A detailed story about the family of captain Mironov. Captain Mironov in the story "Captain's daughter" - characteristic of the hero

A detailed story about the family of captain Mironov. Captain Mironov in the story
A detailed story about the family of captain Mironov. Captain Mironov in the story "Captain's daughter" - characteristic of the hero

Mironov family in Tale A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter".

Masha Mironova - Daughter of Commandant Belogorsk Fortress. This is an ordinary Russian girl, "round, rosy, with light rusia hair." For their kind, she was a cowardly: even a rifle shot was afraid. Masha lived quite closed, lonely; Grooms in their village was not. Her mother, Vasilis Egorovna, spoke about her: "Masha; the girl is on issuing, and what is the dowry? - a frequent ridge, yes broom, and Altyn money, with what to go to the bath. Well, if you find a kind man; and then Sydi herself in the girls of the New Youth Bride. "
Having become acquainted with Grneevoy, Masha loved him. After a quarrel of Schwabrin with Green and Green, she told about the offer of Schvabrin to become his wife. Masha's proposal, naturally, answered with refusal: "Alexey Ivanovich, of course, a smart man, and a good surname, and has a condition; but as I think that it will be necessary to kiss under the crown with him." For anything! No well-being ! " Masha, who did not dream of fabulous wealth, did not want to marry the settlement.
On a duel with a Swabrian Grineev, it was seriously injured and broke out without consciousness for several days. All these days Masha cared for him. Having come to themselves, Grinyov confesses to her in love, after which she confessed to Greenwood without any hemanhood and said that her parents would be happy with her happiness. " But Masha did not want to get married without the blessing of his parents. The blessing of Grinyov did not receive, and Masha immediately moved away from him, although she was very difficult to do it, since her feelings still remained strong.
After capturing the fortress, the parents of Masha were executed, and she hid it in her house Popia. Schvabrin, intimating the pop with Pettoch, took Masha and planted under the castle, forcing him to marry him. Fortunately, she managed to send a letter to Greenwood with a request for release: "God was pleased to deprive me suddenly the father and mother: I don't have any relatives on earth, nor patrons. I resort to you, knowing that you always wanted me good and that you all Man ready to help "
Grinyov did not leave her in a difficult moment and came along with Pugachev. Masha had a conversation with Pugachev, from which he learned that Shvabrin was not her husband. She said: "He's not a husband for me. I will never be his wife! I better decided to die, and I will die if I don't get rid of". After these words, Pugachev understood everything: "Come out, the Red Maiden; I give you will." Masha saw a man who was the killer of her parents, and, along with that, her delightman. And instead of words of gratitude, "she closed her face with both hands and fell without feelings."
Pugachev released Greeneva with Masha, saying at the same time: "Take your beauty; drive it wherever you want, and give you God Love yes the Council!" They went to the parents of Grneeva, but on the road Grinev left to fight in another fortress, and Masha with Savelich continued his way. Greenyowa's parents accepted Masha well: "They saw the grace of God in the fact that they had the case to shelter and climb a poor sirot. Soon they were sincerely attached to her, because it was impossible to learn it and not to love." Greenyow's love for Masha no longer seemed to be his parents "Empty Blazew", they only wanted to marry their son on the captain's daughter.
Soon Grineeva arrested. Masha was very worried, because she knew present Arrest and believed herself guilty of the misfortunes of Grineeva. "She hid themselves from all their tears and suffering and meanwhile thought about the means, as if to save."
Masha has gathered to go to Petersburg, saying Greenwood parents that "all future fate it depends on this journey that it goes to seek patronage and help from strong people as a daughter of a man who has suffered for his loyalty. "In the royal village, walking around the garden, she met and talked with one notable lady. Masha told her about Greenyowa, and the lady promised to help, talking to the Empress. Soon Masha called to the palace. In the palace, she found out in Empress the very lady with which he spoke in the garden. The Empress announced her about the liberation of Grneeva, saying: "I'm in debt to the daughter of Captain Mironov."
In a meeting, Masha with the Empress truly reveals the nature of the captain's daughter - a simple Russian girl, a cowardly by nature, without any education that found in itself enough forces, the hardestness of the spirit and inexperienced decisiveness, in order to achieve their excuses of any kind of guilty groom .

  1. Place Mironov in Tale. ("Captain's daughter" - the work of historical, but the role in it fictional heroes Very great. They help to describe the era: to reveal the features of human relations, morality, life, show not as it was, but as it happened in the time described. Without Mironov, it would be impossible to correctly understand the psychology of people of that era, the causes and motives of their behavior, the features of the Russian national nature.)
  2. Simple people are heroic personality.
    1. Life of the family of Mironovy in the Belogorsk Fortress. (Mironovs live a peaceful, simple, monotonous life. They are modest, hospitable, betrayed each other, absolutely not militant.)
    2. Captain Mironov as an officer and a family man. (Captain Mironov - the old servant, a dedicated military oath, uneducated, explicitly, honestly perform his duty. He respects and appreciates his wife, allows her to lead his family, is considered with her opinion, devotes to their official affairs. Daughter Masha is his favorite. )
    3. Vasilisa Egorovna, its role in the family and in the leadership of the Fortress garrison. (Vasilisa Egorovna has a stronger character than her husband. She doesn't just live in the interests of the captain, and, in fact, it is she managed by family, and a fortress, refers to garrison as his family, awards and punishes people in their understanding, it is fair and Wasilisa Egorovna is well versed in people: immediately determines their essence - it shows her attitude to the Swabron and Grinev.)
    4. What a Masha Mironov appears at the first meetings with her. (Masha first seems rustic, even limited. Such a shvabrin draws her. But it is not. At the girl strong character, Own views and beliefs. This is talking about her attitude towards Swabron. Masha is well versed in humans, knows how to love, adheres to folk customs.)
    5. How did the members of the Mironov family showed themselves during and after the capture of the fortress by Pugachevs? (With the news of the beginning of the Mironov's uprising, the best qualities showed their best. The orders who gave the captain were reasonable and appropriate. Vasilisa Egorovna helped him in all. It was done all possible for the defense of the fortress, but Mironov understood that the garrison consistent with the disabled could not , defend it, and prepared for the worst. Masha first dismissed his parents and refused to leave the fortress.

      During the offensive of Pugachevs and their attacks on the fortress of Mironov and most of the soldiers showed themselves as heroic personalities, to last Minute They remained faithful oath and died without changing her. Masha saved an accident. But did you save? ..)

    6. Masha in captivity. Is it possible to call her behavior of heroic? (Once in captivity, and even in the power of Schwabrin, Masha showed courage, exposure and fearlessness. Despite the threat of exposure and death, she does not agree to become a wife of Schwabrin, preserves loyalty to his groom. Losing all loved ones, the girl does not give up, does not change his beliefs . Robust Masha is shown here as a heroine worthy of his parents.) Material from site.
    7. Masha's decision to go to the capital to save your groom. (Masha does not put together with what he considers unfair. She is confident in the honesty of his groom, so leaves the hospitable house of grine and goes to the capital, to save her groom. Here is its hardness, the strength of the spirit, independence, loyalty. By the will of the case of its idea succeeded.)
  3. The ratio of the writer to the family of Mironov. (The author with great sympathy refers to Mironov and causes the same feeling of readers. The writer is far from all agree with his heroes: on them, on their views and behavior there is a press of time. But he admires their high moral qualities, loyalty to debt, although And does not hide their limitations. One of the epigraphs reveals perfectly copyright To Mironov: "Vintage people, my father ...")

Tale A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" tells about historical events 70s of the XVIII century. Then the eastern outskirts of Russia swept pugachev UprisingAnd this event changes the calm and peaceful life of the heroes of the story. Of course, the plot and heroes are fictional. Real historical characters They are only Emelyan Pugachev, some of his approximate and empress Catherine II. But for Pushkin, the historical accuracy of what is happening is not so important. It is important for him to convey to the reader the idea of \u200b\u200ba story reflected in the epigraph: "take care of honor", show how a person changes in the "historical chaos" of Pugachevshchina.
The Belogorsk fortress was lost among the Orenburg steppes on the outskirts of endless expanses of Russia. On Petrush Greeneva, the main character of the story, at first the fortress made a pitiful impression. He dreamed of a brilliant service in St. Petersburg, and here life flowed calmly and monotonously. But Pugachev uprising violated the peaceful life of the inhabitants of the fortress, made the most important hero of the story, become a strong and bold officer, not to drop the honor and dignity. I think that this acquaintance with the family of Captain Mironova, a simple Russian officer, who was played in this difficult Minutes Life did not flinch before danger and preferred the death of betrayal, life in the service.
The Captain Mironov family lives "in the old manner", quietly and calmly, holy honors patriarchal traditions. It is not by chance that one of the epigraphs to the chapter says this: "Ancient people, my father." The reader, together with the Parshev Grinev, attends a simple Russian hut, the walls of which are decorated with lobal pictures, "representing the capture of crystrine and shock, also the choice of the bride and the burial of the cat." Pushkin ironizes, laughs over the life of a provincial officer, which "in the cap and the Chinese coaster" is engaged in construction preparation with old disabled in triangular hats. However, in his youth and he committed fighting. This is evidenced by an officer diploma "Behind the glass in the frame" hanging on the wall. Nevertheless, the unlucky captain causes sympathy from the reader. He is a good-natured, hospitable owner, loves his daughter and wife, although he allows Vasilis Egorovna to command in the family.
The commendant of the fortress is a strong and volitional woman, she is always next to her husband, his support and support in difficult moments of life. It's not by chance that Schvabrin talks about her: "Vasilisa Egorovna Prashrai lady." She would command the regiment! The commandanthis itself makes fun and ironizes over her husband: "Only glory, that the soldiers teach: no service is given to them, nor you do not know in it. I would sit at home and God prayed, it would be better. " She also loves her daughter, dreams of issuing her marriage for a rich nobleman, although it does not believe that such a thing is: "... the girl is on the issuance, and what is the dowry? frequent ridge, yes broom, yes altyn money ... "I think she is ashamed of his poverty and wants best Life For daughter.
Vasilisa Egorovna Maternity cares about the young officers of Grinevo and Swabrins, trying to prevent a duel between them, hiding the sword to the chulad. Murder for a believer man - scary sinAnd she is afraid of the life of these young men, ready in the heat of a young hotness for killing.
Masha Mironova is more like her father, she is a modest, shy, devout girl. Like any of her peer, Masha dreams of love and simple family happiness. However, not anyone will be in his wife a hopeless. Parents protect the daughter from life storms, considering it timid and frightened: "Did Masha dare? ... no, Masha Course. Until now, can not hear a shot of a shotgun: it is still firm. "
Such heroes are shown at the beginning of the story. But Pugachev Riot changed the sleepy life of the fortress. Ivan Kuzmich, having learned about the approach of the enemy, wants to save his family, but Vasilisa Egorovna cannot leave her husband and is ready to be next to him and fight until the latter. Only Masha, in her opinion, should not be in a dangerous fortress. Children for any family are the most expensive and holy in life.
In minutes of danger, a good sleepy captain is transformed, becomes strong, brave. Understanding the obvious superiority of Pugachev troops, he tries with the help of his weak garrison, do not let them in the fortress: "What are you, deudes, stand? Die so die: a matter of serving. " The officer cannot change the oath, his homeland, so it fights to the last. Excoring from the wound, the captain of Mironov refuses to swear "Warm and Samostvanku" Pugachev. It is not afraid to be hung, as the betrayal for an honest Russian officer is worse than death.
Following her husband, he dies from the hands of the rebels Cossacks and Vasilis Egorovna. But before his death, it time to call Pugacheva "a runaway convict", and his soldier "villains". We see a strong volitional woman in her who did not flour in the face of danger.
I think that it is thanks to the act of brave captain and Grinevo refuses to swear Pugachev. People like Ivan Kuzmich are worthy of respect, deserve to be called great.
After the death of parents, Masha remained quite alone. And we see how a timid and fierce girl becomes volitional and strong, she does not want to become a wife of the hated traitor to Schvabrin, "it is better to die." Masha goes back to St. Petersburg to save his favorite Peter Greeneva and tell Empress the truth about the uprising. The feat of Captain Mironova becomes famous Ekaterina Ii, and that is why it helps Masha free Greeneva.
On the example of the act of Captain Mironova Pushkin shows what a real officer should be. Although the author is ironic about the soft character and inappropriate to command Ivan Kuzmich, he suggests that a real Russian officer will never get twisted before danger, will not be traitors and does not break the oath. He will protect his homeland until the latter. And such a father has grown a worthy daughter, who is Smey to stand for himself and protect the honest name of his family and a loved one.

N.V. Gogol wrote that in the "Captain daughter" Pushkin "Truly Russian characters were performed for the first time: a simple commandant of the fortress, the captain, the lieutenant, the fortress itself with the only gun, a terrestrial time and a simple greatness ordinary people" The story of the family of captain Mironov in the story of Pushkin "Captain's daughter" begins only in the third chapter, which was premanded epigraph. "Vintage people, my father." He is taken from the Comedy of Fonvizin "Lady", which gives the satirical characteristics of the Russian nobility of the XVIII century. Maybe Pushkin, continuing phonvizin traditions, is going to draw in his story a satirical portrait of the family of commandant of the Belogorsk fortress Captain Mironov?

Of course, in the outfit of the fortress, the characteristic of family members of the Mironov is often comic elements. What is just a description of the fortress: instead of a formidable military facility that the young officer Grineh, who came here to serve, expects to see, "a village, surrounded by a log fence", where pigs roam the streets, and the only admission of military life was an old gun, and that Gubed garbage. To become such a fortress and its defenders: "Twenty old people with disabilities with long Kosyos"Commanded by the captain of the Mironov, a cheerful old man, high height, Dressed in the Cap and "Coven Bathrobe". And no wonder that in such a fortress everyone refills not so much a commandant as his wasilisa's wife Egorovna, woman is simple and powerful, with solid, decisive character. That's how she bravo gives orders to the guarantile Ivan Ignatichu, "Krivoy Starika", about how to deal with enthusiastic fortress inhabitants: "Obliery Prokhor with Ustyny, who is right who is to blame. Yes, both and punish. "

And yet, even the intonation of the description of the life of the Belogorsk Fortress and the Mironov family tells us that the humor is used here, and quite good-natured, soft - so laugh at the old friend, friend. So why nevertheless, Pushkin's epigraph finds in one of the most famous essential works of Russian literature XVIII century? As in general, the writer refers to this "century last", which light hands Griboedovsky Chatsky we used to perceive extremely critically?

For Pushkin, this is not quite so. Of course, we remember him satirical characteristic Such a venomazby Ekaterininskaya era, like Trocery from Dubrovsky. But the XVIII century is the time of Peter I, Lomonosov, Suvorov and many other wonderful Russian people who Pushkin admired and proud, with great interest in the history of the Fatherland, to their pedigree, in which he highlighted his great-grandfather - the famous "Arape Peter Great. " Pushkin respectfully referred to the past epoch and "old people" who lived in it. Moreover, he found in them such features that were lost by its contemporaries: simplicity and rigor of the morals, the integrity of nature, simplicity and nobility, and the mainly important loyalty of the debt, honor and dignity. And these wonderful qualities of Pushkin gives everyone in the family of Captain Mironov, the faithful defender of the state, to whom he swore, a bold and decisive man who pretended his head, but who did not change the debt.

It would seem that we see a strange combination in this person: the features of the heroic personality and some kind of special simplicity, "homework".

But in the 30s, Pushkin is looking for his ideal among ordinary Russian people, and not at all romantic heroes. And this is not only the valiant captain of Mironov in the "captain's daughter". It is enough to remember the grievous family depicted a few. No wonder Petrusha Grinev, so at first disappointed by Belogorsk fortress, soon began to feel here as at home. The welcoming family of the Mironov took him easier, "as if a century was familiar." Vasilisa Egorovna, the old captain surrounded His care and caress, and in their daughter, simple and charming without "all sorts of chemicals" girl, Grinehly acquires his love and, as we learn in the future, faithful and devotional life girlfriend. And it does not seem strange: only such a daughter could be in the family of Captain Mironov.

Only one of the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress are brightly opposed to Mironov and very critical about them responds, calling Masha "I breathe okay." This is Schvabrin, sent here for a duel from St. Petersburg. Here he is a new generation man, without shame and conscience, capable of any meanness and betrayal and without oscillations changing the oath. No, of course, I did not have Pushkin in mind, putting the epigraph to all the story of the proverbs: "Take care of honor" But they can be attributed to each of the captain Mironov and Grievo family.

Surprisingly, these two people served as the War of the Military: Andrei Petrovich Grinevo wants the Son to have had, serving in the capital, and Ekusil all the army life, "I sniffed," "pulled the strap" and became a real soldier, follower family traditions. So he sends it to serve instead of St. Petersburg to a remote fortress in the war zone. And here the Grinene finds a real example of what it means to serve the Fatherland is not for honor, but for conscience.

Surprisingly, as the fate of Andrei Petrovich Greeneva and Ivan Kuzmich Mironova! One reached the rank of Premier Major, resigned and calmly lived his age in the village, surrounded by family and grandchildren. The other died, fighting against Pugachev.

Before your eyes there is this scene: Vlaper little fortress with an old cannon, a handful of old people with disabilities and a commandant, giving her last order: "Guys! Forward, on the seal, for me! " And in front of him the huge army of the rebel under the leadership of the faded Cossack Pugachev. The captain fulfilled what he commanded the debt: to stand up "for the mother of the sovereign," to prove his faithfulness of the oath. And when Pugachev's gallows appeals to the old officer, he collected recent power, extending from the wound, but still responds with a solid voice: "You are not a sovereign, you are the thief and an impostor, you hear you!" The execution was accomplished, but the example of a valiant captain followed his faithful assistant Ivan Ignatich, ready to repeat the words of his commander and Grinev - but his fate prepared another fate.

But not only the captain of Mironov completely performed his duty. His wife Vasilisa Egorovna, all his life passed hand in hand with her husband, and here the last feature did not leave him. How touching their farewell! "Farewell, my Ivan Kuzmich. Let me go, if I cheered about you! " - "Goodbye, Farewell, Mother!" How much in these simple words! and devotion, care for each other and loyalty to the satellite of the whole life. And so, seeing at the galloper of his Ivan Kuzmich, an unhappy woman throws angry words to the deaths of her husband's death: "Villaina! ... the light you are mine, Ivan Kuzmich, removing a soldier's head! Nor nor Prussian bayonets, nor Turkish bullets; Not in honest battle put your stomach, but killed from a runaway convict! " These last words The faithful Vasilisa Egorovna sound like popular crying for the dead fighters. And she is waiting for the same fate - fall from the hand of villains.

But the younger generation of this family - Marya Ivanovna - it turns out to be a decent daughter Captain Mironov. No wonder it is in her honor and called the work- "Captain's daughter". Maybe Pushkin it was very important to show that the traditions of "old people", such as Mironov, alive and in the new generation. Actually, she never opposed them. Recall how after the duel and injury of Greeneva, young people admit to each other in love and how Masha demands that Grinev receive the blessing of his parents to marriage. And when Father Greeneva refuses, Masha is firm in his decision: "No, Peter Andreevich, I will not marry you without the blessing of your parents. Without their blessing there will be no happiness. We will conquer the will of God. " Here are the words of the Russian girl who preserves moral ideals And the covenants of fathers.

It seems to me that she is something similar to Tatyana: the same simplicity, the same naturalness, but not less moral position. A B. further development The plot in it will also be durable, courage, determination, whom it is impossible to even be assumed in this quiet, shy girl blushing to tears and to the death of fearing shots. She turned out to be a rack and courageous as her father and mother. Masha is able to withstand not only the claims of Swabrin, but also boldly look into the eyes of the perpetrator of the death of his parents Pugachev. And then she also dare and decisive in his intention to restore the honor of his beloved person, to defend their happiness, let it even be necessary to go to St. Petersburg to the Empress itself.

Such is the daughter of Captain Mironov. This is what family paints Pushkin in the "Captain Daughter", which he sees "old people." These are those on whom Russian land holds, who in all a centuries stood for their homeland to the end. And it seems to me that such people, such families can be now. And let them fall out to them to experience as terrible shocks, but the willingness itself fulfill their duty to the Fatherland, before her family, before his beloved man should never disappear in Russian people.

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Captain Mironov is one of the characters of the legendary story of Alexander Pushkin "Captain's daughter". He plays an important role in the work. Well, let's try to figure out what actually represents this hero, what is his place in the work and a model of which it is.

Exterior of Captain

In the "Captain Daughter", the captain of Mironov plays a not the last role. It is a sample of the Russian courage and the strength of the Spirit, which were characteristic of the white army soldiers. Even appearance Captain characterized a man as an absolutely Russian man.

Captain Mironov in the "Captain Daughter" - a man in the years. Having reached the title of captain fortress, he spent very long years in service. The author does not specifically call the age of Mironov - he calls him just an "old man," providing the reader to decide the age of captain himself. Despite this, the captain looks very good: it is strong and high, the back holds straight.

The captain of the Mironov took place from the nobles. However, his family was never distinguished by riches. Even living in the fortress, the family of the Mironovy Poor - they have only one peasant in the service, which helps women to cope with the household.

It is also important to say that the captain - a person is very simple. It is not educated, however, he is wise thanks to his everyday experience. In addition, due to their experience in battle, Mironov was an excellent strategist, which is talking about him as a person who has ever had ever had survived.

Soft Captain

Despite its external "severity", Mironov had a very soft character that he had prevented himself in leadership by soldiers. In addition, the captain was an extremely indecisive person, which was also not a very good feature of the officer. With all this, Mironov was not fascinated by his work, he did not appreciate his post too high. This suggests that he was not a talleled person.

Despite all the flaws in the nature of Mironov, the people around him love, appreciate and honor. The public treat with respect to the old man, and he also meets the good attitude to them.

general characteristics

The captain of Mironov is a man who devoted his whole life to military art. As an elderly person, he was very respect in the fortress in which he served. In addition, it is important to say that the captain gave all his life to the service of the king, although it remains a mystery, as and why and why the ordinary commandant remained for many years in the fortress. Probably played the role of certain qualities and character traits. The captain of Mironov was always faithful to power, however, he did not know how to break, expressed his opinion, always said only what he thinks. Perhaps this is exactly what played a role in his career. The main advantage of Captain Mironov was that he was completely unable to take meanness, was extremely honest and lived, according to the principles and rules of conscience.


Despite all the difficulties, the captain was very brave. He guess that Pugachev's army bursts into the fortress, however, no one treated for such a military situation seriously. This is due to the fact that Mironov, like most other soldiers, hoped that Pugacheva would stop in other fortresses that were stronger and more numerous. However, when the enemy army broke into their territory, the captain of Mironov was not only not frightened, but also rushed into battle, saying that to die - the usual thing for any servant person. This speaks about the courage and self-sacrifice of the captain, which he was able to be guided in extreme situations.

Family Captain Mironova

Close people have always been for commandant support. The Family of Captain Mironova consisted of two of his closest people - wives and daughters.

Mironov's wife was a woman smart and judicious. She has not helped her husband in making various solutions. Since its advice was always delomet, Mironov listened to the opinion of the woman. In addition, the captain's wife was the mother and all other soldiers who served under the fortress. She managed to solve any disputes, reconcile the soldiers, listen and push up on the right way. A woman who possesses wisdom perfectly understood in military business. Despite this, Mironov tried not to intolets his wife into their affairs - very often he removed her to arrange an urgent meeting and talk with other servicemen.

It should be said and the spouses loved each other. When Pugachev broke into the fortress with his army, Mironov directly reported that he did not recognize the authorities don CossackFor which he was executed in front of all residents of the fortress. At this time, Mironov's wife screamed and beat, calling Pugacheva Monster. Literally a few minutes later I executed and desperate woman.

Death Captain

Mironov's death becomes a difficult moment for all residents of the fortress. All others realize that his death should not cause defeat, however, having lost so good manThe people fall into unrestrained despondency. However, Mironov's death did not become in vain - he died, remaining the faithful power of the king, whom he submitted his whole life.

Daughter Captain

Captain Mironov's daughter was a simple and educated girl, modest and meek. Her simplicity conquered many hearts, including envious and curtainable Swabrin. A man asked the hands of a young girl for a very long time, asked her to marry him, but, constantly getting a refusal, in the end, he glared on her. However, the girl did not want to pour out or humiliate Shvabrin - she just wanted to spend their lives with that man who would love her and respected, and she could reciprocate these feelings.

The captain's daughter helped a lot of mother around the house, he was never picky, holy honored her father, and mother. In addition, she never put the people of their weaknesses to reproach.

Having fallen in love with the main character, she was selflessly fought for her love. Despite the fact that the girl had a quiet and humble character, inside it was a rod who had not once helped to overcome her life difficulties. This is clearly visible in the last chapters of the work in which the girl goes to the queen, so that she spared her beloved. Only due to the purity of her heart, the Empress spared the main character, thereby letting the girl not lose and save her love.