Winner you are super. Life after the show: What did children participate in "you're super!"? Sophisticated fate of Diana Ankudinova

Winner you are super. Life after the show: What did children participate in
Winner you are super. Life after the show: What did children participate in "you're super!"? Sophisticated fate of Diana Ankudinova

Immediately after the final, Diana went to the "Children's New Wave-2018" contest, where he constantly disappears at rehearsals. But specifically for the "Starhit" Diana was filled with time and gave her first interview.

Diana, congratulations on the victory! And, of course, I want to ask about your first emotions. What did you feel when he heard my last name?

It is difficult to describe the words of the whole range of emotions and convey the feelings that covered me. Delight and joy. Now I'm even bad remember what happened there. Especially when Igor Yakovlevich said that in honor of Victory gives me an apartment in Moscow and will provide training. For a second I thought: "I sleep?! It is necessary to implicate himself urgently to wake up .... " In general, so many prizes and gifts collapsed ... It is wildly pleasant! I am happy to participate in the project.

Tell about the composition that performed.

I had to accompany Igor Krutoy, so I decided to choose his song Tomorrow Is a Lie from the repertoire of Lara Fabian. The composition, though not much popular, but insanely beautiful and, I would say, heartbreaking. You know, the feeling has arisen that it is done specifically for me. True, it was not very easy to fulfill it, there is a complex note that was afraid not to take. But everything went great.

In general, was very worried about the night before the final?

For how I will spend, of course, was worried, but did not come to the mandrage. Well, this condition is considered normal for any person. If there is no such thing, then you are just a robot. It was more worried when the thoughts were thrown into the head that he would have to part with people who appeared in my life during the project. That's then began to shave a little.

What was the most difficult on the project for you?

All the most difficult was at the beginning, when only came. I thought what would be the children who live in orphanages, as we would be laid, would find a common language. There are different things ... But at the first meeting it turned out: they are exactly the same as I, no difference. Questions disappeared. As a result, everything turned out perfectly.

Did you have any new qualities that did not suspect before?

Yes! I did not even suspect that I could be so open and sociable! Still - it became much more accurate. Still, being 24 hours a day at a huge common area with initially completely unfamiliar people, smoothly rebuilding, cease to be afraid, to fear others.

Creative plans decided?

I have them completely ordinary, like all artists - ride various contests, perform at concerts. I like all this running! Like to meet new people, getting new emotions that have not experienced before. And, of course, I will continue to learn.

Isn't it not tired of tension at all?

Absolutely no! I am full of energy. I remained for forces, it's not necessary to restore anything. Common sleep is quite enough. Just when I sing, they yourself come from somewhere.

So you can call you "motor"?

I realized that in my life you need to strive for something and sincerely want. Then time flies imperceptibly, you enjoy your actions, especially when you see the result. For example, after the final, I left for Crimea, in "Artek," I will present Russia in the international competition of young performers "Children's New Wave-2018". Always dreamed of such an opportunity! And here I am here ...

By the way

Despite the blows of fate, Diana remained good and cheerful. At four, she fell into an orphanage. The girl was constantly crying - nothing could do anything. By the will of the case at the moment, when they led Diana, all the wards were collected on vacation in the regional boarding house, where she met her guardian. "Mom worked there with a massage therapist," a child shares with "Starhit". "When I was lying on the table, continuing to choke a tear, my mother's native daughter went. "Why she is roaring all the time," Nastya asked. "Let's take it yourself, place paper and we will live happily." What caught surprise. "If you refuse, then I adopt myself when it is growing." Then she was only 16. Some difficulties arose with the documents, but we endured all the tests! "

Total Shaw

Diana Ankudinova received almost 49% of spectator votes, taking first place. The second got a 16-year-old faith Yaroshik (9%) from Belarus. Closes the top three finals of the 17-year-old Roman Druzhinin (7%) from the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The prize of audience sympathies was received by Zenovia Sverchkov, for which more than four million people voted on the NTV website.

"In May of this year. The main prize in the competition was the fulfillment of the cherished dreams of the participant. Valery Adlaib, along with a small brother, parents gave to the boarding school because of large material problems. As a result of the fire, the house in which the family lived, burned down. From the very day, the girl did not stop dreaming about his own accommodation, wherever she could reunite with their relatives. In June of this year, the Charitable Fund I. I. Savvidi presented the winner of the show "You're super!" Apartment in the center of Sukhum. Valeria Adlaba finally reunited with his relatives, and now they are inseparable. We learned that I have changed in the life of the winner of the show "You'd super!" After participating in the project.

"We moved to a new apartment with great pleasure. And now our whole family is inseparable. Not far from the new housing we found for Valeria School. And also found a beautiful vocal teacher, which will help to reveal the talent of the daughter as much as possible, "the parents of Valeria Adleiba told. According to them, it is still very close to communicate with his classmates from the first-school boarding school. "They supported Lero throughout the project" Commoper! ", Voted for her, recorded videos, sent a letter to the project with touching words (in the show" You're super! "Valeria read the wishes of classmates Valeria from the scene), met the aircraft to White T-shirts with her photographs on the chest. Therefore, Valeria made a decision this year on September 1 to go to the school line at the Ochamchyr boarding school. We like her parents supported her. On the line of Lero, they met loud applause and director, teachers, and students. So much tears and immediately sincere smiles I have never seen. Invited Lero to take part in the event to raise the State Flag of the Republic of Abkhazia. Of course, the ruler itself was ravaged, since the children could not be able to ask Lero about the project itself, about her plans for the future, to make a joint photo with her, "said Mom Valeria Adleiba.

Vadim Taken read in the show "You're super!" Messages that Valeria Adlaba wrote classmates

Winner show "You are super!" Supports relationships with almost all project participants. "Each of them during the project has become very close to us. We have become so native that it would be a crime to lose each other, "said Mom Valeria.Immediately after the project "Commoper!" The winner of the show took an invitation from Igor Yakovlevich cool to take part in the "Children's New Wave 2017" and took the honorable fourth place there. In addition, Valery Adlaba was awarded a special prize from the jury. Also the winner of the show "You are super!" I happened to perform on one stage with the Nepara group. Valery with great pleasure took an invitation to become a special guest at their concert at the State Philharmonic Abkhazia. Also, the girl made other participants in the project "Super!" In the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlock" in the Krasnodar Territory.

Valeria Adleiba took part in records of the song of Stas Piekhi. "During the project" You're super! " We have already created a very friendly relationship with him. From the first days of Stas treated me with great warmth. This is a man with a capital letter. He is like an older brother and a faithful friend will always support and give the necessary advice. All our meetings after the project "You are super!" They were filled with special sincerity than I really value and appreciate it. By inviting me to shoot a clip to Moscow, Stas made a gift to me and my mom, buying a ticket to the business class. These special feelings I will remember for life, as this is my first flight of this level, "Valery shared his impressions.

Valeria Adleiba during the announcement of her winner show "You're super!"

"During the project, we had a chance to get acquainted with many artists from the world of movies of movies. Until now, I am very closely communicating with Stas Piechi, the opera singers hiblah Guzyzavoy and Alice Gitsbo, Alexander Show from the Nepara group, "said Mom Valeria Adleiba. "The biggest dream of a daughter has already come true," Mom admits. - Valeria wanted to live in a big house with his separate bedroom along with his family. For the fulfillment of dreams speak some thanks to the management of NTV, the project "You're super!" And the Savvidi Charitable Foundation in the face of Ivan Ignatievich Savvidi. "

In September of this year, Valery Adleiba again flew to Moscow. The girl supported her friend who took part in the new project NTV "You're super! Dancing. " Leon Kapba and Valeria Adlayeba studied at the boarding school in Ochamchir. They are friends from childhood. "When after my victory in the project" You're super! " Valeria returned to his homeland, at the airport there were numerous fans, relatives and friends. But the most awesome was that Leon met her at the National Dance Airport. As if he asked to give him a relay! And as soon as the castings began in the new project "You're super! Dancing, "Valeria suggested Leon to take part in them. As all of us now is known, he became a member of the project, "said Mom Valeria Adleiba.

Leon Kapba I. Valeria Adleiba with leadingshow "You're super! Dance "Alexander Oleshko

See the show "You're super! Dancing "on Saturdays at 20:00 on the NTV channel.

On Saturday, May 26, 2018, 14-year-old Diana Ankudinova from Tolyatti performed in the final of the vocal show "You're super!" on the NTV channel.

Winner of the second season show "You are super!" Selected viewers using SMS voting. All means from SMS voting are sent to the charity foundation "You're super!", Which helps children continue learning and develop creatively further.

In the finals of the show "You're super!" Tolyattinka sang a song in English "Tomorrow Is Lie" ("Tomorrow does not exist"). Accompanied by the girl by the author of the music, composer Igor Cool.

Diana's execution was amazingly inspired and pierced. Jury members could not hold back their emotions from their feelings overwhelming.
At the end of the musical number, the audience with the cries "Bravo" stormly applauded the girl.

"It was a feeling of a fourteen-year-old girl. Maybe it's even a few adult song for you, and she was not so simple to you. But, it seems to me that you coped, "said Igor Cool after Diana's speech.

"I really want to wish you good luck! In order for you on your life path, you always came across only good people who would inspire you and wrapped up, "Julian Karaulova, a young vocalist of Singer Juliana Karaulova.

"It was very cool! Thank you, Diana, huge! " - Thanked Togliattius composer and producer Viktor Drobysh.

In the finals of the second season of the show "You're super!" Passed 11 participants.

Each of them received the honorary register of the project "Super!".

Director of the International Children's Center Alexey Kasproach invited the guys to come to "Artek".

Igor Krutoy announced the name of the representative, who will represent Russia at the International Competition "Children's New Wave" in "Artek", is Diana Ankudinova.

The General Director of the European MediaGroup Roman Emelyanov spoke about a special prize for the winner of the contest "You'd super!": "We want from the" new radio "to give you the possibility of a professional record of a single. Also on this single are ready to help you withdraw the video in the studio. "

"I would like to say a huge thank you to all people who organized such a holiday in my life. And, of course, a lot of spectators who voted and supported me. I will try to go ahead, and I hope that we will see more than once with friends, "thanked Diana Ankudinov.

"You really want to go to Moscow to the Vocal College. That's your dream. The next year you will have to do. We will do our best, and you will enter this college in Moscow, "Diana promised the general producer of the NTV television channel Timur Weinstein.

"I would like to guarantee the solution to the issue with housing, so that you could live when you enroll in a music college. From me an apartment in Moscow, "Igor Krutoy said.

Diana was shocked by such a surprise.

At the end of the program, the winner of the show of Diana Ankudinova performed the song from which came to the project "You'd super!" - "Last Dance" ("Dernière Danse").

Bravo, Diana!

Dushanbe, May 27 - Sputnik. The winner of the international vocal project "You are super!" Steel 14-year-old Diana Ankudinova.

Probably, in the victory of Diana, no one doubted, besides her. From the first seconds, Diana's speech on the show became obvious that the girl had a real gift.

Final "You are super!"

In the finals of the project, 11 participants performed. Each of them performed a song with the famous Russian artists.

The first place was conquered by Diana Ankudinov from Tolyatti. She scored 49% of all votes of viewers.

"Many thanks to everyone who organized such a holiday in my life. Also a huge thank you to the audience who voted," thanked all Dian Ankudinov.

"Diana, I know that you want to go to the music college in Moscow. We promise to you that we will help you do," said the general producer of NTV Timur Weinstein.

At the same time, the composer Igor Cool gave Diana apartment in Moscow.

"To make you, where to live in Moscow, when you come to study in college, I will give you an apartment from myself," he announced.

The second place went to the faith of Yaroshik from Belarus. The third place was taken by Roman Druzhinin, the fourth - Elvira Yakhyaev, the fifth - Vladimir Skripal.

"All finalists and semi-finalists of the NTV television channel will pay scholarships to the achievement of peroleties," said Timur Weinstein.

In addition, all the finalists and semi-finalists "you are super!", Including Diana, invited in the summer to visit the summer camp "Artek".

Sophisticated fate of Diana Ankudinova

Diana was born in Ussuriysk. The native mother's mother began to drink a lot, she brutally mocked the child - Bila, did not feed, and once even tried to drown in the bathroom.

Relatives found it in winter on the street with a broken clavicle. Nobody wanted to pick up - they decided that she mentally retarded. So she was in an orphanage for 3 years.

"She wanted to kill me, she did not want to have a child. She had 12 pregnancies, I am the only one who survived. I have a scar on my hand, on the cheek of the scar, the chest bulges, probably, hit hard on it," Diana remembers Amonkulova.

The girl launched a reception family. Psychologists advised psychologists to give a girl to vocal courses at the age of 5 years. Until that age she spoke poorly.

Diana asked her new mom to move as far as possible from biological. So they found themselves in Togliatti.

In his 14 years, Diana experienced not one tragedy, but despite the blows of fate, remained good and cheerful. From early childhood, she is engaged in vocals, laureate and diploma of numerous vocal competitions, an indispensable participant of all city concerts.

"To" You're super! "I did not know how to sing. Yes, I sing, but it's natural, but you will not go far in one nature," she smiles.

She paints well, engaged in an artistic word, goes to theatrical studio. Diana's dream - so that all children on the planet have parents.

"New Wave" 2018

After the end of the show "You're super!" New horizons opened before Diana Ankudinova. Composer Igor Cool, admiring the talent and hardworking the girls, decided to invite Diana to the semifinals of the children's international competition "New Wave".

For participation in the competition, almost a hundred participants fought.

"Children, though younger than me sing just super. I listen to their performance and more worried," Ankudinova admitted.

Diana was worried - the jury members considered her worthy finals of the children's "new wave".

"She is a truly talented girl. I want it to be in the future in sight. What she sang in French is wonderful. It is necessary to find the same position in Russian so that it can also worry the viewers," commented Igor Krutoy.

Now Diana will go to the Crimea to the Artek camp.

On Saturday, 05/26/2018, the final of the project "You-super!" on the NTV channel. Also on this day, the winner of the project was known. The first place was taken by a fourteen-year-old girl from Tolyatti - Diana Ankudinova.

It is the viewers using their SMS who were able to choose a decent winner. And the money taken from SMS voting will be transferred to the "You-Super!" Charitable Foundation, which carries out children's dreams and helps them develop and continue learning further.

"You are super!" - This is a social charitable project on the television channel NTV. In this show, students of orphanages from all CIS countries take part.

The purpose of this project to give such children a chance to change your life for the better. Participants "You are super!" Kids from boarding schools, pupils of orphans, as well as children from foster families. Each child with a difficult life situation, age from seven to eighteen years, can participate in this project.

The leading show producers chose Vadim Takmenev. In the members of the jury, the singer Christmas tree was sitting, the star of the eighties Margarita Sukhankina, the music producer Viktor Drobysh and singer Stas Pieha.

From the beginning of this show, the jury was to sit the composer and producer Igor Cool, but just a couple of days before the start of the project, the organizers said that Igor's health problems, and he could not be removed. But at the same time he became the component of the show. Cool was a minor of contestants at the next stage of the project.

The singer Margarita Sulankina in his time adopted two children, so it was not chosen for the role of a mentor, because she, like no one, can understand and help with a small orphan. Stas Pieha also knows about personal experience, what is life in the orphanage, because he has brought up at the boarding school since childhood.

"Project" You're super! " It is fundamentally different from other musical competitions by the fact that the participants were looking for among the guys who did not pay attention before. It is for me that this competition is especially important. All childhood and adolescence, I absolutely consciously spent in the orphanage. I was close to those serious not by the years guys. Giving a chance to these vocalists in the final of the competition, we will get something completely extraordinary. That potential, the zeal, which they have, will make everyone fight to the last, "said Stas Pieha.

You are super winner 2018: SMS voting results

According to the summary of the SMS-voting, Diana Ankudinova became the winner of the project, which scored 49% of the votes. This news simply caused a squall of emotions from Diana, because now she will be able to fulfill their dream - enter the music college in the capital of the Russian Federation. Knowing the girl's desire to improve their talents in one of the Moscow schools of vocal, Igor Krutoy presented her apartment in the capital.

The second place was taken by Vera Yaroshik, the third went to Roman's Friend, the fourth place was taken by Elvira Yakhyaev, and the fifth - Vladimir Skripal.

Alexandra Krilchuk, who was also a participant of the project "You're super!" It was invited to participate in the semifinals of "Children's Eurovision". And the winner of Diana Ankudinova itself will present our country at the World Wide Wave World Competition.

Recall that in the final of the 2 seasons of the show you are super on NTV, 11 participants were held: Diana Ankudinova, Bogdan Vandyshev, Satden Gevorgyan, Roman Druzhinin, Alexandra Kirilchuk, Alexander Pankratova, Vasilina Ponamareva, Zenovia Svechkova, Vladimir Skripal, Vera Yaroshik and Elf Yakhyaev. Each of them received the honorary register of the project "Super!". They received an invitation to come to "Artek" from the director of the International Children's Center Alexey Kasperozka.

You are super winner 2018: winner show

In the finals of the show "You're super!" Tolyattinka sang a song in English "Tomorrow Is Lie" ("Tomorrow does not exist"). Accompanied by the girl by the author of the music, composer Igor Cool.

TV viewers were awesome awesome, inspired and piercing vocals Diana. Some of the members of the jury could not even hold their emotions, so we cried. The entire visual hall at the end of the speech was violently applauded Diana and shouted "Bravo".

"It was a feeling of a fourteen-year-old girl. Maybe it's even a few adult song for you, and she was not so simple to you. But, it seems to me that you coped, "said Igor Cool after Diana's speech.

"I really want to wish you good luck! In order for you on your life path, you always came across only good people who would inspire you and wrapped up, "Julian Karaulova, a young vocalist of Singer Juliana Karaulova.

"It was very cool! Thank you, Diana, huge! " - Thanked Togliattius composer and producer Viktor Drobysh.

Thanks to the victory, the project Diana Ankudinova will represent Russia at the International Competition "Children's New Wave", also from the "New Radio" presented the girl with the opportunity to record professional singles and remove the clip on it.

The producer of NTV television channel Timur Weinstein said that he would do everything possible to Diana arrived next year to the Moscow Musical College.

"I would like to guarantee the solution to the issue with housing, so that you could live when you enroll in a music college. From me an apartment in Moscow, "Igor Krutoy said.

Diana was shocked by such a surprise.

At the very end, as a gratitude, Diana performed the composition with which came to the project "You'd super!" - "Last Dance" ("Dernière Danse").