Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin: Analysis of the fairy tale "Selfless hare". "Poor Wolf" (tale analysis) (Saltykov-Shchedrin M

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin: Analysis of the fairy tale "Selfless hare". "Poor Wolf" (tale analysis) (Saltykov-Shchedrin M

Another beast, probably, would be tried by the dedication of the hare, would not limit himself to the promise, but now I would have pardoned. But of all predators, watering in moderate and northern climates, the wolf is only less accessible to generosity.

However, it is not for his will he is so cruel, but because the complex has a tricky: there is nothing but meat, there can be nothing. And to get meat food, he cannot otherwise act like a living being of life to deprive. In a word, it is obliged to teach the villain, robbery.

It's not easy for him to feed him. Death is not enough for anyone, but he just climbs with death to every death. Therefore, someone is ridiculous - himself defends himself, and other who cannot defend himself, others defend. Frequently, the wolf is hungry walks, and even with the bokes of the sides in addition. He will sit at that time, it will raise the cut up and so piercingly, that on the vest of the circle of any live creature, from the fear and from longing, the soul in the heel goes away. And the wolf is still sad, because she is waggged, and there is nothing to feed them.

There is no beast in the world, who would not hate the wolf, would not curse him. Stone moans all the forest when it appears: "Damned Wolf! assassin! murderer!" And he runs forward and forward, turn the head does not dare, but after him: "The robber! Lives! " Wetters of the Wolf, from a month ago, in the women of the sheep - Baba, and about SEARS, I did not dry out: "Damned Wolf! murderer!" And since then, there was no magican Poppy in the mouth: she devoured the sheep, and there was no other to overshoot ... And the Baba Warre, and he will live ... how to understand!

It is said that the man's wolf costs; Yes, after all, a man, too, how to call, where it happens! And the Dubie, he beats him, and from the guns in him, the wolf Poet, and the trap puts, and the clouds satisfied. "Murderer! Robber! - Only he is heard about the wolf in the villages. - The last cow slaughtered! The remaining sheep is wittered! " And what is he guilty, if otherwise it is impossible to live in the world?

And you will kill him, so there is no proc. Meat - unsuitable, hard skins - does not warm. Only and the carriage, which is plenty of him, damned, you will have a raise on the pitchfork: let go, the gadet, a drop of blood comes!

Can not the wolf, not depriving the abdomen, in the world live - that is what his trouble! But he does not understand this. If his invalid is called, so he calls the villains of those who persecute him, press, kill. Does he understand that his life is making harm to other lives? He thinks he lives - only and everything. Horse - gravity takes, cow - gives milk, sheep - a wave, and he robbing, kills. And the horse, and the cow, and the sheep, and the wolf - everything "live", each in its own way.

And here it was found, however, between the wolves, one who had long killed everyone, and suddenly, for old age, he began to guess that there was something wrong in his life.

I lived this wolf resionium very much and was one of the few predators who almost never hungry. And the day, and the night he robbed, and all his hands came out. In shepherds from under the nose, the rams was dragged; To the courtyards around the villages climbed; cows cut; Forester once to death ripped up; The boy is small, everyone in his eyes, from the street in the forest buried. He heard that everyone would be hated for these things and knead, but only Lyutia and Lyutia became from these attacks.

- I would listen that it was done in the forest, "he said," there is no one minute that there was no murder there, so that some animal did not care if he was parting with life, "so really look at it?"

And he lived in such a family, the disagreement of the decay, until the years, when the wolf is called "Mother". Rezhall a little, but there was still no disclaimer; On the contrary, as if even walking. Only he is inadvertently in the paws to the bear. And the bears of the wolves do not like, because and the wolves attack the wolves, and often rumors in the forest go, that there and there, and there, Mikhail Ivanchych lasted: in the nurser, gray the coat the fur coat was broken.

Holds a bear a wolf in the paws and thinks: "What am I with him, with a scoundrel, do? If you eat - souls with the soul, if soked so to throw it - only the forest with the smell of it fell. Give, see: Maybe he has a conscience. If there is a conscience, let him go forward not to robbing - I will let him go. "

- Wolf, and a wolf! - Military Toptygin, - Do you really have no conscience?

- Oh, that you, your degree! - answered the wolf, - Is it possible at least one day in the world without conscience to live!

- It became possible, if you live. Think: Every God's day is only and the Westa about you, that you or the skin soda, or stabbed - is it like a conscience?

- Your degree! Let me report! Should I drink-eat, wolf to feed my, are you wagged to raise? What kind of resolution do you ignore?

I thought I thought Mikhail Ivanovich, "sees: if the wolf is laid in the world to be, it became, and he has the right to feed himself.

- Must, - says.

- But I, besides meat, is neither! Though your degree, for example, take: you and Malinka to enjoy, and the naked from the bees are borrowing, and the oatsman put, and for me nothing that would not have happened! Yes, again, the other Volgota has your degree: in winter, how you will speak Berlnoga, nothing to you, except your own paws, is not required. And I and the winter and summer - there is no one minute so that I don't think about food! And all about the meat. So what kind of coming is this food, if I don't dare before or do not strangle?

A bear thought over these wolf words, but still wants to try.

- Yes, you would, - says, even easily, or ...

- I and then, your degree, how much I can, alleviate. Lisitsa - Ta Zudit: Ensure - and bounce, then again rushes - and again bounce ... and I grab it right away - Shabash!

A bear was still thoughtful. He sees that the wolf gives him the truth and the uterus, and it is still afraid of letting him go: now he will take it again for robbery.

- Run, wolf! - He speaks.

- Not in what I, your degree, repent. Nobody lives your life, and I, among other things; So what is my fault?

- Yes, you even promise!

- And promise, your degree, I can not. Here is a fox - that you want to promise, and I can not.

What to do? I thought, I thought the bear, and finally decided.

- The most prostate you are a beast - that's what I will tell you! "He brought the wolf." I can't judge you, although I know that I take a lot of sin, letting go. " One thing I can add: in your place, I will not only value my life, but for the benefit would read for myself! And you think about these words!

And let the wolf on all four sides.

A wolf of bearish paws was freed and now again for the old craft began. Steaming from him the forest, and the Shabash. Having fallen into the same village; In two, in three nights a whole flock cutted - and nushto him. He lights with a full belly in the swamp, the eyes are squeezed. Even on the bear, his benefactor, the war went, and he, in happiness, was spooky in time, but only a paw fell out.

How long, he briefly raised, however, and she finally came to him. The forces were gone, the taste was gone, yes, in addition, the peasant to him the spinal ridge with full interpretation; Although he was depicted, but still on the former removal-ability not like it became. It will throw in the hare - and there is no one. Suitable for forest edge, lambs from herder will try to carry - and the dogs and the dogs are hiding. It will wait for the tail and runs with empty.

- In no way, I have become afraid of dogs? He asks himself.

Bridy in the lair and starts to swell. Owl in the forest shoes, and he is in a swamp how much - the passion of the Lord, what will rise in the village of stir!

Only he was fisted once a lamb and waggies him for a collar in the forest. And the lamb is still the most miserable: the wolf is full of his wolf, and he does not understand. Only one told: "What is? what?.."

- And here I will show you what is ... Mimmerrrrzaver! - Wolf wounded.

- Uncle! I don't want to go to the forest! I want to mom! I will not, uncle, I will not! - Suddenly the lamb guested and did not take it, it was not so buried: - Ah, a shepherd, a shepherd! Ah, dogs! Dogs!

The wolf stopped and listens. There is a lot of sheep in his century, and they were all indifferent. It will not have time to grasp her wolf, and she snapped her eyes, lies, it will not get drowned, like a natural service corrects. And here is the baby - and look like crying: I want to live him! Ah, it can be seen, and all this distribution life is sweet! So he, the wolf, - old old, and everything would be elderly with a hundred!

And he was remembered here the words Toptygin: "I would not have a life on your place, and I read the death for myself ..." Why so? Why for all other earth creatures life - good, and for him she is a curse and shame?

And, without waiting for the answer, he released a lamb of the mouth, and he himself walked, lowering the tail, in the lair, to spread out on his leisure.

But this mind did not find out anything that he knew that he had already long ago, namely, that he could not live anything else, like murder and wake.

He lay down on the ground and could not lie in any way. The mind is one says, and the latter is sometimes lighting up. There are no grandparents, if he was weakened, the old age ruler dismantled in the ruin, lesid hunger, just he could not take the same power over himself. So rattles his ears: "Damned! murderer! Lives! " Well, in the fact that he does not know the free guilt? After all, the curses still do not stop! Oh, it can be seen, the Bear said the truth: only it remains that the hands are imposed on yourself!

So after all, then again grief: the beast - after all, he doesn't even know how to impose hands. Nothing the beast can not: Neither the order of life change, nor die. He lives, as if in a dream, and die - as if in a dream. Maybe his dogs are confused or a man will pungently; So here he will only catch off yes, he will drive him for a moment - and the Spirit of Won. And from where and how death came - he won't guess.

It's not hunger that he widespread himself ... Now he has stopped chasing the hares, only about birds goes. Catch a young crow or vittya - only this is fed. So even here, the other Wittyn Choir shout: "Damned! damn! damn!"

It is damned. Well, how to live only to kill and rob? We put it unfair to curse him, it is unresonally: he will not robbing his will, - but how not to curse! How many beasts he ruined in his century! How many women, the men obedoled, for all his life unfortunately did!

For many years, he disgraced in these thoughts; Only one word in his ears and thundered: "Damned! damn! damn!" Yes, and he himself increasingly and more often repeated: "It is damned! damned and eating; Shoebug, lively! " Still, tormented by hunger, she walked to prey, stifled, Rivz and Torzal ...

And he began to call death. "Death! death! At least you freed the animals, men and birds from me! At least you freed me from yourself! " - He's a day and night, he was looking at the sky. And the beasts and men, hearing his howl, cried in fear: "Shinsel! murderer! murderer!" He could not even complain, he could not without the cursing on him from all sides they did not fall.

Finally, death was complicated over him. They appeared in the terrain of Lukashi, and the neighboring landowners took advantage of their arrival, to arrange a hunt for a wolf. Lies once a wolf in his lair and hears - name. He got up and went. He sees: ahead the path of milestones is meant, and behind him and the peasants follow him. But he no longer tried to break through, but she walked, lowering his head, towards death ...

And suddenly it hit it straight between the eyes. Here it is ... Death-delivering!

Many writers and poets used a fairy tale in their work. With its help, the author detected one or another vice of humanity or society. Fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin are sharply individual and not like any other. Satira was a weapon of Saltykov-Shchedrin. At that time, due to the existing strict censorship, the author could not fully expose the vices of society, to show all the inconsistency of the Russian management apparatus. And yet, with the help of fairy tales "For children of a fair age," Saltykov-Shchedrin was able to convey to people a sharp criticism of the existing order. Censorship missed the fairy tales of the Great Satirik, failing to understand their appointment, implanting force, call to the existing order.

To write fairy tales, the author used grotesque, hyperbola, antithesis. Also for the author was important "Ezopov" language. Trying to hide the true meaning of the written meaning from censorship, he used this reception. The writer loved to invent neologisms characterizing his heroes. For example, such words as "Pompadura and Pompadurshi", "Penfire" and others.

Conditionally, all the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin can be divided into four groups: satire on government circles and a dominant estate; satire on liberal intelligentsia; Fairy tales of the people; Fairy tales, implancing selfish morality and asserting socialist moral ideals.

To the first group, fairy tales can be attributed: "Bear on the voivodship", "Eagle-Metzenate", "Bogatyr", "Wild landowner" and "Tale of that. As one man's two generals proceeded. " In the Fairy Tale "Bear on Voivodeship" is unfolding a merciless criticism of autocracy in any of its forms. It is told about the reign in the forest of three governors-bears, different in nature: the evil replaces the rigging, and the roboive is kind. But these changes are not reflected in the overall state of forest life. It is not by chance that the first Toptygin is said in a fairy tale: "He, strictly speaking, was not angry, and so, the cattle." Evil lies not in the private abuse of individual governors, but in the animal, the bearish nature of power. It is accomplished with some naive, animal shrimp: "Then the roots began and finding the threads, and by the way, the whole forest of the basics turned out. Finally, she climbed at night to the printing house, the machines broke, the font mixed, and the work of the man's mind in the exhaust pit dumped. Making it, sat down, Sukin Son, squatting and waiting for promotion. " In the fairy tale "Eagle-Metzenate" Saltykov-Shchedrin shows the hostility of the despotic power of the enlightenment, and in the "Bogatyr" the history of Russian autocracy is depicted in the image of the rotting hero and ends with its full decay and decomposition.

Unprecedented satire on Russian intelligentsia is deployed in fairy tales about fish and hares. A special type of cowardice is reproduced in the "selfless hare": the hare is cowardly, but this is not the main trait. The main thing is in another: "I can not, the wolf did not tell." The wolf postponed the emergence of the hare for an indefinite period, left him under the bush to sit, and then allowed even to remove a date with the bride. What was led by a hare when he commemorates himself? Cowardice? No, not quite: from the point of view of the hare - deep nobility and honesty. After all, he gave the Wolf! But the source of this nobility turns out to be erected in the principle of humility - dedicated cowardice! True, hare and some secret calculation: the wolf will admire his nobility, but suddenly heres.

Does the wolf rave? This question is answered by another fairy tale Gender name "Poor Wolf". The wolf is not cruel in his will, but "the complex has a cavern", nothing but meat can not. So in the book the thought of saticar about the futility of hopes on mercy and generosity of the authorities predatory in nature and in their position in the world of people.

"Suspended hare", in contrast to a selfless - a theorist, preaching the idea of \u200b\u200b"civilization of wolf meals". He develops a project of a reasonable eating Zaitsev: It is necessary that the wolves do not immediately hare will be cut, and only some of the skirts were joined with them, so after some time the hare could have imagined, this "project" - the evil parody of Saltykov-Shchedrin on the theory of liberal populists which in the reactionary era of the 80s retreated from the revolutionary principles and moved to the preaching of "small affairs", gradual concessions, small reformism.

"SUPPLIATE HALE", in contrast to selfless, preach his theoretical principles. The same thing is made by the dried vobla in comparison with the wisdom of piscal. Wheel Piscar lived and trembled. Drier, Vobla translates such life practice into a reasonable theory, which comes down to the formula: "Ears above the forehead are not growing." From this formula, it displays the following principles: "You will not touch anyone, and no one will touch you." But the term comes - and the preaching "moderation and accuracy" dried by Vobla is accused of unreliability and sacrificed "Yebor Mittens".

Karas-idealist is adjacent to the fairy tales about Liberals, it is characterized by sad satirical tonality. In this fairy tale, Saltykov-Shchedrin anniversary the dramatic errors of the Russian and Western European intelligentsia adjacent to the socialist movement. Carace-idealist professes high socialist ideals and is inclined to self-sacrifice for their implementation. But he considers social evil a simple misconception of the minds. It seems to him that the pikes are not deaf to good. He believes in achieving social harmony through moral rebirth, re-education Shchuk.

And here the crucian develops its socialist utopias before pike. Two times he manage to talk with a predator, having tried in small bodily injuries. For the third time it happens inevitable: pike swallows crucia, and it is important how it does it. The first question of crucian-idealist - "What is virtue?" Makes the predator to smooth the mouth from surprise, mechanically pull the water, and with it it is also mechanically swallowing the crucian. This detail Saltykov-Shchedrin emphasizes that the case is not in the "evil" and "unreasonable" pike: the nature of the predators itself is that they swallow the crucia involuntarily - they also have a "Caverznous" complex! So, all the illusions on the peaceful reorganization of society are in vain, on the re-education of predatory pikes, eagles, bears, wolves ... Now we will try to consider the main features of the genre of the writer's fairy tale on the example of several of his works. In the "wild landowner", the author shows how the rich barin may drop, without a servant. The hyperbole is applied in this fairy tale. First, the cultural person, the landowner turns into a wild animal feeding with mugs. Here we see how helplessly rich without a simple man, as it is unsuitable and worthless. This fairytale wanted to show that simple Russian people are a serious power. A similar idea is put forward in the fairy tale "The story of how one man's two generals has punished." But here the reader sees the heartlessness of the man, his humility, unquestioned submission to two generals. He even binds himself to the chain, which once again points to humility, a burden, rudeness of the Russian man.

In the "Probadrome of Piskar" we see the life of the average man who fearful in the world. "Will Pischar" constantly sits on, fearing once again to go outside, speak with someone, to meet. He behaves closed, boring. With his life principles, he resembles another hero, the hero A. P. Chekhov from the story "Man in a case", Belikova. Just before death, Piskary about the lived life is thinking: "Who helped? Who regretted, what did he do in the life of good? "I lived - trembled and dying - trembled." And only before his death aware of the man in the street that he doesn't need anyone, no one knows him and he will not remember him.

Moral fairy tale in that: what is human life? How and for what to live? What is the sense of life? Do not these questions care of people and in our time, however, just how did they worry people at all times? These are eternal and, it seems that unresolved definitely questions. What time, before whom they got up, these global questions, everyone responds to them in their own way. How many people who ask themselves these questions, so many answers to them!

The fairy tale translates us from the level of piscory on the level of human life. From the point of view of the author himself, Piskary, in fact, exposed all his stupid shortcomings in life philosophy, aimed at a certain purpose: "Live as quieter you can!" What is the mind of the "Wise"? Only to save your "distributing" life. And satiric makes him in the face of death to understand all the meaninglessness of their lives lived. With all the combine of this fairy tale, the final sounds deeply tragically. We hear the voice of the Saltykov-Shchedrin in those questions that Piskary ask himself before death. All life instantly swept before dying. What were his joy? Who he comforted? Who heated, defended? Who heard about him? Who will remember his existence? And he had to answer all these questions: "Nobody", "Nobody." So the writer identified a fairy tale for the hero, wisdom of Pisacor, the most terrible time: later, fruitless insight, awareness in the face of death, that life live in vain, wasted! I believe that this fairy tale is not only the most modern among all the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin, but even eternal.

A terrible philistine alienation, the closure in itself shows the writer in the "Prisma Piskar". M. E. Saltykov-generous Gorky and hurts for a Russian person.

With amazing penetration, Saltykov-Shchedrin shows the inner kinship of socialist morality with the deep foundations of the Christian folk culture in the fairy tale of the Night. Easter night. Speed \u200b\u200bnorthern landscape. For all the seal of the lonely, everything is silent, helplessly, silently and crushed by some terrible bone ... But the bells are ringing, the countless lights, the gold spiers are churches, - and the world around comes to life. Stretches on the roads of the Rustic Ludice, depressed, begging. There are a rich, fists - the lords of the village. Everyone disappeared away the village, and silence comes again, but some kind of sensitive, tense ... and for sure. I did not have time to get the east, as a miracle is committed: the blast and crucified Christ is resurrected for the court on this sinful land. "Peace to you!" - Says Christ Nizhnya Luda: they did not lose faith in the truth of truth, and the Savior says that the hour of their liberation is approaching. Then Christ appeals to the crowd of Goyrata, Mirohedov, Kulakov. He brands them with the word of censure and opens the path of salvation - the court of their conscience, painful, but fair. And only traitors no salvation. Christ curses them and circumsides the eternal travel.

In the fairy tale "Christ's night" Saltykov-Shchedrin confesses the folk faith in the truth and good triumph. Christ peaks a terrible court not in the afterlime world, but on this land, in harmony with the peasant ideas, which grounded Christian ideals.

Vera Saltykov-Shchedrin remained unchanged in his people, in their history. "I love Russia to pain hearty and can't even think of myself somewhere, except for Russia," wrote Mikhail Evgrafovich. "Only once in my life I had to survive a rather long term in the well-known passage places, and I do not remember the minute, in which my heart would not have rushed to Russia." These words can be considered an epigraph to all the creativity of Satirik, anger and the contempt of which were born from harsh and demanding love to their homeland, from the stunned faith in its creative forces, one of the brightest manifestations of which was Russian classical literature.

Naive fiction of the folk fairy tale is organically combined with generrine with a realistic image of reality. Moreover, the extreme exaggeration in the description of the heroes and situations does not contradict the vital truth, but, on the contrary, it gives satirca to focus on especially dangerous, negative sides of the life of Russian society. Fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin had a great impact on the further development of Russian literature and especially the genre of satire.

Nobody loves the wolves, they call the slope, and the killer, in every way curse. On the one hand, this is true, because the wolves actually kill wild animals, and pets, even attack people. But in this work the author shows the life of a forest predator and really sympathizes this beast, without any irony, calling him poor.

And his whole trouble and wines are only that the wolf is a predator, can only eat meat.

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He is forced to kill, because in a different way will not be able to exist, but in the eyes of his victims, he looks like a robber and villain.

And the wolf just lives, he is not a villain to specially kill for the sake of murder or for the sake of profit. He is not a maniac to receive pleasure from this, he does not want to bring harm. And he has to be very difficult. The beast is often starving, so the food is shriveling, the whole food happens, and it happens to go to the wolf, and he often risks life: it is satisfied with the clouds, they put the capacanis, and the larger beast can destroy. But you still need to feed.

Once, one such a mother's predator fell as a bear in the paw, which also did not give sympathy to the wolves. And I decided to release the beast, if he decides and promises no longer robbing and not killing anyone.

And the wolf objected that then he had nothing to feed the family. After all, besides the meat wolf do not eat anything. Wolf and glad not to kill, but how else to get meat? And what is the predator to repent? What is he guilty, what is it so arranged? And what can he promise? Stop feeding? Bear, for example, can and raspberries, and honey, and in the winter it is not necessary for him in the winter, since he falls into the hibernation. And the bear realized that in front of him a very unfortunate beast. And he told the wolf that it was better to die than to live.

And this wolf aged, began to think about his life. And he came to the conclusion that it curses him without leton, because he is not the murderer and villain. And the wolf suffers from these thoughts. And it became so sissing that it was tired of living. No one sympathized with him, no one understood, there was no one to complain, as he was hard. He is tired of hatred towards himself, tired of himself, and began to call death. And soon the case was introduced when the men staged a hunt. The wolf did not even try to flee, but she walked to death, lowering his head. And accepted it as a deliverance.

In this joint, the wolf is opposed to society as "not like everyone else." In every society, probably, there is a person over whom laughs, offend. And why? Because he "CHAKARIK", "FASHIR", "DOLDA", does not listen to the music, dresses not so, etc.

We do not always know (and we do not want to know) why anyone lives or incorporates wrong, in our opinion. It is easier to immediately hang a label immediately, not even trying to understand the other, especially for him to help or sympathize. Feeling yourself not as everything is very hard. It is easy to condemn a person and make a burden from him. And universal condemnation and rejection can even bring a person to suicide.

The author does not protect the murderers and robbers (especially he explained that there is no such wolf), he calls to understand and compassion each other. And at the site of this wolf, "not like everyone else" may turn out to be any, so society should not be cruel. And society is each of us.

Updated: 2018-02-15

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Poor Wolf

Another beast, probably, would be tried by the dedication of the hare, would not limit himself to the promise, but now I would have pardoned. But of all predators, watering in moderate and northern climates, the wolf is only less accessible to generosity.

However, it is not for his will he is so cruel, but because the complex has a tricky: there is nothing but meat, there can be nothing. And to get meat food, he cannot otherwise act like a living being of life to deprive. In a word, it is obliged to teach the villain, robbery.

It's not easy for him to feed him. Death is not enough for anyone, but he just climbs with death to every death. Therefore, someone is ridiculous - himself defends himself, and other who cannot defend himself, others defend. Frequently, the wolf is hungry walks, and even with the bokes of the sides in addition. He will sit at that time, it will raise the cut up and so piercingly, that on the vest of the circle of any live creature, from the fear and from longing, the soul in the heel goes away. And the wolf is still sad, because she is waggged, and there is nothing to feed them.

There is no beast in the world, who would not hate the wolf, would not curse him. Stone moaning all the forest when it appears: "Damned Wolf! Killer! Shoe!" And he runs forward and forward, turn the head does not dare, but after him: "The robber! Lives!" Wetters of the wolf, from a month ago, in the women of the sheep - the Baba, and about SEARS, I did not dry out: "Damned Wolf! Shoe!" And since then, there was no magican Poppy in the mouth: she devoured the sheep, and there was no other to overshoot ... And the Baba Warre, and he will live ... how to understand!

It is said that the man's wolf costs; Yes, after all, a man, too, how to call, where it happens! And the Dubie, he beats him, and from the guns in him, the wolf Poet, and the trap puts, and the clouds satisfied. "Robber! Robber!" - only he is heard about the wolf in the villages, "the last cow slaughtered! The remaining sheep was wittered!" And what is he guilty, if otherwise it is impossible to live in the world?

And you will kill him, so there is no proc. Meat - unsuitable, hard skins - does not warm. Only and the carriage, which is pleasing to him, damn, they will be lifted, yes, you will like to live: let, goades, a drop of blood comes!

Can not the wolf, not depriving the abdomen, in the world live - that is what his trouble! But he does not understand this. If his invalid is called, so he calls the villains of those who persecute him, press, kill. Does he understand that his life is making harm to other lives? He thinks he lives - only and everything. Horse - gravity takes, cow - gives milk, sheep - a wave, and he robbing, kills. And the horse, the cow, and the sheep, and the wolf - everyone "live", each in its own way.

And here I was found, however, between the wolves, one who killed everything for a long century and robbed, and suddenly, for old age, it began to guess something that there is something wrong in his life.

I lived this wolf resionium very much and was one of the few predators who almost never hungry. And the day, and the night he robbed, and all his hands came out. In shepherds from under the nose, the rams was dragged; To the courtyards around the villages climbed; cows cut; Forester once to death ripped up; The boy is small, everyone in his eyes, from the street in the forest buried. He heard that everyone would be hated for these things and knead, but only Lyutia and Lyutia became from these attacks.

It would be done that it was done in the forest, "he said," there is no one minute that there was no murder there, so that some animal did not care, parting with life, "So it's not to look at it?

And he lived in such a native, the disagreement of the robbery, until those years, when the wolf is called "Mother". Rezhall a little, but there was still no disclaimer; On the contrary, as if even walking. Only he is inadvertently in the paws to the bear. And the bears of the wolves do not like, because and the wolves attack the wolves, and often rumors in the forest go, which is there and there, Mikhailo Ivanchych lasted: in the nurser, the gray spubs were broken by him.

Holds a bear of a wolf in the paws and thinks: "What to do with him with him, with a scoundrel to eat? If you eat it - with the soul, it's so to throw it - only the forest with the smell of it fell. Give it, I'll see: maybe he has a conscience. If there is a conscience, let him go forward not to robbing - I will let him go. "

Wolf, and wolf! - Military Toptygin, - Do you really have no conscience?

Oh, that you, your degree! - answered the wolf, - Is it possible at least one day in the world without conscience to live!

It became possible, if you live. Think: Every God's day is only and the Westa about you, that you or the skin soda, or stabbed - is it like a conscience?

Your degree! Let me report! Should I drink-eat, wolf to feed my, are you wagged to raise? What kind of resolution do you ignore?

I thought-thought Mikhailo Ivanich, - sees: if the wolf is laid in the world to be, it became, and it has the right to feed himself.

Must, - says.

But I, besides meat, is none! Though your degree, for example, take: you and Malinka to enjoy, and the naked from the bees are borrowing, and the oatsman put, and for me nothing that would not have happened! Yes, again, the other Volgota has your degree: in winter, how you will speak Berlnoga, nothing to you, except your own paws, is not required. And I and the winter and summer - there is no one minute so that I don't think about food! And all about the meat. So what kind of coming is this food, if I don't dare before or do not strangle?

A bear thought over these wolf words, but still wants to try.

Yes, you would, - says - even easier, or ...

I and then your degree, how much I can, alleviate. Lisitsa - Ta Zudit: Ensure - and bounce, then again rushes - and again bounce ... and I grab it right away - Shabash!

A bear was still thoughtful. He sees that the wolf gives him the truth and the uterus, and it is still afraid of letting him go: now he will take it again for robbery.

Raise, wolf! - He speaks.

Not what I, your Perena, repent. Nobody lives your life, and I, among other things; So what is my fault?

Yes, you even promise!

And promise, your degree, I can not. Here is a fox - that you want to promise, and I can not.

What to do? I thought, I thought the bear, and finally decided.

Prasely, you have a beast - that's what I tell you! - He brought him a wolf. "I can't judge you, although I know that I take a lot of sin to the soul, letting you." One thing I can add: in your place, I will not only value my life, but for the benefit would read for myself! And you think about these words!

And let the wolf on all four sides.

A wolf of bearish paws was freed and now again for the old craft began. Steaming from him the forest, and the Shabash. Having fallen into the same village; In two, in three nights a whole flock cutted - and nushto him. He lights with a full belly in the swamp, the eyes are squeezed. Even on the bear, his benefactor, the war went, and he, in happiness, was spooky in time, but only a paw fell out.

How long, he briefly raised, however, and she finally came to him. The forces were gone, the taste was gone, yes, in addition, the peasant to him the spinal ridge with full interpretation; Although he was depicted, but still on the former removal-ability not like it became. It will throw in the hare - and there is no one. Suitable for forest edge, lambs from herder will try to carry - and the dogs and the dogs are hiding. It will wait for the tail, and it runs with empty.

I really have been afraid of dogs? He asks himself.

Bridy in the lair and starts to swell. Owl in the forest shoes, and he is in a swamp how much - the passion of the Lord, what will rise in the village of stir!

Only he was fisted once a lamb and waggies him for a collar into the forest. And the lamb is still the most miserable: the wolf is full of his wolf, and he does not understand. Only one says: "What is? What is? .."

And I will show you what ... Mommerto-Vets! - Wolf wounded.

Uncle! I don't want to go to the forest! I want to mom! I will not, uncle, I will not! - Suddenly the lamb guested and did not take it, it was not so buried, - ah, a shepherd, a shepherd! Ah, dogs! Dogs!

The wolf stopped and listens. There is a lot of sheep in his century, and they were all indifferent. It will not have time to grasp her wolf, and she snapped her eyes, lies, it will not get drowned, like a natural service corrects. And here is the baby - and look like crying: I want to live him! Ah, it can be seen, and all this distribution life is sweet! So he, the wolf, - old old, and everything would be elderly with a hundred!

And he was remembered here the words of Toptygin: "I wouldn't have a life on your place, and I read death for myself ..." Why so? Why for all other earth creatures life - good, and for himshe is a curse and shame?

And, without waiting for the answer, he released a lamb of the mouth, and he himself walked, lowering the tail, in the lair, to spread out on his leisure.

But this mind did not find out anything that he knew that he had already long ago, namely, that he could not live anything else, like murder and wake.

He lay down on the ground and could not lie in any way. The mind is one says, and the latter is sometimes lighting up. There are no grandparents, if he was weakened, the old age ruler dismantled in the ruin, lesid hunger, just he could not take the same power over himself. So rattling him in his ears: "Damned! Soul! Lives!" Well, in the fact that he does not know the free guilt? After all, the curses still do not stop! Oh, it can be seen, the Bear said the truth: only it remains that the hands are imposed on yourself!

So after all, then again grief: the beast - after all, he doesn't even know how to impose hands. Nothing the beast can not: Neither the order of life change, nor die. He lives as if in a dream, and die - as if in a dream. Maybe his dogs are confused or a man will pungently; So here he will only catch off yes, he will drive him for a moment - and the Spirit of Won. And from where and how death came - he won't guess.

It's not hunger that he widespread himself ... Now he has stopped chasing the hares, only about birds goes. Catch a young crow or vittya - only this is fed. So even here, Other Wittyn Choir shout: "Damned! Damned! Damned!"

It is damned. Well, how to live only to kill and rob? We put it unfair to curse him, it is unresonally: he will not robbing his will, - but how not to curse! How many beasts he ruined in his century! How many women, the men obedoled, for all his life unfortunately did!

For many years, he disgraced in these thoughts; Only one word in his ears and thundered: "Damned! Damned! Damned!" Yes, and he himself, he is increasingly and more often repeated: "It is damned! Damned and eating; Shoebug, lively!" Still, tormented by hunger, she walked to prey, stifled, Rivz and Torzal ...

And he began to call death. "Death! Death! At least you freed the animals, men and birds from me! At least you would free me from yourself!" - He's a day and night, he was looking at the sky. And the animals and men, hearing his howl, cried in fear: "Shinnumber! Shoelab! Shoebug!" He could not even complain, he could not without the cursing on him from all sides they did not fall.

Finally, death was complicated over him. Appeared in the terrain of "Lukashi" ["Lukashi" - peasants from the Velikolakovsky County of the Pskov province, which are studying habits and morals of forest animals and then offer hunters their services for the areas. (Approx. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.)] And the neighboring landowners took advantage of their arrival, to arrange a hunt for a wolf. Lies once a wolf in his lair and hears - name. He got up and went. He sees: ahead the path of milestones is meant, and behind him and the peasants follow him. But he no longer tried to break through, but she walked, lowering his head, towards death ...

And suddenly it hit it straight between the eyes.

Here it is ... Death-delivering!


Poor Wolf
(P. 39)

For the first time - One 1883, September, No. 55, p. 6-9, as a third number (for details, see above, p. 450). In Russia for the first time - Oz,1884, No. 1, p. 270-275, under the number of the second.

Preserved rough manuscript of early editors (Irley).

The fairy tale was written in January 1883 (see p. 451), recruited for the February number Oz,but for censorship considerations from it seized.

When preparing a fairy tale to publish in OzSaltykov conducted a stylistic editing and excluded the phrase from the text "Not that he is to blame, and his life itself is a blood pressure", which concluded paragraph "And here was found ..." (see p. 40).

The fairy tale "Poor Wolf" continues the fairy tale "Defenseless Hare". This is confirmed as an indication of the writer on the fact that between the fairy tales "there is a connection" and the first phrase of the fairy tale about the "poor wolf".

In the "Poor Wolf" Saltykov embodied one of his permanent ideas about the socio-historical determination of human behavior. This idea was affected by the writer in the "provincial essays" (see in the present. T. 2, p. 302), in the last chapter of the "Lord Golovna", in the "Round Year" (vol. 13, p. 505), "Adventure with Kramolnikov" and in many other works, and in a fairy tale gave her the most deep philosophical development. "Anchor" cannot change its nature. From here a kind of modification of the main image of a fairy tale under the feather Saltykov. In the folk tradition of many peoples, "Wolf" is a symbol of evil. Saltykov gives the "Wolf" epithet "Poor" and forces "poor wolf" exclaimed with relief at the moment when he is killed: "Here it is ... Death Reliefer!" Zoological, "Wolf" Parallel to exploiters with exceptional reliefs described the power of the power of the general "order of things" over the souls and actions of people. Some critics saw in a fairy tale of a pessimistic "philosophy of the fatality of mutual devouring." Meanwhile, Saltykov was not a supporter of absolute determinism, in solving social problems he attached great, and sometimes the exaggerated value of the moral factor, he preferred and considered the path of "bloodless" movement to "social harmony". Alien to violent methods of struggle, Saltykov constantly doubted the ability to do without them. The tragic meditation of the writer about the choice of ways to combat social evil was expressed in the "Poor Wolf" as in the "Caras-idealist" especially strongly. The final choice in the positive form of Saltykov did not. But all the meaning of an objective picture showing that "the beast itself cannot: Neither the order of life change, nor die," the "poor wolf" exposed the failure of naive hopes on mercy and generosity, on their peaceful and voluntary socio-moral rebirth.

Poor Wolf

Poor Wolf

Another beast, probably, would be tried by the dedication of the hare, would not limit himself to the promise, but now I would have pardoned. But of all predators, watering in moderate and northern climates, the wolf is only less accessible to generosity.

However, it is not for his will he is so cruel, but because the complex has a tricky: there is nothing but meat, there can be nothing. And to get meat food, he cannot otherwise act like a living being of life to deprive. In a word, it is obliged to teach the villain, robbery.

It's not easy for him to feed him. Death is not enough for anyone, but he just climbs with death to every death. Therefore, someone is ridiculous - himself defends himself, and other who cannot defend himself, others defend. Frequently, the wolf is hungry walks, and even with the bokes of the sides in addition. He will sit at that time, it will raise the cut up and so piercingly, that on the vest of the circle of any live creature, from the fear and from longing, the soul in the heel goes away. And the wolf is still sad, because she is waggged, and there is nothing to feed them.

There is no beast in the world, who would not hate the wolf, would not curse him. Stone moaning all the forest when it appears: "Damned Wolf! Killer! Shoe!" And he runs forward and forward, turn the head does not dare, but after him: "The robber! Lives!" Wetters of the wolf, from a month ago, in the women of the sheep - the Baba, and about SEARS, I did not dry out: "Damned Wolf! Shoe!" And since then, there was no magican Poppy in the mouth: she devoured the sheep, and there was no other to overshoot ... And the Baba Warre, and he will live ... how to understand!

It is said that the man's wolf costs; Yes, after all, a man, too, how to call, where it happens! And the Dubie, he beats him, and from the guns in him, the wolf Poet, and the trap puts, and the clouds satisfied. "Robber! Robber!" - only he is heard about the wolf in the villages, "the last cow slaughtered! The remaining sheep was wittered!" And what is he guilty, if otherwise it is impossible to live in the world?

And you will kill him, so there is no proc. Meat - unsuitable, hard skins - does not warm. Only and the carriage, which is pleasing to him, damn, they will be lifted, yes, you will like to live: let, goades, a drop of blood comes!

Can not the wolf, not depriving the abdomen, in the world live - that is what his trouble! But he does not understand this. If his invalid is called, so he calls the villains of those who persecute him, press, kill. Does he understand that his life is making harm to other lives? He thinks he lives - only and everything. Horse - gravity takes, cow - gives milk, sheep - a wave, and he robbing, kills. And the horse, the cow, and the sheep, and the wolf - everyone "live", each in its own way.

And here I was found, however, between the wolves, one who killed everything for a long century and robbed, and suddenly, for old age, it began to guess something that there is something wrong in his life.

I lived this wolf resionium very much and was one of the few predators who almost never hungry. And the day, and the night he robbed, and all his hands came out. In shepherds from under the nose, the rams was dragged; To the courtyards around the villages climbed; cows cut; Forester once to death ripped up; The boy is small, everyone in his eyes, from the street in the forest buried. He heard that everyone would be hated for these things and knead, but only Lyutia and Lyutia became from these attacks.

It would be done that it was done in the forest, "he said," there is no one minute that there was no murder there, so that some animal did not care, parting with life, "So it's not to look at it?

And he lived in such a native, the disagreement of the robbery, until those years, when the wolf is called "Mother". Rezhall a little, but there was still no disclaimer; On the contrary, as if even walking. Only he is inadvertently in the paws to the bear. And the bears of the wolves do not like, because and the wolves attack the wolves, and often rumors in the forest go, which is there and there, Mikhailo Ivanchych lasted: in the nurser, the gray spubs were broken by him.

Holds a bear of a wolf in the paws and thinks: "What do I have to do with him with a scoundrel? If you eat it - with the soul, it's so to throw it - only the forest smells to get it in the smell. Give it, I'll see: maybe he has a conscience There is. If there is a conscience, let him go ahead not to robbed - I will let him go. "

Wolf, and wolf! - Military Toptygin, - Do you really have no conscience?

Oh, that you, your degree! - answered the wolf, - Is it possible at least one day in the world without conscience to live!

It became possible, if you live. Think: Every God's day is only and the Westa about you, that you or the skin soda, or stabbed - is it like a conscience?

Your degree! Let me report! Should I drink-eat, wolf to feed my, are you wagged to raise? What kind of resolution do you ignore?

I thought-thought Mikhailo Ivanich, - sees: if the wolf is laid in the world to be, it became, and it has the right to feed himself.

Must, - says.

But I, besides meat, is none! Though your degree, for example, take: you and Malinka to enjoy, and the naked from the bees are borrowing, and the oatsman put, and for me nothing that would not have happened! Yes, again, the other Volgota has your degree: in winter, how you will speak Berlnoga, nothing to you, except your own paws, is not required. And I and the winter and summer - there is no one minute so that I don't think about food! And all about the meat. So what kind of coming is this food, if I don't dare before or do not strangle?

A bear thought over these wolf words, but still wants to try.

Yes, you would, - says - even easier, or ...

I and then your degree, how much I can, alleviate. Lisitsa - Ta Zudit: Ensure - and bounce, then again rushes - and again bounce ... and I grab it right away - Shabash!

A bear was still thoughtful. He sees that the wolf gives him the truth and the uterus, and it is still afraid of letting him go: now he will take it again for robbery.

Raise, wolf! -- He speaks.

Not what I, your Perena, repent. Nobody lives your life, and I, among other things; So what is my fault?

Yes, you even promise!

And promise, your degree, I can not. Here is a fox - that you want to promise, and I can not.

What to do? I thought, I thought the bear, and finally decided.

Prasely, you have a beast - that's what I tell you! - He brought him a wolf. "I can't judge you, although I know that I take a lot of sin to the soul, letting you." One thing I can add: in your place, I will not only value my life, but for the benefit would read for myself! And you think about these words!

And let the wolf on all four sides.

A wolf of bearish paws was freed and now again for the old craft began. Steaming from him the forest, and the Shabash. Having fallen into the same village; In two, in three nights a whole flock cutted - and nushto him. He lights with a full belly in the swamp, the eyes are squeezed. Even on the bear, his benefactor, the war went, and he, in happiness, was spooky in time, but only a paw fell out.

How long, he briefly raised, however, and she finally came to him. The forces were gone, the taste was gone, yes, in addition, the peasant to him the spinal ridge with full interpretation; Although he was depicted, but still on the former removal-ability not like it became. It will throw in the hare - and there is no one. Suitable for forest edge, lambs from herder will try to carry - and the dogs and the dogs are hiding. It will wait for the tail, and it runs with empty.

I really have been afraid of dogs? He asks himself.

Bridy in the lair and starts to swell. Owl in the forest shoes, and he is in a swamp how much - the passion of the Lord, what will rise in the village of stir!

Only he was fisted once a lamb and waggies him for a collar into the forest. And the lamb is still the most miserable: the wolf is full of his wolf, and he does not understand. Only one says: "What is? What is? .."

And I will show you what ... Mommerto-Vets! - Wolf wounded.

Uncle! I don't want to go to the forest! I want to mom! I will not, uncle, I will not! - Suddenly the lamb guested and did not take it, it was not so buried, - ah, a shepherd, a shepherd! Ah, dogs! Dogs!

The wolf stopped and listens. There is a lot of sheep in his century, and they were all indifferent. It will not have time to grasp her wolf, and she snapped her eyes, lies, it will not get drowned, like a natural service corrects. And here is the baby - and look like crying: I want to live him! Ah, it can be seen, and all this distribution life is sweet! So he, the wolf, - old old, and everything would be elderly with a hundred!

And he was remembered here the words of Toptygin: "I wouldn't have a life on your place, and I read death for myself ..." Why so? Why for all other earth creatures life - good, and for him she is a curse and shame?

And, without waiting for the answer, he released a lamb of the mouth, and he himself walked, lowering the tail, in the lair, to spread out on his leisure.

But this mind did not find out anything that he knew that he had already long ago, namely, that he could not live anything else, like murder and wake.

He lay down on the ground and could not lie in any way. The mind is one says, and the latter is sometimes lighting up. There are no grandparents, if he was weakened, the old age ruler dismantled in the ruin, lesid hunger, just he could not take the same power over himself. So rattling him in his ears: "Damned! Soul! Lives!" Well, in the fact that he does not know the free guilt? After all, the curses still do not stop! Oh, it can be seen, the Bear said the truth: only it remains that the hands are imposed on yourself!

So after all, then again grief: the beast - after all, he doesn't even know how to impose hands. Nothing the beast can not: Neither the order of life change, nor die. He lives as if in a dream, and die - as if in a dream. Maybe his dogs are confused or a man will pungently; So here he will only catch off yes, he will drive him for a moment - and the Spirit of Won. And from where and how death came - he won't guess.

It's not hunger that he widespread himself ... Now he has stopped chasing the hares, only about birds goes. Catch a young crow or vittya - only this is fed. So even here, Other Wittyn Choir shout: "Damned! Damned! Damned!"

It is damned. Well, how to live only to kill and rob? We put it unfair to curse him, it is unresonally: he will not robbing his will, - but how not to curse! How many beasts he ruined in his century! How many women, the men obedoled, for all his life unfortunately did!

For many years, he disgraced in these thoughts; Only one word in his ears and thundered: "Damned! Damned! Damned!" Yes, and he himself, he is increasingly and more often repeated: "It is damned! Damned and eating; Shoebug, lively!" Still, tormented by hunger, she walked to prey, stifled, Rivz and Torzal ...

And he began to call death. "Death! Death! At least you freed the animals, men and birds from me! At least you would free me from yourself!" - He's a day and night, he was looking at the sky. And the animals and men, hearing his howl, cried in fear: "Shinnumber! Shoelab! Shoebug!" He could not even complain, he could not without the cursing on him from all sides they did not fall.

Finally, death was complicated over him. Appeared in the terrain of "Lukashi" ["Lukashi" - peasants from the Velikolakovsky County of the Pskov province, which are studying habits and morals of forest animals and then offer hunters their services for the areas. (Note M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrin.)] And the neighboring landowners took advantage of their arrival, to arrange a hunt for a wolf. Lies once a wolf in his lair and hears - name. He got up and went. He sees: ahead the path of milestones is meant, and behind him and the peasants follow him. But he no longer tried to break through, but she walked, lowering his head, towards death ...

And suddenly it hit it straight between the eyes.

Here it is ... Death-delivering!