Why did you cover the program called dinner on Ren-TV? Where the transfer of "called dinner" disappeared where the program was lost.

Why did you cover the program called dinner on Ren-TV? Where to disappear
Why did you cover the program called dinner on Ren-TV? Where the transfer of "called dinner" disappeared where the program was lost.

Fresh issues of "called dinner" usually come out on the TV channel Ren TV on weekdays at 13:00. However, this week is missing in the program's program. Since the very morning, concerned fans of "called dinner" are trying to clarify the situation on the program page in the social network "VKontakte".

The audiences are guess why the show suddenly ceased to go on the air and put forward different versions. Some believe that the program has ceased to sponsor and it closed, others suggest that the transfer simply left for the summer holidays. One of the fans of the show jokingly noticed that the film crew simply poisoned "overdue."

Later, the administrators of the VKontakte group tried to calm users, stating that the transfer really went on vacation. "Dear convicts of the program" Donate dinner ", set in panic! Every year from June of the month, the program goes on vacation. Yes, the program organizers are also living people, they want to rest in a year, oddly enough," they wrote. Fans promised that new editions will be broadcast at the end of summer.

Nevertheless, officially, this information has not yet been confirmed, which means that fans still have something to worry about. In the press service of the Ren TV channel, refused to call the reason why "called dinner" disappeared from the ether. Lead Alexander Kovalev also did not shed light on the situation.

"I would with great pleasure answered you to this question, but I think, or rather, if you contact the channel press service. I'm fine. If we touch only me, I'm at the moment I'm just on the set Programs. The program was not closed, you call me, we remove new series at this moment, "he said to the DNI correspondent. RU.

On the question of the release of new graduates of Kovalev also answered enough evasion: "It's about the same thing that I would ask you if the newspaper DNI. RU app on Fridays." Nevertheless, he stressed that she was still a leading show.

The culinary program "Sawn dinner" comes out on Ren TV since 2006 and is still very popular with the audience. We will remind, a member of the show can be anyone, regardless of profession, age or wealth.

The increased concentration of idiotia for a minute of airtime took not only greedy to the "urban crazy" spectators, but also the correspondent of "tapes.ru", which decided to personally meet Frikov and take a look at the "dinner dinner" on the other side of the television screen.

Slipped on dinner

It all started with a harmless message in Vkontakte, which I jokingly sent a good acquaintance. "Look, as in the" dinner dinner ", it turns out, people are gaining," the questionnaire of a candidate for participation in the culinary show was attached to the letter. Thille thinking, I immediately filled the questionnaire and sent it to the address indicated in the letter. Incredible, but literally after a couple of hours, a certain Dmitry came with me and invited me to the interview.

At the MEDIA film studio, I, heroically labby between the actors from the TV series "Voronina,", hardly found the cherished door with the inscription "called dinner" and, by clicking on the doorbell button, went towards unknown.

The unknown appeared in the form of three women of forty years. By interrupting each other, they began to explain to me the rules for participating in the show and praise the selfless employees of the "called dinner", which, according to them, make it impossible - per day they take more than an "suitable content". After filling out the next questionnaire and discussion of the menu, women marked me by the prompt nickname "Student" and promised to call back during the six months, explaining the delay in the fact that they and so much wishing to become a televisions.

Curious, but in the evening of the next day, my phone literally broke away from the calls of the producers of the Zvan's Dinner, who demanded to come to the office "Tomorrow, and then we have shooting next week." With difficulty believes in his luck, I told annoying women's firm "yes" and prepared to conquer the domestic show business.

Week Kulinary

By signing the contract, I handed myself to the caring hands of producers for a week - on the day for dinner visiting each participant of the show. Our "working day" began approximately at 10 o'clock in the morning and ended at midnight. We spent the first half of the day in the walls of the Amidi, where there were gossip and expectations from the upcoming dinner under the sight of cameras. Then, sowing on the tail is extremely non-reportal operators, on the rusted "Gazelle" went to visit the hero or the heroine of the evening.

With three other participants in the project, I met the staircase, where the crowded "televishes" expected cooking dishes and proved competitors. To my deep disappointment, the majority turned out to be unremarkable people without any visible deviations. A denbulous young man in a sports suit became the only hope of an unrestrained fun - he introduced himself as Arrewthler Spartan and began to ship in any no obey interlocutors with his plans for the conquest of Hollywood.

After a two-hour waiting on a staircase, a particularly acted me introduced me to acquainted with the fourth participant - TV presenter and Chistyaster Christina. A small tour of the apartment with looking at the contents of the girl's cabinets, and our guests finally allowed us to the table surrounded by cameras and well-sweaty operators.

Video: Sewage dinner. Ren TV / YouTube

It was not possible to eat humanly anyone: the producers intervened in a sluggish secular conversation and began to raise us on each other, demanding the development of conflict. "Do you understand that your conversations are not interested in anyone? What are you sitting as if you came to visit? Ask her something provocative, otherwise we are here before the morning, "they announced the art director Nikita, who was hardworking to throw the mistress of the evening with questions about possible intima in a bath for vodka.

As a result, the evening ended with four conflicts and a bunch of small quarrels, who set up producers to major way. They even allowed us to disperse on homes and pretty prepared for a serious confrontation.

War of the Worlds

The second day of the competition was marked by the departure of the Marina saleswoman, which, apparently, only after a day, realized that the "dinner dinner" was not at all about cooking. However, the producers were not very confused: declared Marina Kidala, due Ren TV "Millenpickot" rubles, and promptly invited the organizer of festive events to Elena. Then she tried to win the heart of the art director of Nikita all week, in the breaks, squeezing me on the ears and complaints against the unavailable son, which is playing for hours in Dota 2.

As far as I understood, despite a good mine, Marina's sales makers are somewhat strained by the producers of "called dinner". 40-year-old women began to actively spend with us personal conversations, intelligently explaining that there will be no transfer without conflict, there will be no transfer - there will be no money. By the way, in addition to the prize, each of us was promised to pay a dozen.

Video: Sewage dinner. Ren TV / YouTube

The first victim of the backup games fell Spartan. He suddenly reincarnated in his twin brother of Ron and began to frankly rich in the art director Nikita, in the spiritual impulse even waters the full plane rice on his head. "We are happy," said the satisfied "actor of Hollywood" with obvious schizophrenia.

A little later, the Spartan, who is actually the name of Jura, in secret told me that he was not at all Ron Weasley, as we all assumed, but the unbalanced Gangster Ronnie Craya from the film "Legend". According to him, he spent over a day. "In Hollywood, they will define it," he assured me.

On the joy of producers and the other participants of the "dinner", the art director of Nikita did not remain and the next day, Yuri got a savory spit in his face with ton insults to his address. I confess, I did not have no pleasure for their overparaging, but after promising the Spartan to take revenge on the offender, I had to take the arm wrestler to the side and warn that in the event of an unforeseen situation at my home, he would instantly go beyond the door.

It is worth noting that all the action fell on the share of Spartan and Nikita - they were constantly overlooked and poded each other. The arm wrestler was especially great: it turned out that the "future star of Hollywood" is generally not aware of what Sparta is, and his knowledge in ancient history is limited to the film "300 Spartans". However, this did not prevent him from lure me on the accessible balcony and offer the Union. "We divide money," he said, not knowing that I had already set him ten points from a hundred.

It's hard to believe, but after the week of collaboration, I, Spartan, Nikita, Elena and Christina, were shown by phones, they forgot to all insults and continued to communicate. Because it is not. As the Spartan said: "I really liked everything, but for the sake of my victory, I put it 20 points."

Popular and beloved by many viewers program " Serious dinner"Stopped existence. As it turned out, the well-known program "Zvanny Dinner" is closed by the leadership of Ren-TV on September 5.

Dinner why do not show

The first about the closure of the "Summary Dinner" program told her permanent leading Gregory Shevchuk:
« Very many people are interested and asked why closed a soul dinner and what happened? I can only tell what I know myself ...

All these 11 years we shot our dinner in real apartments, our own and removable, in all weather conditions, on the roofs, in basements, on the stairwells and in the courtyards. We found a common language and suffered absolutely different participants who sometimes did not differ decency and understanding.

We did not have a clear time frame of our filming period, which could end in 2, and in 4, and at 6 am !!! And at 9:30 we must start shooting a new hero! Most of your life, for these 11 years, we, the shooting group, spent together, sharing all the sorrows and joy)))))

So what happened? In June, completing the next season, we were assured that from mid-August we begin a new one! And everyone hoped that scandals and trash would no longer be, or would be significantly less ...

And we all went on vacation, of course, not paid, waiting for the start of new shooting, new heroes, the new season ... And now, in early August, we were told that the beginning of the shooting was postponed from the 14th to 21! Well, anything happens ... then they reported that from 21 it was transferred to the 28th! .. We are people who are delivered, waiting! Then appointed the first shooting day on September 4th! ..

And the last information, from the leadership of the Ren-TV channel, was that we, blood out of the nose, we begin on September 11, and even there is an agreement for a certain number of dinner issues that you need to remove! ..

And on September 4, in the evening, we were transferred to us that the dinner was closed ... without explanation !!! Without warnings !!! Without anything...

This is despite the fact that the office, at a minimum worked for a month for free, preparing participants and everything you need! And the whole working team, a shooting group, with a calm soul went to relax in the summer, being confident that the new season will begin and work! ..

Decinely, honestly, professionally, and did the leadership of the Ren-TV television channel, I do not undertake it to judge ... This is everyone can appreciate himself!

But I repeat: 11 years we lived our dick dinner, and without going into the details of our working conditions on the site, our shooting group did not consider it necessary to warn in advance about the fact that we will not need and closed us !!!

That's all what happened ... "

The culinary program "Zvanny Dinner" went out on Ren-TV since 2006 and still enjoyed great popularity in the audience. Recall that anyone who wants to become a member of the show, regardless of profession, age or wealth. The official reasons for the closure of the program are not yet called.

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Fresh issues of "called dinner" usually come out on the TV channel Ren TV on weekdays at 13:00. However, this week is missing in the program's program. Since the very morning, concerned fans of "called dinner" are trying to clarify the situation on the program page in the social network "VKontakte".


The audiences are guess why the show suddenly ceased to go on the air and put forward different versions. Some believe that the program has ceased to sponsor and it closed, others suggest that the transfer simply left for the summer holidays. One of the fans of the show jokingly noticed that the film crew simply poisoned "overdue."

Later, the administrators of the VKontakte group tried to calm users, stating that the transfer really went on vacation. "Dear convicts of the program" Donate dinner ", set in panic! Every year from June of the month, the program goes on vacation. Yes, the program organizers are also living people, they want to rest in a year, oddly enough," they wrote. Fans promised that new editions will be broadcast at the end of summer.

Nevertheless, officially, this information has not yet been confirmed, which means that fans still have something to worry about. In the press service of the Ren TV channel, refused to call the reason why "called dinner" disappeared from the ether. Lead Alexander Kovalev also did not shed light on the situation.

"I would with great pleasure answered you to this question, but I think, or rather, if you contact the channel press service. I'm fine. If we touch only me, I'm at the moment I'm just on the set Programs. The program was not closed, you call me, we remove new series at this moment, "he said to the correspondent website.

On the question of the release of new graduates of Kovalev also answered enough evasion: "It's about the same thing that I would ask you if the newspaper will have the website application on Fridays." Nevertheless, he stressed that she was still a leading show.

The culinary program "Sawn dinner" comes out on Ren TV since 2006 and is still very popular with the audience. We will remind, a member of the show can be anyone, regardless of profession, age or wealth.

During the week, the characters of the program take turns to suit each other for each other, competing not only in their culinary abilities, but also in the ability to entertain guests. And the charismatic leading show Gregory Shevchuk and Alexander Kovalev helps participants to reveal their talents.