "one, two, three-hundred",

running with a change of legs back and forth in four,jumps in a turn,

corner in turn,

canter in a turn.


temps saute,

pas chasse,

tucked in,

"double" tightened,


jumps in a turn,

corner in turn,

canter in a turn.


temps saute,

pas chasse,

tucked in,

"double" tightened,

jump on one leg, the other forward inverted 30 degrees.

A combination with a rope is made for subgroups.

3) Performing dance studies.

Spanish and Russian with handkerchiefs.

5 minutes.

10 min.

10 min.

Exercises 1-3 in a circle are performed in one meter and pulsations, consolidating the theory into practice.

Breathing exercises "bee" and "pump" activate the work of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm.

Articulation exercises also warm up the muscles of the tongue, lips, articulation apparatus

Continuing to move in rhythm, we proceed to chanting - preparing the voice, vocal apparatus for singing

Write something

All vocalists know that in order to sing beautifully, you first need to warm up the articulation apparatus well. For what?

In order to have clear diction and understand the word in the song

Right. But we will also warm up your abdominal muscles and restore vocal breathing. And let's repeat the concepts of "meter" and "ripple". What is it?

Heart, pulse of music

Right. And the meter and the ripple together?

This is Rhythm.

Let's say our tongue twister "Egorka" in one rhythm

(doing exercises)

Good. Well done.

We warmed up the abdominal muscles, articulation apparatus, and now let's start chanting. Why, children, is the vocalist singing?

To tune the vocal apparatus

1. Exercise "Thread" - handles on the belt. We listened. At what pace? We found a meter, displayed it, sang (we pull one sound for the syllables "li, liu, leo"). Form vowels correctly. Remember the paired sounds. We follow the breath.

2. Exercise "Musical elevator". We ride the elevator from the first floor to the seventh through all the notes of the scale and back.

3. "Sequences". We combine vocal techniques (continuous singing, stacatto singing)

As usual, in order to fully and beautifully dance, you must first warm up your muscles;

(Answers: prevention of spinal diseases, maintaining posture, forming a correct gait;

development of muscle elasticity, eversion, leg strength, step)

This year we introduced the rope item. It helps a lot to strengthen the body, develop coordination, strength, jump. Moreover, I noticed that you really like to do the exercises, many have an excitement and a greater desire to perform this or that exercise qualitatively. This persistence, just like in sports, is very important! So we take jump ropes and feel like real athletes.

How many of you know how many countries in the world will participate in the 2014 Olympics?

Approximate answers of children: (123, 250, 36)

36. That's right!


4. "Mixed rhythms"

(use of changes in rhythm and tempo, vocal presentation, soft and hard "sound attack")


"Music of the Sun" in the song "My Motherland"

Moose. D. Tukhmanova,

Sl. R Rozhdestvensky

jumps in a turn,

"Little leg" in the turn,

canter in a turn.


temps saute,

pas chasse,

tucked in,

"double" tightened,

jump on one leg, the other forward inverted 30 degrees.

A combination with a rope is made for subgroups.

3) Performing dance studies.

Spanish and Russian with handkerchiefs.

5 minutes.

Children analyze didactic material of means of musical expressiveness (SMV), give definitions to concepts and analyze it in the music of the song "My Motherland"

4. Let's start our favorite "Mixed chant." Let's listen. How does it differ from the previous ones?

It changes the rhythm, tempo

Manner of execution

She is diverse in mood and character

That's right, we will sing, taking into account all the features that you have listed.

5.Children, guess the melody! (the teacher plays the melody of the chorus of the song "My Motherland"). That's right, this is the melody of the chorus of the song "My Motherland". Who is its author?

David Tukhmanov

Quite right! Let's split into two voices, sing it to the sound "a".

Tell me, can a song live without a melody?


Of course. After all, what is a melody?

Soul of song, musical thought

Well, maybe a song can live without words, lyrics?

No, because a song is different from music in that it has both music and lyrics.

Very good! Thus, it contains two thoughts - musical and verbal. And we have to put them together and convey to the viewer.

Let's once again plunge into the music of this song and analyze the means of musical expression that the composer and arranger used.

We use our universal game "Music of the Sun"

(the teacher distributes suns to children with CMB and gives 3 minutes to define concepts and analyze music. The song sounds in the background in the option +1 with a voice)

So, I'm listening to you, my friends.

Great, now let's take the microphones and sing the first and second verses of the song.

Some sports have choreography. Without her, nowhere. For example, for the first time, the means of choreography were used in the process of training the national team of gymnasts of the USSR for the 16th Olympic Games in Melbourne. The newspaper "Sovetsky Sport" noted an excellent versatile performance of gymnasts, where styles and nationalities were individually selected for each athlete, based on their physical data and temperament.

How many countries will take part in the 2014 Olympics?

Examples of children's answers:

Well done, 36 countries, including Spain and Russia. Let's try to convey the character, emotionality and culture of these two countries with the help of dance.

Today we will use our suns, which display all the means of musical expression. let's play

(children disassemble the rays and definitions of CMB and collect in one sun).

Repetition of the past

Working on the song

"My motherland"

Song repeat

"If the city is dancing"

muses. And Zhurbina,

sl. And Reznik

10 min.

5 minutes.

Students perform verses 1 and 2 of the song using two-part chorus.

Now, please take the microphones. Let me remind you that we use them carefully, carefully monitor the position of the hand during movements. (we execute)

Let's repeat, guys, for our guests a song that our audience has already liked and which we are preparing for a competitive performance. (we execute)



Control over development

material on the topic of the lesson

2 minutes.

Thank you, well done! And now, guys, we will summarize the results of our lesson.

It was called "In one solar rhythm." So what is the solar rhythm?

This is when we, suns, do everything together, in one rhythm, in one musical movement, we sing and dance;

When we together convey our mood to the viewer.

Right! And for this we must be competent, bright, thinking performers. And our solar rhythm should convey to our viewer a sense of joy, light and body.

The final

1 minute.

Children stand along the lines. At the end they bow. The teacher distributes suns - fives to all students

Thanks everyone! I believe that everyone has worked very fruitfully today. All the tasks have been completed, and most importantly, our guests got a good, sunny - positive mood! Thanks everyone
Until next time! Applause!

Training and metodology complex

classes on the topic

"In one solar rhythm"

"In one solar rhythm"

under the program "Vocal and Variety Studio"

Exercises for the development of breathing and diction

A cycle of breathing, rhythmic exercises performed in a single rhythm

Section and theme of the program

A selection of exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus, the formation of correct breathing

Exercises warm up the articulatory muscles, develop their elasticity, and contribute to the formation of the skill of correct breathing

They are a method of preventing colds.

They are performed at the beginning of the main part of the lesson as a preparatory and health-improving practical tool for singing, as well as when performed in a single rhythm and synchronously aimed at developing team cohesion, mutual support and responsibility.

Regular use of these exercises helps to warm up the muscles, articulatory-vocal apparatus, the development of coordination and sound support, prevents the occurrence of colds; affects the emotional mood of students, creates a positive mood, increases motivation for vocal lessons, develops friendships in the team

Exercise description

Breathing exercises (with the consolidation of the concept of "meter")
1. Exercise "Bee"

It is carried out at the pace set by the teacher "meter". Hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart. We say sharply "Shoot!" (we feel the tone of the “empty” diaphragm), a sharp inhalation through the nose into the diaphragm, on the exhale we depict the flight of a bee. The duration of the "flight" of the bee depends on the uniform distribution of exhalation. We repeat 4 times, observing the metric movement.

2. Exercise "Pump"

By keeping the metric movement, you can speed up the pace a little.

a) Feet shoulder width apart. The position of the hands is chest-width apart with clenched fists. From the off-beat - a sharp breath in through the nose (elbows to the sides), a sharp exhalation through the mouth to a strong beat (hands in front of you with open fingers). It is performed 4 times with children 8-10 years old, the older ones (11-12 years old) do 8 times. Then a free exhalation with a skip of one beat. The number of exercises in total is 4.

b) We continue at the same pace. The body is tilted forward, the back is straight, arms at chest level, fingers together. Also, from the start, raise your hands to inhale through the nose, sharply lower them down to exhale through the mouth. The number of exercises is the same as in part "a".

Articulation exercises ("pulsation in meter")

1.Exercise "Horse"

Continuing to feel the meter at our feet, we click our tongue, depicting the clatter of hooves.

Then we increase the number of claps in the pulsation, change the meter to bipartite and tripartite.

2. "Candy".

The body is in a calm position, hands on the belt. The mouth is closed, the teeth are unclenched. We are looking for candy inside the mouth with our tongue. Clockwise and back. He strokes the inside of the cheeks with the tongue in turn. We stick out the tongue, nibbling from the tip to the root from the outside. Whose candy is longer?

3. Patter "Egorka»

Again we set the tempo in the body - the rhythm. Breathe in. Hold your breath, say a tongue twister, evenly distributing the exhalation:

“As on a hill, on a hill there were 22 Yegorkas.

One, Egorka, two, Egorka, three, Egorka ... "etc. until the breath ends. The more Egoroks, the better. The teacher monitors the correct breath taking. The shoulders do not rise!

Annotation to the materials of the teaching materials of the lesson

"In one solar rhythm"

under the program "Vocal and Variety Studio"

Methodological material name


Methodological material form

A selection of vocal exercises

Section and theme of the program

Section of the program "Development of performing skills in an ensemble".

Topic of the lesson: "In one solar rhythm"

They are a method of preventing negative emotions

Methodology for using methodological material

It is advisable to carry out the pre-singing immediately before the performance of vocal works, because it contributes to the development of vocal technique, range. Bears the burden of shaping harmonic hearing in two-voice elements.

The effectiveness of the use of methodological material

The pre-singing provides the creation of an emotional sphere in the performance of two-part, based on mutual support, forms the ability to work in an ensemble.

Description of performing the chant

Vocal exercises:

1. "Thread"

Execution of a lingering sound on one note with a closed mouth, then open to the syllables "li, liu, le" in several keys along the ascending movement.

We follow the breathing, the intonation of a stable sound. The teacher controls the formation of vowel sounds by students.

2. "Musical elevator".

Exercise on register smoothness and sound support. We ride the elevator from the first floor to the seventh through all the notes of the scale and back. To the sound "A" - as the first floor and "I" - the fixed seventh. The teacher makes sure that the students correctly direct the sound into the head resonator and the feeling of its support.

We pass from la (m) to fa (1 ) of the main sound.

3. "Sequences"

We consolidate the concept of "sequence". Movement of the melody to the syllable "Li" (cantilena); sound "I" (stacatto); the sound of the lips "whoa" when the melody is played. We carry out 4-5 times in an upward movement.

4. "Mixed rhythms"

Use of changes in rhythm and tempo, vocal presentation, soft and hard "sound attack". Two-voice elements are used.

Annotation to the materials of the teaching materials of the lesson

"In one solar rhythm"

under the program "Vocal and Variety Studio"

Methodological material name

"Music of the Sun"

Methodological material form

Educational and didactic game

Section and theme of the program

Section of the program "Development of performing skills in an ensemble".

Topic of the lesson: "In one solar rhythm"

A selection of creative tasks with handouts for repetition and consolidation of knowledge of the means of musical expression

Educational and didactic game helps to rationally and effectively organize the learning process, alternate various types of activities and activities, while updating and consolidating students' knowledge about the means of musical expression of performance in an ensemble, forms trusting relationships between students.

Methodology for using methodological material

It is used as a control and teaching, developmental and means at the main stage of the lesson and a means for strengthening the body. It is an important element of the lesson that solves educational tasks for the development of children's communication skills.

The effectiveness of the use of methodological material

The game allows you to develop the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in performing practice in an ensemble, to strengthen the emotional and psychological state of children, contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of interaction of children with each other, to form mental readiness for vocal performance

Description of the game "Music of the Sun"

Students are given didactic aids: templates - suns. In the center of each sun there are plaques with the names of the means of musical expression: rhythm; meter; melody; dynamics; harmony; register; ripple; rhythmic pattern; pace.

A piece of music sounds - a song on the topic of the lesson and the studied repertoire.

Students are given time to listen to the phonogram.

Depending on the chosen sun, students need to characterize the means of musical expression. For example, if the sun is a rhythm, then the student speaks and shows in what rhythm the music sounds. And what does the rhythm consist of? It combines with meter and pulsation (joins the owners of suns with these concepts). We also determine the basic mode, tempo, development of dynamics, movement of the melody, its rhythmic pattern, etc.

In this lesson, we analyze the arrangement of the song "My Motherland" (composer David Tukhmanov). What tempo, rhythm did the musician use (determine a bipartite meter using pulsation)? What is the main fret of the music? How does the character and movement of the melody change in the verse and chorus?

All this must be analyzed and heard by the performer in order to convey musical thought to the viewer, causing emotional feedback, united by one rhythm.

Annotation to the materials of the teaching materials of the lesson

"In one solar rhythm"

under the program "Vocal and Variety Studio"

Methodological material name

Song repertoire:

1. Song "My Motherland"

muses. D. Tukhmanova, lyrics R Rozhdestvensky

2. Song "If the city is dancing"

muses. A. Zhurbina, lyrics And Reznik

Methodological material form

Selection of phonograms (minus) song repertoire for ensemble performance

Section and theme of the program

Section of the program "Development of performing skills in an ensemble".

Topic of the lesson: "In one solar rhythm"

A selection of phonograms (minus) of songs studied and performed by children in the ensemble

Work on this song repertoire contributes to the development of performing skills in the ensemble, consolidation of the material covered, introspection, and adequate assessment of one's own work in a vocal group.

Methodology for using methodological material

Work on the song repertoire is carried out at the main stage of the lesson. The problem of the development of coordination of movements and vocals in the song material with the use of a microphone is solved.

The effectiveness of the use of methodological material

Techniques for working on a song repertoire demonstrate the level of development of the ensemble's and soloists' performing skills in a single emotional and vocal-technical

character; contribute to the creation of a favorable, psychologically comfortable environment and team cohesion. During the lesson, the motor, vocal load is rationally distributed, there is a desire for productive, creative, collective activity.

Description of work on the song repertoire

  1. The song "My Motherland" muses. D. Tukhmanova, lyrics R. Rozhdestvensky

1. Conversation.

Having analyzed the music of the song (arrangement) through the game "Music of the Sun", we define the genre of the song with the help of the text as "the genre of a patriotic song", since it is about the homeland. What feelings does the text of the verse evoke in us? Unity, friendship, pride for our country. How does the poet describe the beauty of nature in the chorus? How do two thoughts - musical and verbal - help convey the mood and character of the song to the viewer?

Pay attention to the sequential movement of the melody, the parallel movement of voices to the "third". Hear harmonious movement. Pay special attention to the purity of intonation and the emotionality of the performance.

3. Execution of verses. Compare the "attack" of the sound, pay attention to the formation and delivery of vowel sounds. Monitor breathing and diction. Introduce movement elements.

4. Performing a song using microphones.

The teacher distributes microphones to the students, reminding the rules for working with them.

Performing a song with a phonogram (-1) without a prescribed vocal part.

  1. The song "If the city dances" muses. A. Zhurbina, lyrics And Reznik

Repetition of a previously learned song using microphones and set movements.


GOAL - the formation of the ability to correctly pronounce vowels and consonants in words, the ability to breathe correctly when performing a song.

Tasks - teach clearly and actively to pronounce and sing the words in a song,

Development of collective creativity,

Education of aesthetic taste

Equipment and musical material:



Sheet music of the song "Kindness"

Illustration of Kustodiev's painting "The merchant's wife"

Course of the lesson

  1. Organizing time.Musical greeting "Good afternoon". An indication of the purpose of the lesson.
  2. Updating basic knowledge... Conversation about the vocal apparatus. What is involved in the emergence of the voice? What are the vocal cords? What happens to them while singing? How should you take care of your "musical instrument"? How do you breathe and sit to make your singing pleasant and comfortable?

The teacher reads the poem "It is pleasant and convenient to sing."

3. Execution gymnastics for the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants sounds (a.o, u.i; m, n, n, t, k, l, r). Children, together with the teacher, pronounce sounds, while hand movements help.

Performance exercises to activate facial expressions(lips, tongue, cheeks):

- "Duck nose"

- "Piglet"

- "Eight"

- "Circle"

- "Football"

- "Smile"

Children use facial expressions to depict the teacher's tasks, while their hands are not involved.

Performance exercise "Dinosaur"on the high-pitched intonation of sound.Children, together with the teacher, draw with their hands and with the voice of a dinosaur, changing the pitch of their voices.

  1. Work on breathing.

- "Flower". The students imagine a flower in their hands and calmly inhale its aroma through their noses, while the teacher makes sure that the children's shoulders do not rise up, but remain in place. Exhale through your mouth.

- "Saucer with tea." Children calmly inhale through their noses and exhale carefully "on a saucer of hot tea." At the same time, the teacher monitors the long exhalation of the students.

5. What is kindness? (conversation about kindness)

Vocal and choral work on the song "Kindness".Repetition of song lyrics and singing a melody with correct intonation.

Performance of the song "Kindness"with musical accompaniment.

6. Summing up the results of the lesson.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Abstract of an open vocal lesson "Using elements of art pedagogical technologies in working with children of primary school age."

The college hosted a regional seminar "The use of art-pedagogical technologies in music lessons with school-age children", during which an open vocal lesson was held "Use ...

Development of vocal lessons notes

The vocal notes developed by me help to follow the dynamics of the student's development. Synopsis in three parts: breathing exercises, work on the voice and work with a song ...

Musical lesson on vocal and choral work in the preparatory school group "Musical necklace"

- To create a joyful, benevolent atmosphere that contributes to the successful entry of the child into the world of vocal art.
- Learn to sing meaningfully and expressively, purely intoning the melody of the song;
- Develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, expand the singing range of children;
- To form a clear, clear singing diction;
- To instill in children an interest in singing.

Lesson plan.
1. Entrance of children to the hall
2. Musical greeting
3. Breathing exercises.
4. Articulation gymnastics.
5. Tongue twisters.
6. Vocal and intonation exercises.
7. Learning a song
8. Musical play
9. Farewell "Goodbye Music"

Course of the lesson

Children enter the hall.
Musical greeting.
We give our palms to a friend, And with a smile "Hello!" we sing.
Good day! Good day! We are not too lazy to do it - 2 rubles.
The musical director invites the children to come to the table, on it is a stave with bead notes.
M.R.: Guys, look!
On magic strings
The magnets are hanging.
Not simple magnets -
They all sound.
Nice necklace -
Music it.
I have in store for you!
Different songs are composed of these note-magnets. I will sing this song for you.

M. p. takes "notes" - they fall on the table.

M.R.: Ouch! The beads scattered.
And probably no more music will sound.
Help me to collect the magnets of musical notes?
Let's collect the notes-magnets and put them in the music box, maybe the music box will be able to put all the notes together again?
M.R.: But in order for the notes-magnets to "sing", you need to perform certain exercises.
We stand in a circle
A little effort - you will develop your breathing.
Breathing exercises.
Take "Snowflakes" and blow on them, let them fly, please us with their beauty.
Blowing on a snowflake holding a string
"Gold fish"
Lives in the fabulous musical country "Goldfish", the fish WAS UP (inhaled), DIVES (exhale when tilted), and again emerges and dives.

"Cloud and Rain"
Spring is coming, the snow will melt, it will rain
A cloud flew (inhale), and it began to rain (exhale, pat on the nostrils M-H)

After performing the breathing exercises, a sound is heard.
M. p. attaches a note to the staff.

Now, be quiet, let the tongue dance.
Articulatory gymnastics.
Here is the recharge of the tongue: (Children perform movements according to the text of the game).
The tongue turned
Right left. on the side. Children stroking their cheeks with a tongue-
We open the mouth, right and left
We chat with our tongue, perform the exercise "Chatterbox"
And now, friends, no joke,
Brush the teeth with a tongue. The tongue is carried out several times along
Let's smile at all our friends upper teeth, then lower
You can't sing without a smile. Smiling with their lips stretched wide

After performing articulatory gymnastics, a sound is heard.
M.R.: This one note wants to return to his little house.
M. p... attaches a note to the staff.

Speaking tongue twisters is not an easy thing.
Let's say we are beautiful, clear and skillful.

Tongue Twisters.
Composed a mouse in a mink
Until the morning tongue twisters
It turned out exactly forty
He has tongue twisters.

After the performance of the tongue twister, a sound is heard.
MR: This one bead wants to return to its house.
M. p. attaches one bead to the staff.
If you want to sing loudly
Don't sit down like a bear
Keep your feet on the floor stronger
Straighten your back soon.
Hands, shoulders are all free.
It is pleasant and comfortable to sing.

Vocal - intonation exercises.
"Snowflakes are falling, white fluffs
Put your palm up, wait a little "

"1,2,3,4,5, Come out and walk quickly
Let's be off the ice slide
We ride with the whole crowd "

“They dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear's paw,
I won’t leave him anyway, because he’s good. ”

"The tallest giraffe grows, it reaches the sky"

"The elephant is huge like a house, go around it,
And you will see that it is not easy to climb into a house of such height "

After performing vocal and intonation exercises, a sound is heard.
MR: This one bead wants to return to his house.

The song is coming to visit us
And it brings joy to all of us.

Video of the song "Gingerbread House"
Learning a song
1. Read the lyrics to the rhythm of the song
2. Singing 1 verse of a song
3. Learning the verse of the song.
4. Sing 1 verse and chorus.

After the song is played, a sound is heard.
MR: These beads want to return to their house.
M. p. attaches five beads to the staff.

Music game
"Heel, sock"

After playing the game, a sound is heard.
M. R... These beads want to return to their house.
M. p... attaches five beads to the staff.

M.R.: So all the beads have returned home.

It's hard for us to sing and dance without music
We put the beads in a music book.
All friends are happy again with wonderful music
And we can't lose those beads anymore.

M.R.: Thank you guys that you came to me, made me happy, and what did you remember and what you liked,
It was a great pleasure for me to be a swami, and I want to convey to you from the gnomes of their gingerbread house a ringing candy cockerel.

Exit to the music.


Grigorieva Oksana Anatolyevna, teacher of additional education, head of the vocal studio "Maximum" MOU DOD "Children's Art Center", Atkarsk, Saratov region. Open lesson of a vocal circle 1-3 years of study, topic: "Rhythm"

Lesson topic: "Rhythm"

The purpose of the lesson: creation of a joyful, benevolent atmosphere of the class, which contributes to the successful acquaintance with the elements of musical notation: scale, rhythm.

Lesson objectives:

    develop creativity by involving children in the emotional performance of tunes, songs, playing musical instruments;

    in the process of vocal and choral work, develop singing skills;

    to form a stable interest in musical culture;

    foster patriotism, good relations with each other and with others.

Preliminary work.

    Learning tongue twisters, breathing exercises, diction, sound production.

    Individual work with children to learn songs, tunes.

    Listening to music of the r.n.p. "Kamarinskaya".

Motivation: the teacher asks the students to return the notes.

Hall decoration: on the wall there is an image of a treble clef and a staff with notes; "Musical caterpillar".

Equipment: handouts, audio recordings, tape recorder, sheet music, percussion musical instruments (spoons, drum).

Hearing: song "Do, re, mi" group"Domisolka" lyrics V. Klyuchnikov,

muses. O. Yudakhina., "A song about a song", "Russia", R.N. "Kamarinskaya".

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Building in front of the hall.

Music entrance: The song "Do, re, mi" sounds.

Musical greeting : "Domisolka" lyrics In Klyuchnikov,

muses. O. Yudakhina.

    Introductory speech of the teacher.

I am very glad to meet you again.

The world of music is mysterious and amazing. Only those who know how to hear and listen, see the unusual in ordinary things, who like to dream and fantasize, who strive for knowledge and are hardworking, can understand this kingdom of sounds. It is customary to express yourself in this world in a special language - musical, which you guys have to master.

What does a composer need to know to record music or a performer to perform it?(Sheet music, musical notation). Today in the lesson with the help of music we will try to create a joyful, benevolent atmosphere and get acquainted with the elements of musical notation.

We go to the country of Music, where friends are already waiting for us - Merry Notes. And the notes are written on the rulers.

Five rulers of a musical line

We called it "stave".

And all the notes on it are dots

Placed in places.

Guys, look at the staff. Only this morning there were notes, but suddenly they disappeared. We must definitely return them. Well then, let's go.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

Guys, what can you travel on?

One note wants to go back to her house. Before

We will sing with you too.

Repeat singing rules (ask children)

If you want to sing while sitting

Don't sit down like a bear

Straighten your back soon

Feet on the floor boldly


    1. "From the trampling of hooves" - work on diction and dynamics:

    Clear diction;


    Work on dynamics;

      "Do, re, mi, fa, salt" lyrics. Z. Petrova, music. A. Ostrovsky

    Work on breathing;

    Building a triad

    Singing by hand

Well done, you did a good job and returnednote d.

What's your mood? Is there a mood in music? Let's wish everyone: Good mood! And we will try to accurately convey the mood of this song"A song about a song" ... What is it like?

Performance of the song"A song about a song" (1,2,3 year of study children)

The note is attached to the staff. Mi

Our journey continues. And now - a new task.

    Learning new material. Rhythm

1) I will clap a few times, and you repeat what I show. Get your palms ready. Just listen carefully first. And you have to clap at my command and not loudly.

Examples of rhythmic dictations

1. "Kalinka",

2. "There was a birch in the field "

3. "Little Christmas tree "

writing a rhythm pattern on a chalkboard

Have you noticed that in every phrase that you repeated after me, clapping your hands, there were short and long sounds? Is the alternation of long and short sounds in music called?rhythm. Remember this new word. Repeat it.

The rhythm of a particular melody - this is a rhythmic pattern, i.e. rhythm element. What are the durations of the rhythmic pattern?( Quarters, Eighths, Sixteenths)


The rhythmic pattern consists of short and long durations

Rhythmic sounds are related to each other, they can be smooth, smooth, or they can sound jerky.Example: the heart beats rhythmically, the clock ticks, the season changes.(example of children)

We arriveto the conclusion that order is being created? (Even steps. Clear pattern. Even alternation of beats.)

2) The task becomes more difficult.

Slap the rhythm: long sounds are knee blows, and short sounds are hands.

Any rhythm in music can be recorded with special symbols. Today we will try to use signs and play a rhythm.

3) The task "Musical caterpillar"

The board depicts a caterpillar with large and small circles. Children clap rhythm.

4) Exercise "Chorus of hours"

The character of the music changes depending on the rhythm. I suggest this exercise "Chorus of hours"

You need to depict the simultaneous movement of large and small clocks in a speech rhythmized two-part voice. Group 1 pronounces "bom-bom" in a low voice, and group 2 pronounces "tiki-tiki" in a high voice

The note is attached to the staff. F

No musical instruments accentuate the rhythm of a piece like percussion instruments. What percussion instruments do you know?

4) Playing musical instruments.

R.n.p. "Kamarinskaya"

What kind of character?(perky, funny, mischievous)

What can be said about the melody(The melody changes, repeats several times)

What instruments have you heard?

In Russian village dances there is not only a competition between dancers, but also a competition between instruments. The piece you listened to is called"Kamarinskaya".

What were Russian dances used on before?

So we will play the muses. instruments. First, let's learn the rhythm pattern.

performed by the teacher and students on percussion instruments "Kamarinskaya".

They performed the work wonderfully.

The note is attached to the staff. Salt

And now it's time for us to take a walk through the fairy forest.

    Physical minute.

"Clap, drown"

How wonderful you moved

And movement is health!

The note is attached to the staff.La

What a wonderful journey we have had through the musical kingdom-state. But the best country for any person is the one where he was born and raised, his homeland. What is the name of the country where we live?

Performance of the song "Russia"

What mood is this song in? What feelings does the author convey here?

The note is attached to the staff.Si

Guys, look at the staff.

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si

These notes all in a row form a scale.

So all the notes have returned home. Again we will sing and dance, play musical instruments.

  1. Bottom line. Our journey has come to an end.

What elements of musical notation have we met? (rhythm, duration, scale).

Rhythm- alternation of long and short sounds in music.

Duration - the duration of the impact from impact to impact.

Scale - it is a certain order of musical sounds that are used in music. Music staff with notes.

What interesting things have you learned? What do you remember most vividly? (We learned what rhythm is, played percussion instruments, sang as soloists, etc.).

VIII ... Reflection.

Teacher: I would like to know how you yourself assess your work. Whoever thinks he did a good job, let him sing -"A", and who thinks that not everything is working out yet- "O".

Children assess their work.

You can't part with music.

We've been in love with her since birth

And we won't tell her goodbye

It's simple: Goodbye! They leave the classroom to the music.