Functional styles of the modern Russian language. Functional styles of speech

Functional styles of the modern Russian language. Functional styles of speech

Among the variety of varieties of language use are allocated two main: sponewa language and literary language (book).

Spoken language (spoken style speech) is usually used orally. Literary (book) language includes scientific, official-business, journalistic speech, from here and functioning them in certain areas of activity. Depending on this, the scientific, official-business, journalistic and especially - artistic style, or the language of fiction.

Word styleit became already the quality written. In this essence stylistics- the ability to express your thought in different ways by various language means, which distinguishes one style of speech from the other.

Functional styles of speech
- These are varieties of the language due to differences in the areas of communication and basic language functions.

Under the spheres of communication, it is customary to understand the wide areas of public activities of a person who correspond to certain forms of public consciousness: science, politics, right, art. Each of the dedicated communications areas serves a certain functional style: scientific, journalistic, official-business, artistic.

Sphere of communication A person with a small circle of persons in various, usually household, situations allows you to highlight a conversational style.

Thus, on the basis of differences in the spheres of communication, five main functional styles are distinguished.

To characterize functional styles, the second base of their allocation is also essential - taking into account the public function of the language.

The most important function of the language is communication function. With it is connected and is its derivative another language function - thought-effective, or message function. Due to the close connection of these two functions, many researchers corresponding to them are assembled into the term "communicative function".

The tongue is not only for the expression of thought, but also to express feelings and will. Of course, the manifestations of feelings are possible and out of the tongue. Therefore, the functions of emotional and volitional exposure are considered as additional function of the language.

In this way, language functiondefining objectives and tasks, as follows:

- communicative(communication, message),

- emotive,

- Voluntative.

Or: communication, message, impact(emotional and volitional).

Various speech styles are implemented in different ways. These differences are related to the nature of the style, with the fact that the tasks of communication of unequal in different spheres of communication. The language function implemented by the style is its important characteristic.

Functional styles are sustainable speech varieties due to sphere of communication and typical for this sphere communication task (language function). The sphere of communication and the task of communication are out-of-language factors, on which the language peculiarity of style depends and partly the characteristics of the Speech content within one or another style.

What is the language structure of the functional style? What is the feeling of stylistic integrity, unity, which allows us to intuitively distinguish scientific speech from artistic or conversational?

Until recently, these questions were discussion. However, the application of the statistical method in the style convincingly showed that one style differs from the other not so much language matter as the different frequency of language units.

It is impossible to talk about the fixing of the language means for one style or another, but you can also talk about the high proportion of the likelihood of this or that means in a certain style. Take, for example, terminological vocabulary. The words are the terms can be used in any style - in a conversational, official-business, journalistic, artistic, but, of course, most often we use them in a scientific style. The share of probability (or frequency) of the terms in the scientific style will be the highest. The "face" of the style is determined by the frequency of both labeled and neutral units. Consequently, the so-called neutral language of the language is also involved in the style of style; In the latter case, stylistic information is enclosed in the frequency of the language unit.

Our statements depend on wherewe are talking, with whom and what for. From the speech situation.

Signs of the speech situation can be represented as a scheme:

Speech situation - with whom we speak?, Where?, For what purpose?

In different speech situations, we speak or write differently, i.e. we use different speech styles.

Colloquial speech It is used in casual conversations with familiar people usually in the home (unofficial) setting (1 - 1, an unofficial situation).

Book speech addressed to many people to learn all. It is used in books, newspapers, on radio and television, in official performances and conversations (1 -M, official situation).

Stylistic Text Analysis Plan

I. Extlined Text Analysis

1. Author, name; speech addressee; Speech object; The goal of the author.
2. View of speech (monologue, dialogue, polylog).
3. Speech form (oral or written).
4. Functional and semantic types of speech (description, narration, reasoning).
5. The sphere of social activities that the estimated style serves.

II. Linguistic Text Analysis

1.In-language features that determine the style belonging of the text:
a) lexical;
b) morphological;
c) syntax.
2. Tools for creating and expressive text.

III. Conclusion: Functional Style (Land, Genre).

When analyzing the text, remember that all linguistic means on the material of a specific text cannot be viewed and not necessary. The scheduling scope is determined by the nature of the text itself and its features.
Your text analysis must be a connected text!

Stylistics - section of science on language learning the styles of the language and speech styles, as well as finely expressive means.

Style (from Greek. Stylos - a wand for a letter) - a way of verbal expression of thoughts, syllable. The style is characterized by peculiarities in the selection, combination and organization of language means in connection with the tasks of communication.

The functional style is a subsystem (type) of a literary language, which has a certain scope of functioning and possessing stylistically significant (marked) language means.

The following functional styles are distinguished:

spoken style, scientific style, formal business style, journalistic style, artistic literature style.

Scientific style

Scientific style is the language of science. The most common specific feature of this style of speech is the logicality of the presentation . Scientific text is characterized by underlined, strict logic: all parts in it are toughly linked in meaning and are located strictly sequentially; Conclusions arise from the facts set in the text.

Another typical sign of scientific speech style is accuracy . The sense accuracy (definition) is achieved by the careful selection of words, using words in their direct value, wide use of terms and special vocabulary.

Abstraction and generalization Unable to permeate each scientific text. Therefore, there are widely used abstract concepts that are difficult to imagine, see, feel. In these texts, words are often found with an abstract meaning, for example: emptiness, speed, time, strength, quantity, quality, law, number, limit; Formulas, symbols, symbols, graphs, tables, diagrams, diagrams, drawings are often used.

Scientific style has mainly writing, but oral forms (report, message, lecture) are possible. The main genres of scientific style are monograph, article, theses, lectures, etc.

Journalistic style

Purpose of journalistic speech style - informing , Transfer of socially significant information with the simultaneous impact on the reader, the listener, with the conviction of him in something, suggesting him of certain ideas, looks, encouraging him to certain actions, actions.

The sphere of consuming the publicistic style of speech is socuracy, political, cultural relations.

Genres of journalism - article in the newspaper, magazine, essay, report, interview, feuilleton, oratorical speech, judicial speech, performance on radio, television, at the meeting, report.
For journalistic style speech characteristic logicality, imagery, emotionality, evaluation, conscription and the corresponding language funds. It is widely used by socio-political vocabulary, a variety of types of syntactic structures.

Formal business style

The official-business style of speech is used in the field of legal relations, service, production.
The main style features of the formal business style is:
a) accuracy that does not allow other interpretation;
b) non-licensing;
c) standardization, stereotype of text construction;
d) a must-prescriptive character.

Accuracythe wording for legislative texts is manifested primarily in the use of special terminology, in unambiguousness of non-membological vocabulary. A typical feature of business speech - limited synonymous substitution capabilities; The repeatability of the same words, mainly terms.

Nelique character Business speech is expressed in the fact that it lacks the forms of verbs \\ (1 \\) - go and \\ (2 \\) - the person and personal location \\ (1 \\) - go and \\ (2 \\) - And the forms \\ (3 \\) - the face of the verb and pronouns are often used in an uncertainty-personal value.

In official documents in connection with the feature of the wording, there is almost no narration and description.
All documents are deprived of emotionality, expressiveness, so we will not find the visual means of the language.

Spoken style

The basis of the colloquial style is a conversational speech. The main function of the spoken style is communication ( communication ), And its main form is oral.

As part of a conversational style, a literary and conversational style, which uses generally accepted words corresponding to the standards of a literary language, and a conversational-spacious variety, which is characteristic of words and turnover deviating from literary standards, having a shade of the style of the style has been peculiar.

The written form of spoken style is implemented in the epistolary genre (private letters, personal correspondence, as well as diary records).

Art style

Artistic style is a tool of artistic creativity and combines the language means of all other speech styles. However, in artistic style, these visual agents perform in a special role: the purpose of using them becomes aesthetic and emotional Impact on the reader. Artistic literature allows the use of spurable, dialect words and expressions and even vulgarisms. In the language of artistic literature, all varieties of fine-expressive means (metaphor, epithet, antithesis, hyperbole, etc.) are used. The selection of language means depends on the individuality of the author, themes, ideas of the work, genre. The word in the artistic text can acquire new shades of value.

Functional styles of speech

"He knows how to say the person - who can express their thoughts with full clarity, choose those arguments that are particularly suitable in this place or for this person, to give them that emotional character, which would be convincing and appropriate in this case."

A.V. Lunacharsky

Russian, as well as every developed language with a long cultural tradition, provides speaking richest expressive opportunities, including stylistic ones. However, the mastering of these language resources requires knowledge, developed linguity linguistic alone and the skills of the use of language units.

In modern Russian, according to the free encyclopedia of Wikipedia, there are 5 functional styles of speech (historically established systems of speech funds used in a particular sphere of human communication).

scientific - the value is to give an accurate and clear idea of \u200b\u200bscientific concepts (for example, terminological vocabulary);

official-business - official correspondence, government acts, speeches; It is used by vocabulary, reflecting official-business relations (plenum, session, decision, decree, resolution);

publicistic - characterized by distracted words with socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, publicity, peaceful);

spoken - it has a lot of sense and colorfulness, gives speech to lively and expressiveness;

artistic - used in fiction.

Scientific and official-business styles exclude the use of emotional-expert painting of words, so we turn to the rest of the speech styles: journalistic, conversational, artistic.

The journalistic style is used to affect people through the media and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logicality, emotionality, evaluation, conspirational.

The artistic style affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, transfers the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality, speech concreteness. The emotionality of artistic style is significantly different from the emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs aesthetic function. Art style involves a preliminary selection of language funds; All language facilities are used to create images.

The conversational style serves to directly communicate, when the author shares with their thoughts or feelings, communicates with information on domestic issues in an unofficial situation. It often uses spoken and spacious vocabulary. The usual form of spoken style shape is a dialogue, this style is more often used in oral speech. It does not have a preliminary selection of language material. In this style of speech, unsatual factors play a major role: facial expressions, gestures surrounding the situation.

The stylistic characteristic of the word or shape consists of elements, heterogeneous by its origin, value and functions. In addition to the fact that stylistic shades differ in a greater or lesser degree of generalization or concreteness, they are distinguished also<качественно>: In one, the intellectual logical element prevails (indicates the sector of the use of the language unit), in others, the moment the moment is emotionally evaluated, i.e. Coloring is often bubbanova. The first type of stylistic characteristic is the stylistic color of the word or grammatical form - arises on the basis of their functional and semantic ties. Stylistic coloring is as if a print, a reflection of that speech style in which this word or form usually lives. When using a linguistic unit, the stylistic color is essential for it, the stylistic color is merged with a common colors of speech style. When transferring the word or grammatical form to the unusual speech<обстановку> Stylistic coloring performs specially discriminating. Stylistic coloring and additional stylistic shades of words and forms are opposed to very diverse emotional and estimated values \u200b\u200bof linguistic units. Thus, the word-forming system of the modern Russian language has numerous suffixes and prefixes of a subjective assessment (emotional expressive): - OK (-EK) bitch, pencils; - glasses (s) of friend, penene, - Onty - (-Ank-) Golubya, daughter, pretty, small; - zaschivo, swirl, silica; - Un - Boltun, Drachun; - Akowaka, crushing, walking, etc.

Books, conversational and spacious language elements can relate to neutral (H), which are not fixed for any particular sphere of communication and having a zero stylistic color, which is allocated only in comparison with stylisticly marked units of the language. So, the word deception is neutral when comparing with books, mystification and colloquial sell; Indeed, when comparison with book truly and colloquial.

The basis of the modern Russian literary language is common and neutral linguistic units. They combine all styles into a single linguistic system and perform the role of a background on which stylistically labeled agents are distinguished. The latter give the context a specific functional-style tint. However, in the context, the nature of the stylistic color is capable of modifying; For example, the assessment of the masculine is moving into the ironic (Mamenkin Son), the worst words can sound gently (the robber you are my dear), etc. Functionally fixed linguistic units in the context are able to acquire emotionally expressive color. So, the words praise, torture, loud, refer to, sourcing, marked in dictionaries as books outdated, in the language of newspapers acquire an ironic color.

Depending on the value and features of use, the same language unit can have several different stylistic connotations: the hunter shot the hare (neutr.) In winter, the hare changes its color (Scientific.) He drove in the bus by the Zaper (Rask., Design).

Multivalued words in one value (usually in direct) are stylistically neutral, and in the other (usually in portable) have a bright emotional-expressive color: the dog scolded and bored a dog (K. Powhchsky) "Why does your hare Tulup? He will drink it, the dog, in the first cabberry "(A. Pushkin), on the edge of the road stood oak (L. Tolstoy)" You, oak, not go there "(A. Chekhov).

We draw attention to how the vocabulary can be divided by a commonly consolidated, and a historically established and socially informed system of speech funds used in one or another sphere of human communication.

In the most common features, the functional-style stratification of vocabulary can be depicted as follows:

word vocabulary speech language stylistic

In three styles - journalistic, artistic and conversational, one way or another, use emotionally painted words and speech expressivity. The concepts of emotional painting and expressivity of vocabulary are not identical, although together they generate expressiveness, colorfulness, image formation.

At the same time, there should be noted an insufficient study of expressive types of speech, lack of clarity in their classification. In this regard, the well-known difficulties cause and determining the ratio of functional and stylist emotional-expressive color of vocabulary. Let us dwell on this issue.

Emotional-expressive coloring of the word, layering on the functional, complements its stylistic characteristic. Neutral words in emotionally expressive ratios are usually related to general-purpose vocabulary (although it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bTerms, for example, in emotional expressive terms are usually neutral, but have clear functional consolidation). Emotional-expressive words are distributed between the book, spoken and spacious vocabulary. A feature of emotional-estimated vocabulary is that the emotional color is "superimposed" to the lexical meaning of the word, but does not boil down to it, the function purely nominative is complicated here by the evaluation, the attitude of the speaker-talking phenomenon.

In the word, functional, emotional and expressive and other stylistic shades can be intersect. For example, the words satellite, epigal, apotheosis are perceived, first of all, as books. But at the same time, the word satellite, used in a figurative meaning, we associate with a journalistic style, in the word epigionans, we note a negative assessment, and in the word apotheosis is positive. In addition, the use of these words in speech is influenced by their foreign-language origin. Such gentle-ironic words, like gap, winding, prayer, rolling, combine spoken and dialective coloring, peopling sound. The wealth of stylistic shades of Russian vocabulary requires a particularly attentive attitude to the Word.

On the emotional and expressive color of the word affects its meaning. So, we received some words such as fascism, Stalinism, repression, we received a sharply negative assessment. A positive assessment entrenched the words progressive, peace-loving, anti-war. Even the various meanings of the same word can noticeably diverge in the stylistic color: in one value, the word acts as a solemn, high: post, Tsarevich. Finally, I hear the point of not the boy, but the husband (P.), in the other - as an ironic, mocking: B. Field proved that the respectable editor enjoys the glorus of the scientist husband (P.)

Language funds with emotional-expressive color expressing a positive attitude (assessment) to the expressed (enthusiast, delightful, unreleased, spiritualized) are called ameliorative, and Peyorany-express negative attitude (leader, conciliation, whitelle, Rabolenny, indulge, throw). Combining the words close to expression into lexical groups, you can allocate:

words with positive colors (humorous partially):

sublime, solemn, rhetorical - indestructible, selfless, power, aspiration, hoisting;

approving - amazing, gorgeous, wonderful);

lascular - daughter, pigeon, lamb, etc.

words with negative color:

disregarding - Brehun, Pharmacist, Doctors, Boltun, Zamhrenya, Herd of Baranov, Stretch as a ram on a new gate, to smoke, crumbling;

contemptuous - anonymous, burzhuy, bazaar woman, to head, huffish, podhalim;

disapproving - Liegehogok, grouse, dragging, pretentious, mannered, ambitious, pedant;

ironic - kill the beaver to deceive in the calculations, shed balm for anything, caliph for an hour;

derogatory - Skull, Lipik;

vulgar - Hapuga, axtrose;

filed - sweat, reptile, Gadyuk about man, bureaucrat, undergoing, ham, fool, etc.

But the fundamental refusal to use words denoting unpleasant realities is estimated as a mannerity of speech, a kind of hypocrisy, and therefore negatively affects the ethical estimate of the image of the ribor. Therefore, if it comes, for example, about the lack of conscience of politics or a journalist, it will be right to say directly: "Frequent and unscrupious use of the word".

In the example, a synonymous series (ailments, diseases, malaise, kalv, weakness, suffering) opens a wide opportunity to complain to his ailments, but when heronically uses a rather intentional form of the word "disease" - "Different sick".

Emotional-expressive coloring of words is clearly manifested when synonyms comparison:

The development of expressive shades in the semantics of the Word contributes to its metaphorization. So, stylistically neutral words used as metaphors get bright expression: burn at work, fall from fatigue, flaming eyes, a blue dream, flying gait, etc. Finally shows an expressive color color context: in it neutral in stylistic terms can It becomes approving to become emotionally painted, high - contemptuous, affectionate - ironic and even a swiss word (scoundrel, doury).

The semantic basis of the emotionally colored vocabulary is the few shades of diminishing and magnifying-derogatory values \u200b\u200btransmitted by the appropriate suffixes: the hand is a handle - a handle - a handberry - crucible.

Even emotions in speech are expressed with the help of interjections and (significantly at least) with words with emotional expressive connotation. The stronger in the word Expressive-estimated component of the value, the nonsense of its denotate, i.e. Subject value (cf. Ehma!, hell, laperebushka, jolock, sweeping on, etc.). Interestingly, the emotional side of the speech is connected with the work of the right hemisphere of the brain. With robust disorders, the patient's speech becomes intonational monotonous. The perception of speech: "The patient with the disorder of the right hemisphere usually understands the meaning of what is said, but it often cannot establish whether it says angrily or jokingly" (quota. At work: Jacobson 1985, 276). On the contrary, with the defeat of the left hemisphere (dominant in speech activities responsible for the logical-grammatical organization of speech) and the preservation of the right patient may not understand the statement, but it is often able to recognize the emotional tone with which it was uttered.

As part of emotional vocabulary, the following three varieties can be distinguished:

  • 1. Words with a bright estimate value are usually unambiguous; "The assessment enclosed in their meaning is so bright and definitely expressed that it does not allow you to use the word in other values." They own words "Characteristics" (Forehouse, Prosvetnik, Grinding, Pustrovel, Pokhalim, Ripples, etc.), as well as words comprising an assessment of fact, phenomena, sign, actions (purpose, presenter, Dealerity, Relaxing, wonderful, non-manual , irresponsible, doppoplary, hold, inspire, defame, attack). Bright expression distinguishes the words solemn (unforgettable, herald, accomplishment), rhetorical (sacred, aspirations, to be elevated), poetic (azure, invisible, impassing, unprecedented).
  • 2. Multivalued words, usually neutral in the main meaning, but receiving bright emotional color in metaphorical use. So, about a person they say: hat, rag, mattress, oak, elephant, bear, snake, eagle, crow; In the portable meaning, the verbs are used: sing, hiss, saw, nibble, dig, yawning, blinking and under.
  • 3. Words with suffixes of a subjective assessment, transmitting various shades of feeling: entering positive emotions - sons, sunshine, granny, neatly, intact, and negative - berry, kids, casins, etc. Since the emotional painting of these words create affixes, estimated values \u200b\u200bin such cases are due not to nominative properties of the word, but in word formation. Many affixes give the words a functional-style color. For example, suffixes are made by suffixes - K-: motorboat, barley, flushing; - IR, - Nickname: Evening, eyeball. A number of suffixes characteristic of scientific and scientific and technical, as well as professional speech can be noted. So, with the help of already mentioned suffixes of book origin, scientific terms are constantly forming: -loil, pupility, resistance; - Hegelianism, Cantianism, Holustration; -ism - idealism, feudalism, materialism; -Atsi (I) (-YAI (I) - acclimatization, vulcanization, argument; -fitting (s) (-imification (s) -Electrification, gasification; -tor-insulator, communicator; -t (mainly medical terms) -Bronhit , sinusitis, pleurisy; Professionalism: -K- Intection, layout, winding; -Am - Method, type, tonnage, litter; -chat-crank, stepped; -cub (scholars - transmitter, counter, merchant; -Un - rod , Kolong, -nn (I) - Gladlina, smoking, etc.

Special expression distinguishes the words joking (boss, newly minted), ironic (seductive, donzhuan, praised), familiar (pretty, lubricant, pussy, shushkuchny).

Many words not only call the concepts, but also reflect the attitude towards them. For example, admiring the beauty of a white flower, it is possible to call it snow-white, beleh, lilyer. These adjectives are emotionally painted: the prisoner's positive assessment distinguishes them from a stylistically neutral word white. The emotional color of the word can also express a negative assessment of the concept (Belobron). Therefore, emotional vocabulary is called estimated (emotional-valued). However, it should be noted that the concepts of emotional words (for example, interjections) do not contain estimates; At the same time, words in which the assessment is their lexical importance itself (and the assessment is not emotional, but intellectual), do not relate to emotional vocabulary (poor, good, angry, joy, love, approve).

An image of feeling in speech requires special expressive paints. Expressiveness (from lat. Expressio - expression) - means expressiveness, expressive - containing special expression. At the lexical level, this linguistic category receives its embodiment in the "increment" to the nominal value of the words of special stylistic shades, special expression. For example, instead of the word, we speak beautiful, wonderful, delightful, wonderful; We can not say I do not like, but you can find more strong words: I hate, despise, I feed disgust. In all these cases, the lexical meaning of the word is complicated by expression. Often, one neutral word has several expressive synonyms that differ in the degree of emotional stress (Wed: misfortune - grief is a disaster - a catastrophe, a brown - unrestrained - indomitable - frantic - fierce).

At the same time, the emotional evaluation corresponds in different ways with a nominative value, additional stylistic shades and. Stylistic coloring words or grammatical form. In this regard, the paths of the very evaluation expression are different. First, the emotional and estimated value may be the only content of one or another sound complex; An example can serve interjections and modal words that or completely devoid of nominative value, or retain it partially. Secondly, the emotional and assessment may be generated by the meaning of the word or other language unit (cf. words, as a hero, handsome, coward, etc.). In this case, estimated expression may suppress the main value (cf. exclamation: Damn! Well done!, Etc.). Thirdly, the estimated value may arise on the basis of rethinking additional stylistic shades of the word or grammatical form. Through such additional semantic associations are transmitted not only by nationwide evaluation expression, but class estimates<...> Professional, social, simply individual character.

Emotional-expressive (estimated) and functional and style varieties of stylistic connotations differ.

Emotional-expressive connotations are associated with an expression of relation to the subject (in the broad sense of the word), its assessment: Bunny, twig, old woman, Director, Lisa, Hare, Bear (about man), Grand, coming, worker, Administrative bureaucratic system.

Functional and style connotations are due to the predominant use of the language unit in a particular area of \u200b\u200bcommunication.

Spoken language tools can express familiarity, contempt, affection, disregard, etc., book solemnity, elevation, poetry, etc. For example: Balbes (talk. And Prescription), bazaar work (progress and predel.), Hide in the bushes (breaking and ion.), Pedant (book. And disinforced), forum (book. And the following). However, not all language elements enshrined in functional-style attitude have emotional expressive color. So, scientific terms and official-business vocabulary do not have emotional expressive color: anesthesia, hypertension, arithmometer, vector, molecule, affixation; Equipment, investigation, law enforcement, sanction, etc. Lained emotional and expressive coloring and some conversational words: progression, five, reader, current, mig, in-defense, irode, hardly, etc., spoken and book or neutral grammatical forms: leave leave, a piece of sugar sugar, grams Gram and others.

Traditionally, language products with functional-style color in the Russian literary language are divided into:

books (K): the depreciation, intellect, notification, excessive, extremely, very, reading, Achilles, the fifth, tantalums of flour, no aggregate;

spoken (P): Reader, Buddy, Echidial, Balaguor, Ponorad, put on his feet, gram (in the parental case.), on vacation.

Conversation units are used primarily in oral speech, in the relaxed domestic communication. The use of them in writing speech is limited to fiction and publicism and has certain artistic and expressive goals. Creating a verbal portrait, a realistic image of a life line of a particular social medium, achieving a comic effect, etc. An example of this is a wonderful speech of Pavlov. The scientist sought to be understandable to listeners, sought to convey to them in the most popular, affordable and effective form of his thoughts. Professor E.A. Neuts, student I.P. Pavlova writes:<Речь Ивана Петровича была удивительно простой... Это была обычная разговорная речь, поэтому и лекция имела скорее характер беседы. Очень часто, как бы самому себе, он ставил вопрос и тотчас же отвечал на него...>. In lectures, the scientist widespread the means of spoken language. It is a conversational speech that gives lectures I.P. Pavlova brightness, imagery, persuasive. His performances for a wide audience are not only evidence, but also possess emotional expressive color, which contributes special contrast to the scientific lecture. When the conversational elements are transferred to the scientific presentation, their stylistic painting speaks with the greatest discrimination, they are dramatically distinguished in the scientific style, creating a certain emotional and expressive tonality of performances.

Especially figuratively and emotionally sounds collaborative vocabulary and phraseology in those places of lectures, where I.P. Pavlov enters into discussions with their scientific opponents:<Невролог, всю жизнь проевший зубы на этом деле, до сих пор не уверен, имеет ли мозг какое-либо отношение к уму>; <Закрыть глаза на эту деятельность обезьяны, которая проходит перед вашими глазами, смысл которой совершенно очевиден... - это чепуха, это ни на что не похоже>. The desire to transmit expressive intonations of spoken speech leads a scientist to use in lectures of various types of connecting structures, i.e., such that represent the syntactically related text dismanded on separate parts. For example:<Следовательно, физиолог должен идти своим путем. И этот путь намечен уже давно>. A.V. Lunacharsky, the beautiful speaker himself, wrote:<Человек, который умеет говорить, то есть который умеет в максимальной степени передать свои переживания ближнему, убедить его, если нужно, выдвинуть аргументы или рассеять его предрассудки и заблуждения, наконец, повлиять непосредственно на весь его организм путем возбуждения в нем соответственных чувств, этот человек обладает в полной мере речью>.

The words that are outside the literary vocabulary are used in the surprise. Among them, there may be words containing a positive assessment of the concept of the concept (worker, the Bashkin, awesome), and the words expressing the negative attitude of the concepts that speak the concepts denoted them (to scream, chlipky, reached). In scientific literature, in formal business documents, they are inappropriate.

Spoken style - opposed to book styles, serves the sphere of household and professional (but only unprepared, unofficial) relations; its main function is communication; manifests itself in oral form; He has two varieties: literary and colloquial and everyday life. Its vocabulary and phraseology is characterized by the presence of a large formation of commonly used, neutral words, conversational words with emotional expressive and estimated color, spoken phraseology. The spelling vocabulary includes the words lascaling (daughter, blueberry), joking (butuz, mixture), as well as words expressing a negative assessment of the names of the concepts (Melongue, Rule, Giggle, Baiss). The names of the nouns - TWE, NEA, - OTA, - Nia, - Taken, - Sha: Life, Runye, Running, Cassirsha, possess the colloquial (or spaticrous color) and bright emotional-expressive colors.

High words belong to book vocabulary, which give speeches solemnity, as well as emotional expressive words, expressing both positive and negative assessment of the concepts called. In the book styles it is used vocabulary ironic (beautiful, words, contamination), disapproving (pedantic, manneriness), contemptuous (subject, contract). The books color have verbs with suffixes - Irovo-, - Isirov-: to debate, stimulate, intensify, militant, fetishize, as well as relevant nouns on-ration, - the islaring, adjectives and communion of the on-icing, is isolated; Education with the prefixes of co-, bottom, is-, etc.: RESPONSIBLE, COMMUNICATION, EXTENSION, LIVE, LOOK, WITH SUFFICS - ASSE: Power, arrangement, irrigation; - Acena: amelioration, acclimatization; - IT: bronchitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis.

Thus, the stylistic color of the word can, on the one hand, point to the sphere of use, on the other - on the emotional and expressive content of the word. Consequently, it indicates both the functional and stylistic bundle of vocabulary and the estimated function of the word, its expressiveness and emotionality. All this creates the vope of the stylistic color of the word. Of all the above, we can conclude that without the use of emotionally expressive vocabulary, our speech would be a poor, non-zeroist, is insignificant. Many literary works would not be so exciting and readable. Speeches and lectures would be monotonous. And another Russian person, no matter how rich and mighty, the Russian language, always lacks ordinary words to express their feelings and emotions.

List of sources used

  • 1. Rosenthal D.E., Goli I.B., Telenkova M.A. Modern Russian. M.: Iris press, 2002.
  • 2. Yu.S. Sorokin. On the question of the basic concepts of stylistics.
  • 3. Social linguistics. Moskovskaya N.B.
  • 4. Culture of Russian speech. Vinogradov S.I.
  • 5. "Good speech." ABOUT. Sirotinina, N.I. Kuznetsova, E.V. Dzzyakovich et al. // Ed. MA Kormilitsyna and O.B. Syrotinina (Saratov, 2001).
  • 6. Volkov A.A. Course of Russian rhetoric.
  • 7. A.V. Dudnikov. Modern Russian.
  • 8. Leather. Stylistic resources of the Russian language, as a subject of research of linguistic style.

Speech styles This is a system of speech funds that are used in any field of communication, as well as a kind of literary language that performs any function in communication.

Scientific style - a special variety of literary styles, used both in oral and in writing. The main function of scientific speech is the exact presentation of scientific information. A thorough preliminary thinking of statements and strict selection of language agents is distinguished by the scientific style from the rest. For scientific speech, the use of special terms and neutral vocabulary. For scientific style, their grammatical features are also characteristic. In scientific texts are often used to accruitment, communion, excavated nouns. Nouns can be used in the singular to designate the form of a plural. Scientific style is characterized by logical, accuracy, clarity of presentation. Emotionic and imagery are rarely used. The direct order of words in the sentence is characteristic of scientific speech.

Business style Used to accurate business information. This style of speech is used mainly in writing. Used when writing a different kind of official documents, business paper: report notes, applications, protocols, etc. For business style, the compression of the presentation, accuracy, the use of phraseological stamps, special terminology, abbreviations is characteristic. In business speech there are no words of limited consumption and emotional vocabulary. In business texts, complex proposals are used, strict word order in the proposal, impersonal designs. For business style, the use of the separable nouns and verbs of the imperative inclination.

Scope of application publicistic style - This is the publication of periodic printing, news ribbons, texts of speeches before the public in campaigning purposes. The main task of texts written in this style of speech is the impact, agitation and propaganda. For this style, not only the message of information is characterized, but the attitude of the author, complementing the text. In the journalistic style, as in scientific is a particular importance, there is strict logicality of presentation and operating with accurate facts, but at the same time, the text may differ emotional color, which is more characteristic of the artistic style. The journalistic style uses a variety of vocabulary: from dry book to emotional conversational, from terminological to the estimated. Often in journalistic texts can use other-language terms, phraseological units of various kinds of fine-expressive speeches. For this style, the use of both book and conversational constructions offers. There are often question and exclamation benefits.

Application area spoken style speech - Communication in an informal setting. Used in writing and oral forms. Spoken speech is not distinguished by strict selection of linguistic agents, the speech situation has greater importance. Conversational speech is often emphasized and complemented by gestures and faithful people. Accents, pauses, change of intonation are used. Accordingly, less strict requirements are presented when using conversational speech, the special emphasis is put on emotionality, expressiveness of vocabulary. Often you can meet in the intelligent dictionaries of the Russian language marked the appropriate vocabulary of the spoken style - "R.". When applying this style of speech, non-lean words may be found, incorrect speech (surprise). Frequently used phraseological units that give text greater expressiveness and emotionality. The conversational style of speech is distinguished by the use of appeals, repeats words, introductory and plug-in structures, incomplete offers. The use of colloquial speech in the fiction for the speech characteristic of characters or the image display of events is common.

Art style Or the style of fiction is used when writing works of fiction: leads, stories, novels, essays. The main function inform the reader and affect it using emotions. Differs on emotion, imagery, expressiveness. The use of artistic linguistic means and verbal revolutions are widespread: metaphor, comparisons, epithets. Sometimes to give the text of the solemn, sublime color, a special color is applied outdated words - archaisms and historians. The artistic style of speech is highlighted by a high degree of informative in combination with the emotionality and expressiveness of the language of the language. Art style is also inherent in the use of combinations of features other speech styles. The most commonly applied elements of the spoken style.

2 Russian functional styles

The concept of "style" multidimensional. It stands out in art (individual artist style, painting technology, style of era, such as baroque, classicism), in literary criticism (the style of a separate work or genre, for example, the style of literature of Russian abroad), in psychology (lifestyle in individual and group behavior), as well as in philosophy, linguistics, which makes it possible to talk about style as a "intersystem category of humanitarian sciences" (O.E. Pavlovskaya) due to the fact that the general meaning of the concept of the style is reduced to an indication of a personally mentioned selection of a distinctive feature of certain activities, its result.

Let's stop in detail concept of style in linguistics. Under stray language It is understood as a type of language used in any typical social situation - in everyday life, in the formal business sphere, etc. - and differing from other species of the same language features of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics (official-business, scientific, etc.). Under the style in Linguistics, individual features of whose speech are also understood. In this way, style in linguistics seems not so much linguistic as a sociolinguistic phenomenon, since it realizes the function of public consciousness (out-of-language reality), which is manifested in the choice and varying in the speech communication of the use of language agents, depending on the sector of language use (Scientific sphere, business, etc.). This idea allows to expand the thematic field of the concept of "style" with such categories as an Internet style, a religious style, which corresponds to the newly or activating known spheres of the use of language.

The social component of the concept of "style" allows you to talk about style as about Categories Historically changeable. For example, during Aristotle and Cicero, under the style in the ancient rhetoric, the electoral principle of building separately speech speech and separately poetic, the choice of funds, optimal for the task of the belief of listeners and creating the harmony of speech sounding. In Russia, at the time of M.V. Lomonosov when understanding the style was not considered an appropriate way of speaking, but book speech styles: high, medium and low. In the twentieth century, the concepts of "language styles" and "speech styles" were delimited in the twentieth century, on the basis of the fact that in live speech communication (speech style, style of text), potential language possibilities are being implemented, but in the language consciousness The speaker also has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe functional styles (language styles).

Now most linguists allocate four styles: three books (official-business, scientific, journalistic ), I. colloquial Style (or colloquial speech).

Selection fifth style, literary and artistic, it causes a lot of disputes because of his ability to mimic, obeying the author's task, to implement signs of other styles in the literary work. But in this, the stying nature of the literary and artistic species of speech is manifested, which cannot be said about scientific and business speeches. Disagreements in the allocation of this style are associated with the attribution by the authors of the literary and artistic style to the section of literary studies or to the section of linguistics.

For the convenience of use, we receive the following classic style consideration scheme in linguistics:

In addition, it is possible to distinguish a speech style related to oral speech and at the same time coming closer with writing styles, epistolary style, converging with official-business and artistic and fiction, etc. If you allocate styles, respectively, existing communication areas, then you can count 12 Styles (V.A. Aurorin).

The greatest distribution in modern linguistics received Functional Sign Schedule . According to a specific function that they perform in the Communication process, in professional activities. At the same time, such essential social function of the language is distinguished as communication, message definite information I. Impacton a listener or reader. According to Acad. V. V. Vinogradova, from the point of view of social functions, the following styles can be distinguished: everyday-household style (communication function); every-time business, official documentary and scientific (message function); Publicistic and fictionalistic (influence function).

Functional style - Such a kind of book language, which is peculiar to a certain sphere of human activity and has uniqueness in the use of language funds. Each functional style is implemented in speech genres. Traditionally, four book functional styles are distinguished in modern Russian: scientific, journalistic, official-business, literary and artistic.

Scientific style - Functional style serving the sphere of science, technology and education. It allows you to transfer objective information about nature, a person and society, to prove its truth, novelty and value; activate the logical thinking of the reader or listener; Integrate non-specialists with scientific information. The purpose of the scientific style is a message, explanation of scientific results; The usual form of implementation is a monologue. This style is characterized by clarity, accuracy, strict logic of presentation; wide use of terms and abstract vocabulary, preferably the use of words in their direct values; It has several complicated syntactic system. Words are used primarily in direct, nominative value, there is no emotional-expressive vocabulary. Suggestions are narrated, preferably have a direct word order.

Formal business style - functional style serving the area of \u200b\u200blaw, authority, administration, commerce within the state and between states. This style satisfies the needs of society in the documentary of various acts, state, public, political life, administrative and business relations between legal entities and individuals. Official and business style goal - information. The usual form of implementation of this style is a monologue. The official-business style of the accuracy of wording, imperfaction and dryness of presentation, high standard, with a large number of sustainable speech revolutions is distinguished.

Journalistic style - functional style, which is used in various spheres of public life: media (media), including electronic, politics, activities of public associations. The purpose of the journalistic style is to provide the desired impact on the mind and feelings of the listener or reader, to set up public opinion in a certain way. It is characterized by the use of expressive-estimated vocabulary on the background of neutral, as well as the use of fine-expressive language.

Literary and artistic style - functional style serving the aesthetic sphere of communication, the scope of verbal works of art. The main feature of the style is the contextual transformation of the words-concepts in word images to express the author's thoughts. The main task of this style is to influence the feelings and imagination of the reader. Hence the desire for the freshness of the image, increasing expressions and the widespread use of expressive, emotional-expressive means of speech. Artistic speech is the highest form of creative use of the language, its wealth, with such an extent it is characteristic of the author's individuality, that on the analysis of the language you can determine the belonging of the text to this or another writer.

Colloquial - This is a functional style serving unofficial communication. It refers to the oral form of the existence of the language, and therefore it is characterized by numerous repetitions, the question-response form of the presentation. It is distinguished by concreteness, expressiveness, expression of subjective attitude towards the outlined. Along with common words, it includes words dialectically and socially limited (professionalism, spacious, jargonisms), as well as emotionally and expressed painted.

Each functional style has its own characteristics in the implementation of the outstanding norm. Lumming up styles is carried out at the level of use of norms of orthoepia, vocabulary, word formation, morphology, syntax. Learning to ownership with stylistic wealth, as well as the practice of preventing and eliminating speech errors - one of the central problems of culture of speech.


Exercise 1. Determine the style affiliation of texts. Answer argue.

1. And, of course, was a storm. Evening, with a bugs sunset and clouds running around the horizon in the sea. And the waves with white heads broke their bones on the rocks and on the stones of the beach. They are terribly roaring, breaking around for the jump, fought on the shore and, turning into white boiling milk, the evil ranging, returning to the sea. This story happened in Yugoslavia, in this fabulous corner of the Earth, in the town, which is called Dubrovnik. Was the end of September - golden time for all lonely lonely holidaymakers and for the inhabitants, because the waves of tourists came to Italy, Germany, France and Russia and restored the semblance of rest. Even the music from the restaurant sounded gently and sentimentally.
(Vysotsky V. by the sea)

2. When you turn on the PC, the BOOT-ROUTINE boot program is automatically started. This program calls a POST self-test subroutine (Power-On Self Test), checking the RAM, processor, hard disk, etc. Next, the download program is looking for other BIOS chips that can be built, for example, in the extension board. SCSI controllers will run their own test programs. After that, the BIOS is already taken specifically for the extension boards, as well as the arrangement and testing of resource allocation.

(Shukhin I. Bios Computer)

3. Comparing literary and film-texts is quite difficult. First of all, because each of them obeys fundamentally different organizing laws focused on another type of perception. If the literary text, as a written, is associated with more or less rigorous logic, then film writing, mainly aimed at visual and sound perception, as, in particular, oral text is less structured. Nevertheless, it is this structure (large / smaller) and gives us the right to compare various types of texts as built in accordance with a certain principle and equally functioning in culture.

(Mikhailov V. Kinotext)

4. In order of the example, I would like to give another image. I spoke once with one sculptor, and he told me: often people imagine that the sculptor takes a block of stone, or a marble, or a piece of ivory, comes up with that he could design out of it, and starts to pull out, cut up, scraping everything that does not match it in anddenia. This, he said, not so. A real sculptor looks at the material and, looking at him, suddenly - or gradually - detects the beauty already concluded in it, and then begins to clear, release this beauty from everything that it prevents it from seeing it. In other words, the statue is already inside the material, the beauty is already inside; And the goal of the work is to free it out of what closes it from us. And the goal of our life is to dig, dig a tirelessly until we get to this hidden treasure in yourself and do not assimilate him, we will not identify with him.

(Metropolitan Surozhsky Anthony. How to live with yourself)

5. So, how do I proceed almost to the study of a new language? Suppose I want to explore azilsky language. This language, of course, does not exist. I came up with it at this very moment to summarize and emphasize the unity of my approach. For a start, I'm going to search for a fairly thickzilian dictionary. First I use this dictionary as a textbook. I do not teach words, just considering them: I consider letters and sounds, measure their length, as if it were about crossword. While I understand the reading rules, the dictionary also opens the other "secrets" of the language: I begin to notice, with the help of which funds are formed from one root, various parts of speech are formed, as the verb becomes a noun, noun - adjective, adjective - adjective, etc. This is only a test in language, taste, to touch. The first rapprochement with the tongue to make friends then.

(Kato Lomb. How I learn languages)

6. - You know, who would I like to be? - I say. - Do you know who? If I could choose what I want, damn it!

- Stop shout! Well, who?<…>

- You see, I presented myself as little children play in the evening in a huge field, in rye. Thousands of kids, and a circle - nor soul, no adult, except me. And I stand on the very edge of the rock, over the abyss, you know? And my business is to catch the children so that they do not break into the abyss. You see, they play and do not see where they run, and then I run up and catch them so that they do not break down. That's all my work. Hearing guys over the abyss of rye. I know it's nonsense, but this is the only thing I want to truly.

(Sallinger D. over the abyss in rye)

Task 2. Words in the text can express not only direct or figurative value, but also to transmit shades of the value. Analyze from this point of view the verbs "work" and "think" presented in this text. What style of speech is characteristic of this phenomenon?

One evening, Rutherford went to the laboratory. Although the time was later, in the laboratory, one of his numerous students bent over the devices.

- What do you do so late? - asked Rutherford.

- I work, - followed the answer.

- What are you doing during the day?

"I work, of course," the student answered.

- And early in the morning you also work?

- Yes, professor, and I work in the morning, I confirmed the student, counting on the praise from the mouth of the famous scientist.

Rutherford fastened and asked irritably: - Listen, and when do you think?

Task 3. Find words with a violation of the literary norm and determine the style in which they can be implemented.

1. Contracts - contracts; Proofreaders - corrector; Accountants accountant; cruisers - cruiser; Poles - Poles; locksmith - locksmith; Instructors - instructor.

2. Lang - I laugh, put - Loan; reward - awards, fasting - I am inspired; Lag - lyg, put - pitch, purred - purr, drinks - notes; colander - Droulag; Shoe - shoes.

Task 4. Read the text. Pay attention to the thin mechanism of the transition of thought into the word. What style is this phenomenon? Is it possible without loss of part of the content to change the style of this text? How could the content of this text be realized in scientific style?

How did it arise how matured written? Someone lived, loved, suffered and enjoyed; I watched, I thought I wanted - hoped and despite. And he wanted to tell us about something that is important for all of us that we need to spiritually see, feel, think over and assimilate. So, he learned something significant about something important and precious. And so he began to find faithful images, clear-deep thoughts and accurate words. It was not easy, it was not always possible and not immediately. The responsible writer lays out his book for a long time; years, sometimes - all life; Does not break up with her in the afternoon, no night; gives her her best forces, his inspired clock; "Sick" her theme and "healed" by Scripture. Looking for both truth and beauty s, and faithful style, and faithful rhythm, and everything in order to tell, not distorting, the vision of your heart ... And finally, the work is ready. (I. Ilyin. About reading)

Task 5. Below are the texts of the ads. Determine their style. Change the style and remove the texts according to the laws of another elected style.

1. On the mountain trails of Tajikistan: "Traveler! Be careful! Remember that you are here like a tear at the eyelary! ". 2. "Driver, remember: God did not create for a person spare parts." 3. Before entering into a small city: "Reduce the speed, we have no hospital!" 4. In Luxembourg: "Do not exceed the speed! On the turn, fly out or in France, or to West Germany! ". 5. "If you will drive at 60 km / h through our city, you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with our new prison; The speed of over 80 km / h will lead you to our hospital; If you exceed 100 km / h, you will have fun to rest in the world on our hospitable cemetery. " 6. In New York: "Remember: Telegraph poles cause harm to your cars only in self-defense!" 7. "Be careful behind the wheel! Hell is not filled yet and half! "

Task 6.Human and large person can be called like this: Giant, Bogatyr, Giant, Atlant, Giant, Colossus, Grenador, Greader, Hercules, Antey, Verjil, Dilda, Ambal, Silent, Mastodont, Elephant, Cabinet, etc.

Which of the listed words can be the name of a new catalog of finished clothes of large sizes (from 56th and higher) and for what reason? If none of the proposed words seems to be suitable for you, offer your options. Choosing motivate.

Task 6. Deploy the statements below in a small text in accordance with the styles specified in brackets.

1. V.P. Podonov provoked (started) a fight (official-business, conversational). 2. Thunderstorm (literary and artistic, scientific). 3. Large changes (publicist, conversational). 4. Put on the form (official-business, journalistic).

Task 7.. Choose one of the proposed statements and prove it with the right point by creating the text for which the statement would lead to the title. Use a certain style for this purpose and follow it with the laws..

1. Sing well together, and say - apart. 2. To know the names of things - have power over them. 3. They are not talking, but a person who says. 4. The language lives in us, and we live in the language. 5. You can not call a man with a sage only for the reason that he says smart speeches. 6. Reading for the mind is the same way that physical exercises for the body. 7. Actions of people are the best translators of their thoughts. 8. People are more willing to wave slander than the teaching. 9. The point is not to learn how to talk, but to learn to think.

Task 8. G. . Flaubert, figuratively describing speech, wrote: "Human speech is similar to the cracked boiler, and when we want to tighten your star music, we have a dog waltz" . V. Gyu said: "The language ranges from the majestic procession of writers." What is the associated appearance of such conflicting images from writers? What style are the statements in love? Find other quotes on the language and speech on the Internet, read them, determine the style.

Task 9.. Read the text. In writing answer the question "What is the value of the language in comparison with other information transfer systems?".

HY Oden, a person who twice changed the explanatory dictionary over the past ten years of life (the dictionary came into disrepair from too frequent use), the poet who was the only universal authority for himself adopted the authority of the English language and the poetic material of the language, wrote in the article "Letter": " Writers - and especially at poets - there are unusual relations with the public, because their tool, language, not at all the fact that the paints of the artist or notes of the composer; The language is the common property of the linguistic group in which they are forced to live. Therefore, people are very often confessed that they do not understand painting or music, but only a small part of those who graduated from high school and learned to read signs, will allow themselves to admit that he does not understand the native language ... ".

Control questions

1. What aspects can we consider the concept of style?

2. What is understood under the style in linguistics?

3. Is it possible to argue that the concept of style in linguistics expands? What categories here appropriate to talk about?

5. How many styles are allocated with modern linguistics and what are the debates going on about this?

6. How do the concepts of "style" and "functional style" relate?

7. How Acad. V.V. Vinogradov divided styles on a functional basis?

8. What are the peculiarities of scientific style?

9. What is understood as an official-business style?

10. What is the specificity of journalistic style?

11.What is the difference between the conversational (colloquial resource) style from scientific, journalistic and official-business?

12. How can I define literary and artistic style?

13. Is it possible to agree with Volter, who considered that "know many languages \u200b\u200b- it means to have many keys to one castle"? Answer argue.

14. Explain the meaning of the statement of P. Buast: "Language is the most faithful weapon for the founding of long-term dominion, and great writers are real conquerors."

Topics for oral messages

1. Style and speech situation: patterns and selection features.

2. The concept of text and its organization.

3. Speech as an indicator of social status speaking.

4. Semiotics as a science, its conceptual apparatus.