Jackie Chan's monetary state. Did you know these interesting facts from the life of the legendary Jackie Chan? He has complex relationship with voice acting

Jackie Chan's monetary state. Did you know these interesting facts from the life of the legendary Jackie Chan? He has complex relationship with voice acting
Jackie Chan's monetary state. Did you know these interesting facts from the life of the legendary Jackie Chan? He has complex relationship with voice acting

Having settled in one of the most expensive windows Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills, star action movie Jackie Chan It is recognized to us in how much he is a pragmatic person. Dressed in the shirt of his own brand, decorated with a branded emblem in the form of a dragon, it shows a darned piece of soap in a plastic bag, brought by him from his room at the Grand Mgm Hotel in Macau, where she stayed earlier. "This soap follows me everywhere," adds Chan to confirm his practicality. A similar lean attitude towards things is explained by the fact that the actor is an active wrestler for the protection of nature. Recently, he participated in the filming of social advertising, calling Chinese consumers to abandon the use of products prepared from tiger skins and rhino skin.

However, in the case of soap, brought from Macau, metaphor in another: So Jackie Chan balances between different ways of life in the USA and China.

He did not starred in American action films over the past five years, despite this, he managed to earn $ 50 million Over the past year - more than any actor in the world (except Robert Downey Jr) and get on 38 lines Celebrity rating magazine Forbes. In 2015, leaving behind Taigera Woods.. What does this mean? Jackie Chan is one of the few people who have a complete picture of the work of the film industry on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, and effectively uses their knowledge and experience to enter into profitable transactions. For example, the film of the Dragon Sword. Never heard about him? It is clear: the picture has not yet entered the American rental, despite the famous partners of Chan, such as Adrian Brudayand John Cusak. However, in China, "Sword" produced Furore, collecting at the box office $ 120 million, of which the main star of the film earned $ 10 million. At the end of the year, Jackie Chan plans to play in the picture "On the following" with the American comic John Knoxwell. According to experts, it has every chance of success in both the USA and China. Chan himself, besides what is the performer of one of the main roles, acts as an investor.

To date, the star owns an impressive business empire who can envy the famous american rapper-tycoon jay zi: Supply of Sigveev, a network of cinemas, various goods under his brand. According to the magazine Forbes., the state of the Chinese actor is estimated $ 350 millionHowever, Chan and his representatives refused to comment on these numbers. "In essence, Jackie Chan is Mickey Mouse of Chinese culture, a star, whose name is known all over the world and has already become a nominal one," says Grady Hendrix, founder of the New York Festival of Asian Cinema.

Since in China, the commercial success of the business largely depends on the correct relations with the authorities, Chan thoroughly approached this issue - he is a delegate of the influential Russian Chinese political advisory conference, which provides the green light to all films with his participation. Over the past five years, the total profit of films in Chinese rental has grown by 33% - up to $ 5 billion In 2014. In February of this year, the indicator exceeded a similar on the US rolled steel market. Hollywood films could have a greater success in the imminent, if not the actions of the regulator for foreign paintings, which compete with each other for the right to enter a wide screen, and often their premieres pass at the same time. As a result, to circumvent this rule, the Hollywood film company began to attract Chinese partners to the production of films, an example is "Transformers: the era of extermination" and "Iron Man - 3". In the whole model, Jackie Chan perfectly balancing somewhere in the middle. Without any irony in China, it is called "big brother", which has a huge impact on the film industry. "I always look at the card," says Chan, turning an imaginary globe. - Why should one side of the light be considered "mine", and the other "yours"? Who came up with these borders? I believe that the world belongs to all of us. " Similar worldview is explained. Jackie was born in 1954 in Hong Kong, controlled by Great Britain. His parents worked in the kitchen of the French Embassy, \u200b\u200band then moved to Australia. After some time, Chan found out that his father was Taiwanese spy.

Returning to Hong Kong, he entered the school of theatrical arts, where he began to study the foundations of martial arts and acrobatics from teachers similar to Masters Kung Fu. For several years after graduating from school, Jackie has balancing between part-time construction in Australia and unsuccessful attempts to get into the film industry in Hong Kong. At the age of 20, the guy still smiled at luck - he was invited to be invited in an episodic role in the famous film "Dragon Exit" (1973) with the participation of the legendary Bruce Lee..

However, Jackie's parents initially were categorically opposed and did not support the desire of the Son to become an actor.

Bruce Lee was the role model for the young Chan, but he did not want to be completely similar to his idol. So, Jackie began to invent his own style of play and its battle technique.

Whether in films were perfectly honed in the films, and the image was always serious and calm, which would not be said about the militants with the participation of Chan, comical and full self-irony in style Charlie Chaplinand Basher Kitona. "I didn't want someone to imitate me," the actor says. "I didn't want to imitate anyone myself."

Thanks to Jackie Chan, Hong Kong militants reached a new level, and the actor himself became known and outside of China. In the films, he personally performed all the dangerous tricks, repeatedly breaking his hands and legs (in 1986, on the set of the film "Armor of God" in Yugoslavia, in which he performed a major role, was the director and screenwriter, Chan almost lost his life, having received serious injuries after Falls from a tree). When the Chinese market became more open in the 1990s, the actor began to actively switch to other markets. So, he began to open restaurants, the gyms and even tried to become a singer. In 1998, he founded Jackie Chan Design, which sells more than 400 items of goods - from drinking water to hours, while it is written on the site that "the design of all products was exclusively developed by Mr. Jackie Chan."

With the picture "Disassembling in Bronx" (1995), Jackie first reached the American market, but he brought world fame "Peak Hour" (1998), where he played with Chris Tucker. The picture is still leading among the comedies for fees in the starting weekend - her box office was $ 140 million in the ssh i. $ 100 million abroad. Of course, now such a model of income is habitual for blockbusters, but in those years it produced a furyor.
"American box office is comparable to the world," Jackie adds. According to the director "Hour Peak" Brett RatnerJackie Chan is the best export product of China. Chan also participated in commercially advantageous franchises, such as the Shanghai Noon, Kung Fu-Panda and in the Sicwells of the film "Rush Hour". (Now Ratner plans to release the fourth part.) Unlike Arnold Schwarzeneggerwho left Native Austria and completely joined American culture, Jackie Chan is very strongly tied to his Chinese fans, so, returning to Hong Kong, is filmed in the usual comedy action films or tries themselves in more serious roles. "I always wanted to be Asian Dustine Hoffmanor Robert De Niro"," Says Chan.

Jackie's popularity contributed to the interest from the Government of China, which suggested him as an ambassador of the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. Then the actor moved from Hong Kong to the capital, which at that time became the forge of the Chinese film industry. According to the star, in his homeland, he faces the same problems as other market players, but there is no doubt about its special situation that opens up new opportunities. At the same time, Jackie Chan's proximity to the Chinese authorities and his disapproval of Hong Kong protests caused indignation among the opposition. "If you are always talking and do what the authorities want, it may be easier for them to approve your affairs," it is ironic Emily Lo, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Hong Kong. Chan is angry with such statements. "I wonder why I should not be closer to the government? We are Chinese and must love our country, "the actor argues with an increased intonation. According to the star, it contributes to the development of the domestic film industry. So, recently the authorities of China supported his proposal to reduce import taxes on equipment. "All this is aimed at improving the state of the industry, - emphasizes Chan. - We are listening to us. "

Today in China about 20 thousand Cinema, roughly twice as much as in the United States, despite the four-time difference in population. "If in China will 45 thousand screens, then for the starting weekend movies at the box office will be able to earn $ 500 million"Ratner believes. Chan also sees these advantages. In 2010, together with his partner, he opened a 17-fold multiplex Jackie Chan Yaolai International Cinema in Beijing and now sells 50 thousand Tickets in peak weekends. Thanks to such success, the actor managed to attract investors and launch another 37 cinema hallsthroughout China, in each of which you can buy products under the brand Jackie Chan. He also develops its service company J.C. Stunt Team, providing American studios by bilingual Chinese film production professionals - from illuminators to director's assistants.

Chan continues to develop US-Chinese cooperation. "Now I am not only an actor, I am an investor," the star explains. And although it does not comment on the data Forbes. About your condition, about the level of income Chana can be guessing from his arguments about future projects, similar to the bid in the casino: "On this project I can lose up to $ 10 million. But if I win, it will be already $ 90 million».

Jackie Chan (name at the birth of Chen Ganshan, in another transcription of Chan Consan (Chan, born in Hong Kong), English. Jackie Chan) - Hong Kong, Chinese and American actor, cascade and master martial arts, as well as singer and philanthropist.

He became famous for the execution of major roles in the comedy militants "Drunk Master", "Lord Dragon", "Super Polysky", "Disassembling in Bronx", "Peak Hour", "Armor of God", "Baby for 30 million" and many others; A total of more than 100 cinema filmed.

In addition to numerous merits, he is a goodwill of UNICEF, the Kavaler of the Order of the British Empire, the Oscar premium owner for contributing to cinema.

Family and childhood

Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong on April 7, 1954. His parents Charles Chan (1914-2008) and Lily Chan (1916-2002) fled to Hong Kong from China, escaping from political persecution: Charles, an active supporter of the Conservative Party of Khomintan, during the civil war was her secret agent, and after the victory of the Communists of His Reveal and recognized the enemy of the people. The mother of the future actor, according to some reports, was a drug dealer - sold Opium.

In Hong Kong, the family had to start with a pure sheet, so they lived below the poverty line. Even money for a doctor who took Lily at the birth of a son, his father was forced to borrow from acquaintances. Parents hired to serve in the French Embassy: Charles worked as a cook, and Lily became the maid.

Father began to attach Chen to Kung Fu from early childhood - he believed that the classes of martial art would help the child to gain patience, strength and courage. Mom gently called the son of PJSC PJSC ("Cannon Core"), because he was often rushed around the house, sneaking everything in his path.

In 5 years, Chan began to go to primary school, but after the first class he was deducted. In 1960, when he was 6 years old, his parents once again encountered pursuit from the Chinese side and were forced to move once again, this time in Australia. In Canberra, Charles got to work as a chef at the US embassy, \u200b\u200bbut decided that his son would be better to stay in his native Hong Kong and master the useful profession, so he made a boy to the school of the Beijing Opera at the Chinese Theater Academy, where Chan held the next 10 years.

The school was taught by martial arts, acrobatics, vocals and acting and prepared boys for further career in the traditional Chinese opera. The strictest discipline reigned here, harsh corporal punishments were practiced. Chan did not like his school, but he had nowhere to go: the parents were far away, and he almost never seen them. Therefore, the boy was intensively engaged in and at one time he even entered the group of "Seven Vesunchiki" - an ensemble from the seven of the most talented disciples, which rushes on the theaters of Hong Kong and abroad.

How did the actor Jackie Chan changed

He then got close to two companions on the ensemble, Sammo Hungary and Yuene Biao, and three of them formed a show group, known as "three brothers" or "three dragon". During the training, still a teenager, Chan managed to play in a crowd and episodes in several films: "Eternal love", "Big and Little Wong Tin Bar", as well as the "fist of furious" and "Dragon Out of the Dragon" with Bruce Lee.

At 17, the young man successfully graduated from the theatrical school, but by this time the traditional Chinese opera has lost its own popularity, and graduates remained alone with uncertainty. The situation was complicated by the fact that in the theater school did not teach general educational items, and Chan did not even know how to read and write. Everything he remained - either unqualified physical work, or a cascaderal career in the cinema.

Top 10 most dangerous tricks Jackie Chan

The beginning of the cinema

In 1971, Chan for the first time played a major role in his life - it was the film "Little Tiger from Quantung, where he spoke under the pseudonym Chan Yunlong (Chan Yuen Lung). The film was released on a large screen only in 1973, but before his release, nor in the coming months after this new proposals about the shooting was not received.

The Cascaderal was also calm, and the young man was forced to agree to shoot in the main role in the comedy film for adults "all in the family" (1975). In this picture, he first starred naked in an erotic scene; In addition, this is the only film with Jackie Chan, which does not contain a single episode with martial arts or tricks. In general, the cinematic industry of Hong Kong during this period was in a state of recession, and, unable to find a new job, in early 1976, Chan went to the parents to Australia.

In Australia, the young man passed an accelerated course of secondary education in College Dixon, in terms of work on a construction site. Here he often worked in a pair with a man named Jack. Since the Australians were difficult to pronounce his Chinese name Gacher's name, they began to call a young guy named His senior and more rustling comrade "Little Jack" or "Jackie" - so he got his new name.

The young man was not happy with life in Australia: work at the construction site was severe and did not give moral satisfaction, but he could hardly count on something better. Salvation came in the form of telegrams from a person named Willie Chan, who worked on the famous Hong Kong producer and director Lo Veya. They saw Jackie's Cascader tricks in one of the films and wanted to invite him to the main role in the film "New Flak Freak" (1976). Chan gladly returned to Hong Kong, and Willie subsequently became his manager and the best friend.

In the film "New fist of rage", Lo Vei strongly encouraged and emphasized the similarity of Jackie Chan with famous Bruce Lee, also known to nicknamed "Little Dragon". The young man even took the on-screen pseudonym Xin Long (in another transcription of Chen Long), which literally means "become a dragon". The film did not have much success, because Jackie Chan did not look organically in the style of a hand-to-hand combat, which is characteristic of Bruce Lee. Nevertheless, Lo Wei removed some more similar paintings with Chan in the lead role, and some tricks for these films Jackie came up with himself. A gradually, a young actor began to create a new genre - comedy with a demonstration of martial arts or street fighting and abundance of complex, sometimes even dangerous tricks.

The first success came to Jackie Chan after entering the screens of the "Snake in the Eagle Shadow" (1978) and the "Drunk Master" (1978) director Yuan Hepina (in other transcription Yun Vindhin). In the "Drink Master" Jackie played the role of the Chinese folk hero Von Feihun, which is represented by a rustic and babied young men.

After that, he returned to the studio Lo Veya and began to develop a successful comedy style of the "Drunk Master" in the paintings "Spiritual Kung Fu" (1978) and "Little Kung Fu" (1980), and in the film "Fearless Hyena" (1979) Jackie Chan also acted as a sairter. Nevertheless, after the filming of "fearless hyena - 2" (1983), Jackie and Willie left the studio Lo Veya and moved to a larger Studio "Golden Harvest".

Jackie Chan. "Drunk master". Trailer

World Cinema Success

In the early 1980s, Jackie Chan was already a successful actor with his own unique style and an amplua, but his success was still limited by the Asian region. And Jackie dreamed of conquering the whole world and, in particular, the United States. He repeatedly went to the American market with the projects "Big Fight" (1980), "Racing" Cannon Core "" (1981) and his sequel (1984), "Patron" (1985), "Armor of God" (1986) and many others But these paintings did not bring large fees in America.

During the execution of one of the tricks for the film "Armor of God", Jackie Chan fell from the tree and received a serious injury of the head with a fracture of the skull bone. It caused serious concerns for his life, but the actor quickly recovered.

On the set of the paintings "Project" A "(1983), Chan officially created the" Cascader group of Jackie Chan ", with which he worked in the following years (and in 2002 the actor was awarded the annual Award of the World Academy of Cascaders Taurus). All this time, he was extremely in demand in Asian Kinoryanka: Between 1983 and 2007, the Chan was almost annually annually on the Hong Kong Film Festival as the best actor or best director of the tricks, and five times he received this prize.

The real success in the United States came to the chauno only in the mid-1990s, after the painting "Disassembly in Bronx" (1995). American critics wrote: "Any attempt to estimate this film from a rational point of view is doomed to failure. Do not try to consider the plot and dialogues, do not look at the acting game. The whole essence is in Jackie Chan yourself - he does what he can like no other. His movements are confident, full of grace and grace. The choreography of the battle is delivered with humor (and without excessiveracy). He is simply having fun. And if we allow themselves to plunge into this atmosphere, then we will cheer too. "

Disassembly in the Bronx. Cutting the best fights Jackie Chan

And there were a lot of them: as when working on other paintings, Jackie did not regret himself and was ready to even risk life for the sake of a spectacular frame. In the same year, the actor received the "MTV Movie Awards" premium for achievements in cinema. Recognition received other new works of Chan, filmed in Hong Kong - "Sloba" (1995), "First Punch" (1996), "Mr. Cool" (1996).

10 best tricks Jackie Chan

Finally, in 1998, Jackie Chan took a decisive step and made his first fully American film - "Peak Hour", with the participation of Chris Tucker. The picture gained great popularity and became one of the most cash films of the year, and Creative Tandem Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker received a prize "MTV Movie Awards" as the best duet. Subsequently, in the same composition, the continuation was issued - "Rush Hour - 2" (2001, brought the "MTV Movie Awards" premium for the best fight) and "Hour of peak - 3" (2007). However, despite commercial success, the third part of the criticism was perceived quite cool: "This is a dull overflowing of earlier films, and even the change of decorations cannot disguise the absence of new ideas."

At the turn of the 1990s and 2000, Jackie Chan began to experiment with his role, trying to diversify him. One of these successful "pen samples" can be called the film "Magnificent" (1999), in which Jackie played the hero, still perfectly owning Kung Fu, but at the same time being an incorrent romantic and a dreamer. Good luck was the comedy western "Shanghai Noon" (2000), where the American comedian Owen Wilson became partner of Jackie on the shooting. "Although the plot of the paintings is not worth discussing, Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson look great together. Shooting are gorgeous, and Jackie Chan merily from the soul. A wonderful film in the spirit of old good cinema, "so spoke about the picture of criticism.

The next three years have been marked by less successful works in which Jackie Chan's own style has been combined with expensive superimposed special effects. Thus, the film "Tuxedo" (2002) swore for the "stupid" plot and the lubricated perception of tricks, "medallion" (2003) called "expensive cheap", and "around the world for 80 days" (2004) were criticized for too free retreats from the original Roman Jules Verne.

And after a series of failures in Hollywood, Jackie Chan decided to return to Hong Kong, where he was waiting for a new triumph in connection with the release of the film "New Police Story" (2004). This time he managed to successfully combine fights and tricks with the drama of the hero-policeman who lost his friends. Following this, there was no less successful picture "Myth" (2005) in the fantasy style, and then the film "Baby by 30 million" (2006, another name "Rob-Bi-Hood"), in which "the famous comic charm of Jackie Chan Farca about the abduction of a baby - a farce with a sufficiently lively plot, so that the urban content of the children's diaper does not have time to turn the playpen. "

In 2008, the Chinese-American film "Forbidden Kingdom" directed by Rob Mincoff, on the filming of which the Chan met and made friends with the famous Chinese actor and Martial Artists Martist Administrators. Critics met the picture Dually, noting that "combat scenes are great, but between them too much" water ". After that, he continued to experiment with various genres, removing in Chinese and American films.

In 2010, Chan starred together with Jaden Smith (Will Smith's son) in the film "Karate-Patzan" - a remake of the original painting of 1984. The role of an elderly teacher Kung Fu became his first dramatic role in American cinema.

In 2011, the anniversary, a hundredth film with the participation of Jackie Chan is "Falling the Last Empire". Here he spoke not only as the executor of the leading role, but also as a sortier and executive producer. In the same year, the actor received a prize of the audience sympathies "People" s Choice Award "as a favorite star of militants.

In 2012, at the Cannes Film Festival, Jackie Chan announced his care from the militants, since his age already "is not suitable" for this genre. However, later he explained that he did not intend to throw a favorite thing completely, but would only fulfill less tricks and in general would take her body more.

After that, he starred in the films "Police History - 4" (2013), "Dragon Sword" (2015) and "On Trail" (2016). In December 2016, a comedic fighter "Railway Tigers" was released in China, in which the artist starred with his son Jacy. On November 12, 2016, Jackie Chan was awarded the Oscar American Film Academy Prize for "extraordinary achievements" in cinema.

Musical career

Jackie Chan since childhood professionally studied vocals at the Peking Opera School. In the 1980s, he began to record songs and acquired popularity as a performer in Hong Kong and the Asian region. Since 1984, he has released 20 albums with compositions on Cantonese, Mandarin and Taiwanese Chinese dialects, as well as in Japanese and English. He often performed songs for his films himself, but these compositions were usually replaced with the release of paintings to hire in Europe and the United States.

Jackie Chan sings the song Adele in Chinese

In 2007, Jackie Chan recorded the WE ARE READY composition ("We are ready") - the official song of preparation for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. He also performed this song at the beginning of a one-year countdown in front of the 2008 summer paralympiage, and besides the song "Hard to Say Goodbye" ("hard to say goodbye") at the closing ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing together with Andy Lau, Lew Juan and Emil (Vakin) Chow.

Political and social activities

Jackie Chan promotes a healthy lifestyle: he does not smoke, it does not drink alcohol and even coffee. In addition, he actively opposes the use of drugs and supported the Campania of the President of China Si Jinping: An illicit drug trafficking should be completely exterminated, and everyone who takes them must be "tightly punished." In 2014, when his own son Jacy was arrested for smoking marijuana, Jackie Chan stated that he was "shocked, crushed and disgraced."

In 2009, at Boao Asian Forum, the actor asked a question, whether he considers freedom to be positive or negative. He answered this: "I gradually come to the thought that we, the Chinese, we need management and control. If you do not control us, we will start creating what we want. " This statement caused dissatisfaction with many prominent figures in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and later the representative of Chan had to declare that the actor spoke about freedom in the entertainment industry, and not about Chinese society as a whole.

In December 2012, Jackie Chan caused many discontent, calling Hong Kong "City of Protests" and urging to limit the right to demonstrates. A little later, in an interview, he called the United States "the most corrupt" country in the world, which caused a retaliatory squall of critics. Journalists accused Chan in the fact that he specially detains America to introduce China in a more advantageous light, as well as the fact that they drive personal motives and attitudes towards American film stitch.

Evening Urgant. Jackie Chan

Despite some controversial statements, the actor has a reputation as an inephortary person and leads active charitable activities. Back in 1988, he founded the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation for the provision of scholarships to young people in Hong Kong and assisting victims from natural disasters and diseases.

In 2005, the actor organized the Dragon Heart Foundation for the help of children and elderly people in remote areas of China: the construction of schools, the acquisition of textbooks and school uniforms, the purchase of wheelchairs, warm clothes, etc. In 2011, this foundation expanded and began to work as well in Europe.

In 2004, Chanis participated financially helped by the tsunami in the Indian Ocean, and after the Sichuan earthquake of 2008, I donated 10 million yuan. In addition, he sacrificed UNISEF and two other children's organizations a total of 4.14 million Hong Kong dollars. In June 2006, Jackie Chan declared that he was admired by the grand charity donations of Warren Buffethe and Bill Gates and himself intends to take half of his condition for charitable goals.

Personal life Jackie Chan

In matters related to personal life, the famous actor is quite hidden. By religion he is a Buddhist. On December 1, 1982, he registered a marriage with Taiwanese actress Joan Lin (real name Lin Fengjiao, born in 1953), and two days later, on December 3, they had the son of Chan Jumin, who later became known under the name of Jacy Chan as a singer and actor.

Relations between the Father and the Son did not always make up smoothly. Jacy was offended when, in 2011, his father confirmed his former decision to make half of the state of charity, rather than leave him. Jackie Chan then said about the Son: "If he is capable of something, he will earn his money himself. And if not capable, then mine will spend in vain. "

In 2014, when Jacy was arrested for the storage and use of marijuana, his father did not defend him, but stated that the young man must independently be responsible for his actions. Nevertheless, when six months later, the son came out of prison, they came up. "I have not seen him too long ago. And I feel that he matured, "Jackie Chan commented. "We didn't go to bed for a long time, they spoke almost all night."

Jackie Chan apologized for the Son Addict

Despite the long and strong marriage, Jackie Chan also has an extramarital daughter of Etta at Zholin (born January 18, 1999). Her mother, Actress Elaine U Cili, awarded the title "Miss Asia 1990," decided to raise her daughter without the participation of his father. Chan admits that he "made a mistake that many men did around the world did."

Jackie Chan belongs to the world record, recorded in the Guinness Records Book - it is officially "now the living actor who has fulfilled the greatest number of tricks in the movies."

Personal motto Jackie: "Fear - no, no doubles - no, no - either." With this lifestyle, the actor "earned" for his career a huge number of injuries: he received a dislocation of hip joints many times, broke the skull, fingers and legs, nose, cheekbones, thigh bones, sternum, neck, ankles and ribs. The right ankle is especially "not lucky", and now, with any jumps, the actor can land only on the left foot. Due to frequent injuries, Jackie Chan is entered into black lists of all insurance companies and when working on films has long been able to insure their lives and health.

In 1996, Jackie Chan received the title of Honorary Doctor of Public Sciences at the University of Hong Kong University; In 2008, he became an honorary professor of the Hong Kong branch of the College of Arts and the Design of Savannah, and in 2009 he received the title of Honorary Doctor of Sciences in Cambodian University.

Jackie is seriously passionate about motor racing. Together with the Rider David Chen, he is a co-owner of the Jackie Chan Dc Racing Racing Team. In addition, he is an active football fan - sick for the national national team of Hong Kong, the national team of England and Manchester City.

In 2011, several news agencies immediately reported that the 56-year-old actor allegedly died in the Los Angeles Hospital, where he was taken after a heart attack. Before the official denial came, the US President Barack Obama managed to speak with the words of condolences, and a few hours the whole world grieving about his favorite artist. Fortunately, this information was "duck". The actor himself perceived what happened to humor.

Jackie Chan now

In October 2017, the Sino-British film "Alien" directed by Martin Campbell, in which Chan spoke in partnership with Pierce Rusan with the "Western" side and

Jackie Chan - a successful businessman. Since 2004, he has been producing and selling his own brand of clothing and accessories under the JCD brand (Jackie Chan Design). He owns a network of sushi restaurants, several sports clubs and a live background and chocolate production line.

Chan has stars on Avenue Stars in Hong Kong, as well as on the famous Alley of Stars in Hollywood and on the old Arbat in Moscow. He is the author of the autobiographical books "Dragon from the inside" (1997), "I, Jackie Chan" (1998), "Jackie Chan: aged, not having time to grow up" (2015) and "I am happy" (2016). The number of books written about him by other people is not amenable to calculate.

Jackie Chan knows even children familiar with militant films. He became famous for his most dangerous tricks and comedy talent. It is unlikely that someone else can squeeze into this niche in a cinema, which is already firmly occupied by an actor. And what do we know about Jackie Chan as a person?

1. In the documentary film "Traces of the Dragon: Jackie Chan and his family" shows a rather bright past of his parents. Jackie Chan's mother traded drugs, loved gambling and was her man in China's criminal world. His father was a government spy. They met when Father Chan arrested her for the smuggling of opium.

2. Parents Jackie Chan fled to Hong Kong from China. When their son was born, they could not pay for hospital bills and seriously thought about selling a newborn rich British couple of doctors.

3. His name at the birth of Chan Kon-san. In the 1970s, Jackie had to move to the parents in Canberra in search of work and get on a construction worker. There he was called "Baby Jackie", which further decreased to just Jackie.

4. In addition to his acting success, Jackie Chan also has an excellent singer singing in English, Cantonese, Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese. In his youth, he visited the Beijing Opera School along with Kung Fu classes. He even released 20 albums with songs in different languages \u200b\u200bin Asia.

5. Jackie Chan and his team of cascaders are blacklisted by all insurance companies, so he himself pays compensation to all injured colleagues, because no one is taken to insure his deadly tricks.

6. Somehow Jackie Chan was invited to a talk show, where he not only fascinated the audience, but also impressed her his martial art. He broke concrete blocks with a naked hand! The blocks were laid in three rows, four blocks each other, but Jackie coped perfectly with the task, and in his fist he pushed a chicken egg, which as a result of the trick did not suffer.

7. At the age of 17, Jackie Chan worked as a cascader under the pseudonym of Channel Moon in the films of Bruce Lee "fist of rage" and "Dragon's output." During the filming of Bruce Lee by negligence, he struck the energetic young cascaderal on the head, but Jackie Chan to this day with the warmth recalls this moment.

8. Jackie Chan - a stubborn perfectionist. In the 1982 film "Lord Dragon" on some second acrobatic scenes left several thousand doubles and many, many days so that Jackie was satisfied with the result.

9. Jackie Chan had to work a bouncer in a nightclub, but he refused such a classes when I realized that his martial arts skills could harm people. After one of the fight, he discovered that he sticks out a bone from his brush and tried to insert her back. The bone turned out to be an enemy tooth knocked out.

10. In the 1980s and 90s, the Mafiosis organization "Triad" penetrated the film industry Hong Kong, using it for money laundering. Jackie Chan refused to obey extortioners, because he and his team had to constantly carry with them weapons and grenades for their own security.

11. Jackie Chan's fatal tricks cost him health. During the filming of the film "Armor of God", he was very injured - as a result, the plate is worth it in his skull, and the rumor in the right ear is noticeably reduced.


12. The spectators of the film "Armor of God" can remember how Jackie Chan jumped from the cliff and landed on the balloon. He performed the trick on his own, but in reality, he jumped into a balloon not from the cliff, but from the plane.

13. When Jackie Chan announced the intention to marry his girlfriend, his two fans committed suicide: one brought abacus with life, jumping into the subway under the train, and the other drank poison right in front of the actor's office.

14. In his life, Jackie Chan reached a lot, and therefore the book of Records Guinness, where he has two entries: for the largest number of kinotryukov completed and for multifunctionality in one film. At the filming of the film, he managed to combine up to 15 posts at the same time, including the position of the Food Coordinator, Composer, Vocalist and a proposal specialist.

15. The sole of the actor Jacy Chan does not shine a penny from the father's state, estimated at $ 130 million. Jackie Chan himself admitted that he initially planned to leave half of money for his family, and the second half for charity, but then he changed his decision and now wants to direct everything to charity. Speaking of Son, Jackie was brief: "Let he earn his own money. If he is not able to do this, he just squints my money. "

Jackie Chan is a talented Chinese actor, producer, director and cascadener, who managed to become famous far beyond the limits.

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gageskidmore/

Millions of viewers from around the world are closely followed by a man's career. Most of his films amazes not only by their plot, in the framework of the militants you will see many battle scenes and striking tricks.

A comprehensively developed person is also an important member of the UN Children's Fund and the Kavaler of the Order of the British Empire. Today you will learn the most interesting facts about the biography, career and personal life of the Oscar Honorary Prize.


Fan Sin Moon (this is exactly what Jackie Chan truly name) was born on April 7, 1954 in a poor family. His mother Lily and Father Charles in the days of the Civil War moved to a safer Hong Kong.

There are information that the family has actively supported and collaborated with the Conservative Gomindan Conservative Party, the largest defeat and forced to move underground. Thus, the moving family had a political subtext. In Hong Kong, a man and a woman worked for a servant in the House of the French Consul. On this journeys, they did not end, in pursuit of the best life, the Chinese couple moved to Australia.

2. Education in elementary school.

Jackie entered the school at five years old. A year later, he moved to an educational institution operating at the Hong Kong Institute of Opera Research. It is here that the boy begins to comprehend the basics of dramatic art.

Also, the future famous actor paid a lot of time combat kung fu, he wanted to be able to stand up for himself and learn to better understand his own body. Although parents moved to the new continent, the boy remained to live in Hong Kong on his own.

3. First attempts on the acting field.

The guy began to act very early to the movies. At 8 years old began to be invited to play the first episodic roles. The film-opera "Huangmay" was for a small boy the first attempt to express himself in the crowd. Then followed the work within the framework of the projects "Eternal Love" and "The History of Qin Syantian".

4. Solid discipline.

Studying in the boarding school was not simple. Pupils daily overcame a huge number of diverse difficulties and difficulties. The list of objects included martial art, vocals and even acrobatics. Study began early in the morning and ended only in the evening.

Also wise mentors did not disperse the use of various breeding agents for corporal punishment. Jackie has been accustomed to a similar rhythm of life for a long time, but there was no other way out of the guy. Intensive classes quickly gave their fruits, mentors recognized him with one of the most prospective students.

5. End of learning.

Although the teenager graduated with great success to theatrical school, a very big problem arose before him. The traditional Chinese opera (which was directly specialized by Chan) lost its popularity at the speed of geometric progression.

Most students absolutely did not understand what would now do. Also, the huge problem was that in this specialized school, teachers almost did not give time to general education sciences, already quite adult young men hardly read and wrote. Before Jackie there was no prospects, he could not continue to study in a more prestigious educational institution or find work in the specialty.

6. Moving to parents.

A resident of Hong Kong moved to the capital of Australia - the city of Canberra. He looked a little in the "Dickson College" (where and received all the necessary basics of education), but a sharp lack of finance did not allow him to relax.

For some time, Chang worked as a builder, Taste heavy items. At this work, he met the Australians who were difficult to constantly call the young guy Hanszhanung. It was during this period of time to the future movie star attacked the new name "Jackie".

The sad money did not like an ambitious guy who did not want to put up with poverty. He again went to Asia to become a famous Cascader.


7. Happy accident.

The tricks who performed Jackie in their past films were very much like directed by film "New Flak Frame" and Willie Chan's manager. The novice actor returned to Hong Kong to start his real path to the top.

Debut work Although it did not get enough high quality, the audience rushed into the eyes of the unsurpassed similarity of Chan with Bruce Lee. The guys were similar not only to a dwelling figure, but also in the behavior in the frame. For success, I did not have enough one small detail - Jackie could not yet demonstrate the entire power of a hand-to-hand combat. The director of the Lee Wei project saw in the guy the chambers of the world celebrity and continued to work together.

8. Unique style.

Chan was not afraid of experiments. He was the performer of the main roles of some films and personally invented the tricks. After a couple of years, it was already possible to say that the star created a new genre of films - a filmmoty with an abundant amount of fights and complex tricks.

9. Path to glory.

Film "Snake in the Eagle Shadow" brought a great success guy and made it truly famous. The painting "Drunk Master" helped the result, in which the young man played the role of the famous Von Feihun (Chinese folk hero). The plot hit not only with the scenes of battles, but also sincerity.

In almost every subsequent film, Jackie was present dangerous scenes that performed specially trained people. In 1983, Chan created his Kastaderov team, together with which he worked in subsequent films.

10. Enter the world market.

The man always wanted to famous far beyond Asia. His films several times hit the US rental, but were not successful. He managed to declare himself only in 1995, when the picture "Disassembling in Bronx" thundered on the whole world. The best film crishers stated that such success managed to achieve exclusively thanks to the identity of Jackie Chan. There are not so important dialogues and plot, the viewer is most striking the magic of the battle and the charming charisma of the main character.

11. Work in America.

"Peak Hour" is the first fully American film Jackie. The company, the Chinese, as part of the project, made a famous Chris Tucker. Creative tandem was so much impressed by the audience that guys were recognized as "best duet" according to MTV Movie Awards.

A great success was the reason that two more film from this series were released soon. Also Chan starred in the following ribbons: "Gorgeous" (1999), "Shanghai Noon" (2000), medallion (2003). The actor did not forget about his historical homeland, where he continued to participate in promising film.

12. Recent work.

In 2010, the cinema of the film "Karate-Patzan" came out in cinemas, where he played - Jadend in Tandem. This picture about the elderly Master Kung Fu became the first dramatic role of the Chinese in Hollywood.

In 2012, an actor in the framework of the Cannes Festival a little bit down the fans, as he said "that too old for militants." Although this replica did not mean the departure of the Master of Big Cinema, now Chan intends to limit his physical exertion. In 2015, at large screens, the audience could see the "Dragon Sword" and in 2016 - "on the trail".

Also, the best film critics in the same year were awarded Jackie Oscar for great achievements in the field of cinema.

13. Master of Tricks.

Jackie Chan independently performed almost all his tricks. He was repeatedly recognized as one of the best stakeholders of modernity. He did not use the services of doubles even in cases where he received huge fees for one film.

It is not surprising that he failed to completely protect themselves from injuries. He fell from great height, broke a bone several times and got tensions. Jackie himself in an interview said that over the years of work in the movie he broke almost everything. A man could even die! A special threat was carried by his skull injury, after which the celebrity was immediately hospitalized.

Also, the actor could paralyze after an unsuccessful trick in the framework of the "Police History", where he had to descend on the pole from a colossal height. Everything cost heavy damage to breast vertebrae and encouraged palms.

14. Cartoons.

The identity of Jackie Chan is a real brand. Many markets sell things with symbols of Chinese celebrities. Also, the actor's image was used by multipliers in the animation television series "Jackie Chan's Adventures". The main character was the archaeologist and the sector 13 agent, which, together with his uncle, a niece and several allies, hunt ancient talismans. After each series, the real Jackie Chan answered questions of small fans.

Personal life

15. Family, children.

Jackie does not really like to advertise his personal life. In 1983, he married Actress Lin Fengjiao, and in a year they had a son. Also, the actor has a daughter who was born out of marriage as a result of an intrillament with the model of Elaine in Tsili.

16. Relationship with son and daughter.

Chan reputation is very important. A positive image of a man became a real Chinese business card. In full enough, his only son Jacy, who, though he did not become a famous actor, was able to lend a musical group. In 2015, an arrogant young man found 100 grams of marijuana at home (this drug is fully banned in Hong Kong). He threatened the death penalty, but the lawyers helped to get rid of six-month conclusion. Jackie was disappointed in his son, he deprived him of the right to inheritance.

For a long time, Chang did not communicate with his extramarital daughter, but the relationship was slightly set up after his quarrel with her son. The girl's life has spoiled when she informed parents about non-traditional orientation. Native mother and father renounced her, and Jackie did not suit her at home in the United States and drove out to the street.

17. Businessman.

Chan is one of China's richest people. He owns a network of cinemas, restaurants, trendy boutiques, a plant for the production of SIGVEV and gym. The businessman himself, at a respectful age, continues to lead a healthy lifestyle and is actively engaged in sports.

18. Favorite hobby.

Jackie is interested in music. He still practiced vocal teachers in his childhood and advocated the public. In his service list of 20 albums that have become popular in Asia. Also, the man recorded the track "We Are Ready", which was timed to the 2008 Olympic Games, held in Beijing.

Short facts

  • 19. Celebrity growth - 174cm, and weight - 62 kilograms.
  • 20. Jackie - Buddhist.
  • 21 . The actor is the owner of the Racing Team "Jackie Chan DC Racing".
  • 22 . The political statements of the stars were sometimes too resonant, he called his native Hong Kong "the city of demonstrations" and wanted to limit the right to protests. He also called the United States too corrupt.
  • 23 . There is a "Charity Foundation Jackie Chana", helping the victims after the catastrophe. Jackie also helps people living in underdeveloped regions of Middle Kingdom.
  • 24. All his inheritance will go to charity.

Born Jackie Chan In 1954. A man known to the world as an actor / director / challenging the challenge and logic Cascadener Jackie Chan (Jackie Chan) is one of the largest movie stars in world history and the first one who eliminated the gap between Hong Kong's film and a large-budget American blockbuster. From "Drunk Masters" and "Police History" before "Disassembly in the Bronx" and "Hour Peak" Chan shoots films for more than 40 years. Now, overcoming the threshold of 60 years, he still risks his life to continue to bargain the audience. Here are some of the facts that you, most likely, did not know about the amazing Jackie Chan.

Tooling (and his infancy) were difficult

Chan was born in April 1954, but was to be born in January 1954 - he lived in the mother's womb full of 12 months before the British doctor had to get him surgically. After his forced birth, he weighed funny 5.4 kg. Mother nicknamed his PAO-PJSC, or "Cannon Core." Only this kind of medical procedure is expensive, and the parents of the Chan could not afford it; They tried to sell their child to a doctor who took him. The doctor refused. According to Memoram Chan, parents have gathered money from their friends, and they needed ten years to return debts.

He had 2 films with Bruce Lee

When the Chan was 7 years old, his father got a job as a chef in the American embassy in Australia, but could not take Jackie. Therefore, the boy was enrolled and sent to the Chinese Academy of Drama, where he studied the game and singing as part of preparing for a career in the Beijing Opera. It was there that Chang lived and trained over the next ten years and eventually formed an acrobatic trouck with several classmates called Seven Fortunes (Seven Little Fortunes). After graduating from school, Chan used a group to get his first roles in Hong Kong films. He and "Seven Little Lucky People" were extras and cascaders in "Dragon Output" and "Fist Freak", Two most famous and popular films made by Bruce Lee. Chan even fought at the camera with the legend of the screen.

He starred in the "soft" porn movie

There are two things that today's children probably should be avoided from the 1970s: film "All in the family". The first of these is the Pedantic Sitkom 1970 on political issues, and the other is the 1975 Hong Kong film, sex comedy with the participation of Jackie Chan. At that time, it walked a long-standing urban legend, which Chan starred in the "porn film" at the beginning of his career. Technically, this is not a pornographic film, and the actors do not engage in actual sex, but there are many sexy scenes, and Chan appears naked. This on TV is shown only late at night.

So why did he go for it? For the reason that most actors are filmed in porn, erotica or the like: because of money. "I had to do everything I could to earn a living 31 a year ago, but I don't think it's a big catastrophe. Even Marlon Brando is exposed in his films ", "said Chan. "All in the family" is also notable for the fact that this is the only film where Chan played the main role and did not participate as a cascade.

He has complex relationship with voice acting

Although he was a star in Asia since the 1970s, Chan was not the main star in the US to release "Disassembly in the Bronx" In 1996. Prior to that, he helped creating American films in Asia: he provided the heap of the monsters for Chinese dubbing "The beauty and the Beast". Chan has since voiced in English in other major animated films (for example, Master Monkey in "Kung Fu Panda"). One project, where he did not provide his voice: cartoon "Jackie Chan's Adventures". Before the appearance of Live-action scene at the end of the series, the cartoon version of Jackie Chan is voiced by James Si (who will also voiced by the monkey master in the TV series-spin-off "Kung Fu Panda"). Oddly enough, Jade Chan's character, the fictional niece of Jackie in this series, was voiced by Stacy Chan, who in real life - the niece of Jackie Chan.

He had a lot of injuries

After the main role in dozens of martial arts and films in which he did his tricks, the chan suffocated a number of injuries. Yes so much that in 2013 on his film "Climbing Dragon"poster posted, which consisted of a body image with arrows, pointing to all its damaged parts of the body. Among injuries from which Chan suffered in pursuit of art and entertainment:

At the "drunken master" he damaged the bone of eyebrows and almost blind.

He dislocated the right shoulder on the "City Hunter".

Chan fell from the tree while filming the "Armor of God" and received a fracture of the skull, dice behind the ear and hemorrhage into the brain. During the operation, the pieces of bones were removed from the head.

He broke his breast on the "Armor of God II".

During the filming of the film "Random Spy", he broke the tailbone and was temporarily paralyzed.

He broke the nose four separate times: during the filming of the "Young Master", "Project A", "Miracles" and Mister Cool.

He had to appear in the film shot at the World Trade Center

Approximately during the terrorist attacks 9/11 at the World Trade Center in 2001, Chan was preliminarily gathering a comedy called "Nosebleed" (blood from the nose). His character was a modest washer of windows on the WTC, who upset the plans of the international terrorist conspiracy on the explosion of the Statue of Freedom. The project was quickly canceled after 9/11.

He is generous (but not to his son)

Chan movie star, which means that he is rich. He has accumulated a state of more than $ 350 million. In addition to salary and percent of the cash collections from his films, he owns a network of cinemas and dealership sigves. And when he dies, a lot that will go to charity.

But his son, Jacy Chan (in the photo above), will not inherit anything exactly. In 2011, Chan publicly noted that he would not leave his fortune his son, noting: "If he is capable, he will be able to earn his own money. If not, he will just spend my money ". Jackie also admitted that he once beat Jacy when he was a child, and said he was not a "exemplary father."

He supports communism

Despite the hundreds of millions of dollars earned, Chan is still very loyal to the political system of communism of his native country of China. This means that the state controls the majority, and Chang agrees with this, even opposed the American lifestyle more than once. In 2013, he said: "New China. Real success was achieved over the past twelve years. The president of our country also admits that they have problems with corruption, as well as other moments, but we do progress ... I see that our country is continuously achieving progress and learns. If we talk about corruption, then in the world, the United States, no corruption? [This] The most corrupt country in the world. ".

In 2009, he spoke about the danger of too much freedom in Taiwan, which is controlled by China. "I do not know: it is better to have freedom or have no freedom. When too much freedom, chaos may form. Everything can end, as in Taiwan. Chinese people need to control ... Otherwise, they will do what they want ".

He demanded hundreds of doubles for one scene

Directors may require a lot of doubles so that it is such a scene what they want: for example, Stanley Kubrick demanded that Shelly Duval removed the scene in the "radiance" 127 times. According to such logic, the most demanding director with whom Chan ever worked is ... He himself. The director and the main character in the film "Lord Dragon" of 1982, a scene in which the characters play "Ti Jian Tzu" (the Chinese sport, similar to throwing the bag with their feet, only with a dumbfounded wallet from badminton) did not like. As they said, the scene took 2900 doubles, but most likely there was no so much. The book "Kung FU Masters" writes that more than 190, and others are evaluated in more than 1000. In any case, Chan devoted himself entirely to this scene.

He can teach fish tricks

Everyone needs a hobby to ensure a relaxing break from harsh work. And if your job is to jump from the building and other acrobatic tricks that damaged a large number of bones, then the hobby should be sustained and associated with thinking. For Jackie Chan, such a hobby is fish training, in particular, koi and catfish. In 2007, he posted this video on his official website, which demonstrates how he trained the fish to bother to scratch her tummy.

What is your favorite movie Jackie Chan?