With what Gogol is ridicuing officials. What laughs N.V

With what Gogol is ridicuing officials. What laughs N.V

Over what Gogol laughed. About the spiritual sense of the comedy "auditor"

Voropaev V. A.

Be performers of the word, and not the hears only, deceiving themselves. For who listens to the word and does not fulfill, he is like a person who considers the natural features of his face in the mirror. He looked at himself, moved away, and immediately forgot what he was.

Jac. 1, 22 - 24

My heart hurts when I see how people are mistaken. They pushed about virtue, about God, and meanwhile nothing.

From the letter of Gogol to the mother. 1833.

"Auditor" is the best Russian comedy. And in reading, and in the stage on the stage, it is always interesting. Therefore, it is generally difficult to talk about whatever the failure of the "auditor". But, on the other hand, it is difficult and creating a real Gogol performance, to force the bitter Gogol laugh sitting in the hall. As a rule, something fundamental, deep, on what the whole sense of the play will slip away from the actor or the viewer.

The premiere of the comedy, held on April 19, 1836 on the scene of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, according to the testimony of contemporaries, had a tremendous success. Governed Ivan Sosnitsky, Khlejakova Nikolai Dur - the best actors of the time. "The general attention of the audience, applause, sincere and unanimous laughter, challenge the author ... - Prince Peter Andreyevich Vyazemsky," there was no lack of anything. "

At the same time, even the hottest fans of Gogol did not fully understand the meaning and value of the comedy; Most of the public perceived it as a farce. Many saw in the play caricature on Russian officials, and in her authors - a rowersman. According to Sergey Timofeevich Aksakov, there were people who hated Gogol from the moment the "auditor" appeared. So, Count Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy (on Nickname American) spoke in a crowded meeting that Gogol is "the enemy of Russia and that it should be sent to Siberia in the shackles." Tizenor Alexander Vasilyevich Nikitenko recorded in his diary on April 28, 1836: "The comedy of Gogol" The Auditor "made a lot of noise ... Many believe that the Government approves this play in vain in which it is so crueling."

Meanwhile, it is relifically known that the comedy was allowed to perform on stage (and, consequently, to the press) to the highest permission. Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich read a comedy in the manuscript and approved. On April 29, 1836, Gogol wrote Mikhail Semenovich Schepkin: "If it were not for the high intercession of the sovereign, my play would not be on stage, and there were already people who have trouble banning her." The sovereign Emperor not only attended the premiere, but told the ministers to watch the "auditor". During the presentation, he slammed and laughed a lot, and leaving the lodge, said: "Well, the play! Everyone got everyone, but I am more!".

Gogol hoped to meet the support of the king and was not mistaken. Soon after the setting of the comedy, he answered in the "theatrical drive" to his ill-wishers: "The generosity government is deeper than you, the high intelligence of the goal wrote."

The striking contrast seemingly the undoubted success of the play sounds bitter recognition of Gogol: "The Auditor" has been played - and I have so vaguely, so strange ... I expected, I knew the way, how the case would go, and with all that the feeling sad and An annoying painful elapsed me. My very creature seemed to me disgusting, wildly and as if not mine "(an excerpt from a letter written by the author shortly after the first idea of \u200b\u200bthe" auditor "to one trial).

Gogol was, it seems, the only one who perceived the first formulation of the "auditor" as a failure. What is the case, what did not satisfy him? In part, there was a discrepancy between the old water techniques in the design of the play with a completely new spirit of the play, not stacked in the framework of a regular comedy. Gogol persistently warned: "It is most thoughtful to fear, so as not to fall into the caricature. There should be nothing to be exaggerated or trivial even in recent roles" (Previation for those who wish to play as a "auditor").

Creating images of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, Gogol imagined them "in the skin" (according to his expression) Shchepkin and Vasily Ryazantsev - famous comic actors of that era. In the performance, according to him, "Cartoon came out." "Already before the beginning of the presentation," he shares his impressions, "we see them costumed, I got out. These two little men, in the essence of their pretty neat, plump, with decently surprised hair, found themselves in some awesome, sedentary gray wigs, conclusions, Ufectant, dismissed, with hidden huge manicians; and on the stage turned out to be so far as the crushes, which was simply unbearable. "

Meanwhile, the main installation of Gogol is the full nature of characters and the likelihood of what is happening on the scene. "The smaller the actor thinks to mix and be funny, the more a funny role with them will be revealed. Funny will find himself in itself in the continuation, with what is employed by each of the persons with the comedy."

An example of such a "natural" performance manner can be the reading of the "auditor" by Gogol. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who was present once on this reading, says: "Gogol ... struck me with an extreme simplicity and restraint of manners, some important and at the same time naive sincerity, which is not like anything - is there any listeners and what they think . It seemed that Gogol just cared about how to delve into the subject, for him the newest, and however, it would be better to give his own impression. The effect went out extraordinary - especially in comic, humorous places; there was no opportunity not to laugh - a good, healthy laugh ; And the culprit of all this fun continued, not embarrasing in common cheerfulness and, as it were, to dive into it, everything is more and more to dive into the destination - and only occasionally, on the lips and near the eyes, slightly markedly fluttering smile wizard. With which perplexity, with How Gogol's amazement did the famous phrase of Gogol about two rats (at the very beginning of Pise): "They came, sniffed and went away!" - He even slowly looked at us, as if asking explanations. Who amazing incident. I only understood here, as generally incorrectly, superficially, with whatever desire only embellish, it is usually played on the stage of the auditor.

Throughout the work on the play, Gogol mercilessly expelled all the elements of the external comism. Gogol's laughter is a contrast between what he says the hero and how he says it. Here in the first action Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky argue, which of them began to tell the news. This comic scene should not only be mixed. For heroes it is very important who will tell. All their life is to spread all sorts of gossip and rumors. And suddenly two got the same news. This is a tragedy. They argue because of the case. Bobchinsky everything needs to tell, do not miss anything. Otherwise, Dobchinsky will complement.

Why - ask again - Gogol remained dissatisfied with the premiere? The main reason was not even in the farce character of the performance - to raise the public, but in the fact that with the caricature manner of the game of actors sitting in the hall perceived what was happening on the stage without applying to themselves, as the characters were exaggerated. Meanwhile, Gogol's idea was designed just for the opposite perception: involve the viewer in the performance, let it feel that the city marked in the comedy exists not somewhere, but in one way or another anywhere in Russia, and there are passions and defects of officials In the soul of each of us. Gogol appeals to all and everyone. This is concluded the huge public importance of the "auditor". In this and the meaning of the famous replica of Governing: "What are you laughing at yourself!" - facing the hall (just to the hall, since no one laughs at this time). The epigraph is also indicated by the epigraph: "Necha's mirror is punished, if Ryg is a curve." In peculiar theatrical comments to the play - the "Theatrical Track" and "Auditor", where the audience and actors are discussing a comedy, Gogol seeks to destroy the invisible wall, separating the scene and the auditorium.

Regarding the epigraph, which appeared later, in the publication of 1842, let's say that this folk proverb will mean under the mirror of the Gospel, about which the contemporaries of Gogol, spiritually belonged to the Orthodox Church, knew perfectly and could even refresh the understanding of this proverb, for example, the famous Krylov Basney " Mirror and monkey. " Here is a monkey, looking in the mirror, turns to the bear:

"Look," says, "my cute is my!

What is it there for the face?

What kind of shelters and jumping!

I would help with longing,

Whenever at least a little bit like it.

But, admit, there is

From the grooves of my such crusher five to six;

I can even count them on my fingers. "-

No better about yourself, kuma, turn around? "-

She answered Bear.

But Mishenekin advice only disappeared.

Bishop Varnava (Belyaev) In his capital labor, the "Basics of Holy Art's Fundamentals" (1920s) connects the meaning of this fable with attacks on the Gospel, and it is precisely such a sense (besides others). The spiritual view of the Gospel as a mirror has long been and firmly exists in Orthodox consciousness. So, for example, Saint Tikhon Zadonsky is one of the favorite writers of Gogol, whose writings he reread repeatedly, "says:" Christian! What the sons of the century of this mirror, this will be the Gospel and the Immaculate Life of Christ. They look in the mirrors and correct their body And the flavors on the face are cleaned ... We will offer a clutter and we have definition of our eyes with a clean sir of a mirror and look at us: Does our lives of the life of Christ? "

Holy Righteous John Kronstadt in the diaries issued under the name "My Life in Christ", notes the "unreadable gospel": "Are you chisty, holy lee and perfect, not reading the Gospel, and you don't need to look at this grazing? Or are you very ugly mentally and afraid of your disgrace? .. "

In the statements of Gogol from the holy fathers and teachers of the church, we will find a record: "Those who want to clean and remove their face, usually look in the mirror. Christian! Your mirror is the essence of the commandments; if you put them before you, and you look at them intently, then All stains will open you, all the blackness, all the disgrace of your soul. "

It is noteworthy that both Gogol addressed this image. So, on December 20 (n. Art.) 1844, he wrote Mikhail Petrovich to pusher from Frankfurt: "... Always keep a book on the table that you would serve as a spiritual mirror"; And a week later, Alexander Osipovna Smirnova: "Take a look at yourself. Have a spiritual mirror on the table, that is, some book that your soul can watch ..."

As you know, a Christian will be judged by the Gospel law. In the "Distouring of the Auditor", Gogol invests in the mouth of the first comic actor that on the day of the terrible court we all will be with the "curves of ries": "... take a look at least by myself the eyes of one who will call for a full-time rate of all people, In front of which the best of us, do not forget it, will wipe your eyes from shame into the land, and let's see if someone from us then ask the spirit to ask: "Does I have a cry of a curve?".

It is known that Gogol never parted with the Gospel. "The above is not to invent, which is already in the Gospel," he said. "How many times did mankind from him and how many times it turned out."

It is impossible, of course, to create some other "mirror", similar to the Gospel. But as a Christian is obliged to live in the Gospel Commandments, imitating Christ (as its human strength), and Gogol-playwright in the measure of his talent arranges his mirror on stage. The Krylov monkey could be any of the audience. However, it turned out that this viewer saw "naughty ... five to six", but not at all. The same later spoke Gogol in addressing readers in the "Dead Souls": "You can even even soul over Chikchiki, maybe even praise the author ... And you will add:" But it should agree, the prestressed and the supplemented people are in Some provinces, and the scoundrels are considerable! "And which of you, full of Christian humility ... will deepen the soul's own soul to this grave request:" But is there any part of Chichikov? "Yes, whatever! "

The replica of Gully, which appeared, like the epigraph, in 1842, also has its own parallel in the "Dead Souls". In the tenth chapter, reflecting on errors and misconceptions of all mankind, the author notes: "Now everything is clear the current generation, is delivered to the misconceptions, it laughs at the nerazami of his ancestors, it's not for nothing that ... a piercing finger on it is re ; But the current generation is laughing and presumptuously, proudly begins a number of new delusions, and then descendants will also laugh. "

In the "auditor", Gogol made contemporaries laugh at what they were accustomed to and what they stop noticing. But most importantly, they are accustomed to carelessness in spiritual life. Spectators laugh at the heroes that die exactly. Let us turn to the examples of the play, which show such death.

Gingerbile sincerely believes that "there is no man who would have had any sins for himself. This is already the God yourself arranged, and the Solitical women speak vain against it." What Judge Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin objects: "What do you think, Anton Antonovich, sins? Sinwhi sinners - Returns. I say to everyone openly that I take a bribe, but what bribes are boring puppies. This is a completely different business."

The judge is confident that bribes with the puppies and for bribes cannot be considered, "but, for example, if someone has a fur coat costs five hundred rubles, and the spouse of the shawl ..." here is the city, who realized the hint, parry: "But you are not in God Believe; You never go to church; And at least in faith, I am in the church and every Sunday I am in the church. And you ... oh, I know you: If you start talking about the creation of the world, just the hair end up. " To which Ammos Fedorovich replies: "But after all, it came out by himself, his own mind."

Gogol is the best commentator of his works. In the "Previation ..." he notices about the judge: "He's not even a hunter to create a lie, but a lot of passion for the dog hunt ... He is busy and his mind, and a bootiness only because on this field there is a scope to show himself ".

Gingerbread believes that he is firm in faith; The sincere it expresses it, the funnier. Going to Khlestakov, he gives the disposal of the subordinate: "Yes, if they ask why the church was not built at a burning institution, on which the amount was all five years old, then not forget to say that it began to build, but burned. I am about this and report replied . And then, perhaps, someone, forgotten, Sduru will say that she did not start. "

Explaining the image of Gogol, Gogol says: "He feels that sinning; He goes to church, even thinks in faith, even thinks even repent. But the temptation is very sad, and the tempting of the good of life is great. , and grab everything, I do not miss anything, it has already happened, as it would be just a habit. "

And here, going to the imaginary auditor, the gingerbread is crushed: "Sin, in many ways is sinful ... Give only God, so that I will leave the hands as soon as possible, and there I will put such a candle that no one has put it: for each feast A merchant will put it in the three empty wax. " We see that the gingerbread hit as it were to a closed circle of his sinfulness: in his final reflections, the sprouts of new sins arise unnoticed for him (the merchants will pay for the candle, and not he).

As the granitious does not feel the sinfulness of his actions, because everything makes for the solar habit, and the other heroes of the "auditor". For example, Epolester Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin reveals other people's letters exclusively out of curiosity: "Death I love to know what is new in the world. I will tell you that this is a successful reading. Another letter with pleasure is read - this is how different passes are described. .. Better than in "Moscow Vedomosti"! "

The judge notices him: "Look, get you ever for it." Shpekin with children's naivety exclaims: "Ah, Patus!" He never comes to mind that he is engaged in an illegal business. Gogol clarifies: "E-mail - indifferent to naivety, a person looking for life as a meeting of interesting stories to transmitting the time he reads in printed letters. Nothing else remains to make an actor, how to eat how much it is possible."

Simpleness, curiosity, the usual doing all kinds of inappropriate, the freeness of officials at the appearance of Khlezkov, that is, according to their concepts, the auditor, suddenly replace for a moment the attack of fear inherent in criminals awaiting harsh retaliation. The same short-lived freezenz Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin, being before Klestakov, says to himself: "Lord God! I do not know where I sit. For sure hot coals under you." And the gingerbread, in the same position, asks for pardon: "Do not destroy! Wife, children are small ... do not make an unfortunate person." And further: "According to the inexperience, by God for inexperience. Insufficiency of the state ... Excuse yourself to sue: There is still a bit of tea and sugar."

Gogol was especially unhappy about how Khlezkov was playing. "The main role was disappeared," he writes, "so I thought. Dur did not understand what Khlekakov is." Khlestakov not just a van. He himself does not know what he says and what will say in the next moment. As if he says to someone sitting in him, the tempting of all the heroes of the play through him. Is it not the Father Lie itself, that is, the devil? It seems that Gogol is precisely and meant. The heroes of the play in response to these temptations, without noticing, disclosed in all their sinfulness.

The temptation of the custody of the Khlestakov himself seems to acquire the devices. May 16 (n. Art.) 1844 Gogol wrote Aksakov: "All this is your excitement and mental struggle there is nothing more, as a matter of common friend, everyone is known, it is Chort. But you do not miss that he is smoking and The whole consists of inflating ... You beat this cattle on the face and do not embarrass anything. He is - exactly a small official who climbed into the city as if on the investigation. Dust will run everything, it will creek, snaps up. It is only a little to join and go back - here- it will go to brave. And as soon as you come to him, he will wait for it. We ourselves are made from him ... the proverb is not a gift, but the proverb says: Chort fell to the whole world, and God did not give him over the pig power. " In this description, Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov seems so.

The heroes of the play are more and more feeling the feeling of fear, as evidenced by the replicas and the author's remarks (stretching and trembling with all the body). This fear is as it is to apply to the hall. After all, those who were afraid of the auditors were sitting in the hall, but only real - sovereigns. Meanwhile, Gogol, knowing it, called them, in general, Christians, to the fear of God, to purify the conscience, which there will be no auditor, but even a terrible court. Officials, as if blinded by fear, can not see the present person of Klezlekov. They always look at themselves under their feet, and not in the sky. In the "Relief of Life in the World", Gogol explained the reason for such fear: "... everything exaggerates in our eyes and scares us. Because we are holding down and do not want to raise them up. For if they raised them for a few minutes up, It would see over only God and the light, from it outgoing, illuminating everything in the present form, and would have laughed themselves with her blindness. "

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe "auditor" is the thought of the inevitable spiritual retaliation, which every person should expect. Gogol, dissatisfied with how the auditor is put on the stage and how to take his audience, he tried this idea to reveal in the "Union of the Auditor".

"Peer-ka intently in this city, which is bred in the play! - Says Gogol with the mouth of the first comic actor. - Everything is completely agreed that there is no such city in all of Russia ... Well, what if this is our spiritual city and Is he sitting in any of us? .. What do not say, but the terrain that awaits us at the door of the coffin. As if you don't know who is this auditor? What to pretend? This auditor is our wokeered conscience that will suddenly look at us In all eyes on themselves. In front of this auditor, nothing will dock, because by the name of the highest command, he sent and it will be ends about him when already and the step can not be done back. Suddenly will open before you, in you, so From horror the hair will be taken away. It is better to make the audio to all that neither is in us, at the beginning of life, and not at the end of it. "

This is here about the terrible court. And now it becomes clear the final scene of the "auditor". It is a symbolic picture of a terrible court. The appearance of the gendarme that announces the arrival from St. Petersburg "on the nominal command" of the auditor of this current, produces a staggering effect on the heroes of the play. Remarika Gogol: "Pronounced words are amazed as the thunder of all. The sound of amazement unanimously seals from the ladies' mouth; the whole group, suddenly change the position, remains in petrol."

Gogol attached the exceptional value of this "silent scene". It defines her duration of one and a half minutes, and in the "passage from the letter ..." says even two or three minutes of "petition" of heroes. Each of the characters with the whole figure seems to show that he can no longer change anything in his fate, to move at least a finger - he is before the judgment. According to Gogol, at this point in the hall there must be silence of universal reflection.

In the "junction" Gogol suggested not a new interpretation of the "auditor", as sometimes they think, but only exposed him the main idea. November 2 (n. Art.) 1846, he wrote to Ivan Sosnitsky from Nice: "Pay your attention to the last scene of the" Auditor ". Think about it, obcommiate again. From the final PESA" Announcement of the auditor "you will comprehend why I am so thickening about this last Scene and why it is so important to me that it has a full effect. I am sure that you will look at the other eyes on the "auditor" after this conclusion, for which I, for many reasons, could not be given and only now maybe. "

From these words it follows that the "junction" did not attach a new meaning of the "dumb stage", but only clarified its meaning. Indeed, at the time of creating a "auditor" in the Petersburg notes of 1836, Gogol row appears, directly anticipating the "junction": "Sew and Grezden, the great post seems to be heard:" Stop, Christian; Look at your life. "

However, this Gogol is the interpretation of the county city as a "spiritual city", and his officials, as the incarnation of the passions of the sacred tradition, made in the spirit of the stenovical tradition, was a surprise for contemporaries and caused a rejection. Shchepkin, who was intended to be the role of the first comic actor, reading a new play, refused to play in her. On May 22, 1847, he wrote Gogol: "... So far I have studied all the heroes of the" Auditor "as living people ... Do not give me any hints that this is de no officials, but our passion; no, I do not want Such a rework: these are people, real living people, between whom I adherently and almost aged ... You have collected several people from the whole world to one prefab place, in one group, with these people for ten years I have fallen completely, and you want them take away from me. "

Meanwhile, Gogol's intention did not intend to do from the "living people" - full-blooded artistic images - some allegory. The author only revealed the main thought of the comedy, without which she looks like a simple moral impairment. "Auditor" - "Auditor," - answered Gogol Schepkin around July 10 (n. Art.) 1847, - And the application to itself is an indispensable thing that the audience should do everything, even not the "auditor", but Which is decent to him to do about the "auditor".

In the second edition of the end of the "junction" Gogol clarifies his thought. Here is the first comic actor (Michal Mikhalch) doubt the question of one of the heroes that the Piesen's interpretation proposed by him responds to the author's plan, says: "The author, if he had even had this idea, then it would be bad if it was clearly discovered. . The comedy would then come around to the allegory, could leave it some pale moral preaching. No, his business was just horror from the disorders of real not in the perfect city, but in the fact that on earth ... his business is to portray it dark so much so that you feel everything to fight with him, in order to throw a spectator in the thrill - and the horror of the riot would carry it through everything. That's what he had to do. And this is our business to bring morals. We, thank God, Not children. I thought about what kind of morality I could withdraw for myself, and attacked the one that you now told. "

And further on questions about others, why only he brought such a remote in their concepts to moral, Michal Mikhalch answers: "First, why do you know that this morality brought one me? And secondly, why do you consider it remote? I I think, on the contrary, the closest to us our own soul. I had my soul then in my mind, I thought about myself, because it brought it like a morality. If others had in mind before themselves probably, they would bring them the same The moralotch, which I brought. But unless of us starts to make a writer, as a bee to the flower, then, to extract from it necessary to myself? No, we are looking for morals for others, and not for yourself. We are ready to ratify and Protect all society, most expensive carefully morality of others and forgot about yours. After all, we love we love over others, and not on yourself ... "

It is impossible not to notice that these reflections of the main acting person of the "junction" not only do not contradict the content of the "auditor", but in accuracy correspond to him. Moreover, the thoughts expressed here are organic for the whole of Gogol.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba terrible trial was to get the development in the "dead souls", as it follows from the content of the poem. One of the draft sketches (obviously, to the third) directly draws a picture of a terrible trial: "" Why didn't you remember me that I look at you, what am I yours? Why are you from people, and not from me expected rewards and attention, and encouraging? Which then what would you have to pay attention to how your money is exhauviated the earthher, when do you have a heavenly landowner? Who knows what would have ended, if you had to finish, without frightening? You would surprise the greatness of character, you would finally take the top and forced to amaze; You would leave the name, like an eternal monument to valor, and drop the streams of tears, tear streams about you, and how Vikhore would have walked in the hearts of the warmth of goodness. "Potted my head, dying, helped, and didn't know how much he knew himself. And a lot Following him, officials and noble, beautiful people who have begun to serve and then quit the field, suffered the heads. "

In conclusion, let's say that the topic of a terrible trial permeates all the work of Gogol, which corresponded to his spiritual life, his desire for inocure. And the monk is a person who left the world who preparing himself to answer the court of Christ. Gogol remained a writer and, as if inkom in the world. In his writings, he shows that the man is not bad, but the sin acting in it. The same was always approved by an Orthodox monasticism. Gogol believed due to the artistic word that could indicate the path to moral revival. With this faith, he created the "auditor".


To prepare this work, materials from the site http://www.portal-slovo.ru/ were used

Vladimir Alekseevich Voropaev

Over what Gogol laughed.

On the spiritual sense of the comedy "Auditor"

Be performers of the word, and not the hears only, deceiving themselves. For who listens to the word and does not fulfill, he is like a person who considers the natural features of his face in the mirror: he looked at himself, he moved away and immediately forgot what he was.

Jac. 1.22-24

My heart hurts when I see how people are mistaken. They pushed about virtue, about God, and meanwhile nothing.

From the letter N. V. Gogol to the mother. 1833.

"Auditor" is the best Russian comedy. And in reading, and in the stage on the stage, it is always interesting. Therefore, it is generally difficult to talk about whatever the failure of the "auditor". But, on the other hand, it is difficult and creating a real Gogol performance, to force the bitter Gogol laugh sitting in the hall. As a rule, something fundamental, deep, on what the whole sense of the play will slip away from the actor or the viewer.

The premiere of the comedy, held on April 19, 1836 on the stage of the Alexandria theater in St. Petersburg, according to the testimony of contemporaries, had colossal success. Gullary played Ivan Sosnitsky, Klezlekova - Nikolai Dur, the best actors of the time. "... the general attention of the audience, applause, sincere and unanimous laughter, challenge the author ... - Prince Peter Andreyevich Vyazemsky, - There was no lack of anything."

At the same time, even the hottest fans of Gogol did not fully understand the meaning and value of the comedy; Most of the audience perceived it as a farce. Many saw in the play caricature on Russian officials, and in her authors - a rowersman. According to Sergey Timofeevich Aksakov, there were people who hated Gogol from the very appearance of the "auditor". So, Count Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy (on the Nick American) spoke with a crowded meeting that Gogol is "the enemy of Russia and that it should be sent to Siberia in the shackles." Censor Alexander Vasilyevich Nikitenko recorded in his diary on April 28, 1836: "The comedy of Gogol" Auditor "made a lot of noise.<...> Many believe that the government vainly approves this play in which it is so crueling. "

Meanwhile, it is relifically known that the comedy was allowed to perform on stage (and, consequently, to the press) due to the highest permission. Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich read a comedy in the manuscript and approved; According to another version, the "auditor" was read the king in the palace. On April 29, 1836, Gogol wrote to the famous actor Mikhail Semenovich Schepkin: "If it were not for the high intercession of the sovereign, my play would not have been on the stage, and there were already people who had trouble banning her." The sovereign of the emperor not only himself was at the premiere, but told the ministers to watch the "auditor". During the presentation, he slammed and laughed a lot, and leaving the lodges, said: "Well, the play! Everyone got everyone, and me - more than everyone!"

Gogol hoped to meet the support of the king and was not mistaken. Soon after the setting of the comedy, he answered in the "theatrical drive" to his ill-wishers: "The generosity government is deeper than you, the high intelligence of the goal wrote."

The striking contrast seemingly the undoubted success of the play sounds bitter recognition of Gogol: "... The auditor" TRANSFER - and I have so vaguely, so strange ... I expected, I knew in advance how it would go, and at all that The feeling is sad and annoyingly chosen me. My creation seemed to me disgusting, wildly and as if not mine "(" the passage from the letter written by the author shortly after the first idea of \u200b\u200bthe "auditor" to one trial ").

Gogol was, it seems, the only one who perceived the first formulation of the "auditor" as a failure. What is the case, what did not satisfy him? Partly the inconsistency of old water techniques in the design of the play with a completely new spirit of the play, not stacked in the framework of the usual comedy. Gogol persistently warns: "It is most thoughtful to fear, so as not to fall into the caricature. Nothing should be exaggerated or trivial even in recent roles" ("Previation for those who wish to play as a" auditor ").

Why, ask again, Gogol remained dissatisfied with the premiere? The main reason was not even in the farce character of the performance - the desire to laugh in the public, and in the fact that with the caricature manner of the game sitting in the hall perceived what was happening on the stage without applying to themselves, since the characters were exaggerated. Meanwhile, Gogol's idea was designed just for the opposite perception: involve the viewer in the performance, let it feel that the city marked in the comedy exists not somewhere, but in one way or another anywhere in Russia, and there are passions and defects of officials In the soul of each of us. Gogol appeals to all and everyone. This is concluded the huge public importance of the "auditor". In this and the meaning of the famous replica of Governing: "What are you laughing at yourself!" - facing the hall (just to the hall, since no one laughs at this time). The epigraph is also indicated by the epigraph: "Necha's mirror is punished, if Ryg is a curve." In peculiar theatrical comments to the play - "Theatrical Drops" and "Auditor", "where the audience and actors discuss the comedy, Gogol seeks to destroy the wall, separating the scene and the auditorium.

Regarding the epigraph, which appeared later, in the publication of 1842, let's say that this folk proverb will mean under the mirror of the Gospel, about which the contemporaries of Gogol, spiritually belonged to the Orthodox Church, knew perfectly and could even refresh the understanding of this proverb, for example, the famous Krylov Basney " Mirror and monkey. "

Bishop Varnava (Belyaev) In his capital labor, the "Basics of Holy Art's Fundamentals" (1920s) connects the meaning of this fable with attacks on the Gospel, and it is precisely such a sense (besides others). The spiritual view of the Gospel as a mirror has long been and firmly exists in Orthodox consciousness. So, for example, St. Tikhon Zadonsky is one of the favorite writers of Gogol, the writings of which he reread repeatedly, "says:" Christian! That the sons of the century of this mirror, this will be the Gospel and Immaculate Life of Christ. They look in the mirrors, and correct the body Cleans its own and vices on the face.<...> We will offer a tax and we have before our hearts of our eyes a clean sir of a mirror and look at us: Does our lives of the life of Christ say? "

Holy Righteous John Kronstadt in the diaries issued under the name "My Life in Christ", notes the "unreadable gospel": "Are you chisty, holy lee and perfect, not reading the Gospel, and you don't need to look at this grazing? Or are you very ugly mentally and afraid of your disgrace? .. "

The play "The Auditor" is written almost 180 years ago, but as you can easily be guessed in faces, in the actions and in the dialogues of its heroes the feature of our reality. Maybe therefore the names of the characters have long become nominable? N. V. Gogol made contemporaries and descendants to laugh at what they were accustomed and what they stop noticing. Human sin wanted to ridiculate Gogol in his work. That sin that turned into ordinary.

The famous researcher of Creativity N. V. Gogol Vladimir Alekseevich Voropayev wrote that the premiere of the comedy, held on April 19, 1836 on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, according to the testimony of contemporaries, had a tremendous success. "The general attention of the audience, applause, sincere and unanimous laughter, challenge the author ... - recalled Prince P. A. Vyazemsky," there was no lack of anything. " Even the sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich slammed and laughed a lot, and leaving the lodges, said: "Well, the play! Everyone got everyone, and me - most! ". But the author himself perceived this idea as a failure. Why, with explicit success, Nikolai Vasilyevich wrote such lines: "" Auditor "has been played - and I have so vaguely, so strange ... my creation seemed to me disgusting, wildly and as if not mine"?

It is very difficult to immediately understand what I wanted to show the author in my work. With a more serious study, we can see that Gogol managed to embody in the images of heroes many vices and passions. Many researchers emphasize that the city, which is described in the play, does not have a prototype, and the author himself points to it in the "Remove of the" Auditor "": "Peel-ka intently in this city, which is bred in Piece: Everything is completely agreed, that there is no such city in all of Russia<…> Well, what if this is our soul city, and he sits away from us? "

The arbitrariness of the "local officials", the horror of the meeting with the "auditor" is also inherent in every person, it says Voropaev: "Meanwhile, the intention of Gogol was designed just for the opposite perception: to involve the viewer in the performance, let it feel that the city marked in comedies, There is no somewhere, but in one way or another anywhere in Russia, and passions and vices of officials are in the soul of each of us. Gogol appeals to all and everyone. This is concluded the huge public importance of the "auditor". This is the meaning of the famous replica of Governing: "What are you laughing? Laughing! " - addressed to the hall (it was to the hall, since no one laughs at this time). "

Gogol created a plot that allows you to learn or remind viewers of this play yourself. The whole play is filled with hints carrying the viewer in the modern author of reality. He said that he did not invent anything in his comedy.

"On the mirror of Necha's jam ..."

In the "Auditor", Gogol made contemporaries laugh at what they were accustomed to and that they stopped noticeing - on the carelessness in spiritual life. Remember how Gingerbread and Ammos Fedorovich reasoned about sin? Gingerbread emphasizes that a person without sins does not happen: so God himself is arranged, and no guilt in man is no one. When in city I am hinting at his own sins, he immediately recalls about faith, and about God, and even has time to notice and condemn that Ammos Fedorovich rarely happens in the church.

By the service of the city refers formally. She is for him - tool to humiliate subordinates, receive undeserved MZD. But people are given to the power of God not to do what they wanted. Danger! Only a danger makes GOOD to remember what he has already forgotten. The fact that he is actually only a subyardian official who should serve the people, and not for their whims. But does the gingerbread about repentance thinks, does it bring, let it even in the heart, sincerely regret the deed? Voropaev notes that Gogol wanted to show us a cityhold, who fell into a closed circle of his sinfulness: in his final reflections, the sprouts of new sins arise in his repentance (the merchants will pay for a candle, and not he).

Nikolai Vasilyevich described in great detail what is for people who loving power, respect, imaginary honor and fear of bosses. What measures are not going on the heroes of the play, in order to somehow correct their position in the eyes of an imaginary auditor. Gingerbread even decided to give for Horstakov, who knows only one day, his native daughter. And Hellekov, who finally assumed the role of the auditor, appoints the price of "debt", which "saves" urban officials from imaginary punishment.

Gogol depicted a hollekova with a fool, who first speaks, and then begins to think. Witty strange things happen to Khlestakov. When he begins to tell the truth, he does not believe him at all or at all try not to listen. But when he begins to lie in the face to everyone, it is very important to him. Voropaev compares the shut-off shuttle, a shallow plow. A small official of Hellekov, accidentally becoming a big boss and having received an undesuned honor, extolled over all and condemns everyone in a letter to his friend.

Gogol revealed such a number of poor human qualities in order to give his comedy a more fun species, and in order for people to see them in themselves. And not just to see, but think about your life, with your soul.

"Mirror the essence of the commandment"

Nikolai Vasilyevich loved his fatherland and tried to convey to his fellow citizens, to people who considered themselves Orthodox, the thought of repentance. Gogola very much wanted to see in his compatriots of good Christians, he himself repeatedly instructed his loved ones in the need to observe the commandments of God and try to live a spiritual life. But as we know, even the hottest fans of Gogol did not fully understand the meaning and value of the comedy; Most of the public perceived it as a farce. There were people who hated Gogol from the moment the auditor appears. They said that Gogol - "The enemy of Russia and it follows to the shackles to Siberia."

It should be noted that the epigraph that was written later, reveals us to represent the author's ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Gogol left such words in his records: "those who want to clean and remove their face, usually look in the mirror. Christian! Your mirror essence of the Lord of the commandment; If you put them before you, and you look at them intently, they will open you all the spots, all the blackness, all the disgrace of your soul. "

It is clear to the mood of Gogol's contemporaries who are accustomed to live sinful life and which suddenly indicated for long-forgotten defects. A person really hard to recognize his mistakes, and even harder to agree with the opinion of others that he is wrong. Gogol became a certain accuser of sins of his contemporaries, but the author wanted to imagine sin, but to get people repeating. But the "auditor" is relevant not only for the XIX century. Everything is described in the play, we can observe in our time. The sinfulness of people, indifference officials, the overall picture of the city allows us to spend some parallel.

Probably all readers thought about the final scene. What does she open up the viewer in reality? Why are the actors within one and a half minutes in complete stupor? In almost ten years, Gogol writes "the interchange of the" auditor ", which indicates the actual idea of \u200b\u200bthe entire play. In a silence, Gogol wanted to show the audience a picture of a terrible court. V. A. Voropaev draws attention to the words of the first comic actor: "What do not say, but the terrible auditor, who is waiting for us at the door of the coffin. This auditor is our wokeered conscience. Before this auditor, nothing will dock. "

Undoubtedly, Gogol wanted to wake up the feeling of fear in the lost Christians before God. I wanted to finish my scene to each of the spectators of the play, but not many were able to take the position of the author. Some actors even refused to play a play, learning about the true sense of the whole work. Everyone wanted to see in the play only caricatures on officials, on people, but not for the spiritual world of man, did not want to recognize their passions and vices in the "auditor". After all, it is passion and vice, the sin itself is ridiculed in the work, but not a person. It is sin that makes people change for the worse. And laughter is in the work not just an expression of the feeling of joy from the events taking place, but the author's instrument, with the help of which Gogol wanted to get to the petrified hearts of his contemporaries. Gogol as if reminded all the words of the Bible: or do not know that the unrighteous kingdoms of God do not inherit? Do not be deceive: no clodniki, nor Idolosmutyrs, nor adultery,<…> Neither thieves nor Lychihimens, nor drunkards nor the moonful nor predators - the kingdoms of God do not inherit (1 Cor. 6, 9-10). And each of us you need to remember these words more often.

Andrei Kasimov


For a thoughtful reader of works by N. V. Gogol, as well as a teacher of literature, we recommend to get acquainted with the work of Ivan Andreevich Esaulova "Easterness in Gogol poetics" (it can be found on the educational portal "Word" - http://portal-slovo.ru).

I. A. Esaulov - Professor, Member of the International Society of F. M. Dostoevsky, Head of the Department of Theory and History of the Literature of the Russian Orthodox University, Director of the Center for Literary Research. In his writings, Ivan Andreevich is trying to comprehend Russian literature in the context of the Christian tradition and its transformation in the twentieth century, and also deals with the theoretical substantiation of this approach.

The world-famous comedy of Gogol "Auditor" was written "with filing" A.S. Pushkin. It is believed that it was he who told the Great Gogol of Hogol, the substantiature of the register of the "auditor".
It must be said that the comedy was not immediately accepted - and in the literary circles of the time, and at the royal court. So, the emperor saw in the "University", the criticizing state structure of Russia in the auditor. And only after personal requests and clarification of V. Zhukovsky play, allowed to perform in the theater.
What was the "unreliability" of the "auditor"? Gogol portrayed the county city typical for Russia, its orders and laws that were installed there officials. These "sores people" were designed to equip the city, improve life, facilitate the existence of its citizens. However, in fact, we see that officials seek to alleviate and improve life only by themselves, completely forgetting about their official and human "responsibilities."
At the head of the county city there is his "Father" - Gingerbile Anton Antonovich Snovenik-Dmukhanovsky. He considers himself entitled to do whatever - take bribes, steal the stateless money, repair the unfair massacre over the townspeople. As a result, the city turns out to be dirty and beggar, there is a dedication and impact, no wonder the city is afraid that denunciations will suffer from the arrival of the auditor: "Oh, the evil people! And so, fraudsters, I think there are a request from under the floors and prepare. " Even the money sent to the building of the Church, the officials managed to grow in their pockets: "Yes, if you ask, why the church is not built in a burning institution, for which the amount was all a year ago, then not forget to say that it began to build, but burned. I represented about this and report. "
The author notes that the Gingerbread "is very unloussed in his own way." He began to make a career from the lowest, achieved his position on his own. In this regard, we understand that Anton Antonovich - "Child" of the corruption system, which has developed and deeply rooted in Russia.
Believing your boss and other officials of the county city - Judge Lyapkin-Tipkin, the guardian of the godly establishments of the strawberry, the caretaker of the school of flakes, Espemester Shpekin. All of them are not averse to launching a hand in the treasury, "rejuvenate" with a bribe from the merchant, steal what is intended for their wards and so on. In general, the "auditor" makes up a picture of Russian officials, "generally" evading the true ministry of the king and the Fatherland, which must be the duty and the matter of honor of the nobleman.
But "social vices" in the heroes of the "auditor" - only part of their human appearance. All characters are endowed with individual disadvantages that become a form of manifestation of their universal defects. It can be said that the meaning of the characters depicted by Gogol is significantly larger than their public situation: heroes represent not only county officials or the Russian bureaucracy, but also a "man in general", with ease of forgetting about his duties in front of people and God.
So, in Gluorin we see the powerful hypocrite, firmly knowing what is his benefit. Lapkin-Tipkin is a philosopher-struck, loving to demonstrate his scholarship, but only his lazy, a sloppy mind. Strawberry is a "headset" and a lets that covers their "sins" of other people's "sins." The postmaster, "treating" officials with the letter of Klezlekov, is a lover to pry "into the keyhole".
Thus, a portrait of Russian officials appears in the comedy of Gogol "Auditor". We see that these people designed to be supporting for their fatherland, in fact, are its destroyers, shredders. They bake only about their own good, forgetting about all moral and moral laws.
Gogol shows that officials - victims of the terrible social system, which has developed in Russia. Not noticing himself, they lose not only their professional qualifications, but also human appearance - and turn into monsters, slaves of the corruption system.
Unfortunately, in my opinion, in our time, this comedy Gogol is also extremely relevant. By and large, nothing has changed in our country - bureaucracy, officials have the same person - the same defects and disadvantages - that and two hundred years ago. That is why, probably, the "auditor" is so popular in Russia and still does not come off from theatrical scenes.

"Dead Souls" is the greatest Gogol creation, which still have many mysteries. This poem was thinking by the author in three volumes, but the reader can only see the first, since the third volume, because of the illness, was not written, although there were ideas. The second volume of the original writer wrote, but before his own death in the state of agony, he accidentally or deliberately burned a manuscript. Several chapters of this Gogol volume are still preserved to this day.

The Gogol work has a genre of the poem, under which the lyric-epic text has always been understood, which is written in the form of a poem, but with the romantic direction. The poem written by Nikolai Gogol retreat from these principles, so some writers found the use of the genre of the poem as the author's mockery, others decided that the original writer used the reception of a hidden irony.

Nikolai Gogol gave such a genre to his new product not for the sake of irony, but in order to give him a deep meaning. It is clear that Gogol Creation embodies Irony and a peculiar artistic sermon.

Nicholas Gogol has the main reception of the image of landowners and provincial officials is satire. In Gogol's images, landowners show the developing process of degradation of this class, which implants all their defects and disadvantages. The irony helped to say the author about what was under the literary prohibition, and allowed to bypass all censorship obstacles. The writer's laughter seems good and good, but after all, there is no mercy from him. Each phrase in the poem has a hidden subtext.

Irony is present in the Gogol text everywhere: in the author's speech, in the speech of heroes. Irony - the main sign of Gogol poetics. It helps the story to reproduce the real picture of reality. After analyzing the first volume of the "dead souls", you can mark the whole gallery of Russian landowners whose detailed characteristic gives the author. The main characters that are described by the author are so detailed that it seems, the reader is personally familiar with each of them, just five.

Gogolian five chalk characters are described by the author so that they seem different, but if you think more deeply in their portraits, we can see that each of them has those features that are characteristic of all landowners in Russia.

The reader starts familiarizing with Gogol landlords from Manilov and ends with a description of a flavoring image of Plushin. This description has its own logic, since the author smoothly translates the reader from one landowner to another to gradually show the terrible picture of a serfdom, which hesitates and decomposition. Nikolay Gogol leads from Manilov, which according to the author's description appears in front of the reader the dreamer, the life of which goes without a trace, smoothly moving to Nastasya box. The author himself calls her "Dubinnogolova".

This landowner is continuing the gallery, which appears in the copyright card Shuler, in hand and motto. The next landowner is a companion who is trying to use everything in his good, he is economic and calculating. The result of this moral decomposition of society is Plushkin, which in Gogol Description looks like "riding in humanity". The story about the landowners in such a copyright sequence enhances the satir, which is designed to expose the vices of the landlord world.

But the landowner gallery does not end, as the author also describes the city officials who visited. They have no development, their inner world is at rest. The main defects of the official world - meanness, sinovation, bribery, ignorance and arbitrariness of the authorities.

Next to Gogol Satira, which denounces Russian life by landfill, the author introduces the element of the glorification of Russian land. Lyrical retreats show the author's sadness that some segment path passed. Here there is a topic of regret and hope for the future. Therefore, these lyrical deviations occupy a special and important place in Gogol. Nikolai Gogol reflects about a lot: about the high appointment of a person, about the fate of the people and the Motherland. But these reflections are opposed to the paintings of Russian life who oppress the person. They are gloomy and dark.

The image of Russia is a high lyrical movement that the author has a variety of feelings: sadness, love and admiration. Gogol shows that Russia is not only landlords and officials, but also the Russian people with his open soul, which he showed in an unusual image of the top of horses, which quickly and without stopping rushing forward. This triple contains the main power of the native land.