Chastochki simple folk. Rye Chastushki.

Chastochki simple folk. Rye Chastushki.
Chastochki simple folk. Rye Chastushki.

One of the most vivid expressions of the nature of the Russian people, its prevalence and outstanding persistence in solving everyday problems and failures are Russian folk needles. Unlike other representatives of the Russian national folklore (epic, proverbs, fairy tales), texts of chastushki do not belong to long-term material. Castly Quartens - This is usually a people's response to some current event or an existing problem situation. Therefore, the long-life of the chastushki, mainly depends on the relevance of the content of its text.

The venue of the chastushki is all kinds of folk holidays, wedding celebrations and various kinds of feast. It is at these events that Russian people sing good and evil, decent and matery, about various life events and situations, about well-known celebrities and politicians, and about much more.

What qualities Russian folk singing today in the packaging events most often? The answer to such a question is unequivocal - different! A chanthene repertoire depends on the occasion of the organization of the feast, and on age and preferences present. In a word,

You will provide you
Russian national,
They can easily find
For feast suitable!

Chastushki Russian folk (texts without mat)

We know a lot of chastushki
And good and bad.
It is interesting to listen to
Who does not know anyone.

Eh, girlfriend dear,
About us knows all the people.
No one dresses without you
Without me - it does not sing.

Shop, shop show
Do not sit with me rich.
Better poor, yes cute,
Sucks next to me.

I am a chastushka on a chastushka,
Like a thread, knit.
You board, girlfriend,
If I do not show off.

Do not look at me
That I am thin.
Mamka Salom did not feed,

Do not scold me, Maman,
Do not swear so terrible.
You yourself had such -
Came late.

In the sky a month young
Hid for the cloud.
Come to me rather

I happened to everyone gave
Turns from the gate.
And now one stayed -
No one gets married!

Dandress her loving husband
Now the affair.
But how to increase
Something sensible.

The courtyard is fog,
Dry diaper.
All love your deception
Frozing baby.

Behind the village.
Kink frogs.
And I am a sweetheart noodle
I hide on the ears.

Spring day came
Cat on the roof screamed.
Soon too, Zavill,
I really want to marry!

Russian folk needles (texts for a feast)

Oh, you, pit, pit, pit ...
I do not know who Paval.
Millenok walked on a date
Incount in it fell.

Led me to court
And I shake all:
A hundred eggs were awarded
And I do not carry!

This is what walking:
You are home and I am home.
And in my opinion, walking:
You go home and I'm with you!

Did there really be branches:
Do you birch chop?
Did little girls:
Do you love married?

I'll go to the garden,
Copy hell.
Casting Sasha in the mouth
For his treason.

I do not need pea powder,
And you need a pea.
I do not need a lot of girls,
Need one - good!

Three weeks were not bought
And I caught not a bouquency.
She is fat, big,
You can't kill the rifle.

In the shop saleswoman
Called me "pig".
Grandmas thought pork,
They began to queue for me.

It is known that unexpected guests deliver some trouble to the owners of the feast. What exactly can bring such visits to themselves, the texts of the chastushki on the applied video will told.

Chastushki Russian folk funny and cool

Stove letters to the top
Did not put firewood.
Everything looked like burned
My first love.

On the courtyard fog costs -
Zero visibility.
Under the mountain, the man lies -
Russian real estate.

Mom Bila Bila,
That I came late.
To make mom, do not wake,
I will come in the morning!

And I am with this cavalier
I want to meet.
My beauty is not enough
Moonshine surcharge.

Oh, mother, my mother,
Does not let the night.
And I'll go walk in the day
More quickly!

There was time I danced
On high heels,
And now I sit on the stove -
Two baby on hand.

I prepared on the book,
And she closed ...
As I guess now,
What is sophilate there.

The chastushk has the beginning
Chastushk has an end.
Who are our chastushki,
Just say - well done!

My Milka is somehow sidura
Bucked soap "Duru".
I will go to the bath with her
I will be a "fool" fool wash.

Masha saw a bear,
Very frightened.
Even cut out by mat
That's how confused.

Do not go along the corridor,
Do not knock with caloes.
I won't love anyway -
Morda like a horse.

I was glad to love
For nature, straight:
Where the hand did not reach
Helped a baton.

I am Milenchka Davala
Sitting on a bench.
Do not think bad -
I gave seeds.

Out of a pretty blister:
He suddenly came running home
And in bed - drum
And, of course, with me.

Volodya --harmonista
Absolutely no brains
His skull is decorated
Bush of milking horns.

Men cute gave
Golden watch.
And I had for it
Jump on the mattress.

Ripen tomatoes
And other vegetables.
Baba - fools, women - fools.
And men - bastards.

Says the old woman grandfather:
Come, Millenok, on Wednesday!
And the old man came up with the number -
He took and died on Tuesday ...

Boast, girls, I will not:
I will sleep, so I will sleep.
Even before the heart is not enough
And in the easy way to do.

Sits a guy on the fence,
Picky in the nose,
And Kozulka answers:
I don't get out anyway.

How I grew yes bloomed
Until seventeen years old
And in seventeen on the party
I stayed without teeth.

By the village we go,
All gifts are distributed
To someone - lightweight poddle
Who - in the puddle shook!

Girls in the woods walked
And they caught a hare.
All day they were looking for
Where is the hare eggs.

Why don't you love me,
I'm colorful.
Well, that, that face a side
In the dark, everyone likes.

Mile you are what, yes, you are what
Alebard about shoulder, -
Well broke,
And the shoulder was not damaged.

Girls no longer give
All guys loafers.
Massow arrived to us
With, oh, from such a dressing room!

By the village we go,
Sink songs
Our girls were brought
- Do not give, even crash!

Our Tanya Meters Croot,
Down the stairs flying.
How the beast she will win
Then pay like a child.

Not closed once Fedya
In the bathroom both kranel,
To remind all neighbors
On the fate of "Titanic".

Katya, so that the pig is stuffed,
I called me help.
Instead of the murder
We sinned with her all night!

300 Northern Capital,
Notes the whole country.
And on schools and hospitals
There is no money like a horse.

As a face in Kuzmich
It clearly asks bricks.
And the soul in Kuzmich
Obviously asks the Pervcha.

From depressed devotey
Do not drink Seduksna!
Young tractor drivers
Heal in the haystack!

I hinted yesterday I Zoyake -
To spend the night with her in bed.
That, felt my hint,
Did not let the threshold.

Girls ran through the ice,
Cold nonsense.
And without this nonsense -
And neither there, and neither here.

In the sky, the garbage flew
Silver metal.
Very much today
Unidentified garbage.

My Milk Zalupanzayy
Does not get off the toilet
Out from Senokos
Wants with the help of diarrhea.

I fuck a boyfriend,
Oh, young, such!
And on the sight is quite green,
It turned out - blue.

My dear, my dear,
Do not lie back to me
And breast go
Have a gun.

Friend Viagra treated.
So I surprised my wife.
I could not refuse to a friend
Surprised his spouse.

On the window two flower:
Blue and yelen.
I will not give a cute,
Himself takes - not small!

Volodya --harmonista
Jacket rubles for three hundred
On chervonets pies
And the brain grivenk.

I go - she cost
I come to ask her:
Allow you to stamp
White rose on the chest?

At work colleagues,
The doxhara was in fashion.
And football now he is with us
Looking at narrow eyes.

On the window two flower -
Gladiolus and Rosan.
If cute changes,
I guess by times!

Started harmony girl
Eyes shine from love.
Loved the harmonist,
Did not restrain the brakes.

Steamer about piles
Captain screams: ahead!
And it rake
Trust the steamer!

Standing with a cute near the river
I listen to the more.
He asks, but not his hands,
And yesterday yesterday.

Merry miniatures could be heard in the villages right on the street, during the gatherings, weddings, feasts, etc. It was often for the trial execution the people walked into the dance. There were songs and a lyrical mood, which reflected what is happening events and experiences in stamped lines. Even sad chastushki was still filled with humor, which supported an optimistic look into the future.

Interestingly, the people surrounding the person does not just listen, but takes an active part in the entertainment: it ships, claps, comments, objects or supports. Moreover, the most common reaction is a response to a chaccin, which thus moves into competitions.

When did the couplets appear?

It is believed that the first poems and musical miniatures appeared in the XVII-XVIII centuries. At that time, they entertained the people of schomoroche, balaguras and stray artists. Other researchers believe that this happened in about the middle of the XIX century.

Turning to ancient literature, it can be noted that almost all the varieties of folklore are mentioned there, only a word is not told about the couples.

  • The names of the epic characters are indicated in the chronicles, legends and parables are set out.
  • A. S. Pushkin wrote a "song about Oleg's meaning", based on the tradition of the death of Prince Oleg from the "Tale of Bygone Years", and also retold folk tales.
  • In the work of Nekrasov, folklore genres are also found.

At the same time, the chastushki in literary works are then not mentioned. Even in the explanatory dictionary V. I. Daly "Chastushki" in the meaning of the "short song" is not. For the first time, this word applied Gleb Uspensky in the sketch of 1889 "New People's Songs".

Such a significant event as the cancellation of serfdom in 1861 is not specified in any chaccourt. But those following her (from the 70s. XIX century. Historical facts are found in folk quatrasions: the Russian-Turkish and Russian-Japanese wars, the first Russian revolution of 1905.

In the literature, it appears in the poems of the XX century: S. A. Yesenin, A. A. Bloka, V. V. Mayakovsky and their contemporaries.

Options names Chastushki.

Chastushki began to compose in a variety of corners of Russia almost at one time. Each terrain endowed the song miniatures with an individual color, and sometimes the title.

  • By nature: Trigger, a short, short, chant, a shaking, gypsy, Semenovna, a pouring, a gyrovka, a shatter, a turntable, atetubushka.
  • At the place of origin: Volga Matanets, Ural Tarauts, Saratov Suffering, Ryazan Misochoshki, Yeletskaya, Siberian Podgorny, Novgorod Drafts.

Some of theroid quarters needed to sing, others - shout under the melody for dancing, to perform under musical accompaniment (Bayan, Balalaika, horn, tambourine) or without it.

Varieties of Chastushki.

  • Lyrical (Delivery) - Quarters on a variety of topics.
  • Dance - 4-line songs with a special rhythm, which combined with dances. Rows shorter than lyric. Example: Chastushki type "Apple", which emerged at the beginning of the 20th century in Ukraine as love. In 1917-1920 They transformed and began to reflect the socio-political topic.
  • Suffering - Usually this is a 2-lower chastushki about love. They sang slowly and long. Were common in the middle lane of Russia and on the Volga. In the northern part of the country, in the Urals and in Siberia they did not know.
  • "Semenovna" (Chastushki, named at shrind) - 2-line chastushki with a special guidance rhythm. Semenovna is a broken Russian woman. The first songs of this type arose in the 30s. XX century Then based on them in 30-40. Much a lot of brutal romances.
  • "Matanya" - A variety of chastushki, in which the word "Matanya" appealed to the beloved. Moreover, such an appeal was often encountered in the sewer, and in the chorus. Such a song is a 4-stop jelly, and the stanza consists of two lines and has chorus.

Chastushki about the village and the village

My Milenok tractor driver
I am his millet.
He is in fuel oil, I'm in the manure
Battle couple.
I stood behind the porch
And they said: with a young man.
I took out the handkerchief,
And they said: kisses.
What are you sitting, men,
Pants wipe?
Only weeds,
And you all walk.
Oh grandparents, grandfathers, grandfathers!
What are you cunning,
How I go on the water -
Sedna you in the beard.
I threw meat
To cute in the window.
The solubility window,
It turned out to be a cat.
A rooster sits on the pipe.
He screams that he sees two:
Vanya with flowers,
Petenka with money!
I will cover the sponge brightly
I will go through the village,
Will be all the guys hot
Well, I'm fun.
Seven beauties, seven sisters
A bonfire lit in the meadow.
Songs sing,
The guests are called.
Well done me love me
And do not like men,
And I run with snot
And let bubbles.
Passage in the spring field
Our tractor drives
And kiss under the pine
Our harmonists.
We are pololie vegetable garden
Guys have fun.
It was hot, we are partitioned,
And they fell away.
Topp left foot
Toppin timeline
All the same girls love,
Although I am small!
Diare Vasya labored
And sighed wearily.
All the cows gave
And Nadoya is not enough!
Started harmony girl
Eyes shine from love.
Loved the harmonist,
Did not restrain the brakes.
Puffy floats across the sky
Reflecting in the lake.
And Taras came to Nurea,
On your bulldozer.
In the summer boring without chastushki,
Without funny songs -
Without harmonic, Zarotnaya
The world is uninteresting!
The sun shines fun
No reason to frown.
Baba on the field go,
And in the sun burn.
I sat on the furnace
Started Kalachi.
And behind the stove of the mouse
Stretched the pyshki.
Ah yes sinny kit
Went to the river under the coupled,
In the water, the tail lowered,
Cats Fish caught!
Ga-ga-ha, - Gus.
I'm not afraid of chanterelles.
All foxes on weight
I'll take it in the basket!

Chastushki about love

Why did you remove
When did I do you?
You would have said from autumn,
I would not go winter.
In the village I go with the thymoshka,
And my Timoshka is with a harmonica.
He plays, sits,
Wind Kudri waves.
Nice, do not knock on
Pretty, do not brank
Under a gray window
Quietly scratch
Cute sleeps, breathing quietly.
I kiss - he does not hear.
Soon I will become a mistress
Cute in the house:
Will dinner ship
By orders to my.
Dear by autumn
Told the word secret:
- Slip, soup,
Wedding ring.
Curly Alesha
I want to love, I want to brand.
Came to match me
With gilded arc.
So far soaked, rustled,
Left toother
Well, what it is,
Buckets burnt to carry?
I'll go married there,
Where under the window water.
Sewed cute pussy
And the mittens came out.
Cute came, praised:
- What master!
We fell with a sweetheart
Near our pond;
Frogs scared us -
Let's not go there.
I sat on the window,
My cute was rode on a cat,
Began to approach the window
I could not hold the cat.
Who has what Milenk -
I have a handicraft:
Got shoes sew -
She sewed the burata bark.
From love heart piss:
SC boil, it does not hear.
At Timoshka Chub wave,
He cares for me.
Oh, cat, straighten!
On-threshold do not sit down:
And then cute go
Stumble - will fall.
I have a sundress
Kosolapi roosters;
I am not a closer myself -
Kosolap groom.
Why did you bloom
Vasilek, in rye?
Why did you come,
My dear, tell me?
Eh, Semenovna,
My baby is a tiny
Yes, I came to you
Yes under the window.
Cute, what, cute, what?
Cute angry for what?
Whether people said
Whether he himself noticed what?
I gave me cute
Love is true
And I gave him
Its dimensionless.
For the Occolic Lesk,
And behind the forest river.
Where are you going my friend
Estimated heart.

Chastushki about the wedding

There was time - having fun
I am until the morning!
And now I'm raging a little,
Husband shouts: "It's time home!"!
I have a good reason -
Sing chastushki and dance.
Congratulations, mother-in-law,
You have a good son-in-law!
Music is playing -
Let not stop!
Husband wife when kisses -
Just getting!
We have enough space
Nowadays the apple fall!
Good, fresh bride,
So I want to steal!
Wedding drinks and having fun
And laugh, ya ha ha!
And let the bride be proud of
Looking at the groom!
Heats the earth is hot summer,
Wedding comes fun
And let the event of it
Joy in the heart of everyone carries!
Wedding let sing and dances
Blooming like a bouquet ...
A female handle gently smears
And the mother-in-law shoot hello!
Wish we want in love
Honestly divide -
Whom garbage and dishes
And to whom the bumps beat!
Young, you obedient
Perform a man's man
Husband, wife be faithful
Do not act on the nerves!
You under the roof of paradise
Switch your nest to your own!
And so that there was a nest
Full bowl for all hundred!
I was looking for myself a bride
Paul-Russia Eastoptal.
Friend, admit, just honestly:
Where did you take a beauty?
Oh, the ring you are mine,
Golden sample ...
I will love lovely
Before the coffin!
Unreliable devits
Overflowing the country.
In our time rely
You can only on my wife!
Tired of the wills of the will,
I am a cute married share
I will help my husband -
Buy perfume and dresses!
Everything is a test in the mind!
He loves his wife!
Money famously takes out -
Daughter marry gives!
There is no summer without July
July without flowers;
No love without a kiss -
In the kiss all love!
We are with a bride girlfriend,
How many years - do not count.
Promise, groom, bride
It is hourly kissing!
Sour at the wedding - General!
Daughter married he gave!
He is sure: happiness will be!
Sitting the bride loves very much!
If the berry is ripe
It is necessary to disrupt the berry.
Call the bride tired -
Know, it's time to call!
What happened, oh-oh,
Do not find our place:
Mahonka's daughter is this -
Here is the bride!
Do not rush, girlfriend, marry,
Find down on the street.
Still perina is not ready -
Pits on a chicken.
At the table whispering guests,
I overheard the conversation.
Say beautiful couple
I have not seen so far!

Chastushki for children

Go, hut, go, hut,
Go, chicken, hokhala,
Go, sense and threshold,
And sour cream, and cottage cheese.
In the morning my mother Mila
Two candy presented.
Present barely managed
Immediately they herself.
Bashed in the morning of Vova
Combatom combing
Cow approached him,
From the slides went by Irishka -
Fastness itself was;
Ira even his skis
On the way overtook!
Kaba, kaba yes kaba
Mushrooms grew on the nose
Would be cooked
Yes, and rose robbed.
I'll go out, I will dance
In new boots,
All the guys say
What am I like a picture!
Play-ka, Balalaika,
Balalaika - three strings!
Sink, do not yaw
Go out, dance.
I am not toothykina
I am not Mamkina -
I grew on the street,
My chicken was demolished.
Two blades in Egor,
And Nina - molds.
I am a language for it
Speed \u200b\u200bfrom the window.
I baked a slicker
Treated Vanya.
He showed for it
I'm a beetle in a glass.
The letter of a mouse grandfather taught,
And they came out doodle.
He got a mouse twice.
And both bitterly cried.
Says lazy mother:
"Remove your bed!",
And lazy: "Mama,
I'm still small. "
Smoked saucepan
Manya cleaned sand.
Three hours under the shower of Manya
Baby soap then.
Did Dima in the morning
And for some reason fell away:
He shouted without a reason
Two legs in one pant.
I'm under the crane of the hand of soap,
And my face was forgotten,
He saw me trorrel
He whipped: "What a shame!"
Boiled milk
Departed not far.
I'm going to him again:
Milk does not see.
Oh, once, once again
We will bow now
We start passion,
We will try for you!
We start singing a chastushki,
Please do not laugh:
There are a lot of people here,
We can get confused!
I grown on a centimeter,
And Vityuk - for the whole five.
And Larisa stretched,
The whole class does not hug.
Sits Vanka at the gate
Widespread mouth
And the people will not discernly
Where is the gate, but where is the mouth.
I caught a mouse in the cage
And there the locker is firmly,
After all, without a mouse does not collect
In the garden of repka.
Like a garden-garden
Loves goat walking.
After this hike
Harvest do not collect!
I'm a cow at least where!
As a crown of my horns.
Who gues me,
Milk tastes!
I have a sundress
Petushka da Petushka
In general, there is no beautiful
My cute grandmother!
Sasha with Masha played
All toys scattered,
Began to argue and scream
To toys to collect!
Love little kids
All sorts of candy.
Who gnaws, and who swallows,
Who is rolling for the cheat.
Here's how Peter is good
Watering a bed!
There is now all frog
Check out.
I went fishing
The fishing rod threw.
Pecked fat crocodile -
The boat overturned!
In hide and seek we played in the forest
And the oxanka lost.
She climbed into the hollow she -
I slept there to the dark!
In the summer, every Polyanka,
Like a touch-based self-banner.
Delicious berry forestry
The gaze will feed us with you.
- this is what kind of fungi
Flipped all the penets?
- you're lucky you guys
These are friendly wog!
Those red girlfriends
Call waves.
Hurry you to them, Irinka,
Interest to your basket.
Allowed mom daughter
In the morning run by mushroom pieces.
Bring her daughter soon
Two ammork baskets.
On the sand of Golden
Sun shine -
How summer sometimes
Good we were!

Cheerful and funny chastushki

We know a lot of chastushki
And good and bad.
It is interesting to listen to
Who does not know anyone.
Eh, girlfriend dear,
About us knows all the people.
No one dresses without you
Without me - it does not sing.
I am a chastushka on a chastushka,
Like a thread, knit.
You board, girlfriend,
If I do not show off.
Do not look at me
That I am thin.
Mamka Salom did not feed,
I'm not guilty.
Do not scold me, Maman,
Do not swear so terrible.
You yourself had such -
Came late.
Behind the village on the pond
Kink frogs.
And I am a sweetheart noodle
I hide on the ears.
Oh, you, pit, pit, pit ...
I do not know who Paval.
Millenok walked on a date
Incount in it fell.
Three weeks were not bought
And I caught not a bouquency.
She is fat, big,
You can't kill the rifle.
I prepared on the book,
And she closed ...
As I guess now,
What is sophilate there.
I wrapped out flowers
On the balcony there.
For some reason, it was suddenly wet
Uncle on the bench ...
And how Borkinski guys
Bravets are so brave.
Three kilometers fled -
Sheep frightened.
I changed my cute,
On the goat went to the Crimea,
And I did not give Mahu,
On the cow caught up.
Ah, I fused,
And I did not fuse.
Ate gingerbread halfway
And I did not burst.
Came to dance
Grandma Lucherya
Where there was no hair
Picked feathers

Chastushki about pies

Everyone left for a long time,
I bless you
Yes, you look out the window.
And he met Ninku ...
Nailed pies, -
Cat joy and cross ...


Pie with heat - with heat!
To the teapot and samovar!
You, friends, soon sit down!
Well, a hostess - praise!

Well, and the hostess praise!
Straight with that start
After all, the mouth will then take you
With heat - with heat pies!


I wrote to her sonnets,
Called her "friend",
And in response to this:
Must with the shelf of the pate!
Waiting for girlfriends expensive
On the guest visit.
I want you to me
Pirogov filed.

Pies, pies
Lush, tasty.
Pies, pies
With meat, with cabbage.

With cakes there will be tea
With methe and hop.
Hey, girlfriend, do not miss
Pull up!

Pies, pies
Lush, tasty.
Pies, pies
With meat, with cabbage.

We will plan songs,
Standing on the porch.
We will dance "lady"
With exit from the stove.

Pies, pies
Lush, tasty.
Pies, pies
With meat, with cabbage.

We are about delicious pie
They sang a chastushki.
Ah, thank you for come,
Downturn girlfriends!

Pies, pies
Lush, tasty.
Pies, pies
With meat, with cabbage.

Baba sowed flour,
The dough is kneading.
And neighbor on the cake
In the guests invited!


In your old hut
I'll call everyone
The table covers a long time ago
Cake is cool!


I joked pies
I put on the window.
Broke all the crow,
Crumbs did not leave


I loved Babu Dosu,
Pies when Pekla
With vinaigrette and carrot,
I always called me.


We have a good nature,
River near, forest around!
Get sophisticated with raspberry
Yes, and with fish cake!


Pies at lunch with jam
Also very harmful to us.
We are now with pleasure
Drink in the evenings!


My Mlenok Zalenogo
When I have a bunch of cake,
Slopal himself, now suffers -
And all the crumbs feed ...


Something wanted something
Pies are nice!
Eh, let's go back,
Guests we do not sit ...

I come to Milashka.
At the table, I drink compotes.
Nearby sits down.
Patties put me in my mouth.


Early nice having fun
Pies do not climb.
You knew that Vasilisa -
Grandmother grandmother Yaga!
They are mouthpiece.
I will go to Katka on the threshold,
Invited to the cake.
Samovar we meet
Pieces on the table carry,
We do not miss tea
We are talking about what happened,

Pies with different filling
In the weekend we will tell.
Samovar put tea,
And the neighbors are gathering.

It is no secret that funny and mischievous texts of the chastushki along with songs and romances are traditionally singing at the events "with covered tables". After all, these short songs can always organically fit into any packaging event.

Chastushki - short rhymed lyrical songs, which are created and executed as a living response of the Russian people on a variety of life phenomena, clearly expressing a positive or negative rating.

When you look through, published in the two or three decades, collections of chastushki, it can be found that with some existing differences in the amount and design, almost all of them are equally in their construction, the principles of the selection and organization of the placed chatevetic material.

Take, for example, the names of the sections. They usually sound like this: "Soviet chastushki", "rustic chastushki", "modern chastushki" and so on. As we see, in these titles, a certain - temporary or thematic is already laid - the composition of publications.

Although, in itself, this, clearly designated, the restriction does not cause any objections. After all, along with the publications of the texts of the chastushki without any separation of the material are completely legal and able to carry a significant value of the publication of a narrower orientation. And they, too, can be quite good, responding to the fully existing principles of folklores and enough "representative" for the knowledge of the life of the people. In addition, when using such titles ("Chastushki about the village", "Chastushki for the wedding" and others) in their exact value, then any of the names of the selection turns out to be very capacious and wide.

A chastushka is a view of the Russian folk song, abundant words, but poor music. The text of the most diverse content is performed on one simple entanglement, and this one is not calculated for the output.

In the folk consciousness, a chastushka from the music side takes a lower place compared to all other species of Russian songs, meanwhile, no village song is currently so popular as texts of chastushki.

Of the foregoing, it is possible to conclude that the connection with the music in a chastushka is not tested enough and that the main attention of singing appeals to the content of the chastushki, and not on their musical direction.

Texts of chastushki for the wedding and holidays

In anniversaries, weddings and other holidays related to the Social Calendar, the texts of the chastushki dedicated to the "culprits" of celebrations or events are usually performed. Similar chastushki, along with speech wishes and toasts, perform the "official" greeting function. But since many feasts are focused on fun, the main task of the chastushk is to raise the mood of those who gathered at the table.

On the pages of this category, for informational purposes, the texts of mischievous and the anniversary will be provided, for a wedding, for a birthday and the packaging events about any other holiday.