Difficulties. Quotes of famous writers about difficulties

Difficulties. Quotes of famous writers about difficulties

This meeting included quotes about difficulties in life for understanding the essence of what is happening. And here is the first expression: the greatest wisdom is not to always be wise. M. Opic

Love is the perfection of virtues.

When you are drunk, the world is still there somewhere, but at least he does not hold you for the throat. Tuva Jansson,. Everything about mumi-trolls.

Never argue with idiots. You go down to their level where they will ask you with your experience. Mark Twain

Try to become market leaders. Assign and control the most important technologies in everything you do. Steve Jobs

Love goes like an extreme gentleman, not passing goodbye, in English,

With a unique man - I want to repeat!

The meaning of being, for whom an insignificant sole place in Genesis is recognized, will never be able to comprehend me, and this is not the meaning of the existence. Bakhtin M.M.

Life is a lighted concept, it is necessary to refresh it, to reveal the VGO content as a culture of personal relationships. Mikhail Svtain

Love - it means to stop comparing. Bernard Grass

You are brave than you think. Stronger than you think. And smarter than you think. - Alan Miln. Qinny-Pooh and all-all-all.

Make the affairs of love - and for the affairs of love, the Lord always will attach you demanded.

Human souls, like rivers and plants, also need rain. Special rain of hope, faith and sense of life. If there is no rain, everything dies in the soul. Paulo Coelho

Hands Business Card Girl; Neck her passport; Chest passport. Coco Chanel

It is only a great way to stop being disappointed in people and live with an excellent mood.

To try to forget someone - it means to remember all the time. Jean de Labryuer

Be yourself. Other roles are already busy. Oscar Wilde

There are no ugly women, there are lazy. Coco Chanel

Initially there was a word. However, judging by the fact that events developed further, the word was unsightened. M. Zhvanetsky

In VC about love they say many, but only the units saw it ...

Without idea there can be nothing great! No great can not be anything beautiful. Gustave Flaubert

It is attracted to you and only what matches your inner state. - Eckhart Tolna.

Love is the thrill of hearts and heat in the chest!

Everyone dreams of getting such love he does not deserve.

Be grim and incomprehensible very simple. It is difficult to be kind and clear.

There are no winners in love, there are victims.

Life has exactly the value we want to endure it. Bergman I.

Higher wisdom is to know yourself. Galileo Galilei

Love under the mask is like a fire under ash. K. Goldeni.

In disappointment, always the one who fascinated, and did not fascinate, so do not scold the glass that seemed to you with a diamond.

I dream about you daily, I think at night about you!

Those who persistently experiencing their lives are strength, sooner or later achieve their effectively ends it.

While Love is alive, she draws strength in herself, and sometimes and that, it would seem, should kill her: in whims, in severeness, in a coldness, in jealousy. J. Labryuer.

From deep childhood, I love greens, - it is almost indifferent to the ruble.

Fall in love - it does not mean to love to fall in love and hating. FM Dostoevsky

Pure conscience sign a bad memory. M. Zhvanetsky

In life, you should set two goals. The first goal is to carry out what you are striving for. The second goal is the ability to rejoice. Only the wisest representatives of humanity are capable of achieving the second goal. Logan Piercell Smith

Life is nothing but a constantly defeated contradiction. I. Turgenev

It is better to keep silence until they ask ... what to say until they can't silence.

For me, the word wisdom is more valuable than gold. Democritus

Alas, love is always either too small, either too large.

If you want to have what you do not have, you will have to do what you have not done before. Coco Chanel

The first sigh of love is the last sigh of wisdom. Anthony Bret.

Love a person who is responsible for you, this is a miracle in itself. P.S. I love you

Caritas Omnia Credit - Love Verit

All love scenes that begin on the set end in the dressing room. Alfred Hitchkok

Do not be offended by people for the fact that they did not meet our hopes. We yourself are guilty that they expected more from them than.

The real concern for the future is to give everything to this.

It does not matter how many milk buckets are you spent, it is important not to lose a cow.

Do not confuse love and desire. Love is the sun, desire - flash.

Life is not obliged to give us what we are waiting for. It is necessary to take what she gives, and be grateful for the fact that it is so, not worse.

The most difficult thing is to say what everyone says not thinking.

Many people believe that it should act in accordance with the time and circumstances, and therefore are confused when difficulties suddenly arise.

The most difficult task for any official is to plant the right person in the right place.

The auditorium begins to laugh as soon as they begin to laugh several viewers. All the difficulty is to make these few.

It is necessary to complicate that as a result everything becomes easier, and not to simplify that as a result everything has become more difficult.

The difficulty of life: even stupidity must first be done.

The concept of virtue involves the difficulty and struggle, virtue cannot exist without countering.

Quotes of famous writers about difficulties

It is difficult to wipe what many love. An annoying to own the fact that no one considers standing standing, but still a little misfortune to have a wife ugly than to take care of the beautiful.

Pictures of famous writers about difficulties

Freed by difficulty with joy and is accepted and preserved, and what is obtained without difficulty, it quickly disappears.

Think how hard it is to change yourself, and you will understand how nullify yours to change others.

The great difficulty of upbringing is to keep children in obedience, not spoiling their character.

It is difficult to be effective and not opposed.

Obstacles seem to us too large because we are standing in front of them on your knees.

The thing is more important and more difficult, the more time it is released.

In a difficult minute, you do not know nor parents or children.

Persistence ignorance will kill them, and the carelessness of fools will destroy them.

That unfortunate, which the usual way to profit seems too long and too difficult, steals or asks alms.

Never have big things without much difficulties.

Difficulty - retribution for constancy.

When a person in this world does not wait something to say, the difficulty is not to make him say, but in order to prevent him from repeating it more often than.

This person pulls there, where it is difficult.

Hard times will not last forever, but difficult people always exist.

Three things, once started, it is difficult to finish: a) to eat good food, b) to talk with a friend returning from the campaign and c) to scratch where itches.

When you are hard, think about good, and you will be better.

Stretched quotes of famous writers about difficulties

It is difficult for the first step and boring the first way ...

We must be grateful to God that he created the world so that everything is simple - truth, and everything is difficult - not true.

In order to endure our existence, you need to terms with them. You just need to love yourself and your life.

Trucks are able to transfer hundreds of people, well-being - only units.

When the innovation is too difficult to install, it serves that there is no need for it.

Difficulties and problems, bitterness and pain experience all the creations. And each person decides himself, where, having shook off his stupor, gather with the forces and join the fight.

In the heart of each difficulty lies the opportunity.

There are no difficult objects, but there is the abyss of things that we just do not know, and even more people who know badly, incoherently, fragmentary, even false. And these then false information still stop us and knock down than those that we do not know at all.

In short, do not complicate life to anyone, and then catching up.

Do not deceive: God does not fail. What a man will sit, he will get married.

The simple is always false, but difficult is useless.

There is nothing complicated in life. This is us complex. Life is a simple thing, and in it that is easier, the more correct.

Benefense does not do without fears and trouble, and the burden is not deprived of joys and hopes.

The newest quotes of famous writers about the difficulties

Bypassing the difficulty with the help of the victim, instead of overcome, to defeat it, is unethical. Such a sacrifice is an explicit, and only.

Each difficulty is a step on this path.

Everything is fine as hard as rarely.

You can only climb on the high tower only along the screw staircase.

When it is difficult for you, close your eyes, turn to heart. Just do not confuse his song with the persistent voice of your own egoism. Only in the heart there are all the answers to our questions, we just rarely appeal to it, chasing the rapid result.

There are many people who are in such a crying life situation that good literature is the only source of joy.

Even the easiest person still remains extremely difficult to be a creature.

Often the correct expensive is the one for which the hardest thing to join.

Difficulty is most often a child of laziness.

Such a feeling as if I intentionally chose the most difficult path for myself to overcome my own internal contradictions for myself.

Marry absolutely not difficult; It's hard to be married.

The more difficult method, the less freedom. Adhering to the methods and rules, we will create yourself limitations. If someone grabs you, Bay. All these advanced techniques are non-functional.

The hardest person is given what is not given to him.

Feasty quotes of famous writers about difficulties

There is nothing absolutely impregnable.

It is difficult to find happiness in yourself, and somewhere else is impossible.

Ask, and it shall be given you; Search and find; knock and dismiss you; For anyone getting receiving, and the seeker finds, and we will turn out.

Everyone has difficult times, but no one promised that there will be one ice cream, marmalacks and the eternal sun.

Do not think that fear is a flaw. This is an important instinct that warns about the danger in your life.

It is difficult to decide what is more unpleasant - to remove the tart from the candle or convince the woman with the help of arguments. Every two minutes you need to start work again. And if you lose patience, you will fully extinguish a small flame.

To get to the source, you need to swim against the current.

One who is not thinking about distant difficulties will certainly wait close trouble.

True too simple; It is always necessary to go to him through a complex.

Before the strong do not bow, before difficulties do not begib.

Experience acquired by hard work makes a man smarter.

Life is not a bed of roses.

Almost in all matters the most difficult is the beginning.

Who requires a lot and finds pleasure in the complex, that more others are subject to delusion.

The man is slave because freedom is difficult, slavery is easily.

People are enemies of all kinds of difficult enterprises.

What seemed so simple and obvious, the calibration keeps a lot of difficulties and obstacles. Sad when on your way arise difficulties and problemsBut this is life ... and they eventually only make you stronger, adding experience and knowledge. The main thing is not to lose confidence in yourself and with the dignity to get out of all of all the rest, even more approved in the loyalty of the intended path. Especially for you aphorisms about difficulties and problems.

Aphorisms about difficulties and problems

Notlookingerror;lookasherfix. Ford Henry.

Come - Let's help! "Togo,whonotthinks outaboutdistantdifficulties, wait close to trouble. Confucius.

« Talentsforminrest, characters - among everyday storms. " Johann Goette

If afallsOrockstrytakesp: lose you anyway there is nothing.

Alonewhenseeabyssthinkaboutabyss, and others represent the bridge over it.

Refusefromrisk meansrefusefrom creativity. A. Makarenko

If ayoustumbledandfellthis isyetnotit meanswhatyoumop.notthere.

Whenonea doorhappinesscloses, another opens; But we often do not notice her, looking at the closed looka door. Helen Keller

Hew.whomofallgunsthere isonlythe hammer is inclined to watch any problem like a nail. Abraham Masuel

Goon theconcessionsenemieseverythingequally,whatfeedcrocodile, which will devour you last. (Winston Churchill)

If ayouspitinback, then you go ahead. (Confucius)

Boatinharborsafer than in the seabutshe isnotforof thiscircled. Bodo Shefer

Alwaysnotenoughtimetoperformworkasit is necessary, but to remake it,time is located.

" FROMussuchhappennotmaybe "-this isphrasenumberone in the list of famous last words. David Crosby.

Falsestepnottimelovetoopeningnewroads. Leshek Kuyor.

Notmistakehewhonothingnotmakesalthoughthis isandthere is its main mistake. Tolstoy A. N.

Onlyweaksmokeandpush outfailures;great characters take off over them. V. Irving

Computersunmatched:persomeminutesthey cancommitsuch ambitiousan error, which is not able to make many people in many months. - M.Micham.

Wall -this istAsamestage.Simplyneed to grow to her

Nevernotsmilereporters ... as soon as your case fell fails,Youseehissmile on the first strip.

If abe patientfailure -will begrieved;if you lower your hands - doomed. "Biveli Silz.