Dina Garipova than is doing now. Wedding Dina Garipova: Escape from the paparazzi and the first photo

Dina Garipova than is doing now. Wedding Dina Garipova: Escape from the paparazzi and the first photo
Dina Garipova than is doing now. Wedding Dina Garipova: Escape from the paparazzi and the first photo

Garipova Dina is a talented singer, which journalists called the "Russian Adel". Want to know where she was born and what was he fond of? What path to popularity did she have to do? Is Eastern Beauty in Legal Marriage? Replies to these and other questions will be announced in the article.

Childhood and family

Dina Fagimovna Garipova was born on 03/25/1991 in Tatarstan. Her homeland is the city of Zelenodolsk, located on the banks of the Volga.

Our heroine was brought up in an intelligent and respected family. Father and mother girls are candidates of medical sciences. Initially, they wanted to make her daughter in their footsteps. But already in early childhood, Dina demonstrated creative abilities. She liked to draw, dance and sing.

It is possible that the vocal talent she inherited from his dad. At one time, Fagim Muhametovich composed and performed funny songs and lyrical romances.

Dina has an older brother whose name is Bulat. He received the highest legal education. In his free time, a young man is engaged in creativity. He has the perfect musical rumor and a good sense of rhythm. Brother tried to protect our heroine from the world of show business. He persuaded her sister to try himself as a TV presenter or journalist.


Garipova Dina early began to make music. Parents fully supported the creative gusts of the daughter. At the 6th age, the dynoch became a student of the local theater of the "Gold Microphone". A strong voice of the girl (2.4 octaves) attracted teachers and mentors. In subsequent years, Dina Garipova was a member of many contests and festivals. Songs in her performance sounded loud and ringing, not leaving an indifferent professional jury.

1999 brought the girl the first serious achievement in the musical sphere. Then Dina went to the All-Russian Vocal Competition for the Fire-Bird Children and became his laureate. After that, she began to enter invitations to various events. Young native Zelenodolsk performed at the Republican and All-Russian festivals. She also managed to participate in international competitions. Dina sang not only solo, but also in the team of the Golden Microphone Theater. Almost always the girl occupied prizes.

At the end of training in the theater of the song, she went to the touring tour with the People's Artist of Tatarstan - Gabdelfat Safin.


Where after receipt of the school certificate, Dina Garipova arrived? The biography indicates that the girl went to Kazan. She managed on the first attempt to enter the Federal University. She chose the faculty of journalism. This greatly surprised her friends and numerous relatives. After all, they were confident that the dynoch would continue musical education.

Start of creative activity

At the 18th age, Garipova Dina concluded a contract with a produce studio headed by Roman Obolensky. In a short time, she recorded several compositions.

In 2010, the singer gave a solo concert in his small homeland - in the city of Zelenodolsk. Then the girl decided to try himself in collective work. The group, which appeared to Dina, played an alternative rock. This collective participated in the city competition "Winter Estrada" and received the Grand Prix. In 2012, another solo concert D. Garipova took place. Since then, she has no longer performed in the teams.

Dina Garipova: "Voice"

2012 became a turning point for our heroine. Eastern Beauty filed an application for participation in the vocal competition "Voice". In October 2012, the project started on the "First Channel". She was lucky to become his participant.

She still remembers his experiences and excitement, when the leading Dmitry Nagiyev announced: "Dina Garipova comes to the scene." "Blind listening" allow members of the jury to estimate the exclusively the vocal capabilities of the participants, and not their external data. The singer from Tatarstan performed the famous romance "And finally ...". The amazing voice of Dina's voice (mezzo-soprano) did not leave indifferent the most experienced jury member - Alexander Gradsky. It was in his team and got Garipova.

On December 29, 2012, the final of the country's chief vocal show was held. Four members went to the final - our heroine, Margarita Pozoyan, Spiridonov Anastasia and Kalimullina Elmira.

Dina Garipova became the winner of the project. The singer from Tatarstan received 54.1% of the votes of viewers. This is more than 927 thousand SMS and calls.

As a prize for the 1st place, she received a two-year contract with the world-famous Universal sound recording studio, located in Los Angeles (USA).


After an unprecedented victory in the final of the show "Voice" Deine was offered to represent Russia at an international vocal competition. We are talking about Eurovision. The girl could not miss such a chance.

Over writing a song for Garipova, a whole team of composers and authors worked. Eurovision 2013 passed in the Swedish city of Malmo. At the qualifying speech, Garipova Dina performed the composition What if. She managed to get into the final.

On May 18, 2013, the Russian representative ranked 5th among the best performers on the results of the audience. The victory in Eurovision got a native of Denmark - Emmili de Forest.

Preparation for two serious projects was worthy of high time and strength. But the girl did everything possible to not fall under the deduction in the university. In 2013, she successfully defended the graduate work, becoming a professional journalist.

Continuation of the singing career

Our heroine could get to the editor of some newspaper or try himself as a TV host. However, the beauty wanted to continue his singing career.

In October 2014, UNIVERSAL released her debut album "Two Steps to Love". Dina Garipova was so long for this. Songs recorded on the record were immediately loved by Russian listeners. The greatest popularity was gained by such compositions as "lullaby", What if and "Twilight" (Caver-version of the song A. Herman).

The presentation of the first album Garipova took place in Crocus City Hall. The hall was completely filled - neither the scene, nor in the balconies there is no free space. The local audience took her songs on perfectly. At the end of the concert, the singer gladly distributed autographs and allowed fans to make a joint photo with her.


In 2014, Dina Garipova made his debut in the movies. In the melodramatic series "Courage" she got a small role - secretary on Mosfilm.

She also demonstrated excellent vocal data, performing songs for the main heroine of "Kuraza" - Gaul.

In 2013, participated in the voicing of the cartoon "RIF-2". Her perfect voice is talking to the fish Cordelia. That's not all. In 2016, the premiere of the Music and Animation Film "Bremen Rogue", where Dina voiced the role of the princess.

Personal life

Dina Garipova, whose biography is considered by us, married at the beginning of 2015. The date and place of the wedding carefully hid from journalists and ill-wishers.

Name, surname and chief chief she does not disclose. It is only known that Dina's husband Garipova is a non-public man.

The wedding ceremony took place on Muslim customs. Especially for this important event, Dina ordered a snow-white dress of European Croes with Fata and traditional Tatar outfit (with closed elbows and knees). At the very celebration, only close friends were attended, as well as relatives from the bride and groom. Honeymoon in love spent on Cuba.

Here are some kinda things about Deine Garipova:


Quality, as purposefulness, natural charm and openness, has Dina Garipov. "Voice" and "Eurovision" - these large TV projects made it a truly popular and sought-after artist. We wish her further success in creative activity and endless happiness in family life!

The future singer Dina Garipova was born in the small town of Zelenodolsk in March 1991. Girl's parents were doctors, and no relation to the world did not have any attitude. However, Dina from an early age began to take great interest in music, and from six years old began to practice the Golden Gramophone Song Theater.

Dina regularly participated in various musical competitions, festivals, where her talent always allocated members of the jury. Despite the saturated creative life and the desire to develop in your favorite business, Dina did not plan to associate his whole life with music. After graduation, she entered the faculty of journalism in Kazan University, who graduated with success.

However, school in the university managed to combine with his beloved occupation. Since 2009, she spent solo concerts in Native Zelenodolsk, and a year later organized his own musical team, with which he made his debut at the competition "Winter Estrada" and won the Grand Prix.

Project "Voice"

For real an important event in the creative fate of Dina Garipova was her participation in the popular music show "Voice". She managed to bypass many applicants for participation in this project and choose Alexander Gradsky as a mentor. The musician quickly realized that Garipova is a very promising performer with which it will be interesting to work.

Due to perseverance and high level of professionalism Dina entered the fourth of the finalists of the show, and after the tense struggle deservedly became the winner. On the Dina's project, the compositions of various styles were performed, but she gave the greatest preference to lyrical songs, in which it could most reveal.

After the victory in the "voice" of Garipov, according to the terms of the contract, for several months toured together with other participants in the country's show. However, in 2014, she performed at a solo concert, where he presented his album "Two Steps to Love".

It is worth noting that already up to such a dizzying takeoff, in 2012, Dina Garipova was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. 2015 was very successful for vocalist, when Garipova was invited to a concert in the Kremlin Palace, where he acted together with the opera singer Evgenia Kungurov.

In the same year, Dina became close to cooperate with the music Theater Alexander Gradsky, and soon, together with other artists, took part in the grand touring tour of the cities of Russia.

Eurovision 2013

In 2013, Dina Garipova fell out of honor to represent Russia at the Eurovision contest. No one doubted the victory of a talented performer, however, with his composition "What if" she took only fifth place.

Despite the fact that Dina failed to be in the top three leaders, she was able to draw the attention of Western specialists who highly appreciated its vocal data.

In 2016, Dina pleased the fans of their creativity with a new composition called "Coon", which translated from Tatar means "soul". In the same year, the singer acted in the Kremlin Palace, where at a concert on the celebration of May 9, performed the song "Farewell Slavica".

A year later, Dina Garipova presented his new composition under the court to the public called "Fifth Element"which differed significantly from the usual repertoire of the singer.

Interesting notes:

The scientist who recently became a candidate of physico-mathematical sciences in KFU could be a "asterisk from Zelenodolsk"

Today, Dina Garipova pleased fans. But not a new song, but the first photo from my wedding. Wedding recently took place in Kazan in full secrecy. A wedding shot with a bright signature "Start of the New Life" scattered in the morning on the media and social networks. While the singer is in the wedding travel and is preparing for work at the Alexander Gradsky Theater, her fans are guessing who the mysterious fiance. And the story itself is increasingly reminiscent of the competent PR-promotion.

"Beginning of a new life"

Today on your official page Instagram Singer Dina Garipova Posted by the first photo in the wedding dress. Signature under the photo reads: "The beginning of a new life." The official marriage ceremony took place last week in one of the Casan regulations (according to some data, it happened even earlier). The celebration passed under conditions of complete secrecy. As it became known to the newspaper "Business Online", Garipova signed a contract with one of the Moscow publications for the right to exclusive publication of wedding photographs.

Young actively tried to hide the date and time of registration. None of the regulations of Kazan did not give up lovers to journalists, but, apparently, the leakage of information still occurred. Komsomolskaya Pravda today, with reference to the Garipov itself, reported that the singer had to appear on the ceremony in casual clothes to confuse on duty paparazzi. After registration, Garipova was able to put on a wedding dress and went with her husband for the city for a holiday. The continuation of the wedding passed in a narrow family circle. Despite the fact that the surname of Garipova in the passport is now different, it will not change it on the scene.

We will remind, earlier, even at the beginning of summer, Garipova married Muslim custom - the young was read by nickname. Immediately after the wedding, the spouses went on a journey. Recently, they visited the Finnish town of Porvoo. Photos from this trip, the singer shared with his fans.

Has Garipova became a physicist?

The story with the "Secret Bridegroom" is increasingly reminiscent of the competent PR. On the Internet, everyone breaks her head, who became a man Garipova. However, several indirect signs immediately indicate that her former boyfriend could still be the spouse of the singer Ravil Bikmukhametov. About their novel Press wrote back at the television show "Voice". 26-year-old Bikmukhametov is a graduate of the University of Kazan. Judging by the official site of the university, not so long ago, he defended his thesis on the topic "Computable linear orders and natural relations on them." The dissertation council decided to award Bikmukhametov a scientific degree of a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

It is known that they met 7 years ago in the Zelenodolsk DC "Rodina", where Ravil rehearsed with his group, and Garipova took the lessons of vocal. However, the novel between young people began allegedly only three years later. They write that for the first time Dina introduced Ravil as a very close friend at the Tatar festival "Boz Ozatu" in Saratov.

While Garipov's fans are inclined to believe that Bikmukhametov became her husband. On July 2, one of the fans found the singer together with a young man, like Bikmukhametov, in the store "Bahetle" in the presenter. And in friends Garipova in the social network "VKontakte" was found some Rahman Bikmukhametov from Zelenodolsk. He is fond of Formula 1 races and, judging by his comments in the social network, was in early August in Finland on the rally. In this case, the visit of the singer to the Northern Country may explain. The traditional rally took place in Finland from July 30 to August 2. Among the stated Russian pilots, by the way, was Radik Shaimiev.

Anyway, the surname of the wife Garipova is still unknown, and she herself is now - in the honeymoon, after which in September will begin work in the songAlexandra Gradsky,since this year, her two-year contract with Universal Music ends.

Dina Garipova is a rising star of Russian pop. Her name became known after she won the voice of the "voice" show on the first channel in 2012. And at the beginning of 2013, it was decided to send it as a representative of Russia to the annual Eurovision contest.

Dina was born in Tatarstan in the family of physicians. And the Father, and Mom Singers - Candidates of Medical Sciences. The girl has an older brother of Bulat. The voice went to Dee from his father, who, as she told reporters, performed romances well in his youth. Well, she herself began to develop vocal data rather early. From six years old girl engaged in vocal in Native Zelenodolsk in the theater of the song "Golden Microphone". However, despite the positive reviews of professionals about their singing, afterwards Dina still chose a different profession - a journalist, and became a student of the correspondence department of the Faculty of Journalism. However, to the end, the girl could not refuse his hobby with music, so at the same time with study she continued to sing. And periodically toured with the People's Artist of Tatarstan Gabdelfat Safin.

In addition to the tour, Dina managed to participate in numerous competitions, the victories in which she can collect, gave solo concerts in their hometown and gathered her musical team. Here with such a powerful luggage of the singer experience, Garipov and arrived at the show "Voice", but the material baggage almost did not grab. "For the first casting, I arrived with an ordinary female handbag," recalls Dean. - Carefully folded dress, shoes, toothbrush. Around people with full suitcases rushed, wondered why I was liking. " However, without hoping for anything, Dina not only got, and in the team of Alexander Gradsky, but in the end she also won. "A really magical voice" - this phrase Leonid Agutina about Dene has already glued to it, like a prestigious label. Another flight epithet, which was awarded Dina Critics - "Russian Adel".

But the brother is more than anyone else, worried about my future. When I just started riding contests, give solo concerts in his hometown, he thought it was a passion that would pass

Victory in the "voice" gave Garipova, naturally, not only fame. As a prize, she received a two-year contract with a record studio "Universal", and in his native Tatarstan, he was assigned the title of Honored Artist of the Republic.

But it was not the limit. After all, Garipov was decided to send in 2013 from Russia to Eurovision. For Dina, the exclusive song has already written. It is called "What if". Its authors are Swedish producers Gabriel Alares and Joacim Bjornberg in collaboration with the former bass guitarist of the Autograph Group Leonid Gutkin. Will the "Russian adel" will be able to repeat the success of the one with whom it is so boldly comparing? Soon we will find out.

As for personal life, the singer argues that there are a lot of fans, but now she is alone. And in the near future it is not to a serious relationship. And in general, it is not going to exchange and waits for the very only man for whom herself saves.


  • Dina writes poems and embroiders with a cross.
  • In the repertoire of Dina Garipoy songs in Russian, Tatar, English, Italian and French.

1999 - Laureate I degrees of the All-Russian Competition "Fire-Bird" (Ivanovo)

2001 - Laureate I degrees of the Republican Festival "Constellation-Joldizlyk"

2005 - Laureate of the International Competition in Estonia, Tartu

2008 - Grand Prix in the International Competition in France

2012 - Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan


Recently, revising the repeat of the show "Stand Up" on one famous TV channel came across the monologue of the leader Ruslan White, who touched the "Voice" show.

- Let's remember the winner of the first season - Dina Garipov! Where's she? The girl won in the project, performed at Eurovision, and no longer visible! Why doesn't she speak anywhere? Not filmed in the clips? In show business ended places?

And then I really thought: Dina disappeared? In rotations of music channels and on the radio, I have never heard our famous singer in the last year. Yes, after a triumphal, as I think, for Garipova "Eurovision" "What if" sounded from each iron (actually, like any composition of the representative of Russia after the competition), but then slowly our eminent dump truck somehow disappeared from the field of view of the mass show -Business.

I don't write in vain that "mass". In fact, Dina's life is burly: she practically performs at various events in many Russian cities, the local media writes about it.

Yes, and the focus of the federal press Dina turned out to be quite recently, however, it did not take direct participation in creating an informational reason. The fact is that a certain resource in the network promised for a certain amount to prepare participants on the "Voice" show and almost guaranteed participation in the project. Cooking the contestants allegedly planned Igor Cool, Pelagia and, Actually, Dina Garipova, and even called the amount of 120 thousand rubles. After the story received publicity, Lzhenes hooked.

In the official group, Dina Garipova in Vkontakte more than 30 thousand participants, which is relatively slightly slightly, although the group is quite active. For example, in the official community, Nyusha, who recently visited Kazan for the celebration of Youth Day, almost 148 thousand participants. By the way, Nyusha's singer also started his career with a victory in a television show: In 2007, she won the "STS lights superstar". Shurochka after the triumph in the show constantly released his hit hit, won the awards and flashed (and still flickering) on \u200b\u200btelevision.

By the way, it is curious that the fans wrote an exclusive book about Garipova. "Dina. It's all about her "was released by a circulation of 100 copies, 31 copies are not yet implemented. It contains reviews about Dene from the expanses of the Internet, letters of fans and particles of her interview.

In continuing the analysis of interest in our countrycraft, I note that the phrase "Dina Garipov" in the search engine "Yandex" is driven about 24 thousand times, and the same "Nyushi" - more than 900 thousand.

In October 2014, Dina released the debut album "Two Steps to Love", who received enough mixed assessments from Russian critics. The expert of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" called the album "Two steps to garbage", noting that from 12 songs seven - these are cavities and fermentation of other compositions. Dina's own works on the album are only five. And if the Cube "Rushit Canons Faalell Williams refuses to grow old Kayli Minoga," then in the world of the lyrical world of Heroin Garipova there is only a "song of the year" in about 1980 and early Kobzon. "Dina has long been taught to be inappropriate, fastened to all buttons, and she is a diligent student," the critic "Komsomolskaya" will summarize.

According to "Business online", Dina did not have been able to become a superstar of the All-Russian scale, despite the Eurovision, although she had constant tours in Russian cities. She continues to perform on some "Channel One" show, opened the Universiade in 2013. She in search of himself and can not yet find a musical producer who could come up with the standing application of her talent. Therefore, it remains interesting only to the nostalging public in fifty.

As a result, answering the question, where "disappeared" Dina Garipova, I can say unequivocally that our eminent dustwashka disappeared anywhere. Her concerts gather full halls, it periodically flashes in the central press (nevertheless, yielding in frequency of mentioning many other pop perforists), acts in show programs on central TV channels. Now in show business solves a lot of artist's image, and Dina is quite modest. She has a chic voice, there is a charm and charisma, but she is very exemplary, and its repertoire cannot be called "hit" into the mass audience. If Dina changes somewhat and his feed, will record several hits that will fall into rotations, and will release a few noticeable clips, it is possible that we can expect a re-flash of supernova.