Aphorisms about the actress. Quotes about actors phrase famous actors

Aphorisms about the actress. Quotes about actors phrase famous actors
Aphorisms about the actress. Quotes about actors phrase famous actors

Ranevskaya Faina Grigorievna - People's Artist of the USSR, included in the top ten outstanding actresses of the 20th century. Born on August 27, 1896. In Taganrog in the Jewish family. In 1915 Ranevskaya went to Moscow for admission to theatrical school. But it did not do because of the "lack of talent", so it got on one of the private schools. After graduating her, played in many theaters, [...]

Honored Artist of Russia, mother of two children, beautiful talented actress, business woman in the restaurant business, leading television shows. Career Larisa began early by the main role in the film Eldar Ryazanov based on "Nonmenvian". A beautiful face of a young girl from a deaf Russian village has become popular in one day. The test of glory actress was successful, thanks to strict upbringing and amazing hard work.

Popular American cinema actress. The stories of this wonderful lady are dedicated to several films. In the 1930s, the trendy house "Herm? S" released a lady's handbag, which became known to Kelly, such a handbag is sold to this deie in different models and variations. The quotes Grace Kelly show the actress as a true woman and tell what a real woman should be.

Popular american actress, owner of the Oscar and Golden Globe in the nomination "Best Actress". One of the most favorite activities of the actress is rock climbing. The quotes of Sandra Bullock show her purposefulness in all matters and love for life.

The most famous British and American actress, fashion model. ONKAR Award once was awarded for the best female role and was nominated four times on the same premium. Quotes Audrey Hepburn show how talented actress she was.

Famous Italian Acry's, fashion model. Monica is perfectly talking in Italian, English, Spanish and French. Repeatedly received the best acts awards. Monica Citates Belucci characterize it, as a rich spiritually woman.

Popular Mexican actress, director. On the right is the most successful actress from Mexico in Hollywood. She is the first of Mexican actresses who nominated for the Oscar Award. Quotes Salma Hayek show her rules of successful life, which she will fight to follow.

: The actors are divided into performers and on those who can give birth. The latter is just ten percent.

Leonid Gaidai:
Half the success of the actor depends on the chance, half of the appearance, the rest of the talent.
Stanislav Sadalsky:
I was and always will be an artist. And as Chekhov said: "Artists - strange people, and whether they are at all?"
Stanislav Sadalsky:
Artists are all sorts of, you only need to be able to make advantages out of our drawbacks.
Gerard Depardieu :
My job is related to the need to love life in all its manifestations.
Gerard Depardieu :
The attitude between the actor and the director seems to be a love story between a man and a woman. Well, I sometimes have to be a woman.
Marlon Brando:
This profession is even ancient prostitution! Manoiding monkeys and those already played!
Marlon Brando:
The best actors are directors on the set.
Marlon Brando:
Acting is the least mysterious of all specialties. Whenever we want to achieve something from someone when we wish to hide something or simulate something, - we are actors. Most people do this from morning to evening.
Marlon Brando:
If I were offered for sweeping gender in the studio the same money as for the execution of the role, I would notice the floor.
Marlon Brando:
Comprehensive the full meaning of life - the duty of the artist, explain its problem, and express it is its purpose.
Marlon Brando:
The movie star is a man sitting on a sugar throne under a torrential rain.
Marlon Brando:
If the film actor is unable to improvise, it means that he received a role in protecting the director's wife.
Marlon Brando:
The actor is a person who does not listen while they talk about him.
Alexander Pankratov-black:
Behind the ease of the visual image is the titanic work of the actor.
Nicole Kidman :
The essence of the actress is in constant variability, privacy, the ability to transform. Therefore, in my roles, I try to be different every time, not getting used to a stable role and play on contrasts.
Vivien Lee:
Fantasy gives the actor an indescribable sense of flight.
Nikolai Dobrynin:
Acting Profession is a disease. Once you chose her, you need to hurt truly, do not simulate.
K.S. Stanislavsky:
He thought he was a finished actor, and it turned out to be the end of the Akterisko.
K.S. Stanislavsky:
There is only one reason for the failure of the actor to the performance - death.
K.S. Stanislavsky:
No small roles - there are small actors.


The less you know about the actor, the easier you believe the character that he plays, here is one of the formulas for success.

Christian Bale


This artist is always an artist, even on stage.

Mikhail Genin


The attitude between the actor and the director seems to be a love story between a man and a woman. Well, I sometimes have to be a woman.

Gerard Depardieu


Acting Art has the art of issuing secrets.

Ellen Barkin


Play - I don't care what to draw on waterproof wallpaper bathroom. Ten minutes later you erase the drawing, and nothing remains.

Shelly Winters


Like all the actors, I want to deceive death and stay in memory.

Dennis Hopper


The actor is a sculptor who sculpts in the snow.

Edwin Booth


The actor is not a profession, but the diagnosis.


In order to sweat, do not need to be touched.

Denis Didro


Extreme sensitivity creates mediocre actors; The average sensitivity gives most of the bad actors, and only its absence gives great actors.

Denis Didro


The acting game is like skating on the rollers: if you know how it is done, this does not electrify you and does not excite.

George Sanders


Do not confuse: The actors are dying from negligence, real people are from shortly.

Friedrich Nietzsche


The body of the actor is a well, in which life impressions accumulate and remove when needed.

Simon Signore


The grand is the artist who makes the audience forget about the details.

Sara Bernar


The place where the curtain rises should be the fourth wall transparent to the public, but not for actors.

Jean Julien


Whatever happens - pretend that it should have been.

"The first principle of acting game"


The public, if you just let her, will play half the role for you.

Catherine Hepburn


For the scene need long hands; It is better too long than too short. Artist with short hands will never have elegant gesticulation.

Sara Bernar


The actor must force the public to forget about the existence of the author, on the existence of the director and even on the existence of the actor.

Paul Schofield


The actors play the better, the worse than the play.

Albrecht Galler


George Bernard Show


Acting craftsmanship is, first of all, the ability to keep the full hall from coughing.

Ralf Richardson


Pretending in people in the blood: the essence of a person is fully manifested when it depicts the other.

William Hazlit


The point of the actor is not to dress up, but completely nude. The whole point of learning text is. To forget it and pronounce as if the words just came to your mind.

Glenda Jackson


It doesn't matter whether you really cry. It is important whether the audience believes to your tears.

Ingrid Bergman


I misunderstood the drama. I thought the drama is when the heroes cry, and in fact - this is when viewers cry.

Frank Capra


When I play drunk, I need to be sober: otherwise I do not know how to play.

Richard Burton


The role never requires to undress, but it does not stop me: the cash desk requires.

Helen Mirren


I do not upset me that I am a fat man. The fee does not cut me for it.

Marlon Brando


The actors go to hide themselves or to show themselves.

Ralf Richardson


No small roles - there are small actors.

Konstantin Stanislavsky


Looking like actors play Hamlet, you understand why Ophelia drowned.

For the actor, success is just a delayed failure.

Graham Green


We are artists, our place in the buffet.

Alexander Ostrovsky. "No guilt is guilt"


The very actor who makes the viewer forget about the buffet.

Arkady Davidovich


Each actor nourishes natural antipathy to any other actor present or missing, living or deceased.

Louise Brooks.


The motive of any artist: "Well, look at me, Mom!"

Lenny Bruce


We see the most good and worst actors by no means on the scene.

Romain Rolland


When the actor does not understand who he plays, he involuntarily plays himself.

Vasily Kuevsky


On the faces of the actors, you can read all the roles that have not played.

Metalslav Shargan


Actress - a woman in a square, the actor is a man from which the root is extracted.

Karl Kraus.


Politicians and actors never go on time.

Frank Hubbard


His name did not go from posters, where he invariably appeared among the number "and others."

Emil Krotky


The stage is the fatherland of the actor, and it is necessary to extend the passport all the time so as not to lose citizenship.

Charlton Heston


Work in the theater has a lot in common with unemployment.

Arthur Gingold


Unoccupied actors like ghosts who are looking for the body in which they could accommodate.

Gale Godvin


He wants to become an actor, and he has all the data for this, including the complete lack of money and a sense of responsibility.

Headda Hopper


I get letters: "Help become an actor." I answer: "God will help!"

Faina Ranevskaya


I lived with many theaters, but never got pleasure.

Faina Ranevskaya


The actor is something less than a man; The actress is more than a woman.

Richard Barton


If the actor marries actress, the squabbles begin with a mirror.

Bert Reynolds.


You should forgive talented actresses of their whims, because the poor, devoid of the ladies' ladies are no less.

Jules Renar


It is subject to all gamma of feelings from A to B.

Dorothy Parker About Catherine Hepburn


Only one who knows the role of izubok can improvise.

Judy Foster


Self love is very useful quality in life, and for the actor - absolutely necessary.

Robert Morley


I'm not so good, as they say about me, and not so bad, as I will talk about me.

Gustav Kholubek


A good actor does not prevent the most brilliant director's intent.

Anthony Slonimsky


The best actors, of course, at Disney. Bad actor he just erases.

Alfred Hitchkok


Lord, went to me good actors, and went to me cheap!

Lilian Beilis, English Theater Worker


Amateur representation: a chance for people devoid of talent, prove it to everyone.

Ivan Urgant is a popular Russian TV presenter, one of the best show mans of Russia, a talented actor. Born and grew up in the family of actors and inherited from parents and grandmother to art. It has a sparkling sense of humor, in demand on radio and television. Married, Grow daughter Nina, named after grandmother actresses.

Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin is a native of the Smolensk region. Talented actor, loved by all clown. Removed in Soviet filmmakes that have become cult, as well as films of military topics. Posted by a book "Almost serious. He died and buried in 1997 in the city of Moscow.

Famous actor and TV presenter, candidate of science in the field of painting. In 2001, the lead show "The Last Hero". Talented screenwriter and director of many films. Tragically died in the Carmadon Gorge with the shooting of the film "Svyaznoy". The glacier who covered his tiering group will be calved 12 years.

Famous Soviet and Russian actor, circus artist. Honored Artist of Russia. The son of the circus illusionist Harutyun Akopyan, the illusionist himself. In the movies initially played the magicians, then moved to the characteristic roles. Quotes of Akopian show all mysteriousness and magic of his nature.

Italian actor, pop singer, composer, director, public figure and TV host. In Italy, he received the nickname "Molleggiato" (ITal. On the springs) - for his manner to move on stage. Quotes Adriano Celentano characterize him as a real hot Italian man.

Popular Canadian film actor, screenwriter. It is one of the highest paid comedians in the United States. It is the owner of two "gold globes" and 11 Awards "MTV Movie Awards". Jim Kerry quotes show his nature in everyday life.

Popular American film actor and theater, director of Italian origin. The greatest accuracy gained thanks to the roles of Gangster in films like "face with a scar" and "smell of a woman." The last film brought him "Oscar" in the nomination "Best Male Role." Quotes Al Pacino show it from the side of everyday life.

Popular American and Hong Kong film actor, propaganda of oriental martial arts. In total, starred in 36 films. It is noteworthy that about 30 films were shot about his life and work. Real legend of martial arts. Bruce Li quotes are called to be brave and brave, they contain many philosophical teachings.

Making money in the acting can not and not the most noble occupation, but quite profitable. In addition, for this, the acting skills will not always be honored.

Scenarios of kinocartin and acting on the set should always be brighter and more interesting than life. Only then the viewer will take a picture and believes actors.

At that moment, when the system called "Confidence", the upcoming generations will be able to work with a great desire, as it was in the days of Savva Morozov, as well as Demidov.

As soon as the passengers sit in the cabin of the aircraft, they immediately become such believers.

In real life, the actor will enjoy a woman with pleasure, but on stage he and thoughts will not appear.

When a talented actor acts on stage, the audience is sitting in the hall, while holding his breath. This is real acting skills.

An unscrupious person should have fear. Cousing must have conscience. But, if there is no other, then we have what we have.

The actors do not go to a well-deserved rest, they simply cease to receive roles and suggestions to film.

The game of the loud actor should be perfect.

Continuing the best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

The actor art is not applicable.

Actors like children, they would just play.

The actor plays, but teaches seriously.

The actors play the better, the worse than the play.

Men do not endure the rattling mixture of beauty and mind.

The actor is the critic of the drama. Musical critic is a singer, or violinist, or flutist.

Children become very funny when they get to the fundamental things. I remember the daughter of the village in front of me and says: dad, I need to ask you questions. And she is four, you see. I have them three. First: Is the god of dogs afraid? "I had to think about. No, - I say. - Not afraid. And she: good. And he found dinosaurs? "- I think, caught. And then she says: Does he have a maid? "But I do not know how to answer this question.

The actor is a person who does not listen while they talk about him.

The whole world is an act. And people in it are actors.

Real loneliness is a society of people who do not understand you.

All people actors, with the exception, perhaps, some actors.

I love the case who do, but to deal with someone else's stupidity, non-professionalism is tired.

The actor is awolney, adoring numerous witnesses.

Acting is still in infancy, when will it grow to our everyday acting?

The law of skill actor: the higher the dynamic range of the actor skill, the wider of his audience. Leonid S.

Need to live. Just live. Do not catch up and not run away, do not envy and do not fuss.

Lord, went to me good actors, and went to me cheap!

Take the most important thing for yourself, it is applied and get rid of the rest.

In Russia, it was the fools and the jesters often talked about what the cleverings were afraid to even think.

In real men, brains should be stronger than their penises. Some wealth and sexuality can not bring joy.

I looked all my life in the toilet with the style of Butterfly "

Inside me there is no competition. I would not say that I am faithful to someone or something. I'm faithful to myself.

Actor - Trainer of the public.

Today live today Monday. In the morning I took, I sold it in the evening - and goodbye.

We ourselves became the guys who wanted to marry in his youth.

Acting is a game in which you are not all the time, and someone else.

Stay like children, but do not create the same place as children are pushing.

Acting is the masochist form of exhibitionism. This is not a lesson for an adult.

Artistribution of short images.

In the pure field, any actor is better than warrior.

Study actors are those who never fail.

In art will mark - do not catch up. Just go from a circle. To become a champion after a dozen more than a year, no athlete was managed.

The heroic era of our lives requires the actor of another.

Even the role of Othello is fulfilled by the truth, when there is a personal interest.

In the process of finding an image, many actors commit disgrace.

Var Lei!, For some reason, Natalia ordered.

Even a good actor cannot play one role all life.

All you need an actor - learn the role and not stumble upon furniture.

The acting game is like skating on the rollers: if you know how it is done, this does not electrify you and does not excite.

The desires necessarily come true, if not, then you have not yet learned to make them up.

The acting game should be more than life. The script must be more than life. Everything should be more than life.

The actor's gambling game is not a law, but fans.

Sexual proximity can be compared only with music or prayer.

Artists and the public should not meet. After the curtain falls, the actor must disappear, as a magic wand.

If you are smart, you will be beautiful. There are no ugly. Someone is beautiful as a rose, someone like a cactus.

Even Hitler suffered a meeting to another room when Oleg Yankovsky tried. (Not mine, accidentally heard)

The actors resemble children who have stopped in their development.

Do not be afraid of enemies, be afraid of friends. Betray friends, not enemies !!!

Stay alone with their thoughts - a very dangerous occupation ... But very useful!

The game (acting) is one version unreal for another.

The artist is not a vocation, this is the state of the soul, plus the body capabilities.

To just just blame other people and circumstances in the past for your own hatred of yourself.

You can mount the film, you can cut something in the transmission, with modern technique it is possible. The only thing that is impossible is to deceive the viewer in the theater.

When I see someone who just follows his dream and achieves success, makes just what he wants to do and anyone does not answer for it, of course, without causing it to anyone harm, I believe that it is beautiful.

The actress in life should be invisible.

Love looks like climbing the mountain covered by ice in the dark. One wrong step - and you are dead!

Acting abilities Music gives the biggest non-voice.

The actors are the same puppets, only alive and more functional.

The actor is something less than a man; The actress is more than a woman.

The actor in principle is not able to assess the impact of the game of another actor to the viewer: He all the time instinctively is soon on the other side of the curtain line, and can judge except about his game as "in itself".

Women can, and imitate orgasm. But men imitate relationships.

In this life, no matter how you fall. It is important how you rise.

The grand is the artist who makes the audience forget about the details.

In whose personal life is not climbing millions, the actor did not take place yet.

A great actor with a bad mine will make an excellent comedy.

The actor plays the image of a person - a fitter depicts a similarity of it.

In the creative nature of the actor, in all the nature of his creative process there is nothing such that it would not be characteristic of one degree or another nature of every person at all.

The actor is not a profession, but the diagnosis.

The actor is similar to the pianist, where the role of the key performs feelings.

Each person actor and repertoire creates himself creates.

This actor, like any real artist, has a direct line of communication with a collective heart.

The family should have either two artists or a single one.

Actors - Life Mirrors, and differ from them because everyone reflects it in its own way. Leonid S. Sukhorukov.

The actor must first be cultural and understand, be able to get to get to the geniuses of literature.