Unusual traditions in different countries of the world. The most mysterious peoples in history

Unusual traditions in different countries of the world. The most mysterious peoples in history
Unusual traditions in different countries of the world. The most mysterious peoples in history

Japan is generally a country with oddities, and those who visited this country talk about the strange sense of humor of the Japanese. So, they have such a "draw" - Kanty, they usually amazed only the schoolchildren of junior classes, however, adults at the party also love to arrange "Kanty". The meaning of the draw is to make a "enema" - a person folds two hands and puts forward the index fingers that try to bother into the anal passage of the played person who does not suspect.

2. Sex in the temple

You will be surprised, but it's not even any Krishna Temple or the temple of some kind of conditionally free religion. On the island of Java, in a beautiful place, there is a temple of Gunung Kemutk, which is considered to be Muslim. There is such a strict religion (but only this temple in this place) there is a belief that if you have a stranger in his surroundings at night in its vicinity, you will be lucky and rich in the rest of my life. Whether because of the beauty of the temple, or because of the main instinct, but thousands of "pilgrims" go here, and the surroundings are sewn with public houses.

3. Greeting in Eskimo

While individual comrades are proud of their own handshake, Eskimos went on. When guest comes to her village, they are built in line and take turns greeting the guest slap on the back of the head. The guest must answer the same, and the line proceeds to the next Eskimo, which should be hit stronger, and so in the increasing. The greeting ceremony ends only when someone: either guest, or one of the Men-Eskimos will not fall to the ground from the blow.

4. Sloves-snot

The kitchen in South Korea is famous for its sharpness. Some dishes are impossible to eat without "knocked" the nose or did not appear tears in their eyes. However, if you are not enough snotty and tearful, you will find you a wormful person who does not respect the laws of hospitality and does not want to please the hostess. To be a good guest, as well as show the hostess that it will be superbly prepared, you will have to emit your physiological fluids from eyes and nose to the maximum.

5. Unable to commemoise

In India, during the celebration of the High Khoji Mojddin Chishti, thousands of fakirov and pilgrims pass through the streets of Ajmer. To prove his commitment to religion, and show how much they grieve, the participants of the procession are piercing themselves with needles, and especially popularly - squeezing the eye with sharp metal objects.

6. Murder Dolphins

All over the world, they are admired by dolphins and look at their performances in dolphinaries, but on the Faroe Islands there is a completely different position. For local young men to become men for this, the next custom is satisfied. The boats are driven into the bay of the flocks of dolphins, and there, the beating of innocent fish, fittings, axes and stakes begins in shallow water.

One dolphin of the newly new "men" is usually released - this is part of the custom, the next year he will "lead" a new herd. It is extremely sad, because if before it was due to hunger, and dead dolphins at least ate, now it is done only for the sake of customs itself.

7. Photographs of the dead

In Russia at the end of the nineteenth century, a wild tradition comes from Europe - to photograph the dead children. It is clear that the child mortality was big, the parents grieved strongly, but was considered a good tone to make the "last" photo, and keep it as the most valuable. The babies dressed in the best outfits, sazed near the living sisters and parents, pets, and in general tried to give such an environment to seem to be a child alive, they also often painted outdoor eyes and smile.

8. Not easy nosa

Finish on a more or less fun note. In Japan, a local holiday of Spring and Labor is celebrated - the Shinto Festival of Honen Matsouri. Instead of festive columns with orchestra and slogans, a 25-kilogram wooden phallus is rushed in Japan, which symbolizes the offensive of spring and fertility. Nesting this is considered to be very honorable and volunteers compete for this honor, so the honor of carrying a member of 2.5 meters long through the entire city does not fall out.

9. Resultful Indians

In India there is a ban to start a third wife. Moreover, historically, the custom is so literally and sounds - it is impossible to make a third wife. First, second, fourth and subsequent - please. Responsive lovers of marrying easily come out of this position, and for the third marriage choose a tree.

It is dressed in festive clothing and conduct the wedding ceremony, and at the end of the celebration, the width of the groom cuts the poor village and announces that his friend "widowed", and thus can look for the fourth, "allowed" wife.

Each people have their own customs and traditions. Traditions are the most original and interesting, even unexpected. And nations transmit these traditions from generation to generation. So let's get acquainted with the most interesting traditions and customs.


Residents of Samoa are accustomed to follow the tradition of sniffing each other when meeting. Now it is not so serious, as before, but simply respect and tribute to the ancestors. Previously, a man sniffed to understand where he was. By smell, the self-sustaining could determine the most different things. For example, when he drove the last time, or how much time he went through the jungle. But most often what they did in the smell - it was determined by a stranger.

New Zealand

Interesting about New Zealand

In New Zealand, Maori representatives also have an unusual tradition to greet. They relate to each other's noses. This tradition originated for a long time. After they touched the noses, this man became a friend, not an ordinary person. It is worth noting that such a tradition is observed even at the highest level. So, if you see how the president runs about the nose of another president, you can not be surprised. These are customs and culture of this country, therefore it is impossible to neglect them.

Andaman Islands

Here it is accepted to hit his knees to another person, hugging the neck and cry. But you should not worry that he is still bad in life and he complains to man. The fact is that he is very happy to meet a friend, and tears are sincere joy that fills him from meeting a close man.


A little about Kenya

In Kenya there is a tribe called Masai. They comply with these traditions. So, for example, it is recommended to dance welcome dance. Dance execute exclusively male part. Dancing stand in a circle and jump high. The higher the jump - the brave and courageous warrior. After all, when hunting for Lviv, they have to jump.

And what interesting tradition is on Tibet?

It is customary to show the language. This custom is rooted in ancient times. Then there is a tyrant with a black tongue. The inhabitants of Tibet were afraid that even after the death of Tyran to accommodate and will do the steadfastness, so they began to show a tongue to each other in order to protect themselves.

About Tibet


But, before it is to do so, being here, make sure that your language did not paint into a dark color from food, otherwise you will not understand and something is not very pleasant. And the hands do not forget to cross on the chest.


Interesting Japanese traditions

Japan, and the rest of the countries of the East, have an unusual tradition. Here it is necessary to remove shoes. In Japan, caring owners give slippers, but only to reach the living room, and then you must replace the shoes and be barefoot. And socks should be perfect cleanliness.


Leaving the guests, do not forget what your slippers look like, and do not put on the strangers.


Interesting about Thailand

In that part of the country where Buddhism flourishes, it is not customary to touch someone else's head, because This is considered offensive. The fact is that the head here is a sacred repository in which the soul is concentrated. Here they do not touch even babies. Do not also point with your finger on someone, because It is very rude in Malaysia. If you want to show on someone, then use a fist in a compressed form and with a hoppy finger (it is the direction that shows the direction). And in the Philippines, it is not even possible to show. They are quite modest people, so they show the direction by the eyes.

Interesting wedding traditions

Wedding in India

In India there is an unusual tradition. Here it is impossible to make a third marriage. You can marry 4 times, or 2 times, but it is 3 it is impossible. But this prohibition concerns exclusively living people, so some men marry the third time on the tree. At the same time, all wedding traditions and customs are observed. Upon completion of the wedding celebration, the groom begins to "go widow" by having chucking a tree. And therefore the third marriage is not afraid now. Also happening and then when the younger brother decides to marry, and the older brother is not married yet. Then the last marry tree, widget and gives the way the youngest brother. The country has incredibly interesting customs and traditions. They are very fascinating to learn and even observe when come to a particular country. Therefore, read cognitive articles and expand the horizons, and then go to different countries and recognize new traditions.

Unusual rituals of the peoples of the world Many rituals are very harmless and there are traditions that are popular in the whole world, but there are also those that can plunge you in shock. Very strange rituals, sometimes painful and violent, can be found in different parts of the planet. Some of them we will tell you in this article and recall that when traveling it is necessary to be very vigilant and neat.

Dance of the Sun.

As you know, the indigenous people of America did many rituals in honor of the spirits of the Earth. These all rituals are needed to communicate with the great spirits, they also sacrifice themselves and this in order to save direct contact with the tree of life. Direct contact with the tree occurs in this way: a spit attached to the pole, the skin is pierced on the chest. All participants begin to move forward, then back and try to break out, and at this time their skin is still associated with the pillar. This dance can last a few hours.


In India, Aghori Baba lives in India in Varanasi, which are known for those who eat dead people. Many of them think that the most in life a person is afraid of his death, and that this fear bothers him spiritually enlighten. Aghori Baba believe that if they eat a dead man, then this fear disappears, and they begin to enlighten. According to the laws of Hinduism, 5 types of people can not be cremated: pregnant women, children, saints, unmarried women and people who died due to the bite of snakes or from leprosy. These people first give the Gang River, and then Aghori come from there and begin to consume.

Jumping with a vine

Golk-ritual, which is held in the village of Bunlap. This ritual resembles Banji Jumping. At that moment, when men are preparing for jumping, all other residents sing and dance. Jumpers around the ankles tie a vine and then jump from the trees from the tree, which are made specifically for this ritual. Apparently, men are not concerned about how it can threaten, they simply believe that the higher the point of the jump, the more the blessing of the gods.


During the sacred month, Muharram, every year, followers of Shiite Islam are mass self-vaccination. Thus, they worship the memory of Hussein's death, as well as the grandson of Mohammed. During the ritual of a man, her body test the blades that are attached to the chains. Men do not feel pain, as they are all in a state of trance.

Heavenly burials

The sacred ritual, which is called heavenly burials, is in Tibet. Buddhists believe that there is no need to maintain the body after death, since there is a turn of rebirth. The bodies of dead people are transmitted by air predators. In order for the body to disappear as quickly as possible, it is cut into slices and in the area are given to be awarded.

Voodoo and spiritual possessions

West Africa is popular by voodoo followers. One ritual is famous for the fact that the person takes the spirit or a friend of the soul as in the vessel. Although man and consciousness, but it is believed that the spirit of the body masters completely, and at the end of the ritual the spirit is in man for another 3 days.

Dancing with the dead

In Madagascar, the festival "Turn the bone" passes. Residents believe that the spirit gets faster to the afterlife, it is necessary for the body as quickly as possible. Therefore, once every 2 years, for 7 years, they roll their loved ones, they dance with them around the grave and then they need to be reburied elsewhere.

Fiery walks

Malaysia believes that to push the evil effects from themselves or strengthening male strength and get rid of bad thoughts, you need to go through the cleaning ritual and go through the burning coal by barefoot. This will believe hundreds of people and therefore take part in this festival.

Mortal rites

The tribe Janas is considered one of the primitive in the world. According to residents, death is not a natural phenomenon. After death, the body cremates and mix it with bananas and begin to consume. In their opinion, thus, a member of the tribe does not leave them, but continues to live with them.


A very dangerous ritual is held annually on Phuket in Thailand. Participants are pushing their cheeks with swords, spears, knives or even weapons. All this is held, because the inhabitants believe that the gods introduce them to trance during this action, and this helps protect against evil and brings good luck in the future.


The spiritual connection between the tribe is very important in Paula (New Guinea), so they have an unusual ritual. One of the ceremonies is held in the "House of Spirit". The ritual lies in the fact that adolescents live secluded in the House of Spirit for two months. After the expiration of isolation, everyone is preparing for a dedication, after which their transition to maturity is recognized. During the ritual, punctures are applied from bamboo fragments. All these jazbins are very similar to crocodile skin. Tribal residents believe that people occurred from crocodiles. According to believe, the crocodile swallowed the boy and left an adult man instead of him and because of this, all signs on the body resemble traces of crocodile teeth.

In ancient times, in some settlements of Kamchatka, a special honor for the house was considered the night held by the guest with the owner's wife. The lady, by the way, tried to seduce the guest with all possible ways. And if she managed to get pregnant, then it was celebrated the whole village. What was, of course, reasonable - fresh genes. Such traditions are not uncommon: Eskimos and Chukchi, for example, also used the beauty of their wives for the benefit of the clan. They gave them to "use" men who went to the fishery. Well, on Tibet, it was thought that if the guest liked someone else's wife, on the will of the Higher Forces and oppose them well, no way.

Oh kuddakh

For example, on Tibet, the girl was considered an enviable bride only when she changed a dozen-other partners. Virgin, as you can see, in the country of the Dalai Lama were not in honor. But the Brazilians from the Topinambian tribe went to impressive victims to enjoy their ladies. The fact is that the girls found all the huge genitals worthy of their attention. For this, men substituted penises to poisonous snakes, after whose bites, men's advantages were consistent with the expectations of the discerning women of Topinamba.

The girl's intimate muscle training was engaged from time immemorial. It is known that wives and concubines of the Chinese emperor trained vaginal muscles using jade eggs. According to legends, they knew how to control their vaginal muscles as skillfully that they could bring a man to orgasm, while maintaining immobility.
The ability to expand the input of the vagina allowed "absorb" rather large items, such as apples. And the wave-like cuts of the muscles from the arches to the entrance made it possible to throw out the objects nested in the vagina sometimes at considerable distances.

In Japan and Korea, there was a curious practice of strengthening male orgasm. To make it brighter and memorable, enough injection in groin Golden needle, Eastern traditions say. Residents of the Natober Islands were very ingenious in bed joy. What is only the habit of brushing the partner's eyelashes, it is considered their traditional caress. I would like to see the teeth of these clatters, because to grasp the eyelashes, the teeth should be at least sharp.

But the Hindus sophisticated in love had much more options for extreme entertainment of this kind. For example, their treatises about the art of love taught the use of "Apadravia" - male piercing of gold, silver, iron, tree or buffalo horns! And the great-grandfather of the modern condom "Yalaka" - empty inside the tube with bursts outside - also invented in India.

Lovers of acute sensations in sex from the Batt tribe from the island of Sumatra had a tradition to shove the pebbles or pieces of metal under the extreme flesh. They believed that it would be able to deliver a partner much more pleasure. Argentinean Indians also had a similar idea in their arsenal. They were attached to a phallus tassels from horsehair. It is terrible to think about the hygienicness of meetings with such wellms.

Interestingly increased their attractiveness of a resident of Tanzania. They did not decorate themselves and did not dress up. They crawled at the lowned man ... Moth and sandals! In those parts, the listed things are of particular value, so a man of the will of the unilietes had to go to die property, and there - what the hell is not joking.

And what about our compatriots? In ancient times, in some settlements of Kamchatka, a special honor for the house was considered the night held by the guest with the owner's wife. The lady, by the way, tried to seduce the guest with all possible ways. And if she managed to get pregnant, then it was celebrated the whole village. What was, of course, reasonable - fresh genes. Such traditions are not uncommon: Eskimos and Chukchi, for example, also used the beauty of their wives for the benefit of the clan. They gave them to "use" men who went to the fishery. Well, on Tibet, it was thought that if the guest liked someone else's wife, on the will of the Higher Forces and oppose them well, no way.

Japan - crawl and "yobay"

An ancient sexual tradition with the poetic name "Yobi" existed in the Japanese outback until the end of the XIX century. The essence of the custom "crouching in the night" (approximate translation) was as follows: Any young man under the cover of the night had the right to penetrate the house to the unmarried lady, to get to her under the blanket and, if the chosen was not against it, to do directly delightful "Yobi" . In Russian, however, it does not sound like the name of the tradition, but more as a call to action.

If the Japanese girl came across a frequent, then the upset young man had to go to the ravis. Like any tradition, the custom "Yobi" was regulated by strict rules. The potential lover was supposed to go to a romantic date absolutely naked, since the night visit of a dressed man was considered a robbery and could end it for him. However, the guy had the right to cover the face and appear before the girl in the role of an excellent stranger. Such here are Japanese role-playing games.

Tibet - Journey one way

Once in Tibet, the visits of men met with genuinely angry. In travel notes of the famous traveler, Marco Polo tells about the local sexual tradition, which prescribed all young girls to weddings to coordinate at least twenty-different men. Whether men in Tibet were not enough, whether fresh girls on custom was intended exclusively to alien, but travelers were valued here on the weight of gold. And those poor people who could not stand for themselves, the genital swells literally "praised like a tuz." Therefore, a trip to Tibet for some of our fellows was becoming the last.

South America - Indian Babalification

The sexual traditions of the Kagaba tribe can forever repeal the desire for a man in good faith to fulfill their marital debt and start offspring. Representatives of the strong half of the tribe are terribly afraid of women. It's all about the strange ritual of the initiation of young men in men: his first sexual experience, the young Indian Kagaba is obliged to acquire with the oldest lady of the genus. For this reason, in the marital relationship, a manless man is, and if the wife hints into closeness, he prefers to cowardly hiding in the jungle in a bunker equipped for such purposes (such as hunting).

It happens that several fugitives are hiding in the bachelor burglar at the same time. Then the female half of the tribe is equipped with a search expedition. Role-playing games in Slave and Mrs. always end predictably. Unsatisfied wives are twisted by the jungle until Schron detects and will not return their faithful families.

Africa - Food Preferences

Who is interested in military parades? Unless the military, and the simple people require bread and spectacle. Swaziland's king knows how to make the soul holiday for his subjects, and therefore every year is satisfied with the grand march of virgins. Thousands of seductive dilapidated beauties cheerfully marched in front of the monarch. In Swaziland, it became a good sexual tradition when the king chooses a new spouse from the participants of the parade, and each failed wives are awarded a large meal. And believe me, on these criteria is the royal gift!

In the late 1940s, the German gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg discovered the new erogenous zone at the wards. It was located on the top wall of the vagina and was the size of the pea. Grafenberg described it in the scientific article "The role of urethra in female orgasm" (1950). Either the circulation of this publication was too small, or the title did not inspire a wide public, but before the early 1980s, even Cosmopolitan stubbornly ignored the opening of graphenberg.
It took the writer talent of sexologists Alice Ladas, Beverly Whipple and John Perry, to recognize the whole world about the new source of pleasure. Their book "Dipper of Ji and other discoveries in the sexuality of a person" (1982) became a bestseller and was translated into 19 languages.

In the Baganda tribe (East Africa) there is a belief that sex directly on agricultural land increases their fertility. By the way, such a sexual tradition was inherent in many peoples. However, the natives did not suit vulgar orgies on the garden of the plantain (the main aft culture of the Bagagandians). For the ritual, the married couple was chosen - Parents of the twins. The event was held on the field of the leader of the tribe and was as follows: the woman lay on his back, the plant of the plantain was placed in her vagina, and her husband had to get it without the help of hands, using only a hearth. According to custom, to demonstrate the wonders of equilibristics, the family of agronomists accounted for only on the field of the leader. At the gardens of their tribesmen, it was not required to play role-playing games, it was enough to dance a little.

The sexual traditions of the peoples of the world exist different, as well as beauty standards. Can a woman from the Valley of the River Zambezi be considered attractive if she has full of teeth in his mouth, like a crocodile? To become beautiful, the girl of the Batok tribe needed to marry. In the first wedding night, a satisfied spouse turned the "ugly" girl in a beautiful woman, knocking her front teeth. Such a custom, accompanied by a simple plastic surgery, makes the woman of the Batok, happy and radiant smile never leaves her face.

Mesopotamia - Temple Prostitution

Each resident of the ancient Babylon was to commit a sacrifice to the goddess of Love Ishtar. To fulfill the ritual, the lady went to the goddess sanctuary, sat down in a prominent place and waited for a stranger man. The client gave the chief coin, after which they went to some secluded corner, where they committed a generous sacrifice.

It was enough once. However, some particularly zabitans constantly practiced similar role-playing games, offering strangers an interesting holiday for money, which then went to the needs of the temple. It was impossible to leave his territory until the end of the ritual was impossible, therefore the pretty girl "shot" quickly, and a non-pieces had to wait for his prince for a long time, sometimes even for years! Accommodation and food provided. Similar sexual traditions existed in Cyprus, and the sacrifice of Greek girls brought the goddess Aphrodite.

Russia - Country of Soviets

Family life in Russia Case is nozzy! To feel this approval of the marriage pair was already at the wedding. All night before the holiday of the bride on the ancient Slavic custom, spruce braids and sang with girlfriends dreary songs. In the morning it was expected a lot of tiring wedding rites, which continued until late evening and on an empty stomach. Even during the festive feast, the bride could not eat. The bridegroom was also not sweet - all the celebration he was obliged to jump around numerous relatives.

And finally, the day ended. Exhausted young turned out to be alone in crowded and were going to do unrestrained sex to sleep. Locked! The sexual tradition assumed the active participation of relatives in the first marriage night of newlyweds - Guests until the morning were irradiated under the bedroom windows of obscene chastushki, and one of them (specially elected for this purpose) periodically knocked on the door and was interested in: "Loda drove?". In such a situation, the bridegroom soon began to realize that the mission is impossible, and his efforts are vain, despite the body immobilized from fatigue. Therefore, the young spouse was able to rehabilitate for several next night. If, it's still not going on, then the experienced advisers were connected to him: Brother or Father Bridegroom. It is known that in Ukraine in some villages, the Commissioner Suffler comfortably arranged under the bed, from where he helped how to make it all right, and at the same time he created an atmosphere of an unusual holiday.

Micronesia - Love with a light

If you are confident that role-playing games with elements of sadomasochism invented the most disguised Marks, I have a hurry to disappoint - this is a common delusion. The natives of the island travelers were fascinated by members during sex even before Makiza de Garda mouse imitated an orgasm in a simple missionary pose. Custom consisted in the following: While the partner diligently puffed, making reciprocating movements, the ardent lover set fire on his body small balls from the breadwinner. As she did during sex, it is rather difficult to imagine ... It can be assumed that the man copulating not with the whole lady, but with its remote part (for example, heel). These natives are such a pursuit!

In our world there are a huge number of nationalities that have their own history. Your attention is presented the most unusual and interesting customs and traditions Peoples of the world.

Samoa. People from these edges are enjoying the usual greetings to us, in the form of a fire, sniff each other. For them, this is a very serious and ancient ritual. In the ancient of their ancestors, with the help of such a welcome, a stranger could calculate.

Masai tribe in Africa. Everyone since childhood is taught that it is not good to do. In the Masai tribe, the opposite is. With this action, they greet each other and thereby show respect for the interlocutor.

Denmark. If walking through the streets of Denmark, you will see that the national flag looks out of the window, know, the person who has a birthday today lives in this house.

Andaman Islands. In this area, a person can approach the other, sit down in his arms and cry. And these tears will not be from grief, but from the joy they experience when meeting with this person.

In the American Indians, the bridegroom to get the bride, it was necessary to endure a lot of tests. The parents of the bride should have drived him in every way, insult or even use as a free labor. If the groom will suffer all these tests, he was given his whale's wishe.

In China, Japan, Korea, if a person does not have a chavket when taking food, it means that he didn't like food and it can insult the owners of the house.

In the east, it is customary to treat guests of tea. At the same time, the tea container is not fully and gradually, during communication, is poured. When the hosts are already tired and want guests to leave them, they pour a complete ass, which means that they finish and left.

Tibet. Here, at a meeting, it is customary to show the language. This custom has an ancient history. In the first century Tibet, Tsar-tyrant rules, and it is known that he had a black tongue. After his death, the inhabitants were very very happy, but feared so that the king would not be revived in another body. It is on this that, when meeting with strangers, they consider their duty to check the language of this person.

In the Philippines, in North Africa and in some regions of China, if the guest ate everything they put on a plate, they can decide that he is very greedy. In these places, it is customary if you no longer want to eat, then you must leave something on a plate and it will mean that you are located. In the reverse case, the owner, according to the rules of etiquette, is obliged to deliver food.

According to the ancient tradition of hospitality, if the guest in the house of the owner praised any thing, then the owner is obliged to give it to guest.

In India, it is considered an insult if you will follow the person with whom you are not familiar and have never seen before.

In Central Nigeria, it is not customary to take thin girls in his wife. In order to prepare the bride to marriage, it is placed separately from all, prohibit getting out of the room. Only a mother who brings a lot of oily and flour food to visit it to quit the daughter to the wedding.

In Vietnam, it is not customary to praise the newborn. Locals have always believed that if the Dark Spirit hears all the advantages of the child, he can paint it. Also, in Vietnam, there is a tradition on the threshold before entering the house to hang the mirror. It is necessary to scare the dragon. The inhabitants thought that if the dragon, having come to them, would see his reflection in the mirror, he would think that there was already a dragon and would leave.

In the north of Kamchatka since ancient times it was believed that if the guest slept with the owner's wife at home, he expressed his respect for the owner. And especially appreciated if the wife became pregnant from this guest.

In Spain, it is customary to contact everyone on "you", even if this person is older in age or by calling. If you turned to a person on "You", it can even insult him.

In China, there are practically no figures 4, they are trying to avoid. And all because the number 4 in the Chinese sounds like the word "death".

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