How to give funny, cool and offensive nicknames with different people: friends, guy and girlfriend? Nicknames, ascending to character traits.

How to give funny, cool and offensive nicknames with different people: friends, guy and girlfriend? Nicknames, ascending to character traits.

Branch MBOU Dmitrievskaya Sosh

Evgenievskaya Nos.

Prepared and read

teacher Evgenievskaya Nosh

Sveracheva Svetlana Andreevna

year 2014

Nickname and nickname

Each person has a personal name, patronymic and surname. In addition to the name, patronymic and surname, many people have more nicknames and nicknames. Hisoid, comic, sometimes that we just ignore the word - different.

Talk about nicknames, nicknames and names are widespread in the network and in real life. This topic generates many reasoning and disputes.

In the dictionary of S.I. Zhigov, the dignity is defined as "a set of moral qualities, as well as respect for these qualities in itself." Throughout his life, a person seeks to preserve his dignity, protect him from others, to resist humiliation. In children, the most common verbal forms of humiliation of dignity are most common: offensive words, replicas, phrases, appeals, nicknames and nicknames.

Let's start with the question: "Where do various nicknames and nicknames come from and what do they mean?".

Initially, the nicknames occurred the current names, as people had to have any way to distinguish one Vasily from the other, they called one "Vasily - Kuznets", and the other "Vasily - Pakhac".

These nicknames showed significance, the need of a person, talked about his professionalism and did not mean anything offending and offensive, which would not tell about the current nicknames and nicknames.

In the dictionary, the nickname is defined as "the name given to man for some characteristic feature, property. In the same dictionary, the concept of nickname has two interpretations, the first is the "pet name"; The second is "nickname".

Nicknames are the second personal name of the person, but it is given to him without registering in the legal document: a birth certificate, passport.

The nickname is a kind of baptism that faded most often in a school environment, on the street, it happens very live, if sticking, then a person will be accompanied for a long time. Some people nicknames accompany all life: from school to old age. Nicknames or nicknames sometimes allocate named among others, as people with the same names, names. It is impossible to forget that the nicknames most often have a negative shade.

We are often wondering how they are attached and for what nicknames. They were nicknames, there are and will exist.

Nicknames can be respectful if the relativity of a person (Yaroslav Wise, Ivan Grozny)

The formation of nicknames from surnames is mainly at the level of teenage and youth environment. Creating a nickname by discarding the family formants -OV, -Ev, -in, -yn, -ska, -Evsky, -Ovsky. Similar type of sfaming nickname is a significant part total Nickname such a kind.

Such nicknames refer to the number of neutral, usually not offended on them, perceive practically as proper.

Often nickname, especially in families, has a benevolent shade and deceptibrates. They come to school with confident that nicknames do not represent anything reprehensible, but they are almost always different, the unkind content on the basis of some known associative connections only. A positive emotional field is inferior to a negative. For example, several rows can be given, including the name of the child (which is called friends and parents), and nicknames (which is received at school):

Vadim - Vadimchik - Bad - Bloch.
Tanya - Tanyusha - Rat.
Nina - Ninuska - Ninka Pink.
Igor - Sunny - Fish.

Nicknames and nicknames as a form of humiliation of dignity in a children's environment very lively. Numerous examples can be found in artistic literature.

An example of children's cruelty, persecution of one of their peers represents the history of Lena, described in the story of the famous children's writer VC. Zharnokova "Stuffed". In the school of a small town where Lena and her grandfather settled, classmates did not accept the girl. They were constantly subjected to her ridiculous, invented an offensive nickname for her - scarecrow. At the organizers of the persecution, there were also none clocks: shaggy, red, iron button ... it came to the point that the grandfather makes the decision to leave the town and thereby get rid of his granddaughter from non-deputies.

As a rule, weakened disadvantages, and not only real but possible, while there are nicknames for some characteristic feature, property

Clicks can reflect: physical disadvantage (temple, weak vision); appearance (deviation from generally accepted norms - fullness, thin, big ears, freckles); The style of behavior (quickly says, quickly walks, constantly fighting); A single act who remembered; Surnames (Kozlov, Baranov). In most cases, the appearance and surname of children fall under the shelling. So, in the same class met: Gray (Sergey), Slavs (Glory), Sukharev, Redtrore, Oglobla (High Girl), Cabinet.

In search of an answer to the question, why the emotional field changes so much, it can be assumed that children, adult, try to avoid "tenderness" against themselves from their peers. In addition, children from families are studying in the classroom, where the affectionate appeal is not accepted. Not receiving a positive experience of communicating at home, they can enroll the elements of rudeness and ill-wishes to their classmates.

At the heart of the nickname and nickname is a comparison due to the motivation of their use. Parents resort to comparisons on the grounds: soft, fluffy, kind, beautiful, tasty. Chief motif - Express your love for children. Children often find comparisons on the grounds: ugly, angry, sloppy, cowardly. Close to nicknames and evaluation words-characteristics (sludge, loaf, dirty), but they are temporary.

Perhaps a merciless criticism embedded in most nicknames serves as an incentive for reflection, self-analysis and self-esteem, that is, to overcome a child of a particular quality.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the causes of the assignment of the nicknames are considered as a way of self-affirmation and psychological discharge, a protective reaction, instrumental aggression (name to achieve any purpose), ambitious motives, the desire to stand out, the desire to support the leader when he pursues someone (manifestation imaginary collectivism) to cover their helplessness, the desire to humiliate the other to feel power.

This is what the children themselves say about it:

"The boys are stronger than girls, so girls can only call their offend somehow, come up with a nickname."

Thus, some children using nicknames are approved in life, others have a sense of discomfort. Clicks injured the child, wounded his soul, can affect the development of the personality, cause a complex of inferiority. For those children who are constantly called, are often anxiety, anxiety. Inventing the nicknames and nicknames can be attributed to the ethical category of violence, as it is accompanied by the subordination of the will of one person will be another.

How to deal with calling?

1. Spend a conversation on the topic "Giving nicknames and nicknames is a bad habit."

2. Come to know the children with the Russian Personal Name Word.

3. Sharp the communicative tasks with children.


nickname questioning

In addition to the name with the surname, almost all of us we carry nicknames. Hisoid, comic, sometimes that we just ignore the word - different.

Nicknames are the second personal name of the person, but it is given to him without registering in the legal document: a birth certificate, passport.

The nickname is a kind of baptism that faded most often in a school environment, on the street, it happens very live, if sticking, then a person will be accompanied for a long time. Some people nicknames accompany all life: from school to old age. Nicknames or nicknames sometimes allocate named among others, as people with the same names, names. It is impossible to forget that the nicknames most often have a negative shade.

The tradition of giving nicknames is not Nova. For example, the Roman emperor Guy Caesar August is Germany. And for nothing, in the world, we would not remember this magnificent name if I knew Guy still on the military camping, where he was given non-zezed leather boots "Caliga", they did not paint it simply "Caligula." And Caligula - well, who, "Blood", does not know? And now, how many years have passed since, and people are still often referred to as their friends, colleagues, classmates, neighbors and just familiar not as they are recorded in their passport. So to say: "FULL NAME You leave for HBEs, regulations and passports, and we will not blame me, the nickname for you will understand. It is easier with him, more precisely, and most often in the apple. "

Conversations about nicknames, nicknames and names are widespread in the network and in real life. This topic generates many reasoning and disputes.

Often as a nickname man gets the name of some animal or bird. So in the nickname could be aptly noticed exterior appearance Human, his character or habit. One person for the fightability could be a rooster, another for long legs Zhuravl, the third for the ability to always turn into, avoid punishment or danger.

In ancient documents, you can sometimes find the most extraordinary nicknames. For example, in one of the documents there is a record made in 1495. It will mention the peasant Ignathko, who wore a nickname ... Great lapties (the word Great is used here in the old value of "big").

We are often wondering how they are attached and for what nicknames. They were nicknames, there are and will exist.

Therefore, our study is devoted to the study of nickname. Collection and classification of nicknames on the basis of their origin is our study. Studies were carried out in the Yenisei district: who from the inhabitants there are nicknames, the causes of their origin.

Thus, the generalization and structuring of work experience in the designated directions is considerable value. This determines the relevance of this course work.

These positions allowed to formulate the problem of research: what are the features of the education and use of the nickname / nickname in the speech space of the city. The solution of this problem and amounted to the purpose of the study.

The object of the study is the speech space of the city, and the subject of research - nicknames / nicknames in the speech space of the city.

To solve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Analyze the concepts of "nickname" and "nickname" in linguistic literature.

To identify the main signs of nicknames / nickname and offer their classification.

Make a questionnaire for recipients for use with them nicknames in communication; Conduct survey.

Analyze the questionnaires.

In our work, we are guided by the following methods: method of collecting information (study of scientific literature), surveillance, observation, analysis, comparison method, method of generalization, structuring method.

Work consists of introduction, 3 paragraphs, a list of used literature, conclusions and applications.

In the introduction, the relevance of the chosen topic of the study is substantiated, a problem is formed, the objective of the study, the object and the subject are identified, tasks are set and the methods of pedagogical research are determined.

In 1 paragraph "The concepts" nickname "and" nickname "" presented the analysis of concepts and various interpretations to understanding their essence.

In 2 paragraph "Classification of nicknames on features of origin", material is structured on the signs of origin and use of nickname in communication.

In 3 paragraph "Analysis of the questionnaire", the main criteria are identified and the results are structured.

In conclusion, the conclusions for the study are formulated.

The list of literature used has 20 source.

The appendix provides questionnaires and charts.

1. The concepts of "nickname" and "nickname"

Each person has a personal name, patronymic and surname. In addition to the name, patronymic and surname, many people have more nicknames and nicknames.

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova nickname is defined as "the name given to man for some characteristic feature, property. In the same dictionary, the concept of nickname has two interpretations, the first is the "pet name"; The second is "nickname".

Large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language D.N. Ushakov explains the concept of nickname as "name, name given to a pet" and as "nickname, nickname, which is given to any person in a joke, mockery."

Concept nickname D.N. Ushakov determines as "name given to man in addition to his name and containing an indication of any noticeable trait of character, external activities, activities of this person."

D.V. Dmitriev In the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, the concept of nickname gives two formulations. The first - "This is the name of the pet" and the second - "This is a joking, conspiracy or jargon name, nickname."

Nickname D.V. Dmitriev interprets as "this person (in addition to the main name and surname), the name that happens is predominantly from any character traits, appearance, kind of classes or on consonance with genuine name Both the last name.

"The name given to man in a joke, in a mockery, etc. Usually containing an indication on any noticeable trait of its character, external activity, activities, etc. " ; ; . Such a definition of the concept of the nickname gives three vocabulary of a large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language edited by S.A. Kuznetsova, dictionary of the Russian language edited by A.P. Evgenaya and new dictionary of the Russian language T.F. Efremova. The concept of nicknames these dictionaries are extruded as "pet name", as well as "nickname given to a man in a joke, in a mockery, for conspiracy purposes, etc." ; ; .

In Wikipedia, the concepts of nickname and nickname are combined into one vocabulary article and explained as " informal name <#"justify">Nicknames formed from surnames.

The formation of nicknames from surnames is mainly at the level of the teenage and youth environment.

Creating a nickname by discarding the family formants -OV, -Ev, -in, -yn, -ska, -Evsky, -Ovsky. A similar type of sfaming nickname is a significant part of the total number of nicknames of this kind.

Such nicknames refer to the number of neutral, usually not offended on them, perceive practically as proper.

Not perceived as hurt many nicknames, which were formed by discarding the formants from the names, ascending to non-Christian old Russian names And nicknames: Eagle (Orlov), Winter (Zimin), Falcon (Sokolov), Oak (Oaks), Wolf (Wolves), Pigeon (Golubev), Shuba (Shubin), Kulesh (Kuleshov), Frost (Morozov), Pop (Popov), Borsch (Borschov, Borschevsky).

However, many onomoosnov belong to the appeal vocabulary, which in the cultural tradition of the Russian people possesses correlation with certain established in folk memory cognims, both positive and negative nature. In view of this, the nicknames formed by cutting off the family formants are divided into sfaming nicknames of a positive nature and sfaming nicknames of a negative nature.

Nicknames of a positive nature are not only not hurt, most often the one who they are given is proud of them, because This is facilitated by both in history and in the culture of the people, the idea of \u200b\u200bthis appeal, with whom the nickname corresponds.

The nicknames of a positive nature include: flower or flower (flower), Swan (Lebedeva), Birch (Berezina).

Nicknames of a negative nature, causing unwanted associations, may be sufficient, especially since these sfaming nicknames may coincide with the nicknames actually ascending to the external or internal properties of a person. For example, flea (flea) - flea ("black-haired, small, yurt man"), Kisel (Kiselev) - Kisel ("Mozmazny"), Moskal (Moskalev), garden (sadom residents), Badger (Barsukova).

History makes some adjustments to the understanding of the word. For example, the nickname of the Commissioner (Commissioners) sounds with a shade of negativity, although the surname dates back to the post existing in Russia before the revolution.

From the names belonging to the so-called "professional", nicknames of both neutral and negative nature are formed.

Neutral, who do not cause resentment, because they do not differ in essence in terms of semantics from themselves. The fact is that in some cases they may exist as non-standard names that have no formants, so these nicknames are perceived as surnames. However, some professions acquired at this stage the attitude dismissive to them, they gained negative connotation, therefore the nicknames formed from the names ascending to this profession can cause unwanted associations: the shepherd (shepherds).

The nicknames formed from the surnames cut-off of the sample forming formants are perceived as non-ordinary if the etymology of applative vocabulary, the basis of the surnames, for modern carriers is incomprehensible, darkened. A similar one should also be said about the dialect words underlying the names: Yarns (Yartsev), Bushui (Bushyev). In this case, these nicknames are perceived as a set of sounds that are not associated with any particular value.

There are examples of homonymy at the level of appellas, the families of the surnames and the nicknames formed from them. As an illustration, the following pairs of family anthropolex and nicknames obtained from these surnames are given: heel (Pykin), German (Nemtsov). Heel - part of the human leg and heel - the fifth son of the parents; The German is a resident of Germany and a German, poorly speaking or silent.

In addition to the above-mentioned method of education, the nicknames from the family, there is a second way, which is that not only formants, but also suffixes relating to those names and appeals, from which surnames were formed. At the same time, 1) disappears the shade of dimension, lapiness: Vasya (Vasyunin), Grisha (Grishanin); 2) disappears the tint of the official: Boris (Borisov). In other words, these nicknames are essentially neutral. The same happens during the formation of nicknames from the surnames, ascending to the appellate vocabulary: disappears the shade of the dimension, which leads to the neutrality of the nickname - the eye (eyes), the cherry (Cheromushkin).

Found enough in a youth environment (especially in school) is education from family nicknames. In this case, various kinds are observed:

Surname and nickname consonant with initial sound complexes:

a) 4 sounds are consonant: Schumacher (Shumakov), Petrosyan (Petrukhin), hoof (kopyl), McClaud (Maclars);

b) 3 sounds are consonant: Nazim (Nazimov), Zemsti (Zemtsov), Belyash (Belimov), hat (hives), myth (miftakhov), Kuzya (Kuznetsov);

c) Two sounds are consonant: chuh (chocks), bug (Zhunvich).

The nickname is formed from the surname partial replacement or insertion of sounds: Cher (Sharon), cousin (Kuznetsov), Katyuna (Katikov), Maruska (Maulova).

As can be seen from examples, this type of education is nicknamed a kind of creativity.

Still tangible elements verbal creativity, peculiar verbal game Observed in cases where the overall nature of sound is taken into account. At the same time, metathesis can occur: a kocherga (Korchagin), potatoes (short). Sometimes the nickname is created from individual sounds that make up the surname: Eskimos (Akimov), associate professor (dons) ham (fading).

The formation of sfaming nicknames can be carried out using suffixes. Suffix, having its own importance bring it in a nickname, making it more expressed painted.

In the sfaming suffixionally decorated nicknames there are the attitude of those who give nicknames to those who are given.

For example, the nicknames formed by the suffixes with diminutive-smear, naturally, talk about a positive attitude of friends to a person who gained this nickname. We are talking about such formations like Sunny (Solders), Sukharik (Sukharrebrik), Dubok (Dubovitsky).

It should be noted that this is noted at the level of both male and female nicknames: Gusenok (Guseva), cheek (cheek).

Suffix-Ashk- Makes the nickname Kondrashka (Kondratyev), suffix -Yuch- is well displaced in the nickname of Matyuha (Matveyev), they make nicknames too similar to abbreviated names, which, in principle, adequately the foundations of the names that go beyond the personal names of Kondrathy and Matvey: Kondrashkin and Matyukhin.

More expressive are women's nicknames. It is known that suffix-andkh- (a) is used to form a woman's naming of her husband (surnames, name, profession, etc.). Due to the existing traditional model, the nicknames decorated with the help of suffix-andx- (a) are perceived somewhat negatively due to the age inconsistency: Kwiechikha (Kvitikovskaya), the Pyric (Pirogov), Chihiha (Chizhikov). The most negative was the nickname of Kabaniha (Kabanov) in view of associations with not essence of Kabanchi from Drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

In addition, the replacement of suffixes may entail a change in the bases based on various metonymic transfers: oatmeal (oatmeal). (The surname of Ovsyannikov dates back to the naming of a person by the nature of his activities: Ovsyannik - "He who sells oats from which you can cook with oatmeal"). Similar and noted in the nickname mill (Melnikova).

Sometimes the suffix changes the bases to such an extent that it is quite difficult to detect any connections between them, except for the consonance: Murka (Muravyova).

The influence of the gender factor is observed in the formation of male and female nicknames from the same surname: Baby (Malyutkin), Malyutkin (Malyutkin); Baby (Malyshkin), Kid (Malyshkin). Male nickname, as can be seen from the example, is characterized by cutting off the suffix.

And in this form of the sfaming nickname, the case was recorded when two nicknames are formed from one name: Cooper, he is Big bobecause "he is not only high, but also fat" (Bondarenko).

A large number of sfaming nicknames, formed by various kinds of rethinking, associations underlying them life experience.

So school program In literature, undoubtedly, helped in creating such nicknames as a writer (KUPRUP), Grishka (Melekhov). Cartoons ran into the appearance of a nickname type (Dzhannova).

Sometimes an appeal is used as a nickname, which is part of the same lexico-semantic group as the appellate underlying the name: Bulka (Khlebnikov); Steamer (shipboards).

Of all sorts of associations underlie such nicknames like Murzik (Catchkin), and-go-th (Koneva).

Sofaming nicknames can be formed by adding the foundations and use of abbreviation.

Addition of the foundations in the formation of nickname. It speaks of a rich creative beginning, which is clearly traced in a youth environment, especially at schoolchildren. It was for them that there was such a nickname as the Mongol Tatars (Tatarnikov).

The design of nicknames in the type of double-clock combinations is observed in cases where the sfamble nickname, which coincided with the personal name, causes certain associative connections, which allow us to specify the nickname: Bogdan Titratyll (Bogdanov).

The addition of the foundations, widespread in the youth environment, has a peculiar type, which is that the nickname is formed by connecting syllables or individual sound-bellows of the surname and name. So nicknames include Pops (Popova Svetlana), Kolyan (Olga Konnikova), Shakira (Shakunova Ira). For teacher's nicknames, in addition to the name and name, the middle name is used: Xena (Zemsky Ekaterina Nikolaevna), Ninja (Nina Andreevna Zueva).

And yet, for the teacher's nicknames, abbreviations are the most popular way: Paradise (Rychkov Alexey Yanovich), (Poobanova Elizabeth Sergeevna); Scrap (Loskitnova Olga Maksimovna).

All nicknames created by the addition of parts of the surnames and names, as well as by abbreviation, are not at all a set of sounds, these are quite recognizable words. Creators nickname, apparently, to this and strive: after all, the simple set of sounds does not make sense, and therefore, the word is not. That is why, when creating nicknames such a kind, phonetic changes such as metathemium and stunning of the final consonant can be used the sole purpose: Get a easily recognizable word.

Nicknames formed from personal names.

Above already said that the sfaming nicknames are in the youth environment because school collective Most often, the appeal goes at the level of surnames. And this, apparently, can be explained by the fact of prevailing nicknames formed from the names. In addition, the foundations of family anthroponyms are very diverse both in the genetic and semantic plans, for they go beyond both the names of their own and nicknames, both to professions or the type of activity and ethnicity, etc.

Personal names that appeared in Russia after the adoption of Christianity were unmotivated for Russians. In addition, the borrowed names for the borrowed names in the Russian traditional nameman name are, because they are often repeated.

And yet the nicknames are formed from personal names, and practically the same ways as infamils.

Most big number Reference nickname gives consonance and some appeals. Moreover, in these replacing nicknames, you can identify the following subspecies:

traditional consonation at the level of coincidence of the diminutive form named Peter - Peter and the words Petya, which can be considered a chickper of the rooster, which is reflected in oral folk art: Peter-Cockerel. Hence the rooster (Peter);

the appearance of rhymed teases: Monkey (Yana), Khryusha (Andryusha);

sound of the name and appeal: Melon (Dina), nightingale (Glory), Pachan (Pavel), Vova (Volodya);

rearrange Sounds: Sayan (Sanya)

consonance with appeals of diminutive form names: (Alexey - Lesha);

doubling a syllable: LEIL(Alyosha, Alena).

In addition to various types of consonants, causing all sorts of associations, the rethinking of the nicknames is played by rethinking, i.e. Finding links between names and surnames in which some similar signs are traced.

For example, Onegin (Eugene), Pushkin (Alexander Sergeevich), Gagarin (Yuri Nikolayevich), Kludy (Claudia). The last nickname is based on the similar sound of the name of Claudia and the duck of carriage from the cartoon. Christie (Christina) - this nickname, undoubtedly goes back to the consonance of Christina and the name of the famous English writer Agatha Christie.

There are nicknames that require some explanations. So, for example, the cost of mosic is called. The birth of such a nickname is based on the similarity of the sound of the personal name Kostya and the appeal bone, and the large bone is Mosil.

Nicknies can be formed from patronymic. The teacher of mathematics, whom everyone is afraid, was called Kondrashka, and not only because her middle name Kondratyevna, but also because of her gaze, as children say, "Kondrashi can suffice."

Just as in the sfaming nicknames, there are those formed by the type of abbreviations: DT (Diana Timofeevna), bromine (Maximovna Bromelia).

There are also cases of addition of the names of the name and patronymic: Tyson (Taisiya Alekseevna), Visser (Viktor Sergeevich).

An example of the addition of the initial parts of the names of two dusty friends is united: Vasgen (Vasily and Genady).

Only at the level of replaces marked education from the names of relatives. The boy, similar to her grandfather, whom everyone loves, is Nastyanny (grandfather's name is Tikhon or Sishan). Boy, Mamienecian son, Yabeda and Plaks, called Lyudmila (Mom's name is Lyudmila).

Nicknames, ascending to appearance.

Nicknames ascending to appearance - some are among the most ancient: at the early stage of human development, they existed as names.

The nicknames given by the person in appearance are usually associated with the visual assessment of the appearance of a person, which, however, is excreted only from the compliance / inconsistency of the external trafficking of the person to the standard that traditionally develops from any people over the long years of its cultural and historical development.

Human growth and nicknames as its assessment.

The first thing that rushes into the eyes when looking at a person is his height.

High growth in Russian cultural tradition is one of those signs that are included in the ideal of a beautiful person. But if high growth Exceeds the standard, attracts attention, then evaluative nicknames appear.

The older generation environment includes Dilda, Uncle Stepa, Kolomna Mistra.

In a youth environment recorded male nickname Bell Tower ("Well, just an endless guy") and women's ostrich and heron.

However, most often in the seed structure of the nicknames besides semes "high", other seeds are added.

Such additional seamam refers sem "thinness". The thin in the Russian tradition means "patient", "bad", therefore, the nicknames of high and thin people are distinguished by the variety. High, thin, awkward men are called Fitil, Dryn, sullen, long, dsch, noodles, nails, nickname Wick can be considered almost as traditional as long. But sullen, noodles, nails require explanations. Sullen - "High, thin, awkward young teacher, he walks as if he is hesitating his height, her thin, almost smiles"; Noodles - "Long, thin, like a rollton noodle"; The nails are "long, thin, and the head is big, like a hat for a nail, but he is very charming, so he is not a nail, but nails."

Large, i.e. High and large, strong, called the closet, ambal, elk, elephant, which becomes almost a tradition. A woman of large physique, high and complete, can call a bomb, barrel.

Karkusha, given by a high, thin girl, so dark and the mannest, which made her similar, in the opinion of her friends, on the famous television crow Karkush.

Low, i.e. Little growth, if it is significantly lower than the standard, also causes nicknames, ascending to different kinds of appeals. Depending on the attitude towards people of small growth, which are expressed in the choice of appeal vocabulary underlying the nickname, the latter can be both neutral and expressively painted. The attitude towards a person is guessed that in the nickname, the attitude towards a person is guessed, indicates the fact of changing the expression plan of the nickname as a kind of sign unit. A young man who in the elementary classes wore a noticed nickname Shmakodäky, in the senior classes began to call Shmaku, because he was trying, he acquired respect for his comrades, became, according to them, adults, solid.

To neutral nicknames, which are given to people for little growth, should be attributed to Malaya, Malik, Malyan. Their inner form is quite transparent, the suffixes -ik and -yan do not make any special adjustments to the substantive structure of the nickname, except for the fact that they bring the importance of these words to those who gave these nicknames to those Who became their carrier. More expressive can be considered those nicknames in which there is a connection with appeals: Philippock, Napoleon. In the youth environment, Dechl, Telepusik appear, and the last nickname is given to the girl.

Explicit negative should be considered those nicknames in which there is a connection with appeals that have a negative assessment of the tradition: a smruh, anchor, a king, gasik. Youth is more inventive in the assignment of nickname, because in this case it is usually present well-visible and tangible creative principle. Check (from Chekushka, i.e. Quaternka), Countryman (from Earth, i.e. "Almost in the towering above"). Bukashka ("Very little young man"), Gnome ("very little girl").

The basis of the formation of nicknames of people of small growth can be laid, in addition to semen "small", and other seeds. Especially often additional is the "thinness, perplexity" seven. An old man ("Young man, small, thin, looks like an old man"), Kozhenka ("Little, Hoody"), Kozhenachka ("Little, thin, but all beloved"). The proportion of sympathy is in the nickname of a wagon, which is given to men to a friend and only them in the go. More offended are youth nicknames pocket, tushkanchik.

Small, thick name Carlson, scars, navel. Small, unspillial emphasized nicknames, krop, a tone, which are in a youth environment. Here the nickname of Mole arose.

It becomes the traditional nickname of flea, which is given to representatives of both male and female, if they are small, black-haired, movable. Small, with a big beard - hottab (from Hottabych); small, hardworking - ant; Little, Crawn - Coller; Small, strong - fungus. The last nickname belongs to very pretty, according to friends, a girl. The baby is so called a small one, but very cute, according to neighbors, a woman.

Sema "similarity" in combination with the Seam "Small" is present in the nickname of Fidelka ("He looks like Fidel Castro, but very small, so Fidelka"). But the nickname of Winnie the Pooh arose due to the fact that the boy was small, Tolstoy, in addition, his name was Veniamin.

Teachers nicknames may indicate the ingenuity of their wards: a cinema - so calling a music teacher for a small growth and a twist voice; Atom is a nickname of teacher physics, small growth. Chips - a small teacher of technology and besides with curly hair.

In the youth environment, the so-called "nicknames for two" are popular. For example, the small name is one of the brothers, the growth of which is medium, the one who is two centimeters below, the name is small. Elephant and Pug - a very high guy, and his girl is very small. One and a half - two friends, the growth of one is approaching 2 meters, and the other does not exceed 1.5 meters.

Enantiosemia is found: small and kid, both nicknames of almost two-meter growth. Such a phenomenon is found in any environment. In the youth environment, nicknames of Baby, a thumbnail, which belong to a high, full guy.

Antonyms are thick-lean as a human assessment.

Both excessive completeness and excessive thinness in the Russian tradition was always considered a disadvantage of not only the appearance of a person, but also was evidence of his ability to work. Fat person Not only is not distinguished by beauty, but it is most likely a lazy, whorler. Lucky person, apparently, the sick, which also does not contribute to work.

There are nicknames that do not require a special explanation, because They became almost traditional in the nickname of people who differ in completeness. This is a bun, donut, pusan, butuz, belly, fat, fat. Women's nicknames of this type are significantly less: toxic, fat. Nicknames that fully coincide with the appellate vocabulary - BUUO, SALO, can cause and most often cause a resentment from those who are given. And not only because the appellands to which these nicknames rise have a negative painting, but they also testify to the dismissive attitude towards them those who give these nicknames. Bun, donut, fad associated with such appeals that folk tradition They are considered pleasant, giving joy and pleasure.

There are nicknames that are peculiar synonyms to the already existing traditional traditions. This happens because the often used nickname seems to be semantically discolored, does not have proper expression, which undoubtedly should be present at the level of nickname. That is why, along with Butuz, they appear, common in the youth environment, men's nicknames, Pups, Pupsik. In the same environment, a plump appears ("thick, like a soumo fighter") and, accordingly, a metaphorical fighter, as well as suffixually decorated Pufflik. Metaphoric nicknames of forks, watermelon, loaf, juban, in which hidden comparisons are felt: "Round, thick, with a big belly, real Watermelon"; "White, thick, soft, like a bar with round sides."

Gender consolidation nickname is not always connected with the category of kind. So, the man is called Pyatonka, and the teacher, very complete and bad, students nicknamed a bus.

Sometimes nicknames are given by any two signs that distinguish this person, which is observed in any age environment: Borov ("Fat, important guy"), Torpeda ("Thick, Nor Movable Guy"). Women's nicknames are presented as follows: Piglet (" fat girl With squeaky, like a cartoon hero, a patch, voice "); Clamshell ("full, awkward woman"); Pelmeni ("Complete, unstoppable girl who is obliged to his nicknamed father").

As mentioned above, the nicknames of thin people were noted less, however, and on semantics and in an expressive pain, they are richer. Traditional skeleton, blasphemes there are along with such youth nicknames, like a tear, he is dry; A hole ("Bublik round, and he is a hole from the bubble"); Trophy (cutoff cut); Vermicelli, Balinaun ("Lucky guy, and besides, Tonky"), Chuha ("Chash"). Female nicknames less: Lace, Masyanya, Twenty ("Loud, like a board in 20cm").

Enantiosemia is found: fat (thin). Slender nickname - wears a small growth girl whose weight is more than 90 kilograms.

Antonyms strong-weak as a human assessment.

A strong, healthy, strong in the minds of the Russian people associated with a person's positive, real man, although the presence of one forces alone without any positive qualities was still not built into the rank of human, primarily male merits. The nicknames that were given to physically strong people were recorded a very small amount, and they are based on almost two or more signs. For example, Merin, boar ("strong, healthy strong, hardy"); Loban ("strong, powerful"); Ball ("strong, kind"). Only one nickname belongs to a woman: Cyborg ("Strong, Huge, Mainlike"). The force in the number of female advantages in the Russian tradition, as, however, in world culture, was not included and not included. Strong, truly strong, a woman is a violation of the generally accepted standard, hence this is a purely male nickname.

Nicknames, data weak peopleThey were built on the principle of enantiosemia: Farshnegher (from Schwarznegger); Stallone with a dining room (from Sylvester Stallone).

Nicknames, data for individual parts human body.

High - low, thick - thin, strong - weak - these signs that are first rushing to the eyes, belong to the comprehensive impression of a person. However, there are more detailed differences between one person from a number of similar.

a) hair.

These detailed signs are materially expressed, for example, when evaluating many parts of the human body and primarily hair. The usual eye and traditionally Russian is considered blond color. Such a hair color, like a redhead, is immediately striking: a person who has such a hair color falls out of the Russian concept of beauty. Hence the nicknames: the traditional redhead and various kinds of combination of words, which the word of redhead is included as compulsory. Redhead Ale (Alena Petrova Girl's hair color).

Bright blondes are as rare as red-haired. They get the nicknames white, segoing white, squirrel, whiteobry, gray, albino.

For the hair of the ash color, a young man got a nickname gray. Apparently, because the boy had a real blond hair, it began to call Rusak.

The case of enantiosemia is observed in the nickname black, which was given to a whiteobry man.

They are distinguished by the special expression of the nicknames, which are called people changing their natural hair, especially if this attempt ends fails: Chernobyl ("Girl who made extravagant timing"); Asphalt ("Blonde became a brunette"); Explosion ("Girl after painting hair in two colors"). Hair quality, their density also serve as the basis for nickname.

Despite the fact that the crispy wellms were always a reference to beauty, judging by songs, fairy tales, however, the largest number of nicknames refers to people who have curly hair. At the same time, the appeals are chosen by the most different: Pushkin, Baran, Baranchik, kojka. In the youth environment, such nicknames are common as a poodle, fluffy, dandelion.

The thick hair is the pride of the owner, but if they are unspecified, then wearing it very expressive, negatively painted nicknames, in which the censure clearly sounds. This is Lochmach, Barmalei, Tarzan, Cooler, Lohewra.

Strong short hairThose standing on end, cause the following associations, guessing in nicknames: Hedgehog, Okundek, Chizh.

The lack of hair or very liquid hair give rise to no less expressive and insulting nicknames: shaved, stalks, bald, bald ("Woman has very rare hair"), Vovka-curly. The last nickname is based on enantiosemia, because its bald carrier.

b) head.

Nicknies, data on the size of the head and its form, a minor amount was found.

The size and shape of the head is determined by a certain, established culture tradition, based on the commensuity of the head and body, head and growth. If proportionality from the point of view of visual is clearly broken, then people who have a rather large head acquire nicknames of beans, kochan, headastyc, globe.

The eyes are too narrow for the Russian "aesthetic" taste are estimated as something, not just "deviating" from the standard, but also binding to the concept of non-Russian. From here the owners of narrow eye are calculated by the following nicknames: Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Mongol, Kyrgyz.

Too big eyes Also draw attention. Hence the nicknames Eyes, the Bluestik. The eyes of the hitch allow you to give them to the owners of the nicknames of Glazia, herring, Charolupe. The latter is found in the youth environment.

An unpleasant impression that man causes too often a blinking, reflected in the nicknames of Morgun, Morgunka.

Glasses, hiding eyes, do not cause special ridicule, because many are currently carrying them. But if these glasses of an unusual form or give the person to any expression that gives rise to certain associations, the following nicknames appear: Botanist ("The boy learns well, began to wear glasses recently"), zombies ("The girl wears round glasses"), point (" The girl wore glasses and came up with his nickname herself ").

The most unpleasant and insults are the nicknames associated with any defect of the eyes, especially the squint or the absence of one organ of vision. It is unethical to remind people once again about their physical disadvantage. Apparently, therefore, the nicknames are obtained practically having no connotation. There is a direct statement of the fact: oblique, oblique, jamb, one-eyed.

The complexion of his oval, any defects of the skin of the face - all this gives rise to the nicknames are quite expressive.

Holders of ruddy rounded or round cheeks are referred to as tomatoes or tomatoes. Too pale and round face in the youth medium generates nicknames Casper, Chupa Chups. Tolstopadovy are peeled with hamsters, beabons.

Flat face causes association with breeds of Pekingese dogs.

Unusual oval faces fixed in nicknames Square, pot. A ferret is called that who has too small features. Skin defects are marked in nicknames of the Mountain ("A big mole on the face near the nose, very ugly, looks like birthmark"), Vesnyanka (" The girl's face is all in freckles ").

Nicknames that are given to people in the form of a nose, based on the comparison of this outstanding part human face With noses of any of living beings or characters, such as cartoons or books. Hence the metaphoricity of many nicknames of a similar type: Hawk ("Nose, like a hawk"), Eagle ("Nose, like an eagle"), Pyratino ("Nose, like Pinocchio"). The nickname Pyat5 goes back to the shape of the nose, "like a piggy pump, only a larger size, so Pynet.

Nicknames, rising to the shape of lips or their size, are almost single and are associated only with thick large lips: Guban, Hubist. Is not associated with a similar one with the people who are in the people believe that the character is easy to determine on the lips: full lips - a sign of good in the way, thin lips - evil, well, and excessively thick lips belong to the spidelines.

Most of the nicknames rising to the nature of the teeth are correlated with large discovering front teeth. Almost all of them belong to the discharge expressive enough, because they have parallels with well-known appeals: hare, tushkanchik, beaver, rabbit. And as a generalized - a shelter (from rodent). If the hare can be called a cowardly, a carcass is a good jumping, a bobr - a hardworking, a rabbit - fluffy, then the shelter correlates only with big front teeth. The nickname, thus, it turns out more specific, from it is more expressive and, therefore, a shameful.

There were front teeth not only discovering, but also curves, then compare this not with anything, hence the cruel nickname is a mutant.

There is a nickname given for large teeth, - Slava-tooth, as well as a nickname, built according to the method of reduced-inclination, is a teeth. This nickname in the same youth environment received a young man with inserted front gold teeth, he is a golden tooth.

g) jaw.

The jaw too outstanding forward, undoubtedly draws attention to itself and gives rise to the following nicknames: extendable jaw, retractable, jaw. The last nickname, as nicknames nose, tooth, i.e. Nicknames coinciding with appeals, as it seems to us, more expressive in view of what they point to that flaw in human appearance, which should be paid attention to. A girl with an outstanding jaw is called Przhevalsky's horse.

h) vegetation on the face.

The biggest share of the nickname of this plan falls on those who wears the mustache: the cockroach, ("He has a thin black mustache), Usach (" Young man letting the mustache "), cat (" mustache, like a cat "), the beard is called A young man, contrary to fashion that worn beard, and the goat is the beard, like a goat.

Now rarely who let go of the Benbard, but the one who wears them most often has a nickname Pushkin.

For the defect of the ear shell of a person name is Cornadhim ("No Light Uha").

Three signs formed the basis of the nickname ascending to such a part of the human body as the neck: its length, thickness, any defects.

Only two nicknames correlate with the length of the neck: Goose, Giraffe. A man with a short neck is called to the root.

l) skin color.

Skilled skin color, given by nature, Russian rare. This deviation from the standard is noted by nicknames. Ducky is chocolate, smoked.

m) posture.

The hook, pepper ("like a pod of red zhugochi pepper, when he dries off"), bent - such nicknames get slopes. A man who has humpback - Gorbach.

All the nicknames that are related to the peculiarities of the hands of people are quite transparent, the signs laid on the basis of these nicknames are easily guessed: the left ("left-hander"), Corospipe ("Located in childhood, which grumbled incorrectly, crookedly"), sixpassed, crooked ("There is not enough two fingers on the left hand").

Chromoty, closure - this is what exactly pay attention to. Hence the chrome, chromium tree. The last nickname is given to a girl who, after falling from a tree, a light lame remained in childhood. Per big size The feet of the girl received the nickname forty fifth, and for too thin legs, her classmates called the goat.

n) similarity with anyone.

A very large proportion of nicknames are those that are based on the external similarity of a person with any of other people, from the representatives of the world of animals, from among the characters of cartoons.

The similarity of people with someone is striking if there is at least one sign in their appearance, which is closely connected in people's memory to any person (known to all or at least a certain circle of people), animal, character.

Nicknames ascending to similarity with any famous people, significantly in terms of volume, and the choice of those with whom they compare depends on many factors, including age-related. Lenin ("Bald, Cartvit"), Stalin ("Looks outwardly") Putin ("The young man speech is one in one similar to the speech of the president").

In young people, the Association has a somewhat different plan: Shakira ("externally similar"), Lolita ("Externally similar to the singer Lolita is also fond of singing"); Jack Sparrow ("Externally similar to the actor Johnny Depp Artist of this role"); Zhady ("Externally similar to the heroine of the TV series"); Cree-Cree ("Externally similar to the hero of the series Elene and Guys").

Each people, including Russian, has its traditionally established stereotypical image of a person of another nationality. Finding any signs included in this stereotype is the cause of the appearance of the nickname of the Gypsy ("Small, black-haired, curly").

p) Clothing, general impression.

"Meet the clothes," they speak people. Clothing creates a general impression that sometimes remains unchanged in the form of a person's addiction to a certain style, color, its adherence to fashion.

For the love of a certain style and color, nicknames striped, matroskin were obtained. Odnoklassniki nicknamed a girl-Armenian for the unchanged black clothes with wild rose.

People, especially men seeking to get dressed clean, as if with the needle, call fashionable, fashion. Rubber men call Chukhan, parsh. Women, as creatures by nature, loving to dress better, painful, being slightly, get more expressive nicknames, in which a clear condemnation sounds: Anchutka, pig.

Antonyms are beautiful - uncomfortable as a human assessment.

The popular concept of beauty is based on the postulate: only one who is beautiful internally, i.e. with soul. And yet, if a person is pleasant outwardly, his appearance caresses the gaze, the people try to note this in the positive, painted with the positive emotions of the nicknames, which most often belong to women. These nicknames are mostly associated with traditional appeals, which has been compared from a long time Beauty: chamomile, birch, gloss, queen.

Madame - nickname, depicts a middle-aged person. In the same age environment, the nickname is the king, which belongs to a man having a good posture, neatly and even shoegolski dressed. In the youth medium, nicknames, these girls with young people, sound like macho, super. Very ugly young people are given nicknames Zhenya -Mord, fantomas, beauty, mouse; .

Nicknames, ascending to character traits.

Nicknames, ascending to character traits, differ from those that were given in appearance, according to some parameters. The visual type of nickname often only states certain deviations from the standard; Appeals to which nicknames are torn, do not always have a negative connotation and therefore by and large do not cause resentment from those who were given. Exceptions are the nicknames of the visual type that are associated with any physical disabilities delivering and without nicknames of grieving those who have. In addition, the offense causes the nicknames of the same type, which are given to those who are trying to change anything in their appearance, but this attempt ends failure.

Nicknames, ascending to character traits, are mostly built on a purely visual impression of a person, but on the assessment of his personality, his social valence. And the nicknames of this kind should be attributed to the nickname characteristics, in which not only the desire to humiliate a person, but also to point out the negative features of his personality so that a person, having received such an assessment, was able to negotiate this deficiency so that people were able to nickly Or a person to determine who they are dealing with.

In fact, each trait of character is the maximum of its opposite, although sometimes there are also so-called intermediate links.

Nicknames with the seed "quiet": So, the concept of "quiet, calm" can include both non-vulnerable and imbumance, secrecy, as well as weakness of nature, dependence on others. And in the concept of "restless", you can automatically turn on the slope, hot tempering, preciousness, weldability, mischief, i.e. All those features that make owners of such characters in communion are not very pleasant. Calm person is called Kiryan (named Hero of the film "Eternal Call"). A calm person is usually quiet, silent, often imperceptible: Molchun. Girls of this type are endowed with nicknames as quiet, mice. Often, calm becomes uncommunicable: savage, biryuk, beep.

Nicknames with seed "Restless": if people possessing the foregoing features of character are creating a comfortable situation in communication for those who are their communicative partner, it cannot be said about those people who have a restless character, which undoubtedly creates significant inconvenience for Those who comes with them in contact.

Hot-tempered men are called crazy, Fyry (from snorting), Buna (from Buyan, thump). Women's nicknames are mainly associated with the manifestation of such character traits like mischief and weldability. Birchka ("The girl likes to talk and laugh"), Nedmeyana ("The girl who is difficult to check")

Nicknames with the "kind" seed. The kindness is the character of the character that the time of the century is considered a sign of a person, good in all respects (good well done, good people, good father, etc.).

Nicknames with the seed "evil." Evil, as you know, oppositely, it is more multifaceted and multi-sided, because the nicknames relating to evil people are much more than those united by the "kind" seed. The most frequency nicknames of this type are nicknames, explicitly comprising evil sign, traditionally correlated with representatives of the animal world. It is a boar, Gurza, Beast, Polcan, Barbos.

Sometimes the nicknames explicitly express the sign that speaks of "evil" of human behavior: Shugai ("The one who drives everyone, shiges"), Borzoy ("Quick (Borz) on the massacre"), thunderstorm ("noise, raging, harvested").

Nicknames with the seed "serious": a man ("So called his mother, when he was only 3 years old, for unusual thoughtfulness, responsibility; at school, the nickname was preserved behind him"); Father ("The student was older than everyone in the course, because he entered the institute after the army; he had more life experience, and everyone listened to his advice").

Nicknames with seed "frivolousness". If children's frivolousness, a somewhat easy attitude towards life is not considered a deviation from the dormitory rate, then adult people relating to life as easily as children are condemned as violators of lifefall. Nicknames given by "non-serious" adults, based on their own signs.

The most common, generic, in essence, the nickname can be considered the elderly, which contains undoubtedly condemnation for frivolity in everything.

Special condemnation, judging by the nicknames, adults are worthy of people who easily look at life and their responsibility for anything or anyone.

Nicknames with seed "cheerful." A cheerful man is valued in any community of people for the ability to discharge the situation, create a festive atmosphere. And if a person loves, they give him the corresponding nicknames: cheerful; Laughing; Lark ("sings very well and likes to sing; constantly singing something"); Bayan ("The girl plays on the accordion at all family holidays»); Artist ("Sings well, dancing; where she is always fun").

Nicknames with seed "weightless." In a lexico-semantic group, uniting lexemes with a common seed "weightless", as it seems to us, you can include words that call such traits such as frost, tediousness, whining. All this amounts, in our opinion, some opposition of freightness.

People who differ in the bore are poorly endured in any team. They are able to poison any fun. Nudiam, demagogue ("Lovers for a long time and tediously saying is called"). Burbur is a nickname of a person who is not only tediously repeats the same thing, but also has a vague diction.

Nicknames with the Seam "Smart". All fixed nicknames that have smart in their seven structure belong to the assessment of the level of intelligence. There is a nickname wise, in which in addition to intellectual abilities, is estimated, undoubtedly, everyday experience.

Basically, the estimate of the level of intelligence comes at the expense of the following associative connections: associate professor; Academician.

Nicknames with seed "stupid." Stupidity as a character trait is evaluated very expression, associative connections are so diverse that it suggests that this trait of a human character is more noticeable and, naturally, condemns.

Bamboo ("He's head is so empty that rings like a dried bamboo"); Epusband ("A young man who speaks all nonsense is not on the topic and nor to the place"); Baklan ("Thick and stupid; one food on the mind").

Nicknames with the seed "hardworking". Diligence is such a trait of character that is highly appreciated by the people.

Bee ("never sits without a case"); Delaga ("loves to work, but it must necessarily be some kind of benefit for him").

Nicknames with the seed "Lazy". It would seem that such a trait of character as lazy, causing a fair negative attitude towards those people who have a similar feature, should generate a large number of nicknames. Mozinoch ("Man who is that and what it is only thinks not to work"), the cat ("loves to soak, sleep").

Nicknames with the seed "Lucky". Dexterity, speed, energy always cause a positive assessment. No wonder they say: trapes in labor.

We are familiar, almost traditional you can qualify the nicknames of Sknyr, Shilo, Schup. So they say about people not only debris in their work, but also restless: "There will be no business in place."

Nicknames with seed "slow". In the environment of the elderly, they called Kopush: a bag, gradual. If the first nickname is easily guessed in such words, how to break, knead, the second nickname is built on human self-character: "I do not do everything immediately, but gradually."

I barely barely ("Girl, everything does slowly: and walks slowly, and speaks slowly, and eats slowly"), the brakes ("is slow in affairs, for a long time makes any decision").

Nicknames with seed "Sly": Lisa, snakes, a Jew, as well as a fox belonging to the female face and, thanks to the diminutive suffix -enok, which has undoubtedly positive character.

If the cunning borders with cunning, then the corresponding associative relationships with such appeals are selected, in the seven structure of which semes "Deceit" are dedicated. Moreover, the selection of these appellants is associated with experience and therefore unequal people belonging to different age groups.

Nicknames with seed "greedy". Greed like a character trait undoubtedly refers to the number of negative.

Traditional you can qualify nicknames Kurkul, Plushkin, the latter has several variations. Surname of Gogol Character from " Dead souls"It turned out of the name of his own to the nominal one.

Nicknames with the seed "arrogant." Easy in circulation is valued in any age environment. Extant people are subjected to ridicule. Appeals with which the nicknames are associated with thematic groups "Cart game" or " noble titles" For example, the king, ace; Count, Baron. Probably, in the folk experience in connection with these appeals, the consciousness of the presence of something important was postponed, and an important word in a certain context could be synonymous.

Nicknames with the theme "boastful." Bouncen in the people call the tail, Schukar, God ("says that everything can, that is omnipotent, like God"). In a youth environment, this is Gin ("says that any desires can fulfill, there is only someone to fasten them").

Nicknames, data on behavior manner, habits, loved words, various cases or events from life.

Nicknames of this group are divided into 10 subgroups:

Nicknames, data on the manner to talk.

The communicative aspect is that the communicative ring remains closed. It is known that if any interference happens, it can open up and the dialogue will not take place.

In such peculiarities, the manners of the transition can be attributed to the volume of the voice. The nickname characterizing people with an unnecessarily loud voice includes a ruger ("A man speaks very loudly, drowning out the interlocutor"), Tryndychiha ("Voice, like a character from a multilm"). These nicknames are fixed in the older age group.

In a youth environment, the voice volume is associated with a cry: Creek, Cree-Cree. Both nicknames are given to girls with very loud voices, so loud that even on the background loud music, Loud laughter, which is characteristic of the youth environment as a whole, they seem screaming.

Different kinds of speech defects also make it difficult to communicate, sometimes so much that the interlocutor completely ceases to understand what conversation behaves with. In the Russian tradition of one who speaks unclear, is called a dumb. Must ("Woman has such speech defects that it is difficult to understand when she says"). Cartive, Zaika is the nicknames of people who boil and stutter, and both nicknames refer to male faces and are common among older people. They also belong to the nicknames of Sysyulyvny, he is Susya ("The man is survived during the conversation").

Those who love to talk without giving the interlocutor and insert words, give nicknames give traditional character: Balabon, Govorun, Balabolka.

Nicknames, data on walking manner. A walking manner, gait can also give birth to nicknames. Special a large number of Nickname account for a visual assessment of walking manners. These include the Bear ("Cosolapit, from here and a swinging gait, like a bear"); Penguin ("goes overlapping"). These nicknames are essentially no need to explain, for the associations underlying and related to the features of the gait of representatives of the animal world.

More expressive nicknames of the winged ("walking his hands, as if he had wings, not his hands"); Fashionable ("walking his chest, as if banging with his figure").

Nicknames, data on behavior manner.

Natural human behavior, an adequate situation, there is a behavior that meets the standard. Any non-standard behavior is noticed, and it is given an appropriate assessment. Fuffers are so the name of a person who behaves unnaturally, "talked." In the youth environment, the nickname of Pai ("The young man who is only afraid, derived from Pai Girl").

Unnatural, according to the creators of the nickname, is the female being, which behaves like a man. Schoolchildren call the girl a kid, because "she behaves like a boy."

Nicknames, data on loved words.

For example, la-la ("The woman on colleagues claim constantly repeats the phrase" not need la-la "); Batyushka ("A woman so often sentences and herself does not notice it"); Chy ("repeats through the word"), Maman ("On all changes ran down the corridor and shouted:" Maman! "); Aunt ("always and in everything refers to some kind of aunt:" But aunt ... ").

Nicknames, data on favorite lesson.

Nicknames can be given to the beloved occupation of anyone. They are divided into two large groups, one of which contains those that express a positive attitude, and the second include nicknames containing disapproval and sometimes mockery over those nicknames are given.

For example, Yashin ("Plays football well, like Yashin"), Schumacher ("Powered by road ride"), Tsoi ("well sings").

Nicknames, data on favorite clothing.

Preference to any defined type Clothes is striking and can also serve as a certain, distinctive feature of a person.

For example, Adidas ("The guy preferably wore the clothes of this brand"); Pets ("The girl who wears dresses and skirts to the floor"); Cabbage ("The guy earned this nickname for multilayer clothes").

Nicknames, data on beloved Kushany.

These are mainly the nicknames who came from families and picked by relatives, familiar, friends. Almost all of them are consonant with appeals: a cutlet, sausage. Sometimes it is a common name of Sweat ("The boy loves all the delicious, sweet"). Lovers of those or other eats, with delight of their favorite dishes, use decreasing forms that are preserved at the level of nicknames: the soup, bash.

Nicknames, data on favorite songs and movies.

Nickname, similar type are the repetition of song names, films. For example, Zhanna (song about the flight attendant named Jeanne), a student ("coming to the girls, the young man always sang the song" Student "group" Hands up "). A young man called Titanic for love for this film.

Nicknames, data on any dream.

Dreams can be executed, and they can remain so. But they can become nicknames that have both positive and negative pains: a mechanic ("a young man since childhood dreamed of becoming a mechanic, and he became it").

Unfulfilled dreams bring huge sadness, and a reminder of them, reflected in the nicknames, is very painful. Marusya ("Women had two sons, she really wanted to have a daughter, but the son was born, and the neighbors began to call him Marusya"); Karina ("The woman wanted her daughter, came up with her name - Karina, but the son was born called Nikolai, and the neighbors are a joke call Karina").

Nicknames, data on any cases or events from a person's life. This kind of nickname is quite common and multidimensional, based on those events or cases of anyone who is remembered for a long time and serve distinctive featuresallocating a person from a number of similar to it.

How small child Some words, hesitated both relatives and acquaintances, from here, and very dejective nicknames, returning a person in childhood: Pasta ("So the word" godp "said in childhood); Duch ("Andryukha called himself so"); Lyaleka ("So pronounced Valerka"); Mehlenya ("I said Mehlin, instead I am a mahonky"); Haev ("So uttered the word cows as a child:" Baba, Haev drive "); Lipochka ("In childhood, instead of handkerchiefs, told sticky").

Also, for example, Duda ("The young man from excitement instead said Duda"); Rama ("Posted in primary school Instead of your name Roma Rama ").

Thus, the nicknames, ascending any events or cases from the life of someone, are given either by turning an appeal into nickname, or by finding a different kind of association. This is detected at the level of different age groups.

Nicknames, data on activity

Directly by the name of the profession or the nature of the activity, the following nicknames are formed: Beekeeper, Bochar, Brigadier, Taxi driver, a doggyman ("Engaged in breeding dogs for sale").

Noted as a nickname word, calling professions and labeled as stylistically painted: drove ("driver").

The name of the former kind of activity can be a nickname: Bottchman ("served before the bottock on the fleet"), a tanker ("served in the tank troops"), a parachutist ("served in the Airborne Forces").

If the nickname is present in the formation of various types of transfers (metaphorical, methonymic), then in such nicknames there is an expressive shade, which gives it positive, but most often a negative meaning. Thus, the human assessment by the nature of its activities becomes the value scale significantly below the one that was noted in nicknames coinciding with the name of the profession or the acquisition of activities.

On the basis of metonimical transfer, the following nicknames are formed: Raspil ("Carpenter"; Raspil - Carpentry tool); Meeting ("worked as a bartender in the cafe" Meet ").

The ironic shade has nicknames in which there is some ironic or even dismissive assessment of a person by the nature of its activities. For example, the judge ("worked in court on the passage"); Boss ("Worked by the personal driver's head").

Nicknames moving inheritance, family nicknames

The most common is the transition of nicknames on the male line. For example: Michman ("Father was a sailor, he was called Michman; now this nickname is a son"); Daden("Father wore this nickname, then the eldest son, then the younger. How and from what no one was formed").

The female nickname is noted, ascending to the nickname of the Father: Kalachikha ("Father worked on the bakery bakery and called him by Kalach"). The nickname, as applied from the example, is issued in this case by the suffix, traditionally used in Russian to designate female people by classes or nickname or husband's surname.

Family nicknames are divided into: nicknames, data to all family members in general, and nicknames, data to her husband and wife, and not distributed in children; Nicknames used inside the family.

The first group includes the following nicknames: soft ("The whole family, both adults and children, very complete"); Young ("So called all family members. Their family was the youth of friends"); Makarsa ("All family members name Makarsa for grandfather Makaru, who was very respected").

There are nicknames that are given only to her husband and wife, and they can be given to her husband and wife at the same time. For example, bunnies ("they called each other's bunks"); Zhurobe and Zhuja ("Husband and wife Zuraikhina, very friendly couple").

Women's nicknames can be formed from the profession of her husband, which, in principle, traditionally for the Russian onomastic system: Husband - Mentosavr, wife - Mentosavrich.

An account analysis

nickname questioning

According to the results of the survey, 36 questionnaires were obtained with the answers for which the diagrams were compiled. Charts are presented in the application.

Analyzing the results of the questionnaire, we revealed that if the nicknames were previously given by the name or profession of ancestor and were inherited, now the majority of nicknames are given from surnames and names.

Thus, there were 8 sfaming nicknames among the surveyors, Sukharik, Nazim, Karas, a pigeon (formed by discarding the family formants); Laurel, fly (with the silence of the surname). And 6 otimen nicknames, for example, Yusya, Kasya (coincidence of the sound of the name and appeal); Dan, Vit (traditional consonance at the level of the coincidence of the smaller name); Anna-Boris (addition of parts of the name and patronymic).

In second place are nicknames, data on appearance. Among them are nicknames formed by the criterion of growth, completeness-thin, hair color, manner dress for example, giraffe, slender, redhead, heel, central-chi.

Then follow with equal, the number of two groups nicknames: nicknames, data on behavior and nicknames formed from any act.

Among the nickname in behavior recorded three nicknames: the fly - the carrier of this nickname and has a manner to speak quickly and trying to do everything in life. Nicknames The sun and the sun belongs to the girls who got them for a cheerful temper.

Nicknames formed in for example, eye-to-diamond, bombard, strength belong to young people. The last nickname carrier received from the neighbors who helped to clean large stones from the yard.

IN separate group A questionnaires of people who do not have nicknames are 26% pro-stored.

Interestingly, how and when nicknames appear in carriers. To do this, the questionnaire was included in the questionnaire "When did you have a nickname?".

Of the 36 spectacled 15 people noted that the nickname was entrenched behind them at school or in school years.

The seven people have a nickname appeared in the student, four noted, they are nicknamed since childhood and got it in a family circle. And only four people responded that they had a nickname at a more conscious age.

As a rule, nicknames are given in school or student medium friends and classmates. Nicknames are created by schoolchildren very actively, which is largely due psychological properties Children of transitional age are the desire for an unusual, new, which is manifested in the speech behavior of adolescents and young people.

The next criterion, which we considered "did you change the nickname?". According to the responses from 36 pro-washed by 6 people, the nickname changed, so the girl carrier nickname crucian after married got a nickname on the surname of her husband's husband; A young man in school more often on physical education called calans, because was above all in class in student years He got a nickname giraffe.

It often happens that a person is independent of the age, social status gets a nickname offensive, which is simply not hunting to hear and especially in relation to himself. Wrong by this issue in the questionnaire was, the question is included "Do you think your nickname is offensive?"

Of all the questionnaires turned out to be only two, where the surveyors noted that "yes" we consider the nickname offensive.

Communicating in the circle of relatives, friends or simply friends, do we turn to them by name or nickname? Exploring this aspect, we found out that 25 people appeal to friends / girlfriends on nicknamed. In communicating with relatives, 11 of 36 use nicknames and 8 people in communicating with colleagues call them nicknamed. Among 36 spectacled only 9 people do not use the nickname completely in their speech.

To identify understanding the concept of the nickname, the questionnaire was included in the questionnaire: "Finish the proposal" I believe that the nickname is ... ".

1) Certificate of the unpretentiousness of the person who calls the other not by name.

) Certificate of disrespect to to whom they turn.

) Certificate that a person is popular in the team (group, class, company).

) Normal phenomenon, it should not be paid attention to it.

Three people who replied that they consider "a nickname - this is evidence of the uncompatory of the person who calls the other not by the name" are employees of the education sphere.

Of the 36 of the surveyored 7 people noted that "the nickname is a testimony of disrespect for whom they are treated," to this group include people of various areas of activity.

"The evidence that the person is popular in the team (group, class, company)" noted only two people who are employees of the education sphere.

The last item "Nickname is a normal phenomenon, it should not be paid attention to" gathered the largest number of answers - 24 people.

Also in the questionnaire it was proposed to answer the question "do you need nicknames?". The answers to this question were quite dry "yes" or "no", but there were very interesting, attracting attention to themselves: "It's hard to answer, because every person passes through it," looking at what age "," yes, they sometimes Reflect the true personality of a person, help him express themselves. "


On the preparatory Stage Course work, and the leader with the goal with the goal - what are the features of the education and use of the nickname / nickname in the speech space of the city.

The concepts of "nickname" and "nickname" give interpretation by many linguists. The concept of nickname has two wording. The first, name (name) given by your pet. And the second, nickname (nickname), which gives any person to a joke, mockery.

Nickname name given to man in addition to his name and containing an indication of any noticeable traction of character, external activities, activities of this person.

The concept of "nickname" was formed from the words Kli ´ h, cl ´ kat, and the concept of "nickname" was formed from words to nick, sing. After analyzing the concept of "nickname" and "nickname" in linguistic literature. We concluded that the concepts of nickname and nickname are synonyms, because Have the same semantic value and can be used in speech as interchangeable words.

When analyzing the concepts of "nickname" and "nickname", signs were bred, on the basis of which the classification of nicknie was drawn up. Classification consists of seven main groups: nicknames formed by surnames; nicknames formed from personal names; nicknames ascending to appearance; nicknames, ascending to character traits; nicknames, data on behavior, habits, loved words, various occasions or events from life; nicknames, data on the nature of activity; Nicknames moving inheritance, family nicknames. The classification gives detailed description Each group and applied examples according to the features for which nicknames are formed.

For practical research A questionnaire was compiled for recipients for use with them nicknames in communication. The questionnaire contains such questions as "Do you have a nickname?"; "When did you appear?"; "In connection with which it appears?" etc. Then the survey was conducted, 36 people participated in it.

The data obtained were analyzed, structured and written and quantitative outputs, which are presented in this course work.

I am very glad that I chose this topic of the course work, and that such an experienced leader worked with me. I feel great satisfaction from the work done.

List of used literature

1. Large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / ch. ed. S.A. Kuznetsov. - SPb.: Norint, 2000. - 1536c.

Large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / ch. ed. D.N. Ushakov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2008. - 1268 p.

Gogol, N.V. Dead souls: Poem. M.: Enlightenment, 1982. - 254 p.

Dal, V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian: in 4t. - M.: Russian, 2003. - T. 2. - 779 p.

Dal, V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian: in 4t. - M.: Russian, 2003. - T. 3. - 555 p.

Dmitriev, D.V. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language / D.V. Dmitrieva, M.O. Mikhailova. - M.: Granta Plus, 2003. - 714 p.

Evgeniev, A.P. Dictionary of the Russian language. In 4 tons. T. 2. - M.: Russian, 2001. - 736 p.

Evgeniev, A.P. Dictionary of the Russian language. 4 t. T. 3. - M.: Russian, 2001. - 752 p.

Efremova, T.F. New dictionary of Russian language. Skinny-word-formative. In 2 tons. T. 1. - M.: Russian, 2000. - 1209 p.

Efremova, T.F. New dictionary of Russian language. Skinny-word-formative. In 2 tons. T. 2. - M.: Russian, 2000. - 1088 p.

Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. - M.: Azbukovnik, 2000. - 940 p.

Dictionary of the Russian language XI - XVII centuries: Release 7. / Ch. ed. F.P. Owl. - M.: "Science", 1980. - 404 p.

Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. In 2 tons. T. 2. / Ch. ed. A.P. Evgeniev. - Lenengrad: Publishing House "Science", 1971. - 856 p.

Dictionary of modern Russian language. In 17 tons 5. / Ch. ed. N.V. Medvedev. - Lenengrad: Publisher of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1956. - 1920 p.

Dictionary of modern Russian language. At 17 tons 11. / ch. ed. N.V. Medvedev. - Lenengrad: Publishing Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1956. - 1844 p.

Wikipedia. Free encyclopedia [Electronic resource] 04/15/2012. 13:56.

17.Kulko, V.A. That in the nickname you mine. / V.A. Kulko, A.S. Didichenko, [Electronic resource]<#"justify">application

Surname, name, patronymic, age


Social status (education)

Needed to note

Average total? Specialized secondary

Average total full? Higher

Primary professional

Other ___________________________________________

Field of activity ___________________________

Do you have a nickname? Name it. ____________

When did it appear? (at school, to school, etc.) Who gave you a nickname? _________________________________________________

In connection with which you have appeared?

Needed to note

Formed from the last name? Danched on behavior

Formed on behalf of? Danched on appearance

Danched by a deed

Did you have a nickname? __________

Do you think his offensive? ________________

Do you use nicknames in your speech?

Needed to note

I never use, because for this there is a name

I use only if a person is not against

I use, even if a person does not like it

I still never thought about it

In what situations do you use nicknames?

Needed to note

Anytime and anywhere? In family

With friends? Not using

Other ______________________________________

In relation to whom do you use nicknames?

Brother, sister? Friend friend

Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather? teacher

Colleague? Other


Finish the proposal "I believe that the nickname is ..."

Needed to note

Testimony of the uncompatory of the person who calls the other not by name

Certificate of disrespect for whom to come to? Certificate that person is popular in the team (group, class, company)? Normal phenomenon, it should not be paid

Do you need nicknames? ___________________


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There are many reasons why you may want a nickname. For example, if you have a long, boring or complex name. Maybe you need a nickname to differ from several more people from your circle of communication with the same name as yours. In the end, you simply may not like your name! Some people have to start at all new life With a new nickname. And whatever your reasons for what to come up with a nickname, you can be very and very difficult to fulfill this task. Fortunately, we are, and we will help you.


Nicknames based on name

    Use one or two first syllables of your name. Very often the nicknames are obtained from the names cropped in this way. This is the simplest option, but it is quite suitable if you start new page In the book of your life and want to do it under a new name. It will be easier if the new nickname will seem to sound on the old one - so you at least do not have to constantly ask for old friends to start calling you in a new way. There are three main approaches to the creation of nicknames from the name::

    • Just remove at least one syllable from the end of the name. On Russian names it does not work very well, but in English and Spanish - quite. See: "Jon" from "Jonathan", "Bea" from "Beatriz", "Sam" from "Samantha" or "Samuel", "Jess" from "Jessica", "Santi" from "Santiago". Let's say, change Alexander on the Alex.
    • Another option is to add "-IE," "I" or "Y" to the shortened version of your name ("and" for Russian names, respectively). If your name also consists of one syllable, then add an additional sound to it. Such nicknames are more common in children, although they are not uncommon for adults. Examples: "Charlie" from "Charles", "Susi" from Susana "," jenny "from" Jennifer ". Sometimes you need to add an additional consonant sound so that your new nickname sounded as it should:" Winnie "from" Winifred "," Patti "From" Patricia "," Danny "from" Daniel ". Do traditional changes, such as Konstantin in Kostya or Varvara in Varya.
    • Add a letter that is sometimes not primarily pronounced. In English it may be "E". Such an approach is like a variant of the trimming name ("Mike" from "Michael"), but sometimes it can even completely change the name of the name ("Kate" from Kathleen).
  1. Use other characters your name. Rules above will work with the average, and with the last syllables of the name. Yes, yes, you can reduce the names from the beginning and from the end: Valentine can be reduced as "Valya" and "Tina", "Tony" from "Anthony", "Tina" from "Christina". Classic examples (From English), where only the last character of the name is used: "Beth" from "Elizabeth" and "Rick" or "Ricky" from "Frederick".

    • Similarly, you can come up with a completely unusual nickname for yourself - for example, from "Patrick" you can get a "trick", and not the usual "PAT".
  2. Use the diminutive forms of your name. This moment is entirely dependent on the language you speak, however, it is likely that you will still have a choice!

    More witty. You can turn the "Katya" in "Katyatastrof," if it happens! Use alliteration when your nickname is the first consonant of your name or surname, or select the word rhymed with your name or surname.

Other sources of inspiration

    Fold out the nickname of personal qualities. Many nicknames are invented on the basis of something that makes a person unique: the runner can be nicknamed "legs", a proud resident of New York, which lives away from New York, can be nusted NYC.(Nick ''), and a solid excellent student can be called "professor".

    Come up with a nickname based on a joke, understandable only "your". This is one of the best sources of nickname, but you need to be careful. Such "common" jokes can be a very rich source for nickname, but you can not make them appear just like that. You must simply crush your fingers and wait for them. If you already have such jokes in your mind, try to pull out nicknames from them.

    Use online resources. There are many online surveys and generators nicknames that can offer you potential nicknames based on your personal qualities And on your name. It can be a good source of inspiration if you can not think of a good nickname.

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Folk wisdom reads: "A person knows his name." Each of us at birth receives a name. However, it is often subsequently a person receives a second, unofficial name, which can reflect in itself, the appearance of the owner, and may simply be a reduction in the official name or surname. These are nicknames.

In my work, I explored the nicknames in a historical aspect.

IN modern life Nicknames are used frequently. And it is the nicknames of the least investigated among anthroponyms, perhaps because it is unofficial names. Nicknames are used in everyday life, in private conversations, on the street, in the school environment, so this is part of the spoken style.

In my work, I collected and analyzed the information about the history of the emergence of the nickname, tried to understand what the nicknames are so interested in children and adults. Analyzed, for what signs are the nicknames and what their role in modern life is given.

Object of study: nicknames.

Subject of study: Causes of the appearance and use of nickname.

Purpose of the study: show the language and social essence of the nickname, their role in modern society.


1. Consider the concepts such as onomastics, anthropony, name, nickname, having studied the literature on onomastics.

2. Support the story of the emergence of the nickname, find interesting historical facts on this topic.

3. Determine the role of nickname in the school environment.

4. To identify how signs is given a nickname.

Methods and Receptions:

1. Heating literature about nicknames.

2. An accounting of students of school №121.

3. Ancase adults.

4. Treatment of the results obtained.

No between living people, and can not

be unnamed: In the first moment by

births each, poor and notable, name,

as a sweet gift, from his mother-in-law gets.

Ancient Greek philosopher

1.Onestics as a science studying the names of their own. Nickname

Section of linguistics learning their own names, the history of their occurrence is called onomastics. Anthroponimika is the section of onomastics, studying the names of people, their origin, evolution, the patterns of their functioning. An anthroponym is called any name, which is called by a person: Name personal, surname, nickname, pseudonym, nickname. Families, names, patronymic are official anthroponyms. Nicknames - unofficial anthroponyms that are used in everyday life are used for the most accurate characteristics of a person called. In modern life, the nicknames are often used instead of the name.

Studying additional literature, I got acquainted with lexical meaning The words "nickname".

V.I. Dal in the "Live Dictionary of the Living Great Russian" interprets this word in this way: "Nickname. Having called, name, nickname, name, or reporting, nickname additive to the name. "

In the "Great Dictionary of Modern Russian Language" D.N. Shushakov gives the following interpretation: "Nickname. The name given to man besides his name and contains an indication of any noticeable trait of character, external activities, activities of this person. Nicholas I got a nickname Palkin, and the last of the Romanov, Nicholas II, the nicknamer nickname ".

S.I.Ogov in the dictionary of the Russian Language "discloses the meaning of this word as follows:" Nickname. The name given to the person on some characteristic feature, property. Offensive nickname» .

"Synonyms Dictionary" offers the following series: "Name, title, nickname, nickname, patronymic, surname, pseudonym; Nickname, name, term, title, title, epithet.

2. History of the emergence of nickname

Nicknames - ancient phenomenon. W. ancient man There were two names; One present, which was trying to utter as far as possible, fearing that evil forces can take advantage of them and damage, the second for general use, with which the person was not called, and "called" - from here and the name of the phenomenon - nicknames.

Nicknames are fixed in literature, in history. In the ancient Russia names there were a lot. We now seem funny, but they celebrated the most characteristic signs or external human features. There were names that often reflected the procedure for the appearance of children (first, senior). Separate names reflected the birthday of the child, the phenomena of nature, christian holidays. Other names reflected any features of the newborn (Piskun). Along with the names, nicknames were common. They have always reflected certain properties, quality of a person or a genus of his classes: a fisherman, a dequeble, certificates, a bog, mantis.

Also unusual nicknames of clergymen are also known. So, Pop Likhach lived in 1161, about the thief, the thieves mentioned in 1600, about the priest noise - in 1608.

There were nicknames that indicated the origin of a certain area or national affiliation: Muromets, Selyanin, Kazan, Novozhil, Tatar. There were nicknames that came from the name of the food: Kisel, a rug, turbine, sugar, borsch. Also, the nicknames pointed to appearance (fat, tumor), social status (hornbeam, wear).

In 1606 he lived in Pskov Fedor with dirt. In 14-16 centuries there were such names:

Kisloslovas, acidic, kissel, failure, dislike, damn, cucumber, perchutka (ie, "Damn"), a lubyana saber.

2.1. Difference between the name and nickname

So what is the difference between the name and nickname? Consider a comparative table.

Similarity / Difference



Proper name.

Proper name.


Form from ordinary words.

Form from ordinary words.


It is used equally everywhere, right up to official documents.

It is used only in an informal setting in spoken Speech. Cannot be used in documents.


Combined with the surname, patronymic.

Never combines with the surname, patronymic.


Easy forces patronymic: Ivan - Ivanovich, Peter - Petrovna.

It is impossible to form patronymic: macaque - not formed, drone - not formed.


Name - venerable.

The nickname is often offended.

Thus, we see that the nickname, like the name, calls a person, but it cannot be used in official speech, in the documents, it is impossible to form patronymic. Also, the nickname may be offensive, offensive for its owner.

2.2. Prointing in the literature

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol in the work of "Dead Souls" wrote: "It is expressed by the Russian people! And if he will be awarded with a sense, it will go to him in the genus and offspring, it will take off him with him and the service, and resigned, and to St. Petersburg, and on the edge of the world ... Nothing will help: the carknet for itself is a nickname in all the rororne And will say clearly, from where the bird flew out. "

In the literature you can find a large amount of nickname. Studying the biographies of writers, surprisingly learn that many of them were nicknames. We were particularly interested in the fact that the nickname was even at Alexander Pushkin and his lyceum friends: Pushkin A.S. - Frenchman (perfectly flaped by French), Pushchin I.I.- Zhanno (French name, corresponding to the Russian Ivan), Kühelbecker V.K. - Kuhl (by last name).

If you turn to artwork for children, there are often nicknames too. For example, in a fairy tale - there were "pantry" (M. Prishvin) Nastya called the golden chicken (for the color of the hair), and Mitrahu is a peasant in the bag (for small height and the ability to work).

In the story of V. Zheleznikova "Stuffed" the main character of Lena Inzolev was called the chuckle for the appearance (no one thought to look into the man in the soul). Other nicknames were there: Strajor (handed over dogs on the ruble on the living), the iron button (solid character), Muscovite (very much wanted to leave to the Father in Moscow), Somik (Somov's last name), Collotter (Grandfather Lena, wore an old coat in the plexuses ).

Pretty much laughing nickname in the tales of Pavel Bazhova: Grandfather I am heard, Damn, Breated, Ivanko-Krylatko.

All this indicates that without nicknamed it is not to do that they existed long before us and exist now and will be eradicated soon. And the indisputable fact, which is proved by linguists: the beginning of many surnames served exactly the nicknames.

2.3. The origin of the emergence of nicknames

IN modern world The reasons for the appearance of the nickname are several others than in those times: The desire to reduce the surname, note some characteristic properties of the figure, appearance or character for a person, to joke in a friendly, and sometimes humiliate, mocking. So the nicknames are not always a harmless phenomenon.

Nicknames - an extremely important part of the world of children. Nicknames are invented by children for children and become a sample system. However, the first in our life nicknames we get from parents and people close to us. Regardless of the cultural conditions, each little child is literally placed by different names, none of which is its official name.

How do nicknames appear? Studies conducted among our school students showed that there are four basic principles of origin of the nickname:

By the name;

By the name;

According to external data;

By the nature of man;

According to events occurring in life.

The nickname assignment system has a huge impact On the processes of breeding and maintaining public order, which are created by children within their autonomous children's community. In general, the naming system has an impact in three directions. First, she notes those. Who rejects the children's group. Secondly, it denotes a cohesive group of those who have a privilege of making each other on nicknames. Finally, the process takes place by which the leaders of this small society are put forward.

It is found that at the age of about eleven-twelve years there is a change in the system of assigning the nickname. We have established that the nicknames used earlier are rejected at this age, and a new naming system occurs.

Who comes up with nicknames? The data we have, suggest that there is someone who the children's community has been issued a kind of license for the assignment of nickname. Attempts to invent the nicknames end the failure.

2.4. Nicknames in a school environment (survey of students MBOU SOSH №121)

We conducted a survey of students 4, 6, 8 and 9 classes. A total of 103 people were interviewed, the nickname was recorded - 82.

Children were asked to call her nickname and answer the question: "How do you feel about nicknames?"

In the nickname, like all the words in Russian, there is a story, biography, adventure, his fate. In the course of their work, we found out that the nicknames that are in our school students can be combined into several groups on general grounds.

1. Nicknames formed from last names: Mal (Malov), Beetle (Zhukova), Silva (Silvachinskaya), Heat (Teplova), Kovtun (Kovtun), Vaganych (Vaganov), Couple (Kospintseva), Cheese (Syrchchin), Elik ( Eliseev), Yurkin (Yurina), Botanist (Batanov), Mamon (Mamonov), Malorik (Maloyaroslavetsev), Gadya (Gadelshina), Vova (Vovk), Kashpurovich (Kashpurov), Kartoch (Kartashova), Zack (snack), beech ( Bukina), Teddy bear (Mikhalchuk), Ufish (Ufimseva), Eki (Ekimova), Tramp (Broadway), Chapa (Chapur), Coffee (Prokofiev) - Most of these nicknames.

2. Nicknames given by a person on external signs: Hedgehog (like a hedgehog), plump (excess weight), penetk (small height), protein (long tail on the head, external similarity), rhino (similarity in appearance), bunny ( Small, deft), panda (hair color and face, external similarity), pumpkin (round), giraffe (very high), elephant (appearance), Sukharik (small, plump), small (small height), hare (similarity) , Foxy (similar to the fox), gingerbread (similar to the Gingerbread from the cartoon "Shrek"),

3. Prointing, reflecting features of character, behavior, human habits: Meteor (fast response with a hike in school canteen), devils (do not know what to wait from it), tank (goes across it), a penny (by nature), a turtle (slow ), Hitler (Majuity), knockout (ability to fight), psych (unbalanced), macaque, monkey (does not sit quietly, it mysteriously), condensed milk (loves condensed milk), cactus (difficult to approach).

4. Nicknames formed from personal names of media: Pate (Pasha), Drone (Andrey), Mikhalych (Misha), Valeron (Valery), Renata, Posya (Apollinaria), Roller (Valeryan), Sifka (Sofya), Den (Denis), Vital (Vitaly), Makhich (Masha), Petr (Peter), Marinina (Marina).

5. Nicknames associated with some event, history from the life of the carrier: notepad (notepad thrown into it).

Thus, the most nickname is given by last name - 26 people (32%). Next, the nicknames are given in appearance - 18 (23%), by name - 16 (20%), by nature - 12 (15%), by events - 1 (1.2%).

Approximately 11% (9 people) nicknames remained for us not clarified in their origin. The guys could not or have not wanted to explain the meanings of these nicknames. With names or surnames, they are not connected. Reflecting, we suggested that they did not appear because somehow are connected with a person, but because they are simply ridiculous, and in this their "meaning": Vitek, Thomas, Holds, Maracuy, Ballock and others.

On the question of attitude to the nicknames 26 (25%), people out of 103 did not approve the existence of such informal names, and 75% are positive. It is noteworthy that all grade 9 students approve the presence of nicknames, and in the two eighth and two sixth grades such a 13 person is dissatisfied with the presence of nickname. Another feature: Pupils of 9 classes often give a nickname in the name and name, but do not indicate human deficiencies, which cannot be said about six-graders. I think that getting a nickname in the last name or name is not so insulting as an indication of the external flaws.

We found out that the nicknames could express a negative attitude towards a person, to his habits, and positive if something like something: habits, manners, character traits, speech features. That is, all the nicknames are emotionally painted, as they are given depending on the relationship to the nickname carrier. Some nicknames in our school were commonly used, others remained not for general use. From this factor the nickname does not go anywhere. In the nicknames, problems of psychological and social order were found, the problems of the culture of speech, characteristic of today's school.

We also noticed that there, where friendly relationships in the class, higher performance, there is less nickname: the general cultural background is affected.


In our work, I looked at the nickname from a historical point of view: I studied the literature on the origin of the nickname, compared the old nicknames with modern, revealed differences between the official name of the person and his nickname.

Main conclusions:

The nicknames arose in antiquity, sometimes the nickname will tell more about the person than his official name;

Writers often use nicknames in their works for a more complete characteristic characteristic;

The older children large quantity They have nicknames;

Students of senior classes do not give nicknames, which reflect the physical disadvantages of people, which speaks about the level of pupil, growing up;

Most schoolchildren are not offended by the nickname, perceives them as a natural phenomenon in the teenage medium;

The source of the nickname is most often the names, appearance and human name.

Every nickname as a second name, it carries information, it transforms a person, makes it interesting, even secret for a certain little society. Therefore, it can be safe that the nickname is an unofficial name of its own, which we can attribute to the concept of anthropony.

Material about nicknames, their features turned out to be interesting. With this work, I plan to perform on class hours, in the lessons of the Russian language when studying the topic " Given name noun".


1.Gogol N.V. Dead Souls. Moscow, 2004.

2. Del V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian / Sost. Shahmatova N.V. S.-Petersburg: ID All, 2004. 1678 p.

3. Zheleznikov V. Stuffed. M., 1997.

4.niconov V.A. Dictionary of Russian names and surnames. M., 1993.

5. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / under. ed. Swedio N.Yu. M.: Russian, 1985. 797 p.

6. Osorina M.V. How to resist nicknames, nicknames and teases. M.: Pedagogy, 2004. 87 p.

7. Prishvin M. Storeroom Sun. M., 1995.

8. The scientific dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language / Sost. Zimin V.I., Alektorova L.P., Kim O.M., Shanshan V.N. M.: Russian word, 1994. 583 p.

9.Ushakov D.N. Large explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language / ch. Red. Semen, Yu.I. M.: Alta Print, 2007. 1239 p.

10.Uspansky L.V. You and your name. Moscow, 1984.

Nicknames, ascending to character traits, differ from those that were given in appearance, according to some parameters. The visual type of nickname often only states certain deviations from the standard; Appeals to which nicknames are torn, do not always have a negative connotation and therefore by and large do not cause resentment from those who were given. Exceptions are the nicknames of the visual type that are associated with any physical disabilities delivering and without nicknames of grieving those who have. In addition, the offense causes the nicknames of the same type, which are given to those who are trying to change anything in their appearance, but this attempt ends failure.

Nicknames, ascending to character traits, are mostly built on a purely visual impression of a person, but on the assessment of his personality, his social valence. And the nicknames of this kind should be attributed to the nickname characteristics, in which not only the desire to humiliate a person, but also to point out the negative features of his personality so that a person, having received such an assessment, was able to negotiate this deficiency so that people were able to nickly Or a person to determine who they are dealing with.

In fact, each trait of character is the maximum of its opposite, although sometimes there are also so-called intermediate links.

Nicknames with the seed "quiet": So, the concept of "quiet, calm" can enter into both non-vulnerable, and the uninforcedness, secrecy, as well as weakness of nature, dependence on others. And in the concept of "restless" you can automatically turn on the slope, hot temper, justice, weldability, mischief, i.e. All those features that make owners of such characters in communion are not very pleasant. Calm person is called Kiryan (named Hero of the film "Eternal Call"). A calm person is usually quiet, silent, often imperceptible: Molchun. Girls of this type are endowed with nicknames as quiet, mice. Often, calm becomes uncommunicable: savage, biryuk, beep.

Nicknames with seed "Restless": If people possessing the foregoing features of character create a comfortable situation in communication for those who are their communicative partner, it cannot be said about those people who have a restless character, which undoubtedly creates significant inconvenience for Those who comes with them in contact.

Hot-tempered men are called crazy, Fyry (from snorting), Buna (from Buyan, thump). Women's nicknames are mainly associated with the manifestation of such character traits like mischief and weldability. Naughty ("Girl likes to talk and laugh"), Nedmeyana ("The girl who is difficult to laugh")

Nicknames with the seed "kind". The kindness is the character of the character that the time of the century is considered a sign of a person, good in all respects (good well done, good people, good father, etc.).

Nicknames with the seed "angry". Evil, as you know, oppositely, it is more multifaceted and multico, because of the nicknames related to evil people are much more than those united by the "kind" seed. The most frequency nicknames of this type are nicknames, explicitly comprising evil sign, traditionally correlated with representatives of the animal world. It is a boar, Gurza, Beast, Polcan, Barbos.

Sometimes the nicknames explicitly express the sign that says about the "evil" of the behavior of a person: Shugai ("The one who drives everyone, shifts"), Borzoy ("Quick (Borz) on the massacre"), thunderstorm ("noum, raging, suits fear ").

Nicknames with the seed "serious": a man ("His mother called him, when he was only 3 years old, for unusual thoughtfulness, responsibility; at school, the nickname was preserved for him"); Father ("The student was older than everyone in the course, because I entered the institute after the army; he had more life experience, and everyone listened to his advice").

Nicknames with the seed "frivolousness". If children's frivolousness, a somewhat easy attitude towards life is not considered a deviation from the dormitory rate, then adult people relating to life as easily as children are condemned as violators of lifefall. Nicknames given by "non-serious" adults, based on their own signs.

The most common, generic, in essence, the nickname can be considered the elderly, which contains undoubtedly condemnation for frivolity in everything.

Special condemnation, judging by the nicknames, adults are worthy of people who easily look at life and their responsibility for anything or anyone.

Nicknames with seed "awesome." In a lexico-semantic group, uniting lexemes with a common seed, "weighty", as it seems to us, you can include words that call such traits such as frost, tediousness, whining. All this amounts, in our opinion, some opposition of freightness.

People who differ in the bore are poorly endured in any team. They are able to poison any fun. Nudiak, Demagog ("Lovers long and tediously talking about name"). Burbur is a nickname of a person who is not only tediously repeats the same thing, but also has a vague diction.

Nicknames with the seed "smart." All fixed nicknames that have smart in their seven structure belong to the estimate of the level of intelligence. There is a nickname wise, in which in addition to intellectual abilities, is estimated, undoubtedly, everyday experience.

Basically, the estimate of the level of intelligence comes at the expense of the following associative connections: associate professor; Academician.

Nicknames with seed "stupid". Stupidity as a character trait is evaluated very expression, associative connections are so diverse that it suggests that this trait of a human character is more noticeable and, naturally, condemns.

Bamboo ("He's head is so empty that rings like a dried bamboo"); The honeycomb ("a young man who says all nonsense is not on the topic and nor to the place"); Bablan ("fat and stupid; one food on the mind").

Nicknames with seed "hardworking". Diligence is such a trait of character that is highly appreciated by the people.

Bee ("never sits without a case"); Delaga ("loves to work, but it must necessarily be some kind of benefit for him").

Nicknames with seed "lazy." It would seem that such a trait of character as lazy, causing a fair negative attitude towards those people who have a similar feature, should generate a large number of nicknames. Mozinoch ("man who is that and what he thinks only not to work"), the cat ("likes to soak, sleep").

Nicknames with the seed "dexterous." Dexterity, speed, energy always cause a positive assessment. No wonder they say: trapes in labor.

We are familiar, almost traditional you can qualify the nicknames of Sknyr, Shilo, Schup. So they say about people not only clever in their work, but also restless: "There will be no effort in place."

Nicknames with seed "slow". In the environment of the elderly, they called Kopush: a bag, gradual. If the first nickname is easily guessed in such words, how to break, knead, the second nickname is built on human self-character: "I do not do everything immediately, and gradually."

I barely barely ("Girl, everything does slowly: and walks slowly, and speaks slowly, and eats slowly"), the brakes ("is slow in the affairs, long accepts any decision").

Nicknames with the seed "Sly": Lisa, Serpent, Jew, as well as foxes belonging to the female face and, thanks to the decreasing suffix -enoch, which has undoubtedly positive character.

If the cunning borders with cunning, then appropriate associative relationships with such appeals are selected, in the seven structure of which seven "Deceit" is dedicated. Moreover, the selection of these appellants is associated with experience and therefore unequal people belonging to different age groups.

Nicknames with the seed "greedy". Greed like a character trait undoubtedly refers to the number of negative.

Traditional you can qualify nicknames Kurkul, Plushkin, the latter has several variations. The surname of the Gogolian character from the "Dead Souls" turned from the name of his own to the nominal.

Nicknames with seed "arrogant." Easy in circulation is valued in any age environment. Extant people are subjected to ridicule. Appeals with which the nicknames are associated with themselves belong to the thematic groups "Cart game" or "noble titles". For example, the king, ace; Count, Baron. Probably, in the folk experience in connection with these appeals, the consciousness of the presence of something important was postponed, and an important word in a certain context could be synonymous.

Nicknames with the theme "boastful." Bouncen in the people called the tail, pike, God ("says that everything can, that is omnipotent, like God"). In a youth environment, this is Gin ("says that any desires can fulfill, it's worth it for anyone to make them").

Nicknames, data on behavior manner, habits, loved words, various cases or events from life.

Nicknames of this group are divided into 10 subgroups:

. Nicknames, data on the manner to talk.

The communicative aspect is that the communicative ring remains closed. It is known that if any interference happens, it can open up and the dialogue will not take place.

In such peculiarities, the manners of the transition can be attributed to the volume of the voice. The nickname characterizing people with an unnecessary voice, enter the mouthpiece ("the man speaks very loudly, drowning the interlocutor"), Tryndychikha ("Voice, like a character from the milter"). These nicknames are fixed in the older age group.

In a youth environment, the voice volume is associated with a cry: Creek, Cree-Cree. Both nicknames are given to girls with very loud voices, such loud, that even against the background of loud music, loud laughter, which is typical of the youth environment as a whole, they seem scream.

Different kinds of speech defects also make it difficult to communicate, sometimes so much that the interlocutor completely ceases to understand what conversation behaves with. In the Russian tradition of one who speaks unclear, is called a dumb. Must ("Woman has such speech defects that it is difficult to understand when she says"). Cartive, Zaika is the nicknames of people who boil and stutter, and both nicknames refer to male faces and are common among older people. They also belong to the nicknames of Sysyulyvnye, he also, Heyusya ("a man is survived during the conversation").

Those who love to speak, not giving the interlocutor and insert words, give nicknames give a traditional character: Balabon, Govorun, Balabolka.

Nicknames, data on walking manner. A walking manner, gait can also give birth to nicknames. A particularly large number of nicknames fall on a visual assessment of walking manners. These include the Bear ("Cosolapit, from here and a swinging gait, like a bear"); Penguin ("walks turning"). These nicknames are essentially no need to explain, for the associations underlying and related to the features of the gait of representatives of the animal world.

More expressive nicknames of the winged ("walking his hands, as if he had wings, not his hands"); Fashionable ("walking by putting the chest, as if banging with his figure").

. Nicknames, data on behavior manner.

Natural human behavior, an adequate situation, there is a behavior that meets the standard. Any non-standard behavior is noticed, and it is given an appropriate assessment. Fuffers are so the name of a person who behaves unnaturally, "talked". In the youth environment, the nickname of Pai ("a young man who is afraid, derived from Pai girl").

Unnatural, according to the creators of the nickname, is the female being, which behaves like a man. Schoolchildren call the girl a kid, because "she behaves like a boy."

. Nicknames, data on loved words.

For example, la-la ("a woman on colleagues is constantly repeated by the phrase" not need la-la "); Batyushki ("a woman so often sentences and he does not notice this"); What ("repeats through the word"), Maman ("ran down the corridor on all changes and shouted:" Mother! "); Aunt (" Always and in everything refers to some kind of aunt: "But aunt ...").

. Nicknames, data on favorite lesson.

Nicknames can be given to the beloved occupation of anyone. They are divided into two large groups, one of which contains those that express a positive attitude, and the second include nicknames containing disapproval and sometimes mockery over those nicknames are given.

For example, Yashin ("Plays football, like Yashin,"), Schumacher ("on the running road"), Tsoi ("well sings").

. Nicknames, data on favorite clothing.

Preference to any particular type of clothing is striking and can also serve as a certain, distinctive feature of a person.

For example, Adidas ("The guy preferably wore clothes of this brand"); Pets ("The girl who wears dresses and skirts in the floor"); Cabbage ("The guy earned this nickname for multilayer clothes").

. Nicknames, data on beloved Kushany.

These are mainly the nicknames who came from families and picked by relatives, familiar, friends. Almost all of them are consonant with appeals: a cutlet, sausage. Sometimes this is a common name of Sweet ("The boy loves all the delicious, sweet"). Lovers of those or other eats, with delight of their favorite dishes, use decreasing forms that are preserved at the level of nicknames: the soup, bash.

. Nicknames, data on favorite songs and movies.

Nickname, similar type are the repetition of song names, films. For example, Joan (song about the flight attendant named Jeanne), a student ("coming to the girls, a young man always sang the song" Student "group" Hands up "). Young man called Titanic for love for this film.

. Nicknames, data on any dream.

Dreams can be executed, and they can remain so. But they can become nicknames having both positive and negative pains: a mechanic ("a young man since childhood dreamed of becoming a mechanic, and he became it").

Unfulfilled dreams bring huge sadness, and a reminder of them, reflected in the nicknames, is very painful. Marusya ("The woman had two sons, she really wanted to have a daughter, but the son was born, and the neighbors began to call him Marusya"); Karina ("The woman wanted a daughter, came up with her name - Karina, but the son was born called Nikolai, and the neighbors are a joke call Karina").

Nicknames, data on any cases or events from a person's life. This kind of nickname is quite common and multidimensional, based on those events or cases from the life of someone who is remembered for a long time and serve as distinctive features that allocate a person from a number of similar.

The way a little child straightened some words, remember both relatives and acquaintances, from here and very deeseciful nicknames, returning a person in childhood: the word "godp" in childhood); Duch ("Sorew the name Andryukha" ); Lyaleka ("So pronounced his name Valerka"); Mehlenya ("I said Mehlenya, instead I am a little"); Haev ("So uttered the word cows as a child:" Baba, Haelev drive "); Lipochka ("In childhood, instead of handkerchiefs told sticky").

Also, for example, Duda ("a young man from excitement instead of the Duda said there"); Rama ("wrote in elementary school instead of his name Roma Rama").

Thus, the nicknames, ascending any events or cases from the life of someone, are given either by turning an appeal into nickname, or by finding a different kind of association. This is detected at the level of different age groups.