"Do not pretend that the power is the only carrier of morality and morality." Konstantin Raikin opposed censorship

"Do not pretend that the power is the only carrier of morality and morality." Konstantin Raikin opposed censorship

09:35 02.11.2016 | Hot topic

The story with Konstantin Raykin, who organized the hysteria at the congress of theatrical figures, with the accusation of the Ministry of Culture and public organizations in the revival of censorship, can accept an unexpected for Raykin Jr. turnover.

On November 1, pickets were held in a number of major cities in Russia against imposing vulgarity in art, and a petition appeared in the network demanding to attract Rajkin to responsibility for propaganda of homosexuality.

Pickets with antiraykin slogans were held today in Moscow, at the Satirikon Theater and MHAT Studios, in St. Petersburg at the Small Sadovaya and in Novosibirsk near the very opera theater, where a year ago, "Tangeizer" was shown. The organizer of all the shares was the public movement "Strategy", the purpose of which is called the settles of the values \u200b\u200blaid down in the national security strategy approved by the President. According to one of the coordinators of this movement, Anatoly Artyukha, "Raykin declared an open war to our traditional values, all Russian culture and, in fact, to the president, who since 2013 demands to create a moral code for the theater and cinema figures, but its orders are rudely ignored by the figures Anticultures of the type Raikina, because it is profitable for them to earn money on frank vulgarity and promoting perversions. In December 2015, the President signed a national security strategy, which proclaims the priority of spiritual over the material and the defense of our traditional values \u200b\u200bfrom such as Raykin, whose performance "All shades of blue" is a bright illustration of the propaganda and other abuse of creativity. "

At the same time, it became known that the Internet on the website of change.org appeared a petition with the requirement to attract Konstantin Raikina to administrative responsibility under Article 6.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for the promotion of non-traditional sexual relations among minors in connection with the production of "All Shades Blue". By the way, this performance continues to remain in the repertoire of the Rainic Theater "Satirikon", despite the public protests.

Photography of the play "All shades of the blue" Satirikon theater

Also, the authors of the petition are urged to stop financing the Sachirikon theater from the state budget due to a gross violation of the last legislation of the Russian Federation, and test the legality of the allocation of the land plot for the construction of the Rykin-Plaza Plaza shopping center in the framework of the Center for Culture, Arts and Leisure named after Arkady Raykin ".

Although hope for the initiation of the case against Raikina is not great (government agencies are not obliged to respond to petitions placed on American sites), and the son of the great Soviet artist has already promised, the current shares of social activists may gradually change the balance of the forces not in favor of rainy. And it's not only a matter of pickets or threats from the head of Night Wolves, Alexander Zaldostanova (Surgeon), who, as already reported Katyusha, refused to apologize to Raykin, despite the persistent recommendation of the press secretary of President Dmitry Peskov. The fact is that the tactics of rainy and such figures, nursing us with their vulgar crafts and confident that we are obliged to consume it and admire them, tired not only the public, but clearly does not fit into the presidential strategy.

Known actor and Director Konstantin Rikin It turned out to be in the center of attention due to its loud statements.

At this time, the way was the words of Raykin, uttered in the poetic monograph "Over the Balagan Sky", which the artist represented on the stage of the St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic Sunday. D. D. Shostakovich.

Speaking about the fate of famous Russian poets, such as Nikolai Gumilev, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Joseph Brodsky And others ,.

"We have a necrophilic state, it loves the dead more than living. Then they call them the names of the street, the square, the metro station, and before that we kill, "- leads the words of the artist edition" Petersburg Avangard ".

Raikin noted that the persecution, the persecution of outstanding writers to death, often proceeded from the "beautiful and terrible" St. Petersburg, where these traditions, according to him, were still preserved.

The artist expressed regret because there is no "moral vaccination" in the Russian society, so there is nothing changing when changing.

"The ugly encroachment to the freedom of creativity"

Perhaps the data of the Words of Raykin would not have attracted increased attention, but successfully fell on the soil, a fertilized by the speech of Raykin, which was held in the fall of 2016.

At the seventh congress of the Union of theatrical Workers of Russia and the "struggle for morality" by public organizations.

The prohibition of censorship in Russia, the artist called the "greatest event of a century-old meaning" in the history of the country and noted that he was disturbed by the "Astriction on Art", which emerged lately.

"These are these groups of insulted alleged people who close the performances, close the exhibitions, brazenly behave, to which somehow very strange power is neutral - distancing. It seems to me that these are ugly encroachment to the freedom of creativity, for the ban of censorship, "he noted.

"I now see how the hands of someone clearly will be scratched on this - this is [the ban of censorship] change and return it back. And to return back not just during the time of stagnation, and even in more than a long time - in Stalin's times, "Raykin said.

The artist also spoke out sharply against interference in this sphere of public organizations.

"At all, it is not necessary to social organizations to fight for morality in art. Art has enough filters from directors, art leaders, critics, souls of the artist. These are carriers of morality. No need to pretend that power is the only carrier of morality and morality. It's not so, "he said.

Khudruka "Satiron" called on colleagues to show "shop solidarity" and stop talking badly about each other in the media and "instances from which we depend." Also, in his opinion, people art need for a while to forget about "subtle reflexes in relation to each other" and unite.

"What, Kostya lives poorly?"

The speech of Raikina was contradictory enough, causing contradictory responses both among artists and in society as a whole.

For instance, head of the Theater of Nations Evgeny Mironov Supported a colleague. According to him, all the time there are threats towards cultural workers, their performances, films, exhibitions and books, from dubious organizations or some people who believe that they can judge art, taking the mission of morality defenders.

It is necessary that society in each field of activity learned to rely on the responsible professionals, and not at idle ignorance, rude and self-proclaimers of morality, "the artist said.

People's Artist of Russia Boris Klyuevin an interview with "arguments and facts", a somewhat different point of view was expressed: "What does he say about what censorship? And why then he gets money from the state, and not from sponsors, which, by the way, has he always had a lot? What are you talking about, friends?! What does Kostya live badly? He has the theater, he has "Raykin Plaza", he has his own academy. Listen, he is in perfect order. Honestly, I do not understand everything. Obviously, now some reason has happened ... And Liberals, having criticized the state to the state, immediately picked it up. As a sample of dogs, rose. It is so cute always - they don't even care, which way to bark! Nobody says for some reason: let's guys, let's understand. Does raykin have no money? And others have? In the academic small theater, which is 260 years old and which is the national treasure, is there? What do the actors get more? No, less. Guys, you need to be objective, you need someone to tell the truth. Why not say?! "

250 million from the "necrophilic state"

"For half a year we are in a simple, I have forced to push the rehearsal and the production of a new performance, we have no money. This is a direct path to death, "said Rykin Tass. Rykin also reported that he turned to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

And after speech Raikina, the Ministry of Culture of Russia represented heads of Vladimir Midage Promised to provide theater "Satirikon" assistance in 2017.

In January 2017 chairman of the Public Council at the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Pavel Ugamilo He stated that Satirikon will receive funding in 250 million rubles.

Speech by Konstantin Raikina with great interest at the seventh congress of the Union of theatrical figures of Russia, in which it was about very difficult, very dangerous and very terrible times in Russia. From the point of view of the head of the Satirikon Theater, Russian life became a terrible and terrible. This is not even life, but solid flour.

"It seems to me that now very difficult times," said Konstantin Arkadyevich, - very dangerous, very terrible; It looks very similar ... I will not say what. But you know. We need together to be very connected and very clearly pleading to this. "

Straight as in Harry Lost: it seems, it happened, "you know what" because of "ourselves, who". In a word: "We take friends, that would not be the damn one"!

What is worried and makes you tremble from the fear of Konstantin Raikina?

As it turned out, "campaigns on art. Natures "Completely soldering, extremist, arrogant, aggressive, hiding behind the words about morality, about morality, and in general, so to speak, good and high words:" patriotism "," homeland "and" high morality "."

And these are "Group of offended supposedly people", which "close the performances" close the exhibitions, are brazenly behaved, "somehow a very strange power is neutral - distancing."

Those. some arrogant creatures do not appreciate high art, trying to fight him, and the power at the same time sits very suspiciously, there is not enough hands, and no one of these creatures is missing, it does not turn into handcuffs, it doesn't turn off any of them, it does not drag into dark basements And the high art from the rebel Ham machine gunners will not boron. Dismotected, in one word.

From the point of view of Konstantin Arkadyevich, this is "the ugly encroachment to the freedom of creativity, for the ban of censorship." And the ban of censorship ("centuries-old shame in general of the domestic culture, our art") is the best thing that happened over the past 25 years.

It is clear that for the creative personality, any lunge in the direction of her creations is the manifestation of the greatest evil. Please note how bitterly smashes a small child in a sandbox, when another kid cynically comes foot on his sand-shear. But the great art is not sandy apartments, this is the manifestation of the highest human freedom! Freedom of art creativity!

And here, some Creator sculpts his highly artistic "oracle", exposes it to everyone's review, and then there are suddenly a chams that cover the words about morality, morality, patriotism and their homeland appear, and begin this cracked "oracle" to trample with their dirty boots. And the power does not demolish their heads from the machine guns. The power is mildly distant.

Konstantin Arkadyevich knows that "words about morality, homeland and the people, and patriotism are covered, as a rule, very low goals." The head of the "Satirikon" theater is not believed to "these groups of indignant and offended people who see if the religious feelings are offended." "I do not believe! - he exclaims. - I believe that they are paid. So, these are groupage of nasty people who are struggling by illegal fruitful ways for morality, see. "

According to Ryakina, "at all, it is not necessary to fight for morality in art. Art has enough filters from directors, art leaders, critics, souls of the artist. These are carriers of morality. No need to pretend that power is the only carrier of morality and morality. This is not true".

Judging by the last phrase, Konstantin Arkadyevich is deeply confident that this power struggles with art, the power wants to return censorship, the authorities submitted to the creative intelligentsia of their vile, paid nimits in dirty boots so that they are cynically trampled and watered the urine .

In a word, we are talking about the fact that now "ourselves-know-who wants to return back" not just during the time of stagnation, and even in more than a long-standing time - in Stalin's times. "

For Raikina, the Russian authority is an enemy who is trying to "become" art under their interests, small specific ideological interests. No more no less.

From the point of view of Konstantin Arkadyevich, "smart power pays art for keeping the mirror in front of it and shows the mirror errors, miscalculations and vices of this power. And not for that pays power, as our leaders tell us: "And then do it. We pay you money, you do what you need. " Who knows? Will they know what you need? Who will talk to us? I now hear: "These are alien values \u200b\u200bto us. Harmful to the people. " Who decides? Will they decide? They should not interfere at all. They should help art, culture. "

Those. The authorities are obliged to contain creators and their great art at the expense of popular money, while playing it from the people (not understanding anything in art), and not to climb the art of their rude crumbs and stupid brains, for the art of the sphere of thin matters.

In general, the desperate cry of Raykin I can understand. Creative people really do not like when their creativity does not understand, does not accept and all the more against him protests. True, it is not entirely clear why in a free, civil society, some citizens have the right to create and carry their creations in the masses, and other citizens do not have the right to respond to these creations at their own discretion. After all, for someone, a certain product of art is nothing more than urine, which periodically water those who produced this product.

What, someone has special powers to separate art from urine? How, for example, the opinion of Raikina on the work of the American photographer Jok Strokhes is more correct, ordinary Ivanov, who sees pornography in this work? And why this Ivanov has no right, based on their ideas about art and morality, to demand the closure of the Sturges exhibition?

Konstantin Arkadyevich Julit, when she declares that the creators themselves are "filters" and "carriers of morality". The fact is that art is very often outside the moral framework and even outside of morality, because it claims to absolute freedom of self-expression, and also claims to some truths that are "on the other side of good and evil." This is the essence of art as such. Especially the art of the Epoch of Postmodern.

But the problem is that not every person can safely perceive the art outside the morality and morality inherent in him. And there is an antagonistic contradiction that Rykin, by virtue of its psychological features and belonging to art, does not see the emphasis.

Therefore, from his point of view, if art contradicts someone's morality and morality, then - to hell with this morality and morality! Give absolute freedom of creativity! And do not care if it is creating someone offended! Cut. Survive.

Well, in order to be easier to perceive disagree with the radical manifestations of modern art, Konstantin Arkadyevich looks at them as sales of Nimites "know-who". Here, by the way, the traditional liberal installation is triggered when all sorts of not consonant with the liberal doctrine are automatically recorded in the Kremlin's sales creatures. From the point of view of the liberal, there are only liberals (smart, free and excellent) and servants "know-who". There is no third. In the existence of people, sincerely thinking differently than liberals, liberals do not believe. Liberal in principle can not imagine that someone may not be liberal, while not being a slave "know-who".

Raykin thinks in the same way. From his point of view, a smart, educated and decent person act against absolute freedom of art, even if it is an art - naked ... Pa in a frame, nailed to the bridge scrotum or a photo exhibition "Heroes of ATO", on the hands of which the blood of old people, women and Children.

In addition, arguing that someone "wants to get into the interest of the authorities", "small specific ideological interests", and thereby stating that art is out of any ideology, Konstantin Arkadyevich either Lukavit, or frankly tupit.

The reality is such that any art, one way or another, is in the hard framework of a particular ideology. Any picture, poem, novel, play, film or musical work carry some idea, thereby becoming part of some kind of ideology. Art is impossible outside the ideology. Another thing is that ideologies are different, and not necessarily political. Ideological art is not only an artistic exhibition of paintings dedicated to Lenin, but also - a photo exhibition of naked nymphs of the American photographer Joca Strojesa or a dance in the Church of Christ the Savior Punk Group Pussy Riot. In each case there is an ideology in which a certain idea is laid, meaning and purpose.

And then we approached the most important: art is a form of ideological and psychological impact on a person's consciousness. Therefore, this or that art manifestation may be for public consciousness, culture, society, states or constructive (creative) or destructive (destructive). In this regard, the state and society cannot completely distance themselves from art if they do not want to be under the destructive / destructive ideological and psychological impact of certain manifestations of art.

Therefore, only a fool or sociopath can call for the complete elimination of all forms of censorship. This for a creative person, irrevocably left for the "astral" of his artistic gusts, any infringement of freedom of creativity is an absolute evil, and for society - the form of self-preservation and survival. And if censorship suddenly completely disappears, the likelihood that society will simply be pushed by the creative gusts of crazy individuals beyond all morality and morality, which will inevitably lead this society to decomposition and self-destruction. The story knows a lot of similar examples.

I am very sorry that Konstantin Arkadyevich still did not understand that censorship, in one form or another, existed and exists in any society and the state. Including in the West. With all the apparent liberalism of Western countries, they have a tough state and public censorship, distributed on all types and forms of creating and distributing ideas, including those related to art.

Another thing is that the dominant Mostmodernist Morality in the West is largely very different from our traditional morality. And those figures of Russian art, which are focused on the Western, postmodernistic idea of \u200b\u200bmorality, automatically enter into a conflict with Russian traditional morality, perceiving it as state and public "censorship." Hence the fear of Konstantin Raikina. After all, he sees what is not, and does not see what is.

In fact, the conflict does not occur between art and censorship, as it seems to him, and between two incompatible morality, on which the Western and Russian society is based.

And again I will return to the already scandalous speech by Konstantin Raykin at the seventh congress of the Union of theatrical Workers of Russia, in which it was about very difficult, very dangerous and very terrible times in Russia. However, the performance of K. Raykin became scandalous. It is also a sign, since it means a peculiar watershed between two approaches to culture and morality.
And after him, the question is quite appropriate: what kind of cultural and art figures state should support?

From the point of view of the head of the Satirikon Theater, Russian life became a terrible and terrible. This is not even life, but solid flour.

"It seems to me that now very difficult times," said Konstantin Arkadyevich, - very dangerous, very terrible; It looks very similar ... I will not say what. But you know. We need together to be very connected and very clearly pleading to this. "

Straight as in Harry Potter: it seems, it happened, "you know what" because of "ourselves, who". In a word, "I will take friends, that would not be the abyss of one way"!

What is worried and makes you tremble from the fear of Konstantin Raikina?

As it turned out, "campaigns on art. Nacifics "Completely soldering, extremist, arrogant, aggressive, covered by words about morality, about morality and in general, so to speak, good and high words:" patriotism "," homeland "and" high morality "."

And these are "Group of offended supposedly people", which "close the performances" close the exhibitions, are brazenly behaved, "somehow a very strange power is neutral - distancing."

That is, some arrogant creatures do not appreciate high art, trying to fight him, and the power at the same time is very suspiciously sitting in a folder and no one of these creatures is missing, it doesn't turn into handcuffs, it does not twist out of them, in the dark The basements are not dragging, and the high art from the rebel Ham machine gunners will not boron. Dismotected, in one word.

From the point of view of Konstantin Arkadyevich, this is "the ugly encroachment to the freedom of creativity, for the ban of censorship." And the ban of censorship ("centuries-old shame in general of the domestic culture, our art") is the best thing that happened over the past 25 years.
It is clear that for the creative personality, any lunge in the direction of her creations is the manifestation of the greatest evil. Please note how bitterly smashes a small child in a sandbox, when another kid cynically comes foot on his sand-shear. But the great art is not sandy apartments, this is the manifestation of the highest human freedom! Freedom of art creativity!

And here, some Creator sculpts his highly artistic "oracle", exposes it to everyone's review, and then there are suddenly a chams that cover the words about morality, morality, patriotism and their homeland appear, and begin this cracked "oracle" to trample with their dirty boots. And the power does not demolish their heads from the machine guns. The power is mildly distant.

Konstantin Arkadyevich knows that "words about morality, homeland and the people, and patriotism are covered, as a rule, very low goals." The head of the "Satirikon" theater is not believed to "these groups of indignant and offended people who see if the religious feelings are offended." "I do not believe! - he exclaims. - I believe that they are paid. So, these are groupage of nasty people who are struggling by illegal fruitful ways for morality, see. "

According to Ryakina, "at all, it is not necessary to fight for morality in art. Art has enough filters from directors, art leaders, critics, souls of the artist. These are carriers of morality. No need to pretend that power is the only carrier of morality and morality. This is not true".

Judging by the last phrase, Konstantin Arkadyevich is deeply confident that this power struggles with art, the power wants to return censorship, the authorities submitted to the creative intelligentsia of their vile, paid nimits in dirty boots so that they are cynically trampled and watered the urine .

In a word, we are talking about the fact that now "ourselves-know-who wants to return back" not just during the time of stagnation, and even in more than a long-standing time - in Stalin's times. "

For Raikina, Russian power is an enemy who is trying to "become" art under their interests, small specific ideological interests. No more no less.
From the point of view of Konstantin Arkadyevich, "smart power pays art for keeping the mirror in front of it and shows the mirror errors, miscalculations and vices of this power. And not for that pays power, as our leaders say: "And then do it. We pay you money, you do what you need. " Who knows? Will they know what you need? Who will talk to us? I now hear: "These are alien values \u200b\u200bto us. Harmful to the people. " Who decides? Will they decide? They should not interfere at all. They should help art, culture. "

That is, the government is obliged to contain creators and their great art at the expense of people's money, while protecting him from the people (not understanding anything in art), and not to climb the art of its rude crumbs and stupid brains, for the art of the sphere of thin matters.
In general, the desperate cry of Raykin I can understand. Creative people really do not like when their creativity does not understand, does not accept and all the more against him protests. True, it is not entirely clear why in a free, civil society, some citizens have the right to create and carry their creations in the masses, and other citizens do not have the right to respond to these creations at their own discretion. After all, for someone, a certain product of art is nothing more than urine, which periodically water those who produced this product.

What, someone has special powers to separate art from urine? How, for example, the opinion of Raikina on the work of the American photographer Jok Strokhes is more correct, ordinary Ivanov, who sees pornography in this work? And why this Ivanov has no right, based on their ideas about art and morality, to demand the closure of the Sturges exhibition?

Konstantin Arkadyevich Julit, when she declares that the creators themselves are "filters" and "carriers of morality". The fact is that art is very often outside the moral framework and even outside of morality, because it claims to absolute freedom of self-expression, and also claims to some truths that are "on the other side of good and evil." This is the essence of art as such. Especially the art of the Epoch of Postmodern.

But the problem is that not every person can safely perceive the art outside the morality and morality inherent in him. And here arises an antagonistic contradiction that Rykin, due to its psychological features and accessories to Art does not see the art.
Therefore, from his point of view, if art contradicts someone's morality and morality, then - to hell with this morality and morality! Give absolute freedom of creativity! And do not care if it is creating someone offended! Cut. Survive.

Well, in order to be easier to perceive disagree with the radical manifestations of modern art, Konstantin Arkadyevich looks at them as sales of Nimites "know-who". Here, by the way, the traditional liberal installation is triggered when all sorts of not consonant with the liberal doctrine are automatically recorded in the Kremlin's sales creatures.

From the point of view of the liberal, there are only liberals (smart, free and excellent) and servants "know-who". There is no third. In the existence of people, sincerely thinking differently than liberals, liberals do not believe.
Liberal in principle can not imagine that someone may not be liberal, while not being a slave "know-who".

Raykin thinks in the same way. From his point of view, a smart, educated and decent person act against absolute freedom of art, even if it is an art - naked ... Pa in a frame, nailed to the bridge scrotum or a photo exhibition "Heroes of ATO", on the hands of which the blood of old people, women and Children.

In addition, arguing that someone "wants to get into the interest of the authorities", "small specific ideological interests", and thereby stating that art is out of any ideology, Konstantin Arkadyevich either Lukavit, or frankly tupit.

The reality is such that any art, one way or another, is in the hard framework of a particular ideology. Any picture, poem, novel, play, film or musical work carry some idea, thereby becoming part of some kind of ideology.
Art is impossible outside the ideology. Another thing is that ideologies are different, and not necessarily political.

Ideological art is not only an artistic exhibition of paintings dedicated to Lenin, but also - a photo exhibition of naked nymphs of the American photographer Jok Sturges or a dance in the Church of Christ the Savior Punk Group Pussy Riot. In each case there is an ideology in which a certain idea is laid, meaning and purpose.

And then we approached the most important: art is a form of ideological and psychological impact on a person's consciousness. Therefore, this or that art manifestation may be for public consciousness, culture, society, states or constructive (creative) or destructive (destructive).

In this regard, the state and society cannot completely distance themselves from art if they do not want to be under the destructive / destructive ideological and psychological impact of certain manifestations of art.

Therefore, only a fool or sociopath can call for the complete elimination of all forms of censorship. This for a creative person, irrevocably left for the "astral" of his artistic gusts, any infringement of freedom of creativity is an absolute evil, and for society - the form of self-preservation and survival.

And if censorship suddenly completely disappears, the likelihood that society will simply be pushed by the creative gusts of crazy individuals beyond all morality and morality, which will inevitably lead this society to decomposition and self-destruction. The story knows a lot of similar examples.

Biker Alexander Zaldasov (Surgeon) asked to stop "to inflate the conflict" after the controversy with Konstantin Raykin. Previously, the leader of "night wolves" criticized the Khuduk "Satirona" for talking about censorship

Leader of the Bike Club "Night Wolves" Alexander Lazalov (Surgeon) (Photo: Sergey Fadichev / Tass)

The leader of the Bike Club "Night Wolves" Alexander Zdalov (Surgeon) said that he no longer wants to discuss the controversy with the artistic director of the Satirikon Theater by Konstantin Raykin. He said about this "Gazeta.Ru".

"I already said everything. I no longer want to discuss this topic more. I closed everything. Add nothing to me, the topic is closed, Amen. And let's see if cultural figures heard us. I ask everyone to stop igniting, and no longer need to light up this conflict, "Bedalov stressed.

On October 24, Rykin at the seventh congress of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia called "clearly to speak" about the closure of performances and exhibitions after the speeches of activists, which he called "Group of insulted people." Khudruk "Satiron" reminded "hitting on art" and expressed concern about the fact that the authorities do not pay attention to people who disappear exhibitions and performances.

"These are these bands of insulted allegedly people who close the performances, close the exhibitions, brazenly behave very well, to which somehow is neutral, distancing. It seems to me that these are ugly encroachment to the freedom of creativity, "said Raikina's speech of the" Medusa "edition." When urine donate photos - this is that the struggle for morality, or what? " - Draft director.

The nasal in conversation with the National News Service. "The devil always seduces freedom," he said. - And under the guise of freedom, these Rykina want to turn the country into the wastewall, according to which impurities would flow. We will not be inactive, and I will do everything to protect us from American democracy. "

Press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Sadkov on the fact that the nasalist is apologized to Raykin. "The main question in the whole discussion is a huge talent of Raykin, to which we treat with limitless respect. And I believe that just the devil took this motorcyclist who insulted him. I hope he apologizes, "said the sands.

In a conversation with RBC, Biker stated that he was not going to give up his words. "I don't like these exhibitions, and I do not refuse my words, and, moreover, I will not inactive. I will try to repel the desire and the opportunity to insult faith, insult the icons and exhibit these pedophiles there, "said the surgeon.

These words of sands refused to comment. "I do not want to comment in any way. I think that everything was said that I should have been said. Everything else is the topic for scholasticism on the round tables, "he stressed.

On Monday, October 31, the leader of the Ural cell "Night Wolves", Mikhail Kaigorov, included in the controversy about censorship and culture launched Raykin. Having answered the statement of Peskov that "the devil took a motorcyclist [Surgeon], who has an insulted actor," Kaigorodov noticed that, "Before the leader of the patriotic movement of Russia, he would have [Peskov] should have been carried out by direct instructions of the president and return all family members To the homeland. "

Also Kaygorodov advised the official representative of the Kremlin to "take care of the change of American citizenship of his relatives." "After that, you can discuss with him on the problems of the future of Russia and its cultural values. And now we do not see the point, "the leader of the Ural Branch of the Motocluba resums.

Sands and this statement. "I completed the discussion on this topic and told you a few days ago. I have nothing to add, "he said.