What fairy tales wrote brothers Grimm. Real fairy tales Brothers Grimm

What fairy tales wrote brothers Grimm. Real fairy tales Brothers Grimm
What fairy tales wrote brothers Grimm. Real fairy tales Brothers Grimm

For the first time, a collection of fairy tales of the brothers Grimm was released in 1812 and was called "children's and family fairy tales". All works were collected on German lands and processed to give liteurities and some wonderful magic, which he liked the children. It makes no sense of all the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers to read at one age. Their list is great, but not all are good, besides, not every will be useful to young children.

Edition of the first book of Brothers Grimm

In order to publish your book, the Grimm brothers had to survive a lot of adversity, the events unfolded with a completely unimaginable side. Printing the manuscript for the first time, they handed it to their friend. However, it turned out that Clemens Brentano was not at all a friend. Having considered in the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers Golden custody, he simply disappeared from his friends and how they later began to suspect, decided to publish a fairy tale on his own behalf. The manuscript was found after many years, after the death of the authors. It was 49 fairy tales, unique in kind, heard from Hessna.

Having survived the betrayal best friend, Brothers Grimm have unwound and decided to publish a book without special excesses and spending: illustrations and decorations. So on December 20, 1812, the first book of the authors saw the world, the first volume contained 86 works - this is so for the first time ordinary people read the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers. The list of fairy tales increased already after 2 years another 70 children's magic stories.

Read tales steel all!

The fairy tales of the Grimm brothers read absolutely everything, the stories were passed from the mouth to the mouth and gradually the authors of the storytellers became widely known persons, respect and the love of which they grew up as on yeast. People came to them, helped, who could, and thanked for a part of the joy, which they carry them to their beloved children. Inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bcollecting as much as possible folk works, Again a little magic and useful children of educational nuances, the brothers worked not to give up hands to the end of their lives. So in more than 20 years, the brothers released not many of the 7th editions, and with abundant illustration and qualitative for those times.

At all times, the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm loved to read both children and adults, although some people did not consider them suitable small children. Too adult plots and sometimes deep reasoning scared parents. Therefore, the Grimm brothers did not laugh and edited some fairy tales, reorienting them on the youngest children. That's the form they reached us. On our site we tried to add fairy tales in the original childhood only in best translations into Russian.

And sometimes ...

The fairy tales of the Grimm brothers seriously affected the attitude towards fabulous creativity, if the fairy tales were more often too simple, then the stories of the brothers can be called a literary innovation, a breakthrough. Subsequently, many people were inspired by finding wonderful folk fairy tales and their publication. Including the authors of the site decided to make their contribution to the development and entertainment of modern children.

Among other things, we will not forget that the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers appear not a little, but in international Fund UNESCO in a section dedicated to commemorative, great works. And such a recognition is about what a lot of things are worthy of two kind of good talents of Grimm.

On our page collected all the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers. Tales Brothers Grimm List - this is full collection All works. This list includes and magic fairy tales Brothers Grimm, fairy tales about animals, new fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. The world of fairy tales Brothers Grimm is amazing and magical, filling the plot of good and evil. Best fairy tales Brothers Grimm can be found on the pages of our site. Fairy tales brothers Grimm online read very exciting and comfortable.

Tales Brothers Grimm List

  1. (Der Froschk? Nig Oder Der Eiserne Heinrich)
  2. Katze Und Maus in Gesellschaft)
  3. Child Mary (Marienkind)
  4. A fairy tale about who walked fear to learn (m? Rchen von Einem, Der Auszog Das F? Rchten Zu Lernen)
  5. Wolf and Seven Cats (Der Wolf Und Die Sieben Jungen Gei? Lein)
  6. Raper Johannes (Der Treue Johannes)
  7. Good Trade / Profitful Del Gute Handel
  8. Unusual musician / eccentric musician (Der Wunderliche Spielmann)
  9. Twelve Brothers (Die ZW? LF Br? Der)
  10. Das Lumpengesindel (DAS LUMPENGESINDEL)
  11. Brother and Sister (Br? Derchen Und Schwesterchen)
  12. Rapunzel (bell)
  13. Three little men in the forest / three small slabs (Die DREI M? NNLEINM IM WALDE)
  14. Three straight (Die Drei Spinnerinnen)
  15. Hansel and Gretel (H? NSEL Und Gretel)
  16. Three snake leaflets (Die Drei Schlangenbl? Tter)
  17. White Schlage (Die Weisse Schlage)
  18. Solominka, Corner and Bob (Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne)
  19. About Fisherman and His Wife (Vom Fischer und Seiner Frau)
  20. Brave Tailing (Das Tapfere Schneiderlein)
  21. Cinderella (Aschenguttel)
  22. Riddle (Das R? Tsel)
  23. About the mouse, bird and fried sausage (VON DEM M? USCHEN, V? Gelchen Und Der Bratwurst)
  24. Mrs. Metelitsa (Frau Holle)
  25. Seven Crows (Die Sieben Raben)
  26. Red Cap (Rotk? Ppchen)
  27. The Bremen Town Musicians (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten)
  28. Singing Bone (Der Singende Knochen)
  29. Chest with three golden hairs (der Teufel Mit Den Drei Goldenen Haaren)
  30. Log and Piece (L? USCHEN Und Fl? Hchen)
  31. Handless girl (Das M? DCHEN OHNE H? NDE)
  32. Reasonable Hans / Der Gascheite Hans
  33. Three Languages \u200b\u200b(Die Drei Sprachen)
  34. Smart Else (Die Kluge ELSE)
  35. Tailor in paradise (der Schneider IM Himmel)
  36. Table-Same Cut, Golden Area and Bag Dube (Tischchen Deck Dich, Goldesel Und Kn? PPEL AUS DEM SACK)
  37. Boy-C-Finger (Daumesdick)
  38. Mrs. Fox Wedding (Die Hochzeit Der Frau F? Chsin)
  39. DIE WichTelm? NNER)
  40. Rogue Groom (Der R? Uberbr? Utigam)
  41. Mr. Korbes (HERR KORBES)
  42. Mr. Kum (Der Herr Gevatter)
  43. Ms. Labor / Frau Labor (Frau Trude)
  44. Death of Kuma / Death in Kumany (Der Gevatter Tod)
  45. Travel Boy-C-Finger (Daumerlings Wanderschaft)
  46. Fishing Bird (Fitchers Vogel)
  47. About the enchanted tree (Von Dem Machandelboom)
  48. Old Sultan (Der Alte Sultan)
  49. Six Swans (Die Sechs Schw? Ne)
  50. Shipovichki / Sleeping Beauty (Dornr? Schen)
  51. Bird Found / Bird - FoundVogel
  52. King DROSDOBOD (K? NIG DrosselBart)
  53. Snow Maiden / Snow Whole (Schneewittchen)
  54. Kotomka, Hat and Horn (Der Ranzen, Das H? Tlein Und Das H? Rnlein)
  55. Rumpelstilzchen
  56. Cute Roland (Der Liebste Roland)
  57. Golden Bird (Der Goldene Vogel)
  58. Fog and Sparrow / Dog and Sparrow (Der Hund Und Der Speryling)
  59. Friter and Caterlizhen (Der Frieder Und Das Katherlieschen)
  60. Two brothers (Die Zwei Br? Der)
  61. Das B? Rle)
  62. Tsarina Bee / Bee Matika (Die Bienenk? Nigin)
  63. Three Pedern (Die Drei Federn)
  64. Golden Goose (Die Goldene Gans)
  65. Pedesty Schucker (Allerleirauh)
  66. Bride Bunny / Hare Bride (H? Sichenbraut)
  67. Twelve Hunters (Die ZW? LF J? GER)
  68. Thief and his teacher (de Gaudeif Un Sien Meester)
  69. Jorinde Und Joringel (Jorinde Und Joringel)
  70. Three lucky / three lucky
  72. Wolf and Man (Der Wolf Und Der Mensch)
  73. Wolf and Fox (Der Wolf Und Der Fuchs)
  74. Lis and Mrs. Quma (Der Fuchs und Die Frau Gevatterin)
  75. Fox and Cat (Der Fuchs und dietze)
  76. Nail (Die Nelke)
  77. Die Kluge Gretel)
  78. Old grandfather and granddaughters (Der Alte Gro? Vater Und Der Enkel)
  79. Little Mermaid / Ondine (Die Wassernixe)
  80. About the death of the chicken (Von Dem Tode Des H? HnChens)
  81. Brother Lustig (Bruder Lustig)
  82. Gansl player (de Spielhansl)
  83. Hans Im GL? CK)
  84. Hans marries (Hans Heiratet)
  85. Golden Kids (Die Goldkinder)
  86. Fox and Geese (Der Fuchs und die g? NSE)
  87. Poor and Rich (Der Arme Und Der Reiche)
  88. Das Singende Springende L? WENECKERCHEN)
  89. Buckyatnitsa (Die G? Nsemagd)
  90. Young Giant (Der Junge Riese)
  91. Underground man (DAT ERDM? NNEKEN)
  92. King with Golden Mountain (Der K? Nig Vom Goldenen Berg)
  93. Voronich (Die Rabe)
  94. Smart Peasant Daughter (Die Kluge Bauerntochter)
  95. Three birds (de Drei V? Gelkens)
  96. Living water (Das Wasser Des Lebens)
  97. Dr. Nessenka (Doktor Allwissend)
  98. Spirit in Sklyanka (Der Geist Im Glas)
  99. Chumazy Brother Scratch (des Teufels ru? Ger bruder)
  100. Bear (Der B? Renh? Uter)
  101. Queen and Bear (Der Zaunk? Nig Und Der B? R)
  102. Smart People (Die Klugen Leute)
  103. Fairy Tales About Already / M? Rchen Von Der Unke (M? Rchen Von Der Unke)
  104. Poor Mill and Cattle Liver (Der Arme M? Llersbursch und Das k? Tzchen)
  105. Two Wanderer (Die Beiden Wanderer)
  106. Hans - My Hedgehog (Hans Mein Igel)
  107. Little Saban (Das Totenhemdchen)
  108. Jew in a thranger (der bud Jude Im Dorn)
  109. Scientist Huntsman (Der Gelernte J? GER)
  110. Chapels from Paradise / Chase from Sky (Der Dreschflegel Vom Himmel)
  111. Two royal children (de Beiden K? Nigeskinner)
  112. About resourceful tailoring (VOM Klugen Schneiderlein)
  113. Sun clear the whole truth will open (Die Klare Sonne Bringt's An Den Tag)
  114. Blue Candle (Das Blaue Licht)
  115. Three Feldscherr (Die Drei Feldscherr)
  116. Seven Bravets (Die Sieben Schwaben)
  117. Three apprentices (Die Drei Handwerksburschen)
  118. Son of the king, who was not afraid of anything (Der k? Nigssohn, Der Sich Vor Nichts f? Rchtete)
  119. Der Krautesel)
  120. Old woman in the forest (Die Alte Im Wald)
  121. Three brothers (Die Drei Br? Der)
  122. Der Teufel Und Seine Gro? Mutter)
  123. Ferinand faithful and Ferenand Invalid (Ferenand Getr? Und Ferenand Ungetr?)
  124. Iron oven (Der Eisenofen)
  125. Lazy Spinner (Die Faule Spinnerin)
  126. Four skilled brothers (Die Vier Kunstreichen Br? Der)
  127. One-eyed, double-to-key and threefall (EIN? UGLEIN, ZWEI? UGLEIN UND DREI? UGLEIN)
  128. Lovely Catrinel and NiF-Natr Sodrom (Die Sch? Ne Katrinelje und PiF PAF Poltrie)
  129. Lis and Horse (Der Fuchs und Das Pferd)
  130. Extracts in the dance of shoes (Die Zertanzten Schuhe)
  131. Six Servants (Die Sechs Diener)
  132. White and Black Bride (Die Wei? E Und Die Schwarze Braut)
  133. Iron Hans (Der Eisenhans)
  134. Three Black Princesses (De Drei Schwatten Prinzessinnen)
  135. Lamb and fish (Das L? Mmchen und Fischchen)
  136. SIMELIBERG Mountain
  137. On the way (Up Reisen Gohn)
  138. Donkey (Das Eselein)
  139. Ungrateful Son (Der Undankbare SOHN)
  140. Rope (Die R? BE)
  141. Newly stitched man (Das Junggegl? HTE M? NNLEIN)
  142. Dier HahnenBalken
  143. Old Betlefrau (Die Alte Bettelfrau)
  144. Three lazy people (Die Drei Faulen)
  145. Twelve lazy servants (Die ZW? LF FAULEN KNECHTE)
  146. Shepherd (Das Hirtenb? Blein)
  147. Stars Tales (Die SternTaler)
  148. Credit Geller (Der Gestohlene Heller)
  149. LOOKS (Die Brautschau)
  150. Die Schlickerlininge
  151. Sparrow and his four kids (Der Spereling und Seine Vier Kinder)
  152. Tale of an unprecedented country (Das M? Rchen Vom Schlaraffenland)
  153. Ditmar's Fairy Tale (Das DietMarsische L? Genm? Rchen)
  154. Fairy Tale-Riddle (R? Tselm? Rchen)
  155. Snow Wholewei (Schneewei? Chen Und Rosenrot)
  156. Smart servant (der kluge Knecht)
  157. Glass Coffin (Der Gl? Serne Sarg)
  158. Lazy Heinz (Der Faule Heinz)
  159. Bird Vulti (Der Vogel Greif)
  160. Mighty Hans (Der Starke Hans)
  161. Skinny Lisa (Die Hagere Liese)
  162. Forest house (Das Waldhaus)
  163. Joy and grief in half (Lieb und Leid Teilen)
  164. Queen (Der Zaunk? Nig)
  165. Kambala (Die Scholle)
  166. Freak and Udod (Rohrdommel und Wiedehopf)
  167. Owl (Die Eule)
  168. Life lifetime (Die Lebenszeit)
  169. Harppinger of death (Die Boten Des Todes)
  170. Buckyman at the Well (Die G? Nsehirtin am Brunnen)
  171. Unequal children Eva (Die Ungleichen Kinder Evas)
  172. Mermaid in the pond (Die Nixe Im Teich)
  173. Gifts of small people (Die Geschenke Des Kleinen Volkes)
  174. Giant and tailor (der Riese Und der Schneider)
  175. Nail (der nagel)
  176. Poor boy in the grave (der Arme Junge Im Grab)
  177. Real Bride (Die Wahre Braut)
  178. Hare and Yozh (Der Hase Und Der Igel)
  179. Spindel, WebSchiffchen Undel)
  180. Der Bauer Und Der Teufel)
  181. Guinea pig (Das Meerh? Schen)
  182. Skilled thief (der meisterdieb)
  183. Drummer (der Trommler)
  184. Bread Colos (Die Korn? HRE)
  185. Moghive Hill (Der Grabh? GEL)
  186. Old Rinkrank (Oll Rinkrank)
  187. Crystal Ball (Die Kristallkugel)
  188. Maewgfrau Maleen
  189. Buffalo Skin Bug (Der Stiefel Von B? Ffeelleder)
  190. Golden Key (Der Goldene Schl? Ssel)

Brothers Grimm were born in the family of an official in the city of Ghanau (Khanau). The Father was at first a lawyer in Ghanau, and then dealt with legal issues from Prince Ganaow. Senior Brother, Jacob Grimm (04/01/1785 - 09/20/1863), was born on January 4, 1785, and the younger - Wilhelm Grimm (02.24.1786 - 16.12.1859) - February 24, 1786. As linguists, were one of the founders of scientific Germany, the etymological "German dictionary" (actually generally) was made. The release of the German dictionary that began in 1852 was completed only in 1961, but after that regularly processed.

From the earliest childhood, the Grimm brothers united friendship, which continued to the coffin board. After the death of the Father, in 1796, they had to go to the care of their aunt on the side of the mother and only because of her, they graduated educational institution. Maybe it is left early without parents, rallied fraternal bonds for life in them.

Brothers Grimm have always distinguished the desire for study, even enrolled in the University of Marburg, so that on the example of the Father, to learn a legal entity. But fate ordered otherwise and truly his calling was found in the study of literature.

Self famous fairy tales Brothers Grimm "Bremen Musicians", "Boy - C - Finger", "Brave Tailor", "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs". The signs of the Grimm Brothers List will provide you with a complete collection of all fairy tales. Each of us was worried about the difficult fate of the boy, left alone in the forest, who are looking for the way home. And the "smart Elsa" - all girls wanted to be at her similar.

Surely everyone knows the fairy tales of the brothers Grimm. Perhaps, many in childhood parents told fascinating stories about the beauty of Snow White, good-natured and cheerful Cinderella, a capricious princess and others. The growing children then read the fascinating fairy tales of these authors. And those who did not particularly like to spend time for the book, have been looked cartoons Based on the works of the legendary creators.

Who are the brothers Grimm?

Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm - famous German linguists. Throughout his life, they worked on the creation of German to greatly regret, they did not have time to finish him. However, not because of this, they became so popular. They glorified them exactly folk tales. Brothers Grimm still became famous in life. "Children's and home fairy tales" with emergency speed were translated into different languages. The Russian version came out in the 60s of the 19th century. To date, their fairy tales are read by almost 100 languages. On the works of Brothers Grimm, many children from different countries. In our country, they received wide popularity in the 30s of the last century, thanks to the negatives and the treatments of Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak, and

What is the secret of the popularity of the fairy tales of the brothers Grimm?

In all fairy tales there is a unique and interesting plot, a happy finale, the victory of good over evil. Entertaining storiesFounding from their feather is very instructive, and most of them are devoted to kindness, courage, resourcefulness, courage, honor. In fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm main characters are people. But there are also stories in which birds, animals or insects become operating persons. Usually in such stories are ridiculed negative traits Human: greed, laziness, cowardice, envy, etc.

In the fairy tales of the brothers Grimm and elements of cruelty are present. So, for example, the murder of brave tailoring robbers, the consumption of stepmother to bring her internal organs (liver and light) Snow White, harsh re-education of his wife by the king of a frost breeding. But you should not confuse the elements of cruelty with pronounced violence, which is not here. But frightening and terrible moments present in the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers help children to realize the existing fears and subsequently overcome them, which serves as peculiar psychotherapy for the child.

Tales Brothers Grimm: List

  • Unusual musician.
  • Brave tailor.
  • About fisherman and his wife.
  • Mrs. Meltelitsa.
  • Golden bird.
  • Poor and rich.
  • Ungrateful son.
  • White and rose.
  • Hare and hedgehog.
  • Golden Key.
  • Queen Bee.
  • Friendship cats and mice.
  • Good trade.
  • Bell.
  • Solominka, corner and bob.
  • White Snake.
  • About the mouse, bird and fried sausage.
  • Singing bone.
  • Loss and flew.
  • Skyline bird.
  • Six swans.
  • Kotomka, hat and horn.
  • Golden goose
  • Wolf and foxes.
  • Buckyatnitsa.
  • Korolev and Bear

The best fairy tales brothers Grimm

These include:

  • Wolf and seven small goats.
  • Twelve brothers.
  • Brother and sister.
  • Hansel and Gretel.
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
  • Bremen street musicians.
  • Smart Elsa.
  • Boy-with-finger.
  • King frosturbation.
  • Hans - my hedgehog.
  • One-eyed, double-to-key and threefall.
  • Mermaid.

In fairness it is worth noting that this list is far from truth in the last instance, since preferences of different people can radically differ from each other.

Annotations to some fairy tales of the brothers Grimm

  1. "Hans is my hedgehog." A fairy tale in 1815 was written. Talks O. unusual boy and it not clear fate. Outwardly, he resembled hedgehogs, but only with soft needles. He was not even a native father.
  2. "Rumplehtikhzen". He tells about dwarf that has the ability to spin gold from straw.
  3. "Rapunzel". Fairy Tale of a beautiful girl with chic long hair. She was sharpened in a high tower evil witch.
  4. "The table is the wrong, the golden donkey and a baton from the bag." The fairy tale about the breathtaking adventures of the three brothers, each of which possessed the magic object.
  5. "Tale of the king frog or about Iron Henry." The story of an ungrateful queen, who did not estimate the act of a frog, who pulled her beloved golden ball. Frog turned into a beautiful Koroleich.

Description of Jacob and Wilhelm

  1. "Brantz and sister." After the appearance in the House of Magicians, children have to fall out. Therefore, they decide to leave. On their way there are a lot of obstacles that they need to overcome. Complete the whole witch-stepmother, which is smashes sources. After drinking the water from them, you can turn into wild beasts.
  2. "Brave tailor". Fairy Tale Hero - brave tailor. Satisfied with a calm and boring life, he goes to perform feats. On the way, it faces the giants and the giant king.
  3. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". He tells about the delicious daughter of the king, which was happily taken by seven dwarfs, saving and protecting it in the future from the angry stepmother, which owns the magic mirror.

  4. "King Drozdobodorod". Tale of a city and beautiful princess that did not want to marry. She rejected all his potential grooms, mocking their real and fictional disadvantages. As a result, the father gives her for the first oncoming.
  5. "Mrs. Meltelitsa." You can attribute to the category "New Year's fairy tales of the Grimm Brothers". He tells about the widow, who had a native daughter and reception. Padderitsa tight accounted for a stepmother. But a sudden chance at which the unfortunate girl dropped into a well coil with threads, put everything in its place.
  6. Fairytale categories

    Conditionally, you can distribute the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers in the following categories.

    1. Fairy tales about beautiful girls who constantly spoil the life of evil sorcerers, witches and stepmothers. Many works of brothers are penetrated by a similar plot line.
    2. Fairy tales in which people turn into beasts, and vice versa.
    3. Fairy tales in which various objects are listed.
    4. which people and their actions are becoming.
    5. Fairy tales whose heroes become animals, birds or insects. They make fun of negative character traits and praise positive features and inherent dignity.

    Events of all fairy tales occur in different time years without focusing on it. Therefore, it is impossible to allocate, for example, the spring fairy tales of the Grimm brothers. How, let's say, at A.N.ostrovsky "Snow Maiden", which is accompanied by the name "Spring Fairy Tale in four actions".

    "Witch Hunters" or "Genesel and Gretel"?

    The last movie casting removed based on the fairy tale of the Grimm brothers is "Witch Hunters." The premiere of the film took place on January 17, 2013.

    In a compressed form, the "Genel and Gretel" fairy tale is set out at the beginning of the film. The native father for incomprehensible reasons leaves his son and daughter at night in the forest more often. In desperation, children go there where the eyes look, and come out on a bright and delicious house of sweets. The witch that lured them into this house wants to eat them, but the smelted genes and Gretel send it to the oven.

    Next, the events unfold according to the director himself. Many years later, Hanzel and Gretel begin to host the witch hunting, which becomes the meaning of their life and the way of good earnings. The will of fate falls in a small town, sising by the sorceress, who steal children to commit their rituals. Heroic they save the whole city.

    As you can see, the director Tommy Virkola took a fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm in a laconic form, adding her own continuation to a new way.


    Fairy tales are necessary for all kids without exception. They are able to expand their horizons, develop fantasy and creative imagination, educate certain character traits. Be sure to read your children a fairy tale of different authors, including the Brothers Grimm.

    Only when choosing works do not forget to pay attention to their publication. After all, there are such publications in which episodes are missed or added. This is often silent in notes. And this is not a small nuance, but a significant disadvantage capable of distorting the meaning of the fairy tale.

    It will also be excellent if you delay the time to talk about the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers or at your leisure, play the most loved ones.

In 1812, a collection of fairy tales called "children's and family fairy tales" was published.

These were fairy tales collected in German lands and literary processed by brothers. Jacob and WilhelmGrimmas. Later, the collection was renamed, and so far he is known as the "Fairy Tale of the Grimm Brothers".


Jacob Grimm (1785-1863)

Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859)

Brothers Grimm were people of rich erudition that had wide circle Interests. Just listing their activities to make sure that. They were engaged in jurisprudence, lexicography, anthropology, language, philology, mythology; Worked librarians, taught at the university, and also wrote poems and works for children.

Cabinet Wilhelm Grimma

Brothers in the family of famous lawyer Philip Grammma in Khanau (Earth Hessen) were born. Wilhelm was younger than Jacob for 13 months and weak health. When the older of the brothers was 11 years old, their father died, without leaving almost no means. The sister of their mother took boys on their care and contributed to their education. In total, the Filip Philip Grimma was 5 sons and daughter, of which Ludwig Emil Grimm (1790-1863) - German artist and engraving.

Ludwig Emil Grimm. Self-portrait

The brothers were members of the Mug of Heidelberg Romantics, who have aimed at reviving interest in the national culture of Germany and her folklore. Heidelberg School of Romanticism Oriented artists in the Stront of the National Past, mythology, to a deep religious feeling. Representatives of the school turned to folklore as a "genuine language" of the people who contribute to his association.
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm left the famous meeting german fairy tales. Chief work Life brothers Grimm - "German Dictionary". In fact, this is a comparative historical dictionary of all German languages. But the authors managed to bring it only to the letter "F", and the dictionary was completed only in the 1970s.

Jacob Grimm reads a lecture in Hettingham (1830). Sketch Ludwig Emil Grimma

In total, during the life of the writers, the collection of fairy tales resist the 7th editions (last - in 1857). This edition contained 210 fairy tales and legends. All issues were illustrated first by Philip Grota-Johann, and after his death - Robert Linwebere.
But the first editions of fairy tales underwent a strong criticism. They were regarded as not suitable for children's reading and in content, and because of academic information inserts.
Then in 1825, the Grimm brothers published a collection of Kleine Ausgabe, which included 50 fairy tales, which were carefully edited for young readers. Illustrations (7 copper engravings) created painter Ludwig Emil Grimm. This children's version of the book has withstood ten publications between 1825 and 1858.

Preparatory work

Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm began to collect fairy tales since 1807. In search of fairy tales, they traveled on the land of Hesse (in the center of Germany), and then in Westphalia (the historical region in the north-west of Germany). The storytellers of fairy tales were a variety of people: shepherds, peasants, artisans, innovatives, etc.

Ludwig Emil Grimm. Portrait of Fimann Dorothei, folk teacher, in the stories of which brothers Grimm recorded more than 70 fairy tales
According to the peasantry of Dorota Fimanne (1755-1815), the daughter of the innkeeper from the village of Zveren (near the Kassel), 21 fairy tale for the second volume and numerous additions were recorded. She was the mother of six children. She belongs to the fairy tales "Gusyatnitsa", "lazy," "Damn and his grandmother", "Dr. Nesnay".

Fairy Tale "Red Hood"

Many tales of the collection are common plots of European folklore and therefore enter collections different writers. For example, a fairy tale "Red Cap". She is literaryly processed by the Charlock Perra, and later was recorded by the brothers Grimm. The plot of the girl, deceived by the Wolf, was spread in France and Italy from the Middle Ages. In the Alpine foothills and in Tyrol, the tale is known since the XIV century. And he used extremely popular.
In fairy tales of various countries and locations varied contents of baskets: in northern Italy The granddaughter carried his grandmother fresh fish, in Switzerland - the head of a young cheese, in the south of France - a pie and a pot of oil, etc. Charles Perro Wolf eats a red hat and grandmother. The fairy tale is a morality that instructs the maidens to fear seductors.

Illustration to the German Fairy Tale

The Grimm brothers who held past the woodcutters, having heard the noise, kill the wolf, cut his stomach and rescue the grandmother and a red hat. Moral fairy tales at the Grimm brothers is also present, but it is another plan: it is a warning to disobedient children: "Well, now I will never be in the forest to run away from a big road, I do not disobey more Matushkaya order."
In Russia, there is a version of P. N. Polevoy - a complete translation of the version of the Brothers Grimm, but a great prevalence received retelling I. S. Turgenev (1866), in which the motive of the prohibition disorder and some details of the descriptions were removed.

The meaning of the "Tales of the Brothers Grimm"

Ludwig Emil Grimm. Portrait of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimmov (1843)

The influence of fairy tales of the Grimm brothers was huge, they since the first edition won the love of readers, despite criticism. Their work inspired to pick up fabulous stories and writers of other countries: in Russia it was Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev, in Norway - Peter Kristen Asbiernsen and Jorgen Mu, in England - Joseph Jacobs.
V. A. Zhukovsky In 1826, there were two fairy tales of the Grimm brothers into Russian for the journal "Children's Interlocutor" ("Cute Roland and Devision Clear Color" and "Tsarevna-Roshovnik").
The influence of the plots of fairy tales of the Grimm brothers is traced in three fairy tales A. S. Pushkin: "Tale of the dead princess and about seven heroes" ("Snow White" Brothers Grimm), "Tale of fisherman and fish" (the fairy tale "About the fisherman and his wife" Brothers Grimm) and "Brush" (brother's fairy tale Grimm "Groom-Robber").

Franz Hutner. Illustration "Magic and poisoned apple" (from the fairy tale of the brothers Grimm "Snow White")

Tale of the brothers Grimm "About Fisherman and His Wife"

One fisherman lives with his wife Ilisebil in a poor barbell. Once he caresses in the sea of \u200b\u200bCambalu, which turns out to be enchanted by the Prince, she asks to let her go to the sea that the fisherman performs.
Ilisbil asks her husband, if he did not ask for something in exchange for freedom of fish, and forces him to call Cambalu again to wish his house better. Magic fish fulfills this desire.
Soon, Ilishibil again sends a husband to demand a stone castle from Cambals, then wishes to become a queen, Kaiser (emperor) and Roman dad. With each request of the fisherman to the cambal, the sea is growing stronger and raging the sea.
The fish performs all her desires, but when Ilishibil wants to become the Lord God, then Kambala returns everything to the previous state - to miserable shack.
The fairy tale was recorded by Brothers Grimm on the front pose dialect (the historical region in the south of the Baltic Sea, which was in different epochs As part of various states) based on the Fairy Tale of Philip Otto Runge (German Romantic).
Apparently, in ancient times, Kambala had in the alaria the functions of the sea deity, so the fairy tale is the echo mythology. Moral fairy tale is presented in the form of parables: insatiability and excessive requests are punishable of the loss of all.

Illustration Anna Anderson "Fisherman speaks with Cambalo"

Legends were also included in the collection of "Tales of Brothers Grimm".
Legend - Written legend of any historical events or personalities. Legends explain the origin of natural and cultural phenomena And they give their moral assessment. In the broad sense of the legend, this is an unreliable story about the facts of real reality.
For example, the legend "Cups of Our Lady" is the only work from the collection, never published in Russian.

Legend "Cups of Our Lady"

This legend of the legend is placed in the second German edition of the book of fairy tales of 1819 as a children's legend. According to the notes of the Grimm brothers, it is recorded from the Westphalian genus Haksthausen from Padeborn (the city in Germany, located in the north-east of the North Rhine-Westphalia).
Content of legend. Once the cab driver is stuck on the road. Wine was in his wagon. Despite all the efforts, he could not move the wagon from the scene.
At this time, the Mother of God passed by. Seeing the poor attempts to the poor man, she turned to the words: "I was tired and I want to drink, pour me a glass of wine, and then I will help free your wagon." The driver willingly agreed, but he did not have a glass to pour wine into him. Then the Mother of God threw a white flower with pink stripes (field binding), which is a little similar to the cup, and served an extrusion. He filled the flower wine. The Mother of God screamed - and at the same moment the wagon was released. The poor man went on.

Flower Vyuninka

Since then, these flowers are called "cups of Our Lady."