Trolls and their names. Unofficial guide to the heroes of Mumina-Dale

Trolls and their names. Unofficial guide to the heroes of Mumina-Dale
Trolls and their names. Unofficial guide to the heroes of Mumina-Dale

In 2016, an incredibly colorful and funny cartoon from DreamWorks - Trolli came out on the screens. Bold and varied heroes with a peculiar sense of humor were very loved not only to children, but also to parents. Dreaming to learn more about your new pets, many have faced the fact that in Russian and Ukrainian translations, the names of trolls from the cartoon were changed (often beyond recognition). Let's figure it out about anyone's name in the cartoon "Trolli" and in the original version, and translated.

Plot "Trolls"

Before you find out the names of trolls, it is worth remembering what is about what is told in the cartoon.

The fabulous world lives a bit ugly sad creatures - Bergen. All of them are unconditionally believe that the only way to gain happiness is to eat troll, because these creatures emit a solid positive.

To have unhindered access to the next "dose" of happiness, Bergen has contain this people in imprisonment for many years. But one day, multicolored charming managed to escape.

Since then, twenty years have passed, during which the trolls are successfully hidden from their enemies and having fun. Over the years, a new generation of young and optimistic, which, forgetting about the danger, arrange too bright celebration and lacarounds give out their location. They are attacked, many of them are captured and should soon be eaten.

The king's daughter decides to go to the revenue subject, but poorly focuses in the outside world and is forced to ask for the help of the sullen and unlike troll.

Together they have to experience the mass of adventures, a different look at their lives, as well as bring peace and happiness not only to their people, but also to Bergenam.

Cartoon "Trolli": the names of the heroes of the main

Despite the variety of characters, in the center of the plot there are two completely different in the nature of the troll: the princess rose and sullen, an unlike pessimist - Coltian.

As it often happens, the Russian version of the names of these characters is quite significantly different from the original. In it, a mischievous master of scrapbooking is the name POPPY, which is translated as "Mac." By the way, in the Ukrainian translation, this heroine was called "BACK". It remains incomprehensible why the princess trolls with pink hair is referred to in honor of the plant whose color is red.

In love with her hero with obvious signs of paranoia (who still turns out to be the right) Call color. At the same time, this faded troll is called Branch (branch, stem). Most likely, translators into Russian gave the character is a name for charity. Since gray, practically devoid of colors Troll, called colorful, looks pretty paradoxical. As for the Ukrainian translation, here the name of the hero is close to the original - Pagin.

Names of friends and native roses

During the time when the trolls escaped from captivity, they have a bold and mischievous pink king, which is the father of the rose. Over time, from the brave warrior, he turned into a good-natured old man, giving the brarative to his daughter. In the original, he called King Peppy (the king of an energetic or king vigorous), and in the Ukrainian translation - the King of Peppi.

Among the friends, the first rosets are worth named DJ sounds, which always issues incendiary melodies. In the original, this heroine was called DJ Suki (it came from the Japanese name bitch).

Another close girlfriend is a tonsilka (in the original Mandy Sparkledust - Mandy sparkling dust), which creates all bright decorations in the city of trolls.

Also, girlfriends roses are 2 stylish beauties satin and sinel, whose hair is always intertwined between themselves. The original name is Satin (Atlas or Satin) and Chenille (Sinel).

The last of the girlfriends the main character of the cartoon, who is worth mentioning, is a dance, which is in the English-language version of the name Moxie Dewdrop (Moxel dew).

Having considered the names of trolls, breeding girlfriends, it is worth moving towards her friends. The most brilliant of them in the literal sense is diamond. In addition, his body is completely covered with sparkles, he is also a convinced nudist. In the original His name - Guy Diamond (Diamond Guy).

Another extraordinary character is a healthy, inseparable with a worm named friend. Together they are a rather unusual friendly union. In English this character is the name of Biggie (big, large), and his pet - Mr. Dinkles (Mr. Dinkls).

Cooper looks quite unusual (in the original cooper - Bondar). He is more like a hippie giraffe than an ordinary troll.

Another bright personality is a topolak flying on his skate beetle. In its case, the name translation is straightened from the original version in which the name is Aspen Heitz (Osine ATS).

And the fluffy (in English Fuzzbert - the fluff-complement) is generally a solid riddle, since it consists of a shock of green hair, from which two bare feet stick out.

A careful person will notice that their Ukrainian counterparts are not indicated by the names of the roses. The fact is that in Ukrainian rental there was a less extensive promotional company before the premiere than in Russia. For this reason, many names of trolls in Ukrainian remained unknown to the general public.

Names of secondary heroes

Not all trolls were given names, although almost every character is a bright personality.

Among episodic heroes, whose names are known, it is worth noting the Grandma Rosiepuff - Grandma Rosiepuff - Grandma Rosie Pufflinka). Also, the artist Harper (Harper) and some others, about whose Russian and Ukrainian names-analogs There are no sufficient information: Cookie Sugarloaf, Cloud Guy, Tunnel Troll, Vinny The Phone, Captain Starfunkle, Spider, etc.

Negative characters

Considering the names of trolls from the cartoon "Trolli", it is impossible not to mention the negative representatives of this species. Fortunately, he is only one - it is a stream.

In peacetime, he was a universal favorite and was considered a role model. Being a commitment to the philosophy of Zen, the streams could solve any conflicts. However, when the trouble came, it was he who became those who betrayed his people and all their principles for their own salvation.

The original character is also called Creek (Creek). And in the Ukrainian translation, he was called - the hand, very much like a gross tracker from the Russian word "stream". A rather strange choice, if we consider that in Ukrainian there are quite suitable nouns "Structs" and "Jerelo".

Cartoon "Trolli": names of characters from the race Bergen

Among Bergen, first of all it is worth highlighting their king - the older cartilage, as well as his son - Prince (later King) cartilage.

In this case, the name was literally translated from English - Gristle (cartilage), and in Russian, and in Ukrainian versions.

It is also worth mentioning and in love with the prince of the servant of Tikhonu, who hidden under the name of the Lady globe-sparkle. It was she who helped feel the finishing happiness, and also risked her life for the sake of salvation of trolls.

In the original, this heroine is quite ordinary (for the English-speaking world) name and its alias Lady Glitter Sparkles (Lady Brilliant Sparks) was translated almost literally, with small directions. In the Ukrainian version, the name of the heroine did not change at all, calling her bridge and the ice salvo-blisk.

It is worth mentioning and evil cooking, using trolls to gain power over the rustling happiness by Bergenami. In the Ukrainian translation, it was called kitchers, and in the original this disgusting heroine was called Chef (chef).

After breaking the names of the trolls from the cartoon of the same name (as well as their translation for the Russian and Ukrainian dubbing), it is worth noting that translators in both cases very creatively approached work. If in Ukrainian translations they tried to preserve the original intent in the names of the cartoon heroes, then in Russian - they tried to adapt them to their taste. Initially, both translations turned out to be very interesting and in their own original.

Franchisees, franchises, franchises ... We have already written more than once for Hollywood to produce not separate pictures, but tapes related to characters and plots that support each other in the box office. DreamWorks Animation, however, went further than everyone in the desire to launch a new franchise. In 2013, she did not sign the partner contract with the owners of rights on the puppet trolls Thomas Dama, and bought these rights, leaving the company Dam Things only the right to represent "trolls" in Denmark. These were essential investments in dolls, which are far from popularity to Barbie, and a big credibility of confidence in studio creators. After all, for three years they had to rethink the old-fashioned trolls for the XXI century and create a full-length flagship of an updated franchise.

Despite the complex financial situation of the studio, DWA bosses supported the project as soon as they could. They invested $ 120 million in Trolls and hired as a lead actor of the sound and music producer Justin Timberlake. It is impossible to say that now Timberlake on the top of the American Music Olympus, but he is very close to her. So, published in mid-May 2016 Clip Timberlake CAN'T STOP THE FEELING! From the soundtrack "Trolli" to date, gained more than 260 million views, while the Official Clip of Let It Go from Disney Super High Speed \u200b\u200b"Cold Heart" for three years on YouTube views typed just twice as many.

But finance finance, and you can't buy inspiration for money. Would DWA able to create a solid foundation for a new franchise? Notice that a completely different question than "did the studio have a wonderful picture?". Srek was indisputable hit, but DWA herself admits that his continuation had to extract, since his final was too happy endonic on fabulous standards. When the story ends on a note "and they lived for a long time and happily ...", to continue it much more difficult than the story, the final of which opens the gate for new narratives. Therefore, the superhero films MARVEL always cook the ground for future adventures.

Immediately we can say that the lessons "Shrek" DWA did not benefit. Trolli depict the confrontation of small capital heroes with the Bergen giants who devour the trolls, because they do not know another way to feel happiness (unlike Bergen, trolls are almost always fun and joyful). Directly suggests parallel with the "Smurfiki" cycle, where the shiny little men have been fed from the Gargamel's sorcerer for more than half a century. For a children's animated series, this is quite a suitable war. "Trolli", however, exhaust this plot in the first story! We will not say exactly how the cartoon ends, but it is very doubtful that the opposition described in the first tape will be able to continue in the sequel. "Troll 2" will need new conflicts, and it is difficult to say what they will be.

Promotional frame to cartoon "Trolli"

Why? Because the magic world of "trolls" is even easier than the magical world of Smurfiki. Smurfs - as well as a pony from the animated series "My little pony" - live a full-fledged "human" life. They own different professions, compete, conflict, create problems on their heads, and it consistently supplies plot strings for both TV shows and for full-length tapes. Trolls are able to just rejoice and have fun. This is a primitive utopian society, from which only characters with a mental trauma are knocked out, not allowing to engage in overall happiness.

Timberlake just voiced by such a troll - the only unfortunate in his tribe. And, of course (it is unlikely that it can be called a spoiler), his trouble comes down to the final. And this means that the main characters of the "trolls" in the ending covers such a thick shine of happiness, which is not completely clear, where the cycle goes on. At least in the utopian "start-up" heroes examine space and bump into enemies. And the trolls - the folk not only happy, but also completely satisfied, without any desire to move science, explore the surrounding edges and fly to other galaxies.

Of course, a talented screenwriter can find a way out of any position, but why bind your hands in advance? Or the creators of DWA, unlike the heads of the studio, did not believe that the "trolls" will be continued?

By the way, about the character Timberlake. He plays the film extremely important, and not only a plot role. Classic trolls Lady is first of all toys for little girls. Thomas Dame cut out of his first troll from the tree, because he could not buy a daughter's dear gift, and this sentimental story predetermined the essence of the toy. Even after the lady's company has become massively producing trolls from plastic. Long and multicolored puppet hair is a classic component of toys for future visitors of salons. On the contrary, in the "war" such dolls do not play with such dolls. Is there nothing more to play.

Frame from the cartoon "Trolli"

Maiden Aesthetics has become determining and for the multi-trolls. Princess Troll starring, plot references to Cinderella, omnipresent glamor sparkles, incredible magic hairstyles, peace-loving tape mood, despite the commemoration of cannibalism ... However, to make money, the studio needed to make a cartoon not only for girls, but also for boys.

Character Timberlake by the name of Colutane was just invented that the guys were to identify themselves. He does not tolerate everything that personifies the beautiful princess rose. He rines her singing and her sparkles. He burns her guitar. He insists that with Bergen, it is impossible to agree. In short, he behaves like a boy who is locked in the room of his younger sister and who feels like a lion in a cage. It is pretty funny, and it provides a point of view that allows boys and men in the audience to receive pleasure from a cartoon.

However, Trolli, as already mentioned, are seen in the color not equivalent to the "alternative" character, but a mentally ill troll, who in the film final will be cured to continue to live as an ordinary, happy and glamorous troll. But what "trolls" will do in the sequel? Impact a candreal of another character? Or recognize that this is a purely girl cycle? And only for those girls who share the attitude of the roses for life.

Finally, the promotion of the cartoon with the help of pop stars - a stick about two ends. Yes, it's great that Timberlake, Gwen Stephanie and Swedish duet of Icona Pop are involved in the picture. But they receive only those spectators who look cartoon in English! In the Russian dubbing "trolls" they say and sing other people - in particular, Dima Bilan, replacing Timberlake. It turns out that considerable money that is invested in the advertising promise "Timberlake voiced Troll!", From the point of view of the international market, wasted wasted. It would be this game movie, there would be another story, because Timberlake would trade their physiognomy. And if the star does not sound the star in the dubbing of the cartoon, it turns out that it is not involved in the project.

Frame from the cartoon "Trolli"

In addition, the musical market is exceptionally changed. Today you are on horseback, and tomorrow you ignore you. And for the sequel of the hit cartoon you are no longer the property, but the burden. True, Timberlake has long been holding the stars, and his star is hardly running in the coming years. However, if he remains on Olympus, does he have time for a new cartoon? This is not the main profession of the singer.

In general, the more stronger you are in the "trolls", the better you see that the picture turned out not by the ancestric of the cycle, but a "unique" work that will not be easy to continue. And it is very strange that the studio promises one cartoon, and releases completely different.

Fortunately, this is an adult problem, and even the case of the future. For the main, small spectators of Trolli now, it is now important that it is a cheerful, colorful and funny cartoon with an energetic soundtrack. And what is important for children, then it is important for parents. So do not consider our reasoning and observation as a reason not to go to the movies.

In 2016, an incredibly colorful and funny cartoon from DreamWorks - Trolli came out on the screens. Bold and varied heroes with a peculiar sense of humor were very loved not only to children, but also to parents. Dreaming to learn more about your new pets, many have faced the fact that in Russian and Ukrainian translations, the names of trolls from the cartoon were changed (often beyond recognition). Let's figure it out about anyone's name in the cartoon "Trolli" and in the original version, and translated.

Plot "Trolls"

Before you find out the names of trolls, it is worth remembering what is about what is told in the cartoon.

The fabulous world lives a bit ugly sad creatures - Bergen. All of them are unconditionally believe that the only way to gain happiness is to eat troll, because these creatures emit a solid positive.

To have unhindered access to the next "dose" of happiness, Bergen has contain this people in imprisonment for many years. But one day, multicolored charming managed to escape.

Since then, twenty years have passed, during which the trolls are successfully hidden from their enemies and having fun. Over the years, a new generation of young and optimistic, which, forgetting about the danger, arrange too bright celebration and lacarounds give out their location. They are attacked, many of them are captured and should soon be eaten.

The king's daughter decides to go to the revenue subject, but poorly focuses in the outside world and is forced to ask for the help of the sullen and unlike troll.

Together they have to experience the mass of adventures, a different look at their lives, as well as bring peace and happiness not only to their people, but also to Bergenam.

Cartoon "Trolli": the names of the heroes of the main

Despite the variety of characters, in the center of the plot there are two completely different in the nature of the troll: the princess rose and sullen, an unlike pessimist - Coltian.

As it often happens, the Russian version of the names of these characters is quite significantly different from the original. In it, a mischievous master of scrapbooking is the name POPPY, which is translated as "Mac." By the way, in the Ukrainian translation, this heroine was called "BACK". It remains incomprehensible why the princess trolls with pink hair is referred to in honor of the plant whose color is red.

In love with her hero with obvious signs of paranoia (who still turns out to be the right) Call color. At the same time, this faded troll is called Branch (branch, stem). Most likely, translators into Russian gave the character is a name for charity. Since gray, practically devoid of colors Troll, called colorful, looks pretty paradoxical. As for the Ukrainian translation, here the name of the hero is close to the original - Pagin.

Names of friends and native roses

During the time when the trolls escaped from captivity, they have a bold and mischievous pink king, which is the father of the rose. Over time, from the brave warrior, he turned into a good-natured old man, giving the brarative to his daughter. In the original, he called King Peppy (the king of an energetic or king vigorous), and in the Ukrainian translation - the King of Peppi.

Among the friends, the first rosets are worth named DJ sounds, which always issues incendiary melodies. In the original, this heroine was called DJ Suki (it came from the Japanese name bitch).

Another close girlfriend is a tonsilka (in the original Mandy Sparkledust - Mandy sparkling dust), which creates all bright decorations in the city of trolls.

Also, girlfriends roses are 2 stylish beauties satin and sinel, whose hair is always intertwined between themselves. The original name is Satin (Atlas or Satin) and Chenille (Sinel).

The last of the girlfriends the main character of the cartoon, who is worth mentioning, is a dance, which is in the English-language version of the name Moxie Dewdrop (Moxel dew).

Having considered the names of trolls, breeding girlfriends, it is worth moving towards her friends. The most brilliant of them in the literal sense is diamond. In addition, his body is completely covered with sparkles, he is also a convinced nudist. In the original His name - Guy Diamond (Diamond Guy).

Another extraordinary character is a healthy, inseparable with a worm named friend. Together they are a rather unusual friendly union. In English this character is the name of Biggie (big, large), and his pet - Mr. Dinkles (Mr. Dinkls).

Cooper looks quite unusual (in the original cooper - Bondar). He is more like a hippie giraffe than an ordinary troll.

Another bright personality is a topolak flying on his skate beetle. In its case, the name translation is straightened from the original version in which the name is Aspen Heitz (Osine ATS).

And the fluffy (in English Fuzzbert - the fluff-complement) is generally a solid riddle, since it consists of a shock of green hair, from which two bare feet stick out.

A careful person will notice that their Ukrainian counterparts are not indicated by the names of the roses. The fact is that in Ukrainian rental there was a less extensive promotional company before the premiere than in Russia. For this reason, many names of trolls in Ukrainian remained unknown to the general public.

Names of secondary heroes

Not all trolls were given names, although almost every character is a bright personality.

Among episodic heroes, whose names are known, it is worth noting the Grandma Rosiepuff - Grandma Rosiepuff - Grandma Rosie Pufflinka). Also, the artist Harper (Harper) and some others, about whose Russian and Ukrainian names-analogs There are no sufficient information: Cookie Sugarloaf, Cloud Guy, Tunnel Troll, Vinny The Phone, Captain Starfunkle, Spider, etc.

Negative characters

Considering the names of trolls from the cartoon "Trolli", it is impossible not to mention the negative representatives of this species. Fortunately, he is only one - it is a stream.

In peacetime, he was a universal favorite and was considered a role model. Being a commitment to the philosophy of Zen, the streams could solve any conflicts. However, when the trouble came, it was he who became those who betrayed his people and all their principles for their own salvation.

The original character is also called Creek (Creek). And in the Ukrainian translation, he was called - the hand, very much like a gross tracker from the Russian word "stream". A rather strange choice, if we consider that in Ukrainian there are quite suitable nouns "Structs" and "Jerelo".

Cartoon "Trolli": names of characters from the race Bergen

Among Bergen, first of all it is worth highlighting their king - the older cartilage, as well as his son - Prince (later King) cartilage.
In this case, the name was literally translated from English - Gristle (cartilage), and in Russian, and in Ukrainian versions.

It is also worth mentioning and in love with the prince of the servant of Tikhonu, who hidden under the name of the Lady globe-sparkle. It was she who helped feel the finishing happiness, and also risked her life for the sake of salvation of trolls.

In the original, this heroine is quite ordinary (for the English-language world) Bridget (Bridget). And her pseudonym Lady Glitter Sparkles (Lady Brilliant Sparks) was translated almost literally, with minor directions. In the Ukrainian version, the name of the heroine did not change at all, calling her bridge and the ice salvo-blisk.

It is worth mentioning and evil cooking, using trolls to gain power over the rustling happiness by Bergenami. In the Ukrainian translation, it was called kitchers, and in the original this disgusting heroine was called Chef (chef).

After breaking the names of the trolls from the cartoon of the same name (as well as their translation for the Russian and Ukrainian dubbing), it is worth noting that translators in both cases very creatively approached work. If in Ukrainian translations they tried to preserve the original intent in the names of the cartoon heroes, then in Russian - they tried to adapt them to their taste. Initially, both translations turned out to be very interesting and in their own original.

"It seems an amazing waiting for the 50th anniversary
Mumi-Troll. Think only how long he lasted
afloat - and me too. Although in fact he existed
even earlier, the truth is almost imperceptible; Little signature
in the bottom corner under caricatures, sensitive image,
which ironed over the ghostly idea of \u200b\u200bthe drawing with
such a maliciousness with which only possible. Then
Mumina-Troll turned into a obedient creature from a fairy tale,
fairy tales that begins "lived-had".
He has changed very much since. The road was long and from
she was bothering a lot of lateral paths for which
perhaps and not worth turning, but, be that as it may,
without mumi-troll I could not exist
in this, transfusion diverse shades of life. "

Tuva Jansson

This page is a guide to the heroes of the books of the Finnish writer Tuva Jansson about Moomin Troll. The guidebook was drawn up by books "Little Trolls and Big Flood" (1945), "Mumi Troll and Comet" (1946), "Wizard Hat" (1948), "Memoirs Pope Mumi-Troll" (1950), "Dangerous Summer" ( 1954), "Magic Winter" (1957), "Child-Invisible" (1962), "Mumi-Dad and the Sea" (1965), "at the end of November" (1970) and contains information about all beings of the Mooma Valley, including Their relationship with other characters, their first appearance on the pages of books, a list of works in which they are present as well as their images.
If you find some inaccuracies, or want to add something yourself, you write to the guest.

Family of mumi-trolls.

The family consists of mumi-mom, mumi-dad and actually from the Mooma Troll.

Fredrickson is an old friend. He has a long-lost brother. Fredrickson is present in the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll", for the first time appearing in the first chapter.
Great inventor. Builder and Captain Steamer "Marine Orchestra".

Bringing the nickname was horrid, horror of the island of horrors.

Bringing is present in the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll", first appearing in the sixth chapter.
He loves everyone to scare, but, in general, kind and fun.

YUSER is a father. He is present in the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll", for the first time appearing in the second chapter.
Charming and cheerful adventurer. Although, quite lazy.

Mis is present in the book "Dangerous Summer", first appearing in the second chapter. It is also mentioned in the story "Christmas tree".
Very touchy, loves to swim and complain to his grave fate. Incomparable tragic actress.

Schnook - Father and married. Schnirok is present in the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll", first appearing in the second chapter.
Scattered and frowning. The holder of the Higher Collection of Buttons. Caught Cockparty "Marine Orchestra".

Mumla (Mumla Mom).

Mumla Mom is a mother, and another countless many other animals. Mumla is present in the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll", for the first time appearing in the fifth chapter.
Smiling lady of incomprehensible behavior, but a good mother.

Daughter Mumli \\ Mumla.

Mumli's daughter, usually called simply "Mumla", is a sister, a consolidated sister and daughter. She first appears in the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll", in the fifth chapter. She is present in the books "Memoirs Pope Mooma Troll", "Magic Winter", "Dangerous Summer", "At the end of November" and in the story "The story of the last in the Light Dragon." She is mentioned in the story "The Secret Hatifnattov".
Girl serious and straight. Always looking for a younger sister. He loves himself and their luxurious hair.

Clipdass, one of the clipdass, is present in the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll", first appearing in the third chapter
All clipdass are small and prompt. When they cut the teeth capable of shrinking everything in their path. Adore educational games.


Ninny appears in the "Child-Invisible" story.

Baby Salome is present in the "Magic Winter" book, first appearing in the fifth chapter.
Brave crumb to the mill, in love with the hemul's ears.

Marty (cat).

Martyshka is present in the book "Mumina-Troll and Cometa", first appearing in the first chapter (in the publication, where the translation from Swedish V.Smirnov).
And in the publication with the translation of N. Belyakova instead of the Marty, there is a kitten. ®.

UNACK is present in the "Magic Winter" book, for the first time appearing in the fifth chapter.
Romantic. Loves to lift on the moon and listen to the Volcie Howl.

Tofxla and Vifxla are present in the book "Wizard Hat", first appearing in the sixth chapter.
Two small yurt comrades with a large suitcase. Talking on a bad understandable language. Nice, but disadvantaged. Love the milk and the contents of their suitcase.

Tuu-Tikki appears in the Book "Magic Winter" and in the story of the "Child-Invisible".
Extremely mysterious young lady. Lives in a bathhouse in the Society of Invisible Mice. A little wizard. Begins every spring game on the scarmer.

Homs Tood is present in the book "At the end of November", first appearing in the first chapter.
Small, but very serious. Dreamer and dreamer. Nice but lonely. TOOTN means a bank (but his name had nothing to do with a ship, it was just a coincidence).

Homs is present in the book "Dangerous Summer", where he first appears in the second chapter. Homs is also mentioned in the story "Tree."

Tyulippa is present only in the book "Little Trolls and Big Flood".
A girl with brightly blue loafwood, reaching her to heaven. Perfectly raised. It remained to live with a red boy from a lighthouse.
It is worth noting that in the books about Moomin Trolls at Tuva Jansson, people are very rare (Homo Sapiens), and then - almost everything in the very first book - "Little trolls and a large flood" (1945). It is a tulippa, a boy with red hair and an elderly master. In the "Memoirs of Pope Mumi-Troll" (1950), the autocratic is also the same person.



"Hemuli reaches almost double height of ordinary fern. They have elongated and slightly oppressed faces. Pink eyes. There are no ears, but instead there are several bunches of blue or color ginger hair. Hemuli - not completely outstanding intellectuals and easily become fanatics. Their legs are terribly big and Flat. They cannot learn to whistle, and therefore do not like any whistle. " - Mumi-dad, "Memoirs Pope Moomin Troll".

All Hemes are pretty bored. They love to command and never recognize their wrong. As a rule, something collects.
This Hemul is present in the "Mumi-Troll and Comet" book and for the first time appears in the fifth chapter.

This Hemul first appears in the tenth chapter of the book "Mumina-Troll and Comet." It is present in the books "Mumi-Troll and Cometa", "Wizard Hat" and in the story "The Secret Hatifnattov".

Hemulikha - director of the house for the twin mumi-trolls.

This chemuli has aunt. She is present in the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll" and first appears in the first chapter
The lady with a terrible character, and also a teacher ... Eh, here and "ate" Makarenko.

Aunt Hemulih-directresters. She is present in the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll" and for the first time appears in the third chapter
She almost ate her, and then she found his calling in the upbringing of Clipdass.

Hamul on a garden festival.

This Hemul appears in the fifth chapter of the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll".

Hemuli from the guard of the autocrat.

These hemuli appear in the sixth chapter of the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll".

Hamuluy voluntary orchestra.

The orchestra appears in the seventh chapter of the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll".

This Hemul is present in the book "Dangerous Summer" and first appears in the seventh chapter.

This hemul has a cousin, which, apparently, is not Hemelich. Hamul is present in the book "Dangerous Summer" and first appears in the eleventh chapter.

Hamuly amateur orchestra.

The orchestra appears in the twelfth chapter of the book "Dangerous Summer".

Hemuli renting boats and checking tickets.

Hamul police forces.

These hemuli appear in the twelfth chapter of the book "Dangerous Summer".

This Hemul is present in the "Magic Winter" book and for the first time appears in the fifth chapter.

This Hemul is present in the book "At the end of November", where is first mentioned in the first chapter, and appears in the fifth chapter.

Hemul who changed before meals.

This hemul is mentioned in the story of the "Spring Song".

Hamul, who sold her summer house with Philapian.

This Hemul is mentioned in the story "Philapidian, who believed in the catastrophe."

Hemul - Fisherman.

This hemul took the dragon from Snusmumurik in the story "The Tale of the last Dragon world."

This Hemul appears in the story "Hamul, who loved silence."

Friendly relatives of Hemul, who loved silence from the story "Hemul, who loved silence."

The kids of Hemeli, who were cared for Hamul, who loved silence from the story "Hemul, who loved silence."


Appears in the story "Christmas tree", as well as his aunt.

Aunt Hemel.

Appears in the story "Christmas tree" with your nephew.

Huge Hamul.

Appears in the book "Little trolls and a large flood". It was he who took away from the chair on which they swam.


~ Philafony ~

Extremely nervous ladies. Awful afraid of insects. Constantly rush somewhere, clean and cook. To tolerate all relatives, but they consider to express relative feelings to their duty. Want to love her all.

Philapidian, which is the nephew of Emma, \u200b\u200bis present in the book "Dangerous Summer", for the first time appearing in the seventh chapter.

An insignificant character present in the "Magic Winter" book, chapter five.

"Powerful small magic animals. Mostly they are invisible. Sometimes they settled under the people in humans, and hear how they suffer there in the evenings, when everything calms down in the house. But more often they roam the light, without stopping anything, nothing else Taking care. Never say, having fun Hatifnatt or angry, he is sad, he is surprised. I am sure that he has no feelings at all. " - explained Mumi-Mom (" Little trolls and large flood")

Hatifnatta is first mentioned and appear in the book "Little Trolls and Big Flood" - according to the words it was with them to travel and disappeared. They are also present in the books "Mumi Troll and Comet", "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll", "Wizard Hat" and "Dangerous Summer", as well as in the story "The Secret Hatifnattov".
Appear from seeds on the day of summer solstice. Travel in small boats throughout the world. Once a year they are going to their secret island and learn from a large weather barometer. Very electrified.


Clipdass are present only in the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll" and for the first time appear in the third chapter.
Small and agile. When they cut the teeth capable of shrinking everything in their path. Adore educational games.


Secondary characters.

  • From the book "Little trolls and a large flood."
    • Big Snake, page 13
    • Elderly Mr. Page 19
    • Antly Lion, page 25
    • Sea Troll page 28
    • Boy with bright red hair, page 32
    • Cat with kittens, page 39
    • Mr. Marabu, page 43
    • Two sea traits, page 48
  • From the book "Mumi-Troll and Comet."
    • Giant Lizard, Chapter 5
    • Policeman mentioned in chapter 6
    • Hyena, Chapter 6
    • Eagle, Chapter 6
    • Professor from the Observatory, Chapter 6
    • Old woman in store, chapter 8
    • Grasshopper, swamp ghosts and tree perfumes at a party on the dance floor, chapter 8
    • Little Crack, Chapter 8
    • Scrurt, chapter 10
    • Running creatures, chapter 10
  • From the book "Hat of the Wizard".
    • Elderly, chapter 1
    • Foreign words, chapter 2
    • Antly Lion, Chapter 2
    • California King, Chapter 2
    • Three yellow canary, chapter 2
    • Mameluke, Chapter 5
  • From the book "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll".
    • Hedgehog, Chapter 1
    • Uncle Mumli on the maternal line, chapter 5
    • Self-adjacent, chapter 5
    • Sea Snake, Little Fish, Frog, Marine Ghost and Crack, Chapter 7
    • Sea Dog, Chapter 7
  • From the book "Dangerous Summer".
    • The company on the roof of the wood barn, including the mouse and horses, chapter 2
    • Forest inhabitants by a fire in honor of the Day of the Summer Solstice, Chapter 5
    • Watchman and fit park, first appear in chapter 6
    • 24 forest kids, first appear in chapter 6
    • Little cousin of prison warder, first appears in chapter 11
    • Audience on a draft rehearsal, including hedgehogs and mothers, chapter 10
    • Two beaver depicting lion, chapter 10
  • From the book "Magic Winter".
    • An animal living under the kitchen table first appears in chapter 1
    • Belchonok with a pretty tail, for the first time appears in Chapter 2
    • Eight invisible mice-earth farmers appear first in chapter 2
    • The ancestor first appears in Chapter 2. It is also mentioned in the book "In late November".
    • Ice Virgo, Chapter 3
    • The creatures in the bathhouse will first appear in chapter 2
    • Little Cracks, Gafsa, Homs Senior and Other Guests, Chapter 5
  • From the book "Mumi-Dad and the sea."
    • Poisonous ants, chapter 3
    • Sea horses, first appear in Chapter 3
  • From the book "At the end of November".
    • Nummulit, first mentioned in chapter 15
  • From the collection "Tales from the Mooma Trolley Valley".
    • From the story "Spring Song".
      • Baby Ti-Ti-Uu called Snusmumric
      • Mentioned: Yozh, Kid, Mom Baby
    • From the story "Scary Story."
      • Almost the youngest Homs
      • Chit
      • Mom Homes
      • Father Hamsi.
      • Swamp snakes
      • Grandmother babes Mu.
    • From the story "Tale of the last in the world of the Dragon."
      • The Dragon
      • Mentioned: Grandma Baby MJ
      • Young Hemul-Fisherman
    • From the story "Hemul, who loved silence."
      • Gafs, Hams, Mumli, Hamuluy's Children, Nafs, Kntyti, Zelets in the "Moon Park"
      • Homsa
      • Son of Phillies
    • From the story of "Child-Invisible".
      • Mentioned: Cold and ironic aunt
      • Mentioned: Grandmother Mumi Mom