Circle of reading literary heroes in the Russian classical novel. Woe from Mind - Griboedov A.S. Similar works on - a circle of reading literary heroes in the Russian classical novel

Circle of reading literary heroes in the Russian classical novel. Woe from Mind - Griboedov A.S. Similar works on - a circle of reading literary heroes in the Russian classical novel

Action IV.

Famusov in the house the parade sense; A large staircase from second housing, to which many side of the mezzanine are adjacent; down to the right (from the actors) entering the porch and the Swiss bed; On the left, in the same plan, the room is silence.

Night. Weak lighting. Lake themselves are fussy, others sleep in anticipation of their Lords.

Phenomenon 1.

Grandmother Grandma, Grandman's granddaughter, ahead of their lacker.

Lake J.

Countess Hernica Coach.

Grandman granddaughter

(as long as she is wrapped)

Well, the ball! Well, melodov! I knew the guests to call!

Some freaks from the world

And no one to talk to, and not to dance.

Grandmother Grandma

Take it, Mother, I am not under power,

When-Nibi T L with P Ala T A in the grave.

(Both are leaving.)

Phenomenon 2.

Platon Mikhailovich and Natalia Dmitrievna. One lacquer throes around them, the other of the entrance screams:

Kharet Korich.

Natalia Dmitrievna

My angel, my life,

Invalid, shower, popsho, so sad?

(Kisses her husband in the forehead.)

Admitting having fun with Famusov.

Platon Mikhailovich

Natasha-Mother, I'll sleep on the balas I,

Before them is a deadly horror,

And not contrary, your employee,

At night for midnight, sometimes

For you, like nor sad,

I'm started at the team to dance.

Natalia Dmitrievna

You pretend, and very insecual;

Hunting death to be sent for the old man.

(Leaves with a lake.)

Platon Mikhailovich (Cooling)

The ball is a good thing, there is a bitter;

And who marry us quickly!

After all, it says, in a family ...

Lake y (with a porch)

In a Baryna-C carriage, and it will be angry.

Platon Mikhailovich (with a sigh)


Phenomenon 3.

Chatsky and varnish him ahead.


Kriki, to give soon.

Lackey leaves.

Well, and the day passed, and with him

All ghosts, all the chad and smoke

Hopes that the soul filled me.

What did I wait? What did you think here to find?

Where is the charm of this meeting? fate in com alive?

Creek! joy! Huggy! - empty.

In the wagon so on the way

Abreason plain, sitting idle,

Everything is visible in front

Light, syno, diverse;

And go for an hour, and two, the day is whole; Here is tight

Burned to rest; overnight: wherever you look

All the same smooth and steppe, and empty, and dead ...

Annually, urine is not, the more think you will become.

Lacus returns.

Lake J.

Kuchera-with anywhere, you wish, do not find.


I went, look for, do not spend the night here.

Laci leaves again.

Phenomenon 4.

Chatsky, reheetles (runs off the porch, in the very entrance, falls from all his legs and hastily recovered).


Ugh! Locked. - Oh, my creator!

Let's wipe your eyes; Department? friend!..

Heart friend! Horious friend! MON CHER! My dear. - Ed.

Here are the Farce to me how often Peta were,

That empty me is that stupid that suwer

That I have for all the premonitions, signs;

Now ... please ask

As if I knew, I was hurry,

Together, about the threshold hugged

And stretched in full growth.

Perhaps we must need me

That reheetles are lying that rehearsals are simple

And I have an impulse of you, the rod is ailment,

Love some and passion,

I am ready for the soul proactic

That in the world you won't find yourself such a friend,

Such faithful, she-her;

Let Listen to Wife, Children,

I will be left with a whole light,

Let's die on the spot

And the Lord will break me ...


Yes, it's full of nonsense grind.


You do not love me, natural affair:

With others I and Syak,

With you I speak incurrently,

I'm pitiful, I rides, I'm not a fool.


Here is a strange derogatory!


Scold me, I myself klyan my birth,

When I think about how time was killed!

Tell me, what time?


Hour go to bed go to bed;

If you came to the ball,

So you can grind.


What is the ball? brother, where we all night before

In decents were shaved, do not break out of yoke,

Did you read? There is a book ...


Did you read? Task for me

Are you reheetles?


Call me by Vandal:

I deserved this name.

Potted people empty!

Himself having lost a whole century lunch or ball!

About the children forgot! Cheat wife!

Played! Losing! In the custody taken by decree!

Dancer kept! And not one:

Three times!

Saw dead! did not sleep at night nine!

All rejected: laws! conscience! Faith!


Listen! VRI, yes know the same measure;

There is from what in despair come.


Congratulate me, now I know with people

With the smartest !! - All night I do not grow out long.


So now, for example?


That night one is not counting

But ask where it was?


And I myself guess.

Tea, club?


In English. To confess to start:

From the noisy I set off.

I was pleased to be silent, I gave the word to be silent;

We have a society and secret collected

On Thursdays. Secretary Union ...


Oh! I, BRATC, I'm afraid.

How? in club?



Here are extreme measures

To get rid of you and your secrets.


In vain fear takes you,

Aloud, speak loudly, no one will discern.

I myself, how to grab about cameras, jury,

About Beyron, well, about mothers important,

I often listen, without sprinkling the lips;

I am not under my brother, and I feel stupid.

Oh! Alexandre! We lacked you;

Listen, nice, I sweep me at least a little;

Let's go now; We are good, on the go;

With what I will bring you

People !!! .. I'm not at all similar to me,

What kind of people, Mon Cher! Smart youth juice!


God with them and with you. Where am I groaning?

What for? In the deaf night? Home, I want to sleep.


Oh! Throw! Who is sleeping now? Well, fully, without prelude,

Decide, and we! .. We ... decisive people,

Hot dozen goals!


Yes, about what you face so much?


Noise, brother, noise.


Do you like? only?


Not a place to explain now and underwent,

But the state case:

It, you see, not matured,

It is not suddenly.

What kind of people! MON CHER! Without distant me stories

I will tell you: First, Prince Gregory !!

Chudak only! Morit with a laugh!

Century with the British, the whole English fold,

And also he says through his teeth,

And the same briefly constructed for order.

Are you not familiar? about! Meet him.

Another - Vorkulov Evdokim;

You did not hear how he sings? about! Divo!

Listen, cute, especially

He has a favorite one:

"BUT! non-lashyari, but, butbut". "BUT! NON LASCIAR MI, NO, NO, NO "-" Ah, do not leave me, no, no, no! " - Ed.

We also have two brothers:

Levon and Borigna, wonderful guys!

They do not know what to say;

But if the genius orders you to call:

Udushyev Ippolit Markelich !!!

You are written it

Did anything read anything? Although a little thing?

Read the brother, yes he does not write anything;

Here are acknowledged people

And sentenced: write, write, write;

In magazines you can, however, find

His passage, look and something.

What do you mean something? - about everything;

Everything knows, we are on the black day of Pole.

But our head, which in Russia there is no,

No need to call, you know the portrait:

Night robber, Duelist,

In Kamchatka, Soslated was, returned to Aleut

And firmly in hand is unclean;

Yes, a smart person cannot be not a swarm.

When it is about honesty high

Some kind of demon inspire:

Eyes in the blood, the face is burning,

It is crying, and we all sob.

Here are people, are there any like? Either ...

Well, between them, of course, the curtain,

Lot a little, lazy, think horror!

However, when I, when, donating,

Zasya, I do not sit apra

And somehow an invalid, suddenly the Kalambar Rog.

Other I have the idea of \u200b\u200bthe same thing

And the guy, look, the water wake will be blind,

Other six to music are clad

Others clap when it is given.

Brother, laugh, and what any, any:

The abilities of God did not award me

Gave a good heart, that's what I love Miles

Soviet - forgive ...

Lacquer (at the entrance)

Cache of the scalosis.


Phenomenon 5.

Same and cliff, descends from the stairs.

Reheetles (to meet him)

Oh! Scalozub, my soul,

Wait, where? Make friendship.

(Stifling him in the arms.)


Where to go to me from them!

(Enters Swiss.)

Reetales (Scalozuba)

Rumor about you for a long time

They said that you went to the regiment to the service,

Are you familiar?

(Looking for Chatsky eyes.)

Stubborn! Fucking!

No need, I was inadvertently sent

And ask you to me, now, without excuses:

Prince-Gregory has now the people of Darkness,

You will see us forty,

Fu! How much, brother, there is a mind!

All night interpret, do not get bored,

First, we will see champagne to slaughter,

And secondly, they will teach such things

What, of course, we do not invent with you.


Relief. The scholarship does not overthrow me

Squake others, and if you want,

I am Prince-Gregory and you

Feldfebel in waveres ladies,

He will build you in three ranks

And picnet, so mig leave.


All service on the mind! MON CHER, LOOK TO:

And I would leave in the ranks, yes, the failures met,

How maybe no one and never;

I served in Statskaya then

Baron Cloots background in Methyl ministers,

To him in the city.

She walked straight without far the Duma,

With his wife and it was laughed in Reversi,

He and her what amounts

I descended that God forbid!

He lived on the fountain, I built the house near the house,

With columns! huge! How much cost!

He finally married his daughter,

Didaya took - Shish, in service - nothing.

School of German, and what is the proc. -

Afraid you see he reproach

For the weakness as if native!

I was afraid, the dust take him, but make it easier for me?

The secretaries of his all chams, all are sold,

Loves, writing creature,

Everyone went to know, now important,

Looking to the calendar address.

Ugh! Service and ranks, crosses - souls of Naitaria,

Lahmotyev Alexey wonderfully says

That radicals are required here drugs,

The stomach does not boil longer.

(Stayed, seeing that Zagoretsky took over the place of the rockozub, which Rudis went.)

Phenomenon 6.

Reetales, Zagoretsky.


Please continue, I sincerely confess

The same I, like you, terrible liberal!

And from what is straight and boldly explain

Where how much lost! ..

Reetales (with annoying)

All apart, without saying a word;

A little view of one, look no other.

There was a Chatsky, suddenly disappeared, then the cliffs.


What do you think about Chap?


He is not stupid

Now we encountered, there are any tours,

And the good conversation went about the water unit.

Yes! Waterville has a thing, and so on all the gil.

We and I ... with us ... Some and the same tastes.


And you noticed that he

In the mind there is significantly damaged?


What a nonsense!


It is all this faith.



Ask all.



And by the way, here is the prince Peter Ilyich,

Princess and with princes.


Phenomenon 7.

Reetales, Zagoretsky, Prince and Princess with six daughters and, a little climbing, Herustov descends from the front staircase, Molchanin leads her under hand. Lakes in buses.


Princes, please tell me your opinion,

Mad Chatsky or not?

1st princess

What is there any doubt about it?

2nd princess

About it knows the whole light.

3rd princess

Dyrynskie, Rivets, Varlany, Scroll.

4th Princess

Oh! lead old to whom are they new?

5th Princess

Who doubts?


Yes, I do not believe ...

6th Princess


Monesie reheetles! You! Monesie reheetles! what do you!

Yes, how are you! Can be against everyone!

Why are you? Shame and laughter.

Reheetles (plugs her ears)

Sorry, I did not know that it was too glamor.


It would not be vasta, it would be dangerous to speak with him

It's time to lock it

Listen, so his little finger

Smarter than everyone, and even Prince Peter!

I think he is just Jacobin,

Your Chatsky !!! .. Drive. Prince, you would drive

Katich or Zizi, we will sit in the six-bed.

Chlestova (from the stairs)

Princess, cards.


For me, Mother.

All (to each other)


Princely surname is leaving Zagoretsky too.

Phenomenon 8.

Reetales, Hleastov, Molchanin.


King Heavenly!

Amfis Nilovna! Oh! Chatsky! poor! Here!

What is our high mind! And a thousand worries!

Tell me, from what we are in the world!


So God judged him; and however,

Enclosure will be cured;

And you, my father, insecite, at least throw.

I learned to appear on time! -

Molchanin, won chulators,

I do not need wires, look, Lord with you.

Molchanin goes to his room.

Goodbye, father; It's time to move.


Phenomenon 9.

Reetales with their lacquer.


Where to send the path now?

And the point is going to the dawn.

Look, sorce me in the carriage,

Vesy somewhere.


Phenomenon 10.

The last lamp goes out.

Chatsky (coming out of Swiss)

What is it? Have I heard by my ears!

Not laughter, but clearly anger. What miracles,

Through what kind of witchcraft

And for others as if a celebration,

Others seemed to compassion ...

ABOUT! If anyone in people penetrate:

What is worse in them? Soul or language?

Whose cookie!

Believed fools, others pass,

Old women Bute

And here is a public opinion!

And here is the homeland ... no, in the current arrival,

I see that she will get tired of me soon.

And Sofya knows? - Of course, told,

She is not the damage to me

Tried, really or not -

She doesn't care, or if, I'm,

She does not value for conscience.

But this fainting, in infamous from where ?? -

Nerve spoil, quirk, -

The little of them will arise, and the little wishes, -

I have a sign of living passions. - neither crumbs:

She, of course, lost the same strength

When would someone stepped

On the tail of a dog or cat.


(above the staircase in the second floor, with a candle)

Molchanin, are you?

(Hessed again, the door reicts.)


She is! she herself!

Oh! The head is burning, my whole blood is in the wave.

Wrong! No! Is it really in Visiony?

Did I not really go crazy?

I am accurately prepared for the extraordincies;

But not a vision here, the date is appreciated.

What to fool yourself to me yourself?

Called silence, here is his room.

Lackey him (with a porch)


(Pushes it out.)

(Hiding behind the column.)

Phenomenon 11.

Chatsky Hidden, Lisa with a candle.



Yes! How! On the seats wander to him hunt!

He, tea, long ago for the gate,

Love for tomorrow beat

Home, and sleep dropped.

However, it ordered to heart pushing.

(Knocks to silence.)

Listen to. If you want to wake up.

You have a young lady, you call you a young lady.

Yes quickly, so as not to come.

Phenomenon 12.

Chatsky for the column, Lisa, Molchanin (squeezed and yawns), Sofia (stealing from above).


You, sir, stone, sir, ice.


Oh! Lisanka, are you from ourselves?


From the young lady


Who b guess

That in these cheeks, in these veins

Love still blush did not play!

Hunting to be only on the parcels?


And you, bride seekers,

Do not care and not yawning;

Fit and mil, who will not delight

And it does not affect the wedding.


What wedding? with whom?


And with the young lady?


Hopes a lot ahead

We have time without a wedding.


What are you, sir! yes we are someone

Other Other husbands?


I do not know. And I crashes a shiver,

And at one I thought a fool,

What Pavel Afanasy times

Someday caught us

Worry, cursed! .. What? Do you open the soul?

I do not see anything in Sofary Pavlovna

Enviable. God give her a century to live richly

Loved Chatsky once,

It will be blunting like him.

My angel, walked half

To her the same feel that I feel about you;

Yes no, no matter how hard

I am preparing to be gentle to be, but I quiet - and the sheet.

Sofia (to the side)

What lowness!

Chatsky (for a column)


And you are not conscientious?


I won my father:

First, to please all people without rewriting -

The owner where will bring to live

Head, who I will serve with

A servant of him that cleans the dresses

Swiss, janitor, for avoid evil,

Dog janitor, so that Laskov was.


To say, sir, you have a huge guardianship!


And here is a lover I take the view

In the pleasedness of the daughter of such a person ...


Which feeds and seit

And sometimes it will give?

Come on, quite interpreted.


Let's go love to shake our crawling.

Give you to hug you from the heart of completeness.

Lisa is not given.

Why she's not you!

(Wants to go, Sofia does not allow.)


Horrible man! myself I am ashamed of myself.


How! Sophia Pavlovna ...


Not a word for God's sake

Sorry, I will solve everything.


(Knee rushes, Sofia pushes it) except for silence.,

The Swiss produced a lazy tetter,

Does not know anything, it does not feel anything.

Where was it? Where did you come out?

Seine does not locate for what?

And how did you not watch? And how did you dislike?

To work you, for the village you:

For a guy to sell me ready.

You, fast-eyed, everything from your leprosy;

Here he is, Kuznetsky bridge, outfits and updates;

There you learned lovers to reduce,

Wait, I will fix you:

Excluded in the hut, march, for birds walk;

And you, my friend, I, daughter, will not leave,

Two days are two patience;

Not to be in Moscow, do not live with people with people;

To the village, to the aunt, in the wilderness, in Saratov,

There you will grief grief,

Behind the hoop to sit, yawning for the soles.

And you, sir, I ask

Do not complain about either straight or a settlement;

And your last feature,

What, tea, to every door will be locked:

I will try, I, in Nabat, I lie,

In the city all overlap

And I publish in all the people:

In the Senate Subsum, Ministers, Sovereign.


(after some silence)

I do not understand ... to blame,

And I listen, I do not understand

As if I still explain to me,

Confused with thoughts ... I expect something.

(With heat.)

Slept! I was looking for all the works in whom!

Hurry up! .. I flew! Shawn! That's happiness, I thought

Before whom I am letting so passionately and so low

There was a wasteful of gentle words!

And you! Oh my goodness! Who did you choose yourself?

When I think who you preferred!

Why did I hide me hope?

Why didn't I speak directly,

What passed all the past in laughter?!

That memory even caught you

Those feelings in both of us the movements of the heart of those

Which in me did not cool

Neither entertainment or change places.

Breathing, and they lived, was busy continuously!

They would say that you sudden my arrival,

My kind, my words, actions - everything is disgusting,

I will immediately understand the presets,

And before parting forever,

Would not get very convenient

Who is this kind of person? ..


You will make it up with him, according to the purels.

To twist, and for what!

Think, you can always you

Bear, and swaddle, and beg for business.

Husband boy, husband-servant, from the marriages of the Frys -

High ideal Moscow all husbands. -

Pretty! .. With you I am proud of my gap.

And you, sir Father, you, passionate to the ranks:

I wish you to dare in the unaware of happy

I do not threaten watoney.

Another there is a fatteal,

Low-plane and dealers,

Advantages finally

He is an equal future test.

So! I stem completely,

Dreaming from the eyes of a share - and slept sauna;

Now it's not bad it was sorted

On daughter and on father,

And on the lover of a fool,

And on the whole world to pour all bile and all annoyance.

With whom was! Where fate threw me!

All chase! All Klyanut! Tormentors crowd

In love traitors, in the enemy of tireless,

Neurotic story stories

Awkward moghers, crash,

Old sinister, old people,

Drying over the fudges, nonsense, -

Madly you glorified me with a chorus.

You are right: it will be unharmed out of the fire

Who will stay with you a day

Raisses the air one

And in it, the mind will destroy.

Won from Moscow! Here I am no longer a ride.

Run, do not look around, go to look for light,

Where offended there is a feeling corner! ..

Careet me, carriage!


Phenomenon 15.

Except Chatsky


Well? Do you see you, what did he go crazy?

Tell me it is essential:

Insane! that he is here for nonsense Molla!

Low Picture! Test! And about Moscow is so terrible!

Did you decide to worry me?

Is my destiny still not crying?

Oh! Oh my God! What will say

Princess Marya Alekshna!

Existing: Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, manager of Sophia Pavlovna, his daughter. Lisanka, maid. Alexey Stepanovich Molchanin, Secretary Famusov, who lives in his house. Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. Colonel Scalozub, Sergey Sergeevich. Natalia Dmitrievna, young lady, Plato Mikhailovich, her husband, - Gorichi. Prince Toguhovsky and Princess, his wife, with six daughters. Countess Grandma, Grandfather Granddaughter, - Hernikov. Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky. Old Man Hersestov, Samos Famusov. G.N. G.d. Repetitives. Petrushka and several speaking servants. A lot of guests of every dismissal and their lackers when driving. Famousov's waiters. Action in Moscow in the house of Famusov Action I phenomenon 1 Living room, there is a big clock in it, on the right door to the bedroom of Sofia, the deployment is heard the Fortopian with the blatus, which then silent. Lisanka Message is sleeping, having flown from the armchairs. (Morning, Breaking a little bit) Lisanka (suddenly wakes up, gets up with the chairs, looking around) Light! .. Ah! How soon night passed! Yesterday she asked to sleep - the refusal, "waiting for a friend." - Need an eye yes eyes, do not sleep, Rudova do not ride from the chair. Now that's just that took it, day! .. To tell them ... (knocks on Sofia.) Lord, hey! Sophia Pavlovna, trouble. Your conversation went out for the night; Are you deaf? - Alexey Stepanych! Madam! ..- and fear do not take them! (Departs from the door.) Well, the guest is unreserved, perhaps, the father will go! Please serve the young lady in love! (Again to the doors) Yes, it is possible. Morning. - What-s? (Sofia's voice) What time is it? Lisanka all rose in the house. Sofia (from his room) What time is it? Lisanka seventh, ax, ninth. Sofia (from there) is not true. Lisanka (away from the door) ah! Amur * Damned! And hear, do not want to understand, well, what would shutter them from? I will translate the clock, even I know: there will be a race, make them play them. (Climbs on the chair, moves the arrow, the watches are beaten and play.) Phenomenon 2 Lisa and Pharmuses. Lisa ah! Barin! Pharmuses Barin, yes. (Stops watch music) After all, Eka Chalunya You, Girl. I could not think of what it was for the trouble! Then the flute hears, that as if Fortopian; For Sophia, too used early ?? Lisa is not, sir, I ... only by chance ... Pharmuses are not enough, you note for you; So, right, with intent. (Humbles to her and flirt) oh! Potion, * Balovnitsa. Lisa you are a dick, to face these faces! Magromov is modest, and nothing but leprosy and the wind on the mind. Lisa let the windbirds themselves, come home, you are old people ... almost. Lisa Well, who will come, where are we with you? Famuses who are coming here? After all, Sofya is sleeping? Lisa now worried. Famuses now! And night? Lisa night I read the night. Famuses hang, whim what started! Lisa is all in French, out loud, reads locked. Pharmuses tell me that it's not good to spoil her eyes, and in the readings, it is not great in the readings: she has no sleep from French books, and I will hurt from the Russians. Lisa that will rise, I will do it, I excuse to go, wake up, I'm afraid. Famus what to wake? Watch your watches, I ratch the symphony. Lisa (as louder as possible) yes completeness! Phamuses (pushing her mouth) Have mercy, as you shout. Are you going crazy? Lisa is afraid to not come out of that ... Magazov what? Lisa is time, sir, you know, you are not a child; Girls have a dream morning so thin; Sick the door will creak, slightly whisper: everyone hears ... Magazov are all you lie. Voice of Sofia Hey, Lisa! Pharmuses (hurried) TC! (Stick out of the room on tiptoe.) Lisa (one) left ... ah! from the Lord's apartment; They have troubles for themselves for every hour, will be prevented by the couple of all the seafood and Barsky anger, and the Barsky love. Phenomenon 3 Lisa, Sofia with a candle, for her silellin. Sophia What, Lisa, attacked you? Cosper ... Lisa of course, you part too hard? Before the light, locked up, and everything seems not enough? Sofia Ah, in fact later! (Cutting the candle.) And light and sadness. Like fast nights! Lisa Party, know, from the side there is no urine, here your father came here, I measured; Spit before him, I do not remember that the blocked; Well, what are you? Bow, sir, hang out. FIRST, the heart is not in place; Look at the clock, take a look in the window: Walit people through the streets for a long time; And in the house knock, walking, whitewash and clean. Sofia happy hours do not observe. Lisa do not observe your power; And what in response for you, of course, I get. Sofia (silence) go; All day will also be bored. Lisa God with you-C; Rough Take your hand. (Enters them, silellin in the door facing the Magazov.) Phenomenon 4 Sofia, Lisa, Molchanin, Magazov. Magovyov what kind of body! * Molchanin, are you, brother? Molchanin I-s. Famuses why are there? And at this hour? And Sophia! .. Hello, Sophia, that you rose so early! but? for what care? And how God is not at the time together breathe? Sofia he just entered. Molchanin now with a walk. Famus friend. Is it possible to go far away to choose shots? And you, madam, a little of the bed of jump, with a man! With young! - Burn for the maiden! All night reads noby, and here the fruits from these books! And the whole Kuznetsky bridge, * and the eternal French, from there fashion to us, and the authors, and the muses: the roots of pockets and hearts! When you save us the creator from the hats of them! Cheptsov! And spills! And pins! And book and biscuit shops! .. Sofia Let me, the father, is spinning; I'm moving away from frights * I learned to run so fiercely, I mixed up ... I thank you fantastic, I soon fought them! I prevented! I'm fighting! I, Sophia Pavlovna, upset myself, there is no rest of the day, I feel silent as it seems to be treated. By position, by the service of cotton, he sticks, the other, the matter to me! But did I wait for the newest trouble? So that it was deceived ... Sofia Who, Batyushka? Magovyov here make me begged me, which is always a journey. Do not cry, I'm talking about: I haven't been gone about your upbringing! From the cradle! Mother died: I knew how to drive a second mother in Madame. The old woman put in supervision to you asked: I was smart, the temper of quiet, rare rules. One not to honor serves her: for those unnecessary a year five hundred rubles, savor themselves by others. Yes, not in Madame strength. Not needed a different sample, when in the eyes an example of a father. Watch you: do not comprehend harm; However, Bodr and fresh, and lived to the village, free, widows, I am Mr. ... Monastic known leader! .. Lisa dare I, sir ... Magazov silence! Horrible eyelids! You do not know what to start! All managed not by the years. And the daughter's forest, and the goodness themselves. They gave us these languages! Bepem of the same side, * and to the house and on the tickets, * so that our daughters have to learn everything - and dance! And sheen! And gentleness! And sighs! As if their wives are preparing scomeros. * You, visitor, what? Are you here, sir, why? Rooted prige and introduced into my family, gave Chin Assistor * and took the secretaries; In Moscow translated through my assistance; And be not me, the smokes would be in Tver. Sofia I am no wrath in any way. He lives in the house here, great attack! She walked into the room, hit another. Pharmuses got or wanted to get? Yes, together you why? It is impossible to accidentally. Sofia is what, however, the case is all: as Davich, you were with Liza here, my voice stranded me extremely, and I rushed here from all my legs ... perhaps, I'll put it all the turmoil. Not at the time of my voice made it alarms! Sofia on a vague dream of a bellish is disturbing; Tell you a dream: you will understand then. Magazov what story? Sofia tell you? Famuses, yes. (Sits down.) Sofia Let ... See ... First, flowery meadow; And I was looking for a grass somehow, I will not remember that in reality. Suddenly a nice man, one of those whom we will see - as if the ages are familiar, appeared here with me; And ingratiating, and smart, but timid ... You know who is born in poverty ... Famusov Ah! Mother, do not finish the blow! Who is poor, you are not a couple. Sofia then disappeared all: meadows and heaven. - We are in a dark room. To explore the miracle, the floor was revealed - and you from there, pale, like death, and a hair end! Here with thunder open the doors of some not people and not beasts, we are apart - and tormented the sitting with me. It seems to me more expensive than all treasures, I want to him - you drag with yourself: we have a moan, roar, laughter, whistling monsters! He screams back! .. - woke up. - Someone says - your voice was; What, I think so early? I run here - and I find both of them. Famusa Yes, there is a dream, as I will see. There is everything, if there is no deception: both devils and love, and fears and flowers. Well, my sir, and you? Molchanin I heard your voice. Famuses are funny. My voice gave them, and how well herself hears himself, and everyone shows to dawn! My voice was in a hurry, for what? - Speak. Solvelin with papers-with. Famusa yes! They lack them. Have mercy that this suddenly fell asleep to written things! (Gets up.) Well, sonyushka, I will give you peace: there are strange dreams, and in reality is strange; I was looking for her herbs, I came up on a friend soon; Promotes nonsense from my head; Where miracles, there is a little warehouse. - PODI, LAGE, ONE AGAIN. (Silence) We go papers to disassemble. Molchanin, I just carried them for the report that it is impossible to start without references, without any other, there is a counter rustle, and much is not true. Famuses fear, sir, I am one deadly, so that the many have not accumulated them; Give the will to you, it would fall out; And I have that the matter is that it is not the case, the custom of my such: signed, so with the shoulders. (Leaves with silence, in the doorway skips it forward.) Phenomenon 5 Sofia, Lisa. Lisa Well, here's the holiday! Well here and fun! However, no, now it's not to laughter; In the eyes dark, and the soul froze; Sin does not matter, the rumor is not good. Sofia What makes me Solva? Who wants, and judges, but the father will think to think: obscure, ungonounced, there are always, but from now ... you can sue ... Lisa judging without stories; Ban he, - good with me; And then, gods, like me, silence and all from the courtyard. Sophia will think how happiness is trying! It happens worse, with hands will come down; When the sad none of the mind is nearing, forgot with music, and time went so smoothly; Fate of us as shouted; Not anxiety, nor doubt. .. And the grief is waiting for the corner. Lisa here is something-s, my stupid judgment is never complaining: Annually trouble. What is the best prophet? I told me: in love will not be in this contracting either in the eyelids. Like all Moscow, your father should: I would wish the son-in-law with the stars, but with the ranks, and with the stars are not all rich, between us; Well, of course, it would be money to live, so that he could give balls; Here, for example, Colonel Rockozub: and a Golden Bag, and Metit into the generals. Sofia where as mil! and fun fear to listen about Frunte * and rows; He did not say the words of the smart one, - I don't care what for him, that in the water. Lisa Da-s, so to say a speech, and it hurts not a hither; But be Military, be it Stat, * who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and Oster, like Alexander Andreich Chatsky! Not to confuse you; It has long passed, not to turn, but I remember ... Sofia is that I remember? He knows all nicely to renovate; Chatting, joking, I am funny; Sharing with all possible laughter. Lisa and only? as if? - Tears poured, I remember the poor he, as you parted. - What, sir, cry? Live laughing ... And in response: "No wonder, Lisa, crying: Who knows that I find it turning around? And how much maybe lose weight!" The poor thing seemed to know that in three years ... Sofias listen, you do not care if you are superfluous. I am very windy, perhaps, and I know, and I wonder; But where has changed? Who? To roam infidelity could. Yes, with Chatsky, however, we are raised, grew up: the habit of together to be a day every inseparally connected with friendship schoolboard; But then he moved, he seemed boring to him, and rarely visited our house; Then again attacked in love, repudent and distressed !!. Oster, smart, eloquent, in friends especially happy, he was thinking about himself high ... Hunting Wear attacked him, ah! If he loves who whom, why look and ride so far? Lisa where is worn? In which edges? He was treated, they say, on sour, he waters, * not from illness, tea, from boredom - pass. Sofia and, right, happy where people are more laugh. I love I, not as: Molchanin, for the other herself ready, the enemy of keenness, - always shyly, incurred the night with whom you can spend so much! Sidim, and on the courtyard there has been so much, what do you think? What are busy? Lisa God gaze, madam, is it my case? Sophia will take his hand to his heart, he sighs from the depths of the soul, neither the word of free, and so the whole night passes, a hand with hand, and the eye does not reduce my eyes. - Laughing! whether it is possible! The reason I gave you to the laughter of such a thing! Lisa me-s? .. Your aunt on mind now came, as a young Frenchman escaped from her home. Golubushka! I wanted to catch my annoyance, I failed: I forgot my hair to black and after three days I've gotten. (Continues to laugh.) Sofia (with a grief). Here is the same then I will conspire. Liza Sorry, the right, how God holy, I wanted to help you spend this laughter to suck you somewhat.

Phenomenon 1.

The living room, there is a big clock in it, to the right door to the bedroom of Sofia, the deployment of the Fortopian with the blatus, which then silent.
Lisanka Message is sleeping, having flown from the armchairs.
(Morning, Breaking a little bit)

(Suddenly wakes up, gets up with the chairs, looks around)
Light! .. ah! How soon night passed!
Yesterday I asked to sleep - the refusal.
"We are waiting for a friend." - Need eye yes eye,
Do not sleep, Riddova do not ride from the chair.
Now, just that he rose,
A day! .. To tell them ...
(Knocks on Sofia)
Hey! Sophia Pavlovna, trouble.
Your conversation went overnight.
Are you deaf? - Alexey Stepanochny!
Madam! ..- and fear do not take them!
(Moving away from the door)
Well, the guest is unreserved,
Perhaps the father will go!
Please serve the young lady in love!
(Again to the door)
Yes, sway. Morning, what-s?

Everything in the house rose.

(from his room)
What time is it now?

Seventh, Osm, ninth.

Sofia (from there)
Not true.

Lisanka (away from the door)
Oh! Amur damned!
And hear, do not want to understand
Well, what would shutter them from take away?
I will translate the clock, although I know, there will be a race,
I will make them play.
(Climbs on a chair, moves the arrow, the clock beat and play)

Phenomenon 2.

Lisa and Famuses

Oh! Barin!

Barin, yes.
(Stops watch music)
After all, Eka Chalunya you are a girl.
I could not think of what it was for the trouble!
Then the flute hears, that as if Fortopian;
For Sofia too used early ?? ..

No, sir, I ... only be sure ...

This is not enough for you note;
So true with intent.
(Picks up to her and flirt)
Oh! Potion, Balovnitsa.

You are a balobist, to face these faces!

Modest, and nothing but
Dressing and wind on mind.

Let the windproofs themselves,
Come home, you are old people ...


Well, who will come, where are we with you?

Who come here?
After all, Sofya is sleeping?

Now I worked.

Now! And night?

I read the night.

Vish, whim what kind of start!

All in French, loud, reads locked.

Tell me that it's not good to spoil her eyes.
And in the reader, it is not great:
She's no sleep from French books,
And I hurt from the Russians.

What will fall, I am going
Ensure to go; Wake up, I'm afraid.

What await? Watch my watches,
For the whole quarter, the symphony is treated.

Lisa(as long as possible)
Yes complete-s!

Famuses (pins her mouth)
Have mercy as you shout.
Are you going crazy?

I'm afraid not to come out of that ...



It's time, sir, you know, you are not a child;
Girls have a dream morning so thin;
Sick the door will creak, slightly whisper:
All hear ...

All you are lying.

(Stegple from the room on tiptoe)

Lisa one
Gone ... ah! from the Lord's apartment;
They have troubles for all in every hour
And Barsky anger, and Barsky love.

Phenomenon 3.

Lisa, Sofia with a candle, for her silelline

What, Lisa, attacked you?
Shine ...

Of course you part too hard?
Before the light, locked up, and everything seems not enough?

Ah, in fact later
(Cutting a candle)
And light and sadness. Like fast nights!

I know that there is no urine,
Here your father came here, I measured;
I'm glad before him, I do not remember that
Well, what are you? Bow, sir, hang out.
FIRST, the heart is not in place;
Watch on the clock, take a look in the window:
Walit people through the streets for a long time;
And in the house knock, walking, whitewash and clean.

Happy hours do not observe.

Do not observe your power;
And what in response for you, of course, I get.

Sofia (Silence)
Go; All day will also be bored.

God is with you; Rough Take your hand.

(Breed them, silellin in the doorway faces the Magazov)

Phenomenon 4.

Sofia, Lisa, Molchalin, Famuses

What kind of body Molchanin, are you, brother?


Why is it here? And at this hour?
And Sophia! .. Hello, Sofya, that you
So early rose! but? for what care?
And how God is not at the time together breathe?

He just now entered.

Now from the walk.

Friend. Is it possible for walking
Get away to choose shots?
And you, madam, slightly from the bed of jump,
With a man! With young! - Burn for the maiden!
All night reads noby
And here are the fruits from these books!
And the whole Kuznetsky bridge, and the eternal French,
From there fashion to us, and the authors, and the muses:
Robers of pockets and hearts!
When the creator will save us
From the hairs of them! Cheptsov! And spills! And pins!
And book and biscuit shops! -

Let me, the father, the head is spinning;
I'm translate from frighting the spirit barely;
They were elected to run so fiercely,
I mixed up. -

Thank you pound
I soon fought them!
I prevented! I'm fighting!
I, Sophia Pavlovna, upset myself, the day is whole
There is no rest, I go like as if trekened.
By position, by the service of cotton,
That sticks, another, the matter is before me!
But did I wait for the newest trouble? To be deceived ...

Sofia (through tears)
Who, Batyushka?

Here to apakest me,
Which is always eager for magazine.
Do not cry, I say it:
Hi didn't were
About raging! From the cradle!
Mother died: I knew how to drive
In Madame Rosier the second mother.
Old-gold in the supervision of you pinned:
I was smart, the temper of quiet, rare rules.
One not to honor serves her:
For those unnecessary a year five hundred rubles
Squach yourself with others made.
Yes, not in Madame strength.
Not needed a different sample
When in the eyes of the father's example.
Watch you: do not comprehend harm;
However, Bodr and fresh, and lived to the seen,
Free, widows, my lord ...
Monastic is known as the lead! ..

I dare, sir ...

Horrible eyelids! You do not know what to start!
All managed not by the years.
And the daughter's way, yes the goodness themselves,
They gave us these languages!
We take a parel, and to the house and tickets
So that our daughters have to learn everything -
And dance! And sheen! And gentleness! And sighs!
As if their wives are preparing scomeros.
You, visitor, what? Are you here, sir, why?
Rooted prige and introduced into my family
Gave Chin Asessor and took the secretaries;
In Moscow translated through my assistance;
And be not me, the smokes would be in Tver.

I am no wrath of your wrath.
He lives in the house here, great attack!
She walked into the room, hit another.

Did you get or wanted to get?
Yes, together you why? It is impossible to accidentally.

That's however, the case is all:
How Davich you were with Liza here,
Straight me your voice is extremely
And I rushed here from all my legs ...

Perhaps I will fold all the turmoil.
Not at the time of my voice made it alarms! -

On a vague dream, the straw is disturbing.
Tell you a dream: you will understand then.

What story?

Tell you?

Well yes. (Sits)

Allow ... See ... first
Flowery meadow; And I was looking for
Some, I can't remember.
Suddenly a cute man, one of those we
See - as if the age is familiar,
Appeared here with me; and inspired and smart
But Robot ... You know who is born in poverty ...

Oh! Mother, do not finish the blow!
Who is poor, you are not a couple.

Then everything was gone: meadows and heavens .-
We are in a dark room.
To complete the miracle
Paul revealed - and you are from there
Pale like death, and a hair end!
Here with thunder opened the doors
Some not people and no beasts
We are apart - and tormented by sitting with me.
He seems to me more than all treasures,
I want to him - you drag with you:
We are accustomed to moan, roar, laughter, whistling monsters!
He screams! ..-
Awoke. - Someone says:
Your voice was; What, I think so early?
I run here, and you find both of them.

Yes, fooling a dream how to see
There is everything, if there is no deception:
And devils, and love, and fears, and flowers.
Well, my sir, and you?

My voice was given to them, and how good itself
Everyone hears, and all shifts to dawn!
My voice was in a hurry, for what? - Speak.

With papers-with.

Yes! They lack them.
Raise that it suddenly fell
Distroper to written affairs!
Well, sonyushka, I will give you peace:
There are strange dreams, and in reality is strange;
I was looking for her herbs,
On a friend came rarely;
Promotes nonsense from my head;
Where miracles, there is little warehouse.
Look, Lagge, ONI.
We are going to disassemble.

I just carried them for the report,
That it is impossible to start without reference, without other,
There is no counterpart, and much is not true.

I'm afraid, sir, I am one deadly,
So that the many have not accumulated them;
Give the will to you, it would fall out;
And I have that it is not the case,
My custom is this:
Signed, so from the shoulders.
(Leaves silent, in the door skips it forward)

Phenomenon 5.

Sofia, Lisa

Well, here's the holiday! Well here and fun!
However, no, now it's not to laughter;
In the eyes dark, and the soul froze;
Sin does not matter, the rumor is not good.

What is Molva? Who wants and judges
Yes, Batyushka will think to think:
Obese, restless, soon
This is always, but from now ...
You can sue ...

Judging with non-stories;
Ban he you; - Good with me;
And then, have a lot of God, just
Me, silence and all from the courtyard.

Think like happiness wayward!
It happens worse, with hands will come down;
When sad nothing on the mind is nearing;
Forgot with music, and time went so smoothly;
Fate of us as shouted;
Not anxiety, no doubt ...
And the grief is waiting for the corner.

That's what-s, my stupid judgment
Do not regret never:
They trouble.
What is the best prophet?
I told me! in love will not be in this contract
None of the centuries.
Like all Moscow, your father is as follows:
Would wish the son-in-law with the stars, but with ranks,
And with the stars are not all rich, between us;
Well, of course,
And money to live, so that he could give balls;
For example, Colonel Rockozub:
And a gold bag, and marked into the generals.

Where is Mile! And I have fun fear
Listen about fruunt and rows;
He did not speak the words smart, -
I do not care what for him, that in the water.

Yes, s, so to speak, and it does not hurt him;
But be a military man, be Stat,
Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and Oster,
How Alexander Andreich Chatsky!
Not to confuse you;
It has long passed, not to tear
And I remember ...

What I remember? He is nice
Renovate can all;
Chatting, joking, I am funny;
Sharing with all possible laughter.

Only? as if? - tears poured,
I remember the poor he, as you parted .-
What, sir, cry? Live laughing
And in response: - "No wonder, Lisa, crying,
"Who knows that I'm getting around?
"And how much may be lost!" -
The poor thing seemed to know that in three years ...

Listen, you don't take liberty liberally
I really can be done,
And I know, and I wonder; But where has changed?
Who? To roam infidelity could.
Yes, with Chatsky, however, we are raised, grew;
Habit together to be day every inseparable
Tied a friendship schoolboard; but then
He came, it seemed to him boring
And rarely visited our home;
Then again attacked in love,
Decumbling and distressed !! ..
Oster, smart, eloquent,
Friends are especially happy.
Now he was conceived high ...
Hunting wander attacked him
Oh! If you love who
Why look for, and ride so far?

Where is worn? In which edges?
Treated, they say, on sour it waters,
Not from the disease tea, from boredom - pass.

And rightly happy where people are more mixed.
I love I, not:
Molchanin, for others to forget ready,
The enemy of keenness, always shy, looked
Night kiss, with whom you can spend!
Sidim, and on the courtyard there has been a long time.
What do you think? What are busy?

God gaze
Madam, is it my case?

He will take his hand to the heart of the
From the depths of the soul sighe
Neither the word of free, and so the whole night passes,
Hand with hand, and eye does not reduce me.
Laugh! whether it is possible! What caused the reason
You I am to the laughter of such a!

Me-s? .. Your aunt on the mind now came,
As a young Frenchman escaped from her house.
Golubushka! I wanted to scoff
His annoy, failed:
Forgot your hair black,
And after three days I have grazed.
(Continues to laugh)

Sofia (with chagrin)
It is also about me to conspire .-

Sorry, right as God holy,
I wanted to do this laughter stupid
You helped you somewhat.

Phenomenon 6.

Sofia, Lisa, servant, Chapsky

Alexander Andreich Chatsky.
(Goes out)

Phenomenon 7.

Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky

A little light on the legs! And I have your feet.
(With heat kisses hand)
Well, kiss the same, did not wait? Speak!
What, for the sake of Not? I look in my face.
Surprised? only? Here is a reception!
As if the week did not pass;
As if yesterday together
We urine did not bother each other;
Neither on the hair of love! Where are you good!
Meanwhile, I do not remember, without soul,
I'm forty-five hours, I'm not nice Mig.
The vert is more seventh of swept, wind, storm;
And confused all, and dropped how many times
And so for the feats of the reward!

Oh! Chatsky, I am very glad.

Are you sake? in good time.
However, sincer who is rejoiced by the stage?
I think so finally
People and horses znoby
I only keshil myself.

Here, sir, if you were behind the doors,
By God, there are no five minutes away,
How to remember you here.
Madam, tell me ourselves.

Always, not just now.
You can not make you reproach.
Who will flash, challenge the door,
Passage, case, from frank, from far away
With the question, I, even be sailor:
Did you meet where in the postage card you?

Put that so.
Blessed who believes warm to him in the world! -
Oh! Oh my God! I've got here again
In Moscow! you! Yes, how do you know!
Where is the time? where is the age that innocent
When it happened in the evening long
We will appear with you, disappear here and there,
We also play noise in chairs and tables.
And here is your father with Madama, behind the picket;
We are in a dark corner, and it seems that in this!
You remember? Whether it will try to crept the table, the door ...


Yes, and now
In seventies, you bloom lovely,


































(Goes out)





Phenomenon 1.


Phenomenon 2.


Phenomenon 3.


Phenomenon 4.


Phenomenon 5.




Phenomenon 7.









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Phenomenon 2.


Phenomenon 3.


Phenomenon 4.


Phenomenon 5.





























































Phenomenon 7.

















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Phenomenon 2.


Phenomenon 3.


Phenomenon 4.


Phenomenon 5.




Phenomenon 7.































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Phenomenon 2.


Phenomenon 3.


Phenomenon 4.


Phenomenon 5.




Phenomenon 7.

























