The cooking "Analysis of the fairy tale M. Saltykov-Shchedrin Wild landowner"

The cooking "Analysis of the fairy tale M. Saltykov-Shchedrin Wild landowner"

A special place in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin occupy fairy tales with their allegorical images, in which the author managed to say about the Russian society of the 60-80s of the XIX century more than historians of those years. Saltykov-Shchedrin writes these fairy tales "for children easy age", That is, for an adult reader, in the mind of the child who needs to open his eyes to life. The fairy tale on the simplicity of its form is available to any, even an inexperienced reader, and therefore is especially dangerous for those who are ridicule.
The main problem of generous fairy tales is the relationship between the exploiters and exploited. The writer created Satira at Tsarist Russia. In front of the reader are the images of rulers ("Bear on Voivodship", "Eagle-Macenate"), Operators and Operated (" Wild landmark"," The story of how one man's two generals proceeded "), inhabitants (" Wheat Pescar"," Dried vobla ").
The fairy tale "Wild landowner" is directed against everything public buildingOperation based, anti-people in its essence. Saving spirit and style folk fairy tale, Satirik speaks of real events to his modern life. The work begins as normal fairy tale: "In some kingdom, in some state there was a landowner ..." But immediately an element appears modern life: "And the landowner was stupid, read the newspaper" Mest ". "Mest" - the newspaper is reactive, so the stupidity of the landowner is determined by its worldview. The landowner considers himself the true representative of the Russian state, supporting him, is proud that he is a hereditary Russian nobleman, Prince Urus-Kuchum Kildibaev. The whole point of its existence comes down to losing his body, "soft, white and crumbly". He lives at the expense of his men but hates them and is afraid, does not endure the "Hopper Spirit." He rejoices when some fantastic swirl was taken unknown to where all the men, and the air became pure-repurable in his possessions. But men disappeared, and hunger came such that it is impossible to buy anything in the bazaar. And the landowner himself completely like: "He's all, from head to feet, around his hair ... And his nails have become iron. It has long ceased to blow herdoor, walked more and more on all fours. Even the ability to pronounce self-searched sounds ... " In order not to die with the hunger, when the last gingerbread was eaten, the Russian nobleman began to hunt: notice the hare - "like an arrow jumps off the tree, it clings to his prey, tear her with her nails, so with all the insides, even with the skin, eat." The wilderness indicates that he does not live without the help of a man. After all, it is no wonder as soon as the "Roy Manyakov" was caught and cast into place, "meat, and meat, and all sorts of livestock appeared in the bazaar.
The stupidity of the landowner is constantly emphasized by the writer. The first to be the landlords are stupid to the peasants themselves, they call the landowner stupid (taking a triple repetition) Representatives of other classes: actor Sadovsky ("however, brother, stupid you are a landowner! Who are you stupid, wash it out?") Generally, whom he instead of "beef -You "I treated with printed gingerbread and lollipops (" however, brother, the stupid you are a landowner! ") And finally, Captitip-Fauxer (" Stupid you, Mr. Penic! "). The stupidity of the landowner is visible to everyone, and he is indulcated to unreserved dreams that the farm will achieve without the help of the peasants, reflects on English machines that will be replaced by serfs. His dreams are ridiculous, because he cannot do anything independently. And only once the landowner thought: "Is it really a fool? Surely, the inflexibility that he was so cherished in his soul, translated into ordinary language means only nonsense and madness? " If we compare the famous folk tales about Barina and a man with fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin, for example, with a "wild landlord," we will see that the image of the landowner in Shchedrian fairy tales is very close to folklore, and men, on the contrary, differ from fabulous. In folk fairy tales, a manifold man, deft, resourceful, wins the stupid Barin. And in the "wild landowner" there is a collective image of workers, the country's breadwinners and at the same time patient martyrs-sufferers. So, by modifying the folk fairy tale, the writer condemns the folk long-suffering, and his fairy tales sound like a call to rise to the struggle, to divert from the slave worldview.

A brief analysis of the fairy tale of Saltykov-Shchedrin "Wild landowner": idea, problems, themes, image of the people

The fairy tale "Wild landowner" was published by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in 1869. This is a work - satire on the Russian landowner and on the simple Russian people. In order to get around censorship, the writer chose specific genre "Tale", within the framework of which a deliberate nonfire is described. In the work, the author does not give its name heroes, no matter how hinting that the landowner is a collective image of all landowners in Russia's XIX century. And Senka and other men are typical representatives of the peasant class. The topic of the work is simple: the superiority of the hardworking and patient people over the mediocre and stupid nobles expressed in an allegorical manner.

Problems, features and meaning of the fairy tale "Wild landowner"

Tales Saltykov-Shchedrin always distinguishes simplicity, irony and artistic detailsUsing which the author can absolutely transmit the character of the character "and there was the landowner stupid, read the newspaper" the message "and the body had a soft, white and crumbly", "lived and looked at the light of Glyadyuchi."

The main problem in the fairy tale "Wild landowner" is a problem sophisticated fate People. The landowner in the work appears with cruel and ruthless tyrant, which intends to take away from his peasants the latter. But having heard the prayers of the peasants about best Life And the desire of the landowner is forever get rid of them, God exercises their prayers. The landowner cease to disturb, and the "men" get rid of the oppression. The author shows that in the world of landowner, the creators of all benefits were peasants. When they disappeared, he turned into an animal, Zaros, stopped eating normal food, since all products disappeared from the bazaar. With the disappearance of men left bright, saturated lifeThe world became uninteresting, dim, tasteless. Even the entertainment that the landowner has fun earlier is a game of a ball or viewing in the theater - no longer seemed so seductive. The world was empty without the peasantry. Thus, in the fairy tale "Wild landowner" the meaning is quite real: the higher strata of society is oppressed and the lowest tremor, but they cannot remain at their illusory altitude without them, since it is the "Hollows" providing the country, but their barin is nothing but Problems, to ensure unable.

The image of the people in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin

People in the work of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is hardworking people, in whose hands any business "arms". It is thanks to them, the landowner has always lived in prosperity. The people appear in front of us not just a fireless and reckless mass, and people smart and insightful: "They see men: although they have a stupid landowner, and the mind is given a big one." Also, the peasants are endowed with such important qualityas a sense of justice. They refused to live under the oppression of the landowner, who established them unfair and sometimes insane constraints, and asked God for help.

The author himself relates to respect for the people. This can be traced in the contrast. Meanwhile, between how the landowner lived after the disappearance of the peasantry and during his return: "And suddenly, the silent again smelled in the county meak and sheepskins; But at the same time, flour and meat, meat, and all sorts of livestock appeared in the bazaar, and the filings did so much that the treasurer, seeing such a chest of money, only threatened his hands from surprise ... ", - it can be argued that the people are driving force Societies, the foundation on which the existence of such "landlords" is based on, and they certainly obliged to be a simple Russian peasant. This is the meaning of the final of the fairy tale "Wild landowner".

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In the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin always big role He played the theme of serfdom, the oppression of the peasantry. Since the writer could not openly express its protest, almost all of his works are filled with fabulous motifs and allegories. Did not exception and satirical fairy tale "Wild landowner", the analysis of which will help better prepare for the lesson of literature students of the 9th grade. A detailed analysis of the fairy tale will help to allocate the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, features of the composition, and will also make it possible to better understand what the author teaches in his work.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1869

History of creation - without having the opportunity to openly make fun of the dealerships, Saltykov-Shchedrin resorted to allegorical literary form - Fairy Tale.

Subject - In the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin "Wild landowner" the theme of the position of serf peasants is most fully disclosed in conditions tsarist Russia, the absurdity of the existence of a class of landlords who do not know how to work independently.

Composition - At the heart of the plot of fairy tales - a grotesque situation behind which the real relationship between the classes of landowners and the serfs is hidden. Despite the small size of the work, the composition was created according to the standard plan: the tie, culmination and the isolation.

Genre - Satirian fairy tale.

Direction - Epos.

History of creation

Mikhail Evgrafovich is always extremely painful in the difficult position of the peasants, forced to be in the lifelong cabale in the landowners. Many works of the writer, in which this topic was openly affected, were criticized and was not allowed to censorship to print.

However, Saltykov-Shchedrin still found a way out of this position, turning his gaze on the externally, a completely harmless genre of fairy tales. Thanks to a skillful combination of fiction and reality, the use of traditional folk elements, a metaphor, a bright aphoristic language, a writer managed to disguise the evil and acute ridiculation of landlords under the cover of the usual fairy tale.

In the situation of a government reaction only, thanks to fabulous fiction, it was possible to express their views on the existing state system. The use of satirical techniques in the folk fairy tale allowed the writer to significantly expand the circle of its readers, reach the masses.

For the first time the fairy tale "Wild landowner" was published in 1869 in popular literary journal "Domestic notes." At that time he headed the magazine close friend And the like-minded Writer - Nikolai Nekrasov, and with the publication of the work at Saltykov-Shchedrin did not have any problems.


Main theme The fairy tales "wild landowner" lies in social inequality, a huge abyss between the two classes existing in Russia: landowners and fortress peasants. Enslavement simple people, complex relations between exploiters and exploited - home Problems This work.

In the fabulous allegorical form Saltykov-Shchedrin wanted to convey to readers a simple idea"It is the man who is a salt of the earth, and without him the landowner is only an empty place. Few of the landowners think about it, and therefore the relation to the peasant is a contemptuous, demanding and often frankly cruel. But only thanks to the man, the landowner gets the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits that he has in prosperity.

In his work, Mikhail Evgrafovich concludes, according to which the people are the head and the breadwinner not only their owner-landowner, but also the whole state. The true stronghold of the Power is not the class of helpless and lazy landowners, but an exceptionally simple Russian people.

It is this thought that does not give a peace writer: he sincerely complains that the peasants are too patient, dark and clogged, and do not realize all their strength. He criticizes the irresponsibility and patience of the Russian people who does not take anything to improve their position.


The fairy tale "Wild landowner" is a small work that in " Domestic Notes"It took only a few pages. In Ne. this is speech About the stupid Barina, who endlessly repulsed the peasants working on him because of the "hill smell".

In strings Work the main character Approached God with a request to get rid of this dark and hated surroundings. When the prayers of the landowner on getting rid of him from the peasants were heard, he remained in full of loneliness In his big estate.

Culminationfairy tales fully reveals the helplessness of the Barin without peasants who performed in his life the source of all goods. When they disappeared, once the broken barin quickly turned into a wild animal: stopped to wash, follow himself, there is a normal human food. The landlord's life turned into a boring, no noticeable existence, in which there was no place to joy and pleasures. This was the meaning of the name of the fairy tales - the unwillingness to enjoy their own principles inevitably leads to "wildness" - civil, intellectual, political.

In the junction The works of the landowner, who finally impacted and the wild, completely loses its mind.

main characters


From the first lines of the "wild landlord" it becomes clear that this genre of fairy tales. But not good-natured-lettering, and the indoor-satiric, in which the author rigidly ringed the basic vices of social system in Tsarist Russia.

In its work, Saltykov-generin managed to maintain the spirit and common style Nathodics. He worked such popular folk elements Like fabulous zinch, fantasticity, hyperbola. However, he managed to tell about modern problems In society, describe events in Russia.

Thanks to fantastic, fabulous techniques, the writer was able to open all the vices of society. The work in its direction is an epic in which the truly existing relationships in society are shown.

A special place in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin occupy fairy tales with their allegorical images, in which the author managed to say about the Russian society of the 60-80s of the XIX century more than historians of those years. Saltykov-Shchedrin writes these fairy tales "for children of a fair age," that is, for an adult reader, on the mind being in a state of a child, who needs to open his eyes to life. The fairy tale on the simplicity of its form is available to any, even an inexperienced reader, and therefore is especially dangerous for those who are ridicule.

The main problem of generous fairy tales is the relationship between the exploiters and exploited. The writer created Satira at Tsarist Russia. The reader takes place of the rulers ("Bear on Voivodeship", "Eagle-Metzenate"), exploiters and operated ("wild landowner", "a story about how one man's two generals Picksmil"), inhabitants ("Wheel Pescar", " Dried vobla ").

The fairy tale "Wild landowner" is directed against the entire social system based on exploitation, anti-people in its essence. Keeping the spirit and style of a folk fairy tale, satirik speaks about the real events of the modern life. The work begins as an ordinary fairy tale: "In some kingdom, in some state there was a landowner ...

"But immediately an element of modern life appears:" And the landowner was stupid, read the newspaper "Mest". " "Mest" - the newspaper is reactive, so that the stupidity of the landowner is determined by its worldview. The landowner considers himself the true representative of the Russian state, supporting him, is proud that he is a hereditary Russian nobleman, Prince Urus-Kuchum Kildibaev.

The whole point of its existence is reduced to reach their body, "soft, white and crumbly". He lives at the expense of his men but hates them and fears, does not endure the "Hopper Spirit." He rejoices when some fantastic swirl was taken unknown to where all the men, and the air became pure-repurable in his possessions.

But men disappeared, and hunger came such that it is impossible to buy anything in the bazaar. And the landower himself completely wild: "He's all, from head to feet, around his hair ...

and his nails have become iron. It has long ceased to blow herdoor, walked more and more on all fours.

Even the ability to pronounce self-searched sounds ... " In order not to die with the hunger, when the last gingerbread was eaten, the Russian nobleman began to hunt: he would notice the hare - "As if the arrow jumps off the tree, it clings to his prey, tear her with her nails, so with all the insides, even with the skin, eat." The wilderness indicates that he does not live without the help of a man.

After all, it is not for nothing, as soon as the "Roy Manyaki" was caught up and cast into place, "meat and meat, and live animals appeared in the bazaar." The stupidity of the landowner is constantly emphasized by the writer. The first named landlords are stupid peasants themselves, they call the landowner stupid (taking a triple repetition) Representatives of other classes: actor Sadovsky ("However, brother, stupid you are a landowner!

Who is, stupid, wash it out? ") Generals whom he instead of" beef ki "treated with printed gingerbread and lollipops (" however, brother, the stupid you are a landowner! ") And finally, Captain-Corplenik (" Stupid You, Mr. Dencher!

"). The stupidity of the landowner is visible to everyone, and he is indulcated to unreserved dreams that the farm will achieve without the help of the peasants, reflects on English machines that will be replaced by serfs. His dreams are ridiculous, because he cannot do anything independently.

And only once the landowner thought: "Is it really a fool? Surely, the inflexibility that he had so cherished in his soul, translated into an ordinary language means only nonsense and madness?

"If we compare the famous folk tales about Barina and a man with fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin, for example, with a" wild landlord, "we will see that the image of the landowner in Shchedrian fairy tales is very close to folklore, and men, on the contrary, differ from fabulous. In folk fairy tales, a manifold man, deft, resourceful, wins the stupid Barin.

And in the "wild landowner" there is a collective image of workers, country's breadwinners and at the same time patient martyrs-sufferers. So, by modifying the folk fairy tale, the writer condemns the folk long-suffering, and his fairy tales sound like a call to rise to the struggle, to divert from the slave worldview.

Of all the types of art, literature has the richest opportunities for the incarnation of comic. Most often allocated the following types and techniques of comic: satire, humor, grotesque, irony.

Satir is called a look "through a magnifying glass" (V.). The subject of satire in the literature can be a variety of phenomena.

Political satire meets most often. The bright proof of this is the fairy tales of M.

E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Fantastic fabulous scenes allowed Saltykov-generous to continue the criticism of the social system, coming by censorship even in conditions of political reaction. Shchedrian fairy tales draw not just evil or good people, not just the struggle of good and evil, like most folk fairy tales, they reveal the class struggle in Russia the second halves XIX. century.

Consider the peculiarities of the fairy tales of the writer on the example of two of them. In the "Tale of how one man's two generals proceeded" Shchedrin shows the image of a cramp-brewer.

It can get food, sew clothes, conquer natural forces of nature. On the other hand, the reader sees the heartlessness of the man, its humility, unquestioned submission to two generals. He even binds himself to the rope, which once again points to humility, the kingdom of the Russian man.

The author calls people to fight, protest, calls to wake up, to think about their position, stop to obey badly. In the fairy tale "Wild landowner", the author shows how rich barin can drop, being without a man. Abandoned by his peasants, he immediately turns into a dirty and wild animal, moreover, becomes a forest predator.

And this life, in essence, continued its previous predatory existence. Worthy exterior appearance Wild landowner, like the generals, acquires again only after his peasants return. Thus, the author gives an unequivocal assessment of modern reality.

In its literary form and style, Saltykov-Shchedrin fairy tale is associated with folk traditions. We meet traditional fabulous characters: speaking animals, fish, birds. The writer uses characteristic of the folk fairy tale, promotion, proverbs, language and composite trickens, spacious and household peasant vocabulary, permanent epithets, Words with diminishing suffixes.

As in folklore fairy tale, Saltykov-Shchedrin has no clear temporal and spatial framework. But using traditional techniques, the author is quite intentionally retreating from tradition.

He introduces into the narration of social and political vocabulary, stationery, French words. The episodes of modern public fall on the pages of his fairy tales.

life. So there is a mixture of styles that creates a comic effect, and the compound of the plot with the problems of modernity.

Thus, having enriching the fairy tale with new satirical techniques, Saltykov-Shchedrin turned it into an instrument of socio-political satire.

Fairy tales "For children of a fair age" as a work of a new genre in Russian literature. The history of the creation of "fairy tales"

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin was the successor of satirical traditions D.I.Fonvizin, A.S. Griboedova and N.V.Gogol. Governor's activity Shchedrin allowed him to discern the "vices of Russian reality" and made him think over the fate of Russia. He created a kind of satirical encyclopedia of Russian life. "Tales" Shchedrin in miniature contains problems and images of the whole creativity of the great satirist. If, except for the "fairy tales", Shchedrin did not write anything, then they would give him the right to immortality. From thirty-two fairy tales shchedrin twenty nine written by him in last decade His life (most from 1882 to 1886) and only three fairy tales were created in 1869. Fairy tales seek a total of a forty creative activity Writer.

Satira Saltykov-Shchedrin is a special phenomenon in Russian literature. Addressing the "fairy tales" "Children of a Christie", he immediately introduced readers into a special atmosphere of his book. On these pages with "children of a fair age", that is, with adults who preserved the naive illusions of the beautiful young junior, are treated. They do not sympathize, they are smart and evil ridicule. Saltykov-Shchedrin put in front of him a fundamentally new creative task: track down, expose and destroy.

V. G. Belinsky, arguing about the work of the writer, called him humor "formidable and open, bull, poisonous, merciless". This characteristic deeply reveals the essence of Saltykov-Shchedrin satry. To illustrate its work on the listeners, the record of I. S. Turgenev is curious: "I saw the listeners wrote from laughter when reading some essays Saltykov. There was something terrible in this laughter. The audience, laughing, at the same time he felt like Beach whine her the same. "

A number of reasons prompted Saltykov-Shchedrin to appeal to fairy tales. The complex political situation in Russia: the moral terror, the defeat of population, the police persecution of the intelligentsia - did not allow to identify everything social contradictions Societies and directly criticize existing orders. On the other hand, the genre of fairy tale was close to the character of Satirik writer. Elements of fabulous fiction is in the "stories of one city", and in satyrian novel "Modern idyll" and the chronicle "abroad" included complete fairy tales. Fantasy, hyperbole, irony, ordinary for fairy tales, are very characteristic of generous poetics. In addition, the genre of fairy tale is very democratic, accessible and understandable wide Circle Readers, people and corresponds to the publicistic pathos, civil aspirations of satirist. Evil, angry ridicule of slave psychology is one of the main tasks of Fairy Tales Saltykov-Shchedrin. He not only states such features of the Russian people, as its long-suffering, unrequitution, not only with anxiety is looking for their origins and limits, but also jealously refuses, it snaps up, scumbles, because he sees here main trouble time.

Writer essentially created new genre - political fairy tale. Fantasy folk tale organically combines generrous with a realistic image of reality. The life of the Russian society of the second half of the XIX century imprinted in the richest gallery of characters. Shchedrin showed all the social anatomy, touched all the main classes and layers of society: nobility, bourgeoisie, bureaucracy, intelligentsia.

In this gallery of Characters of Saltykov-Shchedrin and the Intelligent-Dreamer ("Karas-idealist"), and a self-container playing the role of the patron ("Eagle-Metzenate"), and a worthless general ("Bear in Voivodeship"), and humble " selfless hare", hoping for the mercy of" predators ", and many others reflecting historical era, with her social evil and democratic ideas.

Heroes of fairy tales Saltykov-Shchedrin are satirical allegory, where the wolf, hare, the bear, eagle, crow and other animals, birds and fish belong not to the animal world. Following the traditions of Krylov, Saltykov-Shchedrin involuntarily puts on their characters. Those or other masks and seeks to "give everyone according to merit." In his fairy tales in each lichny concentrated specific traitsexactly determining social or human type. The people act under masks of good and defenseless animals and birds, exploiters - in the images of predators.

However, animal fairy tales are just one type of Saltykov-Shchedrin fairy tales. In the tales of another type, people act ("wild landowner", "the story about how one man's two generals attacked" and others). Their characters are not covered with masks of animals, fish and birds, and the author uses other satirical techniques: hyperbola and grotesque. The heroes of these fairy tales, however, are also revealed as masks symbols: the author creates collective images Social types.

The language of Shchedrian fairy tales is deeply peoples, close to Russian folklore. Satiri uses not only traditional fabulous techniques, images, but also proverbs, sayings, promscar. Dialogue acting persons Colorful, it draws a specific social type: a powerful, coarse eagle, a beautiful crucian-idealist, an evil reactionary, a lush, Hangua ass, a robust canary, a cowardly hare, etc.

In fairy tales, Shchedrin showed himself a brilliant artist, the master of the Ezopov language, with which he knew how to convey to the reader an acute political thought and transmit social generalizations in an allegorical form. The works of the Shchedrian fairy cycle are united not only genre signs, but also some common ideas and themes. These common ideas and topics associate fairy tales with each other, give the whole cycle a certain unity and allow it to consider it as holistic work, covered by the general ideological and artistic concept.

In difficult ideological content Four main topics: 1) Satira on government tops autocracy and exploitative classes, 2) the impact of behavior and psychology of the philistical intelligentsia, 3) image of the life of the masses in Tsarist Russia, 4) the exposure of the morality of the predator owners and the propaganda of the new Public ideal and new morality. But, of course, it is impossible to carry out strict the thematic delimitation of Shchedrian fairy tales, and there is no need. Usually one and the same fairy tale along with its the main theme affects others. So, in almost every fairy tale, the writer concerns the life of the people, opposing its lives of the privileged layers of society.

All tales of Shchedrin were subjected to censorship and alterations. Many of them were printed in illegal editions abroad. "Documentary and memoir sources indicate that the Shchedrian fairy tales were constantly in the arsenal of Russian revolutionaries-populations and served for them with an effective weapon in the fight against autocracy. Those of the fairy tales that were banned by the Tsarist Censure ("Bear on Voivodship", "Eagle-Metzenate", "Drier Vobla", etc.), distributed in illegal publications - Russian and foreign. Shchedrin showed interest to the "fairy tales", see: K.Marks and F. Entells. Works, ed. 2nd. M., Goslitisdat, 1964, vol. 36, p. 522. They have repeatedly used Russian Marxists in their journalistic activities. For example, V.I. Lenin brilliantly interpreted many ideas and images of Shchedrian fairy tales by applying them to the conditions of political struggle of their time.

Fairy Tales Saltykov-Shchedrin had a great impact on further development Russian literature and especially the genre of satire.