Ekaterina Vasque: “When they call me a psychic, it only brings a smile.” Ekaterina Vasque: “When they call me a psychic, it only makes you smile” In the future, the child has a feeling of complete impunity, on the one hand, and understanding

Ekaterina Vasque: “When they call me a psychic, it only brings a smile.”  Ekaterina Vasque: “When they call me a psychic, it only makes you smile” In the future, the child has a feeling of complete impunity, on the one hand, and understanding
Ekaterina Vasque: “When they call me a psychic, it only brings a smile.” Ekaterina Vasque: “When they call me a psychic, it only makes you smile” In the future, the child has a feeling of complete impunity, on the one hand, and understanding

Ekaterina Borisova is a psychic with a kind heart and a wide soul. Participants of the "Battle" and TV viewers immediately fell in love with her. Our heroine was even nicknamed Baba Katya. Do you want to know how her life developed before the project? How to get to her appointment? You will find all the necessary information in the article.

Biography: childhood

Borisova Ekaterina was born on February 22, 1962 in Uzbekistan. Her father was a military man, so the family often had to move from place to place. The Borisovs managed to live in Odessa and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. They finally settled in Bryansk. There, the girl continued her studies in high school. She had many friends and girlfriends.


In 1984 she graduated from the Art and Theater School. Grekova (Odessa). Then Borisova Ekaterina got a job at the Bryansk Drama Theater.

Our heroine is a creative and comprehensively developed personality. The woman writes poetry, draws pictures and creates beautiful things with her own hands.

She discovered extraordinary abilities in her adolescence. Catherine began to hear the voices of dead people and see ghosts. Soon the girl realized that she could heal the sick. Borisova is on the side of the forces of light.

Catherine has never been married. She has no children. She considers this a kind of retribution for her gift.

Ekaterina Borisova: "Battle of psychics"

In Bryansk, our heroine has established herself as a healer and a person who can see the past, present and future. On the advice of friends and relatives, Baba Katya went to the casting of the 15th season of the "Battle of Psychics" (TNT). At the entrance to the building there were crowds of people dressed in furs, leather and robes. Among them were shamans and witches with amulets in the form of skulls. Against the background of these people, Yekaterina Borisova was punished with a gray mouse. But the main thing is not the "wrapper", but the "content".

Baba Katya did not pass the task related to the search for a person in the trunk. However, she accurately described the girl who died in the fire. The Slavic witch told the story of her life and death. This sweet and modest woman conquered the film crew of the "Battle of Psychics". As a result, she became one of the 12 participants in the show.

Passing some challenges

  • 2nd edition. Two friends contacted the editorial office of the program. They provided a photograph showing one of them being hugged by black arms. The girls wanted to figure out - was it a ghost or a film defect? The first to start the test was Ekaterina Borisova. The psychic could not explain what is shown in the photo. But Baba Katya identified the girl who is hugged by incomprehensible hands in the picture.
  • 3rd edition. The first task was as follows: out of 6 strangers in masks, find a girl from a simple family. All the rest are representatives of high society. Baba Katya made the right choice. In addition, she told the beauties about their future fate. On the second test, psychics encountered a girl possessed by demons. Catherine lit a fire and began to read information from the guest. A few minutes later, Borisova delivered her "verdict" - the girl has no obsession.

  • 4th edition . The first plot took place on the set of the Chernobyl series. On the vast territory of an abandoned factory, psychics had to find a hiding guy in 10 minutes. Baba Katya successfully completed the task. She also performed well in the second test. The Slavic witch named the cause of the death of the young motorcyclist.
  • 5th edition. Participants in the Battle of Psychics 15 understood the reasons for the death of the leader of the Gaza Strip group, Yuri Khoy. Borisova talked about what kind of person he was. The task for the second test is to explain the cause of death of 7 people from the Streltsov family. Baba Katya got a little confused. But among the 8 submitted photos, she managed to find a snapshot showing a living person.
  • 6th edition. Borisova successfully coped with the first test. Among 6 girls, she found one who turned to love magic. To complete the second task, psychics went to the cemetery. Baba Katya was able to name the gender and age of the deceased guy, as well as describe his appearance and character traits. She confidently declared - he was killed.
  • 7th edition. This time, the psychics had to investigate the mystery of the death of Irina and All the participants in the 15th season in dark masks were brought to the mansion where the actor lived with his wife. Baba Katya immediately went to Irina's room. She told a lot about the mistress of the house herself and her relationship with her husband. The second test took place in the studio of the program. Psychics had to tell about a deceased person, reading information from his things. Baba Katya made a serious mistake for the first time in her entire participation in the show. She named everything incorrectly.

Final "Battle of psychics"

For several months, the participants in the show have been proving to the whole country that they have paranormal powers. On December 20, 2014, the 14th edition of the program was released. There were four participants in the final: Borisova Ekaterina, Tanya Larina, Arseniy Karadzha and, of course, Julia Wang.

A week later, the results of the 15th season were summed up. Julia Wang became the winner. Thousands of fans all over Russia voted for her. As for Ekaterina Borisova, she got 3rd place. Our heroine was not upset at all. After all, during her participation in the "Battle" she acquired all-Russian fame and audience love.

Ekaterina Borisova: reviews of her work

After participating in the "Battle of Psychics" program, our heroine was literally inundated with letters and calls asking for help. Ekaterina Borisova tries to answer each person. How to get an appointment with her? The Slavic sorceress regularly conducts seminars and consultations in Bryansk. For a personal meeting, you need to contact its administrator by phone: 8-985-129-75-84.

Clients who turned to her for help were satisfied with the result. Baba Katya shows hospitality and cordiality to every visitor.

There are also negative reviews about her work, but they are presented in negligible quantities. Usually, the authors of sharp and negative comments are envious, ill-wishers and competitors of Catherine.


We talked about where the Slavic sorceress was born and studied. Now you know when Baba Katya discovered her extraordinary abilities. Let's wish this wonderful woman happiness and long life!

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Looking at this stylish, feminine blonde, it's hard to imagine that almost every day she communicates with people who have committed brutal murders or rapes. She converses face to face with serial maniacs, stories about which cool the blood. Meet: this is Ekaterina Viktorovna Vasque, a psychologist, who has more than 1,500 forensic examinations that have played a role in solving especially grave crimes.

Dossier :
Ekaterina Viktorovna Vaske
Doctor of Psychology, Candidate of Philosophy, Professor of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Head of the Center for Legal Psychology and Forensic Psychological Expertise, scientific consultant of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
Author of over 100 scientific papers in the field of legal and forensic psychology. The practical manuals developed by her have been introduced and are actively used in the practical activities of the investigative bodies of the Russian Federation. As a practicing specialist (profiler, expert, consultant) Vaske E.V. constantly provides assistance to law enforcement officers in the disclosure and investigation of especially grave crimes in different regions of Russia. The heads of the power structures of the Russian Federation, Ekaterina Viktorovna, has been repeatedly awarded medals "For Assistance", has many thanks and certificates of honor for her assistance in solving and investigating crimes, for her significant contribution to the training and professional development of investigators.

"Difficult teenagers were drawn to me"

Ekaterina Viktorovna, tell us how your professional path developed?

I started out as a professional consultant at the Gorky City Center for Youth Career Guidance, where schoolchildren came to understand where to go to study and work. I came to this Center with a pedagogical education, like many of my colleagues. I really liked working at the Career Guidance Center, so I received a psychological education and became a psychologist. Since I always had to earn my own “bread” (I don’t remember at all when I had only one job without “part-time jobs”), I combined the work of a “visiting psychologist” in schools. There were staff psychologists, of course, who performed their functions. But I was asked to work exclusively with difficult teenagers, which I did.

As I remember now, in one of the schools I received in the director's office in the evening, they gave me a separate closet, gave me a key to the office, where I came several times a week by appointment. She worked with difficult teenagers and their parents, helped to resolve various conflicts, helped to restore relationships with teenagers to parents, teachers ...

In general, I have never worked with gifted children, and I never had such a desire. Somehow I started right away with the "difficult" ones. Maybe because they themselves were drawn to me. I had to work a lot, it was difficult, but after a few years I gained invaluable, in my opinion, experience, as it was called at that time, “a practical psychologist”. By the way, from that time until now, despite my academic degrees and titles, I have not given up my practice for a single day.

Then I decided to try myself in medical psychology and came to a neuropsychiatric clinic, where a few months later, having mastered a new path, I “went” to a forensic examination and became an expert psychologist. I worked there for a little less than 10 years. During this time, she wrote her Ph.D. thesis in philosophy, which was again devoted to difficult adolescents - "Typology of subjects of deviant behavior." My choice was logical - when I started working as an expert psychologist, a huge number of teenagers who committed offenses passed through "my hands". It was then, in 1995, that a completely new category of adolescents (I called them "elite difficult") - juvenile criminals from prosperous families whose parents are law-abiding, socially positive citizens - emerged from the array of these "my" adolescent offenders: teachers , engineers, business leaders ... And their child grows up to be a criminal. Why is this happening? What is the reason? Why do parents, who by all means instill in their children universal human values, children commit grave and especially grave crimes? Why is this happening in our country? I was looking for answers to these questions while working on my dissertation.

I had to work a lot as an expert psychologist, over time - only with the most difficult cases. Of course, I combined the practical activity of an expert psychologist with scientific, and then with teaching - in 1999 I developed an author's course in complex forensic psychological and psychiatric examination, which I have since read to university students. In 2001, she finally left the neuropsychiatric hospital, became an assistant professor of the department, where I still work, but already as a professor. It so happened that my doctoral dissertation was also devoted to adolescents - the psychology of interrogating juvenile offenders and victims of sexual violence. But, I still consider expert activity a matter of my life, and I simply cannot live without practice, I continue to conduct expert examinations, but now in civil proceedings, and if in criminal proceedings, then for other regions of Russia.

"You can't learn how to diagnose lies on the Internet"

The investigator during the interrogation "pricks" the criminal, but what is the name of what you are doing?

My task is to get the most complete and sincere information from the person who is in front of me in this or that situation. This can be very difficult to do even with children. For example, a child would like to tell everything, but closes in, it is impossible to “pick up a key for him,” but it is necessary to get information from him. That's when you need to make the child feel psychologically comfortable, so that he wants to tell everything and does it sincerely. In general, the activity of a psychologist in the criminal process is extensive - from drawing up a psychological portrait of an unknown criminal (the so-called “criminal profiling”) to psychological support of investigative measures.

A lot of "useful information" is circulating on social networks about how to figure out a person, understand what he is thinking, and figure out a liar. There are even courses where this is taught. Does this have something to do with your work?

- My professional activity is very diverse, but part of it is related to profiling.

(from the English "profile" - profile) is a set of psychological methods for assessing and predicting human behavior based on his non-verbal and verbal behavior.
Initially, the term “profiling” (profiling) was used in the context of compiling a search psychological portrait (profile) of an unknown person on the trail of a crime scene.
The training and use of professional profilers to identify potentially dangerous passengers (terrorists, brawlers, etc.) were first implemented in Israel by the El Al airline. Profiling has made El Al one of the safest airlines in the world.
Currently, profiling is used to assess the reliability of information during personnel checks, official investigations and in the framework of criminal proceedings.

In general, the peak of the "fashion" for profiling came in 2011, after the release of the TV series "Lie to Me". Now everyone already "knows" that if the interlocutor scratched his nose - he is lying, touched his forehead - thought, stroking himself on the thigh - he is erotically inclined. Of course, such conclusions are ridiculous, only professionals in reality can competently conduct visual diagnostics of lies, as the film consultant, the author of many books on the diagnosis of lies - Paul Ekman, and the author of the series - Samuel Baum speak about. If everything were so simple, we would know everything about each other. In fact, it is very difficult, and a real professional always doubts. For example, knowledge, experience, professional intuition and certain personality traits in the aggregate give me the opportunity in a certain situation to say: "This is so and nothing else." But only after a scrupulous analysis and careful "weighing" of all the facts, when all the links are lined up in the head and a mosaic is formed. And it may not take shape right away. In general, this is called "non-instrumental lie detection", when the set of certain signals reveals the signs of hidden circumstances, intentional and unintentional distortions of the events that actually happened.

But even a good knowledge of such diagnostics is by no means a panacea for deception - the interlocutor can skillfully manipulate you, staging certain manifestations.

Despite the fashion for the word "profiler" and "promotion" on the Internet of profiling itself, there are only a few professionals in this area. In the same way, the Internet continues to circulate the topic of a "magic pill" for detecting lies in the form of a "lie detector - polygraph". It must be remembered that the main thing is the human factor, because a person stands behind any activity. I always tell my students: “Do not consider the person in front of you more stupid than yourself. If you consider him smarter than yourself, you have a better chance of winning. " To understand how sincere a person is with you, you need to win over him, make the environment as comfortable as possible for him. This is the most difficult thing - to "reveal" a person in a communication situation. There are a lot of subtleties here, and visual diagnostics alone, especially in terms of mimic manifestations, of course, is not enough. Therefore, if you decide to go to profiler courses, then carefully study the information about them. And don't believe all the reviews on the internet. In our time of troubles, as always during a crisis, various odious figures emerge. Therefore, you need to be especially careful not to get into a stupid story or, worse, into any sect. As you know, a person can achieve a lot on his own and for this it is not at all necessary to be a magician or a wizard. They tell all sorts of legends about me, calling me a psychic, but all this only makes me smile.

"Help if you can"

Okay, not psychic. But, probably, you still have a certain gift, talent?

- We all have innate qualities, genetically determined characteristics. And I am no exception.

My dad was very good at the technique of hypnosis, was a strong hypnotist and in general a very strong personality. I hope that a certain set of personality traits was passed on to me from him.

From the age of ten I saw his hypnosis sessions, communicated with people whom he helped to cope with various ailments, as I then believed, sometimes even "assisted" him. Even then, I understood what the strength of personality is. Therefore, when Kashpirovsky, Chumak, and then other healers, magicians appeared, it was not difficult for me to understand where the fraud was and where the professionals were. But genes are not everything; the role of upbringing should not be underestimated. My father used tough methods of education with me, he even tried to teach me boxing. How correct it was is another question, but I became independent and persistent in achieving the goal. And principled. He taught lying once and for all at an early age.

You say - "principled". What's your main principle?

"Cover the offender with a glass"

In ordinary life, we are also often faced with such unpleasant situations when, for nothing, about anything, you can get a portion of negativity in your address. Can you tell me what to do?

If a person is haunted by a situation, or an unpleasant person does not get out of his head, one proven method can be used. Imagine that you cover your abuser with an inverted glass. He screams inside the glass, knocks on him with his fists, and this makes you smile, which means you have thrown off the negativity from yourself. Just don't overdo it - you don't have to imagine that he broke his head in blood.

And also remember: a strong person will not scream and insult. The one who cannot convey information constructively turns to shouting.

Raising your voice in a conflict situation is a sign of weakness. Proceeding from this, one must draw conclusions, build one's attitude to what is happening. Of course, it is very unpleasant if you are yelled at on the street, in a store. What to do? Just silently wish him happiness, health and move on. Who knows what happened to him? We can all show weakness. Yes, and many are now in a permanent state of stress.

Why are we in such a state at all? I often hear from older people: "All these fictions of your stresses and depressions. We didn't have anything like that." Why didn't they have it, but we have it?

They lived in a different country. There were absolutely clear attitudes of society, and people lived in accordance with these attitudes. They believed in good things, knew that they had a strong country, knew what they were fighting for and that they were under the full protection of the state. People were motivated by a common idea, one global goal. One BAM was worth what! Then we suddenly found ourselves in another country, old values ​​were destroyed, and new ones were not built. It didn't work out right away to embed capitalist values ​​into our mentality. More than one generation needs to go through for these values ​​to take root. The simplest example: in America and Europe, when a child turns 18, he is sent to "free swimming". Parents gave him what they could, then he "rowed" himself. Now he comes to his parents only by phone call and invitation. Let's take our mentality: “the mother is bad who has not brought her child to retirement”. The umbilical cord is as strong as a rope. A step to the left, a step to the right - "shooting". "Why didn't I report it to my mom?"

The stratification of our society, in which there is practically no middle class, has a huge psycho-traumatic effect on the emotional state of people. By the nature of my professional activity, I have to see different categories of citizens - both quite well-off and those living below the poverty line. There are a lot of really hungry children, despite our not-so-hungry time. It is clear that the position of the “Sharikovs”, proposing to take away and divide everything, is not an option, but this level of social stratification cannot but reflect on the psyche of people, and therefore on their behavior both in the family and in society.

Another cause of constant stress is the media. Endless political programs are streaming from TV screens, accompanied by conflicts and public displays of destructive emotions; show with clarification of family relations, fights and insults on the air; TV shows abounding in blood, violence and propaganda of a criminal lifestyle (being a bandit is honorable, a prostitute is wonderful); all sorts of programs about the life of "stars" and oligarchs ... All this taken together is a powerful psychotraumatic factor for the psyche of people who, with constant viewing of such products, naturally arise certain emotions, usually destructive. It is time for the media to turn around one hundred and eighty degrees, to show incomparably more cognitive, developmental, life-affirming programs, the spectators of which could be children and adolescents.

"Respect your teenager"

It turns out interesting. Under the scrutiny of moms and dads, when the "umbilical cord is like a rope", criminals still grow. And the parents clutch their heads: "Where did I overlook? What did I do wrong?"

Several categories of such families can be identified. For example, families for which the level of material security allows the child to be enrolled, conventionally, in ten sections, to teach five languages. They want to raise a superman, forgetting that this is a living man. He just wants to lie down, think, hug mom. And his head cannot perceive so much information. Parents say: "When he misbehaves, he has everything scheduled by the minute!" But this cannot go on indefinitely, the child needs to "breathe out". And this "exhalation" can be completely unexpected for parents. The second option is that it will simply turn into a small robot, which will also provoke destructive feelings in the child, which will further spill over into the parents, including.

The second category - parents simply do not notice what is happening with the child. They do not notice that he is deceiving them, because they believe him infinitely and, out of the best intentions, forgive everything. Very often, powerful psychological defenses of such mothers prevent them from understanding and accepting reality. “This cannot be, because it can never be,” thinks the mother, who does not believe that her daughter is sexually active at the age of 13. “It can't be! I raised her, I am a teacher. So I'm a bad teacher? No, I raised her correctly, because I am a good teacher! " Such unconscious mechanisms (psychological defenses) are built in the head of this mother like a palisade, not letting true information to the level of consciousness, not allowing to see the real situation. And even more so, not allowing to take it for granted. “My child is telling the truth, and they are all lying!” - the mother convinces herself, without taking any constructive actions.

The child, however, quickly understands all this, continues to deceive the mother, and then very quickly learns to manipulate her.

In the future, the child develops a feeling of complete impunity, on the one hand, and an understanding of absolute maternal protection in any situation, on the other. Such a mother becomes codependent on her child if he takes the path of crime, alcohol, drugs.

The third category is that parents simply cannot resist the influence of society. With the onset of adolescence, the adolescent's behavior finds expressions typical of this period of reactions. For example, the reaction of emancipation is a protest against adults. Yesterday's child, who agreed with his mother in everything, suddenly says that she is wrong, does not know, does not understand. And everyone knows and understands the guys in the yard. Parents often misunderstand such manifestations in their child - now a teenager - considering it insolence and spoiledness. In fact, the teenager began to feel like a person, and he tries his best to protect his personal space. And this is a natural manifestation of the growing up process, a natural transition to the next age stage, into the next age period. It is at this time that the child needs to be supported by showing him acceptance as a person. Tough authoritarian pressure on him, Internet bans and deprivation of a smartphone do not give rise to anything in a teenager except destructive reactions, which will be expressed in reactions of active or passive protest, up to suicide attempts, joining occult organizations, extremist groups or "death groups". If you feel that you cannot find a common language with your child, contact a specialist. You feel that you are losing touch with your child, his academic performance has decreased, he smells of cigarettes, he hides when he speaks on the phone, hides new acquaintances from you, encrypts their names - it's time to sound the alarm. But you do not need to lead the child according to healers or sorcerers, go to a specialist. Preventing and avoiding is always easier than overcoming!

Many dangers await the child on the Internet, in social networks in particular. Do parents have the right to check the correspondence of their daughter or son? After all, if the child finds out about this, the reaction can be terrible.

I am convinced that they not only have the right, but must do it. The benefits of the Internet as an information space and a tool for acquiring knowledge should not be underestimated. But he also poses a great danger. We cannot completely, and even more so, by force protect the child from the World Wide Web - parents take away the phone from their son, at school during recess he goes online from a friend's smartphone.

My conclusion is simple: parents should be informed about the interests of their child and about his pastime, including on the Internet. Moreover, they are obliged to do this, because their child is a minor, and they, accordingly, are his legal representatives.

Having information to keep your child safe and spying on him are two different things. Peeping through the keyhole is ugly, and to argue that my mother cannot catch a glimpse of her daughter's correspondence is, in my opinion, hypocrisy. Another thing is that you must respect yourself and respect the child, without plunging, of course, into his intimate correspondence.

For example, you see that a girl shares her feelings with her friend, talks about how she likes the boy ... You do not need to delve into reading such correspondence if there is no reason to sound the alarm. But, if in correspondence with a friend-friend, your child talks about the method of suicide, appoints the time and place of its commission ... Then how? In this case, sanctimonious "delicacy" can cost lives. Therefore, parents need to know which sites their child is visiting. Maybe he's a porn site frequenter or a satanist student. This, of course, does not imply further total surveillance of the child, and even more so, voice over what he saw or punishment for it.

But parents are obliged to monitor the situation. At the same time, I absolutely do not share the opinions of psychologists who advise parents to create their own page on the Internet under a fictitious name and write to their child from it, promote some truths and learn his secrets. I believe that such methods are at least anti-pedagogical - parents, communicating with their child every day, deceive him, acting simultaneously in two guises. “Do with a person the way you want to be treated with you” is a common truth known to everyone. If you lie to your child, do not respect him, he will intuitively understand this, and then he will respond in kind.

By the way, can the interest that teenagers develop in porn sites be considered normal?

The child's heightened interest in a particular porn product should alert parents. You need to talk to the child. If a child becomes actively interested in porn sites, he needs to be explained what is “good” and what is “bad”. If you cannot yourself, bring your child to a specialist, psychologist or sexologist. Prohibitions are meaningless, they will provoke a backlash, making the child even more interested - as you know, "the forbidden fruit is sweet." It is necessary to explain to the child that there is love and it is wonderful when such a feeling arises between a boy and a girl. It should be romantic, gentle. And pornography has nothing to do with feelings or love, it is a transition to an animal level.

In general, with a child - and even more so with a teenager - you need to negotiate. Prohibitions alone will not accomplish much. If you want to grow a Personality, from a very early age a child must understand and feel that he is a person, that he is loved, and his opinion is taken into account. But he must also know the word "no", understand that he has responsibilities that must be fulfilled. In general, life itself continues to prove that Good always wins. Good is creation, which means improvement, the path to which is laid in childhood.

Interviewed by Ekaterina Podvigina