The features of the chronicle of the tale of temporary years. "Tale of time years"

The features of the chronicle of the tale of temporary years.
The features of the chronicle of the tale of temporary years. "Tale of time years"

For the Flood, the three sons of Noah divided the land - Sim, Xham, andAf. And went to the East to Sim: Persia, Bactria, even to India in the longitude, and wide to Rinocorrara, that is, from the East to the South, and Syria, and the Middest to the River Euphrates, Babylon, Cordun, Assyrian, Mesopotamia, Arabia, the oldest, Eliarais, Indie, Arabia Strong, Colimia, Commagena, All FiPook.

Hama got south: Egypt, Ethiopia, adjacent to India, and other Ethiopia, from which the Ethiopian Red River, Current, Cyria, Marmaria, Sirta, Other Libya, Numidia, Mastha, Mauritania, Opposite Gadir. B of his possessions in the East are also: Kilikia, Pamphilia, Pisidia, Mission, Licania, Frigia, Kamaliya, Likia, Kariya, Lydia, other Mission, Troada, Ealide, Baphinia, Old Freigue and Nekia Islands: Sardinia, Crete, Cyprus and River Geon, otherwise called the Nile.

Japhet got the northern countries and Western: Midida, Albania, Armenia Small and Great, Kapadokya, Palagia, Kolkhida, Bosphorus, MEOTs, Depend, Caps, Macedonia, Dalmatia, Malosali, Macedonia, Lokrida, Peilly, which is also called Peloponnese, Arkady, Epir, Illyria, Slavs, Lichnitius, Adriakia, Adriatic Sea. Islands: Britain, Sicily, Evieya, Rhodes, Chios, Lesbos, Kitir, Zakynthos, Kefallinia, Ithaca, Kerkira, part of Asia, called Ionia, and the Tiger River, current between the mussel and Babylon; To the Pontic Sea to the north: Danube, Dnipro, the Caucasian Mountains, that is, Hungarian, and from there to the Dnieper, and other rivers: the gums, Pripyat, Dvina, Volkhov, Volga, which flows east into part of the Simoma. Russian, chorn and all sorts of peoples are sitting in the jappet part: Mero, Murom, the whole, Mordva, the Zavolocheansky Chud, Perm, Pecheque, Yam, Ugr, Lithuania, Zimigol, Court, Lethal, Livi. Lyhai and Prussa, Chok sit near the sea Varangi. According to this sea, Varyags are sitting: from here to the east - to the limits of sims, they are sitting in the same sea and to the West - to the Earth of English and Voloshskaya. Jeafet's offspring also: Varyags, Swedes, Normans, Goths, Rus, Angles, Galicians, Volokha, Romans, Germans, Korlasias, Venetians, Fryami and others, they are adjacent in the West to South countries and neighmber with the Hamov tribe.

Same, Ham and Jafeth divided the land, throwing lots, and did not embarrass the brother to enter anyone, and everyone lived in their part. And there was a single people. And when people were multiplied on Earth, they found them to create a pillar to the sky, it was in the days of nectan and Faleca. And they gathered at the site of the field of Senar to build a pillar to the sky and near him the city of Babylon; And they built a pillar that 40 years, and did not follow it. And the Lord came up to see the city and pillar, and the Lord said: "Here is the people one and the people are one." And the God of Peoples mixed, and divided into 70 and 2 people, and scattered throughout the Earth. By mixing the same peoples, the God of the Great destroyed the pillar; And there are remnants between Assyria and Babylon, and have in height and in the width of 5433 elbows, and these remains are saved for many years.

According to the collapse of the pillar and on the division of peoples, the sons of Sima took eastern countries, and the sons of Hama - southern countries, Jafetov took the West and the Northern countries. The people of Slavic occurred from the same 70 and 2, the people of the Jafeta tribe are the so-called Noriki, who are Slavs.

After a long time, the Slavs sat down on the Danube, where the Earth is Hungarian and Bulgarian. From those Slavs sorted Slavs on the ground and nicknamed with their names from the places where they sat down. So alone, having come, sat on the river with the name of Morava and morava nose, and others called the Czechs. But also the same Slavs: White Croats, and Serbs, and Chorutan. When the Volokha was attacked by the Slavs of Danube, and settled among them, and they were oppressed, then these Slavs came and sat down on Vistula and were nicknamed, and the Poles, other Lyahi - Lutchi, other - Mazaschean, were made from those Lyakhov.

Also, these Slavs came and sat down on the Dnieper and were called Polyans, and others - Drevlyans, because they sat down in the forests, while the other villages between Pripyat and Dviochi and were called Dregovichi, other sites on Dvina and called Polochanas, on the river, flowing in Dvina , Poor, from her, was called Polochan. The same Slavs who sat down near Lake Ilmen were called their name - Slavs, and built a city, and called him Novgorod. And others sat down on the gum, and by the Seitor, and by Sul, and called Northerners. And so the Slavic people were separated, and by his name and the grades called Slavic.

When the meadow lived separately in the mountains of this, there was a way from the Varyag in the Greeks and from the Greeks on the Dnieper, and in the upper reaches of Dnipro - the wolf to the fish, and in love, you can enter Ilmen, the Lake of the Great; From the same lake flows out whales and flows into the lake Great Nevo, and the mouth of that lake flows into the sea Varyazhskoye. And according to the same sea, you can swim to Rome, and from Rome can be saved on the same sea to the Tsargrad, and from the Tsargrada you can sail into Ponta Sea, which flows the Dnieper River. The Dnieper follows from the Okovsky Forest and flows to the south, and Dvina flows from the same forest, and goes to the north, and flows into the sea Varyzhskoye. From the same forest flows the Volga to the East and flows semidden to the mouths in the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Hwali. Therefore, from Russia, you can swim along the Volga in Bulgarians and in the chvaists, and to the East to go to the lot of Sima, and in Dvina - to the Earth Varyagov, from Varyags to Rome, from Rome and to the Khamov tribe. And the Dnieper falls in the mouth of the Pontic Sea; This sea is heard by the Russians, - on the shores he taught him, as they say, St. Andrei, Brother Peter.

When Andrei taught in Sinop and arrived in Corsun, he learned that near the Korsun, the mouth of the Dnieper, and wanted to go to Rome, and flew up at the mouth of Dneprovskoye, and from there went up the Dnieper. And it happened so that he came and began under the mountains on the shore. And in the morning I got up and told the former students with him: "Do you see these mountains? In these mountains, the grace of God will reach, will be the city of the Great, and many churches will erect. " And while going on these mountains, blessed them, and put the cross, and prayed to God, and came up from the mountain of this, where will be Kiev later, and went up the Dnieper. And came to the Slavs, where Novgorod today is, and saw people living there - what is their custom and how wash and hardened, and surprised them. And he went to the country of Varyagov, and came to Rome, and told about how he taught and what he saw, and told: "Divo saw in Slavic land on his way here. Wooden's baths saw them strongly, and they will tease and they will be naga, and they will share the rods with a kvass, and they will raise the young people and beat themselves, and before that herself everyone will come, and they will barely get out Just come to life. And it makes it constantly, with no one torture, but they are tormented by themselves, and they are creating a wash into themselves, and not a torment. " The same, hearing about it, surprised; Andrei, having visited Rome, came to Sinop.

Polyan lived in those times separately and managed by their own fees; For and before that brethren (which was later speech), they were already glade, and they all lived with their birth in their places, and each was managed independently. And there were three brothers: one named Kii, the other - the cheeks and the third - Chorive, and their sister - Lybad. Come on Mount, where now the rise of Borichev, and the cheek sat on the mountain, which is now called the cheek, and Horive on the third mountain, which was named after his chorievice. And they built a city in honor of the older brother, and called him Kiev. Was around the city of Forest and Bor great, and they caught beasts there, and there were those men wisers and meaning, and they were called Polyans, from them Poland and Donyn in Kiev.

Some, not knowing, they say that Kiev was carrier; Was-de the then Keeus transport from the other side of the Dnieper, which was said to: "For transport to Kiev." If there were cue carrier, I would not go to the Tsargrad; And this cue reigned in his kind, and when he walked to the king, then they say that the great honors were honored from the king, to whom he came. When he returned, he came to the Danube, and he chose a place, and he quit the town is small, and wanted to sit in it with his family, but did not give him living around him; So and the Donna call the city's inhabitants, the Kyiv. Kiy, returning to his city Kiev, here and died; And the brothers of his cheeks and chorive and sister their liberty immediately died.

And after these brothers, he began to keep them the jurisdiction of Polyan, and the Drevlyan had his own reign, and Dregovich had his own, and the Slavs in Novgorod had his own, and another on the river the Shota, where Polochan. From these latter, the curvacies sitting in the upper reaches of the Volga took place, and in the upper reaches of Dvina, and in the upper reaches of the Dnieper, their city - Smolensk; It is there that they are crying. From them occur and northerners. And on Belosher, it sits the whole, and on the Rostov Lake Meria, and on the Plogger Lake is also measuring. And on the river Oka - where it flows into the Volga, - Murom, speaking in his own language, and Cheleis, speaking in their own language, and Mordva, speaking in their own language. That's just who speaks Slavyansky in Russia: Polyana, Drevlyan, Novgorod, Polokhan, Dregovichi, Northerners, Bugzane, nicknamed because they were sitting on Bougu, and then became called Volynians. And here are other nations, giving tribute Rus: Chud, Merry, the whole, Muroma, Cheremis, Mordva, Perm, Pecheque, Yami, Lithuania, Zimigol, Court, Narova, Liva, - these are talking in their languages, they are from the knee of jafet and Live in the northern countries.

When the Slavic people, as we said, lived on the Danube, came from Scythians, that is, from Khazar, the so-called Bulgarians, and sat down on the Danube, and were settlers on the land of Slavs. Then the White Ugry came and settled the Slavic land. These eels appeared at the Tsar of Heraclia, and they fought with the christma, the Persian king. In those days, there were obstacles, they fought against the King of Heraclius and almost seized him. These obromas fought against the Slavs and oppressed dlebov - also Slavyan, and created violence Wives Dlebsky: it happened when Ourin goes, it did not allow to harze a horse or ox, but ordered it in the cart three, four or five wives and carry him - Oboy, - And so tormented dlebov. There were these oborces of great body, and the um of proud, and destroyed them, everyone died, and not a single Oorina remained. And there is a saying on Russia and Dynam: "Died like obras," there are no tribe, no offspring. After the oblasts came Pechenegs, and then black eels were passed by Kiev, but it was after - already with Oleg.

The meadow, who lived by themselves, as we said, were from the Slavic clan and only after they were called Polyans, and the Drevlyans originated from the same Slavs and also did not immediately be called Doodle; Radmicky and Vyatichi - from the kind of Lyakhov. There were two brothers in Lyakhov - Radimmas, and the other - Vyatko; And they came and sat down: the Radims are on the sneeze, and radmichs were called from him, and Vyatko sat down with their own ocean, from him received their name Vyatichi. And they lived between a member of the world, Drevdan, Northerners, Radmichi, Vyatichi and Croats. The dulles lived in Bugu, where now Volynan, and the desires and Feather were sitting on the Dunstra and near the Danube. There were a lot of them: they were sitting on the day to the sea, and the cities of them and the Donyn were preserved; And the Greeks called their "Great Scythy".

All these tribes had their customs, and the laws of their fathers, and legends, and every one - their own temper. Polyany have the custom of the fathers of their meek and quiet, shamers in front of his sterns, mothers and parents; Before mother-in-law and devices, great luck have; They have a marriage custom: it's not going to talk for the bride, but leads it the day before, and the next day they bring it for it - what they give. And the ardors lived with the animal, lived in Scotch: they killed each other, they were all unclean, and they had no marriages, but the girls were scared at the water. And radmichits, nodgy and northerners had a common custom: they lived in the forest, like all the animals, ate all unclean and hazarded under the fathers and during sneahs, and they didn't have marriages, but playing the play between the villages, and converged on these players, on Dance and on all sorts of demonic songs, and here wrapped their wives in a collusion with them; We had two and three wives. And if anyone died, then they arranged a TRIZNU on it, and then they made a big deel, and pinned the dead man, and burned, and after, gathering the bones, they put them in a small vessel and put on the roads on the roads, as they do now Natishi. The same custom kept curvatures, and other pagans who do not know the law of God, but their own law.

Heorgy speaks in his chronicles: "Every people have either a written law, or the custom that people who do not know the law are observed as a legend of fathers. Of these, the first are Syrians living on the edge of light. They have the law of their customs with their fathers: not to engage in love and adultery, do not steal, not slander or kill and, especially, not to do evil. Such is the law and Bactrian, called otherwise rakhmans or islanders; These on the covenants of the great-grandfather and from piety do not eat meat and do not drink wine, do not create fornication and no evil do, having great fear of God's faith. Otherwise, among the neighboring Indians. These - killers, sketches and ammunition over all measures; And in the internal regions of their country - people eat there, and kill travelers, and even eat like dogs. Haldean's law and Khaldean, and Babylonians: Mothers are taken on the bed, the fornication is created with the children of the brothers and kill. And every shamelessness is creating, considering it a virtue, even if they are far from their country.

Another law of Gilius: their wives are plowing, and build houses, and male affairs are committed, but they indulge in love, how much they want, who are not restrained by their husbands and without having fun; There are among them and brave women, skillful in the hunt for animals. They rule their wives over their husbands and command them. In Britain, there are some husbands with one woman with one woman, and many wives with one husband have a connection and lawlessness as the law of fathers commit, not the condemnant and not held away. The Amazons do not have husbands, but, as a clever cattle, once a year, close to spring days, come out of his land and combined with the surrounding men, counting the time as if a certain celebration and great holiday. When will get started from them in the womb, - we will scatter from those places. When will the time come to give birth and if a boy is born, then they kill him, if the girl will be fed up and diligently erupted. "

So, with us now, the Polovtsy hold the law of their fathers: blood shed and even praise by this, eat a man and hamsters and hamsters, and take their stepmother and daughters, and follow the customs of their fathers. We, Christians of all countries where we believe in the Holy Trinity, in a single baptism and confess the uniform faith, we have a single law, since we were baptized in Christ and in Christ were enjoyed.

After time, after the death of the brothers of these (cius, cheek and choriv), he began to oppress Polyala Doodle and other surrounding people. And they found their Khazars sitting on the mountains of these in the forests and said: "Pay us tribute." Polyana, having granted, gave them from smoke along the sword, and attributed their Khazars to their prince and to the elders, and told them: "Here, we found a new tribute." The same asked them: "Where?" They also answered: "In the forest on the mountains above the Dnipro River." Again asked those: "What did you give?". They showed a sword. And the elders Khazarski said: "It's not good tribute to this, princess: we got it weapon, sharp only on the one hand, - sabers, and these weapons are double-edged - swords. They are destined to collect tribute and with us and from other lands. " And all this came true, for they did not speak, but according to God's command. So it was both with Pharaoh, Tsar Egypt, when Moses led to him and said the elders of Pharaoh: "This is destined to humiliate Egyptian land." So it happened: the Egyptians died from Moses, and at first they worked on them Jews. Also these: first rule, and after they rule themselves; So there is: they own the Russian princes of Khazari and this day.

In the year 6360 (852), Indict 15, when Mikhail began to reign, the Russian land began to be united. We learned about this because at the same time the king came Russia to the Tsargrad, as the Greek chronicle writes about it. That is why from this pore will start and set the numbers. "From and to the Flood of 2242, and from the Flood to Abraham 1000 and 82 years old, and from Abraham to the outcome of Moses 430 years, and from the outcome of Moses to David 600 and 1 year, and from David and from the beginning of the reign of Solomon to the prison of Jerusalem 448 years "and from captivity to Alexander 318 years old, and from Alexandra to the Nativity of Christ 333 years old, and from Christ christ Constantine is 318 years old, from Constantine to Mikhail this 542 years. " And from the first year of the reign of Mikhail to the first year of the reign of Oleg, the Russian prince, 29 years old, and from the first year of the reign of Oleg, since he sat down in Kiev, until the first year Igor, Igor, Igor until the first year, Svyatoslavov 33 years old, and from the first year of Svyatoslav to the first year Yaropovkova 28 years; And the printed Yaropolk is 8 years old, and Vladimir Princed 37 years old, and Yaroslav rejected 40 years. Thus, from the death of Svyatoslav to the death of Yaroslav 85 years; From the death of Yaroslav to the death of Svyatopolka 60 years.

But we will return to the same and tell what happened during these years, as already started: from the first year of the reign of Mikhail, and in order of the year.

Per year 6361 (853).

Per year 6362 (854).

Per year 6363 (855).

Per year 6364 (856).

Per year 6365 (857).

Per year 6366 (858). Tsar Mikhail went with warriors on the Bulgarian on the shore and the sea. Bulgarians, having seen that they could not resist them, asked to baptize them and promised to conquer the Greeks. The king baptized the prince of them and all the boyars and concluded peace with Bulgarians.

Per year 6367 (859). Varana from the Floor was charged with tribute to the sorces, and with Sloven, and from Mary, and with Curvic. And the Khazars were taken from the field, and from the northerners, and with a silver coin with a squirrel and protein from smoke.

Per year 6368 (860).

Per year 6369 (861).

Per year 6370 (862). They expelled Varyag for the sea, and did not give them Dani, and they began to own themselves, and they didn't have a truth among them, and they had a genus on the genus, and they had a gravestone, and began to fight with each other. And they said: "We are looking for a prince who would have owned and judged by us." And went for the sea to Varyags, to Russia. Those whocks were called Rus, as the others are called Swedes, and other Normans and Angles, and other Gottants, and these. They said Rus Chok, Slovenia, Curvichi and the whole: "Our Land is great and is abundant, but there is no order in it. Come pronomize and possess us. " And three brothers were chosen with their birth, and took with them all of Russia, and came, and Senior, Rurik, in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, on Belozer, and the Third, Trour, - in Izborsk. And the Russian land was nosed from those whirlwinds. Novgorod residents are those people from the Varygsky kind, and before they were Slovenia. After two years, Sineus and brother of his trumor died. And he accepted all the power of one Rurik, and began to hand out her puzzles to the city - that Polotsk, this Rostov, another Belosero. Varyags in these cities are Nazilli, and the indigenous population in Novgorod - Slovenia, in Polotsk - Crivichi, in Rostov - Merry, in Belozero - the whole, in Murom - Murom, and above, Rurik ruled. And he had two husbands, not relatives of him, but the boyars, and they took over to the Tsargrad with their origin. And went on the Dnieper, and when they sailed past, they saw on the mountain small city. And asked: "Whose town is it?". The same answered: "There were three brothers" Kii "cheeks and choriv, \u200b\u200bwhich built this town and cried, and we are sitting here, their descendants, and pay tribute to Khazara." Askold and Deer remained in this city, they collected many Varyagov and began to own the land of Polyan. Rurik reigned in Novgorod.

Per year 6371 (863).

Per year 6372 (864).

Per year 6373 (865).

Per year 6374 (866). Askold and Dir war on the Greeks and came to them in the 14th year of the reign of Mikhail. The king was at this time hike on Agaryan, it came to the Black River, when the Epars sent him the news that Russia goes around to Tsargrad, and the king returned. These were entered into the trial, many Christians killed and besieged to Tsargrad with two hundred ships. The king hardly entered the city and prayed all night with the Patriarch Fothem in the Church of the Holy Mother of God in Velversna, and they carried the divine robe of the Holy Mother of God with the songs, and washed her semi in the sea. It was at this time silence and the sea was calm, but here it suddenly rose a storm with the wind, and again the huge waves got up, the shoddigious Russian shodded ships, and nailed them to the shore, and broken, so that few of them managed to avoid this trouble and return home .

Per year 6375 (867).

Per year 6376 (868). He began to reign Vasily.

Per year 6377 (869). Beschen was the whole earth Bulgarian.

Per year 6378 (870).

Per year 6379 (871).

Per year 6380 (872).

Per year 6381 (873).

Per year 6382 (874).

Per year 6383 (875).

Per year 6384 (876).

Per year 6385 (877).

Per year 6386 (878).

Per year 6387 (879). Rurik died and handed over his own swarm - his parents his own, giving him the son of Igor, for he was still very small.

Per year 6388 (880).

Per year 6389 (881).

Per year 6390 (882). Oleg made himself, taking a lot of warriors with him: Varyagov, Chok, Slane, I said, all, curvice, and came to Smolensk with Curvoes, and accepted power in the city, and put her husband in him. From there went down, and took love, and also planted her husband. And they came to the mountains of Kiev, and he learned Oleg that the Askold and Deer were pronounced here. He hid one warriors in the rooks, and left behind behind, and he began to bear the baby Igor. And walked to the Ugric grief, hiding his warriors, and sent to Askold and Dira, telling them that de "We are merchants, we go to the Greeks from Oleg and Prince Igor. Come to us, to your parents. " When Askold and Deer came, everyone else came out of the rest, and Oleg Ascold and Dira said: "Not the princes you are not a princely kind, but I have princely kind," and showed Igor: "And this is Rüric's son." And Askold and Dira killed, attributed to the mountain and buried Askold on Mount, which is called the now Urokskaya, where Olmin Yard; On the grave of Olma put Saint Nikola; And Dirov's grave - for the Church of St. Irina. And Sell Oleg, the princess, in Kiev, and said Oleg: "May this mother will be Russian." And he had Varyagi, and Slavs, and others who called Rus. He Oleg began to put the cities and installed Dani Slovenam, and Curves, and Mary, and installed Varyags to give tribute to Novgorod for 300 hryvnias every year for the sake of peace, which was given to Varyagam until the death of Yaroslav.

Per year 6391 (883). Oleg began to fight against the razlyan and, conquering them, took tribute to them in black kunice.

Per year 6392 (884). Oleg went to the northerners, and won the northerners, and laid an easy tribute on them, and did not tell them to pay tribute to Khazar, saying: "I am the enemy of them" and you (they pay). "

Per year 6393 (885). I sent (Oleg) to the radar, asking: "Who gives tribute?". They also answered: "Khazar". And Oleg told them: "Do not give Hazars, but pay me." And they gave Oleg on a church, as the Khazaramen were given. And Oleg ruled over the glades, and the Drevlyans, and Northerners, and Radmichi, and fought with streets and tivers.

Per year 6394 (886).

Per year 6395 (887). Leon reigned, the son of Vasily, who was not looking at Lvom, and his brother Alexander, and reign 26 years old.

Per year 6396 (888).

Per year 6397 (889).

Per year 6398 (890).

Per year 6399 (891).

Per year 6400 (892).

Per year 6401 (893).

Per year 6402 (894).

Per year 6403 (895).

Per year 6404 (896).

Per year 6405 (897).

Per year 6406 (898). The eels were walked by the mountain of Keeva, which is now getting around Ugors, came to the Dnieper and became regraces: they walked just like the Polovtsy now. And, having come from the east, they rushed through the great mountains, which were nicknamed by the Ugric mountains, and began to fight with people who lived there and Slavs. After all, they were here before Slavs, and then the Slavic land captured the Volochi. And after the Ugra, the Volokhov was driven, inherited that land and settled with the Slavs, conquering them; And since then, the land of Ugrics was nosed. And the erochs began to fight with the Greeks and replaced the land of the Thracian and Macedonian to the very Selown. And began to fight with moores and Czechs. There was one people Slavic: the Slavs who were sitting on the Danube, conquered by the Ugra, and Morava, and the Czechs, and Poles, and the Polyana, who are now called Russia. For them, after all, brazers, first created letters called by Slavic diploma; The same grades and Russians, and the Bulgarian Danube.

When Slavs lived already baptized, the princes of their Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kolet sent to the king Mikhail, saying: "Our Earth is baptized, but we have a teacher who would follow and teach us and explained the holy books. After all, we do not know greek nor Latin; Some teach us so, while others otherwise, we do not know that we are not drawing the letters or their meanings. And send us teachers who could interpret the words of book and the meaning of them. " Hearing this, the king Mikhail convened all philosophers and handed them all the said Slavic princes. And they said philosophers: "There is a husband in the village, the name of the lion. He has sons who know the Slavic language; Two sons he has a skillful philosophers. " Hearing about it, the king sent for them to Lion to Selun, with the words: "We went to us without delaying our sons of Methodius and Constantine." Hearing about it, the lion soon sent them, and they came to the king, and he said to them: "Here, sent the Slavic land to me, asking for a teacher who could interpret the sacred books, for they want it." And they persuaded their king, and sent them to Slavic land to Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotel. When (the brothers these) came, - they began to make up the Slavic alphabet and translated the apostle and the gospel. And we were glad to the Slavs that they heard about the greatness of God in their own language. Then they were transferred to the psaltry and okes and other books. Someone began to blather the Slavic books, saying that "no people should have their own alphabet, except for the Jews, Greeks and Latinians, according to the inscription Pilate, who wrote on the Cross (only in these languages)." Hearing about it, Pope condemned those who hoolit Slavic books, saying like this: "Yes, the word of Scripture will be fulfilled:" Let all nations praise God, "and the other:" Let all nations praise the greatness of God, since the Holy Spirit gave them to say. " If one who gets the Slavic diploma, and will be late from the church until it is corrected; These are wolves, not sheep, they should be recognized by their actions and take care of them. You, Chad, listen to the Divine Teaching and do not reject the church teachings that your Methodius gave you a mentor. " Constantine returned back and went to teach the Bulgarian people, and Methodius remained in Moravia. Then the prince Koled put Methodius by the Bishop in Pannonia on the table of the Holy Apostle Andronicus, one of the seventy, the student of the Holy Apostle Paul. Methodius planted two Popov, good scorpiors, and translated all the books completely from the Greek to Slavic in six months, starting in March, and finished at the age of 26 of October. Having finished, he made a worthy praise and glory to God, who gave such grace to the bishop of Methodius, the successor of Andronika; For the teacher of the Slavic people is the apostle Andronicus. The apostle Paul went to the moores and taught there; There is also a Illyry, to which the Apostle Paul reached and where the Slavs organized originally. Therefore, the teacher of Slavs - Apostle Paul, from the same Slavs - and we, Rus; Therefore, we, Rus, Teacher Paul, as she taught the Slavic people and put on themselves from the Slavs Bishop and the governor Andronika. And the Slavic people and the Russian one, because of the Varyagov, they were nosed Russia, and before were Slavs; Though the glades were called, but it was Slavic. Polyans were nicknamed because they sat in the field, and the language was common to them - Slavic.

Per year 6407 (899).

Per year 6408 (900).

Per year 6409 (901).

Per year 6410 (902). Leon-king hired Ugron against Bulgarian. Ugry, attack, replaced the whole earth Bulgarian. Simeon, having learned about it, went to the thieves, and the Ugry moved against him and defeated Bulgarians, so Simeon barely ran into Dorostol.

Per year 6411 (903). When Igor grew up, he accompanied Oleg and listened to him, and led him his wife from Pskov, named Olga.

Per year 6412 (904).

Per year 6413 (905).

Per year 6414 (906).

Per year 6415 (907). Oleg went on the Greeks, leaving Igor in Kiev; I took the same with a lot of Varyagov, and Slavs, Cugh, and Curvic, and Merya, and Drevlyan, and Radmich, and Polyan, and Northerners, and Vyatichi, and Croatians, and Dlebov, and Tivers, known as Tolmachi: these all were called Greeks "Great Scythy". And with these all went Oleg on the horses and in the ships; And it was the ships by the number of 2000. And came to the Tsargrad: the Greeks were closed the court, and the city was accounted for. And Oleg came out to the shore, and began to fight, and many murders created in the vicinity of the city of Grekam, and broke the many chambers, and the church fade. And those who captured in captivity, some explored, others were tortured, others were shot, and some were thrown into the sea, and the Russians made a lot of different evil, as the enemies usually do.

And Oleg commanded his warriors to make the wheels and put the ships on the wheels. And when there was a passing wind, they raised in the sail field and went to the city. The Greeks, seeing it, frightened and said, sent to Oleg: "Do not rucki of the city, let me give you a tribute, which you want." And Oleg Warians stopped, and they made him food and wine, but did not accept him, because it was poisoned. And the Greeks were frightened, and they said: "This is not Oleg, but the Holy Dmitry sent to us God." And I ordered Oleg to give Dani for 2000 ships: 12 hryvnia per person, and it was in every ship for 40 husbands.

And agreed to this Greeks, and became the Greeks to ask the world to not fought Greek land. Oleg, who moves down a bit from the capital, began negotiations about the world with the Greek kings Leon and Alexander and sent to them to the capital of Karl, Farlaff, Vermuda, Rhaul and Stemid with the words: "Pay me tribute." And they said the Greeks: "What do you want, let you". And he ordered Oleg to make its soldiers for 2000 ships of 12 hryvnias on Pokalchin, and then give tribute for Russian cities: first of all for Kiev, then for Chernigov, for Pereyaslavl, for Polotsk, for Rostov, for love and for other cities: for These cities are sitting by the great princes, subject to Oleg. "When the Russians come, let them take the content for ambassadors, how much they want; And if the merchants come, let them take monthly for 6 months: bread, wine, meat, fish and fruit. And let them arrange to them - how much will they want. When Russian will go home, let them take a king on the road, anchors, ropes, sails and what they need. " And the Greeks pledged, and told the kings and all the boyars: "If the Russians are not for trading, then let them not take monthly; Let the Russian Prince declare the Russians who come here to the villages in the villages and in our country. Coming here Russian let them live near the Church of St. Mammoth, and will send them from our kingdom, and they will rewrite their names, then they will take the monthly monthly, - first those who came from Kiev, then from Chernigov, and from Pereyaslavl, and from other cities . And let them enter the city only through the same gate accompanied by the royal husband, without weapons, 50 people, and trade how much they need, without paying any fees. "

The kings of Leon and Alexander signed the world with Oleg, they pledged to pay tributes and swear to each other: they ourselves kissed the cross, and Oleg with her husbands had to swear to the Russian law, and they swore with their weapons and Perun, their god, and hair, god of livestock, and approved the world. And Oleg said: "Surrive for Russia Sails from the Favrok, and the Slavs Koprints," and it was. And hung his shield on the gates as a sign of victory, and went from Tsargrad. And raised Russia sail from the passAlock, and the Slavs are coat, and dried up their wind; And they told Slavs: "Take our tonsstones, the Slavs of Sails from the Pavod are not given." And Oleg returned to Kiev, carrying gold, and the passavoli, and fruits, and wine, and any patrony. And they called Oleg web, because there were people with pagans and unexpected.

Per year 6417 (909).

Per year 6418 (910).

Per year 6419 (911). It was in the West a big star in the form of a spear.

Per year 6420 (912). I sent Oleg my husbands to conclude the world and establish a treaty between the Greeks and the Russians, saying this: "The list from the contract concluded with the same kings of Lion and Alexander. We are from the genus Russian - Chala, Ingeld, Farlaff, Vermad, Rollaw, Gouda, Ruhad, Karna, Frev, Rouer, Aktev, Torang, Lidul, Fost, Rod - sent from Oleg, Grand Duke Russian, and from everyone who is under Hero His, - Light and Grand Princes, and his great boyars, to you, Lev, Alexander and Konstantin, Great in God, the dealers, the kings of Greek, to strengthen and for the certificate of many years of friendship, formerly between Christians and Russians, at the request of our great princes and According to the command, from all those who are under His Russians. Our lordship, above all wishing in God to strengthen and certify the friendship, which existed constantly between Christians and Russians, judged by justice, not only in words, but also on a letter, and a swirl, swear by weapon to his own, to approve such friendship and certify her by faith And according to our law.

Such are the essence of the head of the contract, regarding which we ordered themselves in God's faith and friendship. I will make me the first words of our contract with you, Greeks, and become each other with all my heart and in all kinds, and do not let me happen, because it is in our power, no deception or a crime of our bright princes on the hand; But we will try to how much of our forces, to preserve with you, the Greeks, in the future years and forever unreserved and unchanged friendship, expressing and lending to the letter with consolidation, an outer certified. Also, you, the Greeks, observe the same unshakable and unchanged friendship for the princes of our bright Russian and to all who are under the hand of our bright prince always and in all the years.

And about chapters relating to possible atrocities, agree: those atrocities that will be clearly certified, let them be considered undoubtedly accomplished; And what will not be believed, let the one side, which hats, so that the atrocities do not believe it; And when the side will double, let it be punishment, which will be a crime.

This: if anyone kill, is a Russian Christian or a Russian Christian, - so dies on the site of the murder. If the killer will run away, and it turns out to be a thing, then the part of his property, which is supposed to be done by law, let him take a relative of the murdered, but also the killer's wife will preserve what he relies according to the law. If it turns out to be a poor killer, then let him go under the court until he is involved, and then yes will die.

If he hit who the sword or will beat any other to the gun, then for that blow or beating, let it give 5 liter of silver by law Russian; If the poor who made this misconduvement, then let it be given how much it can, so that let him take off and the same clothes in which he walks, but for the remaining unpaid amount, let him be in their faith that no one can help him and even if not This residue is charged.

About this: if a Christian is stolen by a Christian or, on the contrary, a Christian among Russian, and the thief will be the thief victim at the time when he makes theft, or if the spike will cook and will be killed, he will not contribute to him from Christians, nor from Russians; But let the victim take it to his own that he lost. If the thief will voluntarily give up, then let him take the one who he stole, and let him be connected, and will give what he stole, in a triple size.

This is: if some of the Christians or from Russians will eat (on robbery) and explicitly will take something belonging to another, then let him return in a triple size.

If the sword is thrown into a strong wind on someone else's land and there will be there any of us, Russians, and will help you to keep it with a cargo with a cargo and send it to the Greek land, I spend it through any dangerous place until it comes to place safe; If the rook of this buzzi or stranded is delayed and can not return to its places, we will help the rings of that rook we, the Russians, and spend them with their goods to meet. If it happened near the Greek Earth, the same misfortune with Russian rooks, I spend it into Russian land and let them sell goods of that rook, so that if you can sell from that rook, let them leave (in the Greek shore) we, Russians. And when we come (we, Russians) to the Greek land for trading or the embassy to your king, then (we, the Greeks) will miss the goods sold by the goods sold. If any of us happen, the Russians who arrived with the Ladye, to be killed or something will be taken from the rook, then let the perpetrators be awarded to the foregoing punishment.

About these: if the prisoner of one or another side is forcibly held by the Russians or the Greeks, being sold to their country, and if, indeed, it will be Russian or Greek, then let them redeem and return the redefined face in his country and take the price of his bought, or let it be Offered for him the price, leaning for Chelyada. Also, if it will be taken by the war in the war, it will still let him return to his country and will be given for him the usual price of him, as already mentioned above.

If there is a set in the army and these (Russians) will want to keep your king, and no matter how much time for them come at what time, and want to stay at your king in your will, then let it be so.

More about Russians, about prisoners. Appeared from any country (prisoners of Christians) on Russia and sold (Russian) back to Greece or prisoners of Christians, given on Russia from any country - all these should be sold at 20 grains and return to Greek land.

About this: if the Chelyadin is stolen, either run away, or the Russians will be sold and complain and complain, let them prove it about his Chellowadin and take it to Russia, but also the merchants, if they lose Cheldadin and appealed, let them demand the court and when they find , - Take it. If anyone does not allow to produce inquiry, it will not be recognized as right.

And about Russians who serve in Greek land from the Greek king. If anyone dies, without reducing his property, he will not have his own (in Greece), then let him return the property to Russia closest younger relatives. If there will be a testament, he will take the one who wanted to inherit his property, and so inherit him.

About Russian trading.

About various people walking in Greek land and remaining debt. If the villain does not return to Russia, then let the Russian Greek kingdom complain, and it will be captured and returned for Russia. Let the Russian Greeks and the same, if the same thing happens.

As a sign of the fortress and invariabry, which should be between you, Christians, and the Russians, this peace treaty, we created Ivanov's spelling on two charters - the king of yours and his own hand, - made him an oath with a pretextful honest cross and sacred as the Trinity of the Unified True God's God and Dalited our ambassadors. We swore to your king, set from God, like a divine creation, by faith and by our custom, not to violate us and anyone from our country's established heads of peace treaty and friendship. And this writing was given to the reign of yours for approval so that this agreement was the basis of approval and identifying the world's existing between us. The month of September 2, Indict 15, a year from the creation of the world 6420. "

The king, Leon, honored Russian ambassadors with gold, and silks, and precious fabrics - and put her church beauty to them, the gold chambers and wealth stored in them: a lot of gold, Pavoloki, gems and the passion of the Lord - the crown, nails, the bugger and the power of the saints, teaching them to be their own and showing them true faith. And so let them go to his land with a great honor. The ambassadors sent by Oleg returned to him and told him all the speeches of both kings, as they concluded the world and the contract was put between the Greats and Russian and established no crime of oaths - neither Greeks, nor Rus.

And Oleg lived, the princess in Kiev, having the world with all countries. And the autumn came, and he remembered Oleg's horse, who first put to feed, deciding never to sit at him, because he asked the Magi and Kudesnikov: "What do I die?" And he told him one Cudesman: "Prince! From the horse of your beloved on which you ride, do you die from him? " Sold the words of these in the soul of Oleg, and he said: "I will never sit on him and I will not see him anymore." And she commanded feed him and not drive him to him, and lived for several years, without seeing him until he went to the Greeks. And when he returned to Kiev and passed four years, "he remembered his horse for the fifth year, from whom Muck predicted him. And he called on the elder Konyukh and said: "Where is my horse, whom I ordered to feed and take care?". The same answered: "Died." Oleg laughed and squinted that Cudesman, saying: "Magnifier says incorrectly, but all the lies: the horse died, and I am alive." And ordered to settle my horse to himself: "Yes, I will see his bone." And he came to the place where his bare bones were lying and a skull naked, tears from the horse, laughed and said: "Do I accept the skull from this?". And he set foot on the skull, and crawled the snake from the skull, and stung him in his leg. And he was breathing and died. It was mourned by all people with a great cry, and suffered it, and buried on the mountain, called the tickovitsa; There is also a grave of him and Donyn, he will hear the grave Olegova. And it was all the years of the reign of his thirty and three.

It is not surprising that the magazine comes true. So it was and in the reign of Domitian then a certain wonderful name was the name of Apollonium Tiana, who walked and worked everywhere demonic wonders - in cities and villages. Once, when he came from Rome in Byzantium, they stood up his living there to do the following: he expelled a lot of snakes and scorpions from the city so that there were no harm to people and the rival Konsky curd in front of the boyar. So and the Antioch came, and, who simplified by the people of those - antiochianins, suffered from scorpions and mosquitoes, made copper scorpion, and buried him into the ground, and put a small marble pillar over him, and commanded to take people sticks and walk around the city, Shooking the sticks: "Being a city without a mosquito!". And so disappeared from the city of Scorpios and mosquitoes. And asked him about the threatening city of the earthquake, and, having sigh, he wrote on the table the following "Alas to you, an unfortunate city, you will be shaking a lot and you will be hit by fire, paying you (the one who is) on the Oontta shore." About (Apollonia) this and great Anastasius The Grada said: "Miracles created by Apollonia, even still in some places are performed: Some - to drive four-legged animals and birds that could harm people others - to hold river jets, broken from the shores, but otherwise Death and to the detriment of people, although on their curb. Not only because of his lifetimes, he was doing so miracles such wonders, but by death, in his coffin, wondered his wonders to seduce the miserable people often caught by the devil. " So, who will tell about what makes the magic temptation of matters? After all, here, skilled was on the magical seduction and was never considered Apollonium with the fact that in madness I was wisdom to trigger; And he should say to him: "In a word only I do what I wanted," and not to take actions expected from him. Then all the closure of God and the creation of Besysky happens - our own such affairs is experienced orthodox faithThat she is hard and strong in close to the Lord and are not fascinated by the Devil, his ghostly wonders and satanical affairs, creative enemies of the genus of human and servants of evil. It happens that some and the name of the Lord prophesy, like Valaam, and Saul, and Kaiaf, and demons even expel how Judas and her sons were sweetered. Because and on unworthy repeatedly acts grace, as many testify: because Valaam was everything alien - and righteous live And faith, but nevertheless came in grace for the belief of others. And Pharaoh was the same, but he was revealed by the future. And Nebuchadnezzar was a lawsteen, but he also opened the future of many generations, thus testifying that many having witnesses, even before the coming of Christ, do not create signs of their own will to choose people who do not know good. This was also Simon Volkhv, and Menander, and others are the same, because of which it was said according to the truth: "Do not make miracles ...".

Per year 6421 (913). After Oleg, Igor began to prince. At the same time, Konstantin, Son Leon began to reign. And they got out of Igor Derlyan in the death of Oleg.

Per year 6422 (914). Igor went to the Drevlyan and, defeating them, laid a tribute on them more Olegova. In the same year, Simeon Bulgarian came to the Tsargrad and, concluding the world, returned to the ravis.

Per year 6423 (915). For the first time, Pechenegs came to Russian land and, making peace with Igor, went to the Danube. At the same time, Simeon came, Poplenya Frace; The Greeks were sent behind the Pechenegs. When Pecheneg came and gathered already to perform on Simeon, Greek governors raised. Pechenegi, seeing that they themselves quarrel between themselves, left the ravoisi, and Bulgarians fought with the Greeks, and the Greeks were interrupted. Simeon seized the city of Adrianov, who was originally called the city of Oresta - the son of Agamemnon: For Orest once bought in three rivers and got rid of his illness - because he called the city with his name. Subsequently, Caesar Adrian updated him and called Adrian in his name, we call him Adrian Grad.

Per year 6424 (916).

Per year 6425 (917).

Per year 6426 (918).

Per year 6427 (919).

Per year 6428 (920). Greeks have a king Roman. Igor fought against Pechenegs.

Per year 6429 (921).

Per year 6430 (922).

Per year 6431 (923).

Per year 6432 (924).

Per year 6433 (925).

Per year 6434 (926).

Per year 6435 (927).

Per year 6436 (928).

Per year 6437 (929). Simeon came to the Tsargrad, and Frace and Macedonia, and went to the Tsargrad in great power And pride, and created the world with Roman-king, and returned to the ravis.

Per year 6438 (930).

Per year 6439 (931).

Per year 6440 (932).

Per year 6441 (933).

Per year 6442 (934). For the first time came to the Tsargrad of Ugra, and they replaced the whole Frakia, the novel signed the world with Ugra.

Per year 6444 (936).

Per year 6445 (937).

Per year 6446 (938).

Per year 6447 (939).

Per year 6448 (940).

Per year 6449 (941). Igor went to the Greeks. And Bulgarians sent the merry king, which goes Russian to Tsargrad: 10 thousand ships. And they came, and boiled, and began to fight the Country of Vifinskaya, and they replaced the land in the Pontic Sea to Heraclia and to the Paflagon land, and the whole country was minted, and the court had forth. And whom they captured - they painted alone, in others, in front of them, they were set, they fired, they were enough, they knocked back their hands and driven iron nails into the heads. Many holy churches betrayed fire, monasteries and villages juggled and on both shores of the court seized a lot of wealth. When the warriors came from the east - Panfire desesec from forty thousands, Foka-Patricia with Macedonians, Fedor-Pratilate with Thracians, with them the surname boyar, they surrounded Russia. The Russians, having consisted, came out against the Greeks with a weapon, and in the cruel battle barely overwhelmed the Greeks. In the evening, the Russians returned to their squad and night, sowing in the rook, sailed. Faofan met them in the rooks with fire and became pipes to start fire on the roots of Russians. And there was a terrible miracle. The Russians, seeing the flame, rushed into the water of the sea, trying to escape, and so the remaining returned home. And, having come to the earth, they told each of her - about the happened and about the Other fire. "As if the lightning of heaven," they said, "they have the Greeks and, launching it, fought us; That was why they did not overcome them. " Igor, returning, began to collect many warriors and sent for the sea to Varyagam, inviting them to the Greeks, going to go on them again.

And year 6430 (942). Simeon went to Croats, and his Croats won, and died, leaving Peter, her son, prince over Bulgarians.

Per year 6451 (943). Ugri came again at the Tsargrad and, having created the world with the novel, the ravisians returned.

Per year 6452 (944). Igor gathered many of the warriors: Varyagov, Rus, and Polyan, and Sloven, and Krivichi, and Tivers, - and hired Pechenegs, and they took the hostages, "and went to the Greeks in the roys and on the horses, seeking revenge for himself. Hearing about it, the Korsouns sent to the novel with the words: "Here are the Russians, without the number of ships, they covered the sea ships." Also, Bulgarians sent the news, saying: "Russian goes and hired themselves Pechenegs." Hearing about it, the king sent to Igor's best boyars with Moloto, saying: "Do not go, but take a tribute to what Oleg took, I will add it to that Dani." Also, the Pechenegs sent the passAll and a lot of gold. Igor, having reached the Danube, convened a squad, and began to keep the advice with her, and he told her Tsareva. The squad of Igor: "If the king says like that, then what we still need, - without having told, take gold, and silver, and the passavoli? Does anyone know who to overcome: Will we, right? Or who in the Union? Not on the ground, you go, but in the depths of marine: everyone total death" I listened to their Igor and commanded the Pechenegs to fight the Bulgarian land, and he himself, taking Grekov Gold and the Pavoloki on all the warriors, returned back and came to Kiev of the ravoisi.

Per year 6453 (945). Submitted Roman, and Konstantin, and Stefan ambassadors to Igor to restore the former world, Igor spoke to them about the world. And sent Igor's husbands to the novel. Roman convened Boyar and Sanovnikov. And they led Russian ambassadors, and they ordered them to speak and record the speeches of those and others to the Charter.

"The list from the contract concluded with the kings of Roman, Konstantine and Stefan, Christ-loving lords. We are from the genus of the Russian ambassador and merchants, Igor, Ambassador Igor, Grand Duke Russian, and Common ambassadors: Vustoast from Svyatoslav, Son Igor; Sarasevi from Princess Olga; Heads from Igor, Igor's nephew; ULEB from Volodislava; Kanitar from the preylava; Shikhburn Sfender from a loy wife; Pratten Tudors; Libyar Fastov; Grim Sphirkov; Praston Akun, Igor's nephew; Kara Tudkov; Kashchav Tudors; Evristskov; Wist of Jakov; Istr Aminodov; Pratten Bernov; Javyag Gunarev; Chibrid aldan; Chickel; Steggie Eton; Sphida ...; Alvad Gudov; Futri Tadov; Mutur Utin; merchants Aduun, Adulb, Igivlad, Ulyb, Fronta, Homol, Kuzi, Emig, Turobide, Furosten, Bruna, Roald, Gunaster, Frassen, Smelad, Turburn, Monet, Ruald, Svetling, Styre, Aldan, Tylen, Apubexar, Vuzlev, Sinko , Borich sent from Igor, the Grand Prince Russian, and from all the princes, and from all people of Russian land. And they are entrusted to resume old world, broken for many years hated good and the doctor, and approve the love between the Greeks and the Russians.

The Grand Duke is our Igor, and His boyars, and people all Russians sent us to Roman, Konstantin and Stefan, to the great kings of Greek, to conclude a union of love with the kings themselves, with all the deaths and with all the people of Greek for all the years while the sun shines and The whole world is worth. And who finds this love from the Russian side from the Russian side, then let those of them who accepted the baptism will receive retribution from the god of the Almighty, condemnation of perfection in afterlife, and those of them who are not baptized, do not have help or from God, nor from Perun, do not protect them with their own shields, and they will die from their swords, from arrows and from their own weapons, and will be slaves in All your afterlife.

And the Grand Duke of Russian and Boyar let him be sent to Greek land to the great kings of Greek ships, as they want, with ambassadors and merchants, as it was established for them. Previously, golden prints were brought, and the merchants were silver; Now she commanded the prince to send letters to us, kings; The ambassadors and guests who will be sent them, let them bring a diploma, so writing it: he sent so much ships so that we learned from these letters that they came with the world. If they come without letters and turn out to be in our hands, then we will contain them under the supervision until we will revive your prince. If we are not allowed and resist, I will kill them, and let them not contribute to your prince. If, killing, returning to Russia, we will write to your prince, and let them do what they want, if the Russians do not come for trade, then let them do not take the month. Let him punish the prince of his ambassadors and coming here by Russians so as not to do the earliest in the villages and in our country. And when they come, let them live near the Church of St. Mammoth, and then we will send, the kings to rewrite your names, and let them take the month of ambassadors, and the merchants month, first those who are from the city of Kiev, then from Chernigov, and from Pereyaslavl, and from other cities. Yes, they enter the city through one gate, accompanied by Tsareva her husband without weapons, a person of 50, and trade how much they need, and go back; My husband is our royal yes guarded them, so if some of the Russians or Greeks create the wrong, then let them judge the case. When Russians come to the city, then let them do not make harm and do not have the right to buy the passavoli more than 50 spools; And if anyone can buy those passow, then let him show a prince husband, but he will impose a press and give them. And those Russians who are departed from here, let them take everything you need from us: food on the road and what the ladies needed, as it was installed earlier, and be returned to its security to the country, and the holy mammoth is no right to winter.

If the Chellowadin runs in the Russians, then let them come to him into the country of the kingdom of our kingdom, and if it is in St. Mammoth, then let him take him; If there is no way, then let our Russian Christians swear according to their faith, and non-Christians according to their law, and let them take their price from us, as it was established before, - 2 Pavoloka for Chelyada.

If someone from the chellowadins of our royal or the city of our city, or other cities will run away to you and will capture something with me, then let him be returned again; And if what he brought, will be all whole, then you will take from it two spools for capture.

If someone will eat from the Russians to take something from our royal people, then the one who will do it, let it be severely punished; if you already take, let him pay doubly; And if it will make the same Greek Russian, let the same punishment, which he got.

If you happen to steal something Russian in the Greeks or the Greek among the Russians, then not only the stolen, but also the price stolen; If it turns out that the stolen has already been sold, and it will return it doubly and will be punished by the law of Greek and according to the Charter and according to the Russian law.

How many prisoners of Christians of our subjects neither led Russians, then for the young man or the maiden, let us give 10 spools and take them, if they are middle age, then let them give 8 spools and take it; If there is an old man or a child, then let 5 spools give for him.

If the Russians are in slavery in the Greeks, then if they are prisoners, let them buy their Russians for 10 spools; If it turns out that they are bought by the Greek, then he should swear on the cross and take its price - how much he gave for the prisoner.

And about the korsun country. Yes, no right to prince Russian to fight in those countries, in all cities of that land, and the country is not concerned with you, but when the warriors will ask us the prince of Russian to fight, "let him give him how much he needs.

And about Tom: if the Russian ship will find the Russian ship, thrown into the coast somewhere, but do not cause him damage. If someone takes something out of him, or turn someone from him to slavery, or kill, it will be subject to the court by law Russian and Greek.

If the Russian korsounts will find at the mouth of the Dnieper for fishing, and they will not cause them any evil.

And yes, they do not have the right to Russian winter in the mouth of the Dnieper, in Belobasch, and in St. Eelney; But with the onset of autumn, let them depart home in Russia.

And about these: if black Bulgarians come and began to fight in the Korsun country, they order the prince of Russian, so as not to let them, otherwise they cause damage to his country.

If the crime of the Greeks will be committed - our royal subjects will be made - yes you do not have the right to punish them, but according to our royal command, let the punishment of his misconduct.

If you kill our subjects of Russian or Russian of our subject, then you will delay the killer relatives of the murdered, and you will kill him.

If the killer will run away and hits, and it will be the property, then let the relatives of the killed will take his property; If the killer turns out to be poor and also hits, then let them seek it until there is, and when there is, it will be killed.

If I hit the sword, or a spear, or another English Greek or the Greek of Russian, then for the lawlessness, let him pay the perpetrator 5 liter of silver by Russian law; If it turns out to be poor, then let him sell everything that it is possible, so even the clothes in which he walks, and that let him remove it, but let them bring an oath for his faith that he has nothing, and Only then let it be released.

If we wish, the kings, you have warriors against our opponents, let you write about the great prince of yours, and it will leave us so much as they wish: and from here you will find out in other countries, which love has among themselves the Greeks and Russians.

We wrote this contract on two charters, and one charter is stored with us, the kings - there are our cross and our names are written, and on the other - the names of the ambassadors and merchants of yours. And when the ambassadors of our royal will leave, let them spend them to the Great Prince Russian Igor and to His people; And those by accepting the Charter, they will try to fully observe what we agreed on and what they wrote about the charters, on which our names are written.

We, those of us who are baptized, in the Cathedral Church swore the Church of St. Ilya in the prelationship honest cross And this charter comply with everything that it is written in it, and not to break anything from it; And if it violates it from our country - Prince Lee or other who, baptized or unresolved, - so he will not receive help from God, and he will be a slave in the afterlife of his life and will be short as his own weapon.

And unreleased Russians put their shields and naked swords, hoops and other weapons to swear that everything that is written in the Charter of this will be respected by Igor, and all the boyars, and all people of the Russian country in all future years and always.

If someone from the princes or people of Russians, Christians or non-Christians will violate what is written in the Charter of this, - yes will be worthy to die from their weapons and will be damned from God and from Perun for having broken his oath.

And if Igor, the Grand Duke, will preserve the love of this correct, but it will not break until the sun shines and the whole world is worth it, in the present times and in all future. "

The ambassadors sent by Igor returned to him with the Greek ambassadors and told him all the speeches of the King Roman. Igor urged Greek ambassadors and asked them: "Tell me, what did the king punished you?". And the ambassadors of the king were told: "I sent us the king, delighted with the world, wants to have peace and love with the prince of Russian. Your ambassadors led to the oath of our kings, and we sent us to lead to your oath and your husbands. " I promised Igor to do so. The next day, Igor ambassadors called and came to the hill, where Perun stood; And they folded their weapons, and the shields, and gold, and Igor and the people were sworn - how many pagans were between the Russians. And the Christians of the Russians led to the oath in the Church of St. Ilya, which stands over the stream at the end of the step-down conversation and Khazar, - it was the Cathedral Church, since there were many Christians - Varyags. Igor, approving the world with the Greeks, let go of ambassadors, giving them furs, slaves and waxed, and let them go; The ambassadors came to the king and told him all the speeches of Igor, and about his love to the Greeks.

Igor began to pronounce in Kiev, having the world to all countries. And the autumn came, and he began to grasp the razlyan, wanting to take even more tribute to them.

Per year 6453 (945). In that year, the squad Igor said: "Svendeld's rampage washed with weapons and clothes, and we naga. Let's go, the prince, with us for tribute, and you will add, and us. " And he listened to Igor - went to the rallies for the tribute and added a new one for the same, and they created violence against them. Taking tribute, he went to his city. When he walked back, he thought, told his squad: "Go home with a tribute, and I will return and look like more." And let go of his friend home, and his very part of the squad returned, wanting more wealth. Trees, having heard that he was going again, held advice with the prince with her small: "If a wolf is having a wolf to the sheep, then he will bring out the flock until it is killed; So this: if you do not kill it, then we will destroy us. " And sent to him, saying: "Why walk again? I took the whole tribute. " And I did not listen to Igor; And the rall, coming out of the city of Earrows, killed Igor and the warriors, because there were few them. And Igor was buried, and there is a grave of him at the eraser in the village earth and until now.

Olga was in Kiev with his son, the child of Svyatoslav, and his breadwinner was Asmud, and the Voivode Svevend is the father of Mstishi. Told the same Trees: "Here we killed Prince Russian; Take his wife Olga for the prince of our small and Svyatoslav Take and make him that we want. " And sent Drevlyanka best husbands His, twenty, in the roaster to Olga, and stuck in the roaster near Borichev. After all, the water then flowed near the Kiev Mountain, and the people were not sitting on Podol, but on the mountain. The city of Kiev was there, where the yard is now proud and Nikifora, and the princely courtyard was in the city where the courtyard of the Tvorislav and Chiang, and the place for fishing was outside the city; was outside the city and the other courtyard, where the Domestik courtyard is now, behind the Church of the Holy Virgin; Above the mountain was a terman yard - there was a stone Terem there. And Olga talked, that they came with Drevlyan, and called them Olga to themselves, and told them: "Guests are good". And they answered Drevlyan: "Came, Princess." And Olga told them: "So you say, why did you come here?" They answered the same Trees: "We sent us a tree earth with these words:" We killed your husband, as your husband, like a wolf, plundered and robbed, and our princes are good, because they protect the village earth, - go married the prince of ours for Mala "". That was the name to him small, prince Drevlyansky. I said to them Olga: "Your speech is your speech, - my husband is no longer resurrected; But I want to give you the honor of your honor tomorrow; Now go to your roaster and lie down in the rook, great, and in the morning I will send you, and you say: "I do not go to the horses, I will not go back, but bring us in the roaster," and will ask you in Ladie, " And let them go to the roaster. Olga ordered to dig a hole with a great and deep on a wagon yard, out of town, the next morning, sitting in the terme, sent Olga for guests, and came to them, and they said: "Olga calls you for honor." They also answered: "Do not go on the horses, do not go on the cores and pesh, but incur in the roaster." And replied Kiev residents: "We are brought; The prince is killed, and our princess wants for your prince, "and they suffered them in the roaster. They were sitting, magnifying, fed and in great breastplas. And they brought them to the yard to Olga, and as they carried, and they dropped them together with the rook of the pit. And, bowing to the pit, asked them Olga: "Do you feel good?". They also answered: "We are pretty igorous death." And commanded to fall asleep them alive; And they fell asleep them.

And Olga sent to the Ridge, and she told them: "If I really ask me, send the best husbands to go with great honor for your prince, otherwise Kiev people will not be allowed." Having heard about it, the Drevlyan elected the best husbands who managed the church earth, and sent them. When the Drevlyan came, Olga ordered to cook a bath, speaking them like this: "Washing out, come to me." And natopili by the bath, and entered it with rall, and began to wash; And locked them with a bath, and Olga commanded to light her from the door, and here everything burned down.

And he sent to the rallians with the words: "I already go to you, make Honey Many in the city, where my husband was killed, and I swear on the grave and make a trianue in my husband." They, heard about it, brought many honey and brewed it. Olga, taking a small squad with him, went light, came to the grave of her husband and melted him. And commanded people to pour a toghyl hill to their hill, and when they poured, ordered to make a TRIZNU. After that, they gotten to drink, and ordered Olga to send them to their departures. And they said Dawn Olga: "Where is our squad, who sent you?". She also replied: "Go for me with my husband's boyfriend." And when the dawn was drunk, told the birth rates to their drinks in their honor, and herself walked nearby and ordered the squad to chop up the Drevlyan, and they were excised 5,000. And Olga returned to Kiev and gathered the army on the remaining.

Analysis of literature on the history of the emergence of the "Tale of Bygone Years" shows its discussion in science. At the same time, in all publications about the "Tale of Bygone Years" emphasizes the historical importance of the chronicle for the history and culture of Russia. Already in the title "Tale of Bygone Years", there is a response to the question of the purpose of the Chronicles: In order to tell the "Excudation, the Russian land went, who in Kiev initiated the first of the princes, and the Russian land began to eat." In other words, to tell about Russian history from the very beginning of it and before the formation of the Orthodox state under the collective name of the Russian land.

Revealing the issues of chronicle terminology, I.N. Danilevsky wrote that traditionally annoyed in wide sense Called historical writings, the presentation in which is conducted strictly by year and is accompanied by chronographic (annual), often calendar, and sometimes chronometric (hourly) dates. According to the species signs, they are close to Western European Annalam (from Lat. Annales Libri - annual reports) and chronicles (from Greek. Chranihos - relating to time). In the narrow sense of the word chronicles, it was customary to call the chronicle of the chronicles that have survived in one or several similar lists. But scientific terminology in the chronicle materials is largely conditional. This is due, in particular, with the "lack of clear boundaries and the complexity of the history of chronicle texts", with the "fluidity" of the chronicles, allowing "gradual transitions from the text to the text without visible gradations of monuments and editions." To date, "In the study of the chronicles, the use of terms is extremely vague." At the same time, "any elimination of the ambiguity of terminology should be based on the establishment of this ambiguity itself. It is impossible to terms about the use of terms without finding out, first of all, all shades of their use in the past and present. "

According to M.I. Sukhomlinova "All Russian chronicles the very name of the" Chronicles "," Chronicles "," Temperatov "," TIME TECHNGENIES ", and the like. It is consistent with your original form: none of these names would be decent if they were not denoted by the time of each event, if the summer, years did not occupy the same important places in them as the most events. In this regard, as in many others, our chronicles are similar not so much with the writers of Byzantine, as with those temporarys (Annales), which were published from the VIII century, in the monasteries of the Romanesque and German Europe - regardless of the historical samples of classical antiquity. The initial basis of these annals were Easter tables. "

Most of the authors believe that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Trestle of the Tale of Bygone Years belongs to Nermer, a scribe of a wide historic horizon and large literary talent: even before working on the "Tales of the Championships of the Year", he wrote the "Life of Boris and Gleb" and "Life of Feodosia Pechersk". In the "Tale of Bygone Years", Nestor set himself a major task: to drastically recycle a story about ancient period Rusi's stories - "How to go Russian land".

However, as A.A. showed Chess, "Tale of Bygone Years" were preceded by other chronicle vaults. The scientist leads, in particular, the next fact: "The Tale of Bygone Years", which preserved in the Lavrentievsky, Ipatievsky and other chronicles, was significantly different in the interpretation of many events from another chronicle, which narrated the same initial period of Russian history, about the Novgorod first chronicle of the youngerie. In the Novgorod chronicles there were no texts of contracts with the Greeks, Prince Oleg was called the Voevoda at the young Prince of Igor, otherwise it was told about the campaigns of Russia to Tsargrad and so on.

A.A. Chess came to the conclusion that the Novgorod first chronicle in his initial part reflected another chronicle arch, which preceded the "Tale of Bygone Years."

A prominent researcher of the Russian chronicle V.M. Istrin made unsuccessful attempts to find the differences in the "Tale of Bygone Years" and the story of the Novgorod first chronicle of a different explanation (that the Novgorod chronicle would seemed to reduce the "Tale of Bygone Years"). As a result, the conclusions of A.A. Chessatov were confirmed by many facts produced by both themselves and other scientists.

The text of the story of interest to us covers a long period - From ancient times before the second decade of the XII century. It is quite reasonably believed that this is one of the oldest chronicle archives, the text of which was preserved by the chronicle tradition. Separate lists it is not known. On this occasion V.O. Klyuchevsky wrote: "In the libraries, do not ask the initial chronicle - you will probably not understand and ask:" What list of chronicles need you? " Then you, in turn, come to beware. There is still no one manuscript found, in which the initial chronicle would be placed separately as it came out from under the pen of an ancient compiler. In all famous lists It merges with the story of her successors, who comes in the late crop usually until the end of the XVI century.. " In different chronicles, the text of the story reaches different years: up to 1110 (Lavrentiev and lists close to him) or until 1118 (Ipatiev and lists close to it).

At the initial stage of studying the chronicles, researchers proceeded from the fact that those found in the discrepancy lists are a consequence of the distortion of the source text during repeated rewriting. Based on this, for example, A.L. Schrelzer put the task of recreating the "purified nestor". An attempt to correct the accumulated mechanical errors and rethinking the chronicle text, however, was not crowned with success. As a result of the work done by A.L. Schrelzer was convinced that over time, the text was not only distressed, but also corrected by correspondence and editors. Nevertheless, a non-vocabulary appearance was proved, in which the "Tale of Bygone Years" reached us. This actually raised the question of the need to reconstruct the initial type of chronicle text.

Comparing all the lists of chronicles available to him, A.A.Shakhmatov revealed the discrepancies and the so-called general places inherent in the chronicles. Analysis of detected discrepancies, their classification was allowed to identify lists with coinciding discrepancies. The researcher grouped lists by editors and put forward a number of complementary hypotheses explaining the occurrence of differentials. Comparison of hypothetical arches made it possible to reveal a number general damninherent in some of them. So the alleged source texts were recreated. It turned out that many fragments of the chronicle of the chronicle were borrowed from very early arches, which, in turn, made it possible to move to the reconstruction of the oldest Russian chronicle. Conclusions A.A. Chessatova received a complete confirmation when the Moscow arch of 1408 was found, the existence of which was predicted by a great scientist. In full the path that A.A. did Chess, became clear only after publishing his student MD. Locked workbooks of their teacher. Since then, the whole story of the study of the chronicles is divided into two periods: pre-Shahmatovsky and modern.

When editing the initial text (the first edition of the Tale of Bygone Years) was changed so much as A.A. Chess came to the conclusion about the impossibility of its reconstruction. As for the texts of the Lavrentiev and Ipatiev editions of the story (they are customary to be called respectively the second and third editions), then, despite the later alterations in subsequent vaults, Chessov managed to determine their composition and allegedly reconstruct. It should be noted that chess fluctuated in the assessment of the stages of work on the text of the Tale of Bygone Years. Sometimes, for example, he believed that in 1116 Sylvester only rewrote Nestor text 1113 (and the latter was sometimes dated 1111), without editing it.

If the question of the authorship of Nesor remains controversial (there is a number of instructions that are fundamentally divergent with the data and lives of the Feodosius), then in general the assumption of A.A. Shahmatov about the existence of three editions of the Tale of Bygultural Years shares most of the modern researchers.

Based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe political nature of the ancient Russian chronicles, A.A. Chess, and for him MD. Squels and other researchers believe that the birth of the chronicle tradition of Pa Rusi is associated with the establishment of Kiev Metropolis. "The custom of the Byzantine Church Administration demanded, when opening a new department, bishop or metropolitan, to draw up a historical note on the causes, place and persons of this event for the work of the Patriarch Synod in Constantinople." It was supposedly a reason for the creation of ancient arch of 1037. Laters that were constituted on the basis of the Tale of Bygone Years, researchers represent that CygyBo journalistic works written, what is called on the evil of the day, then some medieval fiction, they are simply texts that are systematically with Amazing perseverance and perseverance "add" - hardly on inertia.

At the same time, the whole story of studying shows that the goal of the creation of chronicle should be quite significant so that throughout the centuries, many generations of chroniclers continued to work, started in Kiev in the XI century. Moreover, "the authors and editors kept the same literary techniques And they expressed the same looks and pa public life And on moral requirements. "

As believed, the first edition of the "Tale of Bygone Years" has not reached us. The second edition was preserved, compiled in 1117 by the Igumen of the Vestubitsky Monastery (near Kiev) Sylvester, and the third edition, compiled in 1118 on the command of Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich. In the second edition, only the final part of the "Tale of Bygone Years" was recycled; This edition and reached us as part of the Lavrentiev Chronicles of 1377, as well as other later chronicles. The third editorial office, according to a number of researchers, is presented in the Ipatiev Chronicle, the senior list of which is Ipatievsky - dates back to the first quarter of the XV century.

From our point of view, the final point in the study of the origin of the "story" has not yet been delivered, it shows the whole story of studying the chronicle. It is possible that new hypotheses relative to the history of creation will be nominated by scientists on the basis of newly detected facts. the greatest monument old Russian literature - "Tale of Bygone Years."

For more than 900 years, Russians have drawn information about its history from the famous "Tale of Bygone Years", exact date writing which is still unknown. A lot of disputes causes the question of the authorship of this work.

A few words about myths and historical facts

Scientific postulate over time are often subject to change, but if in the field of physics, chemistry, biology or astronomy, similar scientific revolutions Based on identifying new facts, the story has repeatedly rewritten in favor of the authorities or according to the dominant ideology. Fortunately, modern man It has a lot of opportunities to independently find and compare facts relating to events that occurred many centuries and even thousands of years ago, as well as get acquainted with the point of view of scientists who do not adhere traditional views. All of the above applies to such an important document to understand the history of Russia as a "Tale of Bygone Years", the year of creation and authorship of which has recently been questioned by some members of the scientific community.

"Tale of the time year": authorship

From the most "Tale of Bygone Years" about its creator, you can find out only that at the end of the XI century he lived in the Pechora monastery. In particular, there is an entry about the attack of Polovtsy on this abode in 1096, which was an eyewitness to the Chronicler himself. In addition, the document mentions about the death of Elder Yana, who helped writing historical labor, and it is indicated that the death of this monk occurred in 1106, which means that at that time a person who made a record was alive.

Russian official science, including the Soviet, since the time of Peter the First, believes that the author of the story of the Tale of Bygone Years is the chronicler Nestor. The oldest historical document that refers to it is the famous written in the 20s of the XV century. This work includes a separate chapter of the text of the Tale of Bygone Years, which is preceded by the mention as its author of a kind of blackberry from the Pechersk Monastery. The name of Nestor is first found in the correspondence of the Pechersk Monk polycarp with Archimandrite Akindin. The same fact confirms the "Life of Rev. Anthony", compiled on the basis of oral monastic traditions.

Nestor Chronicler

"Official" author of the story "The Tale of Bygone Years" was canonized by the ROC, so it can be found in the lives of saints. From these sources, we learn that the Rev. Nestor was born in Kiev in the 1050s. At the age of seventeen, he entered the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, where he was a novice of Reverene Feodosia. In a pretty young age, Nestor accepted Holder, and later adopted a dedication to the Ierodica. He spent his entire lives in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra: here he wrote not only the "Tale of Bygone Years", the year of the creation of which is not known, but also the famous lives of the holy princes of Gleb and Boris, as well as labor telling about the first devotees of their abode. In church sources, it is also indicated that Nestor who has reached deep old age died around 1114.

What tells the "Tale of Bygone Years"

"The Tale of Bygone Years" is the history of our country, covering a huge time interval, incredibly saturated with a variety of events. The manuscript begins with a story about one of whom - Jafete - have been in the management of land such as Armenia, Britain, Scythia, Dalmatia, Iona, Iron, Macedonia, Macedonia, Cappadocia, Paflagia, Fessiona and others. The brothers began the construction of the Babylonian pillar, however, the angry Lord not only destroyed this structure, personifying the human pride, but also divided people "on 70 and 2 people", among whom were Noriki - the progenitors of the Slavs that occurred from the sons of Japhta. Next, it is mentioned about the apostle Andrei, which is precise, that on the shore of the Dnieper will appear great cityWhat happened when Kiev was founded with brothers cheek and choriv. Another important mention concerns 862 years old, when "choking, Slovenia, Curivichi and all" went to the Varyags to call them to pronomize, and came to their call Three brothers Rurik, Trour and Sineus with families and approximations. Two of the sucked Boyar - Askold and Dir - they took over from Novgorod to the Tsargrad and, seeing Kiev on the road, remained there. Further, the "Tale of Bygone Years", the year of the creation of which historians still have to clarify, talks about the Board of Oleg and Igor and sets out a story about the baptism of Russia. Ends the story of the events of 1117 years.

"Tale of the time year": history of studying this work

Nestor's chronicle has become known after Peter the first in 1715 instructed to make a copy from the Radzivilovsky list stored in the Königsberg library. Documents have been preserved confirming that the attention of the king on this manuscript, Yakov Bruce - Personality, notable in all respects. He also handed over to the transfer of Radzivilovsky list on modern language Which was going to write the history of Russia. In addition, such well-known scientists, as A. Shleplezer, P. M. Stroyev and A. A. Chematov, were engaged in the study of the story.

Chronicler Nestor. "Tale of the time year": Opinion A. A.Shakhmatova

A new look at the "Tale of Bygone Years" was offered at the beginning of the twentieth century. His author became A. A. Chematov, who suggested and substantiated " new story"This work. In particular, he led the arguments in favor of the fact that in 1039 in Kiev based on the Byzantine chronicles and local folklore, a Kiev arch was created, which can be considered an ancient document of this kind on Russia. At about the same time in Novgorod was written precisely on the basis of these two works in 1073, Nestor created the first Kiev-Pechersk arch, then the second and finally the "Tale of Bygone Years".

"The Tale of Bygone Years" is written by a Russian monk or Scottish prince?

The last two decades were rich in different kind of historical sensations. However, justice must be said that some of them did not find scientific confirmation. For example, today there is an opinion that the "Tale of Bygone Years", the year of the creation of which is known only approximately, is actually not written in the period between 1110 and 1118, but the sixth centuries later. In any case, even official historians recognize that the Radzivilovsky list, i.e., a copy of the manuscript, the authorship of which is attributed to the nember, was made in the XV century and then decorated with numerous miniatures. Moreover, Tatishchev wrote a "history of Russia" not even from him, but from the recovery of this work on the modern language, the author of which, perhaps, was Jacob Bruce himself - the Robert Robert's first King of Scotland. But this theory does not have any serious justifications.

What is the main essence of non-workers

Experts who adhere to an unofficial look at the work attributed to Northrist, believe that it was necessary to justify the autocracy as the only form of government in Russia. Moreover, it was this manuscript that put a point in the question of refusing the "old gods", pointing to Christianity as the only right religion. This was the main essence in this.

"Tale of the time year" is the only work that tells the canonical version of Rus's baptism, everyone else is just referring to it. Already one should make it very close to studying it. And it is also the "Tale of Bygone Years", the characteristic of which adopted in official historiography today is questioned, is the first source that tells that Russian state trucks occurred from Rurikovich. For each historical work, the date of creation is very important. "The Tale of Bygone Years", which has exceptional importance for Russian historiography, does not have. More precisely, on this moment There are no irrefutable facts that allow you to specify even a specific year of its writing. And this means that there are ahead of new discoveries that may be able to shed light on some dark pages of the history of our country.

The "Tale of Bygone Years" contains 2 basic ideas: the idea of \u200b\u200bindependence of Russia and its equality with other countries (in the description of hostilities) and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of Russia, the Russian prince's kind, the need for the Union of Princes and the condemnation of the strife ("Legend of Varyag"). The work allocates several main topics: the topic of uniting cities, the topic of military history of Russia, the topic of the peaceful activity of the princes, the topic of the history of the adoption of Christianity, the topic of urban uprisings. According to the composition, this is very interesting work. It disintegrates into 2 parts: up to 850 g.-Conditional chronology, and then weather. There were also such articles where the year stood, and the records were not. This meant that this year nothing significant happened, and the chronicler did not consider it necessary to record it. Under the same year could be a few major narratives. The chronicle includes symbols: vision, miracles, signs, as well as messages, teachings. The first, dated 852, the article was associated with the beginning of the Russian Earth. Under 862, a legend was placed on the calling of Varyagov, the establishment of a single ancestor of the Russian princes Rurik. The next turning stage is connected in the chronicles with the baptism of Russia in 988. The final articles tell about the prince of Svyatopolka Izyaslavich. Also, a composite peculiarity of the "Temporary Tale" manifests itself in the conjunction of the set of genres in this work. In part, because of this one year, the messages of different content were placed. The chronicle was a set of primary genre formations. Here we find the weather record - the simplest and oldest form of narration, and the chronicle story, the chronicle of the legends. The proximity of the chronicles K. life literature It is found in the stories about the 2-eyed martyrs, about the foundation of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery and its devotees, about the transfer of the relics of Boris and Gleb, about the press of the Feodosius of Pechersk. With gravestone genre board words were associated with chronicles necrological articles that often contained verbal portraits Dead historical figures, for example, the characteristics of the Tmutarakan Prince Rostislav, poisoned during the Pear of the Byzantine warrior. Symbolistic landscape sketches. Unusual natural phenomena The chronicler is interpreted as "signs" -Presentability of more than the coming death or glory.

In the depths of "Tale of Bygone Years", a military story begins to form. The elements of this genre are already present in the story about revenge Yaroslav Svyatopolku Okayannoe. The chronicler describes the collection of troops and a campaign, preparation for the battle, "Schu evil" and the flight of Svyatopolka. Also, the features of military stories are traced in the "Tale of Taking Oleg Tsaryrad", in the story "On the Battle of Yaroslav with Mstislav".

Picture historical persons and the originality of the stylistry "Tale

Temporary years.

Central heroes Chronicles-princes. Chronicles 11-12 centuries. Pictured them from the point of view of the preceding prince ideal: a good warrior, head of their people, generous, gracious. Prince also is a kind Christian, a fair judge, merciful to those in need, a person who is not capable of any crime. But in the "Tale of Bygone Years" of the ideal princes a little. First of all, it is Boris and Gleb. All other princes are presented more or less versatile. In the chronicle, the squadus supports Prince. The people are most often depicted as the power of the suffering. The hero appears from the people and rescues the people and the state: Nikita Kozhemyaka; Patterns that decide to get through the enemy camp. Most of them have no name (they are called by age), it is not known anything about their past and the future, everyone has a hyperbolamic quality reflecting with the people-force or wisdom. The hero appears in a definite place at the critical moment. In the image of the heroes of the initial chronicle, the influence of folklore is very affected. The first Russian princes (Oleg, Olga, Igor, Svyatoslav, Vladimir), the chronicle gives a few, but bright characteristics, highlighting the dominant trace in the image of the hero, and the individual order. In the form of Olga, the wisdom of the statesman, which is expressed in the search for a single faith and in revenge of the rates. Epically concise characteristic of Svyatoslav. This is straightforward I. courageous man, easy to communicate with warriors, he preferred a victory in the open battle of military tricks. He always warned the enemies about what she was preparing a hike. Characteristic Svyatoslav is given through his actions, perfect feats. In later fragments of the chronicle on the 1st plan, the image of Prince-Good Christian. The characteristics of these princes are official, devoid of individual accepts. The prince killer could turn into the righteous; Yaroslav Wise from a reclamation son turns into an instrument of Divine Caras for Svyatopolka Pokyanny. In the chronicles there is a mixing style of monumental historicism, epic stylistics and church stylist. In the stories made in the style of monumental historicism, everything is known in advance, the fate of the hero is predetermined. And in epic parts often used the effect of surprises. Also, the feature of the stylistics is the mixture of various genres in one chronicles, a stony to one year of different events (especially if this event lasted for several years).

The originality of the content and forms of the Novgorod chronicle of the era of feudal ^) fragmentation. Features of the genre of military story. "Tale about (ITVA on the Lipic River."

The basis of the Novgorod 1 chronicle was the records that were conducted at the courtyard of the bishop. The chronicle herself retained the names of some authors, for example, Herman was carried out and his successor to Timothy's stuff. Chronicles often expressed their point of view on the events described. The Novgorodians themselves chose the princes themselves and treated them very highly, so the prince was not the main face of the Novgorod chronicle. The main content of the chronicles was recorded about the life of the city and the entire Novgorod land. Paints of disasters, nature phenomena appear repeatedly. Much attention is paid to the diverse activities of citizens, especially the construction and painting of churches. The number of people mentioned in the chronicle is very large: citizens, positors, etc. Novgorod chroniclers have been prone to brevity, most records were weather. All Novgorodians were patriots of their city, so in the descriptions of the battles, they were prone to exaggerate the number of enemies and increase the number of Novgorod. The event type is very rare and stands on the border with informative. Frequently used legendary plots. Bright distinctive feature Novgorod chronicle is a direct statement by the author of his opinion about people. A genre that can with confidence be allocated in the chronicle is a military story. Types of military leaders in the Novgorod chronicles are the same as in other principalities (informative and eventful), but the boundaries between them are much more prick. In military agendas, small attention is paid to the heroes, although the characters mentioned in them are much more than in other chronicles, since the authors call the names of the princes, and the governor, and individual citizens. Very briefness of the description of the battle (most of the chronicles were created by spiritual persons from military events). The chronicles cared for the glory of their city, extremely reluctantly wrote about the defeats of Novgorod. Often, the defaults were often resorted for the results of the battle, instead of what the death of individual Novgorod was reported, it was mentioned that the enemies died more. One of the few events in the Novgorod Chronicles is a story about the battle on the Lipica River in 1216. The first part tells in detail the events preceding the battle. The beginning of the Mstislava hike with Novgorod against Yaroslav is dating. Then describes the movement with battles near small cities, which the allies claimed or Yaroslav himself, there are no descriptions of the battle. Exactly indicates the location of the troops that came to the battle. The second part tells about the battle. The description is very briefly. The third part tells about the consequences: the flight of Yaroslav to Pereyaslavl; Arrest of prisoners of Novgorod, why many died; Exile of Yuri from Vladimir and the workout there is Constantine; Returning Novgorod from Pereyaslavl and the arrival of Yaroslav to Novgorod. The heroes of the work are characterized very weak, as in most Novgorod leaders. The author emphasizes the correctness of Mstislava and his desire to avoid bloodshed. Simple Novgorod soldiers appear. They determine how they will fight, and win. The narrator openly and consistently expresses its position. He rejoices the victory of Mstislava, surprised that "the sony's son on the son, brother on his brother .." (during the collection of princely coalitions). CopyrightAs in the set of Novgorod stories, it is manifested in the exaggeration of the strength and loss of enemies and the ambiguity of the forces and losses of Novgorod. Speech of acting persons spoken, concise. In different parts of the work, military formulas are used: "Lots of beaten, and other rashes, and the Xubezha region", less numerous than in informative poses.

Tale of the time year - the Old Russian chronicle, created in the early 12th century. The story is an essay that tells about the events that occurred and taking place in Russia at that time.

The tale of temporary years was drawn up in Kiev, later corresponded several times, but was not much changed. The chronicle covers the period from biblical times until 1137, dated articles begin with 852 years.

All dated articles are writings starting from the words "in the summer of such something ...", which means that records in the chronicle were added every year and talked about the events that occurred. One article for one year. This distinguishes the story of the time of day from all the chronicles that were taking it before. The text of the chronicle also contains lesions, folklore stories, copies of documents (for example, the teachings of Vladimir Monomakh) and discharge from other chronicle.

The story name received his name due to its first phrase, which opens the story - "Tale of the time years ..."

History of creating a story of the time

The author of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of the time years is considered a monk Nestor, who lived and worked at the turn of 11 and 12th centuries in Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Despite the fact that the name of the author appears only in later copies of the chronicle, it is the monk Nestor is considered the first chronicler in Russia, and the "Tale of Bygone Years" is the first Russian chronicles.

The most ancient version of the chronicle, which was reached by modernity, dated by the 14th century and is a copy made by Monk Lavrention (Lavrentievsky chronicle). The initial editorial board of the Creator of the Tale of Bygone Years - Nestor is lost, today there are only modified versions from different correspondencers and late compilers.

Today there are several theories regarding the history of the creation of the "Tale of Bygone Years". According to one of them, the chronicle was wrote by Nestor in Kiev in 1037. The basis for it was the ancient legends, folk songs, documentation, oral stories and documents preserved in monasteries. After writing, this first edition corresponded several times and recycled by different monks, including Nesser himself, who added elements of Christian ideology into it. According to other information, the chronicle was written much later, in 1110.

Question 41. Content and structure of "Tale of Bygone Years"

Genre and features of the Tale of Bygone Years

The genre of the story of this year is determined by experts as historical, but scientists argue that the chronicle is neither an artistic work or historical in the full sense of the word.

A distinctive feature of the chronicle is that it does not interpret the events, but only talks about them. The attitude of the author or a correspondence to everything, as described in the chronicles, was determined only by the presence of God's will, which determines everything. Causal relationships and interpretation from the point of view of other positions was not interesting and did not turn on into the chronicle.

The tale of the time years had an open genre, that is, it could consist of different parts - Starting from popular legends and ending with the notes of the weather.

The chronicle in ancient times was also legal importance as a set of documents and laws.

The initial goal of writing the behavior of temporary years is the study and explanation of the origin of the Russian people, the origin of the princely power and the description of the spread of Christianity in Russia.

The beginning of the Tale of Bygone Years is a story about the appearance of Slavs. Russians are represented by the chronicler, as the descendants of Jafet, one of Noah's sons. At the very beginning of the story, there are stories telling about the life of East Slavic tribes: about princes, about the vocation of Rüric, Trumor and Sineus for the princess and the formation of the Rurikovsky dynasty in Russia.

The main part of the chronicle content is the descriptions of wars, the legends on the times of the Board of Yaroslav Wise, the exploits of Nikita Kozhemyaki and other heroes.

The final part consists of descriptions of battles and princely necrologists.

The meaning of the Tale of Byg. It is difficult to overestimate - it was she who became the first documents in which the history of Kievan Rus was recorded from its very formation. The chronicle later served as the main source of knowledge for the next historical descriptions and research. In addition, thanks open genre, The tale of time-old has high meanlike a cultural and literary monument.