"Obvious" and "incredible" in the artistic world of N. in

"Obvious" and "incredible" in the artistic world of N. in

| Site collection
| Vyacheslav Alekseevich Piezuh
| Letters to Tyutchev

The other day I had a vision from the discharge, allegedly, the prophetic dreams. Not that in reality, but also not to say that in deep dememus, I was graciously vividly extensive space, like Tiananimin Square in Beijing, which completely filled with very unpleasant people. This audience was neat dressed, carefully combed and did not disintegrate, but in that whole thing and the thing that people wandered around the square with her eyes closed, or rather, basically, childishly buried eyes, as if they were sick or hurt. However, they were dragging there, here not to Storozhko, Seven, almost feel like blind, and how normal people are bold and wide.
What could mean these bizarre bumpers and remained unclear, but the spectacle was so terrible that I woke up from cruel heartbeat and in sweat. It is important to note that it was decidedly nothing at the time and a place of action, in particular, nor covering clothes, nor the hairstyle's styles, but somehow it was clear to the sludge in the pancreas area: Russia, 2310 year.
The vision seemed to me prophetic; So I thought that the case would tear to the thinness that the native nation was little in the face of Satanet and in three hundred years will turn into an accumulation of semi-lifers who do not understand the simplest things. Actually, those such and now make up a significant part of the population of the Eastern and Western hemispheres, but this decadence is especially noticeable in Russia, since there are still people who confess the spout songs, conformity, names. There are even a lot of them, and in the crowd and then the case will distinguish their little man on the offended expression of the face, but in general, the physiognomy went terrible, which my peers are only in prostration and from sleep. Well, women still keep somehow, in their faces, still the human schoing, but men in ninety-nine cases from one hundred such vigorous physiognomy, ferocious and inanimate, which rhino and American stinks can be, but not at the successor of the deity.
The case is still clearly tears to the thinness, which is probably fifteen years old, as I have no one to talk to. If I had to be imprisoned to terry criminals, and then I would move for permanent residence in Arkansas, and I would have moved to the XII century fantasticly in the XII century, I would not have to talk to anyone. Of course, I walked around, but still it is amazing how the life and people in Russia changed for the unfortunate fifteen years, and the other time sincerely surprise that the new generation of my compatriots communicates among themselves in the same, Russian, Dedovsky .
True, one thing went to me, a neighbor from the fourth entrance, somehow Markel, but it was also not particularly told with him, because he repeats, having confused and, mainly.

In the end, we broke up and even become shaped enemies, but one time regularly converged. It happened, my neighbor will come to me, comes in the kitchen and heads:
- I stood all my life for freedom of speech. And only under the curtain reached me, that in general the freedom is the greatest evil, the curse of the genus of the human, attack! Interested in why?

- Because freedom is a riot against nature, or, if you like, the highest creature! I am unbelieving a person, what is there to be a hypocrite, but I am a little in front of the landscaping of nature, which keeps on an instinct, denying the freedom of will, and therefore does not know the shocks and disasters.
- Verify, - I'll be lazy, - what to admire it, if life in nature is an ordered criminal one, and nothing else. The bug of the time of the eyelids kills and devours the infusoria, the Secretary Bird - Bukashka, the Bird - Secretary, Dingo-Dingo, and the end of this practice not to see.
- But the Raven is a clown of his eyes, and the man is a wolf! Interested in why?
I will look to the side and sigh.
- Because the person in his artists does not come out of the instinct, but from freedom of will, which in the rarest cases corresponds to the plan of the highest creature! In the perfect version, we should have to live and act within the framework of the irregular rules, like "not steal" and "not kill." And we want, then turnim, depending on the monetary interest and state of the gallbladder. Here we take the freedom of creativity: you are so creating that your art will be promoted into the mass of eternal humanistic values, and if you compose about the sex life of Ameba, it will not be freedom of creativity, but robbery!
"Well, I went straight to the Bolshevism of some kind! .." I'll tell you, I already getting angry. " - About the adulter - it is impossible, it is impossible about organized crime - it is impossible about the fools, although you lived in the country of bandits and fools ... It is exactly that such a position gives a larger Bolshevism, which is a decent person, of course, not to face ...
And then my neighbor Markel will make hate eyes. It is wonderful that the empty conversations that my young compatriots lead, for example, about the difference in the price of foam alcohol in Penza and Kzyl-Horde, never lead to mutual dismands, and our marquel of Vitania in empires usually ended with cruel quarrels while we In the end, they did not disarmed sharply.
In a word, by no one to talk to. It is necessary to be fair: from the inquisitive Bolshevism of my neighbor of Markelah, nevertheless imagined with good old times when Moscow wipers still could have tolerated about the influence of Mendelssohn on the creativity of the Gubaidulline, the boys were shy to explain in Matenna in the presence of girls and the newspapers were not written about alone accidents on transport And in everyday life. But in general, our home philosophy annoyed me anymore than he fed, and I gave me to the real human communication, as probably, the polar circle tacit in Moscow. I tried to come together with a cooked people on a cheap beer, which still remained in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Taganskaya Square and at Rogozhsk, but these guys are visible, quite stunned from permanent libations, have long left conversations about the categorical imperative and now most of the advantage were nonsense about the depths of democrats In the center and on the ground. I tried to contact some of the former rulers of the Dum, which cost me many humiliating troubles, but they also drank all the bitter, and these were no favor. Finally, I twice gave an announcement in one of the gashence, who had an ambiguous reputation, they say, a person is looking for, who would talk to, but they responded thirty-six half-sewing ladies, forever worst in search of the groom.
Then I thought about the revival of the epistolar genre, since letters could be written anyone, even though the Queen of English, and anywhere, at least to the future, not at all counting on the correspondence, and even my letters were not necessarily sent. After all, there is one soreness, as if real human communication is when the exhausted soul says, and then he listens, and then says again; This human communication is when your exhausted soul says non-stop.
Nevertheless, a certain zamanka came out with the addressee, namely: I went over one after another a lot of candidates. To write Boruhu Spinoz was too far, Pushkin - not by ran, Academician Likhachev - meaningless, because he is not smarter. In the end, I stopped at Anna Fedorovna Tyutcheva, the eldest daughter of the poet and Freillana of the Imperial Court.
I explain this choice by the fact that, firstly, everything connected with Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev I am sharply interesting to me, although his deepest nationalism is deeply alien. Secondly, I liked the diaries of Anna Fedorovna, especially in terms of religious subjectivism and views on the state of Russian society, which I reread them four times; And with each time I was fully pursued by suspicion that these diaries are written solely for me. Thirdly, in the appearance of Anna Fedorovna I saw something related, even native, - I generally feed weakness to such good Russian persons, a somewhat non-zero and watercolor properties, but rightly glowing openness, attentive mind and some kind of unvanded, offacarious kindness . Finally, communication with a woman (only because it is reportable), always preferably communicating with a man, even outstanding artistic dating, because he is predictable, and the exhausted soul speaks too badly.
However, it was also possible to add to the Tsvetaeva, Sophie Kovalevskaya, Larisa Reisner, the writer of TEFFI, Actress Babanova, Sospeza Smirnova-Rosset and Tsarevne Sophieus, but a flaw in each of these wonderful ladies was detected, and No energy relationship, and I gave them a removal. Tsarevna Sophia was smart, but it hurts the ugly and despotic, Tsvetaeva is abnormal, Larisa Reisner is an evil fanatic, like the maiden de Teruan.
So, I decided to make a correspondence with Anna Fedorovna Tyutcheva, that is, in the sense of correspondence that I interpreted her diaries as letters from afar. The first message I composed in two sites, on Wheel paper and a fundamentally steel pen; It was Pen No. 86, which survived all my teachers, some of his classmates and was lit in the old bank from under Landrine along with other metallic nonsense. I wrote, in general, that the revival of the epistolary genre at the beginning of the 21st century would be the warming of human relations, so burdened by the achievements of scientific and technical thought that people had no one to talk to. So, they say, there was a life, such a plady came out that, acquiring and improving in external areas, a person scares as a person actually. For example, it was worth inventing the phone, as the whole literary direction immediately collapsed, and the whole genre ordered a long time to live, it was worth tied the effect of steam pressure to the television wheel. And where to people, ask, hurry, where to rush, if you fly in the plane - you live and lie on the sofa - you live. Meanwhile, a whole genre of travel notes ran into oblivion, because what is this journey, when the window flashes, the conductor is scolding and the drunken neighbor does not give a living ... Again, what is supernaturally important is required to communicate a girlfriend through a cell phone if phenomenology The Spirit has long been investigated by Hegel, and Leibniz opened his monada, and everything is known about the failure of evil by violence? That is, as soon as the real news has been dried, a cell phone appeared right away.
In general, because of these miniature devices, it became terribly on the streets to walk, because the girls roam the circle and how they speak with them themselves, so that a man who lives in a crazy house, not in itself. Yes, they also say to the barbaric, unwanted language, through the stump deck, because the letters did not write, and meanwhile, so nothing polits everyday life, as the habit of expressing their considerations on the letter. Whether the case earlier, people were explained: "The kind sister! I walked on the shores of the hangars with Externon, whose name is already in our patriotic chronicles. The son of her, the beauty of Rafaelevsky, frolic in front of us and, tearing away the flowers, was in a hurry to give their mother. We have passed part of the forest, climbing everything higher how the extensive horizon unfolded, covered in the West with a chain of shine mountains and cut throughout the length of the river, which came down as a silver snake ... "- that is, another thing is to see even one only aesthetic side.
Especially surprisingly, the people of the XIX century persistently connected the idea of \u200b\u200bthe best future of humanity precisely with the success of science advantage in technical fields. For some reason, it seemed that there were also inventing dozens-other fantastic devices that are inventing the omnipotence of the human mind, and the fifth, all-time gospel appears, and the era of prosperity will come, and the evil wars everywhere, because how so it is: already invented the internal combustion engine , and you can sit down for a patch ... Going away from clean logic, it is possible to understand this position, because it will legally assume that with the liberation of a person from monotonous, his exhaust work, he will have a lot of time for self-improvement, for admission to the highest achievements of the Spirit, At least for different harmless lessons, such as drunking the jigsaw or breeding cucumbers. It turned out that if you give a Russian man ten weekend in a row, he would doodle from idleness and hot drinks to the full loss of forces.
In general, all the brightest humanistic ideas, rendered in the best heads of the human clan, for some reason, are positively inapplicable in practice, and in the worst case are turned around with their opposite, and at best, remain fruitless as mules and horses. Apparently, the fact is that all the great humanists were too high an opinion about humanity, and such frivolity can not be surprised. Although what is coming here, if they judged people in their own way. Saint-Simon, I thought, I thought that if he could think for free to eighteen hours a day, then the millions of his fellow citizens are capable of the same reasons for eighteen hours a day to plow, dig, weave, build and pate. And the compatriot, sounded, only about Tom and dreamed, how would it be to settle the master's daughter and steal the firewood from Señora.
I finished my first letter to Tyutchee such words: "In short, dear Anna Fedorovna, the successes of scientific thought have nothing to do with the happiness of the human race, and in vain, your century has relied on them, as a remedy for all social angry. Moreover, I suspect that these successes have long come in a direct contradiction with culture and one episteolar genre will not cost, but it is necessary to wait for even more crushing changes. Togo and look science to such limits it comes out that the person will gradually seek to read, write, count and even, maybe, speak. And why should he, indeed, speak, turn the tongue, if he pressed the button, - and for him some adaptation says. That's fun to heal! "

One beautiful morning at the time when Markel still remained my sincere friend, we went to stroll and at the same time examine several garbage containers in the yards. It must be said that this is a fascinating lesson, and we practiced the mutton with a friend, as soon as it was fantasy to take a walk. At various times, I found: a seven-eyed image of the Mother of God-Troechnitsy, a teddy bear was still pre-war fabrication, the disparate assembly of the work of Senkevich, four Gardner plates, a little frcutty along the edges, a whole archive of one general of the military-veterinary service, a fawn cap, a little bitwise with Moli, magnificent Parkers The fountain pen, an antique bottle of shustovsky brandy, a lonely table with inlays from the mother of pearl, a set of smoking tubes, a big mix of copper wire, for which I helped a bunch of money, a horse skull and a broken gas pistol.
However, the real finds happen not so often, and at that time, with Markold, in vain with the Markoel. Unless they sneak and widowed in love with a wonderful March morning, not clear and not cloudy, and some of the enlightened, what other pleasant memories and sadness are. There was a light frost, the blind snow was stood under his feet, but the new smells were already twisted in the air and something likely that promised guessing in the affectionate day of the day.
Talked with Marquel about this, nothing that he was as usual. In particular, he said:
- That's another winter survived. What for?
- That is, what about? - I was surprised.
- Well, soon the uniform spring will come, then there will be summer, then autumn, then winter will come again. Do you find any higher meaning in this periodicity?
- I find it! Rather, not that I find it, and not impose a humanistic value of purely physical processes, such as a cycle of water in nature. In any case, the winter change of spring does not deny the values \u200b\u200bof personal being for me.
Markel exhaled and said:
- But I don't find something. Some kind of consistent nonsense, by God, especially if we take into account that in the end the sun will absorb the land and the cranes will come in the world. Neither Shakespeare will remain nor the Eiffel Tower, no monetary signs, nor the six-hundred "history of Asia" - nothing! Bot, it was the case, I built four bridges for my life, but, asking, why?
"Then that people go, wheeled there and here."
- Yes, what to ride something, withers, it would be better to sit at home and thought about the soul!
"No, my dear comrade," I said, "the point is not that over time the sun will absorb the earth, but just not your day came. Because you are visiting this babbed pessimism.
- And by the way, what day today?
"Friday, fourth of March," I replied and slapped my forehead. - Ba! Why now the anniversary of the death of Gogol! So, in the morning I somehow do not in myself ...
"This is a reason," Markel said.
I am not a big fan of drinking, but still we bought a pool with a half-liter bottle of vodka and went to me to celebrate a sad date in the history of our elegant literature, which we both were betrayed as the royal poodle. Since in the course of drunken, Markel said that Gogol insulted Russia with his "dead souls", we were completely destroyed and, as I thought, forever.
After I bitterly regretted our gap, not without reason I suspect that, maybe we were only two people on the whole of Moscow by the wrath of old, real culture, which, at least, had something to talk about. But there was nothing to do, and I spent five years with myself. It happened, I'll be afraid of the mirror, first of reflection and, depart from the underwent, head:
"But really: I composed Nikolai Vasilyevich, composed, and in the neighboring galaxy of Magellan clouds, on a single planet, where there is a reasonable life, no one did not hear about his" chinel ".
- So what does it imply? - It will say a reflection, I'm counting out of all, it hurts frightened eyes.
- Of what? - I will ask.
- Well, from the fact that in the galaxy of Magellan clouds nobody read the Gogol "Shinel"?
- What is all in vain.
Much later, when I have already rewritten with Anna Fedorovna Tyutcheva, I suddenly came to the idea that in her epistles from 1852, nor in March, nor in April, nor would be mentioned about the death of the greatest Russian writer, who opened real literature on the manner, as unknown islands reveal; Whether, being a bowl of blood and upbringing, she did not read Gogol, whether he did not hear on his death with the courtyard. I suppose, Anna Fedorovna was sitting on March 4, 1852 in the Winter Palace, played with his girlfriends, Freilli, in the pitch, delved into small court gossip, and at that time in Moscow, in Nikitsky gates, in the house of Talisin, the genius was died, sorry to Obia and delirium. Such phenomena of the Spirit is produced by nature extremely rarely and as if reluctant, and the death of any of them should be equated to two Lisbon earthquakes, and in the winter palace there is no case, they have a cold look, Princess Dolgorukova started a new intrigue, the room man stole a state Sheet. In short, it is not surprising that later I got the following letter:
"Dear Anna Fedorovna! It is strange and outgrown that, being a truly cultural person, you did not respond to the death of the ingenious of our writer, who does not have equal in any of the European literatures. About anything you write in your messages for the first half of 1852: that because of the cruel climate, it is impossible to live in Russia, about God, about the joys of rustic life, but the death of the national genius remains unnoticed by you. Why?
I can not assume that you did not read the writings of Gogol, or at least did not hear the name itself, or you did not meet opponents of the "dead souls". It also also been surprising that you were reclined for the empress from some ridiculous octave Firewood, they were mentioned about the death of the painter Ivanov, allegedly revived the interest in his picture of the "phenomenon of Christ the people," was mentally worried about Rubinstein, who during a concert in the Winter Palace arranged obstruction court youth. Doesn't the fact that you still brought up in the poet's family too nation-journalistic destination, which composed the rhymed communiques, and then from the case towards the case when lyric Handra attacked him.
Or it is the case: in the middle of the XIX century, they still did not understand that literature - the main production in Russia, that we, secondly, an agricultural country, and firstly, the country where they can do exclusively prose, essisted and poems. All other things in Russia, speaking in German, seams: the army since 1812 is not as possible, the statehood of the fragile, in industry and agriculture will rampate the Asian production method, the moral state of society is such that only mentally ill, civilian well-being is stealing. And the literature, meanwhile, was the most brilliant in the world, and moreover: a real European prose from Gogol in Russia and began. First composed all the chronicles, pictures from the people's life, and only Nikolai Vasilyevich made it clear that literature was alchemy, transformations, witchcraft. That is, if we did not have our elegant literature, and even music, two theater schools and painters of the Silver Century, then our fatherland would have just like the poorest and unfavorable country of Europe, with which even the Romanian king is dismissed.
We may say: so it is so, but the book is fun, a way to somehow occupy leisure. And in response: No, the gentlemen are good, the literature is what Humanist in man is holding, for it doesn't seem to remind us of our oversight essence and our surrounding origin, and otherwise people would not come out of the house without a hunting shotgun. No wonder in the folk consciousness, even among those who and the alphabets did not hold in their hands, the writer at one time stood on a par with the August specialists and the saint of the ancient Russian sample. Some additional efforts our compatriot was aware that if a person was able to display all the historical fate of the Russian people from Vladimir Saint and further, in an imperative perspective, then this is not even a person. Take Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: the country was died in dull and poverty, and thousands of Rusakov walked to wash on the health of the poet in the winter of 1837, and even the sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich remained in history as a weak administrator who paid his debts. Or again, Gogol: It was so implied to the reverence of contemporaries that he hadn't served his companions on Peru. And then you mad your father, dear Anna Fedorovna: The middle was the poet, and meanwhile he knew all the competent Russia until the last provincial secretary.

| Vyacheslav Alekseevich Piezuhu - Prose, a member of the Pen Club, a laureate of a number of literary premiums, the author of twenty four books of prose and three literary monographs.

Vyacheslav Piezuh

Exposing Satan

In the evening of April 15, 1906, in Moscow, in the Friday part, in the house under the church of St. Nicholas that on puffs, the explosion of the middle destructive force thundered, but the many different misfortunes. One of the apartments required a thorough repair, in the nearest buildings in the small Ordyanka flew all the glass in the upper floors, in some places of gas lanterns, it was very silent than a centenary oak on the church yard, yes, Schotkin's janitor was injured, whose drumpot of the left ear, and passenger Clekkin's cabin, unsuccessfully filled with a goat when the mare was horrible and suffered.

This explosion, shocked by Zamoskvorechye, by negligence made Maria Arkadyevna Benevskaya, a member of the combat organization of socialist revolutionaries, a hereditary nobleman, a young woman, former, like all the esters, is somewhat not in themselves.

There is God, there is no question. But Satan is exactly, here, as they say, there can be two opinions, otherwise it is impossible to explain that the evil evil and many unacceptments, which two million years have tormented humanity in general for anything. This phenomenon is all the more incomprehensible that a person is a single breath on Earth, and maybe in all the universe, which has been unnatural monads, as a conscience, morality and soul. It would seem that with these virtues only and to live in his pleasure and to joy to people, and meanwhile, mankind does not get out of the wars, worships the Golden Taurus, and the revolutionary consciousness is also a matter of the way. Especially intriguing revolutionary consciousness as the term "Satan" concept.

So, in the evening on April 15, Aerica Benevskaya was equipped with a bomb designed for the Moscow Governor-General Dubasov, in summary of something attended and inadvertently damaged a glass detonator cartridge, filled with sulfuric acid and equipped with a rattlethery mercury cap, which instantly activated dynamite. As a result, the apartment that Maria Arkadyevna hired on a sublayed passport, came to the ruined state, and the bombing itself was torn off the brush of the left hand, three fingers on the right and coughed with metal fragments to the upper part of the body and face. The bloody woman was taken to the Bahrushinsk hospital, where she was arrested a few days later.

Such dramatic incops were not uncommon in the fighting practice of revolutionary socialist practices, since, hunting for government officials in both capitals and provincial cities, they rarely resorted to cold and firearms, and more and more relied on dynamite. Meanwhile, this ill-fated invention Alfred Nobel was extremely dangerous in circulation, and the Russian jahahides "of the Silver Century" needed him a lot, so much, as government officials in the empire were not counting. Another inconvenience was the Satanian invention that the dynamite of the Russian production was not suitable anywhere and had to buy it in France, where he was still not as low as tea sausage. (For example, the killing of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Plev, there were a party at 75 thousand rubles with silver. Then for this money it was possible to buy a castle on Loire and a house in the Crimea.)

Therefore, having trouble with dynamite was enough: then its reserves, until time, they would be blown up on the basements, they will tear themselves, then there are no money in the party office, then the "chemists" from the combat organization by negligence will take off the air, the bomb will not work out - A technical problem or will work not by time and not so.

In general, the batch of Russian socialist revolutionaries constantly chased scandals and failures, as if evil rock it was led from trouble to trouble. And gendarmes are repeated coveredtheir underground printing houses, and devastated the ranks of the corded arrests, and somehow the transport of weapons purchased in Germany for St. Petersburg proletariat, plundered in the Aland Islands, and one of the leaders of the party turned out to be a secret agent of the security department, and for some reason the bomb rises for some reason, But the many peaceful ordinary people, not accustomed to anything other than the original craft.

Apparently, the case was partly in the fact that the party of socialist revolutionaries was led by the advantage of monsters and eccentrics. Like a polulous "grandmother of the Russian revolution" Breschko-Breschkovskaya, a gloomy humpback Mikhail Gots, twenty years old in Nice, Grigory Gershuni, fastening with the ice eyes of a born killer, a professional adventure cracker Boris Savinkov finally Pakhan The fighting organization of the European Azeph, a brithead freak, who worked for a "security" for many years and has gone to this fishery of significant capital.

No wonder that the philosophy and strategy of the ECEROVOGO MOTION were not the fact that there are simply impossible, as it is impossible, very small children, because they both composed, with rare exceptions, the lack of progressive idealists, the misstaters of the southern provinces, relatively Clamping figures and natural fools.

Right-wing esters, excluding fundamentalists, according to the covenant of Alexander Herzen and the populists who switched to him believed in the Holy Trinity, to the rural community and presented themselves to socialist Russia in the form of the Peasant Republic on the pays. However, somehow vaguely represented, as the question seen, because they expected to replace the trade "delivering consumption products", and this event would inevitably upset the entire economic mechanism, assumed to introduce collective property to the means of production, but poorly imagined what it was, " Collective property ", and with which it is eaten, exalted the rural community, but it was because of this institution, Russia was the poorest country in Europe, held a peasant for the socialist in the birth and the selected terrorist, and he was a jar and did not go further" ".

The fundamentalists who made a combat organization did not believe in any other than the dynamite, which, according to their inexperienced opinion, was supposed to force Romanovs to renounce the throne in favor of the Peasant Republic on the pays. But the Romanovs and the Us did not blow, and the bombers were consistently and the unstable ESEROVO element was widely bribed. (Among the loudsight of the surplored "provocateurs" were the same Ego Azef, about. Grigory Gapon, Nikolai Tatarov, whom he was shot, which is called at home.) Nevertheless, the militants, the people of the hysterical warehouse, pissing and not far away, They still bent and under the curtain of the first Russian revolution decided to build an unusual lifting force in Sweden in Sweden to bomb the Tsarsko Seli Ekaterininsky Palace, where Nicholas II state settled.

They all fought badly, which, however, should be expected. Azef, having died, died in the 18th year somewhere in the tribes of Berlin. Savinkov, in an internal prison on Lubyanka, whether there was a staircase in the span, or straightened from the window. Tatyana Leontheva, arrested in connection with the Minister of the Plev, was convicted of unbearable and sent abroad, where she shot some Frenchman, having accepted him for the "extermination" Durovo.

In turn, the left esters were friends with the Bolsheviks on the basis of the general postulates of the Marxist Faith, and they ended with the July uprising against his friends, which turned by defeat, "polizolants", Ostrikism, and, it seems, one Maria Spiridonov lived before 1941, when almost The entire 58th article just in case was shot due to the battle near Moscow.

In turn, the acers-maximaists, according to the Testament of Goddra Peter Tkacheva, however, a prominent democrat, a long time was held by slogans: "everyone is killed, to the damn mother, so that it is no strong to offend the labor people!". And then they disappeared, somehow resolved in the political cattle, and by the end of the Civil War they had a positive not to hear.

In general, by this time, the Savinkov in Yaroslavl was united by this time: Savinkov in Yaroslavl was united with whitewocks, and the British Captain Chaplin was accomplished in Arkhangelsk, Klimushkin's theorist, Grishin-Diamonds, a dangerous dictator, shot workers in Siberia, was a prime minister from Kolchka .

In short, the esters ended, like tobacco ends, and no one regretted about it. But before, it was the most popular party in Russia, which specially sympathized with glazes, for the fact that the bombers provided them with the urgent bread, the party who won the elections to the Constituent Assembly, to the best of times, which was uniting up to sixty thousand dreamers and marginals, although, generally speaking, Sixty thousand beams under one flag - this is, of course, bust, tragedy and scandal.

Thus, a revolutionary consciousness as a diagnosis, as a kind of mental disabilities, for more than twenty years, having sabbed the Socialists in nonsense and criminal offenses, is such a force that, bearing in mind, it sows indiscriminately. As a result, this force, in each particular case, is inevitably depleted and dies, since the nature of things for calibration turns out to be insurmountable and since the ideal is in a destructive contradiction with the means of its achievement, but before it (by analogy with an explosion on a small ordinance) purses a lot Different troubles.

It is worth it that this rule is universally and extended to all the figures of the radical, pogrominal direction, for the practice shows that the installations and projects are unequal, and the result of all the same: poor bearings and collapse. How much the Bolsheviks were sober-haired ESEROV, pragmatic, organized and cunning, and those practiced in Russia of everything, if they proceed from historical retrospectives, and cumshot somehow in stupid, which is called, in a flat place and incolutions.

Moreover: the disgusting, at least unproductive revolutionary consciousness there is a phenomenon of an international, who does not recognize national affiliation and not knowing state borders, because a person is everywhere man, and in Burgundy, and in the Gobi desert, and on Solomon Islands. That is why all the revolutions who know the history of mankind, suffered among the same illness and developed on a more or less common model. In England, Liberal Democrat Cromwell eventually restored the hereditary monarchy. French jacobins who confessed the ideal of freedom, equality and fraternity are most likely due to the initial clouds in the minds, because it is still not clear how this triad should be understood, they reeddied, took the time and renamed everything, including death, which they qualified as "eternal Sleep, and graduated from their days on the guillotine, which they themselves also introduced into political use. In turn, Napoleon Bonaparte, the steason of the revolution, destroyed in the fields of Brahi almost half of the male population of France, for some reason blew up the Moscow Kremlin, the hundred pounds of silver entered into Russia and finished the Island of St. Helena, but due to the imbibeability of Galov, Genius, and the dust of it is now resting in Paris, in the house of disabled, in six coffins.

But how insurgents were distinguished from us, on Holy Rus. In our Holy Rus, at the end of the nineteenth century, the Social Democratic Party has developed, seemingly moderately revolutionary direction, which after was not seen in bloody excesses, in general, criminally, except that Eseki from time to time robbed banks and postal trains . They looked at the links and abroad, they didn't work anywhere else and did not study anywhere, they had existed for labor penings of their neophytes and the submission of crazy capitalists like Savva Morozov, which then shot himself in Nice because of the disclaimer with himself. In 1917, taking advantage of the smutch, these opportunists from opportunists easily implemented the October state coup, but before the proletariat and the labor peasantry were deftly, the breakdown of Paradise Bush as a consequence of the world revolution, which is born if not in the near future, then, in any case, not He will wait to wait for new brooms - they say, this is a scientific fact.

However, the world revolution did not happen, the paradise bush remained in a distant perspective, which demanded an exceptionally solid faith, and so far, yes, the Bolsheviks unleashed the "red" terror, initiated a civil war, revolve the labor peasantry, planted the people of dried Vobl and In the quality of compensation, the Russian oklos, hesitating for different incendiary words. The people then did not have something that was silent, but, it was possible to say, the mountain was behind the new power, although there was nothing, and the electricity was filed irregularly, and the plants were worried, and long time did not work.

That comatose state in which our economic organism fell as a result of a communist experiment, it was not difficult to predict if among the Esdeks-Bolsheviks were treated for truly naked men. But in the party rovered, mainly utopists and times: it was the "Kremlin dreamer" Ulyanov-Lenin, like the esters who had a foggy idea of \u200b\u200bcollective ownership of the means of production, thugs, Trotsky, the procentrators of concentration camps, treated Bukharin, and grabbing bitter and That was the head, then sitting on the floor during the meeting of the Politburo, the dangers of the Lunacharsky, the Savy Chiromant, who drew the disadvantage to everyone.

The only Stalin, a tricking Georgian from the bottom, the future emperor Joseph I, perfectly understood, with which country he deals, which flies need to be afraid and what should be expected from. He is one until the end of the comprehend that there can be no speech about working socialism in Russia, and to keep in power, it is necessary to build a military-feudal empire, where everything and all funerally, humiliated and blindly believes in the communist star. Here for the hundredth time you will remember Maxim of the writer Vasily Sleptsova, which he formulated in a letter to a friend: "Do you think that socialism can only be in that land where the roads are attached by cherry trees, and cherries are intact."

It is strange that, besides the tricking Georgian, none of the Bolsheviks understood the simple truth: not a person emanation of the existing order of things, and the order of things is the emanation of a person, and, despite the speculation of the fathers of historical materialism, this dependence is immutable, as the Mendeleev table, and non-gas, like Everest. It is possible, and even should, believe in a person, in this is really a higher creature, the child of God, armed with over conscience, morality and soul. However, it is necessary to be a realistic and somehow think that a person is too complicated, is still very imperfect and does not fit into that naive scheme, which utopian Bolsheviks imposed. (For example, Ulyanov-Lenin with the comrades of the tea for the transformation of the "liberated" worker in Seraphim, and he still beat the Baklushi, fond of vodka and drowned on weekends.) It was necessary to think that the dictatorship of the proletariat in the deep peasant country was nonsense, fraught with horrors. violence, countless incomotivity and restoration of the absolute monarchy as the only exit of hopeless deadlock. What the world revolution does not have to be expected, then that a man in the West is not so sacrificed as Rusak, and above all puts his origin and peace. That collective property for the means of production is at least ineffective, since no one wants to work efficiently for the soldering of bread and a ticket to the circus, and hence poverty, permanent tenants and a shamefully low productivity of industrial labor.

Nevertheless, no political force was so courtesy of Rusaku in his entire history, as the dictatorship of the Bolsheviks. Whether because our compatriot is a fortest person by nature and awe in the whip, or because it is light that Papuas, but this unprecedented, can be said, a fantastic regime, based on rude violence and a fairy tale about the miraculous tomorrow, when every crossroads will hand out the gift pants, existed that they would say more than seventy years, and even further existed, kababi is not a consuming, to whom it is possible to put the hunch of bread, if possible with butter, that is, the people are not the people who are constantly confused under legs, And, in essence, acting as an excess, even unwanted element. And by the way, this harmful people of their Bolsheviks, oddly enough, reinforced.

It is because it is strange that it was not necessary to capture mail and telegraph, and the blood was not shedding on ordinary scale, and in general from Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov, did not need an emergency effort, so that the Iga Kremlin elders should establish something human, on a pan-European model. There is exhalation mode, headed independently, without assistance, and suddenly it has developed as a card house, because it has exhausted the most. Kremlin elders one after another began to move into the world of other, the indifference of the people turned out all sorts of expectations, collective ownership turned out to be a cabinet dream of German romantics, and nothing more was published from the economy, which is unlikely to work at war. It is asked: it was worth the garden to be treated, exposing the mortal danger of multi-million and, in general, the wonderful people, so that German Gossel disrupts herself?

The answer to this question inevitably leads to the sad idea that the nonsense is human - here is the general hypostasis of Satan, and meanwhile in the mass of its own and generally a fool. No wonder slyfrom the century to the century leads people behind the nose and knocks down from the true path. Then he is visiting Orthodox against heretics, it will bring cloudedness of the reason in connection with freedom, equality and fraternity, it will poison the entire cultural people of the idea of \u200b\u200bnational superiority, and the Russian intelligentsia, one of its kind, will take to death at the White House for defending democratic ideals, and Then it turns out that the case is about the republic of chasters and pass. That's why, and even let's say so - on what the hell, it was necessary to rush under the tanks for the sake of super-profits for the former criminals and "minis"?

The main thing is that we change, gentlemen Russian wise men? To the confused Great October, the tram ticket was worth six kopecks, and with the Bolsheviks much more, the passport could be free to straighten in the nearest police station, and comrades The whole country was made by the "non-rigging", a qualified worker was filmed for a penny apartment in the factory house, and after the proletarian juts on the barracks Corners.

On the other hand, during the Bolsheviks, the police did not take bribes and it was possible to warm over the hospitals for healthy, and with the connivance of the democratic community, who rushed under the tanks, we slipped the republic of chasters and pursuing. The very bad thing is that the revolutionary consciousness of the masses may, in the end, bring us to the lightweight, since, in our particular case, the irrepresentative and destructive Russian bourgeois will not regret anyone for the cherished lady. (In essence, the light-use is when everything, including literature and art, works to derogate a human in man and the collapse of all began.)

Therefore, malicious concern and the desire for change plus primitive instincts, animal prolongation, envy and hatred, a slight attitude to someone else's blood - that's what Satan is mediated by the practice of being. A mentally persistent person, in the meantime, it makes his job in a serenely, knowing that the evil is limited viable and willingly resolve it by itself. So really, as the ancient said, "quietly sit on the threshold of your house, and your enemy will carry you."

God as a way out

In the old years, when it does not sleep, at times it is unlikely and constantly tingles here, and there, little, we get settled with the thought that there must be some way out of the dead end. Or, it is better to say, the exit from the situation in which the person born from his father and his mother and a friendly, and fastened on Earth.

It is asked: what is it, in fact, for the situation is that for attack, strongly requiring the exit, as if it were about the Laugh of the Minotaur, and where to find the notorious Ariadnin thread, and how to hook it ... The situation is actually ahow, quite tragic, and It is indicated by a single word - "Life". And indeed, life is primarily the tragedy, because a man with a young nail lives unconsciously so, as if his existence is not limited in time and space, that is, in his mind, he is designed for eternity, and death for him is the same abstraction as "Socialist realism". Even the sage Yuri Olesha at old age wrote in his diary: "Still, the absolute belief that I will not die. Despite the fact that they are nearby - many, many, and young, and my peers, despite the fact that I am old, I don't allow for a moment that I die. Maybe not die? Maybe all this - and with life and with deaths - exists in my imagination? Maybe I am long and endless, maybe I am the Universe? " And what died like a nice in 1960 from vodka and oblivion, which in the position of a large writer is really hard to move.

In that whole thing, that in a mature age a person, if he, of course, not finished idiot, inevitably comes to the conclusion: everything is as one anema. To all to him, we put, there is no case, but that nightmare, the coffin perspective that sooner or later he himself will go to the world of other, bringing such relentless horror on him that existence becomes in a burden, loses its meaning. Therefore, the residue of life seems to him a solid night before execution, and painful and seemingly for anything. Is it not a tragedy able to poison any, the most prosperous being?

Especially tight has to people with imagination. If a person is not made out of a tree, he painfully imagine himself in a coffin, with a failed mouth and wax ears, with a wedge on his forehead, similar to Travel, Whether on a dollar paper, and in new shoes sticking with socks apart. It is also molded to him the impenetrable mogly, where no sound penetrates, especially if winter and snow in the yard and the snow so much so much that neither the equestrian does not pass anyone, not to go. No wonder Lion Tolstoy was still terrified by mortal visions, which was repeatedly attempted in thoughts on suicide, so that only not to suffer the end of the end, but instead, that is, in order to avoid suicide, wrote on the topic of a deep essay.

In a word, life in the second half, when a person partly becomes a man completely, almost unbearable, because it is overshadowed with mortal fear and is upset by the powerlessness of thought before simple, it would seem, the question: why all if the matter is in an end? Why are four languages, if they leave with you in the grave, why a high position that you sought it so persistently, that I had a stomach ulcers, bank accounts, when they get damn who, why thousands of smart books read in the silence of libraries, In the beloved opening and in the subway? ..

As for the mortal fear ... Maybe, and there is nothing to be afraid, maybe death is only one of the two most exciting travel in life: the first of the non-existence in Genesis, that is, from the womb to the Light of God, the second is just from Genesis in non-existence, promising the wonderful discoveries and fantastic transformations, at least, the final knowledge, according to which a thinking person is so whipped. It is also possible that death is simple, usually, as the leaves are flying around, vodka ends, as a wife is offended and gone. The French, the people at all sober, and wrote during Oh? But above the gates of their cemeteries: "Death is an eternal dream."

As for the powerlessness of the thought before the question "why everything, if it goes to an end? .." The whole focus is that there is a response - that is Niza! Why does the Earth turn around his axis, despite the fact that she remained to spin only six billion years? Why are the butterflies flush, which one summer of life is given? Why does the Volga fall into the Caspian Sea, and not to the Biscay bay, so that you can go to Lisbon to Lisbon? This, of course, not the answer, but also "why everything?", In turn, is not a question. Just like a person was born from his father with his mother, and so it turns out that he turned out to be the chosen one from the chief, the champion of the champion, because in the primary hypostasis ahead of many billions of applicants for life, and this unique good luck should celebrate her - he and celebrates seventy-eighty in the Ivanovskaya years, until the intoxication is missing. He delays himself to know himself with the knowledge of languages \u200b\u200band the high position in society, working with beautiful women, reads a good way to join the treasures of the Spirit of the Human, and earns a bunch of money as a prize for sports skitting. Thus, life is a rare reward, like the Order of Victory, which, however, is still needed. He serves: thinks and suffers, suffers, undergoes the persecution and different injustices, it utters the fools with fools and works as an ox until the overwork.

And yet, it's terribly done, how you think that your beautiful body that you holly did and curse, will turn into the ugly pile of bones and flicker rags, that the whole eternity will pass without you, the side, the hundred generations will be changed, the unheard of change will be filled, it may be formed, may Being the New Sea in the middle of Russia and will cover your grave in the bunch, and no dog remembers that you, such a fuck, sometime existed. By the way, about eternity, which is ahead; But after all, too, eternity, and somehow they do not have to grieve that you did not find dinosaurs, did not participate in the cross campaigns, did not see Napoleon and did not go to the attack with a rifle in the 41st year.

From these painful reflections there is only one saving agent, which is in the shower of any harmony, is God.

Although the main question of philosophy about the attitude of being to consciousness and consciousness for being is not only not resolved, but, apparently, it will never be resolved, the materialists with our grateful Bolsheviks at the head stubbornly stand on the fact that the root cause does not happen and God is not; that the universe is eternal and infinite, a person is a consequence of the evolution of a worm in an opening creature and it forms an objective reality, and when this Sukina son is shooting for the unsappeted judgments, it will grow out of it, of course "Lophch will grow," if, of course, do not burn the corpse in the Don Crematorium Monastery. Such a position is simple and due to the contagious, no wonder in 1917 he unconditionally accepted the multi-million Russian plebs, who did not know how to think at all and did not like to think, and willingly went beyond the Bolsheviks, because Bolshevism is primarily an antipode for thinking as "ice and a flame", Tchaikovsky and sailor Zheleznyak, Hello and Farewell.

Okay, materialism, in particular, such a bravely, as Russian, freed a person from an animal horror before death, and then after all, the Bolsheviks do not want to die. In hell, where they will ask them for the Arkhari trips, they, of course, do not believe, but believe in absolute nothing, which follows the fourth myocardial infarction, which is also a religion, and yet they are wildly: how it lived A man in his pleasure, the Armenian brandy drank, a breakdown caviar bit, and suddenly you - "You fell victory in the struggle of the fateful ...".

In essence, the death is not afraid of only youth, fools and criminals, then that they are not so todded. And normal, that is, a thinking, a person is afraid, especially before bedtime. Consequently, this for something it was necessary that the only, conscious breath in the world was afraid of the inevitable death, was tormented in search of the exit from his tragic position, it would be a fool with a written tube, with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe immortality of the soul and Alkalo of Eternal Being. The fact of God that a person is given to know about the strugnure of its existence on earth, which no bird does not know, not a single elephant who guide the instincts that replacing the morality so that human people spoke with the inevitability and inevitably built life. After all, if I know that in the evening to go to the opera, then I will like a shirt and find the shoes, and, it became, a person is doomed to the death of life for, and, it became, the death thought partly represents a salvation, especially since the righteous is not so scary , not even so burdensome.

However, salvation implies one indispensable condition - it is necessary to take God as incomprehensibleness, which nevertheless suits the peoples and people, or eliminates from participating in the fate of peoples and people in accordance with the law we can judge only on exhalations, obscure reflections And unable to understand quite. However, and those knowledge that they are available to us, with more than enough to save, and they establish such harmony in the soul of a person who helps him healthy? In exist, while he is sentenced to death, as if some kind of recidivist.

Clear things, at times, the mind of the rebellion, since our life is full of inconsistencies, people will cut tobacco, the worker dies in flour, and burzhuy for money and in the ward one. Yes, and the kind of dead little inspires confidence in the immortality of the soul; Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev went to the corpse stains two hours after the death, which is considered a church for a bad sign, and after all, a good man, a believer, who carried the gift of God, for nothing, is that in love and Sooto? K.

Well, yes, the human mind is a famous insurgent and a two-hander: then he is something, then he is once! - and CE. That man will ingest a "categorical imperative" as the truth in the last instance, the atomic bomb is like the last argument, then refubs the temples under the vegetable store, it will compose mystical surplus value as the main source of evil. Another time you have a reservation before any buckashka, finding in it the perfection of creation, an artistic product of high mastery, and all fill with a religious feeling, and sometimes you will see a drunk face near the beer stall, almost with a knife for the balance, and think: and Is it an image and likeness, the child of God, the highest creature?! On the other hand, take ordinary Soroka: the color range of her plumage is such that this is a miracle of decorative art, and no evolution forces can be involved in this magic.

In general, a person in itself is a miracle of miracles, leading to reflections on God, a fantastic phenomenon, akin to the resurrection of Lazarus, if only because a person is incomprehensible and omnipotent. He is even an earthquake to him, and his tsunami acts as a demographic direction, that's just he does not compact with the diagnosis of personal being. However, from this metaphysical unit of anything you have to expect, up to the immortality of the soul and resettlement into the world of others. After all, we are, the Russians, it is known that there is nothing that such that in Russia could not happen.

But maybe it is good if a person died completely and irrevocably, since the eternal life, a clear thing, is Nonsense, and the posthumous existence is too scary, worse than death, for no one knows what it is, and suddenly it is inconvenient, terrible than stagnation on earth? In this sense, the materialist settled well, and everything is simple: nature is a product of development, a person is a game of nature, death, as usual - eternal dream. And, of course, God is a fiction of ignorant, tuned to the poetic string. That's just incomprehensible why we, we, prevent materialists, and they are not.

And at least so. At least God was not at all, but only a cycle of water in nature, let it seek him with fissas, our creator and the model - fiction, but the fiction is precious, for which you can cling to, as for the "objective reality given to us in sensations" , saving fiction, all-inclusive, because God makes sense. And the signs of His are noticeable, even too: he is in world-up-way, in a reverent attitude to life, in conscience, phenomenon is generally mystical, but it is almost impossible to touch, as a sick tooth, but in the night, finally, in morality, this innate concept of Good and evil, which can not be inspired by rods, which lies in the soul by itself. Hence God is, even if it is not. From here a person may not suspect that he, let's say, a Christian, if he lives in a divine and thinks his head.

The meaning who carries the Almighty, organizing personal being, allows you to take death as a procedure, as a natural crown of an unnatural existence in the guise of a person, as if ended, the applause came rare and gave light.

Symbol of faith

To live in a society, which has not yet been established as civilization, like our, Russian, is just as hard as at the station, where they sleep on wooden benches and feed damn it. Can rob in broad daylight, walking to beat, and no one will come in, they can argue, to award not according to merit, evict from the apartment, cease to catalyge as a passerby, go for a stupid trick, or to deprive parental rights and send Increased by Kolyma. These are the risks that pursue us, so to speak, from below, but, so to speak, the people will oppress the coupling lawlessness and the darkness of the fools.

This is a straight historical attack of some kind of our authorities, which since the time of the king of pea challenging their farms, are more considered to be astrological forecasts than with the people, and do not always know what they want. Of course, pleasant exceptions, but, in any case, so many cannibals, groundless idealists were indispensable for anywhere and never, which are in Russia, and this tradition will ever fall into a terrifying result. It seems he is already on the threshold, now he coughes and will enter.

Our ethnic tradition was not so dangerous for the country, when Paul I was saturated, or the Hospital of Elizabeth Petrovna, or Nikolai, was engaged in family and photography, and the terrorists shot the governors as dogs. There was no particular danger then not yet disadvantaged because there was a culture in Russia, and therefore society more or less was like a monolith. Everyone, for the rarest exceptions, it was known that God is that the property and social inequality is the law of nature that "you can not endure the fish out of the pond", drinking on weekdays - sin, and it is not suitable for the holidays, What a stay does not beat and do not hurt all the money. True, the rusta of ordinary washing in the sleeve and spoiled on the floor with impunity, regularly hesitated his half and Saturdays of children with rugs, subscribed to the cross and went to the need for a hlev, but then the monolith was traced in some way.

Well, before the educated minority, then the honor should be attributed - anywhere in the world there was no such knowledgeable, refined cultural, noble minority. In Russia, even the police ranked on leisure, the average literacy rate provided for knowledge of several European languages, scientific thought reached such heights that we invented everything, except for the bike and the atomic bomb, it was not to push around at the exhibitions And even around the cult of the book there was something like a denomination that a all decent person confessed. The main thing, the homeless dogs knew that Pushkin of Genius, and Bulgarin Unacceptable and Sukin Son.

Finally, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the intellectual, a unique type of person of a reasonable, suffer and thinker, the sophisticated person and a citizen of the world, and the most conscience, who formed a new sample community. Over the framework of this corporation, there was a social status and national affiliation, various kinds of sympathy and antipathy, and whom only she did not unite: Popovich, a pillar nobleman, a master, officer, saving Bosyaka. True, our intellectual was limited to an active figure, and his favorite refuge was a sofa, but maybe it's good. If you do nothing, the earth will be saved by itself.

Just for this indifference of the Ulyanov-Lenin intellectual and despised, since it was impossible to rely on him when taking a telegraph, nor when the Kronstadt rebellion is suppressed. Meanwhile, all the best, which belongs to the glory of Russia, was created by our intellectual, and not Bangit Savinkov wrote a "war and peace", not the striker of Stakhanov composed the first concert for the piano with the orchestra, not the People's Commander Kaganovich depicted "unknown", and even damned The TV invented not the father of the peoples of Joseph I, but a deeply non-party idealist. By the way, notice, according to TV, because it is transmitted that the intellectual came somewhere, or he learned to hide and it is not so easy to find it.

And another forty years ago, we had a great set of this brethren, and a babbed intellectual could be found in the most thick crowd: if a person walks down the street and stalls, because he looked in the newspaper - this is not our person, and if he The pillars witch, because he reads a book on the go, means an intellectual.

And indeed, even quite recently, the people read the pupil, even more than he drank, and even considered a bad tone, if you read the kafki in the evenings, but they are tashing on the TV or relax in Domino. It is not surprising that quite recently people were courteous and kind, because the book is a statement and the development of eternal truths through which time is communicated. Parents on the lightweight do not bother to introduce a novice person with the eternal truth that it's not good to fight and steal, the native grandfather will discuss how to ridiculously fight with windmills, but it is nutritionally for the soul, the school teacher will not so convincingly report to the class that Andrei Bolkonsky - The ideal of the Russian man, Lisa Kalitina is the ideal of the Russian girl, and the book through the century will carry everything necessary for moral health, heaves at least every way personification, in the best case it will enrich, warm it will help to live. After all, living, that is, to live in humans, is a hard lesson, harmful to health and not every shoulder. Especially serious despite the fact that a person, as they say, by defining alone, is subject to passion and does not get along with the world, because good does not always wins evil. There is no book without a book, as a baby can not do without communicating with adults, otherwise he will not learn to speak, will move on all fours, shook where it fell and rock like a beast.

Why are they saying: first people were committed to the book, because it was more interesting to read than to live, but now he is a book on? The spirit is not needed, because in the twentieth century it is more interesting to live than reading. What is more interesting, gentlemen? Is it really so fun to consider money, wandering shopping, from the gangsters to fight back, steal and please go to Nara, go to the Red Sea and drown? It seems from such a life only to read to forget to forget, especially since there is a different life under the cover, beautiful people who commit unnatural deeds are inhabited, and good always wins evil.

The times are really changeable, now rain, tomorrow bucket, "Yesterday our Ivan gave birth to the gardens, and today Ivan went to the governor," only without a century-old capital truth nowhere. The world did not collapse only because, despite endless war, revolution and other disgraces, that he keeps on the commandments of Moses and the Nagorno sermon of Christ. Even so: these two sacred text, actually form a person as primarily a spiritual creature, which is the nipple of war and revolution, which, among other things, does not make small pieces, in every possible way, he cares about the sign of Raskinaya in the past resentment, warning with everyone, Including children, correctly speaks in his native language and washes hands before eating. And this is all - culture, cake convey to the nearest urn, and then culture, and what then, is it for the substance - a person? Answer: Man is a culture, and not what walks and says.

In turn, the times are good not, in order that they are different, times are only bad and very bad when mentally regulatory people exist nausea, non-duty. Therefore, it is worthy to live life, being a cultural person, it means to resist his time, which always belonged to Skopidoy and the Renaughte, call it at least "High Renaissance", at least "real socialism", and if humanity has not been degenerated into a multi-billion flock of primates, so Thanks to the fringe of a cultural person, directed against Skopidoma and Scoundrel.

That's the thing that our brother, idealist, for some reason, abnormally afraid, how in due time the Bolsheviks abnormally brought fiction, and, apparently, humanity will cease to exist when the entire population of the planet, including thinkers and vagrants, It comes to the fact that all the essence of fairy tales and nonsense. What, i.e., moral legends of the antiquity, gospel parables, in general, the system of moral norms, "The Brothers of the Karamazov", "In the sky of midnight, angel flew ..." - these are all essays on a freestyle and bikes for fools. There is no dispute: Morality, of course, conditionality, but for some reason, the person is armed with this convention, and without conventions, there are plants, birds, insects and a beast.

Regarding the death of mankind: there is hope, which will not reach this. Despite the fact that the current state of the global community Achoe, a person surprised us, the authorities fell, the priorities were shifted, yet there is hope that the extreme will not reach.

Although in Russia there is much, too much, hints at what the case goes to zero. First, our compatriot as a spiritual being and a romantic in the appointment: His for a long time is not interested in eternal questions, he does not understand the needs of Amazonian Indians, he does not understand what it means to suffer because of the imperfections of the state mechanism, it is too narrow or completely unequal and In the field of perfect sympathizes only slanting housewives, which compose novels from the life of psychopaths and spaces.

Secondly, a new generation is alarming, a fearless, meaningless aggressive, silent, unanimous, almost no learned, who does not have the concept of morality, - in one word, the terrible generation of obvious degenerates will grow up, who do not even know that simple dogma, which is written "output" - There is a way out, and where "Login" - there is an entrance. I plute the army of juvenile homeless people here, unthinkable in a well-maintained state, and I get a bad result.

Thirdly, the artistic culture to the extreme left and almost all went to clown, stupid journals for adolescents, yes in the "soap", which for days chasing on TV to the drug advertising from everything. And after all, half a century did not pass since then, when we were the first on the ground.

Fourthly, there was an unprecedented rejuvenation of the nation, in other words, with the king-father, the total generals went out at twenty years with a little, and the current children and, as children, are reciped in the evil party, adore "shooters" and instead of his wife They are a cell phone.

Finally, we, the Russians, die off, and, as it were, our third Rome, following the example of the previous two, did not melted in non-existence.

This sad decadence, however, does not surprise: if you get involved in a meaningless war and put the color of the Russian craft on the field of honor, if after unleashing the crossbob and destroy the officers as a category, to put out the country of thinkers and aristocracy, to storing the hunger of indigenous farmers, to shoot the best representatives of the nation, Attribute Hitler in the destruction of thirty million fellow citizens, - then the female personnel has an inexorable question: from whom to give birth?

Among other things, we have handled us the era of the change that the authorities pre-providing us with us, as always, not by time and spur. People, it can be said to be raised after the country was trampled by market relations, since our psyche is generally adapted to work on capital. Before the hard worker honestly served her eight o'clock on some butterfly factory named after the Rosa Luxembourg, interrupted some of the advances to pay, drank, I went to the cinema, even sometimes I read the books from longing, and suddenly it turned out to be not needed and alone like Robinson Cruzo, with the only difference that the Englishman, because of his Protestant virtues, has greatly established life, in particular, the parrot knead the radio and cannibal Friday as a Batraka.

And then, the democratic freedoms were finally shot down a peaceful population, which was trying in vain to comprehend, like this: finally waited for will, and there is nothing, no salary, nor Solyarchki, no sausage. Most importantly, it was not clear what kind of freedoms were such as we were able to deal with them and why they came up with them, if every four years have to choose between the crook and the crook, if the shoes and, in general, have nothing to be broken down due to processions and demonstrations speak. These bewilders were all the more founder that neither Ivan-Fool, nor Jacques-Prostak, nor the Hans-Temptation from the century did not use these democratic freedoms, because they were engaged in a real case, especially since the Russian man is free, like no one - He and Yerezi drew as much as they were not in all of Europe, he and Boris Godunova did not conceive me, and Stolypin, and even Bashibuzukov-Bolsheviks.

Thus, the only real consequence of democratic freedoms that collapsed on the country was the fall in national culture in all articles. It turned out that freedom was useful to robbery to rob and beautify, newspaper and filmmakers to exploit the lowest tendensants of a person, grafomans and metrometers, which were not allowed in the editorial board on the threshold, homosexuals, advertisers, passes on the party line and gentlemen from the bottom . As for the people's majority, then the power of things was awarded only by freedom from conscience and shame.

According to the results of this Vakhanlia, we now have a literature that can not be overcome, a movie that cannot be viewed, the theater, which is only the topics and is engaged in the classics, music from which too shows that the notes are only seven, as well as many millions of fellow citizens, which Barely know how to read. In turn, large artists live their days in poverty, serious writers moved to the position of urban crazy, the present education is not in honor?. But all the terrible thing is that the well-known public, the power of things liberated from morality, was so fused that as you would think about it, it would not be for the idea of \u200b\u200bthinking: it is impossible to live in a country where everything is sold and everything is bought, from judges to a diploma about higher medical education, unless As outside of this horror, the same thing is not to live. But this is a private, in Russian, it turns out to "not live", and, on an oblique European look, they are still more or less safe: justice in stock, democratic freedoms in the range, the police are incomprehensible and household culture stands at a sufficient height. That's just there they have no one to swim about the meaning of our interjections in the light of the last political facing.

The whole thing is that the genetic system of the nation has undergone a terrible damage, from which to recover wise, and therefore our authorities rushing out of angle in the corner, in the impotence, different deposits, such as unification of the Ministry of Defense with the Ministry of Food Industry, and, in general, are engaged in anything, not only by culture; And meanwhile, the culture is all, and without culture there can be nothing - neither a man nor society, nor the country. At least, no state institute is able to function correctly, if the officer, official, the district authorized by the layer did not hear about such a concept - "honor" and if the mother's mother will be exchanged for Mercedes.

Natural things, everyone wants to live well, that is, securely and comfortable, eat sweetly, sweetly drink, have your own departure, to go beautifully dressed, watch a fearful movie every day - and this is in the order of things, just need to keep in mind: Ancient Romans They disappeared from the face of the Earth for the reason that the bread and spectacle were presented above, and everyday humanity did not put anything.

Glory to you, Lord, we still did not even fuck on bread and spectacles, generally mercantile interest, and a lot of young and not that young people whose soul hurts. Here's how the tooth hurts, how legs will lie in crude weather, so some and the soul rotes on high relations, a truly friend and a devoted friend, a disinterested act, self-sacrifice, nightly sites for the "absolute person" from Hegel, on a noble crazy, which peculiar to the root Russian man.

Therefore, there is hope that we have little to face a new aristocracy, which is able to revive the cultural tradition, and will repair the country, as the mechanisms are revealed, at least on the grounds that romanticism is in our blood. Moreover, our people knew times and twisted, in the troubled years of their own children ate, whole parishes were made by robbery on large roads, a lihai was sitting in the Kremlin, who did not give the passage to the Moscow ladies, and now the sparrow from the Singer Solovna is not distinguished.

Hence the symbol of the faith of the contemporary Rublevka, Inkombanka and shootouts of the day in broad daylight: firmly believe in Rusak and in his indestructible humanity, to a new aristocracy, the aristocracy of the Spirit, able to revive the cultural tradition, the resurrection of the country and the life of the future century without rags and fools.

And, in fact, besides "firmly believe", nothing else remains, well, nothing is decidedly.

Vyacheslav Piezuhu entered the literature in the era of publicity. Prose "New Wave", as it is customary to be called, is distinguished by variety and complexity. The most popular trend of modern literature remains social direction.

The action of the stories and the lines of Piezuha is not tied to a particular habitat. It can also occur in the village, and in the Siberian government, and in a big city. The social affiliation of characters does not have a decisive value - it can be workers, peasants, intellectuals. Significantly different: installation on the accuracy of the author's character. For the author, he is most reliable himself - a writer.

Thus, not social, but still an artistic characteristic. Writer and there is a leading character. But it is impossible to understand that Piezuch writes an autobiographical prose. No, we have literature in a broad sense. Just a writer performs in a wide variety of bleits, behind which the author is guessed unmistakable. As a rule, the author highlights the writer talents of his beloved character.

Critics are counted by V. Piezuha to the "Ironic avant-garde". Indeed, Irony is frank and even declarative. Back in the 60s, the irony became a reaction to the wounded slogans. Beautiful and good words devalued bad people. Paphos turned out to be inappropriate. Many refused words at all and turned to rock culture, music. Breakdown destroyed the wonderful fabric poets and avant-garde writers.

A new way for the writer was the irony of a universal, who doubt all possible establishments, the principles of ideals. The story of Piezuha "ticket" is a program for the writer and for the whole "new wave". His hero - Beach, tramp, a slacker - is encountered by the truth about the necessity of happiness and commitment of misfortune. He claims that without unfortunate "We will not we, as Aphrodite with your hands will not be afroditis. You will ask why? Yes, because universal well-being is the same sugar disease, and the body of the nation ... must allocate some kind of hide element, which will not allow the nation to get sick and for nothing to go into the grave. "

Much more smartly says Pasha God. But let's remember where the story begins: "Beach Pasha God, whom ..." - and so on. Piecuch inserted an ordinary Pasha in the combination of "Beach God". But the author goes on this, asking the tone to the whole narrative.

The aesthetics of "Ironic avant-garde" is most fully expressed in the story of V. Piezuha "New Moscow Philosophy". The narrative is conducted on behalf of the narrator, a man of a detailed and unhurried. He reflects on the ratio of life and writers, about the meaning of literature in the life of the Russian man. The reality of Pishing is paradoxical, it is built in accordance with the literary canons, - based on the reality that is played in the framework of the plot of "crimes and punishment".

This reality is ordinary and absurd. "Most likely there is a literature, so to speak, the root of life, and then life itself, but only slightly shifted horizontally, and, therefore, there is no strongly awesome in the fact that we have any life, there and literature, and on the other The parties where the literature, there and the life, that we are not only written in life, but we live part and in writing ... "

The writer seems to be laughing on the peculiarities of a Russian nature, accustomed to the guise of primitive realism to perceive literature as a direct reflection of life and as a guide to action. Poninglying on this occasion, he immediately recking the bridge into reality, after noting that the scenes and episodes described in the literature repeatedly repeated in life.

The story of the story "New Moscow philosophy" unfolds in 1988 in a communal apartment from twelve rooms in Moscow. It is built around the death of the old woman of the Pampian, the former owner of the whole house. Now Pupyanskaya occupies a small dark room. Who will get this room, and the heroes decide - the neighbors on the communal service. They solve this urgent housing issue "democratic means in the context of publicity," said Graphoman-diamospher.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that each person is no longer afraid to have his own opinion. Now everyone has his own philosophy: from the five-year-old Peter, who, sitting on a pot, says that he has taught his life to the local philosophers Belocevetov and Chinarikov, arguing about the energic categories of good and evil, about the meaning of life.

The idealist of belacevets, removed with pills to heal humanity from her meanness, believes that "every evil partially transcendentally, because the person came out of nature, but in nature there is no evil and in the plant." His opponent Chinarikov argues that there is no good in nature that "good senseless in terms of personality." But -speed home-grown philosophers are divided into conviction of the young Mitka beginning, that "life is one thing, and philosophy is quite different."

The new Moscow philosophy is born in the consciousness of society, who has "from some pores ... and evil is not like people, and good not like people who turned into some kind of socialist construction missed after seventy one year." Good and evil became ambivalent, generally broke. And Mitka of the beginning, who, atten, to swallow, essentially kills the old man Pampian. The fact is that he stole her old photo of her deceased husband. Then, having built a tricky lens, I sprogled the image so that the old woman at night in the dark corridor began to see the "ghost" of a long-time spouse. Of course, Mitka is smaller than Rodion Raskolnikova, who wanted to prove at least that he is not "trembling creature."

Vyacheslav Piezuhu creates a special atmosphere of the story in which a paradoxically, as possible in the game, reality and conventions, drama and laughter are connected. The author, that hesitates the role of literature in society, in every way exaggerating it, then seeks to revive her humanistic values \u200b\u200bthrough the purification of laughter.

The withdrawal of the entire story by the representative of the philosophy of Belocevetov: "... In the process of moral development of humanity, the literature is assigned even in some r" ODE genetic importance, because literature is the spiritual experience of mankind in a concentrated form and, it became, it has a significant additive to the genetic The code of a reasonable being, which in addition to the literature, a person cannot become a person. "But this is a high and excellent importance of literature reducing to zero by the previous Dialogue of Belocevetov with Mitka, who did not read" crimes and punishment ".

The author ironically combines literature with a specific "organically literary" reality. In the story of the St. Petersburg version of the crime turns out to be more serious than Moscow. Moscow philosophy is not from Bonapartism, but from mental poverty.

Artistic peculiarities of the story develop from ironic intonation, games with classical images and motifs, an unexpected perspective of human and peace perception. The story is broken by chapters by day of the week. "Friday Saturday Sunday". It suggests that with small changes and other Fridays, Saturday, Sunday are the same. The content of life is exhausted by some permanent, almost ritual classes. The disappearance of the old man Pampyanskaya somewhat shake this stagnant atmosphere, but did not destroy it. Everything will be repeated.

Repeating structure has each chapter. At first - the copyright word about the role of literature or the ratio of CE with life. Then - a description of the life of the communal, following him - the philosophical disputes of Chinarikov and Belotzvetov, who, as if clic down at a level with the word of the author. The next chapter opens the next day, and built the same way. A spiral design is increasingly pumping some kind of madness when another person has already crossed out of life.

There is no salvation - from the vulgarity, from the nauseas of historical repeats, from the inexplication of our "communal" living.

The extraordinary popularity of Vyacheslav Piezuha is explained may also be the fact that he irony is not angry, not killing. She is all-simplicable. The writer always gives the reader to choose from many of the options provided for discussion its philosophical concept of being. And if you do not choose, then make sure that the world is PEST and multi-rival, and it is impossible to stay on one rigid scheme.

A bright example is the story "Anamnesis and Epicris". The title of the story contains medical terms that have become nicknames for hospital kittens. This couple settled in the Hospital Chamber, where six people are acquired: the policeman Athanasius Zolkin, the loader Sergey Chegodaev, a small trade union worker, the Ottoman, the adjuster Vanya Saburov, the professional thief, Edward Masho, and the author is a rotten intellectual, as a general conclusion.

It is not surprising that such a material is sooner or later gives rise to an unresolved conflict. One day in the ward begins a fight. Description Tracks is accompanied by a commentary of the author-intellectual: "In general, I suffer a bad hawk to infect the thought, as for the purpose, with the most unfavorable circumstances. The fight was raging, the glass ranks, cracking, breaking, the furniture, ferocious shouts excited the branch, and I lay in my bed and mentally looked at the next idea: apparently, the fundamental difference between the Russian people from all other peoples is that the Russians ... How to put it carefully, do not adore each other. Here the Dutch is standing at each other, and rather, Pope will renounce Catholicism than the Dutchman renounces from Sogolland. "

First, hospital pillows fly in the air, then stools, and we follow the reasoning about the problems of the Russian nation: "We were simply modified that we had dozens of subspecies of the Russians, some of which are certainly the Russians, and others are also Russians, but otherwise .. . The step can not stand so as not to run into a stranger. Hence the intentional savings, robbery in broad daylight, combat expression of physiognomy, a negligence relationship to everything. Need a universal idea - political, economic ... "

The more acute events are developing, the desperately the thought of the hero: "We are developing a sowing head, and therefore in the Russian environment ripen the contradictions of such a giant force that is terribly tempting - just to live. Here on the other side of the Elbe only entertainment that is trying to spend money, and we have; That our advantage and fate, that we live in such a burning, sharp style! Then we do not need any universal ideas, except for the native Russian language, which in addition to our blind efforts will decide everything himself and will determine everything. " Just at this place in the head of the hero, pleased with a bottle of Narzan. He lost consciousness. Everyone was taken to the dinner of Soclifasovsky to the clinic and what was interesting, put everyone in one ward.

Vyacheslav Piezuhu is an unusually popular writer. All his new or re-delivered book is gripping. This suggests that Pidetshad grabbed something most important in our complex modern life, which affects the thought and feelings of readers.

Vyacheslav Piezuh

New Moscow philosophy

"New World" №1- 1989

Tale Part One


This is surprising, but the Russian person has long been under domination, even a native word. Danes of his Kierchegor did not read a hundred years, the French stands, until died, was not a decree, and we would write some Saratov teacher from Popovich, that for the sake of the future nation it would be good to learn to sleep on nails, and half the country begins to sleep on nails . Such submission to the artistic word is doubly surprising because everyone, except for children and crazy, is clear how God's Day: There is only a damaged reflection of reality, the model. And this is still at best; In the worst case, people just sit and compound all sorts of unprecedencing, selflessly play life, forcing never existing men and women to make acts who have never been committed by anyone, that is, in fact millions of honest readers are in charge, preserves their facilities for Personal, and still attempt on some pererming prerogatives, because, it happens, they write: "He thought," the thought came to his head "; But this is what you need to be to know what exactly he thought and what thought he came to his head!

Indeed, another time you will open the book and read: "In early July, in an extremely hot time, in the evening one young man came out of his camork, which hired from tenants in the village of Lane, to the street and slowly, as if in indispensability, I went to K-well bridge ... "So you read it and think: and I have never had any hot July, no evening, in which a young man came out of his camork, either Kamorki, nor the alley, nor the youngest man, And all this came up with a writer such something to get rid of his dreams and earn on a bunch with butter; Well, it's good, the hot July, suppose, was, perhaps, and S-cue Lane was, and the Camorka hired from the tenants, but there was no young man in risen. And if he was, he never left the courtyard in the evening in the direction of the factory bridge, and if he went out, he would not be "as if in indishesibility" a, on the contrary, a German step, and not from the camork, and not in the evening, And not at the beginning of July, and from the apartment in the Izmailovsky regiment early in the morning of September 30.

The most interesting thing is that at the present scale of the insight of this kind, for some reason we are excluded and we are also definitely believe in literature as our great-grandfathers on the day. Perhaps this cultural phenomenon is explained by the fact that we have, so to speak, evangelical literature, but, on the other hand, such a thing is possible - as described, and it was; In fact, it was also hot July, and evening, and a young man who was "as if in the indishesibility" came from the courtyard; it was not if not in the sixties of the last century, then in the forties, or with Boris Godunov, or two years ago, for a person lives so long, rich and diverse that there is no such desperate-literary, even a delusional situation in which when Or did not have a valid person. As not yet such a fantasy, which would not have become a reality, as there is no such reason that would not have developed its consequences, as it can not be such a combination of consonants and vowels, which something could not say in one of the human languages, so There was no such artistic fiction that would have echoed so much with real situations and cases so that it could be impossible for the truth. That's the thing that was all: and Yevgeny Onegin with Tatyana Larina, and Akaki Akakievich with his ill-fatedline, and the captain of Lebydkin with fantastic poems, and the styles; Unless they wore other names, they were surrounded by other circumstances, they lived quite then and not quite there - but it is relatively nonsense. Another thing is that it is exactly that there is most likely literature, so to speak, the root of life, and then life itself, but only a slightly shifted horizontally, and, therefore, there is no resistently nothing surprising in the fact that we have any life, there and the literature, and on the other hand, where the literature, there and the life, that we are not only in life write, but we live part and in writing that the spiritual power of literature is so significant that in some romantic cases a well-sensible person May come to mind: Alyosha Karamazov would not do it. And here it is not positive about what to consistent that in some romantic cases we climb and look at our holy Tolstovsky, Dostoevsky or Chekhov letters, because they are not the fiction, and the true saints of Russian life, in fact, approximately existing, that is, those who suffered and thinking The sample, worthy imitation, for the whole thing that was all. What seems to be unique Dick next scene: "She screamed, but very weakly, and suddenly all the villagers to the floor, although he had time to raise both hands to his head ... Blood rushed, like from a tipped glass, and the body had fallen on ... she It was already dead. The eyes were sticking out, as if they wanted to jump, and the forehead and the whole face were shred and distorted by a convulsion ... The skull was fragmented and even poured a little bit ... "- This, this not only in all the details of the details have repeatedly happened in life, but even recently Repeated again. True, the circumstances of her were not as a bloody: the sacrificial old woman in a dark-pegar coat of the current matter and cutting, in a funny fur hat with a fool for the ears, in rubber-felt bots known for the nickname "Goodbye, youth", simply sat on The bench at the very beginning of the Pokrovsky Boulevard, closing his eyes and folding his hands on the stomach, - after all, the morals of the last quarter of the twentieth century were introduced into the classic scene their softening amendments.

It seemed that the old woman was dreamed in the sun, first swung for the spring; Two boys with the Ranks, who returned from school, pounded to her and, having bought her legs, talked a little, two Sizares were landed at her bot, but suddenly rose, panically flapping with wings, one passerby in the Karakule Pie asked the old woman, how he to go to Solyanka And without waiting for the answer, said:

Deaf Tomera!

It has already been tortower, and the old woman was sitting on the bench and did not think to leave.

The appearance of her on the Pokrovsky Boulevard was preceded in some way the story, which unfolded in a large corner house along the Petrotriergian lane, in Apartment number 12, where the well-known communal folk farc was called, now there is no longer a little petting in non-existence. It was chosen difficult and not an eye, but in time exactly as much as the twelfth apartment herself.

At first, Sergey Vladimirovich Pupyansky was settled here, Latin teacher, taught in the 6th Moscow Gymnasium. He had a wife Zinaida Aleksandrovna, nee Saransva, a distant descendant of that very Elena Ivanovna Sarantseva, who was the captain of the only cavalry division, namely Amazon's companies, formed by Potemkin in Balaclava on the occasion of the arrival of Catherine II. Sergey Vladimirovich also had four children: Sergey, Vladimir, George and Alexander. Sergey Sergeevich died in an imperialist war during the summer onset of the seventeenth year, Vladimir Sergeevich, at the thirty-four year, pleased under the suburban train at the Mammontovka station, that in the Yaroslavl Road, Georgy Sergeevich was missing in November forty-first year, at the time of battle near Moscow, in which he participated as a militia, and Alexander Sergeyevna retped to this day; In the twelfth apartment, she occupied the largest room, if you count from the hallway, located next to the kitchen and in the black move, in which the cook of the Pampian Elizabeth lived before the nineteenth year. This room was small and dark, since one window went to the rear staircase, and the other, the ladder, in the kitchen, and therefore, the light was almost always burning with Pampian. Closer to the days, about whom speech, Alexander Sergeyevna, was a mahon-intelligent old woman with a thin face, very tidy, in general, the impression of pleasantly smelling whiteness.