What is the story "After the Ball" directed against? Moral analysis of the work of L.N

What is the story "After the Ball" directed against? Moral analysis of the work of L.N

The story of L.N. Tolstoy's "After the Ball" is directed against the brutality that reigned in the army. This protest by the author lies on the surface of the story: the brutal scene of the beating of a soldier makes a very hard impression on the readers. Changes in human relationships often depend on the fact that people get used to seeing each other in one of the masks, and when they see another mask or true face, they cannot accept them. Ivan Vasilyevich saw the colonel during the punishment, he was shocked by this scene. Did the colonel really know anything to justify cruelty? Was there anything to justify beating one person by another? Ivan Vasilievich could not find such an excuse, neither the author nor the reader can find it. Therefore, we can conclude that masks destroy human relationships.

The story "After the Ball" is one of recent works Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. It tells about a dramatic event - the punishment of a soldier with gauntlets.
Using the well-known "story within a story" technique, the writer achieves the utmost reliability of the story. We see the event through the eyes of an eyewitness - Ivan Vasilyevich. He is an honest and noble person.
Ivan Vasilievich recalls a case from own life, when he sincerely and with all his soul fell in love with the girl, but could not forgive her father for cruelty and hypocrisy.
- Love? Love from that day began to wane.
A noble and sincere character is revealed before us. Ivan Vasilievich is young, happy, he strives to live in harmony with the whole world and, above all, with himself. All people are presented to him only from the good side. And when he sees the colonel's duplicity, he is shocked, crushed. Ivan Vasilievich first encounters such treachery. The colonel had just danced at the ball with a pleasant smile, was courteous and gallant, and among the soldiers, on the parade ground, Ivan Vasilyevich sees the true face of this man: “... strong hand in a suede glove, he hit a frightened little soldier in the face for not lowering his stick strongly enough on the red back of the Tatar ... "
Ivan Vasilyevich is overwhelmed by shame, as if he himself did something indecent. He does not undertake to judge the colonel, but only asks himself the question: “Obviously, he knows something that I don’t know? " Moral purity the hero, his conscientiousness and organic rejection of evil make Ivan Vasilyevich exceptionally decent in the eyes of his readers, honest man... You trust him completely. You begin to look at the world and the people around you through his eyes. And the fact that he did not become a careerist, a bribe-taker, but remained a decent person, is the most important thing for Tolstoy and his readers.
Leo Tolstoy's short story raises an important moral problem... This is the work of a great master who managed to show wonderful person, not even suspecting what treasures his soul conceals.
Against serfdom, against cruelty in the tsarist army, against corporal punishment and humiliation. And the change in personal relationships comes from the opening in close person disgusting qualities, in this story- this is the discovery of cruelty in the father of his beloved.

Leo Tolstoy's story "After the Ball" raises important universal human problems: what is honor, duty, conscience, how to behave in order to be called a real person, what is more important - the judgment of people or the judgment of God.
This work depicts two episodes from the life of one person - General B. First, we see him at the ball on the occasion of the end of Shrovetide week. Here he appears before us in the most favorable light - as loving father and a good military man.
But here comes the first morning of Great Lent, the time when a person is obliged to think about his soul, about his actions, about his life. And this morning, General B. opens up from a completely different side - as a dull executor of orders, as a man without a soul and heart.
Ivan Vasilyevich sees the punishment of a fugitive Tatar taking place on the parade ground. This picture is simply awful, it is impossible to read it without shuddering: “At each blow, the punished, as if surprised, turned his face wrinkled with suffering in the direction from which the blow fell, and, showing his white teeth, repeated some of the same words ”.
Approaching, Ivan Vasilyevich heard them: “Brothers, have mercy. Brothers, have mercy. " And all this was led by General B.
What he saw made the narrator think about many things. He made a decision never to serve, so as not to defile his soul and not get his hands dirty by carrying out inhuman orders from anyone. This hero ruined to take his destiny into own hands and be responsible only for their own actions. This, in his understanding, meant remaining an honest man, thinking about his duty and about his conscience.
It is important that even Ivan Vasilyevich's love for Varenka B., after what he saw on the parade ground, began to decline. Can a person raised by such a father have other ideas about honor, conscience, duty? In my opinion, no. And, in my opinion, this is what the narrator thought in his heart.
In this story, Tolstoy opposes life "by order." He tells us that we cannot live by following the instructions of other people, no matter what position they occupy. You need to listen to your heart, yourself - it will always prompt the right decision. And if it seems to you that you do not know the correct answer to the question “What is duty, conscience, honor?”, Then you need to turn to the Bible. After all, the precepts of this book are universal principles of morality and ethics, human wisdom, collected together. LN Tolstoy urged to appeal precisely to such a morality, and not to the morality of temporary rulers, replaceable sovereigns. You need to account for your actions before your soul, that is, before God, says the great Russian writer.

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“What is Leo Tolstoy's story“ After the Ball ”directed against? What, according to the author, do changes in human relations depend on?

The story of L.N. Tolstoy's "After the Ball" is directed against the brutality that reigned in the army. This protest by the author lies on the surface of the story: the brutal scene of the beating of a soldier makes a very hard impression on the readers.

Another conflict - internal conflict person who brings up for discussion

The colonel puts on one or the other mask, depending on where he is. "Should it be so?" - the reader asks himself a question. It is known that L.N. Tolstoy believed that a person should be himself. But it is not he who suffers from the "masks" of the colonel, but Ivan Vasilyevich. Worst of all, people who wear masks are rarely able to acknowledge this trait as a disadvantage. Other people living next to them suffer from this.

Changes in human relationships often depend on the fact that people get used to seeing each other in one of the masks, and when they see another mask or true face, they cannot accept them. Ivan Vasilyevich saw the colonel during the punishment, he was shocked by this scene. Did the colonel really know anything to justify cruelty? Was there anything to justify beating one person by another? Ivan Vasilievich could not find such an excuse, neither the author nor the reader can find it. Therefore, we can conclude that masks destroy human relationships.

What is Tolstoy's story "After the Ball" directed against?

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  • What the story is directed against after the ball on what, according to the author, changes in human relations depend

The story of L.N. Tolstoy's "After the Ball" raises important universal human problems: what is honor, duty, conscience, how to behave in order to be called a real person, what is more important - the judgment of people or the judgment of God.
This work depicts two episodes from the life of one person - General B. First, we see him at the ball on the occasion of the end of Shrovetide week. Here he appears before us in the most favorable light - as a loving father and a good military man.
But here comes the first morning of Great Lent, the time when a person is obliged to think about his soul, about his actions, about his life. And this morning, General B. opens up from a completely different side - as a dull executor of orders, as a man without a soul and heart.
Ivan Vasilyevich sees the punishment of a fugitive Tatar taking place on the parade ground. This picture is simply awful, it is impossible to read it without shuddering: “At each blow, the punished, as if surprised, turned his face wrinkled with suffering in the direction from which the blow fell, and, showing his white teeth, repeated some of the same words ".
Approaching, Ivan Vasilyevich heard them: “Brothers, have mercy. Brothers, have mercy. " And all this was led by General B.!
What he saw made the narrator think about many things. He made a decision never to serve, so as not to defile his soul and not get his hands dirty by carrying out inhuman orders from anyone. This hero ruined to take his fate into his own hands and be responsible only for his actions. This, in his understanding, meant remaining an honest man, thinking about his duty and about his conscience.
It is important that even Ivan Vasilyevich's love for Varenka B., after what he saw on the parade ground, began to decline. Can a person raised by such a father have other ideas about honor, conscience, duty? In my opinion, no. And, in my opinion, this is what the narrator thought in his heart.
In this story, Tolstoy opposes life "by order." He tells us that we cannot live by following the instructions of other people, no matter what position they occupy. You need to listen to your heart, yourself - it will always prompt the right decision. And if it seems to you that you do not know the correct answer to the question “What is duty, conscience, honor?”, Then you need to turn to the Bible. After all, the precepts of this book are universal principles of morality and ethics, human wisdom, collected together. Leo Tolstoy urged to appeal precisely to such a morality, and not to the morality of temporary rulers, replaceable sovereigns. You need to account for your actions before your soul, that is, before God, says the great Russian writer.

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