What should be the correct routine for a student's day. Life by the hour

What should be the correct routine for a student's day.  Life by the hour
What should be the correct routine for a student's day. Life by the hour


Involve your child in the routine of the day, because it is he who will have to live according to this schedule. Start planning with observation. Record all activities throughout the week schoolboy and the time it takes for them. By Sunday you will have a kind of "time" ready, which you will use as the basis of a ready-made routine of the day.

Review and discuss the findings with your child. Are all important activities taken into account, is there time for walks and rest, or, conversely, there are too many hours of inactive leisure. In the right order of the day schoolboy of any age, the following basic elements should be present: - classes; - additional activities in circles and sections; - homework preparation; - full regular meals; - walks in the fresh air; - leisure; - sleep.

Dramatically reduce your time for watching TV and playing computer games. If you find that your child spends hours switching channels or shooting space monsters, suggest choosing another cure for boredom, such as signing up for a pool or dance studio. Feel free to give more errands, assign household chores to your son or daughter, and schedule a time to complete them.

Avoid attending small, time-consuming events. This is especially true for high school students who need to pay more attention to preparing for exams. You should definitely have enough time for walks and naps.

Specify the routes that the student takes from home to school and to the place of additional classes. Find the best way to get around: by public transport, on foot, or by your parents' car. Try to organize the time so that the child has the opportunity to come home after school and before class in the sections.

Make up routine of the day in the form of a table. In the first column, indicate the approximate time with an accuracy, in the second - the type of activity, leave the third column for making additions. Consider the psychological characteristics of your son or daughter. A slow child can take more time on the road, and those who can get together in a few minutes can be given a longer sleep in the morning.

Use as a basis the following approximate scheme, approved by pediatricians and child psychologists 3-4, studying in the first shift: - morning rise - 7:00; - exercise, washing - 7:00 - 7:30; - - 7:30 - 7 : 45; - classes at - 8:30 - 13: 05; - lunch - 13:30 - 14: 00; - outdoor games or a walk - 14:00 - 15: 45; - afternoon snack - 15:45 - 16:00 ; - homework preparation - 16:00 - 18: 00; - free time, hobby classes - 18:00 - 19: 00; - dinner - 19:00 - 19: 30; - housework - 19:30 - 20: 00; - schedule of the day necessary, but it can and should be periodically adjusted to make it more convenient.

This is the alternation of work and rest in a certain order.

Mode- the word is French and in translation means "management". First of all, it's about managing your time. But in the end - both my health and my life.

In the schoolchildren's regime, everything should be precisely distributed: the duration of studies at school and at home, walks, regular meals, sleep, alternation of work and rest. And this is not an accidental demand. When a person observes the correct regime, conditioned reflexes are developed in him and each previous activity becomes a signal for the next one. This helps the body to easily and quickly switch from one state to another.

The state of health, physical and mental development, performance and academic performance at school depend on how well the student's daily routine is organized.

A properly organized schoolchild's day regimen provides for:

1. Correct alternation of work and rest.
2. Regular food intake.
3. Sleep of a certain duration, with the exact time of getting up and going to bed.
4. A certain time for morning exercises and hygiene procedures.
5. Set time for homework preparation.
6. A certain amount of rest with maximum outdoor exposure.

When forming the student's daily routine, take into account the periods of physical development. There are peculiarities for different ages. At the age of 6-7 years, there is an increased sensitivity to unfavorable external factors and rapid fatigue during training. At primary school age, the processes of ossification and growth of the skeleton, the development of small hand muscles and the functional improvement of the nervous system continue. The age of 11-14 is characterized by dramatic hormonal shifts and intense growth. There is a rapid development of internal organs: the heart grows faster than the lumen of the vessels, and juvenile hypertension occurs. At the age of 15-18, the completion of puberty occurs, the predominance of general arousal and mental imbalance persists. A well-designed daily routine will help your child overcome difficulties, he will feel more confident knowing the sequence of actions.

Every schoolchild's day should begin with morning exercises, which is not without reason called exercises, since it drives away the remnants of drowsiness and, as it were, gives a boost of vivacity for the whole day ahead. The complex of morning exercises is best coordinated with a physical education teacher or pediatrician. On the advice of a school doctor, gymnastics includes exercises that correct postural disorders. It is advisable to include a load on the trunk, muscles of the arms, legs, abdominals and back, exercises for the flexibility of the spine and mobility of the hip joints.

Breakfast must be hot and quite hearty, making up a quarter of the child's daily requirement. Oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, tea and something sweet, such as curd cheese, are good for breakfast. Eating should be done in a quiet, calm and welcoming environment. Do not allow children to read books or talk while eating. The child will receive a second breakfast at school.

After returning from school, the child should have lunch and be sure to rest. Afternoon rest will be about 1-1.5 hours, without reading books or watching TV. It's good if the child sleeps.

It is better to postpone the preparation of lessons until 15 - 16 o'clock in the afternoon, corresponding to the physiological rhythm of the best assimilation of information.

A child can use one and a half to two hours of free time for activities related to interests (reading, drawing, playing, watching television, etc.). At the same time, the child attends various sections: sports, music, painting, swimming. Do not forget about walks in the fresh air.

After dinner it was time for a walk before bed.

Sleep is a very important factor in a schoolchild's day regimen. During sleep, the activity of the physiological systems of the body decreases, and only the brain, while remaining active, continues to process the information received during the day. Sleep is considered hygienically complete if it has a duration and depth sufficient for a given age. The student must sleep at least 9-10.5 hours. Sleep will be optimal from 21.00 to 7.00. It is very important that the child always lies down and wakes up at the same time, then both fast falling asleep and easy awakening will be ensured. Before going to bed, be sure to wash, brush your teeth, wash your feet and ventilate the room well.

"Poems about a man and his watch"

They keep the clock counting seconds,
Keep scores of minutes.
The watch won't let you down
Who saves time.

Who knows how to live by the clock
And appreciates every hour
That is not necessary in the morning
Wake up ten times.

And he won't speak
Why is he too lazy to get up,
Do the charging,
Wash hands
And make the bed.

He will have time to get dressed on time,
Wash and eat
He will have time to get up at the machine,
To sit at the school desk.

Friendship is good with a watch!
Work, rest
Do your homework slowly
And don't forget the books!

So that in the evening, going to bed,
When it's due
You could confidently say:
- It was a good day!


Valya, get up, wash yourself,
Breakfast is ready, enough sleep! ..
After all, you will be late again!
Valya wakes up with difficulty,
Softly, yawns sweetly.
Long digging with a portfolio -
Doesn't keep up.
At school, the bell will be coming soon
For a break. And suddenly
The whole class came to life: in the corridor -
There is a knock on your wallet's shoes.
If without delay,
It wouldn't be Valya!
The class gave her a nickname

7.00 - Wake up: morning exercises, water procedures, bed cleaning, toilet

7.30-7.50 - Morning breakfast 7.30-7.50.

7.50 - 8.20 - Drive to school or morning walk before school starts

8.30 - 12.30 - Classes at school

12.30 - 13.00 - Drive from school or walk after school

13.00-13.30 - Lunch

13.30 - 14.30 - Afternoon rest or sleep

14.30 - 16.00 - Walk or games and outdoor sports

16.00 - 16.15 - Afternoon snack

16.15 - 17.30 - Cooking homework

17.30 - 19.00 - Walks in the fresh air

19.00 - 20.00 - Dinner and free activities (reading, music lessons, manual labor, family assistance, foreign language lessons, etc.)

from 20.30 Preparing for bed (hygiene measures - cleaning clothes; shoes, washing)

Students of both the first and second shifts must get up at 7 a.m. and go to bed at 20 hours 30 minutes - 21 hours, and the elders - at 22 hours, at the latest - at 22 hours 30 minutes.

Of course, you can change your activities. based on your child's preferences and priorities, the main thing is to keep the alternation of rest and work.

The daily routine for an elementary school student is very important, because now his life has changed dramatically.

To avoid excessive stress, stress and rapid fatigability of a young student, you need to properly allocate his time and tasks for the day.

The regime disciplines the child, helps him get used to new living conditions, saving him from irritability and overexcitation.

The basics of a daily routine for a child

First of all, you need to remember about the peaks of working capacity, which occur just at the time of school (8.00-11.00) and at the time of doing homework (16.00-18.00). Between these peaks there is a decrease in working capacity, and in the evening - an intense decline.

Therefore, the child must do his homework by a maximum of 18.00. Distribute walks for him so that the student can devote an hour of time (and he doesn't need more) to do his homework when his ability to work is at its peak.

Elena Pikalenko, psychologist:“Try to teach your child to do the homework on their own as early as possible, because in a year or two it will be much more difficult to do it. The student will understand that he will have to do this until the end of the 11th grade - and it will be simply impossible to make him sit down to his homework. Help him at first, tell him what to do, and gradually together make a diagram that will make his daily task easier. If a child needs help, and it will not be just a whim or laziness, never refuse him, but direct him in the right direction. "

Healthy sleep- a guarantee of the health of any person, and even more so for a primary school student. 10 hours is the minimum necessary for the child to have a normal rest after an active day and gain strength for new achievements. We go to bed at 9 pm (we understand that it is unrealistic, but experts strongly recommend it) and wake up at 7 in the morning. By the way, you do not need to let your child sleep longer, and then in a hurry to cram into him. Lack of time is the most severe stress for the body.

Walk after school... A minimum of 40 minutes out of a 24-hour day should be devoted to fresh air. And this is only after school, so to speak, we whet our appetite. You need to walk with a small student for at least 3 hours a day. We had lunch, played, did their homework - walked around the square, went to a circle, had dinner - dispersed before going to bed for an hour and a half (by the way, such a little trick will help the child fall asleep earlier and faster).

Scheduled lunch... Train your fidget to eat at the same time. Breakfast - at 7.30, lunch - 13.00-14.00, dinner - 18.00-19.00. After lunch and exhausting school hours, the child needs to rest - he just has a decline in performance. It's not worth planting him for lessons - nothing good will come of it. Let it play or sleep - the body is tired of new information.

Let's get down to homework! In the first grades, lessons should be done in an hour. The child has just rested, gained strength and is ready to conquer new heights. The main thing is not to delay the beginning of classes. The optimal time is 16.00-17.00. After 18.00, lessons are not worth doing: if you do not have time for a lesson in the section, postpone it.

Circles and sections... After homework, it's just right to go to a circle or to a sports section. Changing activities is very useful for children. It is only important not to overdo it with the loads of the child. If he just went to first grade, it's better do not start extracurricular activities - now it can be hard for him to combine so many types of activities. Let him determine the number of circles and sections that a child can go to. So that study and his rest did not suffer. Don't forget to walk before and after class!

Mom - Anya tells: “It all depends on the child: for one and ten circles will not be enough, and for someone even one will be a burden. If the child has an interest, desire, desire for improvement, let him practice. Moreover, this is a new field of activity, newer acquaintances, which is very useful for schoolchildren. ".

Mommy Veronica disagrees with this opinion: “From too active children, very active adults grow up. My friend, for example, since childhood, went to 5 different circles, to a couple of sports sections, and on weekends there were also scout trips to nature. Now it's the same: from work - to dancing, then - to sewing, then - to a restaurant with girlfriends, after that there is a disco and karaoke. Weekends are almost always in the mountains. She is 35 years old, not married, no children either. I ask: why are you running somewhere all the time? She: to be in time. Ehhh ... She is trying to try everything, but she completely forgot about the meaning of life. "

Primary school students, especially first-graders, sometimes find it very difficult to adapt to the conditions of their new school life. Hence the academic failure, and confrontation with classmates, and the child's unwillingness to go to school / do homework, etc. And the main task of the parents is to help the child cope with the difficult load for him. Faced with this problem, each parent is looking for their own ways to solve it. But putting together a smart daily routine for an elementary school student from day one would help avoid most of these problems.

Why do you need a daily routine for an elementary school student

You should not be dismissive of the organization of the working day, especially for children, starting from school years. Compliance with a certain routine leads to the fact that the child's forces are not wasted, they are distributed in doses and they are enough for all types of activities. At the same time, the vitality of the body increases, fatigue is minimized and strength is quickly restored.

Drawing up the correct daily regimen depends on the individual characteristics of the student: the state of health and characteristics of a particular age. The schedule should include, in a certain order, the main elements:

as the child adheres to the daily routine, he will develop the habit of doing everything at a certain time, the body will turn on the internal clock and subsequently all actions will become a habit.

How to make a student's daily routine correctly

Morning exercises: invigorates the body, helps to recharge with efficiency. The duration of charging depends on the health of the student, so this issue must be resolved on an individual basis.

Water procedures: include taking a shower after gymnastics, hardening water dousing with contrasting temperatures and morning hygiene procedures - washing and brushing your teeth. As for the hardening procedure, it is necessary to discuss this issue with a specialist, not to force events in order to avoid colds.

Sports activities: visiting game sports sections, swimming pool, outdoor games.

Nutrition: meals must be organized in such a way that the child has a hearty and hot breakfast, a full lunch of hot dishes and vitamin salads, and a late dinner. Eating at the same time will keep your gastrointestinal tract running smoothly.

Doing homework: they need to be planned without postponing this process until the evening when the child is already tired and there will be no efficiency from work. After a short rest, about an hour after lunch and a walk, you can start doing your homework with renewed vigor. In this case, you need to take breaks to rest for a few minutes.

Completed homework gives every right to take a walk, get some fresh air. You can allocate at least two hours to play in the yard. This is the optimal time to rest your brain by switching to other activities and breathing fresh air before bed. The duration of sleep for a younger student should be 9-10 hours. The time of waking up and going to bed should be set at the same time, as this will teach the body to quickly fall asleep and wake up.

The student's daily routine by the hour for the week

The daily routine, which includes the main regime points:

Student actions Time
Rise 06.30
Gymnastics, water procedures 06.30 — 07.00
Breakfast 07.00 — 07.30
Collection and road to school 07.30 — 07.50
Lessons at school 08.00 -12.00
Walk 12.00 -12.30
Dinner 12.30 -13.00
Walk 13.00 -14.00
Recreation 14.00 -14.30
Doing lessons 14.30 -16.00
Walk 16.00 -18.00
Dinner and free time 18.00 -21.00
Going to sleep 21.00

Table of the daily routine of an elementary school student by the hour

Naturally, the schedule must be adjusted in accordance with what the student is doing in addition to school activities (visiting a section, circles, etc.), but the mandatory items must be present in it.

School student's daily routine on weekends

If a family has introduced a daily routine, then it must be performed daily, there cannot be weekends and holidays for it. Naturally, on Saturday and Sunday it will be adjusted without taking into account going to school and doing homework. But it is not recommended to exclude the main points from it. It is allowed to move the wake up time one hour later, to replace the school attendance period with a weekly joint family event, and the hours allotted for lessons can be replaced by going to the movies with friends. But all other points should remain unchanged.

The daily routine of schoolchildren studying in the second shift

There is a very inconvenient form of training for everyone - in the second shift. But this is an objective reason that schools cannot yet refuse due to workload. Accordingly, the daily routine of schoolchildren studying in the second shift will be different. It's just that all the actions that are mentioned in the approximate schedule after lunch need to be postponed to the first half of the day, observing their duration: that is, getting up at 7 o'clock in the morning, gymnastics, shower, breakfast, and then a walk, doing homework, lunch, study sessions, dinner, evening walk and sleep. Having become accustomed to this distribution of time, the student will not feel discomfort from training sessions in the 2nd shift.

When accustoming your child to a certain daily routine, it would be very appropriate for parents to set an example and take part in this process. Then the addiction will pass faster, and the rating of parental authority will increase significantly.

Preparation for school is in full swing. And it is not surprising, because August has already passed the middle. Briefcases are bought, notebooks and pencils too, a brand new uniform is waiting for its day in the closet. At first glance, it seems that everything is already ready for school. But this is only at first glance. In fact, one important component has yet to be prepared. Which?

Summer is a wonderful time when there are no lessons, a long day is conducive to walks and games, and parents allow you to walk longer. And it's not scary if the child goes to bed an hour later, in the morning there is nowhere to rush and you can sleep longer. And now, in the last days of summer, parents, realizing that walks will soon be very limited, allow children to walk until late and sleep as long as they want.

But very soon school, lessons for which you can not be late. And the regime of the day has not yet been set up. Daily regime- this is the very important component, which in many families is not yet ready.

Do you need this daily routine? It turns out that you need it. The daily routine is simply necessary for any schoolchild both to maintain health and for.

In nature, everything is subject to certain rhythms and our body also works rhythmically. Remember how difficult it is to switch from winter time to daylight saving time or vice versa. And children are more sensitive to any change in the regime and it takes time to switch the body from one regime to another.

The correct daily routine forms a certain stereotype of behavior in the child, which is performed automatically. If the regime is observed, the child in the morning tunes in to physical and mental activity, easily and calmly performs all the necessary things and manages to do everything.

From September 1, a huge load immediately falls on the student: you need to get involved in the educational process, a lot of work appears - these are lessons, and homework, and sports sections, and additional activities. And it is very difficult for a child's body to immediately readjust to a new mode of operation. Therefore, now it is necessary to draw up a new daily routine, taking into account educational affairs and circles. Draw up and observe.

What should be considered when drawing up a daily routine?

Lessons start at a different time in each school. Hence, it is necessary to calculate morning rise time so that the child has enough time to wash, do exercises, have breakfast and calmly go to school.

Very important morning physical activity for a child. It can be exercise, or you can just turn on fun dance music and arrange a fun warm-up. 5-10 minutes of this warm-up will wake up the child's body and set it up for productive work. After such a warm-up, the child, of course, will want to eat and will not need to force him to have breakfast.

A breakfast- it is obligatory. And you shouldn't trust your child if he says he doesn't want to eat. It only means that the body has not yet woken up, and it will want to eat when it comes to school. And hunger is a poor learning aid. How can a child think about a task or write neatly when all his thoughts are about when there will be lunch.

It is necessary to paint time of work and rest, because for a younger student, the alternation of work and rest is very important. The child needs to rest, take a walk in the fresh air, play.

And, of course, it is very important to comply. For a younger student, especially a first grader, it is very good to turn on daytime sleep so that after school the child can get at least a little sleep. And in the evening, the time for going to bed must be calculated so that the child sleeps for at least 10 hours, which means that it is necessary to go to bed no later than 9 hours.

Sometimes it seems to us, adults, that nothing terrible will happen if the child goes to bed at 10 o'clock in the evening or even later. And the child enthusiastically watches horror films all evening or plays computer war games. And then the parents wonder why this child began to study worse, became inattentive, his mood often changes not in better side... Lack of sleep can be the cause of many problems! If a child sleeps less than the required time, his attention and memory first of all deteriorate, and then various diseases appear. And this is just because of lack of sleep.

"Lack of sleep badly affects attention, the ability to purposeful activity, immediate memory, working memory, mood, mathematical ability, the ability to think logically ..." John Medina "The Rules of the Brain"

In a dream, a person rests, and the brain continues to work. Only it works in a different mode. According to neuroscientists, neuroscientists, while a person sleeps, his brain processes the information that came to him before falling asleep. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to what the child is doing before bedtime. It is very useful in all respects to read a book for at least a few minutes before going to bed.

These were the main points to look out for when creating a daily routine for your child. Do not put off until the last day, make a daily routine today, write it on a piece of paper and follow it steadily regardless of the mood, weather or whims of the child. It takes at least 21 days for the regime to become a habit and, like any habit, to work automatically.

And remember that the child is completely dependent on us, the parents. What we teach is what we get. And in order to demand a good study from a son or daughter, you must first create conditions for study. And the daily routine is one of the most important conditions. The study and the health of the student very much depend on the daily routine.

What do you think about the daily routine? Are you observing it or not?