Divination on mane maps attitude beloved. Tarot Manara: Layouts on relationships, love, feelings, predictions - from theory before practice

Divination on mane maps attitude beloved. Tarot Manara: Layouts on relationships, love, feelings, predictions - from theory before practice
Divination on mane maps attitude beloved. Tarot Manara: Layouts on relationships, love, feelings, predictions - from theory before practice

Want to know more about fortune telling on Tarot maps? In this article we will tell you about the features of the layouts and interpretation of Tarot Manara, and we also give several popular species of fortune telling about the love sphere of vital activity. Enjoy reading!

Features of the deck of manara

The main task of Tarot Manara is a deep study of human love relationships. When you fortunate the features of the image of arcanes, their interpretation can cause mixed or contradictory feelings - delight, confusion, rejection, etc.

The author of the deck is Milo Manara, a leaving from Italy. Glory was given due to the creation of erotic comics. Illustrations of senior, junior arcanes balance on the verge of pornography, erotica. The female focus of the decks emphasize her main characters and the queen, standing on the position above, rather than the king.

The task of the deck is to display all the hidden, intimate, located in the subconscious of the person, stretching it out. If you gone is not afraid to learn "untouched" the truth about yourself surrounding people, we suggest to visit the Courses of the Russian School Taro, on which he will be able to learn detailed information about this type of tarot cards.

Popular Tarot Maanar Layouts

Consider several popular layouts of Tarot Manara on the relationship. Detailed schemes and interpretations of fortunes are shown below.

Signal of "Relationship"

It is a popular fortune investing that allows you to estimate the level of relationship between two people. Carefully drag the cards, mentally holding an image of your loved one, after which spread the tarot according to the scheme below.

Note! The right column of cards is a map of querient, left, respectively, of the person of interest. If the situation is viewed by an disinterested person, the value of columns can be determined arbitrarily

A detailed interpretation of each position is shown below.

  • First. The type of relationship, their condition is currently time. Is verification arcane. The alignment is considered true if the map displays the real state of affairs. If not - you should postpone the fortune telling to another time or reveal the error
  • Second, seventh. Mutual thoughts about each other - what are they?
  • Third, sixth. The state of the emotional background of relations is sensations, feelings, fears, etc.
  • Fourth, fifth. How are the senses of partners (which is actually, as it is demonstrated)

Note. The analysis process is gradually moving from the spiritual sphere to sensual, then physical. The presence of an imbalance indicates problems of relations between two people - there is something to work

Singing "Two Hearts"

The following divination is used in a number of applications:

  • Methods for the development of available relationships
  • What does each of the partners expect from the Union
  • Events affecting the harmonicity of communication

The alignment will indicate the actions that make it harmonious. It can be used to characterize the relationship between buddies, relatives, friends, loved. The scheme and interpretation of divination are shown below.

The interpretation of the obtained positions is as follows:

  1. What are the relationship between people now
  2. Compatibility with your loved one / friend / acquaintance
  3. Waiting for querrant from the Union with a partner
  4. Expectations of an object in relation to gadget
  5. How will the Union will develop in the foreseeable future
  6. What to do to improve relationships
  7. Does the union deteriorate from the events from the outside
  8. Extraneous influences on the development of relations, their presence / absence in the life of a gadget

Tarot Manara's video layouts will help several times to simplify the process of divination. Be sure to browse them!

We give several popular layouts to the love of Tarot Manara, allowing to determine the truth of feelings, intentions, emotions of another person in relation to Qverent.

Single "Mysteries of Love"

This fortune telling on Tarot Manara on a sense of a person makes it possible to find out the truth of the intentions of your loved / beloved, get answers to questions related to the love sphere (ready for marriage, the duration of relationships, etc.). The alignment is especially relevant for relations in the "Embed" stage. Scheme, the interpretation of the positions is listed below.

Prepare for fortunening, threading outsiders, imagine the face of your beloved / beloved. Prettyly drag a deck, randomly get eight cards, decomposing them as indicated in the diagram.

Deciphering positions such.

  1. The answer to the question of Tarot Manara "what he thinks about me." Shows an objective picture in sexual, sensual, emotional subtext
  2. The truth of existing intentions
  3. How does quiverant refer to the second half
  4. The course of developing events in the foreseeable future
  5. Union's condition in a few months
  6. Overview of the situation a year later
  7. Readiness of a partner to marriage uzam
  8. The final card indicates the rationality of continuing relations, the level of compatibility between partners

Signal "Check Love"

Checking the feelings of Tarot Manara is a simple alignment that opens all the hidden intentions of the elect / Choir regarding gadgetting. You will be able to recognize the plans of the partner, his true feelings for you.

All the deck is used for divination. Drag a deck, visualize the image of your loved one, move the card with your left hand to yourself, see the interpretation of positions below.

  1. Feelings of the second half relative to the querrant
  2. Hidden emotions, known only to the partner
  3. How to develop relationships
  4. Most likely prospects for the Union

Note! Only direct card positions are used in the fortune.

Fortune telling on tarot manar for future relationship

The fortune telling Tarot Manara for the future of relations predicts the options for the development of the Union between loved. It is suitable for people who recently began to meet. The alignment will help learn the weak / strengths of partners, find answers to other exciting questions. The scheme, the interpretation of divination is shown below.

After shuffling cards, their layouts according to the specified scheme, see the values \u200b\u200bof each supposed position.

  1. What is the current relationship
  2. Is the current union for gadget
  3. As belongs to relationships Favorite / Favorite
  4. What will happen in the near future
  5. Your feelings, thoughts regarding relationships
  6. Feelings, thoughts of the partner relating to the Union with you
  7. Outcome for Querent
  8. Outcome for the second half
  9. Presumable future of the Union

Interpretation of cards decks Manara in fortune telling for love

Below is a brief interpretation of the layouts of Tarot Manara on older and younger arcans.

Senior Arkana

  • The jester: relationships, not alive anything serious, good. Your partner does not know what he wants
  • Magician: Reversal of mind with feelings, manipulation
  • Priestess: Availability of complexes, "Double Game", Forbidden Feelings
  • Empress: a serious rival, the dominance of a fair sex
  • Emperor: misunderstanding of partners, squabbles, fears
  • Priest: Condemnation, rapid acts
  • Loves: Unfalcable feelings - egoism / complete dissolution in man
  • Chariot: Fear of laughter, repetition of past mistakes, etc.
  • Power: Sexual partner incompatibility
  • Hermit: Anger, dissatisfaction, lack of mutual understanding
  • Mirror: self-ability, narcissism
  • Justice: interest in a man married
  • Punishment: Relationships, painful moral / physically
  • Death: crisis is a crisis, the extinction of feelings, an attempt to keep the past
  • Moderation: Convenient communication with the partner older
  • Devil: Jealousy, mutual passion, sexual dependence
  • Tower: Practice, lack of intimate proximity, limited.
  • Star: Platonic attitudes towards an inaccessible person, waiting for a fairy tale character
  • Moon: inexpensive, illusory
  • Sun: Romanticism, Lost, Self-sufficiency
  • Court: Transformation of relationships, feelings, emotions. Neighboring older arcans will help
  • World: free relationship, lack of commitments in front of each other

Junior Arkana

  • Ace: Energy bindings, vampirism, treason for sexual pleasure
  • 2: The predominance of instincts, causing
  • 3: Partner temperament inconsistency
  • 4: Secret Relationship
  • 5: The presence of conflicting feelings
  • 6: The unequalities of the relationship, the non-seriousness of the intentions of one of the partners, suffering
  • 7: Fatigue from the Union
  • 8: Communication at a distance via phone, Internet
  • 9: Community of interests, but the difference in the worldview
  • 10: Potion, aggressiveness, dissatisfaction
  • Servant: workaholic, fatigue, apathy, relationships with colleagues
  • Horseman: Relationships at a distance (one travel / travel partner)
  • Queen: deprivation of virginity, passion, sexuality
  • King: Candy bakery period with a man-Casanova
  • Ace: the desire of adventures, romance, new, interesting acquaintances
  • 2: Manipulations associated with parting - one does not let go of another
  • 3: Every self for itself, compliance with personal space
  • 4: Restraint in the manifestation of feelings, excessive alertness
  • 5: The desire for the evidence of the partner's love, maximalism in relations
  • 6: curiosity, desire to understand the highlight of the partner
  • 7: fear of genital infections, fear for relationships
  • 8: Signs of attention, jealousy
  • 9: Awareness of desires, no longer feelings for the previous partner
  • 10: Dreams, the desire of greater, desire for prospects
  • Servant: friendship, not growing in love
  • Horseman: Stagnation of relationships
  • Queen: lack of mutual understanding, everyone in itself
  • King: seduction, passion, lust
  • Ace: dreams, compliments, start of relationship
  • 2: Coolness of feelings, presence of manipulations
  • 3: Unreasonable resentment, parting
  • 4: Recent acquaintance, infantality, fantasy, dreams
  • 5: Disappointment in the partner
  • 6: Attempts to endow the partner with the necessary qualities, showing
  • 7: Lack of feelings, fantasy
  • 8: reluctance of proximity, Five fears
  • 9: Surprise (its color depends on neighboring cards), the beginning of the relationship
  • 10: The desire of novelty, pickiness in choosing a life satellite
  • Servant: pleasant communication, euphoria
  • Horseman: affection, friendship.
  • Queen: Unwillingness of long, serious relationship, flirt
  • King: Male - Baby Rubbing, tendency to idealize relations
  • Ace: Equity, Stability
  • 2: Studying a partner for its interests
  • 3: Frames of relationships, may mean a desire to enter into marriage
  • 4: Treason, betrayal
  • 5: Desire to find common sense, low self-esteem
  • 6: Relations based on pragmatic calculation
  • 7: Unjustitude of hopes, longing for the past of current relations
  • 8: Forced break in the Union, rest from the partner, apathy, depression
  • 9: Fear not to match the partner
  • 10: Decitation, loneliness, the desire of illusory relations "How in the book"
  • Servant: jealousy, property, deception, surveillance
  • Horseman: desire to preserve relationships, self-sufficiency, lack of interest in beloved classes
  • Queen: a difficult gap, fear of loneliness, despair
  • King: Sexual self-assertion, perversion, hidden intentions. Partner-provocateur

We are confident that the proposed information will help better deal with secrets


To find out the true feelings of your beloved person to you, the prospect of the development of further relationship with him, choose the Taro Manara's deck. In this article, you will learn about what Taro Manara exist, learn how to apply maps in practice, read the peculiarities of fortune telling for love, health, career.

Features of fortune telling on Tarot Manara: Benefits and Disadvantages Of Decks

The main bias of the decks, illustrations to which the creator of famous erotic comics Cute Manara is divided into love relationships. Properly selected miniments will help learn / arrange the right priorities in dealing with a close person.

In addition to the frank figures of erotic character, characterizing the values \u200b\u200bof senior and younger arcanes, the deck is fundamentally different from other interpretations of the classic tarot.

The main essence of Tarot Manara is minimized relationships. In some cases, the cards will indicate the health status of the gadget, as well as the prospects for its career growth, what I will tell you more detail below.

One of the features of this deck is the clarity and rigidity of the answers to the question. According to some tarologists, maps in detail, without bias, describe events that served as the appearance of a certain situation. It is recommended to condescendingly towards criticizing the interpretations of Tarot Manara - it will help to quickly eliminate the negative from your life.

Tarot Manara deck will help to understand a number of the following issues formulated on the mental level:

  • Interpersonal relationships, their development in the foreseeable future
  • Psychological problems of gadgetting, ways to solve them
  • Focus on new faces of the surrounding world

Basic rules for fortune telling on Tarot Manara

Before the launch of the layout for the love of Tarot Manara, I recommend pre-charged cards with my energy. Remember that any kind of divination is a responsible occupation, which assumes complete dedication, scrupulousness to the approach.

Important! If you want to try the fortune telling on Taro Manara for the sake of a joke or a pleasant pastime, problems may arise with interpretation.

To properly prepare for the prediction, it is recommended to remember, configuring the desired object. Before starting, hold the deck between the palms - it will help the maps to imbued with your configuration and give the most truthful answer to the questions you are interested in.

Attention! When you fortunate for another person, it is important to include impersonal. This approach will help objectively display the attitude of the second half to the one who asks you to pay.

What executions are suitable for working with a deck

The layouts and interpretation of Tarot Manara, first of all, depend on the sphere of vital activity of the gadget. Below are the most popular layout options that allow you to look at the score of the future.

Three maps

It is one of the most simple, outstanding ways. It is suitable for beginners who are intense in deep knowledge of the deck. After the wording of the question, the wound alternately pulls three senior arkan cards - this will help objectively light the situation, allowing a clear answer.

The first card is the main, symbolizing the thoughts of the mystery to the gadget. The second - indicates what feelings you call for him. The third is the interpretation of the unconscious state of the person (hidden thoughts known to him alone). With too blurred characters, you can pull out an additional card from the deck.

Choosing a way

To obtain a prediction of what path should be chosen in personal relationships with a person who is guessing, use this layout. To do this, alternately pull out seven cards from the main deck, including the younger arcanes, analyzing the interpretation of each of the characters.

The main advantage of the above defold is a detailed coverage of the circumstances that may be likely to happen if you go through the existing life path without changing its trajectory.

Celtic cross

This kind of color is ideal for analyzing minor (small) life situations, including more important, karmic events. It is considered the most objective and widespread way of divination at Tarot Manara.

Note. The Celtic Cross alignment is successfully used to charge the deck with its own energy, so it is ideal for the first fortune telling on new maps.

In addition to the answer to the questions you are interested in, the "Celtic Cross" will help Taro Manara perceive information at all levels of human vital activity. It will be suitable for receiving answers to the specific formulation of the issue and to objective coverage of the situation as a whole.

Starting the fortune telling with careful shuffling decks (senior and younger arcans) and choose in any order ten cards, posing with their shirt up. The interpretation begins with the first elongated card.

Game in fool

This type of defold makes it possible to learn the development of current events in a certain sequence, and also will show, at what stage there is a gigging that he has to go in the near future.

The alignment "game in a fool" will help analyze the processes of development of a life path in several stages: the present and the future. Newbies may experience difficulties in the interpretation, since the values \u200b\u200bof the cards smoothly flow from each other in order to understand the value of the subsequent symbol, the previous one should understand, as well as its involvement in a certain period of time.

The essence of fortune telling is as follows: Initially, the jester is removed from the deck and postponed to the side. The remaining cards are mixed, laid out on the table with a shirt up, after which 12 pieces are pulled out. It is recommended to include in a deck of senior and younger arcans tarot.

Astrological houses

Another name of this popular defold Taro "12 houses". It is recommended to perform it for the New Year or Birthday. Such an approach allows us to objectively assess the state of health, relationships, career opportunities, as well as other issues that are interested in the near future.

Each of the 12 houses is the characteristic of the spheres of the vital activity of the extinguishing and events that occur in them.

To get acquainted with the above options in more detail, the video of the layout of Tarot Manara will help, which you will find on our website.

Basic layouts when fortunate on relationships and love

Want to know the true attitude towards you the second half? Then use one of the following layouts intended for the Tarot Manara deck.

Two hearts

Scenario on the map of Taro Manara - two hearts

This popular alignment is most often used in the following situations:

  • Options for the development of existing relationships
  • Waiting for partners from love
  • Events, directly or indirectly affecting the harmony of the Union

The essence of this divination is an indication of actions that make it possible to improve mutual understanding between partners. The alignment "Two Hearts" can be used not only for couples in love, but also when the relationship characteristic between relatives, colleagues and friends.

The position of the cards after turning the decks of Tarot Manara must comply with the above scenario.

The values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to the following items:

  1. Condition of relationship for the current period of time
  2. The level of compatibility with the second half
  3. Waiting for your partner
  4. Expectations of a partner regarding gadget
  5. Prospects for the development of relations in the near future
  6. Options for improving relationships
  7. Events that may adversely affect the development of the Union in the future
  8. Availability / absence of extraneous influences on the relationship

"Mysteries of Love"

Scenario on the map Tarot Manara - Mystery of Love

This kind of scenario is a kind of checking feelings on Tarot Manara. The deck will help get answers to questions related to the further development of relations, the readiness of lovers to join the legal bonds of marriage. Maps will help you find out thoughts, feelings, emotions of the second half, which is important for beginning relationship.

Before the start of divination, an image of a loved one should clearly present. After that, carefully drag the deck by posting the card in an arbitrary order in the amount of eight pieces according to the following scheme.

Interpretation is as follows.

  • Having dropped the first map of Tarot Manara - what he thinks about me. Correcting this value correctly, you can get an objective picture regarding sexual, emotional and sensual levels.
  • The second is the truth of intentions
  • The third is the attitude of the courtesy of lust
  • Fourth - development of relations in the near future
  • Fifth - the state of the union in a couple of months
  • Sixth - Relations a year later
  • Seventh - ready for marriage
  • Eighth is summarizing, mapping compatibility and rationality of subsequent relationships

In addition to fortune telling on Tarot Manara on a sense of man, the values \u200b\u200bof the deck allow you to know the state of health of the gadget. To do this, you should pull three cards, decrypting them in the following sequence:

  • The first card is the cause of the disease.
  • Second - etiology of the disease
  • The third is a possible way out of the current situation.

Department for work and career

Spelling to work and career Path on the Tarot Manara deck

To learn about the prospect of moving on a career ladder, choose the alignment "way". Such a divination will help analyze the situation in the team, the likelihood of improving the post and other, equally important aspects. Can be used as a situation on the situation.

For the scenario, pull out seven cards and put them according to the above scheme above.

The first card displays the essence of the question you specify, revealing the prospects for its solution.

The second and third is the display of your mental background with respect to the situation.

Sixth meaning - advice on adjusting feelings and emotions.

Seventh Card - Summing up, findings that should be learned from the current situation.

To find out in more detail about the fortune of Taro Manara for the future of relationships, watch our updates. I wish the spiritual development in the life path.

There is an opinion that a person who has clear life positions, firmly standing on the legs, who believes in their forces cannot be any surprises. The days of him are painted in the minute, his time is the time of success and achievements, and cannot change anything or disrupt the rehydrated rhythm. How funny and naive these judgments are. After all, surprises are not waiting, they come themselves as good friends or uninvited guests. How confident in themselves and in their life position people working in their office or shopping in America's skyscrapers on September 11th. It was a terrible surprise, which no one could ever foresee. Although there were attempts. Remember the American fighter, in which the planes are taped skyscrapers. I do not undertake to judge whether these frames were prophetic or spied the organizers of the terrorist attack, but the fact that it was unexpectedly and scary is for sure. Perhaps this is a terrible example, but surprises may be such.

Some people share surprises for two types:

  • those that we still do not expect;
  • those we no longer expect.

In both cases, there is a particle "not", talking about the denying the very concept of surprise. From surprise, nothing good is waiting, since they often are negative news or events. To figure out what surprises are why they do not like them, you can use Taro's cards. The mystery of these fortune-up cards has not yet opened anyone. I do not think that it will open to us. Therefore, we use the symbols that are deposited on the cards, and we will explore the term "surprise". Recently, a new deck of cards Taro Manara appeared. Perhaps with its help we can learn something about surprises.

In the studies of modern psychologists, you can meet this kind of statements: from the point of view of common sense, there is no accident in history and there can be no accidents, everything develops under the law of large numbers. And the surprise exists only for those who do not know about future events and is not waiting for them. So, we do that we do that we appeal to the cards. If we know that a certain event should happen, it will not be unexpected for us, and his negative effect will somewhat smooth. Some terrists say that Manara is not the most suitable deck of cards that can be taken to the "surprise" deficiency, but certain subtle psychological moments will reveal these cards completely.

Details of the scenario of fortified tarot cards for surprise

Is it possible to consider the defeat of the Germans in the east surprise? For the Germans, unambiguously, yes. Because they did not know and did not want to know the military past Russia. So called the surprise and our revolution, which was not waiting and did not want to know anything about her. Historians claim that everything that happened to Russia was a challenged pattern. And all the dirt, which is now going on in Russia, has grown out of what has already happened, and is a regularity. What will tell about this deck of cards? The first secret of Taro's cards is that they are never mistaken. The ability to read information from the subconscious is another great secret hidden for seven castles. In the scenario, the card will fall out, which is characterized by the situation today. Here we will need Manara, as it will accurately draw up the nuances of the current moment. The following three cards will consider the likelihood of unexpected negative changes. Listen and peer in the image. And what does not reach your mind will reach your heart. The positions of the next three cards will indicate on the emergence of pleasant surprises, and how these events will affect the material plan. The Great Mystery Tarot is that fortune-out cards not only read the information closed information of your subconscious, but they also affect it. They will certainly tell how these events will affect the emotional sphere, will share their recommendations, as you can protect against negative surprises, and how the general situation in the future will look like.

Online fortune telling on love on maps Tarot Manara

Taro Manara is a unique tarot deck, created by the Italian esoteric Cute Manara. This deck is designed primarily for gadas for love, love relationships, but can also be applied to receive answers to other questions.

Divination at Tarot Manara - anticipation. Sometimes we look forward to some important event; Whether it is a romantic meeting or business interview, and maybe a long-awaited journey. But often before an important event covers the fear of unknownness, curiosity, and just really want to know what will be how this event will reflect on your future fate. In order not to suffer doubts and guesses, we offer you a wonderful fortune telling, which will help to get answers to all exciting questions in anticipation of an important event.

The fortune telling on Tarot Manara - the formula of love. This alignment is designed to analyze the personal sphere; You will learn what your contradictions are that you need to discard what to keep what you need to work out that it is good for you and that evil, as well as - what are the prospects for personal life for a mysterious period

The fortune telling on Tarot Manara is six "What?". This interesting align will help you deal with your own purposes, find out what you really need, what actions need to be done to achieve success, and also find answers to the most exciting issues that arise when we put in front of any purpose

Fortune telling on tarot manara - what's next? This alignment is used in a situation where it seems to you that the relationship is outlived and for any reason bring suffering to both. With this divination you will learn that you still bind you that you give each other in relationships and what awaits you in the future

The fortune telling on Tarot Manara is the flight of the soul. This divination will show what your soul seeks; What you need to work, so that the necessary shifts have occurred, which favors promotion to your goal, where you can get the necessary help and support, as well as what you reach

The fortune telling on the maps of Tarot Manara - the wheel of fate. This interesting alignment makes it possible to see the potential of relationships, or what can be obtained as much as possible in the Union with the person interested. With this divination, you will learn what you met from the point of view of karma, what happens in your relationship at this stage, as you show yourself in these relationships, as a beloved person manifests itself, as well as what the future of your relationship depends on

Divination on the maps Tarot Manara - Is there love? With the help of this divination, you can get answers to the most exciting questions about love, feelings of your loved one. This alignment will show feelings, emotions to each other, which strengthens and weakens the relationship, as well as - the prediction that is waiting in the relationship with this person in the future

Fortune telling on the maps of Tarot Manara - telepathy. This alignment will help determine the attitude towards you a loved one; as he belongs to your appearance, how attractive you are for him, what feelings in it awaken how much he likes your behavior, how close you are in spirit, what he wants from you, what is afraid of what actions is waiting for that hopes

Foreign on the maps of Tarot Manara - What do we see each other? This divination will show how you perceive your loved one, how do you see him, as he perceives you, that he wants from a relationship, as, in his opinion, relations are developing. With this divination, you can see the comparative characteristics of your relation to each other and understand where your thoughts and desires coincide, and where we diverge

Fortune telling on the maps of Tarot Manara - why? This fortune telling is used in a situation where you understand that I like to man, but do not understand why he does not take any action for the development of relationships. With this defold, you will learn what a man thinks at the sight of you, what feelings are experiencing, what desires he arises, which external circumstances impede the development of relations that the man repels in your appearance and manner of behavior, and also - what will his reaction be If you manifest the initiative. This divination will give a prognosis for the development of relationships with this person for the next 3 months.

Fortune telling on the maps of Tarot Manara - a day map. This simple fortune telling on the same map will show the atmosphere or the main events of the day. With this fortune telling, you can find out what awaits you today or tomorrow in personal life, family relationships, work, finance, as well as what tactics of behavior to choose on this day to achieve success

Divination on the maps of Tarot Manara - on the attitude of man. This alignment consisting of three cards will show what the impression you produce on a person how he appreciates your personality, your actions, what feelings he is experiencing, as well as - what is his subconscious attitude to you

The fortune telling on the maps of Tarot Manara - on the beloved. This divination will show how attentive to you your beloved, how compatible you are that you have, how strong is your connection, how do you get a relationship in the material plan, will you stay together and what will be the result of relationships

Foreign on the maps of Tarot Manara is a solitude analysis. This fortune telling is used to identify the true causes of loneliness, the unpleasuries of personal life. With this divination, you will learn whether you are ready for a meeting of love that you want to get from relationships, what you are afraid, what you should strive for, what you want to work, what you will be helped, and what can you hinder, and will you - will you have relationship

The fortune telling on the maps of Tarot Manara is the motives of relationships. With this fortune telling you will learn what attracts your beloved person, what he is waiting for you, as you perceives that you appreciate what you think about your relationship, and also - the future of relationship

Divination on the maps Tarot Manara - sexual compatibility. This divination will show what you expect from the partner, what actions will be waiting for the partner from you, as well as the most important aspects of love compatibility. With this divination you learn that your union is waiting in the future

Fortune telling on the maps of Tarot Manara - I want a change. This alignment is used in cases where nothing happens in personal life when I want to change something radically. This fortune telling will show how much your desire is change, than you are willing to sacrifice for change in your personal life, what needs to be done to meet your love, as well as - what are the prospects for changes in personal life in the coming year

Fortune telling on the map Tarot Manara is a love triangle. With this divination, you will learn about the feelings and emotions of men in relation to you, as well as in relation to the opponent. This divination discloses the main aspects of relationships, due to which you can understand what chances of you and what chances of the rival

Foreign on the maps of Tarot Manara - peak of feelings. This divination is used to analyze relationships. With this divination, you can find out whether your desires coincide, the attitation of the sex, which tactics of behavior is to choose what needs to be taken so that the relationship has become more harmonious

Fortune telling on the maps of Tarot Manara - about him. With the help of this divination, you will find out what you think about you, what feelings are experiencing, which shows outwardly and how it actually applies, what goals he pursues and how it will manifest itself in a reasonable time. This alignment will show you what is waiting for you with this person in the future.

Love in all its manifestations and species, you need every person, regardless of his religion and appearance. Any living being on Earth and in search of the most desirable feeling, people are capable of a lot of farewell to love. Predictions, especially those associated with fortune-laws on Tarot maps, are in great demand. For no accident, the most popular question concerns the interpersonal relationship.

Tarot Manara is an erotic deck

The fortune telling on Tarot Manara is an easy way to learn the future peripetics of personal and intimate life. Bright, unique images of the decks are attracted, and predictions are striking accuracy. How to correctly learn the coming in love relationship with the help of a manar deck? To begin with, a depreciated person is obliged to study the subtleties of prophecy on such extraordinary maps, and only then begin the interpretation of the symbols of the defold.

Purpose of Tarot Manara

Layouts on Tarot Manara are attracted by their own frankness, because in the affairs of personal people does not tolerate foggy news. All he is looking for is the truth, clear and not embellished. Erotic deck indicates the prerequisites, thoughts, probable events in personal relationships. The themes of love, sex contacts and the interaction of two lovers are the main specialization of such cards.

Emotions both hidden and obvious, which are not always clear, declined with the help of erotic symbols "on the shelves". Manara maps define not only the likely future, but also indicates significant events from your past. You will be able to find answers and find the reasons for all the troubles in your personal life, as soon as you take a mysterious deck in your hands.

The fortune telling on Taro from Manara. Checking of feelings will not select a lot of your strength or time, but before you begin to cut, make sure that you are morally ready for all answers. How strong is your desire for truth? They will not lie cards, and therefore - be prepared for any results.

Tarot Manara disclosure of which will not give quite comprehensive answers in matters:

  • financial situation;
  • own business;
  • health problems;
  • plans for the future.

Taro Manara will not be able to answer questions regarding finance

If your thoughts are drawn to material troubles, Manara maps are not an assistant. The deck indicating only for love is not useful in everyday issues, but it will be easily putting a partner priorities in relation to you. Learn to understand the symbols of Manara is easy, because persistence and desire in new knowledge will soon bring the desired fruits.

Experienced barologists recommend using an erotic deck for beginners and those who have not mastered a more complex tarot. Finished layouts and schemes of cards will help you accurately see the future, check the neighboring cards and understand all the controversial issues regarding personal life. What can the erotic tarot manar help and how does the installed gallery of card affect the general interpretation of divination?

Traditional fortune telling on tarot manar deck

At the moment when you take a deck of fortune-up cards, you have the most pressing, important questions in your head. If the full chaos is going on in your thoughts, the magic deck will feel.

Outgoing from you confidence - the key to the right, correct divination. Sign signs are only markers of probable or past events, but the cards themselves cannot affect your life. At the end of the prediction only on your participation, the future depends on the future, happy or complete disappointment.

The fortune telling on the map Tarot Manara helps to figure out:

  • future;
  • existing psychological problems;
  • new faces of the previously unknown world.

It is not necessary to search for answers to events that have not yet occurred. Sometimes to improve the quality of life, a person is enough to figure out some blocks on the mental level. Tarot Manara's deck with ease guess your lover's mood even without directly participating. Hidden emotions, which no exit, prevent relationships, sincerity and lead to a break in a couple of lovers.

Let erotic maps point to problem moments, and then eliminate them. Sometimes for beginner magicians is useful to predict the future with the help of the Manara deck. Studying the possibilities of erotic cards, you will expand your own vision of events and peace. It will be worthwhile, to take advantage of the additional attributes of divination - candles, incense. The created atmosphere will allow novice to relax, release unnecessary thoughts and anxiety.

How to prepare for the rite of fortune telling on the manate deel

Preparing for prediction includes meditation, allowing to tune in to maps, on their energy. Before you fortunate, hold the deck between the palms and feel how your connection with Taro Manara is installed.

If the alignment to feelings or love is performed for another person, try to be unbiased. Cards with whom you work in a pair feel your mood. Do not proceed to predictions in a bad mood or being sick.

The likely future - it remains only likely until a person takes his own fate under control. Events predicted by cards may not take place at all. In cases where you intuitively overcome doubts about a particular card, you need to create an additional alignment.

Fortune telling on tarot manara - a serious process, not loveful joke

The fortune telling tarot is a responsible process that requires full return and scrupulousness on your part. For the sake of a joke, such things do not work.

Tarot Manara Gallery

Tarot Manara The value of the card will provide the most correct prediction that you can manage to dispose by bypassing dangerous situations or conflicts. Caution in love affairs is particularly important, because to spoil the relationship to distrust easier.

Taro Manara cards are pretty young decks with causing pictures, symbolizing intimate and love life. In a short time, erotic tarot won the favor of both newcomers and experienced magicians. Esoterics will not shame the causing type of cards, because they can show the true hidden desires of people. For the study of psychological negative programs of the deck of Manara - the perfect option.

To experience a deck is quite difficult, especially not a scientific experience of the MAGA, therefore it is advisable to use the auxiliary literature that reveals the secrets of eccentric cards. If you decide to seriously take up the prophecy of the future, then you should be bought with images of erotic scenes.

An embarrassment, awkwardness, specifically will only interfere with the interpretation of the scenario. In the causing pictures there is a double meaning that will open to you as soon as your consciousness comes out of the boundaries of the usual.

Traditional layouts on Tarot Manara

Ready folds, proven over the years and the healed destinies of lovers, will help you in the first fortune telling. Formulated algorithm formulated, you quickly find answers to the questions. Layouts that use everyone:

Taro Manara "Two Hearts"

The alignment to find out all the details of the already existing relationships. Asking questions about the essence of your couple, finding out the expectations of the partner and the prospects for your interaction in an intimate plan, use the "two hearts" scheme.

Manar maps will be able to point out fragile, barely noticeable deterioration between lovers. If you are interested in the result of living together with a partner, and you need the Council of Higher Forces without thinking, take advantage of the "two hearts" layout.

Lado's alignment

Do you know what your true relationship looks like, at this very moment? Appearance, what the surrounding, not always corresponds to reality. A similar alignment provides clarity to your eyes.

Thanks to a clear setting of cards from the Manara deck, you see how compatible with the partner are, and what measures should be taken to establish the violated aspects of your relationship.

Sign Tarot Manara "Wife and Mistress"

When you have a choice, especially in personal relationships, the simple logic and sober payments will not work. How to do when I want to break the heart in half? The alignment "Wife and Mistress" is particularly relevant for indecisive men, those who pay within themselves a lot of fear and doubts.

The alignment "Wife and Mistress" will help a deceived woman to determine the infidelity of his beloved

Also, such a finished fortune-out scheme allows a deceived woman to determine the infidelity of his beloved. The alignment "wife and lover" is one of the most popular, sought-after and heavy.

Signal "Search for solitude"

A person who experienced betrayal or strong disappointment is difficult to open up, and even harder - to confess that the reason for loneliness lies in the depths of his own heart. The arrangement for determining the root cause of loneliness helps to see where and when the "seeds" of the future renunciation from love were laid. Thanks to MANARA cards, you will open a terrible mystery, bringing pain and then relief.

Signal "Restoring interrupted communication"

Conflicts happen in any relationship between two people, but their causes are a completely different question. Why did a quarrel arose and how to get rid of it? The deck of Manara, especially the alignment of "recovery" will be predicted by your further steps, and will also be warned from rash actions (directly concerns a man). If you are configured to a solid joint future, then you simply need to follow the recommendations of erotic cards.

Singing "Compatibility in bed"

Sometimes the difference in the temperaments of partners makes a special stress into all relationships. How do you come to each other? The most important aspect of living together should remain without due attention. Specify Manara's cards a personal question and take advantage of their advice. A variety will make new impressions into your life, and the partner will appreciate your efforts. To guess "I he", drag the initiative on myself - the waste of your precious time.

Singing "Hidden motifs"

What are you interested in your own partner? If you had to think about a similar question, you can't do one thinking. The deck of erotic cards will open you on the faithful motives, which are guided by the beloved. Honesty, seen on the means of magical symbols, can scare you or even pour out. Remember, the cards reflect validity and do not affect it.

Spelling "Parting"

If the desired meeting does not happen, make sure you understand the situation in which mired. The resumption of relationships predicted by the symbols of Manara will benefit you only if you sincerely desire to re-open the heart to the partner. Otherwise, you will spend your strength and time.

Singing "Parting" will give advice when parting with a partner

In cases where the finished scheme did not come up, do not despair. Formulated, a unique question as well as good for simple divination. Try to state doubts as much as possible, and then the long-awaited advice will follow from erotic cards.

Senior Arcana Decks Manara

A total of twenty-two cards in the manan dealer, responsible for older arcans. Symbol values \u200b\u200bdepends immediately from several concomitant factors. To interpret the values \u200b\u200bof all elements of the defold follows the following criteria:

  • position of the main image (direct or inverted position);
  • the location of the map in the scenario (past, present or future);
  • neighboring arcanes;
  • hierarchy cards (general gallery).

Analyze the position of the characters, their connection and the role is not always simple, and the newcomer will cope with such a task even more difficult. In any fortune study, only the practice, work and perseverance asking are influenced. Time is the best assistant to the novice magician or lovers of predictions.

The gallery of the cartoons of the erotic subtext is a collection of pointers and benchmarks that allow us to solve almost any trouble in personal life.

By contacting the manear cards for help, you will see a completely different world, filled with a new meaning, in which there is no place for accidents or inexplicable events.

Do not be afraid to look into the depths of my own soul, realize the secret desires and open in relationships. Love, passion, sexual attraction fill life with inspiration and crawl.

Do not deprive yourself with pleasure to love and be loved because of unconscious fear or minor obstacles. Manara's deck will allow you to look at your relationship from the other side. Prism, through which a person sees a partner, and follows him in love, does not always show the truth. Feeling (primary emotion) of happiness, even false, introduces into a conscious deception. Learn to drive your own heart.