How the richest people in the world live. Life of rich people: how billionaires live where rich rest

How the richest people in the world live. Life of rich people: how billionaires live where rich rest

A new study of the charitable organization Oxfam showed that the total capital of eight richest people of the world corresponds to the supply of 50% of the world's population. We decided to find out how these eight richest people on the planet live.

Bill Gates (USA)

61 year. Founder Microsoft. Condition: $ 84.2 billion

Making your first billion in 31 years, Bill Gates did not dilute him right and left, but continued to invest in business development. It must be recognized that the test of Microsoft's big money was held with a bang. Most of the Gates earned earned to charity. Together with his wife Melinda, he founded a fund who deals with health, education and ecology.

At your hobbies, Bill also finds funds: he collects rare cars, ancient manuscript and paintings. Resting a billionaire usually along with the family at the ski resort in Greenland or the rented yacht somewhere in the Caribbean. Trying to convey your experience to the next generations, Bill writes business books and often performs at various seminars.

Carlos Slim Helu (Mexico)

76 years old. Grupo owner. Condition: $ 74 billion

Now the richest man Mexico Carlos Slim Helu slowly moves away from affairs and conveys the Brazda of the Board to her sons - three of the six children of the billionaire occupy senior positions in the family business.

We must admit that Carlos did not really love in his native Mexico - he constantly got into corruption scandals. But after the death of his wife in 1999 and began to improve his image, the billionaire corrected the billionaire. Now he invests money in the restoration of the historical part of Mexico City, and also invests in education and social programs. Only on the nature of the Mexican project went $ 100 million. By the way, having lost my spouse, the billionaire categorically refused to marry the second time, but he calls himself a "typical family man": likes to collect together all his big family for holidays and summer holidays.

Amancio Ortega (Spain)

80 years. The founder inditex (there enters Zara). Condition: $ 72.8 billion

The richest man of Spain, a fashion designer, founder of Inditex corporation, which owns brands like Zara, Pull & Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho and others, is an antipode of a classic billionaire. He really does not like publicity, does not endure journalists, never suits official techniques and lies in the working dining room. At one time, Amancio even refused the invitation to dinner from the royal family, which was even more of the media interest towards him.

Ortega was married twice, he had three children, and all members of his family (including the former spouse) have their own share in a multi-billion dollar business. A businessman does not like to shove the condition, lives quite modestly. Well, except for a private aircraft and your own hippodrome: a businessman simply adores horses. The Spaniard also invests a lot in charitable projects related to medicine and education. And another businessman is interested in football and painting: in the first one he invests money, and the second is often engaged in leisure.

Warren Buffett (USA)

86 years old. General Director of Berkshire Hathaway. Condition: $ 72.5 billion

The famous American billionaire Warren Buffett is not afraid of journalists, on the contrary, it is characterized by a cheerful and good temper. He was married twice, he has three children. When a businessman turned 77, the doctors have discovered from him, but Buffett managed to cope with the disease and look at life in a new way. Now, in your 86, he tries to lead a relatively active lifestyle, he reads a lot, plays in intellectual games and is engaged in his beloved hobby - the game on the ukulele. He even writes songs himself and sometimes performs them with the stars of rock music. Buffett - one of the most famous philanthropists in the world, somehow he promised that 99% earned money was distributed by the end of his life.

Jeff Bezos (USA)

53 years old. Chief Executive Officer Amazon. Condition: $ 70.3 billion

From his colleagues, the founder of Amazon is characterized by a measured schedule of life. He got used to sleep seven or eight, never miss breakfast, and therefore it does not appoint important meetings in the morning. Family for billionaire - above all. With his wife Mackenzi Jeff is happy in marriage for 24 years, the couple have four children - three sons and daughter. All free time, businessman loves to spend in their companies - they travel, go to sports competitions and swimming. By the way, a breakdown has an unusual hobby - in his free time he raises from the ocean the spent steps of NASA rockets.

32 years. Executive Director and Facebook Co-Founder. Condition: $ 53.8 billion

Facebook founder is the youngest on the list of the richest people of the planet. Just like his more adult colleagues, Mark a lot of time and money gives to charitable projects. At the end of 2015, he stated his intention to donate 99% of his Facebook shares for educational and medical purposes. Such a generosity of Zuckerberg was associated with the birth of his first daughter Max. Billionaire and his spouse pricked Chan (from which they met from Harvard) for a long time could not have a child.

By the way, despite the huge state, the couple leads a very modest lifestyle: they do not attend secular events and especially do not spend money on material benefits. Until recently, the spouses lived in a removable dwelling, only learning about pregnancy pregnant, Mark bought his own mansion for $ 7 million.

6. Lifestyle

How do we live and how they spend money

Having money in his pocket, you will be wise, and beautiful, and even if you do, you will be admired.

Jewish proverb

Mr. Jones lives in a village, not far from the city, in a unremarkable house of four rooms, to which the extensive, carefully well-groomed thanks to the efforts of his wife's wife. He wears shirts from Marks & Spencer (many of them for 5 years) who forced their wife to buy on sale. In the morning, Jones goes to work in a dense crowd of passengers who enjoy the seasonal ticket, while his wife travels in the family car "Ford" five years ago, which Jones promises to replace as soon as he has time.

This morning, being on the train, he looks into his road notebook and calculates what income they received from the delivery of Villas with three bedrooms, which we bought 2 years ago in the south of France. His wife herself decorated the house, and, in his opinion, did it masterfully. Villa is also a great place for family holidays. He himself can be on her only two weeks in August, but the wife spends all holidays there with children. In a private school, vacation is longer than in a village, located near their home. It turns out that in less time, you need to pay more money. It must be someone gets good profits on it. But he hopes that education is worth it. He himself left school when he was 16, and did not lose anything from it. And in the current times, it seems, people learn to deep old age!

He notes that a particularly large profit of the villa brings in the summer months, and Jones ponders the idea of \u200b\u200bwider advertising in the offseason. Here he finishes its calculations, takes out a mobile phone and dials the number while simultaneously browsing pages with business records. According to other passengers, he does not look like a rich man. Rather, it can be attributed to the category of mid-level employees. But in fact he is a millionaire businessman.

Mr. Brown lives in a spacious two-story house with six bedrooms is the house of the pastor of the Victorian era. He stands on the very edge of the village. Behind the house a huge garden that did not exceed the fact that Brown built there last year a homely swimming pool and built an additional garage especially for his new car. (Although it was necessary to seek permission for this redevelopment.) His wife hired a designer on the internal interior of the pool, but she did not like the proposed scheme, and she herself changed the design, placing the dwarf trees along the edge of the pool, and there were some of her (truly countless) Chinese plates she collects. This hobby requires expenses, but since some of the leaders' wives from his team spend 2 thousand pounds of sterling on one dress, Mr. Brown is quite pleased that he indulges her less wasteful hobbies. In the end, she still makes all purchases in the most common store, designed by no means for the rich. That morning she allowed themselves to make a day off. Children, of course, wanted to go on the coast, but Mr. Brown can not sit and idle for more than 5 minutes. Maybe, so they bought a house in Italy, near Pompei. He believes that historical places are amazing. And even forgets about the business, when these extraordinary ruins explore. It is also useful for children - in educational terms. Mr. Brown regrets that he sent them to learn to the local village school, but he believes that by putting them the taste for the European lifestyle, he "suits them" to some extent.

Mr. Brown does not go by train. Why starting, having a new glittering ultra-modern "Mercedes", deprive itself of such a convenience, like air conditioning? The wife has its own vehicle on four wheels - "Ferrari". After the purchase of this car, the village went over the village, and Mr. Brown began to notice the envy on the faces of his neighbors, when she was passing along the main street. "Good to him! - They noticed an evil grin. "It must have already become a millionaire." And this is true - he is really a millionaire.

Mr. Brown enjoys Ferrari for short walks: let's say when you need to finish the game in the golf in one chic club, which he joined last year. Recently he had time only for a couple of games a year, but but the good games - he won every time. However, he believes that it should use a car more often - after all, he will quickly endure, and then it will turn out that he has spent money for him.

Both, Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown, - Millionaires who have reached this status on their own, but they have completely different priorities as to how to spend money. Indeed, after reading the interview with millionaires, it becomes clear that their priorities

regarding expenses are as different as different characters and types of business. Often the only thing that unites them is spacious, perfectly furnished at home (which is always important for them), vacation abroad several times a year and a tireless desire to invest.

The present millionaire should be not younger than 40 with a little, to marry and have children; And after she got out of bed, spend most of his time to work.

Indeed, the review of the Tulip agency shows that, in general, to have money for savings and investments - this is a priority number one both in millionaires and in multimillioners, both in men and women, the managers of companies operating in that or other professional sphere, and in businessmen.

In real life, millionaires differ from that stereotype, which is in the boulevard press. Millionaire on the pages of the boulevard press - this is usually a lonely man of 30 years, which spends most of his time for visiting fashionable clubs or slides on the waves on its own yacht size from good whale, surrounded by beauties from the covers of fashionable magazines that are literally hanging on it, in while it is already sick of it. In real life, a millionaire is, as a rule, a young man who has already been married, has children and spends most of his time at work. And he is resting only during holidays or playing golf. Most of them lead the most common lifestyle and scrupulously pay their accounts.

Millionaires tend to judge their success on the standard established by the public opinion regarding all millionaires.

Millionaires are also very different from each other. Not all millionaires have the same income. In essence, two thirds of all millionaires have less than 2 million pounds of sterling in assets, while 10% of the highest link (their 15 thousand) averages have 6.5 million pounds of sterling. It would seem, for this money you can buy happiness. Fifty-five percent of super-rich (3 million pounds of sterling plus what is in assets) claim that they are very pleased with their lifestyle - compared with 43% millionaires "victory". Supported people are also more satisfied with themselves, consider themselves very successful compared to 48% (less than half) millionaires "victory". It seems strange, because most people think that being a millionaire in our society is already a symbol of success, moderately you are rich or very rich. However, millionaires compare themselves with other millionaires and judge their success according to certain standards, and not by their average income. This means that the comparison of those who have less, with those who have more, in all likelihood, in any case is perceived by the first painful - they do not differ from the person in this who live in a small apartment and envies the one who has Spacious owned home.

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From time to time, someone will come to mind question - how do they live, these are the richest?

In this article, I will not answer you how rich lives ... But I will tell you where you can find an answer!

Even if you do not have rich friends and acquaintances, and it does not manage to tie a close communication with wealthy people, you can make a fairly detailed, volumetric and realistic picture of the life of the "average" rich man, having learned knowledge from several sources.

How do rich people live?

You want to imagine how rich life looks like, and you can't do? In order to solve this problem, it is enough to spend money on the glossy edition - at least one, and better than a few. It may be magazines about interior design, architecture and landscape, travel, expensive cars, exquisite recipes, beauty salons and modes "from Kutur".

Paint glossy pages, plunge into the atmosphere of luxury, and you will find a rather bright and volumetric idea of \u200b\u200ba rich life. Please note that it is recommended to buy real magazines. The online version will not give you a proper fullness of impressions.

However, there are such rich people who, despite their status and savings, allowing you to live not one dozen lives, without working a single day, continue to save every penny. For example, they brew tea bags re-visited the public pool and take the smelting for rent. But it is soon an exception than the rule.

What do the rich feel? Do they have feelings? Are they able to love? And is it true that they cry? What is able to cause tears of these "rulers of the world"? In order to at least partly get the answer to these questions, it is enough to see the next television series about the life of the rich. There you can get the overall impression of the emotional life of rich people.

Check out the frank interviews with the stars - almost all of them are wealthy people. You will be surprised how much the feelings of rich people look like a feeling of a less fortunate part of humanity. However, it is possible to catch and special specifics of emotional and not only problems of wealthy people.

Look. Of course, in the films, everything is not like a little like. But I think the share of truth is there.

Read-ka better forbes. He will open the veil over the question, the mass of people: "How did they succeed? How rich became rich? How did they come to the life that they have now? ". Yes, yes, all those who do not have in deep apathy or did not go to spiritual practices, or with whom something else out of a number of outgoing, is interested in this question ...

How to start living richly?

Despite the widespread saying, they say "did not live in a richly, there is nothing to begin," people still strive for chic and consistency, and do not lose hope for the best life. Therefore, the question "how to start living richly" was asked, set and will be asked throughout the history of mankind. But if the answer to this question was simple, unequivocally and easily implement in practice, we would no longer have to read this article and try to draw a life of the rich in our imagination.

We themselves began to live richly, and if lucky - there would be also healthy, and happy. And it is unlikely to stay time on the Internet, because, you agree, in our time the Internet is one of the options of a low-budgetary pastime. There is a lot of interesting things in it, but the screen and keyboard will not be equal to traveling vip-tours, the design of the next villa on the seashore, the game in a casino with millions of rates, etc., and the like.

In short, the principles of achieving wealth are described in the article: Be sure if you are given to get rich and with great persistence you will go to her, you will have enough for the first time as a brief "manual."

But, by the way, video transmission about the life of rich on Rublevka, I looked at several issues in a row - delays.

My plans are not limited to this article, but write a whole cycle of motivating articles about a rich life. Houses, interiors and cars of rich, their rest and entertainment, appearance and style of rich people and much more on this topic - all this is worthy of close attention and study. I think it will be interesting, and we will be able to get full and reliable information about how rich people live.!

If you are a billionaire, you can make it more for yourself more than just spending for needs. Rich people go to expensive cars, eating in elite restaurants and, of course, live in luxury houses. Moreover, the last item is not just private cottages, but the most real mansions.

Mark Zuckerberg

The owner of Facebook lives in a huge house with a pool and five bedrooms. In fact, the building as if consists of several apartments - there are even separate entrances.

Alice Walton

One of the daughters Sam Walton not only lives in a chic building, but also shows its interest in the art of its design. The whole mansion is a whole complex designed by a wonderful design. A distinctive feature of the house is a huge pool directly on his roof. This unusual solution was the fruit of the fantasy of the Elis itself.

Christie Walton

Unlike his sister, the speech about which was earlier, Christie prefers the classics in the design of the interior and exterior of buildings. So, on the territory of its huge mansion is an artificial reservoir, and above it is a stone bridge. In addition, the building is framed by entertaining landscape design and multiple foliage. In such an interpretation, the housing of the billionaire resembles an amazing and at the same time a mysterious mountain house.

Dmitry Rybolovlev

Do not lag behind their foreign colleagues and Russian businessmen. The abode of Dmitry Rybolovlev is worth a total of $ 95 million and is in Florida. Moreover, admires this mansion not only by impressive sizes and stunning landscape, but also a view from the windows. Going to the balcony, you can admire the spacious beach, washed by the waters of the ocean.

George Soros.

This mansion is estimated at $ 23 billion. It is not just a building, but the most real residential complex. Here the household house has placed the tennis court and the pool, and also emphasized the surrounding atmosphere with a refined landscape design. Surprisingly, a businessman recently made an addition to his already huge mansion: he decided to complete another floor at 19 rooms. Who knows, perhaps, this is not the end.

Ira Rennerta

Oh, this delightful house can be bolded to call the "place under the sun". It looks very cozy and attractive even for random passersby. In addition to the large area, the territory of the mansion is distinguished by a variety of green plantings. Looking at beautifully laid out tracks, along which neat trees are planted, and I want to hide in the shade and relax a little.

David Koh

Man, in a rather short time earned a whole condition, just could not live in a modest house. His abode is a mansion, the territorial area of \u200b\u200bwhich occupies almost 3000 m 2. It has as many two tennis courts, and, of course, a huge pool.

Charles Koh

Another representative of the Kohov family is also known as the most successful billionaire of our time. They are Brother David, Charles. Unlike his relative, the businessman is limited to a more modest real estate. His building occupies a much smaller area and is located in the forest area. Although this mansion will also have its advantages. For example, in the back of the house, there is a stunning look at the house, and the pool located on its territory is buried deep into the ground.

Bernard Arno.

The businessman admitted in one of the interviews that he had dreamed of his own ski resort all his life. Finally, in the 65th age, Arno acquired a mansion in Belgium, which allowed him to fulfill the dream. Now the billionaire has a special zone for skiing.

Larry Ellison

At first glance, you might think that this building is rather an amusement park than whose place of residence. There are also ski slopes, and even a boat station. The territory that the businessman's mansion is occupied, so picturesque that the look fascinates.

Warren Buffette

As the principles of this person show, not all billionaires are extremely wasteful. The entrepreneur, despite his colossal income, continues to live in Omaha (Nebraska). At the same time, the thrift of the Buffeta does not make it less well-known and successful.

Amancio Ortega

The living area of \u200b\u200bone of the richest people of the world truly corresponds to his status. The building is located in Spain and simply immersed in the atmosphere of eternal relaxation. The territory of the mansion is littered with palm trees, and a few meters from it offers a magnificent beach view.

Phil Knight

The founder of Nike company is very modest compared to his businessmen colleagues. He lives in the house off the coast of California. The surrounding managed to evaluate the exterior of the building and the landscape rich in green plantings, as the internal layout is not available for sight of passersby.

Jeff Bezos

The exact cost of the construction is unknown, only there is an opinion that it exceeds $ 30 billion. The space of the room and a multifunctional courtyard is harmoniously combined in this mansion. It has several pools and neat stone tracks on its territory.

Carlos Slim Elu

At one time, this businessman wore the status of the richest man around the world. He owns real estate in Mexico, which many designers called the real miracle of architecture.

Michael Bloomberg

Wealth can also manifest itself in elegant restraint. This rule used Michael Bloomberg when making his mansion. The inner design of the building resembles an English classic, and the floor with a tile resembling a chessboard, adds to him charm.

Bill Gates

It is impossible not to mention the richest person of modernity, founded Microsoft.

In his house there is a huge indoor aquarium filled with various marine beings: whales, sharks, etc. In addition, the building is located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

Public divorces with division of joint property, demonstrating reporters of rich content, publication in social networks and the press of photographs made during travel - it would seem that their lives have long ceased to be secret for seven seals. And, nevertheless, interest in the characters of secular chronicles and billionaires from the Forbes list continues to grow only. And the more the media quench this thirst for new knowledge about the backstage life of the richest people in Russia, the stronger our impatience to taste the next "sip".

In the photo: Ruslan and Maria Green in the house renovated by design project design

And this is understandable, because people who are immentable in luxury people are just as nice, how to taste Chateau Margo 1982 or drinking Calvados 50-year exposure: the effect can be the same that from ordinary vodka, but here only the taste and entourage is not at all that

Where and how do rich people live in Russia?

In the photo: interior of a luxury living room with fireplace and panoramic glazing

How do rich people live in Russia? Where do they prefer to buy real estate? What do their homes look, and most often whole residences? And, in the end, who these people who can afford not only to buy an apartment in the elite residential complex of Moscow, but also to order such a design project of the interior that all the greatness of Versailles and even the scope of the skyscraper of Burj El-Arab in Dubai flashed compared?

In the photo: Elite interior of the house after repairing the design project

Questions arising in the man's head when he looks on TV next transmission about the life of rich and famous, usually very standard. A person with an average income level, for which the odnushki in 20 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road seems to be an unrealized dream, imagine that someone can just take and easily post for a house of $ 50 million, for example, it is very difficult. Even if this home is the mansion of Sheremetyevsky graphs in St. Petersburg.

In the photo: House interior inside - beautiful living room

About where rich people live in Russia can guess easily. In addition to the notorious ruble, people from the Forbes list also often choose other cottage villages on Rublevo-Assumption Highway. Popular novel Novorizhskoye and Mozhaisk highway. Among the leadersels in the number of rich mansions and houses are "Barvikha", "Zhukovka" and "Gorki 2".

In the photo: House in the luxury cottage village in the suburbs

But with the answer to the question of how rich people live in Russia, everything is not so simple. His closed residences of the oligarchs, as a rule, carefully hide from prying eyes. High fences, trees and shrubs, the most hiding facade of the house, its own security service - these are the three "whales", on which the inviolability of the private life of Russian oligarchs is. So how do rich people live in Russia? What do they hide behind the high fences and carefully fortified walls of the castles?

In the photo: backlights, sconces, stained glass and onyx in the design of the stair hall

Many of us understand that it is unlikely that someone wants to order an elite for a tiny apartment in Khrushchev in one of the bedrooms. Dear interiors are prerogatives of wealthy and just very rich people who choose LCD premium or country villages. Therefore, as a rule, the elite interior design is associated with large homes (or even whole estates and residences) and spacious urban apartments (two-level apartments, spacious studios, etc.).

In the photo: Elite bedroom design in the apartment in LCD "Monteville"

Naturally, large areas of such objects in the course of work on the design project allow you to organize there many additional premises for recreation and entertainment: saunas, hammams, home cinemas, bars, fireplace rooms.

For example, in this, located in the popular among rich Russians near Moscow village of Barvikha, Designers of Studios Ruslana Green organized a billiard room, and a swimming pool with a bath, and even a winter garden:

In the photo: Billiard room design in Barvikha

And in the design of the interior of this house on the attic area is equipped with a recreation area with a real dance floor, decorated with disco balls and illumination.

In the photo: Elite design project interior of attic in the house

In the photo: Dance floor on the attic of an elite house

Of course, the set of functional zones for each is unique. Everything is determined by the characters of hobbies and the wishes of the customers themselves. If someone is fond of studying stars, then why not organize your own observatory in the house, for example?

In the photo: Elite bedroom design in the apartment in the LCD "Skolkovo Park"

The interior design of elite houses and apartments is always characterized by the use of high-quality and expensive finishing. If we apply a tree, then only natural. Want to add a stone? Please, but no imitation: exclusively natural marble and onyx. In elite interiors, there are almost always combinations of expensive textures of stone, glass, crystal, mirror inserts.

In the photo: Elite interior design at home in KP "Ruza Family Park"

However, no matter how impressive the size of your wallet, after all, when selecting the elements of the finish, it is important to comply with moderation. Amber room, of course, is good as a work of art. But why live in it in the XXI century? If we continue to continue experimenting in the interiors on the topic "Dorokho, Bhahato", it is quite possible that in the consciousness of foreigners to the image of the fabulous rich Russians in the Soboli, the royal throne will be added inevitably with black caviar.

Of course, elite and at home, given its greater value, allows you to experiment with complex architectural elements. Columns, pilasters, all kinds of sockets, vaulted ceilings - our time is known to make ways to make the interior composition more complex and unique.

In the photo: Dining room design with ceiling painting

But in the question with architectural solutions, the approach is the same as in the case of. You should not open architectural dictionary and strive to shove into one room all the elements that you see there. After all, your apartments are not the facade of the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady and not the Winter Palace. The task of a private apartment is not to get into history, but to ensure a comfortable stay to all its inhabitants.

In the photo: luxury with taste in the kitchen interior of a country house

But even if such ambitions put their mansion in one row with the apartments of the Great Princes and have a place to be, then believe me that your interior has much more chances to recognize the descendants, if it reflects the peculiarities of modernity, and does not parody the Era Regency in France.

In the photo: Luxury trim in the kitchen interior with bar counter

The elite design project of the apartment and the house involves both thoroughly scrupulous work with light. If a pair of built-in backlights on the ceiling can be considered for a typical interior of the top of the lighting of the lighting, then in expensive design, several light bulbs are not separated.

In the photo: Different types of backlighting in the kitchen interior

Blue ribbons of bruised over the perimeter of ceiling backlit ceiling arms, expensive chandeliers, cascade lamps with a waterfall of crystal threads, dropping out almost until the floor, highlighted stones and - arsenal of means, with the help of which lighting in an elite interior is built, very rich:

In the photo: stained glass windows, onyx and built-in backlights in the design of the stair hall

Who creates an interior design of elite apartments and houses?

Interior design and professional studios and designers are always involved. Agree to imagine the oligarch, whose day is scheduled for a minute, hanging on the walls of the picture and clogging nails in the wall, not so simple. As, however, it is difficult to imagine that the representative of the elite costume from Dior or Armani will prefer sports Triko from the Chinese market. Rich and famous love to surround all sides of their life with an exclusive. Therefore, when selecting the designer studio, they are focused on both the professionalism of the contractor and the well-known names of designers.

In the photo: Ruslan and Maria Green - famous TV presenters and video bloggers

Design Studio Ruslana and Maria Green has tremendous experience with elite objects. Our portfolio presents many interiors of apartments and houses located in prestigious residential complexes of the capital and premium cottage settlements. For each such objects, designers and famous Ruslan and Maria Green are developing the author's interior.

Today, the Design Studio Ruslana and Maria Green offers customers several service packages, which are already included not only the designer sketches themselves, but also repair work, finishing materials, and furniture.