The love story of the most beautiful pair of show "Dance": Max and Katya about the wedding because of the passport and career. Katya Reshetnikova: Dancing, Biography, Personal Life and Interesting Facts Husband of Reshetnikova Ekaterina Dances

The love story of the most beautiful pair of show "Dance": Max and Katya about the wedding because of the passport and career. Katya Reshetnikova: Dancing, Biography, Personal Life and Interesting Facts Husband of Reshetnikova Ekaterina Dances

Final 2 seasons show "Dances" on TNT is already close. Quite soon, four of the strongest participants will fight for the audience love, which will give one of them 3 million rubles and the title of the best dancer of the country! In the final of the most large-scale dance project on our TV viewers, all 24 participants are waiting, the coolest numbers of the new season and crazy productions.

"I soon have a 20th anniversary of teaching activities"

- Catherine, when did you start dancing?

As mom says, immediately. From the third grade I was engaged in sports aerobics, then smoothly switched to dances. I teach from 13 years. Soon I will have a twenty-year-old anniversary of teaching activities (laughs. Aut.).

- Immediately understood that dancing will become a profession of life? Did not occur at some point to leave them?

If I had not passed into the dance, I would continue to play sports. But still dancing became more interesting for me. So what I will do in life, I knew right away. And I have never had a desire to leave this business.

- You work choreographer in the show "Dance" for the second year. What can you say about the participants of the new season, about the level of their preparation?

These are more adult people who are conscious. If you take everyone together, the level of the second season is higher than the first. Working with these guys is easier. I think that it will be more cooler than last year - many steep dances and class productions.

- Which of the participants of the teams of Egor and Miguel would you allocate in a professional plan? Why?

The project is now still coming, so I will not want to allocate someone yet.

- Do you have our favorites among the participants?

Yes! This is Nikita Orlov. Because he is strange, and it gives a print on his dance. And Nastya Sidro, because she is a fighter! Although the project has more equipped dancers.

- The dancer from your hometown of Novosibirsk is participating in the show "Dance" - Sofa. Do you follow her performances? Care for the countryman?

At first I did not like it at all. Now I changed the opinion - she is well done. It tries very hard, and it gives her results! But on the project I support another participant (smiles - approx. Auth.).

- What can you say about the Novosibirsk school of dancing?

Very good school in Novosibirsk! In Moscow, many guys and girls from my city and this is very popular dancers. I think this is an important indicator.

"I do not like lazy, harmful and those who quickly surrender"

- There is a difference for you - to whom to put the number from the participants? What type of people work is easier to work with what harder?

I do not like lazy, harmful and those who quickly surrender. Unfortunately, there are such on the project. But, fortunately, only a couple of people.

- What dance style prefer to put numbers?

I have no favorite dance style at all. I love music, and that she brings, then I put it. I do not stick something specific - as it will suffer.

- What kind of music do you like more?

And I love music all. But especially the one in which there is beautiful vocals. And I love Jazz, and I can kayfood from something Russian.

- Where do you take inspiration to create numbers?

Recently, the room inspired a shop on the street (smiles - approx. Auth.). But more often everything goes from music.

- How important is this project for youth?

Very important! I understand even those people who are engaged in dancing and still try to pass the casting and get into the show. Previously, there were no such projects, where the dancer could realize himself fully. And how many people who have been sitting in the office yesterday morning from morning to evening, and after the working day we went home, now they prefer to spend the evening in a dance school! It is very cool!

- What qualities should a professional dancer have to succeed in their activities?

Persistence! Of course, in addition to perseverance, you need to really want to really believe in what you are doing. If at the same time the person is also talented, then at least on the moon!

- Did you think about becoming a member of the show?

No, I would not want to become a member! I think even casting would not have passed. I am a panty (smiles - approx. Auth.).

- Often we are in your native Novosibirsk? Do you have your favorite places there?

Unfortunately, not often. And your favorite place is at home with mom (smiles - approx. Auth.).

- Your wishes to the viewers of Novosibirsk?

I have a favorite line of a song that at one moment I was greatly spurred: "Always compose dreams, there are millions of chances that will soon come true!" (group "Casta").

The star of the TV project "Dancing" Catherine Reshetnikov for a long time surprised fans of changing the image, spending various experiments with hair color. However, now the dancer decided on radical measures and made himself an extremely short haircut "Hedgehog".

Such striking changes scared fans, since often people shake in connection with various diseases, and the faithful admirers were sincerely worried about their idol. But Catherine gave an official explanation of the situation, convincing the audience, which only decided to treat his hair.

From constant staining, the condition of her hair was completely deplorable, and only haircut could fix the situation. Reshetnikova decided not to be fined and agreed at once all the length so that with a calm conscience "from scratch" to grow his beautiful and healthy hair.

"Well, my photos are already walking, so it makes no sense to hide, I'm just not used to hiding, so I did not show right away. I just agreed to spoiled hair! " - explained the choreographer, calling the fans not to inflate the extra.

Having calmed down, the admirers rushed in need to admire the new haircut of Catherine, assuring that she should not be completed because of his new image. In addition . The numerous public network assured the reshetnikov that it possesses a beautiful shape of the skull and the thin face, and therefore even such a length of her hair only colors.

In addition, now nothing distracts attention from her beautiful eyes, and some have found a new image no less feminine than before. Also, the subscribers reminded the dancer that she did not have to wait long and the hair would definitely grow soon.

"That's what the experiments with hair color lead. Well, that you are going on such a haircut "

"The hair is not a teeth ... will grow!"

"The spectacular woman is spectacular in any style, it's exactly about you"

"Hair does not deprive talent and real beauty!"

"Not in hair happiness"

"I sometimes want to do so too, but I mean. And you are well done! "

"Hair is not fingers, grow up! But there will be live and beautiful "

"It's very cool, your long, thick, you just need to wait"

Many admirers noted that with such a haircut Catherine can better enter various non-standard images, and, therefore, it will not show one

Ekaterina Reshetnikova - dancer, choreographer, concert director and coach for sports aerobics and fitness. The popularity of the girl brought the project "Star of the dance floor". In addition to the dance speeches, Catherine is produced by the formulation of choreographic rooms in popular transmissions and in the clips of Russian musicians. Reshetnikova - a permanent choreographer of all seasons of the Dance project.

The future choreographer Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Reshetnikova was born in Novosibirsk in 1982. Since childhood, Catherine grew a moving and plastic child, so parents took the daughter to a city dance school, where Katya gladly attended sports aerobics. Quickly girl received the first adult discharge and at the age of 13 began to participate in competitions and competitions, occupying prizes. Soon, Ekaterina Reshetnikova becomes a party to international fitness contests.

A girl practically did not think about the future profession: Catherine knew that her future would be closely connected with sports and dancing. After graduating from high school, the Reshestnikov becomes a student of the Faculty of Physical Culture of the Pedagogical University of Novosibirsk.


In 2003, Ekaterina Reshetnikova graduated from studying at the university and went to conquer the capital. Already in the second year of stay in Moscow, Katya is involved in the project of the Channel MTV "Dance Plane". It brings a young dancer to the first success. From the first large-scale dance show of the country begins the creative biography of Catherine Reshetnikova. Then out of 3.5 thousand participants were selected 80 most talented, who had to fight for the prize and the title of the best dancer of the country. This number entered the Novosibirsk dancer.

Katya was noted by the leading project "Star of the dance floor" Sergey Mandrick, as one of the most promising and bright participants, and invited to internship in the team of Mandrik called "Street Jazz". In just a few months, the reshetnikova becomes the soloist of the show ballet. Also Catherine is invited to teach the dance school.

2006 was an extremely generous to Kati reshetnikov. Catherine is invited to work in a teacher-tutor on the show "Star Factory-6". In addition, in the same year, the choreographer is engaged in the "Other Life" project. 12 project participants during the month have received the opportunity to work in the industry in which they never worked. Mastyed mentors helped participants to be mastered in the new profession. One of the professors-professionals was Catherine.

In the spring of the year 2006, Katya was invited to the work of the choreographer in the Tutsi group, consisting of graduates of the Factory of Star-3 and Singers Tatiana Ovsienko. And also the choreographer managed to work on the projects of the "Song of the Year", "Golden Gramophone", "old and new songs about the main thing", "two stars" and others.

Catherine Reshetnikov can be seen in the popular clips of Russian pop stars. On the TV list of the dancer work on the video to the song Bianchi and Herakli "White Beach", the Christmas Trees, Timur Rodriguez "Out in Space", Silver Group "Song # 1" and many others.

Career Catherine is not only dancing. In 2012, the Reshetnikov worked the director of the concert program and the choreographer of the collective "Silver". The same role was performed for the singers of Yolka and Bianchi. In the same year, Katya worked as an assistant director and choreographer at popular projects "Universal Artist" (Channel One), "Big Change" (NTV), New Year's show "Red Nickname" in the Olympic.

The following year, Catherine takes an invitation from the project managers "one to one". At this show, the participants experienced images of musicians and performed cult hits. Here the dance coach Reshestnikova worked together with the director of the show Mighel.

In our time, Catherine works in the "Loony Band" team, which has existed since 2010. Also, the reshetnikova works at the Dance School "54 Dance Studio".

The work of the Novosibirsk teacher viewers are observed on the TNT channel in the megapopular project "Dances". From October 2014, Catherine began working on the preparation of the numbers of the Miguel mentor's wards.

On August 23, 2015, Apashe Feat came out. Panther Matumona & Odalisk "No Twerk". In the music video, Miguel with the team of the first season wards and choreographers of the Dancing project Ekaterina Reshetnikov, Alexey Karpenko and Natalia Tkachuk.

Personal life

Catherine has a memorable appearance, paints her hair in a bright redhead, then in the ash blond. The choreogram likes to be photographed in "Instagram" Catherine 670 publications. For publications, 412 thousand subscribers are observed.

Catherine - Perfectionist by nature. The dancer is responsible, puts complex goals and is ready to defend its opinion. The girl is demanding about himself and others. The choreographer makes dancers to work at the limit, because of what people are hard to work with the reshetnikova. But the result that Catherine issues, pays for difficult training.

Personal life Catherine Reshetnikova for a long time was hidden from prying eyes.

In one of the releases of the show "Dances" it became known that Katya Reshetnikova meets with one of the project participants - Maxim Nesterovich. During the final of the second season, Maxim, the winned project, made the girl a sentence. On April 7, 2016, the wedding of Nesterovich and the Reshetnikova took place. After the wedding, Catherine took the surname of her husband and in the following projects seemed to be Ekaterina Nesterovich.

Ekaterina Reshetnikova now

After completing the first season of the "Dance", Reshetnikova remained in the project. The choreographer continued to put dance numbers in the second and third seasons of the show, as well as in the "Battle of Seasons". In May 2016, Ekaterina Reshetnikova performed on the stage of the Dance project in a joint room with Vitaly Savchenko, who became one of the brightest on the project.

In the spring of 2017, the pre-bookstines of the fourth season "Dance" began. Ekaterina Reshetnikova will remain in the team of Miguel choreographers.

Member name: Ekaterina Nesterovich (Reshetnikova)

Age (birthday): 1.11.1982

City: Novosibirsk, Moscow

Family: married to Max Nesterovich, no children

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With this article read:

Ekaterina Reshestnikova from early childhood was very active. She showed dance abilities, plasticity. For this reason, the parents recorded it to the Novosibirsk school of dance. There, Katerina chose the direction of sports aerobics.

At 13, Katya has already possessed the first adult discharge in sports aerobics. She has become an active participant in contests and competitions, occupying leadership positions. Next, she moved to the international level in fitness competitions.

Katya did not think about his future, she was difficult for her to choose between dancing and sports. After the completion of the school, Katya went to study at the Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Physics.

Since 2003, it went to conquer Moscow. During the first two years of independent life in the capital, she became a member of the project "Star of the dance floor" from MTV. From now on, the girl has become popular in the country.

Her talent was canceled by Sergey Mandrik - a leading project, which influenced the fact that Katya was invited to internship in the team "Street Jazz" under the leadership of Mandrik. After a couple of months, it became a soloist in the team, and after and at all became a teacher in a dance school.

Since 2006, it has been working on the largest show of the country "Star Factory" season 6. Then the work of the teacher in the Tutsi group began, as well as T. Ovsienko. I managed to work in such projects as "two stars", "old and new songs about the main thing", "Song of the Year", "Golden Gramophone".

The list of merit Reshetnikova has work in the clips Irakli, T Rodriguez, Bianchi and other modern pop stars.

As they say, a talented man is talented in everything. This statement can be safely attributed to the Kate. She is not only a dancer, choreographer, but also a director of concert programs "Silver", Bianchi, Christmas trees.

Katerina works in the Loony Band dance team, Works at the dance school called "54 Dance Studio", in the megapopular project "Dances" on the TNT channel.

He established himself as a very responsible choreographer, to argue with which is absolutely useless. She has a spectrian gift Plus to the whole special voice chamber. In any dispute, she will be able to win, not leaving a chance to the opponent.

Since Katerina refers to perfectionists, then ordinary people work with it difficult. But the result of her work is always amazing. Its special approach to business can be noted in everything.

Katerina notes that it cannot tolerate with harmful and lazy, fast-frowning people. Inspiration gives her music.

As for personal life, on April 7, 2016, Katya married Maxim Nesterovichwho became the winner of the show "Dance" on the TNT second season.

Photos of Kati.

Kati has a bright appearance and a wonderful figure, she has a lot of joint photos with their wards and with her husband. Several photos from the wedding.

See new editions of "Dance" on TNT every Saturday at 21:30.

You have probably already read the interview with the choreographer show "Dances" on TNT, and. Today, Ekaterina Reshetnikova is responsible for your questions.

Elle Girl: At what age is it better to start dancing?

Katya: The earlier the better! But this does not mean that you can't start dancing at 50.

Elle Girl: What did you start?

Katya: I think someone long before my birth decided that I would connect life with dancing. And then the chain of events was happening: the rhythm in kindergarten, where during the graduation concert I was chosen to execute the number of Chung-Chang, and I missed the whole holiday, because I spent the scene of the scene of the black paint; Sports aerobics, which was first called "American" than and attracted me, and then there are already dancing. And from the moment I did not twitch. (Smiles). Apparently, decided.

Elle Girl: Now there are a lot of dance styles. How to understand what to choose?

Katya: Now, indeed, the choice is huge. You just need to go to several different classes. I am sure that you fall in love!

Elle Girl: How many years do you need to do dancing to fade no worse than in the movie "Step Forward"?

Katya:So! Well, the film "Step Forward" is a movie, and accordingly a good installation, etc. Now the dancers are not rarely removing small clips with their choreography, and often all this looks good only because of the installation. Put yourself other goals. (Smiles).

Elle Girl: Is it possible to learn to dance yourself, or must you attend classes?

Katya: Some of it is simply given by nature - they quickly copy and also quickly master new styles. But a lot of time to spend time on self-development, even at home. And if you just start dancing, then in a group, of course, more interesting!

Elle Girl: How long does the dance career last?

Katya: Who wishes - there is no restrictions. (Smiles).

Elle Girl: Is it worth throwing school to devote more time to dance?

Katya:Well, right to throw school, I would not advise. But competently distribute your time so that everything is good - this is what it is necessary. And it is real.

Elle Girl: What exercises will help keep themselves in shape?

Katya: Do not eat. (Laughs). This is the most difficult exercise for me ...

Elle Girl: Are there any common movements for all dance styles?

Katya: Of course, there are some identical steps, the movement of hands, etc. Of course, not all, but there is something in common. Just depending on the style of these movements in different ways "painted", so it may seem that every one is different.

Elle Girl: Is it worth dancing to those who do not know how to do it? Or does it look awful?

Katya: Dance is worth everything! And you know, I really like when people who do not deal with dancing are not just not shy, but do it with such a buzz and excitement, that many, so-called "professional dancers" would have to learn from them.

Elle Girl: How to overcome the fear of public speeches?

Katya: This is from the category - I'm afraid, but I do. Special secret is not. I think, over time, fear will turn into a desire to dance in public.

Elle Girl: What genre is most impressive jury on castings?

Katya: I'm not in the jury, if we are talking about the project "Dances". I personally can be hooked up with character or crazy technician. But the character is still more. Although if it is both, then it is very cool!

Elle Girl: What if you forgot the move during dance? Or fell on stage?

Katya: To get out. It happens, and this is not a catastrophe.

Elle Girl: What style of dancing is easier and faster to learn everything?

Katya: I can not answer this question.

Elle Girl: You spend a lot of strength. What is included in your daily diet? Where do you get so much energy?

Katya: Everything like everyone else: fruits, vegetables, nuts, dates and fish. I do not eat meat for a long time.

Elle Girl: The most popular directions with which the dancers come to the casting? Why are they so often chosen?

Katya: Probably, after all, Conmp. Although hip-hop is also a lot. What people come with the style that is their profile is normal, but when people begin to experiment with their skills on the castings - it's strange.

Elle Girl: What style is given to the participants of the show "Dances" harder?

Katya: Many are not very fond of ballroom dancing. (Smiles). Of course, except for those who are engaged in many years ...