What dreams of looking for a person? What dreams to look for.

What dreams of looking for a person? What dreams to look for.
What dreams of looking for a person? What dreams to look for.

Dream Interpretation offers a very symbolic explanation, which will dream of looking for a person. Often, searching in a dream reflect the shower path to their inner world. Sometimes the symbol foreplains the development of hidden talents, the ability to understand the surrounding, awareness of true aspirations.

Interpretation of Miller

In the dream of Miller, the interpretation of sleep, which will dream of looking for a person, means the desire to change something. Often in a dream there is a similarity between the desire of sleep and character or appearance of the wanted.

The meeting took place

If you dreamed, as lucky enough to find "Loss", success in a dream means confidence and harmony. You know for sure that right, therefore there is no place of anxieties and doubts.

What if the dream in which you managed to find the missing, did not know how much for the first time? Dream Interpretation will tell why this symbol is too often. Indecisiveness interferes with self-realization. It is required to make an important step to which the sleeping can not be bored.

Vain searching

Dreamnies are very controversial interpret why they had to look for a person, but not to find. According to an old interpretation, the dream in which he had to lose someone and for a long time to find, foreshadows serious difficulties in affairs, sometimes on the verge of full collapse.

Modern psychoanalysts explain seen in a dream anxiety and disappointment that throw a shadow on real events.

It is known and a more positive forecast, which is worth not to find someone you need. The plot is recognized as typical overwhelming: the feeling of the loss that you have dreamed will be wrapped with good luck and profit in reveal.

Place of incident

If you have dreamed of looking for a person close to whom inadvertently burned down in the crowd, disagreements are possible with him.

When in a dream it happens to seek a loved one in the crowd, Dreamniest Hasse reminds of the value of romantic relationships and the need to take care of them. It is very likely that between you now is not everything smoothly. In addition, unacceptable details of the biography of the second half, with whom it will not be easy to accept.

Dream interpretation explains why he made it in a dream to save lost. If you managed to find it on time, and the plot from the night sir ended well, in the reality of the merit of the dream will be appreciated without efforts on his part.

Who is lost?

Involver, what dreams of looking for a person, dream interpreters give the meaning of the person who disappeared:

  • When you have to look for a real living person, its quality reflect your goal;
  • Searches for a stranger or the deceased talk about what you are entangled;
  • If you have a chance to find a loved one, it is possible to cool the senses;
  • An attempt to find a loved ones symbolizes the desire to understand each other;
  • The lost child reflects the need for protection and new impressions.

This is not the only explanation why dreamed of a lost child. The son personifies the thirst for bright emotions and victories, the daughter-cons. In the attention of the opposite sex.

Memory of Usophest

When it happens in a dream to seek a person who died in reality, the dream book explains the symbol based on how this entry led to. If it was lucky to see the deceased such as in life, it will be possible to solve the actual question or establish relations. Not found dead man indicates that the connection between him and sleep is still strong.

If you had the opportunity to see yourself in a cemetery, where you can not navigate and find the grave of a relative or friend, remember the incomplete affairs and put them in order.

The dream in which I had to see the grave of a man in the cemetery, who was not previously known about the death, the snorker considers a warning about disappointing news.

You can search for various objects, friends, family members, children, vital public areas, restaurants, attractions, roads. In fact, search in your dream you can only yourself. Search in a dream is a good sign, you will certainly be able to find the necessary in reality. Consider what it means to look for in dream of dreams.

Main values

  • The items that you are looking for in a dream will soon need you in reality. Search in a dream Shoes, clothes are not for the season - to a long journey. Search for charging, phone - to a trip to the place where autonomy will need.
  • Search for a handkerchief is quite possible, you have already worked the cunning virus or the time of allergies is nearing. Try to remember the items that seek to search in a dream to prepare well for possible problems in reality.
  • The search for shoes may not only be to change the place, but also to the change of fate. If you happened to look for a solemn or wedding dress - do not expect from the event of a special joy. Most likely, what happened so long for so long, but fortunately? It is not too late to refuse and change your fate.
  • If you happened to look for your beloved or a loved one in a dream, it means the sinusiness from the object of passion. They are coquissed with you, feed the price, play and seek the boundaries of permissiveness. Believe or not in such a naive deception - to solve only you.
  • Search for your pet, dog, cat means that you would like to find a relative soul, friend, husband, girlfriend in real life. A person next to which you will be easily and comfortable.
  • Search in a dream a horn car or another personal vehicle movement - to disappointments, deception in the most sincere and bold hopes. Transportation in a dream plays an important role of promoting the main goals in life. Soban transport means that you have lost hope and try to find. In real life you will have decisive actions. Pass the illusions, raise the documents, contact the lawyers and require your share, compensation. The more you rely on the honesty and spiritual kindness of the deceivers, the less chances to return the lost. Do not be afraid to annoy unclean business partners.
  • Looking for a dream in a dream means you are not sure of your position in reality. Most likely, it is. Browse the appropriate options in advance, send letters. To drink a rumor among familiar about what you are in the search for so far.
  • Search in a dream Home, the desired address - you are confused in the data stream and with difficulty analyze the situation. Stop, slower, give yourself a time to understand the situation. If you are looking for a house, and it disappears, absent in the numbering, hides in the courtyards, it is not possible to find the entrance and you have to wander the circles - you are clogging and water the nose with an unknown goal. Understand the motivation of the surrounding people and decide for yourself how important your whims are important.
  • Search for lost documents, passport - you are afraid of losing yourself in the right sense of the word. There is a chance to get into the extremely unpleasant situation, what a dream is quite warning right.
  • Trying to find water - you are looking for special talents. If you want to find the stream, the river, the lake with drinking water, the spring - you need a job that will have to do. If you are looking for a subterranean source with a frame or with a twist - you think a person endowed with a special gift.
  • Search for treasures - a similar sleep on the actual value with water search. You are aiming to find something that gives your life additional value will allow you to independently make a choice, manage and command other people, to lead the way of life that you like, without anyone.

Nightmares related to search in a dream

Mothers often dream of searching for children who have lost on a walk, in the shopping center, in another city. Sleep means anxiety, fear for the future of children, but also has a second meaning. Mothers who really should worry about where their children are now, this question is not asked.

And you have some excess of free time that you compensate for excessive care. Find in our world time for yourself. For dancing or yoga in a group, to visit the pool or advanced training courses, just for single walks. Take time for yourself for yourself, without the slightest benefit for the home hearth. Otherwise, you will spoil children and your own life at the same time and is equally successful.

Search for exit from the closed space. A difficult dream, in the plot similar to the most simple thriller. It is necessary to find a solution to the riddles and exit from the room in a short time, additional conditions are applied optionally. Such a dream means severe spiritual excitement, cetenical in real life and high risk of depression.

Alone from such a situation does not get out. If sleep with labyrinths and terrible buildings and traps pursues you quite often, it is better to turn to a psychologist for qualified help. It is quite possible, in your environment there is a manipulator, driving you in a dead end.

Even the rest on an uninhabited island will not be able to solve the problem. A common option of sleep is the search for the exit from the ciphedral coffin, from the grave, crypt. Not that you bury yourself alive, but the situation around you is clearly hostile. Find a way out of a real dead end.


The search in a dream always corresponds to the search in real life. Perhaps you are forced to look for a way out of the situation - do it active, the output itself will not be detected. It is possible to look for myself and your place in life to a deep old age, and only a few lucky people find themselves use without a worker self-deception.

Finding like-minded people, friends - a good occupation, especially in youth, when even similar favorite music can be the basis of a strong friendship. Search for treasures, money, wealth of glory and influence - one of the main plots of human history. If you manage to find the desired dream - you are waiting for luck in real life. If the search is not completed - you are on the right track, but have not yet reached the main goals.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

What dreams of looking for a person. Interpretation of dreams

It is possible that you can not find a way out of the situation in reality; Reflection of this state of uncertainty, striving for clarity and is a similar dream. An unfavorable meaning, he has if he dreamed that it was not possible to find a person - perhaps to solve your problem, the cardinal measures that you try to avoid it all forces.

However, such a sleep has another value, philosophical: possible, you are subconsciously trying to find your way in life (for example, you want to determine the sphere of professional interests), but so far imagine it only intuitively, without taking attempts to move along the selected road.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about looking for a person, but also about the interpretation of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see to look for a person in a dream Wonline dream book Miller.

What dreams, I'm looking for something?

In fact, every dream can carry both positive and negative energy, because each dream is, in fact, identifying the inner world, but perception can be completely different. It is important to attitude a person to his dream.

In general, any searches for anything in a dream can be considered as searching yourself or its destination. Especially if the search in a dream was crowned with success, then you can safely draw conclusions that the life position is defined true and the further life path will be only happy and all needs will be fully satisfied. But if you look for something, but not to find will lead to a disorder in real life. However, such a dream can also be characterized in different ways. To the question, what dreams that I am looking for something for a long time and, in the end, I find, then this dream will mean that in real life there will be hidden talents that were not previously disclosed and sleeping could not even suspect about their availability. If still a sleeping man in his dream never found what he was looking for, then this fact will lead to loss and disappointment. If the search for fleas is dreaming, then such a dream foreshadows in real life, and if the search for bedops, then this dream guarantees a loss. If in a dream to look for something just lost and not find, then this dream will foresee the damages and failure to be desirable. If still lost was found, then in real life, the sleeping person will be fulfilled all the desires.

If you dream that I am looking for something and constantly thinking about it, then the coming desire may not be fulfilled, since too often unnecessary thoughts and in real life interfere with achieving the desired one. If there is a dream of finding the material good, that this dream does not foreshadow a good outcome, and some dreams even characterize him as a delusion in the forest.

In general, some dream interpreters find something in a dream regarding as inorganized in real life. As often, every person can put somewhere some thing and after some, even the most minimum time cannot find it. Also in a dream, the search for something can be a signal to a more attentive attitude towards anyone or anything. See the dream in which the search is being conducted, it can make you think about real life, because it is often precisely inattention can be made out of the gauge that there is a risk of increasing the easiest and simple work or their duties. If the sleeping person is looking for a way out of a building, then in real life it is worth waiting for change. These changes will occur gradually and, most likely, will not even be able to notice how a person who dreamed all this will be in a completely new situation for him. It is necessary to make focus on the fact that it is not necessary to immediately take some sharp steps, reasonable perseverance, determination and perseverance are able to lead to the desired success. If you have dreamed that in a dream there is a dream of a dream room, in this case there is a chance in real life and take a responsible and fairly high position in society.

The search for something even in real life can knock out of the rut, and when it also dreams that you are looking for something, then such a dream can cause anxiety and fear that in real life it will not be so simple, as it seems, especially if Life is quite established and formed. To see in a dream, how someone is looking for something, perhaps, will mean a desire that will never be fulfilled. Dream, of course, in any situation should not stop, but taking bold and decisive steps you can achieve more than just sit and dream. Such a dream may simply become a push for more decisive actions. If, following the search, the sleeping man suddenly frightened, then in real life such a dream can be an indicator of the fact that the sleep will avoid misfortune. Directly the very fact of awareness that unhappiness can be avoided, can make a person more confidently, and his thoughts will be rebuilt on another way. Found unexpectedly in a dream anything can foreshadow surprise and unexpected joy in real life. Do not hide your feelings, positive emotions have not been bad for anyone. In spite of everything you need to rejoice in life, because often a person is simply not aware that for a simple human expression of positive feelings, only smiles are enough.

Bright and positive dreams will forever become a key to a good mood, but not only sleep should be positive. The main thing, the correct perception of life, and even the worst sentiments will be disappeared forever, and the world around will shine new and bright colors.

Positive dreams are a wonderful continuation of the night, the memories of them are often happy and make you think about the fact that in fact each of the people at any life stage should believe that it is only at the beginning of the way, and every day to live real, and not to postpone your Life for later.

The dream in which you had to look for a loved one, dream interpretation treats how to warn. Perhaps this person deceives you and takes attempts to manipulate you.

If in a dream you are calm and your actions are quite logical (as far as a person's actions can be logical in a dream), then attempts to manipulate you fail, and you can see the true motives of your beloved. But be very careful if in a dream you succumbed to a panic or even cried. Such a dream talks about your attachment to this person, and his behavior in real life can hurt you.

What in a dream dream of losing someone?

People have long noticed that to lose in a dream - to the acquisition in reality. However, this pattern refers to subjects, things. In the case of alive characters, everything is much more complicated. Here you need to analyze the interpretation of each piece of dreams.

Lose in not your favorite pet and grieve a lot about this may turn out to be called "sleep in hand." That is, soon the animal will leave the owner in some way. Wanted your dog in a dream means that in real life there is a breaking of relationships with a friend. Find your lost pet - to joy and reconciliation after a quarrel. If a woman lost her beloved cat in a dream, then she will soon find out that in the life of her rival the black strip came in his life. If such a dream sees a man, Guest reports that in his relationship with his beloved woman will come a turning point, since the sleeping learns about the meanness and cunning of his second half. For this reason, he will decide on divorce.

In order to find the right range of dreams, you should pay attention to the fact that the lavetled search occurs. If the action takes place among the collaps, and the lighting in the dream is gloomy, it is a sign that I will have to survive a lot of grief.

To see how a close person is looking for his lost child, and help him in the search mean that in real life a person can count on helping his friends. Himself to look for your child and not find it - a sign that soon has to learn about his unworthy behavior. Lose in a dream of a loved one and wander through the streets of the city in his searching means that in the near future relations between them will deteriorate every day. If in the dream and not to find your second half, it means that it is possible to divorce. If a person in a dream is concerned that his domestic cattle disappeared, Guest reports that in real life, everything will be fine with his coup. Searching in a dream Fucking from the cage Bird foreshadows that man will leave the last hope for the best.

If the shepherd dreams that he lost his herd and looking for him in the footsteps, this is a sign that in the future no animal will leave the pasture. If the sleeping is concerned about the search for the missing parent, it means that in real life he will have to survive a lot of unpleasant minutes due to the disease of one of them. To learn in the dream that the relatives lost the child and they are awesome - a sign that soon you can expect the news that will be happy. If the sleep is looking for his brother or sister in a dream, it means that there will be excellent relations between them. Asking people about whether some of them saw some of them seeking a dreaming means that he will reveal for a long time to doubt the correctness of his decision and look for advice from others.

To understand what in a dream is dreaming of losing someone, you need to analyze every detail of such a dream. If the action in the dream occurs in the basement, it means that much of what will happen will soon be associated with the past.

Lose your grandmother in a dream, for a long time to search and not find it means that soon sleep will receive the news of her death. If a horse is lost in a dream, which the dreaming considers him, it means that there will be changed to worse in his fate. But you should not perceive all dreams to your heart. If in the morning do not think about the bad, then and bad sleep will soon rush.

Dream interpretation to look for her husband

What dreams of looking for a husband in a dream in dream book?

Interpretation of sleep on how to seek a husband, talks about personal troubles: you are aiming to return the former warm, gentle and full romance relationship with a partner. Do not lower your hands - everything will definitely work out.

If in a dream you can not find your beloved, seen in Gresses - the projection of the subconscious. Introduces there is a problem that is strongly cared for you, and the solution to find seems to be impossible.

Do not despair and keep calm. Take a pause and relax a little - then everything will end peacefully, the way out of a difficult situation is unexpectedly.

Search for a deceased person

Dream book to seek a deceased person Dreamed, why dream in a dream to look for a deceased person? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to look for a deceased person, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sex with a long dead person

A dream of a sexual relationship with a dead person means longing for him, the desire to communicate at the disembodied level, penetrating the dead and stay in it.

If you see yourself with a person who was your blood relative, sleep symbolizes nostalgia by what you were once, longing for the past years, on the past beaches, the liveliness of judgments and freshness of views on life.

If, in a dream, your partner is simply a former familiar, sleep means your subconscious desire to learn about what is death, what is the meaning of life, which happens to a person, after his soul goes into the world of others.

Through sexual communication, the dead gives us some knowledge of the most significant issues of life and death. With the help of a bodily apparatus as the most affordable understanding of a living person, they are trying to convey something important to us, what you need to know what we strive for.

Another option of sleep interpretation: the infertility of the body and soul, the inability to generate the idea, create ideas, the inability to have children (in the literal and figurative sense).

Dreams about sex with long-dead people since ancient times were considered a very bad sign for the dream. An example of this is the fate of the famous Roman commander Mark Anthony. He immediately before his death, he saw in a dream, which is in a love connection with the progenitor Romans Romulos. At this time, the commander was hidden from Oktaviana August troops in Egypt. He took a dream as a warning about violent death and committed suicide, rushing to the sword.

Dream Interpretation - Giving a mirror to a deceased person

Bad sleep; foreshadows death

Dream Interpretation - Died, Deader

To see in a dream living of her deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother-to deliverance from difficulties and problems. Seeing live close people dead, meaning that their life will last. A dream in which the dead beats a dream, means that he made some sin. Who will see that he found the dead man, he will soon grow rich. If the dead you see in a dream makes something bad, then he warns you from doing this. Seeing idle deceased to marry, and married deceased-to separation with relatives or divorce. If the deceased you saw in a dream did some kind of good thing, then this is a sign for you to and you do something like that. To see in a dream of a deceased person alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is well-indicated by a very good position of this person on the world. In the Qur'an, it is said: "No, they are alive! It's a lot of His Lord." (Sura-Imraran, 169). If the dreams hugging and talking to the deceased, then the days of his life will continue. If the dreams in a dream kisses with an unfamiliar deceased person, will receive the blessing and wealth from there, from where he did not count. And if he does it with a familiar deceased person, he will acquire the necessary knowledge or money left after him. Who will see that he enters into a sexual connection with the dead (dead, will achieve what has long lost hope. Who will see in a dream that the deceased woman came to life and entered into a sexual connection with him, will be successful in all his endeavors. To see In the dream of a deceased person silent, it means that he treats a favorably to a person from the world who saw this dream. The one who will see that the deceased gives him some good and clean thing, will receive in life something good and pleasing on the other side From where it does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may make a bad act in the future. To see the dead rich in a dream, it means everything is fine in that light. Welcome in a dream deceased, to get a favor from Allah. If the deceased In a dream, Nag, it means, in his life he did not commit good guides. If the deceased notifies the dream about his ambulance, he will soon die. The blackened face of the dead in a dream, says that he died without faith in Allah. In the Qur'an it says: "And those whose individuals Follow up, (sound): "Are you not renounced faith that you were accepted?" (Sura-Imraran, 106). Who will see that he, together with the deceased enters the house, does not come out from there, he will be on the hairs from death, but then will be saved. See yourself in sleep sleeping on one bed with a dead person, to longevity. Who will see in a dream that the deceased calling him to himself, dies like the deceased died. To see in the dream of the deceased Mazaz in the place where he usually performed him during his lifetime, means that he is not very good in the afterlife. To see his namaz not in the place where he performed him during his lifetime, means that in that light he was prepared a big reward for the earth affairs. A dream in which the dead is in the mosque, reports that he is deprived of torment, for, a mosque in a dream, mean calm and safety. If in a dream, the deceased leads the prayer for those who far live, the life of these people is shortened, for they in their prayer follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream, as in some place, some of the dead righteous people came to life, it will mean that the people of this place will come good, joy, justice from their ruler, and they will go to the way of their leader's affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dead relatives, friends or loved ones to see - fulfillment of secret desires / hardest assistance / Your desire to get support, longing for the warmth of the relationship, on the close / change of weather or severe frost begin.

But if the dead kisses, calling, leads or you yourself go on his trail - serious illnesses and troubles / death.

Even worse, give them money, food, clothing, etc. - Grave diseases / danger to life.

Give the delayer photo - the one who is in the portrait will die.

The deceased can take something in a dream - happiness, wealth.

Congitiously congratulates it.

His thirsty to see - he remembers well.

With a dead friend in a dream to speak - an important news.

All that the dead in a dream speaks is true, "ambassadors of the future."

Portrait of the deceased see - spiritual assistance in material needs.

See both dead parents together - happiness, wealth.

Mother - with his appearance most often cautioned from rampant deeds.

Father - warns from what, then you will be ashamed.

Dead grandfather or grandmother - are in a dream to considerable ceremonies.

Died brother - fortunately.

The deceased sister is to an unclear, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband - trouble

Dream Interpretation - Death People (Shown in Sind)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) In our mind. In the folk summary "see in the dream of the dead to change the weather." And this is the proportion of truth as a result of sharp drops of atmospheric pressure in the image of the closest people who died in the dreams of people most easily penetrate either the phantoms of dead familiar, or lucifagi from non-physical measurements of the Earth's Nonosphere in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in conscious dreams. And since the energy of Luciphages is alien (inhuman), then it is quite simple to determine their arrival. And although the lucifagi is very often "hiding" under the images of our favorite who went into the world of other loved ones, at meetings with the allegedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason, are experiencing special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear! However, from the access to a straight destructive energy contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces, we save us the absence of a full-fledged day consciousness, etc. Non-awareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them. Nevertheless, we often often be "genuine", "real" biodowers who have once living with us close people. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more confidential, intimate, sophisticated and friendly. In this case, from the deceased relatives, we can get both a good farewell, and a warning, and a message about future events, and real spiritual energy support and protection (especially if the dead were Christian believers). In other cases, the dead people in a dream are our own projections showing the so-called "unfinished gestalt" unfinished relations with this person. Such non-surgical ongoing relations are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, proximity, understanding, resolving past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feeling sorrow, guilt, regret, repentance of spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - View

The dream in which you are looking for something lost and can not find, - a bad forever, in reality, losses and illness await you.

Search in a dream someone's location means that soon you will stop needing and will be more attention to pay yourself.

Search in a dream hotel in an unfamiliar city - to obstacles through which you should pass to achieve complete happiness. Finding a needle means that your alarms are in vain, friends still appreciate and respese you.

To see in a dream that you are looking for a map, means unexpected dissatisfaction with your environment, which will give you a new impulse in the work and allows you to rise to a higher level of well-being.

If you dream, as if you are looking for someone in the morgue, it means that you will be stunned by the news of the death of a relative or friend.

Finding in a dream of fleas is a sign that in real life you want to draw in the scaffold that you personally do nothing but losses can not give.

Looking bedbugs means to suffer a loss due to a dishonest attitude towards you familiar people.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Parents in Dream (Deathly Deathly Death)

The arrival of them in a dream man after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt to psychological protection to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss due to what happened; What, as a result, leads to the harmonization of the psychic activity of sleeping. At the same time, the deceased parents (relatives) act as a binding element of human consciousness with the world, otherworldly. And in this case, the significance of their image in a dream is significantly enhanced. Our dead parents come from there in the responsible periods of life of the sleeping and serve as a sign of instructions, advice, warnings, blessings. Sometimes they become messengers about the death of the Divine itself and even take and accompany the person to the world of others (these are a fellow dreams about their own death!).

Dream Interpretation - Diezhely

Mean the negativity of various species, stereotypes of regressive behavior or a specific pathology associated with the deceased person. The only exception is the image of a deceased person, if he was positive in life, or if a scrupulous analysis of a dream show that this image turns out to be a voice of providence.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Nothing good does not promise a dream in which your dead relatives or friends attend you. If they are sad, sleep means you are waiting for spiritual torments and grave meditation. However, if the dead people dreaming to you cheerful and happy - it means that everything in your life will be in the best possible way.

Dream Interpretation - Diezhely

Dead - if you dreamed of a deceased close man, you will have to face treason of your loved one.

What in a dream to seek a man?



At some living stage (in the future or present) you will have or already have a relationship with a man-riding with him in a train. Further, this man from your life will go away, since he will have a different girl or other plans for his life without you - came up from the train. You will try to return this relationship - search for it, you will search for a approach approach to him. In this, no one can help at the beginning, you will be in your problem one-dear street. Then you or get help from some kind of woman in the form of a board. How do you enter, in a dream, she gives you the information where his house is. At some point you can install contact with him, you are in his house, but it is all immersed in myself, in my thoughts, self-pressing mirror next to him. You will be said that if you want to resume relationships with him, you must change - take a bath. You agree with this and begin with the fact that you will stop discussing it and talk about it-brushing your teeth. But keep in mind that this person you do not know, do not see his true face, his entity-face is blurry.


Apparently you will meet, since I was looking for and found.

Vardan Harutunyan.

you yourself turn into a man

cute Tatiana

What do you think about, then usually dreams .. May be searched for Java, and found in a dream!

irina Komarova

mean - you want to meet in reality

Nikolay Konarev

What do you think, then dreams at night.


rodny's teeth ... Maybe through relatives and get acquainted


Riding a train in a dream - a sign of change, not everyone will go smoothly, you are waiting for failures in affairs, grief and disappointment, but you can count on luck. Brushing your teeth in a dream means that you will help the money native or loved ones.

Elnara Nuriyeva.

if you are so clearly remember your dream, then I think he will come true! good luck!

Valentin Sholokhov

There are dreams and dreams. Scripture, often under the impression; Medica - the hospital, military - service, teacher school, etc. or what do you think, imagination. And the search ... What is the dream of searching - the search indicates an attempt to achieve one goal. The dreams may have achieved that life step when the status quo no longer satisfies and his name is new adventures. A dream search often reflects the need to find something that is lost or is necessary in the dream of a dream. Successful searches may mean that the dreams will receive back something important.

What to see in a dream of a deceased person and find his cross, who was lost a few days before death



Asks to pray for him, or at least prayer to order him.

Alexis enigma.

Sleeping about the decease is usually a warning. If in a dream you see your deceased father or talk to him, you threaten the danger to make a disadvantageous deal. Be careful in matters, for the enemies surround you. After such sleep and men, and women should be feared for their reputation. Sleep, in which the deceased mother comes to you, says that excessive impressionability will serve as a source of trouble for you; In addition, this dream may mean someone from loved ones. Brother or other relative, as well as a friend mean that in the near future someone will ask you for advice or monetary help. If the deceased in your dream looks alive and happy, it means that someone has a bad effect on you, leaving you at risk of incurring serious losses. If you dream that you are talking to some long-dead relative and he tries to snatch from you some promise, this is a warning that the black strip will begin in your life if you do not follow the advice who give you friends. Catastrophic consequences could often be prevented if the human mind was in the state to comprehend the work of the spirit and see what is available only to inner vision. The voice of the deceased is the only form of warnings, sent over the above, which is capable of perceiving the brain, referring to the materially rather than to the spiritual side of the existing. But, unfortunately, the relationship between the general and one in nature is so insignificant that people do not remain anything to rely on their very subjective opinion. Paracels spoke about this: "... it happens that the souls of people who died hardly fifty years ago, are to us in dreams, and we should pay special attention to what they say, for this vision is not a mirage and not illusion. It is true and, maybe, a person in a dream is able to understand spirits better than revealing. Specifying questions of the soul, which he visited him, he may not doubt that the answer will be true. Thus, we are the right to know the knowledge is immeasurably greater than We can imagine, and much can learn about good or evil, if you really raise the question. I know people who are constantly visiting such visions; some of them were sick, and in a dream they were opened with which they had reached. And such Things happen not only with Christians and righteous people, but also with villains, and with pagans. " Paracels did not add that the knowledge received from the spirits, we are able to assimilate due to the part of the world reason, which is in the soul of each person (approx. author.)



In personal relationship everything is perfect, but lost a favorite girl in a dream, I was looking for her sleep, but it did not end with anything positive. What can it mean?


lose mobmal teleon


In a dream, my husband went to a quarry with a big company to swim and took his daughter, it was raining, but when they bathed. The extent was Warm, then, when everyone began to gather, she had forgotten a blouse and ran to her, The husband was waiting for her for a long time and was afraid that he lost her (daughter) but she fortunately returned.


I dreamed in a dream I with my daughter, who just learned how to crawl. I decided to help not familiar to a woman, something to get or a certificate or a license for something. And we descend down the stairs very narrow, I creep my first child after me, but after this woman. The corridor narrows, so I can't squeeze my daughter and I declined to go down the first, I descend, turn around, but there is no child, only this woman. And then I'm looking for all the dream my daughter calling her by name and I don't remember exactly how it was called. The passers-by asked, walked through the streets, etc. In reality, I still have no children, but I would like. Thank you in advance!


I dreamed that I and my boyfriend were on the car in another city, there were cars with other people's state numbers. At the next crossroad, I found myself on a bicycle (the snow lay on the street), and he drove on the car. And driving a little bit on the road turned out to be a huge puddle in which he drowned. I was looking for him all this time, and then he floated on our car. I found him. What is this dream?


Hello Tatiana. I ask you to cast my dream. The former beloved person dreameded, he wanted to return me, was there, I did not resist him in a dream, went in our apartment (she is not familiar to me to Java), I felt in her cozy and calmly, we gathered and went out with him on the street For the way, he went faster me and I lost him out of sight, went a little further, and there, because of the angle, I was not familiar to me smiling. I was confused and decided to wait for his house, because was in another city, going home saw as a guy in headphones vacuuming an apartment and is clean so clean, I saw the clubs of dust in the living room, it became not convenient and decided that he had to crash so much, because I was now the hostess, wandered the guy, but he was not I gave me a vacuum cleaner and said that a woman who ordinary removes our house today simply could not, he talked to me as if I lived there all the time and he knew me well.


Hello! I am a doweler saw a dream as I lost my half ... She was in a white short dress. And there was still a mom. We were told and my girl said it will go back for a minute ... And then she did not return it, I was looking for a very long time ... but not I found .... Asked others. They also answered me that she was not seen .. he accidentally woke up and removed the headphones and continuously went to bed .. and again I saw this dream and more accurate sleep ... I was looking for her, but I still didn't find it ... You can explain why This dream ???


I went with my husband to the room where many people he found friends and went to them and I went to look for a toilet, the toilet was without the door and I did not entered and went to the bottom along the steps and went out into the street in the fur coat and began to cry and ask for a trouser Aid


i went with my husband on the car and car was driving on us, but we were confident from the collision, but our car turned over! I did not see how I got out of the car, I immediately ran to my husband, and he is chosen from the car and it turns out he has lost his hand during the accident ((((blood did not seem to be, only bones stuck out of the wrist


a crowd of people, I am with my 6th summer son, and he is really lost, then someone takes him, I'm looking for him, but I can not find.
Dreams with a similar content have seen repeatedly, in different variations, approximately every 4-5 months, the last 2 years.


Hello! In my dream, the child (I can't say for sure was this son or grandson or in general a child) lost the ring out of the box, smooth, but, in my opinion, a simple, no matter how toy.


I am 15 years old, but for my years I obviously do not look, so I meet with a girl older than me. And 18 years old. It has been almost a year.
On Saturday on Sunday, I had a strange dream, I was with my mother with a girl and with her younger brother went on two cars to Moscow into some kind of training envy. I drove in a car with her brother and with my mom. But only we arrived, I with her brother and I began to walk along the corridor of this institution. Two men with a child went back to us, they just walked and laughed. We walked calmly, how suddenly my girl who went ahead of us, run. I took his brother by the hand and ran after her. I thought it seemed to me that she went outside to my mom, but as soon as I ran out on the street it was not there. My mom asked me and where she is. After that, I left her brother with my mother and ran to look for her, for some reason, when I was looking for her, I began to cry and worry about her. I ran through the corridors and ran into some kind of class, it was a class in my school (history office). I sat down at the desk and began a lesson, I wanted to leave, run to go further to look for her, but something hurt me to leave, as if I was afraid to skip the school material and stay with the top three in the attendant.
After that, I woke up.
(I dreamed of 08.06.2014.
A few weeks later, my girl will come to the university to Moscow,
And I will stay in my city to finish and I plan to go to Moscow after school)
Please help to understand what I had a strange dream.
Thanks in advance.


I dreamed that I am somewhere in the crowd, with a little brother, although he is already an adult. Some way I losing it, I can not find. I do not remember crying or not. But as a result found.

Alsa Idrisova:

i first dreamed that I wanted someone to call, I just remembered that I had a phone in the kiss, but when I put my hand in the korman, I was still dreamed of a school as Budtto there are rooms in which all students will live in each room there are 3 beds and Each host had his own key to great unfortunately I was about 16 years old, and my girlfriend was about 16, then I went to my mom somewhere, but I went to my mother in a sauzozhka and she stopped to take it out and at that moment the car was drunk and my mother was hitting me that she said something to me Then I was instantly at school on the second floor from Cobina, my former boyfriend came out to correct the shoe and he looked at me later he ran away and then all the students began to scream "Home" and fled and the second floor I went to the stairs and there in the winter jacket was dressed was my other girlfriend she went to tell me that it's time to go home and then I woke up


I dreamed that my daughter was going to the grandmother and tells me my mother I would definitely come back. What happened next. But I'm looking for it everywhere I am looking for, but I can not find. The village on the grass is green-and began to roar.


I dreamed that we and Song and Snow were harvested strawberries on the field, the field was red from berries. The field was located at the foot of the mountains. Then we began to rise above in the mountains, there was snowing there, we hit the snow and gathered a strawberry again, I had half a bucket and I lost this bucket, we went by car, looking, but did not find it.


i remember that I dreamed that I kept my favorite girl by my hand. Not very long ago, we fell more precisely. I'm not talking to her for a long time .. in a dream I remember that there were cold shades of sleep, we were in some way I don't remember exactly! In general, I remember what I lost it and could not find it, but I did not see myself how I was looking for her I saw her as she was sitting and waiting.


hello. I dreamed that I was driving in a large car .. I didn't want to go back out of it .. I wanted to return and remembered that there are my things there .. I started having to pursue the car .. Light behind her .. on snow .. on snow fields .. there was a sun .. I met the children playing in the snowball .. a friend who said that he knows where to look for my things and everything will be fine ..


I dreamed that I lost my son and did not find, but in a dream, for some reason he was very small, although at the moment he is 11 years old


i sent children to a movie or somewhere, there was no longer a long time I went to look for a senior daughter I didn't see crying did not know where to look, but I ran myself everywhere and was looking for himself.


I was going on a trip and dad gave me something, pass to someone (I do not remember) and I gave to hold at the woman's stop and forgot, I got to the bus and left ... I remembered that I remembered that I forgot to pick up ..


i dreamed that it seems to be a war, tanks, guns, and then the flood and as if the wave is big covered and my daughter and someone I do not remember anyone. I went to the top and then returned for my daughter as if I lost it, and then I found a wave on our shelter again I thought that we were dying, but we didn't survive everything. We were on top of all I saw how the earth falls and say that This God is angry with humanity and then guns to shoot like started and began war.

Olga Bychkov:

Hello, I am a dream that I'm losing my daughter in a dream and I go looking for it, I call it, but it is not, then I wake up next to me.


I'm going on the bus to study, the bus goes to the final, I went out and forgot the bag there, ran after her, took her. In all my dream I was scattered


My girl and her girlfriend went to the front. I'd rather run into the underground move. I ran out that they would not lose them as soon as I came down on that side of the exit, I saw for them on the way out I saw how they came out of the underground stroke and then I left the underground stroke and lost them I was looking for looking for, but I did not find


i dreamed that my good friend lost my bag (I forgot on the street near the store, but I constantly tried to steal her, but I could not help them!


Evening. Zima. Sugro. I lost my bag and tried to find it, I returned home as well, according to the snowdrifts. "I remembered where she found.


more often, I lose my girlfriend in a dream and I can not find it, just happens with the phone when I try to get through to her, I can not find her room. Today in a dream it was so, we rose with her later went into the room where she was not familiar to my girlfriend a man 5, Ani about something wondered I decided to get out of the room, went down to the floor below I went to the room checked my things in the suitcase, found me , (The whole terrain in a dream was not familiar to me) It was a feeling that we are somewhat flying to relax together, except for food I really don't remember what things were in a suitcase, just as I found food and went, this is the member of what we walked today and she treated I think the dog's way and Sos in the dough as I got rose back to the floor where she stayed with his friends, without seeing her, I began to look at her and shout her name, but at first shouted twice for some reason, the name His sister, her friends started following whispering and saying he is Alfia (girlfriend) covenant or not, and he saw with whom she talked or (he heard she talked to) and then she said with whom she spoken, he understood or tried who she was, the other of the girlfriends said no she called herself Alphira (this is them I remember exactly) I do not pay attention to seek her further, I realized that I could not find, I began to search in the phone and there the name names were written in colorful beautiful letters as in mosques they write but I could not read them, but I could have taken a phone Girl, I do not remember what I was a rut, I drove the phone. I went to the place where we had to fly, to the airport this place was like a little, I remember how in the fog, it came to the door and saw the people like the vehicle, the door was opened and saw Mom that type also flies, I asked where my sister? Mom said there somewhere in the crowd, I don't remember the current, I went into this door or not I was woken up, and my head was some kind of fruitful as from Boduna (I'm 7-8 years old I do not drink anymore) there was a guide dream.


first, I was kidnapped with a rich stranger, then he kept on the chains and raped, then his house decided to demolish and I managed to run from there. I jumped over a long fence and ran a quick pass through the speech. All the guy decided to get acquainted with the car and would give up but I refused. I drived in place and ran back later again ran into place. When he came running heavy rain and I was all wicked. I had knocked on the door to me some kind of girl opened, it was the girl of my boyfriend. I gotroached and started crying then woke up


i dreamed that I had my daughter with my children and with my son in the store then I then leave the store and see my daughter on passing part with many children, how did they get up near someone and watched because something happened there! I called my daughter to myself, she approached and I saw her blood on her neck on the ears but blood did not flow, but there would be something to be deceived into this blood! I looked again on the road and saw in one of the children that something happened to him because it was from him he had blood near the ear! I returned to the store and discovered that nowhere for my son I started to call him and seek a visa, but I didn't find it so much!


dreamed that I am with a short haircut, I really go to me happy.
But then in the same dream I lick the child, he just ran away and I'm looking for him, and I wake up without finding him, while I cry very much.


I walked down the street. And suddenly it became cold, and I looked down, I barefoot. And then my searches began. I was looking for my shoes. I was looking everywhere. not found. And woke up ... Everything.


in a dream, I am looking for a daughter, but she is small (now she is already 30 years old), shouting her ... alarmed awakened. Previously, there were such dreams periodically ... then stopped.


Hello! I had a dream at night, in which I forgot the package somewhere in the store (very bright corporate). In the package lay a phone and a wallet. There was no money in the wallet (there were never there), but there were no credit cards and savings cards. In the package There was still my phone, he is cheap and already old. I'd have a dream when I discovered that there was no package worried about the phone, and not for the wallet. It happened in another city (Barnaul), and I live 320 km from the city in the village. I went gathered looking for a phone, but woke up. What would it mean?


I dream that I lost my child and I'm looking for and I do not find it, then only where I only find a dress in which my girl was and it was in the blood. What dreams of this dream?


dreamed that we are in the next city and stand on the bus station. The husband makes it clear that it will move for a minute and disappears. I smear looking for everyone I ask and wake up in horror


In a dream, I went into the room and could not find my favorite in the room, I tried to go looking for it, but could not move


I dreamed that I went to the movies with my ex-wife, she was in a white jacket, and everything would be fine but at some point she just disappears. I have a panic, I run I am looking for her and then wake up from the fear of what I can't find her


Another city with a young man is in relatives whether I don't remember, I don't remember, I'm not expected to disappear in a dream I have fun looking for him but I can't find and did not find it.


i'm with some kind of woman and with my daughter 10 years old, walked along the streets. When we were suddenly at the meeting of non-Russian people, remind the Gypsy ... they looked from the side. Then we looked at the present in the theater, my daughter ran to me, and said .- "Mom, I can go to her with a girlfriend and walk?". I agreed. When we went out to the street, I suddenly discovered that I had a bag, but Then I realized that I could not find a daughter. I so much began to cry and shout, not knowing where to go and where I search her, forgetting about the bag !!! So sobbed it, then I woke up ... .. After a long time I came to my senses.


I was driving by a train with an elderly mother (, my mother died 13 years ago). There was an old face, but I almost didn't see the face. I was going to go out on our stop, I got up to spend it. In the car, my backpack remained the car, my backpack And not transparent and one or two Pateckipol transparent. I got up to the perone what to say goodbye, and the train left. I rushed after him in the chase. I rode on the desired stop. I was in the raven, and there are things on the spot, but not a backpack was revealed and looked I began to inspect on the sides and search by the dicton. He called a friend, he called and said that he would call to the tablet in the evening for cash. And I went to accomplish him and the train went again without me. I've brought himself to run,. He began to turn to the spare way I almost caught up with him. But he began to roll again. Dogged. It was for the service. It was cleaning, but he stood but her side


in a dream, the son went to walk (only the son is now an adult, but he dreamed as if he was 10 years old) I went out to look at the street and there is no it there. I am looking for it, and I will not find anywhere where. Mount in a dream is so strong, in a dream it seemed to break the heart. I myself was looking for not found ... and it seems to be looking for a long time ... and then went to the police. On this dream ended. Sleep dreamed of Sunday morning.


I dreamed that I didn't remember exactly somewhere with a daughter where and then I lost her, I screamed her and she did not appear. I don't remember anything since it dreamed of it for a long time.


I left a couple with my girlfriend, went to take a jacket and then my girl disappeared, almost all the dream ran through the school in her searches, even shouted at people. (


I dreamed that I walk around the rooms in some place, looking for a phone. The place is not residential. There were some drawers as in the storage chamber. I went from the room to the room, opened the boxes and searched. And everyone said: he was here. When it seemed that everything, I would not find it, I was told that he was just hidden, he was not lost. It seems to say this woman. I do not remember exactly.


i dreamed some resettlement, during which we were attacked, I wanted to kill, command us, I escaped, hidden ... Then I went to a friend known for me. When they came, familiar to me and my dear people became for me for me, did not pay attention to me, and with reluctance I helped to overcome the difficulties ... I felt abandoned, I didn't have anything left, only I had no things, no money it was .... I knew to whom to turn


i dreamed of allegedly stolen my mobile (my beloved), I was looking for him - he was even crying, so bitterly I was discussing at the table with classmates, I didn't find it, but instead I was given an old one who didn't look at the old one.


I dreamed like I and my sister and some kind of man went to the city to buy a mom's mother and while we went, lost it. When I started looking for, I lost my sister on the way.
At the end, I met many people who did something that was not good and I was very afraid and fled everything faster, I saw the bridge that was broken in the middle, I jumped and sharply summer was replaced by the winter, I saw a little boy b void in Dali, on awoke.


I dreamed of my ex-wife, and my girlfriend, we all turned out to be on the tour base, we slept everything along different rooms, I got some kind of backup. My girl rolled me the scene of jealousy when I saw my former, I quit, got drunk and went to participate in contests, when I was shattered that there was no my girl very frightened, I was looking for everywhere, and I was asked, it was very scary, but I didn't found.


i ran down the street at night at a strong rain crying hard and looking for my son went to my beloved for help and saw him on the other in bed


Hello! Dreaming is that I was given a very beautiful bouquet of flowers at work (on which I do not work at this time), there was a big team, then I rank me a package with beautiful bed linen from flax, and in conclusion there was a gift - in a bag of multicolored Beautiful plaid with roses. Then the whole company went to the corporate party - whether to a restaurant, or on a picnic, and I left all the gifts at work, without hiding them in a smoking locker for undressing. Upon returning back to work, I didn't find things, I began to ask for the guard and other employees, hoping that they had things had things to another place, but all as one were behaved and said that they had not seen who took and where my gifts were going. This feeling of joy was dissolved in MiG, I woke up. And so often happens - from unpleasant sleep or action in the dream - I wake up! ( [Email Protected]) Thanks for the answer in advance!


i dreamed, as if I was swimming in icy water. It's kind of pit, around the ice, the water is mirror clean, but cold. Then I got out of this pit, I am looking for a loved one, I'm not, I worry, then I found it, he says where you left, hugged me tightly. I was somehow exhausted or what, he says went home.


I dreamed that I lost the phone. When I discovered the loss, I started looking for .Ab, but not my own, although I was very similar to mine, then I found one more, but not mine


the beach is dreaming. And I took off the golden ring and accidentally dropped, I began to search in the sand. I first, first a male ring or sector, for some reason it was broken into parts and something else from the jewelry. But it seemed to me. that they are not gold. Then again began to search in the sand and found his ring and put on his finger.


In a dream, I found that there is no earrings in the ear, one dusk remained. Hand touched the gold chain and did not see the cross. I woke up from the fright that I lost somewhere earring and cross. What is it going to dream?


I lost in a dream that I was accepted in the model agency. And suddenly I looked at the rampant documents, then I looked at classmates (I do not know what my classmates are doing there), and then it came to them, and the document has set somewhere. "I'm going to find a document These documents can not find. Then, I found these documents at the end of sleep, and passed.


Hello! I dreamed that we with my girlfriend at the station outside the city awaiting the arrival of the electric train. Then he comes and I get inside, but she is not with me. She moved somewhere like, as not returned on time. I start walking on cars and look for her, calling her mobile. She does not answer and I can not find it. After 40 minutes, it sounded to her and she said that she was lost and is located at the next station from the original. It will take the next train and arrive. I go out at the bus stop and remains to wait for her to take the next train in which it will be supposedly riding it. My questions, why she did not call me immediately and did not explain everything, she did not answer intelligible and felt somehow strange. That's how I tried to describe everything in detail everything in detail)))) with respect, Alexander.


i am 12 and lost my love, I didn't confess that I love her, but in a dream I admitted. I hugged me always walked for a handle, but everything happened in the war, not in the War. I dreamed of everything in black and white colors. Then I lost her and see, I was looking for her for a very long time, but I did not find it ... Her name of Lada


Hello Tatiana, I generally dreamed of a very big dream in a very small straight time, I slept at lunch for 2 hours, this dream was very real, I didn't dream of my life so that I beat myself in a dream on the cheeks and used to be a dream ... I dreamed that I went to the next city in a place with my own brother and in some kind of Mamet met my boyfriend, when we returned home we drove along the very city to transfer to another bus to come to our and then he pushed me to sit yet what's with my bags and he now with my brother to come back since he wants to ask the driver, and then I go out to the bus and realize that I am going alone and they don't have bags, I started calling him to write (my boyfriend) Indeed, another person is answered and the goovari "is not called here" Here I begin to write him a message. And he writes to me in Ovet, for some reason ... And I sends a photo of the beaten brother's beaten brother ,. Throughout time I find a police car in my city and ask about help and they went to me to go with us, in Etya, I just didn't lose time with them ... After that, I go to work. And I began to go all the employees "With your brother, everything is fine, he found him all the broken" the parents for some reason were not worried about me and were in the hospital with my brother, I came home I wanted to beat my stepfather, but I didn't give it ... And I still calmed everything like that. But what I want to say this is what I have been crying and I was very scary, and when I woke up I woke up I could not get out of this state I was very bad. I am expected that with errors and not grammatately I live in Isale from 7 years old and not much forgot Russian.


I dreamed that we walked together, and then someone came and stole him in the end I was looking for him for a very long time, he began to seem to me in passersby and said that he loved me and what I would forgive him ...
And then he changed me, but he was connected.


In a house of one priest, my handbag disappears with documents and a small amount of money, bank cards and I suspected a priest in a disappearance, the bag was not found. In the same dream, I and my men are trying pants and we can't find them, but one passers-by a man helps my beloved in his clothes, and he leaves, and I stayed without a loved one, bags with documents and trousers. This dream worries me.


We had someone's guests with my daughter and at night gathered to go home. Taxi was told when it was already standing near the house on the road with some kind of our house. I opened the door there you were sitting two men, Kazakhs, I asked us whether they were waiting for them But in a dream they seemed suspicious. All the daughters and I sat down and for some reason got out and went on foot. I didn't wait for her home to the parental house. I began to call it everywhere in a taxi somewhere asked the numbers. Searching on the street was the night wandered on the dark streets met Kakieto dubious companies sometimes on Earth was a weak not viscous dirt. I woke up to the house and sister and woke up.


I dreamed that in a large shopping center I lost clothes, then went to look where it could be. I found everything, but I'm not, I spent the whole dream in search of.


i live now not in my home I dreamed that Khozyann came to pick up his believes Furniture from this house where we live now


lost her daughter in the shopping center during the center of the center I was looking for everywhere looking through a video surveillance of a feeling that now I will find it but woke up


I walked on some kind of building, it was clear that this was a working office. I met a friend and went further with her, but then quickly came to mind and remembered that I left mom from behind and went to look for her, I was looking for a long time, but I didn't find it. My mom died many years ago.


I was driving in a train to rest, I had to hurry to go out when I came out, it turned out that I forgot the jacket. A lot of people went to the station to the car. Time is not enough, finally find a jacket, the train begins, and my mother sits at the table and she began to cry out because it did not help me. I say that it is time to go out, she does not want, I leave her from the table and jumping with her on the way on the go. I understand the jacket, screwdriver and tools.


came to the Chiffijer to give clean things to her husband and did not find them began to scold him where he is my deeds lie and it's not and I think (in a dream) it's bad things husband and wives must lie together and after it quickly woke up and remembered this dream by chance after lunch


HELLO. My name is Zhenya, I had a dream that I walked in a dream with the company on the street and my son ran around, then we moved away to another place with the company. And for a child, I forgot more easily thought that let him go for a child and when it had a half of the twelfth night No and he has no keys and where we left the child doesn't know I rushed after him in the yard and it's not and it was not yet uneasured a dream interrupted and in the end did not find him


the child as if I left behind him to look 5 years old but I didn't watch the parents arrived at him I saw the cousings of Bat with my wife they bathed it he was all dirty skin scratched but when the child rose to my surprise turned out to be cleaned


Hello! I closed the apartment and lost the keys for a long time, I could not get into the apartment, turned to people to bring the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then I remember Laugh Laugh ...


Hello! I dreamed that we met with a former husband. I feel warm feelings for him, and he tries to finish the conversation soon and eventually leaves. I am also leaving and suddenly understand that I lost the cell phone and I go to look for it. On the way, I involuntarily hear the conversation of strangers who are discussing how a former husband is happy to meet a new woman. I find my phone and next to another cell


the groom is located on the watch, and dream that I wake up at night, and it is not near
2 sleep.
about a year ago kissed the boy, and then he dreamed of me that they were very close together, they talked, hugged anything more


I saw with a former beloved returned for something, he waited for me in the car, came to the place, there was no one there was no one, there are many people around, I'm looking for his car and his everywhere, I can't find it, I can not find it, in his car remained and My things, the same money he gave me. I looked for a long time, I did not find it, I don't know what to do, suddenly people are walking on-wooful to the police, among them my deceased father (looked at me seriously and silently passed, looked officially, looked at how to someone else). I built at the same time when some kind of woman explained to me that I was not there, she turned out to be a friend, I asked her to take me ten UAH. To get home, she was happy to occupy, and I woke up. I woke up I never found, I really cried that he was lost, I was glad to see him, and we had a very good time before I was lost. What could it mean?


it has dreamed that we have to fly to Lithuania. On customs give me a visa. I'm starting to swear and explain that I really closed the departure because of the shelter from the military call. After this, the girl still letters us and holds us to some kind of woman who has to spend on a plane. We met her and asked to look at things t .to. They themselves wanted to go shopping. I walk on shopping I saw the clock on them, I don't remember exactly, but it seemed to be 4.41, I could not remember our departure time for a long time. And then we ran to this woman, we were looking for her for a long time on the floors and on the floors and all the same found. In addition to the plane, for some reason, we all threatened that the steps at the exit were all destroyed and I remembered that they were still in my flight in Italy in 92 It was also that it told her. When we rose to the ladder where I didn't want to let the flight attendant, but promising a bottle of Roma let me let me. Entering the plane I was surprised by the interior. He was from wooden boards and everywhere stood the same tables and gestures from the non-treated tree where I lost my favorite. After that, we could not fly 3 or 4 times. When we took off and I woke up and I woke up


hello! The day before yesterday I dreamed that my alignpper lost a mobile phone several times, and I found him and gave her. What means?


I dreamed that I had an earring. But I found it. This was a day, but this place I am not familiar to me ... The earring was as they say the carnations. Blue pebble. You can observe a green excellent, tell me what it is? And I have such earrings.


Hello, I dreamed of a man who was looking for me. It was an unfamiliar person for me. I only watched from the side. And at the end of sleep very quietly and quickly I heard some surname. Ponormorenko. and all


I dreamed that I first lost the car (but I don't have cars). And immediately dreamed that I found it.


i woke up in the morning., A. Dzina. Non at home. When it turns out that it remained at the airport. But yesterday steel. I look, and then quickly.


She walked with his girlfriend, and then he lost her, ran, I was looking for, called, but I could not find anywhere. Suddenly, they called me and said that she flew away and I would not see her anymore. I ran to the airport, but still did not find a girl.


Hello, in a dream I was with my son, we walked somewhere, although he doesn't even go. Don't remember exactly, I know that he ran away from me, moreover, we were already in the bus. On one of the stops he tears and installs. Zima In the winter down jacket my blue. Avtobus went further, I as if I went further, but then at the next stop I asked the driver to wait until I am going for the child, I went out and went there where my son was looking. I was looking for him it was, asked people, moreover, some in a dream seemed familiar to me, although I did not know them, they said that he went down the stairs, I went there the staircase ends very cool, in general, Yiskala, running for the global down jackets, once again Gathered to catch up with a man with a child in her arms, my son was crying and I woke up, I don't know what it would be over.


i and my boyfriend we were with him he walked something I did in the kitchen to eat and suddenly he comes and says I went I didn't even have time to ask where and why he disappeared after a day I panicked where he call him he was not accessible and I can't come out of the house because there is no keys from the house then I came to a friend and says what you worry will come soon, it's a plastic surgeon now everyone goes now so fashionable I thought what kind of surgeon he didn't complain about me too, everything suits me too . That's how it woke up with a heavy stone in the shower ....

A lion:

I lost a ring yesterday and tonight I dreamed that I found him for a bedside table next to the bed.


hello …
We live in different cities with your girlfriend .. I have been seen for more than a month .. you can always contact a number of reasons. In the dream we went on some strange store .. theaten something happened I do not remember exactly what exactly And my beloved quickly went down to the street. I delayed something, I went out a little later, began to look for her. I went to the store tried to contact her by phone but the phone was some kind of stupid and I could not dial it, I asked people to call the phone but received a refusal and for some reason I was without shoes .... That's all I remember


I dreamed, I cho with my girlfriend in the cinema, she left the hall and disappeared, I began to look for her, but it was never anywhere, ran into the city, met my mother and sister, but it was Simpsons, although I took them for my relatives, in short , Mom tells me about some portal from the pillar and tree, I watch and between them opens a red matter, which delayed my gaze, then I see the church on the hill, on the bell, a man hangs poorly dressed, the bell begins to touch the man like a dinosaur predator prey, then the church turns into a monster who begins to devour the buildings around me, I, with family in the form of simpsons, run away and
I jump into the first minibus, I do not remember further.


Dreamed that they went with a girl in the bus and she unexpectedly disappeared, I cried through sleep


I dreamed that I walk around the city in good, warm weather. And I had a children's backpack with me, the color so beautiful in it lay documents and for some reason he was very heavy. I stopped near the shop, because I was tired of going with him. I took a wallet from there. And went. When I left far enough realized that the backpack himself had forgotten on the bench. Came running, and it is not. End of sleep vaguely remember, it seems to me that then I found it, but I am sure.


a familiar man puts the coffin in the apartment asked and where is your wife he answered her


It was winter. It all started with my coach with my coach, type on a water antercation, entered, but it turned out that my friend Ksyusha I didn't seek her did not find it, but then we saw that another girlfriend Dasha disappeared, but we found it after a while. We changed out (in swimsuits) wrapped in towels and went to her she stood with friends from the pool (I also know them) and played. Then I was not offended in my neck in my neck, but I woke up at this moment


I dream that we are in the cinema and my cinema, I go to the auditorium, and it's as if I have to go after me, I look at him, and I remember, I forget his hundred cellular at home, and I stand next to the ranks I am waiting for him, and some kind of me Men stick, then one to draw me asks, the other one wants to sit down, but I think my husband will find me if I don't have a phone

Find a mushroom in a dream

Collection of Sonnikov

What dreams to look for in a dream for 18 dreams?

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Imperial dream book

Hello dreamed that some young man get into the car and leaves, and I try to catch it up, then I call, but he does not take the phone, and also tell me what it means that I dreamed that I saw my blood with a knife, but I was stopped by a knife

I and my beloved person dreamed of identical dreams. As if we visit some kind of building. We simply see yourself in different settings of any premises. What we do not clear there, dreams are interrupted and in general, everything is blurry ...
I would like to figure out why the dream had dreamed us both.
Thank you.

Sleep more like a terrible dream. I'm going to look for someone at night with my ex-girlfriend. I don't even know who. It was at night and in winter. We go to some people and they give us a flashlight. Then we go on the way and three guys scared us. Then we took them themselves and go on. We find yourself in some narrow corridors, where very scary. On these guys begin to attack someone. Then it turns out that these are some men. They did not want to attack us. And it seems they brought us away from there. We never found whom we were looking for
On the same night the dream repeated. Only instead of the girlfriend there was my one-line and we were looking for another one align. There were already 2 guys already, and not 3. In this dream, we also did not find a one-lineup.

I was looking for a person in the crowd very similar twice I was wrong that it seemed to call one and then the second person was named because it seemed to be meters from 10 that it was, but with a close, almost focus it turned out that it was not he, but very similarly happened twice for sleep, in that place Where did everything happen the way of which does not exist, what is this dream?

I recently died my mother, after that I constantly looking for her in a dream and find, but today I did not find it. In a dream there was a winter, we came out with her to walk and do not remember how and why, but I went home, and when I got out that I left her one, I began to call her, went to seek to no avail. Died on November 25th

Dreamed a former young man. Our relationship. My parent house, father. I do not want us to be together, I want him to leave. He wants to get into the house, I do not let. He tries to go through the back entrance, there is a servant, says that without the permission of Viktor Vasilyevich (my dad) he won't let. I say that in no case they will be allowed. He leaves and picks up the keys to the door-lattice house (the first, street door, is made with a grid, transparent, on the veranda) says that the next time will come. I demand them to give, obscenely swear on him, shouting, saying that everything is over, we part. He throws the keys to the ground, in the grass, in front of the house and leaves. I am looking for them for a long time I can not find, I looked at everything in place and next. Such a feeling that I need to find them faster until he returned. In the end, I find them in the bushes of paving slabs, in the junction between the pights. And I remember how dad says to me: "drowshes in tears" and I answer: "No, go * But not sinking."
I will clarify, this is a relationship of 20 years old, another school. Now I have 32, married, two children, he is older for 2 years, also in marriage, children. Everybody is alive. Tell me the meaning of sleep please

I dreamed of a guy to whom I liked in the real world and he tries to find me in a dream. Asks people, and I hide from him and I don't want it to find me. When I hid out of him, I saw my friend and girlfriend. She apologized to him and cried. Then it is found that it turns out my friend dies and she is to blame for this (girlfriend). Then he asks me one favor. To not suffer, he wants me to kill him. And I can't and start crying and persuade him, but he does not agree, he says that he has nothing to help him and I agree. And at that moment, when he asks me to go with him the last time in coffee and I cry agreed and hug it, that guy comes (who was looking for me and apparently found me) and sees it. He does not understand everything and disappoints from there. I want to know what it means.

He dreamed that kiss b and walk not with her husband. Lit in the subway could not find a map of Troika in no way, in the end I bought a ticket for 1 trip, but I could not find it. Another bright moment was about delivery of 5 rubles.

Somewhere in the factory, a lot of snow, I was invited to an unfamiliar woman in the room, as if the seamstress (and I'm in finding a job) there my hobbies with a booster, my older brother appears, I ask him to make a borsch, he takes out and pours into a bunch of a dog, I take this time a chicken from the bones, and I give my psa and I think that we will eat, uncle came, my husband, and I watch the teenagers, who return from study, and the daughter does not go to worry about something there is no ... and wake up

We dealt with a young man, I ranked in a panic and sought the road to his house, but I could not find it, got to some kind of market, where I was tried to rob, but I quickly got some small bills and put their man, suddenly a friend appeared to me woman, and while I explained everything in tears in tears, I woke up

The dream in which you are looking for something lost and can not find, - a bad forever, in reality, losses and illness await you.

Search in a dream someone's location means that soon you will stop needing and will be more attention to pay yourself.

Search in a dream hotel in an unfamiliar city - to obstacles through which you should pass to achieve complete happiness.

Finding a needle means that your alarms are in vain, friends still appreciate and respese you.

To see in a dream that you are looking for a map, means unexpected dissatisfaction with your environment, which will give you a new impulse in the work and allows you to rise to a higher level of well-being.

If you dream, as if you are looking for someone in the morgue, it means that you will be stunned by the news of the death of a relative or friend.

Finding in a dream of fleas is a sign that in real life you want to draw in the scaffold that you personally do nothing but losses can not give.

Looking bedbugs means to suffer a loss due to a dishonest attitude towards you familiar people.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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Dream Interpretation is located

The house is in the well - sick.

To catch the fish or hunt, being in the forest - it's not so good.

To suffer, suffer, being in a restroom - will soon be appointed.

Wealth is on the road - to success, achieving the goal.

To be on the stones - there will be a profit, benefit, good luck, promotion in your career.

To be in the kitchen in a physician, official place - foreshadows wealth and career.

To be on the position of the army position - great happiness, luck.

to be with someone in the same boat, on the same ship - to moving, changing the place of residence.

To be among the soldiers - foreshadows great happiness, good luck.

being in the forest, to hunt - it's not silent.

Being on the wall, dig ground - change.

Interpretation of dreams