Tasks for playing what's where when. Caverzny questions in the style of what? Where? When? Description of the place and the shooting process

Tasks for playing what's where when. Caverzny questions in the style of what? Where? When? Description of the place and the shooting process
Tasks for playing what's where when. Caverzny questions in the style of what? Where? When? Description of the place and the shooting process

A long time ago, Persian Shah wanted to learn what determines the actions and human behavior in this life. First, Shaha's helpers were a whole volume, then one page, and then found a single word. Question: Name this is the main word. (1995)

The answer of the experts: love.

Correct answer: survival.

Medical experiments

One therapist believed that the people of his profession should have two qualities. First, this is a complete lack of squeamishness. Secondly, observation. At his lectures at the Institute, where he taught, he showed such an experience: I took urine, lowered my finger there, then I got it and licked him and defined it to taste, whether the patient diabetes or not. Question: After a few minutes, repeat this experience. (1997)

The answer of the experts:you need to lower one finger in the urine, and lick - another.

Correct answer: Experts answered correctly.

Oriental fairy tales

The Arabs argued that the female face without it is like dawn without the sun. Question: What are they so? (2003)

The answer of the experts:without a smile.

Correct answer: without a mole.

Dish of nomads

Cognots brought a cauldron with a hole in the lid.

During a trip to Central Asia, the viewer watched the nomads prepared an amazing dish - a snake stuffed with rice. Moreover, the trunk of the snake turned out to be thicker. Question: One minute you should describe in detail what nomads did to cook this dish? (2005 year)

The answer of the experts:pour water to the cauldron, killed snake to put in the dishes so that the tail is at the bottom, and the head looked out through the hole in the Kazan. The cook was supposed to open the mouth of the snake and tackle the rice.

Correct answer:pour into the cauldron of water, put there live snake and cover the lid. Due to lack of oxygen, a live snake encourages his head itself into the hole, opens the mouth, the cook begins to throw back there.

Room equation

Recently, a group of American sociologists issued an equation by which you can calculate the rate of increasing the number of purchased bestsellers (that is, if you know how many books were purchased in the first week, it will be possible to know how many buy them in a month, for example). But it turned out that a similar equation has long been known. True, it is used in another sphere of human activity. Question: What is calculated by the same equation as the spread of bestsellers? (2010)

The answer of the experts: Grow epidemics.

Correct answer:

Prosthesis of memory

In the black box now is that the writer Vladimir Soloohin called the prosthesis of memory? Question: What is in a black box? (year 2012)

The answer of the experts: camera.

Correct answer:notebook.

Haircut and dangerous and difficult

One school of hairdressers has released a poster that advertised the haircut at the trainees. A copy of one famous autoportist was depicted on the poster. Question: What kind of self portrait was used? (year 2013)

The answer of the experts: Self-portrait Wang Gon with a sliced \u200b\u200bear.

Correct answer: Experts gave the correct answer.

Rules of participation of viewers
in the television program "What? Where? When?"

  1. Game television program "What? Where? When? ", In the future, the TV program, it turns onto the ether in the form of cycles of individual releases of television programs.
  2. To participate in the television program, the viewer must send a letter to the creative selection at: 127427, ul. Academician Korolev, 12, "What? Where? When?" or email address: [Email Protected]. *
  3. Based on the concept of the television program, the tele-viewer's letter is considered by the editorial group as based on the information contained in this letter and information, an information reason for creating a question, which on behalf of the TV viewer will sound on the TV program. In accordance with the main principle of television program, this question should not be on accurate knowledge, but on a logical solution.
  4. The information sent by the viewer passes the editorial check on additional sources, up to its confirmation by specialists in one area or another.
  5. By virtue of technological and other reasons (for example, improper design, inappropriate shipment of correspondence, etc.), not every letter falls on the creative selection of the editorial group.
  6. When choosing viewers and their letters to participate in a specific television program, the editorial team is guided exclusively creative considerations.
  7. If several viewers sent information to the issue on the basis of the same fact, the editorial group decides on participation in the program of one of them at its own discretion.
  8. The term of entering letters that have passed the creative selection, in any release of the television program is not limited.
  9. TV viewers will be issued in accordance with the requirements set forth in Annexes Nos. ,, to this Regulation.
  10. Telegrams, faxes, telephones and other information transfer methods are not considered.
  11. Letters (parcels and parcels) who participated in the television program, as well as not past the creative selection, are not stored by the editorial group and the viewers are not returned.
  12. The editorial group does not enter the television viewers in correspondence on the issues sent in their letters.
  13. To add a viewer to obtain funds due to it, the present rules establishes a six-month period from the moment of entering the ether of the corresponding release of the television program. In the same period, the editorial group, for its part, also takes reasonable efforts to notify the viewer. Upon the expiration of this period, LLC Telecompania Game-TV, due to technological reasons, cannot guarantee the viewer to obtain the aforementioned funds.
  14. By sending your letter, the viewer simultaneously expresses his consent with all the provisions of these Rules, and also provides the game "Game-TV" TV company. The right to use the identified issue and the materials attached to it by any non-contrary to the law, including, if necessary, make changes In the text of the question and carry out its recycling without coordination with the viewer.
  15. By sending your letter, the TV viewer also gives the game "TV-TV" TV company. The right to disclose the personal information that he considered it necessary to report itself.
  16. These rules are a public offer.

* In 2019 season, you can also take advantage of special boxes for receiving letters for the program "What? Where? When?" In the departments of VTB Bank.

This is the phrase "What? Where? When?" For more than 40 years, they are associated with us in the teleigra, in which the intellectual elite club "Expectations" is involved. Questions sent by the viewers are always very unusual, interesting and precipitated.

I.I. Rusanova made up of them the most interesting book that could be a benefit for beginner connoisseurs. True, the author, as it should be, first leads questions, and at the end of the chapter - the answers, but we, in order to save you time in search, let them immediately. So…

1. Why does the Heron, when he pecks, does not come off?

Because at this time it drops a kind of "dandruff" to which the "pecks" of fish and frogs.

2. Why did the duelists hold the left hand raised up?

Since the duels took place, as a rule, at dusk, or at dawn, or in the evening, then in the left hand they kept the lantern.

3. Why did Alexander Macedonsky demanded the beard from his soldiers?

In order for the enemy in battle, he could not grab them over his beard. This contributed to increasing the combat capability of the troops.

4. Why did Typhunas gave women's names before?

Typhoon (Chinese Thai Fyn is a big wind) - the tropical cyclones of storm and hurricane strength in the Far East. The name of the first schooner injured from Typhoon was "Maria", and since those times, Typhnes began to assign predominantly female names.

5. Why do cows love to graze on the railway embankment?

Usually railway sleepers are impregnated with tar, consisting of petroleum resins. The smell of Goodron distinguishes mosquitoes and other insects that bite cows.

6. What woman did not sleep at night 2 years, 8 months and 4 weeks?

This character of Arab fairy tales "1001 night" Queen Shahrazada (or, as we are more familiar, Shaherazade). Her husband, the king of Shahriyar, after the treason of the former wife fell into all women. Every night he took a new wife, and the next morning executed her. Clear Shahryzada at night began to tell the fairy tale and interrupted her in the most interesting place. So it lasted 1001 night. During this time, Shakhriyar loved the wise queen, and she became his faithful companion.

7. From what foot is Cinderella lost a shoe - with the right or left?

In the 17th century, when Charles Perra lived, the author of this fairy tale, the shoes for both legs were the same, without distinction on the right and left. The division was introduced only in the 19th century. By the way, her shoe was not at all crystal, just in some French editions instead of the word Vair - "fur for a sprinkler" was mistakenly printed Verre - "Glass", and therefore in the translations of this fairy tale to other languages, including Russian, appeared "glass slipper".

8. Where did the ancient Romans watched before giving their debts?

In ancient Rome, the date of debt payment was calends - the first day of the month. The word "calendar" (from lat. Calendarium) literally means a "debt book".

9. What was the stick in the ancient mullets?

In ancient Rome, a pointed stick, which was driven by animals, was called incentive (from Lat. Stimulus). The word "stimulus" has acquired a figurative meaning - now we call such a motive cause (stimulus for work, incentive for victory).

10. Name the main word in modern telephone conversations and explain the connection between him and the 18th century english sailors.

Before the beginning of the last century, the word "Hello", which was used in marine practice, meant "Listen"; His shouted to another ship in the mouth. It is this word that we start talking on the phone and pronounce it when it is badly audible.

11. Why does Arabs say that between the truth and lies the distance is only five fingers?

Because the distance between the ear and the eye is equal to the width of the palm.

12. In the last century, American mines, going down in the mine, took with them cages with canary. Why did it have been done?

Canary played the role of a kind of "sensor" of harmful gases. When their level was raised, the canas died, and the miners rose to the surface, because the danger of the explosion existed.

13. Why in Comedies Moliere such short acts - no more than half an hour?

At the time of the Moliere scene, the scene was covered with candles, and the candle is just burning in about half an hour.

14. When one person says, this is a monologue, and two is a dialogue. And how to call a conversation of six people?

In Greek, the dialogue means "conversation, conversation", so six people will also lead a dialogue.

15. What happens to Matador, if instead of an angry bull, an angry cow will attack him. Justify the answer!

When a bull is infuriated, his eyes poured with blood, he does not see anything and when attacking just closes his eyes. With a cow, this does not occur, so it perfectly sees the attack object.

16. Once, Pythagoras asked his students the question: what should be done in order to come to a valuable thought.

The correct answer, which the teacher gave himself, was very pleased with his disciples. So, what do you need to do when practicing science so that valuable thought came to mind?

According to Pythagora, for this you just need to relax.

17. What is the name of the French dish, made from all sorts of all sorts of grades: different grades of greenery, meat, etc.?

Such a dish in French is called Popourry. The musical work, consisting of various melodies of the well-known operas, operetta and songs began to be called.

18. What is in the Black Box is a fake, fake and deception.

It is made by men, but use her women. This is more than 200 years old, but we still continue to pay money for it. What is in the box?

This is jewelry - decorations made from non-precious stones and metals. Her flourishing fell by the 18th century, when the need for imitation of precious jewelery was great. Subsequently, a wide variety of materials are used for the manufacture of jewelry: glass, wood, leather, plastic, etc. It is especially valued by jewelry with Swarovski crystals, which, thanks to the special processing technology, it is difficult to distinguish from real diamonds.

19. Far from the city of Snezhnogorsk in the deaf forest there is a hut for hunters and fishermen, which is called "wintering".

Usually, moving from there after hunting or fishing, people leave stock reserves. How can I save fresh potatoes so that it does not freeze?

Potatoes must be put in a plastic bag, tightly tie and omitted into the water under the ice. Since the water always has a plus temperature, potatoes can be perfectly stored for a long time.

20. The most popular view of the city transport in London of the 19th century were Keba - hired carriages.

However, in the second half of the century, a certain invention appeared, which caused violent protests among the English jams. What?

It was an umbrella, which actually appeared in China back in the 11th century BC. and served to protect against the sun. The English entrepreneur Jonas Hanway first came out to the street in the rain, and immediately began the mass production of this particularly relevant to England. And Kebmen simply frightened that they would have less customers.

21. Name and show the subject of clothing that was not in the wardrobe Romans before the conquest them of the northern peoples.

Such a novelty for the Romans began their pants, or, in modern tongue, pants. The name of them from the northern peoples was similar: Celts - "marriage", at the Germans - "Broeks", at the Dutch - "Brock".

22. This technical novelty appeared in London in 1911, but Londoners treated her with caution.

Then the Directorate to prove its security hired a disabled person on a wooden crutch so that he demonstrate its advantages. After that, the novelty began to use everything and continue until now. What it is?

This is an escalator at the metro station, whose security has convincingly proved a disabled person on a wooden crutch.

23. In Japan, where earthquakes are frequent, reinforced concrete buildings during earthquakes are destroyed, and the pagodas are worth. Why?

In each path, the builders were suspended from top to bottom with a special long wooden beam, equipped with a load at the end, and the frequency of oscillations of this peculiar pendulum was chosen in such a way that the beam during the earthquake was swinging in antiphase with the most built. This made it possible to quench the oscillations caused by an earthquake. The same principle is used today in the vibrations installed in high factory pipes and television bones.

24. The Japanese Toyota Concern pays his personnel remuneration for the invention and improvements. What are the smallest remuneration?

Remuneration, albeit the smallest, is paid even for those inventions that do not have a practical application.

25. The subject in the black box is a masterpiece that was invented in ancient Babylon invented and reached us unchanged. What is it?

This is a brick. Bricks appeared in ancient Babylon, and it was there that for the first time the relevant standard was approved for them, which made any buildings and structures from bricks.

26. Swedish Lake Holmeso was contaminated with acid rains and industrial waste.

Ecologically offered to restore life in it using a large amount of lime. What a witty way to solve this task found local authorities?

On the shore of this lake is a confectionery factory. In its yard, a huge amount of egg shell is constantly accumulated - excellent lime material. If this shell is discharged into the lake, then, according to scientists, it will gradually clean it from industrial pollution.

27. In 1769, the inhabitants of the American Boston found that mail from England in Boston is delivered two weeks later than from Boston to England. Who was the culprit of this violation?

The culprit was the current: in England, the court fell within the flow, and from England - against the current. In 1769, the urban council of Boston was awarded a complaint with King Georg III, that mail from England is constantly delayed. B. Franklin, an outstanding American politician and a scientist who was at that time the deputy minister of mail on the colonies, decided to find out the reasons for this and, having studied the Watching magazines and the whaling ships card amounted to the Golf Stream map - a powerful warm current in the Atlantic Ocean.

28. In the first half of the 15th century, there were only a few tens of thousands of handwritten books throughout Europe, and by 1500 the number of printed books has already been more than 9 million.

This sharp increase in the number of books was facilitated by three inventions, made in different centuries: 1) the invention of the paper and the use of it instead of expensive parchment, 2) the invention and improvement of fonts, as well as the invention of the moving metal font, when the rows in the set frame were made up of a predetermined liter and signs. What was the third invention?

It was the invention and the spread of glasses, which made it possible to change (mainly reduce) the size of the fonts. True, I wrote about glasses in the 13th century English scientist Roger Bacon, and antique authors mentioned polished natural crystals, with the help of which one could improve vision.

29. "Doctor's three guns are"

"The doctor has three guns," wrote the great Arabic scientist, philosopher and doctor of the 10th century Avicenna. "The first is a knife, the second is a plant, and the third is the main thing ..." What an instrument, according to Avicenna, was the main thing from the doctor!

This word. No wonder in the ancient Russia of people who were able to talk to soul, persuade, to talk, soothe others, called doctors from the word "lie". True, then it meant simply "speak."

30. Usually we use cutlery napkins, or rubble, as they were called in Russia. And how were such napkins in ancient Rome used?

In ancient Rome, each guest served two napkins. The one that is smaller, he used while eating. As you know, feasts in ancient Rome were abundant, with dozens of change of dishes, and in the second napkin, larger, the guest could carry a treat home.

This is the standard of one kilogram - a platinumridium alloy cylinder, which is stored under Paris in the International Bureau of Measures and Libra, founded in 1875.

33. The famous castle Elsinor, where the action of the tragedy "Hamlet" is played, stands on the shore of the strait.

In the 15-18th centuries, all ships passing through the strait were to pay the Danish kings of the duty depending on the cost of goods. And every captain reported on the value of his cargo. What method did the royal treasure be used to be done absolutely honestly?

The Danish king reserved the right to buy any cargo according to the value that the captain called, and if it turned out to be suspiciously low, the king immediately laid out the named amount, and the captain remained only to sail with empty holds.

The meaning of the game is that the team of experts is responsible for questions sent by the team of viewers.

Fundamental rules

Description of the gameplay

IN television version Games team of experts, consisting of six people, answers questions that are sent to the viewers. The question is chosen by a wolf, which in turn launches the manager.

For discussion of the question, the experts are given one minute, after which the team captain chooses the connoisseur that will be responsible for the question. There are also cases when the team gives an answer ahead of schedule: a connoisseur that knows the answer, usually puts a fist on the table with a bent up with a thumb. If the answer is correct, then experts earn an additional minute for discussion, which they can use on any next question on this game. The number of additional minutes depends on the early responses of the command. Recently, experts can take a minute on credit on this issue, but provided that they will answer one of the following issues without a minute discussion.

In the game there is a hint "Club help". If experts do not know the answer to the question, they may ask for help from those who are now in the hall. Present gives 20 seconds to the statement of their versions. Since 2007, "Club Help" can be taken only in the case when the invoice is not in favor of experts. Since 2010, it is also impossible to take it on the "Blits", "Superbarce" and a decisive round.

Due to the very large number of people in the hall, there are cases of unauthorized tips. The manager who has noticed this violation of the game rules raises the Red Card. There are operators in the hall that can fix the hint on the camcorder. The violator is removed from the hall to the end of the game.
On April 10, 2016, a yellow card was introduced. It is shown by the heads of the hall leading at the moment when the captain of the playing team asks for helping the club, and only if during the discussion, they will notice suspicions in the hint. The team is deprived of the help of the club in this round, but, unlike a red card, can answer. The violator will incur more serious punishment and, at the end of the round, will be obliged to leave the hall until the end of the game. The help of the club does not burn and the team can take advantage of it in the following rounds, with the score, not in favor of experts. Since 2018, the card is abolished.

When the team of experts gives an incorrect answer, the viewers, on which the experts were mistaken, receive cash prizes: a viewer who brought the first point with his team, receives 50 000 rubles, second point - 60 000 Third - 70 000 fourth - 80 000 fifth - 90 000 and sixth point - 100 000 rubles (until 2012 the amounts were from 10 000 before 60 000 rubles). With the victory of the commands of the experts, unprofitable money goes to the Prize Final Foundation of the Year, i.e. If the experts win with a score of 6: 4, 190,000 rubles are added to the fund for the missing 5 and 6 viewers' glasses.

Games "Joint"

In some cases, 2 and more commemoral commands can play for one game. This type of games is called games "Eddyadka". Its essence is that after each incorrect answer, the commands are replaced: the teams are changing in places. The team starting the game is determined by the lot. In the event of the victory of the experts, the team wins, which brought a decisive point of the latter.

Description of the place and the shooting process

Place for playing experts

The shooting of the game is held in Moscow, in the hunting house of the non-piece garden. It is equipped with a special room with a table, which is divided into 6 sectors in a large radius (for each members of the commercial teams) and on 13 sectors in small - for questions. The questions themselves lie in the envelopes, which in turn lie on the 12 sectors signed by the names of the cities of the participants who sent the question (among these 12 questions there are questions "Blitz" and "superblits"). At the thirteenth sector, there is a plastic plate on which the number 13 of red (from 2001 to 2011 The font of Pragmatica numbers, since 2011, the font of the Arial number, since 2013, the font of the number has become a bit fat). In the center of the table is a top of the arrow. The top spins the manager, and the question on which the arrow stops is selected for the game. The envelope in which the question lies, is placed in a special clothespin located on one of the monitors over the connoisseurs themselves. On monitors, they usually show a photo or footage specifically for the question of the author of the author, a video shot by correspondents for the question or drawings, paintings to help answer connoisseurs.

Defenders of interest

Each game in the club there are advocates of the interests of experts, television viewers, as well as the keeper of traditions. Their opinion is taken into account when solving controversial situations.

  • Protector of interests of experts. Appeared in 2002. The defender of the interests of the experts chooses the best connoisseur of the game and gives him a "Crystal Atom" prize. At the moment, the defender of the interests of the experts is the director of the Communication Department of the State Corporation "Rosatom" Andrei Cheremisinov, in some games it can be replaced by the Director-General of the corporation Alexey Likhachev. Earlier, defenders were lawyer Mikhail Barshevsky, lawyer in the Moscow board of lawyers Natalia Bushchevskaya, representatives of the General Sponsor - MTS Company: Mikhail Sousov (2003-2004), Igor Stolyarov (2005), Gushegoz Ash (2006), Mikhail Shamolin (2006), Sergey Beshhev (2006) 2007-2008), Alexander Popovsky (2009-2012), Director of the Rosatom Communications Department, Sergei Novikov (2013-2016).
  • Defender of the interests of the TV viewers. Appeared in 1991. The defender of the Interests of the TV viewers chooses the best question of the game and determines the cost of winning viewers. Since the fall of 2018, the position occupies senior vice president of VTB Bank Dmitry Breitbiher. From 2002 to 2009, the defender of the interests of the team of viewers was the vice president of Binbank Grigory Guselnikov, in 2010 - Dmitry Akulinin, from 2011 to 2012 - Vice-President of the Bank of Moscow Irina Nikitenko, from 2013 to 2018 - Vice President of the Bank VTB (earlier "Bank of Moscow") Vladimir Verkhhinsky, in some games them replaced by the President of the Bank Mikhail Kuzovlev.
  • Keeper traditions. Position existed from 2001 to 2016. As the name follows, it monitors the execution of the Rules and the "traditions" of the club. From May 19, 2001 to December 26, 2009, the Keeman of the traditions was Mikhail Bushchevsky, from March 27, 2010 to June 19, 2016 - Grigory Guselnikov.

Managers of the Hall

There are two managers in the hall, following the tips. Also, one of the managers rotates the top, and the other makes items, black boxes and beats in gong. Currently, administrators are Alexander Bakalov (from 2013) and Polina Lysenko (since 2017), previously managers were Nikolai LRVA (1984-2001), Andrei LR WOV (Start 1990), Andrei Lysenko (1993-2013), Alexey Wetheov ( End of the 1990s), Boris Fuchs (2001-2016), Evgeny Galkin (2011, in the Games of the Kazakhstan version) and others.

    Mikhail and Olga Brenzez

    Alexey Likhachev

    Andrei Cheremisinov

    Sergey Novikov

    Grigory Guselnikov

    Vladimir Verkhhinsky

    Dmitry Bretenbiher.

    Nikolai Lgovsky

    Boris Fuks

    Evgeny Galkin

    Alexander Bakalov

    Polina Lysenko



The game requires a large form of education and a wide range of modern science, the ability to quickly, originally and extraordinary to think, observation and care.

Questions relate to different areas of knowledge and have various stylistics, so the best players will be the most erudite and well-read. In a strong team, harmonious cooperation between people with different images of thinking, if possible, specialists in different fields. Much depends on training, ability to understand inside the team.

Types of questions

Examples of questions

  • Before you ancient Egyptian manuscript; It says about a certain slave: "He is perfectly heard by both ears, honest and obeyed." This text is considered as one of the early copies ... What? (Answer: Advertising)
  • McDonald's Board believes: rumors that McDonald's meat dishes are prepared from rain worms, it is easy to refute them, comparing them with meat. Question: What is the criterion? (Answer: For the price, worms are much more expensive)
  • According to the humorous calendar Belyaeva and Sham, "if this statement was true, this is It would not have such a pleasant taste. " Guess what statement says and name this is. (Answer: Wine).
  • Somehow a friend of Mark Twain, Harry Dewume, took a debt of $ 500, promising certainly to return them in a month - of course, if it is still alive. Question: What made Mark Twain, not received promised in a month? (Answer: Published necrologist Dewman)
  • In the Basna of Ambroza Birça, some deputy promises to not steal his voters after receiving the post. When it turned out that he cradle huge amounts, voters demanded a response. The deputy replied that, yes, he promised not to steal, but did not give another promise. What? (Answer: Promises do not lie)
  • Jerome K. Jerome compared this is With the government, since it is also valued, only as long as they are good. Name it. (Answer: weather)
  • Russian humorist Mikhail Zadornov said that he was not angry with the Communists, as they never cheated him. But why, according to him, they did not deceive him? (Answer: because he still never believed)

History Games by year

Vladimir Voroshilov

Boris Kroj.

1975. September 4 - on this day there was one game in other rules - two families played against each other (as in the popular game "Happy case"). The game consisted of two rounds shot at home each of the families. They joined for the sake of photos for a family archive.

1976. The top appears, but in the early games they were not chosen by the question, but the responding player. Already this year the game "What? Where? When?" Already changed a lot and got the name of the "television youth club." Since Vladimir Voroshilov, at the time, forbidden to appear on the screen, the first full release of the TV game was held by Alexander Maslyakov, who in the future will revive the KVN project. The first players were MSU students who, when discussing the issue, speaking loudly and smoked. There was no limit time discussion in one minute, each person played himself for himself, and not in the team.

1977. The final form finally gained a final form: a top showing the question and a restriction of one minute at the time of discussion of the question. The first character appeared in the game - Philin Fomka. The first questions were invented by Vladimir Voroshilov himself, and later, when the game became popular, began to take questions from the audience. It is known that every day there were bags of letters, each of which had to be answered, choose the best questions, check the accuracy of the facts represented, edit, prepare, if necessary, the necessary items. Of course, one person cannot fulfill such work, and Voroshilov helped His wife Natalia Stetsenko, for many years he headed the correspondence department with the audience.

1979. Games began to be held regularly. The term "expert" appeared, now this word has become familiar to describing the participants of the game, the club is now commonly called the "Cognot Club". Up to this point was not a special name of the players. Details of the game rules often changed, but the main prize always remained books (which were suspended during the final game for the New Year's Christmas tree) and Crystal Owl.

1982. Entered the game rule up to six points

1983. Instead of the Ostankino Telentor Games begin to be held in the mansion on the street Herzen

1984. A new Crystal Owl prick is introduced. Its owner becomes the best player for the year

1987. International Games in Bulgaria

1988-1989 International games in the Sovin Center. There are several teams at the same time in the game.

1990. The program begins to get out of the hunting house in the Neskuchny Garden

1991. The game became more commercialized, that is, turned from the "Intellectual Club" in the "Intellectual Casino". Experts begin to play for money

1992. From this year there are two series per year and summer and winter. The zero sector appeared, called the Zero Sector. He appeared instead of the sector with the highest amount, which relied on the right answer. Each question from now on has some "cost", which can be increased by posting the money won on a specific playing field. Appears sponsors and lawyers (Mikhail Bushchevsky).

1995. In honor of the 20th anniversary of the game are the games of the immortal. The title of Master of Club has been introduced. The first masters became Alexander Druz

1999. The game temporarily comes out on the NTV channel. The christmas series is held

2000. In the fall, an experimental series of games is held, in which, in addition to experts and television viewers, the Internet team also participates. With the help of the site www.rambler.ru, registered internet users during a minute of discussion give their versions of the answer. The most popular version and becomes the final answer from the Internet team, and that user of the Internet, which will send the correct version faster than the rest, receives the amount that stood on Konou. The account is indicated in the order "TV viewers: experts: Internet."

In December, anniversary games are held in which the existence of the game has been completed. Master's titles is honored to Maxim Potashev. December 30, Vladimir Voroshilov held his last game

2001. This year, Vladimir Voroshilov is dying. After that, the game began to lead his reception son - Boris Hook. At first, he distorted his voice, but soon revealed himself and began to play the game with his own voice. In the summer, a series is held in which it is solved if there will be a game without Voroshilov. In winter, the game table was updated, the money games were stopped. The value of questions from the moment was determined using the television viewers' telephone vote (the difference between the number of votes "liked" and "did not like", multiplied by 10 rubles; negative sums were equal to zero). At the same time, the thirteenth sector was introduced (in 2000, this sector was called the "Internet sector").

2002. The game began to take place annually by four series: Spring, summer, autumn and winter. After all games, the final game of the year is held, in which the best team of commercials of the season takes part. In just a year, 17 games are played. Crystal owl is now available 3 times a year. A new prize-diamond owl was introduced, which is awarded the best player of the winning team in the final of the year.

2005. Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the game. Victor Sidnev becomes the third master. From now on, a crystal socket-6 crystal owls is awarded the winning team in the finals of the anniversary year.

2008. From this year, cash prizes have changed. For the first point with his team, the TV viewer receives 10,000 rubles, for each next 10 thousand more. Thus, for the sixth point, the viewer receives 60,000 rubles. In the final of the year, Andrei Kozlov was recognized in the fourth masters, and his team was handed a crystal nest, since the 33rd year was recognized as an anniversary.

2013. The winnings of the viewers increased. Depending on the positive point, the viewer receives from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. The game begins to go out in HD quality.

2015. From this year, the number of esters per year has increased from 17 to 20. Now the spring, summer and autumn series consist of 5 games. The Academy of viewers appears.

2018. For the first time, a series of games "Children of the XXI Century" was held, in which schoolchildren team took part. The club appears in the club Fifth Academician (Radik Habibullin) and the fifth master (Elizabeth Odeenko).


One of the main features of the game is that it passes live. During direct ether, the audience could answer with the help of MTS phones. However, the cost of the message increased from 5-6 cents (according to the tariff plan) to 10 rubles. In addition, the first connoisseurs was given a good phone.

Prizes and titles


  • Crystal owl - The prize was introduced in 1984. Hands a better player from the commanders and the best player from the team viewers on the results of a series of games. The first owner of the Crystal Owl became Nural Latypov. In the anniversary seasons there is a special prize - Crystal socketwhich is six small owls on a crystal tray. Awarded the best team of the anniversary year; Thus, each member of the team becomes the owner of a crystal owl. The prize was awarded twice - in 2008, the team of Andrei Kozlov and in 2010, the team of Balash Kasumov.

Constabors-owners of the prize ( italic Owls obtained as part of a crystal nest):

  1. Alexander Druz - 1990, 1992 (Winter), 1995 (winter), 2000 (autumn), 2006 (summer), 2012 (spring);
  2. Fedor Dvynyatin - 1991 (summer), 1994 (summer), 2000 (winter), 2002 (Spring);
  3. Maxim Potashev - 1997 (winter), 2000 (winter), 2000 (winter), 2016 (autumn);
  4. Andrei Kozlov - 1992 (summer), 1994 (winter), 2008 (winter);
  5. Boris Burda - 1998 (winter), 2000 (winter), 2008 (winter);
  6. Dmitry Avdeenko - 2009 (winter), 2010 (winter), 2018 (summer);
  7. Julia Lazareva - 2010 (winter), 2015 (autumn), 2017 (Spring);
  8. Alexey Blinov - 1992 (summer), 1993 (winter);
  9. Alexander Rubin - 1995 (summer), 1996 (summer);
  10. Valentina Golubev - 2003 (summer), 2003 (autumn);
  11. Ilya Novikov - 2004 (autumn), 2014 (summer);
  12. Ales Mukhin - 2004 (Spring), 2019 (summer);
  13. Vladimir Molchanov - 1991 (winter), 2008 (winter);
  14. Nikolai Silantiev - 2008 (Winter), 2008 (winter);
  15. Elizabeth Odeenko - 2010 (winter), 2011 (spring);
  16. Mikhail Skipsky - 2010 (winter), 2016 (Spring);
  17. Nural Latypov - 1984;
  18. Marina Govorushkin - 1985;
  19. Leonid Vladimirsky - 1986;
  20. Oleg Dolgov - 1987;
  21. Neuko Neakov - 1987;
  22. Nikita Shangin - 1988;
  23. Vladislav Petrushko - 1989;
  24. Lyudmila Gerasimova - 1993 (summer);
  25. George Zharkov - 1998 (summer);
  26. Alexander Bialko - 2000 (Winter);
  27. Alla Damsker - 2000 (winter);
  28. Marina is friends - 2000 (winter);
  29. Dmitry Eremin - 2000 (Winter);
  30. Sergey Tsarkov - 2000 (Winter);
  31. Victor Sidnev - 2001 (summer);
  32. Rovshan Askerov - 2001 (winter);
  33. Dmitry Konovalenko - 2002 (summer);
  34. Mikhail Moon - 2002 (autumn);
  35. Inna Druz - 2003 (Winter);
  36. Asya Shavinskaya - 2004 (summer);
  37. Andrei Bychutkin - 2006 (autumn);
  38. Gregory Alkhaz - 2011 (summer);
  39. Vladimir Stepanov - 2012 (autumn);
  40. Gunel Babayev - 2013 (summer);
  41. Boris Levin - 2014 (autumn);
  42. Boris Belozёrov - 2017 (autumn);
  43. Elman Talybov - 2019 (Spring);
  44. Alexey Kapustin - 2008 (winter);
  45. Igor Kondratyuk - 2008 (winter);
  46. Vladimir Anthin - 2010 (winter);
  47. Balash Kasumov - 2010 (winter);
  48. Roman Alloyars - Small Crystal Owl, 1997 (winter).
  • Diamond owl - She gets the best player on the results of the year. The prize was founded in 2002.
Connoisseurs of diamond owls:
  1. Asya Shavinskaya (2004);
  2. Boris Burda (2007);
  3. Andrey Kozlov (2008);
  4. Balash Kasumov (2010);
  5. Alexander Druz (2011);
  6. Boris Levin (2012);
  7. Ilya Novikov (2014).
TV viewers-owners of the diamond owl:
  1. Vladimir Lebedev from Pinsk, Belarus (2002);
  2. Maria Melnikova from Moscow (2003);
  3. Zhanna Polyanskaya from Syktyvkar, Komi Republic (2005);
  4. Natalia Hametshin from Astrakhan (2006);
  5. Tatyana Medvedev from Saratov (2009);
  6. Pavel Fighters from St. Petersburg (2013);
  7. Vladimir Kevyakov from Lytkarino, Moscow Region. (2015);
  8. Nikolay Azaryev from s. Dry Donetsk, Voronezh region. (2016);
  9. Tatyana Frolova from Moscow (2017);
  10. Konstantin Groatski from Kempten, Germany (2018).
  • Sovie sign - He was the predecessor of the Crystal Owl, was presented several times in the early 1980s.

Connoisseurs Prize

  1. Alexander Bialko;
  2. Sergey Ilyin;
  3. Lyudmila Gerasimova.


Red jacket He was familiar "Immortal Club Member" - A man who could stay in the club even in case of defeating his team. It was introduced in the 1991 Winter Series. The jackets received all the owners of the "Crystal Owl", including the experts who received "owls" before the introduction of the title "Immortal". In the 1994 Winter Series and in the Spring Series of 1995, the jackets were awarded to all players of Mikhail Smirnov and Alexey Blinov. After completing the games of the immortal 1995, the jackets were abolished.

Empon of the best captain

This pursuit is issued to the best captain every five years. Introduced in 2000 by Vladimir Voroshilov. In the final game of 2000, he decided to hand over the best captain of the club in the most outstanding captains in the history of the game. He did not have enough time in the live broadcast of 2000, and the epaulets handed Boris Hook in the summer of 2001, after the death of Voroshilov. Prize owners:

  1. Andrey Kamakin (2001);
  2. Boris Eremin (2001);
  3. Vladimir Lutovinov (2001);
  4. Victor Sidnev (2001);
  5. Andrei Kozlov (2001);
  6. Alexey Blinov (2001);
  7. Ales Mukhin (2005);
  8. Balash Kasumov (2010).

Cadet pursuit

Hands a connoisseur having a top captain's ease, at the end of each series "Children of the XXI century" the best captain of this series. Pursuit owners:

  1. Kirill Emelin (2018);
  2. Artyom Savochkin (2019).

The title of Master of Club

Since 1995, in each anniversary season, the game is assigned a master's title from the experts. Currently, this title has:

  1. Alexander Druz (since 1995);
  2. Maxim Potashev (since 2000);
  3. Victor Sidnev (since 2005);
  4. Andrei Kozlov (since 2008);
  5. Elizabeth Odeenko (since 2018).

The title of Academician Club

Similarly, the tall of academician was introduced in the 2015 Master of Magistra. It is assigned to active viewers who:

  • they have a crystal or diamond owl and won six victories over the connoisseurs;
  • twice honored either crystal or diamond owls, regardless of the number of victories over the connoisseurs.

Academicians are always invited to the club at the final series and the final of the year, regardless of whether they play their questions at the table or not. In the event of the victory of viewers, academics, similar to the Master, take collective participation on the choice of the owner of the final prize. Currently, this title has:

  1. Sergey Chevdar from Chernomorsk, Ukraine (owner of the "Crystal Owl");
  2. Svetlana Myslakova from Gorno-Altaisk, the Republic of Altai (the two-time owner of the "Crystal owl");
  3. Tatyana Medvedev from Saratov (owner of the "diamond owl");
  4. Zhanna Polyanskaya from Syktyvkar, the Komi Republic (owner of the "Diamond Owl");
  5. Radik Khabibullin from d. Popovka, Perm region (owner of the "Crystal Owl"), from October 28, 2018.

Prize for the brightest answer

In the final game of 2015, a special prize was presented for the first time for the brightest response to the year. He is a cufflink of gold color with the image of the owl. The prize is awarded annually a connoisseably, which, due to illusion and non-standard thinking, was able to give a bright answer in a responsible moment. Prize owners:

  1. Alena Radis (2015, the question of the form of the Patchssone in the third game of the winter series)
  2. Boris Belozørov (2016, a superbid question about Ilya Oblombov in the third game of the summer series)
  3. Elizabeth Ovetenko (2017, the issue of Blitz about Greger Ramon Gome de la Sulna in the second game of the winter series)
  4. Elizabeth Odeenko (2018, question about the rhyme parent in the fourth game of the winter series)

Other prizes and rewards

  • The sign of distinction "For merits before the game" What? Where? When? "" - awarded on May 14, 2005, "the best connoisseur of all times and peoples" Alexander Friend on the occasion of his 50-year-old anniversary, who came on May 10. In the same game he was donated by the kitten of the Scottish Fold Breed.
  • "For the will to victory" ("Diamond Snake") - was presented on December 24, 2005 Andrei Kozlov, who, after the loss of November 19, 2005, during the next game proved the rightness of his wrong answer - stuffed the snake rice in his recipe.
  • Medal for 50 games - was presented on April 15, 2018, Viktor Sivano for his 50th participation in teleigre. On the same day, the same medals for participation more than 50 games received Andrei Kozlov, Alexey Kapustin and Maxim Potashev. This medal could also get an old-timer club Alexander, who played 91 game, but he was offered to give a new medal when he would sit as a player at the 100th time. June 30, 2019 Medal was awarded Alesia Mukhin.


For breaks in the game, various pauses are used to raise the mood team of connoisseurs:

  • Music pause - the master takes this pause after the third round and later, except those moments when the score is 3: 0 in favor of experts.
  • Coffee pause - is held from March 4, 2018, the connoisseurs serves the coffee brand Ambassador.
  • Earlier in the game there was a tea pause, which was usually conducted when time 23: 00-0: 00 (in the winter earlier). Akhmad tea was served - sponsor of teleiggy display.

Music in the game

Here is a list of all musical those used in the game process earlier and now:

  • On December 30, 2000, a game that solved the fate of the club took place within the framework of the Last Guastrol season. If experts lost, it is unlikely we saw the game again. The General Director of Ort Konstantin Ernst was even attended in the hall.
  • After the death of Vladimir Voroshilov, the fate of the game was under a big question: who will behave? The program returned to the broadcast "on a schedule" - the summer series of 2001 passed the question "to be or not to be a game without Voroshilov?". The club will continue to exist if the experts benefit the final game, and also if the audience is most voting for the continuation of the club's life. Experts won with a score of 6: 4, and 91% of the audience voted for the "be" option. The series of games was fully dedicated to the creator of the game Vladimir Voroshilov.
  • Since 2001, Boris Hook has been behaving, but he spent the summer series of the same year with a processed voice. No one knew who leads the game, originally thought that the lead is the cousin of the hook. In view of such an unknown, the leader was treated - "Mr. Lead". This tradition has been preserved to this day.
  • The 2001 Winter Series opened the game in a fully new form. The studio was changed to a more modern way, and experts no longer play for money. From now on, monetary prizes together with the owls receive only the best connoisseurs with the audience.
  • Starting from the 2002 season, the ether comes out four series: Spring, summer, autumn and winter. Earlier only the summer and winter series were played.
  • In the second game of the 2002 Summer Series of 2002, someone in the hall spawned a mobile phone.
  • According to the leading game, Boris Hook, if a team of experts wins in the final of the year, it is almost always with a score of 6: 5, and if he loses, then most often with a score of 6: 3.
  • The shortest game (41 minutes) was April 10, 2010 - then the presenter did not take the musical pause.
  • On April 17, 2010, for the first time on Skype, one of the players of the team of Andrei Kozlov - Igor Kondratyuk, in connection with the inability to fly to Moscow because of the ash clouds from the volcanic eruption. The team won this game. This is the first case when the connoisseur of the club participated in the discussion in absentia.
  • On May 28, 1994, Alexey Vavilov team at the expense of 0: 5 in favor of viewers took 6 questions in a row and won 6: 5 with a score. The situation was practically repeated in the team Alexey Blinov on April 12, 2008, with the exception of the initial account 1: 5.
  • In the final game of 2008, the leading game Boris Hook first went into the hall to the connoisseurs.
  • In the 2008 finals, the player who was supposed to answer the questions of the superbid, chose a wolf.
  • In the final game of 2010 in the thirteenth sector, the question was sounded not from the Internet, but invented by the lead itself. The question sounded like this: "" We try the nut tooth - do not give in. We are looking for nearby the subject of itary, but do not find such an item. We turn over the nut, we consider it to light until we find a small crack in the shell, and, putting the shell so that the crack is at the top, with the force of Beach on it and either we are repelled or make sure that the crack turned out to be false. "Who and what Said all this? ". Dmitry Avdeenko answered him correctly, and the right answer was "this very beautiful metaphor of what is happening here and now. Walnings in this case represents the question of themselves, and we are trying to find a weak point in it, open it to find the right answer. And, most likely, Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov suggested this metaphor. "
  • In 2008, at the final of the year, the 33rd game was recognized as jubilee masters, but with one reservation, "if and 66 the year of the game will be recognized as an anniversary."
  • In 2011, the 13th sector fell in the first game of the autumn series of the game, but it had to be canceled due to technical problems. For the first time in the history of the game, such a case occurred in the final game of the summer series of 2007. The following case occurred in the first game of the spring 2014 series - again due to technical problems, possibly related to the updating of the screen.
  • In the 2013 finals, before the start of the game, the team of Ales Mukhina and personally, Ilya Novikov, who previously lost superblits in the decisive round, tried to appease the fatal question. After long discussions and disputes (about 15 minutes), Mikhail Bushchevsky advised immediately to replay the question. The presenter supported the idea and asked the viewers who were in the hall, to replay a question or not, and the decision would be taken if at least 7 votes were scored. As a result, 9 spectators voted "for", two "against", one viewer because she had not seen the previous game, I had to refrain. Only after the vote, the presenter specified that if the Mukhina team play, then those who voted "for", they decided to give the question without a possible win. As a question, a question from the 13th sector was chosen to replay. In it was not the question from the Internet, but from the most leading. Unlike the 2010 final, Boris Hook, like the Zero sector, came to Ilya Novikov, and the role of "minutes on reflections" was performed by hourglass. The question was played, and the team of Konstantin Rodera joined the final game.
  • In the final game of 2013, the question from Paul Boytsova, who came to Moscow with his family, was a son in the hall. During the announcement of the right answer, the junior representative of the family began to open a black box too early, which was followed by a rather stormy reaction of the lead. The case became meme and gained great popularity and outside the audience "What? Where? When?".
  • April 12, 2014, according to the results of the final game of the spring series, Svetlana Salazkova from Gorno-Altaisk became the first viewer in the story "What? Where? When?" - two-time owner of a crystal owl.
  • September 7, 2014, in the first game of the autumn series, Irina Nizamova became the first woman-connoisseur in the story "What? Where? When? ", Won superblits. The feature of the fact is that Irina was a backup player of Rosatom team, and this game was for Irina Debut.
  • September 13, 2014, in the second game of the autumn series, the Balash Kasumov team felt the effect of the "Butterfly wing". In the 13th sector, due to the limited number of lines on the screen, the question was not completely shown completely. Even despite this, at the table was the correct version, however, the experts gave an incorrect answer. After some time, it was decided to remove the question of the 13th sector, and the sector itself was removed from the table, although it was possible to choose another question from the Internet. Then followed another number of circumstances: when replaying the round, a top of the Round was held, which could solve the fate of the game; On the chosen question, the team did not take an extra minute and lost his point, after which there was such a situation on the table that the next question would be superblits; On the third issue of the Superbid of Elizabeth, Odeenko gives a very offensive mistake, although he knew perfectly in the field of knowledge of the question. As a result, the negligence of technical editors led to the defeat and leaving the team from the season.
  • On April 30, 2017, the singer Philip Kirkorov received a "diamond owl" on the occasion of his anniversary, as well as for the "whole cascade of bright musical pauses."
  • July 2, 2017, the team of Roman Askherov lost to the score of 0: 6. This is the first recorded case when the team finishes the game with such an invoice without a decisive round, that is, not responding correctly on 6 issues in a row.
  • In the final game of 2018, the Diamond owl received Konstantin Groatski from the German city Kempten. Konstantin could not come to the game, but immediately after the awarding, they were connected with him and could personally congratulate live.


  • In one of the releases of the TV show "Funny guys" a parody was shown on "What? Where? When?". The leading Vladimir Voroshilov paroded Leonid Sergeyev, and the role of the connoisseur was performed by Nural Latypov, who later became one of the club participants and the first owner of the Crystal Owl.
  • Numerous parodies on "What? Where? When?" were shown in KVN. In one of the parodii, the invited participant was Rovshan Askerov. And in 2018, the KVN stars team took part in the game itself.
  • The program on the program was found in one of the releases of the TV program "Dolls" (1997).
  • Several parodies also made members of the OSP-Studio program. In addition to the parodies on the actual game (the experts of Boris Burda, Alexander Bialco and Alexander Druz were sparkled), the parody of the "without a tie" was also shown with the participation of experts.
  • On the stage, Vladimir Vinokur was paroded the game (in the program "There is no extra ticket") and Maxim Galkin. According to Galkina, Vladimir Putin, reading letters from George Bush, Boris Berezovsky and Gerhard Schreder, and Boris Yeltsin, Viktor Chernomyrdin, Grigory Yavlinsky and Valery Novodvorskaya.
  • Three parodies of teeigra on "What? Where? When "were in the TV shows" big difference ".
  • From the parody of the game consisted of a whole release of the TV shows "Cartoon" (May 8, 2012), where the connoisses were Dmitry Dibrov, Anastasia Volochkova, Gennady Onishchenko, Tina Kandelaki and Dmitry Guberniev, the captain of the team - Alexander Lukashenko, and leading - Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
  • Several times was paroded by the program "Comedy Club", and in the New Year's Eve of 2010, some experts (including Alexander Friend) were depicted as 3D dolls in the ProjectorParisHilton program. The host programs themselves, whose broadcast often accounted for right before "What? Where? When, "Boris Hook's joining the entry of Boris hook several times at the end of his transfer, and the television viewers really believed this happening.


  • Teffi 1997 in the nomination "Entertainment program"
  • TEFI-2001 in the nomination "Television game"
  • TEFI-2011 in the nomination "Television game. Intellectual Competition »
  • TEFI 2014 in the nomination "Teleigne"
  • TEFI 2016 in the nomination "Teleigra"
  • TEFI 2018 in the "Teleigne" nomination

Gallery of program logos



  • Directory of links to regional clubs of intellectual games
  • The base of the questions asked in sports tournaments by "What? Where? When? "," Brain Ring "and" His game "

What? Where? When?

Russian television games


"$ 1 000 000 for the new year" | "L-Club" | "Hello, TV! »| "Madly beautiful" | "Big little star" | «

Questions "What? Where? When?" For the first time began to ask back in 1975, but in fact few people know or remember that in fact then the game had another appearance and played absolutely other people. That is why it is worth allocating several of the most interesting facts about this program, as well as to tell about what questions are the most interesting among many others.

History and interesting facts

In principle, questions "What? Where? When? ", Like the show itself, practically do not change throughout the existence of this program, but in fact in the first issue there were no experts in general. In the program, ordinary families initially took part, and at the same time they were not in architectural mansions, but in standard apartments belonging to themselves. Each family has diverted by 11 questions, after which both filmed plots were decided to combine in one transmission. The current format of the show began to be observed only since 1977, but so it remains to today.

For a long time, the audience absolutely did not know about who leads this transmission, as a result of which over the course of several years Vladimir Voroshilov was called the nickname "Incognito from Ostankino". Only in 1980 was publicly announced about the personality of the leading transfer, and it was done by inserting the phrase after the end of the air: "he conducted the transfer of Vladimir Voroshilov."

Questions "What? Where? When?" We are asked for connoisseurs in a hunting house located in a non-pie garden, it is worth noting that this building is a monument of architecture, built in the XVIII century. All games of this club are held here since 1990.

As a symbol, Philin was chosen by nicknamed a fombus, and in 1977 it was shown in one of the esters. The so-called "Crystal Owl" is awarded only after 1984, and in 2002 it was decided to add to another diamond, providing its best player based on the results of the past year. The diamond owl is made of crystal and silver by professional jewelers manually, while it is worth noting the fact that this prize is decorated with more than 70 rubies. The weight of the owl is more than 8 kg.

Among other things, it is worth noting the fact that initially the base of questions "What? Where? When?" It was made directly by Vladimir Voroshilov himself, as well as a team of professional editors. Over time, it was decided that it would be possible to use letters from the viewers, after all, the answers to the questions were sometimes the most unexpected.

Probably, every person who at least once watched questions "What? Where? When? ", He knows what is a top inside a spinning circle. This top launches in front of each round and represents a sleep of a slightly advanced children's toy, produced by the "Red Proletary" plant in Moscow. Vladimir Voroshilov himself said that one day he was going to buy a gift to the child of three years in the house and noticed this top. But afterwards he could not resist, so he decided to buy two toys at once, one of which left himself and then played with her for ten days.

Acts of people

One day, one Shah in Persia wanted to find out what determines the behavior of a person and leading it actions in this life. Initially, Shaha's helpers were quite large, but then they could reduce it to one page. Ultimately, they managed to find only one-only word.

Accordingly, the connoisseurs "What? Where? When?" Questions asked about this word. The experts decided that this is love, but in fact the correct answer was that the awards and behavior of a person leads the desire for survival.

Prospects of bestsellers

A group of sociologists from America identified the equation, when using which they were able to calculate the rate of increasing the number of purchased copies of various bestsellers. In other words, if the number of books purchased throughout the first week were known, then in this case it will be possible to understand how many of them, for example, will buy for a month. However, as it turned out, such an equation has long been used long ago, but in another field of human activity.

The base of questions "What? Where? When?" Includes such a question: what exactly was calculated in exactly the same equation, like the spread of Bestseller's books?

The experts said that in accordance with this equation, the growth of epidemics is determined, and they did not lose - this is true.


Under the name "Wickley Warld News" conducted a survey in the five largest cities of their country in order to determine who would agree for $ 1 million to go to work Nagish. Among the men agreed 84% of the total number of people surveyed, while among the surveyed women agreed only 20%, which put them more shameful. It is likely that the explanation is in response from one of the participants of the survey, which would agree to expose if it is prevented in advance in a few weeks.

In what? Where? When?" Send the question decided the following: why did a woman need these few weeks? The answer is simple enough: in order to lose weight.


Almost all over the world know that the Mexican Resort Acapulco is. The popularity of this resort is primarily associated with a local climate, which is ideal for relaxing. If you guess what exactly from the language of Aztec means the word "Acapulco", can you call the famous traveler who also visited the city with the same name?

Despite the fact that questions for the game "What? Where? When?" Silhow sent enough, connoisseurs were able to answer that this traveler is Dunno.

Technical growth

The device appeared in the United States in the twentieth century in the 20s, and for the first time it was released by the company, which was previously engaged in the manufacture of this device quite quickly became common among a large number of population, and already in the 30s and 40s began to become popular Devices in which the possibility of adjusting the speed and degree of heating. Why in the 60s so much increased demand for such equipment?

Very often, this question is included in the collections of tasks "What? Where? When?". Questions and responses for students are particularly interesting, as such tasks are often found in such games held between institutions. The answer lies in the fact that in the 60s of the last century, men began to wear long hair, as a result of which, among them, the hair dryers were also quite widespread.


The English scientist and part-time psychologist named David Lewis spoke that it was safe exclusively for women, while men could cause a source of sufficiently serious diseases. In the process of conducted research, it was determined that only a quarter from all women was attended by some kind of non-serious deviations on the likeness of reinforced heartbeat, while men were extremely negatively reacted: they have greatly increasing the pulse, arrhythmia appeared, and also increased blood circulatory pressure. The answer is the English word, which is relatively recently widespread in Russian.

Many are spying in all sorts of collections of tasks "What? Where? When?" Questions and answers, although in fact the answer is extremely simple - this is shopping.


It is rather strange, but these two have a lot of common among themselves. Both Italian roots, and even their patience would be the same in the event that were generally. At the same time, relations with Russia have developed in different ways, since the first visit to this country suffered a mass of trouble, although at first they led its work quite successfully, while the second not only became incredibly popular, but in principle it appeared here on light. Who is it?

It is often possible to meet in the collections such questions "What? Where? When?" For schoolchildren, as the answer is quite interesting - this is Pinocchio and Napoleon.

Similarity number 2.

Each of them has inhuman abilities, while the first is quite friendly to all others, although one woman has suffered seriously from him. At the same time, the second is very unfriendly, but some woman ultimately avoided the threat from his part, while both were given absolutely identical promises. Who is it?

Again, a very and very interesting question to the young generation provided us with the game "What? Where? When?". Questions and answers of this type require increased attention. The correct answer is the "Terminator and Carlson", and the promise they gave one thing - to return.

Dangerous substance

This substance is the main component of the acid rain. If it is in a gaseous form, there is a risk of human damage to heavy burns, and in case of entering this substance, excessive sweating can begin in the stomach, as well as vomiting in the event of a large dose. If the substance man accidentally breathes, then in this case there is a risk of fatal outcome. What is this substance?

In what? Where? When?" The question about this substance is one of the most interesting, since this tricky task has a very entertaining answer - water.


The famous chess player spoke that if these two ever crossed over one that eventually a batch would simply end with a draw. Who did he speak?

Those people who know the biography of Bobby Fisher and approximately understand his behavior, most likely guessed this answer, because he said about the situation when he would give him a lot of chessboard to meet with God himself. Many are watching the answer in the collections of the tasks "What? Where? When?" Questions and correct answers.


To date, only 7% of the total car sold in America in 2010 is equipped with this device, while the press often suggests that it is extremely effective protection against theft, which was originally developed for absolutely other purposes. What it is? Answer: Manual gearbox.

Strange dog

Once in the practice of the famous English veterinarian Gillian Maxwell, he happened to face such a situation where the Labrador given to him behaved very much depressive and practically lost appetite. However, after analyzes, it was found that the dog is quite healthy, and at the same time, with each subsequent visiting, the tests were better and better. After the conversation with the owners, it turned out that at the same time all family members shortly before the dog had a joint decision and adhere to it to date. What did they decide?

This question can be made to the most appropriate questions on "What? Where? When?" With answers for students. The answer is quite interesting - all family members decided to quit smoking, as a result of which the dog was experiencing a cancellation syndrome.


After the capture of a certain embassy in London, as a result of long negotiations, the terrorists decided to release two hostages, while the prisoners themselves chose who they need to let go. Initially chose a pregnant woman, after which, together with her, the hostages that lived together for several days decided to also release a man. Cognots needed to determine, for what reason they released this man with her.

The decision is quite interesting and memorable, because this man decided to let go, because he snapped too much.


One of the episodes of the Simpson animated series shows how Bart near Chinese spies think about whether he could betray his own country, because he pronounced the oath of fidelity flag of the United States. In response, it was objected to what she was not pronounced the country, but the flag, and the flag ... connoisseurs needed the thought of spies with just three words.

The question is, again, quite interesting for children, but at the same time not so easy for adults. Again, an interesting answer was received: the oath is not pronounced the country, but the flag, and the flag is manufactured in China.

Peter I.

What, in accordance with one joke, ordered to make Peter I, when, together with his army, got lost in the swamps? He did not want to serve the kind that they were lost in such a terrain, so I gave an order to get the opportunity to hide such a disgraceful fact.

Finally, a fairly simple and interesting question, the answer of which is the basis of St. Petersburg. Most likely, a fairly simple task for people living in a given city or well-knowledgeable history of their country.