Severe andrew Andrei Gubin met with her son. Ovenful Son Andrei Gubina - Maxim Khasnyuk Maxim Komasnyuk Son

Severe andrew Andrei Gubin met with her son. Ovenful Son Andrei Gubina - Maxim Khasnyuk Maxim Komasnyuk Son
Severe andrew Andrei Gubin met with her son. Ovenful Son Andrei Gubina - Maxim Khasnyuk Maxim Komasnyuk Son

Recently, news about the star's illness of the 9th Andrei Gubin, who spoke his condition himself appeared in the media. According to the singer, he was diagnosed with left-sided propalgia, which is a violation of the nervous system and appears facial pain. In this regard, the artist had to abandon the singer's career and start holding a secluded lifestyle without public speeches and exits.

The 43-year-old Andrei admitted that he had nothing serious in his personal life. However, recently found the extramarital son of Gybin, Maxim, who became a guest of the NTV channel program "Stars agreed." In the studio show, the 21-year-old young man stated that he learned about his star father in school, when he studied in the eighth grade. It was then that Mom told him that his real father was famous in the 90s artist.

Gubin also became a guest of this program. Those present in the studio noted the incredible similarity of Maxim and Andrei. However, the singer said that was skeptical. He admitted that in his youth during his touring tours of the cities of Russia, he met with many fan girls and had fun with them. Gubin offered a 21-year-old young man to prove his paternity in court. "I do not deny that twenty years ago walked and hanging out with girls in different cities when he was on tour in Russia. Everything could happen. But if this guy is tuned seriously - please meet him in court, " - noted Andrei.

A 21-year-old young man named Maxim came to the talk show, where he stated that in the eighth grade he learned from his mother, as if he was the son of a famous musician. Maxim shared S. website emotions from meeting with father and impressions from the transfer.


"In general, I am satisfied, but it was not without cheating. We were told that samples for DNA analysis were already taken from Andrei, and in fact it turned out that no. I came to the program not for glory and PR, as many people tend to believe. . I wanted to see Andrei, look at the reaction. I don't have a resentment. He did, as she considered it. Slightly upsets the fact that in the negative light they tried to put my family, but many support me so far. I am very pleased. " - Maxim told.

Some of those present in the hall sharply condemned Andrei for the refusal of DNA expertise. It would seem that it would be much easier through the test to prove to himself and all who doubted innocence to the emergence of a guy who, by the way, is a novice musician. Gubin perceived the Son in the bayonets and began to deny all the possible options for his fatherhood.

"As far as I know, Andrei test does not plan to do. And I think that there is no point. I don't know how this story was mounted and presented to the viewer of the transfer. It does not have absolutely no logic, everything is sudden from the finger. Boy in real life On Andrei is not like at all. He is just a novice singer and he needs PR, "he stood up for the former beloved in a conversation with the site of the singer Yulia Beretta.

"And I think that the boy on Andrei is very similar," commented Masha Tsygal. "Gubin generally behaved quite enough. Maybe it is, of course, it is associated with his illness, but it's much easier to do a test and calm down everyone. Andrei is no longer young, he has no children. And the guy was quite pleasant and positive. What's in the bad If this is his child? It will even scratch the life of Andrei. I repeat, he behaved so strange himself that I had stress after this transfer. Raise from the floor of the gum, continue to chew it, just not to do the test ... "- Shared with a correspondent Website designer.

The singer Andrei Gubin became a member of the "Secret Million" program with Leroy Kudryavtseva. The artist completely denied the fact of having children, but recently announced, the site reports.

Hermit from the 90s

Andrey leads a fairly solitary lifestyle. The reason for the decision was the solution formed on the nervous soil. Not so long ago, the artist admitted that she suffers from left-sided propalgia (a disease that causes facial pains, approx. Ed.). Since he has discovered illness. The whole life went to the skew. In addition to the fact that the singer had to leave the scene, his personal life is also impossible to call happy. And here also "the extramarital son" appeared.

Estimated Son Gybin looks its copy

A certain 21-year-old Maxim said that once his mother had a rapid novel with Andrey, after which he was born. Based on this, the young man was absolutely confident that Gubin his father. However, the artist himself denies it, and reports that yes, the novels were with fans, but he definitely not.

Without reaching the court, where the singer was going to take up the proceedings in the official order, Gubin appealed to the program "Secret by Million" and agreed to pass the DNA test. Meanwhile, Society, seeing Maxim noted that the guy really looks like two drops of water with an alleged star father.

DNA test results and failed meeting

As a result, Gubin Taki passed the DNA test, which turned out to be negative. And the meeting of Maxim and Andrei did not take place again, since the star of the 90s warned that he would agree to a meeting only if the test would be positive.

Journalist Joinfomedia Nastya Art reminds, last week in the program "The Secret on Million" took part, which by his behavior almost led the lead project.