Is it possible to receive communion if I have eaten. About fasting before the sacrament

Is it possible to receive communion if I have eaten.  About fasting before the sacrament
Is it possible to receive communion if I have eaten. About fasting before the sacrament

Fasts are prescribed in the church calendar before certain holidays. But confession and communion are individual sacraments. No one specifies the day when one should cleanse his soul from sins, nor does he prescribe the frequency with which one should confess. One person confides his sins to his spiritual father every week, another - before big church holidays. Sometimes the period before communion falls on a general Orthodox fast. What to do then?

Some people come to the sacrament at all without fasting or confession. But the Holy Gifts are the greatest sacrament. According to the Church, they should not be eaten by people mired in sins. And in order to prepare oneself for confession and communion, one should fast. But if there is still some clarity with meat and animal products, then the question of whether it is possible to eat fish before the sacrament remains open. Recently, a document of the Inter-Council Presence Commission was released on this issue. It is called Preparing for Holy Communion. Let's see what this document says about fasting.

The Importance of Fasting Before Communion

They talked about how to prepare the soul to receive the Holy Gifts even in the early Church, and not only at the Inter-Council Presence Commission on the problems of parish practice. In the First Epistle to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul writes that people who eat the Lord's bread and drink His cup unworthily will be guilty of sins against the Body and Blood of Christ. Therefore, you need to test yourself so as not to be condemned.

This indicates that a person must cleanse his body and soul before the sacrament. And even the priest who celebrates the Liturgy pronounces the following formulation: "May it not be my condemnation of the communion of Your Holy Sacraments." One thing is clear: before using the Gifts of the Lord, one should confess and fast. And if we prepare our soul by prayers and repentance, then the body - by abstinence in food. But is it okay to eat fish before confession and communion? Is this product classified as prohibited during this period?

The meaning of fasting

Before you accept God into yourself, partake of His Body and Blood, you need to prepare yourself for this event. After all, even before secular holidays, we clean our house, decorate the room in which we will receive guests. How should you prepare yourself to partake of the Holy Gifts? All priests say that the matter should not be limited to one fast. If you limit yourself in food, but at the same time be arrogant, do not admit your sins, harbor hostility towards your neighbor and violate the commandments of Christ, then such abstinence will do nothing.

Confession before the sacrament is required. After all, then the believer comes to the realization of his sins and repentance. And besides the question of whether it is possible to eat fish and fish soup before communion, a person should be more worried about his own state of mind. After all, the period before accepting the Holy Gifts is not in vain called fasting, and not just fasting. Preparing for this event must read three canons (penitent to Christ, prayer to the Mother of God and to the guardian angel). And also he must attend the evening service in the church on Saturday. And of course, during this period worldly entertainment should be avoided.

Number of days of fasting

The Church does not have a consensus about how many days a believer should refrain from using before accepting the Holy Gifts. In this matter, everything is very individual. Fasting, or rather its duration, is appointed by the confessor. This is usually three days. But if a person has diseases (especially of the gastrointestinal tract), general weakness of the body, pregnancy or lactation, then the duration of the fast is reduced.

The group of "privileged recipients" also includes the military, who cannot choose dishes and products at their own discretion, but are forced to eat what they give. The confessor also looks at other circumstances. First of all, it is the frequency of communion. If someone first resorts to eating the Holy gifts, then such a person is assigned a weekly fast. And whoever takes communion every Sunday, then it is enough for such a believer to abstain from fast food only on Wednesday and Friday. For this category of people, the question arises: is it possible to eat fish before communion?

What are the posts

For a worldly person, bodily abstinence seems to be something unified. If fasting, then you can not eat meat and animal products (milk and eggs). And you can eat fish, vegetable fats, drinks, including alcoholic ones, vegetables and fruits. But the Church divides fasts into ordinary and strict ones. There are days when you cannot eat not only meat, but also fish. Some fasts also prohibit vegetable oil (the so-called oil).

There are days of dry eating. During them, you can not take any food until sunset, and in the evening you are allowed to eat only Now let us consider the fasting before accepting the Holy Gifts: is it possible to eat fish before communion?

What fast should be observed before confession

Cleansing the soul from sins does not require any preparation. Previously, good believers went to their spiritual father and confessed when they felt the need for it. And it is not at all necessary to accept the Eucharist immediately after the forgiveness of sins. But if you are going to do this, then fasting is necessary, that is, preparation of the soul and body for the reception of the holy sacrament of the Church. And here it would be appropriate to ask the question: is it possible to eat fish before communion? This product is definitely negative for Saturday night only. Everything else depends on the frequency of your communion, on your health and life circumstances. It also matters whether the Orthodox Church observes universal fasting on these days. In this case, the food requirements for fasting change.

On the eve of participating in the Holy Liturgy, when you are about to start accepting the Holy Gifts, you must observe a strict fast. This means that you cannot eat fish and various dishes from it. Monks are instructed to consume only bezelless juices on Saturday evenings (that is, vegetables not flavored with any fat).

Church day begins at midnight. Therefore, all Sunday before the reception of the sacrament, you can neither eat nor drink. It is also advisable to attend Saturday evening service. Is it okay to eat fish before the sacrament on other days? If, for example, your confessor has appointed you a week of abstinence, then you should avoid meat, dairy products and eggs all seven days. But besides this, on Wednesday and Friday you need to adhere, that is, exclude fish, fish soup and seafood from your diet these days. The Church has a special relationship with food on Saturday (if it is not Passionate). Many priests believe that one should not fast on the sixth day of the week. But this does not apply to those who are fasting, that is, those who prepare themselves to receive the Gifts of the Lord.

We have already mentioned above that the degree of severity of abstinence depends on the church days. If all Orthodox Christians observe fasting (before Easter or Christmas), then those who fast should avoid prohibited foods. Moreover, their abstinence should differ from others in greater severity.

If, for example, on certain days believers are forbidden to eat meat, then those who are fasting should also refuse fish. On some days, such as Wednesday and Friday, it is better for them not to add sugar to their drinks, but replace it with honey. Vegetable oils, sauces and seasonings are also undesirable for fasting. Also, you should not overeat and permitted products. After all, moderation in food is an integral part of the preparation for accepting the Holy Gifts.

Instead of a conclusion

Some may think that this article has never answered the question of whether it is okay to eat fish before the sacrament. A categorical no can be said only regarding the day on which the sacrament will take place (from midnight nothing can be eaten or drunk).

It is also considered soul-saving to abstain from food all day Saturday, and in the evening, on the eve of communion, one should have supper with foods that are allowed in strict fasting (that is, without fish). But even this requirement can be relaxed for sick, pregnant and lactating women. The severity and duration of fasting before communion is established by the confessor.

The topic of proper diet during fasting continues to cause a lot of controversy, especially when it comes to observing dietary rules before the ordinances. For example, the question of whether it is possible to eat fish before the sacrament does not have a definite answer. The clergy believe that fasting is a test that favors cleansing from committed sins. However, many people who have nothing to do with religious activity are sure that such actions of an ascetic nature only help to improve their health. Some people who identify themselves as, even believe that fasting does not make any sense.

On the days of abstinence, a person has the opportunity to improve his soul without being distracted by the needs of the mortal body. To better understand how to fast properly, what is the purpose of fasting, and how to use it for the benefit of your immortal soul, it is worth talking to a clergyman. In addition to food restrictions, you should be even more careful about:

  • to negative thoughts;
  • idle talk;
  • pride;
  • idle entertainment.

Reading spiritual literature will also help clear your thoughts and focus on spiritual growth. In addition, during the period of fasting, one should give up intimate relationships.


In the case when it is difficult for a person to move to a full-fledged post, you can start with moderate restrictions and over time, this range will be widened. The Church has a positive attitude towards this wise approach regarding newcomers. Moreover, people suffering from serious diseases, in particular diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as those who have not turned fourteen, pregnant and lactating women, are not required to make changes to the diet. Travelers and people in hardship are allowed not to fast.

All who do not belong to the above groups should remember about abstinence on days of sorrow, as well as the days preceding some ordinances. Abstinence in food involves the elimination of all possible excesses. The portion should be more moderate. It is necessary to exclude alcoholic beverages, meat, fish, eggs and milk products.

In the case of preparation for the sacrament, fasting is necessary for three days. On these days, the diet should include only vegetables, fruits, bread and cereals. Also, on the eve, from 24:00 until the very communion, food and water are generally excluded. Of course, with serious ailments, diabetes mellitus, as well as for infants, this rule does not apply.

At first, the list of foods that fall under the ban does not seem very long, but without them it can be quite difficult to cook something. The Church also cannot keep track of all new products that were previously impossible to buy in our stores. For example, many seafood (mussels, oysters, squid, shrimp, etc.) are not considered fish, but they are real aphrodisiacs that increase libido.

Although it is recommended to eat in moderation during fasting, in some cases the number of meals should be higher. This will prevent stressful conditions of the body. If three meals a day were habitual for a person before fasting, the number of meals should be increased to five. It is advisable to adhere to a certain dietary schedule, this will benefit the body even after the end of the fast.

To make it easier to endure fasting, you can apply self-training: tell yourself that the food you refuse is harmful and dirty, it pollutes the body and interferes with living fully. This technique is used by doctors when it is necessary to motivate the patient and exclude some of the products in order to avoid certain complications of the disease.

Pay attention to the motivation of vegetarians. They are driven by reluctance to kill animals. For meat-eaters, it all comes down to just eating. However, everything is very individual, and someone in a few days of fasting can undermine their psychological health. Therefore, when the question arises whether it is possible to eat fish before communion, it is worth starting not only from, but also from your own feelings.

Many Orthodox believers ask the priests a question in person, via the Internet, or ask their relatives: is it possible to brush your teeth before communion? But this is far from the only thing that not only beginners can ask. Church members have a lot of questions. It is worth noting that there are a huge number of near-church myths and misconceptions.

This article summarizes the answers of experienced and pious priests, and provides guidance and helpful advice for beginners.

What is the Sacrament?

How does Christ say about the Sacrament in the Gospel? On the eve of the terrible death on the cross, He gathers his disciples together and prepares a meal. There is bread and wine on the table. Christ says that in memory of Him they will drink wine and eat bread, since these are symbols of His blood and body.

To the present day, Liturgy is celebrated in churches and Holy Communion is being prepared using bread and wine. The priests pray together with the parishioners with the words "For the Honest Gifts offered to the Lord, let us pray."

What is really meant by bread and wine in the Holy Chalice? The prayers read before Communion at home are just as necessary for a Christian as for the church. Why is prayer needed? Because the Lord unites exactly with the person who calls him to himself.

What is the Sacrament?

There is some evidence of how the Sacrament is actually prepared and what is hidden underneath from human eyes. Once a man entered the temple. The royal doors in the temple were open. The priests stood at the altar. Suddenly, a man who came in saw how the priest pierced the baby with a spear. He shouted to the whole church: "Why are you killing the baby?" All the people standing in the temple turned around. Nobody could understand what kind of baby we are talking about. In fact, the priest was holding a prosphora (a small loaf of wheat flour and water).

The Lord invisibly and endlessly sacrifices himself for the sake of people, but not materially, but spiritually. His crucifixion was truly seen almost 2,000 years ago at Calvary in Jerusalem.

Let's get back to the Gospel and to those lines where the Lord is at the Last Supper. After all, he said: "From now on you will drink my blood (wine) and eat my body (bread) in memory of Me." But even the apostles did not know how this would happen. Moreover, it is not given to us to know either. This is a Divine mystery. We can only take it seriously, and as it is, no doubt. Therefore, the prayers read before Communion are very much needed, first of all, for the one who partakes.

Another living testimony:

In Lanciano, Italy, to this day, there is true proof that the Sacrament is more than just bread and wine. In the Catholic Church of Saint Legocius in the 8th century, a priest doubted that the Sacrament was a miracle. When he picked up a piece of bread, he saw something that looked like muscle tissue. He looked into the Cup and saw - instead of wine, there was blood. The priest screamed in horror. Then he realized that there was no doubt. The Lord proved to him that everything is real. To this day, this miracle is in Lanciano. Many pilgrims come to pray near such a shrine.

What does a Christian need before the sacrament?

Of course, first of all, the belief that he will be given to taste not just bread and wine, but the body of Christ. Of course, such a meal is a miracle. The Lord gives a piece of himself to a sinful person. Therefore, one must approach Communion not only with fear, but also with faith. You can't just take communion.

How to treat?

Above we examined two testimonies of the miracle of God. It is worth noting that during the Liturgy there is not only Jesus Christ in the altar, but also the Mother of God, Archangels, and saints.

It is not for nothing that the holy fathers said that angels grieve because they do not receive the sacrament. After all, they have no body, no need. They are already with God. And the Lord gave such a great gift to man - to unite with Himself during the Communion. Even if it is invisible.

* canon of repentance to the Savior;

* canon of prayer to the Mother of God;

* Canon to the Guardian Angel;

* following to Holy Communion.

It is all these prayers, chants, kontakions that will help prepare correctly for accepting the Holy Gifts as it should be.

Fasting and confession:

The priests talk about fasting for at least 3 days. If a person is not churched, rarely attends church, sins, then he needs to prepare for almost a week. That is why the best option for such people is Great, Nativity Lent, as well as Petrov and Uspensky. But that is why it is not necessary to choose periods of multi-day fasting. After all, it is more important - it is reconciliation with God, and not convenience.

What should a person who rarely go to church to do before Communion?

At first, be sure to go to the priest for confession. When the priest receives the repentant, you can find out in the temple which is closer to your home or which you want to visit. Be prepared for the fact that the priest after confession may not admit to Communion. There can be many reasons for this. Often, in order to be admitted to communion, one must fast, repent, and attend church many times. After confession, it is imperative to ask the priest whether he blesses to approach the Holy Chalice or not. Quite often the priests themselves insist that the confessor take the Holy Communion. You need to take this advice.

What is the fast before communion?

If you are a beginner or have not been to the church for a long time, then be sure to go to the priest for confession. Usually during this ordinance, many spiritual issues are resolved. Father will explain to you what to do, what to beware of, when you can receive communion.

What is meant by fasting?

Meat, milk cannot be eaten, eggs too. In addition, food, products, drinks that contain the above products are not consumed. Remember fasting should be spiritual in nature. Eat little food. For example, for breakfast - tea with oatmeal cookies or oatmeal porridge on the water, for lunch - soup with vegetable broth, for dinner - vegetable salad and rice / potatoes.

Drinking alcoholic beverages before communion, as well as during fasting, is prohibited. It is also recommended to refuse coffee. After all, the body should be a temple of the soul, a calm "home", sober and vigorous. Meal food (not lean), coffee and alcohol can in no way tune in to prayers.

Spiritual side:

Let's continue our conversation about fasting. We figured out the food. As for entertainment, watching movies, then all this should be postponed. Any unimportant deeds should be replaced with prayers to God, the Most Holy Theotokos, your Guardian Angel and the saints.

Let's talk about what to read before the Sacrament. Above, we mentioned the canons and the follow-up to Holy Communion. In addition to them, it is advised to read the Gospel, the holy fathers. Beware of taking near-church literature or one that relates to false Christianity.

There is no need to fuss during the fast. If possible, then postpone things for later. They can wait. After all, earthly life is fleeting, and the fasting person needs to think about eternity.

Why are there such restrictions?

During the Liturgy, before taking out the Holy Chalice, the choir sings that we (parishioners) are leaving all earthly vanity. Not every (especially modern) person understands that sooner or later earthly life will end and all that he worked so hard on will disappear into oblivion. After all, he will not be able to take his passport or favorite work, bank accounts or a computer with valuable information with him into the afterlife. He will appear before God with his conscience, with sins and virtues. The Lord will not ask if you were the CEO, He will ask you to answer for having offended the client grandmother. God doesn't care if you had a Lexus. He will ask if you gave a lift to the weak, the weak, without taking money from them.

Why restrictions on fasting in relation to entertainment?

It's time to sit down at the table or stand in front of the icons and think: what have you done wrong in your entire life, during this period.

Is your conscience clear?

It is more important for a Christian to know not, for example, whether it is possible to brush his teeth before Communion, but about what sins really are and what repentance is, how not to sin. The Lord is upset when a person commits a sin even in his mind. Just think: you are mentally angry, even your heart is numb. This is also a sin. You need to repent sincerely.

When is it not allowed to receive communion?

Do you know that you need to get rid of your sins? If you have repented, you should try to avoid sinning. In order for the priest to admit to Communion, you need to be present at the evening service every Saturday, then at the Liturgy in the morning. The same should be done on major church holidays. You need to read morning and evening prayers at home according to the Prayer Book. Of course, this takes 20-30 minutes. If you don't have time, then you can read the Seraphim rule: three times "Our Father", three times "Theotokos ..." and once "The Symbol of Faith." But at the same time, during the day, you need to silently pray to God, the saints. These are the most important rules.

They may not be admitted to Communion in such cases, for example:

* murder, abortion; divination, fortune-telling, extrasensory perception, spiritualism, astrology;

* other faith, heretical views;

* cohabitation outside of marriage, debauchery, homosexuality, drug addiction and alcoholism, and so on.

The priest needs to tell the whole truth during confession, not to hide any sin. The Lord stands nearby invisibly, He knows everything, only awaits the repentance of the heart. If you hide anything, it will be an even greater sin. You need to completely cleanse your soul before Communion.

What do the holy fathers and priests say?

The human soul should be pure, bright, with the hope of correction and a change in life for the better. You should not go to the Chalice if you are not sure that you want to live with God.

If the father blessed:

When a priest gives a blessing, it should be taken seriously. You should read not only the canon of the Theotokos before Communion, but also the canons of the Savior, Guardian Angel, as well as the Succession. All this is in the Orthodox prayer books.

The volume for reading is very large. Therefore, the canons can be read 2-3 days before communion, but the Succession is read only the night before, after arriving from the church from the evening service.

You need to make sure that no one distracts you. If you take communion with your family, friends, pilgrims, then read in turn, pray.

Morning before Communion:

As you know, Orthodox Christians cannot eat anything in the morning before Communion. Even medicine is not allowed to drink.

But can you brush your teeth before Communion?

There is no ban on this. If you are sure not to accidentally swallow water or toothpaste, you can brush your teeth.

If the stomach is sick, there is no way to wait long until noon, then it is better to go to early service. In small towns and villages, the Liturgy is served early, and in megalopolises - at 7 am or at 9-10 am.

For the sake of connecting with God, you can be patient. It is worth reading prayers to yourself.

The morning before Communion is always exciting. We need to prepare mentally. After reading the morning rule, go to the church at least half an hour before the Liturgy in order to calmly submit notes, light candles, and approach your beloved saints.

Before Communion itself:

At the service, one should listen carefully to prayers. When the priests are preparing the Sacrament, pray that they will receive the Blood and Body of Christ worthily. At the same time, a pious person should sincerely consider himself unworthy of such a Gift.

Remember the Canon to the Mother of God before Communion: you need to pray that the Mother of God interceded for us sinners. And what does the canon say to Jesus Christ? We repent of our sins to the Lord. Remember this when you are waiting for Communion.

The very moment of Communion:

When the Royal Doors open and the priest comes out with the Chalice, you need to bow to the ground. Then stand in line with your arms crossed over your chest. When you approach the Chalice, you need to tell the priest your Orthodox name and open your mouth wide. The sacrament should be swallowed immediately so that the particle does not get stuck in the teeth. Receive warmth and prosphora. Many people ask, "Is it okay to eat before Communion?" Do you know why the answer is no? Because the Lord must enter first into the body of a Christian. After all, God is more important to us than food.


Quite often, those who first decided to go to church for this sacrament think about what needs to be said in confession.

It is important to understand that confession is not just an intimate conversation with a priest, but a religious ceremony aimed primarily at repentance.

In confession, it is important to have complete determination to make amends in your life. Realizing that it has become difficult for you to live because of committing some sin or even several is the first step on the path of correction. Only after this complete understanding should one sign up for confession.

In some situations, not only repentance after committing a sin can be a reason to go to confession. If you find it difficult to distinguish good from bad, or life seems useless and painful, you can also come to confession, because the church is always open to those who need it.

What sins to talk about in confession:

One of the main mistakes people who come to confession is to list all their sins in their entire life. It is imperative to highlight exactly what you came for. Sin is an act against the church, God. This is a kind of violation of morality - one's own, someone else's, public. In Christianity, there are eight deadly sins, the commission of which bears grave consequences for a person - anger, sorrow, gluttony, fornication, despondency, vanity, pride and avarice. In addition, there are personal sins - these are various actions against conscience and God. As a rule, a person can determine some sins only himself, they are not spelled out in any holy book. A sin can be an act that weighs heavily on your life.

It doesn't matter what you come to church with. In confession, the main thing is complete repentance and an inner understanding of the deed.

What to tell the priest in confession:

Confession in Orthodoxy, as in most other religions, is a conversation with God about your misdeeds, a request for help. The priest serves only as a witness to this conversation, God's helper on earth.

Therefore, in confession it is important to be extremely frank and not hide anything about what bothers you. It is especially important to tell what worries you the most at the moment, not forgetting about the little things and details of the offense for which you want to repent.

The priest can be entrusted with his greatest secrets, because he has no right to tell anyone about your confession. Remember that you do not need to be afraid of condemnation from the church, the very fact that you have come to repentance is already a worthy act of a believer.

Important to remember that it is not necessary to speak in confession about a sin for which you have already confessed, if it has not been committed again. And, often, confession alone will not be enough. You need to ask God in prayers for forgiveness, come to church as soon as you want, honor traditions and rituals.

The Church advises that confession, like the sacrament, should be regular. Your confessor can tell you about the frequency of confession. Remember that it is the clergyman who will be the main assistant for you in the observance of church rituals.

As you can see, confession is a very difficult sacrament. Not every person is ready for it. If you decide to confess, then you need to weigh the pros and cons for yourself, and your soul will tell you what to say in confession. Remember that repentance and freeing yourself from perfect sin is a long process that will require a lot of strength and patience from you.


Diseases and other troubles do not fall on a person just like that. Man is a cosmic being and develops according to the laws of not only the material, but also the spiritual world. If they violate these laws, there is a disease or some tragic circumstances that pose a threat to life.

It is enough to eliminate these violations, and everything in your life will return to normal. This is what inner confession helps to do.

Confession consists of two parts:

Part one: You should remember all the times when someone has seriously offended or insulted you. After all, offense is a source of continuous influx of negative psychic energy.

Calmly recall your past life from the age of 12 (it is from this age that a person begins to bear karmic responsibility for his actions). The offender (even if the person died) must be mentally introduced, and then hugged and kissed tightly!

Sometimes the resentment reaches such strength that it is impossible to hug and kiss, even mentally. In such cases, the "enemy" can be imagined as an ignorant child of 2-3 years old. But it is imperative to hug and kiss - this is an indispensable condition of the Salvation Mechanism!

Second part: not only you have enemies, someone, perhaps, considers you their enemy. It is possible that you yourself were a violator of moral truths.

In this case, imagine that you are on trial, and the judge is your own heart. Get on your knees before him and tell all your bad deeds, mistakes, vices from the age of 12. Say everything that you remember - realizing that you will not do it again.

After all, repenting, you remove all the negativity that has accumulated over the years. If the inner confession was carried out correctly and sincerely, then recovery and getting rid of troubles will come in a hundred cases out of a hundred, regardless of the severity of the illness or the scale of the trouble that has befallen you. It's just a matter of time.

After the inner confession, try not to repeat the previous mistakes - otherwise misfortune will return in a double volume.

To avoid this, you will be helped by the Unified Prayer, which can be done by any person, regardless of their religious beliefs. This prayer, as practice shows, is able to reduce the temperature in a matter of minutes, relieve any pain.

Prayer must be done in solitude, with a lit candle, on your knees:

"God! Good God!
Hallowed be Thy Name in Heaven and on Earth.
From edge to edge of the universe!
God! Strengthen your forces in resisting the forces of darkness, so as not only to resist it, but also to cleanse Mother Earth of this garbage.
Teach to separate good from evil and stay in peace and firmness of spirit in order to worthily create Your Will among people.
Strengthen the strength of my brothers and sisters - both close and unknown to me.
May they see Thy true Glory and be filled with love in their hearts.
And the dark obstacles will overcome in the movement along the Path to the Light.
And let them stretch out their hands to each other and give the immense warmth of their souls.
God! Thy Will be done! And the United People will remain on Earth.
He who loves his Mother - Nature, reunited with You by his love and walking along the Path of True Spiritual Development, relying on Your Last Testament ”.

IN THE MORNING: "Bless, Lord, on the deeds of the day to come, and may his difficulties be met as befits those who walk under Thy Light."

IN THE EVENING: "Replenish, Lord, the lost strength for the good, in order to prepare for the meeting of the day of the future."

“I go to bed, I have the Cross seal on me. Guardian Angels! Save my Soul from evening to midnight, and from midnight to morning. "

And the prayer "Our Father" three times.

Prayer is the most powerful force in the universe! The Bible says:

"Whatever you ask in prayer WITH FAITH, you will receive." (Matthew 21:22)"BY FAITH YOUR LET THERE BE YOU" (Matthew 9:29).

It is said that before communion, the layman must be at the evening service and observe fasting. The questions * of the readers of "Thomas" that arose in this connection were answered by a participant in the Inter-Council Presence, Ph.D. in Theology, Associate Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Archpriest Pavel Velikanov.

- In the document "On the participation of the faithful in the Eucharist," the reasons for certain church requirements are very carefully and reasonably explained. In this case, we are talking about the fact that the church service is an integral space, which begins with the evening service. Therefore, it is naturally assumed that a person who intends to begin Communion, the apogee of the divine service, must participate in it from the very beginning.

But at the same time, the document says that the impossibility for a person, for objective reasons, to attend the evening service, a prayer rule that he has not fully read, or some other external conditions cannot be absolute obstacles to a person's admission to communion. This is a question that a confessor must decide. It is he who has the right to determine whether in fact the absence of a person at the evening service was due to some objective reasons, or he was simply too lazy to go to the service when all the opportunities for this were available.

As for fasting on Saturday, the document says that people who observe all the statutory one - and many-day church fasts and regularly receive communion - weekly - can, in agreement with their confessor, receive a blessing for not observing fasting on Saturday or keeping the fast in the truncated form. For example, eating lean food for dinner or not eating dinner as such. That is, different options are possible depending on a person's health, his life loads, the environment in which he lives. There are many different factors that need to be addressed in each specific case. There can be no universal rule here. However - I will emphasize again! - this applies only to those cases when a person is a faithful child of the Church, observes all one-day and many-day fasts, that is, he lives in the rhythm in which the whole Church lives.

But it is a different matter when it comes to parishioners who rarely or extremely rarely receive communion. If a person receives Communion, for example, once a month or once every six months, and at the same time does not observe one-day and many-day fasts, then it is natural that in order to be admitted to Holy Communion, he must perform at least some minimal work of preparation - fasting. For example, in the Synodal period, when the majority of people received communion once a year, it was a week of fasting. Later, in Soviet and post-Soviet times, many confessors blessed the preparation in the form of a three-day fast or a four-day fast.

On the whole, there should be the following dependence - the more often a person partakes of Communion and the more intensive the church life he lives, the less burdensome the conditions for his preparation for Holy Communion should be. Because every day of the week for such a person should be a stage of preparation for participation in the liturgy and communion.

If a person does not have a confessor, then the priest with whom he confesses can help him resolve all these issues. A confessor is an extremely desirable, but not an absolute requirement. A person can solve all his questions in a conversation with the priest who serves in the church, where he goes, to whom he confesses, with whom he communicates. After all, it is addressed not only to the parishioners: it is also addressed to the clergy, who must understand that the highest ecclesiastical authority gives the priests the right, under certain conditions, to indulge a person. And, of course, it is worth remembering that the Liturgy itself is the main preparation of a person to participate in Holy Communion. We would like to hope that the document adopted by the Bishops' Conference will serve to inspire the faithful children of the Church to more attentive preparation for the Divine Eucharist - the core of spiritual life - and will encourage more frequent communion with full and active participation in the celebration of the Liturgy - a common cause commanded to us by Christ the Savior. ...

* "Before communion, a layman must be at the evening service." But if a layman takes Communion at the Liturgy on Saturday (he works on Friday and does not have time for the evening service), then he is not allowed to receive Communion? It turns out that you can take communion only on Sunday? Does this mean that fasting is also on Saturday?

Fasting is a highly complex issue of stumbling between believers and the modern world. Today, there are three different versions of the appointment of "fast" days. The first, and most important point of view belongs to the Church itself, or rather to the priests, who characterize any fast as a test of abstinence, thanks to which you can partially atone for your own sins before the Lord.

The second group of people believes that Lent, Ramadan, Petrov Fast and other events of this kind are intended solely for the healing of our body, and not for the purification of the soul. And finally, the third group of people does not consider it necessary to fast at all, explaining this by the fact that all fasts greatly restrict a person.

Whichever category of people you belong to, we will not persuade you and incline you to someone else's point of view. It's just that now a lot of people want to observe all the rules of the "fast" days, some for the purification of the soul, others just for healing. But as soon as the Great, Petrov Fast or Ramadan approaches, people do not know how to fast, so they postpone this procedure until the next time. What is the right way to fast? Is it necessary to fast before the sacrament or confession? We will try to answer these and other questions today. Let's get started.

The meaning of "fast" days for a person is very ambiguous. According to the ministers of the churches, along with spiritual growth, new, hitherto unfamiliar facets and spiritual aspects are opening up for a person. It is very important that the previous meanings of such purification remain unchanged, but they are gradually supplemented by new, higher values.

For most people who have just embarked on this path, that is, they are observing for the first time, whether it is Great Fast, Peter's Fast, Ramadan, or simply eating “right” food for the Church on Good Friday and Wednesday, this event is exclusively in the nature of a kind of conciliar solidarity.

People fast with the Church in order to feel themselves a part of it, to unite in it and experience the same sensations that many hermits, saints and Jesus himself experienced, who spent a month before his ministry, or rather forty days alone with himself in deserted place.

And only when a person forgets about the formality of all existing commandments, he begins to really struggle with his passions. It is genuine faith, not herd feelings, that "forces" a person to re-understand their preferences and set new priorities.

More than one month will pass when a person begins to notice that Great and Peter Fast, Ramadan and other "fast" days bring some positive changes to his soul, which subsequently help to strengthen his spirit.

Fasting periods of time are not only a release from negative thoughts, but also a feeling of lightness that the body acquires during cleansing with lean food. And now fasting is not some kind of test on the path to spiritual life, but a reliable helper.

What should a lean menu look like?

To observe "fasting" days or not is the right of every person. By the same principle, the degree of restrictions on food is observed, which directly depends on the person himself and the advice of his spiritual mentor.

For all Orthodox people, there is a reference point, so to speak, which is represented by the monastery charter. It contains clear instructions for the whole year, where every month and day is scheduled: what you can eat while observing Ramadan, Great and Peter Lent, how the menu should look like on Friday and Wednesday (church days). And even more, you can learn from the statutes what to do before the sacrament.

But despite the unity of this document, the severity of fasting in all Orthodox churches is different. When in some monasteries the Great and Petrov Lent is the use of only bread, noodles and potatoes, while in others, real dishes are served (of course, from lean food).

For all people who have complex chronic diseases, some relief can be made. This also applies to pregnant women, since this way of life can adversely affect the full formation of the unborn baby. Also, Great and Petrov Fast, Ramadan, fast Wednesday and Friday are allowed not to be observed by military personnel who are not able to independently organize their own diet.

What should you give up while fasting?

It is believed that the most stringent are the first four days of fasting and its last week (it doesn't matter if it's Ramadan or Great Lent). According to the charter, it is also important to follow a certain diet on any Wednesday of the year, and on Good Friday, it is also worth giving up any food.

What to start fasting with is the knowledge of prohibitions, on which how to fast correctly depends.

So, on Great, Peter's Fast, on Ramadan and other "fast" days (Wednesday, Friday and Monday) it is forbidden to drink alcohol, smoke and make love.

Also, spiritual mentors categorically forbid using bad words in speech, showing aggression, slandering and committing perjury. It is important to remember that each fast is, first of all, the cleansing of the soul, not the body, as is commonly believed. And you should not forget about this, since everyone can survive on lean food for a month, but not everyone can comply with spiritual prohibitions.

As for foodstuffs that cannot be eaten on Wednesday, Good Friday, Great and Peter's Fast and Ramadan, then it is prohibited fall:

  • food products of animal origin - meat, fish, dairy products, eggs and others;
  • alcoholic beverages, with the exception of red wine (on holidays and Sundays);
  • meat and dairy products made from soy and its substitutes;
  • coffee, tea and other drinks that have an invigorating effect;
  • all kinds of sauces, seasonings, spices that improve the taste of food.

At first glance, it may seem that the list of forbidden foods is not so big, but all these foods make up the lion's share in the diet of each of us.

The Orthodox Church is not a community of highly qualified doctors. Clergymen cannot know everything, especially for newfangled food products that have just "come" into our diet. For example, most seafood (mussels, shrimp, squid, etc.) are not considered fish products, while it is known for certain that all of them are natural aphrodisiacs that increase libido.

Therefore, a person is faced with a choice that he must overcome himself, based on his own prejudices. You can independently decide whether to use this or that product on "fast" days. Whether or not to keep to the "hungry" Good Friday and diet on Wednesday is also entirely your decision.

For people who are fasting for the first time, spiritual mentors advise against fasting for a whole month. At first, you can limit yourself only to the sacrament, then give up your favorite dishes, meat, and so on. Then you can try to "organize the spiritual environment" by adjusting your own menu. And more than one month will pass before a person can fully observe Ramadan, Great and Peter Lent.

As a rule, a person who truly leads an Orthodox lifestyle is already waiting for this period of time to receive God's blessing and to cleanse his body and soul.

Basic principles of diet on fast days

It goes without saying that the food that is permitted by the monastic charter during the observance of any fast is less nutritious and high-calorie compared to ordinary food, which should not be in the diet.

And in order not to knowingly harm your own body and to replenish supplies of vital energy in a timely manner, it is worth increasing the volume of food consumption. However, this should be done with extreme caution, since one of the most important rules of fasting: "Do not leave the dinner table with a feeling of full satiety and heaviness in the stomach" - should not be violated.

And in order to solve the current situation, you just need to increase the number of meals, that is, if you ate 3 times a day before, now you should have five meals a day. But you obviously shouldn't do this. If you do not need to increase the volume of food (you feel good, there is no feeling of hunger, etc.), then you do not need to do this.

It is very important to organize your diet: meals should be strictly at the appointed time. It is believed that demons are trying to desecrate the human soul, inciting in him an imaginary feeling of hunger.

It is for this reason that food should be eaten strictly on schedule. And besides, it will help to accustom your body to the regime, which is very important in organizing a correct and healthy lifestyle.

To make it easier to give up the usual speedy food, you can do some self-training: tell yourself that these food products are very harmful, they not only desecrate your soul, but also "clog" the body, interfering with full-fledged life and activity.

Many qualified specialists resort to this method when it is necessary to exclude certain food products from the patient's diet for medical reasons.

Remember why vegetarians don't eat animal products. Refusal of such food is based on the fact that animals are subjected to violence and even murder. And all this so that a person can just sit down and eat.

If desired, a person can find a lot of reasons to refuse forbidden food during fasting. If you forcibly force yourself to fast for a whole month, then there will be no point in it: the body will not be cleansed, and there is no question of the soul.

The benefits of fasting and what you can eat during it

Now let's talk about food items that can be included in your menu during any fast, as well as before communion.

The abundance of dishes and products is simply amazing and inspires respect. All kinds of home preservation (pickled vegetables, fruits, berries, pickles and pickles), fresh and frozen vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms, preserves, jams, all kinds of nuts, legumes, dried fruits, natural spices, herbs, lean sweets and confectionery products that can be purchased at any store.

The list of permitted food products can also be supplemented with cereals, pasta and bakery (non-nutritious) products. During fasting, you can also add granulated sugar to drinks, but on Wednesday, Friday and before the sacrament, it is better to replace it with honey.

So, regardless of the amount of food consumed, your diet will always be balanced and correct. Many nutritionists argue that a sharp rejection of meat and fish products for a month or more can provoke a decrease in the level of vitamins and microelements, therefore, before the "fast" days, it is necessary to choose plant foods that can compensate for the deficiency of these substances.

Sources of protein

You can replace the protein substances that enter our body along with meat and fish by adding beans, peas, sunflower seeds, all types of nuts, dried fruits, and of course, mushrooms, which contain a lot of protein, to the diet.

Having prepared dishes from all of the above products, you can easily replenish your daily protein intake. And besides, plant foods do not contain "bad" cholesterol and fats, which are so abundant in meat.

There are some "fast" days that allow the consumption of fish. However, only low-fat fish, the meat of which is white, is allowed to be introduced into your diet. On the same days, you can eat seafood. As for seaweed, you can eat it on any day of fasting, as well as before communion.

On top of that, if you eat seaweed for a whole month, you can replenish not only the supply of protein substances, but also saturate the body with vital iodine and other equally important microelements.

Sources of fats

You can provide a complete replacement for fats using vegetable oils:

  • olive;
  • sunflower;
  • linseed;
  • peanut;
  • rapeseed;
  • cedar;
  • corn.

These oils can easily replace animal fats during fasting. It is extremely important to introduce unrefined oils into your diet, since it is they that contain all the useful substances, while everyone's usual "odorless oil" will only clog the body.

Sources of carbohydrates

Thanks to a wide range of vegetables, cereals, fruits and noodles, during fasting the body is saturated with exclusively "slow" carbohydrates, which are not converted into fat cells, but provide our body with all the necessary substances for full life.

As for the "fast" carbohydrates, which are also needed by our body, but only in smaller quantities, they can be "obtained" from honey, jam and other lean sweets. The main thing is a sense of proportion.

If you exclude meat from your menu for a whole month, then this can lead to a deficiency of iron in the body, which is very detrimental to health. You can get this substance from nuts, berries, pumpkin, rose hips, celery, bell peppers and herbs (parsley, cilantro and dill).

Thanks to beets, carrots, nuts, apples, honey, spinach, pomegranate and raisins, you can replenish not only the deficiency of iron, but also other nutrients that our body needs so much.

And in conclusion, I would like to add - do not perceive "fast" days as a rigid diet. They are given to us to strengthen the spirit and body. Take any fasting as a panacea that will help you cleanse not only your soul, but also your body from all kinds of bad accumulations.

We sincerely wish you a strong spirit and health!