The method of creating an original text (composition). The reasoning is

The method of creating an original text (composition). The reasoning is

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • show the value of the epistolary genre, its features, draw up a genre questionnaire;
  • enrichment of vocabulary, the formation of a culture of speech of students;
  • education of an attentive, careful attitude to the word; familiarization with the moral and ethical norms of human communication with the help of writing;
  • popularization of the writing genre.


  • books in the epistolary genre (F.M.Dostoevsky "Poor People"; A.P. Chekhov "Vanka"; K. Simonov "Five Pages"; S. Yesenin "Letter to Mother", "Letter to a Woman", "Letter to Grandfather" ; AS Pushkin "Novel in Letters") and others;
  • essays by students in the epistolary genre;
  • statements about the letter.

During the classes

I.Introductory speech of the teacher:

Composing, I think, is the most creative form of a student's work, and, moreover, the most universal. By creating the text of the essay, the student must demonstrate his reading skills, speech competence, analytical skills and erudition.

It is no secret that many students do not cope with such work quite satisfactorily, because they do not feel ready to adequately express themselves in words.

However, everyone can learn to speak and write well. The Roman politician, orator and writer Mark Thulius Cicero said: "They become orators." And the Russian writer A.P. Sumarokov believed that "our beautiful language is capable of anything."

Today we will talk about one of the original genres of school essays - writing, get acquainted with the genre's questionnaire, listen to samples of essays in the form of a letter.

II... Writing is a special form of communication that serves to transmit information over a distance.

1. What is a letter? Let us turn to the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova. We read:

letter - a, plural; letters - this.

  • Written text.
  • Ability to write.
  • One or another system of signs for the transmission of speech.
  • The manner of artistic depiction.

(Write down examples in notebooks).

2. Types of letters.

Now let's see if all letters are the same? Who writes to whom? (to a friend, family, relatives, acquaintances, letter - note, to the president, teacher, etc.)

  • personal,
  • business,
  • friendly,
  • official,
  • congratulatory,
  • letter to the newspaper.

(Writing in notebooks.)

3. Epistolary genre in literature.

Greek epistola - message, letter.

The epistolary genre is one of the directions of fiction. In Russian literature, works in the epistolary genre are known: "Poor People" by F.M.Dostoevsky, "Vanka" by A. Chekhov, poem "Five Pages" by K. Simonov, lyric poems "Letter to Mother", "Letter to a Woman", "Letter to the grandfather "S. Yesenin," A novel in letters "by A.S. Pushkin.

These works are of artistic value because they reflect the time, its problems, and people's relationships.

You came across letters while studying the novel "Eugene Onegin". (letter from Tatiana, Onegin)

Students can read these letters.

4. Genre questionnaire.

In the genre of writing, you can also write a school essay. Most often, essays of this type reflect the students' impressions of literary works and are reasoning about them.

In order to be able to write essays in the genre of writing, it is necessary to define the profile of the genre. It will include the main signs of a letter. (see p.50 in the book. Dorozhkina TN and others. "Our beautiful language is capable of anything ..."; p.21 in the book. "The best writing lesson")

5. Speech writing formulas.

The main parts of the letter

Speech formulas

1. Place and date of writing.

2. Greetings.

3. Handling


Good day!

Greetings to you!


Dear (dear, beloved, my dear)!

The name and all its forms.

Friend, mommy, etc.

Information part

Basic information to be stated

I would like to inform you ...

I would like to tell ...

Here's some news ...

There is nothing new…

You ask what we have new ...

The ending

1. Final phrases:

please write;
the assumption that the correspondence will be regular;


hello and goodbye;

assurance of respect, friendship and love.

2. Drink.

With (deep, sincere) respect ...

Respect for you ...

Your (s; - and) ...

Always yours (s; - and) ...

Loving you ...


See you soon!

Good luck!

III... Samples of students' essays in the genre of writing.

(see student essays)

IV... About the All-Russian competition "The best writing lesson".

(see materials of books and newspapers)

V.Lesson summary.

VI... Homework: write an essay in the genre of writing on one of the proposed topics (to a veteran, a friend, about his native land, etc.).


Although letter assumes the free movement of thought, you need to draw up in advance. This will help you not to get confused in your own theses and not get stuck in thinking. In addition, a well-thought-out structure will make your text understandable not only to the addressee, but also to any reader.

No letter cannot do without addressing the interlocutor. You can use the image of a familiar person so as not to think over his psychology when composing a letter. If you like to fantasize, you can turn to a fictional character, invented by you or existing in famous works of art. Also in this assignment you can afford the luxury of a conversation with the classics of literature and painting, with the great scientists of the Renaissance, or with the modern ruling elite.

After that, you can go directly to the subject of the letter (and therefore the subject of the essay). In a free style, tell us why the problem at hand is important and interesting. Perhaps some circumstances make it relevant. If you were prompted to think about some insignificant episode or by chance heard, mention this as well.

Build all your thoughts on a given topic according to the type of reasoning: first name the thesis, then move on to the proof of the statement or to pictures, examples that can serve as an illustration. In conclusion, draw a conclusion or indicate the complexity of the problem and the need to solve it (you can suggest ways to solve it, or at least outline the direction in which it is worth moving).

Since you write letter, reasoning can be interrupted by questions to an imaginary interlocutor. You can even assume that he will answer, and agree or argue with his remark. To give liveliness and spontaneity, you can provide the text with several lyrical digressions.

At the end of the letter, once again express your interest in the recipient's response and say goodbye to him.

It may seem that in our hectic and fast-paced age, with its emails, short messages and mobile phones, the ability to write has lost its relevance. Is it so?


Of course, in our time, lovers of epistolary medicine have a place to turn around. From time to time, those of us who decide to change jobs may need to write a resume. What can you do, willy-nilly, you have to be creative.

But if the resume is a necessity, limited by the formal requirements for its design, then the "accompanying" to the resume is a kind of detailed explanatory, capable of breaking through the impassive face of a potential employer. How to write an accompanying letter?

First of all, take the trouble to find out by all available means the surname and first name, as well as the position of the person to whom your resume with an accompanying letter m. Personal appeal to, no doubt, will play into your hands - any person

On the basis of an analysis of a work of art or on the basis of an analysis of personal life experience or own thoughts on any relevant topic.
The first chapter provides general recommendations for creating an original text: universal stages and rules, text structure, etc.
The second chapter is devoted to the method of creating texts of the main creative genres: essay, study, writing, association (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). The description of each genre is provided with concise algorithms that determine the order of actions to achieve the desired goal. Examples of texts of essays are given.
A distinctive feature of the recommendations below is their brevity and accessibility. A writer does not have to spend a lot of time studying theory, while he can easily master the basics of creating written texts, revealing his creativity, his individuality.

1.1. Universal stages and rules

Despite the fact that there are different ways of writing an essay, and work on each genre requires its own approach, there are still some universal stages and rules for creating a text, the knowledge of which greatly facilitates the creative process.


1. Formulation / choice of topic;

2. Formulation of the main idea / problem that you will prove / disclose in your work;

3. Justification of the relevance of the main idea / problem;

4. Selection of arguments supporting, illustrating the main idea / problem;

5. Determination of your own position;

6. Writing a draft according to the scheme (see paragraph 1.2. "Three-part text structure").

1.2. Three-part text structure

It is known that the composition of some genres of an essay, especially creative ones, presupposes freedom (the presence of an internal logic of presentation of the material, associative connections between parts, lack of reasoning of conclusions), however, upon closer examination, in any text it can be distinguished (somewhere graphically, somewhere conditionally, but in any case, within the meaning) three main parts: the introduction, the main part and the conclusion.

1. Introduction

Formulation of the main idea, the problem over which you will reason, which you will prove

2. Main part

Proof of the main thought, reasoning on the designated problem: A) commenting on the main thought, idea, problem - a description of how the problem exists (in the text or life); B) argumentation with examples (quotes from the text or a brief retelling, you can give examples from personal experience); C) expression of one's own position. P.S. If an essay is based on a work of any author, then in the main part they also indicate the position of the author in relation to the problem and express their attitude to this position (agreement / disagreement) - CM. point 1.3. "Commenting on the position of the author."

3. Conclusion

The general result of the reasoning: A) determining the degree of importance of the thought / problem indicated in the introduction; B) determining the prospects for its further disclosure / solution; C) setting another problem that follows from the considered one.

1.2.1. Introduction

Consider the options for INTRODUCTIONS on the example of an essay on the topic "What is happiness?"(based on the work of the Brazilian writer and poet P. Coelho "Alchemist").

A number of questions, consonant with the topic (idea, problem of the text)

What is happiness? Is it possible? What do you need to do to be happy? Are there universal recipes for achieving happiness? Is the path to it long? The modern Brazilian writer P. Coelho answers these and other questions in his work.

Reasoning about the title

Happiness. It is impossible to describe the concept of "happiness", you can only describe sensations, feelings, state. Only a person can be happy, and this state is subject to him, despite the seeming unattainability. Happinnes exists. It is, perhaps, very close, and to experience it sometimes you just need to look around and smile at the world. The world famous writer P. Coelho writes about this in his work "Alchemist".

Dialogue with an imaginary interlocutor on the topic (idea, problem) of the text

Dear friend, have you ever thought about what happiness is and how to find the way to it? You will answer that this is elementary: happiness is joy, laughter, pleasure, you just need to live and enjoy life. But is happiness only in joy and pleasure ?! And is the way to it so easy? Let's try to find the answer to these questions together, referring to the work "Alchemist" by the world famous writer P. Coelho.

A number of nominative sentences that create a figurative picture that arises by association

Happiness ... Joyful emotions. Light. Warmly. Falling in love ... The desire to do good, to benefit the world ... Such a fragile state ... But at the same time, such a powerful one, filling every cell of the body, giving strength to live. Happiness…

Quotes, proverbs, sayings, but the selected statement should either contain the main idea of ​​the text, or serve as a way to reach its problems

"Do not chase after happiness: it is always in you" - these wise words of the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras are relevant to this day. The problem of happiness, perhaps, has occupied the minds of people at all times. Until now, philosophers talk about happiness, writers create works, directors make films. And each of them answers these questions in their own way. One of the views on the problem of happiness is expressed in the famous work of the modern Brazilian writer P. Coelho "The Alchemist".

Brief information about the writer, work

Coelho is a Brazilian writer and poet who has published a total of 16 books - novels, commented anthologies, collections of short stories-parables. In Russia he became famous after the publication of "Alchemist", which remained in the top ten bestsellers for a long time. In this novel, the author raises a number of the most important questions for a person, among which one of the first places belongs to the question of happiness: what is happiness and where to look for it?

Description of the impression that this work made. (Why exactly this? What caused?)

I recently read the book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. This book did not leave me indifferent. Emotions of joy and surprise overwhelmed me immediately after I turned the last page of the novel: the answers to the most difficult and most important questions turned out to be so simple: what is happiness and where to look for it? The author tells us: "The secret of happiness is to see everything that is wonderful and glorious in the world, and never forget about two drops of oil in a teaspoon." "Sometimes you have to go around the whole world to understand that the treasure is buried in your own home." These two statements changed my attitude towards my own life.

1.2.2. Main part

IN THE MAIN PART should be avoided :

retelling of the text;

presentation of information not directly related to the topic.

Here your task is to demonstrate the ability logically, reasonably express thoughts ... To do this, you need to do the following:

1. Formulate the main idea / problem that you have taken for consideration.

2. Pick up arguments or text fragments (if an essay on a work of fiction) that, in your opinion, confirm this thought / problem.

In the main part, you must lead at least two arguments (or evidence) and to support each argument with at least one example taken from text or life.

Design examples from literary texts in an essay in the following ways:

1) quote sentences (if they are not very long) or part of it, putting ellipsis in place of missing words;

2) retell sentences / fragments of text in your own words.

To link examples and body text, you can use the following speech clichés:

To confirm what has been said, let us turn to the text: ...

This argument can be confirmed with the following example: ...

The validity of this conclusion can be proved by the example ...

In support of my own conclusions, I will give an example and ...

The next passage ... confirms the idea that ...

1.2.3. Conclusion

CONCLUSION should be:

short but succinct in content,
logically related to the previous presentation,
should not contradict the meaning of the reasoning from the main part.

At the beginning of the conclusion, you can use the following introductory words: so, therefore, therefore, in this way, we came to a conclusion, summing up the above, drawing conclusions from the above evidence etc.

The ending is the answer. Answer to the question posed at the beginning of the essay

So happiness is not an abstract feeling. Happiness is a path that only a brave and hardworking person can walk. To be happy, you just need to go your own way, benefit people, give the warmth of your heart. And most importantly, there is no need to look for happiness - it is always with us. It is in ourselves.

Description of the impression that this work made (what has changed in the worldview? What has taught?)

Summing up the above, I would like to note that the work of P. Coelho "Alchemist" made a strong impression on me. I clearly realized that the meaning of life lies in creative work, in love and constant self-improvement. The Alchemist does not give specific advice on finding happiness, but he gave me a direction where I should go.

Personal attitude to the problem being solved

So, in my opinion, happiness is a feeling of fullness of life, its meaningfulness. Happiness is always in our soul, and it depends only on us whether we will experience it, live it, or be always dissatisfied with running after it.

A number of rhetorical questions. Open ending (giving the reader the right to decide for himself)

So, Coelho clearly shows that a person in search of happiness can go a long way, which ultimately will lead to the starting point. The author demonstrates only one of the ways to achieve happiness, only some of its manifestations. But what is happiness for each specific person? When should you go in search of him? How to understand that you have reached the goal?

A quote, if it is a final judgment, reflecting the idea or problem of the text

Thus, the meaning of every person's life is to seek and find happiness. Many people are looking for happiness all their lives and do not find it. Someone can be happy for no reason, while someone needs certain conditions to achieve it. The author gives us a simple answer to the main question: where to look for happiness. "Sometimes you have to go around the whole world to understand that the treasure is buried in your own home."

Despite all the arguments given by the author, I believe that you cannot have happiness all the time - it is something constantly elusive, it is something that you cannot be in all the time. We all strive to be happy, and our life is a constant pursuit of happiness.

A striking example from my own experience confirming the position of the writer of the essay

My grandfather, who went through the entire Great Patriotic War, loved to talk about his war years. He said that the people of wartime lived with a deep hope of victory, looked forward to tomorrow, which could bring us victory. But still, grandfather always emphasized that it was interesting for them to live in the "here and now", it was in every day that people were looking for happy moments that gave them joy and the meaning of being. Happiness was near, and they knew how to see it, knowing full well that they might not have "tomorrow".

1.3. Commenting on the position of the author of the artisticworks

Usually, essays created on the basis of a work of art reflect the author's position on the problem under consideration and express a personal attitude towards this position. We offer the following types of commenting on the author's position: approval, condemnation, neutrality.

Condemnation: The author writes with pain in his heart that ...; speaks bitterly about ...; the author is indignant ...; the author cannot put up with that ...; with bitter irony writes about ...; the author ends his emotional, agitated reasoning with an equally disturbing conclusion ...

Neutrality: The author reflects on ...; as if inviting the reader to dialogue ...; shares his thoughts, observations ...; poses before the readers an important, topical problem ...; tries to explain complex philosophical concepts (complex life concepts), etc.


Algorithms for creating textscreative genres

2.1. Essay

Essay (from Latin exaquim - weighing, English essay and French essai - essay, article, attempt, trial) - a genre characterized by a free interpretation of any problem; a prose essay of a small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and considerations on a specific occasion and issue and obviously not claiming to be a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.

The specifics of the essay:

  1. The focus of an essay can be both a life phenomenon and an analysis of a literary, historical, aesthetic, philosophical or religious problem.
  2. Small volume.
  3. Free composition (the presence of an internal logic of presentation, associative links between parts, lack of reasoning of conclusions).
  4. Reflection of personal reflections, impressions, associations.
  5. Emotional syntax (an abundance of incomplete sentences, dots, interrogative and exclamation structures).
  6. Aphoristic and figurative speech.

Stages of writing an essay:

  1. Pondering the topic, formulating the main idea / problem.
  2. Justification of the urgency of the problem.
  3. Reflection on the problem: personal impressions, associations, assessments, quotes, unusual facts, arguments for and / or against.
  4. Summing up the reflections: a specific answer to the question posed in the introduction, suggestions how to solve the problem or leaving the question / problems open.

Essay examples:

What does it mean to love yourself?

At all times, people have tried to answer the eternal questions: what is the meaning of life? How can you find happiness? What is love. Among them, one of the essential questions is the following: what does it mean to love yourself?

You can often hear this kind of reasoning: self-love is a manifestation of selfishness. No less rare is the statement that self-love is the main condition for love for other people, i.e. a person who does not know how to love himself cannot relate to the world and other people with love. Someone understands self-love as an opportunity to live life to the fullest, to try all possible pleasures ("after all, we only live once!"), Without thinking about the consequences. For someone, loving yourself means taking care of yourself: about your health, appearance, intellect, soul - to keep all this in a harmonious state. Any kind of aggression towards oneself in this case will be understood as a manifestation of self-dislike: physical or moral self-flagellation, destruction of the body by bad habits, etc.

In my opinion, self-love should not be confused with selfishness. Selfishness is blind, completely unjustified self-worship, empty self-righteousness. This is a path of destruction, although at times it will seem pleasant. Self-love is a creative path, it is awareness of oneself and all people as unique personalities, this is a lot of work on oneself. Protect yourself from physical and psychological negativity, engage in the development of your abilities, learn to understand yourself, your needs, strive to see only the good in people and situations ... Love for yourself is like the process of caring for a plant - if we water it, fertilize the earth, send it the brightest thoughts - he will grow up healthy and strong.

Be that as it may, self-love always means placing yourself in the center of the world. It is no coincidence that the wise say: "Your life begins with yourself." But what a person will do in this center of the world - create or destroy himself - depends only on him.

2.2. Etude

Etude - a small work on a particular issue.

Composition-study - this is a SKETCH, a description of what you see, reasoning on what you see.

Etude specifics:

  1. Descriptiveness.
  2. Lack of plot.
  3. Small volume.
  4. Abundance of definitions.

Stages of writing an essay-study:

  1. Thinking over the topic.
  2. Description of the picture seen (should reflect a personal relationship to what he saw).

Examples of composition-etudes:


The end of spring. Evening. Embankment. Iset. So calm, quiet, slowly and softly carrying its silvery waters, immersed in the young green of the shores. The river of my hometown, a mysterious and wise wanderer ...

The water is not transparent, but it still seems pure, full of unknown power. A fishing boat is visible in the distance. Light river waves shake her rhythmically, as if lulling a fisherman with a fishing rod. A gentle breeze rippled through the water, the reflection of the trees swayed. A seagull flew sleepily ...

The sky is clear. The bright colors of the evening dawn suddenly descended from heaven into the water, and it became fiery red, as if filled with the heat of the sun.

A little more, and the sun, having touched the last rays of the river surface, will sink behind the spring thickets, the water in the river will darken and fall asleep. Until morning.

2.3. Diary

- a work written in the first person in the form of daily or periodical records, contemporary to the described events.

Diary - this is a reflection of the results of personal observation of the outside world and self-observation (expression of feelings, emotions, analysis of one's own actions, etc.).

Diary types:

  1. On behalf of the writer (author's personal diary);
  2. On behalf of the hero of the work.

The specifics of the diary:

  1. Datedness.
  2. Subjectivity of reflections (clearly expressed personal position, value judgments), emotionality.
  3. Free arrangement of material.
  4. Fragmentation (understatement of thoughts, incomplete phrases, abrupt transition from one thought to another).
  5. Monologue or internal dialogicity.
  6. Features of syntax and punctuation: the presence of incomplete sentences, the use of ellipsis.

Stages of creating an essay in the genre of diary entries:

  1. Formulation of the topic.
  2. Determination of the main thought / problem of reasoning.
  3. Determining what feelings, emotions and thoughts will spill over into the pages of the diary.
  4. Description of your point of view on the designated problem, your thoughts, feelings and emotions about this.
  5. Breakdown into dated fragments.


Shakespeare - the poet of love


Hello dear diary! I suddenly really wanted to tell you about my discovery. Yesterday I was presented with a wonderful little book - a volume of W. Shakespeare's sonnets. I look forward to tonight, so that after the day's bustle, I can peacefully plunge into reading the works of the great poet.

13. 01.2013.

All yesterday evening I could not stop reading these lovely works. Dear diary, this is great! Most of all I like the translations of S. Marshak.


I reread the sonnets over and over again. They are united by the image of a lyrical hero who praises either a strong friendship with a beautiful young man, or a passionate love for a swarthy lady. 126 sonnets (1 to 126) are dedicated to a young man, 26 to a swarthy lady, and the last two sonnets speak of the all-conquering power of love: "Love is a beacon raised over the storm, not fading in darkness and fog ..."

15.01. 2013.

More than others I liked the sonnets dedicated to the swarthy lady. So in an original way, the author presents the ideal image of his beloved! This is a completely ordinary woman, without a special sparkle in her eyes: “her eyes do not look like stars”, light gait, pale skin: “with a damask rose, scarlet or white, you cannot compare the shade of these cheeks”, without lush outfits, but she doesn’t care beautiful: “And yet she will hardly yield to those who have been slandered in magnificent comparisons,” says 130 sonnets.Dear diary, the lyrical hero still loves the lady of his heart, even though she does not look like the ideal beauties of that time. What makes one person love another? How do we choose "our" people?


Today I turned again to the sonnets about the swarthy lady. At first, I felt very sorry for the lyric hero who does not receive an answer from his beloved and suffers from the inability to show his love. But now I suddenly felt acutely that in fact the hero is happy, because he can feel, he can think, he can dream, which means he can live! To be filled with the power of love (albeit one-sided), to express your emotions in the lyrics, in such powerful, beautiful, immortal sonnets!

2.4. Letter

Composition-letter - one of the most interesting tasks in the lessons of the Russian language and literature. The epistolary genre allows you to get rid of strict frames and stereotyped phrases, and in return gives you the opportunity to dream up to your heart's content, without leaving the topic of the composition.

The specifics of the composition-letter:

  1. The most important function of writing is communicative and informational.
  2. The letter reflects the inner world of the writer.
  3. The letter assumes that there is a recipient-addressee and a sender-addressee.
  4. The letter takes into account the intended reactions of the addressee.

Types of letters:

  1. A letter to a fictitious person / real person.
  2. Letter to a writer (artist, composer, actor, etc.).
  3. Letter to the hero of the work.
  4. The hero's letter.
  5. A letter from the author of the composition to himself.

Stages of writing a letter:


1. Greeting the addressee, informing about his life, affairs.

2. A message to the addressee about what problem you are concerned about now, what thought is taking place and in connection with what? (reading a book, watching a movie, listening to a piece of music, etc.).

The main part

4. Reasoning on the topic / problem: first name the thesis, then move on to the evidence of the statement, examples that can serve as an illustration, and then draw a conclusion or indicate the complexity of the problem and the need to solve it.

5. As you write a letter, reasoning can be interrupted by questions to an imaginary interlocutor. You can even assume that he will answer, and agree or argue with his remark.


6. At the end of the letter, once again express your interest in the recipient's response and say goodbye to him.

7. Wishes. Date. Signature.

An example of an essay in the genre of writing:

About happiness

(after S. Silverstein's parable "The Generous Tree")

Hello my dear friend!

Today is February 19, 2013. I am sitting in the last lesson, very tired and hungry, but I am happy to write to you. It's sunny and warm outside, the radiant sun stubbornly shines like a spring. And more and more I want a long-awaited, carefree summer.

How do you live, my friend? What is new in your life? Tell me!

After reading the parable, I felt that tears were coming to my eyes ... One apple tree loved the little boy dearly, gave him everything she could, and he loved to spend time with her: “He played in her crown, climbed her branches and slept in her shadows. And the apple tree was happy. " Growing up, the boy visited his faithful friend less and less, and the purposes of his visit became more and more selfish: first he took her apples for sale, then branches for building a house, then he cut down a trunk in order to build a boat and go in search of happiness.

Dear friend, I feel so sorry for the apple tree ... I know you will say that with her life she made the boy happy. But this is not so, my friend !!! The boy all the time only took from the apple tree its fruits, help, support, giving nothing in return, and all the time it was not enough for him. The boy did not feel happy and kept looking and looking for something better ... And returning to the apple tree as a deep old man, he still did not understand what it means to be happy and did not even thank the apple tree for its gifts and sacrifices. And the apple tree gave him the last she could - the opportunity to rest on the stump that remained from her. "And the apple tree was happy"

Dear friend, I realized a very important thing: happiness is in the disinterested giving of your love, kindness, tenderness. Of course, we all count on reciprocity and expect reciprocal feelings, but nevertheless, the shortest path to happiness is to help others, to make their life easier and more joyful. And the surest way to an unhappy existence is to become a consumer.

My dear friend, how do you like the parable? I look forward to your reaction - you will object to the author, justify the boy and scold the apple tree. But still - I look forward to hearing!

Write! Kiss! I love! I miss!

Your diana


2.5. Association

Association(lat. Associatio- connection, interconnection) - a connection that arises in the process of thinking between individual events, facts, objects or phenomena - the appearance of one element causes the image of another associated with it.

The specifics of the composition-association:

  1. Small volume.
  2. "Stream of consciousness" - a chain of associations-images, replacing each other, connected with each other by subjective logic
  3. Fragmentation.

Visual association

Essay writing stages - visual association
  1. Observe the suggested material for some time.
  2. Determine your emotional reaction to what you see.
  3. Determine the central image-association, image-experience, which is born when observing a work of art. What is this image associated with you? What picture does your imagination paint?
Examples of visual association:

The last push

(based on a reproduction of the painting by Henri Rousseau "Storm in the Jungle")

Bright, screaming colors, lightning splitting the sky into pieces, streams of rain falling to the ground, a tiger preparing to jump - the skillfully rendered dynamics of the thunderous jungle by the famous artist Henri Rousseau gave me interesting thoughts ... about the last leap before reaching the goal.

We tend to set ourselves various goals, we have the opportunity to achieve them. Some goals are achieved by us without much difficulty, others - through "blood and sweat." What is given to us easily often does not give long-term joy, and what we work on can then please us for a very long time. But do we always find the strength and desire to overcome obstacles on the way to the desired goal ?!

Sometimes it seems to me that there is only a step left until my dream comes true, but suddenly something unpleasant happens, various events happen that move away from me what I have been striving for for so long. And I retreat ...

This tiger in Rousseau's painting is in a similar situation - he is hungry and tired, the hunt was long, and now the last leap remains. And he will do it. I am confident, despite the fact that the storm that broke out made the situation worse. He will jump at all costs.

Maybe we should do the same when we are no longer strong, when it’s scary and it seems that all that remains is to give up - we need to get together, maybe get angry, and take the last step towards our goal, our dream ...

Auditory Association

Specificity of the text - auditory association:
  1. Small volume.
  2. Subjectivity is a description of personal impressions, experiences.
  3. "Stream of consciousness" - a chain of associations-images, replacing each other, connected with each other by subjective logic.
  4. Fragmentation.
Types of texts in the genre of auditory association:
  1. Memory.
  2. Dreams.
  3. "Here and now" - a description of what is relevant for you at the moment, a discussion about an urgent problem.
Stages of creating text - auditory association:
  1. Listen to the piece of music several times.
  2. Determine the emotional reaction to what you are listening to (it lifts your mood, immerses you in sad thoughts, memories, makes you happy, etc.)
  3. Determine the central image-association that is born when listening to the piece.
  4. In any form convenient for you (letter, diary, study, essay), describe the feelings, emotions, thoughts associated with this image (this can be a plot narration about something / someone specific or just abstract reasoning about something) ...
Examples of essays in the genre of auditory association:


(based on listening to the composition "Closer to the Dream" by W.A. Mozart)

March. First day of spring. End of winter! Snow is melting. Streams are running. Snowdrops are blooming. Warmly…. The days are running. And here is May!

Suddenly - a small rumble of thunder (violin!). It's starting to rain. First, warm spring rain. No, this is not a gloomy, cloudy day. Sun and rain! A guy and a girl, caught by a thunderstorm, are running on the wet asphalt. HE takes off his jacket and tries to cover HER from the drops piercing through and through. SHE runs away from him, laughing, arms outstretched - like a bird spreading its wings - catches every drop of rain. And the rain keeps pouring, playing along with HER. But here SHE is already in the arms of her beloved. HE takes HER hand in his, and THEY together, happy, dive under the "fungus" of the children's sandbox. HE hugs HER tightly so that SHE does not freeze ... A moment ... The sky is clearing up. The rain is crying quieter ... Now it stops completely. The sun comes out. The puddles sparkle. A burning kiss goodbye. SHE runs away to her entrance. "Goodbye!". "Goodbye!".

Kinesthetic Association

Kinesthetic Association - feeling yourself in the role of some object / living being (car, gun, doll, eraser, pencil, cat, dog, etc.)

Stages of writing an essay - kinesthetic association:
  1. Choose an object for yourself, in the role of which you will act.
  2. Imagine yourself in the role of this object / living being.
  3. Describe your appearance.
  4. Describe your functions (what is the purpose of your existence?).
  5. Determine how important you are in a person's life.
  6. Describe how you feel when the object (you) is functioning.
  7. Tell us what you want to say to the person on behalf of this subject (wishes, warning, gratitude, etc.).
Examples of essays in the genre of kinesthetic association:

Laptop confession

Hey! I am a laptop and my name isDell! I am already four years old. I have a scratched matte black lid and a gray keyboard, on which the owner's coffee is regularly poured. To the right of the keyboard, I have two cute stickers with information about me (as if I myself do not know that I, unfortunately, have limited memory and, fortunately, several extremely important functions!). One of the stickers has come off a little and constantly interferes with my hostesses' work. I have a cool gadget that I'm proud of - a sensory mouse! Such a hand, smooth, well, just lovely! But my mistresses do not use it at all, but connect the usual one. It is red and does not match my color at all, which really outrages me! But the webcam they bought especially for me is very much to my liking. She looks good on me.

I am already old and start to make a loud noise when I wake up, and I also have a weakened immune system, and therefore the hostesses regularly give me lotions for viruses. But I still get sick often. Sometimes I even faint - I turn off completely. Then my housewives start to panic - they are so afraid of losing me. Of course it's nice. But also scary at the same time! Suddenly they get tired of babysitting with me ...

Yeees. I am so old that I have already forgotten how to think quickly, and when I brake, the mother of my housewives swears at me, calls me “sweat” and sometimes even hits me. Although my mistresses repeatedly told her that the "classmates" would destroy me completely, she still continues to torment me by peeping into someone else's personal life.

I know for sure that I play an important role in the lives of my housewives. I help them in their studies - I connect with the global world and display useful information, entertain them with funny moving pictures. But I always want to warn my hostesses not to sit behind me too long, because such a lifestyle will negatively affect their posture, vision, and the information that passes through me does not always benefit them.

I am happy when my mistresses need me, but after all, I have been for many years (by computer standards). Most of all, I am afraid that they will finally be disappointed in me, buy themselves another laptop, and give me ... to be torn apart by their mother ... Then there will be no question of any calm old age - I will die quickly and suffer before death. And to prevent this from happening, I decided to work at all costs, until my last breath - until my motherboard burns out!

How I was an eraser

Hello friends! I am an eraser. I really want to tell you about the important function I perform in a person's life. But first, I'll just tell you a little about myself.

I was bought in a store at the end of August, before the start of the school year. I am small, but very cute - in the form of a cute pink pig with sly, narrowed eyes and a smiling ... stigma. My owner, a 5th grade student, is a serious person, so I did not even doubt that he would choose me, and not my friend, the eraser in the form of a soccer ball, who has only games on his mind. And I am very responsible and always ready to help. In general, pigs are the best friends of people, after dogs, of course. Yesterday, for example, I diligently helped the owner to erase a deuce in his diary, which he received for sloppy handwriting and a considerable number of blots in a notebook. Uff ... How I tried! I even erased the tail, and now I don't have it with a crochet, but ... in general, I don't have it now. But I am almost not at all upset by this circumstance, because I know what is the meaning of my life.

My main task in life is to make the world cleaner. Selflessly indulging in erasure (of a pencil, a pen, prints from dirty fingers), I am filled with pride that there is no one besides me to take on this responsibility - to clean up imperfections. And I will say without modesty - I am doing an excellent job of my role.

But, despite the fact that I'm not afraid of work, and I even like it, I would like to ask my owner about this - please, be careful, do not rush, when you write something in a notebook, diligently write letters and numbers, do not take notebooks and books with dirty hands - then everyone will be better off from this: your notebooks and textbooks, teachers and parents. You yourself will become happier and more pleasant from cleanliness, and I will feel good from the fact that ... my life will last.

Information about the author of the manual

Lantsevskaya Nadezhda Yurievna - Candidate of Culturology, Associate Professor of the Department of Literature and Journalism of the Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute.

Theoretical information "Types of speech"


1. Reasoning is a verbal presentation, explanation, confirmation of any thought. Reasoning is a very important type of speech: in order to convince another of something, one must be able to reason, prove, think logically, and draw well-grounded conclusions.
2. Signs of reasoning:
Construction (thesis - some thought is expressed; proof (or refutation) of this thought, i.e. arguments accompanied by examples; conclusion, or conclusion). The thesis must be provable and clearly formulated. The arguments must be compelling and sufficient to prove your thesis. And the more convincing they are, the more compelling the whole reasoning and the more indisputable the conclusion.
A logical and grammatical connection should be established between theses and arguments in the text, between individual arguments. A logical connection is a semantic connection: all cited facts must be convincing for everyone and confirm exactly the thesis put forward by you, and not something else.
For the grammatical connection between the arguments, as well as between the thesis and the arguments, introductory words are used: firstly, secondly, finally, so, therefore, in this way.
The reasoning uses complex sentences with unions: however, although, despite, because, since
Reasoning can appear in different genre forms: in the form of a letter, article, review, report, student essay, polemical presentation in a discussion, polemic dialogue.

In the essays-reasoning of the journalistic style of speech, it is useful to use incentive, interrogative, exclamatory sentences, rhetorical questions, with the help of which the expressiveness of speech is enhanced. Appeals, repetitions, proverbs, sayings - all this also helps the brightness and expressiveness of the language.
Reasoning(why? why? what does it mean?)
- impact on the mind and feelings (must be logically harmonious system of arguments)
1. Styles: artistic, publicist, scientific, in the form of a letter, article, review, report, polemical speech
2. Meditative text (internal dialogue), words denoting abstract concepts.
3. Words: of course, of course, the most important thing, firstly, finally, so, therefore, etc.
4. It is useful to use a stimulus, question, wax. sentences, rhetorical questions, appeals, repetitions, proverbs, sayings.
5. Parts of the reasoning mb. connected in meaning and intonation.
6. Construction scheme:
not always have all 3 parts.
7. Hood means both in narration and description.
8. Syntax:
Enttimeme, incomplete interrupted pr-niya, s / n pr-niya (because, since, for, therefore, due to the fact that)

Dear friend, I am writing to you with best wishes. I received your letter, for which I thank you very much.

I still spend my holidays in the village, visiting my grandparents. I really like it here, so I will stay here until the end of the summer. I made a lot of friends here. We have fun with them: we play football, go swimming on the river, in the forest for berries. The guys are kind, groovy.

I help my grandmother. She has a small farm: chickens, rabbits and goats.

My grandfather and I went fishing a couple of times. We got up very early, when it was just beginning to brighten, when the grass was still lying under the weight of the morning dew. Here you can catch perch, crucian carp, roach. My grandfather is an experienced fisherman, so we never returned without a catch.

The cat Vaska always meets us first from fishing. Oh, he also loves to eat fish! But Druzhok, a doggie, does not eat a fish, but he accompanies us on a fishing trip. Is with us until the end. Well, right the third angler!

The weather is real summer. Many sunny days, a good harvest is ripening in the gardens. And the nature here is! You go out in the morning on the porch of the house - and you are greeted by a green sea of ​​trees, bushes, all kinds of colors of flowers, birdsong. Here - this is not in the city for you. The whole day here is rich in new discoveries, new research.

I also went to the rural library - I read a lot of works that were asked to us for extracurricular reading. But to be honest, reading is boring when everything around you is in full swing with life. I only read before bed, and even then not every day. Sometimes you get so tired in a day that your eyes just stick together.

The days go by very quickly. Soon to school, but to be honest, I don't want to go to it yet. I would really like to see you and the other guys. Talked b.

Write - how you relax, what you do, what you know about ours. Say hello to them if you see.

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