How many are absorbed and how to heal the inner seams after childbirth. Can the inner seams come out after delivery

How many are absorbed and how to heal the inner seams after childbirth. Can the inner seams come out after delivery
How many are absorbed and how to heal the inner seams after childbirth. Can the inner seams come out after delivery

Any surgical intervention is a forced measure associated with one degree of degree of trauma of body tissues. From the time to restore the body after the operation and the speed of healing, the seams depends on how fast the patient can return to active life. Therefore, questions are so important about how quickly the seams will be lit and how to avoid postoperative complications. From the suture of the wound healing speed, the risk of complications and the appearance of the scar after operational intervention depends on the suture of the suture. Read more about seams Talk today in our article.

Types of suture materials and methods of imposing seams in modern medicine

The perfect suture material must have the following characteristics:

To be smooth, slide, without applying additional damage. Be elastic, stretching, without causing compression and necrosis of fabrics. To be durable, withstand loads. Reliably tiped into nodes. Have a biocompatibility with the tissues of the body, inertness (not to cause irritation of fabrics), have low allergicity. The material should not swell from moisture. The term of destruction (biodegradation) of resorption materials should coincide with the wound healing time.

Different qualities are inherent in different suture materials. Some of them are advantages, other disadvantages of the material. For example, smooth threads will be difficult to tighten into a solid node, and the use of natural materials, so appreciated in other areas, is often associated with an increased risk of developing infection or allergies. Therefore, the search for the ideal material continues, and while there are at least 30 variants of the threads whose choice depends on specific needs.

Suture materials are divided into synthetic and natural, absorbable and non-radiation. In addition, materials consisting of one thread or several are manufactured: monofilament or polyfilament, twisted, wicker having different coatings.

Unproductive materials:

Natural - silk, cotton. Silk is a relatively strong material, due to the plasticity ensures the reliability of the nodes. Silk refers to conditionally non-disseminating materials: over time, its strength decreases, and in about a year later, the material is absorbed. In addition, silk threads cause a pronounced immune response and can serve as a reservoir of infection in the wound. Cotton has low strength and is also able to cause intense inflammatory reactions. Stainless steel threads have durability and give minimal inflammatory reactions. Used in abdominal operations, when stitching sternum and tendons. Synthetic non-disseminating materials have better characteristics. They are more durable, their use causes minimal inflammation. Such threads are used to compare soft tissues, in cardio and neurosurgery, ophthalmology.

Remaining materials:

Natural Ketgut. The disadvantages of the material include a pronounced tissue reaction, the risk of infection, insufficient strength, inconvenience to use, the inability to predict the periods of resorption. Therefore, the material is currently practically not used. Synthetic absorbable materials. Produce from decomposing biopolymers. They are divided into mono and polyfilament. Much more reliable in comparison with Ketgut. Have a certain period of resorption, characterized in different materials, rather durable, do not cause substantial tissue reactions, do not glide in their hands. Not used in neuro and cardiac surgery, ophthalmology, in situations, when the constant strength of the seams is required (for crosslinking tendons, coronary vessels).

Seam imposition methods:

Ligatural seams - with their help tie up vessels to ensure hemostasis. Primary seams - allow you to compare the edges of the wound for healing by primary tension. Suts are continuous and nodal. According to the testimony, immersed, brine and subcutaneous seams can be superimposed. Secondary seams - this method is used to strengthen the primary seams, to re-closing the wound with a large amount of granulation, in order to strengthen the wound, healing the secondary tension. Such seds are called reitive and used to unload wounds and reduce tissue tension. If the primary seam was superimposed in a continuous manner, nodal seams use for the secondary, and vice versa.

How much seams are heal

Each surgeon seeks to achieve wound healing by primary tension. At the same time, the restoration of tissues passes in the shortest possible time, the swelling is minimal, there is no fitting, the amount of insignificant separated from the wound. Scarring with this healing minimum. The process passes 3 phases:

Inflammatory reaction (the first 5 days), when leukocytes and macrophages, destroying microbes, foreign particles, destroyed cells migrate to the wound area. During this period, the tissue compound did not reach sufficient strength, and they are held together at the expense of the seams. The migration and proliferation phase (on the 14th day), when collagen and fibrin are produced in the wound in fibrin. Due to this, the granulation tissue is formed from the 5th day, the strength of fixing the edges of the wound increases. Phase of ripening and restructuring (from the 14th day to full healing). In this phase, the synthesis of collagen and the formation of connective tissue continues. Gradually, a scar is formed on the site of the wound.

How long does the seams take off?

When the wound healed so much that no longer needs to be supported by non-disseminating seams, they are removed. The procedure is carried out under sterile conditions. At the first stage, it is treated with an antiseptic wound, hydrogen peroxide is used to remove crusts. Capturing the thread of a surgical tweezers, crosses it at the place of entry into the skin. Gently pull the thread from the opposite side.

Seam removal time depending on their localization:

Sew on the skin of the body and limbs should be left on the spot from 7 to 10 days. Seams on the face and neck are removed in 2-5 days. Retention seams are left for 2-6 weeks.

Factors affecting the healing process

The speed of healing of seams depends on many factors that can be divided into several groups:

Features and character of the wound. Definitely, wound healing after a small surgical intervention will be faster than after laparotomy. The process of restoring tissues in the case of injury after injury, when pollution occurred, penetration of foreign bodies, flamers of fabrics. The location of the wound. The best healing is in zones with good blood supply, with a small layer thick of subcutaneous fatty fiber. Factors caused by the character and quality of surgical assistance provided. At the same time, the nature of the cut, the quality of the intraperation hemostasis (bleeding stop), the type of suture materials used, the choice of the seams of the seams, compliance with the rules of asepsis and much more. The factors associated with the age of the patient, its weight, health status. Reparation fabrics faster in young age and people with normal body weight. Extend the healing process and can provoke the development of complications of chronic diseases, in particular, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders, oncopathology, vascular diseases. In the risk group there are patients with the presence of foci of chronic infection, with reduced immunity, smokers, HIV-infected. The reasons associated with the departure of the postoperative wound and seams, compliance with the power and drinking mode, the physical activity of the patient in the postoperative period, the implementation of the recommendations of the surgeon, the reception of medicines.

How to care for seams

If the patient is in the hospital, the seam or medical sister carries out the seams. At home, the patient should comply with the recommendations of the doctor's care physician. It is necessary to keep the wound clean, process the antiseptic daily: a solution of iodine, mangalling, diamond greenery. If the bandage is applied, it should be consulted with a doctor before removing it. Special preparations can accelerate healing. One of these funds is the gel contractability containing onion extract, allantoin, heparin. You can apply it after the epithelization of the wound.

For the speedy healing of postpartum seams in required strict adherence to hygienic rules:

  • careful hand washing before visiting the toilet;
  • frequent change of gaskets;
  • daily linen change and towels;
  • during the month, the adoption of the bath should be replaced by the hygienic shower.

If there are outdoor seams on the crotch, in addition to thorough hygiene, you need to take care of the dryness of the wound, the first 2 weeks cannot be sitting on a solid surface, constipation should be avoided. It is recommended to lie on the side, sit on a circle or pillow. The doctor can recommend special exercises to improve blood supply and wound healing.

Healing of seams after cesarean section

We will need wearing a postoperative bandage, compliance with hygiene, after discharge, it is recommended that the adoption of the shower and washing the skin in the seam area twice a day with soap. At the end of the second week, special ointments can be used to restore the skin.

Healing of seams after laparoscopy

Complications after laparoscopy are rarely observed. To protect yourself, one day after intervention should be observed. At first it is recommended to stick to the diet, abandon alcohol. For body hygiene, a shower is used, the seam area is treated with an antiseptic. The first 3 weeks limit physical activity.

Possible complications

The main complications in the healing of wounds are pain, suppuration and lack of seams (discrepancy). Binding may develop due to the penetration of bacteria, fungi or viruses into the wound. Most often infection is caused by bacteria. Therefore, often after surgery, the surgeon prescribes an antibiotic course with a prophylactic goal. Postoperative suppuration requires pathogen identification and determining its sensitivity to antibacterial agents. In addition to the appointment of antibiotics, it may be necessary to open and drain the wound.

What to do if seam broke up?

The lack of seams is more often observed in older and weakened patients. Most likely time complications - from 5 to 12 days after surgery. In such a situation, you need to immediately seek medical care. The doctor will decide on the further signation of the wound: leave it open or re-stake in the wound. With evisceration - penetration through the wound of the intestinal loop, urgent surgical intervention is required. Such a complication may arise due to the bloating, strong cough or vomiting

What to do if the seam hurts after the operation?

Surability in the field of seams during the week after surgery can be considered a normal phenomenon. The first days of the surgeon may recommend the reception of an anesthetics. Reduce pain will help compliance with the recommendations of the doctor: restriction of physical activity, wound care, wound hygiene. If the pain is intense or persisted for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the pain may be a symptom of complications: inflammation, infection, adhesion formation, hernia.

You can accelerate the healing of the wound with the help of folk remedies. For this, phytosborids are used in the form of infusions, extracts, decoctions and local appliqués, phytomazy, wipes. Here are some of the folk remedies:

Pain and itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe seams can be removed using brave of herbs: chamomiles, calendula, sage. Wound treatment with vegetable oils - sea buckthorn, tea tree, olive. Multiplicity of processing - twice a day. Lussing scar with cream containing calendula extract. Applying to the wound of the cabbage sheet. The procedure has anti-inflammatory and healing effect. The cabbage sheet should be clean, it must be quiet.

Before applying phytopreparats, it is necessary to consult a surgeon. It will help to choose individual treatment and will give the necessary recommendations.

Surgical seam is a compound of tissues after surgery or injury using a needle and threads produced in order to have a speedy healing, as well as wound protection from foreign bodies.

The seams can be superimposed both on the surface of the body and on the internal organs and tissues. In modern medicine, the methods of seamless connection of the edges of the wound using adhesives are used.

Methods and materials for the imposition of surgical seams

The threads (suture) used in surgery are divided into two main types: resolveing \u200b\u200bin tissues after some time after surgery and non-disseminated, removed after wound healing.

The threads of the first type are made from the intestine of animals (ketgut) and synthetic polymeric materials (dexon, polysorba, biosine, wikila), second type - from silk, flax, polymers (Capron); Sometimes metal wire is also used.

Connect the edges of the wound in various ways. You can use a continuous seam with fixing nodes at the ends, or copper the tissues with separate stitches, each of which is fixed with its nodes. The last method (separate seams) provides a more reliable connection, since in this case the seam will be saved, even if the node is unlighted or the thread of one of the stitches will be blown.

Skin crossing

There are several ways to connect the skin by applying seams: it can be used both continuous and individual seams and use both restering and non-reprocessive threads. Cut wound can also be bonded by metal clamps, brackets or even a sticky ribbon (with shallow cuts).

A special kind of external seams is cosmetic seams imposed on the skin with very thin threads. Solving materials are usually used when applying subcutaneous seams, when the suture material cannot be removed after wound healing.

Most often in surgery, a separate vertical mattress or subcutaneous seam is used. In the latter case, the danger of the formation of scars in places of skin punctures is eliminated. Deep seams are superimposed together with other species, if there is a danger of divergence of subcutaneous tissues. In all these seams, every stitch is fixed. Therefore, in contrast to continuous seams, if one of the stitches will disappear, others will keep tissue together. The selection of crosslinking techniques is determined by the surgeon preferences and specific circumstances, such as the type of tissue crosslinkable, the location of the seam and its effect on the patient's appearance.

Consultation Surgeon regarding seams

How painfully the removal of the seam, laid after the surgical operation?

This procedure is not very painful, since the materials currently used to cross the skin have a smooth surface. They will easily slide in the tissues, without causing strong pain. But if you do not even tolerate a weak pain, ask the surgeon to use resorpty threads.

How long will the inner seams persist after serious operations?

Some materials used to impose seams on internal organs and tissues are stored throughout life. For example, the kapron monofilament is completely inert and, being in the body, does not cause any reaction of the surrounding tissues. It is not resolved, although over time its strength can slightly decrease.

I recently suffered an operation on the stomach. What time do I remove the seams?

After the operation, only the filaments of external seams are removed. This is done on the 7-10th day. If you remove the threads before, the seam may disperse, and if later - the inflammatory process can begin around them.

Can cough or elevated physical exertion cause suture after surgery on the abdominal organ?

Nowadays it happens extremely rarely. With such operations, in addition to the outer seams, internal are usually superimposed. It is they who determine the strength of the tissue compound. To ensure the long-term strength of the seams when combining muscle tissues, most surgeons prefer non-disseminating materials, such as Kapron. Previously, the animal intestines were used for this (ketgut), but because they very quickly lose strength (the oscillating time of the ketgut does not exceed 30 days), the risk of seam divergence was large enough. Currently, if the abdominal muscles are properly stitched by non-disseminating thread, the seams easily withstand the stresses arising during cough.

In some cases, for example, in the process of surgical intervention, as well as after delivery, the overlapping of sinking seams is required. For this, special material is applied. There are many varieties of absorbing threads. The lifetime of such RAS depends on many factors. So how many self-sessive seams are dissolved?

The main varieties of the seams

To answer this question, you should clarify what major species of seams exist. As a rule, this is:

  1. Internal. Such seams are superimposed on injuries obtained as a result of mechanical exposure. To connect tissues at the rupture site, certain types of tissues are used. Such self-dissipating seams are heal rather quickly. Often they impose women after childbirth on the cervix. In this case, anesthesia is not required, since this part of the parent organ is deprived of sensitivity.
  2. External. They can also be applied using absorbable material. After childbirth, these seams are made at a break or when crotted cutting, as well as after operations. If the usual material is used, it takes its removal of 5-7 days after surgery.

It is worth considering that self-sessive seams can be lit after a few weeks. It all depends on the variety of material and its composition.

What is absorbable seams

Saturase-saving seams are imposed almost always. Extremely rarely for wound healing is used surgical material that is resistant to hydrolysis. Sleeps are considered to be seds that lose their strength for 60 days. There is a dissolution of the threads as a result of exposure:

  1. Enzymes that are present in the tissues of the human body. In other words, these are proteins controlling and accelerating chemical reactions.
  2. Water. This chemical reaction is called hydrolysis. At the same time, the threads are destroyed under the influence of water, which is present in the human body.

Synthetic woven polyglycolic thread "Medpga"

Analogues of such surgical material are "Safil", Polysorb, "Vincle".

Saturase-free seams after surgery or after childbirth can be superimposed using the Nethern's thread. This surgical material is made on the basis of polyhydroxyacetylic acid. Such threads are applied from the absorbing polymer. This is required to reduce the fitness and capillary, as well as to reduce the sawing effect occurring during material through the tissue.

After how much the thread "Medpga" is absorbed

Saturase-free seams imposed with the help of "Medpga" thread are subjected to hydrolytic decay, which is strictly controlled. It is worth noting that such material is strong enough. After 18 days, the threads retain up to 50% of the strength properties.

Complete resorption of surgical material occurs only after 60-90 days. At the same time, the reaction of the tissues of the body on the "Medpga" yarn is insignificant.

It is worth noting that such a surgical material is widely used in the embeding of all tissues, with the exception of those that are under tension, and do not heal for a long time. Most often, the Nights "Medpga" is used in thoracic and abdominal surgery, gynecology, urology, plastic surgery and orthopedics. However, it is not applied on nervous and cardiovascular tissues.

Synthetic woven polyglycolic thread "Medpga-R"

Analogues of such surgical material are Safil Kvik, "Vinciles Rapid".

"Medpting P" is a synthetic thread made on the basis of polyglygctin-910. Such a surgical material is covered with a special absorbent polymer. This reduces friction during the passage of the thread through the body tissues, and also reduces the fitness and capillary. Thanks to this surgical material, you can impose self-sessive seams.

After how much the threads "Medpga-R" are absorbed

"Medpga-R" - material that is amenable to hydrolytic decay. Such threads are strong enough. Five days later, 50% of their strength properties are preserved. Full absorption occurs only on the 40-50 day. It is worth noting that the tissue reaction to the surgical material "Medpga-P" is insignificant. In addition, the threads do not cause allergies.

Such material is used to impose seams on mucous, skin, soft tissue, as well as in those situations where short-term wound support is necessary. However, there are exceptions. Such threads are not used on nervous and cardiovascular tissues.

Synthetic woven polyglycolic thread "Medpga-910"

Analogues of such surgical material are Safil, Polysorb, Vincle.

"Medpga-910" is a resolution-based threads made on the basis of polyglygctin-910. The surgical material is also processed by a special coating that reduces the "sawing" effect when the material is passed through the fabric, as well as to reduce the capillary and fitness.

The duration of the resorption "Medpga-910"

So, when the self-sessive seams are dissipated, superimposed using the surgical material "Medpga-910"? Similar threads have a high standard of strength. However, they are also subjected to hydrolytic decay. After 18 days, the surgical material can save up to 75% of strength properties, after 21 days - up to 50%, after 30 days - up to 25%, and after 70 days, the threads are completely absorbed.

This product is used when stagging soft tissues that are not under tension, as well as those that quickly heal, in plastic, chest and abdominal surgery, gynecology, urology and orthopedics. It is impossible to use "Medpga-910" when applying seams on nervous and cardiovascular tissues.

Monononit "PDO"

Analogues of such surgical material are not so much. This is "biosine", as well as PDS II. Such threads are characterized by a high indicator of biological inertness, non-pile and non-pepillary, hydrophobic, do not injure fabrics when passing through them, elastic, strong enough, well knit and keep the node.

After how much mononi is dissolved

Mononi "PDO" is amenable to hydrolysis. As a result of such a process, dihydroxyethoxyacetic acid is formed, fully displaced from the body. Two weeks after the applies of the seams, the surgical material retains up to 75% of the strength. The total dissolution of the threads occurs within 180-210 days.

As for the application of the application, the surgical material "PDO" is used to impose seams and compounds of soft tissues of any type, including to stitch the cardiovascular tissues of the children's body, which are subject to further growth. However, there are exceptions. Mononi is not suitable for stitching fabrics, where the wound support is required to 6 weeks, as well as those that are exposed to large loads. It is impossible to use suture material when installing implants, artificial heart valves, as well as synthetic vascular prostheses.

So how many seams will be dissolved?

Next, we consider everything about what is self-seeding seams after delivery: when they are absorbed, whether they require care. Do not forget that many factors affect the timing of wound healing and the complete disappearance of the threads. First of all, you need to know which raw material is made surgical material. In most cases, the threads begin to dissolve 7-14 days after the overlay of the seams. To speed up the process, after healing the wound, the health worker can remove the nodules. To determine the limits of resorption of threads should be clarified by the doctor:

  1. What seams were imposed.
  2. What material the threads were made of.
  3. Approximate deadlines for dissolving suture material.

In conclusion

Saturase-free threads are often used when applying seams on operating wounds, which are located in deep layers of tissues, as well as on the surface of the skin. For example, when transplanting organs.

The same surgical material is also used for sewing wounds and gaps obtained during childbirth. At the same time, many studies were conducted. Their results showed that suture material made of polyglycolic acid completely disappears only four months later, and the material based on polyglactin is through three. At the same time, self-sessive seams will hold the edges of the wound to its full healing, and then gradually begin to collapse. If the threads are preserved for a long time and discomfort, then you should seek help to a surgeon or attending a doctor.

It depends on what material they are made. Most of the resinking seams will be dissolved within 1-2 weeks. However, for complete resorption may take several months. After the postoperative wound healed, the nurse can remove the remaining ends of the seams to speed up this process.

Ask your surgeon or attending physician:

  • what seams were put on you;
  • how much they will be dissolved.

What are resinking seams?

The seams are considered absorbable if they almost completely lose their strength within 60 days. The filaments of the seams are absorbed under the influence of the following factors:

  • enzymes contained in body tissues (enzymes are proteins that accelerate and control the chemical reactions of the body);
  • hydrolysis (chemical reaction with water contained in the body).

What material make sinking threads of seams?

The resinking seams are most often manufactured from the following materials:

  • polyglactin: It loses about 25% of strength in two weeks, 50% - after three, completely absorbed in 3 months;
  • polyglycolic acid: loses about 40% of strength in one week, 95% after four, completely absorbed in 3-4 months.

There are several other types of filaments of seams. On average, the resinking seams should begin to decay for four weeks. Some materials are completely absorbed in six months.

When are absorbed seams apply?

The resinking seams are used in the sewing of operating wounds, located on the surface of the skin and in deeper layers of tissues. Usually they are used to sewing operating wounds, located deep under the surface of the skin. For example, they can be applied during the operation on the heart or transplantation of the organ.

The resinking seams are also used when styling wounds on the surface of the skin. For example, they can be applied after delivery to sew a cringe (skin area between the vagina and anus).

According to the results of one study, the seams from the polyglactine used in the rupture of the crotch were satisfied after three months, and the seams of polyglycolic acid are four times.

The resinking seams will connect the edges of the wound to its full healing, and then gradually dissolve.

If after wound healing, they continue to deliver the inconvenience, sign up for a reception to the surgeon. It gently remove the remaining ends of the seams.

What else is used when stamping wounds?

Other methods used in the wound sewing:

  • unproductive seams;
  • clamps;
  • staples.

They should shoot your attending physician when the wound began to heal.

  • the main
  • Restoration after childbirth
  • Saturase-free seams

Saturase-free threads are often used in operational interventions, including after delivery. For the overlapping of such seams, various materials are used, which are solved independently for a certain time (Ketgut, Loveva, Vincle).

When self-sessive threads

informationSaturase-free seams after delivery in most cases are used in the breaks of the internal genitals (vagina, cervix), because Access to these organs is difficult and will be easier if it is not necessary to consequently remove the seams there.

During breaks and cuts of the perineum, various seams can be superimposed: both independently absorbing and requiring the removal of threads.

Svow resorption time

The seam resorption time depends on the threads with which it was performed:

  1. Catgut. The resorption time depends on the diameter of the thread and its place of use and ranges from 30 to 120 days;
  2. Lavsan. There are threads with different scattering terms (from 10-12 days to 40-50 days);
  3. Vincle (60-90 days).

Complications of postpartum Ran.

The main complications of the seams in the postpartum period are insolvency (discrepancy) of the seams and their suppuration (infection penetration).

The discrepancy of the seams

The failure of the internal seams (on the cervix and in the vagina) is extremely rare. Basically, the exterior seams imposed on the crotch occurs.

The main causes of the discrepancy of the wound on the crotch:

  • Early sitting;
  • Sharp movements;
  • Sex life;
  • Svow infection.

Signs of discrepancies of the seams:

  • Pain in the field of wound;
  • The appearance of wound bleeding;
  • Painful swelling;
  • Temperature rise (with infection);
  • Feeling of gravity and cutting in postoperative wound (indicates a cluster of blood - hematoma).

Infection of the wound

In most cases, the penetration of injury infection in most cases occurs when the rules of personal hygiene and incorrect care of the seams.

The main signs of purulent-inflammatory complications of seams on the crotch are:

  1. Heat;
  2. Hyperemia (redness) of the wound region;
  3. Soreness;
  4. The appearance of purulent seals from seams.

At the first signs of the emergence of complications, it should be immediately referred to as an akuster-gynecologist for help. The doctor will carry out the necessary procedures and prescribe treatment.

Caring for seams after childbirth

rememberThe seams imposed on the vagina and the neck of the uterus do not require additional processing: a woman just must comply with personal hygiene rules for preventing the development of purulent-inflammatory complications. Sews on the crotch, on the contrary, require increased attention and careful compliance with the parental of all recommendations.


  • Do not sit within a week after childbirth (Perhaps a larger temporary limitation). A woman is allowed only to lie and stand. You can then gradually sit on a soft surface (pillow) with one buttock, and then entirely. On the solid surface should not be sitting for 3 weeks;
  • Categorically impossible to use sweeping linengoded for crotch;
  • On the first day after delivery, you should strive to delay the act of defecation: A woman should not eat a lot; Be sure to avoid products with a fitting effect;
  • Refusal of early starts of sexual life. Sex should be started to engage not earlier than 2 months after childbirth.

Shavi processing technique:

  1. Processing with antiseptic solution (In most cases, diamond green). In the maternity hospital, the seams are handled by an obstetric 1-2 times a day on a gynecological chair. At home, a woman should be engaged in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wound on his own with the help of relatives or daily go to the reception to Akuster-Gynecologist in women's consultation during the week;
  2. Physiotherapy(ultraviolet irradiation of the wound). Continuing procedures and at home with special lamps.

Compliance with personal hygiene:

  • Changing hygienic pads is no less often than after 2 hours;
  • Wearing only free linen from natural fabrics or special disposable panties;
  • 2 times a day to carry out hygiene of the genital organs with baby soap, after which to carefully wipe the crotch with a clean towel and to be treated with an antiseptic solution;
  • Warm warm water every 2 hours (It is possible to use medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula);
  • Wash the genitals after each visit toilet.

Birth may be accompanied by tissue breakdowns or special cuts that the doctor does. This manipulation is called epiziotomy or perineotomy, depending on the direction of the cut. The wounds are carefully embeded, and the seams on the interface require special care.

Varieties of postpartum Ran.

Birth through natural ways can lead to tin tissues, vagina or crotch. Injuries are more likely to arise on altered tissues if there is acute or chronic inflammation. The neck or vagina acquire a loose structure, the epithelium is thinned. Therefore, during labor at the time of friction, cracks arise or deeper gaps. Warning vaginal injuries or cervix is \u200b\u200bimpossible. The only prevention is the timely treatment of inflammatory diseases and proper behavior in childbirth.

Crotch breaks can occur with insufficiently elastic tissues, a large head of the fetus. The cutting wound heals better ribbon, a neat scar is formed and less risk of complications or deep breaks. Therefore, when signs of tissue spreading signs, the doctor makes an incision in the direction of the sedellastic boogue.

Depending on the localization of the wound, the suture material is selected:

  • the internal seams are applied to the cervix and the tissue of the vagina, use the oscillating material of the ketgut;
  • outdoor makes on the crotch with non-reprehensive threads.

Features of the gaps of the neck and vagina

The cervix rifles with rapid childbirth, a large child or in cases where the female has begun to sleep with incomplete disclosure. Raznits appear on a neck, modified by scar tissues after the treatment of erosion, former injuries. It is possible to suspect the gap by the appearance of a small amount of blood during childbirth. But most often they are detected during the inspection of the generic paths after the birth of the last.

Typical sites on the neck - for 3 and 9 hours of conditional dial. Anesthesia during the embryo does not need, tissues lose sensitivity. The doctor can impose continuous or separate nodal seams. The choice of technique depends on the depth of the rupture and the individual characteristics of the wound.

Rales in the vagina are also detected during the inspection. They can have different depths, but more often affect cover fabrics. Anesthesia is used for embeding. Apply local means in the form of injection of novocaine or lidocaine. Apply self-sessive seams. Their threads will come out naturally along with the discharge.

With deep gaps of the vagina, as well as women who conducted a manual separation of the placenta or the survey of the uterine cavity, the fabrics are stitched under anesthesia.

After how much after childbirth, sutures on the neck or in the vagina?

It depends on the individual characteristics, the depth of the rupture and the absence of complications. Most often, for the full healing of the neck, 2-4 weeks, the vagina is up to 3 weeks.

Wound after episotomy

A neat cut on the crotch can have a different depth. The length of the cut ranges from 4 cm. Sometimes the doctor cuts only the skin and subcutaneous tissue, this turns out to be sufficient for the normal continuation of childbirth and the warning of the gap. But in severe cases, incision affects the edge of the muscles. This affects the character of the seams:

  • a small incision is in one near the seams;
  • a deep section is sewn into 2 stages: first, deep tissues are combined with absorbing threads, then non-disseminating skin.

Similar tactics with who did not have time to warn. Different assistance in the event that a deep gap was formed, which affected the tissues of the rectum. In this case, the help of proctologists or abdominal surgeons is required, the operation is carried out under anesthesia.

Epsotomy and perineotomy differ in the direction of the cut

Exterior seams are imposed by individual nodes. The doctor begins to sew from the corner of the wound in the direction of the vagina, comparing its edges to form a vulvar ring. The number of nodes depends on the length of the wound.

Sometimes cosmetic seams are imposed, which are performed by continuous thread, which is superimposed inside the skin zigzag. After healing and removing the seams, the scar becomes almost imperceptible. But most often this type is used during cesarean sections.

How much seams are heated after episiotomy?

The healing time is determined by the depth of the wound. The smaller the incision was, the faster there is a restoration of tissue integrity. Remove the suture material at the normal number of the postpartum period before discharge for 5 days. But after breaking, deep cuts, you may need up to 10 days. Then the nodes will be removed in the women's consultation or when contacting the reception office of the maternity hospital.

But the removal of threads does not mean the full formation of the scar, this process is stretched for a month and more at deep wounds.

Warm care features

Avoid infectious complications helps the correct seam care.

Internal wounds do not require special processing. In some maternity hospitals, they are lubricated during an inspection on the chair with a solution of manganese, but most often doctors try not to interfere in the vagina during healing. It is accompanied by pain and increases the risk to infection.

The first processing of postpartum seams on the perineum is carried out in the rodzale, they are lubricated with a solution of greenf. After returning to the ward and a small rest, the young mother should go into the shower and put themselves in order. There is enough ordinary water without the use of soap and gels. The area of \u200b\u200bepisiotomy will be sick, this place is washes carefully, dried with sterile diaper by missing movements.

Wounds on the crotch require careful hygiene compliance. The doctor tells the maternity hospital during the first bypass how to care for seams after childbirth. In order for the wounds to rinse, and the anaerobic infection did not develop in them, constant air access is necessary. Woman is recommended to spend the highest possible time without underwear lying on his back in bed and bent the legs in the knees. If there is a need for underwear, then you need to follow the following advice:

  • choose panties from natural fabrics;
  • use disposable panties from nonwovens;
  • apply sterile lining diapers or gaskets.

Sterile lining changes after each visit to the toilet. In the first days there is a lot, so urological gaskets can be applied. They have a big length and absorbing ability. Gaskets change every 3-4 hours so that the wounds have a minimal contact with the discharge from the vagina. Lochi is a nutrient medium for bacteria that can cause complications.

In the maternity hospital, they are trying to smear the seams with a solution of diamond green. Some clinics are used by a strong heatman solution, iodine for this procedure is used very rarely. Processing daily holds a nurse. The doctor during the daily crash necessarily inspects the seams to control their healing and notice the signs of complications in time.

Special processing of seams at home is not required if the other did not appoint a doctor. It is enough to observe hygiene, changing the gaskets and go after each visit toilet.

How many sutures sore, depends on the individual painful threshold. The majority of women expressed by pain syndrome passes in a few days. It is possible to reduce it using ice drifts or special cooled gel pads. Sensitive patients for anesthesia are prescribed irrigation by local anesthetics, painkillers. Less often use analgin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds.

By the time of the discharge, there may be a slight pointing, a sense of discomfort, but should not be acute or unbearable. This is a sign of attachment to inflammation.

Lifestyle for healing

So that the fabrics in the wound are not spread, doctors are not allowed to sit down on the buttocks.

How long can you sit after childbirth with seams?

The period depends on the size of the cut. Many doctors are guided by the old rules for which the number of weeks corresponds to the number of seams. Therefore, with a slight section, which required 3 stitches, it is impossible to sit on 3 weeks. Those who left 5 stitches need to lie or stand 5 weeks. The ban on the seat makes a special lifestyle in the hospital:

  • the child will have to feed in the position lying on the side;
  • it is necessary to get out of bed or a viewing chair with an emphasis on the side surface of the hip;
  • we need to eat standing, in the dining room hospitals are equipped for this special high tables at the chest level;
  • homes to eat will also have standing or half a litage.

You need to think over the moment of discharge from the hospital and transportation home. For a young mother, you will need an empty back seat of the car so that it is free to half at side.

Hygienic procedures during the healing of the seams are carried out after each visit to the toilet. If there is a bidet in the ward, it simplifies the array. In other cases you need to use a shower. The water jet is heading on the front back. You can not try to pour it into the vagina, wash this area with your fingers. To wash the crotch, a separate sponge is used, not intended for the rest of the body.

In the first month of the postpartum period, it is impossible to lie in a hot tub, it is harmful to the cutting uterus and the scar on the crotch. The main way is to wash the shower.

Wash the crotch with a separate towel, which change each time after use.

After discharge home, it is impossible to immediately switch to lace, synthetic or tightening underwear. It does not allow the body to breathe, and the pulling models violate the microcirculation and worsen healing.

After women, women may have problems with defecation. The pain in the perineum occurs after normal delivery, and those who did episiotomy, the unpleasant feelings are stronger. Therefore, many are afraid to empty the intestines.

The first casuals for defecation appear for 2-3 days. They cannot be kept. Otherwise, the carte masses lose water, compacted, constipation occurs. Then go to the toilet will be much more painful.

If an independent desire to empty the intestines does not appear or there is fear due to episiotomy, you can use laxatives:

  • castor oil;
  • lacktulose solution (Duhalak);
  • microclisms microlax.

An alternative to the laxative is cleansing enema. It can be avoided using proper nutrition. Women advise eliminate products that contribute to feces of feces and the development of constipation:

  • sdobu, baked from white flour;
  • potatoes;
  • strong tea.

In a daily diet, there must be products that contain fiber and can accelerate the passage of the carts in the intestine:

  • vegetable oil;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • beet;
  • bread with bran.

The young mother should have many vegetables and fruits, use fermented dairy products, low-fat meat so that the chair remains normal. Nursing mom has the need for fluid. The lack of water will lead to the development of constipation and worsening healing, so it is necessary to drink 2-2.5 liters per day.

Removing threades

The suture material on the crotch is removed on 5 days per day of statement, if there is no complications. The term of removal will move upon deep gaps or tissue cuts.

When cervous or vagina, the threads are not taken out, they will dissolve themselves. Fittings come out of the seam together with Lochia. They can be seen on the laying in a few weeks after childbirth.

It hurts whether to shoot seams after episiotomy, each woman appreciates subjectively. Some feel plugging, burning.

Removes the thread from the crotch doctor during inspection before discharge or trust it is an obstetrician. For this use tweezers and sterile scissors. The procedure is carried out on a gynecological chair. Each node is neatly lifted over the skin and cut one thread, the residues pull out. At this point, an unpleasant painful sensation may occur.

Cosmetic threads are removed differently. From the ends, holding off the retaining beads and gently pull it out of the skin. This may also be accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

After removal, the wounds are treated with green.

Possible complications

The first complications may arise already in the maternity hospital. Most often the following states arise:

  • infectious;
  • hematoma;
  • discussion.

The appearance of redness in the wound, swelling, increased pain is a sign of the attachment of infection. In the initial stage in the maternity hospital are prescribed physiotherapy. Effectively use of quartzing on the wound, ultraviolet or infrared irradiation.

Sometimes the seams appears on the seams. This is a sign of fungal infection. In order not to cause the difference in the edges of the wound, treatment is necessary with the help of antifungal ointments. Clotrimazole based preparations are effective, pimafucine. They act locally.

If the seams after birth gotten, it is necessary to assign antibiotics. Tactics depends on the severity of inflammation. In severe cases, the wound is opened under local anesthesia, purulent content is removed, washed with antiseptic solutions:

  • fucylin;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • manganese.

Sometimes napkins are used, moistened in solutions of proteolytic enzymes. They help clean the surface of the wound and speed up healing. After processing the crotch heals the secondary tension without tightening the edges of the threads.

In case of damage to the vessel in the area of \u200b\u200bthe episotional wound, blood can accumulate, a hematoma is formed. Blood can accumulate in the field of the genital lips, soak fiber. A woman feels the amplification of pain in the perineum, a feeling of cutting in the wound area. Large hematomas can put pressure on the rectum, the bladder and make it difficult to go to the toilet. The body temperature remains normal.

The treatment of hematoma depends on its size. With small sizes, an ice bubble is applied to the hearth. Large hematomas require surgical care.

The discrepancy between the edges of the scar can arise in the maternity hospital or after the sake of home. This condition threatens only wounds on the crotch. Experiences about whether the inner seams can dispense, in vain. Signs of dangerous state are as follows:

  • pain strengthening;
  • swelling;
  • seams as if "pulls";
  • redness in the field of wound.

What if the seams were separated?

You need to report this to your doctor. If the symptoms appeared in the hospital, tactics will depend on the term and severity of pathology. In 1-2 days, the wound is treated with antiseptics and re-stitches. If there are signs of suppuration, antibiotics and wound cleansing are needed. How to handle postpartum seams in this case, is solved individually. Mazi can be used with antibiotics, antiseptics.

Women who have a discrepancy occurred at home, do not spend revenue. Recommend antiseptics processing, hygiene compliance, antibacterial drugs are prescribed in the form of ointments.

2 weeks after childbirth, some young mothers begin to complain that the seams are squealing. This symptom refers to normal manifestations of the wound healing process. If there are no additional signs of inflammation, the special treatment is not required.