Test for knowledge of Christmas films. New Year's quiz and an interesting new year in a family circle! Tests on movies about the new year

Test for knowledge of Christmas films. New Year's quiz and an interesting new year in a family circle! Tests on movies about the new year
Test for knowledge of Christmas films. New Year's quiz and an interesting new year in a family circle! Tests on movies about the new year

New Year's quiz for high schools with answers

Quiz will be interesting for class managers, teachers of additional education responsible for educational work at school.
Designed for student 9-11 classes.

Some Quiz questions are taken here /prazdniki/novyi-god/viktoriny-na-novyi-god.html

purpose: Improve the knowledge of children about the celebration of the New Year.

- expansion of knowledge on this topic;
- upbringing the skills of performances in front of the audience
- educate the culture of communication.

Teams of 5 people.
Homework Prepare the name of the team and motto.
The quiz consists of 4 rounds, between which the musical pause is held.
1 tour.
The presenter sets the question, the team that first raises the hand, responds. For the right answer 1 point.

1. In Russia, when the whole family was going after the New Year's table, the children tied the feet of the table with a Lykova rope. What did this New Year's custom symbolized? (This meant that the family in the coming year would be strong and should not be separated)

2. Why did the future poet Pushkin in the orphanage there were no New Year tree? (The Christmas tree in Russia began to use as a New Year's tree only from the middle of the XIX century)

3. Why in 1699-1700 Russians celebrated the new year twice with an interval of four months? (Because on December 19, 1699 Petr, the first was published a decree on the reform of the calendar in Russia. According to this document, the new year began to be celebrated on January 1. The first January holiday New Year in Russia celebrated a very widemost day.)

4. Residents of which states are the first on Earth meet the new year? (Residents of New Zealand and Fiji State. This is explained by the fact that it is these territories that are geographically located closest to the date of the change of the date)

5. What gymnastic trick performs the land to the time of the next new year? (Turnover)

6. Who was the first of the people of the Earth celebrated the New Year in space? (Russian cosmonauts Yuri Romanenko and Georgy Grechko, in the orbit station "Salyut-6" January 1, 1978)

7. For Americans, he is Holy, the French he has a father. And who does he have to Russians? (In America - Santa Claus, in France - Par Noel - Dad Christmas, and we give gifts to grandpa frost)

8. In which month, our grandfather Moroz celebrates his birthday? (In November, more precisely - November 18. Children themselves came up with the date of birth of Santa Claus, because it was November 18 on his faith - in Great Ustyug - the real winter is entering into his rights, and frost hit)

9. Name the historic homeland of Christmas, and then and the New Year tree? (Germany)

10. What a village was called, in which the amazing events took place in the Christmas night, which N.V. told us about Gogol? (Dikanka)

Musical pause

2 tour.
All teams meet the questions of the second round. Answers are written on leaves and transferred to members of the jury. For the correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

1. Why in the Dopurerov Rus traditional New Year's treats of the festive feast were fresh apples? (Because to the calendar reform of Peter I new year celebrated on September 1)

2. With the arrival of Soviet power, the custom of dressing the Christmas tree for Christmas was canceled as religious. In which year he was restored? (In 1935)

3. What an ancient Russian city is the birthplace of Santa Claus? (Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region)

4. When did the Russian Snow Maiden appeared at the Russian Santa Claus? (In 1873, Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky, wrote a play in verses - the poetic "spring fairy tale" "Snow Maiden")

5. An unusual Christmas tree from Peru, as the biggest spruce, created from edible components, came to the Guinesis Book of Records. Guess what was the main and the only ingredient? (Potatoes. Almost 100 kg of potatoes passed on the Christmas tree)

6. But Santa Claus harnesses in Christmas Sani not deer, but deer! What proves the loyalty of such an approval? (The presence of horns. After all, the deer males throw off the horns in the fall)

7. In Greece for the new year, guests put a stone on the master's threshold, wanting to him so that this thing always weighed no less. What is this thing? (Wallet)

8. Why in Hungary on New Year's Eve do not serve neither ducks or chickens or geese? (So \u200b\u200bthat "happiness does not flew out of the house.")

Musical pause

3 round.
Captain Competition "Believe - I do not believe"

Only captains of teams take part in this tour. You will be read by the New Year tradition, and you must believe or not. In the case of a proper response, the team reads 1 point.

1. Do you believe that garlic candy is traditionally served on New Year's Eve (no) in Poland.

2. Do you believe that in Cuba before the new year, people fill all the dishes with water, and on New Year's Eve, when the clock is trying twelve times, it is satisfied with the real flood, at the same time pouring water from the windows, wanting to yourself so that life has become the same in the coming year Light and clear, like water? (Yes)

3. Do you believe that in Panama New Year meet with unimaginable noise: the cars are bursting, shouting people, howling sirens? (Yes)

4. Do you believe that in Mexico in the day before the New Year, dolls appear on the streets, personifying the past year, and Explosions are heard in New Year's Eve - Dolls are split into pieces? (Yes)

6. Do you believe that in Sudan the most desirable gift for the new year is a green not mature nut (yes).

Musical pause

4 round
In this tour, you are offered pictures from movies and cartoons dedicated to the New Year.

1 question. Name the names of these kinoheroes.

Answer: Harry Lime and Marvin Merchants

2 question. Name the street on which the main heroine of the film

Answer: 3rd Builders Street, House 25 Apartment12

3 Roll. Name the film by frames

Answer: "Charlie and Chocolate Factory"

4Vopros. Name the film by frames

Answer: "Christmas trees"

5 question. Who communicated with the main character of the cartoon in the hut?

Answer: with pike

6 Question What is the name of the 3 highest brothers of this fairy tale

Answer: December, January, February

Musical pause
Summing up and rewarding participants

▫ And let's go back to the Stone Age. I'm terrified from such proposals in the age of the figures. When gradually move to mixed learning. It is much easier to prohibit than to teach. And you can teach a lot. Here one underwater stone - you can only teach what you own at least at level `well`. But so far it is here and snag. Yes, I agree, the phone in the hands of children (and not only) evil when he has only one side of use. It is this side that we see. Second - as the reverse side of the moon. She is, although we do not see it. It is easier to admit that the moon is flat than mastering `vision` What other side. I say not in order to just chat, but as a practitioner who is accustomed to the fact that gadgets can make a lesson even more interesting, which take out a lesson for his framework, expanding the horizons of children and not only them. Svetlana Sergeyevna, we use phones and tablets from the first class. And believe me, children do not play in phones, but they are self-developed in groups and individually. OKR.MIR - work in the inverted class can not do without go out into the Internet. The form of the lesson is so interesting and convenient that the OCD of the world becomes a good-loved subject with a constant expansion of the boundaries of themes, with access to mini-projects ... Here it is time to start telling how everything needs to be organized, but in two words will not work. In the FB we have a group, we divide there. If it is interesting, in a personal throwing link. You will understand that the telephone telephone is retrid. The main thing is whether the teacher will be able to organize work with him so that it becomes an integral assistant, not an enemy. That is why it is divided, learn from each other. Believe the practice - the phone, smartphone, tablet more advantages than flaws. We are just about them (about advantages) do not know. And often do not want to know.
▫ Thank you!
Well, for children, the phone is constantly not needed. For the transfer of urgent information there is a class manager, for example. Permanent access to the Internet is not required on all subjects. If the subject often works on the Internet on the Internet, then in these classes interactive panels can be hung. We were hanging out, there and there is an Internet. Well, or put several computers (laptops) in some rooms, where without this they do not represent the educational process. And teachers at the school simply do not use the phone. So why limit them? You can register the conditions defined. For example, I rarely call for work that I agree through the width to receive this information if something urgently, or through the secretary. Secondly, you can apply age limitations. Why the disciple of primary classes phone? My granddaughter has studied in the first grade without a phone. Nothing terrible happened. She does not have his own phone at all. We believe that he is not needed. But under the pressure of those surrounding her telephones, it is difficult. Everyone has, but she has no. She also wants to play a change in the phone.
▫ Chrome, so that there is still `recipe: first here: http://prntscr.com/oaugui Then the same meaning - and here (the Red Arrow): http://prntscr.com/oauh46 in the settings to do: http: / /PrntScr.com/oauhjt Then refresh the page with music will sound) And next time it will simply get out warning: they say, Flash connect whether? Yes, connect. There will be on the right, in the line of references.

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On any holiday, a combination of cinema can become an excellent decision of the competitive issue. And if you have a party in the style of Soviet comedies or a la styles or old movies, then such a thematic competition will be just right. You can voice the questions yourself, or prepare pictures in advance and demonstrate them through the projector so that all those present not only heard, but also seen tasks.

1. Name the filmmaker of all plumbers. (Answer: Afonya)
2.This, the British appeared not otherwise as "surname. Name last name "(Answer: Bond. James Bond"
3. The hero fled three years, five months, fourteen days and sixteen hours. (Answer: Forest Gump)
4. Add a photo of the actress Rita Hayivord in advance, so that they could ask: "In which movie, this actress involuntarily starred after his death? (The Shawshank Redemption)
5. Name a movie of 1609 meters (Answer: Green Mile)
6. Speak the image of the chemical element from the Mendeleev table and ask to name the film (Answer: Fifth Element)
7. The presentation of these concepts you can call the film: "December. Fish. TO." (Answer: movie "12")
8.8. In the Soviet cinema, he was a captivating rim, and an ordinary wizard, and a stylish father of the representative of Golden Youth. (Answer: Yankovsky)
9. What unites the sausage, a sausage, Redish and Hamburg Rooster? "Name the film" (Answer: Gentlemen of Good luck)
10. Point this offer and name the film: One hellish song (answer: Movie "Bath Helsing")
11. What kind of film is more logical to call "Kate and Leo"? (Answer: The film "Titanic", in which Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet were filmed)
12.Gue to antifrace and name the film "Morning after Ivan Kupala" (answer: "Night before Christmas"
13. Name Hollywood actor, who has white vestibular hearing agen (answer: James Belushi)
14. Give pictures of three tape recorders, two cameras, three degrees and three suede jackets. The question will sound "name the surname of the victim." (Answer: Shpak from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession")
15. They were not that system in the film "White Sun of the Desert". (Answer: Grenades)
16. Why did Rolan Bulls headed in the film "Stuffed"? (Answer: Military Orchestra)
17. What country was the hero of Tom Henks in the film "Terminal"?

Quiz dedicated to the cinema "Cartoon connoisseurs".

(Answer: Kraist)
18. Name the film about the interval that lasts from the evening to the morning twilight. (Answer: The film "From Dawn to Sunset")
19.This film could be called "Gladiator in the Forest". What movie is we talking about? (Answer: "Robin Hood")
20. This event was named the 29th letter of the Russian alphabet. (Answer: Operation "s"

Attention, movies!

Creative game program for schoolchildren

Equipment: Music center, phonograms with songs - karaoke; Texts of Bass, fairy tales; Details of costumes, masks; phonograms of distribution melodies; 4 Watman sheet, multicolored markers.

Very interesting program. It can be redone for different situations: for school holidays, holidays in companies and at home.

Gaming program course

Leading. Hello, dear guys! Today we will go on a fascinating journey - to the world of cinema. To begin with, remember who participates in the creation of a movie? (Director, sound operator, actors, master in light, costume designer, make-up, choreographer, cascadener, etc.)

There is a team formation (3-4). Commands can be formed in advance. Director (captains of teams) are selected, and then the whole team is the performers of men's and women's roles (4 people), the sound-operator (1 person), the dance producer (1 person), costume designer, the dressing room, etc. The team must include 6 to 10 people.
All teams are film studios. Representatives from team studios will be involved in competitions. Thinking the task of the whole team shows or protects the project representative from film studio.
Lead is a jury. It includes adults and children, guests of the game program.

Competition "Our Film Studio"

Leading. Invent the name and screensaver of your film studio. The screensaver should be depicted plastically and to the music. For the preparation and demonstration of your screensaver, you are given 3 minutes.

The competition "Kinoproby" is held. The jury summarizes.


Leading. Actors from film studios for 2-4 people must be portrayed:

  • household appliances (vacuum cleaner, toaster, mixer, washing machine, gas stove);
  • animal (kangaroo, giraffe, squirrel, hedgehog, deer, fox).

Each chooses a card on which it is written what he should portray. 30 seconds is given to prepare.

Competition is held.

Leading. The actors from the film studios must say the phrase: "Smile, follow us" with different intonation:

  • frightened;
  • laughing;
  • justifying the comrades;
  • with gloating;
  • with longing in voice;
  • with reproach.

Competition "Video Sounding"

Leading. Sound operators are invited to this contest. Your task is to simulate the sounds of the read-up passage.

  • The lead alternately reads passages for each sound operator, and then repeats them again, but already with sound accompaniment
    competition participants.
  • Early morning. Dr. Aibolit sits in a room in a rocking chair. Armchair creates complaints about. Grocery fucking, the room includes a pig. Aibolit gently scratches her abdomen. Pig racks from pleasure. Merlyo tapping a woodpecker. The hissing whisper of the parrot Kuro is asking sugar. Rings a call to the door. Dr. Aibolit puts on slippers and, straight legs, goes to open the door.
  • Night. In the ancient cantems quietly. Shoot grasshoppers. Wholes wind. Crocked rooster. Immediately flashed dogs. They bought chicken coasnik in response. I heard the sound of steps. Sripped wicket. Again flashed dogs.
  • Films. Travel tracker, hanging out and smoking, drinking tea. Merlyly tick the classes.

    Answers to the game 100 cinema. Quiz 100 films - Answers

    The hook of the approaching train is heard away. Heavily sighing, the commander gets up, inadvertently dropping a chair. He goes to the porch. Creak steps. A quick train is sweeping.

  • Morning. On the side of the road, the car slows sharply. From the punctured tire sharply with a whistle leaves the air. Slapping the door, the driver gets out of the car. The noise of the operating engine is heard. Suddenly, the baby is crying out of the car. A truck swears past. The driver takes the pump and pumped the wheel.
  • Evening. Behind the scenes of the circus, stormy applause is heard. Tigers buried, a cracker rang. The elephant unexpectedly comes to the feet to the caulier. The sound of the siren ambulance is heard. There is an inhuman laughter of a clown.
  • Forest edge. In silence, the braids are heard. Suddenly, from under the feet of Kosar, falls around with a cry of the crow. Kositar with angrily enough rifle and shoots. Misfire. Shoots again. Hazing alongside the cow is in surprise.

The jury summarizes the competition.

Competition "Silent Cinema"

Leading. And now our choreographers and actors must put a dance and plastic sketch for fables:

  • "Dragonfly and ant";
  • "A Crow and a fox";
  • "Mirror and Monkey";
  • "Wolf and lamb";
  • "Elephant and Pug", etc.

The texts of the Basen and the background team melodies are chosen by lot. Time to prepare - 5-7 minutes. After showing the opponents
and the audience guess the name of the Basen.
The jury estimate etudes.

Competition "Film Festival"

Leading. Film studios will choose the cards with genres and make the film on the plot of fairy tales. Time to prepare - 10 minutes.

Genres: Detective, comedy, musical, fighter, horror film, fantasy.

Proposed plots fairy tales: "Three Piglets", "Kolobok", "Sister Alenushka and Brother Ivanushka."

Competition is held.

Tasks for spectators

Song quiz. Spectators must guess the song on the description and movie where it sounded:

  • Song of a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat. (Song of the Red Hat.)
  • A song about the content of the head, which for a small bear does not make much value. ("In my head of my sawdust" - the song of Winnie Pooh.)
  • The song about animals, thanks to which our planet makes movement around their axis. ("Somewhere in the White World" - "Caucasian Captive".)
  • Song of the primacy of aviation. ("First Affairs Aircraft" - "Heavenly Skin")
  • Song of animals with long ears working by mowers of the lungs. (Song about Zaitsev - "Diamond Hand") and others.

Execution of guessed songs - karaoke.

Competition "Poster"

Leading. On Watman Sheet with color markers, participants in the film studios for 1-2 minutes should draw the poster of his film. On the poster should be attended - the name of the film, the name of the movie star, the genre of the film.

The jury takes into account brightness, originality, matching the topic of the film.

In the finals, the jury summarizes the results, awards the winners. You can develop figurines - souvenirs similar to Oscar. Not only the teams, but also the best players - actors, sound operators, etc.

To see a presentation with pictures, design and slides, download its file and open in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text Content Slides Presentation:
Section 1. Movie phrases do not throw out normal heroes always go around! "Aibolit 66" by origin - I am about the toothnaya, and by education I am about the local. "Barbara Krasa, a long braid" in Baghdad everything is calm, calmly, calm ... "Aladdin's magic lamp" · Guys, myelofon with me! I did not say anything! · Do you tried local kefir? "Guest from the Future" · And what are you doing here? Cinema has already ended! "Welcome or an extraneous entry is prohibited" - Do you warm your maiden, whether you warm, red? - What are you, grandfather, completely crazy? Groom drive and dowry! "Morozko" · ah, what bliss - know that I am perfection! · What a disgusting manner: bring sad to behave in such a happy day! "Mary Poppins, goodbye!" And along the road - the dead with braids stand, and silence! "Elusive Avengers" · Three crusts of bread! · Carry your money, otherwise be trouble! "Adventures of Buratino" · What is this bull? He has a donkey. This is a cow, Vashekin. "The Adventures of Petrova and Vashechkin" / "Vacation of Petrova and Vashechkin" and yet, where is he a button ... "Adventures of electronics" · Does the smart children read what is written in the fences? "About the Red Hood" - Ludwig, you are extraordinary, such as you, there is not in any chicken coop of the world! - Yes .. but in the pigsty there are so full! "Redhead, honest, lovely" he treats mice and rats, crocodiles, hares, foxes, bandages the Rankian African monkey. And anyone will confirm by us: is this doctor?

New Year's quiz on the topics of cinema and books

Father has a strange boy, unusual, wooden, on earth and underwashing the key Golden, everywhere the nose fuss his long ... Who is it? .. I would soon approached the evening, and the hour long-awaited has come to me in a gilded cake on a fabulous ball! Nobody In the palace, I will not find out how I call, but only midnight will come, I will return to my attic. The man is elderly with a tacuing beard. Bikes Pinocchio, Artemona and Malvin, and in general for all the people who, the villain, who knows, is it from Vaststo? Grandma girl loved her little hat, her hat gave her. The day the name has forgotten his own. And well, tell me the name! On the forest lowkeekesides, she is in the hut. Everything does not want to live, Tsarevichi fools. Fair with me, her road, this is malicious ... This is a fairy tale, and not a joke that there was such a duck, in her egg, needle in the egg, death at her end. Without such a broadcast, the old man could not worry ... With blue hair with huge eyes. "Teeth cleaned! Hands wash!" Loves to bail! Who lives in a pond with an old one, what will be tightened with a buoy, protects the cherished key? Not any that key will receive. Dad - Onion and Mom, too, children all like them. Keeping - faithful friend and small, made good deeds not enough. Deadly Senior Mandarinskto is dangerous? The horse is a rigging, long-grandy. Squate the field, jumps a small, small, but removed. I am confident in yourself, at least a simpler, and by nature he is a big zakona, and well, guessing his sums, ka, knows everyone under the name ... The fairy tale is remembered: the character in her - the boy Kai froze, the queen of Snowserd frozen, but the girl did not leave the Snowser's girl. She walked in the frost, blizzard, forget about food, beds. She was for helping to a friend. What is his name to his girlfriend?

Quiz "Cinema"

1. How long do we pass twenty-four frames of the film? (In one second)

2. What scientist title unexpectedly wondered for herself a modest director of the kindergarten, he also "Gentleman Good luck"? (Assistant professor)

3. What kind of English actress performed the role of a woman - a symbol of an American character in the film, shot in 1939 on the novel by Margaret Mitchell? (Vivien Lee performed the role of Scarlett O'Hara in the film "Gone by the Wind")

4. Who is the director of the cult Russian film "Pokrovsky Gate"? (Mikhail Kozakov)

5. Who was the director of the American film "Great Father"? (Francis Ford Coppola)

6. Name the name of the director of the film "Star Wars". (George Lucas)

7. In how many nominations received "Oscar" film "Titanic"? (In eleven)

8. Name the name of the kinherman, which his appearance on the screen most often explained in one word: "shoot". (Said, "White Sun of Desert")

9. In what famous world of the role of Sean Connery changed his young colleague Pierce Brunz? (James Bond)

10. What was the name of the Hero, who was dedicated to movie cornocartes and Mikhail Schweitzer, and Leonid Gaidai, and Mark Zakharov? (Ostap Bender)

11. In which city of Europe is the most prestigious film festival? (Cannes, France)

12. Name the black hero of Vladimir Vysotsky. (Arap Peter the Great - "How Tsar Peter Araphe married")

13. What the film brought the first Lavra Christine Orbakayte, as well as the nickname? ("Scarecrow", film director - Rolan Bykov)

14. What kind of Soviet film first got "Oscar", as the best foreign film? ("War and Peace", director Sergey Bondarchuk, in 1965)

15. What wonderful actor played the role of the devil in the movie "ISITIK WITHES"? (Jack Nicholson)

16. Name the name and surname of the director of the film "Criminal Chivo". (Quentin Tarantino)

17. Name the name and surname of the film actor, who played the main male role in the film "Beauty". (Richard Gir)

18. Name the name and surname of the actor, who played the main role in the film "Terminator". (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

19. Who is the director-director of the legendary American film "Titanic" with Leonardo di Caprio in the lead role? (James Cameron)

20. What is the name of the novel of the Brothers Strugatsky, based on which Andrei Tarkovsky took off the film "Stalker"? ("Roadside Picnic")

21. Name the name and surname of the trainers of predators who played the main role in the film "Striped Flight". (Margarita Nazarova)

22. What a wonderful French actor played a major role in the film "Located" on the novel by Viktor Hugo? (Jean Gaben)

23. Who played a manyak killer in the American film "Travel"? (Rutger Hauer)

24. Who was the film director of the film "Fifth Element"? (Luc Besson)

25. What movie is played at the same time two stars of Hollywood - Robert de Niro and Al Pacino? ("Fight")

26. From which country came to us on television the first "soap opera" "Slave Isaura"? (From Brazil)

27. What composer wrote music to most Federico Fellini movies? (Nino Rota)

28. In which movie Sheron Stone played a "messenger" wife of Arnold Schwarznegger? ("Remember all")

29. Who played the role of an old judge in the film Stanislav Govorukhin "Ten Negreat"? (Boris Zeldin)

30. Name the main roles (male and female) in the famous French fanfan-tulip film. (Gerard Philip and Gina Lollobrigid)

31. What country did it move to conquer America Jean Claude Van Damme? (From Belgium)

32. What act actor played a major role in the film "Pole from Beverly Hills"? (Eddie Murphy)

33. Who played a major role in the American Film "Bodyguard"? (Kevin Costner)

34. What was the first Soviet full-length film? ("Toothbrush to Life")

35. Name the names of the main male and female roles in Oskaronosce "Gone by Wind". (Clark Gable and Vivien Lee)

36. Who played the role of Alexander III in the film Nikita Mikhalkov "Siberian Barber"? (Director himself - Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov)

37. Who played the role of Katerina in the American film screening of William Shakespeare "Taming Skropivaya"? (Elizabeth Taylor)

38. Name the name and surname of the American actress and singer, who played the main role in the music films "Funny Girl", "Funny Girl-2". (Barbara Streisand)

39. Name the director of the scandalous film "Caligula" with Malcolm McDaual in the lead role. (Tinto Brass)

40. In which movie first sounded songs "Shalands, full of Kefali ..." and "Dark night"? ("Two Fighters")

41. Who is the director of the film "Jaws"? (Steven Spielberg)

42. What was the name of the French film with Marina Vlady on the reasons of Alexander Ivanovich Kurina "Olesya"? ("Witch")

43. Name the name and surname of the Great Italian Actress - Wife Federico Fellini. (Juliet Mazina)

44. What kind of singer played a major role in the American film "Bodyguard"? (Whitney Houston)

46. Who played the main female role in the film "Gentlemen prefer blondes?" (Marilyn Monroe)

47. Who played the role of man suffering from autism, in the wonderful American film "Rain Man"? (Dustin Hofman)

48. Who played a member of the garage cooperative that has encouraged all the meeting, in the comedy of Eldar Ryazanov "Garage"? (Director himself - Eldar Ryazanov)

49. Who performed a major role in the movie "Evita"? (Madonna)

50. On the basis of which classic work built the plot of the sensational film Roman Kachanova "Down House"? ("Idiot" Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)

51. What actress is currently the highest paid in Hollywood? (Julia Roberts)

52. What Russian television series talked about the tax police? ("Mareosica 12")

53. What ordinary savage in the film Stephen Spielberg? ("Save ordinary Ryan")

54. What american actor played the main roles in the films "Patriot", "Braveheart" and "ransom"? (Mel Gibson)

55. Name the director-director of the series "Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson". (Igor Maslennikov)

56. Which French actor played the main roles in the films "Leon" and "Baghrovaya Rivers"? (Jean Reno)

57. What actress played the main roles in the films "Final Diagnosis", "Cellular", "will not be mercy"? (Kim Bashinger)

58. Name the name and surname of the American actor - the artist of the roles of Indiana Jones in a series of films. (Harrison Ford)

59. What act actor played a major role in a series of films "Strong Oreshk"? (Bruce Willis)

60. Who played famous for the whole world of the boxer named Rocky? (Sylvester Stoke)

61. Name the movie, which overnight made Sheron Stone Superstar Screen. ("The basic Instinct")

62. Who played the role of legendary zorro? (Alain Delon)

63. Name the most famous black comedy actress. (Wuoo Goldberg)

64. Who performs the main male role in the series "Secret Materials"? (David spiritual)

65. In which movie Federico Fellini was the Character of Paparazzi? ("Sweet life")

66. Call the name and surname of the actress, who played Lila in the Luke Luke "Fifth Element". (Mila Yovovich - Yugoslava of Russian Origin, Ex-wife Luca Bessenna)

67. The famous Soviet director Ivan Alexandrovich Pyriev died on the filming of which movie? ("Brothers Karamazov", in 1968)

68. What act actor played the main roles in the films "Dogma", "Sorvigolov", "Alien ticket"? (Ben Affleck)

69. What actor played the main roles in the films "with widespread eyes", "special opinion", "Vanilla Sky"? (Tom Cruise)

70. What kind of American film brought the biggest fees on the day of the premiere? ("Matrix: reboot", USA, 2003. in one day at 3,603 cinemas Picture collected forty two and a half million American dollars)

71. What movie (US + New Zealand) Total than nine weeks of rental gathered the fastest of all other films of one billion US dollars? ("The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King")

72. What movie is the first in the history of the American cinema assembled one billion US dollars? ("Titanic", USA, 1997. Director - James Cameron)

73. How the film company "Paramaunt" has spent more money than any other company for any other film? ("Titanic")

74. Who was the director of the film "White Sun of the Desert"? (Vladimir Motyl)

75. What actor fulfilled the main roles in the films "Paris Secrets", "Count Monte Cristo", "Phantomas"?

Quiz cartoon with answers for children

(Jean Mare)

76. When was the first color film film? (In 1906, George Elbert Smith (years of his life - 1864-1959) patented color film)

77. Who was the first to fall on moving pictures? (On the first moving pictures for Edison, James Corbetta was filmed - the world champion in boxing)

78. What was the first sound film called? ("Don Juan", USA, 1926)

79. What three largest film festivals are held in the world and what premiums are awarded on them? (In Cannes (France) - "Golden Palm Branch"; Venice (Italy) - "Golden Lion of St. Mark"; Berlin (Germany) - "Golden Berlin Bear" and "Silver Berlin Bear")

80. Where was the first cinema in the world? (In Paris on Kapuchin Boulevard, in the basement "Grand Cafe", in 1895)

81. What is awarded to the Oscar premium? (Twenty three nominations, as well as for the best foreign film of the year. In addition to the monetary premium, the Gold Plated Statuette "Oscar" is awarded to each winner. Sometimes a prize is awarded for a general contribution to cinema)

83. When did the first sound recording system appear on a film? (In 1912 in the UK)

84. What is the real name of the Van Damma film actor? (Claude Varenburg, year of birth 1960)

85. In what first role did Van Damme starred? (The role of Ivan from Russia)

86. What is the maiden name of the French actress Marina Vlady? (Polyakova-Baydarova, year of birth - 1938)

87. Participation in which movie did Clark Gabel National Hero of America? ("Gone by the Wind", Rett Butler, in 1939)

88. What is the name of the prize, which in America is awarded the worst kinocarthine? ("Golden Malina")

89. This hero of a series of films we can not imagine without a sweater in a red-green strip. Meanwhile, he initially had to appear on the screen in a black leather raincoat, but the costumes lost the costumes, and the assistant operator had to donate his sweater connected for him by his bride. What are the name of this kinherman? (Freddie Kruger from the "Nightmares on Elm Street")

90. In this famous domestic multiplication series, Vladimir Vysotsky was to voiced the main role. For some reasons, he could not do this, and the role was given to another wonderful actor. He voiced sixteen episodes, and then filmed without him. Name this animated series. ("Well, wait", the role of Wolf voiced Anatoly Dmitrievich Papanov)

91. Name the actor-star of our movie, which was drawn out of the Lenin Komsomol Prize lists with the wording "for unhealthy popularity." (Alexander Abdulov)

92. Name the worst Girl from Hollywood, who began to act in television advertising when she was only eleven months. (Barbara Streisand)

Quiz with answers for younger students

Quiz "Good stronger evil in reality and in a fairy tale"
purpose: To summarize the knowledge of children according to famous domestic cartoons.
1. Survey the horizons of children in the field of animation.
2. Develop interest in domestic animated films.
3. Form the primary ideas about the good and evil, the standards of good and bad behavior.
Equipment: Multimedia projector, chest or box with fabulous objects (needle, invisible hat, golden egg, pea, mirror, arrow, shoe).
Hello guys! The book is the best thing that a person has ever created, because she teaches us, raises and behaves in life. We all love to read fairy tales. With the help of fairy tales, we will learn the world, learn to distinguish good and evil, truth and lies ... They always have a lot of exciting adventures, and at the end of the good, evil defeats. On the victory of good over evil, we can also learn from your favorite cartoons on which your moms and dads grew up. And you too gladly look at them. It is very important that many cartoons are delivered by famous fairy tales ("Snow Queen", "Cinderella", "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino", "Mowgli", "Chipollino Adventures" and many others.) All of them are taught to be kind, honest and Fair.
And now we will spend an interesting quiz and travel to the fairytale city of our favorite cartoons. I hope you remember the cartoons well and easily handle the following tasks.
Leading: "Additional name." Game for workout, inclusion guys in the game situation. I call the first word name of the fabulous hero, you continue.
Koschei the Deathless
Vasilisa - Premone
Elena the beautiful
Sister - Alyonushka
Brother - Ivanushka
Tiny - Havroshchka
Zmey Gorynych
Ivan Tsarevich

Finist - Clear Falcon
The Snow Queen.
Exercise 1. College the cartoon and the name of the hero on the description.
A cute, working girl, who turns into a real princess from the maras. (Cinderella from the same name "Cinderella")
The jam bank helped this hero, according to his own statement, get rid of high temperatures (Carlson. "Kid and Carlson")
This little boy rose among the wolves. He has many friends: Bear Ball, Panther Baghir, Kaa and others (Mowgli from the Mowgli cartoon of the same name).
Fabulous girl with unusual hair that loved to raise everyone. (Malvina. "Golden key, or the adventure of Pinocchio").
This "An unknown science of the Beast came to our country in the box with oranges and settled first in the telephone booth. Then he found many friends and all the problems decided (Cheburashka, "Crocodile Gena and his friends").
This boy is very independent, economic, and loves animals very much. He moved from the city to the village and organized his farm there. His buddy was engaged in a photohoota. (Uncle Fedor, "Prostokvashino").
This hero was going to go to school, and then become an artist, but his plans almost wanted five gold coins and suspicious friends. (Buratino, "Golden Key, or Adventure Pinocchio").
Task 2.. "Magic chest." In the chest lie fabulous items, you need to guess them by description.
With the help of this subject, you can make a variety of things, and you can even kill me. (Needle).
This thing can hide you if you wear her head. (Invisible hat)
Because of this subject we were crying the grandfather dabba after doing a little animal? (Golden Egg)
All night tossed, because she prevented her sleep? (Pea)
This subject spoke the truth to the queen. He said that there is a beautiful girl in the light. (Mirror)
And this subject flew right in the swamp and fell near the frog? (Arrow)
Did she lose her on the ball? (Shoe)

Task 3.."Association". Guys the following task for sponderfulness. Tell me, did you meet with the word "Association"? In our case, these are words that cause the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work in the mind of a person in which they met. Try to guess the cartoon on the association with the words.
Crocodile, friends, birthday, toy. ("Crocodile Gena and his friends").
Africa, sun, shark doodle, darkness, whale, doctor. ("Dr. Aibolit").
Field of wonders, jacket, coins, puppet theater, is full. ("Golden key, or the adventure of Pinocchio").
Geese, boy, escape from home, travel, flight. ("Wonderful Niel's journey with wild geese").
Ballerina, soldiers, tin, fireplace, ditch. ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier").
Little girl, toad, mouse, swallow, elf. ("Thumbelina").
Shard, Laplanlia, Queen, Mirror, Eternity. ("The Snow Queen").
Sea, wind, witch drink, pain, prince ("Mermaid").
Task 4.The following task is called "how much?"
How many fabulous heroes pulled repka? (Six)
How many months was sitting near New Year's fire? (Twelve)
How many animals went to Bremen to become musicians? (Four)
How many eyes have Bastinta? (One)
How many kids kidnapped the wolf? (Six)
How old was Uncle Fyodor when he learned to read? (Four)
How many times did the old man with requests to the Golden Fish? (Five)
How many gold coins Karabas-Barabas gave Pinocchio? (Five)
How many heroes were offered to get married inch? (Four)
How many monkeys make up the length of the boa? (Five).
How many years sleeping is sleeping beauty? (One hundred).
How old is the crocodile gene? (Fifty).
Conclusion: Guys, you all coped well with the tasks, and this suggests that these cartoons are loved by you. After all, they educate the right ideas about good and evil in us, teach good behavior, respectful attitude towards people, responsiveness, decency and honesty. Well done!

Presentation on the topic: quiz "Good stronger evil in reality and in a fairy tale"