Performance in the Antique Theater of Chersonese. Forget Herostrata! (play)

Performance in the Antique Theater of Chersonese. Forget Herostrata! (play)

Theater man.

Tessartern - The Lord of Ephesus, the Satrap of the Persian Tsar.

Clementine - his wife.

Clean - Archont-Basil Ephesus.


Krasipp - Roshovist.

Erita - Treat of Temple of Artemis.


First city dweller.

The second city dweller.

The third citizen.

The place of action is the city of Ephesus. Time actions - 356 BC.

Part one

At the beginning - noise, screams, moans, crash of falling stones, and then silence comes immediately. Sinister silence. Just a few seconds of the silence that people need to understand what happened and go to tears and despair ... on the outstandsen of the theater.

Theater man. In the fourth century BC, Artemis temple burned in the Greek city of Ephesus. One hundred twenty years built his masters. According to legend, the goddess itself helped the architect. The temple was so gorgeous that he was brought into the number of seven wonders of the world. Crowds of people from all over the world flocked to his foot to worship the goddess and amaze the greatness of human affairs. The temple stood a hundred years. He could have a good millennium, and stood just a hundred years. In the fateful night of three hundred and fifty-six-year-old, a resident of Ephesus, a market trader named Herostrat, burned by the temple of Artemis.

Picture first

Theater man lights dim bronze lamp. The prison chamber is displayed.

Theater man. The prison of the city of Ephesus. Stone bag. Gloomy basement. The ancient Greeks were able to upward beautiful palaces and temples, but not prison. Prisons at all times were built primitively ... (Seeking where to sit down; not finding, departing to the edge of the scene.)

Behind the scenes heard some kind of breaking and brand. The door opens, a hefty jailer sticks into the Herostratus chamber. Herostrat has a rather shabby look: Hiton is broken, on the face and arms of the abrasion. Turning the Herostratus to the chamber, the jailer suddenly gives him a strong fear, which is why he flies to the floor.

Herostrat. Do not dare beat me!

Jailer. Silent, bastard! Privo! Why only the warriors took you from the crowd?! There, on the square, could immediately finish off! So no, it is necessary to comply with the law, drag into prison, pain your hands ... Ugh!

Herostrat (Rising from the floor). Still, you have no right to beat me. I'm not a slave - I am a man!

Jailer. Shut up! What kind of person are you? Potted dog! Burned the temple! What is it?! How can I decide on this?! Well, nothing ... tomorrow morning you will be tied with your feet to the chariot and your baby dumps around the stones. I love this spectacle, be sure.

Herostrat. Laugh, walk, the jailer. Today I heard words and stronger. (Moaning.) Oh, my shoulder! They almost broke my hand ... oh, how hurts. Give water!

Jailer. What more!

Herostrat. Give water. I dry out in my throat, and you need to wash the wounds, otherwise they will begin to be fed.

Jailer. Uh, boyfriend, you really mad! Tomorrow is executed tomorrow, and you worry, so that the wounds are not fused ...

Herostrat (screaming). Give water! You must bring water!

Jailer (Suitable for Herostratu and again gives him a buckle). Here you have water, wine and everything else! (Going to leave.)

Herostrat. Wait, I have a deal to you.

Jailer. I do not want to have any cases with you!

Herostrat. Wait! Look what I have. (Pulls out a silver coin.) Athenian drachma! If you fulfill my request, you will get it.

Jailer (Smiling). And so I get. (Comes to Herostratus.)

Herostrat (retreating). So you won't get!

Jailer (Continuing to move). Do not you think to deal with me, Dahklak? Well?! (Stretches hand.) Give it to me!

Herostrat. So you won't get! So you won't get! (Bows the coin in the mouth, putting it, swallows it.) Now you have to wait for my death.

Jailer (Opening). Oh you!.. (A second looks at Herostrata, thinking whether anything cannot be shed out of him, then spits from annoyance and turns to leave.)

Herostrat. Pave!

Jailer. What else?

Herostrat. I have a coin yet. (Pulls out a new coin.)

The jailer immediately makes an attempt to approach Herostratu.

Leave! I swear, she will fall in his stomach next to the first! Will you listen or not? Well? Do not make me swallow as many silver on an empty stomach.

Jailer (giving up). What do you want?

Herostrat. This is the conversation ... Do you know the house of the Roshovshchka of the Krasippa?

Jailer. I know.

Herostrat. Will you go there and tell the Krasippe that I ask him immediately come to me.

Jailer. What made up! A distinguished citizen will run to a jail on a date with a bastard! ..

Herostrat. Will be! You will tell him that I have a deal for him. Profitable business! Hear? Say: very profitable. It smells the whole state, understood? And when he comes, I will give you a drachma ... and the second! (Takes out a coin.) These are real silver drains, and not our Ephesian circles. Well? What did you think? Or imprisoned jailers?

Jailer. Oh a bastard! In life did not see such a bastard. Okay, I go. But if you deceive me, I swear by the gods, I will save you the stomach and get everything so much. (Goes out.)

Herostrat, thinking, walks around the chamber, rubbing the bruised shoulder. The theater is watching him.

Herostrat. Why did you come to us, a man?

Theater man. I want to understand what happened more than two thousand years ago in Ephesus.

Herostrat. Sleeping. Why to break your head over what happened so long ago? Do you have little problems?

Theater man. There are eternal problems who worry people. To understand them, do not sin remember what was yesterday, recently and quite a long time ago.

Herostrat. And yet it is tactlessly interfere in the events so distant.

Theater man. Unfortunately, I can't interfere. I will only follow the logic of their development.

Herostrat. What are you interested in now?

Theater man. I want to understand: you are scared?

Herostrat (defiant). Not at all!

Theater man. This is a replica for historians. And how really?

Herostrat. Scary. Only this is not such fear as it was. This is the fourth fear.

Theater man. Why the fourth?

Herostrat. I have already survived three fear. The first fear came when I was conceived what now did. It was a fear of the bold thought. Not very terrible fear, and I will overcome his dreams of glory. The second fear took me there, in the temple, when I lied a resin on the walls and spread the pass. This fear was stronger than the first. Hands tremended him and so dry into the mouth, that the tongue is adherent to the sky. But it was not the most terrible fear, I suppressed him wine. Tens of other sips! From this you are not drunk, but the fear passes ... the most terrible was the third fear. He burned the temple, overlaps were already poured, and one of the columns collapsed - she fell like a cut oak, and her marble cap splashed into pieces. People fled on all sides. Never on any holiday did not run so much zooak! Women, children, slaves, Metags, Persians ... Riders, chariots, rich and poor citizens of the city - all fled to my fire. And they screamed, and we were crying, and scolded their hair, and I ran on the exaltation and shouted: "People! I burned this temple. My name is Herostrat !!! " They heard my cry, because immediately became quiet, only the fire was silen, reaching wooden beams. The crowd moved to me. Moved silently. I am now seeing their faces, their eyes in which the reflected flame languages \u200b\u200bglowed. Then the worst fear came. It was a fear of people, and I could not repay him anything ... And now the fourth fear is the fear of death ... But he is weaker than everyone, because I do not believe in death.

... In the fourth century BC, Artemis temple burned in the Greek city of Ephesus. One hundred twenty years built his masters. According to legend, the goddess itself helped the architect. The temple was so gorgeous that he was brought into the number of seven wonders of the world. Crowds of people from all over the world flocked to his foot to worship the goddess and amaze the greatness of human affairs. The temple stood a hundred years. He could stand up millennium, and stood just a hundred years. In the fatal night of three hundred fifty-six-year-old, a resident of Ephesus, a market trader named Herostrat, burned by the temple of Artemis ...

Who sent a bullet in President John Kennedy? Lee Harvey Oswald.
And who took out these bullets? .. I strain my memory.
How is the names of the surgeons who fought for the life of the president? After all, they also wrote the newspapers. Their faces also appeared on TV screens ...
I do not remember! I do not remember!....

This is a paradox of memory: all of her attention is directed on the one who shed blood, and not the one who shifted it. A man who peak atrochet that covered himself "Herostratova Glory" was forever remained in history, dozens and hundreds of people who have achieved noble deeds, melted in obscurity ...
So for the first time in those distant days of the Dallaskaya tragedy, I thought about a man named Herostrat, about a small trader from the ancient city of Ephesus. Who is he? What did it look like? How and why a hand rose with a torch to burn one of the most amazing creatures of human culture - the temple of the goddess of Artemis?
I turned to historical chronicles, memoirs, documents. And then suddenly I was surprised that almost nothing was written about Herostrath. Historians and chronicles diligently accounted for the identity of the villain, mentioning him in passing, or not mentioning at all ... some kind of subconscious protest of conscience: Did you dream of glory? Will not work!
Aircraft hijacked! Shooted in deputies, senators, priests! And every time the killer not only did not seek to hide in the darkness of obscurity, but, on the contrary, she looked at me from the screens of the TV or newspaper picture, it was worth exploding from the "unknown" bombe somewhere, as several extremist organizations were called by telephone in the newspaper editorial office Write this crime on their account ...
Evil was more attractive than good, destruction and destruction was done inspired, he was mentioned as a creative process ...
And besides his will, I began to mentally return to an ominous figure of a small merchant from the city of Ephesus. Why myself deceive, I thought. There is no oblivion, there is humility. There is addictive to evil and violence. Forgive me, historians and chroniclers. I am not a stragbabrecher, but I am not an accompaniment of nonsense. It is impossible not to pay attention to the disease that destroys the body, regardless of whether the patient thinks about it or pretends that he is healthy and perfectly feels.
I started a dialogue with Herostratom, I tried to argue with him, sometimes I tried to understand him, sometimes applauded him, admiring his dexterity and dodgy, but at the end of the dialogue could not stand and grabbed a knife in his hands ...
Our dialogue is not over, despite the fact that the play has long been written and delivered ...
Herostrat achieved what he wanted - he remembers about him. But in this victory his defeat and his death. Forget about him - it means to forgive him everything. To remember him - it means not to accept him, not to forgive him anything and never ...

(From Preface Grigory Gorina to the play "Forget Herostrata")

What do you think friends?
Do you agree that "Herostratov Glory" is also fame?
What do you see the manifestations of the Glory of Herostrata in modern life?
And most importantly: what will be more correct - to forget the Herostratus or remember him?

Gregory Israelich Gorin

Forget Herostrata!

Forget Herostrata!
Gregory Israelich Gorin

FTM Agency Drama Library
The famous play Gregory Gorina, despite the fact that in its characteristics refers to the tragicomedy genre, in fact - one of the best philosophical plays of the second half of the 20th century. With unusually rare for art, the topic, namely, the theme of a person's place in history. As our exercise verse, there is someone called the theater man, existing in the background of unfolding events, although sometimes entering into a dialogue with individual characters. The overall canvance is already known from the history textbooks: living in Ephesus, conquered by Persians, Greek Herostrat, bankrupt, decides to burn the temple of Artemis to perpetuate their name. As we can judge missile defense more than 200 years, his plan was completely successful. It is in order to understand those events, and the theater is coming. At first everything is developing as it should, the people are indignant, requires the death of vandala. But because of the indecision of the lord of Ephesifer Euhesferna, the Herostrata execution is delayed, and the name is known in the centuries, unlike the creators of the temple, it is possible to incline the situation in their favor ...

Gregory Gorin

Forget Herostrata!


Theater man.

Tessarne - Lord of Ephesus, the Satrap of the Persian Tsar.

Clementine is his wife.

Cleon - Archont Basil Ephesus.


Krasipp - Roshovist.

Erita - a priestess of the temple of Artemis.


First city dweller.

The second city dweller.

The third citizen.

The place of action is the city of Ephesus. Time actions - 356 BC.

Part one

At the beginning - noise, screams, moans, crash of falling stones, and then silence comes immediately. Sinister silence. Just a few seconds of the silence that people need to understand what happened and go to tears and despair ... on the outstandsen of the theater.

Theater man. In the fourth century BC, Artemis temple burned in the Greek city of Ephesus. One hundred twenty years built his masters. According to legend, the goddess itself helped the architect. The temple was so gorgeous that he was brought into the number of seven wonders of the world. Crowds of people from all over the world flocked to his foot to worship the goddess and amaze the greatness of human affairs. The temple stood a hundred years. He could have a good millennium, and stood just a hundred years. In the fateful night of three hundred and fifty-six-year-old, a resident of Ephesus, a market trader named Herostrat, burned by the temple of Artemis.

Picture first

Theater man lights dim bronze lamp. The prison chamber is displayed.

Theater man. The prison of the city of Ephesus. Stone bag. Gloomy basement. The ancient Greeks were able to upward beautiful palaces and temples, but not prison. Prisons at all times were built primitively ... (looking for where to sit down; not finding, departing to the edge of the scene.)

Behind the scenes heard some kind of breaking and brand. The door opens, a hefty jailer sticks into the Herostratus chamber. Herostrat has a rather shabby look: Hiton is broken, on the face and arms of the abrasion. Turning the Herostratus to the chamber, the jailer suddenly gives him a strong fear, which is why he flies to the floor.

Herostrat. Do not dare beat me!

Jailer. Silent, bastard! Privo! Why only the warriors took you from the crowd?! There, on the square, could immediately finish off! So no, it is necessary to comply with the law, drag into prison, pain your hands ... Ugh!

Herostrat (rising from the floor). Still, you have no right to beat me. I'm not a slave - I am a man!

Jailer. Shut up! What kind of person are you? Potted dog! Burned the temple! What is it?! How can I decide on this?! Well, nothing ... tomorrow morning you will be tied with your feet to the chariot and your baby dumps around the stones. I love this spectacle, be sure.

Herostrat. Laugh, walk, the jailer. Today I heard words and stronger. (Moaning.) Oh, my shoulder! They almost broke my hand ... oh, how hurts. Give water!

Jailer. What more!

Herostrat. Give water. I dry out in my throat, and you need to wash the wounds, otherwise they will begin to be fed.

Jailer. Uh, boyfriend, you really mad! Tomorrow is executed tomorrow, and you worry, so that the wounds are not fused ...

Herostrat (screaming). Give water! You must bring water!

The jailer (comes to Herostratu and again gives him a tear). Here you have water, wine and everything else! (Going to leave.)

Herostrat. Wait, I have a deal to you.

Jailer. I do not want to have any cases with you!

Herostrat. Wait! Look what I have. (Pulls out a silver coin.) Athens drachma! If you fulfill my request, you will get it.

Joymaker (smiling). And so I get. (Comes to Herostratus.)

Herostrat (retreating). So you won't get!

Jigsaw (continuing to stop). Do not you think to deal with me, Dahklak? Well?! (Stretches the hand.) Give here!

Herostrat. So you won't get! So you won't get! (Bows the coin in the mouth, quit, swallows it.) Now you have to wait for my death.

Jigsaw (hanging). Oh, you! .. (A second looks at Herostrata, thinking whether it is impossible to exhaust a coin out of it, then spits from annoyance and turns to leave.)

Herostrat. Pave!

Jailer. What else?

Herostrat. I have a coin yet. (Pulls out a new coin.)

The jailer immediately makes an attempt to approach Herostratu.

Leave! I swear, she will fall in his stomach next to the first! Will you listen or not? Well? Do not make me swallow as many silver on an empty stomach.

Jigsaw (handing over). What do you want?

Herostrat. This is the conversation ... Do you know the house of the Roshovshchka of the Krasippa?

Title: Buy book "Forget Herostrata!": Feed_id: 5296 Pattern_id: 2266 Book_Author: Gorin Grigory Book_name: Forget Herostrata! Buy book "Forget Herostrata!" Gorin Grigory


Theater man.

Tessartern - The Lord of Ephesus, the Satrap of the Persian Tsar.

Clementine - his wife.

Clean - Archont-Basil Ephesus.


Krasipp - Roshovist.

Erita - Treat of Temple of Artemis.


First city dweller.

The second city dweller.

The third citizen.

The place of action is the city of Ephesus.

Time actions - 356 BC.

Part one

At the beginning - noise, screams, moans, crash of falling stones, and then silence comes immediately. Sinister silence. Just a few seconds of silence that people need to understand what happened and go to tears and despair ... on an externalTheater man.

Theater man

In the fourth century BC, Artemis temple burned in the Greek city of Ephesus. One hundred twenty years built his masters. According to legend, the goddess itself helped the architect. The temple was so gorgeous that he was brought into the number of seven wonders of the world. Crowds of people from all over the world flocked to his foot to worship the goddess and amaze the greatness of human affairs. The temple stood a hundred years. He could have a good millennium, and stood just a hundred years. In the fateful night of three hundred and fifty-six-year-old, a resident of Ephesus, a market trader named Herostrat, burned by the temple of Artemis.

Picture first

Theater man lights the dim bronze lamp. The prison chamber is displayed.

Theater man

The prison of the city of Ephesus. Stone bag. Gloomy basement. The ancient Greeks were able to upward beautiful palaces and temples, but not prison. Prisons at all times were built primitively ...

(Seeking where to sit down; not finding, departing to the edge of the scene.)

Behind the scenes heard some kind of breaking and brand. Opened door, hefty Jailer Inspective into the chamber Herostrata. Herostrat has a rather shabby look: Hiton is broken, on the face and arms of the abrasion. Turning the Herostratus to the chamber, the jailer suddenly gives him a strong fear, which is why he flies to the floor.


Do not dare beat me!


Silent, bastard! Privo! Why only the warriors took you from the crowd?! There, on the square, could immediately finish off! So no, it is necessary to comply with the law, drag into prison, pain your hands ... Ugh!


(rising from the floor)

Still, you have no right to beat me. I'm not a slave - I am a man!


Shut up! What kind of person are you? Potted dog! Burned the temple! What is it?! How can I decide on this?! Well, nothing ... tomorrow morning you will be tied with your feet to the chariot and your baby dumps around the stones. I love this spectacle, be sure.


Laugh, walk, the jailer. Today I heard words and stronger.


Oh, my shoulder! They almost broke my hand ... oh, how hurts. Give water!


What more!


Give water. I dry out in my throat, and you need to wash the wounds, otherwise they will begin to be fed.


Uh, boyfriend, you really mad! Tomorrow is executed tomorrow, and you worry, so that the wounds are not fused ...



Give water! You must bring water!


(Suitable for Herostratu and again gives him a buckle)

Here you have water, wine and everything else!

(Going to leave.)


Wait, I have a deal to you.


I do not want to have any cases with you!


Wait! Look what I have.

(Pulls out a silver coin.)

Athenian drachma! If you fulfill my request, you will get it.



And so I get.

(Comes to Herostratus.)



So you won't get!


(Continuing to move)

Do not you think to deal with me, Dahklak? Well?!

(Stretches hand.)

Give it to me!


So you won't get! So you won't get!

(Bows the coin in the mouth, putting it, swallows it.)

Now you have to wait for my death.



(A second looks at Herostrata, thinking whether anything cannot be shed out of him, then spits from annoyance and turns to leave.)



What else?


I have a coin yet.

(Pulls out a new coin.)

The jailer immediately makes an attempt to approach Herostratu.

Leave! I swear, she will fall in his stomach next to the first! Will you listen or not? Well? Do not make me swallow as many silver on an empty stomach.


(giving up)

What do you want?


This is the conversation ... Do you know the house of the Roshovshchka of the Krasippa?



Will you go there and tell the Krasippe that I ask him immediately come to me.


What made up! A distinguished citizen will run to a jail on a date with a bastard! ..


Will be! You will tell him that I have a deal for him. Profitable business! Hear? Say: very profitable. It smells the whole state, understood? And when he comes, I will give you a drachma ... and the second!

(Takes out a coin.)

These are real silver drains, and not our Ephesian circles. Well? What did you think? Or imprisoned jailers?


Oh a bastard! In life did not see such a bastard. Okay, I go. But if you deceive me, I swear by the gods, I will save you the stomach and get everything so much.

(Goes out.)

Herostrat, thinking, walks around the chamber, rubbing the bruised shoulder. The theater is watching him.


Why did you come to us, a man?

Theater man

I want to understand what happened more than two thousand years ago in Ephesus.


Sleeping. Why to break your head over what happened so long ago? Do you have little problems?

Theater man

There are eternal problems who worry people. To understand them, do not sin remember what was yesterday, recently and quite a long time ago.


And yet it is tactlessly interfere in the events so distant.

Theater man

Unfortunately, I can't interfere. I will only follow the logic of their development.


What are you interested in now?

Theater man

I want to understand: you are scared?



Not at all!

Theater man

This is a replica for historians. And how really?


Scary. Only this is not such fear as it was. This is the fourth fear.

Theater man

Why the fourth?


I have already survived three fear. The first fear came when I was conceived what now did. It was a fear of the bold thought. Not very terrible fear, and I will overcome his dreams of glory. The second fear took me there, in the temple, when I lied a resin on the walls and spread the pass. This fear was stronger than the first. Hands tremended him and so dry into the mouth, that the tongue is adherent to the sky. But it was not the most terrible fear, I suppressed him wine. Tens of other sips! From this you are not drunk, but the fear passes ... the most terrible was the third fear. He burned the temple, overlaps were already poured, and one of the columns collapsed - she fell like a cut oak, and her marble cap splashed into pieces. People fled on all sides. Never on any holiday did not run so much zooak! Women, children, slaves, Metags, Persians ... Riders, chariots, rich and poor citizens of the city - all fled to my fire. And they screamed, and we were crying, and scolded their hair, and I ran on the exaltation and shouted: "People! I burned this temple. My name is Herostrat !!! " They heard my cry, because immediately became quiet, only the fire was silen, reaching wooden beams. The crowd moved to me. Moved silently. I am now seeing their faces, their eyes in which the reflected flame languages \u200b\u200bglowed. Then the worst fear came. It was a fear of people, and I could not repay him anything ... And now the fourth fear is the fear of death ... But he is weaker than everyone, because I do not believe in death.

Theater man

Do not trust? Do you hope to avoid paying?


So far, as you see, I am alive.

Theater man

But it is still ...


Why should I give my head? We must come up with how to stretch it "while" to infinity.

Behind the wall heard noise, screams, sounds of struggle.

Theater man

I'm afraid you have no time left for pondays, Herostrat. There, at the entrance, the crowd. She broke into prison! .. here go here ...


(in fear)

They are not entitled! .. This is my self!


Hey, Guardy! Warriors! Help!

(Dreaming on the camera.)

Do something, man! Stop them!

Theater man

I have no right to interfere.


But so impossible! We must comply with the laws!

Theater man

It is strange to hear these words from you ...

Swipe the door, three citizens rushes into the chamber.


Who you are? What do you want?..

First town


You will answer for it! .. scum! Brainless cattle! Do not dare to touch me!

Third citizen

He is still bodied, scoundrel! Kniki!

Second town

(Riding at Herostrata)

Go out, Herostrat. Sumy adequately meet death.


Who gave you the right?! Idiots! ..

(Almost crying.)

Do not touch me ... I ask you ...

Second town

(puts her hand on the shoulder Herostratu)

Quickly enters Clean, a high gray-haired man of fifty years old. On it, dear White Himathius (something like a raincoat), decorated with red border.


(powerful, townspeople)

Leave it!

Seeing Cleon, the townspeople obediently let goostrate.

First town

We are citizens of Ephesus.


Are your names?

Second town

Why are they to you, Clean? .. We are not famous for anything. I am a mason, he - Potter, this one -

(indicates the third)



Still, why don't you want to name?

Second town

We are not talking not on your own behalf, Archont. We were sent people.


What do people want?

First town

People want to judge Herostrata.


The court will take place tomorrow or the day after tomorrow - that day when I appoint.

First town

The people are tremble. He believes that it is for nothing to postpone ...

Third citizen

We will have hands on this scoundrel! ..


(angry interrupting)

The people elected me with their archon! Or the name of Clean mean nothing more for Ephesians?! Then reubeble me! But while I am a supreme judge, the law will be followed by the law and order! So pass the crowd that sent you.

First town

We will give, but as it will do - unknown.


Samoyow will not allow! Everything should be by law. And the law says: everyone who kills the criminal to court, deserves death! This decision is made by the People's Assembly, and no one has canceled him. Herostrate will be punished, I swear to you! You do not believe my word?

Second town

We believe you, Archont ... You never cheated us.

First town

Hold the word and this time ...

Third citizen


We will calculate!

Citizens leave. Clean and Herostrat silently look at each other for some time: Clell - calmly and even with some curiosity. Herostrate recovered from fright and now looks defiantly bold.


Haire, Cleon!

Clean is silent.

Haire, Cleon! Do you think unworthy to welcome the Ephesian citizen?

Clean is silent.

Well, we will be silent, although it is stupid. After all, you came to me, and not the opposite.


Will talk. I just wanted to dip widget for you.


Did not expect to see a person? I thought that my fangs stick out or rude rude?


No, I imagined you so much. But it seemed to me that you should have a pimple face.



It seemed to me ...


No, Clean, I have a clean face, white teeth and a healthy body.


Well, the worse for you. Tomorrow this body is obviously reset into the abyss. You wanted this, the shooter?



My name is Herostratom! And you are in vain make an appearance as if you do not remember my name ...


Your name will be forgotten.


Not! Now it will remain in the centuries. By the way, about you, Cleon, will just remember because you judged me.


I hope the descendants will sympathize with me for this unpleasant duty ... However, it is enough to talk about eternity, Herostrat. You have only one night ahead. Tell me better about yourself - you need to know the court who you are from.


With pleasure! I am Herostrat, the son of Strathon, the native of Ephesus, a free citizen. I am thirty-two years old, by profession I am a merchant. I sold fish, greens, wool in the bazaar. I had two slave and two bulls. Slaves escaped, bulls came up ... I was ruined, spat on commerce and became a professional ancestor of the temples.


Have you had accomplices?


I did everything alone!


Just do not try to lie, Herostrat, otherwise the truth will have to talk under torture!


I swear, I was alone. Nudody himself: what is the point to share glory?


How do you penetrate the temple?


Usually through the entrance. I came there in the evening, hid in one hall, and at night, when the priests went away, began to work.


How did you manage to carry a jug so imperceptibly with a resin?


I did not hide him, and carried by everyone in sight. Priests are interested only in valuable gifts that rich people bring to the altar of the goddess. My cracked jug did not cause them any interest.


Were you drunk?


Not! Just a few sips - for courage.


Your neighbor trader said that one day you fainted on the bazaar.


And more than once, Clean. But it does not mean that I am a flooded ...


Oh, this is a very funny story! You see, when my trading matters went very badly and the usurists took away everything to my last Oola, I did not bother with any work, just to pay well for it. You know that according to the laws of our bazaars, it is impossible to water fish with water, so that she did not jump and did not look fresh than in fact. Shinder strictly fined merchants who violate this rule. That's, I came up with a fainting ... Walk in fish ranks and suddenly - ah! - Worn up on baskets. Merchants are poured on me and non-cha-yu-but splash on the fish ... I'll go off: Fish gets moisture, I am money.



But still, the supervisors finally understood that they were fooling, and I was greatly overlooked.


Obviously you often wipe?


Happened. People do not forgive those who are smarter than them.


People do not forgive those who consider them fools. Are you married?


Was, but divorced. My wife is theophila, the daughter of the Rosovshchik of the Krasippa. He gave ten thousand drachmas behind her, and I pounded to the dowry and forgot that together with money you have to take a stupid and ugly woman in the house ... Moreover, four months after the wedding she gave birth to her son. I realized that I was inflated, and sued himself. But the crypherapy fraudster won the process by convincing everyone that I was seduced by his "innocent" child long before the wedding. We were divorced, and, according to existing laws, I had to return the Krasippa all the dowry plus eighteen percent of the penalty. Even on his own daughter, this fraudster earned.


I immediately realized that you were a loser.


Yes it is. I was not lucky in disputes, nor in the game in the bone, nor in the cocks.


And for all this, did you decide to take revenge on people?


I did not Amestil, Cleon. Just suddenly I was tired of staring in obscurity ... I realized that it was worthy of the best destiny. And today my name knows everyone.


Unhappy! Today, the whole city repeats your name with curses.


Let! .. Today they curse, tomorrow they will treat interest, in a year they will love, after five, they will adore. Joke say - a man challenged the gods! Who decided to me on this? Is that Prometheus?



Do not dare to compare, scoundrel! Prometheus took the fire from God to give it to people, and you took the fire to rob people! The temple of Artemis was the pride of Ephesus. From the children's years we admired them, we were shrouded, because they knew: in every marble column, in each figure of the bas-relief a hundred and twenty years of human labor lies. Do you hear Herostrat? One hundred and twenty years! Changed generations, the masters were built and taught their arts sons to teach grandchildren ... Why did they do it? Is it really for one day the bastard came and all this turned to ashes?! No, Herostrat, you do not know people. They will forget your name, how to forget terrible dreams.


Well, let's see.


You do not look! Tomorrow in the late afternoon you will not be.



We'll see...


I do not understand what you hope?


For people, Cleon!


What kind of people?!


Yes, at least on you. After all, you just saved me from death.

Clean looks suspiciously at Herostrata, then, having shrugged inapprage, leaves.

Theater man

Do you really do not lose hope, Herostrat?


Of course not. There is a wise proverb on this. Losing money, she says, "You get experience, losing my wife - you get freedom, losing health - you get pleasure ... but you can not lose hope: losing hope - losing everything!

Theater man

You are executed! Logic events ...



Leave your logic, man. She is a bad adviser. Why didn't they killed me there, the temple, and now, in prison?

Theater man

People are humans ...


If they are humans, why do they want to execute me tomorrow?

Theater man

You hurt people, insulted their dignity and should be punished.


Nonsense! Is there justice that because of the stolen wife, the Greeks were destroyed by Troy and killed all the Trojans? What logic do you explain this cruelty? And so, look, the time passed, and Homer felt them in Iliad. No, I don't need logic, but power. Let me feel the power - and I will start to manage events and people, and only then philosophers will find justify everything that happened.

Theater man

Maybe. But then the other philosophers will still come and restore the truth.



I have no time to argue with you! I have too little time. Where is this fraudster is a krisipp? Bring it, he makes himself wait ...

Theater man

I'm not here then to serve you.

(Departs aside and continues to observe the action.)

Greetships include, a fat old man, in rich purple gymality.



At last! Greetings to you, Krasipp!


Despite his employment, he could not refuse the pleasure to spit you in the face.


Square! Now I am sip and that.


No seriously! You know how many things I have! Today, the goods arrived from Crete - you need to go check, you need to go to the bazaar, to visit the change, then - in court: today they are judged by the two debtors, then a business meeting with a Persian merchant ... But the wife clung to me, shouts: "Crisipp, Leave all things, go and spit in the face of Herostratu! " How could I refuse to ask your beloved woman?

(Spits in the face Herostratu.)

It's you from her!



Okay! I want from my daughter's face, and let's go to the point!


The daughter asked to climb your eyes and snatch the tongue.


No, it is not suitable. I have to see you and talk to you.


What should we talk about, negligible from people?


About money, krasipp. Is this not a topic for conversation? I have to you a hundred drachm.


Of course, must, bastard. But how do I get them now? Dishonest man! You and the temple burned, probably only to not pay with me.


I want to return you a debt.



This is noble. You can see, fell a piece of conscience.

(Stretches hand.)


With myself only two drachmas, and they promised the jailer.


Then I have to complete my daughter. We do not have anything to talk about.


Do not rush! I will return you a debt, and even with such percentages that you did not dream. I want to sell you this ...

(Pulls out the papyrus scroll.)


What's in this papyrus?


Notes of Herostrata! Memoirs of a man who burned the greatest temple in the world. There is all: life-in-law, poems, philosophy.


And why do I need this patchwork?


Fool, I offer you pure gold! You will give it to the corresponders and you will sell through three hundred drachm every scroll.


Leave it gold yourself. Who now makes money on writings? We live in a restless time. People began to eat a lot and read little. Traders papyrus barely reduce ends meet. Eschila no one takes. Aristophane goes cheap. What is Aristofan! Homer is littered with warehouses, great homomer! Who will buy the works of such a graff and how are you?


You are a fool, a krasipp! Sorry, but you are a big fool! I do not understand how you still have not broken up with your intelligence? What do you equal wine and milk? I suggest you are not faster myths, but "notes of the tomb of the temple of Artemis Efesse"! Yes, such a papyrus with your hands will tear off! Think, Krisipp! Are the thoughts of such a monster as me? The manner will releasing each line! I already see how he reads this manuscript to his wife, and she wakes up from fear and delight.



The rulers of the city will ban the sale of your papyrus.


All the better! So, the price will rise!


You are not so stupid, as it seemed ... Well, come on!


What "Come on"? What "Come on"?


Are you going to pay with me? In the payment of your debt, I will take this papyrus.



What? Are you going to get my immortal creation for a hundred drachm? Have some shame! This is a script! Here is my signature. Thousand drachm, no less!


How? Thousand?! Oh Gods! This person really clouded the mind! Thousand drachma!


Calm down, not a thousand. I should have been a hundred, it means that you have nine hundred and nine hundred. Deal?


Never! Such a sum for a dubious product? I will stop respecting myself.


What is your price?


My? .. My ... Listen, why do you need money? You are executed tomorrow!


None of your business. I sell - you buy, pay!


But the dead man does not need cash. There are no silver.


It does not concern you. Call price.


Well, from a good feeling ... just from curiosity ... To read by yourself at your leisure ... One hundred fifty drachms!


Stay, Cryp!

(Removes papyrus.)

Go, go ... Purchase the dates and sell figs. Earn one drachma per percentage and do not forget to eat your hair when you understand that I lost millions. I immediately call for myself a Menander's debris, and he, without hesitation, will post me one and a half thousand ...


But it's not good! You still, all the same my former relative.


When you trampled money from me, I didn't really think about the kindred feelings. Stay, Cryp!



Not seriously.


Two hundred and fifty!


Do not cheese, krisipp! I offer you a brilliant work.

(Pulls papyrus.)

Just listen.

(Is reading.)

"The night dropped meallee above the Ephesus asleep. In the temple of the goddess stood alone, with a mixture and packles! " From this frost on the skin!



"Oh Herostrat! - I applied to myself with a call. - Be adamant, be bold and fulfilled everything that I conceived! "


You get out of the heat meter, - four hundred!


"The torch in my hand flashed like the sun in the sky,

And I highlighted the divine Lick of Artemis! "



Four hundred fifty, Herostrat, I can no longer.


"Listen, goddess! - Then I shouted Stateie. - Listen to me, trembling and ... "

(Interrupting reading.)

Okay, come on five hundred! I agree?


(with a sigh)

I agree...


"Statya"! Illiterate Writing.


And so! Give me money!


I do not have with myself. Come on Papyrus, I go home ...


Not tricky. The people of your profession do not go into the city without a wallet.


(Glowing Hands)

I swear, I do not have with myself!


Do not shake hands - you ring!


(giving up)

Okay! Put my money, robber!

(Counts the Herostrate of the coin, Papyrus takes.)

Oh, I turn around with your writing ...


Do not lie to yourself, the cri ... You will never give drachmas if you don't believe that it will bring a hundred.


(hiding papyrus)

Thanks for the compliment. And you have a good brains, Herostrat. It is a pity that before you did not give me any ideas.


Previously, you would not listen to me, Krasipp. Previously, I was only your poor son-in-law, and now I have behind my back - burned the temple.


No, you are definitely nonsense ... definitely ...

(Goes out.)


(shouts to him after)

Hurry up with a correspondence, krisipp! Now every minute in the account ...

(Calls money.)

Here you go! The first step is made ...


Hey, jailer!

Appears Jailer.

Get two drachmas! And now three - for the right service.


(taking money)

However, you are generous, bastard.


You will get two more drams if you stop insulting me.




But you can earn fifty drachms if you fulfill a new order.




Yes, fifty!


Say what needs to be done ...


See this wallet? He is full of silver. Sick me out of here your fifty, the rest should be in Kharchevna Dionysius.


There are all the drunkards of Ephesus.


Give them this money on the plug.


Give such money the most recent Zabuldigam and scum? What, Herostrat?


None of your business. Throw them all the silver and say that the Herostrate alert asks them to drink for his health. Do not try to deceive me, jailer, and make money! I swear: these gangsters still recognize about my donation, and then they will unscrew your head! Understood?


(Taking a wallet)

What did you conceive, Herostrat?


What did I conceive a jailer? I decided to prove to Cleon, which is not so bad to know people ...

Picture of the second

Hall in the Palace of the Lord of Teissferna. Tesfern himself, in the purple royal robe, will face a high wooden bed. Before him is a small table with fruit and wine. Tessarne greedily flies grapes.

Theater man

Lord of tessartern, are you excited?


Why do you say that?

Theater man

I read in historians. Describing the tendency of your character, they noted that whenever you were excited, you had a brutal appetite.


Did not notice.

(Bows the brush of grapes in the mouth, but, having spoiled, immediately spits her.)

Ugh! You can not eat calmly! These historians and poets are so slying in the yard, and they look, what to describe and capture. This morning, the back was worried, came up to the column, leaned off, just wanted to shrugged, I look - already some chronicle got a papyrus and prepared to scribe. Well, what can you say? Flour, not life!

Theater man



For a long time they would drive them into the neck, but this is a whim of Clementines. She was prevented on a great mission, which fell to our share. Every morning, Clementine wakes me with words: "Get up, tessartern, story does not want to wait!" The story does not want to wait, and I don't get enough sleep because of her.

Theater man

You are the Lord of Ephesus.


What is the lord compared to his own wife? Yes, if you are old, and she is young if you are Persa, and she is a Greek. There are no more powerful women than the Greek. I do not understand - how do the Greeks manage to marry them? So that Socrates was a sage, and then his own wife washed over him on fun around the city.

(Eating grapes greedily.)

Theater man

You are very excited ...


You will be excited when every day presents a surprise. Do not forget that I am not a king, but just satrap. I need to obey the Persian king, you have to live in the world with Sparte, maintain contact with Athens, follow the phiva, fear of Macedonia and all combined. And here in such a tense moment in the city entrusted to me burns the temple of Artemis! What is this - the mistake, conspiracy?!

Theater man

I don't know this yet ...



I'm tired of life, dove. In his youth, I was bold and fearless, drove troops into battle, and the Greeks trembled with one of my name ... Now I am old, doctors forbidden me to worry and get out ...

(Bows in the mouth of a brush grapes.)

Theater man

Clell came to you.



At last! Let them go!

The theater man makes an attempt to leave.

You stay!

Theater man


Sit, I ask you. You are a slightly ... you will help me with advice or remind you of saying ... the wise men ... Now I will have to make an important decision.

The theater man sits in the corner of the scene. Includes Clean.


(bending respectfully)

Haire, Teissfern! Archont-bassille of Ephesus welcomes you.


Haire, Cleon! I'm waiting for you impatiently. Have you been in prison?



Well, tell me! Is this a conspiracy?


No, tessartern. The temple burned one person.


Praise the gods! One person is not so scary. Who is this madman?


A resident of Ephesus - Herostrat. Former merchant.




I thought so.


(somewhat offended)

What do your words mean, tessartern? He could be Perse, Scythian, Egyptian and anyone.


But he is Greek.


I am also Greek! And most of the inhabitants of Ephesus are Greeks. However, the whole people are not the defendant for one rascant.


Of course, of course, dear Clean. Do not be angry. I did not think to insult all the Greeks. I was just sure that the arsonifier is Greek. After Ephesus became the ownership of Persia, it was necessary to expect that any of the Greek patriots would throw out something like this!


The least, Herostrat thought about patriotism. If he was a patriot, he would have arranged a fire in the barracks of Persian warriors or tried to kill you.


(Continuing to pinch grapes)

Perhaps ... Why did he do it?


To perpetuate your name.


Funny ...


Not so funny, as it may seem at first glance. This act is your terrible intent. This is the challenge to people, tessartern.


Still funny. I have never heard anything like that. Does he realize that he was executed?


He is in a sense reason.


And not afraid of death?


I did not understand this. In a conversation with me, he kept independently and boldly. The Herostrat tells his atrochement with the exercise of the Creator.


Very interesting. You're incite my curiosity, Clean.

(Suddenly turns to one of the columns, shouts.)

Clementine, enough to hide! Go listen to what I can tell Cleon.

Because of the column comes out Clementine, it is somewhat confused by the fact that it was noticed.



Greetings to the Lady of Ephesus.


Haire, Cleon!


What makes you think I'm hiding? I passed through the hall, and I accidentally unleashed Sandals.


You have the smartest sandals in the world, Clementine, they are always unleashed when they talk about something interesting in this room.


Do you reproach me in what I overhear?


I do not blame, but thank you. Knowing that my words always achieve your ears, I try to invest more wisdom in them ... well, so what will you say about the fire?


I will say that it is terrible. Only it seems to me that this slying burned the temple not at all of the vanity.


He himself admitted to me.


You judge, Cleon, the accused never be sincere.


Do you think there was another reason?


Yes! I am sure that he did it because of unfortunate love!


I do not think. The Herostrat spoke about his ex-wife with contempt.


What is your wife? Because of his wives, dear Cleon, no one set fires temples. No, there is another ... here is an unrequited love that brought a man to despair. They will never be spoken at the interrogation, this secret is carried with them to the grave. And somewhere on Earth, a woman crying that rejected this unfortunate Herostrata. She tears her hair and curses that hour when she told him "no"! But in the depths of the soul she is happy and proud of himself ... I envy her.


Are you envy?


Sure. Because no one would fit the temples.


My wife should not envy anyone! Listen, Clementine, why didn't you tell me that you love fires? I would have arranged it for a long time.


No, dear tessarne. You would have burned because of me a couple of houses, but would not go for death for me.


Of course not! It is impossible to love a woman and strive to make her widow.


It seems to me that the respected Lady of Ephesus is not right. She is too clean and elevated to understand all the abominations of this act. She would like to see in Herostrath a noble madman, and he is just a narcissary maniac. Due to severe love, temples are built, and do not destroy them.


Right! And so the villain tomorrow will be executed!

(Turns to the theater man.)

Here I need some kind of saying ...

Theater man

Sophocle will suit?


What exactly?

Theater man

From the "king of Edipa" ... "There is justice in the gods the arranged world: and the atrocity leads the omitousness!"



"There is justice in the gods of the arranged world: and the atrocity leads the omitousness!"


(bow respectfully)

Your mouth speaks the wisdom itself, the lord.


We must call the chroniclers, let them bring this phrase into the palace book.


Unfortunately, I did not come up with it, Clementine. This is sofokl.


Do not modest, cute! Sofokl just guess your thoughts ...



Theater man

Tessarne, a priestess of the temple of Artemis Erita came to you.


Poor pol pops! .. Let them go!


Do we leave you, Lord?


In no case. To speak one on one with this old woman is always painful. And now she will begin to fuck her hair, fight in hysterics. I am afraid of her, honestly.


The lord of Ephesus is not entitled to be afraid of anyone!


I know, but this woman stands closer to the gods than we all ...

Erita enters. She is in black mourning robe. (Gets up with a bed and goes to meet it, which testifies to the big respect for the lord.)

Haire, Erita! The ruler of Ephesus welcomes you and grieves with you!


Haire, Erita! Accept my condolences.


Your grief is our common grief, Erita!


(Says, turning to heaven, but so that they are heard surrounding)

Black day has come for people! Black day! I see how the gods gathered on the Olympus on a terrible court ... Oh people, be afraid of their vedney! ..


We will pray them about mercy, Erita.


No more temple of Artemis! The goddess of forests do not have her dwelling! Mount me, the faithful servant of the goddess, I did not save her house! Why am I not died?! Why did the fire spare me?! Why did the wall of the temple not collapsed on my gray head?! I have to scatle my eyes to not see this terrible ashes!

(Ecstasy scratches his face.)


Well! Calm down, respected Erita! Why so to syntitate? You are our intercession. Only from your mouth the goddess listens to Molub about forgiveness ...


I do not dare to address the goddess with a prayer. I am guilty of her - missed the robber in her house.


Where did you know, Erita, what is he a robber? Of course, you believed trustingly that this kind man came to the altar.


(in ecstasy)

Be cursed the human tribe, which threatened the villain! Let the zelium zeus get on him!


Why do you call on the kara gods for all of humanity, Erita? People are not guilty of anything!


No, Cleon, people are to blame and must redeem their guilt. I will introduce the tax on all the inhabitants of Ephesus in favor of the affected goddess and its priests. And tomorrow we are executed at the city square tomorrow!


May it be so!


Just need to come up with a case more trick. What do you think, Clean, what is better: wheelchair or loop?


Tomorrow our court will solve it, the Lord. But I would not want to arrange a sight from execution. The ambition of Herostrata will pollen by a large cluster of the people, he is eager for a majestic death, but he is not fit. It must be judged as an ordinary rogue ...


You're right. And I have made an order: "To all residents of Ephesus forget the Herostrata forever!" This order carved on the marble chalkboard and hang on the city square ...


And thereby inconsistent the name of the criminal. No, tessarne, do not need orders. People will delete him from their memory ...



Perhaps so ... I did not think about it.

(Turning to the theater man.)

This Cleon straightens me all the time and teaches. Give me a thought ...

Theater man

From Euripid: "That's the power of the kings can be mighty, so that justice reigned on earth!"


Not very modest, but ... "That and the power is given to the kings, justice reigned on Earth!" So I wrote Euripid, I do it.

(Significant tone.)

Archon-bassille Cleon, commanding you start the court tomorrow!


Ephesus Lord, I came to ask for a delay ...



On behalf of all servants of the temple ...


The former temple ...


On behalf of all servants of the Church of the Goddess, I ask to postpone the trial of Herostratom.


And why is that?


When the Akteon Hunter accidentally saw the goddess Artemida nude, the goddess swept anger, she turned the hunter into a deer, and that was broken off his own dogs!


I heard this legend. So what?


The goddess itself will punish Herostrata! It will be such a punishment that we, weak people, do not come up with.


It's impossible. People require immediate execution of Herostrata.


The people are stupid, goddess - wise!


But Herostrat brought Mount to people!


Herostrat primarily offended the goddess! The goddess has enough strength to take revenge on the offender.


We do not doubt the power of the goddess, Erita, but understand: there is a law ...


The laws rule the kings, and the kings rule the gods. Do not forget about it, tessartern.


Forgive me for the bold words, Erita, but doesn't it seem to be strange that the omnipotent goddess did not prevent Herostratu to burn her temple? Where was her anger when this scoundrel smeared the wall resin? Why did she not struck him out of his sacred bows? Or was she something busy and looked at the criminal?


Do not blasphemes, Clean! I'm not a matter of mortals to delve into the thoughts of the gods! Maybe they test us.


Moreover, we must pass through this test with honor. Creating people, the gods put the mind and conscience in them. Both are required by the court over the criminal!


I do not ask to cancel the court - I ask him to delay it. Two hours ago, one of the servants of our temple was serving to the Delphian Oracle. Let the oracle ask the gods about the fate of Herostrata and will give us their will.


To the Delphic Oracle?! Delph dozen day of day. Ten there, ten back - and then if the wind will drive sails. So, we will not be able to appoint a court for a month.


Lord, on behalf of the National Assembly of Ephesus, on behalf of all residents of the city I demand the immediate execution of the villain!



Lord, on behalf of the employees of the Cult, I demand a delay!


Do not indignant people, tessarne!


Do not insult gods, Lord!


Herostrat - a terrible man, tessarne. He is a chiter and podl.


Ephessians have nothing to be afraid while they are under the auspices of Olympus.


Quiet! Do not join me.

(Eating grapes greedily.)

Clementine, what are you silent? Possess!


You have already accepted the decision, tessartern. We must be faithful to your word.



Not the case of the Lord to ask the Council of the woman.



Not a woman's business to interfere when a husband is advised to his wife!


Stop! I have to think.

(Eating grapes thoughtfully.)


(quiet, theater man)

Have you seen Herostrata?

Theater man


Is he beautiful?

Theater man

Let's say it is good.


Theater man

Yes. And why are you interested in?


Ordinary female curiosity ...



What did you decide the Lord?




I abstained. So, it was decided: execution!


Wait, tessartern. I have changed my mind! Maybe really standing with the court?


What does it mean, Clementine? Or every next minute brings you a new solution?


The gods form you, Clementine?


I think you need to appoint an additional investigation. The carrier version did not convince me.


The people elected me by archon! I have never stained this title ...


Well, well, Cleon, my wife did not want to offend you ...


I appreciate the merits of our archon, but he can be wrong. I consider it necessary to interrogate Herostrata.


The situation has changed: for the immediate execution - one voice, against - two! Solved: Delay!


Lord! Do not take early decisions. Under the threat of the laws of Ephesus!

Theater man

Wait, tessartern! Listen, and I am ready to help you not quote, but by advice. Herostrata must be judged now, it is dangerous to postpone. The unspecified evil grows as a snowball and can turn into avalanche. Your city can pay expensive for the indecision of the ruler ...

Behind the walls of the palace noise and screams.

Hear? This is noise Ephesus. The people are waiting for your word, tessarne!



Stop! I'm tired, and all grapes are eaten ... you confused me. Let's spend the last vote.




Theater man




You, Lord?

The crowd's noise behind the windows of the palace is enhanced.


(Forky, exactly from dental pain)

How they are noisy.


People require your decision, Lord.


I accepted the decision: Close the window!

(Takes Clementina to hand and together with her slowly and significantly leaves the Palace Hall.)

Picture Three

The same furnishings of the prison chamber as in the first picture. In the chamber - Herostrat.

Because of the scene, there is an unclear muttering and some kind of tearing drunk song. Steering, enters the jailer.



"... I will sing Dionysus, the son of a glorious symtel. How at the Cape Open once sat ... "


Finally came! Turtle! For such money it was possible to run quickly.


(continues to sing)

"... a young man in the very precious forces of the young, and curls wonderful with a blue breech shook ..."


Uh, yes you got, buddy!


Yes, Herostrat, I drank! I drank and this does not hide it ... When you have to serve such a person, as you, you shame to be sober ... You have to drink, so as not to torment the conscience ...


Now does not torment?


Tormented, but not so ... if not my scarciful salary, I would not take a drachma in my life ... this ...


I paid you not to hear curses?


I keep silent ... Silent, Herostrat, although I wanted to call you a bastard.


Did you fulfill everything?



Well, tell me how it was.


When I came to Kharchevna Dionysius, all Ephesian Shantrap was assembled. There were people of two varieties: some wanted to drink, others - dreamed. But those and others had no drachma for the soul ... and here I entered! When they saw my wallet, they decided that Dionysis himself sent me, and they tried to kiss me, but I did not give them ... I called your name. Here they indignant and began to donate you ... say, what words did they call you?



Sorry! There were amazingly juicy expressions ... Then they began to think what to do with money ... Some wanted to throw them into her needarer, others offered them to do it all. Others turned out more! We drank and talked about you.


What did you say?


We decided that you, of course, a pig and a bastard, but something is humane in you, once you think about the suffering and thirsty hours ...


And really nobody called me a glorious guy?


We did not drank enough for this, Herostrat.


Nothing! If fate is favorable to me, you will still have a case for a drink to the Darmovshchina. Then, I hope you call me a glorious guy?


It may well be. Do you have money?


Be sure!


Believe. You are blurred small, since I managed to cut out the whole silver wallet from the Krasippa. But the main thing is that I can earn you. The prison gates are a few people who are ready to pay me just to look at you ...


That's how? Well, I do not mind. So interest in my person is increasing. Very good! Who are these people?


Several merchants, one bricklayer, one artist - his name is Varnahiy, he paints vases - and some kind of woman.


Uh, yes there is a whole excursion! .. Let's start with a woman, a jailer. She's pretty?


It's hard to say - she closed her face.


Let her first!



Will be done!


Are you telling me, the bastard?


So what? My orders are not bad.



Oh gods, why didn't you commit to raise me a salary? .. so unpleasant to be sold ...

(It turns back and soon returns, accompanying Clementina, on which - Black Himathiyaths, the face is closed with shawl.)

Here is a woman, that villain, whom you wanted to see.


Thank you, the jailer.

(Gives him money.)

Will you let me talk with him alone?


(recalcifying money)

Talk. Only for a short time, there are still anyone ...

(Goes out.)


What led you to me, a woman?




Well, this is a good quality. If there were no curious, life would seem much more boring. What interests you in me?



It is impossible to know everything. But I can give you advice: Soon my notes will appear in the city - read them. There is a lot of interesting things for curious.


Read And now let me look at you.


How do you find me?


You are beautiful, and you have a high height.


Why should I be small? Strange people, for some reason you are sure that the temple arsonist should be a utter. Clell believed that I had a pimpled face, did you imagine a dwarf, yes?


Everyone in the city is said that you burned the temple from vanity. I do not believe in that. It seems to me that there is another reason.


What can be more beautiful than glory, a woman? Glory is stronger than the power of the gods, she can give immortality.


Agree. But there is one sense in the world that is valued no less than fame.




Love? You are mistaken ... love can humiliate a person, fame - never.


Even if this is the glory of the villain?


Even she. Who built the temple of Artemis? Well? Do not suffer, you probably forgot the name of the architecture. But you will always remember the name of Herostrata. See how the glory makes a person an immortal one in one night?


And yet I hoped that it was not the reason for your act. I thought there was a woman in Ephesus, because of the love of which this bonfire broke out.



What naivety! Yes, all the women of Ephesus are not worth the fact that even the chicken fledged from behind them.


Come to me.



Herostrate comes to Clementine, she gives him a calling slaughter.


Well, you! I can give delivery!

(Comes to Clementina.)

I have enough to fall in life! Before death, I would like to do without slap ...


This is for all women, nothingness!

(Removes shawl.)



(Laugh nervously.)

Ay dahostrat! Well done! The Lady of Ephesus came to you on a date!



Date is completed, Herostrat! Already uninteresting conversation with you.


Why? What disappointed you in me, Clementine?


You can be a slave, but thinking as a king! And you are a small shopkeeper, Herostrat, and think as a small shopkeeper ...


I do not understand.


And you will not understand! Scooty brains have invested your parents. I do not believe that you consciously burned the temple of Artemis. You, probably, Spyan accidentally arranged a fire? It was so, aware?!


I do not understand what you want?


(nervously walks on stage)

Nutty! I imagined his hero with a brave heart, with beautiful thoughts, and he ... Worm! He lived like a worm and die as a worm! Clean was right: I am too elevated to understand the insignificant ...


Wait, wait, Clementine. I do not understand what you're talking about ... Let's think! .. Oh, I understood everything! Well, of course! Ah, fool!


All clear!

(Suitable for Clementine, applies hand to heart.)

I love you, Clementine!


You are lying, scoundrel!


Of course, Luge, but it was exactly that you wanted to hear? What in the name of love for you I burned the temple?



I do not need, it seemed to me that there is a woman ...


Do not be sick, Clementine. Do you care about other women! Everyone knows that you are the first in Ephesus. Artists paint you, gymns of the poets are found to you! Thousands of young men cry at night, dreaming about you ... and suddenly such an event - the temple of Artemis was burned! Why? Of course, because of unhappy love. Because of love? To whom?! Aware, Clementine, you frightened the rivals. Is there a different woman who can love more in Ephesus than you? With this question, did you come to me?


Let it be. But now I see that I was mistaken.


And you calmed down? I do not believe! Your vanity is no less than mine. I really want to stay in the history of a woman for which men went to death ...


You know, Clementina, why am I burd to the temple of Artemis? Because I consider you more beautiful than the goddess itself!



Saluch! Do not bring the wrath of the gods!


Do not be afraid, Clementine! That I called them anger, and I will answer. You will have only fame ... Who is Artemis? The cruel goddess of hunting. She is worn through the forests with the retinue of their animals, shoots from the bow and hides from the human gaze. She does not know how to love, unhappy! Why should her temples erect? Why do victims bring her? Yes, she is not your mother's maiden!


Stop doing that! I'm scared!


You are nice, Clementina. I feel: the blood hit you in the face, wriggled head. Think: years will be held, you will make your skin, you will develop your hair, and people will look at you and say: here is a woman who has not been inferior to the beauty of the goddess. She was loved as anyone in the world! .. You will be written poems, tragedies ... The best actresses of the world will make your face to your face, and the name of Clementine will become a symbol of beauty and greatness. Enviable fate!


What do you want, Herostrat?


Tomorrow, when I will execute me, I will say to the name "Clementina"! I will say that, falling in love and not counting on a response feeling, I challenged the gods. I will say that the Greeks do not dare to worship some Artemis when there is such a miracle among us as you. Let me say it?



I allow.


(business tone)

So! Agreed! Consider that the deal took place. What is your price?


What price?


For glory I pay life, and you?


I will give you gold.


Why do I need it? Surprised to execute cease to be arched.


What do you want? Run


If I run, then who will pave your way to immortality?


Now I do not understand what you are talking about.


You said: There is a feeling in the world that is valued at least than glory. Love! I always treated her incredulously, but maybe I'm mistaken?


I want your love, Clementine!



What?! Did the mind closed!


Maybe. But this is my price.


Fool! Before you, the lady of Ephesus, and you say with her like a sales woman!



Ah, sorry, Mrs., I did not think to insult your person. All my life I lived among the coarse Luda, how did I get a good manner? After all, I am a former shopkeeper, Mrs., and how you justly noticed, I have a thoughts of the benchmark. I thought: because I buy me - I can call the price.


Stop crying! Be Prudence, Herostrat. Do not forget: I am a wife of tessarne and have an impact on it. Want, I will make it for a long time to delay your execution?


Want! But in addition I want your love. Several unnecessary days will extend torment, but your love will scratch my flour.


What do you like my love? Half an hour ago, you did not even think about me.


I fell in love with you at first glance.


Lite! You conceived something and fuck.


I'm not cunning, Clementine, I'm just gaining a new role. Tomorrow the whole city learns that I am a crazy in love, let me believe it too. Love me, Clementine.


The prison chamber is not a place for love.


What am I guilty that the criminals do not distinguish the bedrooms with Alcove?

The theater man gets up from his place, comes to Clementine.

Theater man

Sorry, Clementine, but I have to speak. I see you begin to give up Herostratu. Be hard! No one knows how he will be able to take advantage of your favor.



You promised not to interfere!


(Man theater)

But I want him to call my name before execution! Are I not worthy of this?

Theater man

I do not tell me about it, Clementine. Your beauty is glorified by poets - why do you need deception?


Listen, Clementine, I can call the name of another woman.




Isn't little in Ephesus noble people who want to become famous?


You will not dare to do it!


Look at me, Clementine. Is there anything impossible for such a person?

Theater man

Clementine, do not be reckless! You are a decent woman. Glory do not buy such a price ...


And if I like him? If I almost loved it?


Theater man

Loved? Loved the Herostrata? ..


Then do whatever you want ...

The jimmer appears.


Stop! You are sick. They are waiting for the following ...

(Having learned Clementine.)

Oh Gods! Who I see!


You see nothing, the jailer!


How I see nothing when I see ...



You see nothing, the jailer! And if your tongue will not sit behind your teeth, then the head will pay for it. Understood?



Everything understood, the lady.


Then go away!

(Man theater.)

And you go! I'm tired of your morals!

The jailer leaves.


(hugs Clementina, then turns around to man theater)

I heard the order? Well, what are you standing? Rogase lamp and go!

(Shows hand on the hall.)

And let them leave! ..

Theater man

(quench the lamp, then sad says in the hall)

I have to declare intermission!

Part two

Picture of the fourth

On the advancement - man of the theater.

Theater man

As it just - overflowing the pages of history, place all the dates and events in the places, explain who is right to blame. Life seems extremely clear and understandable. But it stands for a minute to become a contemporary of these dates and events, as you immediately understand how difficult it was and confusing.

Twenty days gaps ashes in the heart of Ephesus, twenty-extra days live in the world by the man named Herostrat. How could this happen?..

The courtroom is highlighted. In the corner, behind a small partition, there are wooden benches for jury. In the center of the hall on the elevation sits Cleon.

Now we are in the hall of the Ephesian Court. In the days of the meetings, the crowds of people are gather here, they are boiling passion, the plaintiff and the defendant are sophisticated in eloquence, and impartial heliacists listen to them, then to throw a black or white stone in a vase. Where is your black stone, Clellon?

Crowd noise. Swipe the door, two citizens are inserted into the third hall. His hands are connected, Chiton is broken, on the face and on the hands of Absadin.


What happened, fellow citizens?

First town

(indicates the third)

This man wanted to set fire to the city theater.

Second town

We grabbed it at the moment when he smeared the walls with a resin ...

Third citizen

Unleash me hands, nervas! Cattle! You still regret it! An hour will come, and we will tear your heads!


(peering in the third)

I saw you somewhere. Isn't you twenty days ago in prison to Herostratu?

First town

Yes, he was with us.

Third citizen

I was a fool! Herostrat - Son of the Gods! Soon he will come to us, and then we shake the Ephesus as a sleeping bag. We will install a new order here! You still swim in a griddle, which we will deselect on the city square! ..


You will be executed tomorrow!

Third citizen

Leave, Clean. It was already promised to Herostratu. But what can you, a pitiful person, against the bold deity? Long live Herostrat!


(First citizen)

Wait him! Rent to prison under the protection of warriors. The court appoints tomorrow morning!

Third citizen

Will you live until the morning, Archon?

The first city dweller will lead the third.

Second town

(Fits to Cleanon)

Listen, Clean ...



I know what you want to say Mason. I did not restrain my word, but that is not my fault. I am a judge, but tessartern commands. The court will take place only when the messenger came back from Delph. We have to gain patience and wait ...

Second town

All this is known, Archont. I came with a request: Orders to miss my prison to Herostratu ...


No matter you have conceived, Mason. According to the laws of Ephesus, everyone who kills the criminal to the court will be executed himself.

Second town

I know this and still ask: the orders to skip!


Second town

I will answer one.



Not! Everything should be by law ...

Second town

Did Herostrat respect our laws? It acts, and we are all waiting. When they spoil, I'm afraid, it will be too late.


Herostrat in prison, under reliable security. How can he act?

Second town

Every day, all the Ephesian Patterns drink in Kharchevna Dionysius for the money of Herostratus ...


I will order to disperse them!

Second town

They will gather elsewhere! There are already a lot of them, Archont. They drink and swim their benefactors. Yesterday, the gadlock screamed in the bazaar that Herostrat is the son of Zeus, and many reverently did not listen to her words.


I will order grab the fortuneteller ...

Second town

Anyway, Archont, you are mistaken. Herostrat acts! Acts as an example! .. Order Skip me to prison! ..


Not! Do not convince me, Mason. I will not change my decision.

Second town

Well, well ... advise with your conscience, Archont. If you change your mind - click me. I will be ready ...

(Goes out.)

Theater man

I did not think that events in Ephesus would develop so rapidly ...


Twenty days have passed after arson. This is a considerable time.

Theater man

Who are they, supporters of Herostrata?


Are these supporters? Sorry, worthless people who like the arrogance of the villain ... You have now seen one. Unfortunate barber! I read the work of Herostrata and decided that he was also allowed ...

Theater man

Did you read this essay?


Of course. Court you need to know everything about the criminal.

Theater man

Is there some kind of program in it?



Not. Herostrat is not a philosopher. Semi-arbitrary ability to make himself superman.


"Do what you want, the gods are not afraid and not believing with people! This is the glory you will add yourself and humility! " That's the whole theory, to which he managed to think.

Theater man

(repeats thoughtfully)

"Do what you want, the gods are not afraid and not believing with people ..." Do not rush to hide from these words, Cleon. They have an attractive force. Believe me, I lived for two more than a thousand years more than you and I know how such a fear can dope the heads to millions. You stand at the origins of the disease, which subsequently brought Mount to mankind.


I do not know. I am not a historian and not a provider. I am an ordinary person and live now. I do not answer for what will happen in a thousand years.

Theater man

Do not say so, Cleon. Every person is responsible for everything that is being done with him and after him!


Why did you come to us, a man? Is it really there in the future, do you remember Ephesus only in connection with this atrocity? Not fair! Ephesus is a beautiful city, peaceful and good citizens live in it, and this bastard is an exception ... He is chance in our life, like snow in summer, like drought among the winter ... I suffer, thinking about how to erase my memory existence. Forget, forget everything! Forget the hour of his birth and the day of his death ... Be he cursed! There was no it! ..

Theater man

In this your main miscalculation, Clean. He was, there are, unfortunately, will be born again ... You know, Cleon, in the distant time I am a contemporary, the world will take a lot of problems. But then, from time to time on Earth, he will appear - a man named Herostrat. He will proclaim again: "Do what you want, the gods are not afraid and not believing with people!" And fires will flash, the blood will break, the innocent will die. And many will graze their hands: "Where does this attack, from where? .." And she is too much two thousand years old! The beginning of her here in Ephesus. That's why I came to you, Archont. That's why I tell you: do not try to alleviate your memory for oblivion!



I am not created for the struggle, man. I am a bad warrior, but an honest judge. I never killed anyone, I served as a law, and because my name is so respered in Ephesus ... But now I wear it with me ...

(Pulls the knife.)

If the messenger from Delph will bring with them the freedom of Herostrata if the gods forgive the atrocity, I will leave this life ...

Theater man

No matter you have conceived, Archont! Give me a knife. Your life needs people.


What is the point in the life of the judge, if in his city reigns lawlessness?

Theater man

And still give the knife.


(stretches the knife)

Take ... This is only a thought per minute of despair. Between thought and the case - a long way, not everyone will be able to pass it ... Everyone seemed to come together to interfere with justice.

(Unexpectedly evil and decisive.)

But while I am alive, I am a judge!


Jailer! Enter!

(Man theater.)

I swear, this fraudster will tell me finally the truth!

It includes a jailer.


Did you call me again, God-like archon?


Yes. But know, this is our last conversation. If you try to eat in front of me, as last time, I will order to challenge you into the shackles and subjected to torture.


Why are you angry at me, Clellon?! I did not tell you a word lie. Do I dare to deceive such a person?


Saluch! Answer questions ... You are trusted by a dangerous criminal. Are you honest fulfill your service?


The eye does not bother with this bastard. Day and night I follow every move ...


And where did he have money from? How did Papyrus written in the city?


I do not know, Cleon. Where did the little jailor know about such things?


Who came to Herostratu?



Do not pretend to be a fool! Who else coming to prison?


Nobody, Archon, swear with your relatives! I would not miss the fly into the chamber ...


Do you want to talk? Okay. Then spoke on the wheel.


(Falling on your knees)

Raise me, Clean!


Who came to Herostratu?


Rostover Krisipp.


I thought so. Who else?


Nobody else.


Do not lie! Remember: You have the last opportunity to avoid torture.


I do not dare to say even to you, Clean!


So you decided to die.


(in desperation)

Grose, generous archon! If I do not say who came to Herostratu, it's waiting for me torture, if I say - death is waiting for me! What to do an unfortunate jailer?

Clementine enters the hall, she heard the last phrase of the jailer.


Indeed, this person has a complex position, Cleon. You can sympathize with him ...


(lifting her to meet)

The lady, visiting his walls, was a great honor for the Ephesian court.


I drove by and decided to find out how the investigation in the case of Herostrata.

(Pointing to the jailer.)

Who is this person?


The jailer, he guards Herostrata. But, it seems, it's in vain pay a salary ... In the Camera, the criminal has already managed to visit some extraneous, and among them some significant features ...


Did you recognize the name of this person?!


Not yet.


Hope to find out?


Sure! Under torture, he will say everything ...


(in fright, Clementine)

No, Lady! Not! I will never call her name, even if it is broken into parts !!! Be calm, Clementina!


(excited from him)

An awkward pause occurs.

You can let go of this person, Cleon. You found out what I wanted.


(thoughtfully looking at Clementina)

Perhaps so.


Stay away!

The jailer is trying to leave.

However, no. Sit at the entrance in the small room, you may be needed.

The jailer leaves.

So, Clementina, why did you visit Herostrata?


Did the interrogation begin?



Are you sure you can interrogate the Ephesus Lady?


The Lady of Ephesus is a citizen of Ephesus, she obeys all the laws of the city.



Look, Clean, you should not find the enemy in me!

(With smile.)

I used to say with me oddly.


I will try to be an ultimate, lady. Why, adored, did you come to Herostratu?


Out of curiosity.


Your husband knew about it?


None of your business!


My case is everything that concerns the criminal! So, Tessarne knew about your visit?


Not! But I could tell him.


However, you did not say. Why?


There was no case.


For all these days you have never met?


I do not like your irony, Clean! I'm free to talk with my husband and anything and anything.


And yet, so far, you did not tell him about it. So you had for this reason, Clementine?


Listen, Cleon, you are in vain to build guesses. I myself came to court to talk about my conversation with Herostratom. Remember, then, in the palace, I did not believe your words that Herostrat burned the temple from vanity. I assumed that he did because of unrequited love for some woman. And now, imagine, I was right ... This unfortunate really lost his head because of a woman ...


This woman is you?


You guessed right.


I guess it even there, in the palace. You have changed my decision too quickly and supported Erituit. Well, when did Herostrat know about it?



That he is in love with you!


I do not like your irony, Clean! You have no right to believe me.


I know you too well and studied Herostrat quite quite well. He himself will not come up with such a legend. That you suggested the thought! The young man in love, who lost the mind, is a good version for sensitive jury. A woman, because of which burn the temple of the goddess, is the world fame. Beautifully invented, Clementine ... Only Herostrat could not agree with God, he probably demanded something in return ... What exactly?


Do not dare talk to me in such a tone! I am your mistress, you are my servant!


I serve my city, Clementine, and I have one lord - my Ephesus, I will serve as faithfully. What have you agreed with Herostrate? What are you going to repay the chamfer for your glory?


I will not answer you!


You will become, Clementine, swing the gods! And the jailer will tell me about it.


I do not want to talk to you! I'm going to tessarun now, and he shines you for an insult that you inflicted his wife.

(Turns to leave.)


Stop, Clementine! Power, let me with the Efensian people, I forbid you to go out!



You will be in the courthouse until I find out your involvement in the Herostrate conspiracy.


Do not release Clementine !!!

Theater man

So, Archont, so!


You Gorko will regret it, Cleon. Gorky regret ...

(Goes out.)


So, and only so! Now it is impossible to stop. Let it be! Citizens of Ephesus, you can believe the word of your judge. He did not deceive you before, does not deceive now ...


Enter, Cryp, I'm waiting for you!

Includes a creeper.


Greetings to you, about wise and fair from the archon, and there will be a world in your home, but they will turn their favor's gods ...



Stop the stream of eloquence, fraudster!


What did I nape you, Clellon?


Didn't you understand when I received a summons?


What could I understand from a dry agenda? Is it just that a misunderstanding happened ... Typically, the Krisippus causes his debtors to the court, but no one caused a krisippa to the court.


Roshovist Krisipp, you accuse you to entered into a criminal connection with Herostratom and distribute it in the city of its essay.


And just! But, respected Cleon, this is an ordinary sale of papyrus. Since when in Ephesus, commerce is considered a crime?


Since the Public Assembly of Ephesus and the Lord of Teessern issued a law prohibiting the name of the Herostrata's Metroler, as well as all other actions contributing to the glory of this villain.


That's right. But the law was announced only a week after arson, and Herostratus's notes, my people were sold on the second day ... when a ban was published, I immediately broke out all the patients had.


False! Papyrins are sold at the bazaar to this day. And the price for them jumped.


I swear by the gods, I do not have anything to do so ... I myself am: why should I risk? I sell the skin, fish, grain, forest ... Why should I be exchanged for some scrolls and risk your head? And who will now buy them now? By law, which bought Papius is punishable no less than which sold.


You learned the law well, the krisipp, and still violate it.


What kind of oath to give me to believe you?


Do not swear, give keys!


What are the keys?


The keys to the warehouse of your goods. We will search.


(hastily pulling the keys)

I ask you, Clean. Search!


(removing keys)

So, not there. Where? Where are the scrolls hide? In a shop? In the House?


I swear to you, Archont, you are mistaken ...


Where are they hidden, Roshovist? I still find them, and then your fault will be aggravated ... I will pray yourself! ..


Sick my wife and daughter, Archont!



Ah, I understood! You hide them in Gyneca. There you can be calm for them - no outsider will cross the threshold of the female half of the house. I guessed? Well?! Sile?! I will order these rooms ...


Do you want to dislare the old man, Clellon?


I want to hear at least the word truth!


Hey, people! I order to search in the house of the Roshovshchka Krasippa. Inspect it more closely, especially women's rooms!



Stop, Clean! I am ready to make a freelance recognition ... I hope it is not too late now.



In the gyneca of my house there is indeed the papyrus of Herostrata. Fifteen pieces.



They ordered one buyer.


One buyer - fifteen papyrus? Why does he have so much?


How should I know? He pays, my business is to get the goods.




Whoever he is, I must know his name! By order of tessarne, the bought papyrus is punishable no less than who sold!


But I deserve to condesceve, because I was complainingly admitted ...


The court will take into account your repentance, Roshovist! Name the name!


Poor customer, what will happen to him?


He will be arrested and imprisoned!


Even so?! And you will not change your decision, Clellon?




Word Archont?


In the court hall includes tessarne.


(notes it, with undisguised echidism)

You are lucky, Cleon. The customer himself came to court. It remains only to strengthen him into the dungeon. Wrap!

Clean turns around, sees the lord. Pause.


(confused, respectfully inclined)

I am glad to welcome Ephesus Lord!


Stay, we will talk to you ...



Understand, Archon, certainly ... Do not forget about your oath.



Boningly bowing tessarun, the krisipp leaves.


The terrible heat is standing in the city, the sun bake is unreleased. While I drove to you, Summer ... Do you work?


As you can see, the lord. The employee must carry his service in any weather.


That's right, just do not overdo it ... You are already elderly, Cleon, you need to take care of health ...


I appreciate the care of the lord ...


My duty is to take care of your servants.


Lord, let me ask you a question: why do you buy Herostrata papyrus?


Who buys? I buy? .. Lies!

(Changing the gaze of Cleon, immediately surrender.)

Okay, you're right, I buy! .. Is this a crooked cheater thanmed? Here I will show him! ..


Why are you doing this, Lord?


Yes, I'm so, out of curiosity ... Let, think, in my library is stored an instance ...


You ordered fifteen pieces.


And he said it?


Well, people! You can not rely on anyone! .. You understand, Cleon, I asked me to send the notes of Herostrata Tsar Macedonia. And the Lord of Syracuse ... Well, a few more respected people. It is still interesting that this robber crowded. There are curious thoughts ...


You violate the law!


Violating! But I myself published him. So, the law will not command me, but I am the law! However, it is nonsense, because of which you should not be upset, my favorite archon ...


You serve a bad example!


What example? I do everything in secret ... Only your undesirable eye could notice it. However, I repeat, it is nonsense and empty fears ...

(Man theater.)

Quote for persuasiveness ...

Theater man

From Sofokla: "Whoever deserves with empty fears, deserves true!"


That's it! Sofokl right! ..

(Looking around.)

Where is Clementina? The servants reported that she was here.



Lord, your wife is arrested by me!


(after pause)

The terrible heat stands in the city, Cleon. It is impossible to work in such a stuff, you melt the brains ...


My head retains the clarity of thought, the Lord. Your wife is arrested! She is accused of visiting Herostrata and entered the secret conspiracy with him.



Think, Clean, Think ... When you say what you think, think about what you say!


I am responsible for every word, tessarne.



Not mistaken, Clean, not mistaken! Such an error I will not forgive even to you.

(Man theater.)

Get away! You should not listen to it ...

Theater man leaves.


Do you have evidence, witnesses?


Clementine does not deny his visit to Herostrata. In court there is a jailer, he will confirm this ...


Call Clementine!



It turns out and immediately returns, accompanying Clementina.


Adorable Clementine, our respected Archont tells some strange stories.


He and I spoke quite strangely, if the rudeness can be considered oddity.



Did you talk to my wife with a coarse tone?


I talked to the tone of the judge.



Have you been at Herostrata?




Do you claim that she was there?


I argue!


So one of you is lying? Lie must be punished! I swear with all the gods of the Greeks and Persians, the liar will be punished !!!


(screaming for the scene)

Bring the jailer!


Let's listen to the jailer. If my friend deceived me - he's not a friend if his wife - she's not my wife !!!


Beautiful words, we will enter them into the palace book ...

Returns man theater.


(rushing to meet him)

Well?! Where is the jailer?!

Theater man

Pause. Tessarne looks suspiciously at Clementina and Cleon.


Who seal the killer?

(Looking at Clementine and Teissferna.)

Are you or you?


Or maybe you, Archont?

(Takes tessarne at hand.)

Come, cute! He went crazy from suspicion ...

Both go.


(in despair stretches his hand to the theater man)

Turn back a knife, man! I ask you, give me a knife ...

Picture five

"Jailer! Jailer!" - This crude Herostratus sounds all the time, while the lamps are flared, highlighting the prison chamber. The camera has already accepted a more comfortable view than in the first and third paintings: the bed appeared, near him - a lowest table for food, on the table - empty plates and a canon for drinking, in the corner of the chamber - a large painted vase.


(nervously walks through the chamber)

Jailer! Jailer! Where are you, hitting you thunder?! Burning! .. Hey, will anyone come to me or not?! Jailer!

Includes Clean.


What do you shout?



I shout, because it is not a prison, but a pigsty! For the second day, no one comes to me. Order a pretty pouring to your jailers, Archont, they are in vain getting a salary ... the prisoners are put on feeding, drink and clean the jelly for them, and this slacker flashes from his duties ...

(Screaming again.)

Hey, jailer!


Do not cry, he will not come.




Killed? .. That's so ... who?


Not yet known.


Sorry, he was not bad.


Especially for you.


And at least for me! To whom to love the jailers, as not their wards ...

(Pensively comes to the table, wants to drink, but the kilik is empty.)

Curse! No one for two days brought the throat of water! It is time to appoint a new jailer, Archont!


He is appointed.


Where is he?


In front of you.


Are you kidding?


You're not enough to joke!


(looking in surprise at Cleon)

Blimey! Ah dahostrat, ah yes figure! The Archon-Basile himself is attached to you by the jailer ... I did not expect! Haha, well, wonders!



I do not understand what you enjoy?


How - what? Did I ever think that the Honorable Clell will guard me and make a jar for me?



Ureyl will be taken out, rascal!


(putting out laughter)

Anyway, you will go around and sniff ... oh, I can not, funny!



(continues to laugh)

Poor Clean, why did you downgrade? What did you warm the people of Ephesus?


I myself asked me to appoint me to your jailer, Herostrat.


(having ceased to laugh)

Himself? .. Strange. Well, yes, I don't care. Since you are a jailer, be kind, bring me food and drink ... I'm hungry!

Cleon silently turns and leaves.

(Shouts him after)

Bring it in two days, the prison was owed to me! And the eaves turn, new!


Merry affairs work in Ephesus!

(Sits on the bed.)

The theater man appears, as always, sits in the corner of the scene.

(Noticing it, gloomy.)

Why did it come?

Theater man

Does my presence concern you?


I'm worried that you are worthwhile, where you do not need.

Theater man

I do not interfere in anything, I just follow the logic of events.



Tired of you with your logic! Leave me alone and my name! The Lord issued a decree: Forget Herostrata! So forget!

Theater man

That's how? Are you already agreeing to oblivion? No, it will not work ... Forget - it means forgive!


"Sorry", "not forgive me" ... about Gods, how many archons on my poor head! I never thought that it would be possible to postpone the court for two thousand years ...

Theater man

Strike will be this court, Herostrat.

The theater man and herrostrat for some time with dislikes look at each other. Includes Clean, makes a bowl with food and jug.


(Smiling, theater man)

Here is another thinker ... Descendants, probably, we mock up, studying this person ...


Well, what was the cook?


(having broken on the cry)

Stand! Stand immediately! The prisoner should stand when the overseer is included !!! Well?!

(Wares to spill the contents of the bowl onto the Herostratus.)


(frightened reappearing from the bed)

But, Cleon! What are you? Caution!


Silence! Otherwise, I will spill all this in your brazen physiognomy. Food will not get until you save in the chamber! So after a minute it was clean here!



Understood, I understood! Why so worry?

(Picks up the garbage, peel, peel from fruit.)


What is it with you?


(Shows the peel.)

Peel! This is an orange, it is a banana!


Not bad dessert was a prisoner! Many residents of the city could envy you.

(Inspects kilik.)

And the wine brought you?


(with smile)

From compassion, Cleon, only from compassion. Is it so scary if a person goes well into the death moments and gets up?!


Your desiccity minutes are too dragging, Herostrat!

(Notes a vase.)

And what's that?



Vase with expensive painting - in the prison cell?! Yes? If a jailer now came to life, I would come to his secondary! ..

(Looks at the vase.)

Who is shown here?


Do not learn? .. Strange ...


(Transferred from Vase on Herostrata)

Who dreamed of writing your portrait?


Artist of Varnahiy. He said that I have expressive features. I agree with him.

(Looking around the vase.)

The eyes did not really happen, but this can be fixed. The work is not finished yet ...


Varnahimi will be expensive for their audacity. Like Archont Ephesus ...




As a citizen of Ephesus, I will call him in court for the glorification of the robber !!! Or let him lead me to the court for the fact that I broke his vase !!!

(In rabies splits the vase.)



Why don't you love me so, Clellon?


L hate you!


Sorry! So, together we will be closely on this earth ...

For a second, they look at each other with hatred, then Herostrat takes a look, sits down at the table, starts to eat.



After you sing, you donate a bowl and the floor in the chamber! Disorder no longer allow! For each confusion you will be punished with a whip! ..


Sort visitors, not me ...


Visitors will no longer! Understood? Here is the prison, not the theater.

Tessarne appears.


You are absolutely right, Cleon, but sometimes still have to make an exception ...

Seeing the lord, Cleon and Herostrate constantly bow.



The Lord of Ephesus can visit anyone and when he wants.


So I think so. Should the city owner know how to contain dangerous criminals?

(Fits to Cleanon.)

I wanted to talk to you ... Listen, Cleon, I'm sorry that everything happened. I thought only slightly punish you, but not to shift from the post of Archont.


The National Assembly decided - I obeyed.



Not stem, Cleon. You understand perfectly well what you should apologize to you - and everything would be forgotten ... My friend, you need to tighten my pride when not right!


I have nothing to apologize for, Lord ... The circumstances were stronger than me ...


Sorry! It is a pity that you persist in our delusion. Agree that a person who does not believe in his lords cannot be an archon.


I agree! Therefore, asked the resignation.


It's your right. But why did you want to become a simple jailer?! What is it? Call? Caprice? Such a physiciability is worthy of the nervous young man, and not you. Soboridly, my friend, non-SO-lid-but!


The least, the lord, I thought about solidity. It was important for me to benefit your people. Today, Ephesus is in danger, the danger comes from this person -

(gesture towards Herostrata)

so my place here!


You exaggerate the danger of this rascal. Who is he? Komar, no more.


I thought so too, tessartern, but now I see that I was wrong ...



Lords do not come on a date with a mosquito!



Do you think I came to him on a date? .. nonsense ...

(Faced with the glance of Clean, immediately surrender.)

Well, yes, yes! I came to talk with Herostratom! What of this? Why should I justify in my actions?!


I do not ask you about it, Lord.


Still would! I would ask you! .. Eternal ukor I see in your eyes, Cleon, I'm tired of it ... everything has a limit.


Stay away!


(flashing from the resentment)

You never told you so with me, Lord!


Previously, you were an archon, but now - the jailer! Get used to your new position ... go! When it is necessary - I will call.

Clean leaves.



Bravo, Teissfern, Bravo! So it! It's time to put in place of this pride.



I feel less than you need your praise.


Well, why start the conversation so? So many days I waited for your arrival, and now the first words do you want to offend me?


Have you waited for my arrival?


Sure! All these days, all these long hours of imprisonment I waited for you, tessartern. I felt that you want to meet with me, and I prayed the gods to strengthen you in this desire.


Let's leave the gods, Herostrat, you have a complex relationship with them ... As for me, I really wanted to chat with you about what ...


It is an honor.


Sure! I and I do not often have such a mercy ...


I appreciate the Lord, I appreciate your kindness.


Oh well. We turn to the point. The whole city chats that you are in love with Clementine ...



Do not believe, Lord!


I do not hurry you with the answer. It's about my wife, but this does not mean that you should be afraid to tell the truth ...


I tell you the truth, tessartern! I have never experienced anything like love to Clementine.


(a little offended)

How so? Everyone says ...


You never know what you chat, the lord! People are bored without woven ...


This is not surprising ... Clementine is young, smart, the first beauty in the city ... Who is in love with it, how not to her?


I agree with you, Lord, but her spells bypassed me. I do not know why. I must be too rude for a genuine feeling ...


(starts nervous)

Strange, strange ... I was sure that you burned the temple because of unrequited love, so to speak, in noble obstinate ...


No, tessarne, nothing like that! I was just going to indifferent my name. Stupid vanity, no more ...





Sad ...




(with a sigh)

No, so no! So, is it really only gossip?


Of course, the lord. And I even know, because of what she appeared ... The fact is that Clementina is in love with me ...

There was a pause.

The man of the theater from amazement revealed his mouth and muttered something like: "Well, you know, it's already damn what!"



As you said? Repeat!


I said that Clementine fell in love with me.



Do I dare to lie to the lord? This is so, tessartern.


What are your evidence?


What evidence may be in love, except that she was?


Do you want to say that Clementina came to you here?


Well, I did not go to her palace ...


(in a fury)

Swarms! .. Answer directly to the question.


I answer, the Lord ... Clementina came, said about his feelings, I rushed to my neck ...



I can not answer questions silently, tessarne ... If you are unpleasant to listen, why do you ask me? .. Strange! I was sure that you all know.


How could I know this idiot?!


But then why did you kill the jailer?

A pause arises again, and again the man of the theater mirkelves something in an amazing ...



How do you know?


I guessed. When I was told that the jailer was killed, I figured to whom he could interfere.


You have a good brainstorm, Herostrat. Yes, I ordered it to kill him ... I did not want to have the witnesses of the family shame. But I did not think that the case went so far ...


You did the right thing that removed it.


You stayed.


I'm not a witness, I am an accomplice.


Anyway, you have to disappear. You will die today!


Wait, tessartern! Do not rush. I am easier to kill than the jailer, but after death he is silent, and I will conspire ... a love date with your wife already described in a new papyrus, and a scroll is hidden in a safe place, friends. If I perceived, Ephessians will read tomorrow about how Clementine caressed Herostrata ...


Who will believe your discourse? I never know what could invent crazy!


There are such spicy details that do not leave doubts in the veracity of the author ... Molenia on the left breast, a small scar on the right thigh ... It cannot be invented - it can only be seen ...



Yes, you are not lying ...


I am a decent person, tessarne. Not in my character boasting victories over women. What was, it was.


Well, that means, she will have to die!


Is there too many deaths, the lord? And what do you achieve? Sympathy? Never! Deceived husbands do not sympathize - laugh above them. Carnival - Lord of Ephesus! This will not like Ephessians nor the Persian King. Think about your authority, tessarne!

Tesfern is thinking, comes to the lie, sits down, begins silently eating a chowder.


(continuing to think about something)

What a bourdy you feed here!


This is a technician of Clean. Previously fed better.


When I worry, I have to eat something.



What are you talking about? Do not be shy, eat on health.


(moves a bowl)

Well, what do you advise me to do?


Do you need my advice, Lord?


Sure. Since you thought up so well all this scaffold, it means that it has already come up with her junction. Listen to you, Herostrat.


I am too small man.



Stop breaking! Whether you are tessarne, what would you do?


Oh, be tessarne, I would have a tricky: I would not execute Herostrata, but I would not pardon him, I would give him freedom, but such that he would depend on me!


Foggy. Too foggy. And then, I was not going to execute you, but your fellow citizens. Today, tomorrow will return the messenger from Delph and inform the will of the gods. I am sure that the gods want your death.


(got up, walked around the chamber)

Listen, tessarne, you want, I will tell you about how the gods stopped believeing? .. Do not be afraid, nothing blazed in my story will. So, it happened two years ago. My matters then went bad, I was ruined, but did not lose hope. I dreamed that I had a lot of money - and immediately! So only gambling players dream, and I have always been to them ... I decided to disrupt a large kush on cock battles. She took five hundred drains from the Roshchik and bought the Rhodic fighter rooster. It was a miracle cock! Redhead, with Orlini beak and spurs who could envy any of your rider. For a whole month, I prepared my rooster to victorious battles, trained and fed garlic. Finally, when I saw that my cock became evil and mighty, like some Skiff, I went to the market to the rich feodoro, who keeps the best roosters in Ephesus, and hit him about the mortgage that my redhead would win any of his pet. He agreed and put up against my fighter of the black rooster. And we put a thousand drachm mortgage, I also took them from the usurist, because I firmly believed in the victory of my redhead ... the whole market was gathered for this fight. My redhead was twice as much as his black opponent, and when Feodor saw it, he turned pale and said: "Your cock, Herostrat, looks much stronger than mine. But let me ask for the gods to patronize my black baby? " I laughed and said: "ask. It will not help him! .. "Bat began! Redhead appeared on black so that the feathers flew ... They fought five minutes, and the black began to pass, and I saw that my red left there was a little - and he stands up his opponent. But then Theodore dragged her cock and said: "Let Herostrat, I once again ask the gods about the patronage of my black?" - "Valya!" - I said. We wiped our wound fighters. Feodor sucked something over his black and again threw him into battle. And what do you think, tessarne? This black began to fight as if the fresh strength was poured into it, as if my redhead and did not pray it to his beak. But my redhead was not going to give up. I say that it was a miracle rooster, Hercules among the roosters! He again flew to black and, although he himself lost his eyes in battle, it's still so in black that he scored like a chicken and began to face a side. And again Theodore interrupted the battle and began to ask permission to appeal to the gods for help. I saw that black was left to the death hour, and therefore generously agreed. Theodore prayed again over his rooster, and the fight resumed! About Miracle! Black rooster again as if resurrected! Where did it come from? He pounced on my tired redhead, pushed him, ripped his breasts to the spurs and nailed in the heart ... My redhead was empty! I threw the aeodor a thousand drachm, ran out on the street, raised my hands to the sky and shouted: "Sorry, the gods that I did not believe in your strength! You committed a miracle, I'm punished! " But here the old slave approached me and, laughing, said: "Fool! What do the gods here? You are blind. Every time the fight was interrupted for prayer, the servants of Feodor were unnoticed by one black rooster to others, freshly ... "I cried from the resentment, and then laughed. Because I discovered great truth for myself: the gods are stronger - human arrogance! This truth cost me thousands of drachms, tessartern, and I give it to her for nothing ...



Busy. But I did not understand - what do you advise me?


Penalty of the rooster, tessarne! A messenger from Delph can inform the will of the gods, which is beneficial to the Lord. And the Lord is beneficial for me to live and serve him.


Are you sure?


Sure! In Ephesus, the Greeks do not complain the Persians, they only pretend that they are submissive to the satrap, and they themselves wait for minutes to throw you out of the palace. Put me over the supervisor! Now I have a kind thousand faithful servants, which for a reasonable fee will go after me in the fire and into the water. We will accelerate the People's Assembly, dissolve the courts of heliacists. You will install order in Ephesus, and I will be followed by me! Herostrats will be read and fear - after all, the gods themselves forgave the audacity. Or maybe heostrate himself from the gods? BUT? They say, the fortune teller in the bazaar screamed that I was the son of Zeus?


(with a grin)

How much did you pay her?


I replaced the rooster, tessartern! And I will do it until the redhead falls dead!


And what will the priests say?


Priests will be silent! They were disgraced. Where is the punishing zipper zeus? Where is the sacred arrow of Artemis? I am alive! .. One of two: either the gods are not at all, or I am a deity!


Not stupid, not at all stupid ... And how do our personal affairs decide?


What are the cases, tessarne? Your wife is faithful to you, and the gossips I myself will catch languages \u200b\u200bon the city square! .. Think, Lord, over my proposal. You are someone else's among the Greeks, and you are old ...


But, not forget!


Forgive me, tessartern. But years have years. You're not the one that was thirty years ago. Now you need a solid hand in the city, and better than me a person for this not to find.


Need to think.

(Slowly eats a chowder, then puts off a spoon, low lowers his head.)


What happened, Lord? Do you have tears in your eyes?


Saw ... They shifted onions and peppers.



Did not notice.


Sorry, Herostrat! You do not understand how the old age is sad ... You know, I didn't want to be a master, in my heart I am just a fisherman. I love fish, and the fish loves me. I would sit with a fishing rod by the sea, and instead you have to live in the palace and rule the people who hate you. I love my wife very much, Herostrat, but I am old and I have the right to ask her about reciprocity. I waited for treason, but I thought it would be only my pain, and she turned into a state problem ... I do not need to be the ruler. Recent days I want to live for yourself, and not for history. But who asks us about our desires?


I can not release you, Herostrat. This will outrage the people. That would happen so that you yourself fled from prison ...


Previously, it was possible, but now, when Iblem will fit me ...


So I'm talking about it ... I'm not worried about it.


What to do?


I think I think ...

(Eats Saw.)

What do you relate to bread, Herostrat?


I do not cut him, Lord, I break it with my hands.


Ay-ah, arms because dirty ...

(Pulls out the dagger.)

Here, take it! He is acute and comfortable ...


(hiding the dagger)

Thank you, Lord! You are wise and generous ...

Theater man


What are you doing, tessartern?!



I did not ask your opinion, a man! Leave us alone and do not bother!

The people of the theater silently sits in the corner of the scene.

Well, I have time!


Includes Clean.

I talked with this fraudster, my conversation entertained me. Now, do not descend from him the eyes and on the appointed day to take it to the court whole and unharmed.


Study, Lord ... When do you expect a messenger from Delph?


He is on the way back, and if nothing happens ...



What can happen to him?


Little ... The sea is stormy ... Ships are often drown ...


What do you want to say this, Lord?


All in the authorities of the gods, Cleon, all in their authority.

(Goes out.)



What are you talking about tessarne? Answer!


Considered? He is the Lord, I am a mosquito. What between us may be a conspiracy?


What did you talk about?


About the weather...


Not time to joke, Herostrat! I feel that a conspiracy is preparing in Ephesus! Answer, otherwise ...


Do not scare me! I'm not afraid of anything. And then, who are you so to answer your question? The jailer must know his place and not ask about what he does not need to know.


Listen, Herostrat, I appeal to you in the hope that your soul keeps the rest of the conscience! You are Greek, you are Ephesis! Pray you: do not bring new destruction and death to our city! What did you whisper with tessarne? On behalf of all Ephesians, I pray you: do not help him with dark plans ... Well, do I want to kneel? Stop, Herostrat! The most terrible criminal can count on condescension if ...



Socket, former archon! You already realized that the authorities with me do nothing, now hoping to swift me? Will not work! Speak!


(Man theater)

What are they talking about?

At this time, Herostrat takes out the dagger and comes from behind to Cleanon.

Theater man

(Jumping off the place)

Clean, Wrap!

Clean turns around. Herostrate freezes with the dagger in his hands.


(in rabies, man theater)

You promised not to interfere !!!

Theater man

Sorry, but this is already above my strength.



Now I will leave prison and, if you won't bother me, I will give you life.


I will not let you down, Herostrat!


Then the end!

(It comes to Cleon, he retreats to the edge of the scene.)

Theater man

(pulls the knife to Clean))

Your knife, archon.


(in the frencher)

You can't interfere!

Theater man


Take the knife, Archont! You have no choice. I live two thousand years ago, I would have done it myself ...

Clean takes a knife from the man's hands.


(in fright)

You will not kill me, Cleon! The man who killed the criminal before the court will be executed!


I know it, Herostrat.

(Comes to him.)

Gas light in the chamber.

The sounds of the struggle are heard, then they subscribe, and in silence there is a deaf knock of falling stones, and then the song begins to sound. Men's voices sing it, they sing quietly, and then all louder and solemn. The light flares out again, Cleon with a downgrade head stands above the corpse of Herostrat.

(Man theater.)

For the first time in life, I killed a person ...

Theater man

You brought the sentence to execution.


(in desperation)

Theater man

The struggle began !!!

The knock of falling stones and the song is enhanced.


They restore the temple of Artemis ...

Theater man


They ... Ephesians ...

Theater man

Their names? Name at least one name ... It is so important for us ... well?



I do not remember...

Theater man

Remember, Clean! It is unfair that they always remain unnamed. Remember! ..

From the depths of the scene, there are blows of falling stones and a song.

Gregory Gorina, written in 1972.

Characters [ | ]

  • Theater man
  • Tessarne - Lord of Ephesus, the Satrap of the Persian Tsar.
  • Clementine is his wife.
  • Cleon - Archont-Basille Ephesus.
  • Herostrati - Market Trader
  • Krasipp - Roshovist.
  • Erita - Treat of Temple Artemis
  • Jailer
  • First town
  • Second town
  • Third citizen

Place and time of action[ | ]

Plot [ | ]

Theater man our time is trying to figure out the "sources of the disease that subsequently brought Mount to mankind" . For this, he observes the events of more than two thousand years ago. He can only observe, but not interfere .

Erita comes to tessarun, the priests of the temple of Artemis. She spares, sickle and Herostrata, and Ephesians, and all of humanity. Cleon appoints the court the next day, and he does not want to make an execution from execution, in order not to flatter the ambition of the criminal. But Erita unexpectedly announces that she was against the punishment of Herostratus, and Artemis should turn him out. In order to find out whether it is true, she sent the messenger to the Delphic Oracle. Erita asks to postpone the decision for a month until the messenger return. Clean against. Tessarne, not knowing how to do, decides to resort to voting. For the immediate execution of Cleon and Clementine, for a delay - Erita. But the situation is changing when Clementine learns that Herostrat is young and good. She also votes for a delay. The dispute is planned. Tesfern cannot make decisions.

A drunk jailer returned to Herostratu and said that Ephesus drunk was outraged by the act of Herostrat. But, arguing, what to do with money (drown in need? Or still drink?), Decide to drink them. After completing the conceived, they decide that Herostrat is a bastard, which is not enough, but still there is something human.

Also, the jailer reports that several people are waiting for a date with Herostrate, including some kind of woman who closed her face. Herostrat Melith lead first a woman and, by paying the jailer, demands to leave them alone. This woman turns out to be Clementine. She decided to test his version that Herostrat burned the temple because of love, and was very saddened when he found out that the motive of Herostrat did not have anything in common with her ideal. Herostrate understands the reason for her anger and says that he loves her. Yes, he does not hide that it is not true, but who is interested in the truth? He immediately creates a legend, according to which he burned the temple because of love for Clementine. And he will publicly announce it during the execution. For this he demands love Clementine. The theater man, despite his rules of non-interference, is trying to stop Clementine, to which Herostrat threatens to name the name of another woman. Suddenly the jailer Clementine fighters, after which Clementine with Herostrate is removed.

The man of the theater "is forced to declare an impract"

Already twenty days passed since Herostrath burned the temple. And Herostrat is still alive and healthy.

Court. Two citizens are trimming the third. These are the same citizens that twenty days ago they tried to kill Herostrata. Now the situation has changed. The third citizen wanted to set fire to the city theater, and the first two grabbed it. The court is appointed the next day, but the third citizen, hysterically admiring the "son of the gods" by Herostratom and his "feat," threatens to Cleon a new order and refuses to believe in the possibility of justice. After he was taken away, the second city dweller told Cleon about the arising cult of Herostratus, that in Kharchevna Dionysius every day of the drunking of Ephesus drink to the money of Herostrata and walked him. The second citizen asks Cleon to put him in prison, in order to kill Herostrata, without waiting for the court. Cleon refuses, motivating the fact that then the second citizen is executed as a killer, but the second citizen is ready to go to this sacrifice to save his city. Clean still insists that everything is by law.

Clean is divided with the theater man with his observations. He claims that Herostrat is not a philosopher, and his entire program is in the talentless words: "Do what you want, the gods are not afraid and not believing with people! This is the glory you will add yourself and humility! " The theater man warns Clearon about the danger of such ideas.

Meanwhile, the prison was led to Cleon. Without withstanding threats torture, the jailer told Cleon, that the Herostrata came a cribepe and another person. At this point, Clementine comes to court, and the jailer, wanting to show her that he did not name it, gives her. Clean drives the jailer and starts interrogation of Clementine. Clementine says that Herostrat really burned the temple from love, and to her. Clell understands that Herostrat could not invent such a legend that it was invented with the prompts of Clementine himself. And Cleon demands from Clementina to name the price she paid Herostratu for the adoption of legends. Clementine refuses to respond. Then Clement arrests Clementina and informs her that the truth he learns from the jailer.

Communicated in court the Cryapp. He is accused of illegally selling the writings of Herostrata, but the Krasipp claims that they sold these scrolls only before the law of the law, and then destroyed all the remnants. Cleon threatens him by the search. The krasipp is calmly gives the keys to the warehouses. Clell understands that the scrolls are hidden in another place. Pressing on the krasippa, Cleon understands that the scrolls are hidden in Gyneca. In response, the Krasipp declares that it wanted to make a comprehensive confession and says that a certain noble person ordered him fifteen papyrus. Clean insists that the krisipp call the name of the customer. At that moment, tessarne enters the hall, and the Krasipp points to it. Clean drives the krasippa.

Tessarne especially does not hide that ordered papyrus for himself and several more rulers and "respected people." He does not believe that he has violated the law, since this law itself has published. And there is no bad example in this, since everything happens in secret. Cleon reports tessarun about Clementine's arrest on charges of collusion with Herostrate. Cleon assures tessarne that Clementine did not deny the fact of visiting Herostrata. In addition, there is a coar of Herostrata who can confirm her words. Clementina leads. She refuses his words, claiming that he has never been from Herostrata. Tessarne is extremely annoyed and is upset by the fact that he lies either his wife or his friend. The name of the jailer, but it turns out that he is killed. Cleon suspects Clementina or Teissferna. Clementine accuses the Clearon in this and leaves tessarne. Left alone, Cleon asks the theater man to return the knife to him.

Cleon prescribes himself to Herostrat's jailer than caused by the enthusiasm of the latter and confirms the correctness of its calculations. Tessarne attends Herostrata in prison to learn the truth about the relationship of his wife and the criminal. Herostrat declares that Clementine fell in love with him, and suggests tessarne a deal: the ruler will free and bring the Herostrata to himself, and he will bring order in the city and stops all rumors about his relationship with Clementina. Tessarne is indirectly recognized in the murder of the jailer and gives Herostratu the dagger to kill Cleon.

Tessarne leaves, and Cleon tries to find out from Herostratus about what a conversation went. But Herostrat refuses to say anything, and Cleon draws his question to the theater man. At that moment, Herostrat tries to put a death blow to Cleon, but the man of the theater warns Archont and gives him a dagger.

In the fight Cleon kills Herostrata. The song of masonry, who restore the temple of Artemis, is heard. The man of theater asks to remember the names of the builders, but Cleon does not remember any one.

Setting [ | ]

  • - Academic Drama Theater named after V. F. Commissioner (Leningrad)
  • - Satyric Theater DK UPI (now the "Old House" theater) (Yekaterinburg), statement by Nikolai Stulikov.
  • - Norilsky Polar Drama Theater named after Vl. Mayakovsky (Norilsk), director - People's Artist of Russia Alexander Zykov
  • - Rain Theater Natalia Nikitina
  • - Youth Theater on Fontanka (St. Petersburg), setting